2015-2016 School Directory
2015-2016 School Directory
“Reaching New Heights Together” Employee Directory 2015 – 2016 Academic Year Jennifer K. Hill, Director of Human Resources Dr. Barry Williams, Superintendent -1- Gates County Public Schools Employee Directory 2015-2016 Gates County Board of Education 252-357-1113 / 252-357-0207 Fax 205 Main Street Post Office Box 125 Gatesville, NC 27938 Dr. Barry Williams, Superintendent Gatesville Elementary School 252-357-0613 / 252-357-2809 Fax 709 North Main Street Post Office Box 187 Gatesville, NC 27938 Scott Corrente, Principal Grade PreK – 5 Gates County High School 252-357-0720 / 252-357-2058 Fax 088 Highway 158 West Gatesville, NC 27938 Tammi Ward, Principal Jonathan Hayes, Assistant Principal Aron Martin, Assistant Principal Grades 9 – 12 T. S. Cooper Elementary School 252-465-4091 / 252-465-4238 Fax 237 NC Highway 32 South Post Office Box 58 Sunbury, NC 27979 Jeremy Wright, Principal Grades K - 5 Exceptional Children 252-357-1611 ext. 227 / 252-357-1106 Fax Chante Jordan, Director Central Middle School 252-357-0470 / 252-357-1319 Fax 362 US Highway 158 West Gatesville, NC 27938 James Woods, Principal Trisha Walton, Assistant Principal Grades 6-8 New Beginnings Day Care Center 252-357-3303 / 252-357-2809 Fax Jo Chatman, Director More @ Four / Preschool 252-357-4133 / 252-357-2809 Fax Lori Ward, Coordinator 709 North Main Street Post Office Box 125 Gatesville, NC 27938 Buckland Elementary School 252-357-1611 / 252-357-1106 Fax 448 NC Highway 37 North Post Office Box 68 Gates, NC 27937 Gail Hawkins, Principal Grades K – 5 Gates County Community Center 252-357-0677 / 252-357-3070 Fax 130 US Highway 158 West Post Office Box 125 Gatesville, NC 27938 Lulu Eure, Director -2- Central Office Staff Phone: 252-357-1113 ext. __ E-mail: __________ @gatescountyschools.net Superintendent Dr. Barry Williams williamsb Assistant to Superintendent/Clerk to the Board Cathy Riddick ext. 32 riddickcr Chief Academic Officer/Federal Programs Tammy Boone ext. 23 boonetr Director of Student Services/PIO Adrienne Bradley ext. 25 bradleyas Receptionist/Administrative Assistant Curriculum /Student Services Devin Riddick ext. 37 riddickde Director of Human Resources Jennifer Hill ext. 42 hilljk Human Resources Assistant Barbara Knight ext. 32 knightbj Director of School Nutrition Paula Simpson ext. 29 simpsonpj School Nutrition Bookkeeper Robin Hunter ext. 39 hunter rd Director of Testing/Student Data Lola Rountree ext. 36 rountreeln -3- Central Office Staff Phone: 252-357-1113 ext. __ E-mail: __________ @gatescountyschools.net Finance Officer Rube Blanchard ext. 22 blanchardrf Accounts Payable/Receivable/Payroll Erika Legg ext. 26 leggew Payroll/Benefits Deborah Jordan ext. 40 jordandl Finance Clerk/E-Rate Technology Assistant Steven Harrell ext. 30 harrellst Director of Technology John Smith smithjl Director of Exceptional Children’s Programs Chante Jordan 357-1611 Ext. 227 jordancl Exceptional Children’s Programs Assistant Stephanie Riddick 357-1611 riddickst Director New Beginnings Day Care Center Jo Chatman 357-3303 chatmanjd More @ Four/Preschool Coordinator Lori Ward 357-4133 wardls -4- Maintenance Department Phone: 252-357-1440 Fax: 252-357-1961 E-mail: __________ @gatescountyschools.net Director of Maintenance/Facilities IPM/AHERA Joe Harrell (harrelljd) Maintenance Administrative Assistant Chemical Hygiene Officer Lynne Rountree (rountreelj) Custodian/Grounds Supervisor Jesse Matthews (matthewsjj) HVAC/Electrician/WasteWater Operator Randy Lowe (lowehr) Waste Water Operator Safety/Carpenter Ken Cowper (cowperkw) Plumber II Bracey Perry (perrybl) Laborer Martin Parker (parkermm) Electrician/HVAC Technician Johnny Greene (greenejo) Custodians by School Buckland Elementary Paula Walker (Full-time) Kendrick Harrison (Part-time) Ulysis Knight, Jr. (Part-time) Gatesville Elementary Isaac Baker (Full-time) Alronda Hathaway (PT) Kendrick McCullough(PT) Pam Beamon (PT) Central Middle Morris Eure (Full-time) Ronald Rodgers (Full-time) T. S. Cooper Elementary Loren Wright (Full-time) Gloria Knight (Part-time) Travis Copeland (Part-time) Gates County High Carolyn Johnson (Full-time) Rayshawn Gatling (Part-time) Earl Ralph (Full-time) Carroll Johnson (Part-time) Edward Geis (Full-time) Central Office/Maintenance/Bus Garage/Courier Lisa Knight-Ralph (Part-time) -5- Bus Garage Phone: 252-357-0606 Fax: 252-357-2683 E-mail: __________ @gatescountyschools.net Director of Transportation Carl Cox (coxcb) Admin. Assistant/Cost Clerk Andrea Roach (Email: roachah) Mechanic II Justin Boone (booneej) Mechanic II Randy Williams Bus Drivers by School Buckland Elementary Janice Knight Penny Pittman Delois Williams Gatesville Elementary Schardi Beasley Vicky Jones Jean Knight Deborah Smith Robin Spivey Latoya Wilson Benecia Spivey T. S. Cooper Elementary Michelle Broughman Debbie Faulk Timothy Jordan Miriam Walker Central Middle Paulette Williams Jane Hamilton Angela Harrison Shwanda McCullough Jennifer Odom Sherry Reid Mary Scott LakishaVann Gates County High Aretha Boone Cindy Jefferson Melissa Jordan Taurus Jordan Denise Perfetto Antonio Watson Ernestine Wilson Bus Monitor Hilda Roscoe (GES) Catherine Farrell (GES) -6- School Nutrition Phone: 252-357-1113 ext. 29 Fax: 252-357-0207 E-mail: __________ @gatescountyschools.net Director of School Nutrition Dr. Paula Simpson (Email: simpsonpj) Child Nutrition Bookkeeper Robin Hunter (Email: hunterrd) Child Nutrition Delivery Driver Jesse Matthews (matthewsjj) Child Nutrition Staff by School Buckland Elementary Judy Harrell, Manager (Email: harrelljc) Barbara Sears Gloria Myrick Fenton Bond Gatesville Elementary Sarah Williams, Manager (Email: williamssl) Cynthia Ruffin-Moore Maelyn Ross Lisa Ralph T. S. Cooper Elementary Lisa Copeland, Manager (Email: copelandlc) Shirleen Figgs Lorraine Wiggins Central Middle Chinita Wolfrey, Manager (Email: wolfreycr) Vanda Bond Shwanda McCullough Fred Harvey Gates County High Annette Riddick, Manager (Email: riddickal) Rene Cowart Debbie Faulk Patricia Boone -7- School Nurses E-mail: __________ @gatescountyschools.net Heather Boyce, RN, BSN, NCSN (Email: boycehm) Monday GCHS Tuesday Buckland Elementary Wednesday GCHS Thursday Buckland Elementary Friday Administrative/Flexible Day* Ann Jacox, RN, BSN NCSN (Email: jacoxat) Kay Wiggins, RN, BSN, NCSN, Lead Nurse (Email: wigginskn) Monday T. S. Cooper Elementary Gatesville Elementary Tuesday Gates County High Central Middle Wednesday T. S. Cooper Elementary Gatesville Elementary Thursday Gates County High Central Middle Friday Administrative/Flexible Day* Administrative/Flexible Day *Administrative/Flexible Day: Nurse goes to either school assigned as needed to work on paperwork or other items. -8- Gates County Community Center Phone: 252-357-0677 Fax: 252-357-3070 E-mail: __________ @gatescountyschools.net Director of Community Center Lulu Eure (Email: eurecl) Recreation Director Renee Nicholson Maintenance Robert Dildy Part-time Supervisor Guy Holley Faye Moore Fitness Specialist Connie Wolfrey (wolfreyc) -9- Buckland Elementary School Phone: 252-357-1611 Fax: 252-357-1106 E-mail: __________ @gatescountyschools.net Staff Position Gail Hawkins (hawkinsgh) Janet Lilley (lilleyjr) Kelley Harris (harriske) Principal Secretary/Receptionist/Bookkeeper Secretary/Power School Data Mgr. & Testing Grade Level Teacher Teacher Assistant Kindergarten Armecia Boyce (boyceab) Sandy Savage (savagesd) Cynthia Perry (perrycs) Kristal Brooks (brookskm) First Grade Susan Bazemore (bazemoresm) Angela (JoJo) Nichols (nicholsjj) Alisha Hawk (hawkal) Margie Asbell (asbellmj) Reading Specialist Elaine Vaughan (vaughaneb) Second Grade Susan Parker (parkersh) Eboni Branch (branchea) Third Grade Language Arts/SS Math/Science Ruby Holder (holderrm) Carol Wartian (wartianca) Fourth Grade Math/Science Language Arts/SS Anita Winn (winnah) April Sheets (sheetsat) Fifth Grade Language Arts/SS Math/Science Avis Holley (holleya) Michelle Newsome (newsomema - 10 - Buckland Elementary School – Continue Exceptional Children Richard Turner (turnerra) Speech Heather Boyd (boydhv) Psychologist Vacant Music Susan Braatz (braatzsf) School Nurse Heather Boyce (boycehm) Guidance/Testing Vacant Health/P. E. Nathan Brown (brownnd) Media Coordinator Linda Collins-Brickhouse (brickhouselc) - 11 - Robin H. Boone (boonerh) Laurie Morse (morsel) Anna Ewell (ewellma) Gatesville Elementary School Phone: 252-357-0613 Fax: 252-357-2809 E-mail: __________ @gatescountyschools.net Staff Position Scott Corrente (correntesm) Virginia (Ginny Cowper (cowpervf) Lisa Jernigan (jerniganl) Principal Bookeeper/Office Asst. Power School Data Mgr./Receptionist Grade Level Teacher Teacher Assistant Pre-K Helen Smith (smithhh) Elayne Eure (eureew) Sharon Riddick (riddickss) Holly Harmon (harmonhm) Pamela Hoskins (hoskinspm) Mary Bunch (umphlettemp) Kindergarten Pascale Harrell (harrellpl) Christy Stevens (stevenscc) Leslie Keith (keithln) Cathie Eason (easoncl) Linda Combo (combold1) Sharon Batts (battssh) First Grade Rusty Boyd (boydrl) Tammy Evans (evanstj) Heather Dennt Joyce Cutler (cutlerjc) Second Grade Robin Brown (brownrd) Crystal Lee (leecl) Betty Perry (lilesbp) Third Grade Lori Lolies (loliesls) Laura Dickerson (dickersonle) Hannah Szymanik (szymanikhm) Fourth Grade Arlene Bass (bassae) Kim Kirby (kirbykm) Kendal Owens (owenskj) Fifth Grade Staley-Marie White (whitesp) Courtney Hale (halech) Lauren Bright (brightls) - 12 - Gatesville Elementary School – Continued Exceptional Children Amanda P. Dillard (phelpsan) Sherry Jones (jonessj) Teacher Assistant Annie R. Olson (rountreead) Becky Davis Speech Heather Boyd (boydhv) Lori Ward (loriward) Assigned to Buckland School Nurse Kay Wiggins (wigginskn) Guidance/Testing Aretha Williams-Ruffin (ruffinac) Dance Suzanne Newbern (newborns) Health/P. E. Andrew Riddick (riddicka) Media Coordinator Heather Matthews (matthewshw) - 13 - T. S. Cooper Elementary School Phone: 252-465-4091 Fax: 252-465-4238 E-mail: __________ @gatescountyschools.net Staff Position Jeremy Wright (wrightje) Lauren Hargett (hargettlm) Principal Power School Data Manager/Testing Coordinator Receptionist/Bookkeeper Mary Eure (euremk) Grade Level Teacher Teacher Assistant Kindergarten Linda Nowlin (nowlinls) Lisa Wilkins (lassiterlr) Wanda Hathaway (hathawaywh) Martha Walton (waltonml) First Grade Brittany Parker (parkerbm) Meredith Pritchett(pritchettma) Vicki Moore (moorevg) Gloria Wiggins (wigginsgb) Second Grade Beth Copeland (copelandbw) Iben Bogues (boguesit) Martha Walton (waltonml) Wanda Hathaway (hathawaywh) Third Grade Math and Science Reading/Social Studies Marcia Hobbs (hobbsmp) Kenneth Moors (moorskl) Vicki Moore (moorevg) Gloria Wiggins (wigginsgb) Fourth Grade Math/Science Language Arts/SS Sherry Kight (sherrykight) Pat Handy (handypw) Connie Umphlett (umphlettcj) Fifth Grade Science Mary Hobbs (hobbsms) Wanda Harrell (harrellwj) Math Reading/Social Studies Lovie Roscoe (roscoelk) Tony Coley (coleytl) - 14 - T. S. Cooper Elementary School – Continued Exceptional Children Shirley Greene (greeness) Amy Roth (rotham) Speech Lynette Sawyer (sawyerlw2) School Nurse Ann Jacox (jacoxat) Guidance Diana Wiggins (wigginsdb) Music Kristi Steiner-Winn (winnkl) Health/P. E. Adrienne Beasley (campbellaf) Media Coordinator Janice Askew (askewjm) Technology Assistant Wanda Harrell (harrellwj) - 15 - Brenda Riddick (riddickbb) Central Middle School Phone: 252-357-0470 Fax: 252-357-1319 E-mail: __________ @gatescountyschools.net Staff Position James Woods (woodsja) Trisha Walton (waltontd) Heidi Bright (brighthll) Monica Hathaway (hathawayma) Principal Assistant Principal Secretary/Bookkeeper Administrative Assistant Grade Level Sixth Grade Math English/Language Arts Social Studies Science Exceptional Children Health/P.E. Computer/Keyboarding Band Seventh Grade Math Teacher Teacher Assistant Amy Hall (hallab) Alice Casterlow (casterlowac) Kathryn Eure (eureka) Elaine Simpson (simpsonse) Christopher Stiles (stilesce) Donald Hudson (hudsondl) Kirbylynn Parker (parkerkp) James Liles (lilesjm) Tracy Fletcher (fletchertl) Leigh Markham (morganrl) Deidre House (housedr) Karen Greene (greenek) English/Language Arts Krystle Williams (williamskw) Whitney Farmer (farmerwa) Social Studies Janet McElfresh (mcelfreshjl) Science Mary Riddick (riddickme) Deborah West (westdc) Exceptional Children Regina Bracy (bracyrb) Health/P. E. Computer Applications Band Lauren Lilley (lilleyle) Beverly Plyler (plylerbt) Leigh Markham (morganrl) - 16 - Rosalind Dillard (dillardrl) Central Middle School – Continued Eighth Grade Math Jennifer Dail (dailjl) Christina Hutchinson (hutchinsoncl) English/Language Arts Amanda Hobbs (keelab) Crystal Owens (owenscd) Social Studies Amber Buxton (buxtonal) Science Linda Lenau (lenauls) Health/P. E. Charlie Campbell (campbellcd) Computer Whitney Hobbs (perrywl) Art John Long (longjt) Band Leigh Markham (morganrl) School Nurse Kay Wiggins (wigginskn) Guidance Counselor Danielle Richardson (richardsondn) Testing Coordinator/ Kristen Ward (wardka) Power School Data Manager Social Worker Gail Harris (harrisgm) Media Coordinator Stacy White (whitess) Behavior Specialist Carolyn Eason (easoncb) - 17 - Gates County High School Phone: 252-357-0720 Fax: 252-357-2058 E-mail: __________ @gatescountyschools.net Staff Position Tammi Ward (wardtd) Jonathan Hayes (hayesjw) LaWanda Daughtery (waltonls) Sonya Godwin (godwinse) Michelle Gregory (gregorycm) Principal/CTE Director Assistant Principal/Testing Coord. Administrative Assistant Secretary/Bookkeeper Power School Data Manager Departments Teacher Email Address English/Language Arts Crystal Hawks Tivantee Reid Susan Brown Amy Cooper Alegrea Boone blowecl reidtd brownsm coopera robinsonam Spanish Renee Perry Randy Bratton perryjr brattonre Mathematics Lauren Frances Peggy Walston Amy Moore Lisa Perry francislh walstonpj forwardar perryll Social Studies Susan Casper Thomas Evans Bill Jones Aaron Crofut Angus McKellar caspersw evanstc jonesbw crofutam mckellaraj Science Teri Campbell Rachael Badgett Renee Kittrell Graylen Boone campbelltt badgettrl kittrellrs boonegl - 18 - Gates County High School – continued Exceptional Children Phillipa Smith Melissa White Teresa White smithpm whitemh whitets Health/P. E. Matt Biggy Leslie Wright Jacob Harrell biggymp wrightl harrellja Career/Technical Education Instruction Mgm’t Coord. Rebecca Leary Business Lawrence Cherry Brandon Matthews learyrb cherryle matthewsb Family/Consumer Science Mona Rawls Michele Warren rawlsmp warrenmi Allied Health Agriculture CDC Lisa Ward Anne Brinkley Ann Harrell wardlr brinkleyam harrellal Flight School (Lab Facilitator) Monica McPherson Lab Assistant Cindy Barber mcphersonmm barbercs Visual/Performing Arts/Band Visual Art Samantha Guy Dance Sherri Russell Drama Barbara Toti Music/Band Leigh Markham School Nurse Heather Boyce Ann Jacox Guidance 9th/10th Joan Bundy Guidance 11th/12th Natosha Fradillada Social Worker Buffy Edwards Media/Librarian Tamara Simons In-School Suspension Robin R. Boone Technology Technician Malcolm Sears Testing/Technology Debra Boyce guysj russellsh totibb morganrl boycehm jacoxat bundyjh lucasnk edwardsbt simonsst boonerr searsma boycedt - 19 - TeacherAssistant Wendy Raynor (raynorw) Wayne Hathaway (hathawayw) Beverly Knight (knightbb) New Beginnings Day Care Center Phone: 252-357-3303/4255 Fax: 252-357-2809 E-mail: __________ @gatescountyschools.net Staff Position Jo Dee Chatman (chatmanjd) Day Care Director/Teacher Kimberly Johnson (johnsonkr) Day Care Teacher Earlene Hayes (Hayesek) Day Care Teacher Sandra Dillard (dillardsd) Day Care Teacher Day Care Assistant Susie Lamb (lambsl) Mary Eason ( easonml) Linda Freeman (Freemanla) Charlene Walker (walkercy) Tanya Jones (jonestm) Substitute Teacher Vickie Lemaster (Lemastervd) Jordan Hofler (Hoflerje) More @ Four / Preschool Phone: 252-357-4133 Fax: 252-357-2809 E-mail: __________ @gatescountyschools.net Staff Position Lori Ward (loriward) Coordinator - 20 -
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