The Magazine of Maine `14
The Magazine of Maine `14
Don McLean’s DreaM Bar HarBor’s Best Breakfast Plus aMerican ISLAND THANKSGIVING PLUS POPHAM BEACH HORSEBACK ON The Magazine of Maine THE MAGAZINE OF MAINE Maine’s THE MAGAZINE OF MAINE Christmas september 2012 10prettiest villages #7 NOVEMBER 2012 OCTOBER 2012 Inside Winslow dio Homer’s Stu The Race to Rescue Baby Seals Stonington 25 Maine Holiday Celebrations CABOT COVE: MURDER CAPITAL OF THE WORLD THE MAGAZINE OF MAINE LEAF SEASON REASON 19 Standard Baking Co. REASON 20 Architecture at the DECEMBER 2012 Cabin Warm up by the fire AT THE LAKE REASONS 50 WE LOVE PORTLAND BE ST OY ST ER S IN THE W O RL D PAG E 62 plus: REASON 2 WHY BELFAST IS MAINE’S COOLEST LITTLE CITY Working Wharves PORTLAND’S HOTTEST NEW RESTAURANT THE ENDURING GENIUS OF E.B. WHITE + BRUNSWICK’S BEST NEW RESTAURANT PLUS! HARVEST ON THE HARBOR Official 2012 Dining Guide Follows p.40 HOW TO BUILD A BEAUTIFUL HOME ON A BUDGET The Magazine of Maine ’14 International zine Regional Maga ardAw n tio cia so As r! ve Co ing nn wi ELEPHANTS IN MAINE: A HISTORY MAINE’S (UNOFFICIAL) STATE CAR ★ The Magazine of Maine ★ THE MAGAZINE OF MAINE THE MAGAZINE OF MAINE APRIL 2013 KATAHDIN in Winter Maine @ Work How Mainers Magic Hour Our Roomby-Room Guide HOME are Making Money in 2013 EXCLUSIVE 2013 MAINE RETIREMENT GUIDE kittery’s best neW pub Cheer up! The days are getting longer... 19 BEST COFFEE ROASTERS HEARTY SOUPS IN FARMINGTON FUN-LOVING FLYING SQUIRRELS 127 THINGS TO DO THIS SUMMER RFECT MAINE YOUR PE FEBRUARY 2013 JANUARY 2013 Plus What same-sex marriage will mean for Maine’s economy. p.30 SUGARLOAF’S MOUNTAINTOP DINING WILL MAINE LEGALIZE MARIJUANA NOW? P. 58 THE TRUTH ★ The Magazine of Maine ★ ABOUT THE The surprising Maine TV show 1 million people are watching. p.74 ★ The Magazine of Maine ★ MAY 2013 for people who love Maine . . . JUNE 2013 Maine Vacation Guide Can you guess where this is? p.8 Beach Roses Bold, beautiful, and invasive + ISLAND DINING AT NEBO LODGE THE OTHER APPALACHIAN TRAIL GUARANTEED PLACE TO SEE A MOOSE almost BEST MARTHA STEWART RUINED MY WEDDING PLUS MAINE’S NEW BEER ★ The Magazine of Maine ★ 137 BEACH’S NORTH POND HERMIT PLUS YORK FUN-O-RAMA + ★ The Magazine of Maine ★ Best Maine + In Search of Maine at Gettysburg 4-SEASON FUN IN KINGFIELD DISCOVER PORTLAND’S SECRET TRAILS BEST FISH MARKET I N NEW ENGLAND ★ The Magazine of Maine ★ MAINE’S PRETTIEST DRIVES [ ] 8 EASY SEAFOOD RECIPES P. 82 WHERE TO EAT NOW OUR EXCLUSIVE 2013 GUIDE P. 84 rockland lights up at night ★ The Magazine of Maine ★ Maine Dark SEPTEMBER 2013 O C T O B E R 201 3 87 P. 70 Camden’s COLOR ART SHOWS, PLAYS & CONCERTS THIS FALL P. 142 15 Reasons We Love Maine’s National Park After show P. 64 + MAINE’S WORLD CUP THE AMAZING ART OF KATAHDIN FARM TO TABLE IN CAPE ELIZABETH JULY 2013 Lobster Roll Luxury Inn Hidden Beach Outdoor Concerts Secret Garden Island Getaway of ★ The Magazine of Maine ★ A U G U S T 2 01 3 HOW TO CLIMB MOUNT KINEO OF OUR FAVORITE THINGS + HARPSWELL’S DOLPHIN MARINA P. 113 BACK TO THE LAND IN BROOKSVILLE P. 100 COLBY’S $100 MILLION MASTERPIECE P. 126 THE PENOBSCOT RIVER REBORN P. 78 THE WIZARD OF OZ COMES TO MAINE P. 112 BOO! MAINE’S SCARIEST HAUNTED “HOUSE” P. 124 + The Controversy Over Canadian Loggers n o v e m b e r 2 0 13 Acadia’s Starry Sky Dysart’s Night Owls Turnpike Trooper Congdon’s Doughnuts Maine’s Moon Man Disappearing Bats by numbers the t h e r e a l m e at a n d p otatoe s f or w h y you shou l d b e a dv e rt i si ng i n d ow n e ast $121,200 49/51 Total household reader gender by percentage “We closely track our ‘where you heard about the show’ sources, and are excited by the response we get from Down East readers—proof that our advertising is reaching the right audience!” Janet MitchKO, Co-Artistic Director, The Public Theatre 67% 41% Are College Graduates Also Hold Advanced Degrees 82% visit advertisers’ web sites for more information after seeing an ad in the Magazine w 180 Miles Distance 51% of surveyed readers will travel for a weekend get-away 84% look to us when making travel plans “We welcomed over 1,900 more visitors . . . confirmation of Down East's reach and pulling power.” Thomas B. Johnson Director, Victoria mansion 9 10 out of readers bought goods or services they saw in Down East in the past 12 months w S! WINwNn EEaRst won 12 Do than In 2013 ards— more g w in a t a A M ip IR er partic any oth gazine. ma Half The amount of readers who keep their magazines to reference in the future w Average value of our readers’ primary residence: $452,000 53% own more than 1 home (71% of which are in Maine) Readership number sources include: 2011 & 2012 online reader surveys, online analytics, Alliance for Audited Media year-end report, Acxiom demographic overlay data, and mailed reader survey data. average household income better than 4:1 the Rate at which we outsell our competition on newsstands in Maine With s ome o f our compe tito be as h rs it can igh as 10:1 2% Aroostook County 8% Oxford, Franklin & Somerset counties 7% Piscataquis & Penobscot counties 92,250 AVERAGE MONTHLY CIRCULATION Massachusetts......................... 9,711 New York................................ 4,424 Connecticut............................. 4,127 Pennsylvania.......................... 3,026 New Hampshire........................3,161 The Rest of the U.S. .............. 24,259 International............................. 506 Other Circulation Verified & Public Place............ 11,160 breakd ow i n - s tat e o nl y Androscoggin................................. 1,911 Aroostook.......................................590 Cumberland................................. 7,293 Franklin........................................... 730 Hancock........................................1,978 Kennebec...................................... 2,671 Knox............................................. 2,435 Lincoln......................................... 2,502 Oxford........................................... 1,146 Penobscot.................................... 1,869 Piscataquis...................................... 243 Sagadahoc................................... 1,660 Somerset......................................... 807 Waldo..............................................994 Washington.....................................696 York...............................................4,351 eo gr ic aph n Paid Circulation Maine.................................... 31,876 g actually means someone “PAID circulation on!” buy this publicati to h cas the wn plunked do 48% 8% York, Cumberland, Androscoggin & Sagadahoc counties Hancock & Washington counties 27% Kennebec, Waldo, Lincoln & Knox counties “ Down East readers look to the magazine for trusted and true advice — as if we were old friends sitting down to chat month after month. We've been there for sixty years, helping residents and visitors alike discover Maine over and over again.” Kathleen Fleury, Editor-in-chief 78% of all our paid circ ulation is concentrated in the Nor th Atlantic states. (New England, NY, NJ, MD, DE, PA, & VA) If you're reading this fine print to figure out where these numbers come from, we thank you. We are audited for your peace of mind. We are open and honest about our numbers because we have nothing to hide. The "Paid Circulation" figures are based on August 2013 estimates. "Other Circulation" figures are based on the average monthly distribution as reported on the December 2012 Alliance for Audited Media report. 2014 at-a-glance C a l e n d a r Special Summer Camping Planner nd ctivities a Winter A Wellness Communiti es for All Age s + Special Camping Ad Section Docs" our "Top + Includes ey results peer surv JAN FEB MAR APR M AY JUN The “Summer Planner” issue + Readers’ Choice Voting Closes sue Garden Is s’ Choice + Reader ens Voting Op Spring at La st! + Gallery Se ction Best of Maine 2014 Features the Editors’ Picks and the Readers’ Choice Awards. + Gallery Section J UL AU G S ep Road Trips + Gallery Section Special Dow n East 60th Annive rsary Issue + Gallery Se ction + Winners' Ci rcle OCT NOV d ec ays r the Holid Maine fo Where to Eat Now inute -m n for last ad sectio iving. + Special g t if g y a holid TBD + Special ad section for holiday gift giving. Readership number sources include: 2011 & 2012 online reader surveys, online analytics, Alliance for Audited Media year-end report, and mailed reader survey data. Home & Best Maine Please Note: In November and December, our Good Things from Maine ads and both Market sizes are identified as holiday sections. Maine’s Top Docs 3,500 of Maine's licensed physicians are tapped for this important and informative survey read by health-care consumers, practitioners and decision makers in the state of Maine. JANUARY Camp A section for Maine Summer Camps. Ask your Account Executive about special pricing. February living The ultimate guide to finding the right community for young professionals, families with children, empty nesters, and retirees. March Best Of The readers’ vote, the editors make their picks, and the Best of Maine issue is a newsstand favorite! (Awards reception in late June) JULY Newsstand On-Sale Date January Nov. 8 Nov. 12 Dec. 24 February Dec. 10 Dec. 13 Jan. 28 March Jan. 10 Jan. 15 Feb. 25 April Feb. 7 Feb. 12 Mar. 25 May Mar. 14 Mar. 19 Apr. 29 June Apr. 11 Apr. 16 May 27 July May 9 May 14 Jun. 24 August Jun. 13 Jun. 18 Jul. 29 September Jul. 11 Jul. 16 Aug. 26 2 3 3 4 7 6 October Aug. 8 Aug. 16 Sep. 23 November Sep. 12 Sep. 17 Oct. 28 Live Area 7.875" x 10" December Oct. 10 Oct. 15 Nov. 25 submitted as a PDF/X-1a file. We are Mac based and support the entire Adobe Creative Suite. If sending material for an ad to be created by Down East, the customer should provide all text, photos, and other graphics necessary for the construction of the ad. All raster graphics should be 300 dpi and sized to within 10% of the final size to be used in layout. All color should be converted to CMYK. RGB color and spot inks (Pantone) are not accepted. Please do not embed ICC profiles in any image. Line-art scans should be supplied at 1200 dpi and sized to within 10% of the final size to be used in layout. Please supply all graphics. Galleries From art walks to gallery shows to museum exhibits, showcase it here. JUN-SEPT One-Third Page Vertical: 2.25" x 9.5" Square: 4.75" x 4.625" 4 One-Half Page Horizontal Bleed: 8.625" x 5.375" Horizontal Non-Bleed: 7.25" x 4.625" 5 One-Sixth Page Vertical: 2.25" x 4.625" 5 Page Trim 8.375" x 10.5" Technically speaking, print ad files should be 3 Available year-round in Market only. Ads are bundled. 6 One-Quarter Page Vertical: 3.5" x 4.625" Available in Market only. Ads are bundled. 7 Good Things From Maine Preformatted 1/8th page units: 1 image, 50 words of text, 30-character headline (max) This section is perfect for mail-order, products that ship well outside of Maine, Internet-friendly businesses, and start-ups with limited product offerings. Supplied ads must be built to the correct size specifications. Time permitting, we will request the ad to be resupplied to our specs, otherwise incorrectly sized ads will be adjusted to best fit the ad space reserved. If color is a concern, please supply a SWOP standard color proof (coated stock and paper white for publication base) representing the exact color expected on the final printed job. Publisher does not assume responsibility for color ads unaccompanied by an acceptable commercial-quality color proof. Send or upload ad files to and follow the on-screen instructions. Mail files to: Down East Production Department, P.O. Box 679, Camden, ME 04843. Ship files to: Down East Production Department, 680 Commercial Street, Rockport, ME 04856. Food in Maine Foodies from across the globe descend on Maine both on and off season...for the traditional to the creative! From Restaurant Week to food-related festivals all summer, food is an draw in Maine Year-Round 2-Page Spread • • Full Page • • 2/3 Page • 1/2 Horizontal • 1/3 Square • 1/3 Vertical • • • 1/6 Vertical 1/4 Vertical HOLIDAY Anything worth giving this holiday should be listed here. Pre-formatted catalog-like listings as well as regular print ad space available. November/DECEMBER Market Quarters Ad Materials Deadline Two-Thirds Page Bleed: 5.4" x 10.75" Non-Bleed: 4.75" x 9.5" R e t ail ad v er t isin g O nly Ad Space Reservation 2 Market Sixths R e m e m b e r Maine Homes t o 1 Run of Book D a t e s Full Page Bleed: 8.625" x 10.75" Non-Bleed: 7.25" x 9.5" R e t ail ad v er t isin g O nly important 1 • PROMO: • Contact us to inquire about these opportunities. Sizes, prices, deadlines, and availability may differ from regular media kit. other media r o u n d o u t yo u r m a r k e t i n g m i x — a d d o n l i n e a n d V i d e o t o yo u r p r i n t pac k ag e 33,530 13,426 J Likes as of Monday 9/16/13 @ 5:02 p.m. 0% Number of “Likes” that were purchased through Facebook advertising. (Yeah, some companies actually do that.) Average Unique Monthly Visitors to 15% 1 of web visitors are viewing us on a mobile device w @MagazineofMaine Have an amazing scenic Maine photo that should be in Down East? Send it to with your name, location, and a caption. 3 5 +p int Tile: 300 x 100 pixels Banner: 540 x 150 pixels Box: 300 x 250 pixels Skyscraper: 150 x 600 pixels Leaderboard: 728 x 90 pixels /m .com agoma in 1 2 3 4 5 es t er Percentage of visitors from the portland metro area w 4 e 28% 2 Readership number sources include: 2011 & 2012 online reader surveys, online analytics, Alliance for Audited Media year-end report, and mailed reader survey data. 10,000,000+( that’s right, 10 million plus ) ad impressions Commercial Message • Buy a 15-, 30-, or 45-second brand-oriented message. • Messaging should fit with the overall theme of Maine at Its Best.˝ • Materials should be 1080 x 720 HD video. • MOV, M4V or Quicktime files are acceptable. • Programming is updated monthly. DEMKF13_062813 1. Advertisements are accepted upon the representation that the advertiser and its agency have the right to publish the contents thereof. In consideration of such publication, the advertiser and its agency agree to indemnify and hold publisher harmless against any expense or loss by reason of any claims arising out of publication. 2. Contents of all advertisements are subject to publisher’s approval. Publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement, insertion order, space reservation, or position commitment at any time without cause. Publisher reserves the right to insert the word “advertisement” above or below any copy. It is the policy of the publisher not to accept advertisements for tobacco, some alcoholic beverages, some medical products, or anything otherwise not in keeping with the editorial profile of the magazine. All advertising is subject to review for visual, graphic, and mechanical quality as well as grammatical correctness and may be edited for clarity. Where color reproduction is concerned, there will be no restitution for imperfect color matches. 3. Orders specifying space not in conformance with standard units offered will be subject to adjustment to the nearest size feasible and/or pro-rata billing. 4. Publisher is not responsible for errors in publication-set copy. 5. Positioning of advertisements is at the discretion of the publisher, except where a special-position order has been accepted and a 10% premium applied. No-other-ad-on-the-page requests are subject to a 10% position premium. 6. Cancellations are not accepted after the advertising closing date. 7. In the event that no acceptable copy for reserved space is furnished by the deadline, the publisher reserves the right to repeat a previous advertisement or, if none exists, to charge no less than 80% of the booked value for the unused space. 8. Frequency discounts are based on the number of issues used in a 12-month contract period. 9. For frequency-discount purposes, frequency must be established by written contract and actual performance. Short-rate billing will be issued on cancellation of a contract or failure to fulfill the contracted schedule. If frequency exceeds the original intent, previous billings will be adjusted to the lowest earned rate at the completion of the 12-month contract period. 10. Classified insertions do not contribute to earned frequency on non-classified contracts. 11. New advertisers must prepay their first insertion. Additionally, the publisher requires submission of a completed credit-reference form. (This requirement may be waived for recognized advertising agencies.) 12. Payment is due in full no later than 30 days from printed invoice date. Unpaid accounts are subject to a late payment finance charge computed at 1 ½% per month (18% annual rate) on any balance remaining 45 days after the billing date. 13. Should an advertiser’s account be placed for collection, the advertiser agrees to pay an additional 25% collection charge, and court costs if suit is required. 14. Advertising production materials to be returned should be marked “return requested.” No material will be returned before the issue is published. Material still on hand may be destroyed after one year. 15. Conditions other than rates are subject to change without notice. 16. Publisher shall not be liable Your print ad automatically reaches our digital audience. Contact us M-F 8-5: 800-766-1670 P.O. Box 679, Camden, ME 04843 680 Commercial St., Rockport, ME 04856 254 Commercial St., Suite 104, Portland, ME 04101 for any costs or damages if for any reason it fails to publish an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for any error will not exceed the cost of space for the advertisement in which the error occurred. 17. Publisher shall have the right to hold the advertiser and/or its advertising agency jointly and severally liable for such monies as are due to the publisher for advertising that the advertiser and/or its agency ordered and that was published. 18. Publisher is not liable for delays in delivery and/or non-delivery in the event of an Act of God, action by any governmental or quasi-governmental entity, fire, flood, insurrection, riot, explosion, embargo, strike–whether legal or illegal–labor or material shortage, transportation interruption of any kind, work slowdown, or any condition beyond the control of the publisher affecting production or delivery in any manner. 19. In the event of any dispute, advertiser, agency, and publisher agree that these terms and conditions, and any advertising agreement entered into by advertiser and/or agency with publisher, shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of Maine. 20. Advertiser, agency, and publisher agree to be bound by electronic means both to these terms and conditions, and to the specifics of any advertising contracts generated by the publisher. 21. No conditions other than those set forth here and in the Production Guidelines shall be binding on the publisher unless specifically agreed to in writing by the publisher. Publisher will not be bound by conditions printed or appearing on order blanks or copy instructions that conflict with provisions of the publisher’s terms and conditions, or publisher’s advertising contracts. 22. All advertising rates are net to Down East Magazine. �� PRemium Placement options Contact your Account Executive today for pricing and availability. �� High-end promotions are individually quoted and require more lead time than the regular magazine production schedule. Inserts Distribute printed brochures, counter cards, menus, and more by inserting them or tipping them onto your ad in the magazine. It is a simple yet high-impact approach to getting prospective customers’ attention. GateFold Need more space than a typical 2-page spread? These largeformat ads, because the reader unfolds them, are great for enhancing engagement with your brand. belly bands Direct readers right to your ad inside the magazine with a printed paper band that wraps around the outside of the magazine. Great spot to put a response device. cover tip-ons Grab the readers’ attention right at the mailbox or checkout with a custom-designed cover treatment on top of Down East’s back cover. polybag inserts (ride-along) Insert your pre-printed brochure or flat into a plastic polybag that helps protect subscribers’ copies. (Not available on newsstand copies.) business reply cards Make it easy for readers to ask you for more information by binding in a business reply card next to your ad. Custom Calendars Take any one of our signature calendars and add your logo, custom cover, or other individualizing feature. These make great corporate gifts. Options that keep up with your imagination. d ul Your ad co be here! Cover II Cover III (Across from Archives) Cover IV Page 1 (First page seen when opening the cover) Page 5 and Page 7 (Across from Table of Contents) Featured Maine Property "I'd like to take a moment to express how staggering the direct response has been . . . We've had constant chatter on all fronts and the increase in traffic to our tasting room — with so many new faces, and folks from away mentioning the article prompted a visit — has been substantial." Geoff Masland, Oxbow brewing co. “the best magazine of Maine EVER!” Nadine L., Presque isle