- Journal of Biomechanics
- Journal of Biomechanics
Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 63}71 Primary human bone cultures from older patients do not respond at continuum levels of in vivo strain magnitudes Clark M. Stanford!,*, Frederic Welsch", Norbert Kastner$, Geb Thomas#, Rebecca Zaharias!, Kevin Holtman!, Richard A. Brand" !Dows Institute for Dental Research College of Dentistry, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA "Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, College of Medicine, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA #Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA $Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Graz, 8036 Graz, Austria Abstract Osteoporosis is characterized by excessive loss of bone mass, while exercise is believed to maintain or enhance bone mass. Since exercise marginally a!ects osteoporosis, we wondered whether bone cells from osteoporotic patients would fail to respond to strain. Primary human bone-like cultures were obtained from females over age 60 with hip arthroplasty procedures performed for either osteoporotic fracture (n"8) or non-osteoporotic osteoarthrosis (n"5). Cultures (96,000 cell/cm2) were strained in rectangular optically clear silastic wells. Three periods of uniaxial substratum strain (1000 l-strain, 1 Hz, 10,000 cycles, sine wave) were provided every 24 h using a four-point bending, computer-controlled device. Results at a frequency of 1 Hz were compared to cultures exposed to 20 Hz with bone cells derived from one osteoarthritic subject. Alterations in protein level expression of bone-related proteins were determined using a semi-quantitative confocal approach along with enzyme (alkaline phosphatase) activity and enzyme mRNA copy number using cRNA RT-PCR. Strain did not alter levels of bone-related protein levels, enzyme activity, or steady state copy number per cell in response to strain in either group. Strained cultures from osteoporotic patients exhibited little variation from unstrained controls, while individual cultures from osteoarthritic patients exhibited increases in one protein or the other. The results suggest that bone cells from older individuals may not be responsive to continuum levels of strain anticipated with vigorous activity. ( 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The regularity of cortical and trabecular architecture and their reproducible responses to altered loading (e.g., exercise) or geometry (e.g., malunited fractures) strongly argue for a formal (mathematical) relationship between the mechanical environment and the biological response. Wol! (1892) and Roux (1895) were among the early investigators who recognized this argument as well as the therapeutic implications of quantitatively understanding the stimuli for bone adaptation: the treatment of deformities, the prevention and treatment of osteopenias, the acceleration of fracture healing, and the optimization of implant designs. Wol! (1892) postulated the existence of mathematical laws (i.e., stress or strain) `governinga bone * Corresponding author. Tel.: 001-319-335-7381; fax: 001-319-3358895. E-mail address: clark-stanford@uiowa.edu (C.M. Stanford) remodeling, but did not speci"cally formulate them. Current researchers agree some component of stress or strain relates to bone adaptation. In vivo cortical bone strains in a wide variety of species are remarkably consistent, and range from peaks of 100}1000 l-strain in the majority of daily activities (van B Cochran, 1992; Lanyon et al., 1975; Keller and Spengler, 1982), to 3000}4000 l-strain in the most vigorous activities (Rubin and Lanyon, 1984; Gross et al., 1992). Most investigators assume that strain magnitudes in these ranges are associated with whatever stress or strain quantities might relate to disuse atrophy, bone maintenance, and bone modeling or remodeling. Presuming macro-level strains relate to cell responses, many studies document proliferative and/or expressive responses of various dynamically strained osteoblast-like cells in culture (Harell et al., 1977; Hasegawa et al., 1985; Buckley et al., 1988; Murray and Rushton, 1990; Neidlinger-Wilke et al., 1994) and bone organ cultures (Dallas et 0021-9290/99/$ - see front matter ( 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 2 1 - 9 2 9 0 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 1 7 3 - 6 64 C.M. Stanford et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 63}71 al., 1993; Rawlinson et al., 1995; Stanford et al., 1995a,b). However, it is important to emphasize that strain magnitudes in these studies were either not well characterized and/or at magnitudes considered supra-physiological for bone as a tissue (i.e., at levels between 5000 and 50,000 l-strain), well beyond the approximately 3000 l-strain peak level recorded in most species, and at times beyond the roughly 25,000 l-strain breaking strain of bone. Few studies report bone cell responses at magnitudes believed to be physiological. Brighton et al. (1991) suggested neonatal rat calvarial osteoblast-like cells deformed at 400 l-strain increase DNA production, while decreasing expression of collagen, non-collagenous protein, proteoglycan, and alkaline phosphatase. Jones et al. (1991) demonstrated primary bovine periosteal-derived cells but not Haversian-derived osteoblasts responded (increased proliferation) at 3000 l-strain. Thus, the precise strain history features (re#ected by activity levels in vivo) relating to bone adaptation are unknown. Decreasing activity levels after age 55}60, are generally believed to be one factor in osteoporosis. Some advocate exercise as a means to maintain or increase bone mass, although such e!orts have been modestly successful at best. An appropriate temporal expression of bone matrix-related proteins establishes and maintains a normal tissue. If exercise fails to increase bone mass in osteoporosis (although it does so experimentally in normal bone under some conditions of increased strain history), it might be related to the lack of responsiveness of bone cells in these patients. It is that known aging bone cells have diminished activity (Fedarko et al., 1995). We therefore wondered whether bone cells from osteoporotic patients would respond less satisfactorily to strain than cells from age-matched controls, postulating a regimen which maintained bone mass in vivo would increase bone matrix protein production to a greater degree in nonosteoporotic cells. Since many matrix proteins interact, alterations in the patterns of protein expression (rather than merely levels of a given protein) may also play a role in the abnormal phenotypes (e.g., osteoporosis), and therefore we also questioned whether the patterns might be distinct in non-osteoporotic versus osteoporotic cells. 2. Materials and methods A strain regimen (1000 l-strain, 10,000 cycles, 1 Hz sine wave) was based upon in vivo experiments maintaining bone mass and re#ecting the regimen of a very active women over the age of 60. Data published by several authors suggest 1000 l-strain peak magnitude, while at the higher magnitude end of non-athletic activity, maintains bone mass with adequate numbers of cycles and strain rates. Higher strains (i.e., greater than 1400}2000 l-strain on the periosteal surfaces) results in new bone formation (McLeod and Rubin, 1992; Turner et al., 1994). (We recognize magnitude alone is not the sole, and perhaps not even dominant feature of the mechanical environment a!ecting bone adaptation; see Brand and Stanford, 1994.) Ten thousand cycles per day represents the number of cycles of activity of a very active human, while 1 Hz re#ects the dominant frequency of cycle activity. The regimen was intended to simulate a steady state in bone under two conditions: one where bone is more or less maintained (OA), and another where (relative to the other condition) bone is lost (osteoporosis). A sine wave avoids rapid accelerations and decelerations (which might simulate impact loading). Such a regimen would likely re#ect bone strains in an aerobic regimen recommended for osteoporosis. All assays were performed at the completion of the third strain regime. We used a cell culture straining system providing uniform uniaxial strain at speci"ed magnitudes (1000 l-strain), using agematched controls, compared the production of Type I collagen (Coll), alkaline phosphatase (AP), osteopontin (OP), osteocalcin (OC), and bone sialoprotein (BSP). Osteoblast-like cells were derived from surgical material obtained from females undergoing hip arthroplasty for osteoarthrosis or hemiarthroplasty for hip fracture. Institutional Review Board approval was obtained as well as informed consent. Inclusion criteria included non-smoking females over age 60 with stable weight, normal clinical laboratory pro"les, and not on estrogen or other bone-altering drugs. Osteoporosis was assessed by the method of Singh et al. (1970) and considered present when the Singh index was 43 or absent when the index was 55. Using these criteria, "ve non-osteoporotic patients with concurrent osteoarthrosis, and eight with osteoporosis were identi"ed. Collection and culture procedures (Hesby et al., 1998; Zaharias et al., 1998) were similar to those reported by Robey and Termine (1985), Neidlinger-Wilke et al. (1994) and Battmann et al. (1997). Brie#y, cancellous bone chips were minced and treated by shaking for 2 h in CMRL media (Gibco/BRL, Gaithersburg, MD) with collagenase (300 U/mL, Type IV, Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, MO). Cultures were initiated into low Ca`` CMRL supplemented with antibiotics and 10% FCS (Integen, Purchase, NY). Primary cultures reached con#uence between three and "ve weeks, at which time they were treated with trypsin/EDTA (0.05%/0.02%) for preparation of single-cell suspension for plating into #asks. Cultures were maintained in CMRL (with Ca``) #10% FCS and antibiotics until an adequate number of cells were available. A su$cient number of cells were obtained by the second or third passage. Circular cultures (96,000 cells/cm2 over a 0.8 cm2 area) were plated on "bronectin coated (2] with 2 lg/mL bovine plasma "bronectin) custom silastic dishes (2 cultures/dish). Cultures were plated using a 1 mm thick silastic template and allowed to attach for 2 h (373C) prior to the addition of 5 ml of C.M. Stanford et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 63}71 Fig. 1. (a) Cross-sectional diagram of one station of a six-station device to strain cells. Cells are cultured on the #at surface of the thin crosshatched silicone culture dish. (b) View of strain device from above showing three PlexiglasTM base plates, and a single silicone well (foreground). CMRL #10% FCS. Cultures were incubated for 22 h prior to the "rst strain regimen, by which time the cells were nearly con#uent. Cell deformation was accomplished by imparting four-point bending to rectangular silicone culture dishes seated upon PlexiglasTM base plates (Bottlang et al., 1997, see Fig. 1 and b). The six-station device was controlled with a user-developed interface within a commercial program (LabVIEW version 3.1, National Instruments, Austin, TX). The base plates and culture dishes were strained by shielded electromagnetic motors (BEI Motion Systems Company, San Marcos, CA) in which the magnetic radiation was determined to be less than 0.5 mG (i.e., in the range of room background radiation). The device allows 100}3000 uniaxial l-strain of the substrate from 0.5 to 30 Hz, using any programmable wave, and speci"ed duty cycle. Evaluation of the system insured uniform "delity of the input signal and base-plate deformation, uniform substrate surface strain "elds, and reproducible strains from dish to dish (Bottlang et al., 1997). Substrate strain was initiated for a period of 2.7 h (1000 l-strain, 10,000 cycles, 1 Hz sine wave) at 24, 48 65 and 72 h after plating. The same conditions were used in all reported trials. Since higher frequencies have been associated with enhanced bone formation (Rubin and McLeod, 1994), we performed additional experiments in which the cells were exposed to a higher frequency of loading (20 Hz, 1000 l-strain, 10,000 cycles). Assays were performed immediately following the last strain regime and were identical in all experiments. The distribution and semi-quanti"cation of matrix components within each culture was ascertained with immunolabeling (Zaharias et al., 1998). These assays allowed the evaluation of protein level responses from multiple cells (i.e., a general response) rather than from just a few cells within the culture. The presence and distribution of Type I collagen (COL), osteopontin (OPN), bone speci"c alkaline phosphatase (AP), osteonectin (OCN), bone sialoprotein (BSP) and a negative control antibody (Drosophila even-skipped protein, 3C10) were ascertained using monoclonal antibodies from the Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank (The University of Iowa, Iowa City). Antigen location was determined by secondary labeling with Cy3 conjugated a$nity pure goat anti-mouse IgG (Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories, West Grove, PA). Planar images (Noran ConFocal Microscope, Madison, WI) of the prepared cultures were collected. Two cultures were assessed per antibody per patient. Ten random images (10]) were collected from each culture and image analysis performed using NIH Image alpha-9 (Scion Corporation, Fredrick, MD). Each image was calibrated and the background subtracted. Pixel density/image was calculated using a gray-scale value (0}256) and averaged for semi-quantitative comparisons between images of label intensity. A minimum of two cultures per label per trial were evaluated in this manner. Experimental (strained) cultures were compared to controls (unstrained) obtained from the same donor and cultured under identical conditions. Kruskal}Wallis analysis was performed on average percent increases or decreases in signal intensity. We presumed an a"0.05 as the level of signi"cance. A power analysis was conducted for Types I and II errors (Lachin, 1981). Given interactions of some matrix proteins, we presumed patterns of expression might be important. That is, at a given time, the relative amount of a given protein compared to another in one culture may be di!erent from those in other cultures. To assess these patterns in a concise manner, a radar plot diagram (Excel 97, Microsoft, Redman, WA) of the percent change relative to non-strained controls was created for the osteoarthritic and osteoporotic cultures. Since a disease process may be re#ected in altered expression of one or more proteins, one would expect greater variability in responses. Bartlett's Test for homogeneity was used to test whether the osteoarthritic and osteoporotic patient had di!erent variance of protein expression. 66 C.M. Stanford et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 63}71 Alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity, an indirect measure of the capacity to hydrolyze inorganic phosphate and thus mineralize tissues, was determined as previously described (Stanford et al., 1994). Product formation was normalized to the #uorometrically determined concentration of DNA per respective culture. Cell proliferation was also determined by direct cell counting using a Coulter Counter as described (Stanford et al., 1999). Total protein expression at any given time point depends on the production, accumulation and degradation of translatable message. Therefore, we assessed the steady-state pool of available message transcripts for translation into protein. Message copy number on a per cell basis was determined using a cRNA PCR-based analysis. Human-speci"c primer sets were de"ned and optimized for single-band amplicon formation (Holtman et al., 1998). AP PCR primers [P1"5@-ACTCCCACTTCATC TGGAACCGC-3@ (exon 8) and P2"5@AGACATTCTCTCGTTCACCGCCC-3@ (exon 11)], gave a single-band product of 501 bp (Fig. 5a). To fabricate a cRNA standard for message quantitation in both the RT and PCR steps, these primers were appended to a 308 bp DNA stu!er core. The 399 bp resulting product was cloned (Dual Promoter TA Cloning procedure, Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA), puri"ed, linearized with a Xho I digest followed by a Proteinase K treatment, phenol chloroform extraction, and ethanol precipitation. In vitro transcription was then performed with SP6 RNA Polymerase. The cRNA was quantitated with A and 260 diluted serially in H O for competitive RT-PCR, 2 which produced a 354 bp (AP primers) standard amplicon. For the PCR quantitation, cytoplasmic mRNA was isolated and calibrated conditions used for analysis. Total cytoplasmic RNA was isolated with a RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA.), and stored at !703C. Total cytoplasmic RNA was combined with the AP primer (P2) and the cRNA standard (0.167}2.67 fg) in water. PCR was then performed as described (Holtman et al., 1998). PCR products were separated in 3% agarose (0.5X TBE) and were run with 0.125 lg/mL ethidium bromide in the gel and bu!er. Gels were digitized with a camera system [CCD camera (Cohu model 4910, San Diego, CA), with a LG-3 PCI frame grabber card (Scion, Fredrick, MD), and 70 nm bandpass "lter centered at 550 nm (Corion, Holliston, MA)] mounted above a UV transilluminator. The ratio of AP amplicon/standard amplicon was calculated using Scion Image and macro GelPlot2, and corrected for the di!erence in size between the AP and standard amplicons (501 bp/354 bp"1.42). The log of the ratio of the PCR amplicons was plotted on the y-axis versus the log of input cRNA standard molecules. Following linear regression, the antilog of the x-intercept equaled the number of AP mRNA per 12.5 ng total cytoplasmic RNA. All regression lines crossed the xintercept (mean r2"0.95$0.05). 3. Results Con#uence occurred at similar times in non-osteoporotic (osteoarthritic) and osteoporotic cultures. The isolated cells expressed relatively high levels of the "ve bone-related proteins upon detection by immuno#uorescence (Fig. 2), demonstrating a bone-like phenotype of the culture model by 72 h under these conditions. Semi-quantitative image analysis of the labeled cells demonstrated no di!erences between the strained and unstrained cultures for Type I collagen (p"0.7), BSP (p"0.88) and AP (p"0.16) (Fig. 3). Cultures derived from osteoarthritic samples demonstrated modestly elevated but non-signi"cant levels of OPN (p"0.11) and OCN (p"0.09) with strain. Power analysis demonstrated at a Type I error of 0.05 (and a Type II Power"80%) a sample population of '3000 would be Fig. 2. Confocal immuno#uorescence analysis of osteoarthritic cultures (96,000 cells/cm2) derived from trabecular bone samples grown for 3 days demonstrated positive intra- and extracellular labeling for Type I collagen (A), alkaline phosphatase (B), and bone sialoprotein (C). (20X magni"cation, Bar"100lm). The majority of cells show some label, suggesting they are bone-like cells. C.M. Stanford et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 63}71 67 Fig. 3. Ratios of bone matrix proteins for strained versus non-strained (control) cultures. Bars re#ect averages of two cultures/patient sample imaged 10 times/culture (see methods). Five trials were performed with cultures derived from osteoarthrosis (empty bars), while the shaded bars re#ect averages from eight osteoporotic patients. Mean$SEM. None of the bone matrix proteins was signi"cantly increased (p'0.05) for either group of cultures. Table 1 Percent change in protein levels in response to strain relative to nonstrained cultures! Patient Age Coll BSP AP OPN OCN OA-1 OA-2 OA-3 OA-4 OA-5 68 69 78 69 71 79 86 121 117 49 107 133 74 129 119 101 112 123 174 109 112 108 165 120 107 91 96 191 144 119 OP-1 OP-2 OP-3 OP-4 OP-5 OP-6 OP-7 OP-8 49 55 86 69 73 52 85 63 82 95 113 71 96 162 52 58 82 112 94 88 112 78 144 42 98 111 108 123 90 101 82 109 113 100 107 105 106 63 73 87 83 98 98 93 95 71 98 76 !Values are the ratio of the average gray-scale value for 10 measurements of two cultures (n"20) for both strained and non-strained cultures. Strain conditions used were: 1000 l-strain, 1 Hz, 10,000 cycles, sine wave form. Fig. 4. Radial plots of protein response to strain determined by a semiquantitative confocal assay. The abnormal polygons for the "ve osteoarthritic (Fig. 4a) patients (OA-1 though OA-5) suggest greater variability of pattern of protein expression compared to the eight osteoporotic (Fig. 4b) patients (OP-1 though OP-8). sured in response to mechanical strain (Fig. 4a). There were signi"cant di!erences in variance for AP (Bartlett ratio"7.855, p(0.005) and OPN (Bartlett ratio" 5.924, p(0.015). Cultures derived from the osteoporotic patients did not exhibit di!erences in AP activity at 1 versus 20 Hz (p"0.93), nor was there a di!erence in cellular proliferation over a three day period (p"0.07). Confocal imaging demonstrated no di!erences in response between the two frequencies (Table 2). Steady-state message for AP (expressed as a ratio of copy number per unit total cytoplasmic RNA) also demonstrated no changes in response to the two strain frequencies under the conditions of this study (Fig. 5). 4. Discussion needed to demonstrate di!erences less than 0.05 under the conditions of this study. The osteoporotic cultures demonstrated a uniform lack of response of all assays to strain while cultures derived from the osteoarthritic samples demonstrate patient-speci"c responses to the strain regimen with an occasionally high response of a given assay (Table 1 and Fig. 4). The osteoarthritic cultures therefore demonstrated less consistency of expression between patient samples as exhibited by the distorted polygon relationship between the bone-related phenotypic markers mea- We found con#uent human bone-like cells from older non-osteoporotic and osteoporotic patients under uniaxial physiological (continuum level) strains did not induce alterations in Type I collagen, osteopontin, alkaline phosphatase, bone sialoprotein and osteonectin. Control cultures maintained a mature osteoblastic/osteocytic phenotype (Zaharias et al., 1998). All cell culture experiments have inherent limitations. Perhaps the most critical is whether cells in vitro mimic those in vivo. We presume the biological responses are similar since they express the same proteins in vitro. 68 C.M. Stanford et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 63}71 Table 2 Human osteoarthritic cultures exposed to 1 versus 20 Hz AP Non-strained 1 Hz 20 Hz Proliferation Confocal Nmol PNP/min/lg DNA (]1000) cells/culture BSP! OPN! OCN! 6.6$3.9 6.0$1.3 6.8$2.1 P"0.93 91$5% 87$4% P"0.44 120$6% 111$5% P"0.25 98$4% 99$5% P"0.53 332$19 338$1.2 313$1.4 P"0.07 !Values are cited as a percent change relative to non-strained cultures. N"2 trials, 2 cultures per trial, 10 "elds imaged (10])/culture. Fig. 5. (a) AP mRNA copy number at 20 Hz versus 1 Hz. Each reaction (lanes 1}4) started with 12.5 ng total cytoplasmic RNA and (1) 19,246, (2) 9623, (3) 4812, or (4) 2406 copies of cRNA standard. Target amplicon is 501 bp and standard amplicon is 354 bp. (M) DNA molecular weight marker. (b) Message copy number per cell (mean$S.D.). There are no di!erences (p"0.09) in AP mRNA for strained (1 or 20 Hz) compared to unstrained controls. However, we have no a priori assurance the responses to the mechanical environment are the same in part because attachment to a substrate may be quite distinct from attachment to matrix. In addition, we have no knowledge of the actual magnitude of bone cell deformation (`straina) in vivo (cell attachment to matrix is not rigid, and we should not presume cell deformation is identical to that of the surrounding matrix). Second, bone adaptation in vivo obviously re#ects protein production, maintenance, and degradation. In most experiments such as ours, investigators consider only protein production. Obviously, a reduction in degradation can alter overall tissue responses. However, in vitro systems a!ord a controlled manner to isolate, control, and subsequently explore individual mechanisms of responses, including degradative enzymes. Third, at these small levels of deformation, we have no assurance that substrate strain re- #ects cell deformation: at 1000 l-strain, the deformation of a 10 lm cell would be below the level of detection (i.e., 10 nm) for light microscopy. However, Neidlinger-Wilke et al. (1994) documented cells exhibited approximately 88}90% substrate strain at 30,000 l-strain using identical dishes. We presume that if cells maintain attachment at such high levels of strain, they will maintain attachment at these much lower levels. Fourth, since longer periods at con#uence have a greater risk of cell necrosis and detachment of the cultures from the surface of the wells we performed assays at 72 h; this short time period may also limit the impact of mechanotransduction responses. Fifth, the precise mechanical history triggering responses is unknown. However, the strain magnitude, frequency, and cycle number in this experiment are physiologic for bone as a tissue (Lanyon et al., 1975,1979; Lanyon, 1993) and at magnitudes believed to maintain bone mass in vivo (McLeod and Rubin, 1992; Turner et al., 1994). Numerous in vivo and in vitro studies have been performed with a variety of culture models, culture conditions, strain devices and outcome measures. Often, these studies report con#icting results. There are many potential explanations for these variations. First, cultures from transformed cell lines, neo-natal primary cells or aging cells di!er substantially. Brighton et al. (1991), used a common model of osteoblasts derived from newborn rat calvarium. Since cell expression diminishes as a function of patient and cellular aging (Fedarko et al., 1995), it is likely that such results are not comparable to those with older primary human cell cultures. Second, the calvarium, with no muscle attachments, is not subjected to signi"cant loads and experiences very low strains. Rawlinson et al. (1995), demonstrated distinct cell responses from load-bearing and non-load-bearing bones. Third, various growth mediums, serum concentrations, etc., alter the complex responses (Owen et al., 1991). In the current model system, we have observed where Vitamin D and estrogen (10~8M) reduces protein expres3 sion in the osteoporotic cultures, an observation reversed by application of the strain regime (data not shown). These observations suggest that a complex interaction C.M. Stanford et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 63}71 occurs between various environmental factors and argues against a conventional bias to consider only large di!erences in in vitro measured outcome measurements as constituting favorable responses. Fourth, investigators report a wide variety of mechanical stimuli, including magnitude, frequency, cycle number, and even varying amounts of #uid #ow or inertial forces applied to cells from overlying moving medium (Brown et al., 1998). Owan et al. (1997) in an experiment intended to distinguish e!ects of #uid #ow and mechanical stretch concluded #ow, not stretch, stimulated cells. In many experiments the coexistence of #ow and stretch may make it di$cult to discern which is the actual stimulus. In our experiments, the small displacements make substantial #uid #ow unlikely. However, many other factors make direct comparison of results di$cult. While some authors report no response to strains below 3000 l-strain, one group reported modest but statistically signi"cant increases of bone-related protein (Type I collagen, non-collagenous protein) expression and AP activity at 400 l-strain for newborn rat calvarial osteoblast-like cells (Brighton et al., 1991). With a similar culture model and higher strain magnitudes MikuniTakagaki et al. (1996) observed either no response or an increase in response to strain. Fermor et al. (1998) observed variable responses in proliferation of bone cells derived from osteoarthritic patients. These studies, however, demonstrated substantial variability and seemingly con#icting results in replicate experiments (e.g., Brighton et al., 1991; Fermor, et al., 1998). High variability of primary human bone-like cell responses have also been noted by Neidlinger-Wilke et al. (1994) although their strain regimens were substantially higher than those reported here. Using sequential digestion of the bone samples to release more or less distinct cell populations (osteoblastic versus osteocytic) Mikuni-Takagaki et al. (1996) suggested the more mature osteocytic cells were not responsive to even high levels of strain. Jones et al. (1991) reported that Haversian-derived cells showed no responses at 1000 and 3000 l-strain, while periosteal cells did respond at the higher levels. Similarly, we observed no signi"cant increases in protein expression at a high physiological strain magnitude in aging cells. As a part of the cellular aging process, it is possible that the increasing mechanical thresholds proposed by Frost (1987) may provide one explanation for the lack of a response to the strain conditions utilized in this study. Recently, Nicolella et al. (1998) and Nicolella (1998) demonstrated localized areas within trabeculae (e.g., around lacunae and canaliculi) experience signi"cantly greater (more than one order of magnitude) strain magnitudes than previously thought. This suggests osteocytic cells may be exposed to complex #uid and #uid/matrixinduced forces which are considerably higher than previously considered. However, cell deformation in vivo is not well understood and as noted earlier, we cannot 69 presume cell deformation in vivo re#ects deformation of the matrix owing to #exibility and biological `plasticitya of molecular attachments, even if such pericellular matrix deformation is substantially higher than that at the tissue level (Brand, 1992; Brand and Stanford, 1994). Nonetheless, if some cells are experiencing much higher deformations than at average (continuum) tissue levels (and higher than those used in this study), there may be relatively small populations of `sensinga cells causing more widespread in vivo responses via some signaling pathway to `respondinga cells. This argument may explain reports in which responses are observed at higher strain magnitudes than are conventionally considered physiologic for bone as a tissue, and the lack of responses most authors have reported at levels below 3000 l-strain. The appropriate sequential expression of matrix-related proteins is critical to the orderly and optimal assembly of a matrix that has biological and mechanical properties capable of normal load bearing capacity (Stein et al., 1990). Disease states may cause altered mechanical and architectural properties of bone that in turn may alter the capacity of osteocytic and/or osteoblastic cells to sense and respond to the mechanical environment. Alterations in protein expression may not only in#uence tissue properties through quantitative changes but also through alterations in the spatial and temporal patterns of bone-related protein expression. Descriptive statistical approaches (e.g., means) may obscure biologically important changes in the variations and/or patterns of expression of various matrix proteins. The radar plot diagram suggests that cultures derived from osteoarthritic patients tended to have a less uniform pattern of expression relative to those derived from osteoporotic patients. An evaluation for subject-to-subject variability (Bartlett Homogeneity test) demonstrated that there was subject speci"c responses for AP and OPN (Fig. 4a) in this group of subjects. This suggests that the osteoporotic state may be essentially unresponsive to strain, while the osteoarthritic is selectively responsive in the complex patterns of matrix expression. In summary, we found that primary bone cultures from older individuals were non-responsive to a continuum magnitude regimen replicating that of an active individual. It is possible that the sensing cells in bone experience magnitudes of strain well exceeding the conditions in this experiment and those recorded by strain gages in whole bone. Acknowledgements Supported in part by NIA Grant AG15197, The Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust and by the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Dows Institute for Dental Research, The University of Iowa. 70 C.M. Stanford et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 63}71 References Battmann, A., Jundt, G., Schulz, A., 1997. Endosteal human bone cells (EBC) show age-related activity in vitro. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes 105, 98}102. Bottlang, M., Simnacher, M., Schmitt, H., Brand, R.A., Claes, L., 1997. A cell strain system for small homogeneous strain applications. Biomedizinische Technik 42, 305}309. Brand, R.A., 1992. Autonomous informational stability in connective tissues. Medical Hypotheses 37, 107}114. Brand, R.A., Stanford, C.M., 1994. How connective tissues temporally process mechanical stimuli. Medical Hypotheses 42, 99}104. Brighton, C.T., Bereton, S., Gross, S.B., Leatherwood, D.F., Williams, H.L., Pollack, S.R., 1991. 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