UCODE 7 for Best-in-Class RFID tagging - NXP-RFID
UCODE 7 for Best-in-Class RFID tagging - NXP-RFID
NXP IC UCODE 7 NXP IC UCODE 7m UCODE 7 for Best-in-Class RFID tagging The latest generation of NXP’s UCODE family delivers best-in-class RF performance and features, and is optimized for use in the most demanding RFID tagging applications. KEY FEATURES `` Read sensitivity -21 dBm `` Write sensitivity -16 dBm `` Parallel encoding mode: 100 items in 60 ms `` Encoding speed: 16 bits per millisecond `` Innovative functionalities - Tag Power indicator - Automatic self pre-serialization for 96-bit EPC - Integrated Product Status Flag (PSF) `` Compatible with single-slit antenna `` Up to 128-bit EPC `` 96-bit Unique Tag Identifier (TID) factory locked - With 48-bit unique serial number `` 32 bit user memory (UCODE 7m only) `` EPC Gen2 v2.0 ready KEY BENEFITS `` High-performance versatile global tags `` Smaller tags for existing and new solutions `` Fastest encoding speed `` Faster unique EPC encoding `` Higher printer throughput `` More mechanically stable antenna connection `` Easier design of label antenna APPLICATIONS `` Inventory and supply-chain efficiency plus brand protection solutions for apparel and footwear, fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), pharmaceuticals, etc. NXP UCODE 7 is particularly well suited for use in inventory and supply-chain efficiency applications, as well as brand protection. Best-in-class RF performance for any given antenna form factor gives UCODE 7 the ability to perform long-range, fast, and accurate inventory of dense RFID tag populations. The device features automatic self pre-serialization for 96-bit EPC, and a parallel encoding feature. By combining the two, the same 58-bit Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) can be encoded on multiple tags at the same time, so tag initialization is much faster and simpler. `` Automatic self-preserialization for a 96-bit Electronic Product Code (EPC) dramatically simplifies and speeds up the encoding scheme of the EPC since only the 58-bit SKU data needs to be encoded. This serialization is automatically active any time the lower 38-bit content of the EPC number is kept to “0000…” and complies to the multi-vendor chip serialization (MCS) scheme. `` Single-slit antenna compatibility enables simpler antenna design. The extra input capacitance also provides margin for optimization of UCODE 7 to different antenna designs. `` Parallel encoding considerably lowers the encoding time. This is especially true when coupled with the automatic self pre-serialization feature of UCODE 7, which means that only the same Stock Keeping Unit data needs to be encoded. `` The Product Status Flag (PSF) can easily be used as a flag for Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS), a flag for quality checks, or similar indicators. SELECT on Parallel encoding bit QUERY (Q=0) `` The Tag Power indicator allows the inlay manufacturer to avoid crosstalk during tag initialization in a dense environment of tags, even though the reader may read more than one tag. Power level for READ WRITE READER Command too low too low TAG 1 OK too low Processing Tags OK OK TAG 2 Processing OK too low TAG n Processing Only this tag will select itself All UCODE 7 tags receive the Command Parallel encoding with UCODE 7 too low too low 1 UCODE 7 Tag Power indicator UCODE 7 EPC 96-bit E280 6810 0000 00 00 (2-bit) Serial number (38-bit) 58-bit SKU 111 (NXP) TID+XTID header (48-bit) E280 6810 2000 Upper 13-bit Serial number Lower 35-bit from TID SNR Lower 35-bit Serial number 48-bit Serial number UCODE 7 TID 96-bit Compatible with single-slit antennas Pre-serialization of the 96-bit EPC Product Delivery form Type UCODE 7 Bumped die on sawn 8", 120 µm thickness wafer with 7µm Polyimide layer SL3S1204FUD/BG UCODE 7m Bumped die on sawn 8", 120 µm thickness wafer with 7µm Polyimide layer SL3S1214FUD/BG www.nxp.com © 2014 NXP Semiconductors N.V. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The Date of release: December 2014 information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and Document order number: 9397 750 17629 may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof Printed in the Netherlands does not convey nor imply any license under patent- or other industrial or intellectual property rights.