2016 September News


2016 September News
September 2016
Volume 21, Issue 9
WTGN Radio
Witnessing The Good News
WTGN Newsletter
Page 2
WTGN Newsletter
Volume 21, Issue 9
WTGN 50 years!
Witnessing the
Good news
Since 1966
L to R, the original WTGN Co-Founders, Stanley Tam,
Art Arthur and Peter Courlas, being interviewed by
present General Manager, Scott Young, at
WTGN’s 35th Anniversary.
WTGN Managers - L to R - Scott Young (1988 to
present), Larry Correll (1985 - 1988), Warren Wilson
(1980 – 1985), Ron Mighell (1967 - 1980).
Our trips to the Pacific Garden Mission in
Chicago have been quite memorable as we have
seen a recording being done of the Unshackled
radio program, toured the mission and taken them
socks, underwear and t-shirts . Thanks for the
generosity of the WTGN listeners.
WTGN had some great concerts through the years
including the 1999 Farewell Tour of the Cathedrals.
WTGN Newsletter
Volume 21, Issue 9
Page 3
Annual Pastor’s Breakfast
October 1, 2016 - 8:30 AM
Cable Road Alliance Church
2264 N. Cable Road, Lima
Tickets available at
Gifts of Joy, 2423 Allentown Road
Reaching Women
Lots of give - a - ways!
September 24 ~ 9 AM to 3:30 PM
Special Guest Speaker - SHEILA WALSH
Marathon Center for the Performing Arts
200 W. Main Cross Street, Findlay
Tickets include a Panera Bread boxed lunch
visit www.reachingwomen.org
Guest Speaker Ken Davis
Gospel Pavilion at Van Wert County Fair
7 PM Erwins
Aug. 31st - Sept. - 5, 2016
1055 S. Washington Street, Van Wert
All Concerts FREE with admission to the fair!
7 PM Tacketts
9:30 PM Lifehouse Band
12 - 3 PM Children Choosing
7 PM Soul’d Out Quartet
9 PM Nut Flush
1 - 5 PM Children Choosing Christ
7 PM Christian Davis
12 - 3 PM Children Choosing Christ
5 PM Trinity, Master’s Own, Tom
September Half Sharadays
11 - Today is underwritten by Lima First Assembly of God, 1660
Findlay Road. “As of today, September 11, 2016, we will be sharing
in 3 services: 8:30, 10 & 11:30 AM, to accommodate our growth.
God has truly blessed us. If you are looking for a church home, we
would love for you to visit us.”
12 - By Kate and Ted Stepleton in memory of Margaret and J. Paul
Fisher who were her wonderful parents and her two sisters, Lilly
and Sally. They have gone to be with Jesus. Their favorite station
was WTGN.
25 - “In loving memory of Walter Powers - we love and miss you Judy, Debbie, Cindy, Charity and families. He is in the presence of
God the Father and Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior - walking
streets of gold.” Psalm 19:7 - 10, “The law of the LORD is perfect,
converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making
wise the simple. The statues of the LORD are right, rejoicing the
heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the
eyes. The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. More to be
desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also
than honey and the honeycomb.”
anniversary of WTGN. We are so blessed to have this ministry in
the Lima and surrounding community. If WTGN went off the air
for 48 hours - how would it affect your life? Your routine would
likely be changed - with minor conflicts or major changes in your
life. If you knew it would soon return to the air waves, you would
hang on and appreciate it’s return? What if it didn’t return? That is
tough to imagine? Congratulations, WTGN! We appreciate you,
are proud of you, and would be lost without you. May you continue to Witness The Good News for another 50+ years!
26 - By Joann Boyer in memory of Barry Boyer who went home to
be with the Lord 7 years ago today. “We miss him greatly - Joann,
Paula, John, Morgen, Noah, Mariah and Aliyah.”
26 - By Dick Beach and family in memory of Recie Beach who
went to be with the Lord on September 26, 2004. She is missed
by her husband, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren,
friends, neighbors and church brothers and sisters.
29 - By Don and Kathy Boehm in memory of Paul Boehm, a loving
Dad who set a good Christian example. He went to be with the
Lord, September 29, 2001. “Absent from the body, present with
the Lord.”
25 - This Half Sharaday is given anonymously, celebrating the 50th
September Whole Sharadays
5 - By the family of Paul Young. Five years ago today he went
home to be with the Lord. He is greatly missed by his wife June,
sons Skip and Scott, as well as his grandchildren and great
great-grandchildren. “Absent from the body, present with the Lord.”
8 - This day was given anonymously in celebration of my son’s
2nd anniversary of life with Christ and freedom from addiction.
heard about God’s blessings in his life. He was a giving man volunteering his time and talents, giving away his Bible and offering a smile, hug and laugh with those who needed them. He is
missed by those who knew him, especially his family but we know
we will see him again.
24 - This day has been underwritten anonymously by a couple
celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary. They want to praise
13 - By Ann Ayres in memory of “Dimp” Clark Ayres. This is the
and honor our Lord Jesus Christ for His grace and mercy. They
8th year she is with the Lord. “Absent from the body, present with
also give thanks to WTGN and everyone involved for bringing the
the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 5:8
message of Jesus Christ to our community. They are such a
15 - This day is underwritten by David and Julia Lawrence in hon- blessing.
or of their 43rd wedding anniversary. “We also wish to honor our
27 - This day has been underwritten by the WTGN Board of
parents for their 63rd anniversary, Bud and Cleola Long who celeDirectors as WTGN celebrates 50 years of Witnessing The Good
brated in April and Lloyd and Karen Lawrence, who would have
News. We signed on September 27th, 1966. Special thanks to our
celebrated in August. Lloyd went to be with the Lord in July, 2015”
co--founders Stanley Tam, Art Arthur and Peter Courlas for their
23 - Today is sponsored in memory of Rick Mericle on what would hard work, dedication, faith, sacrifice and commitment to this
have been his 64th birthday. Rick was a man of strong faith - eve- ministry. To God to be the glory, great things He hath done.
ryone who met him, even those who hired him as an electrician,
Witnessing the Good News
1600 Elida Road
E-mails: Scott - wtgn@wcoil.com
Lima, OH 45805
Prayertime - prayer@wtgn.org
Bob - bob@wtgn.org
Eric - eric@wtgn.org
Fax: 419-222-5438
Judi - judi@wtgn.org
Northwest Ohio Music Connection-nwconnect@wtgn.org
97.7 FM Lima
98.7 FM Findlay
105.1 FM Kenton
www.wtgn.org & Facebook @ WTGN fm
September Church of the Week
4 - Pastor Bill Prater, Auglaize Free United Baptist
Church, 11890 Harding Highway, Harrod. 11 AM
11 - Dr. Timothy White, First Missionary Church, 1105 W. Robb
Avenue, Lima. 10:45 AM
18 - Pastor Jonathan Spyker, Cridersville Church of the Nazarene, 500 S. Dixie Highway, Cridersville. 10:30 AM
25 - Pastor Mark Bayliff, Union Chapel Missionary Church, 4869
Ada Road, Lima. 10:45 AM
The WTGN Newsletter is published monthly by WTGN Radio, 1600 Elida Road, Lima, OH 45805.

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