Smartphone-based Video Surveillance System ⋆ 1 Introduction
Smartphone-based Video Surveillance System ⋆ 1 Introduction
Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 17 (2014) 7637–7644 Available at Smartphone-based Video Surveillance System ⋆ Wenjing LING 1 , 1 College 2 Beijing Limin ZHENG 1,2,∗, Tianzi WANG 3 , Ping WU 1 , Zheng SONG 4 of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China Laboratory of Food Quality and Safety, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China 3 Tongfang 4 State Knowledge Network Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100192, China Key Lab of Networking and Switching Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China Abstract Smartphone based surveillance systems have gained popularity against camera-based surveillance systems for cost-efficiency and ease of deployment. However, existing smartphone-based surveillance systems need expensive additional devices to achieve the remote control functions of pan-tilt-zoom cameras, which limits their usage. In this paper, we present a smartphone-based video surveillance system with steering function and remote control operations. To realize the function of steering, a small clip is creatively used as a pedestal, while the vibration motor and digital compass embedded in the smartphone are responsible for rotation generating and orientation control, respectively. A set of protocols for remote control operations are also provided. Real-testbed based experiments show that the steering system is easy to deploy and very accurate, with an average rotation deviation less than 2.500 degrees. The latency of remote control under real network conditions is satisfactory, with an average time delay less than 5 seconds. Keywords: Smartphone; Video Surveillance System; Remote Control 1 Introduction With the rapid development and wide deployment of wireless communication technologies, wireless video surveillance systems have gained popularity compared with wired surveillance systems, because wireless cameras and networks are easy to deploy and maintain. As the quality of surveillance video transmission on wireless networks has been greatly improved, wireless video surveillance systems are becoming widely used in industry, such as transportation, medicine, security, farming and etc.. ⋆ This work was supported in part by the national science and technology program (No. 2012BAK17B09, 2013BAD19B09). ∗ Corresponding author. Email address: (Limin ZHENG). 1553–9105 / Copyright © 2014 Binary Information Press DOI: 10.12733/jcis11627 September 1, 2014 7638 W. Ling et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 17 (2014) 7637–7644 Today, most off-the-shelf smartphones are integrated with both high-quality digital cameras which provide adequate video quality and 3G/WiFi network interfaces for surveillance video transmission. Many researchers start to compose deployment-free wireless surveillance systems using off-the-shelf smartphones [1, 2]. The architecture of a typical wireless surveillance system consists of one or more smartphones which function as cameras, a central server which is in charge of buffering and distributing captured video streams, and a set of clients which can be either personal computers or mobile devices. The smartphones are connected with the server through wireless communication networks, such as WiFi and 3G. Although many works have been done on smartphone-based video surveillance systems, which focus on transcoding [3, 4] or transmission of the video [1, 5], most existing prototypes fail to handle the steering of the smartphones on contrast with a fixed camera and an inconvenient manual intervention is required. Several patents have studied this problem which mainly concentrate on adding a specially designed mechanical pedestal to the smartphone [6]. However, such methods require additional power and are expensive to be integrated in cost-efficient smartphone surveillance systems. In this paper, a smartphone-based steering control method is proposed, which mainly uses phone-embedded sensors to achieve orientation-accurate rotation. To realize the function of steering, a small clip is used as a pedestal, while the vibration motor and digital compass embedded in smartphones are responsible for rotation generating and orientation control, respectively. We also provide a set of protocols for remote control operations. The main contributions of this paper are: • A novel smartphone steering method is proposed, which can realize the automatic steering of the smartphone with no additional devices. • A smartphone-based surveillance system is implemented, in which the efficiency and feasibility of our proposed steering method are verified. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II describes the related works. Section III presents the physical and logical structure of the smartphone-based video surveillance system. Section IV describes the steering design in detail. Section V shows the experimental results and Section VI concludes this paper. 2 Related Work Smartphone-based surveillance systems have been a hot research issue. Using the phone as a camera, Bailey suggested an architecture of a real-time video streaming service from an Android mobile device to a server [7], while Chandra inherited this structure but used peer-to-peer link to remove server [8]. Using the phone as a receiver, Estevez-Ayres proposed an architecture to send video data with android smartphones as user terminals [2], while Nahar designed a smartphones responding device that not only accepts data but sends commands to the server and controls the webcam to move to the desired position [9]. Yanan proposed a smartphone-based surveillance system using smartphones in both sides, but her system failed to synchronize and coordinate the transmission between the two sides, which resulted in packet delay to some extent [10]. Some researchers have noticed the lack of steering control in smartphone surveillance systems. ZhuXiao et al. [6] introduced a smartphone pedestal with a small motor inside, which was W. Ling et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 17 (2014) 7637–7644 7639 connected to the smartphone’s mini-USB/audio interface to get its power supply. Jinduo et al. [11] extended this idea by adding vertical direction motor to achieve omnidirectional rotation. HaiTao and Zhuxiao [12, 13] further proposed a specially designed mobile cover and charger. The mobile cover provides a protrusion connecting to the phone’s inbuilt motor, while the charger offers a groove to match the protrusion which positions the smartphone. When the inbuilt motor begins working, the smartphone and its charger start turning synchronously. To realize the interaction between the smartphone and the server, remote control methods are necessary. ZhuXiao et al. [13] used short messages and phone calls to control the behavior of the smartphone camera. Milton [14] proposed a DTMF based remote control method. The client device calls the video capture device, and sends control messages such as “take photo” or “upload location” by encoding voice clips (DTMF). However, such methods consume great amounts of bandwidth, and thus make the parallel transmission of control message and video stream impossible. As a conclusion, existing smartphone steering methods all require additional devices and are too expensive to be used in cost-efficient smartphone-based surveillance systems. Moreover, the corresponding control protocols fail to implement parallel transmission and make remote control difficult to achieve. 3 System Overview Our designed smartphone-based video surveillance system is shown in Fig. 1. It consists of a smartphone, used as video capture device to monitor the target scene, a central server and a client device to display the video stream of the target scene to the system clients. Both the video capture device and the client device are connected to the central server through a WiFi or 3G networks. Fig. 1: The physical structure of smartphone-based video surveillance system Two types of data are transmitted in the system network: a) The compressed captured video stream from the video capture device to the client device (the video flow); b) The control messages from the client device to the video capture device (the control flow). These two data transmission procedures use different network protocols. The video flow deals with a large amount of data, while a certain level of frame loss is endurable. On the contrary, the control flow transmits a small amount of data, but requires high reliability. Therefore, RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) is applied to the video flow to provide real-time transmission, and TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is applied to the control flow to provide reliable transmission, as shown in Fig. 2. Moreover, we introduce the interactions among the video capture device, the central server and the client device. 1) Initialization: A new video capture/client device first logs in to the central server through 7640 W. Ling et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 17 (2014) 7637–7644 Fig. 2: Two different transmission flows in the surveillance system HTTP connections. The central server then verifies the identity of the device, and assigns a randomly selected unoccupied port to the device for video flow transmission. The users of the client device need to pick one video source from all registered video capture devices. 2) Video transmission: Once the video capture device receives the port number assigned by the server, it starts to compress the real-time captured video flow into H.264 format, and sends the encoded video packages to the destination port of the server. Upon receiving the packages, the central server forwards the packages to all associated client devices, or say, socket ports. 3) Control message transmission: The client device translates the user’s operation commands into HTTP requests, and submits to the server. The central server holds the control messages in buffer, and distributes them to the corresponding video capture devices when the video capture devices periodically query control messages from the server though HTTP requests. 4 4.1 Key Implement Elements The realization of steering function Fig. 3: The sketch map of steering device and its structure To realize the steering function on the video capture device, a clip is used on the smartphone, as shown in Fig. 3, where the smartphone is marked 1, and the side and underside of the clip are marked 2 and 3, respectively. The clip clamps to one corner of the smartphone 1 and its two laterals 2 press to the smartphone shell and its underside 3 stands on the ground. The centroid axis of smartphone must fall within the underside of the clip to keep it standing upright, and the centroid axis of the phone-embedded motor should fall within the underside of the clip to avoid collapse. When the phone-embedded motor is working, the conjunction device rotates in a horizontal plane due to sideways force. W. Ling et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 17 (2014) 7637–7644 7641 Fig. 4: Process and algorithm of steering control Following the procedures given in Fig. 4, we are able to control the degree of rotation. 1. Assemble smartphone and clip, then place them in a horizontal plane. 2. When a target angle δ towards magnetic north is received, the device records the reading of orientation sensor as α. The smartphone activates its embedded vibration motor, and periodically records the orientation sensory readings as β every 3 microseconds. 3. Let ϵ denote the maximal tolerable orientation error. When |β − α| − δ < ϵ, the smartphone inactivates its motor, and the steering procedure is accomplished. Fig. 5: The above view of steering process and angle relationships Fig. 5 describes the rotation process in detail, from which we can see clearly the relationship between α, β and δ. We find in the experiment that the rotate direction of the motor is random, which may lead to the wrong initial direction and cause excess rotating. So a target direction d is required to be set by user, indicating a clockwise or anticlockwise rotation. When d deviates from magnetic north, the value of β should always be greater than α; When d faces to magnetic north, the value of β should always be smaller than α. If this restriction is not satisfied, stop and restart the motor until the right direction is attained. This method is used to prevent the wrong direction of rotating. Compared with existing smartphone rotation methods, our proposed method doesn’t need additional devices or energy supply, which makes the system easy to implement. Moreover, the magnetoresistive sensor used in the process makes the steering function more precise and easy to control. 4.2 Protocol of remote control In order to adjust the monitoring scene, client devices can remotely control their associated video capture device by calling the corresponding function interfaces through HTTP connection. The implemented function interfaces are given in Table. 1. 7642 W. Ling et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 17 (2014) 7637–7644 Table 1: Parameters and feedback of each control requests Input parameters Output parameter Function Parameter1 Parameter2 Success or not Extra information Steer direction angle yes/no angle towards magnetic north Focus far/near focal length yes/no focal length Zoom far/near magnification yes/no magnification Take photos - - yes/no the acquired photo Turn on/off flash light open/close - yes/no flash light status Turn on/off camera open/close resolution/- yes/no camera status Video capture device periodically queries the central server for buffered control messages. Once a control message in the above given list is forwarded, the video capture device initializes a ControlRequest object to handle the client’s request, and feeds it with the control function name and input parameters. Different APIs are needed for handling different control requests, as given in Table. 2: Table 2: Android API needed for each control requests Control request Steer Interface Method android.os.Vibrator vibrate(long[] pattern, int repeat) android.hardware.SensorManager getOrientation (float[] R, float[] values) Focus android.hardware.Camera.AutoFocusCallback autoFocus(Camera.AutoFocusCallback cb) Zoom android.hardware.Camera.OnZoomChangeListener startSmoothZoom(int value), stopSmoothZoom() Take pictures android.hardware.Camera takePicture(ShutterCallback shutter, raw, jpeg) Turn on/off flash light android.hardware.Camera.Parameters setFlashMode(String value), getFlashMode() Turn on/off camera android.hardware.Camera open(int cameraId), release () 5 Experiments We evaluate the performance of our proposed video surveillance system by experiments. We use a ZTE V880 smartphone as the video capture device, a laptop (Thinkpad X230) as the central server, and a HUAWEI Y300 smartphone as the client device. Java programming language is used to realize all the functions. We also provide graphical user interfaces (GUI) to client device users, as shown in Fig. 6. Fig. 6: GUI implemented on the client device and the laptop 7643 W. Ling et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 17 (2014) 7637–7644 First, we evaluate the accuracy of the steering function when varying ϵ, the error tolerant threshold, as shown in Table. 3. For each ϵ value, the experiments are repeated 10 times, and an average value of orientation error is calculated. Experiments shows that when error ϵ was set too low, the device passes the target angle and can not stop; When error ϵ is set too high, accurate steering can not be achieved. The average error is 0.923◦ , while the maximal error is 2.438◦ , no more then 2.500◦ . Therefore the best error value should be between 2.500◦ and 3.000◦ . Table 3: Angle error of 10 experiments Experiment No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Average error Angle error(◦ ) 1.710 0.062 0.031 0.734 0.938 2.438 1.391 0.516 0.022 1.391 0.923 Second, to show the time delay of the proposed steering function, we verify the time consumption of achieving deferent rotation angles, shown in Fig. 7. The data shows that there is strong correlation between time consuming and target degree (R2 = 0.9942, P value = 1.686 × 10−5 ). The average speed of steering is 0.1393 degrees per second which is calculated by curve fitting method. The speed of steering is constant during the whole process. It is worth noting that the straight line in the picture does not pass through the origin, which shows that the startup time should be 1.6052 seconds. Fig. 7: Time consumption for achieving deferent angle We also record the time consumption of implementing the 6 remote control commands. In this experiment, the server and two mobile devices are all connected through LAN. Each control message is evaluated ten times, and the average time delay are given in Table. 4. Table 4: Average time latencies of each remote control request Control request Time latencies Remarks Steering 8.667 Target angle is 45◦ Focus 4.740 Auto fucus Zoom 4.372 1.250 times zooming Take pictures 5.160 Photo resolution is 1536*2048 pix Turn on/off flash light 3.328 Flash light on Turn on/off camera 2.511 Turn off successfully The experiment shows that all control requests and feedbacks have been received successfully, and four of the seven requests are responded to within 5 seconds. All operations can be accom- 7644 W. Ling et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 17 (2014) 7637–7644 plished within 10 seconds. We find that the main time consumption is on the reaction of video capture device. 6 Conclusion In this paper, we reveal our work on a smartphone-based video surveillance system with steering function and remote control operations. Compared with existing video surveillance systems, our system could forward the video captured by a smartphone embedded camera to multiple clients, and allow the clients to remotely control the video capture device, e.g., the orientation of the smartphone. Real testbed based experiments show that the steering function is both easy-toimplement and accurate. Meanwhile, the video received by the client device was fluent and the control delay of our system is satisfactory for real-time control requirements. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] H. Pang, L. Jiang, L. Yang, and K. Yue, Research of android smart phone surveillance system, in IEEE, ICCDA’10, 2010, pp. V2-373. I. Estevez-Ayres, M. Garcia-Valls, P. 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