the newsletter


the newsletter
Newsletter — April 2015
J. T. Foster
Diploma Exam Weighting
As of September 1, 2015 diploma exam weighting will shift from a 50/50 weighting to a 30/70 weighting
where school-awarded grades will be worth 70 per cent.
The change in diploma exam weighting will provide a more accurate reflection of student performance by
putting a greater weight on teachers’ assessments of students’ abilities and knowledge. Students write diploma exams for Grade 12 core courses (language arts, social studies, mathematics and sciences). The first
round of diploma exams to be written with the new weighting will take place in November 2015.
“We want students to benefit from classroom assessments that reflect their abilities over a longer period of
time, rather than relying so heavily on one assessment
lasting only a few hours.”
Gordon Dirks, Minister of Education
June 22 Potluck for Teachers
On the first day of exams School Council plans to
treat J. T. Foster staff to potluck style lunch. As
there are about 20 people to feed please contact
Lori Lively or Morgan Dozeman at if you are interested
in bringing a dish to help out.
Support Bags For Students
School Council is planning to make up goodie
bags for about 170 students to be distributed exam week. Contents could include a bottle of water, fruit (apple or orange), a pencil, granola bar
and motivational quote. Local businesses are being contacted to see if we can get contents donated. If you are willing to assist with this please
contact Lori Lively or Morgan Dozeman at
J. T. Foster School
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Principal’s Message
Principal, Jason Porteous
Happy Easter to everyone!
Welcome to Mr. Greg Stage who has joined the staff to teach the automotives program. He comes to us from Ontario where he has a wealth of experience teaching in the CTS areas. He has a background as an automotive technician, airplane mechanic, and a well rounded tradesman. Thank you for joining us on short notice.
We had very strong diploma exam results in the first semester (100% of our students achieved the acceptable
standard in all of our courses). Teachers review these results and examine them for patterns to see where and
how the teaching in their classroom can improve. Thank you to Mr. Doucet and Mrs. Doyle in the first semester
for all of the hard work that you put into our students success!
Badminton season and rodeo season have both arrived. Our students look very competitive and I am hoping to
see some great results in both areas for our school. As well, Baseball is also up and beginning their practices. The
boys did a tremendous job fundraising and have received the money to purchase a pitching machine, new ball
pants, and new ball jackets for the team. Finally, Barry Adams and Kyla McAuliffe both did very well at Indoor
Archery Nationals in Vancouver winning a gold and bronze medal respectively while Kyra MacDonald won a gold
for her category at the Provincial Indoor FETA Archery competition in Taber.
On April 16th the school will be joining WCCHS for a presentation by Robb Nash. Robb speaks on the power of
positive choices but also addresses the anxiety, depression and other issues that teens face on a regular basis.
Robb was the victim of a serious auto accident, a head on collision with a semi truck. He was found with a fractured skull and pronounced dead by first responders. But by the time the ambulance had arrived at the scene to
take his body to the hospital, Robb’s pulse had miraculously returned. After a difficult recovery, and despite significant physical and emotional scars, Robb was left with a new outlook on life. He put aside performing to large
audiences, and began speaking to youth in their schools across the country, playing his songs and sharing their
meaning with his young audiences. He walks head on into difficult topics, knowing that these are the things on
young peoples’ minds; bullying, addiction, self harm… and suicide.
Brenda Schlaht has championed a healthy school initiative that will be focused on addressing Drug, Alcohol and
Tobacco usage. The goal of the program is to help prevent the usage of these three and to empower our youth
with healthy coping strategies when they encounter the difficulties of life.
Have a great April everyone!
Concession News
The concession is open Monday—Thursday from 11:40am—12:10pm
Food Orders: Subway Tuesday’s / Pizza Wednesday’s
April 16—Hot Dogs & Fries
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2014-15 Yearbooks!
Yearbooks are $35 pre-ordered, by June 19 and $45.00 afterwards. There will be prizes drawn
for those who pre-order their 2015 yearbook. Only purchased pre-ordered books will be ordered – Don’t be left out, pre-order your yearbook today!
A limited number of last years Yearbooks are still available for $40 each.
LRSD Talent Showcase
Friday, May 1, 7:00 p.m.
Empress Theatre in Fort Macleod
This event will have student performers from grades 7-12 from
throughout the Division. Please attend to view a wonderful show.
Jordi Roelfsema can be contacted at the school (403) 646-2264 for more information.
Sponsored by the LRSD Regional Student Council.
J. T. Foster School
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Attention ALL grade 9 & 10 students who are interested in joining FACES. The summer sessions are filing up super fast so if you haven't done so, register as soon as possible
at or check us out on Facebook. Come join us for an experience of a life
Academic Advising and Counselling News
Academic Counselor, Mrs. Watson
Post-Secondary Applications
If you haven’t done so yet, please come on in and we’ll apply to your post-secondary institution of choice or
start searching for a career that suits you. It is an exciting time for a lot of you but also a scary time for
some and I am here to help you. Please do not hesitate to come in and ask questions and parents are most
certainly welcome as well.
University of Calgary Campus Tour
The U of C campus tour was fun and informative. Students who are interested in applying for early admission need to ensure that their applications are submitted by October 1st, 2015. Successful applicants are
then eligible for scholarships (deadline November 1st, 2015).
Student Loan and Scholarship Information
All grade 11 and 12 students and parents are invited to a student aid and scholarship information presentation Thursday April 16th at 5:00 p.m. in Mrs. Watson’s room. Please join us to find out when and how to
apply for student loans and answer any important questions you may have. The student loan presentation
last year allowed parents to ask personal questions to expedite loan applications.
Job Shadow
Job shadow placements will be distributed in April or early May. Thank you to all of the students who completed the application form. Job shadows take place on different days throughout April and May so please
be patient if you haven’t received your placement and someone else already has. We always find placements for all students and have received positive feedback from our job shadow students.
Young Women of Power Conference (For girls ages 12 - 18)
Theme: Ready, Set, Action!
April 17 & 18, 2015 in Calgary at FFCA High School
This event is to build confidence through active group sessions on
personal safety, inner beauty, and celebrating female diversity and greatness
so girls know that they are MORE than enough.
More information is on the poster by the office!
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Finding the Extraordinary in the Ordinary
Family-School Liaison Counsellor, Brenda Schlaht
I am feeling inspired lately about the Extraordinary Youth I work with at J. T. Foster School!
It struck me last week, when I accompanied seven High School women to “World of Choices” in
Okotoks. There they met female Mentors in the Career World, who provided them with personal testimonials about their experiences and successes in the work world. I am grateful to Timberley Shorr
and the Junior Achievement Committee for organizing and funding our trip.
The following day, I facilitated our second GSA Luncheon (Gay-Straight Alliance) and was impressed with the participants’ determination to provide a safe and supportive environment for
LGBTQ Youth (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Queer, and Questioning) . Our mission will be
to reduce homophobia, stereotypes, harassment, and judgement, while increasing awareness and
empowerment, and educating through social activism.
On Friday, I received a phone call from the School Division Office about our School Wellness Project Application. It will be called SASA- Students Against Substance Use. Our budget requires
some fine-tuning, but this is being addressed by the Wellness Committee. I am grateful for those
who have committed to our project, which includes Leanne Habraken (Public Health Nurse), Kelly
Kunkel and Scott Fairs (School Staff), and our local RCMP Constables. I am still “recruiting” student
and parent representatives. Sadly, we have students who turn to substance use in order to cope
with difficult circumstances. I hear about many of
their challenges in my daily counselling sessions.
What amazes me is that I rarely hear blaming,
self-pity, or dishonesty. Most of these students
are survivors; they tend to minimize their challenges as it is all they know, their “normal”, so to
speak. What these extraordinary students I see
on a daily basis have taught me, is that we see in
life what we want to see. If you look for the extraordinary in the ordinary, your perspective will
guide your intention.
As we enter the month of April and the season of Easter,
I encourage people to find the extraordinary in the ordinary.
If we search for beauty, we will find it!
(Note: Thanks to Heather Jones, our Bus driver last week, for the book, “Don’t Sweat the Small
Stuff . . .’ by Richard Carlson.)
J. T. Foster School
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Community Birthday Calendars Have Arrived!
Thank you to everyone for their patience waiting for the
Community Birthday calendars to arrive. They are now
in and available for pick up from the office. The calendar
runs from February to February this year and there are
still a number available for sale for $15 each.
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To access further details on all of the J. T. Foster school sports, (things can
change rapidly!) go to the school web page and look at our Upcoming
Events, sports items are in orange.
Senior High Baseball
Practices Tuesday & Thursday 5:00-8:00 at Diamond #2
Jr. High Doubles Monday & Singles Thursday 3:30—5:00 at ABD
District Tournament April 21 at WCCHS
League Finals April 24 in Pincher Creek
Zones May 2 in Lethbridge
Sr. High Wednesday 3:30—5:00 at JTF
Zone Qualifier April 14 at WCCHS
Zones April 22 in Medicine Hat
Track & Field
Coach(s) Needed
Baseball Umpires
Please contact Kelly
Kunkel if you are
Come cheer on your teams at the following home games;
April 14 Sr. Baseball 5:30 at Town Diamond
April 16 Sr. Baseball 5:30 at Town Diamond
April 27 Sr. Baseball 5:30 at Town Diamond
April 30 Sr. Baseball 5:30 at Town Diamond
Thank you so much to our community volunteer coaches without whom
these programs could not run.
Baseball — Lee Chattaway, Mike Higgins
Badminton—Mrs. Kunkel
A special “thank-you” to all the parents for your time and dedication to the teams too!
“Serve it up for Africa” Fun Volleyball Tournament
Saturday, April 18th 9:00 am to 6:00 pm A. B. Daley Gym
$15 per person—Prizes and Concession
Please register by Monday, April 13 by contacting Jennifer Walker
(403) 625-05556 or Jordi Roelfsema (403)
J. T. Foster School
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Important Dates
J. T. Foster
P.O. Box 610
2501—22 Street
Nanton, AB T0L 1R0
We’re on the Web!
Phone: (403) 646-2264
Fax: (403) 646-5758
Find us on facebook at https://
April 1—School Council
April 2—Easter Spirit Activity & Spring Assembly
April 3-10 –Easter Break, no school
April 13—Back to School & Quarter 4 start (Jr. High Options)
April 16—Rob Nash Presentation at WCCHS
April 16—Student Loan & Scholarship Presentation
April 16– GSA Luncheon
April 18—Serve It Up For Africa Volleyball Tournament
April 20—SASA Meeting
April 23—Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) Lunch
April 24—Progress Reports home
April 29—Team Pictures
April 30– GSA Luncheon
May 1—LRSD Talent Showcase
May 6—School Council & Grad Parent Meeting
Team Photo Day!
April 29 our photographer will be here to take Team and Club photos. If
coaches/managers are able to be here for 10:00 that morning to have their pictures taken with their group(s) it would be great!!
Livingstone Range School Division No. 68 is pleased to offer families the opportunity to pay student fees
electronically. The “School Cash Online” program provides a convenient fee payment option that saves time,
reduces paper, maintains a focus on instruction in the classroom, and limits cash and checks in our schools.
This improved efficiency also aligns with the District’s strengthened accounting practices.
Participating parents will be notified by email of student fees available online once they register on the School
Cash Online website. They can make secure online payments anytime and receive a
To set up an account for your students – and to learn more about using the system, go
to or follow the link on the front page of the J. T. Foster web page.
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