NYS HCCN Meaningful Use for Vitera Intergy Webinar #2
NYS HCCN Meaningful Use for Vitera Intergy Webinar #2
Presented by Health Choice Network Marlen Bazan De Leon, Decision Support Manager Michal Krell, Senior Analyst Scope of Presentation MU Stage 1 vs. Stage 2 comparison, part 2 What to Expect with Intergy v9 UDS Updates: 2014 Approved Changes Greenway Dashboards V9 Changes 2 4/25/2014 Table of Contents Topic Page Scope of Presentation 2 Stage 1 vs. Stage 2 Comparison Grid 6 Patient List: Core Objective 11 7 Preventive Care: Core Objective 12 10 • Health Reminders Tab 12 • Recalls 14 Patient-Specific Education Resources: Core Objective 13 16 Medication Reconciliation: Core Objective 14 19 • Clinical Information Reconciliation 22 Summary of Care: Core Objective 15 • 27 Clinical and Referral Summary Notes 29 Immunization Registries Data Submission: Core Objective 16 32 Use Secure Electronic Messaging: Core Objective 17 34 • Version 9.00 Features regarding Exchange Documents 3 36 4/25/2014 Table of Contents Topic Page Intergy v9.00 Upgrade 39 • Additional Key Features 40 • Form Updates 41 Reported Bugs/Enhancements reference Clinical Summary 43 V9.00 Frequently Asked Questions 52 Greenway Dashboards v9 Changes 56 What are the PA dashboards 57 How would I run a V9 report 61 Meaningful Use Audit Report 68 Dashboards Update to the Clinical Quality Measures 71 Dashboards Update to the Operational Measures 75 UDS Updates: 2014 Approved Changes 79 Table 4: Patient Characteristics- Public Housing 80 • Where to document inIntergy 83 4 4/25/2014 Table of Contents Topic Page Table 6A & B: Selected Diagnoses and Services Rendered 84 • First time diagnosis of HIV line 1-2(a) of Table 6A 85 • Follow-up Care provided by referral by a Ryan White Clinic 86 Table 6B: Age and Trimester of entry into care 88 Table 7: Deliveries and Infant birth weights 89 Table 6B: Tobacco Use Screening and Cessation Intervention 90 Table 6B: Clinical Depression Screening 92 Table 7: Diabetes Control 95 EHR Capabilities and Quality Recognition Form 97 UDS Contacts 101 5 4/25/2014 Stage 1 vs. Stage 2 Comparison Core Objective: In Stage 1 there are 15 core measures, Stage 2 now has 17 in total. Stage 1: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Stage 2: CPOE for Medication Orders Drug Interaction Checks Maintain Problem List E-Prescribing Active Medication List Medication Allergy List Record Demographics Record Vital Signs Smoking Status Clinical Quality Measures Clinical Decision Support Rule Electronic Copy of Health Information Clinical Summaries Electronic Exchange of Clinical Information Protect Electronic Health Information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 6 CPOE for (a) medication; (b) labs; (c) radiology orders E-Prescribing Record Demographics Record Vital Signs Record Smoking Status Clinical Decision Support Rule Patient Electronic Access Clinical Summaries Protect Electronic Health Information Clinical Lab-Test Results Patient Lists Preventive Care Patient-Specific Education Resources Medication Reconciliation Summary of Care Immunization Registries Data Submission Use Secure Electronic Messaging 4/25/2014 Patient List: Core Objective 11 Stage 1 vs. Stage 2 Comparison • New Core measure, formally a menu objective • Using the Practice Analytics’ Patient Care Conditions list will satisfy this requirement. BONUS! This list can be exported to post recalls. 7 4/25/2014 Stage 2: Patient Lists Objective: Generate lists of patients by specific conditions to use for quality improvement, reduction of disparities, research, or outreach. Measure: Generate at least one report listing patients of the EP with a specific condition. Exclusion: No exclusion. 8 4/25/2014 PAs’ Patient Care Conditions list 9 4/25/2014 Preventive Care: Core Objective 12 Stage 1 vs. Stage 2 Comparison • New Core measure, formally a menu objective • Combining the functionality of the Health reminders with the Practice Analytics’ Patient Care Conditions list to post recalls will satisfy this requirement. 10 4/25/2014 Stage 2: Preventive Care Objective: Use clinically relevant information to identify patients who should receive reminders for preventive/followup care and send these patients the reminders, per patient preference. Measure: More than 10 percent of all unique patients who have had 2 or more office visits with the EP within the 24 months before the beginning of the EHR reporting period were sent a reminder, per patient preference when available. Exclusion: Any EP who has had no office visits in the 24 months before the EHR reporting period. 11 4/25/2014 Health Reminders Tab 12 4/25/2014 Example of Reminder Details 13 4/25/2014 Recalls Generating Recalls utilizing the Practice Analytics’ Patient Care Conditions list • Once you’ve generated the Patient Care Conditions list for the condition(s) desired, export to Excel (the XL button) • From Excel, save the file as a CSV file • Open the Batch Post Clinical Recalls window: From the Intergy Desktop menu bar, select the Scheduling menu, select Recalls, and then select Batch Post Clinical Recalls • Within the Batch Post Clinical Recalls window, select the From File radio button • Search and Import the CSV file • Complete the Recall Through Date, For Patients Seen Since field, and then select the Reason code from the drop down menu 14 • Proceed with additional filters and then Run the batch 4/25/2014 15 4/25/2014 Patient-Specific Education Resources: Core Objective 13 Stage 1 vs. Stage 2 Comparison • New Core measure, formally a menu objective. 16 4/25/2014 Stage 2: Patient-Specific Education Resources Objective: Use clinically relevant information from Certified EHR Technology to identify patient-specific education resources and provide those resources to the patient. Measure: Patient-specific education resources identified by CEHRT are provided to patients for more than 10 percent of all unique patients with office visits seen by the EP during the EHR reporting period. Exclusion: Any EP who has no office visits during the EHR reporting period. 17 4/25/2014 Patient-Specific Education NEW functionality to right click on patient’s problems, medications, and labs to generate patient specific education material Uses National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) Medline Plus as default website Automatically captures in MU numerator when using this option NOTE: You can additionally continue to use Forms to access and indicate education was4/25/2014 given. 18 Medication Reconciliation: Core Objective 14 Stage 1 vs. Stage 2 Comparison • New Core measure, formally a menu objective. 19 4/25/2014 Stage 2: Medication Reconciliation Objective: The EP who receives a patient from another setting of care or provider of care or believes an encounter is relevant should perform medication reconciliation. Measure: The EP who performs medication reconciliation for more than 50 percent of transitions of care in which the patient is transitioned into the care of the EP. Exclusion: Any EP who was not the recipient of any transitions of care during the EHR reporting period. 20 4/25/2014 Medication Reconciliation New option on the Meds List for ‘Mark as Reconciled’ added. TIP: Adding a reported med while on an encounter will auto-set the reconciled flag for that encounter. 21 4/25/2014 NEW! Clinical Information Reconciliation Side-by-side comparison with CCD and patient chart Consolidated view for importing medications, problems and allergies Data import based on industry standard coding systems (SNOMED, RxNorm), giving the ability to import a CCDA from any other practice 22 4/25/2014 Importing Clinical Information for Reconciliation Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Patient provides staff with a CD or USB containing the patient’s health information. From the patient’s chart, select ‘Exchange Document’ Click ‘Retrieve’ Browse the location, select the file containing the CD or USB, select ‘Open’ Select ‘Save to Chart’ Once you have completed these steps, the window shown in the previous slide will appear at which time you would select the items from the CCD that you want to import into the chart. The next couple of slides have screen shots of these steps. 23 4/25/2014 Step 1 Patient provides staff with a CD or USB containing the patient’s health information. Step 2 From the patient’s chart, select ‘Exchange Document’ Step 3 Click ‘Retrieve’ 24 4/25/2014 Step 4 Browse the location, select the file containing the CD or USB, select ‘Open’ Step 5 Select ‘Save to Chart’ 25 4/25/2014 Final Step Select the items from the CCD that you want to import into the chart and select ‘Import’ 26 4/25/2014 Summary of Care: Core Objective 15 Stage 1 vs. Stage 2 Comparison 27 4/25/2014 Stage 2: Summary of Care Objective: The EP who transitions their patient to another setting of care or provider of care or refers their patient to another provider of care should provide summary care record for each transition of care or referral. Measure: EPs must satisfy both of the following measures in order to meet the objective (1) The EP who transitions or refers their patient to another setting of care or provider of care provides a summary of care record for more than 50 percent of transitions of care and referrals. (2) The EP who transitions or refers their patient to another setting of care or provider of care provides a summary of care record for more than 10 percent of such transitions and referrals either (a) electronically transmitted using CEHRT to a recipient or (b) where the recipient receives the summary of care record via exchange facilitated by an organization that is a NwHIN Exchange participant or in a manner that is consistent with the governance mechanism ONC establishes for the NwHIN. (3) An EP must satisfy one of the following criteria (a) Conducts one or more successful electronic exchanges of a summary of care document, as part of which is counted in "measure 2" or (b) Conducts one or more successful tests with the CMS designated test EHR during the EHR reporting period. Exclusion: Any EP who transfers a patient to another setting or refers a patient to another provider 28 4/25/2014 less than 100 times during the EHR reporting period is excluded from all three measures. Clinical and Referral Summaries NEW CCDA format based on requirements Notes: Clinical and Referral (Summary of Care) Summaries now require Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture (CCDA) standard. Correspondence letters will no longer meet the minimum requirement. Intergy workflow for Referral Summaries is similar to that for Clinical Summaries. Clinical and Referral (Summary of Care) Summaries can now be printed from the patient’s summary page as well as from the encounter note during the signing of the note. For patient’s registered for secure messaging, a ‘SEND’ option will also appear. Once the summary has been generated, the ‘Print Summary’ will change to indicate the function has been completed and the patient will be marked compliant for this measure. Generating the Summary documents in this format automatically captures in MU 29 4/25/2014 numerator. Generating Summary from the Patient Summary Page Box changes green once the Clinical Summary has been generated for that visit 30 4/25/2014 Patient’s chart with access to Patient Portal will have the option to ‘Send’ activated 31 4/25/2014 Immunization Registries Data Submission: Core Objective 16 Stage 1 vs. Stage 2 Comparison • New Core measure, formally a menu objective. • Successful submission required, not just a test. • Exclusions exist based on Registry availability. 4/25/2014 • Greenway will offer submission to State32Registries through their Clinical Exchange. Stage 2: Immunization Registries Data Submission Objective: Capability to submit electronic data to immunization registries or immunization information systems except where prohibited, and in accordance with applicable law and practice. Measure: Successful ongoing submission of electronic immunization data from CEHRT to an immunization registry or immunization information system for the entire EHR reporting period. Exclusion: Any EP that meets one or more of the following criteria may be excluded from this objective: (1) the EP does not administer any of the immunizations to any of the populations for which data is collected by their jurisdiction's immunization registry or immunization information system during the EHR reporting period; (2) the EP operates in a jurisdiction for which no immunization registry or immunization information system is capable of accepting the specific standards required for CEHRT at the start of their EHR reporting period; (3) the EP operates in a jurisdiction where no immunization registry or immunization information system provides information timely on capability to receive immunization data; or (4) the EP operates in a jurisdiction for which no immunization registry or immunization information system that is capable of accepting the specific standards required by CEHRT at 4/25/2014 the start of their EHR reporting period can33 enroll additional EPs. Use Secure Electronic Messaging: Core Objective 17 Stage 1 vs. Stage 2 Comparison New Core measure NOTE: Most Secure messages sent by the patient are counted towards this measure. The following are NOT counted: • Appointment Requests • New Patient Request 34 • Billing and Payment messages 4/25/2014 Stage 2: Use Secure Electronic Messaging Objective: Use secure electronic messaging to communicate with patients on relevant health information. Measure: A secure message was sent using the electronic messaging function of CEHRT by more than 5 percent of unique patients (or their authorized representatives) seen by the EP during the EHR reporting period. Exclusion: Any EP who has no office visits during the EHR reporting period, or any EP who conducts 50 percent or more of his or her patient encounters in a county that does not have 50 percent or more of its housing units with 3Mbps broadband availability according to the latest information available from the FCC on the first day of the EHR reporting period. 35 4/25/2014 Version 9 Features Regarding Exchange Documents • When generating an Exchange document, you can send a secure message with a copy of the Exchange document attached. • In previous versions of Intergy EHR, the Secure Messaging option was selected from the Via field on the Generate Document dialog box. Now, you use the Send button on the Generate Exchange Document dialog box. • When you generate an Exchange document, the system determines whether the selected patient has a Practice Portal account. If the patient is a Practice Portal user, the Send button will be available on the Generate Exchange Document dialog box. 36 4/25/2014 Generating and Sending an Exchange Document as a Secure Message Attachment 1. Within the patient’s chart, select the Exchange button to display the Exchange tab. 2. Click Generate to open the Generate Exchange Document dialog box containing options for specifying what patient clinical data should be included in the Exchange document. 3. Complete the TO, WHAT, and INCLUDE sections as needed. 4. Click Send to open the Secure Messaging dialog box with the Exchange document automatically selected as an attachment. Note: The Send button is only available if secure messaging is available for the patient. 5. Complete the To field with the e-mail address to which you want to send the secure message and in the text box, enter a message to the patient or authorized recipient. Select additional options on the Secure Message dialog box, as needed. Note: If you want to save the secure message, attachments, or both to the patient’s chart, check the CC Chart box. Before sending the secure message, the system will display a dialog box in which you can specify options for saving the secure message and attachments to the patient’s chart. 6. Click Send. 37 4/25/2014 38 4/25/2014 Intergy version 9 Upgrade Additional key features • Form Updates o Additional Smoking Statuses added o Capturing First-Degree Family History • A view of the new Clinical and Referral Summaries o Bugs and enhancements pending Greenway’s review 40 4/25/2014 Form Updates: Smoking Status Additional options added to capture more smoking statuses 41 4/25/2014 FORM Updates: Family History Record Family Hx for ‘first degree’ relatives Adding one of the following prefixes to your finding (diagnosis) will aid you in meeting this measure: • • • • • • 42 Maternal History of Paternal History of Sororal History of Fraternal history of Daughter’s history of Son’s history of 4/25/2014 Reported Bugs/Enhancements reference to Clinical Summary - Header Includes: patient data, emergency contact, guardian, next of kin, insurance/Payer indo, And encounter data (date, location, provider, care team) Pending Greenway Review: Care Team is generating a list of ALL providers that have4/25/2014 ever 43 treated the patient (even if they no longer worked at the clinic. Reported Bugs/Enhancements reference to Clinical Summary – Medications Administered Includes medication administered during the encounter visit. Pending Greenway Review: 44 Is pulling in voided medications also. 4/25/2014 Reported Bugs/Enhancements reference to Clinical Summary – Social History Will contain active (positive or negative) findings that belong to the signed encounter. 2 Items Pending Greenway Review: Meaningful Use only requires patient’s smoking status, not entire Social History. Summary was pulling ALL social history from patient’s chart. 45 4/25/2014 Reported Bugs/Enhancements reference to Clinical Summary - Immunizations Includes ALL patient Immunizations including any refused or reported. Pending Greenway Review: Meaningful Use only requires immunizations administered or reported on the day of service. 46 4/25/2014 Reported Bugs/Enhancements reference to Clinical Summary - Instructions The data for Instructions comes from two places: 1. Patient Education- If you right click on patient’s problems, medications, or labs to generate patient specific education material, it will note the material was provided in the Summary 2. Instructions or Education Findings- If either of the following findings or their child findings (encounter note/forms) is selected, they will be included in this section of the summary: ‘Instructions for Patient’ – Medcin ID 74937 ‘Education and Counseling’ – Medcin ID 78725 Pending Greenway Review: The data was not always pulling into the Clinical Summary 47 4/25/2014 Reported Bugs/Enhancements reference to Clinical Summary - Medications Pending Greenway Review (reported as a patient safety issue): The same medication is showing under different categories. 48 4/25/2014 Reported Bugs/Enhancements reference to Clinical Summary –Problems Pending Greenway Review: This section is intended to show active problems and problems related to the encounter note for that visit. It is showing inactive problems as well. 49 4/25/2014 Other Sections in a Clinical Summary • • • • • • • • • • • • Current Advance Directives Active allergies Family History (positive or negative) documented during the encounter visit Patient’s Functional and Cognitive Status Lab Results for current encounter (including results cited into the note regardless of their status) Physical Exam Plan of Care (pending tests, referrals, care plan, future appointments, pending tests) Procedures and Surgical/Medical History Reason for Referral Reason for Visit and Chief Complaint Review of System Vital Signs 50 4/25/2014 Reported Bugs/Enhancements reference to Clinical Summary - General • Ability to remove a specific item that the EP believes may be harmful • Ability to document and be counted compliant if a patient declines the summary • An indication that information is not available under sections that are not pertinent to the visit (example: no future appointments pending, no labs reviewed, no medication, etc.) Follow-ups/Updates: Please remember we are available for 2 hours each month for office hours at which time we can provide you with updates to the statuses of the issues brought up with Greenway regarding the Clinical Summary. 51 4/25/2014 Frequently Asked Questions A compilation of the v9.00 frequently asked questions organized by category. 52 4/25/2014 53 4/25/2014 54 4/25/2014 Greenway Dashboards V.9 Changes What are the PA dashboards? The PA Dashboards include 12 sets of the following 12 dashboards: What are the PA dashboards? We will concentrate on the MU Operational and Clinical Quality Dashboards. These dashboards allow practices that participate in the E.H.R incentive program to calculate their compliance percentage for Operational and Clinical Quality measures. What are the PA dashboards? The Operational Quality Measures dashboard provides a comprehensive review of how well your practice is meeting the operational functionality standards for incorporating electronic health records (EHRs) into daily work processes. The Clinical Quality Measures dashboard provides a comprehensive review of the quality of clinical care in your practice. What are the PA dashboards? The Criteria tab is used to select measures and high-level report criteria. The Summary, Measure Details, and Scorecard tabs each offer a different analysis of important summaries or details about the data in your Intergy EHR system. The values you select for dimensions on one tab remain constant as you navigate to other tabs in the dashboard. How would I run a V.9 report? Choose the type of report you want to run: Operational or Clinical: How would I run a V.9 report? For the Operational reports, choose Stage 1 or Stage 2, then choose the requested report: How would I run a V.9 report? You may click the Help button: The additional Help includes details about the criteria used for the denominator, numerator and exclusions. How would I run a V.9 report? Under the Criteria Tab, use the Measure criteria box to define the reporting period, patient age, gender, inclusion of exempt patients and other criteria specific to the report you chose. For the CPOE report, you can include all patients or just the ones who have prescriptions documented in their chart. How would I run a V.9 report? Use the Summary tab to fine tune your report by Employer, Measure provider, Carrier Code, Plan Class and Service Center. How would I run a V.9 report? The measure Details Tab, provides you with the number of patients in the Numerator, Denominator and compliance percentage. A list of patients is displayed, showing name, age and prescriptions. How would I run a V.9 report? Click the Score card Tab to display the score card: Meaningful Use Audit Report Meaningful Use Audit Report is now available The operational and the Clinical Quality Measures dashboards now feature the ability to archive the onscreen scorecard charts used for attesting to your practice's compliance with Meaningful Use measures. Archiving a scorecard should be done for each attestation, since it may be requested by the CMS in case of an audit. Meaningful Use Audit Report Saving an Audit Scorecard After preparing the Scorecard, you need to export the scorecard results before saving them. Click the Export Audit Scorecard button. You will not notice any on-screen activity, but the export process take place behind the scenes. Meaningful Use Audit Report When the export is complete, the Save Audit Scorecard button becomes available. Click the Save Audit Score card button. A window will display in your default Internet browser confirming that the save is complete. You may close that browser window when it displays. Dashboards Update to the Clinical Quality Measures The Clinical Quality Measures dashboards has been updated to ensure compliance with revised governmental specifications. Updates include: A revision to the logic: Patients criteria for the denominator such as age, time periods for visits, exclusions etc. (Cervical Cancer). A complete renumbering Dashboards Update to the Clinical Quality Measures Dashboards Update to the Clinical Quality Measures Dashboards Update to the Clinical Quality Measures Dashboards Update to the Operational Measures New Tab for Stage 2 Measures Dashboard Update to the Operational Measures The Stage 1 measures on the Operational Measures Dashboard have been updated to meet revised governmental specifications. (Example: Vital Signs) There has been a complete renumbering of all measures on the Dashboard. (MU-1 to Core 1) New measure was added. (Patient Access) Dashboards Update to the Operational Measures UDS UPDATES: 2014 APPROVED CHANGES APPROVED UDS CHANGES FOR 2014 Table 4 – Patient Characteristics: NEW - For the first time, “residents of public housing” will be reported on Table 4, Line 26, Selected Patient Characteristics. APPROVED UDS CHANGES FOR 2014 –While the Public Housing Primary Care program (Section 330(i)) has been a part of the 330 program for many years, the number of patients have not been tracked in the same way as homeless or agricultural worker patients have been in the UDS –Defined as residents in publicly supported multiple unit “projects” – either high-rise or low-rise –Explicitly excludes scattered site Section 8 housing •Most can be identified from a set of known addresses –Or may be a characteristic added to registration form APPROVED UDS CHANGES FOR 2014 UDS Form: Where to document in Intergy: APPROVED UDS CHANGES FOR 2014 Table 6A – Selected Diagnoses and Services Rendered: NEW - The number of patients with a first time diagnosis of HIV (Not just first time at your center – first time ever ) will be reported on line 1-2(a) of Table 6A – Selected Diagnoses and Services Rendered. Note that there are no ICD-9 /ICD-10 codes for this APPROVED UDS CHANGES FOR 2014 UDS Form: APPROVED UDS CHANGES FOR 2014 NEW Patients first ever diagnosed with HIV (reported on Table 6A, line 1-2a) who receive follow-up care within 90 days of the diagnosis –If follow-up care is provided by referral by a Ryan White clinic or another provider, follow-up must be completed within 90 days of diagnosis, not within 90 days of referral. APPROVED UDS CHANGES FOR 2014 UDS Form: APPROVED UDS CHANGES FOR 2014 Reportable Services: NEW All health centers will now report on prenatal and perinatal services whether they are provided directly at the health center, by formal referral to another provider, or by a combination of the two. This will include: –Age and trimester of entry into care on Table 6B –Deliveries and infant birth weights on Table 7 APPROVED UDS CHANGES FOR 2014 Health centers which diagnose a woman’s pregnancy but do not directly provide prenatal care must refer for this care. If they do, they must: –Track the referral to establish and record the date of her first comprehensive obstetrical visit. –Track her delivery and record the weight of the infant(s) at birth. APPROVED UDS CHANGES FOR 2014 Table 6B – Quality of Care Measures: Tobacco use screening and cessation intervention, formerly two separate measures (lines 14 and 15), are now combined into one measure (line 14a) –Count as compliant (1) patients who were screened for tobacco use who were not tobacco users AS WELL AS (2) those identified as tobacco users who received cessation intervention. APPROVED UDS CHANGES FOR 2014 UDS Form: NEW: Clinical Depression Screening (6B) Clinical depression screening of (medical) patients age 12 and older during the reporting period using a standardized instrument and if screened positive, had a follow-up plan documented APPROVED UDS CHANGES FOR 2014 UDS Form: APPROVED UDS CHANGES FOR 2014 Medcin # 1000004434 1000005032 103274 13166 13176 13177 17989 222873 229508 303626 1000034 304135 304136 Description Mental health inventory test (MHI-5) PHQ-9 Psychological testing with interpretation and report Psychometric California psychiatric inventory (CPI) Psychometric depression scale Psychometric depression scale (Beck) Psychometric Hamilton depression rating scale Administration of psychological test Neuropsychological testing battery administered by physician DSM-IV criteria for major depressive disorder documented PHQ-9 Depression Scale Standardized depression screening : mild to moderate symptoms Standardized depression screening : clinically significant symptoms APPROVED UDS CHANGES FOR 2014 Table 7 – Health Outcomes and Disparities: Diabetes control measure will continue to be all patients whose last HbA1c in the measurement year is equal to or less than 9% –Instead of four categories, reporting will divide compliant patients into those with HbA1c levels less than 8%, between 8% and 9% and those with HbA1c over 9% or missing during the reporting year. –Health centers will no longer be required to report on HbA1c less than 7%. APPROVED UDS CHANGES FOR 2014 UDS Form: APPROVED UDS CHANGES FOR 2014 EHR Capabilities and Quality Recognition Form BPHC (Bureau of Primary Health Care) will continue to collect information on the implementation of electronic health records (EHRs) –Revised questions are found at: http://bphc.hrsa.gov/policiesregulations/policies/pal201401.pdf HRSA will continue to collect information on patient-centered medical home recognition/certification and accreditation. APPROVED UDS CHANGES FOR 2014 Does your center currently have an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system installed and in use? a) Yes, at all sites and for all providers b) Yes, but only at some sites or for some providers c) No APPROVED UDS CHANGES FOR 2014 Does your center send prescriptions to the pharmacy electronically? (Do not include faxing.) a) Yes b) No c) Not sure APPROVED UDS CHANGES FOR 2014 Does your center use computerized, clinical decision support such as alerts for drug allergies, checks for drug-drug interactions, reminders for preventive screening tests, or other similar functions? a) Yes b) No c) Not sure APPROVED UDS CHANGES FOR 2014 CONTACTS Telephone and email support line for UDS reporting questions and use of UDS data: 866-UDS-HELP or udshelp330@bphcdata.net •Technical Assistance materials: •http://www.bphcdata.net •http://bphc.hrsa.gov/healthcenterdatastatistics/index.html