February - Iowa Chapter E
February - Iowa Chapter E
VOLUME 16, ISSUE 2 February 2016 The Soaring Eagle Gold Wing Road Riders Association Iowa Chapter E Region E CHAPTER E TEAM 2015 – 2016 Couple of the Year Mike & Linda Huppenbauer Chapter Director: Kevin & Cheryle Miller 319-520-5391 goldwinging@hotmail.com Chapter Educator MAD Coordinator: Delbert Stephens 319-752-0451 mrbckfst@aol.com Assistant Chapter Educator Assistant MAD Coordinator Event Coordinator Connie & Boomer Franklin 217-224-6361 winghavn@adams.net FROM YOUR CHAPTER DIRECTOR: Hello everyone, I hope the New Year is starting out good for you. We are less than 40 days till spring so hang in there and soon it will be time to dust off the wings and start the riding season. I know I am looking forward to this. With that being said what better way to start the riding season off than by attending the Iowa District Safety Weekend May 13th & 14th. Classes fill up fast so you need to get this in early to insure your spot. Chapter Treasurer Leslie & Jim Rainbolt 319-520-8068 jhdrlfr@gmail.com Member Enhancement: Public Relations: Bill & Carol Cook IA District Safety Weekend May 13-14 Come on out to DMACC in Ankeny for indoor classes as well as classes on the riding range. You must pre-register to be guaranteed a place in a class. Registration Form HINT: Fill in the form before you print. 319-754-6483 iowacooks@aol.com Newsletter Editor Gwyn Jones 319-795-0539 grjones@mchsi.com Also Chapter O has invited us to their Kalona Day’s You & your Chapter participants are invited!! Payment must be made up front. We need to pay for all reservations {Directors, this is just like last year, if you want to get the list & money, we can work with that, just let us know.} (Continued on page 2) WE ARE ON THE WEB http://iowachaptere.weebly.com There is no February meeting because of our Sweetheart weekend @ Nauvoo Family Inn & Suites 1875 Mulholland St., Nauvoo, IL February 13, 2016 “Have Wing will Travel” DON’T MISS ALL THE FUN AND FOOD! THE SOARING EAGLE PAGE 2 Note from Lonnie Hi everyone, I have info on our Kalona Day for shopping & eating on March 19, 2016. If you want to meet us {Diane & Lonnie} at 11:00am & leave at 11:15am at Riverside Casino on Hwy 22, just east of HWY 218/27,{turn into the Casino at the stop lights & we'll try & be in the first parking lot on your right, Dark Red Ford Edge} & follow us for shopping. OR I'm attaching a map of the area and you can go shopping on your own. Just be sure to be at: HIM Hearth-N-Home cooking www.hearthnhomecooking.com/ At 3:45 so we can eat at 4:00. The cost is $20 per person; this includes meal, tax & tip. The map will also have the location of HIM Hearth-N-Home Cooking If any questions during the day, I will have my cell phone on: 319-631-8680. {Lonnie} MENU: Good joke A Mennonite woman will prepare a meal of Turkey, Roast beef, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Hot Vegetable, 2 salads, Homemade Bread and Dessert, along with drinks of Ice Tea or Coffee. OK now as you all know we will not have a gathering in February, instead we will be hosting our 28th Annual Sweetheart Weekend --- February 13th If you have not already sent in your preth registration form and if you are wanting to buy a 28 annual Sweetheart shirt(s), you need to do this soon. Dead line for the pre-registration drawing if February 1st and if you are ordering shirts and want them the day of the rally then you need to have this in also by the 1st of February. Until we meet again You’re Chapter E Director Kevin Miller THE SOARING EAGLE PAGE 3 FROM OUR CHAPTER EDUCATOR: HEY! Wasn't it just last month I was talking about putting the bikes and trikes away for the winter. Now I want to talk about ordering your tires, air-filters, and taking care of any recalls. If you can get it into a shop now's the time. Just have it all taken care at the same time. Hurry up spring, hurry up! Be safe my friends Delbert Stephens Chapter E Chapter Educator MAD Coordinator 319-752-0451 mrbckst@aol.com NOTE FROM YOUR CHAPTER E DIRECTOR KEVIN: I have added a new page to Chapter E’s web site called “Safety/ rider-Ed”. This page has information about Safety weekend T-COCS for both bikes and trikes. It also has information about MSF courses and their locations. I have also added a link to the Honda Goldwing Recall, so you can check this to find out if your bike is one of the one’s one the recall list. I hope this will be useful to some of you. You can access this page by going to our web site http://iowachaptere.weebly.com/ and under the Newsletter link you will see a link “Safety/Rider-Ed” or here is the direct link to the page http://iowachaptere.weebly.com/safteyrider-ed.html IA Chapter E newsletter and other chapter events are now available by clicking the link below: www.iowachaptere.weebly.com THE SOARING EAGLE PAGE 4 Ronald Mc Donald Corner News: Cruise night is April 30, 2016 from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Heartland Harley in Burlington, IA. Once again Val and I will be asking for help on this fund raiser. All proceeds will go to the Ronald McDonald House in Iowa City, IA. We will need baked goods all wrapped for sale and we will be doing ticket sales for 50/25/ 15/10. I will have more information later. August 7, 2016 is the Ronald McDonald Ride to Iowa City, IA. When more information becomes available we will set up the time and place to meet for the ride up. I have already received information from Iowa District that the Ronald McDonald House would like us all to concentrate on household items and food items, not that they would refuse clothing, but they have enough at this time. The Ronald McDonald wish list will be available at our gatherings, and also don’t forget to keep pulling those pop “Tabs”. Gary and Val Duckstein THE SOARING EAGLE PAGE 5 Monthly Get Together FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Cheryle Miller Kenton Cole Carol Cook Todd Kester Gracie Cole Tammy Duckstein Deb Ryner Everyone Welcome! Feb. 5 Feb. 8 Feb. 10 Feb. 18 Feb. 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 23 2nd Saturday of each month (except February, November and December). Tender Trap. 2222 Summer Street Burlington, IA. Eat at 5:30 p.m. Weekly Coffees on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m., various locations, see the Activity Coordinator article in this newsletter FEBRUARY GWRRA ANNIVERSARIES Richard Pardall Jessie Shuler Gene & Sheri Bowerbank Feb. 8, 2005 Feb. 22, 2006 Feb. 28, 2006 rd Feb 3 Feb 10th Feb 17th Feb 24th Coffee’s for FEBRUARY Culver’s Napoli’s Tender Trap Casa Fiesta Burlington, IA Burlington, IA Burlington, IA Burlington, IA 2016 UPCOMING EVENTS (All subject to change) Feb 13th 28th Annual Sweetheart Weekend Mar 5th Missouri District Spring Fling th Kalona Day (Ride to Kalona with Chp. O) Mar 19 th April 30 Heartland Harley “Cruise Night” th th Niehaus Customer AppreciationDay May 13 – 15 th th May 13 – 14 Iowa District Safety week- end nd th Jun 2 – 4 Missouri District and Region E Rally th Jun 12 O Roger Ride Scott County Park 9 am nd rd Illinois Summer Rally Jul 22 – 23 th August 7 Ronald McDonald Ride th August 28 IL. R Surprise Run st rd Aug. 31 -Sept. 3 Wing Ding 38 Sept. 25th-26th Iowa District Rally Nauvoo, IL Lake of the Ozarks Kolona, IA Burlington, IA Litchfield, IL Ankeny, IA Branson, MO Pontiac, IL Iowa City, IA LaSalle, IL. Billings, Montana Toledo, IA Please double check the event dates listed above each month, as they may change from time to time. THE SOARING EAGLE PAGE 6 ON THE LIGHTER SIDE Three bikers walk into a truck stop An old man was eating in a truck stop when three rough-looking bikers walked in. As they passed the old man, the first biker pushed his cigarette into the old man's pie, then laughed and took a seat at the counter. The second biker picked up the old man's milk and spit into it. The third biker turned over the old man's plate before joining the others at the counter. Without saying a word to the laughing bikers, the old man put his money down, got up, and left the diner. One of the bikers said to the waitress, "Not much of a man, was he?" The waitress replied," Not much of a truck driver either. He just backed his big rig over three motorcycles!" They walk among us: The pedestrian light on the corner beeps when it's safe to cross the street. I was crossing with an 'intellectually challenged' co-worker of mine. She asked if I knew what the beeper was for. I explained that it signals blind people when the light is red. Appalled, she responded, 'what on earth are blind people doing driving?!' She is a government employee..... THE SOARING EAGLE PAGE 7 CHERYLE’S CORNER Materials The Dow Chemical Company 10″ STYROFOAM Wreath 1-2 packages red and white cupcake wrappers 9″ sheet thick craft foam Roll red crepe paper 10 small white pom-poms 1 yd. red check ribbon Hot glue and gun, 10-12 round toothpicks, scissors, straight pins Instructions 1. Wrap crepe paper around wreath and secure ends with straight pin. 2. Wrap approximately 18” of ribbon around the top of wreath for a hanger. Pin or hot glue in place. 3. Flatten cupcake wrappers with hands. Pin wrappers around the wreath. 4. Cut 10, 1/2” square pieces from craft foam. Gently pinch the center of 10 cupcake wrappers. Hot glue craft foam pieces to the wrong side (non-design side) of wrappers. 5. Hot glue 1 white pom pom to the center of each wrapper from step 4. 6. Gently insert a 1” piece of toothpick into the center of each craft foam piece and hot glue in place. 7. Arrange and insert the 10 toothpick/cupcake wrappers around the wreath. 8. Add more wrappers if necessary to even out design. 9. Create bow and hot glue to the top of wreath. THE SOARING EAGLE PAGE 8 BEST ENERGY FOODS Winter Concerns when Shoveling snow! • Do a little at a time. • Pushing snow may be easier than lifting every Shovel full. • • • • Then stay away from coffee or something sugary. “Your body processes the caffeine and sugar too quickly.” 1. Yogurt contains essential B vitamins which your body uses to convert other nutrients into energy. Choose low-fat plain yogurt and add fresh berries if you wish. Hold the handle slightly to the side of your body as you push the shovel along. That way, if the tip of the shovel hits an uneven part of the concrete, the handle won’t suddenly poke into your abdomen. 2. Bran muffins complex carbohydrates Drink plenty of fluids before, during, & after shoveling. 3. A hard-boiled egg is an excellent source of • Don’t hold your breath while straining to lift heavy snow. Breathe through the lift. • Wear boots having good grip so you don’t slip and fall. • Looking for a snack that will keep you energized? If you are not physically up to shoveling safely, hire someone or ask a neighbor to do it. provide long-lasting energy, plus bran contains magnesium to help convert carbohydrates into energy. protein and B vitamins. 4. Peanut butter is packed with protein and magnesium. Choose the all-natural or low sugar kind. Try it with celery stick or a banana. 5. Trail mix is made with dried fruit, assorted seeds and nuts, is loaded with iron, protein, and complex carbohydrates. It’s a good yogurt topping. Make your own trail mix by combining Cheerios, dried apricots, cherries, bananas, raisins, along with nuts and pumpkin seeds.