October 2013 - Community Unit School District 200


October 2013 - Community Unit School District 200
Wheaton North High School
Oct/Nov 2013
A Message From The Principal...
Dear Parents,
September 30
– October 5
Homecoming Week
October 14 – No School
Columbus Day
October 9 & 10
Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 16, 17 & 19
Fall Play, “The Man Who
Came To Dinner!”
November 1 – No School
Institute Day
November 25 – 29 – No
Thanksgiving Break
seniors across the nation. Congratulations to
Fall is my favorite time of the year. The all 7 of our semifinalists and all 11 of our
students are excited to return to school and commended students as well as their parents,
everyone gets a fresh start. For me personally, teachers, and District 200 for preparing them
it’s exciting and melancholy. This is my last to reach their potential!
fall as principal, so, each day with theWheaton We are working on improving our
North High School community is memorable communication this year. Parents can access
for me.We certainly have had some memorable our Daily Student Announcements on our
moments already this year. The Channel website under the Parent and Student section.
7 Friday Football Flyover was a terrific We also post these announcements in the
opportunity to showcase our wonderful student Student Commons so students are able to
body. We also celebrated Homecoming week review them daily. Additionally, we will no
and all of its festivities. I hope your teenagers longer be printing progress reports. With the
found time to participate in the many events onset of ParentVue, parents have daily access to
that make our homecoming traditions so academic progress. Often by the time progress
memorable.We continually encourage students reports are printed and received at home, the
to become involved – and enjoy the benefits of information is no longer current. We believe
attending this great high school.Thank you to that accessing the information online will
all of you who found time to volunteer during assist with better information for parents.
this fall. I would especially like to thank the As you read through the Falcon Focus, please
Falcon Booster Club for all you have done to note the many exciting community involvement
assist in the opening of the 2013-14 school opportunities: Falcon Booster 5K; the Fall
year. Please consider joining!
Play; Orchestra, Band, & Choir concerts; and
As always, teaching and learning is our
primary focus, andWheaton North High School
is filled with talented students and dedicated
teachers.We are proud to recognize Catherine
Blume, Aeriel Euhus, Kevin Fausett, Lauren
Liebman, Alexander McKee, Madeleine Storm,
and Jacob Walhout as our National Merit
Semifinalists: National merit semifinalists
represent the top 1% of seniors across the
nation having the opportunity to compete
in the National Merit Finalist competition.
Additionally, we are proud to recognize our
National Merit Commended students: Sarah
Ackenhusen, Allison Auchter, Ross Cooke,
Tyler Gabriele, Theodore Grant-Funck, Haley
Hannenberg, Alexander Jiskra, Alexi Maguire,
Jack Miller, Mark Mills, and Margaret Richards
Commended students represent the top 2% of
our many athletic events leading up to the
Thanksgiving break. Upcoming Late Start
Wednesdays include: October 23, November
6 & 20, and December 11. Other important
future dates: Inservice Day–November 1,
Final Exams–January 13-16, mandatory
graduation practice and Senior Honors
Assembly – May 21-22, and graduation is
May 24, 2014 at the College of DuPage.
As I always remind parents, the Falcon Focus
continues to be our major communication link.
If you have questions or concerns, please feel
free to call us. It continues to be a privilege to
serve the students and community of Wheaton
North High School.
Jill Bullo, Principal
Falcon Focus
From the Desk of Phil Britton
Assistant Principal of Curriculum & Activities
As I write this note, we are finishing
our third week of school, and things
are well underway. It is interesting to
see how all of us fall right back into the
rhythms of the school year. I hope that
the opening of school has gone well for
your children and you, and that everyone
enjoys our Homecoming activities. We
are now in the process of setting up for
Parent/Teacher Conferences which are
scheduled for October 9th and 10th.
We will again be using “pick-A-time”
to support our conference scheduling
process. Pick-A-time specializes in
Parent/Teacher Conference scheduling
and is used by schools throughout the
United States and Canada.
You will receive specific directions
as we get closer to the dates through
a recorded message and email blast
from Ms. Jill Bullo. After the recorded
message has been sent, the directions on
accessing and using the system will be
available through a link on our web site,
Did You Buy a 2013 Yearbook?
If you did pay for one but have not yet picked up your 2012-2013 yearbook,
we still have it. Come to the Activities Office to get it.
Underclass Yearbook Pictures
Did you miss yearbook picture week September 16—20? If so, you have one
last chance to be pictured in this year’s yearbook. The photographer will be
on the Taylor stage Thursday, November 7 from 7:00—2:30. You don’t need
an appointment and you don’t need to pay anything. Just come down during
those hours when you’re free. If you bought a picture package in September,
and you’re not happy with the picture, bring it November 7 and get a retake.
Qtions? Kevin.williams@cusd200.org
Class of 2014
Senior Yearbook
Seniors: If you did not take your
senior yearbook picture here at
the school when the photographer
was at WN for the two weeks, in
June, it’s not too late. Just call
HRImaging/Root Studio at the
Naperville (630-416-0552) or
studio to set up an appointment.
You can also go to Rootseniors.com
to schedule an appointment and
get more information. Remember:
if you want to be pictured in the
WN yearbook with the rest of your
class, you must have your picture
taken by HRImaging/Root Studios
only. We cannot use a picture
from somewhere else. You do not,
however, need to purchase anything
from this studio; simply say,
“Yearbook only” when scheduling
your appointment , and you won’t
be charged. The yearbook staff
needs this picture by December 14,
so make sure your appointment is
before that.
Performing Arts News
Come one, come all, to the Wheaton
North Fall Play – The Man Who Came To
Dinner! It is the hilarious story of Sheridan
Whiteside, a 1930’s radio celebrity who
visits the home of a well-to-do family in
a small town in Ohio. Unfortunately, he
slips on the ice on their front steps and
breaks his hip, leaving him confined to
their home for several weeks. Comedy
ensues as Whiteside makes their house
his own – ordering around their
servants, forbidding them to use their
own phone, and inviting movie stars
and other eccentrics to dinner. In the
end, everyone learns valuable lessons
about life and love. The show boasts
a large cast, lavish costumes and sets,
and is sure to provide lots of laughs.
Performances are Oct 16, 17, and 19
(Wed, Thurs, & Sat. night) at 7:00 in
the Taylor Auditorium. For tickets email
Brian Phillips at bphillips@cusd200.org
or call (630)784-8495. Tickets are $8
for adults, $4 for students and seniors.
See you there!
Digital production,
design & layout done by
Wheaton North’s
Graphic Design Studio &
Graphic Design 2 Students
Oct/Nov 2013
early to start thinking about Prom… at
least not Post Prom! Our first meeting
to start planning for Post Prom, a.k.a.
Operation Safe Celebration, will be
held on Tuesday, October 15th at 7
Parent Program Opportunities
The District #200 social workers are offering many parenting programs throughout
the school year. Please look for all of the program descriptions on the district
website.Two in particular, on October 21st and November 11th will be a continuing
discussion focused on the topic of alcohol and drug use. Having conversations and
setting limits with our adolescents around these topics can be tough. Our goal is to
offer a forum where we can discuss issues, concerns and lend support for parents
during these programs. We hope to see you at any or all of the parent programs
that are scheduled throughout the year. If you have any additional questions, please
contact one of the Wheaton North Social Workers.
Speech Team Getting Ready For New Season
After workshops for Novices and kick off dinner which will take place on
auditions for Varsity team members, October 7 at 6:30 pm in the Commons.
preparation for the 2013-14 season is Wheaton North will host its 24th annual
underway for coaches and team members Technicolor Tournament on November
pm at the Wheaton Park District of the WN Speech Team. The Novices 9. This year’s team captains are Brian
will begin their competitions on October Stroner, Sarah Gornik, Elise Almer,
Community Center.
26 at Homewood-Flossmoor HS and Chloe Hopper, Charlotte Hoover and
Each year Operation Safe Celebration will compete until November 23 while Ashley Cross. Head Coach Stan Austin
transforms the Wheaton Community the Varsity opens up on November 2 at and his assistant coaches, Scott Coleman,
Center for two magical evenings for Downers Grove North HS. Their season Bill Bakopoulos, Mike Kolodziej, Marcia
the WN and WWS Post Prom parties. will last through the IHSA State series in Grisanzio, Conor McSweeney and
Wheaton North’s Prom will be held February. All team members and their Brigette Bucholz are looking forward to
on Saturday, April 26th, 2013. This parents are invited to attend the annual another successful season.
will be the 20th year of Operation Safe
Celebration. It is a wonderful event that
keeps our children safe, off the roads,
and supervised after the dance. It is a
People Assisting Wildlife Service Club
big production that takes hundreds of
volunteers to make successful. Any bit We are a teen animal rescue service overpopulation, animal extinction,
of help is appreciated. For the parents club called “P.A.W.S.” – People Assisting veterinary care and much more. These
of freshman and sophomores, this is a Wildlife Service Club.We are looking for are “real” issues and YOU can help! We
great opportunity for you to see what students that want to make a difference encourage community volunteer work
it’s all about and get involved before in the lives of animals.We cover all kinds with animals. Check out our website at
your child attends the event. Also, if of animal education at our meetings http://goo.gl/aLSZGA.There is a FREE
you don’t have time to volunteer and such as topics like animal abuse, wildlife club to join. We meet monthly from
still would like to help, donations are rescue, animal welfare, animal rights, pet 2:25-3:25 in room 705. Our 2013-14
meeting dates are:
always appreciated! If you are interested
in helping, please join us on October
October 3, 2013
15. If you can’t make the meeting and
November 14, 2013
would like to help, please e-mail me at
December 12, 2013
schmid_laura@hotmail.com or give
January 30, 2014
me a call at 630.750.7388.
February 20, 2014
March 13, 2014
April 10, 2014
May 1, 2014
JOIN P.A.W.S. Club
Falcon Focus
From the Desk of Matt Biscan
Asst. Principal of Curriculum and Technology
I hope you and your family have had a
Opportunities multiply as they are seized.
great start to the 2013-2014 school
year. Many of you attended curriculum
~Sun Tzu
night and it was a pleasure to see you
• The student submits it to the counselor
and converse with you.
It is hard to believe we are firmly and the counselor signs it and enters the
embedded into the school year already. I name into a list that can be accessed on
hope that your child is taking advantage the school network by the staff.
of the various resources available • Teachers should keep track of who
during their ACCESS periods. As you is using the vouchers for each of their
know, we have English, math, science, classes.
social studies, special education, world • The master voucher list can be accessed
languages, ELL and technology education on the school network by the staff.
teachers available to assist your students • The deadline for students to submit the
completed voucher to their counselor is
during all ACCESS periods.
Friday, January 10th at 2:30 p.m.
Each year our Junior students participate
in the Prairie State Achievement If you have any questions, please contact
Examination which consists of the Matt Biscan at 630-784-7302.
ACT (Day 1) and Work Keys (Day 2013-2014 PSAE
2). As an incentive to do their best on Information:
the 2012-2013 PSAE, Wheaton North The 2013-2014 Prairie State Achieveoffered participating Junior students an ment Examination, administered to all
opportunity to earn a 1st Semester Final juniors on April 23rd and 24th, will
Exam Voucher/Vouchers for their Senior again include the optional writing
year if they “met” or “exceeded” state portion of the exam. For more
standards in Reading and/or Math. The information, please visit www.wnhs.org
voucher/vouchers can be used for any and go to the “student services” tab and
first semester final exam. The following click on “guidance office”.
information explains how current seniors
can obtain their 1st Semester Final Exam
1st Semester Final Exam
Voucher Process:
• All Students will pick up their PSAE
Score Sheet and accompanying voucher/
vouchers (if they met/exceeded in
Reading and/or Math) in the Commons
area during lunches on December 12th.
• Students will submit vouchers to
teachers from December 13th through
January 10th. (Includes winter break)
• Students will submit the voucher to
the teacher after the student and their
parent have signed it. The teacher signs
it—gives it back to the student as soon
as possible
Asbestos in
All buildings will stay under the
Management Plan/Inspection Report/
Operations and Maintenance Plan.
This means that all buildings will be
inspected every six months. Every
3 years inspection reports will be
submitted to the State of Illinois. The
reports can be viewed at any time and
are updated every six months and three
years. If you have any questions you can
contact Robert Bentham at CUSD 200.
Orchestra News
Greetings to all Wheaton North
Orchestra families, friends, and fans!
Wow! What an excellent start we
have had! I could not be happier
about the level of skill, dedication,
and camaraderie that these students
have brought to orchestra this year!
All orchestra families and friends
are invited to our first concert of
the year, which will take place on
Tuesday, October 22, at 7:00 PM,
in Taylor Auditorium. In addition
to featured performances by all
three Wheaton North orchestras,
we are honored to host guest artist
Dr. Adriana LaRosa-Ransom, cello
professor at Illinois State University.
She will perform Elgar’s magnificent
Cello Concerto with the Wheaton
North Sinfonia and members of the
Wind Ensemble. This will be a mustsee performance!
Our busy semester will also include
our department-wide Pancake
Breakfast on November 2, the
IMEA District Honors Festival, the
annual Concerto-Aria Competition,
and the Holiday Concert. The
Pancake Breakfast is our only major
department-wide fundraiser, and it is
open to all supporters and members
of the community. We anticipate
a great morning of food, fun, and
musical entertainment! Please watch
for more details about this exciting
We look forward to sharing some
amazing musical experiences with
you this year! Orchestra is a big deal
here at Wheaton North, and I look
forward to seeing many of you at our
Musically yours,
Mr. Philip Rudd
Oct/Nov 2013
From the Nurses
As influenza season approaches please
report flu like symptoms when calling
the attendance line when your child is
ill. Remember each of us can protect
our own health and that of others by:
•Washing our hands frequently.
•Covering our mouth when we
cough with either a disposable
tissue or your sleeve.
•STAY HOME when you do not
feel well and stay home for the
extra day when you have had a
temperature over 100 degrees.
•Drink plenty of fluids and rest as
much as possible.
•See a doctor with symptoms of;
difficulty breathing or shortness
of breath, pain or pressure in
the chest or abdomen, sudden
dizziness, confusion, severe or
persistent vomiting, if flu like
symptoms improve then return
with fever and worse cough.
•Remember stress and fatigue can
affect your body’s ability to fight
•The yearly flu immunization is
recommended to keep you and
those around you healthy. When
deciding to get immunized or
not- just ask yourself; Can I afford
to miss a week of work and/or
•Get the facts about your illness
from a reliable source.
•If your student is not feeling well
during the school day they must
report to the nurse’s office for
assessment and attendance before
a parent can pick them up. Please
advise them not to text first since
it causes staff confusion and time.
District 200 has a close partnership with
the DuPage County Health Department
(DCHD) and follows their guidance
for illness notification and cleaning
procedures. Accurate and timely
information can be found at http://
www.cdc.gov or http://ready.illinois.
gov or http://www.protectdupage.org.
Current information from the DCHD will
be posted on the district Health Service
Department website at www.cusd200.org
under short cuts on the home page.
Please access your student’s online
information as needed to keep your
emergency contact information up to
Each year all high school students
receiving special education services or
identified as foster children are mandated
to receive vision and hearing screening. If
you would like your student to have their
vision or hearing screened please contact
the nurse’s office. This is a brief screening
and does not replace an eye exam.
Library Book Club
Does your student love to read?
Love to talk? Love to eat treats?
Then encourage them to check out
the Wheaton North Book Club.
Once a month, students gather in
the library to discuss their favorite
book and enjoy snacks while
deciding what to read next.
At meetings, students are
introduced to the latest books in
the library collection by Library
Director Mrs. Angela Pigoni. A
newly expanded Graphic Novels
section means there’s something
for everyone to read and talk about.
Find out more about the Library
Book Club by clicking on the library
page at www.wnhs.org or stop by
the library for more information.
Everyone’s welcome!
Wheaton North to Join Public Library
in 200th Anniversary Celebration of
Pride and Prejudice
Wheaton North will be involved in a
Wheaton-wide celebration this fall.
Sponsored by the Wheaton Public
Library, “Wheaton Reads: Pride and
Prejudice” is an upcoming celebration
of the 200th anniversary publication
of Jane Austen’s most-known novel.
Student involvement will be featured
at the library as well as a celebration at
Wheaton North, featuring “Lunch with
Jane Austen” (WNHS room 422) and
a special performance by the Chicago
comedy troupe Improvised Jane Austen.
Students who are already Jane Austen
fans should be prepared by choosing
their favorite quotations from Pride
and Prejudice for a library event. The
Wheaton Public library will be offering
a variety of ways to celebrate from
October 6 through November 3:Austen-
related performances with “Jane Austen”
(Chicago actor Debra Ann Miller), book
giveaways, fashion/tea events, musical
and dance performances, speakers on art
and gardening of the Regency period, as
well as book and film viewings, followed
by discussions.
TheWomen of Improvised Jane Austen: R1 Kate Parker,
Mel Evans, Colleen Breen, Kyna Lenhof; R2 Sarah
Beckman Mobley, Natalie Tinaglia, Rachel Grandi,
Kristen Parise, Annie Rijks, and Steph Jones.
Falcon Focus
From the Desk of Jim Venckus
Assistant Principal for Student Services
Welcome back! We hope everyone is having a great start to the school year. Thank
you for your attention to the following items. Please let us know if you have any
questions or concerns. Have a great year!
School Safety/Drills
Another issue that has come to light in
some other schools in the area is hazing.
We want to remind students that hazing is
a violation of our school code of conduct.
Students who are guilty are subject to
disciplinary action. Our student handbook
defines hazing as any act that subjects a
student to electronic, written, physical,
or verbal harassment, mental or physical
discomfort, intimidation, embarrassment,
ridicule, or demeaning activity committed
by an individual student or group of
students for the purpose of initiation,
maintaining membership, or holding office
in any organization, club, or athletic team.
Safety is a top priority at Wheaton North. We do everything we can to ensure a safe
and secure environment for our students. For that reason, we have a number of
safety procedures for a variety of emergency situations. We work closely with the
Wheaton Police and Fire Departments to coordinate our efforts. To begin, we run
three fire drills per year. We also conduct a lockdown drill, a severe weather drill,
and a bus evacuation drill. After we conduct these drills, we review them to help us
best prepare for the situations. In addition, we have off-site emergency evacuation
areas in the case that we have to vacate the building. Our walking sites are Wheaton
Bowl and Wheaton Sport Center, and our travel site is Wheaton-Warrenville South
High School. These sites have been approved by the District Safety Committee. We Please report any incidents of hazing to
urge you to make sure your telephone information is accurate in case we need to your coaches and activity sponsors who
contact you from one of these sites.
will work with the Deans’ Office to
rectify them.
School Safety
Even though we continue to see violent acts committed at some of our
nation’s schools, schools are still the safest places for our students. According
to the National Association of School Psychologists, school violence is
actually on the decline, and less than one percent of violent deaths are “school
associated.” Safety is a top priority at Wheaton North. Safe schools create a
culture where safety is everyone’s responsibility: staff, students and parents.
We are less likely to have an incident if people know that we value safety.
Please talk with your students about school safety and encourage them to be
observant and report to the school and police the following (students will
remain anonymous):
Support Staff
One of our goals is for all students to
receive the best possible education and to
have a successful and rewarding experience
at Wheaton North High School. Many
adolescents, though, confront challenges
both in and out of school that may
interfere with their education and/or
personal growth if not properly addressed.
In addition to our teaching staff, we have
a multitude of support staff to assist
• someone who has a gun at or outside of school
our students. These include the deans,
• suspicious activities or violence by other students
guidance counselors, social workers,
• something that makes you feel uncomfortable, nervous or frightened
school psychologists, school nurses, and
• threats to school safety made by other students or other community
school liaison officer. Our support staff
teams meet weekly to discuss students who
• strangers on campus
are at risk to receiving a quality education
due to poor grades, attendance, behavior
Furthermore, please reinforce to your students not to provide building access
and/or outside influences. At these weekly
to strangers and to take safety drills seriously so they know what to do if there
meetings, we also determine appropriate
is an emergency situation.
interventions for these students. Parents
and guardians are also an important part
of this team.We will contact you to discuss
There are parking spots available for all students at Wheaton Bowl. You must have our concerns and work with you to devise
a permit to park there. Applications are available in the Deans’ Office. The fee for a plan to assist your student. Please contact
a member of your student’s support team
the year is $150.
if you have any questions or concerns.
Student Parking at Wheaton Bowl
Oct/Nov 2013
Counselors met with freshman for password should be the same password
three consecutive days at the beginning as they use to log-in to the school
of September during freshman ACCESS
periods. The focus of these meetings was
two-fold. The first was for us to get to
know the students and for the students
to get to know us, and our role as their
advocate. The second part was spent
in the computer lab where students
signed up for NAVIANCE, a web-based
tool that is specific to our school, and
provides a ton of useful information on
course, career, and college planning.
Students have their own NAVIANCE
account. Every student’s username
should be their e-mail address and their
computers. You can access NAVIANCE
through our website at wnhs.org
à Studentà Ser vicesà Guidance
Departmentà Collegeà Planning
àNAVIANCE. We will be meeting
again with freshman in December to
assist them in creating a tentative fouryear course plan of study. This plan will
focus on achieving high school goals
and ambitions, and begin to prepare
them for life after graduation. When
completed, this plan will be saved in
their NAVIANCE account.
JUNIOR PARENTS – Junior Conferences
Wheaton North High School will be
hosting this year’s District 200 Financial
Aid night on Wednesday, October
23rd at 7:00 P.M. Scott Seibring,
Director of Financial Aid at Illinois
Wesleyan, will present. Topics to be
covered include:
•How to Apply
•Different type of aid and funding
•How to calculate possible aid
Financial planning and information
gathering for college can never start too
early, so parents of students of all grade
levels are encouraged to attend. We
hope to see you there!
At the beginning of November counselors will begin holding Junior Conferences
with every junior on their caseload. Each conference is a period long and covers
course selection for senior year, post-secondary plans, college search tools, and a
review of the overall college application process. Also, all the information covered
in Junior Conferences will be highlighted at Junior Parent Night on Wednesday,
Junior Parent Night is scheduled for
November 13th (see right).
Wednesday, November 13th from
7:00-9:00 P.M. All junior parents are
encouraged to attend. The presentation
will take place in Taylor Auditorium and
then break out into smaller sessions.
Breakout session topics will include*:
Any student interested in attending TCD during their junior or senior year
should sign up to attend the Explore Day Field Trip at TCD scheduled for
•The College Search and Application
Wednesday, December 11. All students will need to have a signed permission
slip, which will be mailed by TCD to all sophomore and junior WNHS students.
•State Universities
If you do not receive one, please come to the Guidance Office. The field trip
•The College of DuPage.
will be held during the morning and students will be bussed to and from the
TCD location in Addison. A complete tour of the facilities and explanation of
•Naviance and On-line Tools for the
a variety of programming options will be discussed.
College Search
The field trip is for sophomore and junior students only. If you have
any questions, please contact Carol McCallum at 630/784-7311.
Junior Parent Night
Falcon Focus
Highly Selective College Information
Session And Mock Admission Workshop
December 11
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Have you ever wondered how the more selective colleges and universities
distinguish among seemingly equally qualified candidates? Why does one student
gain admission, another a place on the waitlist and a third a denial? Come and
learn more about the admission process at highly selective institutions. This
session will include information about the process as well as a “Mock Admission
Workshop” in which YOU sit in the admission officer’s seat. See how your
student may put his/her best foot forward through the application process.
Former president of the National Association of College Admission Counselors,
Mary Lee Hoganson, and counselor Wendy Biggs will facilitate an exercise that
simulates what happens with student applications during the admissions review
process. Also, this workshop is a direct result of the many survey comments
from previous Junior Parent Night, which requested more time for the Highly
Selective College breakout session. Come prepared to participate in group
activities. Parents and students of all grade levels are welcome.
National Christian College Fair
Tuesday, October 10th
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Aurora Christian School
2255 Sullivan Road, Aurora, IL
Chicago Performing and Visual Arts
College Fair
Sunday, October 13th
1:00 PM – 3:30 PM
ChiArts, Chicago High School for the Arts
521 East 35th Street, Chicago, IL
College of DuPage College Fair
Tuesday, October 22nd
Glen Ellyn Campus-Student Services Ctr
6:00 PM – 8:30 PM*
*This fair tends to get very crowded, so it is
highly recommended to ARRIVE EARLY to
ensure parking
We are pleased to report that college
representatives continue to visit
Wheaton North during the first
semester, to meet with our students,
teachers, counselors, and parents.
College representative meetings are
open to sophomores, juniors, and
seniors and are held in the College and
Career Center.
Just a reminder, college admission deadlines are approaching fast. Every senior
had an individual conference with their counselor in September where counselors
stressed the importance of meeting these deadlines.
Students and parents should
periodically check the Guidance page
at wnhs.org or NAVIANCE for the
most updated college rep visit list.
Students can also check the bulletin
board in the College Career Center or
the digital board in the commons for
the most updated schedule.
Application Deadline:
Nov. 1
Nov. 15
Dec. 1
Jan. 1
Jan. 1
Must be in Guidance by:
Oct. 15
Nov. 1
Nov. 15
Dec. 7
Jan. 3
To attend a visit, students must
sign-up through their NAVIANCE
ACCOUNT at least 24 hours in
advance of the scheduled visit.
Finally, we request students turn in their application and transcript request form 10
school days prior to the application deadline. This allows counselors to proofread
and complete any attached materials, and read any student essays before mailing
them to the prospective colleges. The following are WNHS college application
Application materials for the University of Illinois must be postmarked no
later than November 1st to meet their priority deadline. Priority deadline
for Illinois State and Northern Illinois is November 15th, so apply early!
Oct/Nov 2013
From the Desk of Matt Fisher
Assistant Principal of Athletics & Curriculum
We have had a very busy fall season
here at Wheaton North with all our fall
sport programs. Many of you have been
involved and we encourage you to try
Our winter sports will be starting soon. a winter sport. Be a Falcon and join a
I would like to encourage you to get team! We want you!
involved in at least one sport during your Listed below you will find information
high school career. If you enjoy sports, regarding all of the winter sports
this would be a great opportunity to get programs. Hopefully this will answer
started; the sooner the better. Most of most of your questions. However, if you
our sports require a progression from have questions, please do not hesitate to
the freshman team up to the varsity call the Athletic Office at 630-784-7318.
level. Please do not wait – start your Go Falcons!
freshman year the right way.
I hope you have gotten off to a great
start to the 2013/2014 school year and
that you are excited to begin another
season as a Falcon.
On behalf of the Falcon Athletic
Department, we would like to invite
each of our students to participate in at
least one of the sports programs offered
at North. This winter we have five sports
with twenty-one levels of play scheduled
for competition. You are encouraged
to get involved and to experience the
excitement of being a Falcon athlete.
Being an athlete requires commitment,
dedication and hard work. The rewards
are many and the friendships made are
often for life. It will also enrich your
high school experience. Freshmen, we
especially need your involvement in our
Falcon Sports Programs. Do not wait –
join a program as a freshman – be a part
of our Falcon Pride!
for Girls Basketball. Boys Basketball,
Girls Gymnastics and Wrestling will
begin November 11, 2013. Listed
below we have included coaches contact
information if you have questions or
comments regarding practices, starting
times and location for each sport. If you
want to participate but cannot make the
first meeting, please call the Athletic
Office (784-7318) and let us know.
Our trainer, Mr. Steve Mayo, and his
staff will be on duty during pre-season
practices. They will do their best to
provide all needed training services.
If you find you are unable to come to
practice or if you are ill, please call Mr.
Mayo’s office at 630-784-7388. He has
Voice Mail for you to leave a message if
Winter sports will begin practice on he isn’t available to take your call.
Monday, November 4, 2013 with tryouts
The following must be taken care of
before you will be allowed to practice.
If you do not meet all the requirements
you cannot participate until all forms
are completed.
1.Registration: Online registration
must be completed for each student
athlete wishing to participate in
2.Sports Physical. A copy must be
submitted to the athletic office.
Freshmen may use the one that the
nurse requires, simply make us a
copy and mark it “athletics”.
3.A user’s fee of $150 should be
paid on line using a credit card for
all current Winter sports. Please do
not pay your athletic user fee until
teams are selected.
4.IHSA Random Steroid Test
form should be submitted to the
athletic office.
5.Concussion Information Form
should be submitted to the athletic
Falcon Focus
Winter Sports
Preconditioning for each winter sport will begin several weeks before practice
begins for students not involved in a fall sport. Check with head coaches and
listen to announcements.
If you have any questions about practice times or tryouts, please contact the
head coach
Boys Basketball
Dave Brackmann
Boys Swimming
Jacob Ayers
Girls Basketball
Dave Eaton
Girls Gymnastics Maureen Latimer
Travis Cherry
November 4, 2013 -
Girls Basketball begins
November 11, 2013 -
Boys Basketball, Girls Gymnastics, Wrestling begin
November 21, 2013 -
Winter Sports Picture Day
November 25, 2013 -
Boys Swimming begins
Kelly Clarkson Hits Powerful Note About
Teens’ Safe Driving
Singer Kelly Clarkson has recently been named spokeswoman for the State Farm
Insurance Celebrate My Drive Program, which emphasizes safe driving for teenagers.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the leading cause of
death among American’s, ages 15-19, is accidental injuries. Clarkson recognizes the
danger of talking on the phone or texting while driving. Clarkson and her fiancé
have adopted the practice of no longer talking or texting on the phone when they
are in their car.
The Wheaton North Driver Education classes are participating in the program,
and we are inviting any students, parents, teachers, and community members to
register themselves at www.celebratemydrive.com. The deadline is October 18th.
Then, during National Teen Driver Safety Week (October 18-26), students and
other drivers can go online to make safe driving commitments on behalf of their
high school. The more commitments, the better the chance of winning a grant for
the school. Two schools will win concerts by Clarkson.
Oct/Nov 2013
Future Driver Education Students & Parents Secretary of State
An Illinois survey of over 25,000 16-17 year old drivers who received their Driver
Jesse White’s
Education instruction from a public school revealed that students have a 250% less
chance of receiving a traffic citation and are 150% less likely to be involved in a serious Trio of Traffic Safety
car crash than those who participate in private driving school programs.
Bills Signed Into Law
Mark your Calendars: Upcoming dates for Students and Parents
Improves heralded teen driver safety
program and further limits the issuance of
court supervision.
The Driver Education Parent Nights are mandatory for the student and a parent/
guardian for the semester they are enrolled. Important information regarding
students taking the Rules of the Road Written Test and registering for their The following three laws go into effect
Learners Permit will be covered. Additional information such as an overview of 2014.
course content, use of Permit and Cooperative Driver Testing Program, and behind
1. Driver Training Course House Bill
the wheel lessons will be reviewed and discussed.
772, will require people ages 18-20
*Tuesday, January 21, 2014 at 7:00 in the Auditorium – Second Semester who skip driver education to complete
Driver Education Parent Night (Mandatory for student and one parent/guardian) a 6-hour driver training and education
*Wednesday, May 21, 2014 at 7:00 pm in the LLC – Summer Driver Education course. In 2012, there were 31,979
driver’s licenses issued to 18-20 year
Parent Night (Mandatory for student and one parent/guardian)
Future Driver Education Students: If you are interested in enrolling in Driver Education olds. Of those, 16,494 did not take
during first or second semester or summer please contact the Guidance Office and your driver education. Sign up for driver
students’ counselor.You must be at least 15 years old in order to legally have a Learners education now, do not wait.
Permit and have passed a minimum of 8 classes your previous two semesters to be eligible 2. Kelsey’s Law House Bill 1009,
named Kelsey’s Law, will prohibit the
to be enrolled in the State approved Driver Education Program.
Future driver education students can go to the Wheaton North website at www. issuance of license to anyone under 18
who has an unresolved traffic citation.
wnhs.org (driver education class overview) to start preparing for the Rules of the
Road Test (given during the first week of the course). The test must be passed in
order to receive your “Learners Permit”. There is a Rules of the Road Test Review
booklet on the website.You will also receive your Rules of the Road Book the first
day of class.
3. Patricia’s Law House Bill 1010,
named Patricia’s Law will crack down
on the issuance of court supervision for
drivers involved in fatal crashes.
Current and past Driver Education Students can check the website under “Student
Coursework Completion” to verify that they passed both classroom and behind the
wheel and are eligible to be tested for their drivers license once their permit is nine
months old.
4. Bans Hand-Held Cell Phone Use for
all Drivers. Starting January 1, 2014 you
will no longer be able to operate a handheld cell phone or text while driving.
“With the increased use of technological
devices, distracted driving continues to
• 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. The time of day when most pedestrian crashes occur in the be a serious problem in Illinois, and our
Chicagoland area. Thursdays are noted to have the most pedestrian crashes and nation. No driver has any business text
Saturdays the fewest.
messaging or talking on their cell phone
• You are at 23 times more likely to be in an accident if you are distracted when while driving,” said Secretary of State
driving compared to when you are not distracted.
~Jesse White.
• Sending or receiving a text message takes the driver’s eyes off the road for an
average 4.6 seconds. This is the equivalent of driving the length of a football field at
55 mph, BLIND
• An estimated 20% of 1,517,000 injury crashes were reported to have involved
distracted driving in 2009.
Please be safe when behind the wheel!
• Only 47% of teen passengers wear seat belts when another teen is driving, Mr. Oleszek moleszek@cusd200.org
compared to 84% of the overall population. In Illinois, a person who is ticketed for Mr. Eaton deaton@cusd200.org
a seat belt violation must retake the written test upon license renewal.
Finals Care Packages
It’s that time of year again, and it’s time to order a care package for your son/daughter to get him/her through finals
week. Last year’s packages included a bottle of water, candy bar, bag of chips, fruit snacks, gum, mints, a #2 pencil
and more! This year, we’ll still be delivering them to your child. Order now and support Wheaton North Student Council
and help your child survive finals! Orders must be mailed or turned into the main office, Attention: Mrs. Lotspeich or
Mrs. Stacy by December 18th.
Student’s Name: _________________________________________________________Grade:_________
Circle the day(s) you would like the package(s) delivered:
Day 1 of Exams
Day 2 of Exams
Day 3 of Exams
# of Packages Ordered ______ Amount Enclosed ($5 per package): __________
Checks payable to Wheaton North High School
(Please put student’s ID number on memo line of check.)
Note to Your Child: