Symmetric Linear Model Predictive Control
Symmetric Linear Model Predictive Control
1244 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 60, NO. 5, MAY 2015 Symmetric Linear Model Predictive Control Claus Danielson, Member, IEEE, and Francesco Borrelli, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—This paper studies symmetry in linear model predictive control (MPC). We define symmetry for model predictive control laws and for model predictive control problems. Properties of both MPC symmetries are studied by using a group theory formalism. We show how to efficiently compute MPC symmetries by transforming the search of MPC symmetry generators into a graph automorphism problem. MPC symmetries are then used to design model predictive control algorithms with reduced complexity. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is shown through a simple large-scale MPC problem whose explicit solution can only be found with the method presented in this paper. Index Terms—Model predictive control (MPC). I. I NTRODUCTION T HE main idea of predictive control is to use a model of the plant to predict its future evolution. At each sampling time, starting at the current state, an open-loop optimal control problem is solved over a finite horizon. The optimal command signal is applied to the process only during the following sampling interval. At the next time step, a new optimal control problem based on new measurements of the state is solved over a shifted horizon. The resultant control algorithm is referred to as Model Predictive Control (MPC). The popularity of MPC stems from the fact that the resulting operating strategy respects all the system constraints. This is difficult to accomplish using other control techniques. One limitation of this approach is that running the optimization algorithm on-line at each time step requires substantial time and computational resources. One alternative to online computation is to compute the optimal control law offline and store it as a look-up table. In [3] the authors showed that the solution to the constrained finitetime optimal control problem is a piecewise affine on polyhedra state-feedback control law. This state-feedback law is often called the explicit controller. Having this precomputed control law greatly reduces the computational load. However the explicit controller can require an excessive amount of memory to store. In this paper we reduce the memory requirements for explicit model predictive control using a problem structure, called symmetry, found in certain systems. Symmetries are patterns of self-similarity. For a mathematical problem, a symmetry is a transformation of the problem variables that does not change the problem structure. Many Manuscript received November 8, 2013; revised June 9, 2014, June 12, 2014, and October 27, 2014; accepted November 4, 2014. Date of publication November 20, 2014; date of current version April 18, 2015. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant 0844456. Recommended by Associate Editor J. Imura. C. Danielson is with Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory, Cambridge, MA 02139–1955 USA (e-mail: F. Borrelli is with the Unversity of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA (e-mail: Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAC.2014.2373693 large-scale systems tend to exhibit large symmetry groups. For instance apartment and office buildings have many rooms laid out in regular patterns [29]. Complex machines are built from similar components arranged into specific patterns [43]. Multi-agent systems are composed of identical agents or a small number of different types of agents [24]. Problems with symmetry are simpler since they have less unique problem data. However algorithms must be designed to recognize and exploit symmetric problem structure. Symmetry has been used extensively in numerous fields to analyze and simplify complex problems. Symmetry is a standard analysis tool in physics [1] and chemistry [11]. In recent years symmetry has been applied to optimization. In optimization theory symmetries are transformations of the decision space that do not change the cost or the feasible region (see surveys [19], [33] for details). In [5] the authors showed that the optimal solution to a symmetric linear program lies in a lower-dimensional subspace called the fixed-space of the group. This result was extended to semi-definite programs and integer programs in [6] and [37] respectively. In [23] symmetric semi-definite programming was used to simplify the sum-ofsquares decomposition of polynomials. In [2] symmetric semidefinite programming was applied to the optimal design of truss structures. Symmetry has also been used to analyze and simplify control design [41]. In control theory, symmetries are transformations of the state-space, input-space, and output-space that map the state-space matrices to themselves. Using group representation theory a basis for the state-space, input-space, and output-space can be found that decomposes the system into smaller decoupled subsystems [21], [39]. This basis is called the symmetry adapted basis. In [20], [25] it was shown that controllability and stability in large scale systems can be determined by using symmetry and checking the smaller set of decoupled subsystems. In [13] symmetry adapted basis was used to simplify the design of H2 and H∞ controllers. Using symmetry adapted basis the authors designed H2 and H∞ controllers for each of the decoupled subsystems. The H2 norm of the full system is the sum of the H2 norms of the decoupled subsystems. The H∞ norm of the full system is the max of the H∞ norm of the decoupled subsystems. In [7] symmetry was used to simplify the process of finding the transition probabilities of MarkovChains which produce the fastest convergence. The authors used symmetry adapted basis to decompose the fastest-mixing Markov chain problem into smaller semi-definite programs. This paper studies symmetry for constrained linear control with focus on model predictive control (MPC) [34]. We define symmetry for model predictive control laws and model predictive control problems and show how to efficiently compute these symmetry groups. Symmetries are used to design model predictive control algorithms of reduced complexity. By applying the proposed approach one can compute MPC 0018-9286 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. DANIELSON AND BORRELLI: SYMMETRIC LINEAR MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROL feedback laws for classes of large-scale systems for which no methodology exists today. Next we present our contributions and detail the outline of the paper. The paper is divided into four parts. In the first part of the paper we define symmetry for a model predictive control problem and symmetry for an explicit model predictive control feedback law. A symmetry of a MPC problem is a state-space and input-space transformation that preserves the dynamics, constraints, and cost. A symmetry of the MPC controller is a transformation of the state-space and input-space that preserves the control law. In particular, by using the results from explicit MPC [3], one can interpret the symmetries of a MPC controller as a state-space and input-space transformations that permute the pieces of the explicit controller. Thus symmetries relate the control law in different regions of the state-space. The set of all symmetries of the explicit controller form a group. We show that symmetries of the MPC problem are also symmetries of the MPC law. Through an example we show the MPC control law may have additional symmetries not present in the underlying MPC problem. In the second part of the paper we provide algorithms for finding the symmetries of the model predictive control problem and explicit model predictive control law. We call the problem of finding the symmetry group, symmetry identification. We propose a method which transforms the symmetry identification problem into graph automorphism problems. Graph automorphism problems can be solved efficiently using standard graph automorphism software packages [18], [28], [35]. In the third and main part of the paper we present explicit model predictive control designs which exploit symmetry to reduce the memory requirements for storing the controller. We propose two controller designs called the orbit controller and the fundamental domain controller. We show how to synthesize and implement these two controllers. The orbit controller uses symmetry to organize the controller pieces into equivalence classes called orbits. The orbit controller stores one representative controller pieces from each orbit. The other controller pieces can be reconstructed online using symmetry. We analyze the computational and memory complexity of the orbit controller. We show that the orbit controller offers significant memory savings when the number of group generators is small compared to the group size. We also show that the time required for the evaluation of the orbit controller depends on the number of generators of the group symmetry. When the symmetry group of the controller has a small number of generators the computational complexity of the orbit controller is similar to the standard explicit model predictive controller. The orbit controller can also be see as a generalization of the approach proposed in [40]. The fundamental domain controller solves the model predictive control problem on a subset of the state-space called a fundamental domain. A fundamental domain is a subset that contains at least one representative from each point orbit of a set [21], [22]. Since the fundamental domain is a subset of the statespace, it contains fewer regions of the MPC controller which leads to a reduction in the complexity of the controller. We also analyze the computational complexity of the fundamental domain controller. We show that the computational complexity of implementing the fundamental domain controller is comparable to the computational complexity of the fastest implementation of the full explicit controller [27]. 1245 In the forth and final part of the paper we present two examples that demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. In the first example we consider a model predictive controller for a quadcopter system [4], [10]. We use our symmetry identification algorithms to find the symmetries of the quadcopter system. Using these symmetries we construct the orbit controller which reduces the memory requirements by a factor of 12.8. In the second example we consider a network storage system [17]. For this application, computing the explicit model predictive controller is not feasible without using the techniques proposed in this paper. In fact, the storage requirements of the MPC controller is reduced by a factor of more than one billion. A. Model Predictive Control Consider the following model predictive control problem for a constrained linear time-invariant system with quadratic cost function and polytopic constraints minimize u0 ,...,uN −1 xTN P xN + N −1 xTk Qxk + uTk Ruk (1a) k=0 subject to xk+1 = Axk + Buk xk+1 ∈ X for k = 0, . . . , N − 1 uk ∈ U for k = 0, . . . , N − 1 x0 = x ∈ X (1b) (1c) (1d) (1e) where x0 = x ∈ Rn is the measured state, xk is the predicted state under the control action uk ∈ Rm over the horizon N , X and U are polytopic sets, and P = P T 0, Q = QT 0 and R = RT 0. Problem (1) can be written as a multi-parametric quadratic program [3] minimize U J(U, x) subject to U ∈ T (x) x∈X (2a) (2b) (2c) T where U = [uT0 , . . . , uTN −1 ] is the input trajectory over the horizon N , J(U, x) is a quadratic function, and T (x) is the polytopic set of feasible input trajectories U that satisfy state (1c) and input (1d) constraints under the dynamics (1b). In [3] it was shown that (2) has a continuous piecewise affine solution F x + G for x ∈ CR 1 1 1 .. (3) U (x) = . Fp x + Gp for x ∈ CRp where CRi ⊆ X are polytopes called critical regions, and Fi ∈ RN m×n and Gi ∈ RN m are constant matrices. The set of initial conditions x0 = x for which problem (2) is feasible is denoted by X0 . The critical regions {CRi }pi=1 partition the set X0 , i.e., ∪pi=1 CRi = X0 and int(CRi ) ∩ int(CRj ) = ∅ for all i = j. The optimal state-feedback piecewise affine MPC control law can be obtained by extracting the first m terms of the optimal input trajectory U (x) F1 x + G1 for x ∈ R1 .. u0 (x) = κ(x) = (4) . Fr x + Gr for x ∈ Rr where Fi ∈ Rm×n and Gi ∈ Rm are the optimal feedback and feedforward gains. The regions Ri ⊆ X are unions of critical region CRj where the first m components of U (x) are 1246 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 60, NO. 5, MAY 2015 identical. A union of polytopes is called a P-collection. We refer to the triple (Fi , Gi , Ri ) as the i-th piece of the controller κ(x) and I = {1, . . . , r} is the index set of the controller pieces. We call the partition {Ri }i∈I minimal if it contains the smallest number |I| of pieces needed to express κ(x). It is important to make a distinction between the optimal control law u0 (x) and its piecewise affine expression κ(x) defined in (4). The optimal control law u0 : X0 → U is a function from the set of feasible states X0 to the set of feasible control inputs U . The piecewise affine controller κ(x) is one expression of this function. The function u0 (x) is unique since the model predictive control problem (1) is strictly convex. However the expression (4) is not unique. Indeed the objective of this paper is to find an alternative expression for u0 (x) that requires less memory than the piecewise affine controller κ(x). A simple implementation of controller (4) is shown in Algorithm 1. First the algorithm determines the region Ri that contains the measured state x ∈ Ri . This step is called the point location problem. Next the optimal control u0 (x) = Fi x + Gi is calculated. The computational complexity of this algorithm is dominated by the point location problem which requires O(|I|) set membership tests x ∈ Ri of complexity O(nci ) where ci is the number of constraints that defines region Ri . Many improvements of this basic implementation can be found in the literature [12], [27], [31], [42]. texts [26], [32], [38]. Permutations will be described using the Cayley notation. For instance the permutation π such that π(1) = 2, π(2) = 3, and π(3) = 1 will be denoted as π = 12 23 31 . (5) Algorithm 1 Standard Implementation Input: Measured State x Output: Optimal Control u 1: for i ∈ I do 2: if x ∈ Ri then 3: return i 4: end if 5: end for 6: u0 = Fi x + Gi II. M ATHEMATICAL BACKGROUND A polytope X is the intersection of a finite number of halfspaces X = {x ∈ Rn : H̄x ≤ K}. A half-space is redundant if removing it from the description of X does not change the set X . If the polytope X contains the origin in its interior it can be written in normalized form X = {x ∈ Rn : Hx ≤ 1}. Let A ∈ Rm×n and X ⊆ Rn then the set AX = {Ax : x ∈ X } ⊆ Rm is the image X through A. A graph Γ = (N , E) is a set of nodes N together with a list of unordered pairs E ⊂ N × N called edges. Nodes i, j ∈ N are called adjacent if (i, j) ∈ E is an edge. A path is a sequence of adjacent nodes. Two nodes i, j ∈ N are called connected if there exists a path connecting them. A subgraph is a graph whose node set is a subset of N and whose edge set is a subset of E. A connected component is a subgraph in which any two nodes are connected. A. Group Theory This paper deals with groups of matrices and permutations. In this section we review the relevant concepts, notation, and results from group theory. Details can be found in standard A group (G, ◦) is a set G along with a binary operator ◦ such that the operator is associative, the set G is closed under the operation ◦, the set includes an identity element, and the inverse of each element is included in the set. In matrix groups the operator ◦ is matrix multiplication and the identity element is the identity matrix I. In permutation groups the operator ◦ is function composition and the identity element is the identity permutation e. A group that contains only the identity element is called trivial. For notational simplicity we will drop the ◦ and write gh for g ◦ h. Let G be a finite group. A set S ⊆ G is called a generating set if every element of G can be expressed as an arbitrary product of the elements of S. The group generated by S is denoted by S. The trivial group G = {e} is generated by the empty set S = ∅. A group homomorphism is a function f : G → H between groups that preserves the group structure: f (g)f (h) = f (gh) for all g, h ∈ G. A bijective group homomorphism f is called a group isomorphism and the groups G and H are called isomorphic. If G and H are isomorphic groups and S ⊆ G generates G = S then f (S) generates H = f (S). A group G acts on a set X if its elements g ∈ G are functions g : X → X on that set X . The orbit Gx := {g(x) : g ∈ G} of a point x ∈ X is the set of images g(x) of the point x under every element of the group g ∈ G. Algorithm 2 calculates the orbit Gx of a point x ∈ X under the group G = S. This algorithm is valid for both matrix and permutation groups. This algorithm has computational complexity O(|S||Gx|) [38]. Algorithm 2 Orbit Construction Input: Point x ∈ X and generators S of the group G = S Output: Orbit O = Gx = Sx 1: Initialize orbit O = {x} 2: while Orbit O still growing do 3: for each g ∈ S do 4: Expand orbit O = O ∪ g(O) 5: end for 6: end while III. S YMMETRY G ROUPS In this section we formally define symmetry in the context of Model Predictive Control. We give two intuitive definitions of symmetry and discuss how they are related. In particular we define the symmetries of the model predictive control law (4) and the model predictive control problem (1). A. Symmetries of the Explicit Controller A symmetry of the optimal control law u0 (x) is a transformation of the state-space Θ ∈ Rn×n and input-space Ω ∈ Rm×m that preserves the control law, i.e., u0 (x) = Ω−1 u0 (Θx). Definition 1: The pair of invertible matrices (Θ, Ω) is a symmetry of the optimal control law u0 (x) if Ωu0 (x) = u0 (Θx) for all x ∈ X0 . DANIELSON AND BORRELLI: SYMMETRIC LINEAR MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROL Definition 1 says that for every feasible point x ∈ X0 , the control actions at points x and y = Θx are related by a linear transformation Ω ∈ Rm×m . The set of all symmetries of the optimal control law u0 (x) is denoted by Aut(u0 ). The following proposition shows that the set Aut(u0 ) is a group. Proposition 1: The set Aut(u0 ) of all symmetries of the control law u0 is a group under pairwise matrix multiplication. Proof: We show that Aut(u0 ) under matrix multiplication satisfies the axioms of group theory. Note that matrix multiplication is associative. 1) Identity: (In , Im ) ∈ Aut(u0 ) since Im u0 (x) = u0 (In x) ∀ x ∈ X0 . (6) 2) Inverse: Let (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(u0 ) then (Θ−1 , Ω−1 ) ∈ Aut(u0 ) since Ωu0 (Θ−1 y) = u0 (y) ∀ y = Θx ∈ ΘX0 = X0 . 3) Closure: Let (Θ1 , Ω1 ), (Θ2 , Ω2 ) ∈ (Θ1 Θ2 , Ω1 Ω2 ) ∈ Aut(u0 ) since (7) Aut(u0 ) then −1 −1 Ω−1 2 Ω1 u0 (Θ1 Θ2 x) = Ω2 u0 (Θ2 x) = u0 (x). (8) We are interested in symmetries of the piecewise affine controller κ(x) in (4). A symmetry of the piecewise affine controller κ(x) is a transformation of the state-space Θ and input-space Ω that permutes the controller pieces (Fi , Gi , Ri ) for i ∈ I. Definition 2: The pair of invertible matrices (Θ, Ω) is a symmetry of the piecewise affine control law κ(x) in (4) if for every i ∈ I there exists j ∈ I such that ΩFi = Fj Θ ΩGi = Gj ΘRi = Rj . (9a) (9b) (9c) The set of all symmetries of the controller κ(x) is a group denoted by Aut(κ). Definition 2 says that the state-space transformation Θ maps the i-th region Ri ⊆ X0 to the j-th region Rj = ΘRi . Furthermore each symmetry (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(κ) maps the control law in region Ri to the control law in region Rj . The optimal control law for x ∈ Rj = ΘRi is u0 (x) = ΩFi Θ−1 x + ΩGi (10) where Fi and Gi are the optimal feedback and feedforward gains respectively for region Ri . The following example illustrates the concept of controller symmetry. Example 1: Consider a model predictive control problem of the form (1) with horizon N = 5, cost matrices Q = P = I and R = I, dynamics matrices 1 1 0 A= 2 and B = , (11) 0 2 1 −1 and box constraints on the state and input X = {x ∈ R2 : −1 ≤ xi ≤ 1, i = 1, 2} U = {u ∈ R2 : −1 ≤ ui ≤ 1, i = 1, 2}. (12a) (12b) The partition {Ri }i∈I of the explicit controller κ(x) for this problem is shown in Fig. 1(a) and the vector field of the optimal control law u0 (x) = κ(x) is shown in Fig. 1(b). The symmetry group Aut(κ) of the explicit controller κ(x) is the dihedral-4 group which consists of the planar rotations by 1247 Fig. 1. Partition {Ri }i∈I and vector field u0 (x) = κ(x) for the explicit controller κ(x). 90 degree increments and the reflections of the plane about the horizontal, vertical, and both diagonal axis. This group can be generated by the 90 degree planar rotation and the reflection about the vertical axis in the state-space and the 90 degree planar rotation and the diagonal reflection in the input-space 0 −1 , 0 −1 (Θr , Ωr ) = (13a) 1 0 1 0 −1 0 , 0 −1 (13b) (Θs , Ωs ) = 0 1 −1 0 where (Θr , Ωr ) are the 90 degree rotation matrices and (Θs , Ωs ) are the reflections about the vertical and diagonal axis respectively. The symmetry of the explicit controller κ(x) can be seen in the controller partition {Ri }i∈I shown in Fig. 1(a). Rotating the partition {Ri }i∈I by increments of 90 degrees does not change the pattern of the partition. Likewise reflecting the partition {Ri }i∈I about the horizontal, vertical, or either diagonal axis does not change the partition. The symmetry can also be seen in the vector field of the optimal control law u0 (x) shown in Fig. 1(b). Rotating the statespace by 90 degrees is equivalent to rotating the vector field u0 (x) by 90 degrees Ωr u0 (x) = u0 (Θr x). The points x, y ∈ X0 shown in Fig. 1(b) are related y = Θs x by the vertical reflection Θs . The vector field at these points is related by the diagonal reflection Ωs u0 (y) = u0 (Θs x) = Ωs u0 (x). (14) Clearly symmetries (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(κ) of the explicit controller κ(x) are symmetries of the underlying optimal control law u0 (x). However symmetries (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(u0 ) of the optimal control law u0 (x) are not necessarily symmetries of the piecewise affine controller κ(x) i.e., Aut(κ) ⊆ Aut(u0 ). The symmetries (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(κ) of the piecewise affine controller κ(x) depend on how the feasible region X0 is partitioned {Ri }i∈I . For instance we can break symmetry by splitting region Ri but not its image Rj = ΘRi . The following theorem shows that when {Ri }i∈I is the minimal P-collection partition for κ(x) then the symmetry group Aut(κ) of the piecewise affine controller κ(x) and the symmetry group Aut(u0 ) of the optimal control law u0 (x) are the same, i.e., Aut(κ) = Aut(u0 ). Theorem 1: Let κ(x) be the piecewise affine controller (4) where {Ri }i∈I is the minimal P-collection partition of X0 . Then Aut(u0 ) = Aut(κ). Proof: Any symmetry (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(u0 ) of the optimal control law is a symmetry of its piecewise affine expression κ(x). Thus Aut(κ) ⊆ Aut(u0 ). Next we show the converse. 1248 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 60, NO. 5, MAY 2015 Suppose (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(u0 ) is not a symmetry of the piecewise affine controller κ(x). Then there exists i ∈ I such that (9) does not hold for any j ∈ I. Consider the set ΘRi ⊂ X0 . There exists a minimal finite covering J ⊆ I of this set int(ΘRi ) ⊆ Rj (15) j∈J since {Ri }i∈I is a partition of the feasible region X0 and ΘRi ⊆ X0 is a subset of the feasible region. The sets Pj = (ΘRi ) ∩ Rj (16) for j ∈ J are full-dimensional since ΘRi is full-dimensional and J is a minimal cover. Therefore each Pj contains a set of affinely independent points. Since Ωu0 (x) = u0 (Θx) at each of these affinely independent points we have ΩFi = Fj Θ ΩGi = Gj (17a) (17b) for each j ∈ J . Thus (ΩFi Θ−1 , ΩGi , ΘRi ) and (Fj , Gj , Rj ) differ only by the partition ΘRi = Rj . Suppose |J | = 1 then ΘRi ⊂ Rj since ΘRi = Rj . In this case reverse the roles of i and j and consider a cover K of Θ−1 Rj where |K| > 1. Since Aut(κ) is a group, (Θ−1 , Ω−1 ) ∈ Aut(κ) implies (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(κ). Thus we can assume without loss of generality that |J | > 1. For |J | > 1 we can merge the regions Rj for j ∈ J . However this contradicts the assumption that {Ri }i∈I is the minimal partition. Therefore we conclude that (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(u0 ) is a symmetry of the piecewise affine control law κ(x). According to Definition 2 each transformation pair (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(κ) corresponds to a permutation π : I → I of the controller pieces I where j = π(i) for i and j satisfying (9). It will be convenient to define a function Π that maps transformations (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(κ) to the corresponding permutation of the controller pieces I. Definition 3: Let Π : Aut(κ) → Sym(I) be the group homomorphism that maps controller symmetries (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(κ) to the corresponding permutation π = Π(Θ, Ω) : I → I of the controller pieces I. The function Π is not necessarily a group isomorphism since there may be symmetries (Θ, Ω) ∈ Ker(Π) = {(Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(κ) : Π(Θ, Ω) = e} that map every controller piece i ∈ I to itself e(i) = i where e is the identity permutation. Symmetries (Θ, Ω) ∈ Ker(Π) in this subgroup Ker(Π) do not help reduce the memory requirements of storing the explicit model predictive controller κ(x). B. Symmetries of the MPC Problem In this section we define the symmetries of the model predictive control problem (1) and show how they are related to symmetries of the explicit model predictive controller κ(x). Symmetries of the model predictive control problem (1) allow us to determine symmetries of the explicit controller κ(x) without the computational expense of first constructing the controller. A symmetry of the model predictive control problem (1) is a transformation of the state-space Θ ∈ Rn×n and input-space Ω ∈ Rm×m that preserves the cost (1a), dynamics (1b), and constraints (1c) and (1d) of the model predictive control problem. Definition 4: 1) The pair of invertible matrices (Θ, Ω) is a symmetry of the cost function (1a) if it satisfies ΘT P Θ = P ΘT QΘ = Q ΩT RΩ = R. (18a) (18b) (18c) 2) The pair of invertible matrices (Θ, Ω) is a symmetry of the dynamics (1b) if it satisfies ΘA = AΘ ΘB = BΩ. (19a) (19b) 3) The pair of invertible matrices (Θ, Ω) is a symmetry of the constraints (1c) and (1d) if it satisfies ΘX = X ΩU = U . (20a) (20b) The set of all symmetries satisfying (18) is denoted Aut(P, Q, R). For each (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(P, Q, R) the cost (1a) N −1 of the state trajectory {x(t)}N t=0 and input trajectory {u(t)}t=0 is the same as the cost (1a) of the state trajectory {Θx(t)}N t=0 −1 and input trajectory {Ωu(t)}N t=0 . The set of all symmetries satisfying (19) is denoted Aut(A, B). If the state and input trajectories {x(t)}∞ t=0 and {u(t)}∞ t=0 are valid for the dynamics (1b) then so are the ∞ state and input trajectories {Θx(t)}∞ t=0 and {Ωu(t)}t=0 for any (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(A, B). For an autonomous system (i.e., B = 0), (19) says that the vector field f (x) = Ax is invariant under the state-space transformation Θ, i.e., f (x) = Ax = ΘAΘ−1 x. The set of all symmetries satisfying (20) is denoted Aut(X , U ). This is the set of all state-space and input-space transformations (Θ, Ω) that preserve the constraint sets ΘX = X and ΩU = U . The state-space transformation Θ permutes faces of the polytope X and the input-space transformation Ω permutes face of the polytope U . In particular Θ and Ω permute the vertices and facets of the polytopes X and U , respectively. The symmetry group Aut(M P C) = Aut(P, Q, R)∩Aut(A, B) ∩ Aut(X , U ) of the model predictive control problem (1) is the intersection of the symmetry groups of the cost Aut(P, Q, R), dynamics Aut(A, B), and constraints Aut(X , U ). The symmetries (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(M P C) do not change the cost function J(U, x), feasible region T (x), and the feasible parameterspace X0 of the multi-parametric program (2). Proposition 2: Each symmetry (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(M P C) of the model predictive control problem (1) satisfies J ((IN ⊗ Ω)U, Θx) = J(U, x) (IN ⊗ Ω)T (x) = T (Θx) ΘX0 = X0 (21a) (21b) (21c) where J(U, x), T (x), and X0 are the cost function, feasible region, and feasible parameter-space of the multi-parametric program (2) of the model predictive control problem. Proof: Define Q = diag(IN ⊗ Q, P ), R = IN ⊗ R, and ⎤ ⎤ ⎡ ⎡ I 0 ··· 0 ⎥ ⎢ A ⎥ ⎢ B. .. A = ⎣ .. ⎦ and B = ⎣ (22) ⎦ .. . . N N −1 B ··· B A A where ⊗ is the Kronecker product. Then the cost function of (2) can be written J(U, x) = (Ax + BU )T Q(Ax + BU ) + U T RU. (23) DANIELSON AND BORRELLI: SYMMETRIC LINEAR MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROL 1249 By (18) and (19) we have J ((IN ⊗ Ω)U, Θx) = (AΘx + B(I ⊗ Ω)U )T Q (AΘx + B(I ⊗ Ω)U ) + U T (I ⊗ Ω)T R(I ⊗ Ω)U = (Ax + BU )T (I ⊗ Θ)T Q(I ⊗ Θ)(Ax + BU ) + U T (I ⊗ Ω)T R(I ⊗ Ω)U = J(U, x). (24) Consider the set x F= : U ∈ U N , Ax + BU ∈ X N +1 . U (25) By (19) and (20) this set satisfies I 0 F 0 I ⊗Ω x = : (I ⊗Ω)−1 U ∈ U N , Ax+B(I ⊗Ω)−1 U ∈ X N +1 U x N N +1 = : U ∈ (I ⊗ Ω)U , AΘx + BU ∈ (I ⊗ Θ)X U Θ 0 = F. (26) 0 I Thus, (I ⊗ Ω)T (x) = T (Θx) since T (x) = {U : Ux ∈ F} is the slice of F at x. Also ΘX0 = X0 since X0 = {x : ∃U s.t. Ux ∈ F} is the projection of F onto x. T T Proposition 2 says that if U = [uT is the 0 , . . . , uN −1 ] optimal solution of the multi-parametric program (2) for x then T T (IN ⊗ Ω)U = [ΩuT is the optimal solution 0 , . . . , ΩuN −1 ] to the multi-parametric program for y = Θx. Symmetries (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(M P C) relate the optimal solutions to the multiparametric program (2) at different points x, Θx ∈ X0 in the feasible region. The following theorem shows that the symmetries (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(M P C) of the model predictive control problem (1) are symmetries of the optimal control law u0 (x). Theorem 2: The symmetry group Aut(M P C) of the model predictive control problem (1) is a subgroup of the symmetry group Aut(u0 ) of the optimal control law u0 (x). Proof: Let U (x) be the optimal solution to the multiparametric program (2). By Proposition 2 for each (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(M P C) the function (IN ⊗ Ω)U (Θ−1 x) is a feasible and optimal solution to the multi-parametric program (2). Since (2) is strictly convex U (x) = (IN ⊗ Ω)U (Θ−1 x) is unique. Therefore u0 (x) = Ωu0 (Θ−1 x). It follows from Theorems 1 and 2 that symmetries (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(M P C) of the model predictive control problem are symmetries of the explicit controller κ(x) when {Ri }i∈I is the minimal P-collection partition. In fact we can show that κ(x) is symmetric with respect to Aut(M P C) when {Ri }i∈I is the critical region partition. Corollary 1: Let κ(x) be the optimal piecewise affine controller for the model predictive control problem (1) where {Ri }i∈I = {CRi }pi=1 is the critical region partition of X0 . Then Aut(M P C) ⊆ Aut(κ). Proof: For each (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(M P C) there exists CRj such that P = CRi ∩ ΘCRj is full-dimensional since {ΘCRi }pi=1 covers ΘX0 = X0 . This set P contains an affinely Fig. 2. Counter-example showing the symmetry group Aut(κ) of the explicit controller can be larger than the symmetry group Aut(M P C) of the model predictive control problem. independent set of points. Thus Fi Θ = ΩFj and Gi = ΩGj since (I ⊗ Ω)U (x) = U (Θx) by Proposition 2. Next we show CRi = ΘCRj . The critical regions CRi is define as CRi = x : Fi x+Gi ∈ U N, (A+BFi )x+BGi ∈ X N (27) where A and B were defined in (22) and, Fi and Gi were defined in (3). This region satisfies ΘCR i = x : Fi Θx + Gi ∈ U N , (A + BFi )Θx + BGi ∈ X N = x : (I ⊗ Ω)−1 Fj x + Gi ∈ U N , (I ⊗ Θ)−1 (A + BFj )x + BGi ∈ X N = x : Fj x + Gj ∈ (I ⊗ Ω)U N , (A + BFj )x + BGj ∈ (I ⊗ Θ)X N = CRj (28) by (19) and (20). Thus {CRi }i∈I = {ΘCRi }i∈I . Finally we conclude that κ(x) = Ωκ(Θ−1 x) since κ(x) is the first m components of U (x). The following example shows that the explicit model predictive controller κ(x) can have symmetries (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(κ) that do not appear in the model predictive control problem i.e., (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(M P C). Example 2: Consider the model predictive control problem of the form (1) where the dynamics matrices are √ √ 1 0 2 √2 √ A= and B = . (29) 2 0 1 − 2 The cost matrices are P = Q = In ∈ Rn×n and R = ρIm ∈ Rm×m where ρ = 5 × 106 . The horizon is N = 1. The state constraints are the octagon shown in Fig. 2(a) and the input constraints are the box shown in Fig. 2(b). The model predictive control problem is symmetric with respect to rotations of the state-space and input-space by 90 degree increments. However the controller κ(x) is symmetric with respect to rotation of the state-space Θ and inputspace Ω by 45 degree increments. This symmetry can be seen in Fig. 2(c) which shows the controller partition {Ri }i∈I . The limiting factor in the symmetry group Aut(M P C) of the model predictive control problem in this example is the input constraint set U . However the optimal controller κ(x) does not use every possible control input u ∈ U . The image κ(X ) of the optimal control for each x ∈ X is shown in Fig. 2(d). It can be seen that the optimal controller only uses an octagonal subset of U . Therefore the explicit controller can have a larger symmetry group than the model predictive control problem (1). Likewise the symmetry group Aut(κ) could be strictly larger than Aut(M P C) if the feasible state-space X0 ⊂ X has more symmetries than X . 1250 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 60, NO. 5, MAY 2015 IV. I DENTIFICATION OF S YMMETRY G ROUPS In this section we describe how to find the symmetry groups of the explicit controller Aut(κ) and model predictive control problem Aut(M P C). A. Identification of Controller Symmetries In this section we address the problem of finding the set of all state-space Θ and input-space Ω transformations that satisfy Definition 2 i.e., (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(κ). We call this problem controller symmetry identification. Problem 1: Find a set S = {(Θ1 , Ω1 ), . . . , (Θs , Ωs )} of state-space and input-space transformations that generate the symmetry group Aut(κ) = S of the explicit controller κ(x). The following proposition characterizes Aut(κ) as the set of all linear transformations (Θ, Ω) that permute the extreme points {xj }qj=1 of the controller partition {Ri }i∈I and the value uj = κ(xj ) of the controller at these points. The extreme points {xj }qj=1 of the partition {Ri }i∈I are the vertices of each polytope Ri for i ∈ I. Similar results can be found in [9] and [40]. Proposition 3: The symmetry group Aut(κ) of the controller κ(x) is the setof all linear transformations (Θ, Ω) that q where xj are the extreme points permute the set { uxjj } j=1 of the partition {Ri }i∈I and uj = κ(xj ) is the value of the controller at these points. Proof: See [9]. Proposition 3 means that we can identify the symmetry group Aut(κ) by finding all linear transformations that permute the q control at extreme points { uxjj } . The following theorem j=1 characterizes the set of all linear transformations (Θ, Ω) ∈ q n×n m×m R ×R that permute a finite set of points { uxjj } . j=1 In [8] the authors prove a similar theorem using graph theory to identify the symmetries of polyhedra. Here we provide an alternative proof based on linear algebra. Theorem 3: Let {uj }qj=1 contain a linearly independent subset. The set of all linear transformations Θ and Ω that permute {xj }qj=1 and {uj }qj=1 is isomorphic to the set of all permutation matrices P satisfying −1 −1 P X T (XX T ) X = X T (XX T ) XP T T −1 T T −1 P U (U U ) U = U (U U ) U P where X = [x1 , . . . , xq ] ∈ Rn×q Rm×q with isomorphism (30a) −1 Procedure 1 Identification of Controller Symmetries 1: Calculate extreme points {xj }qj=1 of the controller partition {Ri }i∈I and control uj = κ(xj ) at these points. 2: Find generators P = {P1 , . . . , Ps } of the group of permutation matrices P ∈ Rq×q that satisfy (30). 3: Calculate generators S = {(Θ1 , Ω1 ), . . . , (Θs , Ωs )} of Aut(κ) using isomorphism (31) with the permutation generators P ∈ P. This procedure can be very computationally intensive. It requires calculating the full explicit controller κ(x) and finding the extreme points {xj }qj=1 of the partition {Ri }i∈I . In our experience these steps, rather than finding Perm(κ), dominate the computational complexity of this procedure. In practice we typically use a subgroup G ⊆ Aut(κ) that is known a priori or can be calculated more efficiently. We propose using the symmetry group Aut(M P C) ⊆ Aut(κ) of the model predictive control problem. In the next section we will show how to identify Aut(M P C). (30b) and U = [u1 , . . . , uq ] ∈ Θ = XP X T (XX T ) −1 Ω = U P U T (U U T ) . several drawbacks to this approach. A mixed-integer solver will return all elements of the group Perm(κ) instead of just a set of generators P. Since the group size |Perm(κ)| can be exponentially larger than its generators |P| this significantly increases the computational load. Additionally most standard mixedinteger solvers perform poorly on highly symmetric problems [6], [33]. On the other hand graph automorphism software is specifically designed to work with highly symmetric problems. Graph automorphism software packages exploit special properties of groups to improve computation complexity. Additionally graph automorphism software will find a set of generators P with bounded cardinality |P| = q−1 for the group Perm(κ). Procedure 1 summarizes the steps for identifying the symmetry group Aut(κ) of the controller κ(x). First we enumerate the extreme points {xj }qj=1 of the partition {Ri }i∈I and calculate the value of the controller uj = κ(xj ) at these points. Next we find a set of generators of the group Perm(κ) using graph automorphism software. Finally we calculate the generators of the controller symmetry group Aut(κ) using the isomorphism (31). (31a) (31b) Proof: See [14]. We denote the set of all permutation matrices P ∈ Rq×q that satisfy (30) by Perm(κ). Finding this group can be posed as a graph automorphism problem [15] and solved using standard software packages [18], [28], [35]. Standard graph automorphism software packages can identify the group Perm(κ) for partitions {Ri }i∈I containing thousands of extreme points {xj }qj=1 . Remark 1: An alternative approach to finding the set Perm(κ) is to pose the problem as a mixed-integer feasibility problem. This approach was taken in [40]. However there are B. Identification of MPC Symmetries In this section we address the problem of finding the set of all state-space Θ and input-space Ω transformations that satisfy Definition 4 i.e., (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(M P C). We call this problem MPC symmetry identification. Problem 2: Find a set S = {(Θ1 , Ω1 ), . . . , (Θs , Ωs )} of state-space and input-space transformations that generate the symmetry group Aut(M P C) = S of the model predictive control problem (1). The symmetry group Aut(M P C) of the model predictive control problem (1) is a subgroup of the symmetry group Aut(X , U ) of the constraint sets X and U . For bounded sets X and U the symmetry group Aut(X , U ) is isomorphic to a permutation group acting on the non-redundant half-spaces of X and U . We will denote this group by Perm(X , U ). In [8] the group Perm(X , U ) was characterized by the set of DANIELSON AND BORRELLI: SYMMETRIC LINEAR MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROL 1251 all permutation matrices (Px , Pu ) that satisfy the commutative relationship −1 T Hx HxT Hx Hx 0 Px 0 −1 T 0 Pu Hu HuT Hu H T −1 0 T u Hx 0 Hx H x H x Px 0 = −1 T 0 Pu 0 Hu HuT Hu Hu (32) Using standard graph automorphism software we can identify the symmetry group Aut(M P C) for constrained linear systems with a large number of constraints. Identifying the symmetry group Aut(M P C) of the model predictive control problem (1) is less computationally demanding than using Procedure 1 to identify the symmetry group Aut(κ) of the controller κ(x). where Hx and Hu are the normalized half-space matrices for X and U , respectively V. O RBIT C ONTROLLER X = {x ∈ Rn : Hx x ≤ 1} U = {u ∈ Rm : Hu u ≤ 1}. (33a) (33b) The groups Aut(X , U ) and Perm(X , U ) are related by the isomorphism −1 Θ = (HxT Hx ) HxT Px Hx −1 Ω = (HuT Hu ) HuT Pu Hu . (34a) (34b) We extend the result in [8] to find the symmetry group Aut(M P C) of the model predictive control problem (1). The symmetry group Aut(M P C) is isomorphic to the group Perm(M P C) of permutation matrices (Px , Pu ) that satisfies the commutative relationships (32) and −1 −1 Px Hx A(HxT Hx ) HxT = Hx A(HxT Hx ) HxT Px −1 −1 Px Hx B(HuT Hu ) HuT = Hx B(HxT Hx ) HuT Pu (35a) (35b) and Px H̄x P H̄xT = H̄x P H̄xT Px Px H̄x QH̄xT = H̄x QH̄xT Px Pu H̄u RH̄uT = H̄u RH̄uT Pu −1 (36a) (36b) (36c) −1 where H̄x = Hx (HxT Hx ) and H̄u = Hu (HuT Hu ) . Equation (35) ensures that the permutation matrices (Px , Pu ) are isomorphic to a transformation (Θ, Ω) that preserves the dynamics ΘA = AΘ and ΘB = BΩ. Equation (36) ensures that the permutation matrices (Px , Pu ) are isomorphic to a transformation (Θ, Ω) that preserves the cost ΘT P Θ = P , ΘT QΘ = Q, and ΩT RΩ = R. Theorem 4: Let Perm(M P C) be the set of all permutation matrices Px and Pu that satisfy (32), (35), and (36). Then Perm(M P C) is isomorphic to Aut(M P C) with isomorphism (34). Proof: See [14], [15]. Procedure 2 summarizes the steps for identifying the symmetry group Aut(M P C) of the model predictive control problem (1). First we find the generators of the group Perm(M P C) of all permutation matrices (Px , Pu ) that satisfy (32), (35), and (36). This can be posed as a graph automorphism problem [35] and solved using standard software packages [18], [28], [35]. Next we calculate the generators of the symmetry group Aut(M P C) using the isomorphism (34). Procedure 2 Identification of the MPC Symmetries 1: Find a set of generators P = {(Px1 , Pu1 ), . . . , (Pxs , Pus )} of the permutation group Perm(M P C) that satisfy (32), (35), and (36). 2: Calculate generators S = {(Θ1 , Ω1 ), . . . , (Θs , Ωs )} of Aut(M P C) using isomorphism (34) with the permutation generators (Px , Pu ) ∈ P. In this section we define the orbit controller κo (x) which uses symmetry to reduce the memory complexity of storing the optimal control law u0 (x). The results of this section hold for any subgroup G ⊆ Aut(κ) of controller symmetries. In practice we use G = Aut(M P C). A. Orbit Controller Symmetry tells us that pieces i, j ∈ I of the controller are related by state-space Θ and input-space Ω transformations. Thus we need only store one of these controller pieces and the other pieces can be recovered using the symmetry transformations. This intuition is formalized and generalized using the concept of a controller orbit. Two controller pieces i, j ∈ I are symmetrically equivalent if there exists a state-space and input-space transformation pair (Θ, Ω) ∈ G ⊆ Aut(κ) that maps controller piece i to piece j = π(i) for π ∈ Π(G). The set of all controller pieces equivalent to the i-th piece is called a controller orbit G(i) = {π(i) : π ∈ Π(G)} . (37) The set of controller orbits is denoted by I/G = {G(i1 ), . . . , G(ir )}, read as I modulo G, where {i1 , . . . , ir } is a set that contains one representative controller piece ij from each orbit G(ij ). With abuse of notation we will equate the set of controller orbits I/G with sets of representative controller pieces I/G = {i1 , . . . , ir }. The controller orbits G(i) for i ∈ I/G partition the controller pieces I into disjoint equivalence classes I = i∈I/G G(i). Using orbits the memory requirements for the explicit model predictive controller κ(x) can be reduced by storing only one representative i ∈ G(i) from each controller orbit G(i). The other controller pieces j ∈ G(i) can be recovered using the statespace and input-space transformations (Θ, Ω) ∈ G ⊆ Aut(κ) and the symmetry relation (9). In terms of the controller orbits, the optimal control law u0 (x) can be written as u0 (x) = κo (x) ⎧ ΩFi1 Θ−1 x ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ +ΩGi1 .. = . ⎪ ⎪ −1 ⎪ ⎪ ΩF Θ x i r ⎪ ⎩ +ΩGir if x ∈ ΘRi1 for some (Θ, Ω) ∈ G (38) if x ∈ ΘRir for some (Θ, Ω) ∈ G where {i1 , . . . , ir } = I/G is a set of representative controller pieces. We call this representation of the optimal control law u0 (x) the orbit controller κo (x). The orbit controller κo (x) neglects part of the feasible statespace X0 where the optimal control law u0 (x) is symmetrically 1252 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 60, NO. 5, MAY 2015 Fig. 3. Connected Components of the orbit graph Γ(S) for the explicit controller κ(x). The dots represent the graph nodes N = I and the lines represent the graph edges ES . The graph nodes are drawn inside the region Ri of the controller piece (Fi , Gi , Ri ) they represent. Fig. 4. redundant. The orbit controller κo (x) only explicitly stores the control law u0 (x) on a subset R̂ of the feasible region X0 R̂ = Ri ⊂ X 0 . (39) i∈I/G We can visualize the orbit controller in terms of the orbit graph Γ(S) = (N , E). The node set N of the orbit graph Γ(S) is the index set I of the controller pieces {(Fi , Gi , Ri )}i∈I . By (9) the symmetries (Θ, Ω) ∈ Aut(κ) induce sets of edges E(Θ,Ω) = {(i, π(i)) ∈ I × I : π = Π(Θ, Ω), i = π(i)} (40) that related controller pieces {(Fi , Gi , Ri )}i∈I . For a subset of symmetries S ⊆ Aut(κ) we can define the graph Γ(S) = (N , ES ) whose node set isthe set of controller pieces N = I and whose edge set ES = (Θ,Ω)∈S E(Θ,Ω) is the union of edge sets induced by the symmetries (Θ, Ω) ∈ S. Each connected component of the graph Γ(S) corresponds to a controller orbit G(i) = {π(i) ∈ I : π ∈ Π(G)} where G = S is the symmetry group generated by S. The orbit graph Γ(S) has |I/G| connected components. An orbit controller κo (x) can be created by selecting one representative controller piece (Fi , Gi , Ri ) from each connected component of the orbit graph Γ(S). The symmetries (Θ, Ω) ∈ S allow us to move along the edges of the orbit graph Γ(S) between controller pieces (Fi , Gi , Ri ) for i ∈ I to reconstruct the full explicit controller κ(x). Obviously the orbit controller κo (x) is not unique since the choice of controller pieces from each component is arbitrary. The following example shows the construction of an orbit controller. Example 3: In this example we construct an orbit controller κo (x) for the model predictive control problem defined in Example 1. The connected components of the orbit graph Γ(S) = (N , ES ) for the explicit controller κ(x) and the generating set S = {(Θr , Ωr ), (Θs , Ωs )} are shown in Fig. 3. The nodes i ∈ I = N of these components are drawn inside the regions Ri of the corresponding controller piece (Fi , Gi , Ri ). The edges are induced by the 90 degree rotation matrix Θr and horizontal reflection Θs . The |I| = 33 pieces of the explicit controller κ(x) are organized into |I/G| = 8 orbits: one orbit of size |G(i)| = 1, six orbits of size |G(i)| = 4 and one orbit of size |G(i)| = 8. Each of these orbits correspond to connected components of the orbit graph Γ(S). The orbit shown in Fig. 3(a) is a singleton orbit |G(i)| = 1. The orbit shown in 3(e) contains |G(i)| = 8 controller pieces Partition {Ri }i∈I/G of an orbit controller κo (x). (Fi , Gi , Ri ). The regions Ri for i ∈ G(i) are related by the reflections and rotations of the symmetry group Aut(κ) = S. The feedback Fi and feedforward Gi gains in these regions are related by (9). This can be seen in the vector field of the optimal control law u0 (x) shown in Fig. 1. An orbit controller κo (x) can be created by selecting one representative controller piece from each orbit. The partition {Ri }i∈I/G of an orbit controller κo (x) is shown in Fig. 4. The colored regions represent the pieces of the controller explicitly stored by κo (x). The control law in the gray regions is recovered using symmetry. This controller contains one node from each connected component of the orbit graph Γ(S). The choice of the pieces to store is arbitrary. B. Synthesis of Orbit Controller In this section we present a simple procedure for synthesizing the orbit controller κo (x). The orbit controller can be synthesized using the steps in Procedure 3. The first step of this procedure is to generate the explicit controller κ(x). This can be done using the MultiParametric Toolbox (MPT) [30]. Next a symmetry group G ⊆ Aut(κ) of the controller κ(x) is identified. This can be done using Procedures 1 or 2 to find G = Aut(κ) or G = Aut(M P C), respectively. Next the orbits G(i) of the controller pieces I are calculated using Algorithm 2. Finally the orbit controller κo (x) is constructed by selecting one controller piece (Fi , Gi , Ri ) from each orbit G(i). Procedure 3 Synthesis of Orbit Controller κo (x) 1: Generate the explicit controller κ(x). 2: Identify a symmetry group G ⊆ Aut(κ) for explicit controller κ(x) 3: Calculate the orbits Gi of the controller pieces I 4: Select a representative controller piece (Fi , Gi , Ri ) from each orbit G(i). This procedure can be interpreted in terms of the orbit graph Γ(S). In the first step we construct the node set I of the orbit graph Γ(S) by constructing the explicit controller κ(x). In the second step we find the edge set ES of the orbit graph Γ(S). In the third step we use the orbit algorithm to find the connected components of the orbit graph Γ(S). Finally we chose one representative from each connected component of the orbit graph Γ(S) to produce an orbit controller κo (x). DANIELSON AND BORRELLI: SYMMETRIC LINEAR MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROL 1253 C. Implementation of Orbit Controller In this section we discuss the implementation of the orbit controller κo (x). The orbit controller κo (x) is implemented using Algorithm 3. The implementation of the orbit controller κo (x) is similar to the standard implementation of the explicit controller κ(x) in Algorithm 1. The point location problem still requires searching the partition {Ri }i∈I of the feasible region X0 . However this step is divided into two nested loops. In the outer-loop the algorithm searches the representative regions {Ri }i∈I/G . In the inner-loop the algorithm searches the orbit {Rj }j∈G(i) = {ΘRi }Θ∈G of the representative region Ri for the set Rj = ΘRi which contains the measured state x ∈ ΘRi . This search can be interpreted in terms of the orbit graph Γ(S). In the outer-loop we search among the connected components of the orbit graph Γ(S). The inner-loop searches the components. This search can be done efficiently using the standard orbit search in Algorithm 2 which can be interpreted as a search of the orbit graph Γ(S) [14]. Algorithm 3 Implementation of Orbit Controller κo (x) Input: Measured State x Output: Optimal Control u0 (x) 1: for each Ri ∈ {Rj }j∈I/G do 2: for each Rj ∈ {ΘRi }Θ∈G do 3: if x ∈ Rj = ΘRi then 4: return i ∈ I/G and (Θ, Ω) ∈ G 5: end if 6: end for 7: end for 8: u0 (x) = ΩFi Θ−1 x + ΩGi Example 4: In this example we demonstrate the implementation of the orbit controller κo (x) in Example 3. Consider the measured state x shown in Fig. 4. Since the orbit controller κo (x) does not explicit store the optimal control law u0 (x) at this state it must be reconstructed using symmetry. This can be accomplished using Algorithm 3. The outer-loop of Algorithm 3 searches {Ri }i∈I/G for the orbit {Rj }i∈G(i) = {ΘRi }Θ∈G of the region Rj = ΘRi that contains the measured state x ∈ Rj . This corresponds to searching over the connected components of the orbit graph Γ(S) shown in Fig. 3. After searching the connected components of the orbit graph Γ(S) shown in Fig. 3(a)–(d) the Algorithm will search the orbit shown in Fig. 3(e) which contains the region R that contains the measured state x ∈ R. A larger labeled version of this graph is shown in Fig. 5. This graph is searched using Algorithm 2. This search returns the symmetry (Θ, Ω) = (Θs Θr Θr , Ωs Ωr Ωr ) ∈ Aut(κ) which maps the state x into the representative region x ∈ Θs Θr Θr R. (42) The optimal control is then given by Once the region Rj = ΘRi containing the measured state x ∈ ΘRi has been found the appropriate control action u0 (x) is calculated using the symmetry relation (9). The optimal control is u0 (x) = ΩFi Θ−1 x + ΩGi Fig. 5. Connected component {Rj }j∈G(i) = {ΘRi }Θ∈G of the orbit graph Γ(S) which contains the region ΘRi that contains the measured state x. (41) where Θ−1 x ∈ Ri . The computational complexity of Algorithm 3 is dominated by the point location problem. In the worst-case Algorithm 3 requires O(|I||S|) point in set tests x ∈ ΘRi of complexity O(nci ) where |I| = i∈I/G |G(i)| is the sum of orbit lengths and S ⊆ Aut(κ) is the generating set of G = S. The number of point in set tests for Algorithm 3 is worse than the O(|I|) test used by the simple implementation in Algorithm 1. The additional computational complexity is a result of the properties of the domain R̂ ⊆ X0 of the orbit controller κo (x). The set R̂ = i∈I/G Ri ⊆ X0 is in general non-convex and nonconnected. Thus we must use brute-force techniques to find a state-space transformation Θ ∈ G that maps the measured state x ∈ X0 into the domain R̂ ⊂ X0 of the orbit controller κo (x). This is the main disadvantage of using the orbit controller κo (x). This issue will be addressed by the fundamental domain controller defined in Section VI. Still the orbit controller produces memory savings as we will discuss in the next section. The implementation of the orbit controller is illustrated by the following example. u0 (x) = ΩF Θ−1 x + ΩG = Ωs Ωr Ωr F (Θs Θr Θr )−1 x + Ωs Ωr Ωr G. (43) D. Memory Reduction In this section we discuss the memory advantages of using the orbit controller κo (x). The group structure of Aut(κ) is instrumental in reducing the memory needed to store κo (x). The orbit controller κo (x) saves memory by replacing controller pieces {(Fi , Gi , Ri )}i∈I with symmetries (Θ, Ω) ∈ G ⊆ Aut(κ). We observe that symmetries (Θ, Ω) ∈ G are less expensive to store than controller pieces (Fi , Gi , Ri ). Each symmetry (Θ, Ω) ∈ G requires O(n2 ) memory assuming the number of states n is greater than the number of inputs m ≤ n. The i-th controller piece (Fi , Gi , Ri ) requires O(nci ) memory where ci is the number of half-spaces defining region Ri . Since the regions Ri are bounded ci ≥ n + 1 we have a reduction in memory O(n2 ) ≤ O(nci ). However for our analysis we will conservatively assume O(nci ) = O(n2 ). In practice the main memory savings comes from the fact that a small number generators S can produces a large number of symmetries G = S that related many controller pieces. The orbit controller requires O(n2 ) (|S| + |I/G|) 2 (44) memory: O(n )|I/G| memory to store the representative controller pieces {(Fi , Gi , Ri )}i∈I/G and O(n2 )|S| memory to store the generators of the group G = S ⊆ Aut(κ). On the 1254 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 60, NO. 5, MAY 2015 other hand the full explicit controller κ(x) requires O(n2 )|I| memory to store each piece I of the controller individually. For any group G ⊆ Aut(κ)/Ker(Π) the memory requirements of storing the orbit controller κo (x) are no more than storing the full explicit controller κ(x) since |S| + |I/G| ≤ |I|. Proposition 4: Let G ⊆ Aut(κ)/Ker(Π). Then there exists a generating set S such that |S| + |I/G| ≤ |I|. Proof: Consider the stabilizer chain G = G0 ⊇ · · · ⊇ GI/G = Ker (Π(G)) = ∅. (45) Let Si = (Gi−1/Gi )\{e} be a set of coset representatives Gi−1/Gi minus the identity element {e}. By construction Si ∪Gi I/G generates Gi−1 = Si ∪Gi . Thus S = ∪i=1 Si generates G = S. By the orbit-stabilizer theorem |Si | = |Gi−1 i| − 1 ≤ |Gi| − 1 since Gi−1 ⊆ G. Thus |Gi| − 1 = |I| − |I/G|. (46) |S| ≤ i∈I G Typically the number of generators S ⊆ G needed to generate the symmetry group G = S will be small compared to the number of redundant controller piece |S| |I| − |I/G|. For instance if G = CN is a cyclic group then it can be arbitrarily large |CN | = N ∈ N while requiring only a single generator S = {(Θ, Ω)}. If G is an abelian group then it requires at most k generators where |G| = pn1 1 · · · pnk k is the unique prime-factor decomposition of its order [32]. If G is a non-abelian finite simple group (no non-trivial subgroup H ⊂ G satisfies gH = Hg ∀ g ∈ G) it can be generated by at most 2 generators [36]. Unfortunately quantifying the exact memory savings provided by orbit controller κ(x) is non-trivial. The following example shows how the orbit controller κo (x) reduces the memory requirements of storing the optimal control law u0 (x). Example 5: In this example we examine the memory reduction offered by the orbit controller κo (x) defined in Example 3. The explicit controller κ(x) requires 786 kilobytes to store the |I| = 33 controller pieces (Fi , Gi , Ri ). The orbit controller κo (x) requires 207 kilobytes to store the |I/G| = 8 representative controller pieces (Fi , Gi , Ri ) and 1.2 kilobytes to store the |S| = 2 generators of the symmetry group Aut(κ) = S. Thus the orbit controller κo (x) achieves nearly a one-quarter reduction in memory. VI. F UNDAMENTAL D OMAIN C ONTROLLER In this section we define the fundamental domain controller κ̂(x) which uses symmetry to reduce the memory complexity of storing the optimal control law u0 (x). A. Fundamental Domains By the definition of controller symmetry, the optimal control law u0 (x) at two feasible points x, y ∈ X0 is equivalent if there exists a state-space transformation Θ ∈ Aut(u0 ) such that y = Θx. Thus a group G ⊆ Aut(u0 ) will partition the feasible statespace X0 into disjoint point orbits Gx = {Θx : Θ ∈ G}. The feasible region X0 is partitioned into an uncountable number of point orbits X0 /G = {Gx : x ∈ X0 }. A fundamental domain X̂0 ⊆ X0 of the feasible state-space X0 is any subset of X0 that contains at least one representative from each orbit Gx ∈ X0 /G. Fig. 6. A fundamental domain X̂ and its orbit for the square X under the dihedral-4 symmetry group. The set R̂ in (39) is a fundamental domain of X0 : Each point x ∈ X0 is contained in some region Rj of the partition {Ri }i∈I and each region Rj is contained in a controller orbit Rj ∈ {ΘRi }Θ∈G . Thus R̂ contains at least one representative x from each point orbit Gx. However working with the set R̂ is difficult since it is generally not convex nor connected. This means we must use brute-force techniques in the synthesis and implementation of the orbit controller. We are interested in fundamental domains that are compact polytopes. This is desirable since we will be solving an optimization problem on the fundamental domain. In addition we would like our fundamental domain to be small to minimize the number of critical regions it intersects. We call a fundamental domain minimal if all its polytopic subsets are not fundamental domains. Definition 5: Let X ⊂ Rn be a polytope and G ⊆ Aut(X ) a subgroup of symmetries Aut(X ) of this set X . A polytope X̂ is a fundamental domain of X with respect to G if it satisfies X = ΘX̂ . (47) Θ∈G The fundamental domain X̂ is minimal if it satisfies int(Θ1 X̂ ) ∩ int(Θ2 X̂ ) = ∅ (48) for all Θ1 = Θ2 ∈ G. The following example demonstrates the concept of a fundamental domain. Example 6: In this example we construct a fundamental domain X̂ for model predictive control problem defined in Example 1. The state-space X = {x ∈ R2 : −1 ≤ x ≤ 1} is the unit square and the symmetry group Aut(M P C) of the model predictive control problem is the dihedral-4 group: the set of planar rotations by 90 degree increments and the reflections about the horizontal, vertical, and both diagonal axis. Fig. 6(a) shows a fundamental domain X̂ of the square X under the dihedral symmetry group G = Aut(MP C). The blue region is a fundamental domain Xˆ and the gray region is the set X . Fig. 6(b) shows the orbit {ΘX̂ }Θ∈G of the fundamental domain. From this figure it is clear that the union of the orbit {ΘX̂ }Θ∈G covers the square X i.e., X = ∪Θ∈G ΘX̂ . Furthermore the fundamental domain X̂ only intersects its images ΘX̂ on its boundary. Thus the sets Θ1 X̂ ∩ Θ2 X̂ have no interior for Θ1 = Θ2 . Therefore the set X̂ shown in Fig. 6(a) is a minimal fundamental domain. In [14] algorithms for constructing and searching fundamental domains are presented. These algorithms are used in the synthesis and implementation of the fundamental domain controller. DANIELSON AND BORRELLI: SYMMETRIC LINEAR MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROL 1255 B. Fundamental Domain Controller In this section we show that the optimal control law u0 (x) can be obtained by solving the model predictive control problem (1) on a fundamental domain X̂ . Let us consider the model predictive control problem (1) restricted to a fundamental domain X̂ of the state-space X with respect to a subgroup of problem symmetries G ⊆ Aut(M P C) minimize u0 ,...,uN −1 xTN P xN + N −1 xTk Qxk + uTk Ruk (49a) k=0 subject to xk+1 = Axk + Buk xk+1 ∈ X for k = 0, . . . , N − 1 uk ∈ U for k = 0, . . . , N − 1 x0 = x ∈ X̂ . (49b) (49c) (49d) (49e) This problem is identical to the original model predictive problem (1) except that the initial state x0 = x is restricted to the fundamental domain x ∈ X̂ . The feasible state-space X̂0 for this problem is a fundamental domain of the feasible set X0 of the original model predictive control problem (1). Lemma 1: The set of initial conditions for which (49) is feasible X̂0 = X0 ∩ X̂ is a fundamental domain of X0 . Proof: If x ∈ X̂ then problems (1) and (49) are identical. Thus x ∈ X̂ is feasible for (49) if and only if it is feasible for (1) i.e., x ∈ X0 ∩ X̂ . Therefore X̂0 = X0 ∩ X̂ is the set of feasible initial conditions for (49). Next we prove X̂0 = X0 ∩ X̂ is a fundamental domain. By Definition 5 and the symmetry of X0 = ΘX0 the set X̂0 satisfies ΘX̂0 = ΘX0 ∩ ΘX̂ = X0 ∩ ΘX̂ = X0 (50) Θ∈G Θ∈G Fig. 7. The partition {R̂i }i∈Î and vector field u(x) = κ̂(x) of the fundamental domain controller κ̂(x). Θ∈G and Θ1 X̂0 ∩ Θ2 X̂0 = Θ1 X0 ∩ Θ1 X̂ ∩ Θ2 X0 ∩ Θ2 X̂ = X0 ∩ (Θ1 X̂ ∩ Θ2 X̂ ) (51) where Θ1 X̂ ∩ Θ2 X̂ has no interior for Θ1 = Θ2 . Thus X̂0 is a fundamental domain of X0 for group G. Problem (49) is a multi-parametric quadratic program and therefore has a piecewise affine explicit solution ⎧ ⎨ F̂1 x + Ĝ1 for x ∈ R̂1 .. κ̂(x) = (52) . ⎩ F̂r x + Ĝr for x ∈ R̂r̂ where Î = {1, . . . , r̂} is the index set of the controller pieces. We call κ̂(x) the fundamental domain controller. We can extend this controller from X̂0 to the feasible state-space X0 of (1) using symmetry ⎧ −1 ⎪ x) for x ∈ Θ1 X̂ ⎨ Ω1 κ̂(Θ .. 1 κ̄(x) = (53) . ⎪ ⎩ Ω|G| κ̂ Θ−1 x X̂ . for x ∈ Θ |G| |G| This solution covers X0 since {ΘX0 }Θ∈G is a partition of X0 . The following theorem shows that κ̄(x) is an expression for the optimal control law u0 (x). Theorem 5: The controller κ̄(x) in (53) represents the optimal control law u0 (x) for the model predictive control problem (1) i.e., u0 (x) = κ̄(x) for all x ∈ X0 . Proof: Let T U (x) = u0 (x), . . . , uN −1 (x) (54) be the optimal solution of (1) for x ∈ X0 where κ(x) = u0 (x). Let T Û (x) = û0 (x), . . . , ûN −1 (x) (55) be the optimal solution of (49) for x ∈ X̂0 where κ̂(x) = û0 (x). By Definition 5 for any state x ∈ X0 there exists y ∈ X̂0 and Θ ∈ G ⊆ Aut(M P C) such that x = Θy. Thus the input trajectory (I ⊗ Ω)Û (Θ−1 x) = (I ⊗ Ω)Û (y) is defined since y ∈ X̂0 is in the domain of the function Û . By Proposition 2 this is a feasible solution to (2) since (I ⊗ Ω)Û (y) ∈ (I ⊗ Ω)T (y) = T (Θy) = T (x). (56) By Proposition 2 the cost of this solution satisfies J (I ⊗Ω)Û (y), x = J (I ⊗Ω)Û (y), Θy = J Û (y), y (67) where J(Û (y), y) = J(U (y), y) is optimal for y ∈ X̂0 in the fundamental domain. By the symmetry of the optimal solution U (x) and cost J(U, x) we have J(U (y), y) = J(U (x), x). Thus the function ⎧ −1 ⎪ for x ∈ Θ1 X̂0 ⎨ (IN ⊗ Ω1 )Û Θ1 x .. Ū (x) = (58) . ⎪ ⎩ IN ⊗ Ω|G| Û Θ−1 x X̂ for x ∈ Θ 0 |G| |G| describes the unique optimal solution to (2). This implies κ̄(x) = κ(x) since these controllers are taken from the first terms Ū (x) and U (x) respectively. So κ̄(x) = u0 (x) describes the optimal control law. The concept of a fundamental domain controller is illustrated in the following example. Example 7: In this example we construct a fundamental domain controller κ̂(x) for the model predictive control problem described in Example 1. We construct a fundamental domain controller κ̂(x) by solving the model predictive control problem on the fundamental domain shown in Fig. 6(a). The partition {R̂i }i∈Î and vector field u(x) = κ̂(x) of the resulting fundamental domain controller κ̂(x) are shown in Fig. 7(a) and (b) respectively. Comparing Figs. 1(a) and 7(a) it is clear that {R̂i }i∈Î is the intersection of the partition {Ri }i∈I of the full explicit controller κ(x) with the fundamental domain X̂ . The blue region X̂0 in Fig. 7(b) is the domain of the fundamental domain controller κ̂(x). From this figure it is clear that X̂0 = X̂ ∩ X0 is a fundamental domain of the feasible set X0 of the original controller κ(x). Thus through symmetry the 1256 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 60, NO. 5, MAY 2015 domain of the fundamental domain controller κ̂(x) covers the entire feasible state-space X0 . C. Synthesis of Fundamental Domain Controller In this section we describe how to synthesize the fundamental domain controller. The synthesis of the fundamental domain controller κ̂(x) is described by Procedure 4. First we identify the symmetries Aut(M P C) of the model predictive control problem (1) using Procedure 2. Next we construct a fundamental domain X̂ of the state-space X for G ⊆ Aut(κ) using the method described in [14]. Finally we solve the model predictive control problem (49) using the Multi-Parametric Toolbox [30] for MATLAB. The solution piecewise affine solution κ̂(x) to (49) completely defines the control law u0 (x) = κ̄(x) for all x ∈ X0 . Procedure 4 Synthesis of Fundamental Controller κ̂(x) 1: Identify the symmetries Aut(M P C) of the model predictive control problem (1) using Procedure 2. 2: Construct a fundamental domain X̂ of X under G = Aut(M P C). 3: Solve the model predictive control problem (49) for the fundamental domain controller κ̂(x). D. Implementation of Fundamental Controller In this section we describe the implementation of the fundamental domain controller κ̂(x). The fundamental domain controller κ̂(x) is implemented using Algorithm 4. The point location problem has two phases. In the first phase the algorithm searches the symmetry group G ⊆ Aut(κ) for a state-space transformation Θ ∈ G that maps the measured state x ∈ X0 into the fundamental domain X̂0 . This can be accomplished using the method described in [14]. In the second phase of the point location problem the algorithm searches the partition {R̂i }i∈Î of the piecewise affine controller κ̂(x) for the region that contains the state Θ−1 x ∈ R̂i . This search can be implemented using any of the techniques proposed in the literature [12], [27], [31], [42]. Finally the optimal control is calculated using the symmetry of the optimal control law u0 = ΩF̂i Θ−1 x + ΩĜi Fig. 8. Feasible set X̂0 of the fundamental domain controller κ̂(x) and its images ΘX̂0 for each symmetry Θ ∈ G. The computational complexity of Algorithm 4 is dominated by the point location problem. Finding a state-space symmetry Θ ∈ G that maps the measured-state x into the fundamental domain x ∈ X̂ requires O(ncx ) time where cx is the number of non-redundant half-spaces defining the state constraint set X [15]. The computational complexity of searching the partition {R̂}i∈Î of κ̂(x) is O(n log |Î|) [27]. Searching the group G and the controller partition I have comparable computational complexities O(ncx ) = O(n log |I|) since the number of critical region |I| grows exponentially with the number of constraints O(|I|) = 2c where c ≥ cx is the total number of constraints in the multi-parametric program (2). Thus the implementation of the fundamental domain controller κ̂(x) has the same complexity as the implementation of the full explicit controller κ(x). The following example illustrates the implementation of the fundamental domain controller. Example 8: In this example we demonstrate the implementation of the fundamental domain controller κ̂(x) in Example 7. Consider the measured state x shown in Fig. 7(a). Since this state lies outside the domain X̂0 of the fundamental domain controller κ̂(x) the optimal control at this point must be reconstructed using symmetry. This can be accomplished using Algorithm 4. The first step of Algorithm 4 searches the symmetry group G = Aut(M P C) for a state-space transformation Θ ∈ G that maps the measured state x into the fundamental domain X̂ . This can be interpreted as searching a graph of the orbit {ΘX̂ }Θ∈G of the fundamental domain X̂ shown in Fig. 8. This graph can be searched using Algorithm 2. This search returns the symmetry (Θ, Ω) = (Θs Θr Θr , Ωs Ωr Ωr ) ∈ Aut(κ) which maps the state x into the fundamental domain (59) where (Θ, Ω) ∈ G is the symmetry found in the point location phase, and (F̂i , Ĝi ) are the optimal feedback and feedforward gains for region R̂i . Algorithm 4 Implementation of Fundamental Controller κ̄(x) Input: Measured State x ∈ X0 Output: Optimal Control u0 (t) ∈ U 1: Find (Θ, Ω) ∈ G such that Θx ∈ X̂0 2: Find R̂j ∈ {R̂i }i∈Î such that Θx ∈ R̂j ⊆ X̂0 3: Calculate optimal control u0 (t) = Ω−1 F̂i Θx + Ω−1 Ĝi x ∈ Θs Θr Θr X̂ . (60) Next Algorithm 4 searches the partition {R̂i }i∈Î of the fundamental controller κ̂(x) for the region containing the state (Θs Θr Θr )−1 x. In this case the yellow region shown in Fig. 7(a) contains (Θs Θr Θr )−1 x. This provides us with the appropriate feedback F and feedforward G gains. Finally the optimal control is given by u0 (t) = ΩF Θ−1 x + ΩG = Ωs Ωr Ωr F (Θs Θr Θr )−1 x + Ωs Ωr Ωr G. (61) DANIELSON AND BORRELLI: SYMMETRIC LINEAR MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROL 1257 TABLE I C LASSIFICATION OF THE O RBITS G(i) FOR i ∈ I OF C ONTROLLER P IECES FOR THE C ONTROLLER κ(x) Fig. 9. Quadcopter layout. VII. A PPLICATIONS In this section we demonstrate the results of this paper on two applications. A. Quadcopter In this section we apply the methodology of this paper to the construction of an explicit model predictive controller for a quadcopter. A quadcopter is a type of unmanned aerial vehicle shown in Fig. 9. We use the linearized model and controller design presented in [4], [10]. The model has n = 12 states: 6 cartesian position and velocity states and 6 angular position and velocity states. The quadcopter has m = 4 inputs corresponding to the four rotors. The quadcopter model predictive control problem has |Aut(M P C)| = 16 symmetries generated by |S| = 3 generators Aut(M P C) = S. The generators of the state-space transformations are ! " ! "# 1 0 0 −1 0 0 Θ1 = diag I2 ⊗ 0 −1 0 , I2 ⊗ 0 1 0 (62a) 0 0 1 0 0 1 ! " ! "# 0 1 0 0 −1 0 (62b) Θ2 = diag I2 ⊗ −1 0 0 , I2 ⊗ 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 ! " ! "# −1 0 0 −1 0 0 Θ3 = diag I2 ⊗ 0 −1 0 , I2 ⊗ 0 −1 0 0 0 −1 0 0 −1 (62c) where ⊗ is the Kronecker product and diag represents a blockdiagonalization of matrices. The generators of the input-space transformations are ⎡ ⎤ 1 0 0 0 0 0 1⎦ Ω1 = ⎣ 0 (63a) 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 ⎡ ⎤ 0 1 0 0 0 1 0⎦ (63b) Ω2 = ⎣ 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 ⎡ ⎤ −1 0 0 0 −1 0 0 ⎦ (63c) Ω3 = ⎣ 0 0 0 −1 0 . 0 0 0 −1 The generator pair (Θ1 , Ω1 ) mirrors the quadrotor through the xz-plane. The input-space transformation Ω1 swaps motors 2 and 4. The state-space transformation Θ1 reverses the y-axis. Rotations about the x-axis are reversed since motors 2 and 4 have been swapped. The generator pair (Θ2 , Ω2 ) rotates the quadrotor 90 degrees about the z-axis. The input-space transformation Ω2 maps motor 1 to 2, motor 2 to 3, motor 3 to 4, and motor 4 to 1. The state-space transformation Θ2 maps the x-axis to the y-axis and the y-axis to the negative x-axis. Rotations about the x- and y axis are swapped and rotations about the x-axis are reversed. The generator pair (Θ3 , Ω3 ) reverses the sign on all the states and inputs. For any unconstrained system the pair (Θ3 , Ω3 ) = (−In , −Im ) is a symmetry since (−In )A = A(−In ) and (−In )B = B(−Im ). Furthermore (Θ3 , Ω3 ) does not change the cost: (−In )T Q(−In ) = Q and (−Im )T R(−Im ) = R. In this problem the constraints also happen to be symmetric X = −X and U = −U . Thus (Θ3 , Ω3 ) is a symmetry of the model predictive control problem. We generated an explicit model predictive controller κ(x) for the quadcopter system using MPT [30]. For a horizon of N = 2 the explicit controller κ(x) has |I| = 10173 regions and requires 53.7 megabytes of memory. From the full explicit controller κ(x) we constructed an orbit controller κo (x) by discarding pieces (Fi , Gi , Ri ) of the full explicit controller κ(x) that are redundant under the symmetry group G = Aut(M P C). The orbits G(i) ⊂ I of the explicit controller κ(x) are classified by their size |G(i)| in Table I. The total number of controller pieces in the orbit controller κo (x) is |I/G| = 772 which requires 4.2 megabytes of memory. Constructing the full explicit controller for a horizon of N = 2 required 2.1 hours. We were unable to generate the full explicit controller for a longer horizon. However using the fundamental domain controller we able to extend the controller horizon of N = 3. This is the horizon of the implicit MPC used in [10]. The fundamental domain controller had 6493 regions and required 0.8 hours to compute. B. Network Storage In this section we apply the methodology presented in this paper to the network storage problem [17]. The network storage problem considers the control of a set of a storage devices that exchange resources through a network Γ = (N , E). The nodes N of the graph Γ are the storage devices and the edges E are physical links that allow resource to move between adjacent storage devices. The storage devices are modeled as discretetime integrators Ci xi (t + 1) = Ci xi (t) + uij (64) j∈Ni where Ci is the capacity of the i-th storage device, xi ∈ [0, 1] is its percentage filled, Ci xi is the total amount of resource stored in the i-th storage device, uij is the flow from the ith storage device to the j-th storage with uij = −uji , and Ni = {j ∈ N : {i, j} ∈ E} is the set of nodes adjacent to the i-th node. Equation (64) is the mass-balance of stored resource in the i-th storage device. 1258 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 60, NO. 5, MAY 2015 Fig. 10. Storage network with central storage device connected n − 1 peripheral storage devices. The storage devices must satisfy box constraints x ∈ X ⊂ Rn for all t ∈ N where X = {x ∈ Rn : 0 ≤ xi (t) ≤ 1, ∀ i ∈ N }. (65) We will consider upper and lower bounds on the network flow U = {u ∈ Rm : −1 ≤ uij (t) ≤ 1, ∀{i, j} ∈ E} (66) where m = |E| is the number of inputs uij for {i, j} ∈ E. In the network balancing problem the control objective is to drive the states xi (t) of the storage devices to a common value xi (t) = xj (t) for all i, j ∈ N . This can be accomplished by the following one-step model predictive control problem [17] x(t+1)T P x(t+1) + u(t)T Ru(t) subject to x(t + 1) = x(t) + uij (t) minimize u(t) x(t + 1) ∈ X u(t) ∈ U x(t) ∈ X (67a) (67b) j∈Ni (67c) (67d) (67e) where P = I − (1/n)11T and R = ρI. Consider the storage network shown in Fig. 10. This network features a central storage device connected to n − 1 peripheral storage devices. This is a common configuration in Li-Ion battery packs [16]. The central storage device is a capacitor or inductor used to move charge between Li-Ion cells arranged on the periphery. The storage network is used to balance the battery cells which improves the effective capacity of the battery network [16]. The number of critical regions |I| in the explicit controller κ(x) for the model predictive control problem (67) can be under-bounded by |I| ≥ 3m where m is the number of links. This is because each link uij can either be saturated at the upper-bound, saturated at the lower-bound, or not saturated. The explicit controller κ(x) will have a piece (Fi , Gi , Ri ) for each of these situations. For a battery pack containing m = 25 cells this means the explicit controller will have at least 847 billion regions. If we assume each of these regions is a simplex in n = 26 dimensions, stored with single precision floating point numbers then the explicit controller κ(x) will require on the order of one petabyte of memory. Thus constructing the full explicit controller κ(x) for (67) is impractical. However by exploiting symmetry we can construct the fundamental domain controller κ̂(x) for this problem. The storage network shown in Fig. 10 is highly symmetric. We can permute any of the peripheral nodes of the graph without changing the structure of the model predictive control problem (67). Let xn be the state of the central storage device and x1 , . . . , xn−1 be the state of the peripheral storage devices. Then the symmetry group Aut(M P C) of (67) consists of all permutation matrices Θ ∈ Rn×n that fix the central storage device xn Ω 0 Θ= (68) 0 1 where Ω ∈ Rm×m is any permutation matrix on Rm = Rn−1 . This symmetry group Aut(MP C) is isomorphic to the set of all permutations Sym(m) of {1, . . . , m} which has m! elements. The following proposition allows us to analytically construct a fundamental domain for this problem. Proposition 5: Let G be the set of all permutation matrices on Rn and let X satisfy ΘX = X . Then the set of sorted states X̂ = {x ∈ X : x1 ≤ · · · ≤ xn } (69) is a fundamental domain of X with respect to G. Proof: For any x ∈ X ⊆ Rn there exists a permutation matrix Θ ∈ Rn×n that sorts the elements of x i.e., x1 ≤ . . . ≤ xn . Thus x ∈ Θ−1 X̂ and hence X = Θ−1 X̂ = ΘX̂ . (70) Θ∈G Θ∈G Suppose that there are two (or more) permutation matrices Θ1 and Θ2 that sort x ∈ X . Then x̂i = x̂i+1 for some i where x̂ = Θ1 x = Θ2 x. But the set x̂i = x̂i+1 has no interior since it is lower dimensional. Therefore int(Θ1 X̂ ) ∩ int(Θ2 X̂ ) = ∅. From this proposition we conclude that the set of sorted peripheral states is a fundamental domain of X with respect to the group G = Aut(M P C) ∼ = Sym(m) X̂ = {x ∈ X : x1 ≤ · · · ≤ xn−1 }. (71) This means we can design our explicit model predictive controller κ̂(x) with the assumption that the peripheral states are sorted. The fundamental domain controller κ̂(x) constructed on the set of sorted states X̂ has only 598 regions requiring 8.42 megabytes of storage space. The fundamental domain controller significantly reduced the size of the explicit model predictive controller without increasing the implementation complexity. Without symmetry the explicit controller would require at least 847 billion regions and more than one petabyte of memory. Implementation of the fundamental domain controller κ̂(x) follows Algorithm 4. The first step is to find a symmetry Θ ∈ G that maps the state x into the fundamental domain X̂ . For this problem we simply sort the states x1 , . . . , xn−1 of the peripheral nodes. This has complexity O(n log n). In the secondstep we search the partition {Ri }i∈I of the explicit controller κ̂(x) for the region Ri that contains the sorted state Θx ∈ Ri . Finally we reverse the symmetry to map the optimal control out of the fundamental domain u0 = Ω−1 F̂i Θx + Ω−1 Ĝi . This is accomplished by reversing the sort we did in the first step. VIII. C ONCLUSION This paper studied symmetry in linear model predictive control. In the first part of this paper we defined symmetry for a model predictive controller and the underlying model predictive control problem. We showed that symmetries of the model predictive control problem are symmetries of the model predictive controller. In the second part of the paper we presented methods for efficiently finding the symmetries of a model predictive controller and model predictive control problem using tools from group and graph theory. In the third part of the paper we presented two explicit model predictive control designs that exploit symmetry to reduce memory requirements. The DANIELSON AND BORRELLI: SYMMETRIC LINEAR MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROL orbit controller reduced memory by storing one representative controller piece from each controller orbit. The fundamental domain controller reduced memory by solving the constrained finite-time optimal control problem on a subset of the statespace called a fundamental domain. Finally, we demonstrated our control designs on a quadcopter and network storage control problems. R EFERENCES [1] J. Avery, S. Rettrup, and J. Avery, Symmetry-adapted Basis Sets. Singapore: World Scientific, 2012. [2] Y. Bai, E. Klerk, D. Pasechnik, and R. Sotirov, “Exploiting group symmetry in truss topology optimization,” Optim. Eng., vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 331– 349, Sep. 2009. [3] A. Bemporad, M. Morari, V. Dua, and E. 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His research interests include constrained optimal control, model predictive control and its application to advanced automotive control and energy efficient building operation. Dr. Borrelli received the NSF CAREER Award in 2009 and the IEEE Control System Technology Award in 2012. In 2008, he was appointed the Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on automotive control.