CSR Report 2015 Data Book
CSR Report 2015 Data Book
Corporate Social Responsibility Report CSR Report 2015 Data Book Management Benchmarks (Consolidated) 1 Coverage of the Environmental Performance Data 2 Results of the Medium-Term Environmental Plan 3 Sekisui Chemical Group’s Environmental Accounting 5 Integrated Index: SEKISUI Environmental Sustainability Index 7 4-4 Nishitenma 2-chome, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-8565, Japan (Dojima Kanden Bldg.) URL http://www.sekisuichemical.com/ For further information contact: CSR Planning, CSR Promotion Department 2-3-17 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8450, Japan (Toranomon 2-chome Tower) Email: csr@sekisui.com This report has been printed and bound with consideration for the environment in the following ways: (1) This report uses Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®)-certified paper produced from carefully managed forests. (2) The computer-to-plate (CTP) method of direct printing, which uses no film that later must be disposed of as waste, is used in the plate-making process. (3) Vegetable-oil ink, which generates few volatile organic compounds (VOC) and has excellent biodegradability and de-inking performance, is used in the printing process. Waterless printing, which generates no hazardous waste fluids, has been used as well. (4) Glue that does not hinder the recyclability of paper is used in the binding process. CSR Report 2015 (including the Data Book (PDF)) has been reviewed for assurance by an independent third party and as a result has been granted the sustainability report review and registration logo. This demonstrates that this report satisfies the necessary criteria established by the Japanese Association of Assurance Organizations for Sustainability Information (J-SUS; http://www.j-sus.org/) for the use of this logo, intended to assure the reliability of sustainability information. Material Balance (in Japan) 7 Environment-Contributing Products 8 Product Assessment System for Environmental Impact 8 Biodiversity 8 9 Global Warming Prevention Resource Recycling and Saving 11 Environmental Performance in Offices 12 Atmospheric and Water-Related Emissions 13 Environmental Incidents, Complaints, and Emergency Responses 13 Chemical Substances 14 Environmental Management 15 CS & Quality 16 Human Resources 17 Safety 18 Compliance 20 Environmental and Social Contribution 20 Sekisui Chemical Group’s CSR Management System 22 Sekisui Chemical Group’s CSR Management Policies 23 Calculation Standards of Key Performance Indicators 26 Scope of Independent Practitioner’s Assurance The environmental and social information in this report has been subjected to the independent practitioner’s assurance for the appropriateness of calculation methods and the accuracy of the results of calculation. The “Verified” logo is used to indicate that each item of such subject information has been verified. Published: June 25, 2015. Published annually. Previous edition published: June 26, 2014. Next edition planned for publication: June 2016 Management Benchmarks (Consolidated) Coverage of the Environmental Performance Data * Fiscal 2012: Performance for overseas subsidiaries is for the 15-month period January 2012 through March 2013 (in connection with standardization of the fiscal years of consolidated subsidiaries to end in March beginning with fiscal 2012). Scope of data collection revised to fiscal 2014, the first fiscal year of the environmental medium-term SEKISUI Environmental Sustainability Plan Take-Off. Sales (by Each Division Company) Japan Operating Income (by Each Division Company) (100 million yen) (100 million yen) 12,000 11,108 10,000 9,650 Housing 4,967 8,000 600 4,941 Company 2,145 2,000 1,955 2,000 3,537 3,320 2,816 3,722 2,968 195 0 2,276 2,399 2011 2010 2012 15 244 363 65 30 18 361 206 232 0 -9 (%) 30 -18 2012 2011 1,500 1,000 2,378 23.0 19.6 1,800 1,895 528 564 506 570 25 847 North America 20 779 767 675 89 2010 2011 2012 9,680 8,000 7,901 8,271 50 1,200 6,000 1,245 1,271 36.6 36.2 40 1,153 940 27.6 900 20.6 104 2011 104 2012 600 99 Interest-bearing 2,000 Others 2011 2012 2013 2014 Capital Expenditures 588 2012 2013 2014 400 345 368 351 348 343 312 300 330 249 252 126 -123 0 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 R&D Costs 2011 2012 2013 2014 277 256 294 2010 2012 24,000 30 22,202 27 258 2011 19,770 25 2014 16,000 20 8,637 23,017 23,886 20,855 23 200 2013 Number of Employees (Yen) 300 246 2010 Annual Dividend per Share (100 million yen) 8,820 9,775 9,840 10,442 Housing Company 13 8,000 10 5 2010 1 2011 2012 2013 2014 4,447 5,655 0 0 0 19 companies and 11 business sites Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Shiga-Ritto Plant Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Gunma Plan Sekisui Chemical Hokkaido Co., Ltd. Toto Sekisui Co., Ltd. Ota Plant Chiba Sekisui Industry Co., Ltd. / Nara Sekisui Co., Ltd. Okayama Sekisui Industry Co., Ltd. / Shikoku Sekisui Co., Ltd., Kyushu Sekisui Industry Co., Ltd. / Hanyu Sekisui Co., Ltd. Yamanashi Sekisui Co., Ltd. etc. R&D institutes 1 company and 1 business site Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Development Center Production Plants and Headquarters 7 companies and 10 business sites Sekisui Seikei, Ltd. Hinomaru Co., Ltd. Tokuyama Sekisui Industry Co., Ltd., Osaka Headquarters and Tokyo Headquarters etc. 7 companies and 11 business sites in total 1 company and 13 business sites Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Higashinihon Branch, Nishinihon Branch etc. 19 companies and 25 business sites in total 2010 2011 2012 SEKISUI Polymer Innovations, LLC. Bloomsburg Plant SEKISUI Polymer Innovations, LLC. Holland Plant Sekisui Industrial Piping Co., Ltd. Sekisui (Qingdao) Plastic Co., Ltd. Sekisui (Wuxi) Plastics Technology Co., Ltd. Sekisui Eslon B.V. Yongchang Sekisui Composites Co., Ltd. Sekisui Rib Loc Australia Pty. Ltd. 18 business sites in total High Performance Plastics Company 18 15 15 100 1 company and 1 business site Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Kyoto Research & Development Laboratories Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company 100 100 −300 11 companies and 16 business sites in total Total: 74 companies and 169 business sites Overseas 0 −200 Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Musashi Plant Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Shiga-Minakuchi Plant Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Taga Plant Sekisui Techno Molding Co., Ltd. / Sekisui Film Co., Ltd. Sekisui Medical Co., Ltd., etc. / Sekisui Fuller Co., Ltd. Sekisui Nano Coat Technology Co., Ltd. etc. Headquarters R&D institutes Production plants 11 companies and 14 business sites 200 200 −100 Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company Production plants Note: The total number of companies and business sites do not match, since some companies have two or more business sites, and some business sites are shared by two or more companies. 300 200 40 companies and 117 business sites in total Sales 400 418 306 2011 Depreciation and Amortization 469 500 300 2010 (100 million yen) 500 400 Interest-bearing debt 0 0 2010 (100 million yen) 600 of equity capital 10 300 0 0 2014 Free Cash Flows 20 12.2 debt as a percentage 5 102 2013 30 631 28 companies and 106 business sites Sekisui Heim Sales Companies Construction and Service Companies (%) 1,500 Asia 1,042 872 2014 2013 (100 million yen) 4,000 (100 million yen) 100 2014 9,610 11 companies and 10 business sites Sales and construction companies 10 655 2010 2013 10,000 633 1,182 0 5 2 companies and 2 business sites R&D institutes Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Minase Site Sekisui Medical Co., Ltd. ADME & Tox. Research Institute Kanto Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. Kinki Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. Sekisui Board Co., Ltd., etc. 15 670 500 Production plants Others (100 million yen) Europe 642 -27 7.8 6.9 9,015 24.9 23.4 -11 High Performance Plastics Company 1 company and 1 business site Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Tsukuba R&D Site Interest-bearing Debt and Interest-bearing Debt as a Percentage of Equity Capital 2,772 2,594 459 8.1 Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company Total Assets 3,000 19.7 High Performance Plastics Company R&D institutes 10.9 9.4 0 2010 (100 million yen) 2,500 Housing Company −200 2014 2013 311 0 Overseas Sales and Sales Ratio 2,000 Housing Company 10 12 244 300 High Performance Plastics Company 188 Others 203 168 190 Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company 413 546 493 4,690 4,493 411 596 6,000 4,000 15 825 10,324 9,154 4,186 857 900 11,127 ROE (%) 2013 2014 4,570 4,887 6,443 6,545 5,363 5,453 6,858 7,051 1,031 1,022 995 956 940 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company High Performance Plastics Company Headquarters Sekisui S-Lec America, LLC. Sekisui S-Lec Mexico S.A. de C.V. Sekisui S-Lec B.V. Film Plant Sekisui S-Lec B.V. Resin Plant Sekisui S-Lec (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Sekisui S-LEC (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Sekisui Specialty Chemicals America, LLC. Pasadena Plant * Data was collected only for wastes and CO2 emissions. Sekisui Specialty Chemicals America, LLC. Calvert City Plant Sekisui Specialty Chemicals Europe, S.L. Sekisui Voltek, LLC. Lawrence Plant Sekisui Voltek, LLC. Coldwater Plant Sekisui Alveo B.V. Sekisui Alveo Ltd. Sekisui Alveo BS G.m.b.H. Thai Sekisui Foam Co., Ltd. Sekisui Pilon Pty. Ltd. YoungBo Chemical Co., Ltd. Daejeon Plant YoungBo Chemical Co., Ltd. Cheongwon Plant YoungBo HPP (Langfang) Co., Ltd. Sekisui TA Industries, LLC. Buena Park Plant* Sekisui TA Industries, LLC. Tennessee Plant Sekisui High Performance Packaging (Langfang) Co., Ltd. Sekisui Medical Technology (China) Ltd. XenoTech, LLC. Sekisui Diagnostics, LLC. Stamford* Sekisui Diagnostics, LLC. San Diego Sekisui Diagnostics (UK) Ltd. Sekisui Diagnostics P.E.I. Inc. Sekisui Virotech G.m.b.H. Sekisui DLJM Molding Private Ltd. Greater Noida Plant Sekisui DLJM Molding Private Ltd. Tapukara Plant 31 business sites in total 2 New Environmental Medium-Term Plan Targets and Results of Initiatives under Environmental Medium-Term SEKISUI Environmental Sustainability Plan Take-Off (FY 2014-2016) Subjects ○ ○ ○ Reduce environmental impact Contribute to the return of natural capita Business site activities Activities in partnership with local communities Page 50% 44% 44.5% ○ 31 Data Book 8 30 products 10 products 22 products ○ Total emissions level maintained (compared to fiscal 2013) ±0% -2.5% (Japan: -5.7%, overseas: -0.2%) ○ 27 Data Book 9 GHG emissions ○ ○ Energy consumption per unit of output -3% (compared to fiscal 2013) -1% +3.6% (Japan: ×1.0%, overseas: +4.8%) × 27 Data Book 9 Energy consumption per capita -3% (compared to fiscal 2013) -1% -4.3% ○ Energy consumption per unit of area -3% (compared to fiscal 2013) -1% +0.3% (Japan: +0.4%, overseas: -8.8%) × -3% (compared to fiscal 2013) -1% +1.7% × Data Book 10 Waste generated per unit of output -12% (compared to fiscal 2013) -4% +8.6% (Japan: +6.5%, overseas: +10.9%) × 28 Data Book 11 Copier paper use per capita -6% (compared to fiscal 2013) -2% -2.9% (Japan: -2.9%, overseas: -6.5%) ○ Data Book 12 × 28 Data Book 12 ○ ○ ○ Reduce use of resources in offices ○ ○ Reduce waste generation at new construction sites Other environmental impact Evaluation Reduce energy use Reduce waste generation by production volume Waste reduction Fiscal 2014 Results ○ ○ Energy consumption per unit of transportation Resources, waste Fiscal 2014 Targets ○ ○ Waste generated per building Sekisui Heim 825kg/building Two-U Home 1,375kg/building Sekisui Heim: 915kg/building Sekisui Heim: 1,233kg/building Two-U Home: 1,465kg/building Two-U Home: 1,748kg/building EMS certification ○ ○ ○ Number of business sites with EMS certification 15 business sites certified (compared with fiscal 2013) 1 business site 2 business sites ○ 26 Data Book 15 Expand zero emissions activities ○ ○ ○ Number of business sites that have achieved zero emissions 13 business sites achieved (compared with fiscal 2013) 1 business site 2 business sites ○ 28 Data Book 11 Reduce water use ○ ○ Water usage No change in total volume (compared with fiscal 2013) ±0% -5.1% (Japan: -6.0%, overseas: -0.8%) ○ Data Book 12 Reduce atmospheric VOC emissions ○ ○ VOC emissions No change in total volume (compared with fiscal 2013) (Overseas 2014 BM) ±0% Japan -6.6% Still tallying overseas data ○ 29 Data Book 14 Improve quality of green space on business sites ○ ○ + 10 points (compared to fiscal 2013) +3 points +4.6 points ○ 30 Promote Sekisui Environment Week ○ ○ 100% 60% 54% × Activities centered on production sites ○ ○ 25 business sites 8 business sites 14 business sites ○ Number of activity blocs 7 blocs 2 additional blocs 2 additional blocs ○ Five sites continue the activities at least once a year 5 bases 5 bases 5 bases ○ EMS, zero emissions C o ns er ve n a t u r a l e n v i r o n m e n t Environment-Contributing Product sales ratio (consolidated) Medium-Term Targets (2014-2016) Number of new Environment-Contributing Product registrations ○ ○ JBIB Land Use Score Card® points ○ ○ ○ Ratio of participants to total employees Number of business sites implementing selfguided activities Japan Activities centered on sales companies Overseas 3 Indicators ○ ○ ○ Energy conservation Other Overseas offices Greenhouse gases, energy Overseas production sites Reduce greenhouse gas Emissions reductions emissions ○ Domestic offices Expand and Increase sales of Environment-Contributing Products create EnvironmentContributing Create Environment-Contributing Products Products Laboratories Production sites in Japan Efforts ○ ○ ○ 4 Environmental Conservation Cost (by Each Division Company) Sekisui Chemical Group’s Environmental Accounting At the same time, investments decreased, reflecting the absence of large-scale environmental investments, such as the megasolar power plant constructed in the previous fiscal year. R&D spending also declined. A look at economic effects shows that earnings from the sale of electricity generated at megasolar power plants have increased since fiscal 2013, while gains from disposals at price decreased. Moreover, cost reductions from energy conservation activities and cost savings from waste reduction activities expanded. External economic effects increased steadily, such as from the sale of homes with solar power generation systems. To promote efficient environmental management and fulfill corporate accountability responsibilities, Sekisui Chemical Group employs environmental accounting that makes it possible to ascertain the costs and effects of environmental conservation activities. Calculation is conducted by referring to the Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005 issued by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment, with the addition of Sekisui Chemical Group’s own concepts, such as external economic benefits (estimated effects). In fiscal 2014, the number of production business sites with collectible data increased. Total costs declined year on year, reflecting a decrease in costs for global warming countermeasures, waste reduction costs, upstream and downstream costs, and R&D spending, despite an increase in costs for preventing atmosphere, water and noise pollution and higher spending on environmental education. Environmental Conservation Costs (Sekisui Chemical Group) (Yen in millions) Items Description of main activities 1) Costs within business areas Costs FY2012 Investments Prevention of air, water, and noise pollution, etc. Countermeasures against global warming (energy saving), etc. 1,589 215 504 Waste reduction, recycling, disposal, etc. 4,914 Costs FY2013 Investments 1,243 192 993 732 195 4,467 Costs FY2014 Investments 1,284 318 885 503 1,026 280 4,442 84 Cost increases due to URU, switching to packaging/packing methods involving reduced environmental impact, greener purchasing, etc. 248 0 334 5 231 0 3) Administrative costs Environmental education, EMS maintenance, running costs for green action organization, information disclosure, etc. 2,408 4 1,818 4 2,077 37 4) Research & development costs Research and development on environmental conservation 3,222 244 3,183 999 2,849 230 5) Social activities costs Social contributions, etc. 78 0 338 1,754 331 0 6) Environmental damage costs Nature restoration, etc. 26 0 30 0 32 0 12,990 1,652 12,144 4,120 11,748 1,694 25,895 15,473 27,721 16,217 29,453 18,560 12.4 10.7 11.5 25.4 9.7 9.1 Total Total amount of R&D costs* and investment in the fiscal period (million yen) Ratio of amount related to environmental conservation activities to total (%) * R&D costs are the total for all consolidated companies. Environmental Conservation Benefits (Sekisui Chemical Group) Environmental Conservation Benefits (1) Electricity (2) Fuel (3) CO2 emissions 2 Effects on environmental impact and waste Effects Upstream/ related to downstream products/ effects services Other benefits to environmental conservation Others 6 (4) Volume of environmental pollutants discharged 3 Environmental performance criteria: per unit of output; Total FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 Effect (14-13) See page Item Unit TJ TJ 3,315 3,360 3,423 2,142 2,259 2,172 63 Data Book 9 (1) Energy usage per unit of -87 Data Book 9 output (electricity + fuel) 1 Thousand tons 303.9 312.1 311.6 -0.5 Data Book 9 Tons 532.5 554.3 630.9 (5) Waste generated 4 Thousand tons 35.2 33.9 34.1 (6) Outsourced disposal 5 Thousand tons 0.02 0.00 0.04 CO2 reduction by photovoltaic power generation, etc. (cumulative) Thousand tons Business sites New acquisitions attaining ISO 14001 Renewals and other certifications Number of business sites achieving zero emissions 8 CO2 reduction from use of megasolar facilities Thousand tons GJ/ton FY2013 FY2014 Selfevaluation 1.64 1.71 × ○ 76.6 Data Book 14 × 0.2 Data Book 12 (2) Waste generated per unit of output kg/ton 33.7 36.0 × (3) Outsourced disposal per unit of output kg/ton 0.00 0.04 × 0.04 271 316 362 46 ◎ Sites 1 4 2 Sites 15 17 15 Business sites attaining ISO 14001 and other certifications 7 Total number of business sites 92 94 ○ Sites 4 2 2 Number of business sites achieving zero emissions 8 Total number of business sites 150 152 ○ 2.95 5.32 2.37 1 Conversion into thermal units uses the coefficient published by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. 2 Emissions at the time of manufacturing and conversion to CO2 use coefficients used in environmental medium-term SEKISUI Sustainable Plan Take-Off (Data (See p. 9) Book P9) 3 Class I Designated Chemical Substances specified by PRTR Law. 4 Amount discharged + Amount disposed of at price + Amount incinerated within own premises. 5 Simple incineration + Landfill. 6 Including business sites not subject to environmental accounting summation, such as overseas business sites. 7 A cumulative total number of sites reviewed for factors, such as consolidation and return of certifications for housing sales companies. 8 A business site affiliated to multiple companies is counted as one. Economical Effects Related to Environmental Conservation Measures (Sekisui Chemical Group) Description of effects Revenue (1) Profit on sales of valuable resources (2) Revenues from sale of electricity (3) Savings from simplified packaging Cost (4) Cost savings through energy-saving activities savings (5) Cost savings through waste-reduction activities, etc. Subtotal (actual effects) (6) Contribution to environmental conservation activities 9 (7) External economic effect FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 257 245 216 165 393 21 6 5 546 669 698 1,118 1,610 1,712 2,350 6,888 7,517 7,150 Contribution of environmental conservation activities to added value at business sites 10 19,135 21,215 23,898 Monetary conversion of impact from photovoltaic generation systems and No-Dig pipe rehabilitation method Subtotal (estimated effects) 26,023 28,732 31,049 Total 27,633 30,444 33,399 Including resource-saving activities Costs Investments Investments 10 59 16 106 108 1,284 318 154 654 87 168 184 100 503 1,026 84 Countermeasures against global warming (energy saving), etc. 1 318 19 358 64 4,442 0 2 0 6 0 231 0 3) Administrative costs 539 1 292 0 351 8 2,077 37 4) Research & development costs Research and development on environmental conservation 112 22 1,061 0 752 0 2,849 230 178 0 49 0 37 0 331 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 32 0 5,984 687 1,868 203 1,825 279 11,748 1,694 Total amount of R&D costs3 and investment in the fiscal period (million yen) 4,884 3,875 5,067 5,310 15,878 6,783 29,453 18,560 Ratio of amount related to environmental conservation activities to total (%) 2.3 17.7 20.9 3.8 4.7 4.1 9.7 9.1 6) Environmental damage costs Nature restoration, etc. Total 1 Including 41 business sites of housing sales companies. 2 Total of three division companies and departments of Headquarters. 3 R&D costs are the total for all consolidated companies. Environmental Conservation Cost (by Environmental Conservation Measures) Category Description of main activities Costs (Yen in millions) Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company Housing Company1 Items Investments Costs High Performance Plastics Company Investments Costs Sekisui Chemical Group2 Investments Costs Investments 149 74 101 168 180 76 508 387 4 3 0 0 0 23 6 63 218 3 46 14 46 8 340 25 5 0 3 0 5 8 15 8 Preservation of water quality, prevention of subsidence 228 7 21 0 90 88 373 279 6. Waste reduction and recycling Reduction and treatment of waste, recycling, etc. 3,903 1 337 19 373 64 4,642 84 7. Reduction of chemical substances Risk management of chemical substances, etc. 581 0 2 0 5 0 589 0 44 0 91 0 33 8 234 8 Others 852 599 1,267 2 1,092 5 5,042 841 Total 5,984 687 1,868 203 1,825 279 11,748 1,694 1. Prevention of global warming Reduction of CO2 emissions, etc. 2. Ozone layer protection Reduction of chlorofluorocarbon emissions, etc. 3. Conservation of air quality Prevention of air pollution by reducing polluting substances 4. Prevention of noise and vibration Prevention of noise and vibration pollution 5. Conservation of water environment, soil environment, ground quality 8. Conservation of natural environment Nature conservation, etc. 9. Others 1 Including 41 business sites of housing sales companies. 2 Total of three division companies and departments of Headquarters. Environmental Conservation Benefits (by Each Division Company) Description of effects Effects on invested resources Effects on environmental impact and waste Effects related to products/ services Others9 Items Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company Housing Company1 Environmental Conservation Benefits Unit High Performance Plastics Company Sekisui Chemical Group2 See Data Effect FY2013 FY2014 Effect FY2013 FY2014 Effect FY2013 FY2014 Effect Book page FY2013 FY2014 (14-13) (14-13) (14-13) (14-13) (1) Electricity TJ 425 381 -43 1,365 1,363 -2 966 1,094 128 3,360 3,423 63 9 (2) Fuel TJ 117 108 -9 108 101 -6 1,788 1,729 -59 2,259 2,172 -87 9 Thousand tons 31.4 28.2 -3.2 84.6 83.7 -0.9 146.7 152.1 5.4 312.1 311.6 -0.5 9 Tons 5.6 4.8 -0.8 82.1 61.4 -20.6 462.6 560.9 98.3 554.3 630.9 76.6 14 7.4 7.0 -0.4 5.4 6.1 0.0 19.2 19.2 0.0 33.9 34.1 0.2 12 (6) Outsourced disposal8 Thousand tons Thousand tons 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.04 CO2 reduction by photovoltaic power generation, etc. Thousand tons 316 362 46 316 362 46 Sites 1 0 0 1 3 1 4 2 Sites 5 0 5 5 2 6 17 15 Sites 0 0 0 1 2 1 2 2 11 2.13 3.31 1.18 0.23 0.89 0.66 0.59 1.12 0.53 2.95 5.32 2.37 Amount of energy usage4 (3) CO2 emissions5 (4) Volume of environmental pollutants discharged6 (5) Waste generated7 Business sites attaining New acquisitions ISO 14001 and other Renewals certifications Number of business sites achieving zero emissions10 CO2 reduction from use of megasolar facilities Thousand tons 4 Conversion into thermal units uses the coefficient published by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. 5 Emissions at the time of manufacturing and conversion to CO2 use the coefficients used in the environmental medium-term SEKISUI Sustainable Plan Take-Off (see Data Book, p. 9). 6 Class I Designated Chemical Substances specified by PRTR Law. 7 Amount discharged + Amount disposed of at price + Amount incinerated within own premises 8 Simple incineration + landfill 9 Including business sites not subject to environmental accounting summation, such as overseas business sites 10 A business site affiliated to multiple companies is counted as one. Economic Effects Related to Environmental Conservation Measures (by Each Division Company) Description of effects Revenue (1) Profit on sales of valuable resources (2) Revenues from sale of electricity (3) Savings from simplified packaging Cost savings Urban Infrastructure & High Performance Sekisui Environmental Plastics Company Chemical Group2 Products Company Housing Company1 106 165 Profit on sales of valuable resources from promotion of waste egregation and recycling 249 64 80 393 Revenues from sale of electricity generated by megasolar facilities 0 4 1 5 10 87 506 669 27 125 955 1,118 309 295 1,648 2,350 1,749 2,020 3,121 7,150 (7) External Economic Effect 18,914 4,984 23,898 Sub-total (estimated effects) 20,663 7,005 3,121 31,049 20,972 7,300 4,769 33,399 Total Remarks 15 (5) Cost savings through waste-reduction activities, etc. (6) Contribution to environmental conservation activities11 (Yen in millions) 24 (4) Cost savings through energy-saving activities Subtotal (actual effects) 436 Costs 1,056 205 (Yen in millions) 896 Investments Sekisui Chemical Group2 3,739 Remarks Profit on sales of valuable resources from promotion of waste segregation and recycling Revenues from sale of electricity generated by megasolar facilities Costs High Performance Plastics Company Cost increases due to URU, switching to packaging/packing methods involving reduced environmental impact, greener purchasing, etc. Environmental education, EMS maintenance, running costs for green action organization, information disclosure, etc. Other benefits to environmental conservation Effects within business areas Amount of energy usage 1 Unit Investments Costs Waste reduction, recycling, disposal, etc. 2) Upstream/ downstream costs Upstream/ downstream effects Effects on invested resources Item 1) Costs within business areas Effects within business areas 2) Upstream/downstream costs Description of effects Description of main activities Prevention of air, water, and noise pollution, etc. 5) Social activities costs Social contributions, etc. Scope of environmental accounting (1) Summation period: April 1, 2014 through March 31, 2015 (2) Scope of summation: 47 target production sites (as listed on page 2 of this Data Book) + 5 laboratories + each department of Headquarters + back offices of division companies + 15 housing sales companies. Notes: Under the scope of data collection in fiscal 2012, there were 40 target production sites + 4 laboratories + each department of Headquarters + back offices of division companies + 15 housing sales companies. Under the scope of data collection in fiscal 2013, there were 44 production business sites + 5 laboratories + each department at Headquarters + back offices of Division Companies + 15 housing sales companies. The following business sites were added and removed. Added: Sekisui Medical Co., Ltd. Iwate Plant, Tsukuba Plant, Amagasaki Plant, ADME & Tox. Research Institute Sekisui Fuller Co., Ltd. Shiga Plant, Hamamatsu Plant Removed: Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Amagasaki Plant (plant closed) Under the scope of data collection in fiscal 2014, the following business sites were added: Yamanashi Sekisui Co., Ltd., Hanyu Sekisui Co., Ltd., Sekisui Nano Coat Technology Co., Ltd. (3) Principle of summation • Depreciation amounts are the same as those for financial accounting. • Investment amounts are based on budget approvals during the summation period. • Expenditures and investments that contain other than environmental conservation activities are distributed pro-rata in 10% increments. Category Category (Yen in millions) Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company Housing Company1 Items Including resource-saving activities Contribution of environmental conservation activities to added value at business sites12 Monetary conversion of impact from photovoltaic generation systems and No-Dig pipe rehabilitation method 11 Excluding housing sales companies 12 (Added value from business sites) × {(Costs within business areas + Administrative costs)/(Total production costs excluding materials costs)} 9 Excluding housing sales companies 10 (Added value from business sites) × {(Costs within business areas + Administrative costs)/(Total production costs excluding materials costs)} 5 6 Integrated Index: SEKISUI Environmental Sustainability Index Environment-Contributing Products P26 Environment-Contributing Products Sales and Sales-Ratio Trends What is SEKISUI Environmental Sustainability Index? The SEKISUI Environmental Sustainability Index is a single indicator of the level of impact on the environment by all of the corporate activites of Sekisui Chemical Group (i.e. use of natural capital) and contributions back to the environment (i.e. return of natural capital) . This index integrates all of the effects of the key implementation objectives of our medium-term plan: reduce various environmental impact, increase products and services that contribute to the environment, and preserve the natural environment, and others. 8,000 3,026 2,000 0 Results of Fiscal 2014 Calculation Raw materials Environmental impact = Use of natural capital 39.7 Production Other 26.7 33.5 40 Scope of contribution2 All / socity-wide 30 Level of contribution3 A level above conventional products/systems 998 14 881 2014 20 Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company High Performance Plastics Company Headquarters 2014 Target 2015 Target 1 Excluding living environments 2 Excluding own business activities 3 Set approved standards for each type of environmental contribution 10 0 2016 Target Criteria for Environment-Contributing Products Definition (products that satisfy the two conditions below) ● Products and businesses able to reduce environmental impact of our customers and society as a whole. ● Products or systems having at least a certain degree of effect in reducing environmental impact compared with similar conventional products and systems. Environment-Contributing Standard 64.5 Types of environmental contribution Environmental Contribution 62.6 Contribution from activities 1.4 Calculation Method (1) Gather quantitative data on the level of environmental impact and benefits of environmental activities by category Environmental impact and environmental activities (i) 996 12 591 2013 High 0.5 Contribution from products 799 11 428 2012 Natural/social environments Environment-Contributing Products Conceptual Diagram 100 Impact reduction Environmental contribution = Return of natural capital 771 9 349 2011 3,058 3,068 2,687 2,462 2,078 719 7 221 2010 Housing Company 3,925 3,592 Environments targeted1 4,951 4,668 4,000 50 Sales Ratio 33.1 6,000 Based on fiscal 2014 performance , the SEKISUI Environmental Sustainability Index was calculated as follows. With environmental impact equal to 100 representing the use of natural capital, the return of natural capital as contributions back to the environment is 64.5. (%) 50 47 44 42.0 38.0 37.2 Results of calculation Prerequisites for Environment-Contributing Products Verified (Yen in 100 millions) 10,000 44.5 P31 • Raw material usage • GHG emissions • Volume of waste generated • Area of land used • Water used • Emissions of chemical substances • Environmental contribution of each product • Employee participation rate in activities to preserve the natural environment ● Able to reduce CO2 emissions and generate energy Able to reduce waste ● Able to achieve resource conservation ● Able to save water and improve aquatic environments ● Able to prevent chemical substance pollution ● Able to directly preserve biodiversity ● Interlayer materials essential for functionality of end-user products that contribute to the environment ● Able to reduce environmental impact during disasters Standards ● Products Low (2) A database of coefficient to calculate the environment impact collected by experts was used for calculating the impact (negative factors) and contributions (positive factors) by category Product Assessment System for Environmental Impact Raw data by category Ai x Coefficient ki = Environmental impact (Ti) P29 (3) Total of Environmental impact and contribution for each category (integrated total) Targets: Products and processes Scope: All stages of the product lifecycle Σ(Raw data for each category)Ai × Coefficient ki = Σ (Environmental impact Ti) * Units are the amount of damage calculated (= amount necessary to restore the environment to the original conditions [living organisms, plants, and global warming]if our activities damaged the environment) Compliance Evaluation • Laws and regulations After collecting the raw data in (1) above, stages (2) and (3) are calculated using a customized version of the Life-cycle Impact assessment Method based on Endpoint modeling2 (LIME2) developed in Japan by Professor Norihiro Itsubo at Tokyo City University. (See p. 26 of this Data Book for calculation basis.) • Self regulation Chemical Substance Assessment • Requirements of industries, etc. • Laws and regulations • Prohibited substances • Restricted substances Product Assessment System for Environmental Impact Environment-friendly design • Invested resources • Raw materials, composition, and structure • Information disclosure • Environment-Contributing Products standards • LCCO2 evaluation Material Balance (in Japan) Main Raw Materials • Metals • Wood, wooden building materials • Cement for exterior walls • Concrete for foundations • PVC • Polyethylene • Polypropylene • Kraft paper • PRTR-designated substances Energy • Purchased electricity • Heavy oil A • City gas 109,000 tons 5,596TJ 353,553MWh 3,305kL 42,249,000 m3 • CO2 from energy consumption 16,019,000 tons Input Sekisui Chemical Group 197 tons • SOx 10 tons • Soot particles Transportation • Environmental impact Means of transportation Load-efficient design • Information disclosure Construction and assembly • Invested resources, energy • Secondary resources used • Environmental impact Atmosphere, water, waste, chemical substances, etc. Use • Invested resources, energy • Secondary resources used • Environmental impact Atmosphere, water, waste, chemical substances, etc. Disposal • Composition and structure • Recyclability • Environmental impact Transportation, disposal, soil/groundwater contamination Output 590 tons To water • Water discharged 14,999,000 tons • COD 71 tons • PRTR-designated substances 0.1 tons • Total generated waste Biodiversity P30 3 tons • PRTR-designated substances Initiatives Envisioned under Biodiversity Guidelines 1. Assessment and reduction of the impact of business activities on biodiversity • Developing assessment methods and conducting assessment, reducing impact • Promoting biodiversity-conscious purchasing • Greening of business sites (promoting landscaping and biotope development) 2. Development and promotion of related technologies and products • Incorporating biodiversity assessment at product development stage 3. Raising employees’ awareness • Conducting nature conservation activities at all business sites • Expanding Sekisui Nature Study Course and nature conservation activities 4. Dialogue and cooperation with external stakeholders • Supporting Innovations Inspired by Nature, and holding periodic forums on subject • Supporting nonprofit and other organizations through Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) 5. Transmittance of information • Exhibiting at Eco-Products Exhibition and other events • Providing information in CSR Report, Site Reports, and websites • Educating next generation (Children’s Nature Study Course, school visits) 34,000 tons Note: Certain main raw materials are undisclosed for business strategy reasons. 7 • Capital Investments • Invested resources, energy • Secondary resources used • Environmental impact Atmosphere, water, waste, chemical substances, etc. 312,000 tons-CO2 • NOx Waste Industrial water • Environmental impact Means of transportation Packaging materials • Green procurement (Suppliers, raw materials) Manufacture To the atmosphere 119,000 tons 55,000 tons 84,000 tons 424,000 tons 157,000 tons 51,000 tons 32,000 tons 18,000 tons Raw material procurement 8 Global Warming Prevention Laboratory Energy Usage and per Unit of Output (Index) P27 Per unit of output index (FY2013: 100) Usage (TJ) 300 * Due to the revised scope of aggregation, figures have been revised retroactively to fiscal 2013, the base year for the target amounts. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions during Manufacturing / Japan 104.3 108.9 10,000 101.5 101.0 100.0 120 106.0 103.7 250 Energy Usage and per Unit of Output (Index) during Manufacturing / Japan Usage (TJ) (1,000 tons-CO2) 500 110.1 Per unit of output index (FY2013: 100) (Target) 225 200 213 211 100.0 212 95.7 (Target) 210 97.0 100 80 100 150 60 97.0 341 300 342 9 32 26 31 83 82 200 100 0 80 8,000 400 153 167 312 9 340 9 321 9 28 31 31 82 142 84 92 Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company 152 159 Greenhouse gases from non-energyconsumption sources Housing Company High Performance Plastics Company 6,000 553 4,000 2,000 Headquarters 50 50 49 49 48 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 5,956 1,444 3,105 0 5,659 539 5,456 1,428 1,430 2,840 529 2,658 5,937 542 5,596 489 1,595 1,465 60 854 853 840 850 819 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 100 40 50 20 Housing Company Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company 40 2,823 2,950 Usage 20 High Performance Plastics Company Headquarters 2015 0 2016 0 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Transportation Volume and Energy per Unit of Output (Index) during Transportation / Japan Transportation Volume (10,000 ton-km) 101.9 Energy Usage and per Unit of Output (Index) during Manufacturing / Overseas Usage (TJ) (1,000 tons-CO2) 700 10,000 104.8 105.8 107.2 (Target) 104.2 600 8,000 500 400 453 32 415 17 442 32 472 37 471 36 Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company 300 200 6,941 251 7,551 457 7,380 466 7,853 527 6,690 6,914 7,326 7,332 421 410 435 435 398 High Performance Plastics Company 100 0 80 2011 2012 Breakdown of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions / Japan CO2 from other energy consumption 2% Other gases 0% 60 40 0 FY 2014 321,000 tons-CO2 Electricity 61% Heavy oil A 2% Steam 5% City gas 30% FY 2014 5,596TJ Electricity 61% 2012 2013 2014 2015 Purchased electricity 41% 9 FY 2014 471,000 tons-CO2 Purchased steam 51% LNG 8% Purchased electricity 40% 10,507 11,499 12,029 8,297 13,004 60 28,907 Housing Company 7,440 Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company 40 High Performance Plastics Company 20 10,889 4,946 4,898 5,273 6,109 5,821 5,391 5,657 5,222 5,489 4,757 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company 46% High Performance Plastics Company 22% • Amount transported in fiscal 2014: 290 million ton-kilometers • Calculation method: Either the improved ton-kilometer method, fuel consumption method, or fuel cost method, depending on the product and transportation method Headquarters 0 2015 2016 We aim to reduce all types of greenhouse gases under the environmental medium-term SEKISUI Environmental Sustainability Plan Take-Off. The conversion coefficients for CO 2 emissions are the values specified (as of March 2009) under the greenhouse-gas emissions calculation, reporting, and disclosure system established by Japanese law, with uniform figures used for each fiscal year. Purchased electricity Heavy oil A City gas LNG Heating oil Diesel oil Gasoline LPG Purchased steam 0.555 tons-CO2/MWh 2.71 tons-CO2/kL 2.08 tons-CO2/thousand Nm3 2.70 tons-CO2/ton 2.49 tons-CO2/kL 2.62 tons-CO2/kL 2.32 tons-CO2/kL 3.00 tons-CO2/ton 0.179 tons-CO2/ton Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Supply Chain (1,000 tons-CO2) Category Purchased goods and services Capital goods Fuel-and energy-related activities not included in Scopes 1 and 2 Estimated emissions Waste generated in operations 45 Business travel 30 Processing of sold products Use of sold products End-of-life treatment of sold products 1 1,000 tons-CO2 31 121 24 Transportation and delivery (downstream) 227 1,521 Transportation and delivery (upstream) Employee commuting Downstream Other gases 1% LNG 7% Breakdown of Energy Usage / Overseas 7,912 2016 Source: Calculation and Reporting Manual for Greenhouse Gas Emissions (published in March 2009 by Japanese Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) Breakdown of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions / Overseas 8,090 32,899 0 2011 CO2 Emissions Coefficient (SEKISUI Environmental Sustainability Plan Take-Off) Other 2% 7,082 Housing Company 18% FY 2014 43,000 tons-CO2 20 2,000 2010 Breakdown of Energy Usage / Japan 30,436 10,000 Uupstream Heavy oil A 3% Steam 5% City gas 26% CO2 from non-energy consumption sources 3% 2014 2013 97.0 20,000 Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company 0 2010 30,144 27,926 97.0 High Performance Plastics Company 4,000 100.0 98.2 80 30,000 7,841 509 98.9 101.7 40,000 100 100.0 6,000 7,094 Per unit of output index (FY2013: 100) Headquarters 14% (Target) 100 50,000 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions during Manufacturing / Overseas CO2 Emissions at the Transportation Stage / Japan Per unit of output index (FY2013: 100) 5 59 1,353 42 59 5 30 45 1,521 24 121 31 ■ Purchased goods and services ■ Capital goods ■ Fuel-and energy-related activities not included in Scopes 1 and 2 ■ Transportation and delivery (upstream) ■ Waste generated in operations ■ Business travel ■ Employee commuting ■ Transportation and delivery (downstream) ■ Processing of sold products ■ Use of sold products ■ End-of-life treatment of sold products ■ Leased assets (downstream) 42 1,353 227 Leased assets (downstream) 1 Total (upstream and downstream) 3,461 Other 1% FY 2014 7,841TJ Purchased steam 51% 10 Resource Recycling and Saving Breakdown of Generated Waste / Japan P28 Burnt residue 0.3% Others 2.2% Plasterboard 1.0% Oil waste, acidic waste, alkaline waste 9.6% * Due to the revised scope of aggregation, figures have been revised retroactively to fiscal 2013, the base year for the target amounts. Waste Treatment Methods / Overseas Incineration 4.2% Metal scrap 2.8% Landfill 17.6% Wood chips 4.9% Fiscal 2014 Annual Production Site Waste Generation and Disposal Conditions / Japan FY 2014 34,000 tons Wastepaper 5.6% Change over the previous year is in ( ) and proportion of the total generation is in [ ]. FY 2014 25,000 tons Sludge 10.8% On-site incineration (reduction) 0 tons [0%] Reuse within the premises 7,402 tons (increased by 2.1%) Outsourcing of recycling resources 20,924 tons (decreased by 2.7%) [61.4%] Amount of discharged waste 20,966 tons (decreased by 3.1%) [61.5%] Total amount of materials recycling 28,648 tons (decreased by 2.2%) [84.0%] Materials recycling 15.509 tons (decreased by 2.6%) [45.5%] Note: See page 2 of this Data Book for scope of summation Waste Generated by New House Construction (per House) / Japan (Tons) 3 Use of incineration heat 5,415 tons (decreased by 3.0%) [15.9%] Simple incineration 1 tons (decreased by 93.3%) [0.0%] Outsourced disposal 42 tons (decreased by 67.6%) [0.1%] 1.99 2 1.76 0.26 0.23 Landfill 41 tons [0.1%] 0.66 0.45 1 Zero Emissions Achievement Criteria and Accreditation System of Sekisui Chemical Group (1) Not engaging in any outside incineration without thermal utilization (thermal recycling), or landfill outside or inside of facilities (recycling ratio: 100%) (2) If the waste quantity is small and it is a type of waste that has never been recycled before, recycling methods and relevant contractors must be identified and a service agreement must be executed. We also have established uniform evaluation criteria known as the Zero Emissions Achievement Evaluation List. We have established a system designed to conduct internal checks and issue approvals for the status of observance of the evaluation criteria as well as legal compliance, rules and signage for waste segregation and storage, management of related facilities, and waste reduction planning and management. The list obliges us to conduct inspections of outside contractors and to clarify treatment routes in order to enhance the management system through these activities. 1.88 1.90 0.25 0.24 0.46 0.44 1.07 1.08 1.17 1.22 2010 2011 2012 2013 1.87 0.22 Assembly plant 0.34 Exterior wall plant 1.31 2014 Status of Zero Emissions Achievement Production sites Achieved at 43 plants in Japan and 6 overseas plants, including those of affiliates. (Includes one plant in Japan and one overseas plant that achieved zero emissions in fiscal 2014) Laboratories Achieved at all laboratories by fiscal 2012 New house construction sites Achieved at all locations by fiscal 2003 House renovation Achieved at all locations as of fiscal 2004 sites Osaka and Tokyo Headquarters buildings Achieved as of fiscal 2005 Home demolition sites Amount of Water Extracted for Use at Production Sites / Japan Amount of Water Extracted for Use at Production Sites / Overseas (1,000 tons) (1,000 tons) 20,000 As of end of fiscal 2014, 99% recycling rate for Designated Construction Materials (scrap concrete and wood chips) 5,000 288 15,000 16,517 1,842 304 16,413 15,712 1,861 306 1,804 17,041 16,019 287 2,262 264 2,189 Per unit of output index (FY 2013: 100) 100.0 50 40 20 8.3 6.4 6.2 88 35.2 35.0 34.1 8.0 7.4 7.0 6.0 6.0 6.1 Housing Company 100 19.5 19.5 19.0 19.7 80 40 19.2 2.1 2.1 1.9 1.8 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company 40 High Performance Plastics Company (target) 2,879 2,795 3,033 2,867 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 3,712 3,651 2011 2012 2013 Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company 2,948 65 3,616 2,000 10,700 2,403 3,498 3,693 77 High Performance Plastics Company 2,883 1,000 Headquarters 0 2010 2014 0 2016 100 Environmental Performance in Offices 88 20 20.8 19.9 22.7 8.1 24.7 25.4 8.7 8.9 8.1 20 Headquarters 2015 100.0 11.8 14.6 15.9 16.5 50 Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company Copier Paper Use at Offices per Unit of Output (Index) Energy Usage at Offices per Unit of Output (Index) Per unit of output index (FY 2013: 100) High Performance Plastics Company 30 Per unit of output index (FY 2013: 100) 150% 12,000 150% 0 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 20 100.0 97.1 Japan (Target) 94 93.5 Overseas Japan Overseas 11.0 10.8 10 100% 10.7 10.1 50% Energy Used (Mj/m2) Pages Used (1,000 pages / person) 2.3 102.8 91.3 60 13.0 0 0 3,725 74 110.9 101.3 7.9 10 11,458 106.5 39.5 11.3 3,000 High Performance Plastics Company 150 60 10,807 3,793 81 3,577 79 Note: See page 2 of this Data Book for scope of summation (target) 36.1 30 120 Per unit of output index (FY 2013: 100) Waste generated (1,000 tons) 11,369 5,000 Waste Generated by Production Sites and per Unit of Output (Index) / Overseas 4,000 Housing Company Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company 11,984 Waste generated (1,000 tons) 126.4 60 113.4 110.2 New house construction site 0 10,000 Waste Generated by Production Sites and per Unit of Output (Index) / Japan Recycling 78.3% Glass and ceramics scrap 10.4% Valuable materials sold 13,138 tons (decreased by 1.7%) [38.5%] Total amount of generated waste 34,104 tons (decreased by 2.6%) [100%] Plastics waste 52.3% 8,000 100.0 0% 2013 2014 2015 2016 (Target) 4,000 100% 97 91.2 Overseas 50% Japan 3,089 3,102 Overseas 1,611 0 100.4 Japan 1,469 0 0% 2013 2014 2015 2016 * Calculated using electricity and fuel for company cars for Japan, only electricity for overseas. 11 12 Atmospheric and Water-Related Emissions Chemical Substances P29 * Due to the revised scope of aggregation, figures have been revised retroactively to fiscal 2013, the base year for the target amounts. * Due to the revised scope of aggregation, figures have been revised retroactively to fiscal 2013, the base year for the target amounts. NOx Emission Volume Summation Results Based on the PRTR Law (Calculations have been made for substances with handling volume of one ton or more at the individual business sites surveyed.) SOx Emission Volume Verified Verified (Tons) (Tons) 400 (Tons) 25 Housing Company 300 200 100 223 43 7 217 173 168 205 44 6 55 6 144 217 45 5 197 36 3 166 158 0 2010 2011 2012 Urban Infrastructure & Environmental ProductsCompany High Performance Plastics Company 15 15 15 10 5 0 2 10 6 2 2 2 8 3 2010 2011 10 7 9 2 3 2 2012 2013 0 3 Urban Infrastructure & Environmental ProductsCompany 10 68 1 7 60 9.5 High Performance Plastics Company 4 2 1 1 2010 40 8.2 2.5 1.2 0.7 0.6 2011 4 3 2 1 1 2014 2 1.1 2012 0.2 1 1 2013 Preventing Pollution 45 43 51 1 3 31 71 12 11 7 38 5 39 20 0 15 11 15 13 16 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 0 0 0 0.20 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.3 12 Housing Company n-Butyl acrylate [7] 254.2 0.603 0 0 0 0 0.974 1.5 251 Acrylonitrile [9] 414.0 3.2 0 0 0 0 0 0.010 410 High Performance Plastics Company Acetaldehyde [12] 279.3 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 279 Acetonitrile [13] 89.2 7.1 0 0 0 0 0 82 0 2,2’-Azobisisobutyronitrile [16] 4.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.2 2-Aminoethanol [20] 2.5 0.49 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.0 Antimony and its compounds [31] 10.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 0 Isobutyraldehyde [35] 79.4 1.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 78 Ethylbenzene [53] 2.3 2.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E-Caprolactam [76] 44.2 0 0.014 0 0 0 0 0 44 7.3 7.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 102,245.2 3.8 0.13 0 0 0 0 0 102,237 Housing Company Xylene [80] [Special 94] Vinyl chloride Urban Infrastructure & Environmental ProductsCompany Chloroform [127] 4.2 0.29 0 0 0 0 0 0.7 3.2 Vinyl acetate [134] 46.2 1.803 0 0 0 0 2.415 0 42 High Performance Plastics Company Inorganic cyanide compounds (not including complex salts and cyanate) [144] 37.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 Cyclohexylamine [154] 5.6 0.31 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.3 Headquarters 2,6-di-t-butyl-4-cresol [207] 54.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 N,N-dimethylacetamide [213] 3.1 0 0 0 0 1.5 0 1.6 0 N,N-dimenthylformamide [232] 1.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.4 Organic tin compounds [239] 70.9 0 0 0 0 0 0.052 0.17 0 Styrene [240] 1,952.6 40 0 0 0 0 0 3.7 1,210 Terephthalic acid [270] 68.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [296] 3.0 1.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 271 In fiscal 2014, there were two fire accidents and six complaints. We have implemented measures to prevent a reoccurrence of environmental complaints. In order to prevent the occurrence and spread of environmental contamination in the event of an emergency, at least once every year each of our business sites carries out emergency response and reporting drills, assuming a variety of hypothetical cases relevant to the nature of each business site. Major drills performed for fiscal 2014 are as follows: Environmental Complaints, etc. Emergency Response and Reporting Drills [300] 761.3 390 0 0 0 0 35 28 [Special 305] 703.5 0.0004 0.0017 0 0 0.0010 0.39 3.1 0 Phenol [349] 95.6 0.0096 0 0 0 0 0 0 94 Bis- (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate [355] 115.7 0 0 0 0 0 0.087 2.2 0 n-Hexane [392] 131.0 124 0 0 0 0 0.20 3.8 2.7 Benzaldehyde [399] 12.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Poly (oxyethylene) = alkyl = ether (C = 12-15 and other blends) [407] 1.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [Special 411] 73.0 0.0007 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 Lead compounds Manganese and its compounds [412] 4.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.2 0 Methacrylate [415] 210.0 1.2 0 0 0 0 0 0.0050 209 Methyl methacrylate [420] 154.4 1.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 153 Methylnaphthalene [438] 8.0 0.040 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.0 Methylenebis (4,1-phenylene) = diisocyanate [448] 1,046.0 2.9 0 0 0 0 0 0.26 0 109,011.1 590 0.15 0 0 1.5 39 133 105,564 Emission and Transfer Volume by Substance (PRTR Law) (Tons) Fire Incidents Bad odors Noise Complaints Other Fire started from resin waste Installed a receiving bin only for resin waste Fire started from residue stuck on filters Added cooling process at the distillation tower Leakage and outflow of oils Atmospheric discharge of solvents Chlorine gas leak from a cylinder Disposed of cylinder Fire Noise from ground drilling work Installed sound-insulating net Earthquake 1.1 0 Emergency Response Simulated emergency situation Detoxification 0 Stored transformers and condensers that contain PCBs are being disposed of steadily, beginning with sites for which acceptance at PCB treatment facilities is available. In addition, at sites with machines and equipment that contain PCBs in storage, such devices are managed strictly and thoroughly, through means including locked storage and periodic inspection. Countermeasures Transfer in waste recycling 0.12 Environmental Incidents, Complaints, and Emergency Responses Description Transfer in waste disposal Sewage system 1.5 Formaldehyde Verified In-house landfill 12.9 Toluene Environmental Incidents, Complaints, etc. In-house soil [4] Disposal and Storage of Machines and Equipment That Contain PCBs Sekisui Chemical Group is working to meet the targets of legal and regulatory restrictions and to reduce discharge of pollutants through appropriate maintenance and control and periodic inspection of the wide range of equipment it uses. Public water areas [3] 2014 70 Atmospheric Transfer volume Acrylic acid and aqueous salt solutions thereof Verified 63 1 7 Emission volume Ethyl acrylate 80 Housing Company 0 13 (Tons) (Tons) 5 14 Urban Infrastructure & Environmental ProductsCompany 5 COD Discharge Volume Verified Government ordinance notification Transaction volume no. Substance 20 2014 2013 Soot and Dust Emission Volume 13 P29 Drills performed 37 0 800 23 5 5 Noise from blowers Changed direction of ventilation tubes Emergency communication training 14 Noise from line alarms Lowered alarm volume Comprehensive disaster drills 33 Noise from pump operation Soundproofed pump building Responding to other equipment-related emergencies 31 Cargo dropped during transport Created and implemented carrier’s checklist 2,000 34 154 36 607 5 4 57 8 (Tons) 807 600 Discharge of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) into the Atmosphere 40 122 400 631 35 7 40 0 525 3 33 37 4 99 4 6 545 36 46 125 Others Dichloromethane Xylene 1499 9 104 Styrene n-Hexane 1,391 8 113 1,000 Housing Company 1,219 9 107 1,368 9 116 150 587 200 401 348 302 2011 2012 2013 425 0 Toluene 1,382 0 2010 2014 4 2010 1,278 13 95 Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company 1,267 1,099 1,239 1,166 4 2011 4 2012 4 2013 4 2014 High Performance Plastics Company Headquarters 14 Environmental Management CS & Quality P26 Environmental Management System Third-Party Certified Business Sites Quality Management System Third-Party Certified Business Sites Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company Housing Company Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Tsukuba R&D Site* Hokkaido Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. Tohoku Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. Kanto Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. Tokyo Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. Chubu Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. Kinki Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. Chushikoku Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. Kyushu Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. Sekisui Board Co., Ltd. Minakuchi Plant Sekisui Board Co., Ltd. Gunma Plant Sekisui-SCG Industry Co., Ltd. SCG-Sekisui Sales Co., Ltd. High Performance Plastics Company Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Shiga-Ritto Plant Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Gunma Plant Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Kyoto R & D Laboratories Chiba Sekisui Industry Co., Ltd. Sekisui Chemical Hokkaido Co., Ltd. Toto Sekisui Co., Ltd. Ota Plant Okayama Sekisui Industry Co., Ltd. Shikoku Sekisui Co., Ltd. Kyushu Sekisui Industry Co., Ltd. Nara Sekisui Co., Ltd. Hanyu Sekisui Co., Ltd. Yamanashi Sekisui Co., Ltd. Sekisui Home Techno Co., Ltd. Nippon No-Dig Technology Co., Ltd. Sekisui Polymer Innovations, LLC. Bloomsburg Plant Sekisui Polymer Innovations, LLC. Holland Plant Sekisui Eslon B.V. Sekisui SPR Europe G.m.b.H. Sekisui SPR Europe G.m.b.H. Schieder Plant Sekisui SPR Europe G.m.b.H. Liege Plant SEKISUI SPR Czech s.r.o. SEKISUI SPR Romania s.r.l. SEKISUI SPR Germany G.m.b.H. Sekisui Rib Loc Australia Pty. Ltd. Sekisui Refresh Co., Ltd. Sekisui Industrial Piping Co., Ltd. Sekisui (Wuxi) Plastics Technology Co., Ltd. Yongchang-Sekisui Composites Co., Ltd. Sekisui (Qingdao) Plastic Co., Ltd. Sekisui (Shanghai) Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Development Center* Tokuyama Sekisui Industry Co., Ltd. Hinomaru Co., Ltd. Tosu Plant Hinomaru Co., Ltd. Kanto Plant Sekisui Seikei, Ltd. Chiba Plant Sekisui Seikei, Ltd. Kanto Plant Sekisui Seikei, Ltd. Hyogo Plant Sekisui Seikei, Ltd. Hyogo-Takino Plant Sekisui Seikei, Ltd. Izumo Plant Number of Issues of Concern in Environmental Auditing for Fiscal 2014 Housing Company Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Housing Company (integrated certification) Housing Product Research&Development Departments Technology Department Hokkaido Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. Tohoku Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. Kanto Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. Tokyo Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. Chubu Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. Kinki Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. Chushikoku Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. Kyushu Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. Sekisui Global Trading Co., Ltd. Sekisui Heim Supply Co., Ltd. Technology Department Sekisui Board Co., Ltd. Gunma Plant Sekisui Board Co., Ltd. Minakuchi Plant Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Musashi Plant Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Shiga-Minakuchi Plant [Sekisui Fuller Co., Ltd. Shiga Plant] Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Taga Plant Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Minase Site Sekisui Techno Molding Co., Ltd. Nara Plant Sekisui Techno Molding Co., Ltd. Mie Plant Sekisui Techno Molding Co., Ltd. Aichi Plant Sekisui Film Co., Ltd. Sendai Plant Sekisui Film Co., Ltd. Nagoya Plant Sekisui Film Co., Ltd. Shinshu-Takato Plant Sekisui Film Co., Ltd. Kyushu-Izumi Plant Sekisui Fuller Co., Ltd. Hamamatsu Plant Sekisui Medical Co., Ltd. Iwate Plant Sekisui Medical Co., Ltd. Tsukuba Plant Sekisui Medical Co., Ltd. Amagasaki Plant Sekisui Medical Co., Ltd. ADME & Tox. Research Institute** Sekisui Nano Coat Technology Co., Ltd. Sekisui Techno Shoji Higashi Nihon Co., Ltd Sekisui TA Industries, LLC. Sekisui S-Lec B.V. Film Plant Sekisui S-Lec B.V. Resin Plant Sekisui Alveo B.V. Sekisui Alveo Ltd. Sekisui Alveo BS G.m.b.H. Sekisui S-Lec America, LLC. Sekisui Specialty Chemicals America, LLC. Pasadena Plant Sekisui Specialty Chemicals America, LLC. Calvert City Plant Sekisui Specialty Chemicals Europe, S.L. Sekisui S-Lec Mexico S.A. de C.V. Sekisui S-Lec (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Thai Sekisui Foam Co., Ltd. Sekisui Pilon Pty. Ltd. Sekisui Diagnostics (UK) Ltd. YoungBo Chemical Co., Ltd. YoungBo HPP (Lanfang) Co., Ltd. Sekisui High Performance Packaging (Langfang) Co., Ltd. Sekisui S-LEC (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Headquarters [ ]: O rganizations in parentheses are included in the scope of certification. Some sites not shown above may include related sections that have attained ISO 14001 certification. * The Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Tsukuba R&D Site and Development Center share a single certification. ** Eco Action 21; others ISO 14001 P35 - 40 Headquarters Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. R&D Center, IM Project Sekisui Seikei, Ltd. (integrated certification) Chiba Plant Kanto Plant Hyogo Plant Hyogo-Takino Plant Izumo Plant Tokuyama Sekisui Industry Co., Ltd. Sekisui Insurance Service Co., Ltd. Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company High Performance Plastics Company Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Gunma Plant Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Shiga-Ritto Plant Sekisui Aqua Systems Co., Ltd. Plant Engineering Division Sekisui Aqua Systems Co., Ltd. Civil Engineering & Water Treatment Division Sekisui Aqua Systems Co., Ltd. Water Supply & Drainage Division Sekisui Home Techno Co., Ltd. Hanyu Sekisui Co., Ltd. Yamanashi Sekisui Co., Ltd. Sekisui Chemical Hokkaido Co., Ltd. Toto Sekisui Co., Ltd. Headquarters, Ota Plant Chiba Sekisui Industry Co., Ltd. Okayama Sekisui Industry Co., Ltd. Shikoku Sekisui Co., Ltd. Kyushu Sekisui Industry Co., Ltd. Nippon No-Dig Technology Co., Ltd. Sekisui Polymer Innovations, LLC. Bloomsburg Plant Sekisui Polymer Innovations, LLC. Holland Plant Sekisui SPR Europe G.m.b.H.(integrated certification) Headquarters Production Division (Schieder) Production Division (Liege) Division Engineering Sales and Engineering Office Sekisui Rib Loc Australia Pty. Ltd. Sekisui SPR Construction G.m.b.H. Sekisui SPR Austria G.m.b.H. Sekisui SPR Czech s.r.o. Sekisui SPR Romania s.r.l. Sekisui SPR Germany G.m.b.H. Sekisui Eslon B.V. Sekisui Refresh Co., Ltd. Yongchang-Sekisui Composites Co., Ltd. (Xinjiang) Sekisui (Shanghai) Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. Yili Xiang Run Pipe Industry Co., Ltd. Sekisui (Wuxi) Plastics Technology Co., Ltd. Sekisui (Qingdao) Plastic Co., Ltd. Sekisui Industrial Piping Co., Ltd. Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Musashi Plant Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Shiga-Minakuchi Plant Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Taga Plant Sekisui Techno Molding Co., Ltd. Aichi Plant Sekisui Techno Molding Co., Ltd. Nara Plant Sekisui Techno Molding Co., Ltd. Mie Plant Sekisui Film Co., Ltd. Sendai Plant Sekisui Film Co., Ltd. Shinshu-Takato Plant Sekisui Film Co., Ltd. Nagoya Plant Sekisui Film Co., Ltd. Kyushu-Izumi Plant Sekisui Nano Coat Technology Co., Ltd. Sekisui Fuller Co., Ltd. (integrated certification) Hamamatsu Plant Shiga Plant Tokyo Office Osaka Office Sekisui Medical Co., Ltd. Headquarters Sekisui Polymatech Co., Ltd. Sekisui High Performance Packaging (Langfang) Co., Ltd. Sekisui Voltek, LLC. Lawrence Plant Sekisui Voltek, LLC. Coldwater Plant Sekisui Alveo(integrated certification) Sekisui Alveo A.G. Sekisui Alveo G.m.b.H. Sekisui Alveo (Benelux) B.V. Sekisui-Alveo S.A. Sekisui Alveo S.r.L. Sekisui Alveo S.a.r.L. Sekisui Alveo Ltd. Sekisui Alveo B.V. YoungBo Chemical Co., Ltd. Thai Sekisui Foam Co., Ltd. Sekisui Pilon Pty. Ltd. Sekisui S-Lec America, LLC. Sekisui S-Lec B.V. Sekisui Medical Technology (China) Ltd. Sekisui S-Lec (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Sekisui S-Lec Mexico S.A. de C.V. Sekisui Diagnostics,LLC. Sekisui Diagnostics,LLC. San Diego Sekisui Diagnostics,LLC. Stamford Sekisui Diagnostics P.E.I. Inc. Sekisui Diagnostics(UK) Ltd. Sekisui Virotech G.m.b.H. Sekisui Specialty Chemicals America, LLC. Calvert City Plant Sekisui Specialty Chemicals America, LLC. Pasadena Plant Sekisui Specialty Chemicals America, LLC. Dallas HQ Sekisui Specialty Chemicals Europe, S.L. Tarragona Plant Numbers of Persons with Qualifications (for production sites and laboratories, as of end of March 2015) Those who acquired qualifications End of during fiscal fiscal 2014 2014 Number Correction Undergoing of cases completed correction 81 Auditing by certification body Nonconformity (major) Renewal (15 business sites) Surveillance (35 business sites) Internal auditing of business sites (49 business sites; 49 audits) Proposals Total Nonconformity (minor) Observations 1 1 0 223 112 111 0 0 0 0 77 44 33 Total 77 44 33 0 0 0 Nonconformity (minor) 9 6 3 123 64 59 Observations Total 132 70 62 Nonconformity (major) 1 1 0 Nonconformity (minor) 99 58 41 Observations 421 219 202 Total 521 278 243 Number of internal training course participants コーポレート環境監査 Number of external training course participants (23事業所) Total Registered examiner of the Center of Environmental Auditor Registration (CEAR) 0 Nonconformity (major) * Categories of instructions for Headquarters environmental auditing: Issues of concern: Matters recommended for swift improvement Issues to work on: Matters recommended for planned improvement Proposals: Matters to be considered for improvement, advice 15 0 Number of participants in Environmental Management Systems (EMS) internal auditor development/ training courses Number of persons with major qualifications Pollution Control Managers Lead Auditor Auditor 更新審査 Provisional Auditor (17事業所) Air Classes 1-4 Water Classes 1-4 Noise/Vibration 維持審査 Dioxins (34事業所) Certified Environmental Measurers Energy Managers Olfactory Measurement Operators 事業所内部監査 (48事業所、55回) Environmental Specialists (Eco Test) 指摘事項 32 713 要望事項 14 265 提案事項 46 978 合計 0 1 不適合 (メジャー) 0 1 不適合 (マイナー) 0 1 観察事項 0 50 合計 6 93 不適合 (メジャー) 1 32 不適合 (マイナー) 0 1 観察事項 0 4 合計 0 57 不適合 (メジャー) 0 1 不適合 (マイナー) 3 109 観察事項 合計 対応完了 対応 継続中 Flow of Utilizing Customer Feedback in Management Collection Customer feedback Customers 30 82 Qualifications 29 163 審査機関審査 59 Issues to work on Qualifications Issues of concern Headquarters environmental auditing (16 business sites) 件数 Contact point Hayamimi Network Customer feedback Opinions Analysis and wishes Surveys Senior executives and related sections Needs Utilization Fields of Manufacturing Development Product planning Development Production and and design construction Categorization Interviews Complaints Receiving complaints Investigation Response Factor analysis Other Resolving dissatisfaction Preventative Measures ※ コーポレート環境監査の指示の分類 指摘事項:速やかに改善を実施すべき事項 要望事項:計画的に改善を実施すべき事項 提案事項:改善を検討してもらう事項、 アドバイス 16 Human Resources P43 - 50 Main Programs for Promoting Diverse Working Styles and Program Usage (Sekisui Chemical) System Number of Employees (Sekisui Chemical Group) Number of employees Male Female 2,293 Number of employees 1,982 By region Employees’ Years of Continuous Service (Sekisui Chemical) (Years) Number ofyears New-Graduate Hires/Percentage of Women Average of continuous service 17.2 Among New-graduate Hires (Sekisui Chemical Group Male 17.4 in Japan) Female (%) 15.4 30 1,500 28 Employee Turnover Rate in First Three Years of Employment (Sekisui Chemical) 22 Employed in FY2010 1,000 Employed in FY2011 735 686 Employee Turnover Rate in 500 First Three Years of Employment 3.3 Employed in 779 FY2012 8.6 3,139 30 (People) 2,000 20 0 1 (%) 40 1,500 30 28 1.9 1,000 20 10 2.03 FY2012 FY2013 (Sekisui Chemical) 72.2 Reemployment rate (%) (%) 3.0 Note: The reemployment rate for applicants is 100%. 2.0 2 2014 2.12 2.03 SelectiveType Training Details This program combines intensive courses led by visiting university professors with practice tasks so The that participants can improve Saijuku their skills and knowledge to School become globally oriented leaders. It is intended to develop the next generation of leaders. Open Seminars These intra-group seminars aim to improve employees’ business skills. Employees can select freely seminars on skills that meet their needs, to acquire skills that can be applied immediately to their daily work. Employees recruited 19 23 26 Use of flexible working hours Times of starting and finishing work may be moved earlier or later by up to 60 minutes until the child reaches junior high school age. 2 2 3 98 (including 41 males) 101 (including 35 males) 104 (including 59 males) 143 154 164 Three days of special paid leave per year granted until the child or grandchild starts high school (this leave can be taken for reasons such as childbirth-related events, parents day, athletic meets, and PTA meetings) 新卒女性採用比率(積水化学グループ 国内) (%) 40 20 30 10 0 Safety 2010 2009 (2010年度入社)(2011年度入社) 10 P51 - 52 0 0 2010 2009 (2010年度入社)(2011年度入社) Number of Occupational Accidents Number of Equipment-Related Accidents* (Cases) 60 (Cases) (指数) 100 2.0 82.2* 2.18 3 43 36 34 (Hours) 障がい者雇用率(積水化学) 1 3 2010 2011 2012 2013 FY2014 15.6 16.0 2009 16.8 Number of Cases of Extended Sick Leave* *数値は毎年6月1日現在 (Cases) 100 2011 2012 2014 2013 FY2013 (%) FY2014 60 69 58 (Cases) 160 *数値は毎年6月1日現在 64 Average per person (not including managers) 40 36 38.3 40.0 30s 190 104 100 FY2014 Cumulative total since 2000 23 53 298 172 40s 686 Applicants 111 144 1,463 Employees transferred 23 30 295 50s 57 Total Number of Participants Themes by Age Groups Selfestablishment Market value Continuing Preparedness to work even after retirement and motivation Training Content Recognition of abilities and interviews with superiors on career-related matters Affirmation of specialization, values, and the meaning of work Aiming to keep working at age 65 and thinking about succession Putting into words desired styles for ages 60-69 88 40 316 Number of participants in FY2014 Cumulative total number of participants through FY2014 102 86 2011 Severity Rate2 1.5 0.3 1.0 0.98 1.05 1,049 109 2011 2012 2014 2013 1.06 1.00 0.94 0.2 Average of domestic manufacturing industry4 0.5 0.1 0.43 0.54 Sekisui Chemical Group3 4,885 0 2010 2011 2012 49 20 47 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.08 Average of domestic manufacturing industry4 0.019 0.007 0.014 2011 2012 0.018 0.016 0 2014 2013 2010 Sekisui Chemical Group3 2014 2013 1 Frequency rate = (number of deaths and injuries in occupational accidents with lost time / total work hours) × 1,000,000 ※ 2 Severity rate = (number of work days lost / total work hours) × 1,000 3 Sekisui Chemical Group data: 47 production sites and four R&D laboratories 4(件) Source of information for Japanese manufacturing industry: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Survey on 3Occupational Accidents 労働災害発生件数 40 0.09 0.30 0.42 1,777 2010 * Number of Cases: Total number of cases in which injury was suffered or damage caused (including injury to the person and property damage). Frequency Rate1 0.31 1,950 2014 2013 2012 * Extended sick leave: This refers to a new absence of 30 calendar days or longer due to illness or injury. Reoccurrences within six months of returning to work are not included in the above count. Absences due to occupational accidents are not considered extended sick leave. Career Plan Training by Age 109 76 0 2010 35 120 40 0 43.2 139 129 120 80 43 40 2014 2013 Number of Commuting Accidents* 2009 84 2012 (1) Personnel-related injury: occupational accidents accompanied by 30 lost working days or more (2) Property damage: 10 million yen or more (3) Loss of opportunity: 20 million yen or more 0 0 80 Percentage of Paid Leave Used (Sekisui Chemical) FY2012 2.18 1 0 2011 * Equipment-related accidents: Any accident that meets one or more of the following conditions (1) – (3) (Sekisui Chemical Group standards): 1.0 1 0 0 2.0 2 0 2010 0 Legally stipulated rate FY2013 2 2 (%) 20143.0 0 1.0 4 4 52 設備災害 発生件数 (件) 60 17 21 20 20 FY2013 55 Period that previously extended until the child was three years old now extends until the child starts fourth grade. 100 (%) 2.59 FY2012 2010 Results of Intra-group Job Posting Recruitments (cases) Shortened working hours 20 3.0 ●外部損失費 (検証) 0 Number of Number of Number of participarticiparticipants in pants in pants in FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 31 (including 9 males) Total number of system users 1.99 Monthly average per person Main Recruitment and Selective-Type Training Programs 28 (including 8 males) 2.34 1.0 2013 24 (including 6 males) 障がい者雇用率(積水化学) 40 83 87.5* 1 Overtime Hours Worked (Sekisui Chemical) 2012 Leave which previously extended only until the child was a year and a half old now extends to the end of the month of the child’s third birthday. 47 FY2014 (指数) Number of elderly employees 65Disabilities56 Employment Ratio of People with 100 reemployed 3 Legally stipulated rate 2011 Childcare leave 21 0 ●外部損失費 (検証) 0 FY2014 Family leave 100 1.99 FY2013 40 Number of Elderly Employees Reemployed and Reemployment Rate (Sekisui Chemical) 1.0 RecruitmentType Training 30 (Sekisui Chemical Group in Japan) 2.34 Training (%) 40 Entering FY2015 Entered FY2014 Entered FY2013 2.59 FY2012 779 735 0 500 0 (%) 3.0 2010 30 22 (Sekisui Chemical Group) Employment Ratio of People with Disabilities (Sekisui Chemical) 2.12 1,425 Asia/Pacific (including China) Main Content 新卒女性採用比率(積水化学グループ 国内) FY2014 2.0 Europe 686 0 Percentage of management positions (%) 1,579 40 Number ofEntered Women DirectorsEntered andFY2014 Percentage Entering of Management FY2015 FY2013 Positions Filled by Women Directors North America, Central and South America Number of New-Graduate Hires/Percentage of Women 40 Among New-graduate Hires (Sekisui Chemical Group in Japan) 10 5.7 17,743 Other support (People) 2,000 23,886 Japan 311 Support for childcare Number of Employees (Sekisui Chemical) 52 43 36 2 1 2 1 18 Status of Occupational Accidents at Overseas Production Sites Compliance P55 - 56 (Accidents) 160 Main Training Implemented in Fiscal 2014 120 110 4 1 80 2 6 80 Training 94 5 81 1 13 19 61 27 29 40 40 44 45 61 4 9 41 2010 2011 2012 (件) (Accidents) 160 30 137 12 24 14 18 120 7 50 14 1563 24 18 16 10 11 10 37 22 12 74 5 18 18 6012 18 9 52 33 10 5 2007 2010 1996 2 5 61 51 4 64 5 3 100 4 4 23 5 Number of occupational accidents without lost time in the New Construction sector Number of occupational 86 accidents without 中国 1 lost time in the Fami 13 S sector アジア 26 26 20 0 0 Sekisui Chemical Director training Sekisui Chemical Group company 30 Introductory management training Sekisui Chemical Group company 123 Manufacturing section leader training Sekisui Chemical Group manufacturing sections 26 Compliance training Sekisui Chemical Group company 1,017 Safety Performance at Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company Construction Sites U.S. compliance training Sekisui Chemical Group companies (U.S.) 22 (Accidents) U.S. litigation response training Sekisui Chemical Group business sections 27 China compliance training Sekisui Chemical Group business sections 26 Training for specific employee ranks 30 139 10 40 Operating officer training 2014 2013 Safety Performance at Housing Company Construction Sites 80 New employees of Sekisui Chemical North America 31 27 175 Training for new employees Europe 0 8 8 2008 2011 2009 338 32 7 2010 2012 4 3 2011 2013 11 5 6 2012 2014 Number of occupational 44 accidents with lost 欧州 time in the New Construction sector Number of occupational北米 28 accidents with lost time in the Fami S sector 2013 Attendance Training for new managers Regular training China Asia 17 Trainees New Sekisui Chemical Group managers Chemical and Sekisui Antimonopoly Law training Sekisui Chemical Group companies Area-specific Bribery prevention training training 20 Harassment prevention training 10 Occupational accidents without lost time 6 2 6 1 6 5 4 2 0 2 2010 2011 2012 0 3 1 2 6 2013 2014 Occupational accidents with lost time Sekisui Chemical Group company Sekisui Chemical Group company Training Trainees Attendance Labor Relations Act Sekisui Chemical Group company 181 84 Contract business basic training Sekisui Chemical Group company 74 3 Confidential information management Sekisui Chemical Group company 16 Accounting (accounts receivable) Sekisui Chemical Group company 206 Inventory management training Sekisui Chemical Group company 24 Stamp Tax Act training Sekisui Chemical Group company 53 Mental health training Sekisui Chemical Group company 67 International business contracts training Sekisui Chemical Group company 17 Promotion codes Sekisui Chemical Group company 11 Safe driving Sekisui Chemical Group company 82 Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) training Sekisui Chemical Group company 14 Construction Industry Act Sekisui Chemical Group company 99 Training for overseas company presidents Sekisui Chemical Group company (overseas) 51 Basic training for global personnel development Employees engaged in work related to overseas business 12 Labor laws, subcontractor laws, export control Sekisui Chemical and Sekisui Chemical Group companies 151 Area-specific training 181 129 1,081 Product Liability Act Sekisui Chemical Group company 52 Act against Delay in Payment of Subcontract Proceed, etc. to Subcontractors training Sekisui Chemical Group company 192 Misleading representations law training Sekisui Chemical Group company 41 Global training Open seminars Note: The number of accidents represents the total for the following four companies: Sekisui Home Techno Co., Ltd., Nippon No-Dig Technology Co., Ltd., Sekisui Aqua Systems Co., Ltd., and Seiryu Maintenance Co., Ltd. Health, Safety and Accident-Prevention Costs (Millions of yen) Item Classification Sekisui Chemical Group* Expense Investment amount amount Details 1) Costs within business-site areas Health and safety measures, rescue and protective equipment, measurement of work environment, health management, workers’ accident compensation insurance, etc. 2) Administrative costs Establishment and implementation of OHSMS, safety education, personnel costs, etc. 3) Other Safety awards, etc. Total 住宅カンパニー施工現場における安全成績 891 5,175 1,809 ̶ 5 ̶ 2,705 5,175 環境・ライフラインカンパニー施工現場における安全成績 Environmental and Social Contribution Activities Recipients of Fiscal 2014 Sekisui Chemical Grants for Research on Manufacturing Based on Innovations Inspired by Nature Researcher Affiliation/University, Title* Yuji Kishima Professor Laboratory of Plant Breeding, Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University A method of producing virus-resistant rice focused on virus fossils mined from the rice genomes. Tsuguyuki Saito Associate Professor Department of Biomaterials Science, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo Optically transmissive and thermally insulating porous materials made of a strong wood component Ayako Gotoh Assistant professor Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Konan University Long-term sperm mechanisms learning from ant queens Associate Professor Kyoto Institute of Technology Graduate School of Science and Technology A key to creation of high-performance soft materials to learn from natural rubber Atsushi Hozumi Group Leader National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Materials Research Institute for Sustainable Development Pattern Formation on the Skin of a Melon Development of high performance film artificially mimicking biological repairing system Kunio Kimura Professor Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science, Okayama University Development of novel methodology for morphological control of polymers : Quest for origin of helical structure- Takeharu Haino Professor Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University Functionalization of nano graphene through chemical modification Professor Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ehime University Synthesis of new functional polymers by precision polymerization of a variety of diazoacetates based on learning from relationship between structure and function of polypeptides Takashi Hayashi Professor Department of Applied Chemistry Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University Generation of an artificial light harvesting system using a hemoprotein assembly Yasushi Shigeri Principal Research Manager National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Kansai Center, Health Research Institute Creation of nanodiscs and skin care materials based on learning from Xenopus tropicalis Masayuki Endo0 Associate Professor Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences, Kyoto University Creation of an artificial signal transduction system inspired by the cellular receptors Makoto Sato Professor Brain/Liver Interface Medicine Research Center, Kanazawa University Mathematical modeling and genetic analysis of the wave of differentiation Song-Ju Kim Special Researcher Atomic Electronics Unit, WPI Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) Intelligent nanostructure : amoeba-inspired efficient decision maker using atomic switches Professor Department of Advanced Energy, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences The University of Tokyo VORTEX –an approach from fluctuation analysis * Data above include 47 production sites/4 laboratories + all departments of Headquarters + back offices of division companies. (件) (件) 30 30 Expenses and Investments Loss Costs* Expense and investment amounts (100 million yen) 24 60 26 24 20 19 18 12.6 16 15 40 10 0 15 11 22.5 5 22.3 4 3 2009 12.0 5 2010 10 23.0 19.6 8 2011 22 12 28.4 16.8 51.7 10.9 10 5 6.5 15 16 9.8 11 10 12 20 14 Rate (%) 15.8 8 18.1 7 27.1 4 2012 12 Proportion of health, safety and accident新築部門 prevention investments to 不休災害件数 the total investment 10 ファミエス部門 amount 不休災害件数 9 Investment 新築部門 amount 休業災害件数 3 5 ファミエス部門 休業災害件数 Expense amount 0 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 800 775.4 20 600 510.9 444.5 10 400 200 0 Eiji Ihara 383.6 4 1 3 2009 2013 Yuko Ikeda (Yen in millions) 800 326 6 1 6 2 5 2010 不休災害 4 2 0 2 3 1 2 2011 2012 2013 休業災害 ※発生件数は、積水ホームテクノ (株)、 日本ノーディッグテクノロジー(株)、積水アクアシステム(株)、 0 (株)清流メンテナンスの4社の合計件数 2013 2011 2012 2010 2014 * Loss costs: Expenses, including man-hours, required to respond to occupational accidents, equipmentrelated accidents, commuting accidents, and long-term illness absences. Zensho Yoshida Cross-sector collaborative research 19 P60 Mitsuru Komatsu Associate Professor Division of Sustainability of Resources, Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science, Okayama University Waste Management Research Center, Okayama University Masato Futagawa Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Shizuoka University Hikofumi Suzuki Vice-Director of Center, Associate Professor Integrated Intelligence Center, Shinshu University * Affiliations, universities, and titles shown are current as of the time the grant was provided. Supported Research Theme Development of a rainfall infiltration monitoring system and hydrogeological model of groundwater recharge areas through lessons learnt from IKUSUI ; water resource rearing and preservation of rural natural environment. 20 Charitable Contributions Examples of Main Environmental Contribution Activities Conducted in Fiscal 2014 Site Activities of business sites in Japan Tohoku Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. Japanese beech tree planting at Minamizaou Kanto Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. Sekisui Children’s Nature Study Course (observing water bugs and testing water quality) Tokyo Sekisui Heim Industry Co., Ltd. Green Trust Kurohama Lake Environs Outing (nature field trip for children) Sekisui Heim Kyushu Co., Ltd. Forest conservation activities, terraced rice fields in Tsuzura, Ukiha, Fukuoka Prefecture Local communities and social welfare 12% Chiba Sekisui Industry Co., Ltd. Uruoi no Mori (Moist Forest) woodland development project Environment 13% その他 15% Health, medicine, sports 11% CSR Committee/Subcommittee Structure Sekisui Seikei, Ltd. Izumo Plant Izumo Children Nature School (living organism observation) Tokuyama Sekisui Industry Co., Ltd. Sekisui no Mori forest maintenance activities Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Gunma Plant Gunma Children’s Nature Class (nature field trip for children) 寄付活動の内訳 Tsukuba Site Afforestation activities at the base of Mt. Tsukuba and in the Kasumigaura headspring 国際交流・ 協力 % Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Tokyo Headquarters Tree-planting activities at Umi-no-Mori (Sea Forest) in Tokyo Sekisui S-Lec B.V. Sekisui Alveo B.V. Environmental preservation activities at De Meinweg National Park (Netherlands) Sekisui SPR Europe G.m.b.H. KMG Pipe Technologies G.m.b.H. Sekisui Nordi Tube Technologies SE Tree planting and birdhouse building (Germany) Sekisui America Corporation Hackensack River eco-tour and clean-up activities (U.S.) その他 % Coldwater River clean-up activities (U.S.) Manchester Street Park tree and plant preservation (U.S.) Sekisui S-Lec (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Pattaya Beach clean-up activities (Thailand) Sekisui Industrial Piping Co., Ltd. Wuqi Citizens Elementary School clean-up activities (Taiwan) Sekisui DLJM Molding Private Ltd. New Delhi train station clean-up activities (India) Heart+Action TABLE FOR TWO TABLE FOR TWO (Vending machines) Sites Sites 8 times 12 sites 1 site Houses and the Environment Learning Program Implementing schools 17 schools Chemical Classroom Times implemented BOOK MAGIC Times implemented Number of school meals provided in developing countries 10,517 meals Amount of food aid to the Tohoku region 210,340 yen Number of school meals provided in developing countries 3,275 meals Cumulative number of times implemented CS & Quality Management System Human Resources System President CSR Committee 災害援助 % President CS & Quality Subcommittee Subcommittee Chairperson: Head of Productivity Innovation Center Subcommittee Members: Directors in charge of CS & Quality at each division company; General Managers of CS & Quality sections; Corporate Officers Quality management sections Production sites Implementing sites Participating students 2,171 persons 23 times Participating students 12 times Amount donated Implementing sites 28 times 12 sites 1 site CSR Committee Sales companies Technology Department After-sales service sections Customer Information & Consulting Services Customer Information & Consulting Services Cumulative participants Headquarters 474 persons Number of school meals provided in developing countries 115,995 meals Amount of food aid to the Tohoku region* 439,570 yen Number of school meals provided in developing countries 5,450 meals Cumulative number of participating students 16,985 persons 84 times Cumulative amount donated 742,785 yen Cumulative number of times implemented 67,559 yen Cumulative number of times implemented HR at Division Company/Headquarters HR sections at production sites, laboratories, sales facilities, Each labor-management committee Customer Information & Consulting Services Compliance Management System President President CSR Committee CSR Committee 147 times 3,223 persons Productivity Innovation Center’s CS & Quality Group Safety System approximetely 11,500 persons 93 schools Human Resources Subcommittee Subcommittee Chairperson:Executive Officer in charge of Personnel Department Subcommittee Members: Directors in charge of HR at each division company; Corporate Officers HR sections at each division company Approx. cumulative number of participating students Cumulative number of implementing schools Environmental sections Environmental Management Group, CSR Promotion Department Performance to date 169 persons Environmental sections Sales companies 寄付金 Tree planting in Yupingshan, Suzhou (China) Participants Production sites Safety Subcommittee CS & Quality sections at each division company * Food assistance to the Tohoku region from April 2013 to December 2014 Safety Subcommittee Subcommittee Chairperson: Head of Productivity Innovation Center Subcommittee Members: Directors in charge of safety at each divisi on company; General Managers of safety sections; Corporate Officers Division companies Safety sections at each division company Production sites Sections in charge of safety Construction companies Sections in charge of safety Headquarters Productivity Innovation Center, Safety Group 21 Environmental sections at each division company Division companies FY2014 performance Times implemented (Three people including head of Labor Union and representative of female employees) Division companies Headquarters Main Social Contribution Activities Conducted in Fiscal 2014 Program CS & Quality Subcommittee Compliance Subcommittee 学術・研究・ 教育 % Sekisui Voltek, LLC. Environmental Subcommittee Chairperson: President Members: Division Company Presidents, Headquarters Directors, 学術・研究・ and Representatives 教育Employee 57% Human Resources Subcommittee 環境 % 地域社会・ 社会福祉 % 地域社会 ・ CSR Committee 社会福祉 12% Environment brainstorming sessions Sekisui Film Co., Ltd. Shinshu-Takato Plant Tenryu river aquatic environment picnic (clean-up of Mibu river waterway) Academia, research, and education 57% Environmental Subcommittee Subcommittee Chairperson: Executive Officer in charge of CSR Department Subcommittee Members: Directors in charge of environmental matters at each division company; General Managers of environmental sections; Corporate Officers Reporting/Discussion Energy management Tree planting around Matsuo Kosan 国際交流・ 協力 3% CSR Committee 寄付金 1億79百万円 Safe environment managers’ meeting Clean-up activities around Yadaijin-numa (Wakimizu-numa) Sekisui Medical Co., Ltd. Iwate Plant 環境 13% Environmental Management System President Board of Directors Contributions: 179 million yen Toto Sekisui Co., Ltd. Ota Plant Sekisui S-LEC (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Sekisui (Shanghai) International Trading Co., Ltd. Sekisui Medical Technology Ltd. Sekisui (Shanghai) Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. Sekisui (Wuxi) Plastics Technology Co., Ltd. Sekisui KNT (Hebei) Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. YoungBo HPP (Lanfang) Co., Ltd. Sekisui Chemical Group’s CSR Management System Others 4% Environment Activities of overseas business sites International exchange and cooperation 3% Program Discussion of Sekisui Chemical Group’s basic policies on compliance and formulation of measures to be implemented in areas such as education and training. Development of countermeasures for individual compliance issues, consideration of measures to prevent their reoccurrence, etc. Compliance Subcommittee Compliance Subcommittee Chairperson: Reporting Advisory Board Director in charge of Legal Department (to address problems Subcommittee Members: Directors in charge of compliance at each that have actually division company; Headquarters Directors; occurred) General Manager, Corporate Audit Department Promotion of policies and measures discussed in the Subcommittee and other matters Reporting Headquarters/ Division companies Compliance Promotion Committee Instruction and communication Promotion and development Compliance of measures Promotion Manager (person responsible Reporting for promotion) 22 Sekisui Chemical Group’s CSR Management Policies SekisuiChemical ChemicalGroup GroupEnvironmental EnvironmentalManagement ManagementPolicy Policy Sekisui SekisuiChemical ChemicalGroup GroupHuman HumanResources Resourcesand andHuman HumanRights RightsPolicy Policy Sekisui Mission Mission Mission Mission We,Sekisui SekisuiChemical ChemicalGroup, Group,aim aimto tobe beaaGlobal GlobalEnvironmental EnvironmentalTop TopRunner Runnerthat thatcontributes contributesto tothe therealization realizationof ofaasustainable sustainablesociety societyby byenabling enablingthe the We, continuousgrowth growthand andco-existence co-existenceof ofecology ecologyand andthe theeconomy. economy. continuous Basedon onour ourbelief beliefthat that“employees “employeesare areprecious preciousassets assetsbestowed bestowedon onus usby bysociety,” society,”we, we,Sekisui SekisuiChemical ChemicalGroup, Group,are arecommitted committedto todeveloping developingan an Based environmentwhere whereemployees employeescan canwork workenthusiastically. enthusiastically.We Wealso alsooffer offervarious variousopportunities opportunitiesthrough throughwhich whichwe wehelp helpindividual individualemployees employeesenhance enhancetheir their environment specialtiesand andgrow growas asindividuals. individuals. specialties Withthe therecognition recognitionthat thatititisisour oursocial socialresponsibility responsibilityto toprotect protectindividual individualhuman humanrights, rights,we werespect respectthe thediversity, diversity,personality personalityand andindividuality individualityof ofeach each With person,promote promotevarious variousworking workingstyles stylesand andcreate createsafe safeand andsecure securework workenvironments environmentsininresponse responseto tothe theconditions conditionsinineach eachcountry countryand andregion. region. person, Basic BasicPolicy Policy Eachcompany companyininSekisui SekisuiChemical ChemicalGroup Groupadvances advancesapproaches approachesthat thatcontribute contributeto tothe theprevention preventionof ofglobal globalwarming, warming,the thepreservation preservationof ofbiological biological Each diversityand andthe theconstruction constructionof ofaarecycling-based recycling-basedsociety societyininall allcountries countriesand andregions regionswhere wherethey theyhave haveoperations, operations,ininorder orderto toleave leavethis thisbeautiful beautifulEarth Earthfor for diversity ourchildren childrenininthe thefuture. future. our Wecontribute contributeto tothe theenvironment environmentthrough throughour ourproducts productsand andservices, services,with withconsideration considerationgiven givento tothe theenvironment environmentat atall allstages stagesof ofthe theproduct productlife lifecycle, cycle, 1.1.We fromresearch researchto toprocurement, procurement,production, production,sales, sales,use, use,and anddisposal disposalas aswaste. waste. from Wecarry carryout outenvironmentally environmentallyconscious consciousbusiness businessactivities activitiesininall allour ourworkplaces workplacesand andoffices, offices,and andpromote promoteour ourapproach approachto tothe theenvironment environmentthrough through 2.2.We cooperationwith withour ourcustomers customersand andbusiness businesspartners. partners. cooperation Wemake makeefforts effortsto toreduce reducethe theenvironmental environmentalimpact impactof ofgreenhouse greenhousegas gasemissions emissionsand andhazardous hazardouschemicals, chemicals,etc., etc.,and andto toprevent preventpollution pollutionby bypromoting promoting 3.3.We theeffective effectiveuse useof oflimited limitedresources resourcesand andenergy. energy. the Weobserve observethe therelevant relevantlaws, laws,regulations, regulations,international internationalrules, rules,etc. etc. 4.4.We Wemake makeefforts effortsto toimprove improveenvironmental environmentalconsciousness consciousnessthrough througheducation educationand andadvance advancecontinual continualimprovements improvementsby bysetting settingour ourown ownobjectives objectivesand and 5.5.We targets. targets. Weenhance enhancetrust trustthrough throughclose closecommunications communicationswith withsociety. society. 6.6.We Weactively activelyengage engageininsocial socialcontribution contributionactivities activitiessuch suchas asnature natureconservation conservationactivities activitiesinineach eachregion. region. 7.7.We SekisuiChemical ChemicalGroup GroupCS CS&&Quality QualityManagement ManagementPolicy Policy Sekisui Mission Mission Basic BasicPolicy Policyon onHuman HumanResources Resources Basic BasicPolicy Policyon onHuman HumanRights Rights Creatingopportunities opportunitiesto totake takeon onchallenges challenges 1.1.Creating Weencourage encourageemployees employeesto to“positively “positivelyset settheir theirown owngoals goalsand and We aggressivelyto totake takeon onchallenges.” challenges.” aggressively Culturewhere whereemployees employeeslearn learnand andgrow growon ontheir theirown own 2.2.Culture Westrive striveto toenrich enrichour oureducation/training education/trainingprograms programsand anddevelop developaa We culturewhere whereemployees employeeslearn learnand andgrow growon ontheir theirown. own. culture Enhancementof ofthe theperformance-based performance-basedremuneration remunerationsystem system 3.3.Enhancement Weemphasize emphasizeour ouremployees’ employees’personal personalcommitment commitmentand andstrive striveto to We constantlyimprove improvethe thefairness fairnessand andacceptance acceptanceof ofour ourassessment assessment constantly systemregarding regardingperformance performanceand andprocesses. processes. system Acceptanceof ofvarious variousworking workingstyles styles 4.4.Acceptance Werespect respectvarious variousvalues, values,develop developworkplaces workplaceswhere whereevery everyemployee employee We canwork workwith withenthusiasm, enthusiasm,and andhelp helpemployees employeesachieve achieveaabalance balance can betweenlife lifeand andwork. work. between Creatingsafe safeand andsecure securework workenvironments environments 5.5.Creating Wepromote promoteemployees’ employees’health healthenhancement enhancementand andmental mentalhealth healthcare. care. We Respectfor forhuman humanrights rightsand andthe theprohibition prohibitionof ofdiscrimination discrimination 1.1.Respect Beingaware awareof ofour ourposition positionas asaamember memberof ofthe theinternational international Being community,we weappreciate appreciateand andrespect respectthe thecultures, cultures,customs, customs,and and community, valuesof ofeach eachregion regionand andneither neitherviolate violatehuman humanrights rightsourselves ourselvesnor nor values participateininany anysuch suchviolations. violations.We Wealso alsonever neverbecome becomeinvolved involvedinin participate anyconduct conductthat thatmight mightlead leadto todiscrimination. discrimination. any Wenever neverdiscriminate discriminateon onthe thegrounds groundsof ofrace, race,color, color,gender, gender,age, age, We language,religion, religion,creed, creed,disability, disability,sexual sexualorientation, orientation,nationality, nationality, language, geographicalor orsocial socialorigin, origin,property, property,or orother otherstatus statusor orany anysimilar similar geographical basis,and andwe weneither neitherviolate violatehuman humanrights rightsourselves ourselvesnor norparticipate participateinin basis, anysuch suchviolations. violations. any Prohibitionof ofharassment harassment 2.2.Prohibition Wenever nevercommit commitsexual sexualharassment harassmentor orother otheractions actionsthat thatstain stain We personalcharacter. character. personal Wedo donot notcommit commitsexual sexualharassment harassmentor orany anyconduct conductthat thatmight mightbe be 1)1)We misunderstoodas assexual sexualharassment. harassment. misunderstood Wedo donot notmisuse misusethe thepower powerof ofaasuperior superiorposition positionnor noruse useany any 2)2)We languageor orconduct conductthat thatcould couldsexually sexuallyannoy annoyany anyperson. person.InIn language addition,we weprevent preventother otheremployees employeesfrom fromusing usingsuch suchoffensive offensive addition, languageor orconduct. conduct. language Prohibitionof offorced forcedlabor laborand andchild childlabor labor 3.3.Prohibition Weshall shallnever neveraccept acceptforced forcedlabor laboror orchild childlabor laborininany anycountry countryor or We region. region. Wecomply complywith withthe thelaws lawsfor forthe theminimum minimumworking workingage ageinineach each 1)1)We countryand andregion regionand anddo donot notuse usechild childlabor. labor. country Wedo donot notcarry carryout outany anyform formof offorced forcedlabor laborininany anyof ofour ourcorporate corporate 2)2)We activities. activities. Respectfor forbasic basiclabor laborrights rights 4.4.Respect Werespect respectbasic basiclabor laborrights, rights,including includingthe theright rightof ofworkers workersto toorganize organize We andto tobargain, bargain,ininaccordance accordancewith withthe thelaws lawsand andcustoms customsof ofeach each and countryor orregion, region,and anddo donot notinfringe infringeon onthese theserights. rights. country We,Sekisui SekisuiChemical ChemicalGroup, Group,consider considerCS CS&&Quality Qualityas asour ourcentral centralconcept conceptof ofmanagement managementand andwill willconsistently consistentlyinnovate innovateto tomaintain maintainthe thequality qualityof of We, productsthroughout throughoutall allour ouractivities, activities,continuously continuouslyprovide providevalue value(products (productsand andservices) services)that thatmeet meetcustomer customerexpectations, expectations,strive strivefor forselection selectionby byour our products customerson onan anongoing ongoingbasis, basis,and anddevelop developand andgrow growwith withthe thecustomer customerover overthe thelong longterm. term. customers Basic BasicPolicy Policy We,Sekisui SekisuiChemical ChemicalGroup, Group,consider considerCustomer Customer[p. [p.16] 16]Feedback Feedbackas asaaprecious preciousresource resourcefor formanagement managementand andstrive striveto toinnovate innovatewith withregard regardto tothe theQuality Qualityof of We, Products,Quality Qualityof ofPeople Peopleand andQuality Qualityof ofSystems Systemsbased basedon onthe themotto motto“We “Weconsider considercustomer’s customer’sfeedback feedbackas asthe thebeginning beginningof ofour ourmanufacturing.” manufacturing.” Products, Furthermore,we wecontribute contributeto tothe therealization realizationof ofaasafe safeand andaffluent affluentsociety societyby bycontinuously continuouslyproviding providingour ourcustomers customersand andtheir theircommunities communitieswith withnew newvalue. value. Furthermore, EnsuringBasic BasicQualities Qualities 1.1.Ensuring Toensure ensurethe thereliability reliabilityand andsafety safetyof ofour ourmanufactured manufacturedproducts, products,which whichform formthe thebasis basisof ofProduct ProductQuality, Quality,we weeffectively effectivelyleverage leveragecustomer customerfeedback feedback To anddedicate dedicateourselves ourselveswith withaastrong strongbelief beliefininforestalling forestallingany anypotential potentialtrouble troubleand andpreventing preventingany anyfuture futurerecurrence recurrencethroughout throughoutour ourentire entirevalue valuechain. chain. and CreatingAttractive AttractiveQualities Qualities 2.2.Creating Weaim aimto toshare sharethe theemotional emotionalvalues valuesof ofour ourcustomers customersby bythoroughly thoroughlypursuing pursuing“what “whatthe thecustomers customersvalue” value”and andconstantly constantlycreating creatingattractive attractiveproducts products We andservices servicesthat thatshould shouldrealize realizesuch suchcustomer customervalues. values. and UpgradingTechnological TechnologicalCapabilities Capabilities 3.3.Upgrading Forthe thesake sakeof ofensuring ensuringBasic BasicQualities Qualitiesand andfor forcreating creatingAttractive AttractiveQualities, Qualities,we weare areupgrading upgradingour ourtechnological technologicalcapabilities capabilitiesininall allfields fieldsininorder orderto toachieve achieve For superbmanufacturing manufacturingdevelopment. development. superb EnhancingCommunications Communications 4.4.Enhancing Wevalue valuecommunication communicationwith withour ourcustomers customersand andthe thesociety societyand andmake makesincere sincereefforts effortswhen whendealing dealingwith withthem themas aswell wellas ascomplying complyingwith withthe the We relevantlaws lawsand andregulations regulationsinineach eachcountry countryand andregion. region.We Weplace placespecial specialemphasis emphasison onresolving resolvingcustomer customercomplaints complaintsor orclaims claimsat atan anearly earlystage stageby by relevant respondingpromptly promptlyand andempathetically. empathetically. responding ProvidingThorough ThoroughEmployee EmployeeEducation Education 5.5.Providing Togain gainand andmaintain maintainthe thefull fulltrust trustof ofand andleave leaveaalasting lastingimpression impressionon onour ourcustomers, customers,we weprovide provideemployees employeeswith withcontinuous continuousCS CS&&Quality Qualityeducation educationand and To motivatethem themto toachieve achieveself-realization self-realizationthrough throughcustomer customersatisfaction. satisfaction. motivate Sekisui SekisuiChemical ChemicalGroup GroupSafety SafetyPolicy Policy Mission Mission We,Sekisui SekisuiChemical ChemicalGroup, Group,recognize recognizethat thatemployee employeesafety safetyisisessential essentialto toachieving achievingsustainable sustainablegrowth. growth.We Weaim aimto tobe beaa“Safe “Safeand andSecure” Secure”enterprise enterprise We, thatestablishes establishessafe safeand andsecure securework workenvironments environmentsand andhas hasthe thefull fulltrust trustof ofits itscustomers customersand andthe thecommunity communityas aswell wellas asits itsemployees. employees. that Basic BasicPolicy Policy Basedon onthe theconcept conceptof ofhuman humandignity dignitythat that“everyone “everyoneisisinvaluable,” invaluable,”we we“prioritize “prioritizesafety safetyover overanything anythingelse” else”as asaabasic basicrule ruleininall allof ofour ourbusiness businessactivities activities Based fromdevelopment, development,production, production,construction constructionto toservicing. servicing.We Weare arecommitted committedto topromoting promotingcomprehensive comprehensivesafety safetyactivities activitieswith withthe theaim aimof ofachieving achievingzero zero from occupationalaccidents, accidents,facility facilityaccidents, accidents,commuting commutingaccidents accidentsor orlong-term long-termsick sickleave. leave. occupational Westrive striveto todevelop developaasafe safeand andcomfortable comfortableworkplace workplacewhere whereeveryone everyoneisistaken takencare careof ofboth bothmentally mentallyand andphysically, physically,which whichshould shouldlead leadto togood goodhealth health 1.1.We foreach eachof ofour ouremployees, employees,whom whomwe wehighly highlyvalue. value. for Wethoroughly thoroughlydisseminate disseminatethe thelegal legalrequirements requirementsconcerning concerninghealth healthand andsafety/disaster safety/disasterprevention preventionto toour ouremployees employeesto toensure ensurecompliance. compliance. 2.2.We Wecarry carryout outrisk riskassessment assessmentand andpromote promoterisk riskreduction reductionmeasures measuresininaasystematic systematicway wayto toeliminate eliminatehazardous hazardousfactors factorsthat thatcompromise compromisehealth healthand and 3.3.We safety/disasterprevention. prevention. safety/disaster Westrive striveto toraise raiseawareness awarenessregarding regardinghealth healthand andsafety/disaster safety/disasterprevention preventionthrough throughemployee employeeeducation/training education/trainingand andpromote promotecontinuous continuous 4.4.We improvementsby bysetting settingvoluntary voluntaryobjectives/goals. objectives/goals. improvements Weproactively proactivelydisclose discloseany anynecessary necessaryinformation informationas aswell wellas asgain gainaahigher higherlevel levelof oftrust trustby byhaving havingclose closecommunication communicationwith withpublic publicadministrations administrationsand and 5.5.We localcommunities. communities. local Sekisui SekisuiChemical ChemicalGroup GroupSocial SocialContribution ContributionPolicy Policy As Asaagood goodcorporate corporatecitizen, citizen,we, we,Sekisui SekisuiChemical ChemicalGroup, Group,engage engageininactivities activitiesthat thatfocus focuson onthe theenvironment, environment,the thenext nextgeneration generationand andlocal localcommunities, communities, while whilecontributing contributingnot notonly onlyto tobusiness businessactivities activitiesbut butalso alsoto tosociety. society. All Allemployees employeesworking workingfor forthe theSekisui SekisuiChemical ChemicalGroup Groupare areproactively proactivelyinvolved involvedininsociety societyand andact actso sothat thatthey theycan canserve serveas asprominent prominenthuman humanresources resources ininsociety societyas aswell. well.InInaddition, addition,their theiractivities activitiesare aresupported supportedby byeach eachcompany companyof ofthe theGroup Groupininorder orderto togenerate generatesynergistic synergisticeffects. effects. 23 24 Sekisui Chemical Group Procurement Policy Sekisui Chemical Group will perform its procurement of goods according to the five basic ideas set out below. We will strengthen our harmonious and mutually beneficial partnership with our business partners through fair transactions. Also, Sekisui Chemical Group will engage in the promotion of CSR activities through the cooperation of business partners in the Group’s procurement activities. 1-1. Procurement Policy Openness Sekisui Chemical Group opens its doors not only to domestic companies but also widely to overseas companies. Impartiality and fairness Sekisui Chemical Group selects business partners based on impartial and fair evaluation standards with emphasis on quality, price and delivery lead-time, services, etc., as well as environmental considerations. Compliance with Laws and Regulations When engaging in purchasing transactions, Sekisui Chemical Group will comply with relevant laws, regulations and administrative instructions in Japan and overseas. Mutual Trust Along with conducting transactions with mutual trust and in fulfillment of contractual obligations, we will build and maintain relationships with our business partners that allow for our mutual profitability. Environmental Considerations Sekisui Chemical Group will further promote the purchase of raw materials and goods that have minimal negative impact on the environment and strive to establish a resource-recycling society through concerted efforts with business partners. 1-2. A Request to Our Business Partners Concerning Procurement The company is aware of CSR in all spheres of its business operations based on its philosophy of contributing to society through its business activities. To do so, it is absolutely necessary to engage in activities in mutual cooperation with business partners. We ask all business partners to carry out the following activities proactively. (1) Securing Excellent Product Quality Establish a quality assurance system to improve and maintain the quality of products offered to customers • Establish a quality assurance system in conformity with ISO 9000 (2) Environmental Considerations Sekisui Chemical Group is working to reduce any negative impact its products may have the environment from the development and production stages to disposal. To do so, the environmental consideration of our suppliers concerning raw materials and goods is essential. • Environmental management system in conformity with ISO 14001 • Reduction of harmful chemical substances, etc.; procurement of goods and materials with minimal environmental impact (3) Compliance with Laws, Regulations and Social Customs Suppliers are requested to ensure compliance with relevant laws, regulations and appropriate social norms of the countries and regions in which they conduct business operations. • Compliance with relevant laws and regulations in the business operations • Prohibition of forced labor • Prohibition of child labor • Prohibition of discrimination toward employees (4) Safety and Hygiene Quality is built through human resources and facilities. The safety management of these resources is the basis of production. Business partners are requested to perform the following. • Safety and hygiene control of the workplace and maintenance of employee health • Machine safeguarding and safety and hygiene control of facilities • Appropriate response to occupational accidents, facility disasters, accidents, etc. ・人権方針」 Calculation Standards of Key積水化学グループ Performance 「人材 Indicators 理 念 Environment 積水化学グループは、 「従業員は社会からお預かりした貴重な財産である」 という考え方に基づき、 従業員が活き活きと働くことができる環境づ Items Indicator Calculation Method くりに取り組むとともに、 一人ひとりが自分の “得意技” を磨き、 成長していくことを支援するさまざまな機会を提供します。 また、 個々人の人権を擁護することは社会的な責務であると認識し、 一人ひとりの多様性、 人格、 個性を尊重するとともに、 ・地域に対応した SEKISUI Environmental Sustainability Index = Groupwide return of natural capital / Groupwide use of natural capital各国 x 100 Calculation of amounts of natural capital used and returned 多様な働き方・安心して働ける職場づくりを推進します。 Our calculations use LIME2, Japanese life-cycle impact assessment method developed by Professor Norihiro Itsubo at Tokyo City University. Of the four safeguard subjects covered by LIME2, we selected three safeguard subjects (primary production, biodiversity, and damage to human health from global warming) that are regarded as having a direct relationship with the natural capital in our calculations and created a single index. 人権に関する基本方針 The amount of return of the natural capital is calculated as the reduction in risk of damages to the natural capital that results from Groupwide efforts to contribute to the environment, compared to if no actions were taken. 1. チャレンジの場づくり 1. 人権の尊重と差別の禁止 • Items included in calculation of the natural capital used Direct use: Land use, greenhouse gas emissions, emissions of PRTR substances and atmospheric pollutants, emissions of COD into water 国際社会の一員としての自覚を持ち、 各地域の文化、 習慣、 価値観 「自ら手をあげ挑戦する」 人を応援します。 Indirect use: Procured raw materials, energy used, water used, waste generated, indirect GHG emissions (Scope 3) from supply chain を理解、尊重し、人権侵害や人権侵害への加担をしません。また、 2. 学び自ら成長する風土 • Items included in calculation of the natural capital returned 教育・研修制度を充実させ、学び自ら成長する風土づくりに努めま Contribution from of Environment-Contributing Productsあらゆる差別につながる行為を行いません。 to reductions in use of the natural capital, contributions from environmental preservation activities, environment-related donations, electricity generated at megasolar power plants 人材に関する基本方針 人種、肌の色、性別、年齢、言葉、宗教、信条、障がい、性的指向、 す。 Scope of calculation / breakdown of components. The following assumptions are used in the 財産、 calculations. 国籍、 出身地、社会的出身、 その他の地位又はこれに類する 3. 成果主義の磨き上げ • Raw materials: E stimates of procured raw materials あらゆる差別や人権侵害及び人権侵害への加担を行いません。 コミットメントを重視し、成果とプロセスに対する評価への納得性 ・ materials used For housing, breakdown of raw per housing unit multiplied by a total number of housing unit built • Production / emission of harmful chemical substances: (Japan) PRTR substances in excess of one ton of emissions / year; Change to 2. ハラスメン トの禁止 公平性を高めます。 (Overseas) Not included セクシャルハラスメントなど人格を傷つける行為は一切行いません。 4. 多様な働き方に応える • Production / land maintenance: L and used for buildings include the entire site area of plants and laboratories in Japan; estimates of site areas 1) または他人に性的嫌がらせと誤解されるおそれ 多様な価値観を尊重し、すべての人が活き活きと働くことができ for overseas plants. Impact of性的嫌がらせ、 land usage measured for 30 years after land purchase Environment SEKISUI Environmental • Other: Capital goods as supply chain, other combustibles andのある行為は行いません。 energy-related activities, transportation and distribution, waste, business trips, る職場を作り、 生活と仕事の両立を支援します。 efficiency Sustainability Index employees, commutes to work, lease assets (downstream), processing, use and disposal of products sold 2) 優位な立場の悪用や性的に不快感を与える言動や行為は、 これ 5. 安心して働ける職場づくり Business trips and employee work commutes: Covers consolidated employees, including some estimates Use of products sold: Covers houses sold during the fiscal year, based on estimates他人がこれを行わないよう防止について of energy usage over 60 years を行わないとともに、 従業員の健康増進とメンタルヘルスケアを推進します。 Processing of products sold: Includes estimates of energy used during processing at customer locations of products likely to consume large usages of energy も徹底します。 Disposal of products sold: Covers main raw materials during the fiscal year, based on estimates of products being disposed during same 3. 強制労働及び児童労働の禁止 fiscal year あらゆる国 ・地域において一切の強制労働や児童労働を認めませ *Product contributions: (1) A qualitative assessment is performed to evaluate the differences in environmental contribution between target products and previous technologies in terms of six categories (CO₂ and energy reduction, waste reduction, resource せん。 conservation, water conservation and recycling, pollution prevention, and direct preservation of biodiversity) by stage of product’s lifecycle (five stages from raw materials procurement, production, product distribution, product use and 1) 各国 ・地域の最低年齢法を遵守し、 児童労働は行いません。 maintenance, and product disposal and recycling). Any significant difference identified is further investigated using いかなる形態の強制労働も行いま the data by product unit. (2) Based2) onすべての企業活動において、 the investigation results obtained, the environmental contribution by product unit is calculated using environmental load coefficient multiples applicable for each data. (3) The environmental せん。 contribution by product is determined by multiplying the result in (2) by total units sold for the fiscal year. The effect of Environment-Contributing Products is calculated on a trial basis for approximately 90% of their sales. 4. 労働基本権の尊重 • Direct contribution / preservation of the natural environment: The total number of participants and the time they spent in preservation activities 各国 ・地域の法律及び習慣に従った労働者の団結権、 団体交渉の is multipled by the quantity of CO2 Japanese ceder trees would absorb if planted.(1.1 tons-CO2 /労働基本権を尊重し、 man hours) 権利など、 これを侵害しません。 • Direct contribution / donations: D onations made with the intent of environmental preservation are assumed at an amount equivalent to the amount of environmental damages. • Direct contribution / megasolar power plants: Electricity generated is converted into CO2 equivalent as total energy created EnvironmentContributing Products EnvironmentContributing Products Sales and Sales Ratio Sales of Environment-Contributing Products = Sekisui Chemical Group consolidated net sales of products certified internally as EnvironmentContributing Products Environment-Contributing Products sales ratio = Sales of Environment-Contributing Products/consolidated net sales Subject: All Group businesses in Japan and overseas 積水化学グループ 「安全方針」 GHG emissions = Σ [volume of fuel usage purchased electricity and steam × CO2 emission coefficient] + GHG emissions from non-energy consumption sources GHG emissions from non-energy consumption sources = CO2 emissions from non-energy consumption sources + Σ [non-CO2 GHG emissions × global warming coefficients] [CO2 Emission Coefficients] 積水化学グループは、 従業員の安全確保なしに持続的発展はないものと認識し、 安全で安心して働くことの出来る職場環境を構築し、 従業員は Greenhouse-Gas (GHG) Fuels: Heavy oil A 2.71 tons- CO2/kL, city gas 2.08 tons-CO2/thousand Nm3, LNG 2.70 tons- CO2/ton, heating oil 2.49 tons-CO2/kL, diesel oil 2.62 Emissions もとよりお客様や地域の方々にも信頼される 「安全 ・安心」 企業を目指します。 tons- CO2/kL, gasoline 2.32 tons-CO 2/kL, LPG 3.00 tons-CO2/ton Purchased electricity: 0.555 tons-CO2/MWh (Japan) Emission coefficient of each country and region announced by GHG protocols (overseas) Purchased steam: 0.179 tons-CO2/ton 基本方針 [Global-warming coefficients]: Coefficients established under greenhouse-gas emissions calculation, reporting, and publication systems 理 念 Energy Usage Energy usage = Σ [volume of fuel usage purchased electricity andサービスまでの全ての事業活動において、 steam × heat generated per unit of output] 「一人ひとりカケガエノナイひと」 の人間尊重をベースに、 開発から、 生産、 施工、 「安全を全てに優先 Aggregating the 通勤災害、 results of both疾病長欠ゼロを目指した the fuel-based method (for transportation of modular home units, etc.) and the させる」 ことを基本とし、 労働災害、 設備災害、 トータルセーフティー活動を推進します。 ton-kilometer-based method (for transportation of products other than modular home units, etc.) 1. 従業員一人ひとりを大切にし、 心と体の両面に配慮し安全で快適な職場づくり ・健康づくりを推進します。 CO + Σ [transport weight (tons) × transport distance (km) × fuel usage per unit 2 emissions = Σ [volume of fuel usage × CO2 emission coefficient] CO2 Emissions at the of output × CO2 emission coefficient] Transportation Stage 2. 安全衛生 ・防災に係る法的要求事項を従業員に周知徹底し、 これを順守します。 Figures used for fuel usage per unit of output are those employed in the reporting system for specified consigners under the Act on the Rational Use of Energy 3. 安全衛生・防災の危険有害要因を排除するため、 リスクアセスメントを実行し、 計画的なリスク低減活動を推進します。 Subject: domestic logistics (product shipments) 4. 教育・訓練による啓発を通じて、 安全衛生・防災に対する意識向上に努めるとともに、 自主的な目的・目標を設定し、 継続的改善を進めます。 CO2 emissions = Σ [amount of main raw materials used listed in material balance section on page 7 of this Data 5. 行政や地域とのコミュニケーションを密にして信頼を高めるとともに、 必要な情報開示を積極的に行います。 Energy and Book x emission coefficient (IDEA v.1.1 (greenhouse gas emissions database compiled by the National Institute Greenhouse Gases* Purchased goods and services Capital goods of Advanced Industrial Science and the Technology (AIST) and Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry (JEMA1)))] CO2 emissions = Σ [year-on-year increase in buildings, structures, equipment and vehicles x emissions coefficient (per unit emissions database (v.2.0, Ministry of the Environment (MOE), Ministry of the Economy, Trade and 積水化学グループ 「社会貢献活動方針」 Industry) (METI) used to calculate greenhouse gas emissions of organization throughout supply chain)] Fuel- and energy-related CO2 emissions = Σ [(volume of fuel usage electricity and steam purchased) × emission coefficient] Emission coefficients used are from IDEA v.1.1 (GHG emissions database from AIST and JEMAI) for fuel, and 積水化学グループは、良き企業市民として、 「環境」 「次世代」 地域コミュニティ」 を視点に置いた活動に取り組み、 事業活動だけでなく社会への activities not Included in Scope the「 Emissions per Unit Database for the Purpose of Calculating the Greenhouse Gas and Other Emissions of Greenhouse Gas 1 and 2 Organizations throughout the Supply Chain (Ver. 2.0) (MOE and METI) for electricity and steam purchased. 貢献を果たします。 Emissions from Supply Subject: domestic and overseas production sites and laboratories, domestic and overseas offices Chain 積水化学グループで働く全ての従業員は、 積極的に社会とかかわり、社会でも際立つ人材となるよう活動します。また、会社はその活動を支援 CO2 emissions = Σ [amount (weight) of key raw materials used listed in material balance section on page 7 of this Transportation and delivery し、 相乗効果を発揮することを目指します。 Data Book x distance traveled x emissions coefficient (IDEA v.1.1 (greenhouse gas emissions database compiled by (upstream) AIST and JEMAI for Industry))] Calculation assumes distance traveled was 200 km Waste generated in operations CO2 emissions = Σ [volume of waste generated (by type) × emission coefficient (IDEA v.1.1 [GHG emissions database from AIST and JEMAI])] Subject: domestic and overseas production sites and laboratories Business travel CO2 emissions = Σ [transportation costs by means of transportation × emission coefficient (Emissions per Unit Database for the Purpose of Calculating the Greenhouse Gas and Other Emissions of Organizations throughout the Supply Chain [Ver. 2.0] [MOE and METI])] (Transportation costs for Group companies include estimates.) Subject: domestic and overseas Group companies * Calculation of greenhouse gases influenced by inherent unknowns in incomplete scientific knowledge used to determine emissions coefficients and numerical data required to find total emissions of various gases. 25 26 Calculation Standards of Key Performance Indicators CS & Quality Items Energy and Greenhouse Gases Waste Indicator Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Supply Chain Employee commuting CO2 emissions = Σ [amount of commuting allowances paid × emission coefficient (Emissions per Unit Database for the Purpose of Calculating the Greenhouse Gas and Other Emissions of Organizations throughout the Supply Chain [Ver. 2.0] [MOE and METI])] (Calculated by assuming all employees travel by passenger rail; commuting costs for Group companies include estimates.) Subject: domestic and overseas Group companies Transportation and delivery (downstream) Aggregating the results of using both the fuel-based method (for transportation of modular home units, etc.) and the ton-kilometer-based method (for transportation of products other than modular home units, etc.) CO2 emissions = Σ [volume of fuel usage × CO2 emission coefficient] + Σ [transport weight (tons) × transport distance (km) × fuel usage per unit of output × CO2 emission coefficient (using figures employed in the reporting system for specified consigners under the Act on the Rational Use of Energy)] (Figures for overseas are estimates.) Subject: shipments of products of domestic and overseas Group companies Processing of sold products CO2 emissions = Σ [production volume of subject products × emission coefficient for processing of the subject products (IDEA v.1.1 [GHG emissions database from AIST and JEMAI])] Subject: automotive products of domestic and overseas Group companies Use of sold products CO2 emissions = Σ [number of homes sold during the fiscal year × annual volume of electricity purchased from power companies × 60 years × emission coefficient for electricity], reflecting the effects of photovoltaic (PV) systems. Figures used for annual volume of electricity purchased from power companies are from Sekisui Chemical press release (“Survey of net energy balance (volume) of homes installed with PV systems (2013)”. dated March 13, 2014). For the emission coefficient for electricity, the internally used figure of 0.555 tonsCO2/MWh is used. Calculations assume a useful life of 60 years for homes.) Covers homes sold in Japan during the fiscal year End-of-life treatment of sold products CO2 emissions = Σ [volume of main raw materials used in products sold during the fiscal year × emission coefficient (IDEA v.1.1 [GHG emissions database from AIST and JEMAI])] Calculations assume products sold during the fiscal year were disposed of during the same fiscal year Leased assets (downstream) Calculated for construction works where machinery leased by Sekisui Chemical is used. CO2 emissions = Σ [units of relevant work × emission coefficient (IDEA v.1.1 [GHG emissions database from AIST and JEMAI])] Waste Generated Waste = outsourced disposals + recycling resources (use of incineration heat + materials recycling + valuable materials sold) + on-site incineration, not including the following: Waste from demolition of former homes of customers, scrap construction materials from construction at business sites, disposal of equipment, office automation appliances, etc., infectious waste generated from medical treatment and activities Waste Generated by New House Construction Waste generated by new house construction = waste generated by housing exterior wall plants + waste generated by housing assembly plants + waste generated at new house construction sites Waste generated by new house construction per unit = waste generated by new house construction / units of houses sold Subject: domestic housing business Number of Business Sites with Zero Emissions Number of business sites that achieved zero emissions during the fiscal year Amount of Water Extracted Amount of water extracted = tap water volume + industrial water volume + on site groundwater intake volume NOx Emissions Volume Water, Air, Water Quality SOx Emissions Volume Soot and Dust Emissions Volume Chemical Substances Calculation Method Emissions volume = Σ (annual exhaust gas air volume × NOx concentration × 46 / 22.4) Calculation Method External Loss Costs Costs of responding to product-related claims Major Quality Issues These refer to product and service quality issues determined by the Division Company president, based on evaluations and judgments by the quality assurance manager, which could cause significant damage to customers, society, or Sekisui Chemical Group and lead to the loss of society’s trust in the Group if not thoroughly resolved on an urgent basis including: 1) Problems that could have a serious impact on (or cause severe damage to) society, such as product recalls 2) All serious problems involving human safety and those acknowledged by the Division Company to be serious problems involving the safety of property 3) Compliance-related problems concerning the quality of products or services (e.g., those involving compliance with relevant laws and regulations) 4) Problems that could inflict serious financial damage on customers Claim Costs Same as external loss costs (costs of responding to product-related claims) Human Resources Indicator Calculation Method Employee Turnover Rate in First Three Years of Employment Employee turnover rate in first three years of employment for each fiscal year Global Talents Japanese employees with experience working overseas (including overseas trainees) International Hiring Hiring of human resources meeting one of the following criteria: those of non-Japanese nationality, returnee students from abroad, those with at least one year’s experience studying abroad, and those with TOEIC scores of 750 or higher Employment Ratio of People with Disabilities (Number of regular workers with disabilities / total number of regular workers) × 100 Percentage of Management Positions Filled by Women (Number of women in management positions / total number of personnel in management positions) × 100 Reemployment Rate for the Elderly (Number reemployed / total number of employees retired at mandatory retirement age) × 100 Note: The number of employees retired at mandatory retirement age includes some retirees who do not desire reemployment. Overtime Hours Worked (Total overtime hours worked + total time worked on weekends and holidays) / number of employees Percentage of Paid Leave Used (Days of leave taken/days of leave awarded) × 100 Safety Items Indicator Calculation Method Number of Occupational Accidents Number of occupational accidents (both those with lost time and those without lost time) at production sites and laboratories in Japan during the subject fiscal year (April through March) Number of Equipment-Related Accidents Number of equipment-related downtime events (such as fires or leakages) meeting one or more of the following conditions (1) – (3) (Sekisui Chemical Group standards) at production sites and laboratories in Japan during the subject fiscal year (April through March): (1) Personnel-related damage: Occupational accidents with 30 lost working days or more (2) Property damage: 10 million yen or more (3) Loss of opportunity: 20 million yen or more Number of Cases of Extended Sick Leave Number of absence cases of 30 days or longer due to injury or illness at production sites and laboratories in Japan during the subject fiscal year (April through March). Absences due to occupational accidents are not considered extended sick leave. Number of Commuting Accidents Number of commuting accidents for employees at production sites and laboratories in Japan during the subject fiscal year (April through March). These include cases in which injury was suffered or damage caused (including injury to the person and property damage) while driving automobiles or other vehicles. Emissions volume = Σ (annual exhaust gas air volume × soot/dust concentration) COD Discharge Volume Volume discharged = Σ [COD concentration (annual average of measured values) × volume of discharged water Volume of Chemical Substances Handled Volume of handled substances subject to the PRTR Law Subject: Domestic production sites and laboratories Volume of Chemical Substances Discharged and Transported Volume of discharged and transported substances subject to the PRTR Law Volume discharged = volume discharged into the atmosphere + volume discharged into public waters + volume discharged into soil on site + on site landfill volume Volume transported = volume transported into sewers + volume transported as waste Subject: domestic production sites and laboratories Volume of Chemical Substances Detoxified Volume of detoxified substances subject to the PRTR Law Volume detoxified = volume consumed through chemical reaction + volume consumed through incineration, etc. Subject: domestic production sites and laboratories VOC Emissions Volume of atmospheric discharge of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) included among substances subject to the PRTR Law and PRTR substances subject to the Japan Chemical Industry Association (JCIA) Frequency Rate Number of injuries, illness and fatalities in occupational accidents with lost time per 1,000,000 total working hours during the subject fiscal year (April through March) Formula: Number of injuries, illness and fatalities in occupational accidents with lost time/ total work hours × 1,000,000 Number of EMScertified business sites Number of business sites that acquired EMS external certifications during the fiscal year EMS external certifications: ISO 14001, Eco Action 21, etc. Severity Rate Number of workdays lost per 1,000 total working hours during the subject fiscal year (April through March) Formula: Number of work days lost / total work hours × 1,000 Status of Occupational Accidents at Overseas Production Sites Number of occupational accidents (both those with lost time and those without lost time) at overseas production sites during the subject fiscal year (April through March) Safety Performance at Housing Company Construction Sites Number of occupational accidents (both those with lost time and those without lost time) at construction sites under the supervision of the Housing Company during the subject fiscal year (April through March) Safety Performance at Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company Construction Sites Number of occupational accidents (both those with lost time and those without lost time) at construction sites under the supervision of the Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company during the subject fiscal year (April through March) JBIB Land Use Score Card® points The JBIB Land Use Score Card® is a tool promoted by Japan Business Initiative for Biodiversity (JBIB)® to measure the level of contributions to biodiversity on company-owned land. Each business site is scored (up to 100 points) on the size and quality of green areas, their management systems and other factors. In the fiscal year under review, each business site was assessed using the JBIB Land Use Score Card®, and the increase in points compared with fiscal 2013 is calculated. The average increase in points for all business sites is used as an index. Ratio of participants in SEKISUI Environment Week Total number of participants in SEKISUI Environment Week / Number of employees at applicable business sites x 100 Environmental Accounting 27 Indicator Quality Performance Emissions volume = Σ (annual SOx volume × 64/22.4) Percentage of employees of business sites that have attained Percentage of employees of business sites that have attained external EMS certification to all Sekisui Chemical Group employees = Σ [number external EMS of employees of business sites that have attained external EMS certification] / consolidated total number of employees certification to all Number of employees: number of employees at end of fiscal year Sekisui Chemical Group employees Management, etc. Items Environmental accounting calculations are performed by referring to the Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005 issued by the MOE, with the addition of Sekisui Chemical Group’s own concepts such as external economic benefits (estimated effects). The scope of our procedures consisted of 45 production sites, five laboratories, 15 housing sales companies, headquarters departments, and back offices of division companies, all located in Japan. External economic benefits included in the economic benefits of environmental conservation measures represent the energy conservation benefits from homes sold and installed with PV systems and the benefits of the No-Dig pipe rehabilitation method for sewers, etc., converted into monetary values. Safety Performance Scope of summation: Production sites and laboratories, headquarters departments, and back offices of division companies, all located in Japan Costs within Business-Site Areas Health, Safety and Administrative Costs Accident Prevention Other Costs Health and safety measures, rescue and protective equipment, measurement of work environment, health management, workers’ accident compensation insurance, etc. Establishment and implementation of OHSMS, safety education, personnel costs, etc. Safety awards, etc. Investment Amount Amount of investments related to health, safety, and accident prevention approved during the subject fiscal year (April through March) Loss Costs Expenses, including person-hours, required to respond to occupational accidents, equipment-related accidents, commuting accidents, and extended sick leave during the subject fiscal year (April through March) 28
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