SFU AtoM - Simon Fraser University


SFU AtoM - Simon Fraser University
Simon Fraser
On behalf of the Simon Fraser
University community, I welcome
you most sincerely to our thirty-fifth
annual Convocation.
Milton K. Wong, Chancellor
Thursday, October 4, 2001
9:45 am ceremony
Friday, October 5, 2001
9:45 am ceremony
0 Canada
0 Canada
Chancellor's Remarks
Chancellor's Remarks
President's Address
President's Address
Conferring of Honorary Degree
Conferring of Honorary Degree
The Chancellor
The Chancellor
The Degree of Doctor of Laws Honoris Causa
The Degree of Doctor of Laws Honoris Causa
Betty Fox
Firoz Rasul
Convocation Address
Convocation Address
Betty Fox
Firoz Rasul
The Presentation
The Presentation
The Admission
The Admission
Graduand Address
Graduand Address
Cara Ellen Goldberg
Julia Low Ah Kee
Conferring of Degrees by Faculty
Conferring of Degrees by Faculty
The Chancellor
(seepage 5)
The Chancellor
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Remarks
Reception in the James Douglas Room
Reception in the James Douglas Room
Thursday, October 4, 2001
2:30 pm ceremony
0 Canada
Chancellor's Remarks
President's Address
The Presentation
The Admission
Graduand Address
Bojan Ramadanovic
Conferring of Degrees by Faculty
The Chancellor
(see page 11)
Concluding Remarks
Reception in the James Douglas Room
World Champion Simon Fraser University Pipe Band
Mr Chris Demwell, soloist and student
This program is prepared more than a week before Convocation and
therefore may not be complete.
Order of Procession
National Anthem
The procession will be led by pipers of the World Champion
Simon Fraser University Pipe Band.
0 Canada! Our home and native landl
True patriot love in all our sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The true North strong and free!
From far and wide, 0 Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
0 Canada, we stand on guard for thee,
0 Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
Claymore Bearer
Board of Governors
Distinguished Guests
Chancellor's Party
Mace Bearer
The presentation
Dr. Michael Stevenson
The platform party consists of members of faculty, senators,
the Board of Governors and distinguished guests.
The President asks all the candidates for degrees to rise and presents
them to the Chancellor with these words:
"Mr. Chancellor, I present to you those scholars who have fulfilled the
statutory requirements laid down by the Senate of this University, and
request that you confer upon each one the degree for which he or she
is now recommended."
Chief Marshals
Dr. Roger Blackman
Dr. Warren Gill
The admission
Mace Bearers
Dr. Milton K. Wong
Dr. Robert Gordon
Dr. Steven Holdcroft
Dr. Dan Weeks
The Chancellor then addresses the candidates:
Claymore Bearer
"By virtue of the authority vested in me and in the Senate of this
University, I hereby admit you to your various and several degrees."
Ms. Mavis MacMillan
The candidates then sit down.
Chancellor's Party Marshal
Mr. W. Ron Heath
Faculty Marshals
Dr. Parveen Bawa
Ms. Maureen Fizzell
Dr. Tom Perry
Graduand Marshals
Dr. David Burley
Dr. Christine Mackenzie
Dr. Allan MacKinnon
Chief Usher
Mr. Richard Mcleod
University Heraldry
Academic Dress
The University Coat of Arms was granted to the University in 1965 by
the Lord Lyon King of Arms.
The regalia worn today by our graduates has a colourful history.
Regalia originated in the monasteries of the Middle Ages. At that time,
university faculty were men of religion who wore the habit of their
Order when teaching. Over time, their garments came to identify their
The heraldic description of the coat of arms is:
1st and 4th, Azure, three fraises Argent;
2nd and 3rd, Argent, three antique crowns Gules, in
chief Gules an open book proper, binding and foreedges, Or, between two cross lets fitchee of the last."
In Europe, laymen did not commonly teach in universities until the
19th century. Only by 1 858, for example, did British law no longer
require university dons to be in holy orders. Nevertheless, professors
continued to wear clerical garb, with modifications in cut and design.
The Coat of Arms was derived from that of the Clan Fraser. The name
Fraser is said to have come from the French word "fraises," meaning
strawberries, hence the Shield and flag each include the strawberry
flower motif.
Regalia colours often matched those of the university patron, or of the
city in which the university was located; Simon Fraser regalia
combines the red and royal blue of the Clan Fraser. (The University
motto "nous sommes prets," or "we are ready," parallels the Clan's
"je suis pret.")
The mace was commissioned by the University architects, EricksonMassey, and was presented to the University at the opening
ceremonies on September 9, 1965. The mace is 61 inches long and
weighs 23 pounds. Pieces of cut and polished jade, which were taken
from the University's jade boulder in the reflecting pool, were set in
silver by its designer, Haida artist Bill Reid. The mace is crowned by a
silver stag's head, derived from the coat-of-arms of Lord Lovat, head of
the Clan Fraser. The Fraser tradition was to fasten sprigs of yew in
their bonnets before entering battle. The mace was carved from two
hundred year old yew, gathered on Burnaby Mountain by a resident in
The degree hood was originally part of the monk's habit - a carryall for
food or other small items. Eventually, the hood became separate from
the gown, variegated in colour, and emblematic of scholars and
degrees from particular universities. Hoods in Canada and Europe are
unique in design and colour to each degree and each university.
The history of the mortarboard worn by our Bachelors and Masters
begins with high church dignitaries in the 16th century. These officials
wore hats consisting of little more than a cap with a raised, squared
crown. By the 18th century, the crown had evolved into a clothcovered board, and the wearers into the deans and rectors of
universities. The 19th century saw the top knob replaced by a tassel,
and the cap become required student attire. Reminded of the square
board masons used to hold mortar, students dubbed the headgear a
"mortarboard" - college slang of the day.
Lord Lovat presented the University with a claymore, or great sword,
on September 9, 1965. The claymore was first used by a Fraser at the
Battle of Culloden Moor in 1 7 46. It was also used by a Fraser at the
Battle of the Plains of Abraham in 1 7 5 9. The claymore is approximately
36 inches long and weighs two pounds.
The flag was dedicated and flown for the first time at the Convocation
ceremonies in June, 1 981 .
Doctoral hats are patterned after the Florentine hats in the time of the
Medici. Students purchased hats of the appropriate university colours
when continuing with advanced studies after completing the Bachelors
Simon Fraser University Regalia
Blue bengaline gown, blue mortarboard. Hoods:
Bachelor of Applied Science: Red with narrow maroon border and
gold cording
Bachelor of Arts: Red with narrow blue border
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Red with narrow blue border and cerise
Bachelor of Arts in the Faculty of Applied Sciences: Red with narrow
green border and royal blue cording
Bachelor of Business Administration: Red with narrow grey border
Bachelor of Education: Red with narrow white border
Bachelor of General Studies: Red with narrow green border
Bachelor of General Studies (Applied Sciences): Red with narrow
green border and white cording
Bachelor of Science: Red with narrow gold border
Bachelor of Science in the Faculty of Applied Sciences: Red with
narrow green border and gold cording
Bachelor of Science (Kinesiology): Red with narrow fawn border
Red faille gown, red velvet facings, gold trim - red velvet Cambridge
bonnet with gold tassel.
Blue bengaline gown, blue velvet facings, gold trim - blue velvet
Cambridge bonnet with gold tassel.
Doctor of Laws (Honorary Degree)
Red silk gown, blue facing - blue velvet Cambridge bonnet with gold
tassel. Hood: Blue bengaline, full gold lining.
Doctor of Philosophy
Red silk gown, blue velvet Cambridge bonnet with blue tassel.
Hood: Blue bengaline with silver lining.
Doctor of Education
Red silk gown, blue velvet Cambridge bonnet with blue tassel.
Hood: Blue bengaline with white lining.
Board of Governors
Blue bengaline gown, red facings, red linings in sleeves, no bonnet.
Hood: none.
Black gown, no bonnet. Hood: none.
Regalia from alma mater or black gown, black mortarboard. Hood:
alma mater or none.
Blue bengaline gown, blue mortarboard. Hoods:
Master of Applied Science: Red with wide maroon border and gold
Master of Aquaculture: Red with wide gold border, gold cording and
aquamarine underside
Master of Arts in the Faculty of Arts: Red with wide blue border
Master of Arts in the Faculty of Applied Sciences: Red with wide
green border and royal blue cording
Master of Arts in Liberal Studies: Red with wide blue border, orange
cording and plum underside
Master of Arts in the Faculty of Education: Red with wide white
Master of Business Administration: Red with wide blue border and
grey cording
Master of Education: Red with wide white border and royal blue
Master of Engineering: Red with wide maroon border and gold
Master of Environmental Toxicology: Red with wide gold border,
orange cording and aquamarine underside
Master of Fine Arts: Red with wide blue border, pink cording and
cerise underside
Master of Natural Resources Management: Red with wide green
border and gold cording
Master of Pest Management: Red with wide gold border and light
green cording
Master of Publishing: Red with wide blue border and yellow cording
Master of Science in the Faculty of Science: Red with wide gold
Master of Science in the Faculty of Education: Red with wide white
border and gold cording
Master of Science in the Faculty of Applied Sciences: Red with wide
fawn border and white cording
Thursday, October 4, 9:45 am ceremony
Doctor of Philosophy
Faculty of Arts
Antle, Michael Christopher
Non-Photic Phase Resetting of Circadian
Rhythms in the Golden Hamster: Behavioral
and Neurochemical Mechanisms
Boyd, Kelly Simca
Thesis: "One Finger on the Mouse Scroll Bar
and the Other on My Clit": Slash Writers'
Views on Pornography, Censorship,
Feminism and Risk
Livingston, James David
Thesis: Emotional Breaking Point?
Psychological-Blow Automatism and
Provocation in Canada
Bunce, Paul Evan
Thesis: The Many Faces of Disordered
Eating: An Analysis of Eating Behaviours in
an Adolescent Sample
Loveless, Matthew David
Thesis: The Promise of a Transnational
Democracy: Deliberative Democracy's
Contribution to International Environmental
Burgess, Clifford Spence
Speaking Rate, Fluency, and Accentedness
in the Speech of Second Language Learners
Dochuk, Gregory Edwin
Thesis: "I Saw Religion in Action in the
Shelters": The Church of England's Parish
Experience in War-time London, 1939-1945
Malm, Aili Elizabeth
Thesis: In Other Words: A Feminist Semiotic
Analysis of Parole Decision Making for
Federally Sentenced Women in Canada
Cohen, Irwin Marc
The Utility of State Torture in Agrarian and
Industrial Societies Versus Advanced
Capitalist Societies: A Theoretical Model
Fang, Yu-Ming Vivian
Project: Tax Competition: Will Countries
Voluntarily Integrate in Their Factor
Markey, Nola Mary
Thesis: Data 'Gathering Dust': An Analysis
of Traditional Use Studies Conducted Within
Aboriginal Communities in British Columbia
Lowry, Glen Albert
After the End/s: CanLit and the Unravelling
of Nation, "Race" and Space in the Writing
of Michael Ondaatje, Daphne Marlatt, and
Roy Kiyooka
Fritsch, Teresa
Research Project: HIV I AIDS and the Older
Adult: Access to Medical and Social Services
Mayo-Harp, Maria Isabel
Thesis: National Anthems and Identities:
The Role of National Anthems in the
Formation Process of National Identities
Bernstein, Daniel Mark
Remembering and Believing Depend: A
Processing Account
Monks, Douglas Ashley
Regulated N-cadherin Expression in the
Adult Rat Nervous System Is Associated
with Steroid-Induced Neural Plasticity
Muntigl, Peter Alexander
Couples Counseling and Semogenesis
Ross, Mary Robinson
Annealed by Death: Ego Strength and Self
Congruency Following Adolescent Loss of a
Sinclair, Robert Edward Earl
A Tale of Two Naturalists: Davidson and
Quine on the Naturalization of Philosophy
Sommers, Jeffrey Douglas
The Place of the Poor: Stigmatization,
Resistance and Narratives of Urban Decline
and Community in Downtown Vancouver
Master of Fine Arts
Faculty of Arts
Maxwell, James Beckwith
Graduating Project: sleepyhead
Warren, Matthew David
Graduating Project: On the Run
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Adams, Ronald Lynn
Thesis: Ethnoarchaeology ofTorajan Feasts
Allen, Trasey Florelle
Research Project: An Examination of
Aggression/Violence Management Content
in Resident Care Attendant Curricula
Bourgie, Marie-Claude
Thesis: Community Forestry Management in
a Mountain Resort Context: The
Compatibility of Timber and Tourism
Giles Antunez de Mayola, Carla
Thesis: Sustainability from Below: The
MST's Project of Sustainable Rural
Development in Brazil
Ginnell, Kevin James
Thesis: Democratic Governance in
Metropolitan Vancouver: The Case of
Greater Vancouver's Regional Institutions Lessons From and For Canada
McEachran, Andrea Karen
Thesis: The Predictive Validity of the
PCL:YV and the SAVRY in a Population of
Adolescent Offenders
Michalak, Tomasz Zbigniew
Field Exam: Gothic Noise and the Random
Distribution of Ghosts
Grant, Stacey Diane
Thesis: The Impact of Relocation on Adult
Day Centre Clients with Dementia
Mihaylova, Kristina S.
Research Project: Bulgarin Foreign Policy in
Southeastern Europe ( 1 989-2000): From
Client State To Regional Activist
Griffiths, Stephanie Y.
Thesis: Long-term Adjustment After
Extremely Challenging Events in a Sample
of Vietnamese-Canadian Seniors
Mopas, Michael S.
Thesis: Untangling the Web: An Exploratory
Examination of Internet Regulation in
Karabegovic, Amela
Project: Real Investment Options: Valuing
Foreign Investments Using Option Pricing
Theory and Dynamic Programming
Muldoon, Sean Joseph
Research Project: Children of a Common
Mother: Canadian History and Feature Film
- Four Studies
Leung, Susana Chiu Fu
Project: Valuing Natural Resources with
Option Pricing
Murray, Annie Sarah
Research Project: Environmental
Characteristics and Staff Ratings of Newer
and Older Special Care Units for Dementia
in British Columbia
Leyenhorst, Jacoba Anne
Thesis: Family Secrecy and the Adult
Adjustment of Children from Dysfunctional
Li, Chris Yi Fen
Project: How Do Immigrants Affect the
Service Industry?
Li, Fabiana Graciela
Thesis: From Awareness to Action? The
Political Ecology of Nascent
Environmentalism in a Peruvian Smelter
Livadiotakis, Georgia
Thesis: The Impact of Continuing Care
Cutbacks to Home Support Services on
Former Senior Clients: A Regional
Nielson, Christian Thomas
Thesis: Women Confront the Reformation:
Katharina Schutz Zell, St. Teresa of Avila,
and Religious Reform in the Sixteenth
Norman, Kimberley Anne
Field Exam: The 'Effect of Affect' in Select
Works by Thomas Moore and Sidney
Oberti, Sofia
Thesis: Should the State Finance Private
Education? Alain Savary's Attempt to
Resolve the Private School Debate in France
from 1981to1984
Odgers, Candice Lynn
Thesis: Girls on the Inside: A Comparative
Analysis of Serious and Violent Female
Young Offenders
Simister, Joanne Lynn
Thesis: Youth Crime Prevention: A Case for
Evidence-Based Corrections and Prevention
Siregar, Leonard
Extended Essays 1. The Impact of Tourism
on Minority Peoples in Northern Vietnam:
Case Studies from Mai Chau and Sa Pa
Districts 2. The Impact of Tourism on the
Palaung of Pang Dang, Northern Thailand
Thompson, Bradley Richard
Project: Whither the Technicolourback: An
Empirical Hypothesis of Canadian
Toth, Joshua J.
Field Exam: Valuing Desire I Desiring
Value: 'The Marginalist Revolution' and
Oscar Wilde at the Fin de Siecle
Tudor, Tara Katrina
Thesis: The Politics of Reproduction:
Childbirth, Health Care and Culture in
Greater Vancouver, British Columbia
Tweedale, Jonathan Dudley
Non-Thesis Project: Devitt and van Fraassen
on an Abductive Argument for Scientific
Fulton, Jonathon James
Berner, Noreen Joyce
Kubanek, Walter
Bevans, Brett Byron
Lubimova, Vera
Visual Arts, Minor Publishing
Bhagi, Himani
Saito, David Ti
Visual Arts
Birmingham, Christy Dawn
Joint Major Criminology, Joint Major
Scheunhage, Sarah Joan
Boida, Andrew John
Vass, Michael Andrew
Brar, Sandeep Sonia
Briggs, Janice Hazel
Bachelor of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Brobbel, Martha Della Mabel
Adam, Mark
Brooke, Sara Catherine
English, Minor Psychology
Adams, Danielle
Victor, Wenona Marylyn
Thesis: "Searching for the Bone Needle":
The Sto:lo Nation's Continuing Quest for
Adams, Everett Joseph
English, Minor Kinesiology
Wakefield, Malcolm James
Project: A Critical Assessment of Value at
Appel, Frederick Arthur
(First Class Honors) English
Williams, Neil Edward
Non-Thesis Project: The Problem of
Individuation Within the Bundle Theory of
Wray, Kristina Marie
Thesis: No Shame .... Women Creating
Sexually Explicit Images of Women
Park, Julie Eunju
Thesis: Food From The Heartland: The
lwawi Site and Tiwanaku Political Economy
From a Faunal Perspective
Master of Publishing
Faculty of Arts
Jeske, Karsten
Project: Building a Successful ThirdGeneration E-Commerce Application
Lawrence, Andrew Lyle
Internship: The Evolving Textbook: The
Development and Marketing of New-Media
Products in Educational Publishing
Lindig Gonzalez, Brigitte M.
Project: Canadian and Mexican Horizontal
Internet Portals: Gateways to an Online
World of Opportunities
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Faculty of Arts
Ballingall, Sara Samantha Emilie
Barden, Leanne Christina
Dance, Minor History
Burns, Julia Ain
Blanchard, Karen
Adams, Gregory Thomas
Argento, Andrew James
Armstrong, Borden John Ryan
Political Science, Minor Business
Ash, Ryan Jeffrey
Brown, Diane
History, Minor Learning Disabilities
Brown, Shannon Marie Cooper
History, Minor Kinesiology
Brown-John, Christopher Eric
Political Science
Bruce, Elizabeth Anne
Burns, Erin Michelle
Bursill, Jennifer Mary
History, Minor Curriculum & Instruction
Byhre, Glenda Jean
History, Minor Canadian Studies
Athwal, Amardeep
Political Science, History
Au, Hing Wai
Caleta, Mario
Psychology, Minor History, Minor English
Calvo, Patricia Julieta
French, Minor Latin American Studies
Aujla, Rajpreet K.
English, Minor Biological Sciences
Azoudis, Zafirios
Campbell, Kelly Diane
Geography, Minor Learning Disabilities
Caputo, Frank Joseph
Bablitz, Kathryn Anne
Carey, Corine Amber
History, Minor Political Science
Bachra, Parveen
Political Science
Carter, Amy
Criminology, Minor Political Science
Baird, Darwin Ray
Cavanagh, Tamara Michelle
Linguistics, Minor English
Bargelletti, Sabrina Christiana
Barkman, Adam James
(Honors) English, Extended Minor
Barnes, Adam
Chack, Vanja Arlene
Extended Minor Sociology, Extended Minor
Chagani, Zeenat
English, Minor Early Childhood Education
Chan, (Paxson) Chak Fung
Barnes, Jordy Thomas
Chan, Monica Sin Mei
Bath, Harkamal
Chan, Ruby Lok Sum
Chan, Samuel Ming Sum
Clark, Stephanie Gail
Chan, Ting Kei Kenny
Clutchey, Andrew Scott
History, Minor Political Science
Chan, Vincent Wai Kit
Connolly, Michelle
Geography Environmental
Chang, Karen Gloria
Joint Major Psychology, Joint Major
Covell, Christopher Martin
Chao, Min Yen
Chee, Clarence
Cowley, Shalome Danielle
Crema, Robert Anthony
Farquharson, Kay Helen
Archaeology, Co-op Education Arts, Minor
Biological Sciences
Farrar, Satu Aila
Faulkner, Lauren Nichole
History, Minor Humanities
Fellinger, Christian
Ferguson, Kelly Lyn
Women's Studies, Minor Sociology
Forbes, Tania Jennifer
Chee, Vincent
Crilley-Everts, Christine
History, Co-op Education Arts, Minor
Chen, Gloria Hui-Ching
Cummings, Linda M. D. A.
Freeman, Julia H.
Anthropology, Minor Sociology
Chen, Yanna
Sociology, English
De Forest, Pamela Ann
Criminology, Minor Psychology
Frizzle, Craig
Cheng, George
Deo, Roseleen Reshma
Gandham, Sukhwinder
Cheong, Aida
Deol, Meenu
Joint Major Psychology, Joint Major
Gareau, Jennifer Marie
Cheung, Winnie, Wai Yuen
Chinnery, Charlene
English, Extended Minor Psychology
Chiu, Li-Ying
Chiu, Sze Dik
Economics, Minor Linguistics
Chiu, Tan-Yun (Elaine)
Cho, Christina Kyu Youn
Choi, Wai Kong (Chris)
Chong, Margaret
Chong, Selina Shing Yan
Chou, Pei-Hsien Kevin
Chow, Amy Carmen
Psychology, English
Chow, Hung Lai
(Honors) Economics
Chow, Michelle Erica
Christie, Jeannene
Chrominska, Kathy Ewa
Chui, Mandy Man Yi
Dery, Claude
Forrest, Ca-Lien Jean
Giffen, Jill Nicole
English, Extended Minor History
Gill, Amy
Dhillon, Barjinder Kaur
Diaz Linares, Maria Fernanda
Gill, Andrea Marie Kathleen
(First Class Honors) History, Extended
Minor French
Diebolt, Anne Marie
Psychology, Minor Learning Disabilities
Goenawan, lndrawati
Do, Susan Thi My
Goernert, Jacquelyn April Marie
History, Minor Political Science
Dosanjh, Gurpreet
Criminology, Minor Sociology
Goldberg, Cara Ellen
(First Class Honors) Psychology, Minor
Women's Studies
Dowling, Jessica Macivor
English, Co-op Education Arts
Drushka, Dana
Duck Chief, Craig Daniel
Sociology, Minor First Nations Studies
Dyck, Geri Michelle
English, Minor Psychology
Eaves, Charlotte Jane
Psychology, Minor English
Edworthy, Faith
Eiermann, Ingrid Gudrun
Political Science
Eng, Rebecca Lai Wan
Sociology, Minor Economics
Evans, Kimberly
English, Minor Educational Psychology,
Minor Learning Disabilities
Chun, Yoo-Kwang Chris
Ewonus, Paul Andrew
(First Class Honors) Archaeology, Minor
Quaternary Studies
Chung, Yuan
Faiella, Lisa Veronica
Goode, Annique-Elise M. E.
Grant, Janice Enid
History, Minor Learning Disabilities
Grauer, Julie Marie
Gronlund, Lindsay Marie
Psychology, Extended Minor Criminology
Gunn, Alexandra
Joint Major Anthropology/Sociology
Han, Jasmine Ya-Ching
Economics, Extended Minor Linguistics
Hanson, Oliver Charles
Hardie, Michael William Thomas
Hargraves, Michael John
Harng, Chia-Hui Debbie
Hayward, Kathy Joy
Psychology, Minor Criminology
Herrick, Rheen
Kakino, Kiyomi
Lee, Anita
Criminology, Psychology
Heuckendorff, Philip Roy
Kalanj, Kimberley Erin
Cognitive Science
Lee, Benjamin Pok Pun
Hiller, Joyel Marie
Kamiya, Brandi
History, Geography, Co-op Education
Lee, Dennis
Ho, Lai Lai
Ho, Yee Man (Peggy)
Hogg, Rene Dawn
Hooper, Lee-Ann
Howard, Carl John
Hoyme, Grant Ralph
English, Minor Early Childhood Education
Hsu, Lawrence Ka Shin
Huang, Mike
Huang, Shirley Hsiu-Yu
Huang, Ting-Chang
Huang, Wantin Stacy
Huen, Michelle
Hunter, Rachael Ann
(Honors) English
lgali, Baraladei Daniel
lggulden, Frederick William
English, Minor History
lggulden, Katherine Frances
Criminology, Minor Sociology
Ishii, Jun Francis
Jang, So Ryun
Janousek, Sonja
Joe, Jesse
Geography, Co-op Education Arts
Johnson, Lawrence Peter
Johnston, Janine Marie
Johnston, Kerrie Laura
Canadian Studies
Jooya, Froozan
Criminology, Minor Sociology
Joseph, Eunice Malar
Juckes, Lee-Ann
Kafer, Adele Margaret
Anthropology, Minor Sociology
Kan, Leslie
Lee, Irene
Lee, Jong Won John
Kang, Se-Lee Tina
Kargbo, Valda Hawa Letticia
Katagiri, Adam
Lee, Kim Ming
Lee, Roger Choon Hua
Lee, Sandra Shuk Wah
Kerr, Lisa Coleen
Khan, Afiya
History, Political Science
Kidder, Orion Ussner
(First Class Honors) English
Kim, Apollos Changseok
Psychology, Minor Biological Sciences
Knezevic Adrain, Rosemary Christine
Political Science, Minor English
Ko, Kwok Fai (Chris)
Koh, Benjamin Boon Ann
Kohaly, Krista Rajit
Extended Minor Geography, Extended
Minor Psychology
Kooner, Steve Sukhjinder Singh Sajan
Political Science
Kwan, Chi Ho Eric
Lee, Winnie Wing-Yu
Leggett, Blair
English, Extended Minor Philosophy
Leong, Hui Li
Leung, Susanna Wing Shan
Leung, Wai Ting Angel
Leuven, Allan Robert
Li, Agnes Sze Wan
Joint Major Criminology, Joint Major
Li, Edmond Cheuk Man
Li, Jian Ming
Li, William Ying Sze
Kwok, Wai In Maggie
LaFace, Lianne Denise
Criminology, Minor Psychology
Lam, Danmay
Liu, Douglas
London, Steven John
Long, Meghan Katherine
Lam, Oi Lun
Lu, Ya-Lun
Linguistics, Minor Curriculum & Instruction
Lam, Sean Ming Tak
Lui, Claudia
Lau, Billy
Lundy, Debbie Lori
Lau, Thomas Yu Kin
Lyster, Erynn Nicole
Humanities, Minor Publishing
Lau, Tin Wah Terry
Lau, Wing Yan Josephine
Law, Wai Yim Carrie
MacEachern, Lena Rochelle
MacKay, Dana Phyllis
History, Minor Political Science
Macleod, Angela Dawn
Psychology, Minor Sociology
Leather, Johnny
LeBedowick, Tanya Kathleen
MacWilliams, Rhonda Leanne
Criminology, Extended Minor Anthropology
Mak, Tsui Yee Joanna
Nishi, Benjamin
English, Minor Communication
Robb, Christine Shannon
Mangan, Kathleen J.
O'Brien, Kathleen Myra
Robertson, Deidra Anne
English, Minor History
Mapson, Kimberly Quinn
O'Reilly, Roderick William
History, Minor Humanities
Rock, Vincent
Marseille, Jenny
Oborne, Ashlee Wynne
Linguistics, Extended Minor Psychology
Rogers, Mary Edith
Psychology, Minor Gerontology
Martel, Susanne
Joint Major Spanish, Joint Major French
Olszowka, Zofia
Joint Major Latin American Studies, Joint
Major Political Science, Co-op Education
Rose, Deanna Barbara
Extended Minor Geography, Extended
Minor Dance
Massey, Katherine Joy
Extended Minor English, Extended Minor
May, Leilani Teresa
Geography, Co-op Education Science
May, Nicole Adele Susan
Linguistics, Psychology
Mazza, Steven
McClure, Andrea Lynne
(First Class Honors) Psychology
M'Gillivray, Karen Lisa
Archaeology, Extended Minor History
Mclaughlin, Tammy Nicol
Political Science, Extended Minor History
Otto, Erin Alexandra
Pang, Sze Chun Wilson
Political Science
Parker, Suzanne Leah
(First Class Honors) Anthropology, Extended
Minor Archaeology
Parmar, Rosie
Criminology, Sociology
Parsons, Teresa Marguerite
Patel, Lindsay
Rosen, Geoffrey Arthur
Political Science, Minor Sociology
Rosvold, Ryon Keath
English, Minor Communication
Rudder, Adam Julian
Saffrey, Colleen
(First Class Honors) Psychology
Salonen, Kirk Robert
Criminology, Co-op Education Arts,
Extended Minor Political Science
Sangha, Aman
Political Science
Sangha, Romaine S.
Psychology, Minor Kinesiology
McMurran, Shawna
Penner, Corinne
English, Extended Minor Humanities, Minor
McRae, Chad Christopher
Penner, Kristi Leanne
English, Minor History
Mendel, Mona
Pereman, Melissa Dawn
Meszaros, Jennifer
Phillips, Martin Richard
Mikalsen, Christopher Atle
Phillips, Paula Michelle
Joint Major English, Joint Major Women's
Schechter, Laura May
(Honors) English, Women's Studies
Pius-Onyejekwe, Martha Okechinyere
Economics, Minor Psychology
Schneider, Tasha Ann
Place, Sara Pauline
Extended Minor English, Extended Minor
Schwager, Jan Henrik
Psychology, Minor Political Science
Mok, Ivan Hai Wing
Moorcroft, Ella Megan
Morgan, Meeka Noelle
Sociology, Minor English, Minor First
Nations Studies
Moshtaginejad, Eliza
Political Science
Mykituik, Christina Jean
Nagy, Anna I.
Pollitt, Constance Hope
Pouyol, Brigitte Melanie
History, Minor Learning Disabilities
Pugsley, William Ross
Santos, Annette Victoria
Joint Major Anthropology/Sociology
Santoso, Lindawati
Sau, Say Cuong
Scharf, Heather
Canadian Studies
Scudeler, June Lillian
(First Class Honors) English
Sekhon, lnderjeet
Semerdjian, Jo-Anne Seta
Joint Major French, Joint Major Humanities
Shaw, Sarah Krista
Psychology, Minor Learning Disabilities
Nam, Samuel
Economics, Minor Business Administration
Purewall, Nabjit
Political Science, Co-op Education Arts,
Extended Minor History
Ng, Kuok lo
Purewall, Purdeep Kaur
English, Minor History
Sherrell, Kathleen M.
(First Class Honors) Geography
Ng, Tammy Kar Men
French, Minor History
Quan, Hani
Philosophy, Minor Psychology
Shih, Li-Ju Jenny
Nguyen, Helen Hau Giang Thi
Quinones, Roselle Angeles
Psychology, Minor Criminology
Shin, Yoon Hyun Andrew
Nicholas, James Donald
Political Science, Minor Economics
Rashid, Shahzia
Extended Minor Geography, Extended
Minor History
Shon, Cecile Sun Young
Ning, Bobby James
Reid, Robert Milton
Geography, Minor Kinesiology
Sheffield, Sarah Megan
Shudo, Angela Naomi
Simister, Nancy Laureen
English, Minor History
Tso, Rebecca
Wong, Man Yan
Simmons, Kevin Wayne
French, Minor History
Tu, Alex
Wong, Mei Yee
Sitkowiecki, Aleksander
Valen, Nadine Michelle
Criminology, Minor Psychology
Wong, Ngai Yee
Siu, Wing Yan Winifred
Velasquez Garcia, Federico Guillermo
Political Science
Wong, Patrick
Smith, Ryan Wesley Walter
Vesselinov, Vesselin Ivanov
Humanities, Extended Minor History
Wong, Winnie, Wing Yee
So, Maggie Mei Kwan
Criminology, Minor Psychology
Vishram, Yasmin
Wu, Howard Yu-Hao
Sorrenti, Diana Assunta
Vokey, Jennifer Colleen
Psychology, Minor Criminology
Yeo, Siou Shwan Aireen
Stolte, Tyson Michael
(First Class Honors) English
Wallace, Julie Ann
Yeoman, Michael Charles
Stocke-Crosson, Jennifer Dawne
History, Minor Learning Disabilities
Walter, Jennifer Ann
Yeung, Alice Wai Sum
Szeto, Karen
Walton, Laurel Katherine
Political Science, Minor Communication
Yim, Annette Mei-Yan
Szilagyi, Zsolt
Wan, Chung-Hui Evelyn
Yip, Omar Ming Yeung
Tam, Suk Nam Crystal
Warburton, Natalie Jane
Yu, Jimmy King Hung
Tang, Donald Chi Fai
Watson, Gregory MacFarlane
Yu, Tony, Tung Leung
Tang, Yuk Ching
Weir, Judith Louise
Yuen, Ricky Chun Tao
Tasaka, Mark Torno
Joint Major Anthropology/sociology
Welburn, Jude Joseph
(First Class Honors) English, Extended
Minor Psychology
Yuen, Siu Yan
Taylor, Stephanie Jane
Toews, Roxanne Nicole
Psychology, Extended Minor Linguistics
Towriss, Shauna Kathleen
Political Science, Minor English
Tran, Lisa
Tse, Chun Pong Angus
Tseng, Howard Wei-Cheng
Wen, Alice Fan-Yu
Weng, Angel I Ping
Economics, Minor Linguistics
Wheatley, Fay
Geography, Minor Learning Disabilities
Wilson, Wade Forrest
Wong, Andy Pui Shing
Wong, lza
Linguistics, Minor Learning Disabilities
Yuen, Sylvania Ying Ngor
(Honors) Economics
Yunez, Henzie S.
Zeran, Jennifer Lynn
Zhou, Xiao Wei Anna
Ziduliak, Eva
Zuccolo, Valerie
Joint Major French, Joint Major Spanish
Thursday, October 4, 2:30 pm ceremony
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Science
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Education
Halliday, Jennifer Elizabeth Marie
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Vancouver
Community College
Alexander, Kathryn Jean
Hearing Voices in Textual Spaces: A Genre
Study of the Wandering Books
Neilson, Jane Johanna
Thesis: The Use of Multiple-Choice and
Constructed-Response Items in Assessing
Mathematics Achievement
Hart, Norma June
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Prince George
Hyslop-Margison, Emery James
Liberalizing Vocational Study: An
Aristotelean Approach to Career Education
Rao, Mark Vennavally
Thesis: Curriculum Implementation of
Mathematics 1 1 in British Columbia: A Case
Doctor of Philosophy
Faculty of Science
Emerson, Joseph Veilleux
Chaos and Quantum-Classical
Correspondence for Two Interacting Spins
Mondor, Edward Brian
The Ecology and Evolution of Aphid Alarm
Signaling Behaviour
Raimondi, Nancy
The Role of Abscisic Acid in the
Mechanisms Underlying Dormancy of
Yellow Cedar (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis)
Shepherd, Philippa C.F.
Space Use, Habitat Preferences and TimeActivity Budgets of Non-Breeding Dunlin
(Calidris alpina pacifica) in the Fraser River
Delta B.C.
Smart, James Leonard
A Partial Characterization of Three
Photosynthetic Regulatory Genes in
Rhodobacter capsulatus
Tanjung, Rosye Hefmi Rechnelty
Effects of Glyphosate on Seedlings of
Conifer and Broadleaf Trees Species Native
to British Columbia, with Particular Regard
to Root-Fungus Interaction
Master of Arts
Faculty of Education
Beck, Kumari Visaka
Thesis: An Ethic of Inclusion for
International Education: A Response to
Bedi, Robinder Paul
Thesis: The Dimensionality of the Beck
Depression Inventory-II in a Sample of
Women Diagnosed with Major Depressive
Logie, Alicia Marion Jean
Thesis: Reading and the Internet: A
Comparison of Reading on the Internet and
Reading Print in French by French
Immersion Students
Ross, Myrne
Thesis: Perceptions of Power and Voice in
an "Inner City" School
Master of Education
Faculty of Education
Aro, Susan
Comprehensive Exam: C&I Vancouver
Community College
Baker-Hamm, Susan Heidi
Project: TLITE: Teaching and Learning in an
Information Technology Environment:
Computers and Literacy in an Early Primary
Baylis, Catherine Patricia
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Prince George
Beaucage, Dominique
Comprehensive Exam: Diversity in
Curriculum and Instruction
Birnie, Heather Patricia
Comprehensive Exam: Administrative
Bowles, David Forrest
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Vancouver
Community College
Cathcart, Virginia Kay
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Vancouver
Community College
Courtney, Brenda Lynn
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Prince George
Crema-Garraway, Joyce Elinor
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Vancouver
Community College
Davies, Karen Kathleen
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Prince George
Doody, Lois Carrie
Comprehensive Exam: C&I - Vancouver
Community College
Evans, William Charles
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Vancouver
Community College
Fraser, Tina Ngaroimata
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Prince George
Gill, Arunjit
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Vancouver
Community College
Gilligan, Andrew James
Comprehensive Exam: Educational
Grahame, Robert Michael
Comprehensive Exam: C&I - Vancouver
Community College
Heidebrecht, Mark David
Comprehensive Exam: Sunshine Coast Curriculum & Instruction
Herle, Marjorie Louise
Comprehensive Exam: Sunshine Coast Curriculum & Instruction
Ho Younghusband, Alice Christine
Comprehensive Exam: Sunshine Coast Curriculum & Instruction
Horvath, Wayne Murray
Comprehensive Exam: C & I - Vancouver
Community College
Hughes, Nym Annie-Elizabeth
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Vancouver
Community College
Irani, Anita
Comprehensive Exam: Diversity in
Curriculum and Instruction
Jessa, Shamira
Comprehensive Exam: C&I - Vancouver
Community College
Johnston, William E.
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Vancouver
Community College
Kalyan, Anar
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Vancouver
Community College
Kennett, Ian Stanley
Comprehensive Exam: Administrative
Kitamura, Leah Naomi
Comprehensive Exam: Diversity in
Curriculum & Instruction
Kloepfer, Merryn Elizabeth
Comprehensive Exam: C&I - Vancouver
Community College
Lambier, Duncan Ray
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Prince George
Lancaster, lain Robert
Comprehensive Exam: Administrative
Lavigne, Annie
Comprehensive Exam: Curriculum &
Instruction/French Education
Lesko, Susan Lilian Diana
Comprehensive Exam: C&I - Vancouver
Community College
Link, Michael William
Comprehensive Exam: Diversity in
Curriculum and Instruction
Loiterman, Mordechai
Comprehensive Exam: Administrative
Langmuir, Camilla Marie
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Vancouver
Community College
Stevenson, Matthew Mailley
Comprehensive Exam: C&I - Vancouver
Community College
Love, Kathryn A.
Comprehensive Exam: Sunshine Coast Curriculum & Instruction
Thiessen, Joanne Dawn
Comprehensive Exam: Counselling
Mallais, Maureen Alice
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Prince George
Thompson, Roy Wright
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Prince George
Marcotte, Carolyn Anita
Comprehensive Exam: Curriculum &
Thompson, Tracey Lea
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Prince George
Cohen, Jordi
Thesis: Effect of Excluded Volume on the Zd
Gelation Transition
Todd-Lewis, Iris Mary
Comprehensive Exam: C&I - Vancouver
Community College
Kavousian, Shabnam
Thesis: Approaches to the List
Homomorphism Problem for Interval Graphs
Tomsic, Heather Catherine (nee Watt)
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Vancouver
Community College
Law, Jennifer Heather
Thesis: The Evolution of Geographic
Parthenogenesis and the Persistence of
Assexuality in Timema Walking-Sticks
Marier, Ronald
Comprehensive Exam: C&I - Vancouver
Community College
McAllister, Heather
Comprehensive Exam: Administrative
McArthur, Muriel Rose
Comprehensive Exam: Administrative
McBeath, Maureen
Comprehensive Exam: Sunshine Coast Curriculum & Instruction
Murphy, Rita Marie
Comprehensive Exam: Counselling
Ward-Burkitt, Barbara Margaret
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Prince George
White, Garry William
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Vancouver
Community College
Williams, Hollie
Comprehensive Exam: C&I - Vancouver
Community College
Wylie, Ardea Rae
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Prince George
Owen, Audrey Jean
Comprehensive Exam: Sunshine Coast Curriculum & Instruction
Yeulet, Kathleen Hilda Joyce
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Prince George
Palm, Valerie Jean
Comprehensive Exam: C&I - Vancouver
Community College
Master of Pest Management
Pelletier, Christine
Comprehensive Exam: Curriculum &
Instruction/French Education
Peters, Julia Margaret
Comprehensive Exam: Administrative
Petrisor, Sarah Jane
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Prince George
Pfaff, Dale Barrie
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Vancouver
Community College
Pham, Anne Diane
Comprehensive Exam: Curriculum &
Instruction/French Education
Pinto, Villa
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Vancouver
Community College
Raadsheer, Frederick Ernest
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Vancouver
Community College
Robb, Margaret Joan
Comprehensive Exam: Sunshine Coast Curriculum & Instruction
Robinson, Cully Campbell
Comprehensive Exam: ALP - Prince George
Rodgers, Lynn Shirley
Comprehensive Exam: Administrative
Silzer, Diane Louise
Comprehensive Exam: Curriculum &
Faculty of Science
Devlin, Shawn
Thesis: Comparative Analyses of Sampling
Methods for Varroa Mites (Varroa destructor
Anderson) on European Honey Bees (Apis
mellifera L.)
Lohbrunner, Gwendolyn Kate
Thesis: Biological Control of Acer
macrophyllum: Overview of Host Biology
and the Screening of Fungal Isolates with
Potential to Control Host Growth
Master of Science
Faculty of Science
Aminirissehei, Abdolhossein
Thesis: Passive Immunization of Salmonids
Against Furuneulosis and Vibriosis with
Chicken Egg Yolk lmmunoglobulins (IGY)
Coates, Lorraine
Thesis: The lchnological Signature of Waveand River-Dominated Deltas: Dunvegan
Formation and Basal Belly River Formations,
West-Central Alberta
Cohen, Albert
Thesis: Relaxation Methods in
Mattheus, Nathalie
Thesis: Cloning and Characterization of
White Spruce cDNAs Which Are Related to
a Cold and Pathogen-Inducible Protein,
Pinmlll, from Western White Pine
Mccutchen, Nicole Ann
Thesis: Temporal and Spatial Patterns of
Stonefly (Plecoptera) Nymph Abundance
Relative to Predation Risk in the Maligne
River, Jasper National Park
Meichsner, Alan Gregory
Thesis: Integer Relations Algorithms and the
Recognition of Numerical Constants
Mirkovic, Ivana
Thesis: Epithelial Planar Polarity Gene nemo
Regulates Cross-Talk Between Wg/Wnt and
TGF-B Signaling During Drosophila
Mok, Nga Sze Lucia
Research Project: Testing Whether a
Gambling System is Profitable
Morden, Darrell Shawn
Thesis: Development of a Selection System
for Proteases with Novel Substrate
Nielson, Jason Dennis
Thesis: An Exploration of the Use of BSplines for the Semiparametric Analysis of
Recurrent Event Data
Stardom, John
Thesis: Metaheuristics and the Search for
Covering and Packing Arrays
Tieu, Steven
Thesis: The Stationary Einstein Maxwell
Andronic, Laura Simona
Thesis: Photochemical Metal Organic
Deposition of Layered Materials of
Chromium Oxide-Lead Oxide and Uranium
Oxide-Cobalt Oxide
Tyerman, Jabus G.A.
Thesis: The Evolutionary Ecology of Defense
Allocation in Gall-Forming Eusocial Aphids
Chang, Paul Chin-Yik
Thesis: Modulational Stability of Oscillatory
Pulse Solutions of the Parametrically Forced
Non-linear Schrodinger Equation
Willis, Pamela Margaret
Thesis: Mating System Dynamics and
Hybridization of Dall's (Phocoenoides dalli)
and Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)
Cloutier, Alison Jane
Thesis: Assessment of Size Homoplasy at
Three Microsatellite Loci in the California
Market Squid Loligo opalescens
Wilson, Marie-Claire
Thesis: Cyclic Hydroxamates
Zhao, Yong Liang
Thesis: The Relationship Between the
Resolution of Radar Imaging and the
Condition Number of the Transformation
Bachelor of General Studies
Faculty of Arts
Acosta, Mark Fernando
Baresh, Stephanie
Program In Integrated Studies
Beaucock, Kim Toni
Extended Minor English, Minor Learning
Disabilities, Minor History
Benedet, Heather Ann
Program In Integrated Studies
Chang, Che Meng
Charania, Salima
Program In Integrated Studies
Cheng, Grace Man Chi
Extended Minor Linguistics
Collins, Lilabeth Gail
Program In Integrated Studies
Davidson, Janis Marie
Minor History
Dhot, Jasvinder Kaur
Minor Early Childhood Education
Dubeau, Daniel
Dumont, Cliona Catherine Anne
Minor Anthropology, Minor English
Eastlick, Tanis Jane
Minor History
Ebrahim, Farah
Minor Psychology
Laberge, Donna Rose
Extended Minor History, Minor Early
Childhood Education
Lacoste, Martyne Michelle
Extended Minor French, Minor Kinesiology
Lam, David H. Y.
Minor Economics
Lauw, Frieda Shieh-Pin
Minor English, Minor Sociology
Lin, Jennifer Yun
Minor Communication
Loree, Bryan Earl
Minor Kinesiology
Matsumoto, Kazundo
McFadyen, Debra Marie
Program In Integrated Studies
Bouillet, Shannon Lee
History, Minor Learning Disabilities
McKaig, Charles
Extended Minor English, Minor Learning
Christine, Lori
Minor Early Childhood Education, Minor
Psychology, Minor English
McKinley, Margot Roberta
Cochrane, Alix Christine
Minor Curriculum & Instruction
Naser, Wajida
Program In Integrated Studies
Needham, Lori L.
Program In Integrated Studies
Nielson, Richard
Program In Integrated Studies
Everard, Mark Kevin
Program In Integrated Studies
Ortiz-Quevedo, Samuel Michael
Howard, Susan Katherine Eugenie
Program In Integrated Studies
Janzen, Nicole Hellene
Extended Minor English
Jarosinski, Thomas Francis John
Program In Integrated Studies
Johnson, Bradley Ian
Program In Integrated Studies
Johnson, Colin Wesley Edward
Kelly, Monica M
Minor Psychology
Khaira, Kirn
Kruger, Tonya Madeliene
Kwong, Joanna
Minor Business Administration, Minor
Curriculum & Instruction
Bachelor of Education
Faculty of Education
Bell-Lowther, Pamela Margaret Bell
Minor Geography, Minor Curriculum &
Instruction, Minor Psychology
Olsen, Kristina Louise
Program In Integrated Studies
Hobson, Shannon Eileen
Program In Integrated Studies
Zuehlke, Lynn Frances
McDermott, Christina Alise
Minor History
Ellis, Robert Gordon
Program In Integrated Studies
Hill, Morgan Paige
Program In Integrated Studies
Wong, Wendy Tsz Wan
Minor Mathematics
Anderson, Tammy Nadine
English, Minor Curriculum & Instruction
Ellingsen, Elodie-Bette
Program In Integrated Studies
Gunnlaugson, Carl Olen
Minor English, Minor Humanities, Minor
Curriculum & Instruction
Wilson, Sean Michael Allan
Yu, Nga Sze Tammy
Norquay, Joanne Marie
Minor Environmental Education, Minor
Learning Disabilities, Minor History
Gnissios, Thodoros Bernard
Program In Integrated Studies
Vagt, Callista Careen
Minor History, Minor Learning Disabilities
Panesar, Jasmeen
Minor Biological Sciences
Parmar, Sonya
Minor History, Minor Sociology
Crosman, Amy Christina
Extended Minor Geography, Minor
Psychology, Minor Learning Disabilities
Faria, Sandra Ferreira
Minor Learning Disabilities
Gaudette, Lisa Catherine
Minor Biological Sciences, Minor
Psychology, Minor Learning Disabilities
Gilmore, Nicole Jean
Minor Early Childhood Education, Minor
English, Minor History
Griffin, Jennifer
Minor English, Minor History, Minor
Curriculum & Instruction
Harrison, Natalie Lynn
French, Minor Elementary Phys Ed
Pearce, Kerry Michelle
Minor English, Minor Learning Disabilities
Henschel!, Sherilyn Marie
Minor Geography, Minor History, Minor
Environmental Education
Petersen, Kehl Vernon
Program In Integrated Studies
Kofos, Mahi
English, Minor Early Childhood Education
Petschulat, Stephen Michael
Minor Communication, Minor Mathematics
Lazar, Geneen Elizabeth
Extended Minor French, Extended Minor
Geography, Minor Learning Disabilities
Preusse, Celia Hannah
Minor English
Reekie, Sharon Louise
Program In Integrated Studies
Luistro, Maria Josefina Yap
Minor Curriculum & Instruction
Robert, Wendy Ann
Minor Early Childhood Education
Maynard, Jillian Margrit
Minor Curriculum & Instruction, Minor
English, Minor Geography
Sauve, Ryan Ewart
Minor Biological Sciences
Medley, Jo-Ann Marie
Minor Environmental Education
Schmidt, Joyce Paterson
Minor English, Minor Humanities
Moreno, Linda Jeanne Moreno
Extended Minor English, Minor Canadian
Studies, Minor Education
Stokes, Barbara H.
Mortlock, Sarah Kathleen
History, Minor Educational Psychology
Tu, Michelle Yu Fen
Minor Mathematics
Turnbull, Patricia Janet
Program In Integrated Studies
Peters, Larry Vernon
Minor Curriculum & Instruction
Polischuk, Cynthia Lynn
English, Minor Learning Disabilities
Rines, Wendy Louise
Minor History, Minor Psychology, Minor
Hawksley, Kelly Lauren
Biological Sciences, Concentration Cell &
Molecular Biology
Phillips, Elise Mandy
Biological Sciences, Concentration Marine
Hill, Graham James
Earth Sciences, Minor Mathematics
Plumridge, Theresa Anne
Biological Sciences, Concentration Animal
Van Genderen, Keri-Lyn Margaret
Minor Mathematics, Minor Education, Minor
Jaskiewicz, Michael
Biological Sciences, Concentration Ecology
Bachelor of Science
Kumagai, Joji
Biological Sciences, Concentration Ecology,
Minor Environmental Toxicology
Faculty of Science
Alty, Kelcey Kristin
Biological Sciences, Concentration Animal
Keating, Megan D.
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Lai, Beatrice Hoi Ying
(First Class Honors) Molecular Biology &
Bagri, Gurpreet Nina
Biological Sciences, Concentration General
Biology, Minor Kinesiology
Law, Yuen Yee
Mathematics, Co-op Education Mathematics
Chan, Daniel Tsun Ming
(Honors) Mathematics & Computing
Lee, Chun Kit (Terry)
Statistics, Economics
Chan, Darren
Biological Sciences, Concentration Ecology
Lee, Jaiwon
Biological Sciences, Concentration Cell &
Molecular Biology
Chan, Elaine Yee Yan
Management & Systems Science
Cheng, James Chung Yeung
Clark, Melissa Robin
Biological Sciences, Concentration Marine
Cowan, Marie
Chemistry, Minor Environmental Toxicology
Cragg, Ryan Jeffrey
Lee, Jinhee
Biological Sciences, Concentration General
LeFaive, Heidi Lynn
Chemistry, Minor Philosophy
Liu, Haili
Lo, Maggie Pui Lam
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Loo, Jeffery Lawrence
Chemistry, Co-op Education Science
DeCamillis, Rebecca
Lui, Winnie Wing Yan
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Dhadwal, Gursharn
Environmental Science, Concentration
Environmental Science - Biology Stream
Malo-Spray, Kelly Michelle
Biological Sciences
Dong, Kevin Brian
Biological Sciences, Concentration Cell &
Molecular Biology
Purewal, Navdeep
Biological Sciences, Concentration Cell &
Molecular Biology
Rakhra, Ronbir Singh
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, Co-op
Education Science
Ramadanovic, Bojan
(First Class Honors) Mathematical Physics
Rastan, Maria Isabelle
(First Class Honors) Geography
Reynolds, Pamela Valerie
Biological Sciences, Concentration General
Biology, Minor Kinesiology
Robertson, Ian Archie
Minor Kinesiology, Minor Biological
Sciences, Minor Psychology
Sankar, Carlo Giovanni
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Shum, Tom Kin Hung
Environmental Science, Concentration
Environmental Science - Chemistry Stream,
Minor Economics
Li, Suet To Melissa
Dawson, Michael John
Geography, Co-op Education Science,
Minor Earth Sciences
Di Tomaso, Lawrence
Biological Sciences
Ptachyk, Charlene
Biological Sciences, Concentration Marine
Marcinek-Sztaba, Katarzyna
Management & Systems Science
Mattu, Jusroop Singh
Singh, Angeline
Biological Sciences, Concentration Cell &
Molecular Biology, Co-op Education
Science, Minor Chemistry
Smith, Jillian Lee
(Honors) Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
So, Albert Chun Wah
Tanlimco, Sonia G.
Biological Sciences, Concentration Cell &
Molecular Biology, Co-op Education Science
Tong, Ronald Ming Kuen
McKenzie, Joby
(Honors) Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Toor, Navdeep Nav
Biological Sciences, Concentration General
Nagla, Sonal
Biological Sciences, Concentration General
Trojanovic, Uros
Environmental Science, Concentration
Environmental Science - Biology Stream
Fabricius, Tonya Leigh
Biological Sciences, Concentration Marine
Neilson, Eric
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Tsang, Ying Wai Emily
Management & Systems Science
Fok, Wing Chuen
Applied Mathematics
Ng, Carter Kar Tat
Biological Sciences
Tsui, Derek Siu Fai
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry,
Fung, Belinda Shui Yee
Biological Sciences, Concentration Cell &
Molecular Biology, Co-op Education Science
Ng, Ka Lun
Applied Mathematics
Douglas, Erin Jennifer
Biological Sciences, Concentration Animal
Gazzola, Mauro Attilio
Biological Sciences, Concentration Marine
Gopal, Naveen Chandra
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Ng, Yu To Tommy
Biological Sciences, Concentration Cell &
Molecular Biology
O'Krainetz, Cory Campbell
Mathematics, Minor Economics
Petrik, David James
Biological Sciences, Concentration General
Tu, Andy Dieu Binh
Wagner, Darryl Shane
Biological Sciences, Concentration General
Biology, Minor Linguistics
Wanhill, Rachel Leigh
Biological Sciences, Concentration Cell &
Molecular Biology, Co-op Education Science
Winski, Malika
Actuarial Science
Wong, Ho Yin Raymond
Wunder, Robert
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Xu, Angela Jing
(First Class Honors) Molecular Biology &
Yip, Kin Yee
Management & Systems Science
Yu, Vincent Sing-Tak
Yuen, Karen Wing-Yee
(First Class Honors) Molecular Biology &
Biochemistry, Co-op Education Science
Friday, October 5, 9:45 am ceremony
Doctor of Philosophy
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Bartram, Linda Ruth
Enhancing Information Visualization with
Carter, James Bruce
Changes in Autonomic Control of Heart
Rate and Blood Pressure in Response to
Endurance Training: Effect of Age and
lrgens, Morten
Heuristics Characteristics - The Satisfiability
Tung, Kum Hoe Anthony
Constrained Clustering on Spatial
Welburn, Lisa Rae
Macrodiversity and Multiuser Detection:
High Performance Tools in a OS-CDMA
Master of Resource Management
Cong, Shi
Thesis: Mining TOP-K Most Frequest
Mahdavi Ardekani, Mehdi
Thesis: An Optical Current Sensor, A New
Design for Increasing the Reliability
Fang, Haijing
Research Project: Querying the Web
Through XML-HTML Conversion in
Restricted Domains
Sarunic, Marinko Venci
Thesis: Biln: A Prototype Bimetallic Laser
Activated Thermal Inorganic Resist for
Galanopoulos, Panagiotis Takis Dionyssios
Thesis: Addition of lschemic Preconditioning
Does Not Afford Added Protection to
Neonatal Rabbit Myocardium Protected by
Hypothermic Cardioplegia
Master of Business
Heygood, Erick Michael
Thesis: Multi-Channel Nerve Electrodes for
Control of Functional Electrical Stimulation
Bell, Edward C.
Research Project: A Strategic Analysis of a
Western North American Recycled
Containerboard Paper
Lam, Joyce Man Wing
Thesis: Mining Multi-Dimensional
Constrained Gradients in Data Cubes and
Bender, Deborah
Research Project: Strategic Analysis of a
Proteomic Bioinformatics Firm in the
Biotechnology Industry
Li, Tianyi
Thesis: Web-Document Prediction and
Presending Using Association Rule
Sequential Classifiers
Bernhardt, Luis
Research Project: General and Workforce
Strategy for an Internal IT Organization
Liao, Yaqin
Thesis: Fault-Tolerant Repeat Pattern
Mining on Biological Data
Brett, David Howe
Research Project: Digital Diagnosis:
Copyright lntellectural Property and the
Lu, Cheng
Thesis: Video Classification Using Hidden
Markov Model
Briede, Raymond
Research Project: The Wireless Data Service
Industry in Canada
Morris, Michelle Christy
Thesis: Gene-Environment Interactions and
Risk for Oral Cancer: A Pilot Study
Bunescu, Daniela Antoanela
Research Project: Riding The Yield Curve in
Canada and in the U.S.
Ranaweera, Ranaweera Arachchillage Prabha
Thesis: Quorum Based Total Order Group
Communication Protocol
Chesko, Jeffrey Brent
Research Project: Strategic Analysis of the
Wireless Data Business for a Canadian
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Currie-Alder, Bruce Adam Barry
Research Project: Collaborative
Management of the Mexican Coast: A Case
Study of Public Participation and the Oil
Industry in the Terminos Lagoon Protected
D' Abate, Roberto
Research Project: Modelling Greenhouse
Gas Abatement Strategy in the Canadian
Electricity Sector
Haberl, Jan Doreen
Research Project: Salmon Aquaculture in
British Columbia: A History and
Comparative Analysis
King, Cheralyn Andrea
Research Project: Salmon and Sediment:
The Role of Spawners in Bedload Transport
Laurin, Alison Leigh
Research Project: Softlinking Quest and
CIMS: Communicating Energy-Economy
Issues Through the Use of Simulation
Lyle, Tamsin Sara
Research Project: Non-Structural Flood
Management Solutions for the Lower Fraser
Valley, British Columbia
Smith, Kim Cherie
Research Project: Tourism Product
Development: A Case Study of Wildlife
Viewing in the Squamish Valley
Master of Science
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Au, Ka Sin
Thesis: Object Segmentation and Tracking
Using Video Locales
Faculty of Business Administration
Tran, Thanh Luong
Thesis: Contributions of Glucose
Effectiveness and Insulin Action to Glucose
Tolerance in Fasted and Fed Rats
Yin, Yiwen
Thesis: Efficient Mining of Partial Periodic
Patterns in Time Series Database
Chow, Warren Neil
Research Project: A Strategic Analysis of the
Open Source Industry
Claxton, Nicola
Research Project: Into the Outdoors: A
Diversification Strategy for Mountain
Equipment Co-op
Yu, Yang
Thesis: SSH Traffic Analysis and Password
Space Reduction Based on Keystroke
Colwell, Michael Carl
Research Project: A Strategic Analysis of a
Manufacturing Company
Master of Applied Science
Conyers, Douglas Allan
Research Project: A Strategic Analysis of a
Marketing Company
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Bakshi, Shivalik
Thesis: A Mems Based Slit Mask for Multiobject Spectroscopes
Ji, Chen
Thesis: Context-Based Entropy Coding with
Space-Frequency Segmentation in
Ultrasound Image Compression
Johnson, Thomas Edward
Thesis: Calibration and Adaptation of a Two
Branch Feedforward Amplifier Circuit with a
Decorrelated Block Based Least Mean
Square Algorithm
Cormier, Michael Paul
Research Project: Strategic Analysis of
Cruise Ship Homeporting
Davies, Michael Brian
Research Project: The Capacity Margin of
the 1-5 Corridor Natural Gas Market: A
Regional Resource Planning Study
Dawson, Sue
Research Project: Strategy for the
Implementation of a Quality System at a
Clinical Laboratory
Dornan, Karen Gwyneth
Research Project: Business Plan for a StartUp Diet Company
Juristovski, Alan
Research Project: First Mover Growth
Ontko, Kenneth Frederick S.
Research Project: A Strategic Analysis of
BCAA'S Cruise Travel Business
Dunfield, Barbara Eileen
Research Project: A Strategic Analysis of the
PGM Industry (Platinum/Palladium)
Keelan, Paul Joseph
Research Project: Are Wheelchair Users
Working in High Tech? Examining the
Barriers to Employment
Parent, Daniel Joseph
Research Project: Strategic Analysis of an IT
Company For the Purpose of Guided
Geographic Expansion
Kim, Ronald Jae Chui
Research Project: A Strategic Analysis of the
Electronic Quality Management Industry
Piotrowski, Ursula
Research Project: Strategic Analysis of a
Prosthetic and Orthotic Service
Fisher, George Franklin
Research Project: Is the Potentially Dilutive
Effect of Outstanding Warrants Properly
Reflected in the Underlying Share's Price?
Knudson, Michael Anthony
Research Project: The Day the Hockey
Players Came to Town - Physician
Compensation in the New Millennium
Rada, Marek
Research Project: A Strategic Analysis for
Sierra Wireless Inc.
Frighetto, Luciana
Research Project: The B.C. Biotechnology
Industry: A Cluster Analysis
Research Project: Estimation Error in MeanVariance Portfolios: A Comparison of
Historical and CAPM Estimators
Dyck, Trevor
Research Project: The Future of AND's
Optical Internet Business in an Industry
Gardiner, Michael James
Research Project: Options For Improving
DFO Marine Fleet Management
Gladu, Cheryl Marie
Research Project: Measuring the
Effectiveness of Sports Sponsorship: Image
Transfer, Good Will and Involvement at the
Vancouver International Marathon
Grossman, Mardy Benton
Research Project: Follow the Yellow Book
Harris, Garth Everett
Research Project: Dealing with the
Abandonment of Internet Shopping Carts
due to Shipping Costs
Hawke, Timothy Ian
Research Project: A Strategic Analysis of the
Consulting Civil Engineering Industry in the
Lower Mainland
Heale, John-Paul
Research Project: Measuring Academic
Scientific Research Productivity
Henderson, Harold Joseph
Research Project: An Analysis of the BZB
eCommerce Software Industry: The Search
for Survival Strategies
Ho, Kim Ching
Research Project: Estimation Error in MeanVariance Portfolios: Historical Versus BayesStein Mean Estimators
Hui, Ellen Yee Lun
Research Project: Taiwan Food Retailing:
Who Buys What, Where and Why?
Hyndman, Malcolm
Research Project: The Canadian
Telecommunications Industry: An
Environmental Scan
Jackson, Carol Lynn
Research Project: Skill Development:
Improving Federal Policy
Jaffer, Shamshad Begum
Research Project: Hotelworks: Growth
Stratey for an Integrated Hotel Property
Management System
Johnstone, Delphia Mae
Research Project: Recovery of Customer
Receivables, A Review of Strategic
Jones-Cox, Andrew Stanley
Research Project: Strategic Analysis for an
Information Technology Service Provider to
the Canadian Credit Union Industry
Lai, Andy Chi-Keung
Research Project: Strategic Analysis of a
Private Information Technology Education
and Training Institution
Lavery, Brian
Research Project: A Strategic Analysis of an
Industrial Contracting Firm
Linde, Sue Anne
Research Project: Creating the Future: A
Strategic Analysis of a Vancouver
Advertising Agency
Man, Eric Ho-Yeung
Research Project: Travelers' Intention to Use
Online Reservation Systems for Booking Air
Marburg, Jerome Milton
Research Project: The Business Intelligence
Software Sector
MclLwrick, Dale Marlin
Research Project: E-Business in Forestry: An
Industry Analysis of Lumber Electronic
Murphy, Sean
Research Project: Strategic Analysis For a
Start-Up Company in the Streaming Media
Ng, Claudia Manling
Research Project: Online Strategy for
Ng, Yee Lian
Research Project: Influence of Managers
'Ethnicity of Employees' Perception of
Managerial Efficacy: A Study Done in
Shanghai and Xiamen
O'Brien, Jan Catherine
Research Project: First Collective Agreement
Legislation: From Exceptional Remedy to
Routine Solution
O'Donoghue, Rory Padraig
Research Project: Focusing Resources: A
Regional Strategy For a Canadian
Commercial Insurer
Sherwin, Bradley Alan
Research Project: A Strategic Analysis of a
Credit Application Technology Company
Shi, Qi
Research Project: Food Retailing
Modernization - China Market Research
Smith, Brian William
Research Project: A Strategic Analysis of a
Medical Practice Management Software
Smith, Michael James
Research Project: A Strategic Analysis of the
North American Market for Norske Skog,
Spratt, Douglas Kooiman
Research Project: A Strategic Plan For an
Engineering and Construction Firm to
Service the District Energy Industry
Tikanmaki, Anna Kristina
Thesis: The Impact of Person-Organization
Fit and Perceptions of Justice on Employee
Organizational Commitment, Job
Satisfaction and Trust Towards
Management After an Acquisition
Trembath, Frederick W.
Research Project: An Analysis of the
Franchising and Development Strategy of a
Quick Service Restaurant Chain
Tse, Frankie Sai Wai
Research Project: OpNetCo: Light Years
Tuason, lnnocenza Jay
Research Project: Online Banking as Part of
the Evolution of Banking in Canada: An
Industry Analysis
Vale, Patricia Louise
Research Project: Day-Trader
van Haist, Steven Robert
Research Project: Strategic Analysis of a
Consulting Firm in a Changing Industry
Weinstein, Lorne Brian
Research Project: A Guide For Small
Business Acquisitions (A British Columbian
Wilkin, James Graham
Research Project: Strategic Analysis of a
Growing Business
O'Keefe, Corey Philip
Research Project: Optimal Mean-Variance
Portfolio Selection Using Historic & FamaFrench Three-Factor Model Mean
Wilson, Mark Adrian James
Research Project: Advertising High-Tech
Products Using Endorsements from NonExpert Compared to Expert Endorsers
Oikawa, Richard Mark
Research Project: A Strategic Analysis of an
Environmental Consulting Firm
Won, Trevor Anthony
Research Project: The Effects of Different
Estimation Periods on Optimal MeanVariance Selection
Yeager, Sherryl Lynne
Research Project: Combatting Child
Pornography on the Internet
Yu, Ada Qi-Yan
Research Project: Violation of Psychological
Contract: A Cross-cultural Study Among
Information Technology Workers
Zhu, Hong (Robert)
Research Project: Business Partnership in
ASP Marketplace
Zomar, Tracy Brian
Research Project: Growth Options for FPI:
An Examination of the Barbecue Industry
Bachelor of Arts
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Aga, Shenaya
Communication, Minor Publishing
Beach, Alanna Judith
Communication, Extended Minor French
Bornay, Lizza Marie
Communication, Minor Psychology
Brooks, Tyson
Burgess, Harold
Fong, Gary Siu Lun
Communication, Minor Publishing
Leung, Kay Oi Lum
Communication, Co-op Education
Communication, Minor Business
Li, Caroline Ming-yee
Lok, Janet Ka Po
Communication, Co-op Education
Houlding, Julian Neville
Engineering Science, Concentration
Marash, John James Barry
Communication, Co-op Education
Communication, Minor Publishing
Hutchison, Michael D.
Engineering Science, Concentration
Computer Engineering
Mukhopadhyay, Sumit Kumar
Karnath, Shankar
Engineering Science, Concentration
Systems Option
Ng, Joanna Wai Mei
Communication, Co-op Education
Communication, Minor Political Science
Ng, Kae Jia
Peterson, Jodi
Communication, Minor English
Phan, Trinh Thi
Communication, Economics
Ratcliff, Leigh Anne
Communication, Co-op Education
Gray, Ian Carswell
Communication, Co-op Education
Rustulka, Joni Andrea
Hobson, Lauren Kimberlee
Hu, Kuo Shen
Huff, Dale Richard
Hutcheon, Scott Alexander
Irwin, Andrew David
James, Stephanie Dianne
Kamp, Melanie Ruth
Lacombe, Marie-Claude
(Honors) Communication, Co-op Education
Communication, Minor Women's Studies
Lapsley, Amy Jane
Communication, Co-op Education
Lee, Beverly
Communication, Co-op Education
Chan, Sheung Mei
Engineering Science, Concentration
Emery, Scott Patrick
Engineering Science, Concentration
Reibling, Shawna Layla Rose
Communication, Minor Curriculum &
Hafeez, Ammarah
Communication, Minor Political Science
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Lochhead, Aaron John
Gilliard, Geoffrey Peter
Green, David Vincent
Bachelor of Applied Science
Scholander, Robert M.
(Honors) Communication, Minor Sociology
Sheares, John-Glenn
Singh, Shantala Amrita
Communication, Minor English
Sum, Grace Wai-Gee
Communication, Co-op Education
Communication, Extended Minor
Linguistics, Minor Publishing
Sutherland, Janine R.
Tomchenko, Larissa Elizabeth
Tucker, Micheline
Kan, Kevin
Engineering Science, Concentration
Ko, Kevin
Engineering Science, Concentration
Systems Option
Lam, Heidi Lap Mun
Engineering Science, Concentration
Biomedical Engineering Stream,
Concentration Systems Option
Lee, Aaron
Engineering Science, Concentration
Nesbitt, Damian Michael Patrick
Engineering Science, Concentration
Computer Engineering
Pang, Ada Sin Mei
Engineering Science, Concentration
Schneider, Shane Daniel
Engineering Science, Concentration
Systems Option
Solehdin, Ali
Engineering Science, Concentration
Systems Option
Wong, Joyce Cheuk Wai
Engineering Science, Concentration
Yang, Janey C. Y.
Engineering Science, Concentration
Bachelor of Science
Usherwood, Cara Helen
Communication, Co-op Education
Communication, Minor Publishing
Van Dooyeweert, Catherine Elisabeth
Communication, Minor Psychology
Warren, Venita Anne
Communication, Co-op Education
Wong, Grace Wai Sze
Wong, Michelle Wan Ki
Communication, Minor Psychology
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Al-Natour, Sameh
Joint Major Computing Science, Joint Major
Business Administration, Concentration
Mgmt Information Systems
Amirrezvani, Siavash
Computing Science
Block, Matthew
(First Class Honors) Computing Science
Chan, Yuk Lung
Computing Science
Chen, Ellena
Computing Science
Chow, Trevin Martin
Joint Major Business Administration, Joint
Major Computing Science, Co-op Education
Computing Science
Goenawan, Hartman
Joint Major Business Administration, Joint
Major Computing Science
Graf, Alexander Robert
Computing Science, Co-op Education
Computing Science, Minor Mathematics
Vechev, Martin Tsuetanov
Computing Science
Oswald, Dawn
Weeks, Russell
Computing Science, Co-op Education
Computing Science
Parmar, Daisy
Welburn, Craig William
Computing Science, Co-op Education
Computing Science
Xu, Jiuhong
Computing Science
Yip, Heung Wing
Computing Science
Ho, Connie Tsui-Ki
Computing Science, Minor Mathematics
Yoo, Daniel
Joint Major Business Administration, Joint
Major Computing Science
Jeremie, Irena
Computing Science
Kabir, Malik Khairul
Computing Science
Khan, Faroon
Computing Science
Khan, lrshad Nawab
Computing Science
Rykiert, Anna Magdalena
Yu, Richard Hon Kee
Computing Science, Co-op Education
Computing Science
Zhou, Ying
Computing Science
Bachelor of Science (Kinesiology)
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Brock, Lesley Arleen
Campbell, Jonathan James Chisholm
Kwiatkowski, Andrew
Computing Science
Chandra, Lisa Dale
Lee, Edward Kwok Wai
Computing Science
Cianci, Teresa Giuseppina
Lee, Wing Cheung
Computing Science, Program In Software
Cristescu, Alexandra
Leung, Cecilia Kwun Chuen
Computing Science, Program In Software
Engineering, Co-op Education Computing
Liew, Justin Zhi-Quan
(Honors) Computing Science, Co-op
Education Computing Science, Minor
Lin, Bernard
Program In Multimedia Computing,
Computing Science
Lin, Chi-Shun
Computing Science
Smith, Nicola Jayne
Soukup, Yuko Andrea
Woo, Derrick
Bachelor of General Studies
(Applied Sciences)
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Chang, Alex Hang-Peng
Minor Linguistics, Minor Computing
Lang, Katherine Helen
Minor Kinesiology, Minor Communication
Tough, Melissa Erin
Minor Kinesiology, Minor Psychology
Deep, Amritpal Singh
Bachelor of Business
Eftekhari, Nasim
Erakovic, Predrag Peter
Feldman, Fabio
Kinesiology, Co-op Education Kinesiology
Ku, Siu Ting Agnes
Kinesiology, Co-op Education Kinesiology
Leverington, Laura Margaret
Kinesiology, Minor Biological Sciences
Low Ah Kee, Julia
Magnusson, Christopher David
Lin, Wei-Yu
Program In Software Engineering,
Computing Science
Mann, Raj
O'Grady, Richard James
Computing Science
Marolt, Vesna
Ramji, Shalin
Computing Science, Co-op Education
Computing Science
Martin-Blouin, Raoul 0.
Sulistio, Paulus Edward
Computing Science, Co-op Education
Computing Science
Sasi, John Paul
Ung, David Suvie
Khan, Salman Nawab
Computing Science, Co-op Education
Computing Science
Leggett, Blair
Computing Science, Co-op Education
Computing Science
Poole, Colleen Elizabeth
Kinesiology, Co-op Education Kinesiology
Quon, Cherie Melissa
Hirsch, David Ivan
Computing Science, Co-op Education
Computing Science
lwaasa, Cameron Theo
Computing Science
Patterson, Shaun Robert
Faculty of Business Administration
Au, Joanne
Business Administration, Concentration
Banns, David S.
Business Administration, Concentration
Bittner, Bettina Ellen Bonnie
Business Administration, Concentration
Accounting, Co-op Education Chartered
Accountancy, Minor Criminology
Bring, Harvey Harji Singh
Business Administration, Concentration
Finance, Concentration Human Resource
Capdevila El-ldrissi, Montserrat Myriam
Business Administration, Concentration
International Business
Narasimhan, Vinetha
Carson, Teresa Ann
Business Administration, Concentration
Chan, Chun Wai (Eric)
(Honors) Business Administration,
Concentration Finance
Omidi, Sam
Tung, Shirley
Computing Science
Chan, Eric Hoo Ming
Business Administration, Concentration
Accounting, Concentration Finance
Chan, Howard
Business Administration, Concentration
Chan, Sandy Ho Sham
Business Administration, Concentration
Accounting, Co-op Education Business
Chan, Wendy Wing Yee
Business Administration, Concentration
Finance, Concentration Management
Charaf, Nahla
Business Administration, Concentration
Accounting, Minor Mathematics
Cheung, Anna Siu Kwan
Business Administration, Concentration
Finance, Concentration Mgmt Information
Cheung, Sharon Pui-Lin
Business Administration, Concentration
Chiang, Sam
Business Administration, Concentration
Finance, Concentration Accounting, Co-op
Education Business Administration
Chin, Gladys Wai Wing
Business Administration, Concentration
Marketing, Concentration Human Resource
Chiu, Terry Chun Hay
Business Administration, Concentration
Finance, Concentration Accounting
Chow, Sze Man
Business Administration, Concentration
Management Science, Concentration
Finance, Minor Economics
Chu, Eva Yee Wah
Business Administration, Concentration
Human Resource Management
Chu, Susan
Business Administration, Concentration
Mgmt Information Systems
Chung, Tracy Hsin-Yi
Business Administration, Concentration
Finance, Concentration Management
Duong, Lina
Business Administration, Concentration
Marketing, Concentration Mgmt
Information Systems, Co-op Education
Business Administration
Flynn, Jeremy Lough
Business Administration, Concentration
Fong, Carrie Car-Ling
Joint Major Economics, Joint Major Business
Administration, Concentration Finance
Fung, Ho Ming
Business Administration, Concentration
Marketing, Concentration Human Resource
Management, Minor Economics
Gavinio, Ramon Ibarra
Joint Major Computing Science, Joint Major
Business Administration
Geronimo, Jonathan J.
Business Administration, Concentration
Godavari, Vera Olina
Joint Major Communication, Joint Major
Business Administration, Concentration
Hayer, Permandeep
Business Administration, Concentration
Hon, Roger Ka Man
Joint Major Economics, Joint Major Business
Administration, Concentration Finance
Hong, Livia P. L.
Business Administration, Concentration
Finance, Concentration Accounting, Co-op
Education Business Administration
Horwood, Matthew Ryan
Business Administration, Concentration
Human Resource Management,
Concentration Mgmt Information Systems,
Co-op Education Business Administration
Hsu, Eric Chun Wai
Business Administration, Concentration
Huang, Wayne W. C.
Business Administration, Concentration
Mgmt Information Systems
Hui, Amy Ka Yee
Business Administration, Concentration
Mgmt Information Systems
Clark, Arlene Gail
Business Administration, Concentration
Human Resource Management
Hui, Yuen Fan
Business Administration, Concentration
Crosato, Andrea Christine
Business Administration, Concentration
Human Resource Management,
Concentration Marketing
Huynh, Cindy
Business Administration, Concentration
Accounting, Co-op Education Business
Dai, Minchao
Business Administration, Concentration
Finance, Concentration Accounting
Irvine, Ryan
Business Administration, Concentration
Dirksen, Kelly Irene
Business Administration, Concentration
Irvine, Sarah Leanne
Business Administration, Concentration
Marketing, Concentration Human Resource
Dulay, Harninder
Business Administration, Concentration
Ito, Laverne Mana
Business Administration, Concentration
Human Resource Management,
Concentration Finance
Janzen, Jesse
Business Administration, Concentration
Finance, Minor Economics
Kam, Peter Kar-Wai
Business Administration, Concentration
Finance, Concentration Marketing
Kan, Chi Ling, Loretta
Business Administration, Concentration
Accounting, Concentration Finance
Kania, Patryk
Joint Major Business Administration, Joint
Major Economics, Concentration Marketing
Kojima, Sawako
Business Administration, Concentration
Kor, Geraldine Soo Hsia
Business Administration, Concentration
Kremer, Rebecca Gysbertha
Business Administration, Concentration
Mgmt Information Systems, Concentration
Human Resource Management
Kwok, Kwai Yan
Business Administration, Concentration
Kwong, Elton Kei Kong
Business Administration, Concentration
Management Science, Concentration
Finance, Minor Economics
Lai, Serena Hor Ka
Business Administration, Concentration
Marketing, Minor Economics
Lai, Yvonne Hoi Yee
Business Administration, Concentration
Lam, Chui Wing Jenny
Business Administration, Concentration
Lau, Alice Wing Kwan
Business Administration, Concentration
Lau, Tracy Ho Yee
Joint Major Business Administration, Joint
Major Economics
Lee, Christopher John
Business Administration, Concentration
Mgmt Information Systems
Lee, Thomas
Business Administration, Concentration
Mgmt Information Systems, Concentration
Leong, Eric Wai Cheung
Business Administration, Concentration
Finance, Concentration Accounting
Liang, Biao Billy
Business Administration, Concentration
Mgmt Information Systems, Concentration
Management Science
Lim, Li Yen
Business Administration, Concentration
Lin, Chia-Yu
Business Administration, Concentration
Finance, Concentration Mgmt Information
Lin, Karine Qiao Ling
Business Administration, Concentration
Accounting, Concentration Finance, Co-op
Education Business Administration
Potestio, Marni L.
Business Administration, Concentration
Accounting, Co-op Education Business
Turenne, Martin Emery
Business Administration, Concentration
Accounting, Co-op Education Chartered
Liu, Tsung Hsin
Business Administration, Concentration
Mgmt Information Systems
Pui, Ho Ling Anna
Business Administration, Concentration
Management Science, Concentration
Vuong, Diana Yuk Chui
Business Administration, Concentration
Lung, Hoi Yan
Business Administration, Concentration
Ma, Huan-Wei Danny
Business Administration, Concentration
Human Resource Management
March, Anthony Phillip
Business Administration, Concentration
Human Resource Management
Martin, Michael Thomas
Business Administration, Concentration
Rumlena, Jiri
Business Administration, Concentration
Accounting, Co-op Education Chartered
Sam, Jennifer May Ying
Business Administration, Concentration
Siu, Edwin
Business Administration, Concentration
Mgmt Information Systems, Concentration
Management Science
Maryschak, Paul Edward
Joint Major Communication, Joint Major
Business Administration
So, Frances Wing Sze
Business Administration, Concentration
Mgmt Information Systems, Concentration
Mayrhofer, Eric Joseph
(Honors) Joint Honors Economics, Joint
Honors Business Administration,
Concentration Finance
Sugihardjo, Gunawan
Business Administration, Concentration
Accounting, Concentration Mgmt
Information Systems, Concentration Finance
McElroy, Angela Rae
Business Administration, Concentration
Sun, Lin
Business Administration, Concentration
Miao, Lisa Yi Ping
Business Administration, Concentration
Tam, Elaine Yee Ning
Business Administration, Concentration
Accounting, Minor Economics
Mizrahi, Avi
Business Administration, Concentration
Human Resource Management,
Concentration Mgmt Information Systems
Tang, Felix Tzu Lung
Business Administration, Concentration
Marketing, Minor Economics
Mueller, Marianne
Business Administration, Concentration
Human Resource Management
Tang, Victoria Ho Ka
Business Administration, Concentration
Human Resource Management,
Concentration Marketing
Murphy, Clint Robert
Business Administration, Concentration
Tarnowski, Jere
Business Administration, Concentration
Mgmt Information Systems
Nanwani, Pinky Arjun
Business Administration, Concentration
Thai, Anne
Business Administration, Concentration
Mgmt Information Systems, Concentration
Ng, Carol Siu Kwan
Business Administration, Concentration
Marketing, Minor Economics
To, Shek Yan
Business Administration, Concentration
Ngatemo, Linda
Business Administration, Concentration
Tong, Hiu Fung
Business Administration
Nguyen, Huong Ngoc Thi
Joint Major Geography, Joint MaJor
Business Administration
Tong, Hiu-Ying
Business Administration, Concentration
On, Emily Yen Ping
Business Administration, Concentration
Trinh, Jenny
Business Administration, Concentration
Ongkowidjojo, Rinawaty
Business Administration, Concentration
Marketing, Concentration Human Resource
Tsai, Yiu Tong
Business Administration, Concentration
Finance, Concentration Marketing, Co-op
Education Business Administration
Pelly, Kristopher A
Business Administration, Concentration
Accounting, Concentration Finance
Tu, Andy Dieu Binh
Business Administration, Concentration
Finance, Co-op Education Business
Wagner, Amy Corrine
Business Administration, Concentration
Finance, Concentration Accounting
Wallace, Andrew James
Joint Major Business Administration, Joint
Major Psychology
Wang, Jinghua (Claudia)
Business Administration, Concentration
Mgmt Information Systems, Concentration
Human Resource Management
Wang, Mei
Business Administration, Concentration
Wong, Amy Shiu Yin
Business Administration, Concentration
Mgmt Information Systems, Concentration
Marketing, Concentration Human Resource
Wong, Hoi Yee
Business Administration, Concentration
Wong, Lai Fung Betty
Business Administration, Concentration
Woo, Hyun Soo
Business Administration, Concentration
Accounting, Co-op Education Chartered
Wu, Shing Chung
Joint Major Business Administration, Joint
Major Economics, Concentration Finance
Yeung, Kanas Pik Fung
Business Administration, Concentration
Yeung, Pansy
Business Administration, Concentration
Yip, Kwok Chun Jimmy
Business Administration, Concentration
Mgmt Information Systems, Concentration
Yoon, Shannon Song-Yi
Business Administration, Concentration
Yu, Cherlotte Suet Long
Business Administration, Concentration
Yuan, Johnny
Business Administration, Concentration
Yue, Mimi Yi Chuen
Business Administration, Concentration
Yuen, Chee Keong
Business Administration, Concentration
Professional Development Program, Faculty of Education
Abbas, Laura-Lynn Catherine
Abraham, Amira Mounir
Adams, Carmen Nadine
Adams, Lauren Melanie
Alkema, Lorrenne Christine
Anderson, Tammy Nadine
Angotti, Maria Rosa
Arora, Monica
Bachman, Kristy Anne
Baer, Melanie Jane
Baerg, Betty Ann
Baitz, Lorraine Denise
Bal, Gurpreet Singh
Beaucock, Kim Toni
Bennett, Kelly Elizabeth
Bergh, Jennifer Lee
Berner, Noreen Joyce
Bird, John Kelsey
Blackett, Tania Janine
Blouin, Victoria
Bogdanovich, Suzana Gina
Borojevic, Antonia Teresa
Bouey, Shannon Lee
Brand, Julie Mara
Brandes, Tara Jean
Brandsma, Joseph
Brar, Victor
Braun, Jaclyn
Brooke, Sarah Elizabeth
Brown, Kaile Elizabeth
Bruce, Jamie
Brustolin, Angelle Bonnie
Burleigh, Sarah Elisabeth
Cacik, Renata
Candaele, Heidi Natasha
Candido, Ana Paula
Casey, David
Cassia, Faye Annette
Cerazy, Joanna Ewa
Chahl, Harjinder
Challenger, Gina Alfreda C
Chapman, Jillian Norah
Chepil, Sandra Mary Ann
Clark, Donna Elaine
Clark, Jennifer
Clarke, Lee-Anne Vera
Cleland, Kathryn Michelle
Cook, Nicole S. Sorley
Cranswick, Erica Carol
Croft, Kendra Leanne Midori
Crosman, Amy Christina
Cucnik, Vanja
D'Angelo, Gina
Davidson, Janis Marie
Davradou, Maria
Dehnke, Jaime Lynn
Dew, Neysa Mary
Dewit, Melanie Cecile
Dhillon, Jasjit Kaur
Dobbin, Marnie Rae
Dosen, Gregory Dean
Driediger, Matthew Theodore
Dueck, Lidia Jaqueline
Eberding, Royce Peter
Edwards, Lisa Michelle
Elke, Ramona Lynn
Ellis, Philippa Ann
Eng, Shani
Englund, Sylvia Margaret
Enns, Kerry Lynn
Erickson, Danaya Jane
Faria, Sandra Ferreira
Fast, Andrew David
Ferguson, Kathryn Lynn
Firth, Lorrie Barbara
Fissel, Carol Yvonne
Foote, Julie Anna
Foran, Paula Kathleen
Francis, Jerome Christopher
Francis, Michelle Denise
Frew, Nikola Christine
Gardner, Danniel John
Gayton, Renee Christine
Gielty, Andrea Mary
Giesbrecht, Darlene Ava
Gilmore, Nicole Jean
Glezos, Matthew Alan
Godfrey, Jennifer Lynn
Gordon, Cheryl Lynn
Green, Gina
Grewal, Saveen
Greyell, Leslie Anne
Griesdale, Peggy Liu
Hall, Jennifer Lynn
Hallding, Jessica Jennifer
Hamilton, Allison Joan
Hans, Angela Louise
Hardman, Denise Irene
Hardy, Marianne Jane
Harrison, Natalie Lynn
Hartigan, Colleen Margaret
Hauff, Dale Richard
Hawkey, Christopher Paul
Hedlund, Kyle William
Hein, Wanda Darlene
Hendricks, Chad Alan
Hiebert, Joanne Michelle
Hird, David Ian
Hird, Kelly Diane
Holford, Jody Ruth
Hollifield, Catherine Ruth
Hooker, Tina Christine
Hotel!, Claire Catherine
Hotel!, Kari Ruth
Hoye, Sarah Margaret
Hrysio, David John
Huckerby, Rodger Eugene
Ibsen, Corilee Faith
Ireland, Valerie Ann
Irwin, Angelika Tabatha
Ishii, Jun Francis
Janssen, Tania Marie
Jenkins, Mark Charles
Jeppesen, Anna Dianne
Jespersen, Rebecca
Johnson, Derron Scott
Jones, Cori Lyn
Kalbfuss, Kirsten
Karam, Smita
Keeley, Thomas Norman
Kehler, Corinna Lynn
Kidd, Cynthia Lee
Kikkert, Kasha Marlise
Kim, Peter Jung Hak
Kinnee, Jacqueline Tracy Jane
Klassen, Nicole Anne
Kofos, Andromahi
Kouromichelakis, Evanthia Evelyn
Kowalenko, Andrew Charles
Kumar, Vickash Surjan
Kung, So Ha Beatrice
Lai, Michelle
Lang, Danielle Marie
Laplace, Linda
Larsen, Jason Richard
Lay, Dena Marie
Lazar, Geneen Elizabeth
Le Nabat, Mary Jane
Lillbeck, Terry
Lincoln, Maralee Elizabeth
Lorenzi, Maria Felice
Louie, Michael Collin
Lowther, Pamela Margaret Bell
Lusignan, Aimee Lynn Helen
MacDonald, Toby Lynne
Macintosh, Susan Elizabeth
Makowecky, Caroline
Manojlovic, Milorad
Marble, Leah Rae-Ann
Matkovic, Lisa Verlie
Maynard, Jillian Margrit
McDevitt, Alexandria Dawn
Mcdonald, Jennifer Yvette
McGee, Shannon Michelle C
McGrath, Madelaine Cecilia
McNeil, Amber Lorraine
McSavaney, Dawn Marie
Menic, Kevin David
Michaud, Brett James
Mihaldzic, Jelica
Miller, Julie Anne
Miller, Trisha
Milloy, Derek Stuart
Mochuk, Michelle Kimberley
Mollo, Elvira Lea
Monk, Katharine Anne
Moore, Jill Linne
Morley, Natasha Trina
Mortlock, Sarah Kathleen
Munzer, Nisha
Murray, Lindsay Gail
Myrah, Stacey Thompson
Nachtigal, Susan
Nakada, Mark Tadao
Neesham, Sacha Vanneau
Nickel, Sheldon Lyle
Nield, Joann
Nikkel, Jeanette Yvonne
Nonis, Darren Michael
Northrup, Adele
Dake, Sandra Yolande
Papapanagiotou, Ephrosine
Parker, Michael Anthony
Patry, Natalie Anne
Patterson, Bruce Christopher
Paul, Balbir
Pawlowski, Lara Marie
Penzer, Tara Judith
Percival, Shannon Lea
Perkins, Jonathan
Peters, Danielle Russann
Pflanz, Melissa Marie Bernadet
Pitt, Lisa Ann
Polischuk, Cynthia Lynn
Porreca, Nadia
Post, Tara Kiyomi
Postl, Heidi
Poynter, Alyssa Jane
Preibisch, Pamela Bernice
Proulx, Jason Steven
Quiring, Melissa Margaret
Reid, Julianne Lynn
Reimer, Dawn Elise
Reimer, Miranda Helene
Reimer, Sharon Ruth
Rickard, Jason Scott
Ridington, Juniper Starswan
Roberts, Rachel
Roe, Charlene Lori
Rolph, Richard Colin
Rosborough, David John
Rotzien, Mikerra Kiyoko
Sandquist, David John
Sauve, Cacia Charmagne
Sawatzky, Kari Anita
Scaligine, Laurent Dominique
Scharf, Heather
Seymour, Jennifer Ann
Shaw, Robin Ann
Shinkewski, Sarah Rachel
Shudo, Angela Naomi
Sidhu, Amritt-Paula Kaur
Sidhu, Anita Kaur
Skalinski, Shawn Richard Lee
Sloane, Susan Dawn
Smith, Tanya Michelle
Smith, Tanya Michelle
Sohpaul, Kamil Joti
Sommerville, Colin Jay
Spence, Kendra Merle
Spencer, Geniene Irene
Spencer, Kaela Patrice
Spencer, Katrina Louise
Sran, Karmjit
Staniforth, Angus David
Stemler, Owen Louis
Stokes, Lisa Alice Helen
Stubbings, Ryan Robert
Sull, Rabinder
Tait, Sarah Michelle
Tam, Selwyn Sen-Kong
Tang, Amy
Taylor, John Christopher
Teegen, Melanie Ann
Thompson, Jennifer Jade
Thompson, Tina Dawn
Tingstad, Katerina
Trottier, John Gregory
Trottier, Tanya Katharina
Truong, Diem Tu
Truong, Kim Xieu
Tuan, Nadia Brenda
Udal, Dale Geoffrey
Unruh, Gina Marie
van Brakel, Monique
Van Der Woerd, Wendie Louise
Van Genderen, Keri-Lyn Margaret
Vaziri, Firouzeh
Vilner, Johanna
Virdi, Anurita
Visscher, Melanie Ruth
Voisard, Dominique
Volk, Suzanne Alanna
Wells, Megan Janene
White, Sarah Megan
Wiens, Heidi Micale
Willis, Penelope Mae
Wilson, Hugh Patrick
Wirrell, Andrea Marie
Won, Linda Jean
Wong, Kristy Yat-Chi
Wood, Kathrynn Ann
Workman, William James
Wyatt, Tara Lee Anne
Yee, Wanda
Yorke, Kristi Lynne
Graduate Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries
Alzheimer Society of B.C.
Training Grant
Dr. E. A. Fattah Graduate Scholarship in
Grant, Stacey D.
Odgers, Candice L.
American Hellenic Educational
Progressive Association Graduate
Entomological Society of America
President's Award
Galanopoulos, Panagiotis Takis Dionyssios
American Psychological Association
Student Travel Award
Bedi, Robinder Paul
American Psychology-Law Society:
McEachran, Andrea
Arthur & Ancie Fouks Graduate Entrance
Leyenhorst, Jacoba A.
B.C. Advanced Systems Institute: CSS
Special Graduate Research Fellowship
Au, Ka Sin
B.C. Health Research Foundation
Studentship Grant
Bedi, Robinder Paul
Livadiotakis, Georgia
B.C. Medical Services Foundation
Summer Research Scholarship
Bedi, Robinder Paul
Livadiotakis, Georgia
McEachran, Andrea
Bert Henry Memorial Graduate
Hyslop-Margison, Emery J.
C. D. Nelson Memorial Graduate
Cohen, Jordi
Maxwell, James Beckwith
Sinclair, Robert
Tweedale, Jonathan
Williams, Neil E.
CIHR: Institute of Neuroscience, Mental
Health & Addiction-Brain Star Award
Antle, Michael C.
Canadian Fishing Company Graduate
Mccutchen, Nicole Ann
Mondor, Edward Brian
Entomological Society of British
Columbia Graduate Student Scholarship
Mondor, Edward Brian
Entomological Society of British
Columbia Harold Madsen Award
Mondor, Edward Brian ( 3)
Far Horizons Competition Paper Award
Yu, Ada Oi-Yan
Fonds pour la Formation de Chercheurs
et I' Aide la Recherche (FCAR) Doctoral
Sinclair, Robert
German Canadian Benevolent Society of
British Columbia Aulinger Award in
Fritsch, Teresa
Monks, Douglas Ashley
Carter, James B.
Hewlett Foundation Travel Scholarship
Hyslop-Margison, Emery J.
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage
Employees (IATSE) Local 891
Malm, Aili
Isabel Dawson Memorial Scholarship in
Allen, Trasey Florelle
Murray, Annie Sarah
Au, Ka Sin
Bunce, Paul Evan
Cloutier, Alison
Mccutchen, Nicole Ann
Mondor, Edward Brian
Monks, Douglas Ashley
Shepherd, Philippa C. F.
Stardom, John
Society for Psychotherapy Research
North America (NASPR) Student Travel
Allen, Trasey Florelle
Grant, Stacey D. (2)
Livadiotakis, Georgia
Murray, Annie Sarah
Opus Building Corporation Graduate
Scholarship in Expert Systems
Liao, Yaqin
Rick Hansen Institute: Neurotrauma
Initiative Grant for British Columbia
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Bernstein, Daniel M.
Rotary Club of Burnaby Scholarship
Hyslop-Margison, Emery J.
James L Baillie Student Field Research
Shepherd, Philippa C. F.
Jewish Women International Graduate
Award in Gerontology
Ladner Downs Graduate Scholarship in
Expert Systems
Lis Welch Graduate Scholarship in
Cook Conference Scholarship
M. D. Angus & Associates Graduate
Fellowship in Psychology
Bernstein, Daniel M.
Oberti, Sofia
Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada:
Postgraduate Scholarship
Antle, Michael C.
Old Age Pensioners of British Columbia
Society Scholarship
Heart & Stroke Foundation of B.C. &
Yukon Research Traineeship
Hyslop-Margison, Emery J. (2)
Douglas Cole Memorial Graduate
Entrance Scholarship in Cultural History
Mondor, Edward Brian
Monks, Douglas Ashley
Bedi, Robinder Paul (2)
Au, Ka Sin
Oberti, Sofia
Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada:
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Antle, Michael C.
Malm, Aili
Li, Tianyi
Centre for Systems Science/Faculty of
Applied Sciences Graduate Student
Odgers, Candice L.
Gulf & Fraser Credit Union Scholarship
Allen, Trasey Florelle
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Postdoctoral Fellowship
National Association of Intercollegiate
Athletics: Sears Directors' Cup
Post-Graduate Award
MacMillan-Bloedel MBB Graduate
Smart, James
Science Council of British Columbia:
Graduate Research Engineering &
Technology Scholarship
Raimondi, Nancy
Scott Paper Limited Bicultural Graduate
Entrance Fellowship
Thompson, Bradley Richard
Simon Fraser University Chemistry
Graduate Research Award
Andronic, Laura S.
Simon Fraser University Faculty of
Applied Sciences Dean's Fund Graduate
Cong, Shi
Galanopoulos, Panagiotis Takis Dionyssios
Lam, Joyce Man Wing
Ranaweera, Prabha
Tran, Thanh Luong
Simon Fraser University Faculty of
Science Excellence in Teaching Award
Emerson, Joseph Veilleux
Simon Fraser University Graduate
Adams, Ronald L.
Alexander, Kathryn Jean
Andronic, Laura S. (2)
Antle, Michael C. (2)
Beck, Kumari
Bedi, Robinder Paul (2)
Bernstein, Daniel M. (3)
Burgess, Cliff S.
Chang, Paul
Cloutier, Alison
Cohen, Albert
Cohen, Irwin M. (2)
Currie-Alder, Bruce (2)
Emerson, Joseph Veilleux ( 4)
Galanopoulos, Panagiotis Takis Dionyssios
Grant, Stacey D.
Ho, Harris Kim-Ching
Hui, Ellen Yee Lun
Hyslop-Margison, Emery J.
Kavousian, Shabnam
Leung, Susana Chiu Fu
Leyenhorst, Jacoba A. (3)
Li, Tianyi
Livingston, James David
Lohbrunner, Gwendolyn Kate (2)
Malm, Aili
Markey, Nola M.
Maxwell, James Beckwith
Mayo-Harp, Maria Isabel
McCutchen, Nicole Ann
McEachran, Andrea ( 3)
Mihailova, Kristina S. (2)
Mok, Lucia Nga Sze
Mondor, Edward Brian (3)
Monks, Douglas Ashley (3)
Mopas, Michael S. (2)
Muntigl, Peter (2)
Nielsen, Jason Dennis
Nielson, Christian Thomas
Norman, Kimberley Anne
Odgers, Candice L.
Raimondi, Nancy (2)
Ross, Mary R.
Shepherd, Philippa C. F. (2)
Sinclair, Robert (2)
Smart, James (2)
Smith, Kim Cherie (2)
Stardom, John
Thompson, Bradley Richard
Tikanmaki, Anna
Williams, Neil E.
Wilson, Marie-Claire (2)
Yu, Ada Oi-Yan
Yu, Yang
Zhao, Yong Liang
Simon Fraser University President's Ph.D.
Research Stipend
Alexander, Kathryn Jean
Burgess, Cliff S.
Cohen, Irwin M.
Hyslop-Margison, Emery J.
Monks, Douglas Ashley
Muntigl, Peter
Raimondi, Nancy
Shepherd, Philippa C. F.
Sinclair, Robert
Smart, James
Simon Fraser University School for the
Contemporary Arts Service Award
Warren, Matthew David
Simon Fraser University Special
Graduate Entrance Scholarship
Alexander, Kathryn Jean
Au, Ka Sin
Bunce, Paul Evan
Nielsen, Jason Dennis
Stardom, John
Thompson, Bradley Richard
Social Sciences and Humanities Research
Council of Canada: Doctoral Fellowship
Alexander, Kathryn Jean
Burgess, Cliff S.
Hyslop-Margison, Emery J.
Muntigl, Peter
Terry Fox Gold Medal
Odgers, Candice L.
The G.A.B.C. Chuck Bayley Memorial
Livadiotakis, Georgia
United States Department of Agriculture
Taking Wing Award
Shepherd, Philippa C. F.
Vancouver AM Tourist Services
Association Graduate Scholarship in
Smith, Kim Cherie
William & Jane Saywell Graduate
Scholarship in History
Nielson, Christian Thomas
Undergraduate Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries
For many years, our students have benefited
from the scholarships, awards and bursaries
which have been provided by the many
generous and thoughtful supporters of Simon
Fraser University. We are proud of our students
and their achievements and appreciative of
those who have demonstrated their generosity
and support of higher education.
Hy Aisenstat Scholarships
Alumni Association - Simon Fraser University
Association of Professional Engineers and
Father Michael Bach Memorial Scholarship
Bank of Montreal Undergraduate Scholarship
Mary Batchelor Memorial Scholarship
Keith and Betty Beedie Foundation Scholarship
Arthur and Eva Bell Award in Business
Administration & Economics
Building Owners and Managers Association
Scholarship in Urban Studies
Linda Brideau Memorial Scholarship
Faculty of Business Administration Alumni
CGA Academic Excellence Scholarship
CGA Continuing Education Scholarships
Certified Management Accountants Society of
BC-William C. Easton Scholarship
Carol Chapman Memorial Scholarship
Chevron Canada Limited Scholarship
Chien's Cultural Foundation Scholarship
Cloverdale Paint Incorporated Scholarship
R. Bruce Coles Memorial Scholarship
Columbia College Entrance Scholarship
School for Contemporary Arts Scholarship
Paul Cote Endowment Scholarship in
CREO Electronics Corporation Scholarship
Deloitte Touche Scholarship in Accounting
Mona F. East Entrance Scholarship
Financial Executives Institute Scholarship
Mahatma Gandhi Humanitarian Scholarship
Goel Memorial Scholarship
Hadassah-Wizo Scholarship in Women's
Honourable William M. Hamilton Memorial
Harold Hancheroff Memorial Scholarship in
Sports Education
The Madge Hogarth Scholarships in Education
Bruce Howe Memorial Scholarship in
International Business
Human Resources Management Assoc. of BC
Dr. Alfred E. Hurtado Memorial Scholarship
Institute of Chartered Accountants of BC Business Administration Co-op Education
Institute of Chartered Accountants of BC Desmond O'Brien Memorial Scholarship
Ken and Su Jang Scholarship for Women in
Japanese Canadian Centennial Scholarship
JDS Uniphase Undergraduate Scholarship in
Optics and Photonics
Pauline Jewett Scholarship
Lorne M. Kendall Memorial Scholarship in
Elma Krbavac Undergraduate Scholarship in
Computing Science
Maria Kuchar Accounting Scholarship
Robert H. Lee Scholarship in Business
Evelyn Lett Scholarship
Jerry and Belle Lundie Memorial Scholarship
MacKenzie & Feimann Ltd Scholarship
Ron Macleod Scholarship in Environmental
William and Amelia McMahan Scholarships
Patrick Duncan McTaggart-Cowan Award in
Physical Sciences
MDSI Mobile Data Solutions lnc./Peter Kam
Margaret J. Menzel Memorial Scholarship
Joe and Mary Merchant Scholarship
Mary Cavaness Miller Scholarship
Fred & Elaine Moonen Communication
Gil Moser Memorial Scholarship
Motorola Wireless Data Group Scholarship
Mr. Sub Scholarship in Business
Stanley Morisse Memorial Entrance
Evelyn & Leigh Palmer Scholarship
Phi Delta Kappa Scholarships in Education
Phillips, Hager & North Ltd Scholarship
PMC-Sierra Incorporated Scholarship in
Ravinder Purewal Memorial Scholarship in
Computing Science
Raytheon Systems Canada Ltd Scholarships
Raytheon Systems Canada Ltd Scholarships for
Native Students
E.G. (Robbie) Robertson Scholarship
J. Newton Robinson Memorial Scholarship
Robert Rogow Scholarship
Scientific Atlantic Canada - Nexus Division
Scotiabank Student Scholar in the Faculty of
Business Administration Award
Scotiabank Student Scholar in the Faculty of
Science Award
Joseph and Rosalie Segal Scholarship
Shell Canada Ltd Scholarship in Business
Silent Witness Scholarship in Computing
Simon Fraser University Entrance Scholarships
Simon Fraser University Open Scholarships
Mr and Mrs Erwin Sommer Scholarship in
Sulzer Bingham Pumps Inc. Scholarship
Sunbrite Business Association Scholarship in
Business Administration
John Stell Sykes Scholarship
Trans Canada Pipelines Research Scholarship
in Chemistry
Trans Mountain Pipe Line Company
Paul & Helen Trussell Science Scholarship
Ethel Barbara Tuck Undergraduate
Scholarship in Education
University Women's Club of Vancouver
Vancouver Korean Canadian Scholarship
Foundation Scholarship
Vancouver Port Authority Scholarship in
Watson Wyatt & Company Scholarship in
Actuarial Mathematics
Lis Welch Scholarship in Marketing
Grant Wilson Memorial Scholarship
Lorraine Wintrup Memorial Scholarship
Mildred Wirtanen Scholarship in Business
Wolfe Chevrolet Oldsmobile Scholarship in
Permanent Bursary Endowment Plan
Belkin Packaging Limited
Gretta Bowmer Memorial
Estate of Hans Christiansen
Mark and Phae Collins
(Vancouver Foundation)
Ted Cohen
Jack Diamond - Honorary
Downs/ Archambau It
Drop-in Centre Bursary
David A. Freeman
Ellen Mary Greenaway
John R. Hecht
Stephen Hinchcliff Memorial
A. Koch (Bella Koch Memorial)
Dr. W. Koerner
Mr l.L. Kostman
Mrs Katherine Leshgold
Samuel D. Leshgold
Russell Harry Palmer
Mr and Mrs N.L. Rothstein
M.M. Waterman
In Memory of Mrs M.M. Waterman
Ben Wosk
Mr and Mrs Ben Wosk 40th Wedding
3M Canada Company Bursary in Business
Alspach/Heinrich Bursary
Alumni Association - Simon Fraser University
David Armstrong Memorial Bursary
BC Bond Dealers Association Bursary
BC Exchange Teachers' Association Bursary
BC Shopping Centre Association Bursary
Jean Beaty Memorial Bursary in Education/
University Women's Club of Vancouver
Keith and Betty Beedie Foundation Bursary in
Business Administration
Bel-Par Industries Ltd Bursary
Peter and Elizabeth Belton Bursary in Biology
May Bennett Bursary
Undergraduate Biology Student Union Bursary
Birks Family Foundation Bursary
Louis Phillippe and L. Pierre Bonneau
Memorial Bursary
Honourable Mr and Mrs Angelo Branca
Building Owners and Managers Association
Bursary in Urban Studies
IODE Burnaby Municipal Chapter Bursary
IODE Burquitlam Chapter Bursary
Burrard Charitable Foundation Bursary
Harvey and Dorothy Burt Bursary
Faculty of Business Administration Alumni
Emily Campbell Bursary
Campus Community Bursary
Canadian Federation of University Women Coquitlam Bursary
Canadian Federation of University Women's
Club of North Vancouver Bursary
Canadian Yugoslav Community Association
Undergraduate Bursary
Gloria Garrett Carlton Bursary in Dance
Jim and Penny Cavers Bursary
Chancellor's Undergraduate Bursary
Chien's Cultural Foundation Bursary
Mr & Mrs Leslie Chu Bursary
Adaline May Clark Bursary
Hugh Clark Memorial Bursary in Engineering
Dr. Ed Colhoun Memorial Bursary
Confratellanza ltalo Canadese Bursary
Kenneth Conibear Bursary in English
Connell Lightbody Endowment Bursary
Connor, Clark and Lunn Bursary
Colin A. Conrad Bursary
CUPE Local 15 Vancouver Municipal,
Education and Community Workers' Bursary
Curzon-Digman Bursary
Alfred William Davidson Bursary
De Jong/MacDonald Bursary
Delcan Corporation Bursaries
Father Della-Torre Bursary
Gordon R. Diamond Bursary
Dr. Jack Diamond Bursary
Maurice Dodge Bursary
Faculty of Education Alumni Bursary
Faculty of Education Special Bursary
A John Ellis Bursary in Business
Enchant @ SFU Bursary
Engineers' Wife Association Bursary
English Faculty Honours Bursary
Executive Women International Bursary
Murray Farr Bursary in the Performing Arts
Erm Fiorillo- Hal Davis CKNW Orphans' Fund
Alex W. Fisher Bursary
Lois M. Fisher Bursary
Aird Dundas Flavelle Memorial Bursary
Ancie and Arthur Fouks Bursary in Publishing
Florence Godwin IODE Bursary in Criminology
William Gordon Memorial Bursary
Government of BC Women's Equality Bursaries
Dr. Ben Gullison Bursary
Hamber Foundation Bursary
Henderson Development Ltd Bursary
Madge Hogarth Bursary Fund
Horne Family Alumni Bursary
Dr. Cal Hoyt Bursary in Business
IATSE-Motion Picture Technicians Union Local
891 Bursary
ICBC/Brian Jones Memorial Bursary in
Ken and Su Jang Entrance Bursary
Blayne and Sharon Johnson Bursary
Charles Chan Kent Golden Wedding Memorial
Ralph Kerr Memorial Bursary
Valerie Ann Kilby Memorial Bursary
Laing Property Corporation Bursary
Farida Lalji and Jenny Kaderali Bursary
Harold Lauer B'nai B'rith Foundation (Lion's
Gate Lodge 1716)
Keith Gilbert Loughlin Gerontology Bursary
Sue MacDonald Memorial Bursary
Grace Woodsworth Macinnis Bursary
Tom Mallinson Bursary in Communication
Dorothy May Martin Bursary
Dr. Carol Matusicky Family Studies Bursary
McCavour Family Bursary in Criminology
Lydia McCombie Memorial Bursary
Ed McDougall Memorial/SFU Softball Alumni
Bruce McKelvie Endowment Bursary
John Michael Mclarty Bursary
R.J. McMaster Memorial Bursary
Margaret Lawson McTaggart-Cowan Alumni
Robin Mercer Memorial Bursary in
Dr. Grazia Merler Bursary in French
Minerva Foundation Bursaries
Margaret M. Mitchell Bursaries
Olga and Richard Murray Bursary
Jo-Ann Mychaluk Bursary
Madeleine Nelson/Megan Thomas Bursary
Nitikman/Chan Bursary
Jane Norman Memorial Bursary in Women's
Oakley Family Endowed Bursary in Science
Kelly O'Hagan Memorial Bursary
Evelyn J. Oliver Bursary
Opsimath Club Bursary
Dr. Margaret Ormsby Bursary in History
Pacific National Foundation Endowment
Russell Harry Palmer Bursary
Margaret Anne Paterson Bursary
Rosslyn and Mary Penney Bursary in the
Faculty of Arts
George F. Pensom Fund - Vancouver
Helen Pitt Fund for Fine Arts Bursary
(Vancouver Foundation)
Maureen Pollard Memorial Bursary
IODE Evelyn Price Memorial Bursary
Professional Engineers of BC Hydro Bursary
Office of the Registrar Bursary for Physically
Challenged Students
Hildegard and Cornelius Renner Graduate
Bursary in Education
Sylvia R.H. Rice Memorial
Tom Richardson Memorial Graduate Entrance
George and Muriel Rogers Bursary in the
Faculty of Arts
Rogers Sugar Ltd Bursaries
Robert Rogow Bursary in Business
J. Rose Memorial (Vancouver Foundation)
Donald H. M. Ross Faculty of Arts Bursary
Rotary Club of Vancouver Community Service
Rotary Club of Vancouver Sunrise Entrance
Saskexpo '86 Bursary
William and Jane Saywell Bursary
Sceptre Investment Counsel Limited Bursary
Sceptre Investment Counsel Administrative/
Union Pension Plan Bursary
Seaspan International Bursary
Mrs Rosalie Segal Bursary Endowment Fund
Paul & Ethel Seifner Linguistics Bursaries
Kazuya Shinyashiki Memorial Bursary in
Computing Science
Sierra Systems Bursary in Computing Science
Stanley Sievenpiper Bursary Endowment Fund
Simon Fraser Student Society UCB Pub
SFU Bursary Endowment Fund
SFU Daycare Bursaries
Simon Fraser University Disabled Graduate
Student Award
SFU International Students' Bursaries
SFU International Students Emergency Bursary
Simon Fraser University Open Bursaries
SFU Punjabi Students Association Bursary
SFU Tenth Anniversary Endowment Bursary
Jennifer Allen Simons Bursary
Retail Loss Prevention Association of British
Columbia/Deborah Singer Memorial Bursary
B & B Sivertz Bursary
Harry and Dora Annie Smee Bursary
Merle L. Smith Bursary
Sodexho Marriott Bursaries
Squamish Nation Bursary
Dorothy Sullivan Bursary
Victor J. Sundberg Memorial Bursary in
Engineering Science
Irene May Surbey Bursary
TCG International Bursary
Teacher Savings Credit Union Bursary
Trident Enrichment Society Bursary
TSSU Member Child Care Bursary
Ken Turner Memorial Fund
University Women's Club of Coquitlam Bursary
University Women's Club of Vancouver
Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation Action
Association Bursary
Vancouver Elementary School Teacher's
Association Bursary
Vancouver Executives Association Bursary in
Business Administration
Vancouver Foundation Health Science
Vancouver Horticulture Society Bursary
Charles S. Walker Bursary
Roger Ward Award for Students with a
Learning Disability
Bruce and Lis Welch Bursary in Business
Western Businesswomen's Assoc. Bursary
Morris J. and Dena Wosk Bursary
Fred & Maureen Wright Bursary
Bing Sum Yip Bursary in Business
Elizabeth Young Memorial Bursary Vancouver Business & Professional Women's
John and Isabel Young Bursary
Awards, Medals and Prizes
Essay Prize in African Middle-Eastern Asian
Alumni Association Outstanding Student
Leadership Award
Archaeometry Prize
Noel Archambault Memorial Award in Film
Peter R.B. Armstrong/Rocky Mountaineer
Award for Entrepreneurship
Jane Austen Society Prize
Jean G.K. Bailey Award in Education
G.A.B.C. Chuck Bayley Memorial Award
BC Bearing Engineers Ltd Award
BC Sugar Achievement Award
Samuel Belzberg Award of Excellence in
Biological Sciences Merit Award
British Canadian Chamber of Trade and
Commerce Essay Prize in British History
British Columbia Psychological Association
Richard P. Brolly Prize
Mark and Nancy Brooks Computing Science
Innovation Award
Robert C. Brown Award
Bureau du Quebec Book Prize in Quebec
Business Administration Students Endowment
Fund Prizes (Vancouver Executives Assoc.)
Dr. Maxwell A. Cameron Memorial Medals
and Prize
Bice Caple Awards
The Chan Sisters Foundation Non-Profit Co-op
Employment Grant
Chemistry/Biochemistry Award
Chemistry Book Award-Dr. E.J. Wells
Cohen Fund in Business-J. Segal Prize
Communication Alumni Award
Computing Science Graduation Award
Computing Science Student Society Award
Laurence Mervyn Cox Internships in the
Centre for Research in Academic Writing
Dean of Science Award
Deans' Convocation Medals
Dean's Student Service Award
Jack and Sadie Diamond Secondary School
Entrance Award
DMR Award in Information Technology
Downtown Vancouver Association Award in
Urban Studies
Al Eisenring Gerontology Award
Electronic Arts Inc. Award of Excellence in
computing Science
Engineering Science Undergraduate Student
Project Award
Engineering Undergraduate Student Society
European History Book Prize
First Marathon Inc. Award in Kinesiology
Terry Fox Gold Medal
Alexander Fraser Award in Piping and
Gandhi Essay Award
Glenayre Award in Engineering Science/
Computing Science
Governor General's Silver Medal
Rudi Haering Award in Physics
Stephen Harold Edward Herring Prize
Hong Kong University BC Alumni Award
Institute for the Humanities Travel/Study
Judy Kelly Humanitarian Award
Nick Kravariotis Memorial Scholarship in
Hellenic Studies
Betty Lambert Memorial Prize
Claude E. Lewis Award in Education
Cliff Lloyd Memorial Prize
Barry and E. Anne MacDonald Asia-Canada
lain Ormsaig MacKinnon Memorial Award
Management and Systems Science Prize
Marcia Scholarship in Electroacoustics
Department of Mathematics Awards
Stephen Mcintyre Book Prize in History
Sean Mcleod Memorial Award in Music
Richard Morgan Memorial Book Prize
Muslim Students' Association Award
C.D. Nelson Memorial Prize
Ingrid Nystrom Archaeology Award
Dr. M. Sheila O'Connell Prize for Children's
Margaret Ormsby History Prize
Phillipa Polson Memorial Prize
Helen Pitt Awards for Fine Arts
Professional Development Program Awards of
Psychology Alumni Honours Prize
Eileen Purkiss Memorial Award
Putnam Awards
Radio Station CHMB AMl 320 Award in
Rama Reddy Political Science Award
Roger's Communications Inc. Award in
Gordon M. Shrum Gold Medal
SFU Accounting Club Award
Simon Fraser University Gold Medal and Prize
in History
Simon Fraser University Piping Awards
Simon Fraser University Pipe Band Memorial
Simon Fraser University Service Awards
(Contemporary Arts)
Ted Sinnot Memorial Prize
Robert L. Stanfield Book Prize (Political
Science Endowment Fund)
Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science
William A. (Bill) Stewart Volunteer Leadership
F.W. Sullivan Visual Arts Award
Prize of the Ambassador of Switzerland to
Winnie Topping Memorial Prize
Dr. Abe Unrau Memorial Co-op Prize
U.S. Embassy Essay Prize in History
Volunteers of the Burnaby Art Gallery Award
in the Visual Arts
Joan H. Walter Memorial Award
Webber Chemistry Co-op Book Prizes
Roger G. Welch Alumni Prize
Brian Williamson Memorial Award in
Athletic Awards
Bob Ackles Sports Administration Award
Yolande D. Anderson Basketball Award
G.F. Kym Anthony Endowment Fund
Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc. Athletic Award
Aqua-demic Award
C.G. "Chuck" Arnold Golf Award
Athlete Assistance Awards
Athletic Entrance Awards
Athletic & Recreation Awards
Jason Auramenko Endowed Golf Award
Jason Auramenko Memorial Golf Award
Bank of Nova Scotia Football Award
Beedie Construction Company Ltd (Keith &
Betty Beedie) Award in Women's Softball
Best Cleaners Athletic Award
BC Athlete Assistance Program
BC Central Credit Union
BC Lions Athletic Award
BC Television Broadcasting System Limited
Athletic Award
BC Wrestling Association Alumni Award
John Buchanan Men's Soccer Scholarship
Canadian Airlines International Ltd
Canadian National Railways
Carrera Alumni Award in Wrestling
Jim Ciccone Men's Basketball Award
Clansmen Athletic Alumni Society Award
Coca-Cola Student Athlete Awards
Moira Colbourne Alumni Scholarship
W. Lorne Davies Athletic Excellence Award
W. Lorne Davies Senior Graduation Award
Larry Davis/Penn-Gold Resources Inc. PNB
Award in Golf
William "Bill" De Vries Athletic Award
Les and Greg Edgelow Wrestling Award
Field Hockey Endowment Fund Award
Jim Forsythe Olympian Award
Kelly Franks Memorial Swimming Award
Rick Hansen Athletic Award
Dr. T. Peter Harmon Wrestling Award
Robert F. Harrison and Partners Award
Wayne Holm Football Scholarship
Inda-Canadian Wrestling Award
Intramural Involvement Award
Mike Jones Wrestling Award
Rick Jones Memorial Scholarship
Keg Restaurants Limited Athletic Award
Nick Kiniski Wrestling Award
Jon-Lee Kootnekoff Basketball Award
Labatt Breweries Award in Soccer
Labatt Breweries of BC Limited Football
The Leon J. Ladner Athletic Award
Landmark Truss & Lumber Inc. Wrestling
Howie Larke Sport Information Scholarship
McDonalds Restaurants Athletic Award
Paul Nemeth Wrestling Award
David and Brenton Nichols Award in Athletics
Northern British Columbia Softball Award in
Women's Softball
Luis Passaglia Football Award
D.B. Perks & Associates Ltd. Award in
Swimming and Diving
Murray Pezim Award in Football
Rae/Suart Alumni Athletic Award in Men's
Rae/Suart Alumni Athletic Award in Women's
Recreation Leadership Awards
Royal Canadian Legion Branch #2
Royal City Travel Limited Athletic Award
Scotiabank Award in Soccer
Scotiabank Student Athlete Awards
Scott Paper Alumni Award
Servipetrol Wrestling Award
Dr. Gordon Shrum Athletic Award
Simon Fraser University Alumni Soccer Award
SFU Athletic Awards
Simon Fraser University Athletic Scholarships
Simon Fraser University Swimming Alumni
Simon Fraser University "The Challenge" Golf
Simon Fraser University Track and Field
Alumni Scholarship
Simon Fraser University Women's Soccer
Softball Associations Presidents' Award in
Women's Softball
Sandra Spence Memorial Wrestling Award
Victor Spencer Athletic Award
Bob Spray Rugby Awards
Student Athlete Support Award
Annis Stukus Award in Football
Lynn K. Sully Athletic Award
Florence and Lynn Sully Basketball Award
Lynn and Florence Sully Award in Women's
Team Skyline Ltd Athletic Award
D. W. Thomson Consultants Ltd Athletic
Brit Townsend Women's Track and Field
Barbara J. Towriss Women's Basketball Award
Jay Triano Basketball Award
Valley Royals Award in Track and Field
Vancouver Golf Club/MCL Motors Golf
Tournament Award in Golf
Vancouver Ski Club Award
Water Polo Award
West Coast Reduction Ltd Athletic Award
White Rock Renegades Women's Softball
Women's Athletic Awards (She Can Playl)
A Special Thank You to Simon Fraser
University Alumni and Friends
Alumni and friends provide invaluable support to Simon Fraser University. Your
commitment is essential to advancing the mission and programs of SFU, both on
campus and throughout the broader community.
You have demonstrated that you believe in Simon Fraser University and take
pride in our history and accomplishments. As a result of your financial generosity,
many students are assisted through scholarships and bursaries, and our Library is
able to acquire much-needed materials on a regular basis.
Thank you for making Simon Fraser University a stronger, better place. We will
continue, working together, to build enduring partnerships between SFU and its
graduates, supporters and friends.
(For further information, contact Director, Alumni Relations, 211 8 Strand Hall,
Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby BC VSA 1S6.
Telephone: 604-291-41 54. Email: alumni@sfu.ca)

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