Large-Acceptance Multi-Particle Spectrometer Samurai(7)
Large-Acceptance Multi-Particle Spectrometer Samurai(7)
Large-Acceptance Multi-Particle Spectrometer Samurai(7) Superconducting Analyser for Multi particles from RadioIsotope Beams with 7Tm of bending power Kobayashi T. (Tohoku Univ.) Contact person: T. Kobayashi (Tohoku Univ.) Collaborators: K. Summerer (GSI) T. Murakami (Kyoto Univ.) T. Teranishi (Kyushu Univ.) A. Tamii (Osaka Univ.) J. Murata (Rikkyo University) N. Aoi, S. Bishop, N.Fukuda, T. Gomi, T. Ichihara, K. Ikegami, T. Kubo, K. Kusaka, T. Motobayashi, J. Ohnishi, T. Ohnishi, H. Okuno, H. Otsu, K. Sekiguchi, . N. Sakamoto, S. Takeuchi, K. Yoneda, Y. Yano (RIKEN) T. Nakamura , Y. Satou (Tokyo Inst. of Technology) T. Kawabata, Y. Maeda, K. Suda, H. Sakai, T. Uesaka, K. Yako (Univ. of Tokyo) S. Kubono (CNS, Univ. of Tokyo) T. Kajino (NAO, Univ. of Tokyo) N. Chiga, N. Iwasa, H. Okamura (Tohoku Univ.) [1] Physics Subjects (1) Electromagnetic Dissociation (EMD) with Invariant-mass method virtual photon (target) (2) p,d,!-induced Scattering/Reaction tagging the decay of residual nucleus p,d,! target (missing-mass method) (3) Polarized deuteron-induced Reaction few-nucleon systems polarized d beam large momentum acceptance (4) Multi Fragmentation EOS studies large magnetic volume N>>Z N<<Z (with Invariant-mass method) [2] Required Measurements groups, range, accuracy Target H, ! "(Pb/U) RI Beam PID Energy position/direction time-zero Magnetic Field Neutron angle: velocity: efficiency: [range] ±10o 0.62 ±15% >70% (1n) Rmax/Rmin ~2-3 Proton angle: ~several mrad #$ /$ % 0.5% +multiple neutron Light particle (p,d,!...) "-ray momentum: [accuracy] 250MeV/A A/Z=3 Heavy Proj. Fragment 0.7GeV/c ±15% ±5o #p/p < 1/100 momentum: ~few mrad [range] [accuracy] angle: charge: velocity: R<2.2 GeV/c ±few% < fewo < 50 0.62 #R/R < 1/700 #p/p < 1/1000 (d ) <few mrad #Z ~ 0.2 #$ /$ ~ 10-3 [range] [accuracy] [2-1] Particle Identification (PID) PID: mass A, charge(atomic number) Z charge: Z energy loss: dE dx " (Z !) momentum (Magnetic Rigidity): R=P/Z magnetic analysis: P Z " B# velocity: ! Time of Flight: T "1 ! 2 +additional limitation: Q=Z (fully stripped) + primary beam energy RI beam energy: < 250 - 350 MeV/A Mass number: < 100 Mass identification $A A $A A = = 2 % 2 $!( %$R ( ' * + '+ * & R ) ! ) & 0 .2 100 , 1 500 2 %$ ( +' Z * & Z ) 2 magnetic rigidity velocity or energy charge $A = A 1 $R R 700 $! 1 ! 1100 1 $E 400 E $ Z , 0. 2 2 2 2 % + $E ( %$R ( %$ ( ' * +' Z * +' * & R ) & Z ) &+ + 1 E ) @R = 2.2 GeV/c (A / Z = 3, 250MeV/A) $ T , 50 psec @ L = 10 m for Etot=30GeV (0.3GeV/A x 100) ! , 0.6 [2-2] Momentum Analysis Matrix: A/Z=3, 250 MeV/A (2.2GeV/c) D ) 2.0cm /% D' ) 7.9mrad /% ( x ! ) ) 0.32cm /% (! ! ) ) 0.12 Deff = (! ! )D * (x ! )D' ) *2.3cm /% Momentum Resolution: 2 (Xt,Yt) 2 2 & # ( x | !) & # " (x ) & # " p & # (! | ! ) T exit window: % ( =% ( " (xD )( + % " (x' D ) ( + % D p D D $ ' ' ' $ $ ' $ eff eff eff 100-300µm Kapton+Kevlar (Xd,Yd) (!d,!d) BL= 7 Tm 50deg bend "(x D ) ) 0.3mm, "(x' D ) ) 1mrad, "(x T ) ) 0.5mm "p 1 ) 770 p minimum requirements 2 [3] Magnet Design method Requirements Experimental side (1) Large field integral : high precision momentum analysis (2) Large magnet gap : large vertical acceptance for neutrons (3) No coil link : large acceptance (space) in the horizontal direction (4) Small fringing field : detectors in the target region & tracking detectors (5) Flexibility : various experimental configuration (6) Large momentum acceptance : heavy fragment & protons in coincidence Built in vacuum chamber Field cramp Rotatable base (Hole in return yoke) (7) High Momentum resolution : <1/700 with broad-range spectrometer <1/3000 for d-induced reactions Q3D option Magnet construction (1) Simple structure : (2) Cryostat similar to SRC : proved/existing technology (3) Utilize available superconductor : reduce cost (4) Utilize avalilable system : TCF30 cryogenics H-type superconducting magnet with round pole/coil (similar to HISS) starting point : H-type round pole magnet w/o field cramp ~HISS (gap=1m) Diam 2 m, Gap 0.8 m 3 T @3.6 MAT 28 MJ 7 Tm ~500 ton ~650 t(w/o coil link) 3 Field Map B(13kG) B(20kG) B(25kG) B(30kG) 2 Bz [T] Pole: Field: Stored E: BL: Weight: Vertical F.: 1 3.0m Pole 0 1.2m 1.2m 0 Yoke 1 2 3 Radius [m] 0.8 6.2m Fringing Field 0.6 B(13kG) B(20kG) B(25kG) B(30kG) 0.8m 4.2m 0.8m Bz [kG] 1.2m 0.4 0.2 2.1m 1.2m 0.0 -0.2 2 3 Radius [m] 4 Magnet Gap Vertical Force [ton] (1) Vertical force (2) Expansion force 200 ton/m self support possible 500 g=0.8m g=0.6m 0 0.0 1.0 B [T] 2.0 3.0 no coil link for large horizontal acceptance (3) Utilize gap built-in vac. chamber, by welding cramp coil pole 0.8 m ±5o Return Yoke Thickness Fringing Field : Yoke thickness dep. Weight 800 1.2 + ! 700 B= 3.0T Weight [ton] 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 + 20cm 1.3m+! Y 1.2m+! 10 20 30 Thickness [cm] 40 50 Field Cramp Fringing Field : Field cramp thickness/height dep. @B= 3.0T Bz 0/0/0 Bz 25/50/660 Bz 50/50/660 800 600 600 no cramp Bz [G] Bz [G] Bz 0/0/0 Bz 25/50/520 Bz 25/70/520 800 400 200 no cramp 400 200 T=25cm T=25cm H=50cm 0 0 T=50cm T=25cm H=70cm 200 250 300 R [cm] 350 400 200 250 300 R [cm] T=25cm H=70cm Cramp Yoke H Coil T Bz < 30 G 350 400 Magnetic Field @B= 3.0T Mid plane (z=0) Vertical pos.(z) dep. 4 3 10 3.5 10 xy=00 w/o cramp xy=00 w/ w cramp 2.5 10 4 xy=0,0 xy=0,10 xy=0,20 xy=0,30 4 3 10 4 2.5 10 4 4 2 10 4 1.5 10 2 10 Bz [G] B [G] w/o cramp 4 w cramp 4 1 10 4 1 10 Cramp Pole 5000 1.5 10 z=0cm z=10cm Cramp z=20cm 4 5000 Yoke 0 z=30cm 0 -5000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 Y [cm] 100 Y[cm] Cramp Yoke Coil 40cm 150 200 Fringing Field : Bmax dep. 100 BL (2.0<Y<3.0)= 0.002 Tm @B=3.0T !bend < 0.3 mrad B=3.0T B=2.5T B=2.0T B=1.3T Bz [G] 50 0 -50 200 250 Position detectors 300 Y [cm] 350 400 Spectrometer Magnet: parameters Pole: 2m diam., 0.8m gap Field: 3 T @3.6 MAT Turns/current: 396x2 turns / 4600 A Field integral BL: 7 Tm Stored energy: 28 MJ Vertical force: 650ton Weight: 611 ton +coil/cryostat built-in vacuum chamber 6.6m 3.0m Field Cramp 0.8m Setup for (!,n) reaction plan view ZT=-4m wall Pit Rotatable base Beamline Triplet Q neutron hodoscope magnet target +10o +5o RI beam Beam line detectors -5o tracking detector Vacuum chamber -10o -15o TOF -5m 0m charged particles 250MeV/A 0o, ±2.5o, ±5o 5m A/Z=1 A/Z=2 0.73GeV/c 1.45GeV/c 10m A/Z=3 2.2GeV/c 15m Setup for (!,n) reaction side view ZT=-4m roof wall Beamline Triplet Q tracking detector target neutron hodoscope +5o RI beam Beam line detectors -5o TOF Rotatable base Pit -5m 0m 5m 10m 15m Experimental Setup : various Configurations PPAC neutron detector ! detector PPAC dc H target Si-strip Pb target IC hod proton heavy fragment TPC Q Triplet H/He target beam dump dc hod p "+ "- d dc hod dc IC hod heavy fragment EOS measurement Pol. d-induced reaction PPAC IC dc hod heavy fragment polarimeter proton detector proton PPAC ! detector neutron Pb target (p,p'), (p,2p) etc. (!,p) reaction: proton-rich side (!,n) reaction: neutron-rich side hod IC [4-1] Rigidity Analysis (1) Basic setup 1 mrad (rms) angular resolution (Xt,Yt) vac. exit window Downstream tracking detectors PPAC or LP-KDC (Xd,Yd) (!d,!d) ● good position resolution " # 200µm ● thin L $3 # 10 LR ● large incident-angle variation cell with rotational sym. Drift chamber with hexagonal (square) cell number of wires : minimum field : 6-13mm rotational symmetry x 7.0 x 3.3 He-based gas mixture low-mass / Z : x 8.0 He+CH4 He+C2H6 reduce multiple Coulomb scattering Ar+C2H6 Hexagonal D.C. (He+50%C2H6 @1atm) Position Resolution µ Efficiency [%] (1) Minimum Ionizing particles (µ) Efficiency 4:6 9:1 6mm cell HV [V] (2) Heavy Ions @250-300MeV/A : 2MIPxZ2 200 200 150 z=9 Rms position resolution [ m] 100 50 0 100 150 z=5 z=7 z=13 Downstream D.C. Hex DC (1 0. 5m m cell) Hex DC ( 6m m cell) z=17 Hex structure xx'xx'xx'yy'yy'yy' 100 z=31 with shield planes 50 L "4 (wire + window) ! 1.7 ×10 LR 0 100 z=17 80 L "4 (gas25cm) ! 4 ×10 LR 60 z=5 Efficiency [%] 20 MIP (beta) z=9 z=7 60 40 z=31 80 z=13 multiplicity=1 mult iplicit y = 1 40 20 0 0 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 1 High Voltage [kV] 1.5 2 2.5 3 Possible improvements : Hexagonal D.C. at low pressure (1) avoid thick exit window : Kapton/Kevlar 200-300µmt (L/Lr~10-3) operation in vacuum chamber (2) reduce mass gas(He+C2H6) > wire (average thickness) @1atm (3) increase number of control parameters : HV --> HV & pressure (gas gain & drift field) Preliminary test for MIP with pure C2H6 100 80 Efficiency [%] beam vector e_x2_700 e_x2_600 e_x2_500 e_x2_400 e_x2_300 e_x2_200 fragment vector vacuum chamber momentum analysis 60 300torr Beamline target vacuum 700torr 40 z&A identification magnet 20 0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 HV [KV] 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 vacuum window Rigidity Analysis (2) Optional upstream detectors to improve momentum resolution Ultra-thin detectors in vacuum (MIP-sensitive) (Xt,Yt) (Xd,Yd) (!d,!d) Low-Pressure Cathode-Readout DC 7mm P A 5mm vac. exit window 5mm w - Kx - Ay - K - Ax - Ky -w 500 L/Lr=0.08x10-3 rms resolution [µm] C2H6 250torr i-C4H10 50torr 150torr 150torr 50torr 0 0.4 0.8 250torr 20torr 1.2 0.4 HV [KV] 0.8 1.2 300MeV/A Kr [4-2] Particle Identification : velocity measurement Total internal reflection Cherenkov n(! )," (!) n! =1 $ 1 (n# )2 n = 1.4 n = 1.53 # th = TAFD30(n=1.92) @250MeV/A 300 # th = 1 n 2 $1 200 2mmt TAFD30 1 mmt TAFD30 40Ar beam 150 A_peak [ch] 200 150 total data 100 RI beam: Z=30-34 &E(Si) 250 A_peak [ch] 1 n 100 78Ge 76Ga 50 50 0 25 %/peak [%] %/peak [%] 0 20 15 10 5 0 150 200 250 Ein [MeV/A] 300 350 Cherenkov ADC 20 15 10 5 0 100 150 200 250 Ein [MeV/A] 300 350 promising as non-stopping detector [4-3] Particle Identification : total-energy measurement !E [Si / Ion Chamber] + E [NaI(Tl)] with momentum tagging(~0.1%) 78Ge z=34 83 Se z=33 81As "E # 0.15% for E 80As !E(Si) z=32 78Ge z=31 76Ga 6390(14.5) 77Ge 77Ge 75Ga 6480(17.8) TOF NaI (Tl) NaI (Tl) ADC Problems : non-uniformity / position dependence PMT operated at very low HV Covering large area : NaI(Tl) : 37cm x 37cm x 5cm viewed by 16 x 3"square PMT CsI(Tl)+PD 78 Ge @290MeV/A [4-4] Budget for tracking/PID detectors (1) Beam tracking detectors : 7,080K JPY 2 x Cathode-readout DC (128mm x 128mm) (2) Optional upstream tracking detectors : 9,620K JPY 2 x Cathode-readout DC (256mm x 256mm) (3) Downstream chamber for heavy fragments : 58,800K JPY 2 x Hexagonal-cell DC (100cm x 60cm) (4) Total-energy detectors : 7,000K JPY NaI(Tl) (37cm x 37cm x 5cm) + 16PMT's (5) Ion chamber 4,360K JPY Segmented ion chamber (37cm x 37cm x 6 readout) Man power Kobayashi T, ChigaN ~87M JPY 2-3 graduate stufents (Tohoku Univ.) Still need several detector R&D : scheduled in Dec. 2005 @HIMAC Low-Pressure Hexagonal D.C. NaI(Tl), CsI(Tl) for total-E measurement [5] Neutron Detector NEBULA for (!,n)-type measurements NEutron-detection system for Breakup of Unstable Nuclei with Large Acceptance Invariant mass spectroscopy by measuring core fragment + neutrons in coincidence Giant Resonance (Soft Resonance, Pigmy resonance) Low-lying discrete states at drip lines (1st 2+ state etc.) Unbound ground states (25-28O, ‘4n’ etc.) Features Large acceptance (require a large gap of SAMURAI) Good energy resolution Multi-neutron detection Flexibility of setup configuration [5-2] Configuration NEBULA 1 module : 12cm(H) x 12cm(D) x 180cm(H) plastic scintillator coupled to 2 PMT s 1 stack : veto scintillators + 60 (30 x 2) modules 4 stacks : ~1m thick 4th stack 3rd stack 2nd stack 1s t stack 1.8m 3.6m VETO Scintillators [5-1] Typical Setups 1n + core fragment 1-stack configuration NEBULA 4n + core fragment 4-stack configuration 3.6m ~1m gap 10 m [5-3] Acceptance NEBULA Acceptance is dictated by neutron Basic setup : Horizontal ±10o, Vertical ±5o 40% 1n acceptance 10MeV 2n acceptance [5-4] Efficiency & Resolution efficiency NEBULA resolution ~60% ~1m 12cmx12cm dimension is o.k. In terms of the timing resolution (for 2n separation, 6cmx6cm dimension is significantly better than 12cmx12cm) NEBULA [5-5] Multi-neutron detection Kinematical condition with the setup composed of spatially-separated stacks ➡ Nearly perfect rejection of crosstalk events Need of veto for each stack: for high energy neutrons > 200MeV, to remove cross-talks from recoil protons 1s t stack 2nd stack β1 ≤ β 2 Finite timing resolution ➡ ΔL should be about 1m for 12cmx12cm (Non-distinguishable events ~ 2%) (For 6cm x 6cm dimension ΔL could be about 0.7m) [5-6] NEBULA Budget Plastic scintillators ~100M JPY Photomultiplier Tubes ~ 60M JPY Electronics ~ 50M JPY ~210M JPY Man Power T.Nakamura, Y.Satou (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) K.Yoneda, T.Motobayashi (RIKEN) Postdoc (1) Ph.D Students (2) [6] (!,p)-type measurement in the proton-rich side Physics : nuclear structure of proton unbound states in the proton-rich region (!,p) radiative capture reactions for astrophysics Method : Invariant mass method via Coulomb dissociation, proton-breakup reactions by p/d/" targets, knockout reactions Requirements : Angular acceptance : < ±60 mrad @Erel=1MeV Momentum acceptance : Pmax/Pmin ~ 2-3 Erel resolution : 0.1 MeV (rms) @1MeV Angular resolution : 2 mrad Momentum resolution : 0.5% > ⇔ 0.2% for mass identification [6-1] High resolution mode protons DC+plastic DC: 2m x 0.8m (!,p) A/Z=2 DC+IC+plastic γdetectors 2×PPAC γ 6×SSD 0.9m 4.5m Si-Strip : XYU + XYU for protons & heavy ions thickness : 100µm pitch: 0.2mm distance: 150mm MCS: 1.7mrad(p), 1.0mrad(HI) DC: 1m x 0.8m [6-2] exclusive measurement mode (!,p) DC+plastic protons + useful for (p,2pn)-type - no mass separation for A>30 A/Z=2 γdetectors DC+IC+plastic 2×PPAC γ Decay ! tagging DALI-II or GRAPE Additionall device necessary for proton-rich side RF deflector 6×SSD 4.0m [6-3] Cost Estimate & Man power (!,p) Cost Estimate (1) (RF deflector ): (100M JPY) (2) Si-strip detector : 15.8M JPY (3) Drift Chamber for protons : 35M JPY 50.8M JPY Man Power Iwasa (Tohoku) Suemmerer (GSI) Bishop, Gomi, Motobayashi, Takeuchi, Yamada, Yoneda (RIKEN) 2-3 graduate students (Tohoku, Rikkyo) [7] Pol. d Experiment ● pol. d beam : Ed = 500-880MeV ( pd = 1.4 GeV/c — 2.0 GeV/c) ● Physics Subjects : Study of Three Nucleon Forces via Few Nucleon System dp elastic/breakup reactions dp →3He + ! radiative capture Short-Range Part of the NN Tensor Interactions 3He(d,p)4He ● Observables : Analyzing powers Polarization transfer coefficients (double scattering measurement) Spin correlation coefficients Pol. d [7-1] Experimental Conditions 3 dp → H e + ! d" /d# ,Analyzing Powers 3 4 R eaction dp elasticscattering M easured O bservables d" /d# ,Analyzing powers d" /d# (c.m .) 〜 50m b/sr 〜10nb/sr 〜 5m b/sr AngularR ange ($ c.m .) 160°− 180° 130°− 180° 0°− 1.6° AngularR ange ($ lab .) 0°− 5° 0°− 7° 0°− 1° H e(d ,p) H e Spin correlationscoefficients 880 M eV (2.0 G eV/c)Polarized D euterons Beam t t 3 Target CH 2 (3m m ) Liq.H ydrogen (5m m ) Polarized H e gastarget D etected Particles(D P) proton 3 proton K ineticEnergy ofD P 800 M eV 380 M eV 〜440 M eV 870 M eV M om entum ofD P 〜 1.5 G eV/c 1.5 G eV/c 〜 1.6 G eV/c 〜 1.6 G eV/c M om entum R atio : P beam /[P (D P)/Q ] 〜 1.4 2.4 〜 2.7 〜 1.3 M om entum R esolution p/% p 1600 600 1000 AngularR esolution (d $lab.) 0.5° 0.5° 0.5° &E~1 MeV to keep reasonable S/N ratio He large solid angle necessary background rejection Q1 : - 1.0 T Q2 : - 1.1 T Q3 : 1.3 T SAMURAI : 3 T • Dispersion 2.25 m • Bending Angle 53.6° • Magnification (x|x) (x|x) = ‐0.48, (y|y) = 15.7 • Angular acceptance ( (h,v) = (±20 mrad, mrad, ±90 mrad) mrad) • Momentum Resolution p/dp ∼ 3000 • Angular resolution dθ = 0.5 ° [including detector resolutions] Detectors MWDC - Volume : 70cmW×120cmH×50cmD (to cover Δp/p ±4%) Plastic scintillator hodoscope - Size : 70cmW×120cmH×1cmT, 2 layers 05.11.17 Beam Dump Fe (40cmT) + Concrete Blocks - Volume : 72 m3 (4mD×4.5mW×4mH) - Movable & Rotary Magnetic field is changed and a beam dump is moved correspondingly to maintain the good 5 resolution at the focal plane. [7-3] Other requirements Pol. d ● beam line which connect between the RRC and SRC but skips the IRC ● beam monitoring devices for light ions (Z=1) at Big RIPS ● beam line polarimeter installed downstream of the SRC ● beam line polarimeter installed on the beam line which directly connect the RRC and the SRC Schedule FY2006 detector studies and R&Ds FY2007 Construction ofbeam tuning devices beam line polarimeter : detector & target system and installation of beam dump at SAMUDAI scattering chamber & target system for SAMURAI Q3D-mode Polarized deuteron beam acceleration at RIBF Calibration of deuteron beam-line polarimeter dp elastic measurements with beam line polarimeter system FY2008 dp breakup measurements with beam line polarimeter Constuction of detector systems at SAMURAI FY2009 Experiments at SAMURAI with polarized deuteron beams Construction of focal plane polarimeter system at SAMURAI (upgrade) [7-4] Budget Pol. d (1) Detectors @SAMURAI 1. MWDC : 10M JPY 2. Hodoscope : 4.8M JPY 3. Holder : 5M JPY 4. Electronics : 3.5M JPY (2) Beam minitor 7.0M JPY (3) Beam Dump 25M JPY (4) chamber/target for Q3D 3M JPY (5) Beam line polarimeter 5M JPY 64M JPY [8] Time Projection Chamber (TPC) for EOS studies Requirements for magnet ● large magnetic volume : ● precise TPC with 1.5m x 1.0m x 0.6m (similar to EOS TPC) field map at B=1.5T Requirements for TPC ● Detection of p, !+, !- in the presence of projectile fragments & intermediate-mass fragments (IMF) ● two-track separation of 3.6cm for M=80 (12mm x 8mm) x 15360 pads : EOS TPC ● !+, !- yield with 1% accuracy p, !+ separation important Required R&D ● mechanics ● pad layout of TPC vessel detector performance [9] Summary 1,000MY 75.5MY 11.4MY 210.MY 50.8MY 63.3MY 70.MY 1481MY [10] remaining ... (1) Magnet still expensive large ambiguity on cost estimate large exit window + safety field map measurement (?) ⇔ momentum resolution new design ? (2) Tracking & PID detectors much progress last year : OK for small prototypes high-rate capability ? total E detector (3) Decay !-ray tagging for invariant mass spectroscopy high-efficiency segmented detector Readout electronics for MWPC/DC high rate : ~ electronics with high gain method1 method2 LRS2735 PC/DC MWPC/DC (Sasaki)PreAMP conversion card Analog ECL 20pair twist 17pair twist + 6V (6mA) -12V (60mA) MWPC/DC method3 +5.0V (0.52A) -5.2V (0.68A) Vth (0-7.5V) ATLAS ASD chip LVDS 17pair twist 64ch VME TDC AMSC +3V (0.28A) -3V (0.07A) Vth (<±0.6V) CAMAC TDC LRS4290 LRS3377 Readout electronics 100 2735 5V PA+2735 5V ASD80 0.5V Efficiency [%] 80 LRS2735 PA + LRS2735 !-ray ASD(80n/16n) 60 6角Cell 330V x 21 40 20 0 Pulse Height [mV] 100 Pulse Height [mV] X-ray 10 x 2 / 75V 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 HV [KV] 2 2.2 gain x 20 low-power LVDS compact stable ASD : 2 types X-ray signal CF= 1pF Sasaki(ATLAS) != 16 nsec Tanimori != 80 nsec
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