- American Meteorological Society
- American Meteorological Society
JUNE 2014 RASMUSSEN ET AL. 1091 Climate Change Impacts on the Water Balance of the Colorado Headwaters: High-Resolution Regional Climate Model Simulations ROY RASMUSSEN, KYOKO IKEDA, CHANGHAI LIU, DAVID GOCHIS, AND MARTYN CLARK National Center for Atmospheric Research,* Boulder, Colorado AIGUO DAI National Center for Atmospheric Research,* Boulder, Colorado, and University at Albany, State University of New York, Albany, New York ETHAN GUTMANN, JIMY DUDHIA, FEI CHEN, MIKE BARLAGE, AND DAVID YATES National Center for Atmospheric Research,* Boulder, Colorado GUO ZHANG National Center for Atmospheric Research,* Boulder, Colorado, and Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing, China (Manuscript received 16 July 2013, in final form 9 January 2014) ABSTRACT A high-resolution climate model (4-km horizontal grid spacing) is used to examine the following question: How will long-term changes in climate impact the partitioning of annual precipitation between evapotranspiration and runoff in the Colorado Headwaters? This question is examined using a climate sensitivity approach in which eight years of current climate is compared to a future climate created by modifying the current climate signal with perturbation from the NCAR Community Climate System Model, version 3 (CCSM3), model forced by the A1B scenario for greenhouse gases out to 2050. The current climate period is shown to agree well with Snowpack Telemetry (SNOTEL) surface observations of precipitation (P) and snowpack, as well as streamflow and AmeriFlux evapotranspiration (ET) observations. The results show that the annual evaporative fraction (ET/P) for the Colorado Headwaters is 0.81 for the current climate and 0.83 for the future climate, indicating increasing aridity in the future despite a positive increase of precipitation. Runoff decreased by an average of 6%, reflecting the increased aridity. Precipitation increased in the future winter by 12%, but decreased in the summer as a result of increased low-level inhibition to convection. The fraction of precipitation that fell as snow decreased from 0.83 in the current climate to 0.74 in the future. Future snowpack did not change significantly until January. From January to March the snowpack increased above ;3000 m MSL and decreased below that level. Snowpack decreased at all elevations in the future from April to July. The peak snowpack and runoff over the headwaters occurred 2–3 weeks earlier in the future simulation, in agreement with previous studies. 1. Introduction * The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Corresponding author address: Roy Rasmussen, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Research Applications Laboratory, P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000. E-mail: rasmus@ucar.edu DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-13-0118.1 Ó 2014 American Meteorological Society Hydrologic impacts of climate change in snowmeltdominated river basins are characterized by more rain and less snow and earlier initiation of snowmelt-driven streamflow (e.g., Barnett et al. 2005; Hamlet et al. 2005; Mote et al. 2005; Regonda et al. 2005; Maurer 2007; Barnett et al. 2008; Pierce et al. 2008; Raisanen 2008; 1092 JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY Adam et al. 2009; Hidalgo et al. 2009; Stewart 2009; Rasmussen et al. 2011). These climate change impacts can be considered predictable, at least to some extent, because of growing confidence that temperatures will increase throughout much of the globe in the coming decades (e.g., Meehl et al. 2007). The relatively high confidence that we have in the impacts of climate change on snow hydrology may not translate to other aspects of the regional water balance. This leads us to a key question in studies of the global and regional water cycle: how will long-term changes in climate impact the partitioning of annual precipitation between evapotranspiration (ET) and runoff ? On a global scale, higher temperatures lead to increased ocean and land surface evaporation and plant transpiration, while increased atmospheric water vapor may lead to clouds with higher water content and more intense and longerlasting precipitation (Trenberth et al. 2003; Sheffield and Wood 2008). This suggests that both precipitation and evaporation are likely to increase (e.g., Seager et al. 2012), although changes at regional and local scales are much less straightforward. Because runoff is the difference between precipitation and evaporation over the long term (in which changes in soil moisture storage are small), the relative rate of change of each of these processes is critical in determining whether runoff, and therefore water resources, will increase or decrease in a future warmer and moister climate. There is a great deal of uncertainty in estimates of changes in runoff over the Colorado River basin, a basin that extends from Arizona in the southwest to Colorado in the northeast. Several studies suggest that there will be increased aridity in the southwestern United States, characterized by an increase in the ratio of evaporation to precipitation (Seager et al. 2007) and reductions in spring snowpack and late spring and summer soil moisture (Cayan et al. 2010). Christensen and Lettenmaier (2007) showed that the Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) climate projections expect an overall increase in winter precipitation and a decrease in summer precipitation. Downscaling these projections and using them as input to the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) hydrologic model gives reductions in runoff ranging from 0 to 211% (Christensen and Lettenmaier 2007). Alexander et al. (2013) also found a decrease in summertime rainfall over much of Colorado from the North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP) future climate projection. Regional climate model sensitivity studies illustrate an increase in winter precipitation (Rasmussen et al. 2011) and a decrease in the fraction of precipitation falling as snow (Wi et al. 2012). Vano et al. (2012) demonstrate that the change in runoff in the Colorado River basin depends strongly on which land VOLUME 15 surface or hydrologic model is used—a point we will return to later in the paper. Much of the water for this region, however, comes from a relatively small high-elevation region in Colorado that stores water in the form of winter snowpack. This snowpack melts in the spring to feed the major rivers in the region and is the primary source of water for the Colorado River basin. This study will focus on the current and expected future climate changes to this critical region. Confidence in the changes in regional estimates of the water cycle from current-generation global climate models suffers from the relatively poor representation of the physical processes related to the water cycle (Trenberth et al. 2003). These processes can be relatively small scale and difficult to parameterize, such as orographic precipitation (Rasmussen et al. 2011), atmospheric convection, and plant transpiration, as compared to the globally well-mixed concentration of CO2 driving temperature changes. For instance, the complex terrain of the Colorado Headwaters region is represented in the National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Climate System Model, version 3 (CCSM3) as a large mound with a peak elevation of around 2300 m located near the Colorado–Utah northern border, which is as much as ;1000 m below typical peak elevations in the headwaters region. Snowfall estimates in this region, based on this coarse-resolution climate model, suffer from both poor spatial representation and a low bias in amount (Rasmussen et al. 2011). Such biases in precipitation location and amount can occur as a result of the inadequate representation of important processes and interactions with terrain, leading to a large degree of uncertainty. While some of the biases in climate model precipitation could be efficiently resolved using statistical downscaling, such methods require assumptions of stationarity in the spatiotemporal distribution of precipitation. These sorts of assumptions can prevent statistical downscaling from producing the proper changes in the distribution of precipitation in a future climate, and the methods themselves often introduce artifacts even in current climate (Maraun 2013). Dynamic downscaling (Gutmann et al. 2012; Pierce et al. 2013), in contrast, using high-resolution models (with 4-km grid spacing and smaller) is typically able to simulate many of the dominant storm vertical motions that drive the precipitation processes in complex terrain (Ikeda et al. 2010), as well as explicitly simulate convection without the need of a convective parameterization (Weisman et al. 1997). As a result, many of the important hydroclimatic processes and their possible changes in a future climate regime are more accurately represented in high-resolution models. The use JUNE 2014 RASMUSSEN ET AL. 1093 FIG. 1. (a) Model domain and elevation. Black dots are SNOTEL observation sites. Red box indicates the headwaters region of Colorado over which the analysis of this study focuses. Denver, Colorado (DEN), is indicated on the map as a reference. (b) Topography over the headwaters region inside the red box in (a). Red stars indicate locations of AmeriFlux sites. (c) Photographs of (top) the allweather weighing precipitation gauge and (bottom) snow pillow at the Brooklyn Lake SNOTEL site in southern Wyoming. of high-resolution models limits the number of future climate models and scenarios that can be addressed, but the process understanding gained from high-resolution models provides important insight into the problem. While many global models now include microphysical parameterizations, poor estimates of vertical velocity in complex terrain and the boundary layer in those models requires a series of ad hoc estimates of vertical velocity (e.g., based on terrain complexity and surface roughness) to provide meaningful precipitation simulations. By contrast, the high-resolution dynamical downscaling technique of Rasmussen et al. (2011) and Ikeda et al. (2010) using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) (Skamarock et al. 2005) climate model at 6-km grid spacing or less is able to accurately estimate vertical motions driven by topography and, as a result, the seasonal snowfall and snowpack over the Colorado Headwaters region within 5% of Snowpack Telemetry (SNOTEL) measurements (Serreze et al. 1999, 2001). The current paper builds on the foundation of these two studies to examine the water balance in the Colorado Headwaters region by conducting a continuous 8-yr simulation following the procedures in Ikeda et al. (2010) and Rasmussen et al. (2011). Eight continuous years are chosen to 1) more accurately spin up the hydrological states of the model, such as soil moisture; 2) obtain full annual cycles; and 3) include more years to address the reliability of the results with respect to interannual variability. The change in the water balance in the future is estimated using the pseudo global warming (PGW) approach (Sch€ ar et al. 1996; Sato et al. 2007; Hara et al. 2008; Kawase et al. 2009; Rasmussen et al. 2011). The model setup and domain are described in section 2. Section 3 presents comparisons of current climate simulation results to observations. Section 4 discusses the change in water balance components in the future climate simulation. A summary of water balance analysis is given in section 5, followed by a discussion in section 6. Section 7 summarizes the conclusions of this study. 2. WRF simulations and analysis approach a. Analysis domain This study focuses on the Colorado Headwaters region (Fig. 1, red outline), the primary water source for eight major western U.S. rivers. These include the Colorado, Yampa, Gunnison, and San Juan Rivers, which flow to the west, and the Rio Grande, South Platte, Republican, and Arkansas Rivers, which flow to the east. Water from these rivers is relied on for a variety of activities in the western United States, such as irrigation, drinking water, hydropower generation, power plant cooling, recreation, and ecosystem maintenance. As discussed in Miller and Yates (2005), the demand 1094 JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY VOLUME 15 TABLE 1. WRF model physics options used in this study. The convective parameterization was activated only for the 12-km and 36-km simulations. Parameterization schemes References Land surface WRF physics Noah LSM, version 3.2, with upgraded snow physics Microphysics Planetary boundary layer (PBL) Longwave and shortwave radiation Convective parameterization Thompson mixed phase Yonsei University PBL Community Atmosphere Model, version 3 (CAM3) Betts–Miller–Janjic Chen and Dudhia (2001) Barlage et al. (2010) Thompson et al. (2008) Hong et al. (2006) Collins et al. (2006) Janjic (1994) for irrigation and drinking water is expected to dramatically increase in the twenty-first century, and, as a result, water managers and scientists have focused on how the amount and allocation of water between precipitation, evaporation, groundwater, and runoff may change in a future warmer climate. Thus, it is vitally important to understand likely changes to the water cycle in this region under future climate change. While a number of studies have focused on the future water balance in the Colorado River basin (e.g., Milly et al. 2005; Hoerling and Eischeid 2007; Christensen and Lettenmaier 2007; Seager et al. 2007; Hoerling et al. 2009; Vano et al. 2012), relatively few have specifically studied the balance in the Colorado Headwaters region, and even fewer have studied it at high resolution. b. WRF configuration and historical simulations Rasmussen et al. (2011) conducted high-resolution simulations of the water balance over the Colorado Headwaters for four winter seasons (from 1 October to 1 May) with the regional WRF model. They were able to correctly capture the amount and spatial distribution of the snowfall and snowpack over the Colorado Headwaters region as validated against SNOTEL observations of precipitation and snow water equivalent (SWE). They showed a 12%– 15% increase in snowfall in a future climate using the PGW approach. Simulations were conducted for one full water year (1 October 2007–30 September 2008) to evaluate changes in the regional water balance in a future climate, but it was noted that the soil moisture was not correctly spun up at the beginning of the water year in the PGW experiments and, consequently, that simulated runoff change projections were likely in error. We address this issue directly in the study presented here. The WRF model is configured in the same general manner as in Rasmussen et al. (2011) in terms of domain and model physics, except that the snow physics in the Noah land surface model (LSM) has been improved by the work of Barlage et al. (2010) through modifications to snow roughness length and albedo and surface exchange reduction for stable boundary layers; see Table 1 for details on the physics options used. The model’s full domain is shown in Fig. 1a, and the red rectangle shows the headwaters domain (Fig. 1b) with the SNOTEL stations indicated by black dots. A typical SNOTEL site is shown in Fig. 1c. Note that the headwaters domain shown here is for analysis purposes only. The initial and 3-hourly lateral boundary conditions for the model run were taken from the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) (Mesinger et al. 2006) and applied to the model domain shown in Fig. 1a. Convective parameterization was used for the 12- and 36-km simulations, but not for the 4-km simulation. This paper improves the accuracy of potential changes in the regional water balance by simulating the snowfall, snowpack, soil moisture, and runoff over the Colorado Headwaters region for eight continuous years starting on 1 October 2000. Continuous simulation, as opposed to the seasonal time-slice approach used previously, provides more realistic cycling of soil moisture, allowing for the proper evolution of the soil moisture and temperature fields. In the previous simulations (Rasmussen et al. 2011) the soil moisture and temperature states were initialized from the NARR in both the current and future climate simulations in each time slice period (i.e., 1 October–1 May). As such, the future soils were already both too wet and too warm at the beginning of the time slice period which, when forced by the warmer future climate, resulted in spurious drainage of soil water throughout the winter at many of the headwaters locations. By allowing the model to run continuously and discarding the entire first year of model simulation, the new simulations correct this artifact, allowing for a more accurate estimate of the seasonality of the water balance for both the current and future climate. c. Pseudo-global-warming climate change approach The future water balance is examined by applying the PGW approach described in Rasmussen et al. (2011). The technique imposes a mean monthly climate-modeldetermined perturbation to the NARR initial and boundary conditions to simulate the future climate. The climate model used to calculate the perturbations was the NCAR CCSM3 model under the A1B scenario. JUNE 2014 1095 RASMUSSEN ET AL. The monthly averaged climate change perturbation was calculated as the difference between the 10-yr monthly average temperature, water vapor, winds, and geopotential height from 2045 to 2055 and 1995 to 2005. These perturbations were applied to the NARR data for initial conditions and at the model boundary every 3 h for the 8 yr of the current climate to simulate the future climate. The same increase of CO2 in the CCSM3 model was also applied to the WRF model. Further details of the PGW approach are described in Rasmussen et al. (2011). This procedure preserves the mean monthly changes in dynamics, temperature, moisture, and winds, but not the submonthly perturbations due to individual storms. Thus, storm track changes are not explicitly simulated. One of the reasons why this approach was adopted was because most global climate models agree on the sign and magnitude of the temperature and moisture perturbation (Solomon et al. 2007), but the changes in the water cycle are much more uncertain, suggesting that the simulation of storm track changes and other components of the water cycle are not handled in a consistent manner in the current generation of global models. In any case, the current approach provides a reasonable estimate of the changes in the water cycle assuming that the storm tracks in the future climate are the same as the current reanalysis climate. Summer storms, as will be seen later, are not so constrained. Q 5 P 2 ET . The water cycle is examined over the Colorado Headwaters region (Fig. 1b). The land surface components of the water cycle to be discussed include precipitation, evapotranspiration, runoff, and soil moisture. In this assessment, runoff from each land-surface model grid point is aggregated over our study region and is not transported laterally, meaning there is no accounting for the horizontal movement of water. Additionally, the calculated ‘‘total’’ runoff from each model grid cell is the sum of water that does not infiltrate (i.e., surface runoff) and that which drains out the bottom of the soil column (underground or subsurface runoff). Thus, the total runoff represents the flux of water that is not taken up by evapotranspiration or stored as soil moisture. The water mass budget over a basin or region can be written as (1) where dS/dt is change in the storage of water in and above the ground (S) over time, P is precipitation, ET is evapotranspiration, and Q is runoff. If multiple annual (2) The question posed by this paper is how the terms in this equation change on a mean annual basis over the Colorado Headwater region as a result of climate change. In that case, we can rewrite Eq. (2) as DQ 5 DP 2 DET, (3) where the D refers to the difference between future and current climate for the various terms on an annual basis. Runoff can decrease by either a decrease in precipitation or an increase of evapotranspiration. If we divide Eq. (2) by precipitation and rearrange terms, we can describe the annual mean water balance by the following equation: 1 5 ET/P 1 Q/P , d. Analysis approach dS 5 P 2 ET 2 Q , dt cycles are considered, modeled changes in storage can be neglected because net changes in the 2-m soil column moisture storage over the 8-yr simulation period are orders of magnitude less than the accumulated water fluxes associated with precipitation, evapotranspiration, and runoff. Therefore, in this study, we examine the mean monthly and annual water cycle over seven years by neglecting the storage term and ignoring the first year of model spinup period, focusing on the climatological partitioning of precipitation between evapotranspiration and runoff: (4) or under climate change, the following equation can also be written: 1 5 DET/DP 1 DQ/DP . (5) This permits us to describe the water balance in terms of the ratio of ET and runoff to precipitation or the fractional ET and runoff efficiency. These terms have also been referred to as the ET and runoff elasticity (Schaake 1990). Thus, an increase in the fractional evapotranspiration will result in a decrease in the runoff efficiency as more of the precipitation is used for evapotranspiration. 3. Evaluation of the WRF current climate simulation Before proceeding with analysis of future change in water budgets, it is important to assess the realism of WRF-simulated land surface components of the water budget by comparing them against long-term observations under current climate conditions. This section focuses on the evaluation of precipitation, SWE, runoff, and ET. 1096 JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY VOLUME 15 FIG. 2. (a) Observed and simulated 8-yr climatological mean precipitation accumulation for a full water-year cycle. The observed and model data were averaged over 93 SNOTEL sites in the headwaters region. Blue and red vertical bars represent 61 std dev from the 8-yr climatological mean. (b) Scatterplot comparison of 8-yr climatological monthly total precipitation between SNOTEL observations and WRF simulation data at SNOTEL sites. (c) Observed and simulated 8-yr climatological average snow water equivalent. (d) Comparison of 8-yr climatological SWE on the first of each calendar month between SNOTEL and WRF output at all 93 SNOTEL sites. The solid black lines in (b) and (d) are the one-to-one line, and the solid red lines are the least-squared fit through the data points. Values in (b) are the correlation coefficients between the WRF simulation and SNOTEL precipitation for the full season, winter season (October–May), and summer season (June–September), respectively; values in (d) are the correlation between the WRF simulation and SNOTEL for SWE for the full season and for winter (October–May), respectively. a. Precipitation The SNOTEL precipitation gauge and snow pillow data were used to verify the WRF simulations from 1 October 2000 to 30 September 2008. Ninety-three SNOTEL sites over the headwaters domain provided continuous measurements during the simulation period (black dots in Fig. 1). The sites are typically located at elevations between 2400 and 3600 m in a forest clearing (Fig. 1c). The measurement error for the SNOTEL precipitation gauges is on the order of 10%–15% owing to wind undercatch (Yang et al. 1998; Rasmussen et al. 2012). To compare the model results to the observations, model values were obtained by taking the inverse-distance weighted average of the four data points closest to each SNOTEL site. Figures 2 and 3 compare the seasonal accumulated precipitation and snowpack at SNOTEL sites. Note the good comparison of the model precipitation accumulation to that of the SNOTELs on an 8-yr average basis (Fig. 2a) and for each year (Fig. 3). Particularly remarkable is the excellent comparison to the standard deviation over the 8 yr (Fig. 2a). The linear fit of monthly averaged WRF precipitation (Fig. 2b) and snowpack (Fig. 2d) to SNOTEL observations is close to the one-to-one line and has correlation coefficients greater than 0.8 over an annual cycle. These results are consistent with the good comparisons found in the Ikeda et al. (2010) and Rasmussen et al. (2011) WRF simulations for four water years at 2-km horizontal grid spacing. In addition, the spatial patterns of WRF and SNOTEL observations over the 8 yr are very similar for winter (e.g., Figs. 4a,b showing the spatial patterns for the 2008 water year). It should be noted that SNOTEL precipitation is likely biased slightly low owing to the impact of wind undercatch of snowfall (Rasmussen et al. 2012), with the exact amount depending on the wind speed. Because wind speed data are not generally available at SNOTEL sites, it is difficult to estimate the exact amount of JUNE 2014 RASMUSSEN ET AL. 1097 FIG. 3. Time history of observed and simulated precipitation accumulation, averaged over 93 SNOTEL sites, for each of the eight water years. undercatch to be expected. In general, SNOTEL sites are sited in forest clearings, which typically experience wind speeds less than 2 m s21. This suggests that the undercatch is less than 10% (Rasmussen et al. 2012). The good comparison of the model-simulated precipitation to SNOTEL observation in terms of amount and spatial distribution suggests that precipitation is estimated within 65% of the SNOTEL observations on an annual basis (Figs. 2a and 3). A notable result is the good agreement in precipitation amounts and spatial pattern between model and observations for summer as well (Figs. 4c,d), indicating that the 4-km WRF simulations are capturing the statistics and general spatial pattern of convective precipitation on a monthly time scale reasonably well. Note that rain gauge data from the Global Historical Climatological Network (GHCN) (Klein Tank et al. 2002) have been added to Fig. 4d to show rainfall observations from low elevation surface sites. The GHCN data were not used for comparing the wintertime precipitation distribution because not all gauges compiled in the GHCN database are appropriate for snowfall measurements (e.g., gauges are not heated nor properly protected from winds). Compared with the 4-km WRF data, model simulations at 12- and 36-km grid spacings over the same time period using a convective parameterization (Betts– Miller–Janjic scheme, Table 1) show significantly greater overestimation of precipitation in the summertime over the headwaters region (Fig. 5), indicating that the 4-km model runs with explicit convection capture the main effects of summertime precipitation far better than coarser-resolution models using convection parameterizations. As will be shown later, this ability is crucial in capturing the annual water balance of this region and lays the foundation for conducting future simulations. The 1098 JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY VOLUME 15 underestimation of precipitation at 36-km grid spacing for the winter found in the Rasmussen et al. (2011) study and mentioned earlier is also shown in Fig. 5c. b. Snow water equivalent The simulations of SWE in Rasmussen et al. (2011) showed a significant low bias in the snowpack amount and an error in the timing of the onset and complete melting of the snowpack. The current results using the updated snow physics in the Noah LSM (Barlage et al. 2010) have significantly improved. Figure 6 illustrates that WRF and the observations have similar spatial patterns in SWE both at the time of peak SWE (1 April; Figs. 6a,b) and near the end of the melt season (1 June; Figs. 6c,d). Nevertheless, the comparison of the mean SWE between SNOTEL and WRF simulation illustrates a lingering underestimate of peak SWE of about 20% compared with SNOTEL values (Fig. 2c). The model bias is also presented in Fig. 2d, which shows SWE on the first day of each calendar month from SNOTEL observations and WRF simulations at the site locations. The onset and offset of snowpack is well simulated for all 8 yr, and the bias has significantly improved, although there is still a low bias in the maximum snowpack in most years (not shown). This underestimate in peak SWE is partially due to continued deficiencies in the Noah LSM snow treatment, primarily the lack of canopy separation from the snowpack. This results in too much surface energy being used to sublimate the snowpack in the accumulation phase and melt the pack in the beginning of the ablation phase. c. Comparison to observed streamflow FIG. 4. The 4-km WRF simulation of (a) winter and (c) summer precipitation amounts and (b) winter and (d) summer observations from the 2008 water year (1 October 2007 to 30 September 2008). Winter snowfall observations are from SNOTEL data. SNOTEL (circles) and GHCN (triangles) datasets are shown for summertime rainfall. The light gray contours (same for Figs. 6, 9, 11, 12, 14–16) are elevation contours every 600 m. See Fig. 1 for topography and absolute elevation contours. The small circles on (a) and (c) mark the SNOTEL locations. Figure 7 compares the runoff from the current climate simulation to naturalized streamflow at the Cameo stream gauge on the Colorado River near Grand Junction, Colorado. The model streamflow was determined by summing the runoff from all model grid points contained within watersheds that drain into the Colorado River upstream of the Cameo stream gauge. The naturalized streamflow was obtained from the Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of the Interior (www.usbr.gov/lc/ region/g4000/NaturalFlow/current.html). The streamflow from the headwaters simulation agrees within 5% of the naturalized streamflow on a mean annual and mean monthly basis, though it is important to note that this good agreement at the scale of the upper Colorado River basin does mask rather significant error structures occurring in smaller headwater basins (not shown). Analysis of the water budget over smaller headwater basins is the subject of a forthcoming paper and is not discussed in detail here. Nevertheless, the reasonable estimation of runoff from WRF (Fig. 7) and JUNE 2014 RASMUSSEN ET AL. 1099 FIG. 5. The 8-yr average of the model bias (model minus observation) in monthly total precipitation (bars) and accumulative difference over a full year cycle (blue line with filled circles) from the (a) 4-km, (b) 12-km, and (c) 36-km simulations. Error bars on the monthly bias are one standard deviation associated with the 8-yr-average model bias, indicating the year-to-year spread in the model biases. the rather good representation of precipitation (Figs. 2–6) suggest that the model is doing a credible job of partitioning precipitation into ET and runoff components at the large river basin scales and over the headwaters region. d. Evapotranspiration High-quality long-term data of surface heat fluxes within the Colorado Headwaters modeling domain are available at two AmeriFlux sites: Niwot Ridge, Colorado, and the Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site (GLEES), Wyoming (see Fig. 1b for locations; information on the AmeriFlux network can be found at http://public.ornl.gov/ameriflux/sop.shtml). The GLEES site experienced a major spruce bark beetle epidemic in 2008 that reduced evapotranspiration because of stoppage of water and nutrients exchange from tree roots to the crown. Since these effects are not represented in the Noah LSM, the GLEES data were not used in this comparison. Therefore, the 7-yr (1 October 2001 to 1 October 2008) data of latent heat flux obtained from the Niwot Ridge site are used to evaluate WRF-simulated evapotranspiration. The Niwot Ridge AmeriFlux site is located above 3000 m elevation in the Roosevelt National Forest in the Rocky Mountains of central Colorado. It is dominated by subalpine forest with a leaf area index of 4.2 m2 m22 and canopy height of 11.4 m. The latent heat fluxes (LH) were measured using the eddy-covariance technique and were used to calculate the mass transfer of water between the surface and the atmosphere by converting the LH directly into millimeters of water equivalent, such that ET 5 LH/LV (mm), (6) where LH is in watts per square meter and LV is the latent heat of vaporization (2.48 3 106 J kg21, an averaged value of LV at 08 and 208C). To account for the uncertainty in this conversion during snow seasons due to possible presence of water on the snow surface, a second set of estimated ET is produced using both latent heat of sublimation (2.83 3 106 J kg21, when the air temperature is below 08C) and latent heat of vaporization when the air temperature is above 08C. However, the differences in ET estimated from these two methods are generally small (Fig. 8). Figure 8 shows that the seasonal trend, magnitude, and annual variability in WRF-simulated ET generally agree with observations. Modeled winter ET agrees with observations as well, but the model produces higher ET in late spring and summer. The problem of overestimation of summer ET in the Noah LSM for the Niwot Ridge site was previously reported by Kumar et al. (2011) and was attributed to a somewhat too low canopy resistance calculated by the simple Jarvis scheme in the Noah LSM. Note that the WRF winter and spring precipitation amount is higher than observations at this site, which partially contributes to high ET in WRF. Therefore, a more reasonable way of evaluating the model is to compare the evapotranspiration-to-precipitation ratio. The 7-yr average of the ET-to-P ratio simulated by WRF for this site is 0.89 (60.11 standard deviation), which is nearly identical to the observed ratio of 0.90 (60.11 standard deviation, using the latent heat of vaporization) and 0.86 (60.11 standard deviation, using the latent heat of vaporization and sublimation). 4. Changes in water balance components a. Precipitation Figure 9 illustrates winter and spring precipitation (Figs. 9a–c, winter precipitation hereafter) and summer and early fall precipitation (Figs. 9d–f, summer precipitation hereafter) for the 7-yr period in the historical and PGW simulations. The spatial pattern of winter precipitation (1 October–31 May, Fig. 9a) is closely 1100 JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY FIG. 6. Snow water equivalent on 1 April 2008 and 1 June 2008 from the (a),(c) WRF simulation with 4-km grid spacing and (b),(d) SNOTEL observations. Open circles on (d) indicate SNOTEL sites with SWE amount of zero; that is, all snow on the ground has melted by 1 June 2008. associated with topography, with the highest precipitation correlated with the highest elevations. In the future scenario, precipitation is observed to increase with a pattern similar to that in the current climate distribution VOLUME 15 at first glance (Fig. 9b). However, the difference plot between future and current winter precipitation (Fig. 9c) shows that the precipitation in the future is increasing nearly everywhere in the domain. This reveals an unexpected result: the positive difference pattern is not primarily determined by the height of the terrain, as similar positive differences occur in the valleys and lower elevations. The spatial pattern of summer precipitation (1 June– 30 September) is also correlated with topography, with the highest precipitation amounts associated with the highest topography in both the current (Fig. 9d) and future simulations (Fig. 9e). This finding is consistent with the general diurnal orographic convective regime inherent to many mountainous regions around the world [e.g., agrees with satellite observations of Banta and Schaaf (1987), which show that convection in summer is preferentially initiated at higher elevations as a result of the elevated heat source and mountain/valley diurnal circulations]. The difference between future and current simulations (Fig. 9f) shows that the precipitation in the summer decreases in the future, in contrast to the winter results when precipitation increases over the domain. An analysis of various convective indices from the simulations was performed for the months of June–August in order to understand the reason for the decrease in precipitation. The results showed that the future soundings consistently exhibited a stronger cap for convection than the current climate soundings. This was quantified by using the Bmin parameter, which is the maximum negative buoyancy beneath the level of free convection (LFC) (Trier et al. 2011). Larger negative values of Bmin indicate more inhibition for convective storm development. Table 2 provides the mean values of Bmin for June– August at 1500, 1800, and 2100 UTC (late morning into early afternoon) from the current and future simulations and the difference. As indicated in the last column, Bmin has a consistently larger negative value in the future simulations. The spatial distribution of Bmin for these three months showed negative values throughout the domain. The reason for the larger inhibition was traced back to the preferential midlevel heating in the driving global climate model (CCSM3) for the future climate change simulation. The total amount of precipitation in the summer is approximately half that occurring in the winter (cf. Figs. 9a and 9d) and one-third the annual total (not shown) for both current and future simulations. The average increase in precipitation over the simulation period in the PGW experiments is positive, and the pattern of change closely resembles that of the winter precipitation change. Precipitation increases at all elevations in winter (Figs. 10a,h) and decreases at all elevations in summer (Figs. 10a,i). The maximum mass increase of precipitation JUNE 2014 RASMUSSEN ET AL. 1101 FIG. 7. (a) Mean accumulated monthly flow volumes for Colorado River at the Cameo stream gauge. ‘‘Reconstructed’’ is based on the naturalized streamflow from the Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of Interior (available from www.usbr.gov/lc/region/g4000/NaturalFlow/current.html). WRF-Current is based on the 4-km current climate simulation. Values are the average between 2001 and 2008. (b) The 7-yr mean annual flow at Cameo from the streamflow gauge and the WRF simulation. over the headwaters domain on an annual basis occurs at an elevation of 2300 m (Fig. 10g). At this elevation the increase of precipitation combines with the relatively large surface area to produce the precipitation maximum. b. Snow–rain partitioning Changes in rainfall and snowfall depend on elevation (Figs. 10 and 11). Consistent with the increase in winter precipitation presented in Fig. 9c, winter snowfall increases at elevations higher than 2900 m MSL (Figs. 10b,e), and large increases in rainfall occur in the western part of the headwaters domain (Fig. 11c) at elevations below 2900 m MSL (Figs. 10c,e). The average surface temperature in regions above 2900 m is less than 08C in the winter future simulation, allowing for snowfall and snow accumulation to continue at high elevations. There is a reduction in wintertime snowfall at low elevations (yellow regions in Fig. 11a; Figs. 10b,e) associated with the conversion of snow to rain owing to the rise in freezing levels by ;200 m in the warmer climate (Rasmussen et al. 2011). Also note that the increases in wintertime rainfall are somewhat muted at higher elevations (cf the changes in winter precipitation in Fig. 9c with the changes in rainfall in Fig. 11c as well as Fig. 10c), as most of high-elevation winter precipitation falls as snow in those regions. The elevation controls on snow–rain partitioning are also evident during summer (Figs. 10b, 10c and 11b,d). In particular, note the decrease in snowfall at higher elevations (Figs. 10b and 11b), associated with both the domainwide decrease in summer precipitation (Fig. 9f) and a greater fraction of the high-elevation precipitation falling as rain. The decreases in summertime rainfall are less coherent spatially, where the widespread decreases in summertime rainfall (consistent with precipitation decreases) are interspersed with small areas of increased precipitation. The increased rainfall generally occurs at higher elevations during early summer (June), reflecting the transition of snow to rain as a result of warmer temperatures during that period (Figs. 10c,f). The most striking result for rain is the overall decrease in the future for the summer months (Fig. 10c)—a feature that will have an important impact on the net change in runoff. c. Snowpack (SWE) Snow water equivalent on 1 April is strongly correlated with topography, with higher SWE amounts at the FIG. 8. Comparison of the 2001–08 climatological average of monthly evapotranspiration from the 4-km WRF simulation and measurements at the Niwot Ridge AmeriFlux site (Obs). Vertical bars are one standard deviation from the 2001–08 average. 1102 JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY VOLUME 15 FIG. 9. The 7-yr average of winter precipitation from the 4-km (a) current and (b) future climate simulations: (c) difference (future minus current). (d)–(f) As in (a)–(c), but for summer precipitation. highest elevations (Figs. 12a,b and 13). The 1 April snowpack is found to decrease throughout the headwaters domain in the future (Fig. 12c) except for small increases in the mountains on the very eastern portion of the analysis domain (Front Range and Sangre de Cristo Mountains). These mountains received nearly double the amount of snowfall in the future scenario as compared to other mountain ranges farther west in the headwaters region (Figs. 9a–c) and, thus, have sufficient amounts of snow to offset the enhanced melting in the warmer climate. Snowpack did not change significantly at any elevation until January (Fig. 13). From January through March the snowpack increased above ;3000 m MSL and decreased below that level. Snowpack decreased at all elevations in the future from April through July (elevations at which snowpack was present in the current climate). d. Soil moisture The total soil water content (mm) in the 2-m deep WRF soil column shows maximum soil moisture at the highest elevations and lowest values at low elevations (Fig. 14). This reflects the fact that the primary source of moisture for the soil is from the winter precipitation JUNE 2014 RASMUSSEN ET AL. TABLE 2. The 8-yr climatological maximum negative buoyancy (Bmin, K) averaged over the headwaters domain at 1500, 1800, and 2100 UTC. Values within parentheses indicate one standard deviation from the climatological mean Bmin; Bmin was determined from levels beneath the LFC or below 3 km AGL when there was no LFC. For a description of Bmin, see Fig. 10 in Trier et al. (2011). Bmin Month Time Current climate Jun 1500 UTC 1800 UTC 2100 UTC 1500 UTC 1800 UTC 2100 UTC 1500 UTC 1800 UTC 2100 UTC 23.93 (0.41) 22.36 (0.44) 21.87 (0.33) 23.12 (0.37) 21.61 (0.26) 21.40 (0.16) 23.18 (0.51) 21.77 (0.46) 21.52 (0.34) Jul Aug Future climate Future minus current 24.27 (0.44) 22.68 (0.45) 22.11 (0.35) 23.42 (0.41) 21.84 (0.33) 21.51 (0.21) 23.52 (0.59) 22.03 (0.53) 21.69 (0.40) 20.34 (0.05) 20.31 (0.04) 20.24 (0.05) 20.30 (0.06) 20.22 (0.06) 20.11 (0.05) 20.33 (0.09) 20.26 (0.08) 20.17 (0.07) and snowpack that also maximizes over the highest elevations. At these elevations, the ample supply of water in the form of snowmelt means that evapotranspiration is primarily controlled by the available energy. The changes in soil moisture in Fig. 14f show substantial decreases (;10%) in high-elevation soil moisture in the future in summer. This is likely due to four factors: 1) earlier snowpack melting results in a longer period for ET to deplete soil moisture over the summer, 2) the warmer temperatures in the future results in higher ET rates, 3) the reduction of rainfall in the summer at high elevations, and 4) longer periods of time during the year with relatively warm soils that allow water to flow freely through the soil as opposed to being bound in partially frozen conditions. Moreover, the presence of seasonally high soil moisture values at high elevations means that this region has the largest potential for decreases. The reduced soil moisture has significant implications for ecosystem changes in this region (Molotch et al. 2009) and for wildfire frequency (Morton et al. 2013); these aspects are explored in more detail in section 4g. e. Evapotranspiration Figure 15 shows seasonal ET from the current and future simulations and the differences in the two simulations. The amount of ET in summer is at least a factor of 2 larger than that in winter as the onset of spring growth and increased temperatures increase the rate of ET (Fig. 15). The domain-average amount of summer ET is quite large, ;400 mm, similar to the total amount of precipitation in this region (Fig. 9). Thus, the net runoff [Eq. (2)] is the difference between two large terms. As a result, small changes in either precipitation 1103 or evapotranspiration can have a disproportionately large impact on runoff. The spatial pattern of winter ET shows the highest ET occurring at midlevel elevations (Fig. 15a). These midelevations combine relatively high precipitation amounts (Fig. 9a) with an appreciable fraction of wintertime precipitation falling as rain and frequent midwinter melt events (not shown) and warmer temperatures to drive higher ET. At higher elevations, temperatures are lower, the ground is covered with snow for the entire winter, and the terrain is less vegetated, which leads to less total ET. In the future climate, there are small increases in winter ET across the entire headwaters region, with increases most pronounced at midelevation locations (Fig. 15c). This enhanced ET region appears to be driven by a cascade of impacts associated with warmer temperatures, including a longer growing season when temperatures are sufficiently high to support high levels of photosynthesis and higher evaporative demand. Additionally, regions with enhanced ET in the future are also regions in which winter precipitation is shown to be enhanced (see Fig. 9c), which provides a source of water for the additional ET. The spatial pattern of ET in summer shows a strong correlation of the rate of ET with elevation (Figs. 15d–e). Figure 15f shows that increases in summertime ET in the future are restricted to higher elevations where there is ample meltwater from snow and increases in the incoming radiation at the surface for ET to have an unfettered impact. Despite the large increases in incoming radiation at the surface during summer, there are large areas of the domain, particularly in midelevation regions, where summertime ET does not change a great deal or where summertime ET actually decreases in the future climate (Fig. 15f). The areas of summertime ET decreases are generally collocated with areas of lower climatological soil moisture (Fig. 14d), suggesting that decreases in plant-available water associated with both less wintertime snowfall and earlier snowmelt (although small) are sufficient to create drought stress and offset the increases in energy. The potential for increased drought stress on vegetation at midelevations will clearly impact ecosystem health and will be examined in more detail in future studies. f. Runoff The spatial pattern of runoff shows that the source regions for runoff are at elevations above ;2600 m (Fig. 16a), where there is an extensive snowpack (Fig. 9a). Summer runoff is restricted to a narrower elevation range (above ;3200 m, Fig. 16d) than winter runoff, as the snowpack at midelevations is melted off in spring (April and May). The summer runoff magnitude is higher 1104 JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY VOLUME 15 FIG. 10. Climatological differences between the current and future climate (a) precipitation; (b) snowfall; (c) and rainfall amount for a full water year (annual), winter (October–May), and summer (June–September) in elevation bands between 1500 and 3900 m (increments of 200 m). The difference is taken as future minus current climate. The values are averaged over the headwaters domain. Horizontal bars on data points indicate one standard deviation from the climatological mean difference and express a year-to-year variation in the future minus current differences. The climatological differences in total water equivalent mass of snow and rain in the elevation bands are shown for (d) a full water year, (e) October–May, and (f) June–September. (g)–(i) Total precipitation mass (i.e., mass of snow and rain). JUNE 2014 RASMUSSEN ET AL. 1105 Figure 16f shows strong reductions in summertime runoff at high elevations that occur as a result of depleted latespring snowpack owing to earlier melting in a warmer climate (Figs. 10b, 13), the decrease in summer rainfall (Fig. 9f), and drier soil (Fig. 14f) that enhances the infiltration of rainfall into soil layers. g. Summary of seasonal changes in water balance components FIG. 11. The 7-yr average difference of snowfall amount between the 4-km future and current simulations for (a) winter and (b) summer months. (c),(d) As in (a),(b), but for rainfall. than in the winter period at high elevations as a result of the deep snow available at these elevations. In the future, there is an increase in runoff during winter (Fig. 16c), which occurs as a result of more of the precipitation falling as rain during winter and earlier snowmelt. Figure 17 illustrates the seasonal cycles of precipitation, evapotranspiration, runoff, and potential evaporation (PE) for the current and future periods. The monthly changes in precipitation owing to climate change are dominated by increases during winter (through May) and then decreases during summer (Fig. 17b). The increase of winter precipitation is approximately four times the decrease of precipitation in the summer, resulting in a net increase in precipitation of 31 mm yr21 (Fig. 17b). Offsetting the precipitation increases, monthly ET is higher in nearly all months in the future climate scenario with ET increases most pronounced during late spring and early summer (Fig. 17d). ET actually decreases slightly in August and September in the future because of the reduction in future precipitation during this period and the depletion of soil moisture. The annual increase in ET is 37 mm yr21 (Fig. 17d), resulting in a net annual decrease in runoff of 6 mm yr21 (Fig. 17f). The annual cycle of runoff from the historical period shows a rapid increase from April to May as a result of the snowmelt cycle (Fig. 17e). Very little snowmelt occurs after 30 June and consequently, the contribution of snowmelt to runoff decreases to near zero. After 30 June, most of the runoff is driven by rainfall, which is significant during July– August (;40 mm month21, Fig. 17a). Runoff, however, remains small (,5 mm month21) because nearly all of the rainfall in summer in the model evaporates because of high temperatures, solar radiation levels, and relatively low humidity (Fig. 17e). In the future simulation, runoff increases more rapidly between March and April than the current simulation, owing to the early onset of snowmelt in the future warmer climate and snow melting to rain before reaching the ground. As a result of the earlier melt and the increased ET from April through June, the amount of meltwater available for runoff in the summer is reduced; therefore, runoff is decreased in the summer in a future climate. The net effect over the annual cycle is a slight net decrease in runoff due to the enhanced ET from April to June, the reduction of rain in July and August, and the earlier onset of runoff in the spring. Current and future average values of SWE on the first of the month and of monthly-mean soil moisture are shown in Fig. 18. Differences in SWE shown in Fig. 18b 1106 JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY VOLUME 15 FIG. 12. (a) Current and (b) future SWE on 1 April averaged over 7 yr (2001–08) from the 4-km simulations. (c) The differences between future and current SWE on 1 April. illustrate a dramatic reduction in springtime SWE values across the headwaters region, indicating an earlier onset of snowmelt. For all months, domain-average SWE in the PGW simulation are less than those in the current climate simulation. Changes in monthly values of soil moisture exhibit a more differential response to warming where late winter and spring months possess higher soil moisture values, while summer and autumn months have decreased soil moisture. The increase in March–May soil moisture is likely the result of increased rain versus snow in the late winter and of increased snowmelt in the early spring. Figure 17 synthesizes the interplay among water input (precipitation), atmospheric demand (potential evaporation), and actual evapotranspiration. PE essentially indicates a demand for evaporation for given atmosphere and soil conditions. It is important to assess the variations in PE under future climate and its relation to actual evaporation. PE is calculated in the Noah LSM by a Penman-based energy balance approach that includes a stability-dependent aerodynamic resistance (Mahrt and Ek 1984; Chen and Dudhia 2001). Increased summertime shortwave radiation, surface air temperature, and wind speed, along with decreasing humidity, leads to a noticeable increase in summer PE in PGW (;8% for June–August, Fig. 17h). In the future climate, even though higher winter precipitation and earlier spring snowmelt (Figs. 17a,b) resulted in more late-spring soil water storage (April and May, Fig. 18b), the combination of higher summer PE (Fig. 17h) and less summer precipitation leads to higher late-spring and early summer ET (Fig. 17d) and drier soil in summer (Fig. 18b). This differential behavior equates to an amplification of the annual cycle of soil moisture in the headwaters region. This amplified seasonal cycle, particularly the extended periods of decreased soil moisture, are likely to have secondary ecosystem impacts such as increased warm-season drought stress on vegetation and changes in biogeochemical cycles as a result of altered levels of soil water that regulate numerous biogeochemical exchanges in mountain ecosystems. In particular, the substantial increases in water deficit (PE 2 P) under future climate from April to August (Figs. 17a,g) outweigh the enhanced winter–spring precipitation, which amplifies soil aridity, ecosystem stress, and fire activity (assuming other fire triggers remain the same) in this water-limited region. Morton et al. (2013) reported a strong positive correlation between PE and burned area for the Rockies. Therefore, despite an increase in high-elevation winter precipitation in future climate, enhanced spring and summer water deficit (PE 2 P) and drier summer soil may increase summer wildfire activity or fire potential in this region. 5. Water balance analysis The water balance equation [Eq. (2)] can now be analyzed quantitatively. The results are shown in Fig. 19 in which the mean value and standard deviation (number in parentheses) of the annual values is given. The results for the 4-km current climate simulation show that the 7-yr average annual precipitation is ;534 mm JUNE 2014 RASMUSSEN ET AL. 1107 FIG. 13. Climatological differences (future minus current climate) in first-of-the-month SWE (mm) in various elevation bands between 1500 and 3900 m (increments of 200 m). Vertical bars indicate one standard deviation from the climatological mean difference. and evapotranspiration is ;430 mm (Fig. 19). Runoff is only 104 mm in this case with a runoff fraction of 0.19. Thus, evapotranspiration is depleting much of the precipitation. The ET spatial analysis (Fig. 15) shows that much of the high values of ET in winter are located at midelevations of the region where sufficient vegetation combines with warmer temperatures and the presence of precipitation and snowpack to optimize ET. During the summer, ET maximizes at the highest elevations. In the future, annual ET increases by ;37 mm, while annual precipitation increases by slightly less, 31 mm. As a result, runoff is reduced by approximately 6 mm. Thus, while both precipitation and ET increase in the pseudoglobal-warming future climate, the ET increases more than the precipitation increases, resulting in a slight reduction in runoff. Considering the magnitude of the total annual precipitation and ET, the change in runoff is only a 1% change in either quantity. The larger increase in ET in the future compared to precipitation reduces the runoff fraction to 0.17. A key factor reducing the runoff efficiency is the reduction of precipitation over the summer months due to an increase of convective inhibition. Otherwise, the increase in ET and precipitation would have been nearly the same, resulting in no change to the runoff. 6. Discussion The 8-yr current climate simulations provide a highresolution depiction of the water cycle in the Colorado Headwaters region for the period between 2000 and 2008. The results show a region dominated by the annual cycle of snow accumulation during the winter, melt in the spring, and runoff during the spring and summer. The results show that more than 80% of the annual precipitation evaporates. This means that runoff in this region is very sensitive to any changes in precipitation or evapotranspiration. For instance, a decrease in precipitation or increase of evapotranspiration of 10% would reduce runoff by 40%, assuming that the water balance stays the same. In reality, evapotranspiration also changes 1108 JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY VOLUME 15 FIG. 14. As in Fig. 9, but for soil moisture. when precipitation changes, so the actual change in precipitation needs to be considered as well. These results show the critical importance of understanding future changes in both precipitation and evapotranspiration in this region by either climate change or land surface disturbance such as beetle kill or forest fires. The PGW simulation shows that winter precipitation changes from 83% snow in the current climate to only 74% snow in the future. The annual precipitation, however, increases by 6% owing to the warmer climate, and as a result, snowfall actually increases during the core winter months of December–February at elevations above ;3000 m. Snowpack begins melting 2–3 weeks earlier than current and also disappears 2–3 weeks earlier. The combination of these factors results in the onset of runoff being shifted 2–3 weeks earlier and also being more intense in March and April than in the current climate. Runoff decreases by June and throughout the rest of the summer to values less than current as a result of the earlier start, the increase in ET depleting moisture (longer and more intense), and the reduction in rainfall in the summer. Thus, the seasonality of runoff is predicted to be significantly altered in agreement with previous studies (Barnett et al. 2005; Regonda et al. 2005; Christensen and JUNE 2014 RASMUSSEN ET AL. 1109 FIG. 15. As in Fig. 9, but for evapotranspiration. Lettenmaier 2007; Maurer 2007; Barnett et al. 2008; Pierce et al. 2008; Raisanen 2008; Adam et al. 2009; Hidalgo et al. 2009; Stewart 2009; Rasmussen et al. 2011). The annual amount of runoff is predicted to decrease slightly under this optimistic (in terms of precipitation) climate change scenario. Changes in runoff depend on seasonal changes in the primary components of the regional water balance, how changes in individual water balance components vary spatially, and the extent to which ET across different areas of the landscape is energy limited or water limited (Koster and Suarez 1999; Christensen et al. 2008; Gao et al. 2011). Evapotranspiration is energy limited in areas where there is ample supply of water with respect to the available energy: in these areas, increases in available energy in a warmer climate yield increases in ET. However, in many areas across the landscape, ET is limited by the amount of plant-available water during the growing season, which is controlled by changes in winter precipitation, rain–snow partitioning, timing of snowmelt, and summertime precipitation events. Such cold season–warm season interactions create a complex web of interactions—meaning that changes in partitioning of precipitation between ET and runoff is far from predictable. 1110 JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY VOLUME 15 FIG. 16. As in Fig. 9, but for runoff. Both surface and underground runoff have been added together. These results provide input into the key issue on the extent to which changes in snow accumulation and melt, tempered by changes in summertime precipitation, affect water stress on vegetation during the growing season and the extent to which changes in plant-available water accentuate or offset changes in available energy. Previous results in the literature are mixed. In a sitespecific study at Niwot Ridge, Hu et al. (2010) demonstrated the dependence of forest carbon uptake on snow meltwater and presented observations that show net ecosystem productivity is lower in years with a longer growing season (i.e., years characterized by shallower snowpack and earlier melt). Similarly, Trujillo et al. (2012) showed a strong inverse relationship between maximum snow accumulation and vegetation greenness in the Sierra Nevada in California, with relationships strongest in water-limited midelevation areas. These results are consistent with modeling studies for the Sierra Nevada, where Christensen et al. (2008) demonstrated that annual transpiration at intermediate elevations was strongly correlated with peak snow depth and transpiration at higher elevations was correlated with growingseason mean temperature [see also Tague et al. (2009), who demonstrated that higher temperatures are associated JUNE 2014 RASMUSSEN ET AL. FIG. 17. (a) The 7-yr climatology of monthly precipitation from the 4-km current and future simulations averaged over the headwaters domain. (b) Difference in the 7-yr average monthly precipitation (bars) and accumulation of the differences (dots) between the future and current conditions with vertical lines through the dots showing the one standard deviation from the 7-yr mean. (c),(d) ET; (e),(f) Q; and (g),(h) PE. 1111 1112 JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY VOLUME 15 FIG. 18. (a) The 2001–08 climatology of SWE on the first of the month from the 4-km current and future simulations averaged over the headwaters domain and (b) mean difference in SWE between the two simulations, with vertical lines showing 1 std dev from the 7-yr mean difference. (c) Monthly-mean soil moisture averaged over the 7 yr. (d) The 7-yr average in change in the monthly-mean soil moisture between the 4-km future and current climate simulations. with a reduction in evapotranspiration at lower elevations and an increase in evapotranspiration at higher elevations]. Note that precipitation in California mostly falls in the winter–spring period, leading to pronounced cold season–warm season interactions. In contrast to these results, modeling studies at larger spatial scales illustrate a positive relationship between earlier snowmelt and total ET (e.g., Hamlet et al. 2007; Painter et al. 2010). Evaluating changes in runoff therefore depend critically on the fidelity of model-based ET estimates. For example, the large-scale multimodel simulations of drought by Wang et al. (2009) illustrated that FIG. 19. The 7-yr climatological water balance terms over the headwaters domain from the 4-km current and future simulations and their differences. Numbers above the bars represent the average value of the water balance term (mm) (precipitation, evapotranspiration, or runoff) over the 7 yr, and in parenthesis 1 std dev of the yearly terms. JUNE 2014 RASMUSSEN ET AL. the runoff-to-precipitation ratio ranged from 0.09 to 0.31 when averaged over the contiguous United States. Similarly, the study by Vano et al. (2012) examined ET for five of the most commonly used land surface and hydrology models and showed ET to vary by 65% over the Colorado River basin over a 25-yr period, depending on the land surface or hydrology model used. Uncertainty in model-based ET estimates is due to both inadequacies in the land surface model representation of ET as well as inadequacies in model simulations of snow accumulation and melt, to the extent that model representation of snow hydrology impacts plant-available water during the growing season. The estimation of ET in land surface models and from various measurement systems in nature are clearly areas needing more research to improve understanding of changes in runoff in a warmer climate. b. Future climate (PGW) 1) SNOWFALL, SNOWPACK (SWE), PRECIPITATION, AND RUNOFF CHANGES The 8-yr, PGW future climate simulation showed the following list of changes in SWE, precipitation, and runoff: d d 7. Conclusions a. Current climate The 8-yr simulation of the Colorado Headwaters region by the WRF model at 4-km horizontal grid spacing driven by NARR revealed the following key points: d d d d d The WRF model compared well to SNOTEL observations of snowfall in both spatial distribution and amount. Comparison of model snowpack to SNOTEL snowpack observations also showed good agreement in onset and melt-out timing, but the snowpack on 1 April was considerably less than that observed, though improved over the previous simulations by Ikeda et al. (2010) and Rasmussen et al. (2011). An integrated assessment of mean annual runoff at the Cameo stream gauge near Grand Junction, Colorado, agreed with WRF-model estimate of runoff within 5%. Comparison to an AmeriFlux site at Niwot Ridge, Colorado, showed that the modeled ET, especially the evaporative faction (ET/P) is reasonable. However, only one site was considered; thus, further ET observations are needed to verify these types of models owing to the key role that ET plays in the water balance in this region. The simulation of runoff gave improved results over the previous results of Rasmussen et al. (2011) and Ikeda et al. (2010) in response to proper spinup of soil moisture with respect to phase and amount and the improved snowpack modeling in the Noah LSM (Barlage et al. 2010). The ET/P for the current climate is 0.81 over the headwaters region, indicating that water loss in this region is dominated by evaporative processes and not runoff, which is only 0.19 of the annual precipitation. 1113 d d d d Seven-year-average precipitation during the winter increased by 12% while summer precipitation decreased by 8%, resulting in a mean precipitation increase over the headwaters domain of 6% in the future. The increase in winter precipitation was associated with the 14% increase in water vapor content associated with the 28C warming of the climate (Clausius–Clapeyron equation). The decrease in summer precipitation was associated with increased convective inhibition associated with preferential midlevel warming from the driving climate model. Snowpack did not change significantly until January. From January through March the snowpack increased above ;3000 m MSL and decreased below that elevation. Snowpack decreased at all elevations in the future from April through July. The onset of spring snowmelt and total snowmelt occurred 2–3 weeks earlier in the future, in agreement with previous studies. The 1 April SWE decreased throughout the headwaters domain except for the Front Range mountains. The headwaters domain-averaged future decrease in SWE on 1 April is 23%. The fraction of precipitation falling as snow decreased from 0.83 in the current climate to 0.74 in the future. Runoff peaked 2–3 weeks earlier in the future. 2) FUTURE WATER BALANCE The current and future climate simulations showed that a warmer and moister future climate impact water balance in the headwaters region of Colorado. Key findings for the future water balance are as follows: d d d Both precipitation and evapotranspiration increase under a warmer, moister climate. Evapotranspiration increased slightly more than precipitation on average, yielding a slightly negative change in runoff averaged over the 7 yr. This was largely because of the decrease in summer precipitation, yielding a smaller increase in total precipitation amount than expected from the increase in moisture. The uncertainty of the runoff change for the future climate is 610%, taking into account the likely uncertainty in evapotranspiration and precipitation. This results in a range of likely values of runoff from 21 to 211 mm, or a percentage range from 21% to 211%, given the absolute runoff value near 100 mm. This agrees well with 1114 d d d JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY the estimate of runoff decrease in a future climate over the much larger Colorado River basin by Christensen and Lettenmaier (2007) based on the application of the VIC hydrological model to AR4 climate model output. The evaporative fraction (ET/P) increased from 0.81 in the current climate to 0.83 in the future, indicating a trend toward a dryer climate and reduced runoff despite an optimistic precipitation scenario. Runoff in the Colorado Headwaters is extremely sensitive to changes in both precipitation and evapotranspiration. A decrease of precipitation of 10% in the future would potentially reduce runoff from the Colorado Headwaters by ;40% [indicating a factor of 4 sensitivity (Schaake 1990)]. Vano et al. (2012) determined a factor of 3 sensitivity for a 10% increase of precipitation (as in this study) for the Colorado River basin using the Noah LSM, version 2.7. This suggests that runoff from the headwaters region may be even more sensitive to precipitation changes than in the Colorado River basin. An increase of evapotranspiration of only 10% would similarly reduce runoff by nearly 40%. In either case, runoff in the Colorado Headwaters is remarkably sensitive to even small changes in precipitation or evapotranspiration in a future warmer climate or from other causes of precipitation/evapotranspiration changes such as bark beetle infestations or forest fires. A robust finding from this study is the increased aridity of the soils during the spring/summer period despite the increase in high-elevation winter precipitation in the future climate. This will likely lead to increased plant stress and other ecosystem impacts. Molotch et al. (2009) have shown strong ecosystem impacts in regions that are snow-free in the spring that had previously been snow covered. Moreover, Morton et al. (2013) reported a strong positive correlation between potential evaporation and burned area for the Rockies in the United States. Therefore, increasing water deficit (PE 2 P) and drier soil in summer suggest a greater likelihood of summer wildfire events in this region. Acknowledgments. This research was funded by National Science Foundation as part of the NCAR Water System program. Logistical support and/or data were provided by the NSF-supported Niwot Ridge LongTerm Ecological Research project and the University of Colorado Mountain Research Station. The authors are grateful for the thoughtful comments by two anonymous reviewers that improved this paper. REFERENCES Adam, J. C., A. F. Hamlet, and D. P. Lettenmaier, 2009: Implications of global climate change for snowmelt hydrology in VOLUME 15 the twenty-first century. Hydrol. Processes, 23, 962–972, doi:10.1002/hyp.7201. Alexander, M. A., J. D. Scott, K. Mahoney, and J. 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