National Hampton Alumni Association
National Hampton Alumni Association
ALUMNI NEWS October 1, 2014 NATIONAL HAMPTON ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, INC. 2014—2015, Issue 1 Greetings Hamptonians... NHAA Inc. 2014-2016 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRESIDENT Dorothy M. Lee-Murray, ‘80 1st VICE PRESIDENT Dyanne B. Baldwin, ‘80 VICE PRESIDENT EAST Shirley Farr, ‘64 VICE PRESIDENT WEST Gregory W. Whiting, ‘68 RECORDING SECRETARY Carol D. Bell, 07 CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Gloria Thorpe Doyle, ‘73 TREASURER Wayne G. Greene, ‘83 CHAPLAIN Rev. Richard C. Keller, Jr., ‘74 Inside this issue: Student Recruitment 2 Alumni Giving Cor- 3 Biennial Conference Review 5 I am excited about my new responsibilities leading the NHAA, Inc., and I look forward to representing you as your National President during my tenure. This administration plans are to work together to provide resources and support to our Chapters and Regions to strengthen our network and Association. We will be utilizing social media to improve our communication with our fellow Hamptonians and improve the Association’s visibility with our Hampton University students to prepare them to join us as alumni as they graduate. NHAA Inc. President Dorothy M. Lee-Murray Our Alumni Giving Co-Chairs will be implementing goals that will embrace Chapters, Regions, Class Leaders, individual alumnus to participate in giving back to our alma mater. We have a responsibility to make sure that our “Home by the Sea” sustains and endures for years to come. The NHAA’s mission statement is very simple…Recruit the best students to attend Hampton University and financially support our alma mater to become and remain the “BEST” educational institution to attend. We are all proud of our “Home by the Sea” and the Legacy that it represents, so what better way to show our “Blue & White” pride than to work together as a TEAM and support Hampton University and the students through donations and scholarships. The students need us and it is time to pay it forward and do the right thing. All donations, regardless of the amount, are very important in achieving our goal. The Executive Board of the National Hampton Alumni Association, Inc. is ready to “ROCK the BLUE & WHITE” and increase our Donor Base…Please join us! Alumni Events 9 Mid Atlantic Region 11 North Atlantic Region 16 Let’s work together to make giving back to Hampton University a reality every single year! “Together…We Make A Difference” North Carolina Region 17 In the Hampton Spirit, Southeast Region 23 Sports 25 NHAA Contacts 26 Dorothy Dorothy M. Lee-Murray ‘80 President National Hampton Alumni Association, Inc. 2014—2015, Issue 1 STUDENT RECRUITMENT CORNER Greetings and Salutations Hamptonians, We are Calvin Ruffin, Jr., class of 2005, and Carole Dupree-Fennell, class of 1991, and we are your new National Student Recruitment Chairs for the 2014-16 term. We are excited to serve Hampton and to work with you all as we continue to recruit highly qualified and talented future Hamptonians. We would like to share with you some basic information that will be helpful when speaking to students and parents. It is our goal to unify our recruitment efforts and to act as an extension of the university. Please note the following admission criteria as they have changed within the last two years: Average GPA: 3.2 Average SAT: 1050 (critical reading and math only) Average ACT: 22 For best consideration: GPA:3.0 SAT: 1000 (critical reading and math only) ACT: 21 Hampton is now test-optional: Students in the top 10% of their class or who have a cumulative GPA of 3.3 in the core courses do not need to submit SAT or ACT scores. However, scores must be submitted to be considered for scholarship. For scholarship consideration students must apply and submit all documents before November 1. Scholarships range from $5,000-$25,000 with a minimum of a 3.0 and SAT 1000/ACT 22. Tuition- including room, board, and fees- is $31,702 We look forward to meeting and working with you and your local student recruitment chairs. If you have any questions about recruitment please feel free to contact your local recruitment chair or contact us directly at or In the Spirit of our Alma Mater, Calvin Ruffin, Jr. c/o 2005 Carole Dupree-Fennell c/o 1991 HAMPTON UNIVERSITY F ACTS AT A GLANCE Founded President Location Campus Size Number of Buildings Motto Nickname University Colors Conference Affiliation Page 2 April 1, 1868 as Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute Dr. William R. Harvey Hampton, Virginia, United States 314 acres 118 "The Standard of Excellence, An Education for Life" Pirates Reflex Blue and White Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) NCAA Division I FCS 2014-2015 Undergraduate Tuition, Room, & Board Tuition (All Students) Comprehensive Fee Total Tuition Room/Board Undergraduate Per Credit Hour $19,548 $2,212 $21,760 $9,692 $496.00 Additional estimated expenses include books, supplies, transportation and other personal expenses that are determined by lifestyle and other cost-saving avenues. ALUMNI NEWS ALUMNI GIVING CORNER As we write this message as incoming Alumni Giving Co-Chairs, we reflect on how important Hampton University has been in our lives. I daresay the same is true for all Hampton Alumni. The tools you were given, the hard-edged thinking process you learned, the friends you made and the degree you earned have likely been among the main pillars of the life which you have built. We have been blessed by the opportunity to attend Hampton University. Our appreciation for our education, however, is not the primary thing that motivated us to accept this position. We took on this role for a very specific reason: although we consistently rank among the most elite HBCUs in America, our percentage of alumni giving (14%) ranks well below those schools against whom we compete – and this must change. We want to be part of that change with you. So why would it be that we rank so low in alumni giving? After all, our highly ranked school produces many successful lawyers, doctor, judges, accountants, teachers, military officers, etc., and our national alumni association is viable. There is no reason to think that our alumni are any less generous than those of the schools against whom we compete. No, it’s not a lack of generosity or a lack of love for our school. We firmly believe that our 14% alumni giving rate is the product of the misperception that their funding does not matter or that the University is thriving without it. And we are convinced that correcting that misperception will trigger our alumni to rally in support of our school and to give. As in all things, knowledge is key. Bottom line: if we wish to keep Hampton University at or near the top of the heap, we alumni must help to maintain its preeminence, and advance the school to greater recognition for the benefit of itself and its alumni. We can no longer be satisfied with 14% alumni giving. It is up to us, the alumni, to help our school. Alumni contributions assist with off-setting student tuition; building maintenance, supporting Federal matching grants and under-pinning philanthropic Foundation support. Your Alumni Giving Team is composed of Alumni Chapter and Regional Presidents, Office of Alumni Affairs and fellow graduates who are committed to this effort. We are spreading the word and working to increase the level of participation. Our alumni base is like a sleeping giant which, once awakened, will lead the school to ever greater heights. As Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” Andre DeBose, ‘80 Michael Byrd, ‘80 2014-2016 Alumni Giving Co-chairs National Hampton Alumni Association, Inc. Page 3 2014—2015, Issue 1 WAYS TO GIVE TO HAMPTON ... HAMPTON UNIVERSITY NEEDS OUR SUPPORT TO... Provide support to students who need financial assistance to stay in school. Help increase our alumni participation giving rate. (We are currently behind Claflin, Spelman, Morehouse, Tuskegee, Livingstone, and Central State!) Enhance the quality and reputation of our alma mater; improve our ranking, therefore, the value of our degrees. Show corporations and foundations that alumni are supporting Hampton so they should support Hampton, too. Strengthen the credibility of our University and enable it to continue to attract experienced faculty and highly driven students. Help keep our alma mater relevant and secure. Give Online: Use HU’s secure online gift form. Check or Money Order: Fill out an online Giving Form, designate amounts and areas, make checks payable to Hampton University, and send a printout of the form with your check to: Office of Development, Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia 23668 Credit Card Gifts: For this convenient method that entitles you to the same income-tax deduction as a gift of cash, use HU’s secure online gift form. Electronic Fund Transfer: Print, complete and return the online Authorization Form to: Office of Development, Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia 23668. Your checking account will be automatically debited in the amount you designate at the same time each month and you may change or cancel your authorization at any time. Wire Transfer: Contact the Cashier’s Office at 757-727-5663 Monday through Friday between 8:30AM and 4PM. Matching Gifts: Thousands of companies will match an employee’s charitable contribution and in some cases, companies even match gifts made by retired employees. To find out if your company has a matching gift policy, you can use HU’s online search engine. Gift Pledges: Complete your gift by making regular payments over time. Each payment is eligible for an incometax charitable deduction. Securities/Stock: Appreciated Securities/Stock such as stocks, mutual fund shares, or other appreciated assets are a great tax-efficient method for making a gift to Hampton. In most instances, you can take a tax deduction for the full market value of the gift and avoid any capital gains tax. If you have further questions, or want assistance in making a gift of securities/stock, contact the Office of Development. Planned Gifts: HU’s planned giving staff will work closely and confidentially with you and your financial advisers to ensure that your gift achieves your individual goals and expresses your personal vision for Hampton. For additional information or assistance, contact the Office of the Vice President for Development at 757-727-5356. For more information, assistance, and/or to get the indicated forms, visit online at or contact the Office of Development at 757-727-5764. Page 4 ALUMNI NEWS 2014 BIENNIAL CONFERENCE REVIEW The July 24-27, 2014 Biennial Conference—Moving the Legacy Forward “Rocking the Blue & White in Cleveland” at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Cleveland East Beachwood, 3663 Park East Drive, Beachwood, Ohio, 44122, USA - was a big hit! If you missed it, you truly missed a treat! From the Board of Director’s meeting and mix and mingle in the hospitality suite to Friday’s opening session with Dr. Harvey, workshops, the awards luncheon, installation of officers and president’s reception, choir concert and dessert reception, to Saturday’s general meeting of NHAA Inc and another mix and mingle to Sunday’s inspirational moment and memorial service, it was truly an exciting weekend of updates, Q&A on key issues, networking opportunities, good times and great friends coming together for a common purpose. Moving the Legacy Forward— “Rocking the Blue & White in Cleveland” Page 5 2014—2015, Issue 1 NHAA Inc. Board of Directors Meeting Opening Session with Dr. William R. Harvey Workshops Dr. Gladys Hope Franklin White presents a $10,000 scholarship contribution from Dr. Margot James Copeland, class of 1973, to the Hampton University School of Business! Awards Luncheon Page 6 ALUMNI NEWS Anne Wims Awards Luncheon with Attorney Sashi Brown HU CO ’98 Executive VP & General Counsel for the Cleveland Browns (Speaker) Installation of Officers President Dorothy Lee-Murray given Oath of Office by Past President Dr. Patricia Larkins Hicks Page 7 1st VP Dyanne Baldwin, VP East Shirley Farr, and VP West Gregory Whiting take Oath of Office 2014—2015, Issue 1 Recording Secretary Carol Bell and Corresponding Secretary Gloria Doyle take Oath of Office. Treasurer Wayne Greene takes Oath of Office. Chaplain Richard Keller, Jr. takes Oath of Office. Installation of Officers & President’s Reception President Dorothy Lee-Murray, Parliamentarian Duane Boone, 1st VP Dyanne Baldwin, and Past NHAA Inc. President & current HU Board of Trustees Member I. Emerson Bryan III Student Recruitment & Retention Co-chairs Calvin Ruffin Jr and Carole Dupree-Fennell with President Dorothy Lee-Murray Page 8 Choir Concert & Dessert Reception ALUMNI NEWS Sunday Morning Inspirational Moment & Memorial Service NHAA, Inc. Chaplain Rev. Richard Keller, Jr. gave us this wonderful uplifting message before we all returned home: President Lee-Murray with Memorial Service Leader Edna B. Johnson and Chaplain Rev. Richard Keller, Jr. Communion servers with President Lee-Murray & Rev Keller — Immediate Past President Joan Wickham (left), Protocol Chair Edna B. Johnson (middle) and Nominations Chair Kamala Lee Rolle. (right) You can be alone by choice, but you are never alone if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior!’ ALUMNI EVENTS... JULY 18 SEPTEMBER (Continued) Blue & White Marina Party in Washington DC 24-27 NHAA Inc. 11th Biennial Conference in Cleveland, OH 13 North Atlantic Region One-Day Leadership Conference, Boston MA 14 HBCU Jazz Brunch, Boston MA 20 Fall 2014 NHAA Inc. Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference AUGUST 1-2 35th Annual Hampton Ladies Luncheon 26-28 Parents Weekend at Hampton University 24 Yankee vs White Sox Scholarship Fundraiser OCTOBER 24 4th Annual Gala of Hope SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER 6 Alumni Day (Pirates vs William & Mary) 12 Hampton Richmond Chapter Mix & Mingle Page 9 1 -HU Homecoming (Pirates vs Morgan State) -Platinum Experience HU Homecoming Party 12 Bus trip to Harrington’s Raceway Casino ALUMNI NEWS HAMPTON UNIVERSITY BOOSTERS CLUB BUS TRIP HARRINGTONS RACEWAY CASINO WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 12TH Come travel with us to Delaware to enjoy a day of fellowship, and gaming. $55 per person. Receive $10 in free slots and a buffet meal valued at $15. Net cost to you is only $30. Trip payment is due by October 29th. No payments morning of trip, unless cleared by Joe, Calvin, or Ike. Invite your Family and Friends. Bus will leave the Burlington Coat Factory (Hampton) parking lot on Power Plant Drive at 7:00 a.m., and return around 10:00 p.m. Please be at lot by 6:30 a.m. Open to the first 52 people to sign up. Make check or money order payable to: Hampton University Boosters Club. Make your reservation by calling Ike Jones at 757-813-0511 or Calvin Pearson at 757-380-1319. Page 10 2014—2015, Issue 1 MID MID--ATLANTIC REGION Mid-Atlantic Region President— Toni Johnson-Conner ‘75 I am excited to serve as Mid-Atlantic Region President. The 2014-2016 theme “Together…We Make a Difference” sends a message of unity, strength and inclusiveness. I’m looking forward to an exciting two years. Toni Johnson-Conner’75 MAR/President Toni Johnson-Conner’75 MAR/President Washington, DC Chapter... The Washington, D.C. Chapter is excited to welcome the newly inducted officers for the 2014-16 term: Calvin Ruffin ‘05 President Karina S. Allbritton ‘99 Treasurer Carlene Reid ‘06 Vice President Williet Hunt ‘81 Financial Secretary Courtney Dobbins ‘07 Secretary Felici Brown ‘79 Chaplain The DC Chapter also awarded $2700.00 to four students at Hampton for Fall 2014. The following students were recipients of the chapter scholarship: 1. Matthew Austin - - $1000 2. Jared Bourke - - $1000 3. Justin Jenkins- - $350 4. Julian Boyd - $350 The chapter participated in DC Beautification Day on August 23, 2014. The chapter supported Patterson Elementary School, where the principal is fellow Hamptonian Victorie Thomas. During the day the chapter assisted with landscaping, painting and trash pickup around the school and community. Page 11 ALUMNI NEWS The Middle Atlantic Region is excited to support two scholars at Hampton University, Kayla Brooks and Shanice Wormley. Kayla is a freshmen Business Administration major from Upper Marlboro, MD. Shanice Wormley is a sophomore Flight Education major from Forrestville, MD. Both young ladies applied and were offered scholarships of $2500.00 for the academic year. The Middle Atlantic region is excited to provide financial support and encouragement as they matriculate at Hampton University. Thank you, Calvin Ruffin, Jr. MAR Scholarship and Retention Chair Shanice Wormley Kayla Brooks Current DC Chapter Calvin Ruffin and Past Presidents Carolyn Jackson, Jamie Tettey, Daniel Wilson, and Tony Cheatham MAR Executive Board Induction, September, 20, 2014 Calvin Ruffin, Jr. DC Chapter President MAR Scholarship & Retention Chair Page 12 NHAA Inc. Student Recruitment & Retention Co-chair 2014—2015, Issue 1 Northern Virginia Chapter of Hampton Alumni (NOVA)... A Record Turnout for Gala by Northern Virginia Chapter of Hampton Alumni By Carolyn P. DuBose More than 700 people attended the 35th Anniversary Gala of the Northern Virginia Chapter of the National Hampton Alumni Association, Inc. The annual event was held at the Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel in Crystal City. The crowd turned out in record numbers to celebrate this historic milestone. A special feature this year was the recognition of 35 Hampton University Alumni, with diverse backgrounds, from throughout the Metropolitan region. The honorees were: Melanie Bates, Todd Bell, Kendra Brown, Rev. Dr. Grainger Browning, Jr., Judith Burton, Ataveus Cash, Victoria Christopher Murray, Edda Collins Coleman, Adimu Colon, Dr. Alvin Crawley, Dr. Courtney Davis, Lieutenant General Robert S. Ferrell, Captain Norma Hatot, Tiffanee Gale, Tamara Lumpkin and Sherry Maragh, M.D. Also, Regina Milteer-Rock, M.D., Colonel Joseph E.Nickens, Sr.,USA(Ret.), Louise Nickens, Spencer Overton, Marcia Milton, Pam Perkins, Randy Phillip, Leonard Powell, Welford Roberts, Allison Seymour, Lani P. Shaw, Esq., Natasha Smith, Rear Admiral Sylvia Trent Adams, PhD, RN, Patricia F. Ware, Lori Williams, Ronald Williams, Esq., Daniel Wilson, Andre Anthony Wells and Siraaj Hansan. Thirty-nine years ago, the Chapter was organized in Arlington, Virginia with 14 founding members. Gen. Wallace Arnold, Patricia Y. Hollingsworth, Nancy S. Smackum, Joshua Thomas and Carolyn P. DuBose were among those who attended the Gala. They were recognized at the event by chapter president Kelli D. Boyer. The evening included a star-studded lineup that featured a special performance by Grammy Award-Winner Chrisette Michele. Also on the program were three media personalities and Hampton alumni: Adimu Colon, Allison Seymour and Todd Bell. One of the crowd pleasers was the appearance of three Virginia queens wearing their crowns. All Hamptonians, Miss Hampton 2013-2014 Shayma Sulaiman, Miss Black Virginia USA 2014 Shayna D. Jamison and Miss Virginia USA 2013 Desiree Williams. Past NHAA Inc & Mid-Atlantic Region President Anthony Cheatham and Guest Page 13 In the 35-year history of NOVA-NHAA, Inc. the Chapter has awarded an incredible $200,000 in scholarships to local students attending Hampton University. The Chapter has also distinguished itself by its service to the community and the university. "Because of the efforts of the Northern Virginia Chapter of the National Hampton Alumni Association, Inc., many students have been exposed to the Hampton experience," wrote President William R. Harvey in a letter of congratulations. ALUMNI NEWS Photos from the 35th Anniversary Gala of NOVA... Thirty-five Hamptonians, from the Metropolitan area, are honored for their accomplishments Miss Black Virginia USA 2014 Page 14 Miss Virginia USA 2013 Miss Hampton 2013-2014 NOVA-NHAA Founders (L-R) Major General (Ret.) Wallace C. Arnold, Nancy Smackum, Patricia Hollingsworth and Carolyn P. DuBose recognized by current President Kelli Boyer (red dress) and Vice President Michelle Hudgins (left) 2014—2015, Issue 1 More Photos from the 35th Anniversary Gala of NOVA... Alumni LTG Robert & Monique Ferrell Grammy Award Winning Recording Artist Chrisette Michele Columbia, Maryland Chapter... It just keeps getting better with time! The Chesapeake Bay crabs, the professionally catered meal, and the crowd of Hamptonians with their friends & families! It is Columbia, Maryland Chapter’s annual scholarship fundraiser--a crab feast that is in its 10th year. It was held this year on August 10th at our usual pavilion in Patapsco State Park. The event was once again a success thanks to dedicated chapter members and the many attendees who supported the event. Have your Hampton attire ready, and join us next year for a day of hardy eating and fun!!! Watch for the Save the Date flyer! . . . Submitted by: Kitola Pleasants Henderson, Chapter President Page 15 2014—2015, Issue 1 Montgomery County Maryland Chapter... The Montgomery County Maryland Chapter (MCMD) is excited to announce that the Scholarship Committee has selected Marisa Tukpah as the recipient of the Chapter’s $1,500 scholarship for the Fall 2014 semester. Marisa is a resident of Germantown, Maryland and will be a senior Chemical Engineering major. Marisa has a GPA of 3.18 and is active in the community through volunteering at the Hampton Virginia Medical Center and the Peninsula Food Bank. Marisa serves as a mentor for Hampton University's Emerging Youth Leaders program. In this program, she demonstrates teamwork by collaborating with other mentors to not only plan but facilitate sessions that educate secondary students on leadership, interviewing skills and public speaking. Marisa is also active in professional organizations including National Society of Black Engineers, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and the Society of Women Engineers. NORTH ATLANTIC REGION NHAA Long Island Chapter 60th Anniversary... November is approaching quickly; the 60th Anniversary Ball is right around the corner. Please join us as we celebrate 60 monumental years of the NHAA Long Island Chapter with an afternoon of dining & dancing. Saturday, November 15, 2014 ~ 12 noon- 4pm ~ Terrace on the Park ~ Semi-Formal Attire ~ Donation-$75 You don't want to miss this!! To be apart of our chapters milestone, purchase tickets NOW!! Contact Robyn Granby (516) 729-1994 OR Carol Bell (917) 532-0322 New York Hampton Alumni Chapter... NYHAC Runs New York On Saturday, August 2, 2014, the New York Hampton Alumni Club, Inc. hosted fitness coach Bakari Taylor for a workout in Central Park. Andrew Nguyen, ’12 and Personal Trainer Bakari Taylor, ’12 are Co-Founders of BodyBYBakari, a realistic approach for clients to achieve a healthy lifestyle instead of just a healthy phase. The duo made the stop in New York City as part of the No Excuses Summer Fitness Tour. With over 50 participants, the event was a fun opportunity for alumni and friends to learn useful techniques for developing a healthier lifestyle. Page 16 ALUMNI NEWS Boston Chapter... NORTH CAROLINA REGION Winston-Salem Chapter... Rev. Moss served as the senior pastor of Cascade United Methodist Church in Atlanta for 8 years until June 2014 when he began his appointment at Salem United Methodist Church in New York. Prior to joining Cascade, he was the senior pastor at St. James United Methodist Church in Alpharetta, which grew from less than 200 members to more than 1,200 under his leadership. Mark your calendars now to come support your fellow Hamptonian, hear a dynamic man of God deliver the Word, and be revived. You won't regret it! Page 17 Annual Revival St. Paul United Methodist Church 2400 Dellabrook Rd Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Monday - Wednesday October 27th - 29th 7:00 pm Rev. Dr. Marvin Moss Pastor, Salem United Methodist Church, New York City, NY 2190 Adam Clayton Powell Blvd. New York, New York ALUMNI NEWS Raleigh Chapter... Something BLUE Brunch - The Raleigh Chapter NHAA jump started the new fiscal year and its 2014-2015 membership drive with our 2nd Annual Something BLUE Brunch. This year’s Hampton alumnae event was held on Sunday, August 10 th at the Prestonwood Country Club in Cary, NC. We were guests of Raleigh Chapter alumna, Dr. Artrice Bader ’56. The event was a sea of blue & beauty and our Hampton sisterhood shined. Local Hampton alumnae are already looking forward to next year’s brunch. Hampton Alumnae, Moms & Daughters at the 2 nd Annual Something BLUE Brunch The Raleigh Chapter NHAA is having at least two fundraisers this year to help raise scholarship funds for local Hampton students. Please support our $18.68 Hampton University Shirts and/or $68.18 Motown Musical Fundraisers. $18.68 Shirts for Scholarships: Please email to purchase your $18.68 HU shirt(s) for scholarships. Please specify quantity and size needed. Sizes are available in children and adult sizes (Child Small through Adult 3XL). Please mail your donations payable to Raleigh Chapter NHAA to The Johnsons PO Box 702 Morrisville, NC 27560 or pay via PayPal ($19.68 online) at and send $19.68 per shirt to Note: All chapter PayPal orders will have a $1.00 surcharge. You may also give money to any chapter officer or chair listed below. Sample Picture of our $18.68 Shirt for Scholarships 2014-2016 Chapter Officers – Jenisha Henneghan ‘00, President; Malcolm Revere ‘13, Vice-President; Gerri Furlow ‘86, Secretary; Morris Johnson ’89, Financial Secretary; Leroy Sturgis ’66, Treasurer or Leslie Johnson ’89, Alumni Giving & Membership Chair and Student Recruitment Co-Chair. $68.18 Pirates' Play Date for Scholarships - Let's get together to see Motown the Musical at the DPAC in Durham. We have group tickets for our alumni, family and friends to see the musical, Motown, on Sunday, Feb. 22nd @ 6:30PM. Please make plans to attend to support one of this year's scholarship fundraisers. Donation is $68.18 per ticket via check (normal ticket price is $86.05 & up (Grand Tier Section). Note: At the time of this article, the Grand Tier section has sold out. If you want to attend the musical with us and support the fundraiser, please email us at to join our play date in another seating section (based on availability). Tickets are almost sold out for all dates so contact us ASAP to reserve your seating. If available, Balcony seating will be only $50 per ticket. Page 18 ALUMNI NEWS Raleigh Chapter (continued)... Motown is the "true American dream story of Motown founder Berry Gordy's journey from featherweight boxer to the heavyweight music mogul who launched the careers of Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Smokey Robinson, Marvin Gaye and so many more." Featuring more than 50 hits, including "My Girl" and "Ain't No Mountain High Enough," the musical "tells the story behind the hits as Diana, Smokey, Berry and the whole Motown family fight against the odds to create the soundtrack of change in America.” 2014-2015 Scholarship Recipients – Every year, the Raleigh chapter awards at least $3,000 in scholarships to local Hampton students. This year’s scholarships recipients include Tia Westmoreland ‘18 & Zyrus Johnson ‘18 for our Raleigh Chapter Scholarships for incoming students and Arriana McLymore ‘17 & Gizelle Harris ’17 for our Allie Muse Peebles scholarship for continuing students. In 2008, the chapter implemented a scholarship for continuing students and it was named in honor of Allie Muse Peebles ’47 for her lengthy service as the chapter’s Student Recruitment Chair. In addition, Crystal Sykes was a recipient of a student retention scholarship sponsored by Raleigh member, Claude Trotter ‘63. 2014-2015 Membership Drive: If you would like to join our chapter and/or donate to our Raleigh Chapter Scholarship Fund, please mail a check payable to Raleigh Chapter NHAA, PO Box 26222 Raleigh, NC 27611. Dues are $35 (or $20 for Classes 2011-2013). Due are waived for class of 2014. Please indicate on check memo, if for Dues and/or Scholarship Fund. 2014 Turn it BLUE BBQ – The Raleigh Chapter NHAA welcomed our Sesquicentennial Scholars, the Class of 2018, and their families at our Annual Turn it BLUE BBQ on Sunday, June 1. Over 70 Hampton alumni, students, family members and friends attended our fiscal year-end family event at Laurel Hills Park in Raleigh, NC. Ogres: Shanice Graham ’15, (center), pictured with our Sesquicentennial Scholars, the Class of 2018. Raleigh NC Hampton University On-Site Admissions Event November 6, 2014 "You could be a part of any university. Only one becomes a part of you." Page 19 2014—2015, Issue 1 Raleigh Chapter (continued)... The Hampton University Office of Admissions and the Raleigh Chapter National Hampton Alumni Association invite you to attend an On-Site Admissions and Information Event Thursday, November 6, 2014 @ 6:00 PM Martin St. Baptist Church Family Life Center, 1005 E. Martin St. Raleigh, NC 27601 High School Seniors will receive an immediate admissions decision at the event and are automatically considered for merit scholarships (if eligible). Note: The initial review process for scholarships begins in December. All high school students, parents, and counselors are welcome to attend the information session. For more information on admissions requirements, please visit: For more information on scholarship eligibility requirements, please visit: page/Scholarship-Information High School seniors need to bring the following information to participate in the on-site admissions process: Please apply online at, print the Signature Page & bring it with you to the on-site 1. Application fee of $35.00 (non-refundable). Only cashier's check or money order accepted. 2. A copy of your social security card (for Federal Financial Aid verification). 3. Standardized Test Results ACT or SAT scores Note: ACT/SAT scores submission is optional for students with at least a 3.3 cumulative academic GPA or who rank in the top 10 percent of their class, but mandatory for all students wishing to be considered for merit scholarships. 4. OFFICIAL high school transcript Note: Wake County Public Schools students may bring an unofficial transcript to the on-site as long as the official transcript is sent to the school. 5. One (1) letter of recommendation from a guidance counselor or teacher An autobiographical essay/personal statement Please RSVP to Raleigh Chapter NHAA at (email) or 919-906-6361 (phone or text) by November 3, 2014. Please include your name, class year, phone number, high school and intended major in your RSVP message. Greensboro Chapter... INVITE FROM NCR PRESIDENT APRIL BROADWAY: Join us as we welcome the our New AD and other Pirate Guests to our GREAT Region! Following the Mixer we will cheer the Pirates to Victory as they take on the Aggies of NC A & T. See you there! Page 20 The upcoming events for our chapter are as follows; College Day at the Greensboro Coliseum October 7, 2014 Hampton Alumni Mixer at Grafitis Bistro in Greensboro October 8, 2014 6pm-9 Hampton vs NCAT Game in Greensboro October 9, 2014 at 7pm Crop Walk Volunteer Event in Greensboro October 19, 2014 at 2:30 pm With regards, -Jessica K. Jackson ‘11 Corresponding Secretary Tanya Thacker ‘93 President ALUMNI NEWS Greensboro Chapter (Continued)... Hampton University Alumnus Inducted Into The National Black College Alumni Hall of Fame... Greensboro Chapter member Dr. Gladys Hope Franklin White received the Lifetime Achievement Award on September 26th at the National Black College Alumni Hall of Fame ceremony in Atlanta. Hall of Fame honorees are Black college graduates who are nominated by their alma mater and selected by the Board of Directors of the Hall of Fame. They are individuals who, through work, participation or support, have brought honor and recognition to their alma mater, their profession and their community. They are held in high esteem by their peers, and are deemed to be of high moral character and outstanding integrity. They have become one of the standards by which Black college graduates are measured. Dr. White attended Hampton Institute, Class of 1939, where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in elementary education and supervision. She later earned her Master of Arts degree in curriculum, teaching, and reading at Columbia University and her Doctorate of Education in reading education from the University of Sarasota. Dr. White has worked tirelessly as an educator for many years. After her retirement from North Carolina A&T State University, she founded Project CARE – Coaching Accelerates Rich Excellence. Designed as the city’s first community church SAT/ACT Test Prep project, Project CARE has rendered invaluable assistance netting students many college scholarships and awards. Dr. White is widely admired as a champion of proficient reading and test prep instruction and for her outstanding and true devotion to Hampton, the later of which has been recognized by the University naming a campus residence facility in her honor—The Gladys Hope Franklin White Hall. White was married to the late Dr. Frank H. White, graduate of Hampton University and the former dean of North Carolina A&T State University College of Arts and Sciences; the mother of two daughters, Hampton graduates, The Honorable Johnese White Howard and the late Dr. Sharon White Williams, associate professor at Hampton University. Dr. White said, “Plainly, my life is based on the premise that ‘All that you send into the lives of others comes back into your own,’ while I ‘Let my Life Do the Singing.” Page 21 2014—2015, Issue 1 Durham-Chapel Hill Chapter... Raleigh Chapter (continued)... CHAPTER OFFICERS FOR 2014DCH-NHAA Chapter officers for this biennium include: PRESIDENT—Fredrick Davis II, ‘05 ( 1st VP & ALUMNI RECRUITMENT—Doval Watson Jr. ‘13 2nd VP & STUDENT RECRUITMENT—Jameya Green, ‘11 RECORDING SECRETARY—Agnes DeWitt, ‘68 CORRESPONDING SECRETARY—Carol A. Nicholson, ‘73 TREASURER—Harriette V. Davis, ‘71 CHAPLAIN—Kenya Cherry Cook,’95 ALUMNI GIVING—Gloria T. Doyle, ‘73 BACK-TODCH-NHAA hosted its annual Back-To-School Reception August 14th. Incoming Freshmen and their parents, current students, and local alumni got together to share college & Hampton tips for success, delicious food, fun, and fellowship. Students received gift bags of school supplies and tips for success from current students while parents got expert advice from Parent & Student Advocacy Chair Theresa Watson. (Her spouse and four of her children are Hampton graduates!!!). There was also a drawing for a book scholarship. Hampton Pirates will come to Durham November 8th to play the NCCU Eagles for their Homecoming. If you are coming to the game, please stop by our Tailgate Party and help Page 22 Chapter President Fredrick Davis II with new Hampton students from DCH Chapter area. 2014—2015, Issue 1 SOUTHEAST REGION Atlanta Chapter: GA Peaches To VA Beaches... The Atlanta Chapter hosted the “GA Peaches to VA Beaches” networking event Saturday, August 16th. The event is to introduce incoming freshmen and their parents to one another and to current alumni. This years event had a span of 5 decades of alumni in attendance. The fifteen incoming freshmen and their parents were greeted with Hampton Hugs from the thirty-five alumni in attendance and left understanding the "Friends for Life" saying. Each freshmen left with a care box containing a first aid kit, cup of noodles and school supplies with most supplies donated by alumni. Incoming Freshmen from the Atlanta Chapter area. Page 23 Incoming Freshmen and their parents ALUMNI NEWS South Florida Hampton Alumni Chapter... On August 17th, Hampton alumni from Broward, Dade, and Palm Beach counties came together for food, fun, and fellowship! This was our inaugural annual summer cookout as the newly-merged South Florida Hampton Alumni Chapter. Alumni, current students, family, and friends gathered to celebrate our future Hamptonians as they begin their journey at our “HOME BY THE SEA.” We even had two aspiring Hamptonians (2015 and 2019) join us. Our most “seasoned” alumnus, Mr. Gilbert Raiford of Miami (Class of ‘54), was in attendance and provided us all with an account of his time at Hampton, such rich history!!! Following the food and fun, we held a brief meeting introducing our new officers, discussing members’ financial responsibilities, and highlighting upcoming plans and future events for the chapter. We, the South Florida Hampton Alumni Chapter, are extremely excited about this year and we’re definitely ready to “Let Our Lives Do The Singing.” “To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting sentence or quote from the story here.” Page 24 2014—2015, Issue 1 ATTENTION FORMER STUDENT ATHLETES... All former Hampton University student-athletes are invited to return to campus on the weekend of the Pirates’ football game against Norfolk State, Friday, Oct. 17 and Saturday, Oct. 18. The game will take place on Saturday, Oct. 18 at 1 p.m. A reception will be held in the student center on Friday, Oct. 17 at 7 30 p.m., and on Saturday, Oct. 18, there will be tailgating, free admission to the football game, and recognition of the returning student-athletes during the game. “We are extremely excited to host this event that will honor all of our past athletes who paved the way for our current Pirates,” Donovan Rose, Assistant Athletic Director for Development and Hampton class of 1978, said. “I have received communications from former athletes from 1949 through 2013.” All former student-athletes interested in attending should RSVP to Rose no later than Friday, Oct. 10. He can be reached at (757) 727-5138 or HAMPTON PIRATES FOOTBALL 8/30 Old Dominion (A,L) 9/6 William & Mary (H, AD, L) 9/13 Richmond (A, L) 9/20 Miles (H, W) 9/27 South Carolina State (H, CG, L) 10/9 NC A&T State U (A, CG) 7:30p Maurice D. Williams Director of Sports Information Hampton University 210 Holland Hall Hampton, VA 23668 (757) 727-5757 - Office (757) 727-5813 - Fax H=Home / A=Away / HC=Homecoming / CG=Conference Game / AD=Alumni Day / W=Win / L=Lost JOIN HAMPTON NATION TODAY! WHAT IS HAMPTON NATION? A website? A fan forum? A movement? An athletic support club? It is all of these things. We represent a national forum for all alumni, fans, and supporters of Hampton Athletics to renew their support for the university. Not only do we want to showcase our teams through new and exciting ways, but also to engage and acknowledge our most valuable asset….YOU. Visit information and to join. Page 25 SCHEDULE... 10/18 Norfolk State (H, CG) 1p 10/25 Delaware State (A, CG) 2p 11/1 Morgan State (H, CG, HC) 2p 11/8 NCCU (A, CG) 2p 11/13 Bethune-Cookman (H, CG) 7:30p 11/22 Howard U (A, CG) 1p for more WATCH THE HAMPTON FOOTBALL TEAM PLAY LIVE ON THE PIRATE SPORTS NETWORK NATIONAL HAMPTON ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, INC. ALUMNI NEWS 2014—2015, Issue 1 WHO TO CONTACT ... EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE NORTH CAROLINA REGION PRESIDENT April Broadway PRESIDENT Dorothy M. LeeMurray SOUTHEAST REGION YVONNE SAXON PRESIDENT FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Dyanne B. Baldwin SOUTHWEST REGION PRESIDENT Velda R. Faulkner VICE PRESIDENT EASTERN REGIONS Shirley Farr IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Joan McMillan Wickham VICE PRESIDENT WESTERN REGIONS Gregory W. Whiting RECORDING SECRETARY Carol D. Bell ALUMNI GIVING CO-CHAIRS Andre DeBose Michael Byrd CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Gloria Thorpe Doyle STUDENT RECRUITMENT CO-CHAIRS Carole Dupree-Fennell Calvin Ruffin, Jr. TREASURER Wayne G. Greene TECHNOLOGY CHAIR Raquel Watson CHAPLAIN Rev. Richard Keller, Jr. PARENT & STUDENT ADVOCACY CHAIR Karen Tanner-Oliphant MENTOR & CAREER NETWORK CHAIR Norma J. Hatot-King OTHER OFFICERS COMMITTEE CHAIRS PARLIAMENTARIAN Duane Boone MEMBER ADVANTAGE CHAIR Lauren Legette LEGAL COUNSEL Attorney Lani P. Shaw NOMINATIONS CHAIR Kamala Lee Rolle MIDDLE ATLANTIC REGION PRESIDENT Toni H. JohnsonConner TELLER Theresa R. Matthews MIDWEST REGION PRESIDENT Evelyn M. Disher PROTOCOL CHAIR Edna B. Johnson NORTH ATLANTIC REGION PRESIDENT Gena Pemberton EMERITUS CLASS REPRESENTATIVE Dr. Gladys Hope Franklin White NHAA Inc. Office of Alumni Affairs Hampton University Hampton, VA 23668 This newsletter is published quarterly. Send news and information to Corresponding Secretary Gloria Doyle at by September 30, December 31, March 31, and June 30. The National Hampton Alumni Association, Inc. seeks to be inclusive and to include alumni, students, parents, faculty, administration, staff, friends, partners, significant others, and pre-alumni. Our mission is to raise funds for the University, help with the recruitment of students, develop alumni chapters, and to enhance the Hampton Legacy. “Together...We Make A Difference”