Documentation Booklet Rubber Bellows
Documentation Booklet Rubber Bellows
DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows BELLOWS WITH FLANGES SELECTION TABLE Selection table bellows with flanges General Our rubber bellows are made from various elastomers and provide the flexible element in pipework that is indispensable in todays technically advanced plant and machinery installations. By using the best quality proven rubber compounds and a construction based on many years of experience, our rubber bellows are produced to a high quality standard to guarantee maximum safety and performance. The rubber bellows provide: Compensation of thermal or mechanical movement of pipework in axial, lateral or angular directions. Absorption and isolation of vibration combined with damping of pipework borne sound transmission. Reduction of pressure pulses in pipework. Flexible joint faces which provide built-in sealing within the bellows construction. Compensation for pipework misalignment on flexible mounted installations. Our rubber bellows are available in standard constructions, type 1A, 1B, 1C and 1S, each available in different rubber qualities, so that the correct rubber bellows can be selected for every kind of medium and temperature. Next to that the high pressure bellows are available on request. Identification marking Inner lining Material and resistance Outside cover Material and resistance ECO or NBR ECO or CR Especially resistant for outside weather For fresh-, cold-, or seawater, all known fuels and conditions, as well as oil, age, ozone and petrol-benzolmixtures 50:50. flame resisting. Temp. range water: +70°C. Temp. range oil: -15°C + 90°C. ( R einforced with textile cord ) Yellow ring NBR - Nitrile ( C R ) -Chloroprene Especially resistant for outside weather For fresh-, cold-, or seawater, all known fuels and conditions, as well as oil, age, ozone and petrol-benzolmixtures 50:50 and flame resistant flame resisting. without protection cover. Temp.range water: 40°C + 70°C. Temp. range oil: -15°C + 90°C. ( R einforced with steel cord ) Yellow GS NBR ( C R ) -Chloroprene Especially resistant for outside weather For fresh-, cold-, or seawater, all known fuels and conditions, as well as oil, age, ozone and petrol-benzolmixtures 50:50. flame resisting. Temp. range water: +70°C. Temp. range oil: >110°C. ( R einforced with textile cord ) Yellow HO Red ring Red HP EPDM EPDM ( R einforced with textile cord ) Especially resistant for outside weather conditions as well as ageing. Hot-water constructions for heating installations with safe usage temperatures of 90°C. EPDM EPDM ( R einforced with aramide cord ) Especially resistant for outside weather conditions as well as ageing. Hot-water constructions for heating installations with safe usage temperatures of 130°C. CSM ( C R ) -Chloroprene Green ring Especially resistant for outside weather Acid resistant rubber which can be used for most conditions, as well as oil, age, ozone and acids. However specify the substance and the flame resisting. operating temperature. White ring Especially resistant for outside weather For drinking water, food and alcoholic beverages, conditions, as well as oil age, ozone and also with fat containing foods such as oil. flame resisting. ( R einforced with textile cord ) NBR ( C R ) -Chloroprene ( R einforced with textile cord ) TABLE RB / SELECTION TABLE / AUG 2012 Average installed insulation is about 25 dB, a figure which is further improved by compressed installation. The standard flange range is made of carbon steel S235JR, drilled according to DIN PN10/16 and electrolytic galvanized. RB / SELECTION TABLE / AUG 2012 BELLOWS WITH FLANGES The maximum working pressure is 16 Bar ( 10 Bar* ) with a test pressure of 25 Bar and even a burst pressure of over 60 Bar ( 30 Bar* ) . ( * for bellows larger than NB 150) SELECTION TABLE Rubber bellows with flanges have a special flow-assisting convoluted shape of the bellows which minimize detrimental turbulence of the medium and pressure loss. High tensile strength texture cord plies combined with proven synthetic rubber mixes guarantee maximum reliability and an extended working life. The rubber bellows are produced with a vulcanized steel ring to guarantee a perfect sealing of the profiled sealing rings in the special chamber of the swivel flanges. DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows 1A Bellows Allowable YELLOW dimensions Displacement RING Type 1A Yellow 1A YELLOW Effective Weight Min. Max. Installation ØA ØB C mm mm mm Ax. Lat. Ang. mm bellows Pressure area ( a bs ) length min. max. mm ° KR025G110A000 25 72 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 cm 23 1,9 20 1,6 120 135 KR032G110A000 32 72 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 23 2,0 20 1,6 120 135 KR040G110A000 40 79 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 30 3,5 20 1,6 120 135 KR050G110A000 50 89 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 39 4,3 20 1,6 120 135 KR065G110A000 65 104 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 51 5,5 20 1,6 120 135 KR080G110A000 80 120 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±25 68 6,2 30 1,6 120 135 KR100G110A000 100 139 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±20 114 7,7 40 1,6 120 135 KR125G110A000 125 164 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±15 157 8,7 60 1,6 120 135 KR150G110A000 150 189 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±15 211 11,3 60 1,6 120 135 KR200G110A000 200 237 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±10 358 16,2 70 1,0 115 140 KR250G110A000 250 289 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±10 551 20,5 70 1,0 125 140 KR300G110A000 300 338 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±10 804 24,0 80 1,0 125 140 KR350G110A000 350 390 200 -40/+35 ±35 ±8 1100 34,0 80 1,0 190 210 KR400G110A000 400 455 200 -40/+35 ±35 ±8 1375 37,5 80 1,0 190 210 KR450G110A000 450 510 200 -30/+20 ±20 ±10 2054 52,0 80 1,0 190 210 KR500G110A000 500 555 200 -40/+35 ±35 ±8 2185 47,0 80 1,0 190 210 2 kg kPa MPa mm TABLE Maximum temperature water: +70°C Maximum temperature oil: +90°C DIMENSIONS 1 RB / 1A YELLOW / AUG 2012 mm DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows Type 1A Double Yellow 1A Bellows Allowable DOUBLE YELLOW dimensions Displacement bellows Pressure area ( a bs ) length RING ØA 1A DOUBLE YELLOW Effective Weight Min. Max. Installation ØB C mm mm mm Ax. Lat. Ang. mm mm ° min. max. cm 2 kg kPa MPa mm mm KR025S110A000 25 64 130 -25/+10 ±10 ±25,0 10 1,5 20 1,6 120 135 KR032S110A000 32 64 130 -25/+10 ±10 ±25,0 15 2,5 20 1,6 120 135 KR040S110A000 40 72 130 -25/+10 ±10 ±25,0 20 3,0 20 1,6 120 135 KR050S110A000 50 84 130 -25/+10 ±10 ±20,0 30 4,0 20 1,6 120 135 KR065S110A000 65 104 130 -25/+10 ±10 ±17,0 50 4,5 20 1,6 120 135 KR080S110A000 80 114 130 -25/+10 ±10 ±14,0 85 5,5 30 1,6 120 135 KR100S110A000 100 138 130 -25/+10 ±10 ±11,0 125 7,0 40 1,6 120 135 KR125S110A000 125 164 130 -25/+10 ±10 ±9,0 185 8,5 60 1,6 120 135 KR150S110A000 150 190 130 -25/+10 ±10 ±7,5 250 11,0 70 1,6 120 135 KR200S110A000 200 250 130 -25/+10 ±10 ±5,5 400 17,0 70 1,0 125 140 KR250S110A000 250 301 130 -25/+10 ±10 ±4,5 600 23,5 80 1,0 125 140 KR300S110A000 300 351 130 -25/+10 ±10 ±4,0 800 27,0 80 1,0 125 140 KR350S110A000 350 409 200 -45/+15 ±15 ±6,0 1000 39,5 80 1,0 190 210 KR400S110A000 400 409 200 -45/+15 ±15 ±4,5 1375 42,0 80 1,0 190 210 TABLE Remark: Rubber bellows reinforced with steel cord. Maximum temperature water: +70°C Maximum temperature oil: +90°C DIMENSIONS 2 RB / 1A DOUBLE YELLOW / AUG 2012 DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows 1A Bellows Allowable HOT dimensions Displacement OIL Type 1A Hot oil 1A HOT OIL Effective Weight Min. Max. Installation ØA ØB C mm mm mm Ax. Lat. Ang. mm bellows Pressure area ( a bs ) length min. max. mm ° KR025G110A000 25 72 130 -30/+20 ±20 ±35 cm 35 1,9 20 1,6 120 135 KR032D110A000 32 72 130 -30/+20 ±20 ±35 35 2,0 20 1,6 120 135 KR040D110A000 40 79 130 -30/+20 ±20 ±30 45 3,5 20 1,6 120 135 KR050D110A000 50 89 130 -30/+20 ±20 ±30 56 4,3 30 1,6 120 135 KR065D110A000 65 104 130 -30/+20 ±20 ±30 79 5,5 40 1,6 120 135 KR080D110A000 80 120 130 -30/+20 ±20 ±30 104 6,2 50 1,6 120 135 KR100D110A000 100 139 130 -30/+20 ±20 ±25 136 7,7 50 1,6 120 135 KR125D110A000 125 164 130 -30/+20 ±20 ±25 188 8,7 60 1,6 120 135 KR150D110A000 150 189 130 -30/+20 ±20 ±15 254 11,3 70 1,6 120 135 KR200D110A000 200 237 130 -30/+20 ±20 ±15 415 16,2 70 1,0 115 140 KR250D110A000 250 289 130 -30/+20 ±20 ±10 615 20,5 80 1,0 125 140 KR300D110A000 300 338 130 -30/+20 ±20 ±10 855 24,0 80 1,0 125 140 KR350D110A000 350 425 200 -30/+20 ±20 ±10 1290 34,0 80 1,0 190 210 KR400D110A000 400 470 200 -30/+20 ±20 ±10 1628 45,0 80 1,0 190 210 KR450D110A000 450 510 200 -30/+20 ±20 ±10 2054 52,0 80 1,0 190 210 KR500D110A000 500 560 200 -30/+20 ±20 ±10 2546 63,0 80 1,0 190 210 KR600D110A000 600 655 200 -30/+20 ±20 ±6 3466 95,0 80 1,0 190 210 2 kg kPa MPa mm TABLE Maximum temperature: +110°C DIMENSIONS 3 RB / 1A HOT OIL / AUG 2012 mm DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows 1A Bellows Allowable RED dimensions Displacement bellows Pressure area ( a bs ) RING Type 1A Red ØA ØB C mm mm mm 1A RED Effective Weight Min. Max. Ax. Lat. Ang. mm mm ° cm2 kg Installation length min. max. kPa MPa mm mm KR025R110A000 25 72 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 23 1,9 20 1,6 120 135 KR032R110A000 32 72 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 23 2,0 20 1,6 120 135 KR040R110A000 40 79 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 30 3,5 20 1,6 120 135 KR050R110A000 50 89 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 39 4,3 20 1,6 120 135 KR065R110A000 65 104 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 51 5,5 20 1,6 120 135 KR080R110A000 80 120 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±25 68 6,2 30 1,6 120 135 KR100R110A000 100 139 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±20 114 7,7 40 1,6 120 135 KR125R110A000 125 164 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±15 157 8,7 60 1,6 120 135 KR150R110A000 150 189 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±15 211 11,3 60 1,6 120 135 KR200R110A000 200 237 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±10 358 16,2 70 1,0 115 140 KR250R110A000 250 289 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±10 551 20,5 70 1,0 125 140 KR300R110A000 300 338 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±10 804 24,0 80 1,0 125 140 KR350R110A000 350 390 200 -40/+35 ±35 ±8 1100 34,0 80 1,0 190 210 KR400R110A000 400 455 200 -40/+35 ±35 ±8 1375 37,5 80 1,0 190 210 KR450R110A000 450 510 200 -30/+20 ±20 ±10 2054 52,0 80 1,0 190 210 KR500R110A000 500 555 200 -40/+35 ±35 ±8 2185 47,0 80 1,0 190 210 TABLE Maximum temperature: +90°C DIMENSIONS 4 RB / 1A RED / AUG 2012 DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows 1A DOUBLE RED Type 1A Double Red 1A Bellows Allowable DOUBLE RED Effective Weight dimensions displacement RING ØA ØB C mm mm mm Ax. Lat. Ang. mm Min. Max. Installation bellows Pressure area ( a bs ) length min. max. mm ° KR025K110A000 25 72 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 cm 23 1,9 20 1,6 120 135 KR032K110A000 32 72 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 23 2,0 20 1,6 120 135 KR040K110A000 40 79 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 30 3,5 20 1,6 120 135 KR050K110A000 50 89 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 39 4,3 20 1,6 120 135 KR065K110A000 65 104 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 51 5,5 20 1,6 120 135 KR080K110A000 80 120 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±25 68 6,2 30 1,6 120 135 KR100K110A000 100 139 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±20 114 7,7 40 1,6 120 135 KR125K110A000 125 164 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±15 157 8,7 60 1,6 120 135 KR150K110A000 150 189 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±15 211 11,3 60 1,6 120 135 KR200K110A000 200 237 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±10 358 16,2 70 1,0 115 140 KR250K110A000 250 289 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±10 551 20,5 70 1,0 125 140 KR300K110A000 300 338 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±10 804 24,0 80 1,0 125 140 KR350K110A000 350 390 200 -40/+35 ±35 ±8 1100 34,0 80 1,0 190 210 KR400K110A000 400 455 200 -40/+35 ±35 ±8 1375 37,5 80 1,0 190 210 KR450K110A000 450 510 200 -40/+25 ±25 ±8 2054 52,0 80 1,0 190 210 KR500K110A000 500 555 200 -40/+35 ±35 ±8 2185 47,0 80 1,0 190 210 2 kg kPa MPa mm TABLE Remark: Rubber bellows reinforced with aramide cord. Maximum temperature: +130°C DIMENSIONS 5 RB / 1A DOUBLE RED / AUG 2012 mm DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows 1A Bellows Allowable GREEN dimensions Displacement bellows Pressure area ( a bs ) RING Type 1A Green ØA ØB C mm mm mm 1A GREEN Effective Weight Min. Max. Ax. Lat. Ang. mm cm length min. max. mm mm ° kPa MPa mm KR025H110A000 25 72 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 23 1,9 20 1,6 120 135 KR032H110A000 32 72 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 23 2,0 20 1,6 120 135 KR040H110A000 40 79 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 30 3,5 20 1,6 120 135 KR050H110A000 50 89 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 39 4,3 20 1,6 120 135 KR065H110A000 65 104 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 51 5,5 20 1,6 120 135 KR080H110A000 80 120 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±25 68 6,2 30 1,6 120 135 KR100H110A000 100 139 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±20 114 7,7 40 1,6 120 135 KR125H110A000 125 164 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±15 157 8,7 60 1,6 120 135 KR150H110A000 150 189 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±15 211 11,3 60 1,6 120 135 KR200H110A000 200 237 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±10 358 16,2 70 1,0 115 140 KR250H110A000 250 289 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±10 551 20,5 70 1,0 125 140 KR300H110A000 300 338 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±10 804 24,0 80 1,0 125 140 KR350H110A000 350 390 200 -40/+35 ±35 ±8 1100 34,0 80 1,0 190 210 KR400H110A000 400 455 200 -40/+35 ±35 ±8 1375 37,5 80 1,0 190 210 KR450H110A000 450 510 200 -30/+20 ±20 ±10 2054 52,0 80 1,0 190 210 KR500H110A000 500 555 200 -40/+35 ±35 ±8 2185 47,0 80 1,0 190 210 2 kg Installation TABLE Maximum temperature: +90°C DIMENSIONS 6 RB / 1A GREEN / AUG 2012 DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows 1A Bellows Allowable WHITE dimensions Displacement bellows Pressure area ( a bs ) RING Type 1A White ØA ØB C mm mm mm 1A WHITE Effective Weight Min. Max. Ax. Lat. Ang. mm mm ° cm2 kg kPa Installation length min. max. MPa mm mm KR025W110A000 25 72 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 23 1,9 20 1,6 120 135 KR032W110A000 32 72 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 23 2,0 20 1,6 120 135 KR040W110A000 40 79 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 30 3,5 20 1,6 120 135 KR050W110A000 50 89 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 39 4,3 20 1,6 120 135 KR065W110A000 65 104 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±30 51 5,5 20 1,6 120 135 KR080W110A000 80 120 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±25 68 6,2 30 1,6 120 135 KR100W110A000 100 139 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±20 114 7,7 40 1,6 120 135 KR125W110A000 125 164 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±15 157 8,7 60 1,6 120 135 KR150W110A000 150 189 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±15 211 11,3 60 1,6 120 135 KR200W110A000 200 237 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±10 358 16,2 70 1,0 115 140 KR250W110A000 250 289 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±10 551 20,5 70 1,0 125 140 KR300W110A000 300 338 130 -30/+30 ±30 ±10 804 24,0 80 1,0 125 140 KR350W110A000 350 390 200 -40/+35 ±35 ±8 1100 34,0 80 1,0 190 210 KR400W110A000 400 455 200 -40/+35 ±35 ±8 1375 37,5 80 1,0 190 210 KR450W110A000 450 510 200 -30/+20 ±20 ±10 2054 52,0 80 1,0 190 210 KR500W110A000 500 555 200 -40/+35 ±35 ±8 2185 47,0 80 1,0 190 210 TABLE Maximum temperature: +90°C DIMENSIONS 7 RB / 1A WHITE / AUG 2012 DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows 1B Bellows Allowable YELLOW dimensions Displacement ØA ØB C mm mm mm Ax. Lat. Ang. mm mm Min. Max. Installation bellows Pressure area ( a bs ) RING Type 1B Yellow 1B YELLOW Effective Weight length min. max. ° cm 2 kg kPa MPa mm mm KR050G110B000 50 84 150 -35/+30 ±30 ±15 35 4,7 20 1,6 140 160 KR065G110B000 65 104 150 -35/+30 ±30 ±15 56 5,4 30 1,6 140 160 KR080G110B000 80 114 150 -35/+30 ±30 ±15 87 7,0 40 1,6 140 160 KR100G110B000 100 136 150 -35/+30 ±30 ±15 130 8,1 60 1,6 140 160 KR125G110B000 125 154 150 -35/+30 ±30 ±15 190 10,1 70 1,6 140 160 KR150G110B000 150 190 150 -35/+30 ±30 ±15 263 12,4 70 1,6 140 160 KR200G110B000 200 250 150 -35/+30 ±30 ±15 398 16,6 70 1,6 140 160 TABLE Maximum temperature water: +70°C Maximum temperature oil: +90°C DIMENSIONS 8 RB / 1B YELLOW / AUG 2012 DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows 1B Bellows Allowable RED dimensions Displacement ØA ØB C mm mm mm Ax. Lat. Ang. mm mm ° Min. Max. Installation bellows Pressure area ( a bs ) RING Type 1B Red 1B RED Effective Weight length min. max. cm2 kg kPa MPa mm mm KR025R110B000 50 84 150 -35/+30 ±30 ±15 35 4,7 20 1,6 140 160 KR032R110B000 65 104 150 -35/+30 ±30 ±15 56 5,4 30 1,6 140 160 KR040R110B000 80 114 150 -35/+30 ±30 ±15 87 7,0 40 1,6 140 160 KR050R110B000 100 136 150 -35/+30 ±30 ±15 130 8,1 60 1,6 140 160 KR065R110B000 125 154 150 -35/+30 ±30 ±15 190 10,1 70 1,6 140 160 KR080R110B000 150 190 150 -35/+30 ±30 ±15 263 12,4 70 1,6 140 160 KR100R110B000 200 250 150 -35/+30 ±30 ±15 398 16,6 70 1,6 140 160 TABLE Maximum temperature: +90°C DIMENSIONS 9 RB / 1B RED / AUG 2012 DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows 1C Bellows Allowable YELLOW dimensions Displacement ØA ØB C mm mm mm Ax. Lat. Ang. mm mm ° Min. Max. Installation bellows Pressure area ( a bs ) RING Type 1C Yellow 1C YELLOW Effective Weight length min. max. cm2 kg kPa MPa mm mm KR025G110C000 25 65 100 -30/+20 ±30 15 18 2,8 30 1,6 90 105 KR032G110C000 32 65 100 -30/+20 ±30 15 18 2,8 30 1,6 90 105 KR040G110C000 40 78 100 -30/+20 ±30 15 18 3,3 40 1,6 90 105 KR050G110C000 50 90 100 -30/+20 ±30 15 35 3,7 50 1,6 90 105 KR065G110C000 65 108 100 -30/+20 ±30 15 56 4,8 50 1,6 90 105 KR080G110C000 80 124 100 -30/+20 ±30 15 87 5,3 60 1,6 90 105 KR100G110C000 100 152 100 -30/+20 ±30 15 130 6,2 70 1,6 90 105 KR125G110C000 125 183 100 -30/+20 ±30 15 190 8,2 80 1,6 90 105 KR150G110C000 150 214 100 -30/+20 ±30 15 263 11,2 80 1,6 90 105 KR200G110C000 200 252 100 -30/+20 ±30 10 398 17,0 80 1,6 90 105 TABLE Maximum temperature water: +70°C Maximum temperature oil: +90°C DIMENSIONS 10 RB / 1C YELLOW / AUG 2012 DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows Type 1S Yellow 1S Bellows Allowable YELLOW dimensions Displacement RING ØA ØB C mm mm mm 1S YELLOW Effective Weight Min. Max. Installation Ax. Lat. Ang. mm mm ° bellows Pressure area ( a bs ) length min. max. cm² kg kPa MPa mm mm KR032G110S000 32 64 160 -30/+30 ±35 15 15 3,6 20 1,6 150 170 KR040G110S000 40 72 160 -30/+30 ±35 15 20 4,2 20 1,6 150 170 KR050G110S000 50 84 160 -30/+30 ±35 15 30 4,8 20 1,6 150 170 KR065G110S000 65 104 160 -30/+30 ±35 15 50 5,5 30 1,6 150 170 KR080G110S000 80 114 160 -30/+30 ±35 15 85 7,1 40 1,6 150 170 KR100G110S000 100 136 160 -30/+30 ±35 15 125 8,2 60 1,6 150 170 KR125G110S000 125 154 160 -30/+30 ±35 15 185 10,2 70 1,6 150 170 KR150G110S000 150 190 160 -30/+30 ±35 15 250 12,5 70 1,6 150 170 KR200G110S000 200 250 160 -30/+30 ±35 15 400 16,7 70 1,6 150 170 TABLE Maximum temperature water: +70°C Maximum temperature oil: +90°C DIMENSIONS 11 RB / 1S YELLOW / AUG 2012 DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows 1S Bellows Allowable RED dimensions Displacement ØA ØB C mm mm mm Ax. Lat. Ang. mm mm ° Min. Max. Installation bellows Pressure area ( a bs ) RING Type 1S Red 1S RED Effective Weight length min. max. cm2 kg kPa MPa mm mm KR032R110S000 32 64 160 -30/+30 ±35 15 15 3,6 20 1,6 150 170 KR040R110S000 40 72 160 -30/+30 ±35 15 20 4,2 20 1,6 150 170 KR050R110S000 50 84 160 -30/+30 ±35 15 30 4,8 20 1,6 150 170 KR065R110S000 65 104 160 -30/+30 ±35 15 50 5,5 30 1,6 150 170 KR080R110S000 80 114 160 -30/+30 ±35 15 85 7,1 40 1,6 150 170 KR100R110S000 100 136 160 -30/+30 ±35 15 125 8,2 60 1,6 150 170 KR125R110S000 125 154 160 -30/+30 ±35 15 185 10,2 70 1,6 150 170 KR150R110S000 150 190 160 -30/+30 ±35 15 250 12,5 70 1,6 150 170 KR200R110S000 200 250 160 -30/+30 ±35 15 400 16,7 70 1,6 150 170 TABLE Maximum temperature: +90°C DIMENSIONS 12 RB / 1S RED / AUG 2012 PN6 PN10 PN16 DIN 2501 DIN 2501 DIN 2501 DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows FLANGES Flanges mm inch ∅D n ∅K ∅d ∅D n ∅K ∅d ∅D n ∅K ∅d 15 5/8" 80 4 11 55 95 4 14 65 95 4 14 65 20 3/4" 90 4 11 65 105 4 14 75 105 4 14 75 25 1" 100 4 11 75 115 4 14 85 115 4 14 85 32 1 1/4" 120 4 14 90 140 4 18 100 140 4 18 100 40 1 1/2" 130 4 14 100 150 4 18 110 150 4 18 110 50 2" 140 4 14 110 165 4 18 125 165 4 18 125 65 2 1/2" 160 4 14 130 185 4 18 145 185 4 18 145 80 3" 190 4 18 150 200 8 18 160 200 8 18 160 100 4" 210 4 18 170 220 8 18 180 220 8 18 180 125 5" 240 8 18 200 250 8 18 210 250 8 18 210 150 6" 265 8 18 225 285 8 22 240 285 8 22 240 175 7" 295 8 18 255 315 8 22 270 315 8 22 270 200 8" 320 8 18 280 340 8 22 295 340 12 22 295 250 10" 375 12 18 335 395 12 22 350 405 12 26 355 300 12" 440 12 22 395 445 12 22 400 460 12 26 410 350 14" 490 12 22 445 505 16 22 460 520 16 26 470 400 16" 540 16 22 495 565 16 26 515 580 16 30 525 450 18" 595 16 22 550 615 20 26 565 640 20 30 585 500 20" 645 20 22 600 670 20 26 620 715 20 33 650 600 24" 755 20 26 705 780 20 30 725 840 20 36 770 700 28" 860 24 26 810 895 24 30 840 910 24 36 840 800 32" 975 24 30 920 1015 24 33 950 1025 24 39 950 900 36" 1075 24 30 1020 1115 28 33 1050 1125 28 39 1050 1000 40" 1175 28 30 1120 1230 28 36 1160 1255 28 42 1170 DIMENSIONS 13 RB / FLANGES / AUG 2012 PN40 DIN 2501 DIN 2501 mm inch ∅D n ∅K ∅d ∅D n ∅K ∅d 15 5/8" 95 4 14 65 95 4 14 65 20 3/4" 105 4 14 75 105 4 14 75 25 1" 115 4 14 85 115 4 14 85 32 1 1/4" 140 4 18 100 140 4 18 100 40 1 1/2" 150 4 18 110 150 4 18 110 50 2" 165 4 18 125 165 4 18 125 65 2 1/2" 185 8 18 145 185 8 18 145 80 3" 200 8 18 160 200 8 18 160 100 4" 235 8 22 190 235 8 22 190 125 5" 270 8 26 220 270 8 26 220 150 6" 300 8 26 250 300 8 26 250 200 8" 360 12 26 310 375 12 30 320 250 10" 425 12 30 370 450 12 33 385 300 12" 485 16 30 430 515 16 33 450 350 14" 555 16 33 490 580 16 36 510 400 16" 620 16 36 550 660 16 39 585 450 18" 670 20 36 600 685 20 39 610 500 20" 730 20 36 660 755 20 42 670 600 24" 845 20 39 770 890 20 48 795 DIMENSIONS 14 RB / FLANGES / AUG 2012 FLANGES PN25 JIS 5K DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows FLANGES Flanges JIS 10K JIS 16K mm inch ∅D n ∅K ∅d ∅D n ∅K ∅d ∅D n ∅K ∅d 25 1" x x x x 125 4 19 90 125 4 19 90 32 1 1/4" 115 4 15 90 135 4 19 100 135 4 19 100 40 1 1/2" 120 4 15 95 140 4 19 105 140 4 19 105 50 2" 130 4 15 105 155 4 19 120 155 8 19 120 65 2 1/2" 155 4 15 130 175 4 19 140 175 8 19 140 80 3" 180 4 19 145 185 8 19 150 200 8 23 160 100 4" 200 8 19 165 210 8 19 175 225 8 23 185 125 5" 235 8 19 200 250 8 23 210 270 8 25 225 150 6" 265 8 19 230 280 8 23 240 305 12 25 260 200 8" 320 8 23 280 330 12 23 290 350 12 25 305 250 10" 385 12 23 345 400 12 25 355 430 12 27 380 300 12" 430 12 23 390 445 16 25 400 480 16 27 430 350 14" 480 12 25 435 490 16 25 445 540 16 33 480 400 16" 540 16 25 495 560 16 27 510 605 16 33 540 500 20" 655 20 25 605 675 20 27 620 730 20 33 660 600 24" 770 20 27 715 795 24 33 730 845 24 33 770 DIMENSIONS 15 RB / FLANGES / AUG 2012 ANSI 300lbs mm inch ∅D n ∅K ∅d ∅D n ∅K ∅d 20 3/4" 98,4 4 16 70,0 117,5 4 19 82,5 25 1" 108,0 4 16 79,4 124,0 4 19 89,0 32 1 1/4" 117,5 4 16 89,0 133,0 4 19 98,4 40 1 1/2" 127,0 4 16 98,4 155,6 4 22 114,0 50 2" 152,4 4 19 120,6 165,0 8 19 127,0 65 2 1/2" 178,0 4 19 140,0 190,5 8 22 149,0 80 3" 190,5 4 19 152,4 209,5 8 22 168,0 100 4" 228,6 8 19 190,5 254,0 8 22 200,0 125 5" 254,0 8 22 216,0 279,4 8 22 235,0 150 6" 279,4 8 22 241,0 317,5 12 22 270,0 200 8" 343,0 8 22 298,4 381,0 12 25 330,0 250 10" 406,4 12 25 362,0 444,5 16 29 387,0 300 12" 482,6 12 25 432,0 521,0 16 32 451,0 350 14" 533,4 12 29 476,0 584,0 20 32 514,0 400 16" 597,0 16 29 540,0 648,0 20 35 572,0 450 18" 635,0 16 32 578,0 711,0 24 35 629,0 500 20" 699,0 20 32 635,0 775,0 24 35 686,0 600 24" 813,0 20 35 749,0 914,0 24 41 813,0 700 28" 870,0 24 35 806,0 972,0 28 44 876,0 800 32" 984,0 28 35 914,0 1092,0 28 48 997,0 900 36" 1168,0 32 41 1068,0 1270,0 32 54 1168,0 1000 40" 1346,0 36 41 1257,0 1448,0 36 54 1340,0 DIMENSIONS 16 RB / FLANGES / AUG 2012 FLANGES ANSI 150lbs SAE J518c DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows FLANGES Flanges mm inch ∅A ∅B n H I ∅K ∅d 32 1 1/4" 80 75 4 58,7 30,2 13 30,2 40 1 1/2" 95 83 4 70,0 35,7 13 35,7 50 2" 102 95 4 78,0 43,0 13 43,0 65 2 1/2" 114 115 4 89,0 51,0 13 51,0 80 3" 134 125 4 106,4 62,0 18 62,0 100 4" 162 147 4 130,0 78,0 18 78,0 125 5" 190 170 4 152,4 92,1 18 92,1 DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONS 17 RB / FLANGES / AUG 2012 DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows BELLOWS WITH HOSE CLAMPS SELECTION TABLE Selection table bellows with hose clamps General Our rubber bellows are made from various elastomers and provide the flexible element in pipework that is indispensable in todays technically advanced plant and machinery installations. By using the best quality proven rubber compounds and a construction based on many years of experience, our rubber bellows are produced to a high quality standard to guarantee maximum safety and performance. The rubber bellows provide: Compensation of thermal or mechanical movement of pipework in axial, lateral or angular directions. Absorption and isolation of vibration combined with damping of pipework borne sound transmission. Reduction of pressure pulses in pipework. Compensation for pipework misalignment on flexible mounted installations. Our rubber bellows are available in standard constructions, type 3K, 3K2 and 4K, each available in different rubber qualities, so that the correct rubber bellows can be selected for every kind of medium and temperature. Identification marking Yellow ring Red HP Inner lining Material and resistance Outside cover Material and resistance NBR NBR ( R einforced with textile cord ) For fresh-, cold-, or seawater. Temp. range: -15°C + 90°C. EPDM EPDM ( R einforced with aramide cord ) Especially resistant for outside weather conditions as well as ageing. Hot-water constructions for heating installations with safe usage temperatures of 120°C. EPDM ( Wit ) Blue ring EPDM Especially resistant for outside weather For drinking water, food and alcoholic beverages, conditions, as well as oil age, ozone also with fat containing foods such as oil. resisting. ( R einforced with aramide cord ) TABLE As an addition to the flanged bellow range our 3K and 3K2 rubber expansion joints have been designed especially to provide small, low weight expansion joints which are both very flexible and simple to install. The 3K ranges accommodate misalignment, axial and lateral pipe work movements and dramatically reduce the transmission of noise, vibration and shock. High tensile strength texture cord plies combined with proven synthetic rubber mixes guarantee maximum reliability and an extended working life. The burst pressure safety factor is 5 times the working pressure of 4 Bar. The minimum work pressure is 70 kPa ( abs ) and can be lowered by fitting a vacuum support ring. Average installed insulation is about 25 dB, a figure which is further improved by compressed installation. The maximum working pressures are guaranteed by using the recommended power clamps in galvanized or stainless steel. RB / SELECTION TABLE / AUG 2012 DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows 3K Bellows Allowable YELLOW dimensions Displacement RING C D E Ax. Lat. Ang. mm mm Pressure Hose ( a bs ) clamp ØA ØB without clamps mm mm mm mm mm KV025.0G1000 25,0 35 85 55 140 -15/+7 +/-10 7 0,2 70 0,4 40 KV032.0G1000 32,0 45 94 55 140 -15/+7 +/-11 7 0,3 70 0,4 45 KV033.7G1000 33,7 47 96 55 140 -15/+7 +/-12 7 0,3 70 0,4 45 KV038.0G1000 38,0 50 116 50 140 -15/+7 +/-12 7 0,3 70 0,4 45 KV042.4G1000 42,4 55 123 60 160 -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,4 70 0,4 55 KV044.5G1000 44,5 58 124 60 160 -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,4 70 0,4 55 KV048.3G1000 48,3 61 125 60 160 -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,4 70 0,4 60 KV054.0G1000 54,0 67 130 60 160 -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,5 70 0,4 65 KV057.0G1000 57,0 70 130 60 160 -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,5 70 0,4 65 KV060.3G1000 60,3 73 131 70 180 -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,6 70 0,4 70 KV063.5G1000 63,5 74 134 70 180 -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,6 70 0,4 70 KV076.1G1000 76,1 89 155 70 180 KV088.9G1000 88,9 102 169 Type 3K Yellow 3K YELLOW Weight Min. Max. Advised ° kg kPa MPa -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,8 70 0,4 85 95 225 -20/+10 +/-15 7 0,9 70 0,4 95 KV108.0G1000 108,0 125 202 100 250 -25/+12 +/-16 7 1,6 70 0,4 115 KV114.3G1000 114,3 131 205 100 250 -25/+12 +/-16 7 1,7 70 0,4 125 KV115.8G1000 115,8 133 205 100 250 -25/+12 +/-16 7 1,7 70 0,4 125 KV139.7G1000 139,7 157 234 100 250 -25/+12 +/-16 7 2,0 70 0,4 150 KV168.3G1000 168,3 185 292 100 250 -30/+14 +/-21 7 2,6 70 0,4 170 TABLE Maximum temperature water: +70°C Maximum temperature oil: +90°C DIMENSIONS 18 RB / 3K YELLOW / AUG 2012 DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows 3K Bellows Allowable RED dimensions Displacement RING C D E Ax. Lat. Ang. mm mm Pressure Hose ( a bs ) clamp ØA ØB without clamps mm mm mm mm mm KV025.0K1000 25,0 35 85 55 140 -15/+7 +/-10 7 0,2 70 0,4 40 KV032.0K1000 32,0 45 94 55 140 -15/+7 +/-11 7 0,3 70 0,4 45 KV033.7K1000 33,7 47 96 55 140 -15/+7 +/-12 7 0,3 70 0,4 45 KV038.0K1000 38,0 50 116 50 140 -15/+7 +/-12 7 0,3 70 0,4 45 KV042.4K1000 42,4 55 123 60 160 -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,4 70 0,4 55 KV044.5K1000 44,5 58 124 60 160 -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,4 70 0,4 55 KV048.3K1000 48,3 61 125 60 160 -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,4 70 0,4 60 KV054.0K1000 54,0 67 130 60 160 -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,5 70 0,4 65 KV057.0K1000 57,0 70 130 60 160 -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,5 70 0,4 65 KV060.3K1000 60,3 73 131 70 180 -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,6 70 0,4 70 KV063.5K1000 63,5 74 134 70 180 -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,6 70 0,4 70 KV076.1K1000 76,1 89 155 70 180 KV088.9K1000 88,9 102 169 Type 3K Red 3K RED Weight Min. Max. Advised ° kg kPa MPa -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,8 70 0,4 85 95 225 -20/+10 +/-15 7 0,9 70 0,4 95 KV108.0K1000 108,0 125 202 100 250 -25/+12 +/-16 7 1,6 70 0,4 115 KV114.3K1000 114,3 131 205 100 250 -25/+12 +/-16 7 1,7 70 0,4 125 KV115.8K1000 115,8 133 205 100 250 -25/+12 +/-16 7 1,7 70 0,4 125 KV139.7K1000 139,7 157 234 100 250 -25/+12 +/-16 7 2,0 70 0,4 150 KV168.3K1000 168,3 185 292 100 250 -30/+14 +/-21 7 2,6 70 0,4 170 TABLE Remark: Rubber bellows reinforced with aramide cord. Maximum temperature: +120°C DIMENSIONS 19 RB / 3K RED / AUG 2012 DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows 3K Bellows Allowable BLUE dimensions Displacement RING Type 3K Blue ØA without clamps 3K BLUE Weight Min. Max. Advised ØB C D E mm mm mm mm mm Axial Lat. Ang. mm mm ° kg Pressure Hose ( a bs ) clamp kPa MPa KV025.0W1000 25,0 35 85 55 140 -15/+7 +/-10 7 0,2 70 0,4 40 KV032.0W1000 32,0 45 94 55 140 -15/+7 +/-11 7 0,3 70 0,4 45 KV033.7W1000 33,7 47 96 55 140 -15/+7 +/-12 7 0,3 70 0,4 45 KV038.0W1000 38,0 50 116 50 140 -15/+7 +/-12 7 0,3 70 0,4 45 KV042.4W1000 42,4 55 123 60 160 -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,4 70 0,4 55 KV044.5W1000 44,5 58 124 60 160 -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,4 70 0,4 55 KV048.3W1000 48,3 61 125 60 160 -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,4 70 0,4 60 KV054.0W1000 54,0 67 130 60 160 -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,5 70 0,4 65 KV057.0W1000 57,0 70 130 60 160 -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,5 70 0,4 65 KV060.3W1000 60,3 73 131 70 180 -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,6 70 0,4 70 KV063.5W1000 63,5 74 134 70 180 -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,6 70 0,4 70 KV076.1W1000 76,1 89 155 70 180 -19/+9 +/-14 7 0,8 70 0,4 85 95 225 -20/+10 +/-15 7 0,9 70 0,4 95 KV108.0W1000 108,0 125 202 100 250 -25/+12 +/-16 7 1,6 70 0,4 115 KV114.3W1000 114,3 131 205 100 250 -25/+12 +/-16 7 1,7 70 0,4 125 KV115.8W1000 115,8 133 205 100 250 -25/+12 +/-16 7 1,7 70 0,4 125 KV139.7W1000 139,7 157 234 100 250 -25/+12 +/-16 7 2,0 70 0,4 150 KV168.3W1000 168,3 185 292 100 250 -30/+14 +/-21 7 2,6 70 0,4 170 KV088.9W1000 88,9 102 169 TABLE Maximum temperature: +80°C DIMENSIONS 20 RB / 3K BLUE / AUG 2012 DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows 3K2 Bellows Allowable YELLOW dimensions displacement RING Type 3K2 Yellow 3K2 YELLOW Weight Min. Max. Advised ØA ØB C D E mm mm mm mm Axial Lat. Ang. mm mm ° kg Pressure Hose ( a bs ) clamp without clamps mm KV025.0G2000 25,0 35 85 55 225 -30/+14 +/-20 14 0,4 kPa MPa 70 0,4 40 KV032.0G2000 32,0 45 94 55 225 -30/+14 +/-24 14 0,6 70 0,4 45 KV033.7G2000 33,7 47 96 55 225 -30/+14 +/-24 14 0,6 70 0,4 45 KV038.0G2000 38,0 50 116 50 225 -30/+14 +/-24 14 0,6 70 0,4 45 KV042.4G2000 42,4 55 123 60 225 -38/+18 +/-28 14 0,8 70 0,4 55 KV044.5G2000 44,5 58 124 60 225 -38/+18 +/-28 14 0,8 70 0,4 55 KV048.3G2000 48,3 61 125 60 225 -38/+18 +/-28 14 0,8 70 0,4 60 KV054.0G2000 54,0 67 130 60 225 -38/+18 +/-28 14 1,0 70 0,4 65 KV057.0G2000 57,0 70 130 60 225 -38/+18 +/-28 14 1,0 70 0,4 65 KV060.3G2000 60,3 73 131 70 285 -38/+18 +/-28 14 1,2 70 0,4 70 KV063.5G2000 63,5 74 134 70 285 -38/+18 +/-28 14 1,2 70 0,4 70 KV076.1G2000 76,1 89 155 70 285 -38/+18 +/-28 14 1,6 70 0,4 85 KV088.9G2000 88,9 102 169 95 360 -40/+24 +/-30 14 1,8 70 0,4 95 KV108.0G2000 108,0 125 202 100 400 -50/+24 +/-32 14 3,2 70 0,4 115 KV114.3G2000 114,3 131 205 100 400 -50/+24 +/-32 14 3,4 70 0,4 125 KV115.8G2000 115,8 133 205 100 400 -50/+24 +/-32 14 3,4 70 0,4 125 KV139.7G2000 139,7 157 234 100 400 -50/+24 +/-32 14 4,0 70 0,4 150 KV168.3G2000 168,3 185 292 100 415 -60/+28 +/-42 14 5,2 70 0,4 170 TABLE Maximum temperature water: +70°C Maximum temperature oil: +90°C DIMENSIONS 21 RB / 3K2 YELLOW / AUG 2012 DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows 3K2 Bellows Allowable RED dimensions displacement RING Type 3K2 Red 3K2 RED Weight Min. Max. Advised ØA ØB without clamps mm mm mm mm mm KV025.0K2000 25,0 35 C D E Axial Lat. Ang. mm mm ° kg Pressure Hose ( a bs ) clamp kPa MPa 85 55 225 -30/+14 +/-20 14 0,4 70 0,4 40 KV032.0K2000 32,0 45 94 55 225 -30/+14 +/-24 14 0,6 70 0,4 45 KV033.7K2000 33,7 47 96 55 225 -30/+14 +/-24 14 0,6 70 0,4 45 KV038.0K2000 38,0 50 116 50 225 -30/+14 +/-24 14 0,6 70 0,4 45 KV042.4K2000 42,4 55 123 60 225 -38/+18 +/-28 14 0,8 70 0,4 55 KV044.5K2000 44,5 58 124 60 225 -38/+18 +/-28 14 0,8 70 0,4 55 KV048.3K2000 48,3 61 125 60 225 -38/+18 +/-28 14 0,8 70 0,4 60 KV054.0K2000 54,0 67 130 60 225 -38/+18 +/-28 14 1,0 70 0,4 65 KV057.0K2000 57,0 70 130 60 225 -38/+18 +/-28 14 1,0 70 0,4 65 KV060.3K2000 60,3 73 131 70 285 -38/+18 +/-28 14 1,2 70 0,4 70 KV063.5K2000 63,5 74 134 70 285 -38/+18 +/-28 14 1,2 70 0,4 70 KV076.1K2000 76,1 89 155 70 285 -38/+18 +/-28 14 1,6 70 0,4 85 KV088.9K2000 88,9 102 169 95 360 -40/+24 +/-30 14 1,8 70 0,4 95 KV108.0K2000 108,0 125 202 100 400 -50/+24 +/-32 14 3,2 70 0,4 115 KV114.3K2000 114,3 131 205 100 400 -50/+24 +/-32 14 3,4 70 0,4 125 KV115.8K2000 115,8 133 205 100 400 -50/+24 +/-32 14 3,4 70 0,4 125 KV139.7K2000 139,7 157 234 100 400 -50/+24 +/-32 14 4,0 70 0,4 150 KV168.3K2000 168,3 185 292 100 415 -60/+28 +/-42 14 5,2 70 0,4 170 TABLE Remark: Rubber bellows reinforced with aramide cord. Maximum temperature: +120°C DIMENSIONS 22 RB / 3K2 RED / AUG 2012 STAINLESS STEEL 316 DOCUMENTATION SHEET Minimum diameter ∅ Maximum diameter ∅ KSK030D030 30 40 Hose clamps stainless steel KSK040D030 40 50 KSK045D030 45 55 KSK050D030 50 60 KSK055D030 55 65 KSK060D030 60 70 KSK065D030 65 75 KSK070D030 70 80 KSK075D030 75 85 KSK080D030 80 90 KSK085D030 85 95 KSK090D030 90 100 KSK095D030 95 105 KSK100D030 100 110 KSK105D030 105 115 KSK110D030 110 120 KSK115D030 115 125 KSK120D030 120 130 KSK125D030 125 135 KSK130D030 130 140 KSK135D030 135 145 KSK140D030 140 150 KSK145D030 145 155 KSK150D030 150 160 KSK155D030 155 165 KSK160D030 160 170 KSK165D030 165 175 KSK170D030 170 180 HOSE CLAMPS STAINLESS STEEL Rubber Bellows TABLE DIMENSIONS 23 RB / HOSE CLAMPS SS / AUG 2012 MILD STEEL 12.03 CR.3 GALVANISED DOCUMENTATION SHEET Minimum diameter ∅ Maximum diameter ∅ KSK030D000 30 40 Hose clamps mild steel KSK040D000 40 50 KSK045D000 45 55 KSK050D000 50 60 KSK055D000 55 65 KSK060D000 60 70 KSK065D000 65 75 KSK070D000 70 80 KSK075D000 75 85 KSK080D000 80 90 KSK085D000 85 95 KSK090D000 90 100 KSK095D000 95 105 KSK100D000 100 110 KSK105D000 105 115 KSK110D000 110 120 KSK115D000 115 125 KSK120D000 120 130 KSK125D000 125 135 KSK130D000 130 140 KSK135D000 135 145 KSK140D000 140 150 KSK145D000 145 155 KSK150D000 150 160 KSK155D000 155 165 KSK160D000 160 170 KSK165D000 165 175 KSK170D000 170 180 HOSE CLAMPS MILD STEEL Rubber Bellows TABLE DIMENSIONS 24 RB / HOSE CLAMPS MS / AUG 2012 DOCUMENTATION SHEET 4K Bellows SILICONE 4K SILICONE dimensions Weight displacement (* ) ØA ØB ØC ØD Axial Lateral without clamps [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [°] [kg] KS033.7L175B00 33,7 39,4 45 175 ± 10 ± 10 45 0,18 KS038.0L175B00 38,0 44,0 45 175 ± 12 ± 12 45 0,19 KS042.4L175B00 42,3 48,3 45 175 ± 12 ± 12 45 0,20 KS048.3L175B00 48,3 54,0 45 175 ± 14 ± 14 45 0,21 KS060.3L195B00 60,3 66,0 45 195 ± 14 ± 14 30 0,23 KS063.5L195B00 63,5 69,2 45 195 ± 14 ± 14 30 0,26 KS076.1L195B00 76,1 81,8 45 195 ± 14 ± 14 30 0,30 KS088.9L195B00 88,9 94,6 45 195 ± 18 ± 18 30 0,34 Rubber Bellows Type 4K Aramid Silicone Allowable Angular ( * ) Weight including hose clamps TABLE The bellows are manufactured in brown synthetic rubber, with a black inner liner, reinforced with synthetic fabric to achieve a high mechanical strength. They are suitable for use with cooling water, fuel and lubrication oil pipework systems up to 220°C. The burst pressure safety factor is 3 times the working pressure of 4 bar. The minimum workpressure ( absolute ) is 80 to 90 kPa, depending on compensator size and can be lowered by fitting vacuum support rings. The mentioned pressures are guaranteed by using the recommended ( stainless steel ) clamps according to the table above. WORM SCREW HOSE Diameter range CLAMPS AISI 316 [mm] KSK025W230 32-44 ( for KD033.7S000 and KD38.0S000 ) KSK030W230 38-50 KSK040W230 44-56 ( for KD042.2S000 and KD48.3S000 ) KSK045W230 50-65 KSK050W230 58-75 ( for KD060.3S000 and KD63.5S000 ) KSK060W230 68-85 ( for KD076.1S000 ) KSK080W230 77-95 ( for KD088.9S000 ) TABLE DIMENSIONS 25 RB / 4K SILICONE / AUG 2012 Because silicone rubber is permeable to hydrocarbons, fluorosilicone liners are often used in automotive applications to prevent oil seepage through the hose wall. This seepage could otherwise swell and damage the hose and also leave a sticky deposit on the outside of the hose that attracts dirt. We recommend and use fluorosilicone rubber ( FMVQ ) for liners because of its stable physical properties throughout the operating temperature range of -55°C to +250°C. Unlike fluorocarbon ( F KM or FPM ) liner materials fluorosilicone does not echibit thermoplastic tendencies, this allows the dynamic properties of the fluorosilicone liner to more closely follow those of the hose outer resulting in a product that does not become brittle at low temperatures or excessively soft at high temperature. Fluorosilicone lined turbocharger and intercooler hoses are often specified for use on engines that have to meet Euro 3 and 4 emission levels and therefore have crankcase oil mist recirculated through the induction system. As an addition to the 3K range, the 4K multiple bellows with support rings have been designed especially to provide small, low weight bellows which combine flexibility and high medium temperature with simple installation. The 4K ranges accommodate misalignment, axial and lateral pipework movements and reduce the transmission of noise, vibration and shock. The bellows are manufactured in brown synthetic rubber, with a black inner liner, reinforced with synthetic fabric to achieve a high mechanical strength. They are suitable for use with cooling water, fuel and lubrication oil pipework systems up to 220°C. The burst pressure safety factor is 3 times the working pressure of 4 bar. The minimum workpressure ( absolute ) is 80 to 90 kPa, depending on bellow size and can be lowered by fitting vacuum support rings. Original properties Result Hardness shore A 70° Specific gravity 1.45 Tensile strength 6 MPa Elongation at break 230% Compression set, 24 hours at 150°C 40% Rebound resilience 38% Colour Grey Air aged 10 days at 200°C Hardness shor A 66° Tensile strength 4.8 MPa Elongation at break 320% 70 hours at 150°C IRM 903 oil 65° Hardness shore A Tensile strength 5.5 MPa Elongation at break 300% Volume change +10% TABLE 26 RB / 4K SILICONE / AUG 2012 4K FLUORO SILICONE General Fluoro 4K ARAMID SILICONE General Aramid Silicone elastomer hoses of various shapes that use a peroxide vulcanising system, high temperature stable iron oxide pigmentation, meta-aramid fabric reinforcement and a silicone or fluorosilicone liner when necessary. Typical applications are automotive turbocharger outlet, hot side intercooler hoses and EGR connectors. They are also used in many industrial high temperature applications where they are suitable for use at working temperatures of up to 220°C and intermittent exposure up to 250°C. Fluorosilicone lined hoses are generally specified for use on engines that have to meet Euro 3 and 4 emission levels and have crankcase oil mist recirculation. The fluorosilicone liner prevents oil permeation through the hose wall and subsequent hose failure. Please see separate data sheets for silicone and fluorosilicone physical properties. Reinforcement plies are heavy duty knitted or woven meta-aramid ( otherwise known as Nomex® or Conex® ) fabric depending on the hose type, diameter and expected severity of the service conditions. As an addition to the 3K range, the 4K multiple bellows with support rings have been designed especially to provide small, low weight bellows which combine flexibility and high medium temperature with simple installation. The 4K ranges accommodate misalignment, axial and lateral pipework movements and reduce the transmission of noise, vibration and shock. The bellows are manufactured in brown synthetic rubber, reinforced with synthetic fabric to achieve a high mechanical strength. They are suitable for use with cooling water, fuel and lubrication oil pipework systems up to 220°C. The burst pressure safety factor is 3 times the working pressure of 4 bar. The minimum workpressure ( absolute ) is 80 to 90 kPa, depending on bellow size and can be lowered by fitting vacuum support rings. EXAMPLE 27 RB / 4K SiLICONE / AUG 2012 Silicone elastomer hoses of various shapes with polyester fabric reinforcement having an upper temperature capability of 170°C. For higher temperature rated hoses please refer to the aramid reinforced hose data sheet. Reinforcement is from two to five plies of medium duty knitted polyester fabric depending on the chosen diameter and expected severity of the service conditions. A “ rubber only ” liner is used to prevent the leakage which could otherwise occur due to exposed fabric on the inside of the hose. Hoses are available in our standard colours of Blue, Black, Red or Yellow and special colours can be supplied depending on quantity. Surface finish is shiny gloss for straight lengths and cut pieces, with a choice of gloss or semi-matt cloth finish for elbows and reducers. Typical applications are vehicle cooling systems, cold side intercooler air hoses and general industrial use within the temperature range of -55°C to +170°C. Helical wire reinforcement can also be incorporated if required for resistance to collapse under vacuum and for resistance to kinking at tight bend radii. Polyester reinforced silicone hoses are constructed to meet the general requirements of SAE J20R1 or R4 HT CLASS A. Hoses with integral helical wire reinforcement meet the general requirements of SAE J20R2 or R5 HT CLASS A. As an addition to the 3K range, the 4K multiple bellows with support rings have been designed especially to provide small, low weight bellows which combine flexibility and high medium temperature with simple installation. The 4K ranges accommodate misalignment, axial and lateral pipework movements and reduce the transmission of noise, vibration and shock. The bellows are manufactured in blue synthetic rubber, with a black rubber liner, reinforced with synthetic fabric to achieve a high mechanical strength. They are suitable for use with cooling water and air pipework systems up to 170°C. The burst pressure safety factor is 3 times the working pressure of 4 bar. The minimum workpressure ( absolute ) is 80 to 90 kPa, depending on bellow size and can be lowered by fitting vacuum support rings. EXAMPLE 28 RB / 4K SILICONE / AUG 2012 4K POLYESTER SILICONE General Polyester 4K WRAS SILICONE General WRAS A specially developed silicone material, which is used as a liner in hoses that will carry drinking water. This rubber compound retains all the desirable properties of silicone elastomers in terms of temperature range and durability but in addition is non-tainting, toxicologically inert and will not support bacterial growth. This material is recognized by the Water Regulations Advisory Scheme ( WRAS ) and carries their certificate number 0412511. This material can be incorporated into standard silicone hoses or for more demanding applications. For instance in the Rail Transport sector, a flame retardant - low smoke low toxicity outer may be used. As an addition to the 3K range, the 4K multiple bellows with support rings have been designed especially to provide small, low weight bellows which combine flexibility and high medium temperature with simple installation. The 4K ranges accommodate misalignment, axial and lateral pipework movements and reduce the transmission of noise, vibration and shock. The bellows are manufactured in white synthetic rubber, reinforced with synthetic fabric to achieve a high mechanical strength. They are suitable for use with drinking water. The burst pressure safety factor is 3 times the working pressure of 4 bar. The minimum workpressure ( a bsolute ) is 80 to 90 kPa, depending on bellow size and can be lowered by fitting vacuum support rings. EXAMPLE 29 RB / 4K SiLICONE / AUG 2012 DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows VACUUM SUPPORT RING Vacuum support ring General Vacuum support rings allow for higher vacuum in the bellows according to the table. The stainless steel ring ( AISI 316Ti ) can be installed before delivery but also afterwards for rubber bellows with flanges at nominal bores up to 300 mm. Larger sizes as well as nylon vacuum support rings need to be installed at the factory. Note: Using vacuum support rings will limit the movement range by 50% in all directions. 316 TI ( WST no. 1.4571 ) A Without vacuum support ring With vacuum support ring kPa ( abs ) kPa ( abs ) KRV040R 40 20 0 KRV050R 50 20 0 KRV065R 65 20 0 KRV080R 80 30 0 KRV100R 100 40 10 KRV125R 125 60 20 KRV150R 150 60 20 KRV200R 200 70 20 KRV250R 250 70 20 KVR300R 300 80 20 TABLE DIMENSIONS 30 RB / VACUUM SUPPORT RING / AUG 2012 DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows FLAME GUARD Type Flame guard General Flame guards protect the rubber bellows for overheating from the outside. These covers are made of various layers of fabric materials consisting of high temperature glass fiber and are resistant against oil, chemicals and ageing. Flame tests have proven a rubber bellows to withstand 800°C heat and flames for 30 minutes. The covers can be installed easily after installation of the rubber bellows and can be removed the same way and will not interfere with the function of the rubber bellows. Class F30 A [mm] VB025A11 25 VB032A11 32 VB040A11 40 VB050A11 50 VB065A11 65 VB080A11 80 VB100A11 100 VB125A11 125 VB150A11 150 VB200A11 200 VB250A11 250 VB300A11 300 TABLE DIMENSIONS 31 RB / FLAME GUARD / AUG 2012 DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows CHEMICAL RESISTANCE Chemical resistance PART 1, A-K Acetaldehyde D - X X X B C B X A A Acetic acid 5% B B A B A A A B A A Acetic acid 10% B B B B A B A B A A Acetic acid 20% B B B B A B B B B A Acetic acid 30% B B B B A B B B B A Acetic acid 50% B B C C A B B C C A Acetic acid 99,5% glacials X B X C B C B C X A Acetic acid. Amhydride X C C X A C A C X A Aceton X B C X A C A C X A Acetylene - B B A A B B C X A Ammonia gas, cold - A A A A A A C X A Ammonia gas, hot - X B X B B A C X A Ammonia, liquid - B A B A B A B X A Ammonium hydroxid B B B C A A A B B A Amyl acetate X C X X A C A X X A Aniline X X X X B X B X B A Aniline dyes - B B C B B B B B A Animal fats A X B A B B B X A A Argon - X X C A X B X A A Arsenic acid - B B B A A A B A A Beer A A A A A A A A A A Benzene ( Benzol ) X X X X X X X X A A Black liquer - X C A X C X X A A Brandy - A A A A A A A A A Bromine liquid - X X X X X X X A A Butane A X A A X B X X A A Butanol ( butyl alcohol ) - A A A A A A A A A Butyl acetat X X X X B C X X X A Calcium hypochlorite B C X C A A B X A A Caustic potash - B B C B A A B C A Caustic soda - A B C A B A B B A Chlorine gas, dry 40°C B X X X C C X X A A Chlorine gas, wet 40°C B X X X C C X X C A Chlorine solution, 0.1 gr/l - - - A A A - - A A Chlorine solution, 0.1-1gr/l - - - A A A - - A A Chlorine solution, 1-10g/l 40°C - - - B B B - - - - Chlorine solution, >10gr/l 40°C - - - C C C - - - - 32 RB / CHEMICAL RESISTANCE / AUG 2012 - X X X X X X X C A Chromic acid - X X X C B C X A A Detergent A B B A A A A B A A Diesel oil A X C A X C X X A A Ethane - X B A X B X X A A Ethanol B A A A A A A A B A Ether, Ethyl ether B X X C X X C X X A Ethyl acetat - X X X B X B X X A Ethyl chloride B B X B A C A B A A Ethyl glycol ( Cellosolve ) - X X C B C B X C A Ethylene chloride - X X X C X C X B A Ethylene glycol A A A A A A A A A A Ferrous salts, non oxidizing - A A A A A A A A A Formaldehyde, formalin 40°C B B B B A A A B A A Formic acid 40°C B B B X A B A A X A Fuel oil A X C Z X C X X A A Furan ( Furfuran ) - X X X X X X X C A Furfural ( Furfurol ) X X X X B C B X X A Glucose A A A A A A A A A A Glycerine, glycerol A A A A A A A A A A Green liquor, white liquor A A A A A A A A A A Hydraulic oil A X B A X B X X A A Hydrobromic acid, max 40°C - - - C A A B - B A Hydrochloric acid, 37% B - - X A A - - - A Hydrochloric acid, 37% 70°C C X X X X C X X X A Hydrochloric acid, diluted - - - C A A B - A A Hydrofluoric acid, 50% 40°C - C C X B B B C A A Hydrofluosilicic acid 40°C - A B B A A B A A Hydrogen - B A A A A A B A A Hydrogen peroxid, 3% 40°C - B B B A A A B A A Hydrogen peroxid, 30% 20°C - C C C B A B C A A Hydrogen peroxid, 90% 20°C - C C C - - - - B A Hydrogen sulphide, dry 20°C - A A A A A A A X A Hydrogen sulphide, wet 20°C B X A C A A A X X A Hydrogen sulphide, wet 40°C B X C X B C B X X A 33 RB / CHEMICAL RESISTANCE / AUG 2012 CHEMICAL RESISTANCE Chlorosulphonic acid PART 1, A-K DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellow CHEMICAL RESISTANCE Chemical resistance PART 2, L-Z Lactic acid - B A A A A B B A A Linseed oil A X B A B B A X A A Liquid manure - - - A A A - - - A LP-gas A X B A X X X X A A Lubricating oil A X C A X X X X A A Methanol, methyl alcohol B A A B A A A A X A Methyl chloride - X X X C X C X A A Methyl ethyl ketone MEK X X X X A X B X X B Methyl isobutyl ketone X X X X B X C X X A Methyl isopropyl ketone - X X X C X C X X A Methylene chloride - X X X X X X X B A Milk - A A A A A A A A A Netural gas A C A A X A X C A A Nitric acid 20% 40°C X X C X A A A X A A Nitric acid 20% 50°C X X X X B A B X A A Nitric acid 40% 50°C X X X X C A C X A A Nitric acid 50% 50°C X X X X X B X X A A Nitric acid 60% 20°C X X X X X C X X A A Nitric acid 70% 20°C X X X X X C X X A A Nitric acid fuming X X X X X X X X C A Nitrobenzene X X X X B X B X B A Nitrogen A A A A A A A A A A Nitrous gasses - X X X C X X X X B Oleic acid A X C A X C X X A A Olive oil A X C A C C C X A A Oxalic acid - C C C A B A B B A Oxygen B C B C A B A X A A Ozone A X C X B B C X A A Palmitic acid B B B A B C B B A A Paraffin, kerosene - X C A X C X X A A Perchloroethylene B X X C X X X X A A Petrol, 100 octan C X X C X X X X A A Petrol, 65 octan B X X B X C X X A A Petroleum ether B X B B X X X X A A Petroleum oils, high aromatic B X X B X X X X A A Petroleum oils, low aromatic A X C A X B X X A A Phenol - X X X C C B X A A Phosphoric acid 45% 40°C - C B C A B B C A A 34 RB / CHEMICAL RESISTANCE / AUG 2012 CHEMICAL RESISTANCE Phosphoric acid 85% 40°C - C C X B B B C A A Plating sol. w/o chromium. - X X X A C C X A A Propan, LP-gas A X C A X C X X A A Propanol, propyl alcohol A A A A A A A A A A Rapeseed oil A X X X A C A X A A Rosin oil - X C A X C X X A A Salicylic acid - A C B A A A B A A Salt solutions, non oxidizing - A A A A A A A A A Sewage water - B B A B A B B A A Silicofluoric acid 40°C - B B B B A B B A A Sodium hypochlorite <10gr/l B C B C A A B C A A Sodium hypochlorite >10gr/l B X X X B B C X A A Styrene 40°C - X X X X X X X B A Sugar solutions - A A A A A A A A A Sulphur chloride 40°C - X X X X C X X A A Sulphur, molten - X X X B B C X A A Sulphur dioxide, dry gas 40°C - C X X A X B C A A Sulphur trioxide, dry gas - X X X B X C X A A Sulphuric acid <60% B C C X B B B X A A Sulphuric acid 60% 50°C X C X X B B B X A A Sulphuric acid 75% 50°C X X X X B B B X A A Sulphuric acid 80% 50°C X X X X C B C X A A Sulphuric acid 96% 50°C X X X X C C X X A A Sulphuric acid, fuming, Oleum X X X X X X X X B A Sulpurous acid 40°C - C C C A A B C A A Tar 40°C B X C B X C X X A A Toluene, toluol X X X C X X X X A A Transformer oil, chl. hydrocar. - X X X X X X X A A Transformer oil, mineral based - X B A X C X X A A Trichloroethylene 40°C - X X X X X X X A A Turpentine, terpene A X X A X X X X A A Vegetable oils A X C A X B X X A A Water, destilled A A C A A A A A A A Water, fresh A A B A A A A A A A Water, fresh, destilles 100°C - C C B A B B C A A Water, salt - A A A A A A A A A Whiskey, Wine - A A A A A A A A A Email: Xylene, xylol X X X X X X X X A A Web: 35 RB / CHEMICAL RESISTANCE / AUG 2012 PART 2, L-Z Rubber Design B.V. Industrieweg 21 2995BE Heerjansdam The Netherlands Phone: +31 (0)78 677 87 78 Fax: +31 (0) 78 677 10 38 Type approval DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows Type Approvals TYPE APPROVALS Type 1A Yellow X X 1A Hot oil X X 1A Double Yellow X 1A Red X 1A Double Red X X X 1A White X X X 1A Green X X X X X 1B Yellow X 1B Red X 1S Yellow X X 1S Red X X 3K Yellow X 3K Red X TABLE Remark Other classification type approvals available on request. 36 RB / TYPE APPROVALS / AUG 2012 DOCUMENTATION SHEET Unit 1 bar Pressure Units Conversion Table 1 mbar PRESSURE UNITS CONVERSION TABLE Rubber Bellows bar mbar Pa kPa MPa psi kgf/cm2 1 1000 100.000 100 0,1 14,5038 1,0972 mm Hg mm wk ( T orr ) 750,062 10197,16 -3 0,001 1 100 0,1 0,0001 0,0145 1,01972 10 0,7501 10,1972 1 Pa 0,00001 0,01 1 0,001 0,000001 0,000145 1,01972 10-5 0,0075 0,10197 1 kPa 0,01 10 1000 1 0,001 0,145 0,010197 7,5006 101,972 1 MPa 10.000 1.000.000 1000 1 145,038 10,1972 7500,62 101972 0,06895 68,95 6895,06 6,895 6,895 10-3 1 0,07031 51,717 703,01 1 kgf/cm2 0,981 980,7 98066,5 98,0665 0,9807 14,2233 1 735,56 10.000 1 mm Hg (1 Torr) 0,00133 1,333 133,3 0,13332 0,1333 10 0,01934 0,001359 1 13,5951 1 mm wk 0,000098 0,098 9,807 0,009807 9,807 10-6 0,00142 0,0001 0,07356 1 1 psi 10 -3 TABLE 1N = 0,102 kg 1Pa = 1/N/m² 1KPa = 1 KN/m² 37 1MPa = 1MN/m 2 RB / CONVERSION TABLE / AUG 2012 DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows Installation instruction Precautions prior to installation - Install the rubber bellows at a visible and easy accessible position for inspection and replacement. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION - The bellows diameter should match with the size of the pipe inside/outside diameter and in case of rubber bellows with clamps only very small differences are acceptable to secure a good sealing. - Check all data of the bellows like type of fluid, temperature and pressure, compared with the system where it will be used for, before starting installation. - For a safe operation it is important to use correct counter flanges. The sealing face of the flange needs to be machined smooth and must cover the rubber sealing face for at least 60% of the rubber bellows. We recommend to use welding neck flanges as those assure a proper sealing of the bellows. - In case of an enlarged inner diameter of the flange loose rings of at least 4 mm need to be applied to secure a correct sealing. - In case there will be vacuum in the system the use of a vacuum ring is recommended and can be installed in the bellows easily before installation if it is not included already. - Rubber bellows produce reaction forces as a result of the pressure in the pipe work and these forces can be absorbed by using adequate fixed points. - Use bellows with extension limiters if there are no fixed points. 38 RB / INSTAL. INSTR. / AUG 2012 the pipes from damage they are to be properly anchored in order to take care of these reactions forces ( Fr ) . The reaction force of the bellows can be calculated by the formula as follows. Fr = A x P x 0,01 Fr = reaction force in kN A = effective cross sectional area in cm2 – see relevant table of bellows P= ( actual pressure in Bar or kp/cm2 ) x 0.01 - The distance from the bellow to the first fixed point or pipe guide should not be larger than 4x pipe diameter ( L1 ) - The distance between pipe guides and fixed points in horizontal pipe work should not be bigger than 14x pipe diameter ( L 2 ) - The distance between pipe guides and fixed points in vertical pipe work should not be bigger than 20x pipe diameter ( L 3 ) - Use bellows with extension limiters if there are no fixed points. 39 RB / INSTAL. INSTR. / AUG 2012 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION - Rubber bellows acts as a piston by the forces arising from the internal pressure. To prevent INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION Installation - During installation the rubber bellows might be compressed or stretched slightly to eliminate misalignments of the system however the allowable maximum values of the movements will change accordingly. - If the rubber bellows needs to be stretched to install, please pay attention to the collar of the sealing ring of the bellows being kept in position and will not tear out of the groove of the flange. - Load the rubber bellows to compression necessary for installation between the flanges to the allowable maximum according to the tables ( values depend on type of bellows ) - If possible install the bellows in such a way that the production date is visible in order to make a better review for replacement. - It is recommended to insert the bolts from the rubber bellows side of the flanges however if this is not possible the loose threaded end must not interfere with the maximum movements of the bellows. - Do not use sharp tools which may damage the rubber. - Install the bolts crosswise. - Apply the torque crosswise ( 3 steps ) by tightening the bolts by hand. - Fasten all bolts crosswise with 50 Nm. - Final torque to be applied crosswise according to the table. Nominal Bore Bolt torque PN10 flange in Nm. NB 32 - NB 80 40 - 60 NB 100 - NB 200 60 - 80 NB 250 - NB 300 80 - 100 40 RB / INSTAL. INSTR./ AUG 2012 Precautions after installation - In case of works the rubber bellows needs to be protected against heat, flames and sparks and in the event of these works protection of the bellows has to be made. - Permanent radiation heat needs to be avoided or use a flame protection guard. - Do not exceed maximum permissible temperature according to the tables to secure long life time of the product. - If a test pressure will be applied on the system the maximum value is the maximum working pressure x 1,5. - Do not paint the surface of the rubber and keep the part clean in order to allow adequate inspections. - Bellows do not need maintenance however are subject to wear and need to be inspected every year at leakage, cracks and other deviations. General - Combined movements If the installation length of the bellows is longer then it natural lenth the allowable lateral movements are limited. Installation length 130 mm 140 mm 150 mm Lateral permisselbe 20 mm 10 mm 5 mm - Temperature versus movements and pressures The values shown in the documentation are based on a temperature of max. 50°C. Exceeding this temperature will give a reduction of the max. movements and/or pressures according to the table. Temperature Reduction 50°C - 70°C 25% 70°C - 100°C 40% - Calculed lifetime at various temperatures. Working temperature Intermittent use max. 300 hrs/year Continuous use 0° - 30°C 12 years 6,0 years 30° - 50°C 9 years 4,5 years 50° - 70°C 7 years 3,5 years 70° - 90°C 5 years 2,5 years 90° - 100°C 2 years 1,2 years 41 RB / INSTAL. INSTR. / AUG 2012 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION - If no torque wrench is available fasten the bolts with common sense and keep anyway distance between the connecting flanges of at least one ( 1 ) mm. DOCUMENTATION SHEET Rubber Bellows LEGAL NOTICE Legal notice Legal Notice By using Rubber Design ’ s documentation you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions: The contents of these documentation ( including but not limited to text and images ) are copyright of Rubber Design. All rights reserved. Reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of part or all of the contents in any form without the prior written permission of Rubber Design is prohibited except in accordance with the following terms. Rubber Design consents to you an authorization to make copies of extracts from these pages for your personal use only. The contents of Rubber Design ’ s documentation may be used for information purposes only and in such a manner that does not harm the reputation of Rubber Design. Information provided is not allowed to be modified without the express written permission of Rubber Design. The Rubber Design logotype, the corporate symbol in there and the same of its subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as the brand names, product names and the trademarks of Rubber Design, its subsidiaries and affiliates are property of Rubber Design and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates. The contents of Rubber Design ‘ s documentation are provided “ a s is ” and “ as available ” . Except as required by applicable law no warranty of any kind, either express or implied, is made in relation to the correctness, accuracy, reliability or otherwise of the content of these documentation. Any Rubber Design documentation may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes and additions may be made by Rubber Design to any information contained in here. Rubber Design reserves the right to revise the documentation at any time. Rubber Design will not be liable in any manner whatsoever for any damages, including but not limited to direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, secondary, special, or punitive damages, losses or expenses or loss of profits related to this documentation, or the inability to use the contents of these documentation, or use or attempted use of information contained in there or related to any failure of performance, error, omission, even if Rubber Design or its representatives are advised of such damages, losses or expenses. Rubber Design B.V. – The Netherlands 42 RB / LEGAL NOTICE / AUG 2012
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