BSC-Newsletter-Issue-7-2016 - Bellarine Secondary College


BSC-Newsletter-Issue-7-2016 - Bellarine Secondary College
College Principal: Mrs Alison Murphy
Assistant Principals: Mr Wayne Johannesen & Ms Natalie Wood,
Mr Damian Marra & Mrs Barbara Luppino
COLLEGE FAX: 03 5251 9007
COLLEGE PHONE: 03 5251 9000
Mon 16 May 2016
6:30pm Wednesday 25th May 2016 @ Ocean Grove Campus.
This forum will provide parents with an opportunity to provide feedback regarding the College and contribute to
the school review process. What do we do well? What could be improved? What should be a future focus?
We would love to hear from you!
Fantastic News!
This morning we received a very special visitor to the Drysdale Campus. Lachlan came to see us! Lachlan was
released from hospital this week and is making a remarkable recovery. He has been out of the wheel chair for 3
weeks now and is getting stronger and fitter every day. It will still be some weeks before he is able to return to
school and we are very much looking forward to having him back with us. Lachlan shared that he still has his
sense of humour and that was evident during our meeting today.
I know that Lachlan and his family appreciate all of the support the community has extended to them over the
past 2 months. Your support has helped them through a very challenging time.
Congratulations to Year 7 and Year 9 students. Staff have reported that students applied themselves to the
NAPLAN this week. Completing the 3 mornings of testing is a significant challenge. We look forward to receiving
the results later in the year and using this data to inform the learning programs of the College.
The College is currently engaged in the year of school review. Every 4 years, during the last year of the current
strategic plan, the school undertakes a detailed self-evaluation of the progress of the preceding years. At the
moment staff are gathering and analysing data sets that assist us in this process. Please note the evening
opportunity for parents to come along and provide input into the evaluation. The workshop on Wednesday 25 th
May will be an opportunity to look at some of the data sets and to provide input into what we as a College do
well, what we can improve on and what should be our focus from 2017. Please see the details of this forum at
the top of this report. I hope you are able to come along.
Our first whole school assembly for 2016 was held on Monday 16th May. It was a celebration of student voice,
leadership and involvement in the school. Year 7 and 8 students headed across to the Drysdale Campus and
participate in the assembly. These are always fantastic events. Thank you to all parents/guardians and visitors
who attended assembly this morning.
Last week I had the pleasure of attending the APRA song writing workshop for a short time. At the time I visited,
students were involved in recording the song they had written the day before. The four songs written, performed
and recorded over the 2 day workshop are outstanding professional pieces. Congratulations to the talented
students of Bellarine Secondary College on such amazing work. I hope we are able to share their recordings with
you at some point. Thank you to the Music team for making this opportunity available to the VET Music class.
APRA support Bellarine Secondary College in recognition of the excellent program the College has. A credit to the
Mrs Alison Murphy
College Principal
2016/17 Entertainment Books are available for purchase at Ocean
Grove and Drysdale Campus! Alternatively please click this link to order
20% of every membership sold contributes to our School. Help us achieve our goal
by sharing this link with your Friends and Family. Thanks for your support!
Issue No. 7
Inside this issue
Principal’s Report ..................... .1
College Excursions & Key Dates . .2
College Levy Payment Options….3
Drysdale Campus Report ........... 3-5
Ocean Grove Campus Report..... 5-6
Student Leaders Report..………….6-7
College Noticeboard.................. 7
Bellarine Secondary College maintains
a diverse learning environment
promoting academic excellence and
Secondary College students develop as
respectful and resilient individuals
who grow in confidence to make a
positive contribution to their
community with the skills to sustain
positive pathways.
Mon 16
Whole School Assembly @ 11am Drysdale Campus
Tue 17
IDAHOT Day—Full school uniform with a touch of rainbow
colour, for example a rainbow ribbon OR socks OR scarf.
Wed 18
Staff Professional Development Day—STUDENT FREE DAY
Wed 18
College Council @ Drysdale Campus
Mon 23
Geelong Cross Country
Mon 23—Fri 27 VCAL Work Experience Week—Should already be arranged
Tue 24
Laptop Instalment due date
Tue 24
Year 7—second immunisation
Thu 26
Mufti Day—Casual Dress Day—Whole Campus
Fri 3
Year 11 & 12 Ensemble Performance @ Potato Shed 6pm—8pm
Mon 13
Queen’s Birthday—Public Holiday—STUDENT FREE DAY
Thu 16
3rd Instalment by instalments—College Levies/Camp/Laptop
Tue 14—Fri 17
Year 10 Exams
Wed 15
College Council @ Drysdale Campus
Wed 22
Report Writing Day—STUDENT FREE DAY
Fri 24
Term 2 finishes @ 2:30pm—bus times adjusted accordingly.
Mon 11
Term 3 Begins!
Thu 14
Year 11 into 12 Course Sign off— more details to follow
Have you filled out your Camps Sports and Excursions (CSEF) forms for 2016? If
you have a Centrelink healthcare card you a may be eligible for a government
funded $225 per student. Application forms must be completed and handed in
to the office by Friday 3 June to claim the funding. Contact the office for more
information on 5251 9000.
As a part of the Victorian Government funding for school uniforms, every 2016
Year 7 government school student who is a Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund
(CSEF) recipient is eligible for a uniform pack. Application forms for the Year 7
Uniform Winter Package are now available from both the Drysdale and Ocean
Grove Administration Offices. Applications will be available until the end of term
2. If you received a Summer Uniform Package you will not be eligible to apply
for the Winter Uniform Package. If you have any questions please contact the
Administration Office on 5251 9000.
Just a reminder that if your son/daughter is unwell and will miss a day at school
please ensure you call our 24 Hour Student Absence Line on 5251 9010 or
write a note when your child returns approving the absence. This helps us to keep
track of their attendance and fix unexplained absences. On a further note please
remind your child that they must sign in if they are arriving late so that they can
be marked present. A note is required for late arrival or early departure sign in/
out if a parent/guardian is not accompanying the student. Thank you for your
The Potato Shed is a multi-arts facility on the Bellarine Peninsula, available
for community hire and features facilities for performances, rehearsals,
classes, events and conferences. Learn more about the Potato Shed.
Upcoming events:
Tue 17
Tue 17
Fri 20
Fri 20
Fri 20
Thu 19—Fri 20
Fri 20
Fri 20
Fri 20
Fri 20
Fri 20
Mon 23
Mon 23
Tue 24
Thu 26—Fri 27
Fri 27
Fri 27
Mon 30
Tue 31
Tue 31
Tue 31
Tue 31
Tue 31
Thu 2
Thu 2
Fri 3
Fri 3
Fri 3
Fri 10
Fri 10
Wed 15
Take Over 2016—Get Up—Part 1
Junior Sports: Netball, AFL, Soccer, Badminton
LINC Excursions—Term 2 Winged Horse
Gordon Tertiary Futures Program (week 5 of 10)
Construction Induction White Card Training
Year 11 Outdoor Environment Studies—Canoe Camp 1
Geelong Law Courts—Year 11
Music Industry Workshop (incursion)
Construction Induction White Card Training
LINC Excursions—Winged Horse
Year 9 Personal Investigation Excursions—(Excursion 1 of 3)
Peddling Performance
Bellarine Division Cross Country
Take Over 2016—Get Ready—Part 2
Year 11 Outdoor Environment Studies—Canoe Camp 2
Gordon Tertiary Futures Program (week 6 of 10)
LINC Excursions—Neighbourhood Centre & Community Gardens
Alternative Energy—Mt Mercer Wind Farm
Ready Set Work (Excursion 3 of 6)—Bellarine Estate Pruning
The Winning Edge
Junior Sports: Boys Netball & Girls AFL
Inter Boys Netball
Geelong Magistrates Court
The Winning Edge
Scope Presentation (incursion)
LINC Excursions—Neighbourhood Centre & Community Gardens
Year 11 & 12 Ensemble Exam/SAC
Ballarat Hospital
Geelong Law Courts—Year 12
LINC Excursions—Seaview Aged Care & Arcare Bellarine
Year 10 Drama Exam—Potato Shed
Year 9 Drama
Selected Year 7 & 8
Selected Year 9
Year 9 B, C, G, H
Year 10/VCAL
Year 11 OE Group 1
Year 11 Legal Studies
VET Music
Selected Students
Selected Year 9
Selected Year 9
Year 10, 11, 12
Selected Years 7-12
Year 9 Drama
Year 11 OE Group 2
Year 9 B, C, G, H
Selected Year 9
Year 12 Env Science
Year 10
Year 10
Selected Year 7 & 8
Selected Year 9 & 10
Year 12 VCAL
$18 & note due asap
$10—note OVERDUE
$17 if Year 9 levy not paid & note due ASAP
$60 & note due asap
$NIL & note due 6/5
$20 & note due 6/5
$60 & note due ASAP
$17 if Year 9 Levy not paid & note due ASAP
$NIL & note due ASAP
$15 & note due 9/5
$10 & note due 16/5
$NIL & note due 10/5
$17 if Year 9 levy not paid & note due ASAP
$NIL—note due 23/5
One note for the 6 excursions
$30 if Mind & body levy not paid—note due 17/5
$10 & note due 24/5
$10 & note due 24/5
$NIL—note due 17/5
Year 10
Year 11 VCAL
Selected Year 9
Year 11 & 12 Drama
Selected Students
Year 12 Legal Studies
Selected Year 9
Year 10 Drama
$30 if Mind & body levy not paid—note due 19/5
$NIL—no note required
$17 if Year 9 levy not paid & note due ASAP
No note required
$NIL—note due ASAP
$NIL—note due 27/5
$17 if Year 9 levy not paid & note due ASAP
$NIL—no note required
Please note that excursion forms and money will not be accepted any later than the cut off date noted both on the excursion form and on this list. Thank you—the administration staff
Statements are being posted home within the next week. All levies are now overdue, unless a payment plan has been arranged. If you require financial assistance
do not hesitate to contact me, all Information remains confidential. Please note the college levy for all year levels is an essential levy – not voluntary. If you would
like further information on what this levy covers please contact me. Kerri McCluskey, Business Manager – 5251 9022
EFTPOS or Credit Card
or Cash In
Centrelink will take payments out of your fortnightly benefit
and forward it to the school. This can be done as a one off or
on a regular basis.
Cash, EFTPOS or credit cards are
By completing a Centrepay deductions form. Please contact the
Drysdale Campus on 5251 9000 – Press ‘1’
Please pay at the Administration Office on either campus. It does not
matter which campus your child/ren attends.
You may phone the Administration Office and pay using your
credit card. *We do not accept American Express or Diners
Phone: 5251 9000 with your credit card handy.
You can set up regular deposits or full payment from your
bank account to the college bank account.
Please contact the Drysdale Campus
Administration Office for the school bank
account details and your reference number. Phone 5251 9000 Press ‘1’
Credit Card Instalments
Depending on your choice of either 2 or 3 Instalments the
amount will come from your account on the set dates listed.
Complete the instalment forms attached for either 2 or 3 instalments
and return to either campus administration office.
Individual Instalments
by Credit Card
Weekly, fortnightly and monthly
instalments can be arranged to meet your needs.
Please contact the Drysdale Campus
Administration Office on 5251 9000 – Press ‘1’ to provide credit card
details, dates and amounts for instalments.
Camps, Sports &
Excursions Fund (CSEF)
Available for parents/guardians that have an eligible heath
care card.
Please collect forms from the Administration Office at either
Campus’—Cut off dates apply.
Direct Deposit
It has been a very busy time on the Drysdale Campus as we approach the middle of
the term. Students are beginning their CAT’s (Common Assessment Tasks),
beginning preparation for Semester 1 exams as well as the Year 12’s preparing for
the GAT. In addition to the classroom learning that is occurring, there is a great
House vibe across the campus at the moment as House’s compete in the 5 cent
challenge. Over the coming weeks students and staff are representing their House
by donating their unwanted 5c pieces, with all proceeds being donated to local
families in need. For every 20 5cent pieces that a student donates, they receive a
raffle ticket to prizes drawn on Mufti Day on the 26 th May. So look around the
house, under the couch, in the car and gather your unwanted 5 cent pieces and help
the Houses donated for a valuable cause.
The Year 12’s have received valuable information about the upcoming GAT to be
held on Tuesday 7th June at 10am. Students are given the opportunity, and are
strongly encouraged, to complete practice GAT’s after school on the 17 th and 26th of
May at 3.30pm in N1 & N2. The GAT is an essential part of the VCE assessment
procedures, it is very important that students complete the GAT to the best of their
ability to assist with their overall VCE assessment. Further information on The GAT
can be found at the link below. Please see Mrs Chaplin for further information.
This week all the Year 9 students on the Drysdale Campus completed annual
NAPLAN tests. Over three days the students participated in five different test
ranging in duration of 40min to 65min. The tests were Language Conventions,
Writing, Reading, Numeracy – Calculator and Numeracy – Non calculator. All the
students are to be congratulated on the way they conducted themselves during
NAPLAN. Their application, effort and behavior was absolutely fantastic. Parents of
participating students will receive a report later in the year covering their child’s
The VCAL students and staff are putting the final touches to the preparation for the
VCAL Work Experience to be conducted 23rd – 27th May. To date, most students
have been able to secure work experience in their preferred industries. The VCAL
staff has worked tirelessly to support the students in this preparation stage. We look
forward hear and sharing reflections from the students after thy have completed
their week.
For the past 4 years Bellarine has been fortunate enough to be involved in the APRA Songmakers program. This year 17
Year 11 VET Music students were given the opportunity to work with Aria award winning Songwriter Ilan Kidron, from the
Potbellez and exciting young producer JP Fung, who has worked with everyone from Cold Chisel to Birds of Tokyo. The 2
day workshop started with an introduction session, which was a great way for everyone to get to know each other and set
out the expectations for the next 2 days. Then it was straight into songwritng. 4 groups had what was left of the day to
write a song. Students worked very hard to achieve this goal and were well directed by our guests. By the end of the day
most songs had taken shape and some overnight fine tuning saw all 4 groups ready for the recording day. Each group was
given about 1.5 hours to record, not much time but with the guidance of Ilan and JP the students were able to make quick
production decisions to deliver a fast but high quality recording. The results can be listened to here;
An amazing 2 days which gave students an insight to the music industry and for some their first experience of recording in
a professional way. If you listen to the songs I am sure you will agree the students rose to the challenge.
The Geelong Tertiary Futures Program, an element of the Year 9 LinC program is in its fourth week for the Term 2
program. Feedback from students and staff participating in the preview programs at the two Gordon campuses has been
particularly positive, in both the theoretical and practical classes. Visiting classes at the East Geelong Campus last Friday I
saw students working collaboratively in a range of practical settings getting a taste of programs such as animal studies,
plumbing, fitness, engineering and automotive. Across Term 2 and 3 all Year 9 students will participate in the 10-week
program at the Gordon.
Today Drysdale Campus hosted the first College assembly for 2016. The assembly focus was to celebrate the school
community work that the House Captains are doing, to inform the student body of the work and leadership that the
Student Government is leading across the College. We had speeches from students from both campuses, house
awards as well as be treated to some musical performances.
There have been a number of excursions over recent weeks which have added to student learning in the classroom
including the LinC Excursion to SeaView Manor, Year 12 Chemistry Excursion and the Year 11 VCE Physical Education
excursion to Splashdown. These have occurred alongside numerous incursions including VCAL, VCE Biology and Music
Songwriting Incursion. Students have competed in the State Swimming Championships, The Bellarine Division
athletics and Senior and Intermediate Boys and Girls Football.
The Year 12 Outdoor Education camp was blessed with nice weather which made for a great experience for these
students cycling through the Otways and along the Great Ocean Road.
On Tuesday May 3rd some of the best female footballers Bellarine as ever seen took to the field. Given the gusty
weather the girls fought hard in all games and strung together some good patches of play. After losing all of their
games the Bellarine girls came home winners of the wooden spoon. Best players on the day were Ruby Benham,
Hannah Barakat and Carly Sanders. As the day progressed the skills and toughness improved. Aside from the
scoreboard and the weather it was a fun day by all.
On Friday 29th of April 98 students went to Landy field in the pouring rain to compete in the Bellarine Division Athletics carnival. Although the weather wasn’t ideal and everyone was cold and wet the students tried their best and
achieved some fantastic results. A big congratulations to the students who have made it through to the WMR Carnival
in September. The results were very pleasing with Bellarine taking out the most improved school. We also came
second in the overall aggregate with 1036 points. Well done and a big thank you to all the staff and student helpers!
B.S.C. & N.G.S.C. Partnership “The Taste of Success’ continues in 2016
The successful partnership program between Bellarine Secondary College (B.S.C.) and North Geelong Secondary
College (N.G.S.C.) has once again continued this year. The project, titled: ‘The Taste of Success’ aims to: encourage
understanding and harmony between groups of people from different cultural, racial and religious backgrounds
provide vocational education via information and ‘hands on’ career related learning experiences build participants
self-confidence and understanding of Australian workplaces.
The program caters for mainstream and English as an Additional Language (EAL) VCAL students. Our first activity in
2016 was held at N.G.S.C. on the 18th February. Our Year 12 VCAL students were treated to a wonderful day of
activities aimed at educating all participants about the Chinese New Year. On Thursday March 10 th we all met at
Ocean Grove Beach for a day of surfing and information gathering on the tourism industry. On Thursday 28 th April it
was our turn to host our North Geelong friends. We held a BSC Orientation Challenge followed by pizza lunch and an
afternoon dodgeball session.
On Thursday 5th May we were very fortunate to be hosted by staff at the Marine Discovery Centre in Queenscliff where
we learnt about fishing regulations in Victoria as well as gaining valuable marine career related information from marine
scientists, education staff and a fisheries officer.
The nationalities and languages represented by our North Geelong friends include: Afghani, Pakistani, Karen, Karenni,
Burmese, Thai and Congolese. Most students are from refugee backgrounds and some have been through detention
centres. This program provides a wonderful opportunity for our students to expand their knowledge and understanding of
global issues.
Drysdale House Leaders Contact
Please note the following points of contact at the Drysdale Campus. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to contact your
child’s House Leader should you have any questions and or require any support. See the 2016 House Team Leader table.
Mrs Terri-Anne Finch—House Leader (Drysdale)
Mrs Kristy Miles—House Leader (Drysdale)
Mr Luke Pitfield—Assistant House Leader (Drysdale)
Mrs Angela Van Zyl—Assistant House Leader (Drysdale)
Mrs Vanessa Wedding—House Leader (Drysdale)
Ms Jess Walsh—House Leader (Drysdale)
Mrs Sue Blackett—Assistant House Leader (Drysdale)
Ms Anita Shelton—Assistant House Leader (Drysdale)
Mr Wayne Johannesen & Ms Natalie Wood
Drysdale Campus Assistant Principals
It has been funny weather the past fortnight, we were fortunate to have some great weather during the ANZAC day
week which enabled us to have a lovely assembly. It was great to see our students out enjoying the sunshine and
making the most of the last of the autumn weather before the cold hits. Ms Romanin’s skipping activities in the
courtyard has been a huge success with many students lining up to jump the rope.
One of the most important things you can do to ensure your child has a bright future is to make sure he or she goes to
school every day—and gets there on time. It sounds simple, but it’s true. The correlation between school attendance and
children’s achievement levels is well-established. The more time kids spend at school, the more likely they are to
experience school success.
Australian kids only spend 15% of their total time at school. They spend more time asleep than they do at school. So we
need to maximise every day to get full value. That means turning up to school every day, on time.
Of course, there will be times, such as illness or genuinely extenuating family circumstances, when kids should be away.
But these need to be a rarity rather than the norm. It’s reassuring to know that you increase their chances of future
success just by making sure they turn up to school every day. And of course regular school attendance also helps kids
prepare for the workforce, where it will be expected that they turn up each day work-ready. The real world is unforgiving
of those who stay away with NO EXCUSE.
This week students in Year 7 participated in the annual Australia wide NAPLAN testing program. The students are to be
congratulated on the enthusiastic way they embraced the testing regime and their ‘can do’ attitude. The results of these
assessments will be made available later in the year providing a snapshot for families.
A reminder that Wednesday 17TH May is a Professional Learning day at the college. Students do not attend on that day. All staff
will spend the day at the Drysdale campus working with a leader in Digital Learning. Teachers will engage with strategies that will
challenge them to think differently about how we use technology to save time for both themselves and students, whilst inspiring
creativity and promoting the problem-solving skills our students will need to thrive in the ‘connection economy’.
We have noticed many of our students are either not wearing their helmet or they are wearing it incorrectly
fastened. Everyone should be using a bike helmet correctly - not only is it the law but it is just plain common
sense to protect your head. Research shows that helmet wearing was associated with a 69% reduction in the
likelihood of head or brain injury and a 74% reduction in the likelihood of severe brain injury. The benefit was
the same whether a motor vehicle was involved in the crash or not. Helmet wearing reduced the likelihood of
injury to the upper and mid-face by 65%. The law applies on roads, bicycle paths, bicycle lanes, footpaths,
shared paths and separated footpaths.
Over the coming week’s libraries at both campuses are hosting lunch time activities
which will get your creativity flowing. Get your crafting skills on at Drysdale library by
learning how to knit and/or crochet under the guidance of an experienced knitter.
While at Ocean Grove, students can enjoy ‘Mindfulness Colouring’ sessions every
Monday in May.
House Leaders
Parents and Guardians are reminded to contact the following House Leaders as the first point of contact for inquiries about
student progress, wellbeing and or other matters. Parents/Guardians are, of course, both welcome and invited to contact class
teachers and/or Assistant Principals Mrs Barbara Luppino or Mr Damian Marra.
Ms Leasa Saffin—House Leader (Ocean Grove)
Mrs Margot Romanin—House Leader (Ocean Grove)
Mrs Katie Walsh—House Leader (Ocean Grove)
Ms Kelly Clitheroe—House Leader (Ocean Grove)
Mr Damian Marra & Mrs Barbara Luppino
Ocean Grove Campus Assistant Principals
The student leadership team has been very active in promoting youth health in conjunction with the Healthy Together
Geelong program. We are very happy to announce that Victorian Student Representative Council has joined the fight
against skin cancer and developed a great resource for schools to use in order to improve their Sun Smart policy. The
Student Government Members have been working with the Vic SRC and will start referring to this wonderful resource
during their efforts to get the tick of approval in the Sun Protection category of this program.
Please be aware that Melanoma is the most common form of cancer in Australian’s aged between 12-24 years of age and
Australian adolescents have the highest incidence of Melanoma in the world. Given school hours fall within the high UV
periods of the day, secondary schools play an important role to reduce UV exposure among adolescents. Our College is
very proud to have Sun Smart bucket hats, as well as College caps, that can be purchased through the office. The Student
Government members would like to use this opportunity to encourage the College community to invest in these hats and
wear them whilst at the school yard and attending sports activities.
This year’s theme for the IDAHOT Day is Mental Illness and Mental Wellbeing. Our Standout group is using this meaningful
day to raise awareness around Sexual Health, which is their chosen category as part of the Health Together Geelong
program. Their assembly speech includes, amongst other details, some statistics around the sexual health of the LGBTI
community Australia wide.
LGBTI youth have the highest rate of suicide in Australia. 80% of all transgender people have attempted suicide once in
their life time. Up to 80% of same sex attracted and gender questioning youth experience public humility and abuse. 80%
of this abuse happens at school. We are fortunate enough to have an amazing community that is against all forms of
bullying! Our target is to eradicate all sorts of it!
Another contribution to the program, this time made by the Swan House, is information around Tobacco Use in amongst
young people. Smoking tobacco is recognised as one of the largest preventable causes of death and disease in Australia.
Each year, smoking kills an estimated 15,000 Australians and costs Australia $31.5 billion in social (including health) and
economic costs. Tobacco smoking is the single largest preventable cause of premature death and disease in Australia.
While smoking prevalence in Australia has declined over time, the 2010 National Drug Strategy Household Survey found
that 2.8 million Australians aged 14 years or older still smoke daily (15.1%). Continued effort is therefore necessary to
maintain the decline and reduce the social and economic costs of tobacco use to the community. Our aim is to educate
our College community in tobacco use and hopefully reduce the number of young smokers significantly.
For the rest of the term the Student Leadership Team will be very busy running lots of events and activities. We are especially looking
forward to the Student Forum which will be held at the Applied Learning Centre on Monday, 30th May. The student body will be
discussing some aspects of the College Review and will contribute to the implementation of the Positive Behaviours program.
Last but not least, we would like to thank Yvette Harty, a passed Bellarine student, for giving a talk about her experience as a National
Science Youth Forum attendee. Yvette is currently studying Science at the University of Melbourne and was selected to attend a
College at Cambridge at the conclusion of the forum. National Science Youth Forum is an enrichment program that is supported by
rotary clubs and BSC.
Bellarine Sharks Soccer Club
We are a family orientated “Good Sports” soccer club which caters for Males and
Females of all ages on the Bellarine Peninsula. Players are urgently needed for all our
teams, Under 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, and 17. Home games and Training are in St.Leonards.
All games are on Sunday Morning. Under 7,9,11 and 13 train Fridays 4.45- 5.45,
Under 15 and 17 train Wednesday and Fridays 6-7.30. Phone Murray to register your
interest in a position on a team ASAP to avoid disappointment on 0417 554 828.
Tue 17
Mel Brew
Wed 18
Joanne Allen
Thu 19
Tracey Ryan
Fri 20
Cynthia Foestier
Mon 23
Yvonne Varley
Tue 24
Georgia Labbett
Wed 25
Thu 26
Sharmaine Whitmore
Fri 27
Angela Hancocks
If you would like to volunteer at the Ocean
Grove Campus canteen please contact the
general office for more information.
Student/Parent/Guardian Portal
Students and Parent/Guardians can log on to our Student/Parent/Guardian Portal from home.
Students can use their normal school credentials to log in, student code and password same as on the school network.
Students & Parents/Guardians will be able to:
> View their school Reports and print from home
> See their Daily Attendance
> View their Timetable and Teachers
> Contact Teachers
> View the Newsletter
> View important notes and letters
The Portal link can be found on both the School Web Site and School Intranet.
If you need any help navigating or logging in please contact the office staff for assistance.
We understand that while parents make
every effort not to disrupt their child’s
education by attending appointments
during school hours, there are time
when this cannot be avoided.
On these occasions please assist us and
avoid unnecessary delays by providing
your student with a note so that they
can be let out of class and they are
waiting for you at the office when you
arrive to collect them. Students are not
permitted to leave class without a note.
Students who are leaving or arriving
during the day must be signed in/out at
the general office by a parent/guardian
or have a note written by a parent/
guardian approving this.