A complex singlet with dark matter
A complex singlet with dark matter
Constraining phase diagrams with A complex singlet with dark matter Rita Coimbra Marco Sampaio : Rui Santos gravitation.web.ua.pt 15 september 2013 Based on: Eur. Phys. J. C (2013) 73 [arXiv:1301.2599] Rita Coimbra (LIP) Constraining phase diagrams with 15 september :A complex 2013 singlet1with / 24dar Outline 1 Motivation 2 Review of the Complex Singlet Model 3 Constraints: theoretical & experimental 4 Results 5 Conclusions Rita Coimbra (LIP) Constraining phase diagrams with 15 september :A complex 2013 singlet2with / 24dar Motivation Besides the success of SM, SM does not explain, for instances, I the existence of dark matter I the measured baryon asymetry of the universe Why complex singlet to test Scanners program? I I I I it’s the simplest extension to SM but can provide a viable dark matter candidate can achieve electroweak baryogenesis through a strong first-order phase transition during the era of EWSB it has some structure to test ScannerS Rita Coimbra (LIP) Constraining phase diagrams with 15 september :A complex 2013 singlet3with / 24dar Complex scalar singlet extension of SM Add a complex scalar field S = S + i A to the scalar sector of the SM The most general renormalizable potential with Z2 (S ! S) and U(1) (S ! ei↵ S) symmetries (Barger et al., arXiv:0811.0393) VcxSM = m2 † b2 d2 2 H H + (H † H)2 + H † H|S|2 + |S|2 + |S|4 2 4 2 2 4 ✓ ◆ b1 2 + S + a1 S + c.c. 4 Depending on the potential parameters we can have I I particle spectra with or without DM candidates and scalar particles that may mixture with SM Higgs boson. Rita Coimbra (LIP) Constraining phase diagrams with 15 september :A complex 2013 singlet4with / 24dar Classification of indepedent models and their phases Expand around 1 hHi = p 2 ✓ 0 v ◆ , 1 hSi = p (vS + ivA ), 2 (v = 246) Imposing local minimum conditions with EWSB we obtain the following classification for different models and phases: Model U(1) symmetry (a1 = b1 = 0) Z2 ⇥ Z02 (a1 = 0) Z02 (a1 2 R) Rita Coimbra (LIP) Phase 1 Higgs + 2 degenerate DM 2 mixed Higgs + 1 Goldstone 1 Higgs + 2 DM 2 mixed Higgs + 1 DM 2 mixed Higgs + 1 DM 3 mixed Constraining phase diagrams with VEV’s at minimum hS = 0i hA = 0i hS = 0i hA = 0i hA = 0i hS 6= 0i 15 september :A complex 2013 singlet5with / 24dar Example: Z02 model Symmetric phase: 2 mixed Higgs + 1 DM 0 1 0 higgs with125 GeV ! H1 cos sin @ H2 A = @ sin cos A0 0 0 10 1 0 h 0 A@ S A 1 A Broken phase: 3 mixed higgs 0 1 0 10 1 higgs with125 GeV ! H1 M1h M1S M1A h @ H2 A = @ M2h M2S M2A A @ S A H3 M3h M3S M3A A with Rita Coimbra (LIP) MT M = 1 Constraining phase diagrams with 15 september :A complex 2013 singlet6with / 24dar Theoretical constraints Stability conditions on i (routine CheckStability in ScannerS): the scalar potential is bounded from below only if >0 ^ d2 > 0 ^ ( 2 2 > d2 if 2 < 0) Global minimum (routine CheckGlobal in ScannerS): closed expressions for stationary points that can be below the local minimum we selected Imposing tree level unitarity in 2 ! 2 high energy scattering I SM: mH . 700 GeV CxSM: (making d2 = I This is done automatically with generic routine in ScannerS. I = 0 we reproduce SM) q 3 | | 16⇡, |d2 | 16⇡, | 2 | 16⇡, + d2 ± (3/2 + d2 )2 + d22 16⇡ 2 2 Electroweak Precision Observables: we calculate the variation of the S, T and U and check whether they fall into the 95% ellipsoid. Rita Coimbra (LIP) Constraining phase diagrams with 15 september :A complex 2013 singlet7with / 24dar Experimental constraints: Dark Matter Relic Density Dark Matter Relic Density from WMAP ⌦cdm h2 = 0.112 ± 0.006 (h is the Hubble constant) Thermal relic density: ⌦A h2 ⇠ 1/ h ann vrel i Annihilation processes that contribute to the thermally averaged cross section (2Higgs+1DM phase), mediated by the two Higgs eigenstates (fig from Barger et al. [arXiv:0811.0393]) The relic density for DM candidate is calculated with micrOMEGAS and is excluded if it is above the limit for relic density ⌦h2 > 0.112 (we can have another DM contributor) Rita Coimbra (LIP) Constraining phase diagrams with 15 september :A complex 2013 singlet8with / 24dar Result on spin-independent WIMP-nucleon scattering from XENON100 (arXiv:1207.5988) WIMP-Nucleon Cross Section [cm2] 10-39 XENON100 (2012) DAMA/Na 10-40 observed limit (90% CL) Expected limit of this run: ± 1 σ expected ± 2 σ expected CoGeNT DAMA/I 10-41 SIMPLE XENON10 (2011) (2012) CRESST-II (2012) 10-42 ZEP -43 II (2 LIN-I EDELWEISS (2011/12) 10 CDMS 012) PP (2 COU ON1 ) (2010/11 XEN 012) 011) 00 (2 10-44 10-45 6 7 8 910 20 30 40 50 200 100 300 400 1000 WIMP Mass [GeV/c2] We exclude a point in parameter space if, for a given DM mass, the scaled cross section scaled > XENON100 scaled Rita Coimbra (LIP) = A Constraining phase diagrams with ⌦A h 2 0.112 15 september :A complex 2013 singlet9with / 24dar Experimental constraints: Collider searches for the SM Higgs boson Predicted signal strength µ for each search channel µi = ⇥ BrNew (Hi ! XSM ) BrNew (Hi ! XSM ) = Mih2 BrSM (hSM ! XSM ) SM (hSM ) ⇥ BrSM (hSM ! XSM ) New (Hi ) where Mih = (cos , sin ) or (M1h , M2h , M3h ) and Mih2 (hSM ! XSM ) BrNew (Hi ! XSM ) = 2 BrSM (hSM ! XSM ) Mih (hSM ! XSM ) + (Hi ! newscalars) For example, the decay width for a process Hi ! Hj Hj (if MHi > 2MHj ) (Hi ! Hj Hj ) = Rita Coimbra (LIP) gijj2 32⇡mi Constraining phase diagrams with v u u t1 4mj2 mi2 15 september :A complex 2013singlet 10with / 24dar + - 95% CL limit on ξ B(H→τ τ ) 1 LEP (b) √s = 91-210 GeV – H→bb 1 LEP (c) √s = 91-210 GeV H→τ+τ- 2 2 – 95% CL limit on ξ B(H→bb) Experimental constraints: Collider searches -1 10 -2 10 20 2 = 40 60 80 100 120 -1 10 -2 10 20 40 60 80 100 120 2 !2m (GeV/c2) mH(GeV/c ) H gHi ZZ ⇥ BrNew (Hi ! SM) = µi ⇥ BrSM (hSM ! SM) SM gHZZ We applied limits from bb̄ and ⌧ + ⌧ Rita Coimbra (LIP) Constraining phase diagrams with channel. 15 september :A complex 2013singlet 11with / 24dar Experimental constraints: Collider searches Combined 95% CL exclusion limits on LHC signal normalized to SM prediction µi as a function of mH (arXiv:1207.7214) For mh = 125 GeV we exclude points outside the range µi = 1.1 ± 0.4 For the other scalar particle we apply the 95% CL combined ATLAS upper limits on µi as a function of mi Rita Coimbra (LIP) Constraining phase diagrams with 15 september :A complex 2013singlet 12with / 24dar Scan over the phase space Scan with 106 points uniformly generated in phase space mh = 125 GeV Other scalar masses: 0 < m < 300(500) GeV in standard (wide) run v = 246 GeV Other vev’s: 0 < vS , vA < 500 (1000) GeV in standard (wide) run Rita Coimbra (LIP) Constraining phase diagrams with 15 september :A complex 2013singlet 13with / 24dar Phase Diagram for Model 2 cSM2 |M1h | cSM2 (mix & all bounds) cSM2 (1DM & all bounds) mlight (GeV) |M1h | cSM2 (mix & all bounds) cSM2 (1DM & all bounds) mheavy (GeV) We can say if we are observing the lighter or the heavier scalar given a measurement of M1h and the mass of a new scalar in a region exclusively of the "mix" phase (in pink), excluding the DM phase. p M1h ⇡ µ if 125 GeV is not allowed to decay to any of the other p scalars (M1h & 0.84 1 LHC bound for µ) Rita Coimbra (LIP) Constraining phase diagrams with 15 september :A complex 2013singlet 14with / 24dar Phase Diagram for Model 2 cSM2 |Mih | cSM2 (mix & all bounds) cSM2 (1DM & all bounds) |Mih | mlight (GeV) cSM2 (mix & all bounds) cSM2 (1DM & all bounds) mheavy (GeV) We can say if we are observing the lighter or the heavier scalar given a measurement on LHC of Mih and the mass of a new scalar in a region exclusively of the "mix" phase (in pink), excluding the DM phase. From experimental bounds: |Mih | . 0.55. Rita Coimbra (LIP) Constraining phase diagrams with 15 september :A complex 2013singlet 15with / 24dar Conclusions We applied ScannerS to the complex singlet model using I I I theoretical constraints, updated LHC and LEP data, dark matter data. By measuring physical particle masses and mixing angles we found that I I I identification of the phase that is realized in Nature is possible in some cases, we can exclude the dark matter phase with a simultaneous measurement of the mass of a non-dark matter scalar together with its mixing angle we can say whether the new scalar is the lightest or the heaviest. Rita Coimbra (LIP) Constraining phase diagrams with 15 september :A complex 2013singlet 16with / 24dar BACKUP SLIDES Rita Coimbra (LIP) Constraining phase diagrams with 15 september :A complex 2013singlet 17with / 24dar Example: 2 mixed Higgs + 1 DM phase Minimum conditions: m2 = b2 = 2 v2 b1 2 v2 2 S p a1 2 2 vS d2 2 v 2 S 2 2 v2 At the minimum the mass matrix (second derivative) is 1 0 2 2 mh2 mh,S mh,A B 2 C 2 @ mh,S mS2 mS,A A= 2 2 mh,A mS,A mA2 0 v 2 /2 2 v vp S /2 2 @ = 2a1/vS 2 v vS /2 d2 vS /2 0 0 Rita Coimbra (LIP) Constraining phase diagrams with b1 0 0 p 2a1 vS (1) 1 A 15 september :A complex 2013singlet 18with / 24dar Electroweak Precision Observables The effects of new physics on EWPO appear only through vacuum polarisation and can be parametrized by three gauge self-energy parameters S, T , U (Peskin & Takeuchi) The constraints on the S, T and U parameters are derived from a fit to the electroweak precision data (Gfitter collaboration): S = 0.02 ± 0.11, T = 0.05 ± 0.12, U = 0.07 ± 0.12 with the correlation matrix 0 1 @ 0.879 ⇢= 0.469 Rita Coimbra (LIP) 0.879 1 0.716 Constraining phase diagrams with 1 0.469 0.716 A 1 15 september :A complex 2013singlet 19with / 24dar Electroweak Precision Observables T We calculate the variation of the S, T and U and check whether they fall into the 95% ellipse. 0.5 0.4 68%, 95%, 99% CL fit contours, U free (SM : MH=126 GeV, m t =173 GeV) ref 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 SM Prediction MH = 125.7 ± 0.4 GeV mt = 173.18 ± 0.94 GeV -0.1 MH -0.2 SM Prediction with MH ∈ [100,1000] GeV -0.3 -0.5 -0.5 G fitter -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 B SM Sep 12 -0.4 0.5 S Rita Coimbra (LIP) Constraining phase diagrams with 15 september :A complex 2013singlet 20with / 24dar Decay Widths Expressions Decay width for a process of the type Hi ! Hj Hj (if kinematically allowed) v u 2 2 gijj u t1 4mj (Hi ! Hj Hj ) = 32⇡mi mi2 Decay width for a process of the type Hi ! Hj Hk (if kinematically allowed) s s 2 gijk (mj + mk )2 (mj mk )2 (Hi ! Hj Hj ) = 1 1 16⇡mi mi2 mi2 Rita Coimbra (LIP) Constraining phase diagrams with 15 september :A complex 2013singlet 21with / 24dar Scan over the phase space 106 points uniformely generated in phase space Parameter ranges standard run coupling min max m2 (GeV2 ) 2 b2 (GeV2 ) d2 b1 (GeV2 ) a1 (GeV2 ) 106 0 4 106 0 106 106 106 4 4 106 4 106 106 wide run min max 2 ⇥ 106 0 50 2 ⇥ 106 0 2 ⇥ 106 108 2 ⇥ 106 50 50 2 ⇥ 106 50 2 ⇥ 106 108 mh = 125 GeV, other scalar masses: 0 < m < 300(500) GeV in standard (wide) run v = 246 GeV, 0 < vS , vA < 500 (1000) GeV in standard (wide) run Rita Coimbra (LIP) Constraining phase diagrams with 15 september :A complex 2013singlet 22with / 24dar Experimental constraints: Dark Matter Direct Detection Scattering cross section of the DM candidate with a proton target (Barger et al., arXiv:1005.3328) A A A A H1,2 H1,2 q q SI q mp4 1 = 2 2⇡v (mp + mA )2 I g 2 2 M1h gAAH1 M2h gAAH2 + 2 MH1 MH2 2 !✓ g fpu + fpd + fps + 2 3fG 27 ◆2 fpi are the proton matrix elements fpu = 0.020, fpd = 0.026, fps = 0.118, fG = 0.836 I Mjh = (cos , sin ) or (M1h , M2h , M3h ) We have done some checks with micrOmegas Rita Coimbra (LIP) Constraining phase diagrams with 15 september :A complex 2013singlet 23with / 24dar Phase Diagram for Model 2 cSM2 cSM2 (mix & all bounds) cSM2 (1DM & all bounds wider) cSM2 (1DM & all bounds) |Mih | cSM2 (1DM & no exp. bounds) cSM2 (1DM & EWPO only) cSM2 (1DM & all bounds) |M2h | For small values of |Mih | we can identify two pink regions exclusively of the "mix phase" above and below SM & 0.5 EWPO constraints are responsible for the upper right boundary Theoretical constraints are responsible for the bottom boundary Rita Coimbra (LIP) Constraining phase diagrams with 15 september :A complex 2013singlet 24with / 24dar
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