report of giving


report of giving
2014 – 2015
Dear Pingree Community,
What a year! We kicked it off with the much-anticipated opening of our new Arts
and Athletics facilities, coupled with the celebration of our first 50th Reunion. It was
exciting to toast the ladies who were our first pioneering graduates and to celebrate
how far our school has come since its founding. Our Girls Soccer and Boys Lacrosse
teams won New England Championships. Our Arts faculty and students collaborated
to write and produce an original play, Brute. Our Robotics Team won the New
England Championships and was invited to the World Championship Tournament.
Artificial turf was installed in the Weld Gym to support our athletes during a recordbreaking year for snowfall. Finally, this September we will welcome our largest ever
freshman class. There is much to be proud of on Highland Street!
All these accomplishments are possible because of your generosity and support. Our
2014-15 Pingree Fund reached a milestone by surpassing its $1 million goal, raising
$1,040,976 to support our talented students and faculty. Our Campaign for Arts,
Athletics and Access crested the $16 million mark and we continue to speak with
potential donors about joining the hundreds of generous parents, grandparents, and
alumni who have already made their commitment to Pingree’s future. The success
of our Taste of Pingree Auction translated into additional generous support of faculty
professional development, student conferences, faculty wish list items, funding for
Prep@Pingree, and more. Our 24th annual Deveney Golf Classic continued its
tradition of turning an exceptional day of golf into exceptional support of financial aid
and scholarships.
Every gift, whether it is $5 or $500,000, shows support of this vital community of
scholars, artists and athletes. I am grateful to each one of you for your participation
and for helping to propel our school to such an outstanding year.
With deep gratitude,
Richard Tadler
President, Board of Trustees
Vice Chair
Head of School
2014 – 2015
2014 – 2015
Unrestricted____________________________ $675,438.93
Restricted______________________________ $154,982.50
Prep@Pingree__________________________ $210,555.23
Campaign Unrestricted _________________$1,446,072.65
Campaign Restricted to Arts_______________ $14,247.35
Campaign Restricted to Athletics__________ $568,974.33
Campaign Restricted to Access_____________ $62,625.00
Campaign Power of 10____________________ $80,018.67
Campaign Commons Fund________________ $29,580.08
Campaign P@P/Coates Endowment_______ $100,000.00
Campaign McCoy Naming_________________ $22,272.53
Merrilyn Belliveau Fund_____________________ $3,125.00
Maher Esperanza Fund_____________________ $5,000.00
TD Garden Tournament Fund______________ $10,350.00
Glore Family Lecture Series________________ $20,000.00
William T. Carpenter III Scholarship Fund______ $460.00
Deveney Golf Classic_____________________ $42,800.00
Taste of Pingree Auction__________________ $137,000.00
Subtotal:_______________________________ $218,735.00
Thank you to everyone in the Pingree community who supported the school so generously this year!
In our effort to be green, we will publish the lists of donor names online in September. In compiling our Report of
Giving, we made every effort to
ensure that the information is accurate and complete. Please direct any changes, errors or omissions in the printed information in the Bulletin or
in the information online to the Office of Institutional Advancement. Additional information on Pingree’s Giving●Programs,
as well as(11.8%)
other gift
planning opportunities, can be viewed on our website or obtained by calling the Office of Institutional Advancement at 978.468.4415.
Each year, members of the Pingree community
donate gifts to the Pingree Fund in support of
the School’s educational mission. Pingree Fund
donations are unrestricted income that is used to
attract and retain dedicated faculty, enrich curricular
offerings, meet emerging program needs, maintain
Pingree’s beautiful campus, support a diverse
learning community through financial aid and help
bridge the gap between tuition income and operating
expenses. For more information, contact Diana
Batchelder Mathey, Director of the Pingree Fund and
Leadership Giving at 978 468.4415 ext. 227.
Leadership Giving Societies listed on the following pages
reflect the many generous gifts given to the 2014 – 2015
Pingree Fund. Please note that these gifts are cash only
received between July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015.
In compiling this report, every effort has been
made to ensure that the information is accurate
and complete. Please direct any changes, errors or
omissions to the Office of Institutional Advancement
and accept our apologies.
($50,000 +)
Charitable Gift Fund
Edward E. Ford Foundation
Therese and Kurt Melden
($25,000 - $49,999)
Anonymous (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Collins
Bill and Sudie Fay
Fleetwing Charitable Foundation
The Heffron Family
Ipswich Bay Glass Company
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kaneb
Anne Hooper Kneisel ‘66
The Kneisel Foundation
Vania and Barbara O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Patrican
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Tadler
($10,000 - $24,999)
Anonymous (3)
Abbot and Dorothy H. Stevens
David Ager
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
Baupost Group, LLC Matching Gifts
The Corning Family
Edward S. and Winifred G. Moseley
Essex County Community
Highland Street Foundation
Dan and Lisa Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Kaneb
Sarah A. Emerson and Edward
Lisette S. Venier Charitable
Mr. David McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Pingree
Rogers Family Foundation
Janet and Mike Rogers
Cliff and Susan Rucker
Mr. and Mrs. Binkley Shorts
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Whelan, Jr.
($5,000 - $9,999)
Ms. Susan Cameron Barrow ‘65
Benevity Community Impact Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood C. Blake
Danversbank Charitable Foundation
Darling Family Charitable Annuity
Lead Trust
Mr. Nelson J. Darling, Jr.
Demoulas Foundation
Tom and JoAnne Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Farnham
(Glorianne Demoulas
Farnham ‘70)
Fiduciary Charitable Foundation
($2,500 - $4,999)
Anonymous (1)
The Bertolon Family
Kirk and Julie Bishop
Mr. Vincent Bono ‘83
Jay and Kathy Bothwick
Mr. Scot R. Bradstreet ‘79
Ms. Ellie Cabot
Edward J. Callahan and Erin
M. Callahan
Forest Foundation
IndCor Properties
Amy and George Iverson
Kenwood Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kettenbach
(Frances Demoulas Kettenbach ‘69)
Janet and Steven Kouroubacalis
Tom and Nancy Maher
The Marjorie Merriweather Post
McCormack Firm, LLC
The Menzie Family
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Mosakowski
Dr. and Mrs. Robert O’Brien
and Family
Pingree Parents Association
Martha and Jeff Rawlins
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Rowland
Robert and Ruthie Salter
Alan and Leigh Scharfe
R. Kingman Webster and
Dee Webster
Christopher Carrigan and Laura
Cabot Carrigan
Catherine McCarthy Memorial
Trust Fund
Charles G. Pringle Foundation
Laurence and Jerry Chase
John and Julie Corcoran
Brian and Michelle Cusack
Ms. Edith Dabney
Naga and Shoba Donti
E.J. Callahan & Associates
Steve and Robin Ellis
Ms. Amelia C. Fawcett ‘74
Dr. Richard and
Mrs. Caroline Fitzpatrick
Fred and Connie Glore
(Connie Pemberton Glore ‘69)
Doug R. Gooding
Invest in People
Mrs. H. Allen Johnson, Jr.
Joanie Johnson
Kedersha Family
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly
Dr. and Mrs. Neil Kirby
The Krohg Family
Allyson and Lance Larsen
John and Mary Lucey
Art and Lois Maravelis
Ms. Patricia McGovern
Alexander S. and Mary B. McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Ober
Mr. Christopher W. Pingree ‘78
Will and Lucy Pingree
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Prawdzik
Resin Systems Corporation
Chat and Claudia Reynders
Marc and Gigi Sarazin
L. Dexter Woodman
Scholarship Fund
Ryan Serhant ‘02
Ellen and Bruce Shain
(Ellen Reinhalter Shain ‘77)
State Street Boston Corp.
Lisa and Kevin Taylor
Mr. Michael Tarshi ’97 and
Dr. Adella A. Tarshi
Dan & Kristen Tremblay
Mr. and Mrs. John Ventola
Wells Fargo
Mr. and Mrs. James Wheeler
Mrs. Dexter Woodman
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Zieff
($1,000 - $2,499)
Anonymous (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Abedon
The Alepa Family
Analog Devices
Sherrill and Mark Attarian
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Hope Amory Bachelder ‘77 and
Robert Bachelder
Ms. Karen Birdsall
The Boston Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander K. Buck, Jr.
Michael and Clare Byrne
Joe and Lisa Caruso
Steven and Trish Castraberti
Charles Family Charitable
Ms. Allison Charles ‘97
Ms. Amanda J. Charles ‘00
Cummings Properties, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cushman
Mrs. Fellowes Davis*
Deland Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Deland
Jay Dewing ‘88
The Di Lillo Family in memory of
Maria Floccari
Tim and Susan Dowd
Eaton Vance Management, Inc.
Jennifer and Tom Eddy
Robert and Mimi Davis (‘64)
Paul and Kristin Evangelista
Tracy and Steve Filosa
General Electric Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul George
Joseph and Debra Giannino
Ms. Miranda Gooding
Government Relations Group
Sita and Brendan Greelish ‘97
Bill and Deanna Grinnell
Mark and Heidi Gudaitis
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Harrigan
(Elizabeth Shorts Harrigan ‘95)
Mr. and Mrs. F. Whitney Hatch
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hesketh
Shirin Philipp and John Higgins
Highfields Capital Management LP
Hurdle Hill Foundation
Amanda Crawford Jackson ‘96 and
Ned Jackson
Dr. Timothy M. Johnson and Ms.
Jennifer E. Groeber
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kaneb
Jamie Kellogg ‘85 and Kate Cairns
Kellogg ‘86
Mr. Stephen P. Kent and
Ms. Nancy L. Sullivan
Joe and Polly Knowles
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knowles
Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Lake ‘85
Trish and Mark Landgren
Eivind Lange and Mary Puma
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Liptrot
The Livingstone Family
John and Rosemarie Lucey
Lisa and Kevin Lucey
Allen and Joanne Lynch
Tom and Nancy Maher
Maine Community Foundation
George and Nan Mathey
Shawn and Bethanie McNinch
Mellon Bank N.A.
Mr. Henry H. Meyer
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Mickey
Alice T. Miller ‘82
Betsy and Cal Miller
Kimberley Moore and Matthew
Morgan Stanley & Co.
Sean Morgan ‘98
Move the World Foundation
Sundar Narasimhan and Marie
New York Life Foundation
Nordson Corporation
Mr. Thomas Pappas
Oliver and Barbara Parker
Sandy and Diane Patrican
Mark and Elizabeth Perry
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Polese
(Laurie Harding Polese ‘84)
Ron and Mimi Pruett
Robert and Sarah Darling Pruett
(Sarah Darling Pruett ‘70)
Leslie E. Reichert
Mary Reinhalter
Mr. and Mrs. Charlton Reynders, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Ricciardelli
Don Romanelli and Lisa SandoukRomanelli
Philip and Kim Rotner
John and Janet Schickling
Mrs. Peter B. Seamans, Sr.*
Keith and Ellen Shaughnessy
Mr. John D. Young and
Ms. Sue Casey
($250 - $499)
Geoffrey K. Alexander ‘82
Mark and Mary Assad
Pat Connolly-Atkins and Fred Atkins
Shawna Deery Barrett ‘14
Julie Bellet
Ms. Merrilyn Clay Belliveau ‘64*
and Dr. Robert E. Belliveau
Mr. Barry Berman and Ms. Laura Gold
Mr. H. John Bertolon III ‘05
Ms. Victoria Swanson Bonarrigo ‘67
Sean and Terri Bradley
Susan and Josh Burns ‘77
Mr. and Mrs. James Carney
Scott and Cristie Carter ‘90
Ms. Christina Clifford Comparato ‘85
Dr. Maura Copeland and Dr. Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard DeNapoli
Peter and Susie Dorsey
Kelli M. Duggan ‘89
Mr. and Ms. David Dwortz
Mr. Justin Parker ‘02 and Ms.
Kathleen Dyer Parker ‘02
Dorothy Bundy Dylag ‘77
Pam and Christian Fantini
Stephen and Elizabeth Fantone
Jay Ferrante ‘89
The Pingree Fund raised
Mary Scofield
David and Marie Louise Scudder
Campbell B. Seamans ‘75 and
Dale Seamans ‘77
Mr. and Mrs. Todd C. Sloane ‘84
Diane and Ken Smith
Mr. Thomas E. Smith ‘08
Joseph and Augusta Stanislaw
Tony and Viviane Tannoury
The Tomkins/Tokowicz Family
Jill Goldstein and David Varsano
Sarah and Michael Wall
(Sarah Stevens Wall ‘68)
Mr. and Mrs. John White
Mr. John M. Williamson ‘10
Michael Williamson Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Yoken
Mr. Terumi Fujita
Mrs. Joan Furnari
Michael and Joan Furnari
The Gambon-Mokrzycki Family
The Giordano Family
Ms. Alexandra Glazer ‘09
Mr. Daniel S. Guley ‘08
Mr. John M. Guley
Ms. Lauren K. Guley
Christine Newhall and James
Ms. Amanda Carey Hogan ‘71
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan K.
Hugenberger ‘92
Kathryn and John Hugo
Mr. David M. Jones
Dana P. Jordan, Esq. ‘75
($500 - $999)
Mr. Brian A. Adam ‘07
Judy Adamson ‘67
Christopher Ames and JoAnn
Ms. Susan Ayres ‘65
Jeffrey and Janeen Barnett
The Beatty Family
Ms. Sarah P. Bennett ‘07
Ronnie and Bob Berman
Mr. Leo Boyle
Andrew and Susan Brengle
Ms. Sarah M. Buck ‘02
Kitty and Jock Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Carey
The Carl and Toby Sloane Family
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Carter
Rosalina Cheung
Debbie and Malcolm Coates*
Mr. and Mrs. Gary H. Cohen
Mr. Christopher D. Connolly ‘97
Mike and Nan DePiero
Peter and Jeannine Dion
David and Donna Dreher
Elmwood Charitable Trust
Ms. Eldrine Emerson
Dianna and Barry Fogel
Tamar and Ken Frieze
(Tamar Salter Frieze ‘99)
Golden Stick
Herb and Lauren Harvey
Mary and Harry Hintlian
Mr. Pei Chung Hsieh and
Ms. Annie Wu
Tracy and Mark Johnson
Mr. Jonathan Katz
Mr. and Mrs. John Kent
Anne and William J. Kirby, Jr.
Dr. Alyssa A. LeBel ‘75
Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Geoffrey O.
Diana Batchelder Mathey
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Mathias
(Debra Matses Mathias ‘72)
John McCarthy ‘78 and Andrea Brox
Joyce G. McCarthy
Eileen and Michael McCarthy ‘97
MFS Management
Thomas and Robyn Milbury
Ms. Catherine Mitchell and Mr.
Bryan Townsend
Al and Angela Murdock
Michael Nelligan, Jr. ‘02
Northern Trust Charitable
Nancy Pope Noyes ‘82 and
Peter Noyes
O’Hare Family
Evonne and Mark Peters
Ms. Joanna L. Phippen ‘82
Will and Sandra Phippen
Regina and Robert Piantedosi
Todd and Stacey Provost
Maha and Venkat Pula
Jane and Thomas Riley
(Jane Blake Riley ‘77)
Barry and Wendy Rowland
Mr. R. Michael Sceery
Schwab Charitable Fund
Wayne M. Sheridan and Patricia
Allen Smith and Denise DuChainey
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Smith
Mr. George W. Stairs and Ms. Anna
T. Green
Ms. Jane Singleton Stark ‘81
State Street Corporation
Charles and Amy Stavros
Kemp C. Stickney ‘75
Martin and Joan Sullivan
David and Marianne Sweetser
Tamarack Foundation
Mrs. R. Thruston H. Thayer
Dwight and Kirki Thompson
Jonathan and Amy Uroskie
Virginia Wellington Cabot
Bill and Mary Wasserman
Witwicki Family
Zavrl Family
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Laezza
Anne and Kevin Lafortune
Rebecca Symmes Lee ‘94
Ms. Karen Lin
Sophia Lin
The Linda and Steven Weinstein
Michael and Christine Marino
Mr. and Mrs. Alan McCoy
Mrs. Cordelia R. McCuaig
Ross and Kristin McGurn
Carol and Woody Merriman
MFS Investment Management
Ms. Deborah Nash Molander ‘68
Rebecca Reynolds and Gerald Moore
(Rebecca Reynolds Moore ‘82)
Ms. Patricia Morrison ‘03
Eric P. Olson and Diana J. Denning
Carolyn Paczkowska and Family
Lisa W. Parker ‘76
Mr. Justin Parker ‘02 and Ms.
Kathleen Dyer Parker ‘02
Lisa Repp Parsons
Kate Dale Payne ‘90
Mr. and Mrs.* Richard D. Phippen
Rothwell and Leigh Pool
(Leigh Baker Pool ‘68)
Mr. Michael Quinn ‘91
Mr. Thomas Reardon and
Anne Hezzey
Wendy, Liza and Peter Richardson
(Wendy Morgan Richardson ‘78
and Liza Richardson ‘08)
Charles and Clare Rimmer
Dr. and Mrs. Sherwin Ritter
Ms. Polly Roberts ‘72
Mr. and Mrs. Ravi Sambangi
Jody and Richard Saxe
John B. Seamans ‘76
Julia Crowley Shaw ‘76
Peter and Whitney Shepard
(Whitney Thayer Shepard ‘79)
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Sherwood
(Sarah White Sherwood ‘77)
Tom and Lyn Shields
Richard and Jenny Siegel
Michael R. Singer ‘85
Martha and J.D. Smeallie
(Ms. Martha Lyness Smeallie ‘78)
Marc Steinberg ‘85
Frank and Betty Stern
Ms. Kristine E. Swanson ‘65
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Terry
(Ms. Christine Hirvonen Terry ‘92)
Lauren Tregor ‘79
Alex and Sally Uhle
Ed and Simone Waystack
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Whitman
Wood Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wood
($100 - $249)
Anonymous (3)
Ms. Rebecca Ward Acselrod ‘84
Mx. Amy Singleton Adams ‘82
Heidi Adams ‘65
Amirault Family
Kathleen Anderson, DVM
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Annis
Jim and Claire Bailey
Mr. Harrison R. Bane ‘04
Mr. Richard C. Bane
Mrs. Tami Bane
Ms. Emily Batchelder and
Mr. Kevin Toomey
(Ms. Emily J. Batchelder ‘79)
Peter and Linda Beal
Mr. Thomas R. Belhumeur ‘04
J.J. and Jackie Bell
Dale Bishop ’08
Allie Flather Blodgett
Francie Caudill
Annette and Don Chalmers
Tania and John Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clark
Mark and Debora Collison
Ms. Laura E. Coltin ‘98
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Congo
Mr. Philip and Ms. Tammy Conrad
Jim and Corinna Corbin
Basil and Mary Coughlan
Robert and Joan Crawford
Ms. Pauline Seamans Crowninshield ‘66
Mr. Edward Curley
John and Sheri Curley
J. Bradford Currier, Jr. ‘03
Mr. Ravindra Dadhich and Ms.
Hannah Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. David Dearborn
Mr. Charles DiCenzo
Mr. and Mrs. Doanh D. Do
Ms. Josette Doherty
Our graduates
were offered
in merit-based
college scholarships
Ms. Rosemary A. Bond ‘69
James R. Brady III ‘90
Margaret Broaddus ‘73
Paige Bronk ‘85
Ms. Jennifer K. Brown
Susan Brown ‘70
Bob Bryan
William Burns ‘84
Joshua and Christina Cahill
(Mr. Joshua J. Cahill ‘93)
Mrs. Walter J. Cairns
Ms. Catherine D. Call and Mr. Blake
(Ms. Catherine Dudley Call ‘76)
Donald and Maureen Cannava
Ms. Linda Caffrey Carpenter ‘66 and
Larry Ardito
Chris Carter ‘88
Mr. Connor C. Cash ‘11
Dr. and Mrs. William Castelli
Mrs. Eleanor Dorsey
Dennis and Mary Dyer
Amy Rasimas and Lauren Eramo
Darryl and Kim Esakof
Susan and Jay Esty
Ms. Anna Evangelista
Mr. and Mrs. James Falese
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Fazio
Rick and Maggie Fiery
Mr. Arthur Finkelstein
Gery and Deenie Fischer
Ms. Joy G. Foley
Rafael and Leslie Fonseca
Joan and Ronald Fox
Ann and Paul Foye
Ms. Wendy H. Friend and
Mr. Mark Denney
(Ms. Wendy H. Friend ‘80)
Dan and Lisa Gaquin
Matthew and Linda Gilligan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gilman
Donna L. Gilton ‘68
Mr. John Giordano and Ms. Julie
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Glessner III
Peter H. Glore ‘04
Mr. David Goff
Robert H. Goldstein
Gonzalez Family
Michael and Michelle Gracey
Suzanne and Kevin Greelish
Kay Gamage Green ‘65
Kathy Nelson Greene ‘65
Mr. Richard Gudaitis
Mr. Amory Haight
Mr. Eric Haltmeier
Betsy Santry Hancock ‘79
Mr. and Mrs. Jes Munk Hansen
Susan and Alan Harding
Jose and Loredana Harrison
Danielle Harsip ‘02
Zac Lukegord
(Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hayes)
Ms. Leigh Armstrong Hebard ‘89
Mr. and Mrs. James Heffrin
Richelle and Brian Helman
Elizabeth Pruett Herbert ‘79
Jim and Nancy Hewson
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton E. Heywood (Karen Durkee Heywood ‘67)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hoefner
Kathryn Hollett and Arjen Steegstra
Mr. Jason V. Hostetter ‘07
Fred and Robin Huffman
Kathryn Hughes ‘73
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Imuze
Fred and Barbara Jackson
Robin Blackmore and Peter Jalajas
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Jarvis
Bob and Pat Jedrey
Geoff and Ann Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joyce
George and Stacey Kacoyanis
Bill and Mimi Karlyn
Mr. and Mrs. Vijay Kathuria
Paul and Elaine Kenerson
Kenneth and Merle Kew
The Kiely Family
Mr. W. Adam Kline ‘79
Ms. Kelly Schwenkmeyer and Mr.
Edward F. Kloman
Anthony and Marjorie Koles
Ms. Melody Komyerov
Dorothy M. Kraft
George Lanes
Julia Larson ‘74
Ms. Cara Angelopulos Lawler ‘01
Amey* and Tom Lawson
David A. Leach and Laurie J.
The Levenson Family
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Lundgren
(Mr. Scott R. Lundgren ‘88)
Heidi and Mike Lynn
(Heidi Rowland Lynn ‘78)
Ms. Susanne Grant MacDonald ‘65
Mr. and Mrs. James MacLaughlin ‘84
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Maggio
Jill and Rob Mainiero
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Marchesseault
Ms. Samantha Drislane
Markowski ‘93
Ken and Debbie Masse
Robert and Donna Mattie
Linda B. May
Ms. Karen E. McGinley ‘79
Ms. Hannah McGowan ‘07
Jeff McMahon ‘93
Ms. Lori McMahon ‘96
Ms. Libby McNeill ‘97
Mr. David J. Medvitz
Helen W. Meyer
Ms. Ethel L. Mickey ‘08
Brian and Connie Millard
Mary Lou and Veronica Monteiro
John R. and Martha Moreschi
Lt. John R. Moreschi, Jr. USN ‘00
Lea and Chris Morrissey
(Lea Jackson Morrissey ‘74)
Ms. Kathryn N. Healey Mullen ‘02
Esther Mulroy ‘69
Sarah Haug Murphy ‘67
Murray Family
Kathryn Myers ‘68
Ms. Casey G. Nelligan ‘04
Ms. Tracy Nigrelli ‘98
John and Nancy Novack
George and Luanne Nugent
Mr. John Edward Nugent ‘08
Ms. Katie Nugent ‘06
Thomas and Kathleen O’Connell
Henry J. and Diane B. O’Donnell
Ms. Teresa O’Donnell
Ms. Holly O’Donohue ‘03
Mr. Robert Ogden and Ms. Laura
Coltin ‘98
Katie O’Hara ‘01
Erin and Stephen O’Sullivan
Mr. Rick Paine ‘83
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard A. Papin
Mrs. Elizabeth Dana Parker ‘81
Robert and Ellen Parker
Trish and John Patti
Mrs. Joanne H. Patton
Betsy Payne
Ms. Teresa Soares-Pena
Ms. Hailey M. Perry ‘14
Mr. Carmine Piantedosi ‘13
Ms. Caroline W. Pingree ‘04
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pollina
Mr. and Ms. David W. Pope
Mike and Mel Potoczak
Deborah Nelson and James Pratt
Mr. Nicholas N. Pratt ‘04
Ms. Ellen Preston
Nancy and Ganson Purcell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Purinton
Ms. Angela Katsos Ray ‘82 and S.
Alan Ray
RBC Dain Rauscher
Katharine Bride Reed ‘79
Mr. Alexander M. Reichert ‘07
Ms. Catharine H. Roehrig ‘67
Cynthia Johnson Rogers ‘82
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rogers
Ms. Kaisy Rosario ‘08
Gail Cushman Rose ‘76
Ms. Rachel LoVerme Rosenfeldt ‘99
Howard and Sandra Rotner
Ray Roy ‘04
Mr. Adam C. Ryan ‘95
Charles and Frances Schmitt
Mrs. Susan Schneider ‘65
Mrs. Rebecca Geller Schwartz ‘82
Peter B. Schwarz
Kenneth and Traci Segal
Mr. Robert W. and Lisa Garry
Mr. and Mrs. Chirag Shah
Mr. Joshua T. Shain ‘09
Mary and Michael Shanahan
Trina Ross Sherer ‘68
Michael and Bonnie Sherman
Ed and Susan Shreenan
Silicon Valley Community
Julie and David Smail
(Julie Clifford Smail ‘86)
Mr. Thomas Smoker
Judith Klein and John Soursourian
Dr. Zara-Marie Spooner and Dr.
Ashifi Gogo
Dr. and Mrs. J. Peter St. Clair
Dr. Kathryn J. Hollett and Mr. Arjen
Ms. Nicola Bridgman Stevens ‘68
Mr. and Mrs. Thad Steward
Ms. Elizabeth Levitsky Stracher ‘87
Chris and Judi Sullivan
Sandy Rowland Sullivan ‘79
Mrs. Ann R. Tadler
Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Taft
(Ms. Elizabeth Allen Taft ‘73)
Ms. Samantha Taylor ‘08
Mr. Paul G. Tetta
Ms. Colleen Tlagae
John and Katie Trotsky
Ms. Nguyet Thu and Mr. Tho Van
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vass, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vassallo
(Ms. Shelley McCloy Vassallo ‘76)
Kristen Buxton Vigsnes ‘85
The Voteur Family
Will and Anne Walfield
Ann, Craig & Matthew Walker ‘95
Alan and Jenifer Wall
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Waxer
Mike and Candace Wheeler
Wiles Family
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Williams
Ronda and Neil Wilson
Anne P. (Haug) Winter ‘71
Oliver and Linda Wolcott
Jessica Seymour Wood ‘02
In memory of Connie Wieting ‘68
B.B. and Tim Wright
Paul and Maureen Yasi
Ms. Janet Yoken
(Gifts of $100 or more from
Alumni 0-10 years after
their Pingree graduation)
Mr. Brian A. Adam ‘07
Ms. Sarah P. Bennett ‘07
Ms. Dale Bishop ’08
Mr. Thomas E. Smith ‘08
Ms. Alexandra Glazer ‘09
Mr. H. John Bertolon III ‘05
Mr. Daniel S. Guley ‘08
Mr. Joshua T. Shain ‘09
Ms. Ethel L. Mickey ‘08
Ms. Hailey M. Perry ‘14
Ms. Katie Nugent ‘06
Mr. Jason V. Hostetter ‘07
Ms. Hannah McGowan ‘07
Mr. Alexander M. Reichert ‘07
Mr. John Edward Nugent ‘08
Ms. Kaisy Rosario ‘08
Ms. Samantha Taylor ‘08
Mr. Connor C. Cash ‘11
Mr. Carmine Piantedosi ‘13
Mr. John M. Williamson ‘10
Anonymous (6)
Mr. Kenneth Aboagye-Adinkra ‘12
Mr. Cody J. Addison ‘10
Mr. Robert Ahearn ‘13
Chris Amirault ‘07
Ms. Anastasia T. Anderson ‘11
Mr. Frazer F. Anderson ‘09
Mr. Nicholas Antenucci ‘13
Ms. Morgan C. Atkins ‘05
Ms. Jennifer L. Avallon ‘07
Ms. Arlin Baez ‘13
Ms. Molly Baird ‘06
Ms. Morgan R. H. Baird ‘04
Mr. Connor Bandar ‘15
Ken and Helen Beal
Tom and Traci Beatrice
Ms. Evalyn Beckwith ‘67
Mr. Henry L. P. Beckwith
Susan Gallant-Behan ‘91
Ms. Drew K. Bishop ‘06
Mr. Kyle Bishop ‘06
Ms. Britton P. D. Bistrian ‘96
Mr. Alexander Bland ‘14
Frank Bonaiuto
Melissa and Don Bornstein
Joanne Briggs
Ms. Kristin A. Brown and Mr. Aaron
Mr. Erich Burke ‘82
Mr. Joshua N. Burlingham ‘04
Ms. Jody Franklin Burrows ‘65
Mr. and Mrs. Luigi Buttiri
Ms. Michaela Byrne ‘13
Ms. Olivia Byrne ‘14
Ms. Emma Campbell ‘14
Mr. Brian N. Capecci ‘98
Linda and Anthony Capone
Ms. Bianca Capone ‘12
Mr. Jerome Cappadona ‘13
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Capprini
Ms. Jaimie T. Cappucci ‘10
Ms. Jillian T. Cappucci ‘06
Ms. Kristina Caradonna ‘14
Mr. Scott Caradonna ‘12
Ms. Violet Caradonna
Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Grindle
(Ms. Kathleen M. Carnevale ‘05)
Ms. Sarah E. Carpenter ‘97
Ms. Laura Caruso ‘15
Mr. Andrew Castraberti ‘08
Mr. Johnson Chase ‘15
Mary Gene Tuthill Clavin ‘83
Sharon and Dan Clement
Mr. Alex B. Cohen ‘08
Ms. Michaela W. Colbert ‘09
Ms. Courtney Collier ‘10
Ms. Jennifer Coltin ‘09
Mark and Louise Coltin
Mr. Samuel Consitt ‘15
Elizabeth Mollineaux Cook ‘89
Mr. Harry Copeland ‘15
Mr. Nathan Corning ‘13
Ms. Veronica M. Corning ‘10
Ms. Paula Costa ‘09
Mr. and Mrs. John Coughlin
Cynthia and Duncan Cox ‘86
Mr. Edward B. Cox ‘88
Mr. John Cronin
Ms. Nancy Cronin
Ms. Erin Cunningham ‘14
Kristin and John Curreri
(Kristin Ludlam Curreri ‘87)
Mrs. Barbara Cusack
Ms. Morgan Cusack ‘15
Ms. Stella Dalkouras ‘15
Ms. Audra M. Dalton ‘95
Ms. Denise DeChristoforo
Paul and Lynda DeCourcy
Ms. Jennifer E. Delgado ‘01
Mr. Jeffrey DePiero ‘15
Mr. Charles I. DeSimone ‘10
Mr. Colin M. Desko ‘09
Andrew DeVito
Mr. Christopher DeVito ‘15
Sarah Taminiau Dewhurst ‘88
Ms. Shelby DiFiore ‘12
Ms. Catherine E. Dioli ‘10
Ms. Kelsey Dion ‘15
Mr. German L. Disla ‘07
Brian and Gail Doherty
Ms. Caitlin M. Doherty ‘09
Kathleen Dolan
Pingree awarded
in financial aid
Ms. Hannah E. Donoghue ‘05
Mr. Gregory M. Dooley ‘07
Ms. Kathleen Duff ‘72
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Edosomwan
Ms. Jenna Ellis ‘15
Mr. Richard A. Erickson
Mr. Benjamin Esakof ‘15
Ms. Barbara Falvey
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Falvey
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Fant
(Ms. Cynthia Ogden Fant ‘64)
Mr. Jack Fantini ‘15
Mr. Salvatore Fazio ‘15
Carol Seitchik and Alan Feldman
Mr. Joel Fernandez ‘15
Mr. Mark W. Ferrante ‘86
Mr. Scott Fiery ‘15
Ms. Elizabeth J. Filosa ‘10
Daniel Finbury and Patricia Reeser
Mr. Matthew-Jacob Finbury ‘15
Ms. Casey Finch
CeCe (Brotchie) ‘96 and Eric Fine
Ms. Sarah K. Fitzgerald ‘01
Mr. Dominic Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Flanagan
(Ms. Elsbeth Taft Flanagan ‘01)
Ms. Ella Fogel ‘15
Mr. Jonathan W. Fonvielle ‘10
Mr. Evan L. Franklin ‘90
Freecause, Inc.
Mr. Ross A. Freedman ‘86
Shaun and Allison Freeman
(Allison Cassidy Freeman ‘01)
Fyrer Family
Mr. Gerard Garrett
Ms. Eliza J. Garry ‘13
Mr. John Geer ‘13
Debbie Geller ‘88
Rabbi Myron and Eileen Geller
Mr. and Mrs. C. Deno Gianoukos
Mr. Dean Gianoukos ‘88
Maureen and Andrew Gilbert
Mr. Riale Gilligan ‘15
Mr. Jon Gistis
Mr. Max Goldstein ‘13
Rabbi Robert and Faith Goldstein
Mr. Calvin González ‘13
Mr and Mrs. Orlando Gonzalez
Ms. Abigail Gooding ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Goodwin III
Mr. Charles E. Goodwin ‘11
Ms. Abigail Gracey ‘15
Ms. Maura Grady ‘13
Elizabeth and Robert Graf
(Elizabeth Morgan Graf ‘69)
Ms. Emily Grand ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Greenwood
Ms. Leah Greenwood ‘13
Robert and Christina Grenier
Alice Grossman
Rev. Beth Loughhead and Dr. Jim
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Haack
Mr. Wolde Habtegebriel
Ms. Tennille Hahn
Ms. Cody Haight ‘15
Deborah and W. Scott Hale
Ms. Victoria A. Hallowell ‘04
Mr. Ehab H. Hamdan ‘10
Ms. Mary Harbist
Mr. Jay Hardwick ‘96
Mr. Matthew B. Harrington ‘00 and
Ms. Tova Elyse Kaplan Harrington ‘02
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harris
Ms. Alexa Harrison ‘15
Ms. Emily Hawthorne ‘12
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Heinze
Ms. Leah Heinze ‘15
Mr. James R. Henderson ‘06
Mr. Ryan D. Hendrickson ‘03
Ms. Sarah Hoefner ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Howard
Mr. Noah I. Hugenberger ‘00
Intel Foundation Matching Gifts
Esdras and Glenda Javier
Mrs. Andrea Johnson
Ms. Catherine Johnson ‘13
Ms. Sydney Jones ‘15
Ms. Amelia Joyce ‘15
Ms. Kirsten Kimball Kapteyn ‘81
Katherine and C.J. Karch
Anne Keefe (Ms. Anne Keefe ‘64)
Mr. Sean Keith ‘15
Mrs. Linda Kelley
Ms. Caroline Kenerson ‘05
Christina and Ben Kennedy
Teddie Kettenbach ‘04
Bill and Kathy Kilmartin
Ms. Kelsey M. Klibansky ‘08
Ms. Marisa Kouroubacalis ‘15
Mr. Jason R. Kramer ‘08
Ms. Madison J. Kramer ‘09
Mr. Samuel Krapels ‘15
Ms. Lindsay T. Kruck ‘06
Kula Foundation
Janet and Harry Kushnir
Ms. Rachel Laaff ‘06
Ms. Lily Lake ‘15
Henrik Førland Lampert ‘05
Ms. Taylor Landers ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Lane
Mr. Kyle P. Lange ‘10
Ms. Alena Larsen ‘15
Mr. Robert P. Lemelin ‘01
Mr. Thomas Lennon ‘15
Kevin and Kathryn Lentini
Mr. Kyle Lentini ‘14
Mr. Clay LePard ‘08
Susan P. Little
Amanda Maloney Lockerbie ‘96
Robert A. Logan ‘03
Mr. Samuel J. Logan ‘06
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Lohr
Ms. Laura S. Lorenz ‘72
Mr. John Lucey ‘15
Ms. Hope Taft and Mr. Ryan Lucky
(Ms. Hope S. Taft ‘05)
Ms. Laurie Lugo ‘15
Ms. Heather S. Lyon ‘09
Mr. and Mrs. George Lyons
Mr. Benjamin A. MacLaughlin ‘08
Ms. Elisa M. Maggio ‘05
Mike and Martha Mahoney
Ms. Zoe Mahoney ‘15
Elizabeth Mainiero ‘07
Mr. Zachary Malatesta
Ms. Monica Manning ‘14
Ms. Lindsay B. Margolis ‘10
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Marquard
Ms. Anna Martin ‘15
Deirdre and Peter Martin
(Deirdre Scudder Martin ‘80)
Mr. Jamal Martinez ‘13
Ms. Belmira Martins
Christine and Charles Martins
Mr. Maxwell L. Mathey ‘09
Mr. Peter W. Mathey ‘01
Mr. Samuel G. Mathey ‘04
Ms. Sarah J. Mathey ‘11
Ms. Catherine MawnMahlau ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mayo
Mr. Todd Mazzeo
Ms. Anna Mae McCoy
Elaine McGuire
Ms. Kerri McKie
Dianne Loring Meeker
Ms. Bianka Mejia ‘09
Ms. Annie Melden ‘11
Ms. Emily L. Melden ‘09
Mr. Matthew Menzie ‘15
Ms. Lauren A. Meyer ‘05
of the Class
of 2015 made
a gift to the
Pingree Fund
Mr. Samuel P. Mickey ‘10
Ms. Sydney Miller ‘15
Mr. Jolmi Minaya ‘09
Ms. Veronica Monteiro ‘13
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Moore
Mr. Christopher Moren ‘15
Bill and Betty Moren
Ms. Laura K. Morgan ‘80
Ms. Stephanie-Lee Morgan ‘00
Ms. Anne Morrissey ‘10
Dorothy Reed Morton
Ms. Rachel A. Mosakowski ‘04
Mr. Kevin Moyette ‘15
Matt and Karen Muniz
Ms. Amanda Nasser ‘09
Mr. Patrick J. Nelligan ‘04
Ms. Stacey Nicholson
Tommy RC Nigrelli ‘00
Brian Nolan and Judith Silvia
Ms. Holly S. Noyes ‘09
Ms. Kaitlyn M. O’Connell ‘11
The O’Connell Family
Mr. Juan-Carlos O’Donnell ‘08
Ms. Liliana (Lili) O’Donnell ‘11
Ms. Tracy O’Donnell ‘15
Nick and Andrea Ogles
The Oliver Family
Ms. Meghan O’Neill
Ms. Emily R. Osborne ‘04
Mr. Nevin R. Pathak ‘10
Taylor Felicity Patten
Lopez Family
Mr. Greg M. Pennington ‘08
Ms. Milcy Perez ‘15
Mr. Evan G. Perkins ‘10
Mr. Daniel Peters ‘15
Mr. Ian Pickrell ‘10
Ms. Alexandra Pingree ‘08
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Polese
Ms. Madeline Polese ‘13
Ms. Arlynn Poletta
Mr. Michael Posternack
Ms. Jillian C. Price ‘05
Ms. Charlotte Pruett ‘15
Ms. Jena L. Pruett ‘10
Dr. Nancy Pruett and Mr. Ronald C.
Pruett, Jr. ‘81
Ms. Michelle Ramadan
Ms. Britney Rand
Mr. John Rawlins ‘12
Campbell Rawlins ‘09
Mr. Lucas Reeve ‘13
Ms. Mariel Reilly ‘15
Mr. Lamarre R. Rey ‘09
Ms. Charlotte Reynders ‘15
Ms. Clare Reynders ‘15
Mr. Derek S. Rice ‘10
Ms. Elizabeth R. Richardson ‘08
Ms. Courteney M. Riedell ‘05
Mr. Jason Ries
Mr. David Rodriguez ‘09
Mr. Daniel M. Rogers ‘09
Mr. Zachary Davidson Rokos ‘09
Mr. Carter Rossano ‘15
Ms. Jessica Rucker ‘14
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Ruthen
Eva and Serge Sacharuk
Ms. Ariella Salter ‘15
Mr. Gabriel Salter ‘15
Ashley Sands ‘97
Mr. Kyle Sarazin ‘15
Mr. Anthony W. Sardo ‘09
Ms. Tara Sartori ‘98
Ms. Elizabeth M. Savarese ‘99
Ms. Julia Saxe ‘15
Mr. Henry Scharfe ‘15
Steven, Sara and Cameron Schmitt
Paula Schultz
Ms. Jennifer Schumer ‘15
Ms. Caroline B. Seamans ‘06
Ms. Jacqueline Serafino
Ms. Hannah Shafer ‘15
Ms. Michelle G. Shafer ‘10
Mr. Rishi Shah ‘15
Ms. Clare Shanahan ‘10
Mr. Alexander Shelburne ‘15
Ms. Caitlin E. Shelburne ‘08
Mary Waters Shepley
Mr. Matthew Sheridan ‘15
Ms. Katie Shreenan ‘15
Ms. Pam Sidell
Sra. Sofía P. Sidmore
Lana Luciano Silvestro ‘96
Mr. Bailey Sostek ‘15
Ms. Page Cogger Sostek ‘87 and Mr.
Joshua E. Sostek ‘87
Debra Spalding ‘74
Mr. Matthew St. Clair ‘15
Mr. John F. St. Pierre ‘10
Mr. Ryan St. Pierre ‘15
Ms. Merrill Stabler
Wendy and Eric Stacey ‘81
Ms.Laurel Samson Starks ‘76
Ms. Eliza Steele ‘15
Mr. Matt Steele and Ms. Paula
Mr. Eric Stephens ‘09
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Stewart ‘05
Mr. Jeffrey Stockwell
Mr. Jesse L. Sullivan ‘08
Diane and Jay Sullivan
Ms. Katherine Sullivan ‘12
Mr. Tom Sullivan ‘04
Norman and Barbara Swanson
Ms. Amanda N. Sweat ‘08
Dave and Pam Sweeney
Sally Symmes
Mr. Charles Taft ‘10
Mr. William Taft ‘08
Ms. Sara Tahir
Dana Limanni-Tarlow ‘85
Mr. Dylan Taylor ‘12
Ms. Lila Teeters
Mr. Frederick M. Thayer ‘85
Ms. Haley L. Thompson ‘09
Mr. Chad Tokowicz ‘14
Ms. Casey Torto ‘15
Ms. Elissa M. Torto ‘95
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Torto
Abi and Nick Trotman
Karen and Tom Trowbridge
Mr. Benjamin Trudeau ‘13
Jane and Jim Trudeau
Ms. Connie Truong ‘13
Ms. Lisa Truong ‘12
The Umholtz Family
Ms. Janet T. A. Van ‘11
Mr. Tony Van ‘13
Ms. Debora VanderMolen
Mr. Robert VanTuyl ‘14
Ms. Jennifer Vargas ‘15
Mr. Samuel Varsano ‘15
Mr. Andrew J. Vassallo ‘06
Mr. Dillon J. Vassallo ‘08
Anthony and Melanie Velleco ‘87
Attorney Samuel A. Vitali
Ms. Deborah von Rosenvinge ‘71
Mr. Dylan Wack ‘14
Brian and Daphne Walsh
Ms. Rebecca S. Wasserman ‘02
Ms. Peg Webber
Mrs. Allister Carlson Webster ‘70
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wescott
Ms. Emma Whalen ‘15
Mr. John Whalen
Michael and Susan Whalen
Mr. Griffin Whitman ‘15
Ms. Olivia M. Whitney ‘09
Andrew and Aline Wildes
Mr. Julian Wildes ‘13
Mr. Jeremy Wiles ‘15
Dr. Belinda J. Wilkes
Steve and Sarah Wilkins
(Sarah French Wilkins ‘76)
Mr. Reinhold Willcox ‘12
J.D. Willets ‘07
Mr. Lenworth A. Williamson ‘09
Mr. Michael Wilmot
Jessica A. Wistran ‘93 and
Gregory Hart
Ben and Marjorie Wittner
Ms. Anna Wistran Wolfe ‘95
Ms. Erica J. Woodman ‘05
Ms. Vanessa R. Woodman ‘02
Fraley D. Wright
Mr. Jake Yasi ‘15
Ms. Margaret Yasi ‘14
Ms. Doreen E. Yee
Jonathan and Jaclyn Yezerski
Ms. Samantha Yezerski ‘15
Ms. Yoojin Yoon ‘15
Ms. Julie Zook
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Barry
Dr. Matthew J. Brady ‘93
Mr. and Mrs. William Callender
Mr. James Clyde
Ms. Leslie Smith Gill ‘64
Ms. Barbara Macleod
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Morse, III
Northeast Hospital Medical Staff
Quality Systems and Compliance
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reidy III
Peter and Lucy Robbins
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Walat
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Webster
Mr. Thomas J. Willett
Laurie Carpenter
Carpenter and MacNeille
Employees of Carpenter and
Mr. Robert MacNeille
Tom and Nancy Maher
Fred and Connie Glore
(Connie Pemberton Glore ‘69)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Carey
Christopher and Mary Beth Doherty
James and Joan Henderson
The Menzie Family
(Tim and Lynn Menzie)
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Mosakowski
Henry J. and Diane B. O’Donnell
Janet and Mike Rogers
Joseph and Augusta Stanislaw
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Whelan, Jr.
Ursula and Joseph Whitney
In Honor of Mr. and
Mrs. William O. Baker
Ms. Leigh Baker Pool ‘68
In Memory of Merrilyn Clay
Belliveau ‘64
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Barry
Dr. Matthew J. Brady ‘93
Mr. and Mrs. William Callender
Mr. James Clyde
Ms. Leslie Smith Gill ‘64
Ms. Barbara Macleod
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Morse, III
Northeast Hospital Medical Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reidy III
Quality Systems and Compliance
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Robbins
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Walat
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Webster
Mr. Thomas J. Willett
In Honor of Kirk Bishop
Dr. and Mrs. George P. Kacoyanis
In Honor of Renate Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Erich Burke
In Honor of Steve Carey
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Callahan
E.J. Callahan & Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Salter
In Memory of William
Carpenter III ‘78
Mrs. William T. Carpenter
Carpenter and MacNeille
Employees of Carpenter and
Mr. Robert MacNeille
In Memory of Tim Chaloux ‘13
Ms. Arlin Baez ‘13
Mr. Max Goldstein ‘13
Ms. Leah Greenwood ‘13
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Greenwood
Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Terumi Fujita
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harris
Kenwood Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Knowles
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Maher
Ms. Kimberley Moore and Mr.
Matthew Spuck
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rogers
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Smeallie
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander A. Uhle
Mr. and Mrs. John White
In Honor of Paul DeCourcy
Ms. Kathleen M. Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Prawdzik
Resin Systems Corporation
In Honor of Mary Dyer
Mr. Connor C. Cash ‘11
In Honor of Jenna Ellis ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ellis
In Honor of Richard Erickson
Ms. Anne K. Melden ‘11
In Honor of Michael Femia ‘16
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Waxer
In Honor of Robert and
Susan Ferrante
Mr. James R. Ferrante ‘89
In Honor of Steve Filosa
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brengle
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander A. Uhle
In Memory of
Frances Nichols Finlay ‘68
Ms. Ann Woodard ‘68
In Memory of Sarah A. Giles ‘99
In Memory of Malcolm Coates
Ms. Alice Grossman
Mr. Frederick Atkins and Ms. Patricia
Ms. Morgan C. Atkins ‘05
Mrs. Tami Bane
Mr. Richard C. Bane
Mr. and Mrs. James Carney
In Honor of John Glessner
Ms. Bianca Capone ‘12
Ms. Kaitlyn M. O’Connell ‘11
In Honor of Samuel Krapels ‘15
Ms. Eldrine Emerson
In Honor of Andrew Kushnir ‘18
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Ruthen
In Memory of James A. Logan
Mr. Thomas R. Belhumeur ‘04
In Honor of Amanda Marquard
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Segal
In Honor of Di Mathey
Ms. Eliza Garry ‘13
In Memory of Glen McCloy
Mr. Andrew J. Vassallo ‘06
In Honor of Alan McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Abelson
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey K. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. S. Boyer D. Baird, Jr.
Mr. Thomas R. Belhumeur ‘04
Mr. Peter Bingenheimer ‘92
Dr. Matthew J. Brady ‘93
Mr. and Mrs. Paige R. Bronk
Mr. and Mrs. Alex K. Case
Mr. E. Brigham Cox ‘88
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Dewing, Jr.
Ms. Sarah Taminiau Dewhurst ‘88
Ms. Caitlin M. Doherty ‘09
Mr. Timothy S. Everitt and
Ms. Carter McIlvaine
Mr. and Mrs. Carter F. Fenton
Dan and Patricia (Asselin) Ferris
(Patricia Asselin Ferris ‘93)
Ms. Wendy Vincent Fox ‘86
Ms. Sandra Funari
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Garnett
Mr. Dean M. Gianoukos ‘88
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Gifford, Jr.
Mr. David J. Glasser ‘00
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hopkins
Ms. Kimberly M. Hourihan ‘83
Ms. Caroline F. Kenerson ‘05
Mr. Edward A. D. Kettenbach ‘04
Mr. Michael Kettenbach ‘00
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Knight
Mr. and Ms. John Lawrence, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs.* Thomas R. Lawson III
Mr. Robert A. Logan ‘03
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Makowskyj
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. MacLaughlin
The Mathey Family
Mr. Sam Martini ‘92
Mr. and Mrs. Mike McAllister
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick B. McCoy
Ms. Erica T. Meninno ‘07
Mr. Richard L. Paine ‘83
Mr. Brian M. Ritter ‘94
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Rogers
Ms. Elizabeth M. Savarese ‘99
Ms. Clare F. Shanahan ‘10
Ms. Elizabeth M. Shanahan ‘06
Ms. Heather Atwood Smith ‘85
Dr. Andrew Stavisky ‘84
Mr. Arthur K. Steinert ‘88
Ms. Elizabeth Stracher ‘87
Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Taft
Mr. Mark A. Tatelman ‘04
Ms. Ariana E. Twomey ‘11
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wakelin
Ms. Bethany J. Whitaker ‘82
Ms. Lauren W. Zinn ‘08
In Honor of Dave Medvitz
Allen Smith and Denise DuChainey
In Memory of
Ms. Edith Knight Meyer ‘68
In Memory of
Ms. Leonora Pemberton ‘68
Ms. Ann Woodard ‘68
In Honor of Charlotte Reynders ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Charlton Reynders, Jr.
In Honor of Clare Reynders ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Charlton Reynders, Jr.
In Memory Michael W. Robb ‘76
Mrs. Cordelia R. McCuaig
In Memory of Robin Rogers
In Honor of Ailsa Steinert
Ms. Kathleen M. Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Haack
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Purinton
In Honor of Barbara Swanson
Ms. Kathleen M. Dolan
In Honor of Buddy Taft
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Brady III
Ms. Caitlin M. Doherty ‘09
Mr. Evan L. Franklin ‘90
In Memory of
Mr. Robert T. Thayer ‘76
Mr. Henry L. P. Beckwith
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Deveney, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Emmons, Jr
Mr. Henry H. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Shepley
Mrs. R. Thruston H. Thayer
In Memory of
Edward S. Rowland, Jr. ‘77
In Memory of Connie Wieting ‘68
Mrs. R. Thruston H. Thayer
Ms. Ann Woodard ‘68
In Honor of Katie Shreenan ‘15
In Memory of Michael Mokrzycki
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shreenan
Ms. Virgilia Gambon
In Honor of Eric Stacey ‘81
E.J. Callahan & Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Geoffrey O. Lubbock
Sherrill and Mark Attarian
Mr. and Mrs. Jes Munk Hansen
Eric P. Olson and Diana J. Denning
Charles M. Storey ‘77
In Honor of Emma Whalen ‘15
Mr. John Whalen
Ms. Ann Woodard ‘68
In Memory of Ross S. Yanco ‘88
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Payne
Prep@Pingree, Pingree School’s nationally recognized academic enrichment and secondary
school scholarship program for talented, hard-working, middle school students predominantly
from underserved communities, is funded primarily through individuals and institutions with a
deep commitment to children seeking access to high quality education and the American Dream.
We thank these donors for supporting our program and some very deserving students.
Anonymous (5)
Abbot and Dorothy H. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Abedon
Pat Connolly-Atkins and Fred Atkins
Ms. Morgan C. Atkins ‘05
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Ms. Molly Baird ‘06
Mr. Richard C. Bane
Mrs. Tami Bane
The Bertolon Family
Mr. H. John Bertolon III ‘05
Kirk and Julie Bishop
Allie Flather Blodgett
The Boston Foundation
Mr. Leo Boyle
Andrew and Susan Brengle
Ms. Jennifer K. Brown
William Burns ‘84
Malcolm and Julianne Burr
Ms. Jody Franklin Burrows ‘65
Linda and Anthony Capone
Mr. and Mrs. James Carney
Catherine McCarthy Memorial Trust
Charitable Gift Fund
Laurence and Jerome Chase
Charles G. Pringle Foundation
Rosalina Cheung
Debbie and Malcolm Coates*
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Collins
Danversbank Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David Dearborn
Deland Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Deland
Donna and Louis Di Lillo
Mr. German L. Disla ‘07
Tom and JoAnne Doherty
Edward S. and Winifred G. Moseley
Elmwood Charitable Trust
Essex County Community
Foundation – Greater Lawrence
Summer Fund
Susan and Jay Esty
Fiduciary Charitable Foundation
Tracy and Steve Filosa
Dr. Richard and Mrs. Caroline
Ms. Joy G. Foley
Forest Foundation
Joan and Ronald Fox
Ann and Paul Foye
Mr. Terumi Fujita
Linda and Matthew Gilligan
Val and Paul Gilman
Donna L. Gilton ‘68
Ms. Alexandra Glazer ‘09
Fred and Connie Glore
(Connie Pemberton Glore ‘69)
Gonzalez Family
Douglas Gooding
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Goodwin III
Mr. Charles E. Goodwin ‘11
Deanna and Bill Grinnell
Mr. Amory Haight
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harris
Lauren and Herb Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. F. Whitney Hatch
The Heffron Family
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton E. Heywood
(Karen Durkee Heywood ‘67)
Shirin Philipp and John Higgins
Highland Street Foundation
Mary and Harry Hintlian
Michael and Jill Howard
Invest in People
Peter Jalajas and Robin Blackmore
Dr. Timothy M. Johnson and Ms.
Jennifer E. Groeber
Jeff and Karla Kaneb
Mr. Jonathan Katz
Thomas and Eileen Kelly
Mr. Stephen P. Kent and Ms. Nancy
L. Sullivan
Kenwood Foundation
Kathleen and Neil Kirby
Ms. Kelly Schwenkmeyer and Mr.
Edward F. Kloman
Anne Hooper Kneisel ‘64
Joe and Polly Knowles
Ms. Melody Komyerov
Steven and Janet Kouroubacalis
Joseph and Kandace Kukas
Philip and Julie Lake
(Philip Lake ’85)
Trish and Mark Landgren
Eivind Lange and Mary Puma
Ms. Karen Lin
Sophia Lin
Lopez Family
Rosemarie and John Lucey
Lisa and Kevin Lucey
Heidi and Mike Lynn
(Heidi Rowland Lynn ‘78)
Tom and Nancy Maher
Ms. Elizabeth C. Mainiero ‘07
Jill and Rob Mainiero
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Marchesseault
Diana Batchelder Mathey
Linda B. May
McCormack Firm, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Alan McCoy
Ms. Patricia McGovern
Mr. David McGrath
Ms. Bianka Mejia ‘09
Therese and Kurt Melden
Mellon Bank N.A.
Lynne and Timothy Menzie
MFS Investment Management
Brian and Connie Millard
Mr. Jolmi Minaya ‘09
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Moore
Kimberley Moore and
Matthew Spuck
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Mosakowski
Move The World Foundation
Kathryn Myers ‘68
George and Luanne Nugent
Vania and Barbara O’Connor
Ms. Holly O’Donohue ‘03
O’Hare Family
Eric P. Olson and Diana J. Denning
Carolyn Paczkowska and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard A. Papin
Mr. Thomas Pappas
Oliver and Barbara Parker
Betsy Payne
Evonne and Mark Peters
Mr. Carmine Piantedosi ‘13
Will and Lucy Pingree
Deborah Nelson and James Pratt
Ms. Angela Katsos Ray ‘82 and S.
Alan Ray
Mr. Thomas Reardon and Anne
Mr. Alexander M. Reichert ‘07
Leslie E. Reichert
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ries
Mr. and Mrs. Charlton Reynders, Jr.
Mr. David Rodriguez ‘09
Rogers Family Foundation
Cynthia Johnson Rogers ‘82
Janet and Mike Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rogers
Ms. Kaisy Rosario ‘08
Howard and Sandra Rotner
Kim and Philip Rotner
Ruthie and Robert Salter
Marc and Gigi Sarazin
Mr. R. Michael Sceery
Sara and Steven Schmitt
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mary Scofield
Mrs. Peter B. Seamans, Sr.*
Campbell B. Seamans ‘75 and
Dale Seamans ‘77
Ellen and Bruce Shain
(Ellen Reinhalter Shain ‘77)
Mr. Joshua T. Shain ‘09
Keith and Ellen Shaughnessy
Richard and Jenny Siegel
J.D. and Martha Smeallie
Allen Smith and Denise DuChainey
Judith Klein and John Soursourian
Ms. Merrill Stabler
Joseph and Augusta Stanislaw
Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Taft
(Ms. Elizabeth Allen Taft ‘73)
Kathleen and Paul Tarnowski
Mr. Michael S. Tarshi ‘97 and Dr.
Adella Agolli Tarshi
Mr. Paul G. Tetta
Dwight and Kirki Thompson
Ms. Connie Truong ‘13
Ms. Lisa Truong ‘12
Alex and Sally Uhle
Ms. Janet T. A. Van ‘11
Ms. Nguyet Thu and Mr. Tho Van
Mr. Tony Van ‘13
Elaine and John Ventola
Bill and Mary Wasserman
R. Kingman Webster and
Dee Webster
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wescott
Mr. and Mrs. John White
L. Dexter Woodman
Scholarship Fund
Mrs. Dexter Woodman
B.B. and Tim Wright
Jaclyn Kugell and Jonathan Yezerski
Mr. John D. Young and
Ms. Sue Casey
Anonymous (11)
Laura Winthrop Abbot ‘96
Mariana and Richard Abelson ‘96
Brian Abraham ‘84
Emma Campbell and
Christine Acampa
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Albano
The Alepa Family
Ms. Alex Alexander ‘84
Geoffrey K. Alexander ‘82
Martha and Roger Altreuter
Nina and Blake Anderson
(Nina Sacharuk Anderson ‘77)
Mary Fitzpatrick and Mark Assad
Sherrill and Mark Attarian
Ms. Carolyn Attenborough ‘11
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
Austin Esecson Irrevocable Trust
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Hope Amory Bachelder ‘77 and
Robert Bachelder
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Bailey
(Ms. Alyssa Freeman Bailey ‘00)
Sam, Molly, Bo and Kathy Baird
Bank of America Charitable
Gift Fund
Ms. Keri A. Barrett ‘03
Ms. Susan Cameron Barrow ‘85
Wrenn and Seth Bartlett ‘91
Peter and Linda Beal
The Beatty Family
Drs. David and Theresa Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Beckman
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beinecke
Mr. Thomas R. Belhumeur ‘04
Julie Bellet
Ms. Gretchen K. Berg ‘95
Mr. Peter Bingenheimer ‘92
Pamela and Steven Binnie
Julie and Kirk Bishop
Ms. Britton P. D. Bistrian ‘96
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood C. Blake
Frank Bonaiuto
Mr. Michael J. Bono ‘92
Kathy and Jay Bothwick
Margaret Brady ‘81
Dr. Matthew J. Brady ‘93
Ms. Elena M. Brandano ‘07
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Broadhurst
Paige Bronk ‘85
Ms. Kristin A. Brown and Mr. Aaron
Susan Brown ‘70
Tamie Thompson Burke and William
C. Burke III
(Ms. Tamie Thompson Burke ‘76)
Kitty and Jock Burns
Clare and Michael Byrne
Christina and Joshua Cahill ‘93
Mr. Brian N. Capecci ‘98
Ms. Lilia T. Carey ‘08
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Carey
Laurie Carpenter
Ms. Sarah E. Carpenter ‘97
Christopher Carrigan and Laura
Cabot Carrigan
David Caruso and Diane Willis
Alex Case ‘90
Donna and Ed Caselden
Ms. Gina M. Caselden ‘08
Mr. Andrew Castraberti ‘08
Trish and Steven Castraberti
Charitable Gift Fund
Laurence and Jerry Chase
Rosalina and Bill Cheung
Choate Hall & Steward, LLP
Debbie and Malcolm Coates*
Ms. Christina Clifford Comparato ‘85
Mr. Christopher D. Connolly ‘97
Kathy and John Connolly
Ms. Tammy and Mr. Philip Conrad
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Cooley
(Ms. Michelle Pandy Cooley ‘80)
The Corning Family
Mr. Edward B. Cox ‘88
Sheri and John Curley
Michelle and Brian Cusack
Mr. Nelson J. Darling, Jr.
Ms. Crystal Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert de Lacvivier
Mr. Dean DeCoste
Lynda and Paul DeCourcy
Kathy and Laurent Dedieu
(Kathryn MacLaughlin Dedieu ‘89)
Ms. Helen Simons Del Bene ‘91
del Rio Family
Demoulas Foundation
Ms. Diane H. Denner ‘89
Sarah Taminiau Dewhurst ‘88
Jay Dewing ‘88
The Di Lillo Family in memory of
Maria Floccari
Alice Roberts Dietrich ‘68
Jeannine and Peter Dion
The Dirks Family
Ms. Caitlin M. Doherty ‘09
Mary Beth and Christopher Doherty
Kathleen Dolan
Shoba and Naga Donti
Mr. William Dore
Susan and Tim Dowd
Kelli M. Duggan ‘89
Mary and Dennis Dyer
Mr. Justin Parker ‘02 and Ms.
Kathleen Dyer Parker ‘02
Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
Jennifer and Tom Eddy
Mimi Davis Emmons and Robert
(Mimi Davis Emmons ’64)
Mr. Richard A. Erickson
Mr. Austin R. Esecson ‘06
Essex County Community
Susan and Jay Esty
Mr. Timothy S. Everitt ‘84 and Ms.
Carter McIlvaine
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Falzone
Elizabeth and Stephen Fantone
Ms. Meghan Farley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Farnham
(Ms. Glorianne Demoulas
Farnham ‘70)
Ms. Katherine Faulkner
Ms. Amelia C. Fawcett ‘74
Ms. Caroline Fay ‘14
Mr. John Fay ‘17
Sudie and Bill Fay
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Fazio
Carter Fenton ‘89
Patricia and Dan Ferris
(Patricia Asselin Ferris ‘93)
Fiduciary Charitable Foundation
Tracy and Steve Filosa
Ms. Sarah K. Fitzgerald ‘01
Mr. Dominic Fitzpatrick
Mrs. Caroline and Dr. Richard
Fleetwing Charitable Foundation
Ms. Joy G. Foley
Leslie and Rafael Fonseca
Joan and Ronald Fox
Ms. Wendy Vincent Fox ‘86
Ann and Paul Foye
Freya Fanning & Co., LLC
Ms. Sandra Funari
Fyrer Family
Samantha and Jason Galui ‘95
Lisa and Dan Gaquin
Ms. Sarah Curran Garnett ‘99
Mr and Mrs. Bartlett R. Geer
Debbie Geller ‘88
Jessica and Michael Geraty ‘96
Lori and Sam Gerber
Mr. Dean Gianoukos ‘88
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K.
Gifford, Jr. ‘87
Mr. Jon Gistis
Mr. and Mrs. David Giunta
Mr. David Glasser ‘00
Char Glessner Monie ‘99
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Glessner III
Connie and Fred Glore
(Connie Pemberton Glore ‘69)
Peter H. Glore ‘04
Mr. David Goff
Ms. Miranda Gooding
Google Matching Gifts
Gorton’s Seafood
Michelle and Michael Gracey
Graham Holdings Matching Gift
Sita and Brendan Greelish ‘97
Christina and Robert Grenier
Deanna and Bill Grinnell
Rev. Beth Loughhead and Dr. Jim
Mr. Daniel S. Guley ‘08
Robbie and Thor Hallowell
Mr. Eric Haltmeier
Ms. Mary Harbist
Ms. Ashley Hubbard Harmon ‘96
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Harrigan
(Elizabeth Shorts Harrigan ‘95)
Sarah and John Harrington
Mr. Matthew B. Harrington ‘00 and
Ms. Tova Elyse Kaplan
Harrington ‘02
Jackie and Peter Harriss
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harte, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Whitney Hatch
Mr. Bruce C. Hebbel ‘82
Mr. and Mrs. James Heffrin
The Heffron Family
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Heinze
Mr. James R. Henderson ‘06
Mr. Ryan D. Hendrickson ‘03
Mr. Jeff Holmes
Christine Cataudella Hopkins ‘86
Ms. Kim Hourihan ‘83
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan K.
Hugenberger ‘92
Mr. Noah I. Hugenberger ‘00
Ibrahim El Hefni Technical
Training Foundation
Independent Schools Compensation
International Advisory Services, Ltd.
Ipswich Bay Glass Company
Jac and Eva Feinberg Fund
Amanda Crawford Jackson ‘96 and
Ned Jackson
Barbara and Fred Jackson
Betsy and Bill Jacques
Mrs. Andrea Johnson
Ann and Geoff Johnson
Mrs. H. Alden Johnson, Jr.
Dr. Timothy M. Johnson and Ms.
Jennifer E. Groeber
Tracy and Mark Johnson
Lisa and Dan Jones
Mr. David M. Jones
Ms. Elizabeth K. Jose ‘02
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kaneb
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kaneb
Ms. Kirsten Kimball Kapteyn ‘81
Katherine and C.J. Karch
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Karl ‘98
Jamie Kellogg ‘85 and Kate Cairns
Kellogg ‘86
Ms. Caroline Kenerson ‘05
Christina and Ben Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. John Kent
Kenwood Foundation
Ms. Kerry Keohane
Teddie Kettenbach ‘04
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kettenbach
(Frances Demoulas Kettenbach ‘69)
Mr. Michael Kettenbach ‘00
Dr. and Mrs. Neil Kirby
Ms. Kelly Schwenkmeyer and Mr.
Edward F. Kloman
Anne Hooper Kneisel ‘66
Paul Knight ‘ 00 and Gretchen
Knight ‘01
Polly and Joe Knowles
Marion Hewson Knowles ‘78
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knowles
Janet and Steven Kouroubacalis
Sarah A. Emerson and
Edward Krapels
The Krohg Family
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kukas
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Laezza
LaFontaine Family Foundation
Ms. Anne Stier LaFontaine ‘78
Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Lake ‘85
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Lane
Eivind Lange and Mary Puma
Ms. Cara Angelopulos Lawler ‘01
Mr. and Ms. John Lawrence, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Lawson III
Wendy Lawton
Rebecca Symmes Lee ‘94
Mr. and Mrs. William D.
Lemos, Jr. ’95
(Ms. Christine McCarthy Lemos ‘96)
Paige and David Lewin
The Livingstone Family
Lisette S. Venier Charitable
Robert A. Logan ‘03
Mr. Jon Loring ‘92
Ms. Claire Loughhead
Mr. Norman Lubeck and Ms. Susan
Mary and John Lucey
Rosemarie and John Lucey
Mr. and Mrs. George Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. James MacLaughlin ‘84
Meghan and Robie MacLaughlin ’91
(Mrs. Meghan Wall MacLaughlin ‘91)
Philip MacLaughlin ‘86
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Maggio
Ms. Marisa Albano Makowskyj ‘94
Mr. and Mrs. John Manning
Lois and Art Maravelis
Ms. Samantha Drislane
Markowski ‘93
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Marquard
Marsh & McLennan Companies
Mr. Sam Martini ‘92
Sydney and Peter Mason ‘96
Diana Batchelder Mathey
Nan and George Mathey
Linda B. May
Elizabeth and Paul Mayo
Pamela Karlyn Mazow ‘85
Mr. Todd Mazzeo
Melissa McAllister ‘94
Christopher McCarthy ‘88
Eileen and Michael McCarthy ‘97
Mr. and Mrs. Alan McCoy
Ms. Anna Mae McCoy
Anne and Patrick McCoy ‘90
Ms. Hannah McGowan ‘07
Mary B. and Alexander S. McGrath
Ms. Cheryl McGuire
Kristin and Ross McGurn
Bethanie and Shawn McNinch
Mr. David J. Medvitz
Ms. Annie Melden ‘11
Ms. Emily L. Melden ‘09
Therese and Kurt Melden
Mellon Bank N.A.
Erica Meninno ‘07
The Menzie Family
Nod* and Henry Meyer
Mr. Henry H. Meyer
Ms. Lauren A. Meyer ‘05
Michael and Janet Rogers
Ms. Ethel L. Mickey ‘08
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Mickey
Ms. Catherine Mitchell and Mr.
Bryan Townsend
Kimberley Moore and
Matthew Spuck
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Moore
Morgan Stanley & Co.
Mr. * and Mrs. Hewitt Morgan, Jr.
Ms. Stephanie-Lee Morgan ‘00
Mr. and Mrs. John Morris
Ms. Patricia Morrison ‘03
Karen and Matt Muniz
Angela and Al Murdock
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Nelligan
Michael Nelligan, Jr. ‘02
Network for Good
New York Community Trust
Nordson Corporation
Nancy Pope Noyes ‘82 and
Peter Noyes
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Ober
Dr. and Mrs. Robert O’Brien and
Barbara and Vania O’Connor
Ms. Holly O’Donohue ‘03
Mr. Robert Ogden and Ms. Laura
Coltin ‘98
Andrea and Nick Ogles
Eric P. Olson and Diana J. Denning
Ms. Meghan O’Neill
Sig and Steve Orne
(Sigrid Barton Orne ‘84)
Osceola Foundation
Carolyn Paczkowska and Family
Mr. Rick Paine ‘83
Lisa W. Parker ‘76
Mr. Justin Parker ‘02 and Ms.
Kathleen Dyer Parker ‘02
Barbara and Oliver Parker
Ms. Sarika Patel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Patrican
Taylor Felicity Patten
Mark and Evonne Peters
Pingree Parents Association
Ms. Alexandra Pingree ‘08
Mr. Charles W. Pingree
Mr. Christopher W. Pingree ‘78
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Pingree, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Pingree
Lucy and Will Pingree
Ms. Jane Shotwell Pirie ‘79
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Polese
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Polese
(Laurie Harding Polese ‘84)
Ms. Arlynn Poletta
Mr. Michael Posternack
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Prawdzik
Ms. Ellen Preston
Mimi and Ron Pruett
Ms. Michelle Ramadan
Ms. Britney Rand
Martha and Jeff Rawlins
Leslie E. Reichert
Mary Reinhalter
Resin Systems Corporation
Claudia and Chat Reynders
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Ricciardelli
Ms. Elizabeth R. Richardson ‘08
Wendy, Liza and Peter Richardson
(Wendy Morgan Richardson ‘78
and Liza Richardson ‘08)
Mr. Jason Ries
Jane and Thomas Riley
(Jane Blake Riley ‘77)
Kristin and Mike Riley
Mr. Brian Ritter ‘94
Cynthia Johnson Rogers ‘82
Janet and Mike Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rogers
Don Romanelli and Lisa SandoukRomanelli
Kim and Philip Rotner
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Rowland
Frances and Stephen Rowland ‘80
Susan and Cliff Rucker
Ms. Caitlin E. Ryan ‘09
Ruthie and Robert Salter
Mr. Alexander I. Sandman ‘00
Ms. Tara Sartori ‘98
Ms. Elizabeth M. Savarese ‘99
Leigh and Alan Scharfe
Ms. Allison DeNapoli Schill ‘95
Frances and Charles Schmitt
Steven, Sara and Cameron Schmitt
Schwab Charitable Fund
Marie Louise and David Scudder
Campbell B. Seamans ‘75 and Dale
Hawkes Seamans ‘77
Ms. Molly Seamans ‘97
Ed Seero ‘97
Traci and Kenneth Segal
Nicole M. Serratore, Esq. ‘93
Ms. Michelle G. Shafer ‘10
Ellen and Bruce Shain
(Ellen Reinhalter Shain ‘77)
Ms. Clare Shanahan ‘10
Elizabeth Shanahan ‘06
Ellen and Keith Shaughnessy
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Sheehan
Wayne M. Sheridan and Patricia
Mr. Alexander C. Shorts ‘00
Mr. and Mrs. Binkley Shorts
Sra. Sofía P. Sidmore
Michael R. Singer ‘85
Julie and David Smail
(Julie Clifford Smail ‘86)
J.D. and Martha Smeallie
(Ms. Martha Lyness Smeallie ‘78)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Smith
Ms. Heather Atwood Smith ‘85
Mr. Thomas E. Smith ‘08
Judith Klein and John Soursourian
Mr. David Southworth
Spero Charitable Foundation
Ms. Merrill Stabler
Wendy and Eric Stacey ‘81
State Street Boston Corporation
Dr. Andrew Stavisky ‘84
Amy and Charles Stavros
Mr. Arthur K. Steinert ‘88 and
Suzanne Pinto
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Stelk
Ms. Nicola Bridgman Stevens ‘68
Mr. * and Mrs. Gilbert L. Steward, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Levitsky Stracher ‘87
Joan and Martin Sullivan
Diane and Jay Sullivan
Joyce Wilson Swagerty
Barbara and Norman Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Swayze
Stevens Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Tadler
Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Taft
(Ms. Elizabeth Allen Taft ‘73)
Viviane and Tony Tannoury
Mark Tatelman ‘04
Lisa and Kevin Taylor
Ms. Samantha Taylor ‘08
Ms. Lila Teeters
Mr. Paul Tetta
Mr. Michael J. Tigar ‘97
The Tomkins/Tokowicz Family
Katie and John Trotsky
Mr. Benjamin Trudeau ‘13
Jane and Jim Trudeau
Ms. Ariana E. Twomey ‘11
UBS Foundation USA Matching Gift
Sally and Alex Uhle
The Umholtz Family
Ms. Debora VanderMolen
Jill Goldstein and David Varsano
Mr. Andrew J. Vassallo ‘06
Kristen Buxton Vigsnes ‘85
Virginia Wellington Cabot
Frederick Vona and Family
Ms. Anne Higgins Wakelin ‘82
Sarah and Michael Wall (Sarah Stevens Wall ‘68)
Ms. Carol Williams Walsh ‘65
Mary and Bill Wasserman
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Waxer
Westport Fund
Mr. and Mrs. James Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Whelan, Jr.
Ms. Bethany Whitaker ‘82
Mr. and Mrs. E. John White
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Whitman
Mr. Kirk Williams
Mr. Michael Wilmot
Ronda and Neil Wilson
Jessica A. Wistran ‘93 and Gregory
Ms. Anna Wistran Wolfe ‘95
Ms. Suzanne Wright
Jaclyn and Jonathan Yezerski
Mr. John D. Young and Ms. Sue
The Zinn Family
(Lauren W. Zinn ‘08)
Ms. Julie Zook
2014 – 2015
Therese Melden, Co-Chair
Vania O’Connor, Co-Chair
Barney Corning
Sarah Emerson
Lisa Jones
Tim Menzie
Trish Moore
Cliff Rucker
Bink Shorts
Kim Moore*
Diana Mathey*
Steve Filosa*
Richard Tadler, Chair
Diane Kaneb, Vice-Chair
Neale Attenborough, Secretary
Jeffrey Rawlins, Treasurer
Tim Menzie, Chair
Naga Donti
John Wilmot (CBIZ Tofias)
Jock Burns*
John Harrington*
Diane Kaneb, Co-Chair
Claudia Reynders, Co-Chair
Neale Attenborough
Bill Grinnell
Mary McGrath
Therese Melden
Cliff Rucker
Kirk Bishop- Ad Hoc
Kim Moore*
Joan Sullivan, Chair
Naga Donti
Gloribel Gonzalez
Amanda Jackson
Ralph Massillon
Mary McGrath
Claudia Reynders
Teresa Soares-Pena
* Pingree Staff
Lisa Taylor
Kristin Brown*
Melody Komyerov*
Eric Stacey*
Bink Shorts, Chair
Bill Heffron, Co-Chair
Barney Corning
Bill Grinnell
Ted Ober
Jeff Rawlins
Bart Geer, Ad hoc
Philip Rotner, Ad hoc
Jock Burns*
Barney Corning
Brendan Greelish ‘97
Ted Ober, Chair
Brendan Greelish ‘97
Michael Patrican
Bink Shorts
Lisa Taylor
Michael Byrne, ad hoc
Kurt Melden, ad hoc
Jock Burns*
Dave Jones*
Jeff Rawlins, Chair
Neale Attenborough
Sarah Emerson Krapels
Bill Heffron
Lisa Jones
Diane Kaneb
Ted Ober
Jock Burns*
John Harrington*
Eric Stacey*
Therese Melden, Co-Chair
Bink Shorts, Co-Chair
Bill Whelan, Co-Chair (ad hoc)
Amanda Jackson
Jay Caporale -ECCF
Kim Moore*
Di Mathey*
Taylor Patten*
Steve Filosa*
Laurie Polese*
2014 – 2015
Brendan Greelish ’97 President
Justin Parker ’02 Vice President
Mike Nelligan ’02 Secretary
Morgan Atkins ‘05
Keri Barrett ‘03
Tom Belhumeur ‘04
Christopher Connolly ‘97
Danielle Harsip ‘02
Ryan Hendrickson ‘03
Cara Angelopulos Lawler ‘01
Samantha Drislane Markowski ‘93
Ethel Mickey ‘08
Stephanie-Lee Morgan ‘00
Patty Morrison ‘03
Katie O’Hara ‘01
Laura Coltin Ogden ‘98
Beth Levitsky Stracher ‘87
Andrew Vassallo ‘06
Pingree Alumni
Leadership Board Mission
The Pingree School Alumni Leadership
Board (ALB) is dedicated to making the
Pingree experience stronger for past,
current, and future students. The Board
fosters interaction and communication
by creating a network among alumni,
students, and prospective members of
the Pingree community. Above all, the
Board strives to keep the Pingree School
community informed, involved, and
appreciated to ensure the continued
success of all its constituents.
Trish Moore
Eileen Kelly
One of the hallmarks of our school is the willingness of our parents to get
involved. Your participation as a volunteer in school events not only helps
the school, but also greatly enriches your child’s experience at Pingree.
Thank you to all of our Pingree parents for donating your time and talent!
Vice President
Lynne Menzie
Karla Kaneb
Chitra Viswanathan
Christine Martins
Jane Stark
Marleen Wood
Rosemary Lucey
Lisa Umholtz
Amy Purcell
Leslie Fonseca
Donna O’Brien
Traci Segal
Lois Lombardo-Maravelis
Mary Fitzpatrick
Michelle Gracey
Leigh Scharfe
Karen Whitman
Jackie Kugall Yezerski
Parent Education:
Sherrill Attarian
Julie Sheehan
Taste of Pingree:
Kandi Kukas
Angela Murdock
Parent Socials:
Lynne Menzie
Appreciation Lunches:
Donna O’Brien
Marianne Heffrin
Val Gilman
Arts Committee:
Richele Helman
Sue Van Baalen
CTI Cabling Technologies, Inc.
Joanie and Bruce Mackey
Jennifer Pollina
Leslie Reichert
Judi and Christopher Sullivan
Val and Paul Gilman
Heidi and Mark Gudaitis
Margaret and Jen Hansen
Healey Bus
Amanda and Ned Jackson
(Amanda Crawford Jackson ’96)
Donald B. Nelson, DMD
Beth and Dan Prawdzik
Viviane and Tony Tannoury
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Caruso
Cricket Press
Traci and Tom Beatrice
Barry Berman and Laura Gold
Laurence and Jerome Chase
Eliza and Russell Cushman
Susan and William Fay
Rosalina Feliciano
Janet and Steven Kouroubacalis
Robyn and Tom Milbury
Michele and Benjamin Mottola
Scott Nichols
Barbara and Vania O’Connor
Dianne and John Pingree
Amy Purcell
Ruthie and Robert Salter
Nirmala and Ravi Sambangi
Trish Moore and Wayne Sheridan
Kristen and Dan Tremblay
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Attarian
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gudaitis
Mr. and Mrs. Jes Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lake
Mr. Eivind Lange and Ms. Mary Puma
A Taste of Pingree and auction was a remarkable success. It was a joyful community event
with over 400 people in attendance, including many new, current and past parents, alumni,
faculty, staff and friends. Net proceeds support a number of programs and activities at
Pingree School, including financial aid, professional development for faculty, including
$28,400 for Prep@Pingree. The transformation of the Pingree gym combined with great
food and beverage and great people wove a web of magic over the entire evening. Thank you for every way in which you took part. It made a difference.
Alex and Ani By Design
American BBQ
Ansonia Wines
Art Supplies Wholesale
Artimus Art
Mary Assad
Back Bay Yoga Studio
Bayside Resort
Mr. & Mrs. Scott & Deb Beatty
Benevento’s Brick Oven Kitchen & Bar
Betsy Frost Design
Tom & Jeanne Bianchi
Bird Water’s Supply & Gift
Black Swan Country Club
Bliss Spa & Salon
Blithewood Mansion, Gardens &
Boston Red Sox Community Relations
Ms. Diana Batchelder Mathey
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Melden
Mr. and Mrs. Vania O’Connor
Ms. Carla Rossi
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tadler
Mr. Stephen Wiles and
Ms. Nathalie Stephan-Wiles
Therese and Kurt Melden
Donna and Richard Tadler
Corporate Legal Partners
John A. Penney Co.
Piantedosi Baking Comapany
JoAnne and Thomas Doherty
Deborah and Bruce Kaneb
Diane and Gary Kaneb
Karla and Jeff Kaneb
Janet and Steven Kouroubacalis
Paula and Frank Zavrl
CE Floyd Company, Inc.
Susan and Tim Dowd
James Hoefner and
Christine Newhall
Lisa and Dan Jones
Mary and Sandy McGrath
Lynne and Tim Menzie
Susan and Eugene Mickey
Donna and Robert O’Brien
Claudia and Chat Reynders
Jody and Richard Saxe
Jane and Paul Stark
Joan and Martin Sullivan
Kathryn and John Trotsky
Boston Bruins
Ms Jan Brett
Buffalo Wild Wings Danvers
Mr. Jock Burns
Butcher Boy Market
Caffe Graziani
Canobie Lake Park
Cape Pond Ice Company
Cape Ann Magazine
Cape Ann Camp Site
Andrew Castraberti
Steven & Trisha Castraberti
Challenger Sports
Mr. & Mrs. John & Judy
Charles River Canoe & Kayak
Cheesecake Factory
Cherry Farm Creamery & Sun
‘N Air
Golf Center
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Chunky’s Cinema & Pub
Ms. Linda Clayton
Club Xcel
Ms. Kerry Collins
Coolidge Corner Theatre
Cranmore Mountain
Danvers Indoor Sports
Designer Bath & Salem
Plumbing Supply
Thomas & JoAnne Doherty
E.W. Hobbs, Inc.
Elizabeth Grady of Andover
Errands and Events by Lauren
Essex River Basin Adventures
Essex River Cruises & Charters
Lauren Fazio
Ferncroft Country Club
Daniel Finbury &
Patricia Reeser
Ms. Leslie Fonseca
Foote Brothers Canoe &
Kayak Rentals
Jill Gambon
Gaslight Brasserie
Paul & Val Gilman
Gourmet Delights Catering
Grafton Group
Jennifer Groeber
Alice Grossman
Mark & Heidi Gudaitis
Eric Haltmeier
Hazem Hamdan & Laila
Herb & Lauren Harvey
Hawthorne Hotel
William & Nancy Heffron
Henderson’s Cafe
James Hoefner & Christine
International Spy Museum
Ipswich Country Club
Isabella Stewart Gardner
J.P. Lick’s
Erik Jalajas
Janie Haas Events
Jeffrey Donaldson Skincare
Jillian’s/Lucky Strike Boston
Loutfi & Gina Kachouh
Gina Kachouh
Jeff & Karla Kaneb
Kaplan Test Preparation
Thomas & Eileen Kelly
Mrs. Eileen Kelly
Kings Lynnfield
Bob & Jenny Knowles
Lois Kolgian
Kowloon Komedy
Edward Krapels & Sarah
Ms. & Mr. Kandace &
Joseph Kukas
La Chanterelle, Endicott
Mr. Mike LaChance
Gina & Jim Lang
Latitude Sports Clubs
Taryn Laughlin
Les Fleurs
Robert & Cindy Liptrot
Rosemarie Lucey
Luxe Salon & Spa
Maison Esthique Christiane
Bourque Spa
Manchester Athletic Club
Mann Orchard
Marybeth’s Day Spa
Massachusetts Bay Lines
Mathnasium of North Beverly
David Medvitz
Lynne Menzie
Merrimack Repertory Theatre
Michael’s Limousine Company
Betsy Miller
Mohegan Sun
Al & Angela Murdock
New England Aquarium
Newburyport Chamber of
Commerce & Industry
North Shore Fire Appliance
Robert & Donna O’Brien
Vania & Barbara O’Connor
Orange Leaf of Danvers
Otter Box
OTTO Pizza
Ms. Jennifer Owen-Davies
Barbara Parker
Ken & Florianne Patten
Peabody Essex Museum
Elizabeth Perry
Peter Mark’s Closet
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Regina
Piantedosi Baking
Company, Inc.
Pier 39
Pingree School Parents’
Pingree School Ice Rink
Pingree School
Pingree School Institutional
Advancement Office
Laurie & James Polese
David and Michele Pope
Mr. & Mrs. David &
Andrea Poritzky
Portland Symphony Orchestra
Amy Purcell
Putnam Pantry Candies
Chat & Claudia Reynders
Ristorante Massimo
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
& Museum
Thomas & Carla Rossi
Carla Rossi
Sabantino’s Restaurant
Salem Witch Museum
Mr. & Ms. Ravi &
Nirmala Sambangi
Mr. & Mrs. Steven &
Sara Schmitt
Seaport Grille
Sky Zone of Danvers
Skywalk Observatory
Smartly Staged
Sol Bean Cafe
Solstice Power Yoga
Spa Nijoli and Salon
Sports Stop
Gail Steele
Stephanie Rosseel
Strega Waterfront
Studio 13
Sugar Magnolia’s
Joan & Martin Sullivan
Sweetwater & Company
Mr. Buddy Taft
Liz Taft
Tess & Ted Design
Kim Thayer
The Barbershop Lounge
The Blue Ox
The Corning Family
The Fireplace
The Luxebar
The Paint Bar
The Preservation Society
of Newport County
The Quechee Club
The Quechee Inn
The Salem News
The Wylie Inn &
Conference Center
Top of the Rock Observation
Deck at Rockefeller Center
Topsfield Fair
Dan & Kristen Tremblay
Triad Driving Academy
Turner’s Seafood
Turner Hill Country Club
Kurt Umholtz & Lisa
Varsity Swim Shop
Dillon Vassallo
Shelley Vassallo
John & Elaine Ventola
Vikings Soccer
Vineyard Vines
Wachusett Mountain
Wheelock Family Theater
Andrew & Karen Whitman
Wicked Art Bar
Stephen Wiles & Nathalie
Winfrey’s Fudge & Chocolates
David & Therese Witwicki
Wolf Hill Home &
Garden Center
Woods Hole Inn
World of Coca-Cola
XV Beacon Hotel
Yella Grille
Zoo New England
AdvizeX Technologies
PEGASUS: $5,000
The Melden Family
BLUE & WHITE: $2,750
Brown Brothers Harriman
C. E. Floyd Company, Inc.
Compass Facility Services
Tim Dowd, Phalanx Wealth
Eugene Mickey DMD, MPH
John A. Penney Co., Inc.
Jay Pingree and Family
Will Pingree and Family
The Tadler Family
VARSITY: $1,500
David and Sheryll Harkins
Ipswich Bay Glass and The Patrican
Casey Kokos, Barrington Partners
Olson Lewis+ Architects
The Varsano Family
On Monday, September 29
over 170 players enjoyed
a beautiful day of golf at
Myopia Hunt Club in South
Hamilton. Proceeds from
this annual event support
Pingree’s Access Fund,
providing financial aid and
non-tuition expenses to
Pingree students. The 2014
James C. Deveney Golf
Classic raised over $42,800!
Electrical Dynamics Inc.
The Cushman Family
James and Sharon Deveney
The Melden Family
The Menzie Family
Eugene Mickey, DMD, MPH
Ipswich Bay Glass and
The Patrican Family
Coastal Capital
John Galanis
Meridian Association
The Polese Family
D F Clark
Healey Bus
Instant Alarm
Jeff and Janice Lamb
M. A. Talbot Heating
Sun ‘N Air Golf Center
You are cordially invited to become a member
of the PEGASUS SOCIETY at Pingree School.
Make Pingree School a part of your estate planning today.
• be eligible for a current income tax deduction
• receive a regular payment stream
• remove or eliminate capital gains tax on
appreciated assets
All members receive the satisfaction of knowing
they are supporting Pingree School and our students
of today and tomorrow.
KMOORE@PINGREE.ORG OR 978-468-4415 EXT. 282. Planned gifts may take the form of bequests, including
benefits from retirement plans or life insurance policies,
charitable gift annuities, or charitable remainder trusts.
Ms. Judith A. Adamson ‘67
Mrs. Alice F. Blodgett
Ms. Amy R. Blodgett ‘82
Mr. Scot R. Bradstreet ‘79
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander K. Buck, Jr.
Ms. Ellie Cabot
Mr. and Mrs. Steven V. Castraberti
Dr. Mark E. Comunale ‘76
Mr. James S. Craig ‘80
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Deveney, Jr.
Ms. Alice Roberts Dietrich ‘68
Dr.* and Mrs. William R. Dorsey
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Drislane
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Emmons, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Fantone
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Glessner III
Ms. Katherine Nelson Greene ‘65
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll J. Hebbel
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Jackson
Mr. Dana P. Jordan, Esq. ‘75
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kneisel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lockwood
Mr. Lockwood D. Merriman
Mr.* and Mrs. Hewitt Morgan, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth W. Parker ‘76
Mr. Sumner Pingree, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Purinton
Mr. Michael W. Robb ‘76
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Rogers*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Shields
Mr. and Mrs. Binkley Shorts
Mr. David Southworth
Mr. Kemp C. Stickney ‘75
Mrs. R. Thruston H. Thayer
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wasserman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Kingman Webster
Dedicated to academic excellence and
development of high personal standards,
Pingree believes that a love of learning flourishes
best in a diverse community that respects truth,
curiosity, creativity, humor, and independent
and imaginative thinking. Above all, Pingree
strives to instill in its students integrity, decency,
compassion, self-esteem and commitment to
one another and to the world at large.
537 Highland Street, South Hamilton, MA 01982-1399
978.468.4415 |

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