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International Journal of Plasticity 65 (2015) 43–60 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect International Journal of Plasticity journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ijplas Flow stress and work-hardening behaviour of Al–Mg binary alloys M. Jobba a, R.K. Mishra b, M. Niewczas a,⇑ a b Materials Science and Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada General Motors Global R&D Center, Warren, MI, USA a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 12 May 2014 Received in final revised form 19 August 2014 Available online 1 September 2014 Keywords: Al–Mg binary solid solutions Work hardening Strength Voce law Failure a b s t r a c t Analysis of the flow stress and work hardening behaviour has been carried out in series of Al–Mg solid solutions between 4 K and 298 K. The results reveal that the yield stress decreases linearly with the temperature and increases approximately linearly with the Mg content in the solution. The thermomechanical and Portevin–Le Chatelier instabilities dominate the flow stress behaviour of alloys at 4 K and 298 K. Dynamics of these instabilities increases with the solute content. It is argued that neither PLC nor adiabatic instabilities contribute to the premature failure of the samples. The work-hardening can be reproduced by the Voce type scaling law in a broad range of temperatures. The mean slip distance obtained from the macroscopic model of work hardening is correlated to the scale of the referenced microstructure; Kmin is interpreted as a transition from cell-like to micro shear band microstructure. The failure is discussed in terms of a critical point in a transition form unsaturated to saturated with defects dislocation substructure. Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Commercial grade 5000-series Al–Mg alloy sheets are increasingly being introduced in structural and closure applications to light-weight automobiles to improve their fuel economy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, their usage is being controlled by the cost penalty of the finished component for the mass saved, mainly arising from their lower formability at room temperature and consequent inability to use conventional stamping for making automotive components. Given that the material cost and the fabrication cost contribute to the cost penalty for aluminum compared to steel, approaches to enhance formability without compromising strength or other performance attributes such as fatigue, corrosion, paintability, have emerged as key research fields in recent years (Das et al., 2000; Mondolfo, 1976; Starink and Zahra, 1998). The strength of Al–Mg alloys is mainly controlled by solute strengthening and it increases with magnesium content up to 5 wt.% without reducing ductility. However, many Al–Mg alloys exhibit a negative strain rate sensitivity (nSRS), manifested in the decrease of flow stress with increasing strain rate. Associated with the nSRS is a reduction of ductility, which compromises formability, and serrated flow or Portevin–Le Chatelier (PLC) instability that produces irregularities on the surface of formed parts, limiting their use to non-exposed surface applications. If nSRS of Al–Mg alloys can be suppressed without reducing strength, then their fabrication costs can be reduced. A great many of the theoretical, computational and experimental studies on Aluminum alloys today are focused on optimizing alloy design variables such as solute elements, solute concentration, forming temperature and sheet microstructure (Hatch, 1984; Dierke et al., 2007). ⇑ Corresponding author. E-mail address: niewczas@mcmaster.ca (M. Niewczas). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijplas.2014.08.006 0749-6419/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 44 M. Jobba et al. / International Journal of Plasticity 65 (2015) 43–60 Traditionally the PLC effect has been attributed to dynamic strain aging (DSA) occurring as a result of diffusion of solute atoms to dislocations (Van den Beukel, 1975; McCormick, 1971; Neuhäuser, 1990). A host of mechanisms have been proposed to explain different kinds of PLC instabilities occurring during plastic flow, these assume various forms of interactions of dislocations with solute atoms and recurrent locking and unlocking of dislocations from the solute atmospheres under increasingly applied stress (Van den Beukel, 1975; McCormick, 1971; Neuhäuser, 1990; Kubin and Estrin, 1991; Brechet and Louchet, 1993; Louchet and Brechet, 1993). In more recent models, which reproduce main features of the PLC effect in solid solutions, DSA has been analyzed in terms of the strength variation of dislocation junctions due to clustering of solute atoms on forest dislocations (Picu, 2004). The plastic flow of Al-alloys at low temperatures is accompanied by instabilities associated with adiabatic shear deformation, nevertheless the alloys exhibit unusually high work hardening rate due to the suppression of the dynamic recovery processes (Deschamps et al., 1999; Park and Niewczas, 2008). In a low thermal conductivity medium, the heat generated during the dislocation slip is localized in a small volume of a material producing the softening of the microstructure, slip localization and plastic flow instabilities (Basinski, 1960; Niewczas et al., 1997, 2001a). The character of thermomechanical oscillations depends on many factors that involve both material properties, deformation conditions and heat exchange conditions (Pustovalov, 2008). Although PLC and thermomechanical instabilities are of very different origin, they often are considered to be a part of the same class of phenomena governed by self-organized criticality (SOC) (Zaiser, 2006). In this description, the PLC or thermomechanical instabilities manifest a state of a system, which fluctuate in time and space and spontaneously evolves to the critical state that may involve elementary stress drops. The instabilities are induced under suitable coupling between different deformation processes that must be synchronized in time and space (Zaiser and Hähner, 1997; Kok et al., 2003). Longrange spatio-temporal correlations of physical properties such as for example fluctuations of the dislocation density during plastic flow or dislocation pattern determine the behaviour of the system under SOC (Brown, 2012). Understanding the work-hardening behaviour of the material under such conditions helps to understand these aspects of plasticity and can provide guidelines to mitigate their adverse effects in commercial applications. Much effort has been devoted to optimize composition and microstructure of Al–Mg alloys to reduce DSA. It has been suggested that dislocation debris, which is more resistant to dynamic recovery, increase strain rate sensitivity and improve ductility (Bull and Saimoto, 1986; Saimoto et al., 2005). In case of pure Al, the dislocation debris, including small dislocations loops and narrow dipoles, anneal out above 225 K and do not contribute to the mechanical properties at room and elevated temperatures (Bull and Saimoto, 1986). For Al-alloys the recoverable debris are expected to be stable to higher temperatures; for example, in Al–Cr alloys they are stable up to 350 K and influence room temperature work hardening kinetics (Bull and Saimoto, 1986). It has been argued that by adjusting alloy composition one can regulate amount and type of dislocation debris in the microstructure that influence the mechanical properties (Saimoto and Diak, 2002). Al is a high stacking fault energy metal and it undergoes intensive recovery under dynamic and static loading conditions which eliminates significant portion of deformation-induced defects from the microstructure. Addition of solute promotes development of three-dimensional dislocation microstructure characterized by higher dislocation storage capacity that resists structural softening induced by dynamic and static recovery (Park and Niewczas, 2008). At low temperatures, the recovery processes are suppressed, permitting higher density of defects and a greater strength to be achieved (Deschamps et al., 1999; Niewczas et al., 2001a,b; Park and Niewczas, 2008; Brown, 2012). Measurements of dislocation densities in pure Al and AA5754 alloys suggest that the failure of the material occurs when the dislocation density approaches locally the critical value corresponding to the dislocation spacing of 8 nm at 4 K and 12 nm at 78 K (Park and Niewczas, 2008). It has been tentatively suggested that the failure is initiated by the athermal collapse of the dislocation substructure in highly dislocated areas followed by strain localization and fracture. The overwhelming majority of the data available in the literature on the properties of Al–Mg based alloys has been limited to commercial alloys. In this kind of complex systems it is difficult to extract fundamental information about the role of individual elements in the work-hardening process. Also, with some exceptions of a few experiments performed at low temperatures (for references see Pustovalov, 2008), the analysis has usually been carried out on alloys deformed at room temperature or at elevated temperatures. This apparently misses a broad range of important phenomena that govern plasticity of these material systems at low temperatures and may help to understand better the mechanisms that influence the work hardening behaviour at higher temperatures. The aim of the present work is to carry out systematic studies of plasticity of Al–Mg solid solutions in a range of temperatures between 4 K and room temperature to characterize their mechanical properties and to identify processes that control the plastic flow and strain hardening behaviour. The present article addresses specifically the mechanical properties and work-hardening behaviour of Al–Mg solid solutions and focuses on understanding the role of Mg in work-hardening and fracture. The work provides data that should help in better understanding of the influence of various microstructural variables on alloy properties and help design alloy compositions to overcome the formability limitations of 5000-series aluminum alloys. 2. Experimental procedure Al–Mg binary alloys were produced in the laboratory from 99.9995% to 99.99% nominal purity aluminum and magnesium by melting appropriate amounts of these elements in spectroscopically pure graphite crucible in an induction furnace. The 45 M. Jobba et al. / International Journal of Plasticity 65 (2015) 43–60 alloys were cast into a copper mold and cooled in the ice water. The resulting ingots of approximate weight 0.5 kg were homogenized for 24 h at 620 °C in air. After homogenization the ultimate compositions of the alloys were determined by Inductive Coupled Plasma (ICP) spectrometry. The chemical composition of each Al–Mg alloy is given in Table 1. The ingots were rolled to a thickness of about 3.5 mm at room temperature. The rolled sheets were then machined into a series of tensile samples of gauge length 2 3.5 40 mm, with the tensile axes of the samples parallel to the rolling direction. The machined samples were annealed between 360 °C and 450 °C to produce recrystallized microstructure. The annealing temperature and annealing time were determined individually for every alloy, such that the size of recrystallized grains was 38–40 lm in every alloy. The recrystallized samples comprised predominantly f0 0 1gh1 1 0i rotated cube texture of comparable intensity, with the exception of Al–4.11 at.%Mg alloy, which showed practically random texture. The as-recrystallized specimens were deformed in a screw-driven tensile-testing machine at temperatures of 4.2 K, 78 K, and 298 K, at a constant cross-head velocity corresponding to an initial strain rate of 1:6 104 s1 . For comparison with alloys, 99.9995% pure Al samples with the grain size of 40 lm were studied. At least two samples were tested for each alloy composition and temperature to verify reproducibility of yield stress and work-hardening data. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) observations of the microstructure were carried out to correlate the features of the microstructure to the mechanical properties. Electron transparent foils were prepared by standard procedure with the final electropolishing of 130 lm thick disks carried out with Struers TenuPol-5 twin-jet in a solution containing 30% nitric acid and methanol at 30 °C and a voltage of about 15 V. The microstructure was studied under diffraction contrast with Philips CM12 electron microscope operating at 120 keV. Chemical analysis of the composition of the Al-matrix and occasional precipitates present in the alloys have been carried out with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy EDS/EDX systems installed on JEOL JEM-2010F STEM, operating at 200 keV. Detailed discussion of this data is beyond the scope of the article but the results revealed that impurity elements inherited from Mg were bounded in various precipitates, mainly oxides, located at the grain boundaries, with some residual amounts of these elements dissolved also in Al matrix. The volume fraction of the precipitates was very small. Depending on the area of the microstructure Fe has been found to segregate to the grain boundaries and in such cases its concentration would approach 100 ppm, or alternatively it could precipitate in form of Fe–Ni–O complexes located mainly at the grain boundaries. 3. Results 3.1. Flow stress properties Fig. 1(a)–(c) show true stress–true strain characteristics of Al–Mg alloys at 4.2 K, 78 K, and 298 K. As the concentration of Mg increases, the alloys show higher flow stress and higher ductility. All alloys deformed at room temperature exhibit stress serrations due to Portevin–LeChatelier (PLC) effect. Amplitude of PLC instabilities increases as the concentration of Mg increases (Figs. 1(a) and 2). At 4.2 K, the alloys show instabilities associated with the adiabatic deformation. The frequency and the amplitude of adiabatic stress drops increase with the flow stress and the concentration of Mg in the alloys (Fig. 1(c)). The amplitude of the adiabatic instabilities is much higher than PLC instabilities; adiabatic stress drops approach 100 MPa in highly concentrated alloys at large deformations. At 78 K, Al–Mg alloys show stable plastic flow terminated by necking and fracture occurring at the true strain levels of 0.3–0.35 for most of the samples (Fig. 1(b)). From Fig. 1 it is apparent that Al–3.11 at.%Mg and Al–4.11 at.%Mg alloys exhibit very similar stress–strain characteristics at three temperatures with somewhat lower necking strain in Al–4.11%Mg than in Al–3.11 at.%Mg at 78 K. Pure Al, as Table 1 Glow-Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy Analysis (GDOS) of Al–Mg Alloys used in the present work. The compositions are given in weight percent. The composition of 99.9995% Al is as per the quality specifications from the company. Alloy type Grain size (lm) Pure Al 40 0.5 at.%Mg 38 1.08 at.%Mg 40 2.08 at.%Mg 40 3.11 at.%Mg 40 4.11 at.%Mg 40 Elements Al Mg Cr Si Fe Mn Sn Cu Ni Ti Sr Zn 99.9995 9 107 5 108 7 107 4 107 6 108 5 108 7 107 6 108 7 108 – 7 108 99.387 0.4505 0.003259 0 0.058 0.00925 0.02344 0.003714 0.0063 0.00711 0.03362 0.0178 98.8316 0.972 0.002986 0 0.06 0.00932 0.0544 0.004098 0.006712 0.00705 0.02884 0.023 97.94 1.883 0.003461 0 0.06361 0.00956 0.0347 0.00378 0.0076 0.00609 0.034153 0.014 96.9982 2.8087 0.003741 0 0.07238 0.01162 0.0232 0.00432 0.00868 0.00626 0.037201 0.0257 96.119 3.723 0.003127 0 0.05882 0.01011 0.0251 0.00339 0.00678 0.00511 0.0331 0.0125 46 M. Jobba et al. / International Journal of Plasticity 65 (2015) 43–60 (a) (b) (c) Fig. 1. True stress versus true strain characteristics for five compositions of Al–Mg alloys at temperatures (a) 298 K, (b) 78 K and (c) 4.2 K. For comparison data from pure Al samples with the grain size of 40 lm are also included. expected, shows the lowest flow stress and typically higher necking strain than any of Al–Mg alloys except at 78 K, where Al–3.11 at.%Mg shows highest homogeneous deformation (Fig. 1(b)). Overall, the data reveals that the strain before fracture depends weakly on alloy composition in samples deformed at 4 K and 78 K and has a higher value at lower temperatures than at 298 K. At 4 K and 78 K, pure Al exhibits higher ductility than the alloys (Fig. 1). Fig. 2(a)–(d) show deformation behaviour of individual Al–Mg alloys at three temperatures, 298 K, 78 K and 4.2 K marked on the figures. Inserted graphs show the details of PLC instabilities observed in a given alloy at 298 K. Fig. 2 reveal following qualitative features of alloy deformation: (i) the yield stress in every alloy increases with decreasing temperature. (ii) Al– 0.5 at.%Mg exhibits curved transition from elastic to plastic deformation, whereas plastic flow in higher concentration alloys M. Jobba et al. / International Journal of Plasticity 65 (2015) 43–60 (a) (c) (b) (d) 47 Fig. 2. Comparison of true stress versus true strain characteristics of Al–Mg alloys deformed at 298 K, 78 K and 4.2 K for different alloy compositions: (a) Al– 0.5 at.%Mg, (b) Al–1.08 at.%Mg, (c) Al–2.08 at.%Mg, (d) Al–3.11 at.%Mg. initiates with well-defined yield point and Lüders type of deformation. (iii) The plasticity limits of alloys, measured in terms of the true strain value at which neck forms, increase as the temperature decreases – strains at necking are typically factor of two larger at 4 K than 298 K for most of the alloys. (iv) Temperature has strong effect on the flow stress; alloys deformed at lower temperature exhibit higher flow stress and work-hardening rate. Alloys of lower Mg concentrations show larger difference in the flow stress between 4 K and 298 K than alloys of higher Mg concentration, the difference can easily exceed a factor of two at larger strains. (v) The PLC instabilities are predominantly of B type, associated with continuous, irregular serrations and a hopping propagation of localized bands in the sample, with some onset of A-type serrations in low Mg-content alloys, which are represented by lower frequency stress drops and repetitive propagation of deformation bands along the gauge length of the specimen (Kok et al., 2003). The frequency and the amplitude of B-type serrations increases with alloying content and the flow stress. Low Mg-content alloys (Al–0.5 at.%Mg and Al–1.08 at.%Mg, Fig. 2(a) and (b)) show significant fraction of periodic A-type instabilities, associated with the stress drops in the range 1.5–2 MPa. These occur only occasionally in high Mg-content alloys on the background of B-type serrations, which approach 6–8 MPa at large strains in Al–3.11 at.%Mg and Al–4.11 at.%Mg (Fig. 2(d)). (vi) Adiabatic instabilities show similar trend, their frequency and the amplitude increase with alloying content and the flow stress; maximum stress drops are in the range of 50 MPa in Al– 0.5 at.%Mg and 70–80 MPa in Al–4.11 at.%Mg. The onset of adiabatic instabilities is shifted towards lower stresses as the concentration of Mg increases. The adiabatic deformation is accompanied by characteristic acoustic emission of clicks, easily audible to the human ear. Fig. 3(a) and (b) show the yield stress and the true stress as a function of Mg content at temperature 298 K, 78 K and 4.2 K, marked on the graphs. The yield stress increases approximately linearly with Mg concentration in the range of compositions up to 3.11 at.%Mg, with the rate about 18 MPa per at.%Mg. Al–4.11 at.%Mg alloy exhibits very similar yield stress as Al– 3.11 at.%Mg alloy (Fig. 3(a)). The true stress measured at the onset of necking shows qualitatively similar dependence on the alloy composition as the yield stress i.e., it increases approximately linearly with concentration of Mg up to 3.11 at.% and then it stabilizes at a nearly constant level at all temperatures (Fig. 3(b)). The necking stress shows stronger temperature dependence than the yield stress, it increases by about 350 MPa in 0.5–3.11 at.%Mg alloys and by about 380 MPa in Al– 4.11 at.%Mg from 298 K to 4.2 K. This reflects the efficiency of defect storage and recovery in these materials and the effect of temperature on these processes. 48 M. Jobba et al. / International Journal of Plasticity 65 (2015) 43–60 The temperature dependence of the yield stress for Al and Al–Mg alloys is shown in Fig. 3(c). It is seen that practically all alloys exhibit very similar rate of yield stress decrease with temperature, which changes by about 20–25 MPa between 4 K and 298 K. This suggests that similar processes control the motion of dislocations through the structure of obstacles produced by solute atoms. Pure Al exhibits noticeably slower yield stress decrease with temperature than most of the alloys, which is expected when the grain size is the main factor controlling the yield stress of the material and the effect of the temperature occurs through its influence on the phonon drag and the frictional stress. Extrapolation of the lines to zero temperature permits to determine value of the rmax and what follows the terminal plastic shear resistance of the solute atoms smax for a given alloy (smax rmax =M). The extrapolation of the lines down to the zero stress allows to determine other parameter, T 0 temperature, defined as the temperature at which dislocations can overcome the resistance of the solute atoms with thermal activation and without stress assistance. These two parameters smax and T 0 are given in Table 2 for every alloy and they can be used to determine the scaling relation between yield stress and the temperature as discussed in Section 4.1. Variations of the flow stress as a function of alloy composition at different strain levels at 298 K, 78 K and 4 K are summarized in Table 3. The general trend is the continuous and approximately linear increase of the flow stress in the (a) (b) (c) Fig. 3. Dependence of the yield stress (a) and the maximum true stress before fracture (b), on the Mg content at temperatures of 298 K, 78 K and 4.2 K marked on the graphs. (c) Temperature dependence of the yield stress for a given alloy composition depicted in the figure. 49 M. Jobba et al. / International Journal of Plasticity 65 (2015) 43–60 composition range up to 3.11 at.%Mg beyond which no further strengthening is observed. This behaviour reflects a balance between defect storage and recovery, the effect of temperature and the solute content on the work hardening in these materials. The work hardening properties of Al–Mg alloys deformed at three temperatures are discussed in detail in the following section. 3.2. Work-hardening behaviour Fig. 4 shows characteristics of the work hardening dr/d as a function of effective stress (r r0 ) at different temperatures; r and r0 are the flow stress and the yield stress in true values respectively. Secondary axes in the graphs provide normalized work hardening rate H/E and effective stress (r r0 )/E where E is temperature dependent Young’s modulus. Elastic constants of Al–Mg solid solutions are almost independent of Mg content, in the range of Mg compositions studied here (Zander et al., 2007). Values of elastic constants of all alloys have been taken as these for pure Al i.e., E = 70 GPa, l = 26 GPa, m = 0.34 at 298 K, E = 75 GPa, l = 28 GPa, m = 0.34 at 78 K and E = 77 GPa, l = 29 GPa, m = 0.34 at 4 K respectively (Simmons and Wang, 1971). At room temperature, the work hardening decreases linearly with the stress from the initial value H0 until fracture, indicated by rapid drop of hardening rate at the stress values characteristic for the alloy (Fig. 4(a)). H0 varies between 1250 MPa and 2100 MPa (E=55–E=30, equivalent to l/190–l/100 for shear stress–shear strain characteristics) and it increases with concentration of Mg. Pure Al shows H0 500 MPa (E/140 or l/490), a factor of three or four lower than that of the alloys. In highly concentrated Al–Mg alloys (Al–2 at.%Mg–Al–4.11 at.%Mg) the initial plastic flow occurs at a high work-hardening rate, above H=E 0:02 (E/50 or l/175), corresponding to Stage II of work hardening in polycrystals and is followed immediately by Stage III of linearly decreasing hardening rate with the flow stress, at some average rate H/(r r0 ) characteristic of alloy composition. Deformation of Al and Al–0.5 at.%Mg alloy is associated with Stage III of work hardening, right from the beginning of plastic flow. At 78 K (Fig. 4(b)), the work hardening exhibits following features: (i) initial onset of plastic flow in the alloys occurs with high hardening rate above E/50 (l/175), followed by Stage III of work-hardening decrease for most of the plastic flow. Deformation of pure Al is associated entirely with Stage III. (ii) At 78 K, Al and Al–0.5 at.%Mg exhibit higher values of H0 than observed at 298 K, other alloys show H0 similar to each other and similar to the values at 298 K. (iii) Al and Al–Mg alloys up to 2.08 at.% Mg and, Al–3.11 at.%Mg and Al–4.11 at.%Mg, show comparable rate of work hardening decrease with flow stress H/(r r0 ), smaller in the later group of alloys. (iv) Fracture pronounced by sudden drop of work hardening, occurs at different stress levels characteristic of the alloy, higher for alloys with higher concentration of Mg. At 4.2 K (Fig. 4(c)), the work hardening of pure Al and Al–Mg alloys decreases at a much slower rate than at 78 K and/or 298 K and it remains at high level above H=E 0:01 (E/100 or l/350) corresponding to hardening rate observed during Stage II in fcc materials. The work hardening rate is higher for alloys with higher concentration of Mg, but the differences in H between individual alloys and pure Al are much smaller than at 78 K and 298 K. Pure Al shows continuous decrease of the work hardening till the fracture; Al–Mg alloys show some stages, which may or may not have physical significance. The average rate of the work hardening decrease with stress, H/(r r0 ), is approximately similar for Al and Al–Mg alloys (Fig. 4(c)). Fig. 5(a)–(c) show comparison of work hardening behaviour as a function of effective stress (r r0 ) for pure Al and two selected Al–Mg alloys (Al–1.08 at.%Mg and Al–4.11 at.%Mg) at three temperatures marked on the graphs, demonstrating typical trends observed in Al–Mg solid solutions. It is clearly seen that the decrease of the work hardening rate H occurs much faster at higher temperatures. The dashed lines indicate conditions of neck localization under uniaxial tension, known as Considère criterion dr/d = r. It is seen that the necking in case of Al–Mg alloys, marked by a sudden drop of the flow stress, occurs practically at all temperatures before the Considère criterion is satisfied i.e., at the work hardening level above the corresponding flow stress. The ratio of the work hardening rate to the flow stress at the point of necking, defined as Considère Ratio (CR) (Basinski et al., 1997) increases with Mg concentration and with decreasing temperature. Table 4 provides summary of the work hardening properties discussed above for pure Al and Al–Mg alloys, including values of the yield stress r0 ; H0 and the Voce stress rV , average rate of hardening decrease H/(r r0 ) and the Considère Ratio CR. Fig. 6(a)–(c) show (r r0 )H versus effective stress (r r0 ) characteristics for pure Al and Al–Mg alloys at different temperatures. The curves intercept the origin and show initial, approximately linear stage, with the slope corresponding to H0 representative of an alloy and deformation temperature. At high stresses, (r r0 )H characteristics show deviation from linear behaviour followed by regime of negative curvature, indication of enhanced dynamic recovery operating during deformation process. Table 2 Parameters of the effective glide barriers, the terminal plastic shear resistance smax and the athermal temperature T 0 . smax is obtained from rmax , the y-intercept of the lines at 0 K and Taylor factor M 3. Alloy compositions are given in at.%Mg. Composition Al 0.5 at.% 1.08 at.% 2.08 at.% 3.11 at.% 4.11 at.% 6 767 16 567 18 936 24 882 31 1378 32 1246 Property smax (MPa) T 0 (K) 50 M. Jobba et al. / International Journal of Plasticity 65 (2015) 43–60 Table 3 Strengthening levels measured as the value of the true stress (MPa) at different true strain levels for Al–Mg alloys at 298 K, 78 K and 4.2 K. Composition is given in at.%Mg. Composition 0.5 at.% 1.08 at.% 2.08 at.% 3.11 at.% 4.11 at.% 17.3 28.0 34.8 39.8 52.2 84.7 100.1 – 56.2 96.9 120.4 134.0 58.3 117.6 156.8 178.6 80.6 144.1 196.2 233.9 83.0 150.5 201.2 231.2 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.15 28.1 62.7 94.5 117.5 62.4 117.7 163.8 197.4 55.8 127.8 189.7 235.4 70.0 145.0 213.9 263.8 95.6 166.7 244.1 303.7 93.0 163.7 238.9 297.4 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.15 31.1 79.7 136.4 190.3 64.4 126.0 192.4 254.0 65.4 132.8 208.8 278.6 82.2 161.2 250.0 331.1 100.0 181.5 273.9 342.1 101.7 175.2 266.4 339.1 Temp. Strain 298 K 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.15 78 K 4.2 K Al At room temperature (Fig. 6(a)), one observes significant differences between individual rH characteristics of Al–Mg alloys; as the Mg content increases, the amount of the linear stage and the peak value of (r r0 )H where the curves turn downward, are shifted to higher stresses and they extend to larger values of abscissa and ordinate. Al–3.11 at.%Mg and Al– 4.11 at.%Mg alloys exhibit very similar rH characteristics, as shown in Fig. 6(a). At 78 K and 4.2 K (Fig. 6(b) and (c)), (r r0 )H versus (r r0 ) characteristics show qualitatively similar features as observed at 298 K. They exhibit linear stage at low stresses followed by a deviation from linear behaviour, development of a negative curvature and a decrease at higher stresses. A rapid drop of (r r0 )H at the high stress values is associated with necking and failure. The graphs reveal that individual rH curves of pure Al and Al–Mg alloys at 4.2 K exhibit smaller differences in terms of their absolute values than observed at higher temperatures. 4. Discussion 4.1. Yield stress and solution strengthening In agreement with results reported in the literature (Das et al., 2000; Mondolfo, 1976; Starink and Zahra, 1998; Hatch, 1984; Dierke et al., 2007), one observes a strong effect of Mg on mechanical properties of Al–Mg binary solid solutions across three different temperatures. In general, the addition of Mg to Al increases the strength but it reduces the ductility, which might be partially mitigated by the increase of the solute content. It is being observed that independent of the temperature, the yield stress increases linearly at the rate of 18 MPa per at.%Mg up to 3.11 at.%Mg, the composition exceeding slightly the solubility limit of Mg in Al at 298 K (Mondolfo, 1976). Further increase of solute content produces no significant increase of the yield stress in Al–4.11 at.% Mg alloy (Fig. 3(a)). The flow stress of Al–Mg solid solutions at a given level of strain follows similar trend as the yield stress i.e., it increases with Mg concentration and decrease in temperature (Table 3). Observations of the microstructure in Al–4.11 at.% Mg alloy, not discussed here, reveal that excess Mg precipitates in the form of Mg5 Al8 spherical particles (b-phase), but due to their low volume fraction (1 vol.%), these particles have no influence on work hardening. Additionally, observations of the fracture surfaces in all alloys indicate that the second phase particles do not stimulate the failure in any of the samples. Therefore it is suggested that the strength and the ductility of the alloys are governed predominantly by the amount of Mg dissolved in the matrix. In the absence of reliable Hall–Petch parameters, rf and kd , for alloy compositions studied here, it is difficult to determine the exact form of the solution strengthening relationship for rss due to Mg additions from the yield stress data r0 , where rss r0 rd . One expects that frictional stress rf and the stress intensity coefficient kd in Hall–Petch term rd rf þ kd d1=2 (d is the grain size), should depend on the temperature and the alloy composition and the differences in these coefficients between individual alloys ought not to be large. Results of Diak and Saimoto (1997) and more recent theoretical arguments of Leyson et al. (2010) suggest that the yield stress of Al–Mg solid solution scales with the atomic concentration of Mg as c2=3 and therefore follows the Labusch theory of solution strengthening (Labusch, 1970, 1972). The yield stress data in Fig. 3(a) show such a trend, but the detailed analysis of these results, to be discussed later, suggests that solution strengthening relationship in the present Al–Mg alloys is represented more adequately by rss c1=2 relationship. The theory of the thermally activated glide assumes that the temperature dependence of the plastic shear resistance of q FCC solid solutions is governed by the scaling relationship s smax ð1 ðT=T 0 Þp Þ , where: smax is the terminal plastic shear resistance of the solute atoms at 0 K; T 0 is the athermal temperature and p and q are constants (Kocks et al., 1975). Depending on the energy profile of the obstacles p assumes the values between 0 and 1 and q between 1 and 2 (Kocks et al., 1975). In practice, determination of smax and T 0 may present a challenge because various solid solutions show non-monotonic yield stress behaviour with temperature (Basinski et al., 1972; Podkuyko and Pustovalov, 1978), making determination of smax M. Jobba et al. / International Journal of Plasticity 65 (2015) 43–60 51 (a) (b) (c) Fig. 4. Work-hardening versus effective stress characteristics for five compositions of Al–Mg alloys at temperatures (a) 298 K, (b) 78 K and (c) 4.2 K. Upper X and right Y axes provide normalized, with respect to temperature dependent Young’s modulus E, effective stress (r r0 )/E and work-hardening H/E respectively. Young’s modulus values of E = 70 GPa, 75 GPa and 77 GPa have been taken at 298 K, 78 K and 4 K respectively for Al and Al–Mg alloys (Simmons and Wang, 1971). Characteristics of pure Al samples with the grain size of 40 lm are also included on the graphs for comparison. and T 0 sensitive to the way the extrapolation of the data is being done. In the particular case of Cu–Mn solid solutions it was q found that the critical resolved shear stress of the alloys obeys relationship s smax ð1 ðT=T 0 Þp Þ , with p ¼ 2=3 and q ¼ 2:17 (Wille et al., 1987). 52 M. Jobba et al. / International Journal of Plasticity 65 (2015) 43–60 (a) (b) (c) Fig. 5. Work-hardening versus effective stress (r r0 ) characteristics of pure Al and two Al–Mg alloys deformed at 298 K, 78 K and 4.2 K. (a) pure Al, (b) Al–1.08 at.%Mg, (c) Al–4.11 at.%Mg. Fig. 7 shows the reduced shear yield stress s=smax as a function of reduced temperature T=T 0 for pure Al and Al–Mg alloys, with smax and T 0 given in Table 2 for individual alloy. The data indicate that the reduced stress scales linearly with the reduced temperature suggesting that it also follows a linear relationship with ð1 T=T 0 Þ i.e., it obeys the equation s ¼ smax ð1 ðT=T 0 Þp Þq , with p and q constants both equal to 1. The observed temperature dependence of the yield stress s=smax ð1 T=T 0 Þ suggest that the force profile representing solute atoms as the obstacles to the dislocation glide can be assumed to be of rectangular shape (a box-shaped) and the corresponding activation energy to overcome these obstacles is given by the relation DG ¼ DGmax ð1 s=smax Þ, where DG is the activation free enthalpy and DGmax is the maximum free energy to overcome the obstacle (Kocks et al., 1975). The above analysis assumes monotonic decrease of the yield stress between 0 K and 298 K and relies on three data points per alloy composition (Fig. 3(c)). Studies of single crystals of Al– Mg solid solutions by Podkuyko and Pustovalov (1978) revealed that the behaviour of the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) of single crystals as a function of temperature can be separated into three different regions. It was observed that with 53 M. Jobba et al. / International Journal of Plasticity 65 (2015) 43–60 Table 4 Work-hardening properties of 99.9995% pure Al and Al–Mg solid solutions at 298 K, 78 K and 4.2 K. r0 is the yield stress, H0 is the initial athermal hardening rate, H/(r r0 ) is the average rate of work hardening decrease during the onset of plastic flow, rV is the Voce stress, CR is the Considère Ratio defined as the ratio of the work hardening to the flow stress at the point of necking. U and Kmin are evaluated based on rH characteristics, U is proportionality constant required in calculation of mean slip distance from rH data, Kmin is the minimum value of the mean slip distance in K = f(r r0 ) curves, beyond which one observes increase of K. Temp. 298 K Property r0 H0 (MPa) rV H/(r r0 ) CR 1/U Kmin (lm) 78 K r0 H0 (MPa) rV H/(r r0 ) CR 1/U Kmin (lm) 4.2 K r0 H0 (MPa) rV H/(r r0 ) CR 1/U Kmin (lm) Al Alloys 0.5 at.%Mg 1.08 at.%Mg 2.08 at.%Mg 3.11 at.%Mg 4.11 at.%Mg 10.5 342.7 37.4 22 1.0 188.3 5.2 23.5 1178.5 66.4 20 3.4 26 4.7 38.5 1519.1 101.5 17 1.7 31 2.4 49.9 1738.2 140.7 14 1.6 31 1.4 75.0 2021.7 220 11 1.4 31 0.9 74.7 1796.82 218.73 9 2.4 31 0.9 15.5 953.7 160.2 6 1.0 50 1.71 43.7 1441.5 250 7 1.0 26 1.35 47.6 1836.5 340 7 1.2 31 0.7 65.6 1862.1 362.3 6 1.3 31 0.62 91.6 1910.5 468.2 5 1.2 31 0.46 94.8 1924.5 435.6 5 1.9 31 0.49 16.0 1242.7 1031.3 2 1.4 25 0.55 48.2 1440.9 1176.8 3 1.7 26 0.46 57.6 1714.3 958.3 2 1.5 31 0.33 76.1 2003.7 1076.3 3 2.1 31 0.31 95.1 2032.7 1292.8 2 1.5 31 0.26 97.1 1938.7 858.6 2 2.1 31 0.25 decreasing temperature CRSS is almost constant between 300 K and 150 K, it increases linearly between 150 K down to 25– 10 K and then it drops below 10 K. Polycrystals of Al–Mg solid solutions do not show this kind of behaviour and exhibit relatively monotonic decrease of the yield stress with increasing temperature at a rate 2:5 103 MPa=K (Podkuyko and Pustovalov, 1978), similar to pure Al observed in our work. Therefore the linear approximation of the temperature dependence of the yield stress done in Fig. 3(c) is justified in this case. Taking the smax ratios of the alloys in Table 2, reveal that in most cases they are closer to the ratios of the corresponding atomic concentrations of Mg to the power of 1/2 than to the power of 2/3, implying the scaling relation of the rss stress with Mg concentration as: rss c1=2 . The analysis of the stress equivalence and dependence of the apparent activation volume on the solute content, not discussed here, supports these deductions and suggests that Al–Mg solid solutions studied here follow Fleischer theory of solution strengthening (Fleischer, 1961, 1963), wherein the yield stress scales with the square root of the atomic concentration of Mg i.e., rss c1=2 . Similar sss c1=2 dependence of the shear stress on Mg concentration was observed in single crystals of Al–Mg solid solutions by Podkuyko and Pustovalov (1978). The present results show good agreement with these data (Podkuyko and Pustovalov, 1978) and suggest that the Mg atoms are distributed quasi randomly in the solution and dislocation–solute interactions are represented by approximately square shape of the interaction force. Lloyd and Court (2003) investigated mechanical properties of Al–Mg binary alloys in the range of Mg concentrations between 3.5 at.% and 8.2 at.%Mg, i.e., significantly beyond the solubility limit of Mg in Al considered in our work. The yield stress at the corresponding grain size and alloy composition matches the yield stress values observed in our systems. Interestingly the authors observed a linear increase of the yield stress at somewhat lower rate 16 MPa per at.%Mg, caused by the second phase particles present in the microstructure. Although the type and the distribution of the precipitates have not been characterized, the results of Lloyd and Court (2003) suggest that further improvements of strength and ductility under increased level of Mg can be achieved in a tailored microstructure where the amount of solute and the types of precipitates are controlled. 4.2. Ductility and fracture If one adopts for the measure of ductility the amount of uniaxial elongation before necking, ductility increases with the decrease of temperature in all alloys (Figs. 1 and 2). The increase of Mg content in solution improves room temperature ductility, but the effect is less pronounced as the temperature decreases. At 4 K all Al–Mg alloys show very similar level of engineering strain before necking (0.45, Fig.3c), indicating that processes other than solute effects determine plasticity limits of alloys. As has been pointed out above, different types of plastic instabilities interact with plasticity of alloy systems studied here. At room temperature PLC oscillations associated with dynamic strain aging dominate plastic flow in all alloy compositions 54 M. Jobba et al. / International Journal of Plasticity 65 (2015) 43–60 (a) (b) (c) Fig. 6. (r r0 )H versus effective stress (r r0 ) characteristics for Al–Mg alloys at temperatures (a) 298 K, (b) 78 K and (c) 4.2 K. Characteristics of pure Al samples with the grain size of 40 lm are included on the graphs for comparison. (Fig. 1(a)). There has been extensive discussion in the literature debating the detrimental effect of PLC instabilities on ductility and the ways to mitigate this effect by suitable alloy engineering (see e.g., Witkin et al., 2003). In studies of plastic flow of AA5754 alloys it was found that the decrease of the deformation temperature suppresses PLC effect and the alloys exhibit higher ductility under uniaxial tension (Halim et al., 2007). This may suggest that PLC effect reduces ductility, however detailed studies of the deformation and failure process using digital image correlation technique have revealed that the sample failure occurs by shear localization in macroscopic shear bands, which are not related to the existing PLC bands (Halim et al., 2007). Although the studies of the correlation between shear bands and PLC bands have not been carried out in the M. Jobba et al. / International Journal of Plasticity 65 (2015) 43–60 55 Fig. 7. Reduced shear yield stress s=smax versus reduced temperature T=T 0 for Al–Mg solid solutions. The values of smax and T 0 are given in Table 2 and are inserted on the graph for transparency. present work, the results clearly demonstrate that increase of the Mg content in the solution promotes more dynamic PLC instabilities, but at the same time it leads to increase of both the strength and the ductility of the alloys. Thus, the present results support previous findings indicating that the failure is governed by intrinsic properties of the work-hardened state and the dynamics of shear deformation rather than the PLC effect and the properties of PLC bands. Similar conclusions related to PLC effect on the ductility under uniaxial deformation of Al–Mg alloys can be inferred from other experimental (Trojanova and Caceres, 2007) and theoretical studies (Hopperstad et al., 2007; Zhang et al., 2012) in the literature. Therefore, it seems that any approach to improve room temperature ductility of the 5000 series Al–Mg alloys should focus on the control and manipulation of the properties of shear bands and their coupling to the underlying microstructure. Plastic instabilities at 4 K are the consequence of localized shear deformation occurring in the soft spots of the microstructure produced by local heating of low thermal conductivity material during intermittent slip (Basinski, 1957, 1960). Under adiabatic heating, the temperature of the sample can rise locally to 60 K, producing softening of the microstructure and slip localization (Basinski, 1957). The adiabatic deformation is accompanied by plastic oscillations of much higher amplitude and dynamics than PLC oscillations, yet the ductility of the alloys does not suffer and the samples show largest homogeneous deformation at all deformation temperatures (Figs. 1 and 2). Studies of plastic deformation in AA5754 alloys have led to the conclusions that the adiabatic instabilities, although they decrease effective work hardening rate of the material, do not influence the onset of failure, which is determined by other factors (Park and Niewczas, 2008). As it was discussed in reference to Fig. 5, in all cases of low temperature deformation of pure Al and Al–Mg alloys, the failure of the samples occurs suddenly before the work hardening capacity of the material is exhausted, suggesting nucleation of strain localization process, which the microstructure cannot dissipate and recover from. In case of AA5754 alloys the deformation process has been correlated to the dislocation density stored in the microstructure as determined by electrical resistivity measurements and it has been shown that the failure occurs at a critical concentration of defects which corresponds approximately to the same average dislocation spacing of 8 nm in the dislocation walls of pure Al and in the microstructure of AA5754 alloys at 4 K (Park and Niewczas, 2008). It has been tentatively suggested that at these high defect densities new dislocations which are being incorporated into the dense dislocation network annihilate with some stored dislocations inducing collapse of the microstructure in these local volumes. This destabilizes the network producing localized plastic flow in form of microshear bands propagating through the microstructure, at critical conditions this may lead to the catastrophic failure of the sample. The increase of deformation temperature increases the minimum distance for dislocation annihilation and intuitively it should improve overall ductility of the material, because higher recovery rate allows for more dislocations to be generated during the onset of plastic flow. However, the results reveal that the ductility of pure Al and Al–Mg alloys decreases with increasing temperature (Figs. 2 and 3), suggesting that the plasticity limits in these materials are determined by the mechanism which is controlled by the density of defects that can be stored in the microstructure. The analysis of the work-hardening behaviour and Considère plots at the onset of failure and the analysis of fracture surfaces are consistent with such description and indicates that failure can be interpreted as a critical point in the transition between two different states of the microstructure corresponding to a different characteristics of plastic flow. 4.3. Work-hardening behaviour The onset of plastic flow of Al–Mg solid solutions is accompanied by declining work hardening rate attributed commonly to Stage III of work hardening. The work hardening behaviour can be represented by Voce law: H = H0 ð1 ðr r0 Þ=rV Þ where: H0 is the athermal dislocation storage rate obtained by back extrapolation of the work hardening rate to the zero effective stress (r r0 ) and rV is the scaling stress (Voce stress) obtained by extrapolation of the work hardening rate to 56 M. Jobba et al. / International Journal of Plasticity 65 (2015) 43–60 (a) (b) Fig. 8. Normalized Voce plots for different compositions of Al–Mg solid solutions: (a) comparison of Al–0.5 at.%Mg and Al–1.08 at.%Mg at different temperatures (b) comparison of Al–2.08 at.%Mg, Al–3.11 at.%Mg and Al–4.11 at.%Mg at different temperatures. the zero value of work hardening rate H. Both H0 and rV have to be determined individually for a given composition of the alloy and deformation temperature, their values are given in Table 4. Fig. 8 shows H/l (work hardening rate normalized with temperature dependent shear modulus) as a function of scaled stress (r r0 Þ/rV for different Al–Mg alloys. The work hardening rates of higher Mg content alloys follow closely a dotted master curve with H0 /l 0:07 over the broad range of flow stresses (Fig. 8(b)), suggesting strong similarity of the kinetics of dislocation storage and recovery in this range of alloy compositions. Lower Mg content alloys exhibit a wider spread of individual work hardening rates with respect to their master curves, indicating higher sensitivity of the work hardening process on the temperature and the solute content than observed in Mg-rich solid solutions. The master curves for Al–0.5 at.%Mg and Al–1.08 at.%Mg alloys show increasing H0 /l values; their corresponding master curves are given by approximate relationships H=l 0:05ð1 ðr r0 Þ=rV Þ and H=l 0:06ð1 ðr r0 Þ=rV Þ as shown in Fig. 8(a). Table 4 reveals that the scaling stress rV depends on alloy composition and deformation temperature. Further analysis of the behaviour of rV could potentially unravel other features of the storage and recovery processes in Al–Mg solid solutions (Kocks and Mecking, 2003), but this aspect of the analysis is beyond the scope of this paper. Instead, we focus on the analysis of the dislocation mean slip distance representing a length scale in the microstructure, which controls macroscopic work hardening properties of a deformed system. The dislocation mean slip distance is defined in terms of the product of work hardening rate and the flow stress according to the relationship (Nabarro et al., 1964): K = M 3 Ul2 b=2rH; U is a geometrical factor dependent on alloy composition and deformation temperature, l is temperature dependent shear modulus, r is the true stress, H = dr/d is the global work hardening rate, b is the Burgers vector and M is the Taylor factor. The evolution of the mean slip distance with stress has been evaluated for pure Al and Al–Mg alloys from rH curves in Fig. 6 and these characteristics are shown in Fig. 9. Saimoto and Van Houtte (2011) have discussed how the U coefficient can be obtained from material stress–strain data by a procedure involving correlating mean slip distance to the inter-obstacle spacing l calculated form the flow stress l alb/s. The values of proportionality constant U determined by their method for Al-alloys at room temperature are approximately 0.005 or 1/U 200. In the present work we calibrate U constant from electrical resistivity data, by matching mean slip distance to dislocation mean free path for pure Al and low Mg content Al–Mg alloys obtained from electrical resistivity measurements at 4 K. The method (Niewczas, 2014), represents one step in the direction to evaluate the phenomenological quantity such as dislocation mean slip distance and to understand how it evolves with deformation and influences the hardening process. In M. Jobba et al. / International Journal of Plasticity 65 (2015) 43–60 57 (a) (b) (c) Fig. 9. Mean slip distance as a function of effective stress for pure Al and Al–Mg alloys at: (a) 298 K, (b) 78 K and (c) 4.2 K. case of copper single crystals the approach yields the U values within a factor 2–3 from the values estimated by Saada theoretically (Saada, 2005). The work hardening of Al–Mg alloys is less sensitive to the change of the temperature than high purity Al (Figs. 4 and 5) and the same U values have been used across all temperatures, as given in Table 4. On the other hand U coefficient for pure Al is more temperature dependent and increases as temperature decreases. At 298 K, U 0:053 or 1/U 188 determined by Saimoto and Van Houtte (2011) from stress–strain data of AA1100 alloy has been used. The constant U can further be expressed in terms of the constants p; w; r; n characteristic of the work hardening model such that U ¼ rn=pw2 , where n is the number of dislocation loops emitted by the source, w1=a is the obstacle strength and p and r define areal and perimeter parameters of dislocation loop (Nabarro et al., 1964). The above equation is known to underestimate by an order of magnitude the number of loops emitted by the dislocation source; Nabarro et al. (1964) discussed in details possible sources of the discrepancies, one being recovery of dislocation loops which have contributed to the plastic strain (Diak et al., 1998). Fig. 9 shows behaviour of mean slip distance as a function of effective stress for pure Al and Al–Mg alloys at three different temperatures. The mean slip distance is linked to the behaviour of rH curves and it decreases to some minimum value Kmin 58 M. Jobba et al. / International Journal of Plasticity 65 (2015) 43–60 Fig. 10. Bright-field TEM images of the dislocation microstructure in Al–4.11 at.%Mg alloy deformed till fracture at three different temperatures. (a) Celllike dislocation morphology formed at 298 K, (b) micro-shear bands formed at 78 K and (c) micro shear bands formed at 4.2 K. Note different scale of cell structure or micro shear bands in individual microstructures. characteristic of alloy composition, deformation temperature and the flow stress. Beyond a critical flow stress the mean slip distance turns around and starts increasing (Fig. 9). The stress value at Kmin is strongly dependent on the temperature and it increases as the temperature decreases. Clearly, Kmin cannot be associated with the transition from Stage II to Stage III of deformation, because both pure Al and Al–Mg alloys exhibit Stage III during entire onset of the plastic flow (Figs. 4 and 5). The evolution of the mean slip distance reflects the evolution of the material length scale that controls the flow stress and the work-hardening properties thus Kmin ought to correlate to some features of the microstructure. To determine this microstructural length scale, the consideration should be given to the influence of solute atoms and stored dislocations on glide resistance. Assuming that all Mg atoms are distributed randomly in the solid solution, the average distance of the solute atoms in the glide plane ranges between 1:4 nm and 4 nm for Al–4.11 at.%Mg and Al– 0.5 at.%Mg. It is clear that the interactions of dislocations with the solute atoms do not determine the mean slip distance K, which is at least two orders of magnitude larger (Fig. 9), and the interactions of glide dislocations with the evolving dislocation microstructure have to be considered. The dislocation substructure of the alloys has been examined by transmission electron microscopy. Fig. 10 show brightfield TEM images of Al–4.11 at.%Mg deformed to the flow stress where the mean slip distance starts increasing i.e., beyond the flow stress corresponding to Kmin . Fig. 10(a) shows well-developed cell-like microstructure with the size of dislocation M. Jobba et al. / International Journal of Plasticity 65 (2015) 43–60 59 cells in the range between 0.5 and 1 lm, thus corresponding well to the Kmin of the alloy deformed at room temperature (Table 4, Fig. 9(a)). If under suitable conditions this kind of microstructure is more permeable to the incoming dislocations, this should increase effective slip distance and be reflected in the mean slip distance characteristics, as observed in Fig. 9. Fig. 10(b) shows TEM micrographs of the microstructure developed in Al–4.11 at.%Mg deformed at 78 K. One observes arrangements of micro shear bands with average width of about 0.5 lm extending over a distance of few micrometers. The width of the shear bands marked on the micrograph correlates well with the value of the mean slip distance Kmin 0:5 lm for this temperature, suggesting that transmission of groups of dislocations along the channels in one dominant slip system causes the transformation of original cell-like dislocation network into the elongated shear band morphology. Similar microstructural features are visible in Fig. 10(c) for the microstructure developed at 4 K in Al–4.11 at.%Mg alloy. Also in this case one can notice good correspondence of the scale of shear bands 0.2–0.3 lm wide, with Kmin 0:25 lm obtained from rH characteristics of the alloy deformed at 4 K. Thus, TEM results suggest that Kmin correlates with the size of dislocation cells developed over the course of deformation, which are being sheared by the dislocations of dominant slip system, promoting transmission of slip over the longer distance and a transformation of an equiaxed cell-like dislocation network into the elongated micro-shear band morphology. This kind of inhomogeneous deformation is a characteristic feature of SOC and indicates loss of the confinement in the microstructure caused by the disintegration of the dislocation dipoles in the clumps and release of mobile dislocations in form of propagating shear bands (Brown, 2012). The shear localization events occur more frequently as the flow stress increases and the substructure accumulates more dislocations. The increase of the mean slip distance in the shear bands do not induce failure at this early stage, because the materials exhibit sufficient capacity to store the dislocations and the localized slip can be dissipated in the microstructure. The failure occurs later in the deformation when a critical level of dislocation density is achieved and the localized shear produces collapse of the dislocation substructure and softening that accelerates the localization process. This may occur in conjunction or independently of PLC or adiabatic instabilities. Brown (2005) attributes this point to the exhaustion of all dislocation sources in the microstructure linked to the destruction of narrow edge dislocation dipoles formed earlier during deformation occurring with the corresponding zero work hardening rate. It is important to emphasized that the failure of Al and Al–Mg alloys occurs often before the Considère point (Fig. 5, Table 4), at the dislocation density level that may approach the saturation density in highly dislocated volumes of the microstructure at a given temperature. At 4 K the density of dislocations accumulated in the walls lies within a factor of 10 of the theoretical limit for the dislocation density that can be stored in the material, 1017 m2 (Cotterill, 1977; Park and Niewczas, 2008). Thus, the present results suggest that the plasticity limits of alloys must be determined by the mechanical stability of the microstructure, as the densities of defects approach very high concentration. 5. Summary We have carried out studies of mechanical properties and work hardening behaviour of Al–Mg binary alloys at 4 K, 78 K and 298 K and have analyzed the correlation between the work hardening, the limits of plasticity under uniaxial deformation and the features of the microstructure. The main conclusions can be summarized as follows. 1. The yield stress of Al and Al–Mg alloys shows linear dependence with the temperature and it decreases as temperature increases at a rate characteristic of the alloy. The reduced shear yield stress scales with the reduced temperature as s=smax ¼ ð1 T=T 0 Þ. In a range of alloy compositions between 0.5 and 3.11 at.%Mg, the yield stress scales with atomic concentration of Mg as r0 k0 þ 18 Mg (MPa), where k0 is temperature dependent constant. The solid solution strengthening component rss of the yield stress follows Fleischer solution strengthening theory and scales with the atomic concentration of Mg as c1=2 . No enhancement of strength or ductility has been observed in highest Mg concentration Al–4.11 at.%Mg alloy. 2. The alloys exhibit Stage III of work hardening during the onset of plastic flow at three temperatures. The work hardening behaviour can be described by Voce type scaling law with the parameters given in Table 4. 3. The macroscopic work-hardening model has been calibrated against the microscopic model where the flow stress is determined from the direct measurements of dislocation density in pure Al and diluted Al–Mg alloys. The behaviour of the mean slip distance obtained from the macroscopic model has been correlated to the scale of the cell-like dislocation network developed in Al–Mg alloys. Kmin has been attributed to the transition from cell-like to micro shear band morphology and it shows good correspondence with the scale of the referenced microstructure. 4. Two kinds of plastic flow instabilities are observed during alloy deformation; thermomechanical instabilities accompany plastic deformation at 4 K, PLC instabilities are observed at 298 K. The intensity and dynamics of the instabilities increase with the solute content. At 78 K the alloys exhibit stable flow. The results support previous findings that plastic instabilities are not detrimental to the alloy ductility and the plasticity limit is controlled by the properties of the workhardened state. 5. In most cases the failure is nucleated before the work hardening capacity of the alloys is exhausted. One may argue that the failure represents a transition point in a microstructure, which is just at the limit of its mechanical stability. 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