Nomura Shuhei 野村 周平
Nomura Shuhei 野村 周平
野村 周平 Nomura Shuhei The Grand Prize of THE PUSH! MAN ‒find the cool guys around you - on Amuse Nationwide Audition 2009 【Birthday】 14th Nov.,1993 【Birth place】 Hyogo Prefecture, Japan 【Blood type】 AB 【Size】 Height:175cm Weight:54kg Foot size:27cm 【Hobby】 BMX, Snowboard, Skateboard 【specialty】 Chinese Prizes won on snowboard contests Feb., 2006(12-year-old) Biwako Valley ANARCHY BOADERS PARTY the 3rd Prize Mar., 2006(12-year-old) YOGO KOGEN SS Sports Festival the 2nd Prize/ Apr., 2006 DRAGON DDT special Prize Mar., 2007(13-year-old) Willcom zero3 SS challenge the 1st Prize 1 【TV series】 Jul. ∼ Sep. 2014, appearing as one of the main characters in the memorial drama for the 55th anniversary of CX Jan. ∼ Mar., 2014 CX 「僕のいた時間」(Time when I exist) play as Rikuto Sawada, regular Oct., 2013 TBS 「刑事のまなざし」(The Sight of the Policeman) play as Yuma Maeda, guest in Chapter 1 Apr., 2013 NTV 「35 歳の高校生」 (The 35-year-old High School Student) play as Osamu Yukawa , regular Apr., 2013 WOWOW 「ソドムの林檎」 (Sodom s Apple) Oct., 2012 TBS 「パーフェクトブルー」(Perfect Blue) Jul., 2012 Jul., 2012 play as Toshiya Shimomura, regular play as Katsuhiko Morooka, guest in Chaper 9 ∼ 11 KTV 「GTO」(Great Teacher Onizuka) Play as Sho Shibuya, guest in Chapter 10 ∼ 11 TBS 「黒の女教師」(the Dark Female Teacher) play as Naoki Iizuka, guest in Chapter 7 Aug. ∼ Sep., 2012 NHK『梅ちゃん先生』(Doctor Ume Chan) play as Mituo Sato, regular Apr., 2012 TBS 「ブラックボード」(Blackboard) special 3-chapter TV series play as Hiromasa Isobe in Chapter 1 Feb., 2012 NHK 「平清盛」(Japanese Historical TV series Taira Kiyomori ) play as Shunya, guest in Chapter 6 Apr., 2011 NTV 「高校生レストラン」(High School Students Resturant) play as Koichi Nakamura, regular Mar., 2011 WOWOW「遠い日のゆくえ」 (Special TV series the direction of the day past ) play as Takashi Kanda Jul., 2010 TBS 「ハンマーセッション」(Hammer Session) play as Ken Ebihara, regular Jul., 2010 NHK 「天使のわけまえ」(The Angel s Share) play as Kota Kitamura, regular Apr., 2010 NTV/YTV「プロゴルファー花」(Hana, the Professional Golfer) Jan., 2010 play as Riku Nomiya, regular TBS 「新撰組PEACE MAKER」(The Story of Shinsengumi, PEACE MAKER) play as Suzu Kitamura, regular 【Movie】 be appearing as the main character in the movie『日々ロック』(Rock the Day), which is on show on 22nd Nov., 2014 May, 2014 『クジラのいた夏』(The Summer When There Were Whales) main character Mar., 2014 「パズル」(the Puzzle) main charater 12nd Oct., 2013「男子高校生の日常」(Daily Lives of High School Boys) 10th Oct., 2013 『江ノ島プリズム』(Enoshima Prism) Jul., 2012 「スープ ∼生まれ変わりの物語∼ 」(Soup-the story about reborn-) play as Naoyuki Mikami Feb., 2012 「らもトリップ(クロウリング・キング・スネイク)」 (Lamo Trip-Crowling・King・Snake) play as Goro Hayashi Oct., 2011 「天国からのエール」 (The Yell From Paradise) play as KIYOSHI Sep., 2011 「探偵は BAR にいる」(The Detective is In The Bar) Jun., 2011 「もし高校野球の女子マネージャーがドラッカーの『マネジメント』を読んだら」(Moshi Tora) play as Harumichi Tamura 【CM】 2013.7.17 ∼ SHARP AQUOS PHONE SERIE auSHL22「IGZO にします!」( I would like to choose IGZO! Series) 2013.5.18 ∼ toto「最後の試合」(the Last Match) 2012.12.20 ∼ NTT docomo D Shopping The Two Along the Riverside 2012.11.16 ∼ Benesse Shinken Seminar 2011.8.27 ∼ Sekisui House the Girl in the 3-storued House 2010 ∼ 2011 Tokyo Gas 【PV appearance】 2010.12.29 WEAVER「キミノトモダチ」(Your Friend) / 「『あ』『い』をあつめて」(Collect the Love) 2010.05.12 ∼ ケツメイシ「仲間」(Friends) 2009.11.18 ∼ flumpool「見つめていたい」(wanna watch you forever) 【Play】 2013.7 ∼ 8 Play『小野寺の弟・小野寺の姉』 (the Onotera Brother and Sister )@The Galaxy Theatre 2010.3 First play as the main character「君の席は、僕の席」(Your Seat is My Seat)@Nakano HOPE 【Magazine】 2013.2∼ the regular column Diligent Everyday in the magazine acteur 【その他】2012 年 3 月 WEB配信ドラマ「電報日和 ( 卒業 )」 太田春樹役 2
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