- Mosca Design
- Mosca Design
Arches.............................................4 Pole Mounts..................................8 Lamp Posts.................................14 Winter Woods............................16 Spiritual...................................22 Victorian.................................24 North Pole.............................28 Roof Top / Building Front....36 Wild Kingdom.....................39 Spectacular Displays.........42 Skylines.............................47 Life Style..........................49 Accessories.....................51 A R C H E S SSLF-13 Star Arch 32’ x 22’ SSLF-5 Poinsettia Portal Arch 40’ x 29’ (A.) Animated 4 Arches SSLF-6 Wreath Portal Arch 40’ x 26’ SSWW-17 Snowflake Arch 32’ x 21’ 5 Arches SSCT-100 Poinsettia Arch 15’ x 12’ SSTL-235 Santa Land Arch 51’ x 32’ SSTL-179 Candy Arch 28’ x 21’ SSCT-99 Light Bulb Arch 13’ x 13’ SSCT-28 Candy Arch SSCT-27 Gingerbread Girl SSCT-26 Gingerbread Boy (A.) Animated 12’ x 12’ 3 1/2’ x 5 1/2’ 3’ x 5’ SSTL-24 Toyland Archway (A.) 45’ x 22’ 6 Arches SSUA-1 Bell (A.) 17’ x 12’ SSUA-3 Jolly Snowman 17’ x 12’ SSWW-81 Winter Lights Arch 45’ x 24 1/2’ SSWW-14 Leaping Deer Arch (A.) 38’ x 25’ SAR-500 Celestial Arch 8’ x 11’ SSLF-150 Note Arch 40’ x 28’ 7 Pole Mounts P-655 Silhouette Snowflake 6’ (A.) Animated P-700 Presidential Snowflake 6’ 8 PWW-529 Winterfest Snowflake 6’ Pole Mounts PWW-534 Spiral Snowflake 6’ PWW-44 Snowflake Cascade 4 1/2’ x 8’ PWW-524 Diamond Snowflake 6’ PMRC-39 Star of David 5 1/2’ x 6’ PSA-600 Heavenly Angel 5 1/2’ x 8’ P-395 Nativity Star 4 1/2’ x 8’ PMCT-40 Angel of Light 5’ x 7 1/2’ PMRC-34 Menorah 5’ x 5 1/2’ PMCT-111 Candle w/ Poinsettia 4 1/2’ x 8’ PMCT-72 Triple Poinsettia 5’ x 7 1/2’ PMCT-70 Holly Cluster 5’ x 6’ PMCT-77 Holly Candle 5’ x 7’ 9 Pole Mounts PWW-512 Hat Tipping Snowman 4 1/2’ x 7’ PWW-551 Old Man Winter 5 1/2’ x 6 1/2’ P-120S Silhouette Fantasy Tree 5’ x 8’ (A.) Animated PTL-509 St. Nick 5’ x 8’ PMCT-110 Ornament Tree 4 1/2’ x 7 1/2’ PMCT-113 Economy Z-Tree 5’ x 8’ 10 P-645 Loop Tree 5’ x 8’ Pole Mounts P-626 Leaping Buck 5’ x 8’ PSD-624 Standing Deer 4’ x 8’ PMCT-48 Candy Cane 4 1/2’ x 8’ PMCT-74 Holly n’ Canes 5’ x 6 1/2’ P-709 Star Spray 7 1/2’ PMCT-76 Bells w/ Bow 5’ x 6’ P-925 Falling Star 4 1/2’ x 8’ PMLF-151 Awareness Ribbon 3’ x 5 1/2’ P-313 Double Frame Wreath w/ Two Bows 5’ P-332 Candle Wreath w/ Two Bows 4 1/2’ P-390 Snowflake Cascade Wreath 5 1/2/’ x 8’ P-331 Wreath w/ Two Bows 4 1/2’ 11 Pole Mounts P-382 Reindeer Wreath 5 1/2’ P-396 Scroll w/ Tree 5’ x 8’ P-111 Pine Christmas Tree 4 1/2’ x 8’ P-200 Snowflake 4’ P-204 Star Snowflake 5’ P-128 Christmas Candle 4 1/2’ x 8’ P-181 Double Frame Candy Cane 6’ P-182 Single Frame Candy Cane 6’ P-235 Stocking 4 1/2’ x 8’ (A.) Animated 12 P-116 Holiday Tree 4 1/2’ x 8’ P-147 Christmas Scroll w/ Bell 7’ P-175 Santa 5’ x 8’ Pole Mounts P-163 Toy Soldier 4 1/2’ x 8’ P-173 Snowman 4 1/2’ x 8’ P-167 Snowboy Face 5’ x 6’ P-207 Rising Star 10’ P-230 Single Poinsettia 5’ P-233 Double Poinsettia 12’ P-120 Fantasy Tree 4 1/2’ x 8’ P-121 Z-Tree 4 1/2’ x 7’ P-152 Bell 6’ P-157 Bell w/ Holly 4 1/2’ x 7 1/2’ P-117 Sparkle Tree 4 1/2’ x 8’ PMCT-86 Gift packages 4’ x 8’ 13 L am p p o s t S LP-905 Star Cascade 6’ x 7’ LP-322 Star w/ Spray 5’ x 5’ LP-908 Tri-Star w/ Bow 7 1/2’ x 8 1/2’ P-926 Tiny Tree 3 1/2’ x 4 1/2’ Lamp Post LP-418 Wreath w/ Garland Bow 4’ x 5 1/2” BC-301 Wreath w/ Bow 3’ LP-318 Wreath w/ Bow 4’ LP-319 Wreath w/ Glittered Bow 4 1/2’ BC-732 Spray w/ Bow 3’ A-064 2’ Flocked Bow w/ Pole Wrap LP-322 Star w/ Spray 5’ x 5’ BC-735 Traditional Spray 2 1/2’ x 4’ BC-736 Column Spray 2 1/2’ x 4’ LP-902 Teardrop w/ Bow 7’ LP-900 Fleur-De-Lis 5’ x 7’ LP-324 Snowflake LP-907 Trumpeting Angel 3 1/2’ x 4’ LP-903 Tree w/ Star 5 1/2’ 15 5’ x 7’ LP-906 Snowburst 5 1/2’ LP-904 Splendid Snowflake 4 1/2’ winter woods 34’ Panel Tree w/ 10’ Walk-Thru Drum Winter Woods SSVV-41 Scroll Tree 14’ x 30’ PMWW-88 Wonderland Tree Branches are 17’ x 16’ SSWW-87 Wonderland Tree 15’ SSWW-85 Wonderland Tree 10’ SSWW-84 Wonderland Tree 8’ SD-724 Standing Buck 8’ SD-722 Laying Doe 5’ 17 SSWW-86 Wonderland Tree 12’ Winter Woods O ur spectacular panel trees are available in a wide range of sizes. Beginning at 14’ and climbing to a height of 110’ , our largest to date. Let Carpenter Decorating create a tree display for you that will be the perfect focal point of your Christmas celebration. Assembly of each tree is made easy with all hardware provided. Construct the frame by using the U-bolts, then attach the pre-lighted garland panels. (See price list for details) (A.) Animated 18 Winter Woods SD-633 Baroque Deer Posing 4 1/2’ x 8 1/2’ SD-632 Baroque Deer Drinking 7 1/2’ x 5 1/2’ SD-635 Baroque Deer Looking Back 4’ x 9’ SD-634 Baroque Deer Standing 5 1/2’ x 8’ Woodland Deer Scene ST-641 ST-640 SD-624 SD-621 SD-625 SD-623 SD-620 SSWW-72 Buck & Doe (A.) 9 1/2’ x 10 1/2’ SD-622 SSWW-58 Deer Family 22’ x 16’ 19 Winter Woods SSWW-60 Waterfall Marquee (A.) 34’ x 18’ SS-50 50’ LED Color Changing Tree of Lights SSWW-59 Doe & Fawn w/ Snowflake (A.) 38’ x 17’ SS-404 Sparkle tree 21’ SSWW-48 Startled Deer (A.) 6 1/2’ x 9 1/2’ SS-402 Sparkle tree 14’ (A.) Animated 20 SSWW-49 Startled Deer (A.) 7’ x 9 1/2’ Winter Woods SSZL-150 Filigree Rabbit 12’ x 7’ SSZL-151 Filigree Squirrel 9 1/4’ x 8’ SSZL-152 Filigree Fox 12’ x 8’ SSZL-155 Filigree Bold Stag 12’ x 16’ SSZL-156 Filigree Bold Stag 9’ x 14’ SSZL-153 Filigree Bear 20’ x 14’ SSZL-154 Filigree Panther 10 1/4’ x 11 1/2’ 21 S p i r i t u al ssrc-12 Small Palm Tree 5’ x 8’ ssrc-11 Camel 9’ x 7 1/2’ SSRC-37 Menorah 8 1/2’ x 10’ ssrc-1 Wise man w/ Box 5’ x 8’ SSRC-53 Angel w/ Flying Doves (A.) 19’ x 14’ SSRC-23 Angel 10’ x 12’ (A.) Animated ssrc-3 Wise Man on Camel 9’ x 10’ SSRC-18 Heralding Angel 11’ x 13’ 22 ssrc-2 Wise man w/ Urn 6’ x 7’ ssrc-9 Stable w/ Star 21’ x 22’ ssrc-4 Shepherd 3 1/2’ x 8’ ssrc-14 Sheep 4’ x 3’ SSRC-80 Cross In Window 5’ x 9’ ssrc-8 Christ Child 3 1/2’ x 4 1/2’ ssrc-10 Donkey 6 1/2’ x 4’ SSLF-3 Peace On Earth Globe 17’ x 19’ 23 ssrc-5 Shepherd w/ Sash 4 1/2’ x 9’ ssrc-13 Tall Palm Tree 6’ x 10 1/2’ Victorian SSVV-56 Skating Man 10’ x 12’ SSVV-57 Skating Lady 11’ x 11’ SSCT-29 Skating Couple 4’ x 6’ SSVV-59 Skating Girl 6’ x 9’ SSCT-33 Speed Skater 5’ x 5 1/2’ SSCT-89 Sit Spin 4’ x 4’ SSCT-93 Junior Skating Couple 4’ x 31/2’ (A.) Animated SSCT-31 Big Sister Pulling Sled 8’ x 5’ 24 SSCT-32 Ice Dancers 8’ x 5 1/2’ SSCT-92 Gliding in Reverse 4 1/2’ x 6’ SSCT-38 Caroling Girl 2 1/2’ x 4 1/2’ SSCT-37 Caroling Woman 3’ x 5 1/2’ SSVV-7 Steamboat (A.) 28’ x 17’ SSCT-59 Ballerina on Ice 4’ x 7 1/2’ 25 SSCT-34 Jumping Skater 5 1/2’ x 6 1/2’ SSCT-36 Caroling Man 3’ x 6 1/2’ SSCT-39 Caroling Boy 2’ x 4 1/2’ Victorian SSVV-37 (A.) Animated Fountain 8’ x 20’ SSVV-36 Swan (A.) 9’ x 8’ SSVV-52 Royal Carriage 28’ x 15’ SSCT-35 Horse and Sleigh 19’ x 7 1/2’ SSVV-51 Regency Carriage 26’ x 12’ (A.) Animated SSVV-53 Horse and Buggy (A.) 21’ x 9’ 26 Victorian SSTD-1E Partridge / Pear 4’ x 7 1/2’ SSTD-2E Two Turtle Doves 6 1/2’ x 7’ SSTD-3E Three French Hens 5’ x 7’ SSTD-4E Four Calling Birds 7’ x 7 1/2’ SSTD-5E Five Golden Rings 3’ x 6 1/2’ SSTD-6E Six Geese 6 1/2’ x 8’ SSTD-7E Seven Swans 6’ x 7’ SSTD-8E Maid w/ Milk 7 1/2’ x 6 1/2’ SSTD-9E Dancing Lady 7’ x 7’ SSTD-10E Leaping Lord 6 1/2’ x 9’ SSTD-11E Piper 4 1/2’ x 8 1/2’ SSTD-12E Drum 7’ x 9 1/2’ 27 North POLE SSWW-700 North Pole Swinging Penguin (A.) 42’ x 26’ North Pole SSWW-701 Fishing Penguins (A.) 29’ x 17’ SSWW-4 Penguin w/ Scarf 4’ x 6’ SSWW-37 Sliding Penguin (A.) 18’ x 16’ SSWW-8 Igloo 13’ x 10’ SSSW-42 Santa on a Jet Ski (A.) 45’ x 13’ 29 SSWW-5 Fishing Penguin (A.) 7’ x 7’ North Pole SSTL-119 Bear on a Ball (A.) 6’ x 19’ SSTL-29 Rocking Horse (A.) 14’ x 14’ SSTL-121 Bears Decorating Tree (A.) 23’ x 21’ SSTL-73 Toy Bear 7’ x 8’ SSTL-215 Jack-in-the-Box (A.) 11 1/2’ x 17’ SSWW-33 Skidoo For Two (A.) 17’ x 8’ SSWW-702 Skating Polar Bear (A.) 35’ x 14’ (A.) Animated 30 North Pole SSWW-703 Snowman Snowboard Half Pipe (A.) 36’ x 22’ SSTL-233 Railroad Crossing Sign 9’ x 21’ SSTL-232 Snowflake Express Train (A.) 65 1/2’ x 24 1/2’ SSTL-207 Toy Train (A.) 28’ x 9’ SSTL-234 Snowflake Water Tower (A.) 18’ x 30 1/2’ SSTL-214 Whimsical Depot 10’ x 17’ 31 North Pole SSWW-704 Snowmobile Jump (A.) 134’ x 28’ SSWW-67 Baby Tree (A.) 4’ x 6’ SSWW-65 Snowman Blowing Shivering Tree (A.) 17 1/2’ x 8 1/2’ SSWW-61 Old Man Winter (A.) 46’ x 28’ (A.) Animated 32 SSWW-1 Waving Snowman (A.) 10’ x 14’ North Pole SSTL-304 Flight School Instructor (A.) 15 1/2’ x 10 1/2’ SSTL-307 Fishing Elves 16’ x 9’ SSTL-305 Treadmill Trainer (A.) 14’ x 11 1/2’ SSTL-306 Barbell Trainer (A.) 11’ x 9’ SSTL-308 Santa’s Mail Room 40’ x 15’ SSTL-48 Santa Sleigh (A.) 11’ x 8’ SSTL-49 Reindeer in Flight (A.) 10’ x 14’ ea 33 North Pole SSTL-309 Waving Santa (A.) 10’ x 111/2’ SSTL-11 Candy Cane Factory (A.) 40’ x 20’ sstl-168 Santa’s Toy Company (A.) 38’ x 21’ SSCT-107 Sno-Woman 4’ x 7’ SSTL-310 Directional Elf (A.) 7’ x 9’ SSCT-108 Sno-Man 4’ x 7’ SSCT-95 Elves Building Toys (A.) 14’ x 7 1/2’ ssCT-3 Sno-Kid 4’ x 3’ (A.) Animated 34 North Pole SSCT-54 Flag Bearer (A.) 8’ x 10’ SSCT-62 Cannonball Arch (A.) 36’ x 23’ SSCT-55 Saluting Soldier (A.) 4 1/2’ x 8 1/2’ SSCT-56 Marching Soldier 6’ x 9’ SSCT-52 Guard House 12’ x 15’ SSCT-51 Guard House Sign 5’ x 11 1/2’ SSCT-103 Soldier Drumming 4’ x 8 1/2’ SSCT-18 SSCT-23 SSCT-21 SSCT-24 SSCT-22 SSCT-20 SSCT-19 Jack in the Box 4 1/2’ x 8’ Toy Duck 6’ x 4’ Top 4’ x 6’ Drum 4 1/2’ x 4 1/2’ Ball 5’ x 5’ Rocking Horse 6 1/2’ x 4’ Blocks 7 1/2’ x 7’ 35 SSTL-242 Rudolph 24 1/2’ x 28’ Roof Top / Bu SSTL-184 Prancer 27’ x 13 1/2’ SSTL-243 Elf 26 1/2’ x 27’ SSTL-183 Blitzen 20’ x 16’ SSTL-174 Dancer 15’ x 26’ SSTL-175 Comet 16’ x 25’ SSTL-244 Doe w/ a Bow 22’ x 19’ SSTL-108 Peeking Santa 43’ x 20’ (A.) Animated SSCT-116 Peek-a-Boo Bear 8 1/2’ x 5’ 36 ilding Front SSTL-181 Cupid 24’ x 21’ SSTL-182 Donner 25’ x 14’ SSWW-77 Peeking Snowman (A.) 18 1/2’ x 14 1/2’ SSTL-185 Vixen 34’ x 26’ SSCT-115 Peek-a-Boo Elf 7’ x 5’ SSWW-80 Happy Snowman 42’ x 30’ SSTL-239 Santa in Chimney 12’ x 15’ 37 Roof top / Building front BFLF-152 Ribbon & Bell (Glitter Mesh) 30’ x 7’ SSTL-240 Good Night Santa (A.) 42’ x 24’ BF-825 Wreath w/ Bow 14’ (A.) Animated SSCT-114 Peek-a-Boo Deer (A.) 4’ x 5’ BF-810 Triple Frame Wreath w/ 4’ Premiere Bow 38 BFLF-154 Peace on Earth w/ Doves Globe 19’ x 14’ Doves 5 1/2’ x 4’ ea wild kingdom sscs-13 Holiday Dragon (A.) 40’ x 12’ SSZL-3 Tiger 10’ x 7’ SSZL-4 Sitting Cub 3’ x 3 1/2’ SSZL-81 Stalking Leopard (A.) 54’ x 12’ SSZL-157 Komodo Dragon 14 1/2’ x 8’ SSZL-160 Naked Molerat (1) 8 1/2’ x 4’ SSZL-158 Kori Bustard 7 1/2’ x 10’ SSZL-161 Naked Molerat (2) 8 1/2’ x 4’ SSZL-162 Crab 8 1/2’ x 6 1/2’ 39 SSZL-159 Kori Bustard 11’ x 5 1/2’ Wild Kingdom SSZL-164 Palm Tree 10’ x 14’ SSBC-30 Butterfly Open 10 1/2’ x 5’ SSZL-8 Flamingo 5’ x 8’ SSDC-6 Tulip 3’ x 4’ SSZL-1 Peacock (A.) 13’ x 8’ SSBC-21 Humming Bird 16’ x 12’ DRLF-155 Small Crescent Moon 4 1/2’ x 4 1/2’ SSZL-15 Cow 13’ x 8’ SSZL-110 Howling Wolf 6’ x 7’ (A.) Animated 40 Wild Kingdom sszl-163 Prairie Dog (A.) 11’ x 10 1/2’ #1 SSZL-165 Tamarin 10’ x 10 1/2’ SSZL-166 Tamarin 11’ x 9 1/2’ #2 SSZL-79 Gibbon Monkey Couple 9’ x 7’ sszl-147 Baby Panda on Branch 8’ x 10’ sszl-148 Sitting Panda 8’ x 9’ SSZL-107 Bull Elephant 13’ x 10’ SSZL-108 Mama Elephant 10’ x 10’ SSZL-109 Baby Elephant 6’ x 4’ 41 SdisplAys pectacular SSLF-12 Toy Soldier Spectacular (A.) 42’ x 20’ (A.) Animated 42 SSTL-114 Santa’s Flight School (A.) Includes Parachuting Reindeer & Santa’s Flight School Sign 124’ x 36’ SSFT-2 Aladdin’s Lamp (A.) 32’ x 26’ 43 Spectacular Displays sslf-135 Candy Cane Extravaganza 28’ x 43’ SSLF-156 Seasons Greetings Marquee 43’ x 16’ (A.) Animated 44 Spectacular Displays SSLF-21 Candlestick Extravaganza (A.) 48’ x 41’ SSLF-85 Festive Trumpet (A.) 64’ x 47’ 45 Spectacular Displays SSWW-50 Fantasy Fountain (A.) 20’ x 34’ (A.) Animated 46 S k y L i n es oh-508 Reindeer Skyline 40’ oh-509 Snowflake Swag Skyline 38’ oh-510 Victorian Skyline 40’ oh-511 Doves of Peace Skyline 40’ 47 Skylines oh-752 Holly-n-Canes Skyline 40’ oh-756 Christmas Flower Skyline 40’ oh-544 Seasons Greetings Skyline 45’ oh-506 Economy Skyline 40’ oh-514 Simplicity Skyline 40’ oh-518 Candle Wreath Skyline 40’ (A.) Animated 48 L-1 L-4 L-2 L-3 L-5 L-6 49 Life Style L-8 L-7 L-9 L-12 L-13 L-10 L-15 L-11 (A.) Animated L-14 50 Accessories a-076r Red Glitter Bow 24” a-076g Gold Glitter Bow 24” a-054 Vinyl Bow 24” a-064 Flocked Bow 24” BR-15 Velvet Bow 24” BT-31 Premiere Bow 24” BT-28 Classic Bow 18” a-011 Starburst 24” a-022 Bethlehem Star 36” a-066 Garland Bow 24” BG-23 Metallic Bow 24” Sno- Tip Garland a-030 Bell 24” TTNS-6 Nativity Star 6’ Ornaments Blue Spruce Garland Two -Tone Brown Core Garland Two -Tone Natural Garland Regular Cut Garland Virginia Pine Garland Fine Cut Garland-PVC / Met 51
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