Issue 86 - December
Issue 86 - December
-BrassBand Brid OfficialJournalot the NorthAmericanBrassBandAssociation,Inc. December 2001lssue86 FALUWINTER ISSUE2OO1 lnside this issue . . . President's Podium BrassBandNews BrassBandPrograms NewsfromCanada NewMDsfor EIBBand IBB BrassBandRecordings MotorCity in DCas StateReps Atlantic to host Black Dyke Fosterat the Nationals \ Mustc m u st bc emoriooal FIRS'I utrd intellectual -rrr:rr,.r rrr tr : ue c o n d Imlginiiion is JZLL more impor(ant rb.t know,roAc. n,e EanJ ofBnrlcCrel i3 p.oud to ogir brus and FEGsiar sudcns Gmp Avilon. UnJcr ilr 8trnhn.c ofFnucn.ionalDiRmB st€!c' Mdd Con$mtinc Kitsopoulosind Hovrd aod S6m Pihtui, r(lqrduc!n Sncll, r,'u ll l,rv( tltc ot'po.lutriry to leirn from and fLy sith dn ltrmriflrnlly known srll ft.t willim.h you, suidr you, lnd chillcn8c (o htll'I"u tikeyou!nrci. n, PIiLE lou ncvc.rho(shI lxEs]blt blei$ roft r' w*r.campav4lon.conl 766 North Kdlumloo Av.. Mi6hall, MI -ir06tl Band8dge September20ol TheBrass Colin W. Holman, Editor The Brass Band Brldge 31 JosephLane GlendaleHeights,lL 60139 Telephone(630)665-4213 E-mait coun.w.hotn an @ju no.con Eonald W. Holz New Secording/8ook Reviewer AsburyCollegeMusicDeparlment Wilmore,KY 40390 Telephone(859)858-3511, Exl. 2246 Fax(859)858-3921 E-mail Ralph P. Hotz Advedlsin9 Manager 8144 SoulhOak CreekDive Sandy,UT 84093-6515 Telephone(801)733-4439 E-fiail Chrlstino M. Fowkes NABBA Web Page 1505W. 3fd AvenueApl. 13 Columbus, Ohio43212 Telephone(614) 487-8944 E-mail cfowkes @sarcam,cam John W. de Salme NABBA Contest Controller 3718 CottagePrsseruaRoadNE Solon,lA 52333-9225 Telephone(31I ) 624-2845 E-mail Jwdesalme @aol,com Prcsident'sPodium by Anila CockerHunt BrcssBandNews subnittedby ou' readers..,..........,.... NewMusiclor BrassBand 'eviewedby ColinHo1man............... NABBABoad of Dircctors fromwww.nabba.ory downloaded ............ Bess BandPrcgrams submitted by our readers News from Canada submittedby David Buckle,.....-...-.... Foster at the Nalionals reviewed by George Fosler BookReview reviewedby FlonaldW. Holz NABBA Puuout downloadedltom vr' ... Btass Band Recordings reMeweoDy Ronald W. Holz 17 18 21 2 Camp Avalon Dillons1,4 uslc NABBA XX AllissimoRecordrngs 15 25 30 35 37 Bernell\,4usic MidlandCDs AtlanticBrassBand The BrassBand Bridgel OfticialJournalof the NorthAmericanBrassBandAssociation Foundedby J. PerryWatsonin 1980. The viewsexpressedby contribulorsare not necessarilythose oflhe NorlhAnencanBrassBandAssocialion, Inc. CopyrightO 2001 by the NorthAmericanBrass BandAssocialion,Inc. All rightsreserved photographs(prelerablyblackand white),new fhe Brass Band B dge welcomesnews,communications, adveriisersand scholarlvarticleson all aspectsrelatingio, and for the benefitof brassbandsin Norlh Ame ca. Scholarlyarliclesshouldincludelooinoiesand blbliographywhereappropriate.luaterialsmay be ediledfor inclusion,and may be submiltedin writing,vla e-mail,facsimileor on 3.5' floppydlscs (lBM compalible,if possible,please). Publicationand advertisingdeadlinesare lhe 1sth ofJanuary,April,July and Oclober, Bridge December 2001 TheBrass Band NORTHAMERICANBRASSBANDASSOCIATION As we headtowardanolhercompelition in Cincinnatithisupclming April,I hope youryear ofbrass bandingis progress' ing successf!lly,andthatthismagazine helps you keep in touch with others in NABBA. Th€ recenl brass band news hastwoprominentbandswith newdiaectors, MCBB performingin Washington DC as state representatives and new muslccommemoraling9/11 This yea/s NationalBrassBandChamprcnship testpiece in Bdlain, Albion by JanvanderRoostisreviewedbyGeorge Fosterafierhtslrip to hearthe comp€iilionandtheannualfeaturearlicleforyou to share in programsand at local and slale musicConventrcns appearsbegtnningon page18. An asloundinglisl ofbrassbandreviews appearsin thisissuealso-a greatmany ways to spend those Christmas gift lokensl They come with a personal apology, since lwo paragraphswe€ lransposedin the previouseditionoflhe Brass Band Bridge within the Brass Band Recordingsseclionand thos€affectedhave been reprinledin their en tirelylo Preventconfusion. Pleasedon't forget to supporl ou r advertisers,and menlionthal you saw lheir advert in the Bidge. Has your band taken advanlageof their offers in this fiaga2ine yel? We hopethatveryshortlythe Briclgewrll be availableonline, and that you will receive news of this as it becomesavailable. As part of lhe new intranotsite, this will make IIABBA e much more flnanciallyefficientorganizalion. Happyreading,andbestvrishesfor your uFrcomingbrass band activities ColinHolman,Edilor P.O.BOX 2438,Cullo'whec, NC 28723 APPLICATIONFOR MEMBERSHIP pleosecompleteclearly ond in full Name Mr/\4n/Miss&lVDr(pleasc circleone) Street?.O.llOX City State Ltp L OUntn I elephoncNun1ber 1 l llc'gular OR (hlinc Membcrship(pleasccircleonc) McmbershipCalcgorj InstrumentPlavcd BandName E-mail(whercapplicable) -_ CATEGORY Individuel . . .the regularmembership Senior . (62 and older) Student . (21 and under) Family . . .reducedrate for families Bands.. Litetim€ . . (39 and unded . (40-49) . . . (50 and over) Corporate . .companymembership Patron... Leade.ahip-. . 'REGULAR,/ONLINE Duesr$ 35/30 Dues:$ 2520 Dues:$ 20/15 Dues:$ 45/40 Dues:$60 Oues:$600 Dues:$500 Dues:$400 Dues:$ 100 Dues:S500 Dues:$1,000 Pleasem€kecheckpayableIo lhe NofthAnedcan BtassBdnclAssociation (rcpaducefom as nocessary) 'Regularmembership inciudeslhe BrassSandBrdgemailedio youracldress Onlinemembership includesaccesslo an electronic copyof the BrassBandBridge Greetingsonce againto NABBABands and members. At this moment, The CincinnaliBrassBandisworkinghardlo make the 2002 compelitionan excaling andrewardingexperiencelor everyone. ge looking al the web sile for sched' ules. Jusl as a preliminary-'onFriday eveningThe LexinglonBrassBandand Vincenl DiMarlinowill be performinga concerttrom7:00.8:15 at lhe Princeton High Schoolauditorium.lmmediately lollowing willbethereading sessionfrom 8r30-9:45. Duringlhislimewillbe Inler esl Sessonsi somethingnew this year, al your r€quest. I am wofting on inspk' ing and knowledgableleaderstorihese ATEAS: HOSTINGA COMPETITION, STARTINGA YOUTH BAND. FUND RAISING, ENTERING THE COMPETI. TION(lirsttimers),RECRUITING. and WEBSITE. [.4aybe1 or 2 peoplelrom your band could be a represenlaliveat ihese sessions,il lhis is an area you needlo locuson. l'm sorrylhal someol youwillhave lo missthereadang bandin ordertoattendlhese,bul it was lhe best time we couldwork oul. we get too excited,lhis will be a slow processand in the fulure, We n€ed lo JohnW. de Salmehasbeenlhroughthe ropeswilh lhese competitions,and will continue supportinglhe laithlul brass be an excellenlCont€stController-He band musicdistribulersand publishers hasal€adysecureda panelottop notch thal have helpedus alongthe way. lt is judges,andisworkinghardtomakesurejr.istgreat to see lhat brass bandingis lhal 2002 is the bcst ever. reallybeing recognizedin lhis counlry. Take advantageol TorgnyHansonand GeotlreyBrandto doa rehearsalforyou. lspenl 10 days in rehearsals at Star Lake l,lusicampwlh Torgny Hanson andhe waslerrllic.G€offreyBranddida rehearsalwih our band lwo years ago and we learnedso mlch in addilionto beinginspiredby his excilementon lhe podium.Neilheroneolthese guysseems Newbandsarespringing up alloverthe counlryand Canada. I walkedinlo our local sheet music slore yesterdayand they couldn'l wail lo tell me, 'Greal news''-WarnerBrothersPublishingCo. is going io be dislributingbrass band music. Olher large publishingcompanjesmighlfollowlheirlead.'Nowbelore OneJinalnolelo end on. Wearelooking tolheweslforlhingsloprogressfurlher. There are preliminaryplanslo hold anolher workshopweek end and a tuture compelition. Wilh disianceas a problemforatlendanceal compelitionsin lh€ east, the board olJicerswould like to includeour westeh NABBA members and have somelhinghappeninglhere. Keep listeningtor delailsabout lhal. ll you are atlendingMidw€stin chicago, please look me up. l'll be lhele, and wouldlovetofindoutwhalyou?edoing in yourcity. This is a wondertullimelo be involvedin b@ssbanding.Thankyoulor your inleresl,dedicalion,and ellorls an helpingNABBAendbrassbandingcon' tinue lo grow in Norlh America. Anila CockerHunt, Presidenl MARKYOUR DIARIES!! NABBAXXI NABBA XXII April'11-12,2003 LitlleRockAR Hostedby Solid Brass ADril16-17.2004 St LouisMO Hostedby the St Louis Brass Band GalaConcert bythe GrimethorpeCollieryBand In collaborationwith a Galalnternational Brass Band Festival December200l The Brass Band Bridge EnglishcomposerBob Lennonhasjust compleleda new piece lor band composedas a direct €sponse to the lrag6dies in the US. The litle is Fal/g/' is probablyplayableby Honors bands upwads and lasts ca. 7,5 is in a lairlyuncompromising contemporaryslyle and is not lor those who requlre'entertainmenl'. The score shouldsoon be visibleand (playableil you have'Scorch' soltware)on www.sibeliusm Bandpanswill be suppliedfree providedthat a concerl perlormanceis inlended, and thal a donalionand/orcollection willbe willbe organisedin aid ola bonalide NewYork relielcharity. Anyonewho is inlerested in consideringit lor a perlormancecan oblain a tree inspeclionscore by conlacling lhe composeral 1 Healh Hall, Halitax, HX12PNorbyphonlng 011-441422 383202 or by email al bob,lennon@Iineone,nel "ArlistSeries' in Wesl Virginia.DeNeil Harlley,PatrickHuntandRhondaKessler were highfighled in Trio Con Btio (Langtord),and DeweyDowdywas the xylophonesoloistin HelleI Skeltetlan. Woodfield). The BBTS will tinish ils concerl season with a Chrislmasconcerl at AshlandCommunityCollegeon December15. Cufien|y ihe BBTS is busymakingreadyfor lhe NABBAcompetilion and securingprepanlions ior the 7th Annual Ashland Brass Band Festivalwhrchwill be held on June 22 and 23, 2002. and bad. Good because ot lhe sile's serenilyi bad because lhere was no shelterJroma breezelhat, coupledwith the sun's setting,sent the lemperature towafdthe nighl'slow of44 degrees.But while the many guests and the musiciansshivereda bil, they had an abundanceot sympalhylor lhe bidesmaids in lheir low-cutand sleevelessgowns. Special lealures ot Commonweallhs perJormance were we'comingfanlares lrom lhird cornetist Andrew Esarey, whosesister,Vrrginia, was one ol the lwo brides,Clarkes yolurlafywas chosenlor lhe b.ides'processional andhis The Cinclnnall Brass Band (Anila Rondeauwasplayedtortherecessional. CockerHunt)pertormedwilhlheCincin- Then Commonweallhpresenteda vari nalj Pops Orcheslra (Eric Kunzel)on ety ol popularlunesallhe receptionin a September23rd Musc large,walm hall at the larm. CBB look al theCincinnalr parlin a programhonoringmilitaryvelerHall.The occasionwas a benelillor w th organ ans on November10, 2001,at lndiana organdonorsorganizalions, recipienlJlm Naborsas a guesl per- UniversitySoulheast in New Albany. lormer. The CBB perlormedwilh lhe wherethe band is an ensemblein res Orchestraon sevelalpaliotrcselections dence. Also pertormingwere the IUS The All-Star Brass Bands (Eric Aho) and has becomea favorilesupplemenl Concerl Choir and Brass Ensemble heldaudilionson November10 lor the lor MaestroKunzeland Cincinnaliaudiuniversilycommunicalionstudentswho presenteda compilationot sloriesfrom 2001'02season. Approxlmately 100 ences and will pertromagain wilh lhe middleandhighschoolmusicians were CPO on lwo subscriptionconceds in interviewswilh local KoreanWar velea selecledlo pertormintheJunior-Vafsity, F€bruary,2002.The Bandalsoplayeda ansandaVFW poslcolorgua.d. CornVarsity,and All-StarBrassand Percus- concert on September30ih at lhe Vilmonweallhperformedils sixth slraight sion bands, Plans tor lhe next lew lageGreenolTerracePa (aCinonnali joint concert with lhe Oldham County (KY) High SchoolSymphonicBand on months include a December potluck subulb).The programwas in honor ol November 11,2001.Eachgroupplay€d dinner wilh ChristmasCaroling. Con' lhose lost in the lerorist altacks ol cerls are plannedJor Febr!ary, March Septemberl llh. CBB concerlplayeda a short programand then comblnedlor LittleSuite lor Brass lArnold). On NoandApril. beneft concerl tor the local chapler of Habitaifor Humanilyon November3rd. vember18,2001,the c8B performed The B.ass Eand ot theTri-Slaie (Chip The joinl perlormancewith Englands one of 1ismajorconcerlsol lhe year al lUS. lt leaturedPam Fleilzwrlh a xylo Lewis) hosled lhe 6lh AnnualAshland Oesford Colliery Band scheduledfor phone solo, lhe Black and While Rag Erass Band Feslivalal Cenlral Park in November13 was, untortunately, can(Boislord/Snell)i Ashland,KY on June23 and24,2001. DavidCenters,playing celed due to queslionsot securityrela' Th€ BBTSkickedoff the two day evenl PhillipSparke'seuphoniumsolo,Parlotrve lo internationaliravel lo the USA. withalorty-iiveminuteconcert,followed There are high hopes lhis can be mlm€;rombonistsJohnAlbrecht,Mildred KempandJo€ Spainon Sunch'OBones by eleven oulslandingbrass bands, resceduledlor th€ neaf luiure, (Fote);andcom6tistsBobWebb,Shawn makingthis lhe largesl brass band fesThe CommonrvealthBrass Band (J. Roark,Carl Fleckelhofl,Dee Pratt and tivalin thenalion. By invilalionlhe band playeda Fourtho{JulyconcertatCamden Jerome Amend) markedanotherfirst, Alex Blanlordin the firsl movemenlot ParkinKenova, WV. Anencorepresen- playing belo.e,duringandalteradouble Conceftantelor Band(gulla). Inclosing weddingceremonyon September28, oul ils perlormancescheduletor 2000, tation was presentedduring lhe tireworksdisplaywith plentyoJ patriotmu2001.The main6venltook placein a sic. On November15, ihe BBTS per hilltopJieldal a commercialfamilylam continued on Page 7 -a settingthatwasgood lormed as part ol the Point Pleasant in Slarlighl,lN TheBrass Eand Eridge December2001 continued flom page 6 busy late summerand tall season.On August 4th, ihe FCBB hosted a new Commonwealth look parlin a Ch slmas fiusic readingsesslon,lealuringJames concerl On Dec. I wilh the choirs ol Cumow.The morningbrass band sesEdwardsville UnitedMethodrslChurchol sion had 64 musiciansplayingand lisChistandtheTunnelHillChstianChurch tening.FrankHilligas,principalcornetist of Georgelown,lN, and singers lrom wilhlhe FCBB,pertormedConcenpiece sevenotherareachurches.The50-voice lor Cornetby JamesCutnow.The afl€rFeslivai Choir was led by Reymond noon session, featuring new concerl Horton, music director ot lhe host bandmusic,had89inattendance. SponEdwardsvillechurch.CBB musicdirecsoing the daylong readingsessionin lor JeromeAmendconductedCBB in a additiontotheFCBBwasGranerSchool programol tradilionalholidaymusicand palrioticlunes on which the audience Music, The Little London Winds, and Curnow Music Press. Publishefsconjoined in. Hortontook th€ balon atler a lribulingmusic wer€ Curnow [rusic briefintemissionand led lhe choir and Press,BernelMusic,Hal Leonard,Altred jn band three works and the closing Music and BarnhouseMusic. In lale Silent Night, Holy Night lctuhet and Seplember,The FountainCreek BGss Moh/Langlord). Band joined the Golden Eagle Brass Band of Denver in a Kaleidoscopeot TheEaslernlowaB€s68snd ispleased [rusic,atlhe LakewoodCulluralCenter, loannounceth6 appoinlmenl olThomas Lakewood,CO. In a d€cidedlypatriollc L. Nelsonas lrusic Directorand P nciand relleclive concerl, music tof the palConduclor. Mr.Nelsonisagraduale FCBB includedl Olympic Themo and olthe Universityoflowa,earninga Bach' Fanfale(Williams/Graha m), The Washelor of Mlsic degreein 1986 and a irglo, Post(Sousa).CanadianFolkSong [/aslercdegreeintrombonepedormance SuilelCalved), Ama2ingG/aco(Himes), andbrasspedagogyin 1995.Hesludied Armed ForcesSalutelgulla),and Ughl conductingwith Dr. IvlyfonWelch and walk (Goll). Duringthe Chrislmasseatrombonewith ProlessorGeorgeKrem. son The FounlainCreek Brass Band Presenllyon stafl as Drreclorol Inslrupresenls ils annual 'Covenlry ChrislmentalMusical the ReginaEducational mas".This year, lhe SummilEnsemble Center in lowa City, lowa, [,4r.Nelson of lhe ColoradoSpringsChildrens Choyearsexperienceas hasseveral amusic rale joins ihe FCBB in concerton De' educalor in l\,4innesoia and lowa. His comber2nd. Christmasmusic peF careerhasincludedan acliveperlorming formedinclud€dCamna Buranalotlll schedule with the Cedar Falls, lowa P.Cwnow), The Carcllerc (Holzl, Christ MunicipalBand,The Ouad CitiesSym' nas Tiptych loutnowl, Have Yousell a phony.theMinnelonka,MjnnesotaSym' Merry Liltle Ch slmasand WhiteChristphony,the MedalistConce Band in mas (arr. Himes), Ch stmas Joy Bloomingion, Mlnnesola, lhe Universty (Leidzen), The Chistmas Sorg (Torme/ ol lowa SymphonyEand and Johnson Gordon), and The Festive Season Counly Landma* Jazz Band, and the (Calven)along with a carol sing. The lowaCityJazzOrcheslra.Tom hasalso wrnler concertseasonincludesthe Heriperlormedas a lrombonistwilhihe Eastin February.whichlealufes lageConcerl ern lowaBrassBandlorlhe past5years, lhe winningsoloisthom the Celebraling andhe replacesJohnW. d€ Salme,who Excellenceyoungariislcontesttof high retiredin April o{ this year. school m!sicians.l\,4arch and Aprll will locus on encouragingand assistingloThe Folntain Creek Brass Band o{ cal musiceducationprog.amswilhclinColoradoSprings,CO, has had a very ics and concerlswilh area schools. ThelllinolsBrassBandhasannounced lhatPelerLipariislobetheirnewl\,4usic Director.Mr.Lipariis currently conductor ol the Wesl SuburbanSymphony Orcheslra andtheWheatonSymphony Orcheslrain lhe USA,andhe is PincipalGuestConducto rforlheLondon Gala Orcheslrain lhe UK. He alsoaclsas Music Directortor Norlhernlllinois University's OperaThealer. TheMolorCltyBrassBand(CraigStrain) represented the Stateo{ l,4ichigan in a pedormance at lhe John F. Kennedy ArlsinWashCenterJorlhe Performing ington,DC.on Oclober2nd.Theband wasinvitedlo participate in thisspecial programwhichis partol the Kennedy "Mill€nnium Centers SlateDayProgram' series,., designedlo showcasepettormersfrom ev6rystate in the U.S. MCBBwas norminaledby Congressman Joe Knollenberg. The band (35 members) tlewlo Washinglon andpresentedit's "SpiritoJAmericain Erass' prcgram andappreloa veryresponsive was ciativeaudienc6, Thepedormance also broadcaslworldwideover lh€ internel. Th€bandsoriginalprogram was changed lollowing theevenlsol Seplember 11lo uniquelyAmemcan selections ..... lo suppodlhemoodol ihecounlry American Civil War Fantasy\Btlikl all.Himss),[rarch- God and Country (Himes),DeepFivel.(afi. Broughton), ShkeUp TheBand(Getshwin/Richards) AcandMotownPlusOn6larr.Stfain). cordingto PeleMcAteer,MCBBBoard 'Fep.JoeKnollenberg Chairman, nomjnatedourbandio perlormlhissummer and we we€ delighledand thrilled1o rerepresenl theDetroilarea. However, centevenlscastdoubton whetherthe performance wouldgo on. Our band unanimously determined thalwe woulci makethe dale,by air, despitecurrenl securilychallenges.Were proudto continuedonpageI December200l TheBrass Band Bridge continued from page 7 represenlSouthfieldandlhe Detroilarea and conldbutelo the patrioticsupportoi our colnlry.' JFK was lhe encore to MCBB'ssummerconcertscheduleol 16 pertomances,which this year included lhe ArmedSeruicesDay programal lhe MichlganState Fair.Earlierin lhe yeaf, MCBB was honoredto pe.torm at lhe 56th l\,,lidwestern Conl€renceon School VocalandInsirumentalMusicat UniveF sily ol MichiganHill Auditoriumin Ann Arbor.lVCBBrecord€dandreleasedit's lirst CD, IAKE5, celeblalingthe IVCBB litlh anniversary, The recordingconlains a widevarietyol musicalstylesincluding Jubilee Ovefturc lspatk€) and James Bond Collection(aft. Richards).MCBB soloislsshowcasedincludeLynn Koch, marimba and l\,4ichael Scholt, euphoniur,. ReelArcund lhe Sun(Whelan/arr. Strain)spollighlssolosby violin(Kelly Garver Nieto) and lrish Whislle (Tyler Ouncan)- Frce Ad Sp.Lce AvailablefoTNABBA McmberBands! Rosehilll\,4usic StudioMusic Our Kindof Lovel\nd.ew LloydWebber/ Far), 2000. Fullscore- 4 1/2 minules. Two percussion parls, including sel, vibes,glock.,and tambourine.Medium oasy. Tallis Va ations (Philip Spalke), 2000. Full score- Three percussionparlsi 4 timpani,sidednrm,tam-lam,suspended and crash cymbal,lriangle,xylophone, vibes,bass drum, and glockenspiel. Difiicull. This is a song trom lhe musical lhe Beauflul Game,scotedin concerl C and modulating downtoconcenBbtwolhirds ollhewaythrough.Thelilting6/Smelody beginsas a seri€soJshorlsoloslor solo hom,euphonium ng andllugelbeforebe lakenup bythelullband.The B secton of the lheme lealures some etfeclive juxtapositionol movingeighthnoteand dupletpassages. Someot lhe accom' panyingligures repeal lor many measur€s, bul lhey afe doubledin several voices and so some carelul wofk will haveto be donelo staggerlhebreathing belweenparls lo complelea seamless phrase.Thisisaplayableilem by most, il not all NA8BA bands and will be a us€fulconcerlitem,especiallylof lhose bandsplanninglhemeconcerts. AgincoulSong(an.ElgatHowarth, lrans. Fall),2001.Fullscore.2rnifules.Two percussionparls, lenor drums, lo be positioned either side ol lhe stage. ll\e BtussBaul a//./s. offersa free Quader PageAd on a firsl come, tlrst servedb is 1omembcrbaods.The ds will only be usedif thereis unosedspace alailable in rhe ,rids4 rnd |he Editor reservesfie ri8h1ro revisethe ad to lir rtl \p.,ce ern be u\ed lt) \cll your bands new recordinls or just 1o lell peopleyoute out therel Once a bands free ad appenrs,that band will go to the end of the line. giving allmember bandsa chanceto use ivailable space. Sendyour "camerarcady ads,no larger rh n 3 l/2" by 4 l/2" to dre Advenising ManagerRalph Holz. Thisgreatm€lodywassupposodlysung in 1415andhas altheBatlleofBoswodh previously been leatured in music lor HenryV by bolh Sir williamWallonand Ralph Vaughan Williams- Howarth's percussion arrangementdivideslhe and cornetseclionsinlolwo groups;bolhare to be positjonedon either side of lhe slageto provideanliphonaleflecl,while the remainderollheband provideshar monicandm€lodac supporttogethef wilh someboldunisonstatements,Dra|naiically and musicallythis is a good concertitem,lhough havesomepitytorthe repianocornei,whosepartiswritl€nlike a secondsopranocornel! TheBrass Band BridgeDecember200l le PhilipSparkewascommissionedtow this work by the British Federationol BrassBandslor lheApril2000European BrassEandChampionships. The hymn l!ne on whichlhesevarialiofisarebased is lhe third ol nine that Thomas Tallis wrolein 1567as parlo, a psalterforthe first Anglican Bishop ol Canterbury, MatthewParker. ll was laler us€d by VaughanWlliamsin lhe EnglishHymnal and as lh€ basis for h s FarlasiaAfler a lurbulenl introducton,the first hall ol lhe themeis statedby the middle ol the band. Variation1 is basedon lhe tirsl two notes ol lhe lheme, exploing the E minorlonalitywith repealed16lh nole activily. Variation 2 contains a gentle solo lor tlugelhornand a vai6d lorm, slalomonl ol lhethem6inchorale Variation3 startswilh a seriesol shorl solosbeloreaserenemelodyappearsin the solo comel. The lheme then reappea6, reharmonized,belore the vaiation closes peacelully. The linal variation is ebullientin characler,slarling withcornettanfares, andevolvesaround a fuguel ke themefirstpresenledbylhe euphoniums.Evenluallymusic Jrom Varialion 1 relurns lo herald the linal, fiery slalementol the theme,accompanied by ligurcs hom the lugue. Butthe pieceendsquietly,lheserenebeaulyot and the Tallis chorale unshakeable, makestof lhe notableending,much in 'barn burner' cont.astto the tradilional conclusion.This piece is al a technical and challengelevelol ourChampionship besl Honot6sectionbands, Bulthetrue challengeslie wiih the musicaland col- continuedonpage 11 John de Salme CincinnatiBrassBand,ConductorContestController 3718ColtagePreserue RoadNE 5593AulumnWyndDrive Solon, A 52333-9225 l\,4illord, OH 45150 (319)624-284s (513)83r-9330 FAX(859)6544235 Anita CockerHunt EricAho A I'SlarBrass8ands,Director 2s EasllMound Sl. CanalWinchesler, OH 43110 (614)833-9795 Louls Bourgolslll LexingtonBrassBand,BassTrombone 344AngelaCourl KY40515-4705 Lexinglon, (606)273-8825 TyroneBreunlnger AllantcBrassBand,Euphonium & Assocate Conduclor 6 BarryPlace Clemenlon,NJ 80201 (856)435-4948 Tybreu@home,con PaulDroste BrassBandoi Columbus,Direcior Ex-Olliclo lvlember of NABBABoard, 1310l,laizeCourt Columbus, OH 43229 (614)888-0310 FAX(614)888-0310 GeorgeFosler llllnoisBtass Aand 619 Downing Road Libenyvlle,lL 60048 (847)367-7961 gfosler @dsLteIocity.can Sara Nodh lvlississippiBiver Blass Band 45 HolidayDrive Hannibal,l\,4O63401 \573) 221-6278 FAX (573) 221-4091 ChristineFowkes BrcssBandof Columbus, TenorHorn NABBAlT Chalrl{ebmasler 1505W.3rdAve.#13 Columbus. OH 43212 (614)487-8944 FAX(509)277-2559 clowkes@nabba.ary ElmerHall Commonwoalth BrassBand,Cofnet 8602 EulaBoad Lo!isville, KY40219 (502)968-421S JacksonHill BrassBandol theTi-State,Barirone & Chairman 2430Lynnhaven Courl Ashand KY41101 (606)325-4250 FAX(606)836-1683 Jacksonnhill@ aal con ColinHolman NAaBAArassBandBidge Edilor 31 JosephLane Glendale, Helghls,L 60139 (630)665-4213 calin,w,haln an@j ExecutiveAdministrator: BertWiley P.O-Box2438 Cullowhee,NC 28723 (828)293-7469 FAX(828)293-7469 BonHolz LexinglonBrassBand,Direclor Bfass SalvalionArmySludenlFellowship Bandol AsburyCollege,Direclor Ex-Oflicio Memberol NABBABoard, l\,4!sicDeparlmenl, Asburycollege 1 MacklemO ve Wilmore,KY 40390 (859)858-3877 FAX(859)858-3921 RalphHotz UtahPr€misreBrass,Tenorflorn NABBAAdvenlsing Manager Drive 8144S. OakCrcek Sandy,UT84093 (801)733-4439 lenorhornsoIo DallasNjermeyer PralrieBrassBand,Direclor 703Wesl BockweI ArlingtonHeights,lL 60005 1847)398 1732 ThomasPalmatier HODASlallBandsOfficer(TAPC-PDO) Ex-Ollico MemberofNABBABoard, 200 SloyallSlreet VA 22332'0474 Springfield, 1703)325-4472 Tpalnatie/@aol.con Band Bridge December 2001 TheErass DonStine EaslernlowaBrassBand 7036thAvenueNorth [,lount Vemon, lA 523]4'l114 (319)8956319 ashpa*assoc@aol,cam JoelPugh Heidelberg BrassBand,Direclor 475 SouthSanduskySlrcet Tillin,Ohio44a83-2641 \419) 444-7462 FAX(419)448-2t24 MichaelSchott [,4olor Cily Brass8and, Euphoniurn 21977Iteadwell Farminqton Hills,[,]I 48336 (248)477-5277 l, BethSleele TheU.S.ConlinentalArmy Band 45 WheallandDrive Hamplon,VA 23666-3535 17571262-2064 FAX(757)727.4452 EvanWayneVaughn Tiangle BrassBand,TenorHorn 3325Old ChapelHill Road Durharn,NC 27707 (91S)403-2869 FAX(919)490-6108 Evanwayne@hotmaiLcon CenlralOhioBrassBand.Sopnno Cornel 413 KeslrclDrive Blacklick, OH 43004 (614)868-s898 SainlLouisBrassBand,TenofHorn NABBAN4emberchip Committee Chair1326WaldronAvenue Sl. Louis,lt4o63130 (314)725.1274 FAX(314)725.1274 tenoho rn@n inclspi KeilhWilkinson CuyahogaValleyBrassBand,Conduclor 14637SetllercBun Strongsville, OH 44136 (440)846,s107 YamahaCons!llant 3711EaslWhllehall Dive Sp.inglied, MO65804 (417)877-9991 NABBAXX April12-13,2OO2 HostedbytheCincinnatiBrassBand inCincinnati, OH seethe comDetition websitefor all information GalaConcenbytheBrassBandot BattleCreek GeoffreyBrand,FrankRenton,JamesCurnow, SteveBulla,BramGregsonand ColinHolman, adiudicators continued on Page I 10 TheBrass Band Bridge December2001 continued frcn page I oristicaspeclslo make lhis wonderful piecetrulyetleclive. Wellworlhconsideringbyourbetterbandslorbolhconcerl and competitionperformance. Nodhem Festival(GollRichards), 2001. Shortscore. 6 minutes, Three percussion parts thal include wind chimes, xylophone,glockenspieland timpani. Mediumditliculty. notes, Speakinglrom experience,il's a greatpiecetohaveinyourband'srepertoireandit lieswellwithin thetingers and tongues ol the cometlists. Becommendedfor those wilh bold, braveand capabledexterousplayersl March frcm The Great Escape \Elmel Bernslein/Ellerby), 2001. Fullscore.2 minules. Three percussionists. Elmer Bernstein'sprolificiilm and TV creditsas composerol scoresextends Thisisanolhercleverand eftective medpresent ' day. Thisislhe ley oi north-countrysongs"from north- from1951lo the wel-knownrnarchlromthe 1963movle em Englandthal includeswelFknown slari ng SieveI\,4cOueen, JamesGarner, lunes such as Blaydon Races, llkley and RichardAltenbofoughand Cha es Moor, and Keel Row. One melody is unknownto me, but il soundsremark- Bronsonin whichseveralhundredAllied POWSplan a mass escape lTom a ablylikethemaintheme(theslowmodal GermanPOW camp. ll's a cheekylitlle one)ltofi ErassedOlf. The scoing, as marchwilh a whimsicalcharacterlo il, always,is excellenl,and lhe ldeasllow An eightbar introduct on leadsio the eftortlesslytrom one lo another,w lh mainthemeon solocornetin concertDb musicalopporlun tiesforeveryone. An wilh lhe walkng bass line in lhe Eb oiherh ghlyrecommendedconcertilem tuba. Halfway throlghthemusicmoduirom the giltedpen of Goti Flchards. lalesup a wholeslepwiththemiddleoi the bandlak ng ihe theme.Onlysome HotaSlaccato(Dinicu/Aich ards),2001. brielbul rnorechallenging f ourishesin Shorl score. 2 minules. Threepercuslhe corneipads and a generalyhigh sionistsiset, sleighbels and timpani/ lessrturalorlhe solocorneismrghtmake xylophone. onegivepausetorthoughl.Thiswould howeverbe an enjoyabe addt on to any ll'sniceiolinally havein printastLtnning program, concerl arrangemenlthalbands havebeenplayingin manuscript lor someiime. This s I'l Walk With God (NicholasBrodsky/ a ieaturelor ihe eniire cornel seclion, 2001. Shortscore. 2 1/2 When BNFL touredlhe U.S. in 1995, Bichards), minutes.Threepercussionists includlheyhadtheircornetsectionsiandaround g ockenspieland lamIng mark tree, lhe back of lhe band and play irom tam, Medium. memory. The lllinois Brass Band lealured this in their NABBA 1999 WelDid Nichoas Brodszkypromolethe cacomeConcertwilh lhecornetsoulironl. reerolI\,4ario Lanzathroughhismusic,or In bolhinstances,ihe 10 solopartswere promotethecareerof Brodszky did Lanza memorized. li's an impressiveitem to ihroughhrss nging? I'rf noi sure,bul have the entirecornel secUonimitatng thismagnificenlsongcomestromoneoi lhe virtuosoencoreitem thaifeaturedin theircollaboraiions andthisarrangmeni lhe concerlsof Jascha Heilelz,and ail by Goft Richards wilrequtre a senslive cornelsshare inihe virluosity,Inashort and expressive renditron Ioritlo beiruly interlude, therniddle oflhebandandthe xy ophonetake up the dashingtheme, successlul. Folowing a live measure inlroduclion,the bigtunelaunchesltself so lew escape lhe ireachefols 16th in concerl F and it graduallyworks its way lo its conclusionwhich is the exultant climaxof the arrangement.Slirring musicwith plentyoJnostalgialor those Lanzatans in the audienceand a great piece to build and develop or test lhe linestof legatophrasingfrom any band, but wellworththe efforl. Lalgo from The New Wolcl Symphony iAntonin Dvorak/Ellerby),2001. Full score. 4 1/2 minutes. Timpani. Moderale. Here Eilerbyhas taken lhe main lheme liorn the slow movement ot Dvorak's NinlhSymphony'Fromlhe NewWorld', omittedthe conlrastingmiddle section and strung logether the outer parts 1o makea seamlessversionoi lhis beautilul, haunlingand much-loved meiody. Puristsmight wince at lhat, as well as lhe 'arranged'endingralherlhanleave DvorakmoreorJessalone.Thoseobjectionsaside, thescorngis richandwarm, wiihlheenglishhornthemeg ventothe solo cornel. Altholgh mosl NABBA bands wll handleall lhe noles with re alive6ase(it is convenienUy pilchedin concerlOb),it will take masteryoi conlrol, bolh lechnically and musicaly, to produce a really successl!l pertormance, And ii is no easierto conducil Butlhefamiliarity oi thetunewillmakeit a popularconcertilemlhatwillprobably be requestedagainand again. BarcarolIe lJacq€s Ollenbach/Ellerby), 2001. Fullscore.2112minutes.Three percussionists.Moderatelyeasy. Thisarrangement is ol themostlamous m uslcfromthe 188I operafantastiqueoI Offenbach,firstperformedthe yearailer hisdeath.ThefamousBarcarolle(whrch Oflenbachhimselfhad 'borrowedfroni hisgrandromanlrcopera'Die Rheinnixen ) is sung in the AnioniaAct (Act 2 or Acl 3, dependingon whcihversiono{ the continuedan page 12 December200l The Brass Band Efidge t l l conlinuedfrcm page 11 Know' opefayouafeseeingorhearing). ing that late decrees Holfmann must choose belween his love lor the [,,luse ival,Slella,theMuse andhislovelorher callsuponthespirilslorhelp.Whenlhe sludents lease him aboul his currenl inlatualionwithSlella,heollersto telllhe slory ol three pasl loves.... Only lhe Muse remainsbehindwith Hoftmannat whobelongs lheconclusionollheopera, lo her al lasl. Ellerbysarrangemenl provideslols ol color, wilh lhe lheme mainyreslingIn lhe m ddleolthe band andthe osiinatoliguresenlrustedlo lhe solocornetsthroughoutihe enlirepiece withno breaks.Tubasand lrombones prcvideharmonicliller. Perhapsthe glockenspialcould be more elfectively ulilisedlo more accuralelyportraylhe moodoltheoriginalversion.Asideirom lh€ aduoussolocornelparls1 & 2,lhis will be anolherpopularoperalicexcerpl ror yourconcen programs. Camberley(GottRichards),2001. Short score. 3 minules. Three percussionisls. Moderatey easy. Thlsisa rollicking march,commissioned Band fortheCharlesChurchCamberley in Camberley, Surfey,England.lf you likeandknowBarnardCaslleby Richards, fhenyouwilsurelylikelhrsone,witlen in the same manner;exirovert,joyous, playableand in lhe besl Goff Richards tradrlion, ll shouldappeallomost bfass bandmusicrans and il is alsoveryplayable. Only lhe opening strain rs not repealed,bul il is lhe standardmarch (concedAb) and lrio (in lhe subdomi nanl). Anothergreatmarchaddilionfor 12 CommonweelthBrassBand{J.Jerome Amend).Sepl.28, 2001,Slarlighl,lN, John Jon€s,associateconduclor.Service music: Fanlares and Flouishes (C(lrnow): Lighl ol lhe World (Gotlin)l Alleluia lrcm Jubilate Deo lMozatll Modimetl;WachetAul \Bach/Banlock) i Musiclor theRoyalFiewor.ks(Handel). Weddingceremony:Jesu,Joy af Mans Desinng (Bachlgall)t Ttumpel Tuneand A i lP w c ell)t voIunIary lC Iatke,; Rondeau (Clarke); La Relbuissarce (Hande). Weddingreceplion:SlrlkeUpthe Eand (Gershwin/Bichards);Someane la Watch Ovet Me lcerchwinlFetnle): All I Ask ol You (L oyd-Webber/Graham)i Yaull NeverWalkAlone(Bogers/Snel); SomewhareOut There\Hatne Batry)l There'sNo BusinessLtke Show Business(Berlin/Richards). Nov.10,2001,IndlanaUniversity Soulheast. New Albany,lN as pan ol a proq r a m h o n o r i n gv e l e r a n s ;J o a n n a Goldslein,guesl conduclot.Atmed Forces Saluta \Bulla\ Anerican Civil Wat Fant asy (BilivH'imes). Nov. 11, 2001,OldhamCounly{KY) High School,Amendand Jonesconducting. Ih€ Slar Spangled Bannel (Keys/Tom Tucker); Navigalion lnn \Spatke): Pantanime (Sparke),David Cenlers,euphoniumsaloisl,Amencan Civil War Fantasy (Bilik); Tbe lh,.ee Muskeleers (Hespe)i Ltltle Suite lol Erass(Arnold),wilh lhe OldhamCounty Band. HighSchoolSymphonic lot Band lgrlla), Jeaturingcornetists B o b W e b b . S h a w n F I o a r k ,C a r l FeckelhofJ, Dee Pratt,Sleve Palmqust and Alex Blanlord,NikolaiHargreaves. lenor hom,AdamCannelo,bariloneand in the second JamesSlraub,llugelhorn movement and lrombonists Albrecht. Kempand Spainin lhe lhjrd movement: Black and While Rag \Botslord/Snell). PamFleitz,xylophonesoloisl TheThrce MusketeerstDisneyFanlasy(Bichards) Dec. 9, 2000, EdwardsvilleUniled Melhodis Church,Georgelown, lN,wilh the FesllvalChok,AmendandHaymond Horton conducting.Ametica \Samue Smth)i Christmas T plych (Cu'now)l ChrislmasSorg(Himes): Have Yourself a Merry Liltle Ch,slmas (lrartin and Elane^tormald)i/n lhe EleakMid Winter (HolsUBroadbent), Bob Webb,cor net soloisli/meaban CivilWat Fantasy (BiliUHimes);Ple Jes! (LloydWebbe/ Sleadrnan-AIlen); O ComeAllYe Fahhlul (Wade/Broadbenl)r Srephed's P ipe Calo/ (Rulter/G.aham): Child of Eelhlehom(Watson/HortonllJesus Child (RutlerMilson);s/erl N/gh!,HolyNight (Gruberand Mohr/Langlord). SpiresBrass Band (John Slezak). Oclober 20, 2001;KussmaulComm!nily Theatre, Frederick CommunityCollege. Frederick,MD. Starspangled Eannel lafi. Himes' Dies lrae and Tuba Mhum from Requiem(VetdilAshmote); On wtth Luke lhe Moliey (Leoncavallo/Farr), soloislMarchIo the Spiros.euphonium Scaffold (Berlio/wilkinson), Funeral March ol lhe Maionelte lco.Jnodl Nov.18,2001,lUS,AmendandJones Huckridge);S/aughleror, fenth Avenue (Bodgers/Smllh);Hyhn to the Fallen conducting.FestivalFanlare and The foy SymphonylL. Slar SpangleclBannet (Keys/Leidzen); (Williams,.r'r'oude)i Mozart/Larch);Ooel lor Two Cats Ameican Civil War Fanlasy, Bunch o (Bosslni/Snell), TerrySpafksand Ann Eones(Fole),featuringtrombonistsJohn Albrecht,MildredKempand Joe Spain; Lynn Gross, soptano soloistsi Yar" Cantebury ChoE Ie (afi. Van derBoost); tions on a Kitchen slnk (Gillis/Larch); Saluteto SpikeJoneslarr. Larch);God Pantomime lgpatke): Navigation lnn Scoti B/esst e USA(Greenwood/Taylo4, (Spatke)tAtmod ForcesSa/ute(Bu la)i Johnson,vocalsoloist, The Champions lW ilcocks)| Concenanb TheBrass Eand 8rid0e December 2001 Jazz 'n Brassi Weston Silver Band with Alaslair Kay Hunt, tormef Directorol [,4usicfor lhe CanadianArmedForcesand a member oltheAmericanBandmasters'AssociaOn Saturday,October2T,2001Weston lionloldmehelhoughllhe bandsounded Silver Band in Torontowas pleasedto betlerlhanthe lasl lime he heardus and hosi AlKay as guestsoloislin aconcerl was especiallypleasedwith our young labelledJazz 'n Brass. lront row cornets,our homs and baritones/euphoniums. OliveBebbinglon, the Theconcertwas well receivedbya good wifeolthelaleBillBebbinglon, oneollhe audjenc€which alwaysmakesthoseof linesilromboneplayersI have ever sat us in the band feel good. It is ditficultto beside,lovedAl Kay, was amazedlhat wrileacriliqueor.eviewolaprogramthal our lhree person bone seclion could youplayedin bultromwherelsat in the balanceup with the band and said the lrombones,il was obvious lhat Al Kay lrombones at limeswerebr liant. livedup lo his repuialionas one otNorth Americas top lromboneplayers. WeslonSilverBandalsogiv€sa Christmas concert on saturday, December Al Kay,l€adiromboneollhe BossBrass, 8lh withvocalsoloistJoyceSullivanand trombone in lhe True North Brass, a areheldin lh€CenlralUniled Churchon memberol the pit for almosteveryshow WeslonBoadSoulhoflhe401inToronto. lhat ev6r playedToronto,a teacheral We'dliketo seeyou therel HumberCollege anda soloistwilhmany orcheslraswas absolutelysuperb. He March Madness:Hannaford Street playedhis own arrangementsof laura, Sllver Band (Harry Pinchin,Guest In a Mellow Mood, and Memories ol You Conduclo4. aswellasColinDewhurst'sarrangement ol B@siliaand Gareth Wood's original I mustadmil ldid not expectmuchlrom composilion,Danc€Sequonce,As might a programmade up mosllyof rnarches, b€ expecled.the balladswere superbas includingihe4 tinalistslrom HannaJord s was DanceSequence.lhispiecewhich marchconlesl glvenon Sunday,OctoI havenotheardbefore,isextraordinarily bet 21,2A01. HoweverI was pleasanlly demandingon bolh band and soloisl. surprisedby whal turned oul lo be an Not only were lhe challengBsmet, but enjoyableaflernoon,Thefourconl6sling my spiesin lhe audience 16llm6thalthe marchesproved to be inlercslingand band never coveredup the soloi6i,decrealivewiththewinnerbeinga r€albarn spiteaveryheavyaccompanimeni. This burner. Ttled MischievousSpirit ard maybeasmuchat butetoAlsslrength wntten by a young Oltawa composer, as a playeras itwas to Weslon'saccom- lhis shouldtinda placein the repedoire panimenlbul il was good to hear. Too ol allbandswilhlhelechnique to playil. heavyaccompaniments are a common It haslols ol notesbul is remarkablefree lailinglromalmoslallthebrassbandsI olclicheswhile slillbeing a march.Lels hear. hopeitgetspubljshedsoonand usedon bolh sides of lhe pond. The 2nd prize Weslonplayed(el'sFace lhe Musicand winner, Cast/e/rark by Keith Dance, Moses Gel Down, The Music of Ketteringhamis also an inlereslingand George Gerchwin, Daniel and Sweet useluladdilionto lhe repertoirealthough Georgiagrcwni^ keepingwiththetheme not as technicallychallengingas ihe and Prclude for an Occasion jusl bewinner.Members oflhe YoungAmbascause il's a good piece,Since lwas sadorswill rememberit as one ol the playing, I have lo rely on those in the massed items on their program wilh audiencewhoseears I trust,ColonelClitf WestonSilver Band in the summer. Keilh is a memberof Weslon,presently playingluba but equallyadepl on trombone,euphoniurhandbarilone-| was not as impressedwith lhe 3rd placewinner as lwas with Ty Walson's march, Strcngthand Honoutwhichwas 4th but il was suggesledlhatTy's piecewasnot quiteasmartial.asil mighlhavebeen.Ty will be consoledby lh6 fact lhat the CD by DougYeo and NickHudsontobe oul soonwillcontain 2 of hiscompositions. A tribuleto JohnnyCowell,retiringal 75 lrom Hannatord'sflugelchair len years alterhisfirstretirementas principaltrumpel with The TorontoSymphony,was a movingcel€bration of a T0yearcareeras a soloisl,orchastralmusicianand composerextraordinair€. Alt€rtheplayingof hiscomposilionlhe Ormpiars, Johnny proved he can still keep up by joining SluarlLaughlonand FlayTizzardforlhe lrio, Rollefcoasterand ihe solo encore, [,4anwilh a Ho.n. Thebands playingwasas usuallechnicallyadeptbutihey once againshowed lheir unwillingnessto atlempt a real pianoor pianissimo.Too bad.That and the dry acouslicsol lhe Jane lralletl Thealrekeep lhis band lrom achieving real greatness.Having said that, lhey havedevelopedan audienceby unique and creativeprogrammingthal ext€nds beyondlhe typicalbrassband alicionados. The band was under lhe assured direclionot Hary Pinchinof Edmonlon Wind Bandlame,subbingat the 11lh hour lor Jim Curnow. I parlicularlyenjoyed Curnow'sWhen Tine Wi be No Moreandthetranscription lromlhe ori9inal stings of Don Coakley'sC6leblalior.Thecommissioned A NonhemSuile by AndrewAgar seemed lo run out ot musicalideas long belore it ran out of noles. That'sthe risk ol commissionsI suppose, but Hannalord are lo commendedlor theirejlorts. Dave Buckley is a ttombonist wilh Weston Silver Band- December2001 TheBrass Eand Bridoe 13 )A eco on oll your music needs =.Sfur6n Dflusror.". 32sfufton Str€et / WoodHge, NJ OZO9S rett 7t2.534-1399 Fa\ 712.6344932 ,w.dillonmusic.@rir DiIon Music oci€p6 Vso onclMostetcord on o!,.,earea server NABBAXX April20-21,2001 Hosted bytheCincinnati Brass Band hftp :// wcIymer/nabba/ Directions Thecompetition willbeheldinSharonville, OHwhichis20minutes northofdowntown minutes Cincinnati,4S (located northofGreater Cincinnati Airpon inKentucky!) and40 minutes southof DaytonOHairport. AllFridayevents(solo/ensemble, Youth/Exhibition/Explorer bandcompetitions) band andtheChallenge (onSaturday)will competition andreception beheldattheRadisson, Chester Rd,Sharonville. TheHonors andChampionship bandcompetition willbeheldatPrinceton HighSchool, lessthan a half-mile tromtheRadisson. Accommodations MainHotel:Radisson HotelCincinnati. 11320Chester Rd.Sharonville OH45246 (513) (513) (800) Telephone: 772-1720.Fax: 772-6466.Fleservations: 333-3333 Special RoomRaie:$94(plustax).Thisincludes a lullhotbreakfast buffet. plus FreeParking, a freeshuttle (Radisson guestsonly). to Princeton HSandtheGalaConcert GalaConcert rearurins theBrass Band of Battle Creek April13,2002, 8:00p.m. Tri-County Assemblyof God 7350DixieHwy(Bt4\,1/2mi.norrhot | 275.Fairfield, OH. lVembers oftheBBBCwillbein attendance attheoost-Gala receDtion atlheRadisson concerl. following the ContactExecutive Adminlstrator EertWiley if yourbandhasnotyel received a copyol theContestRulesand Regulations December2001 TheBrass Band Bridge tc The composerol lhe tesl piecelor lhis year was Jan van der Roost who was bornin Duffel,Belgiumin 1956. As a veryyoungmanwas intfoduced1owind, Janfare,and brassbandsand nowcomposes for lhose groups and orchestra The day ot lhe National Brass Band Mr.vanderFooslwasanadj!dicatorfor posling Competition begins with the ol lhe Championshipand in lhis appear ll was an uncommonlywarm October lhe The draw. lrade show was also he missed lhe premiere ol his ance day for lhe NationalElass BandChamplenly opened at 8 orclock which lelt of TrLlmpel Concertowhichwas pedorrned pionshipFinalsthis year and il was lime to look over the music, instrumenls 20 in Sweden. Jan van der on Oclober ralherwarm insidelhe ha lby theendol and music ilems, olher Roostsludied al lhe LemmensInslilute. the aflernoon. The FloyalAlberl Hall ls Floyal Conservalories ot Ghent and undergoing a majorreconslruclion which grerein atlendancein an Twenty Bands willincludeinslalling airconditioned and pt shouldbe compleledby the Nalionals atlem to caplufelhe coveledChampionship.Eachol lhe eightregions: Lon- The lesl piece Albion is lhe last malor don & SoUlhernCounlies,[iidlands, brass band piece in a lrilogy ol brass Norlhol England, NorthWesl,Scolland. band pieces thal van der Roost has Some may lind il an formidabletask lo Wales, Westot Eng and,andYorkshife composed resulUngtrom his interesl listen lo twenty bands play the same permitled ar€ Ages.The two enlries each. An adandinspiralion bylhel\riddle test piece,but il is qliie inleresting to qua peces ditionallour bands ily as a resu I ol are Excaliber, Slonehenge, and listen10 lhe many dilferenl inlerprelaprevious year. a lour lrom laun top linish lhe The Albon. Thename Albion is the tionsol lhe samemLrsicAnd,rnlacl,it parlicpalinglhisyearwere:Aveley word Albiusand is thoughtto be lhe is ditlicull lo hearallbands srncea break bands & Newham, BlackDyke,Brighouse & oldest name tor lhe Eritish lsles is usuallyneededsomewherealonglhe Rastrick. You View Buy as Cory, and inspiredby theWhiteClitlsol Dover wayandlheexperienced audiencecareC a m b o r n e T o w n , Albion is a moslunusualand interesling C W S G l a s g o w , lullyplans lhesebreaksprjortolhestarl. piece E.Y.M.S Fishburn, in many is writlen as a Flowers, Fodens, ways and , The hallis usualy fullonly duringthe poem Kidlington (JJ C oncert, Leyland B Spo rts, symphonic ione in four seclions perlormancesof lhe lop six or eight BNFL),PoinlofAyr,RansomeThoresby The lirsl secl on slarts wilh lhe cornel bands,Lunchis alsohardto comeby, R.J.B.,Travelsphere Holiday, Tfedegar, and perc!ssionsectionspll inlo lhree many bring sandwichesand snackslor groupsal diflerentpositionsbehindlhe Whilburn, Wiliams Fairey, and Yorklortillcalionduringlhe isleningday. shireBuildingSociety.The toplavoriles bandandrepresentthreedillerenlarmies going in lo lhe conteslhad lo be York' approachingthe batllelield.Atler a peThe NationalBrassBandChampionsh ip shire Euilding Socrely atlef lheir win in riodanda relocationofthe lhreegroups is really several days of concerlsand in a conllictevolvesand the baltlebegins greatb€ssbandmusic,Thereareevenls lhe OpenErassEandChampionship place September, (second The inieresting part is thal ail ihree B ack Dyke onThursdayevening, alldayFriday, and nlhe Open) and BuyasYouViewCory cornetgroupsare playinglanlareseach plus on Saturday the Championship (lhird in lhe Open, winner of lhe Open al their own tempo and tonality. Th s Gala concert. The events al Regent producedan inlerestingeuect - bands and the Nationalin 2000). Olherbands Hall (SalvationArmy) have become a locations expecledlo have a slrong chance ot useddiffereniapproachesand slandardtradition associaledwilh lhe place produceihe slipping inlolirsl were: Brighouse, lo desired effecl ofthelhr€e NationaiFinals.We heardlhe excellent WllliamsFairey,and Fodens. approachinqarmies.Themostinventive brassquinlel Sardslormwhich is comapproachwas by the Bansome Eano posedoi playerslrom some oJ lhe lop pan [,4any and most of the best brass band underBussellGray who positioned brass bands and uses cornets and a in in Englandare conducting ot lhe cornetseclionat eilherside lhe tenorhofn aspartolthe instrum6ntation. conduclors on this day. A breaklhrough evenlocback ol the hall. This section ol lhe A talk about ihe 2001 Naiionals test piecepaintsa pictureot lhe conqueslot curred with lhe KidLington concert Band pieceA/bionwas given by Jan van der who were conducled by Calherlne the Britsh lsles. The llsleneris laken Roost, lhe composer, and was quile intormative aboutthemeaningandstruc- Underwood,lhelirsl womanto conduct conlinuedon page 17 ture of lhe music. The Fridayevening a band in a NalionalFinals. GeorgeFosldr allended the 2001 NaIional B.assBand Championshipaf Grcat Britain, Royal Albeft Hall, London England held on October 20 and genetouslyolleted to sharc his obse.ations. 16 concertby Brighouseand Flaslrickfeatured lhe music ot Kenneth Downie. Brighouse, Championsin 1997and1998, playedup lo lheir usualhigh levelol penormance. The Brass Band BridgeDecember200l continued from page 16 backtolhe periodot KingArthurandthe Knightsofthe BoundTable.Thebeginningsectionreflectsthe turbulenitimes ot lhe l\,,liddle Ages representedby lhe use of contrastingtonaiitiesand lempi. Thedrumsevolveintounitedrhyihmand the band soundsthe Albiontheme. As lhe pace quickens and much energy created,it is followedby warlikelhemes. Oflen lhese ihemes are prominentiy stated by the trombones. In the calm middle seclion there are opportunities for brief solo seclions by the cornel, flugel,e!phonium,and Eb luba,lhough the composerc'goal was lo producea piecefor band and notlorsoloists. Ihe calm sectionrepresontslhe peaceand stabilitythatresuhedlromth€KingArihur period.Thebandisscoredtosound like anorganas amorcpeaceJul limeevolves. The Albion theme appears regula y pieceand againnearlhe throughorJtlhe 6ndasthepiecebuildsiobigconcl!sion and 6nds wilh lhe elernal hope containodin a final majorchord. By RonaldW, Holz The lop six linisherswere; 1. BlackDyke 2. Fodens 3. YorkshireBuildingSociely 4. WilliamsFairey 5. Buy as You View Cory 6. Leyland. Malhie. Gordon, Brass Dtudga es. Crane lnslitute For Music Business: Polsdam,NY, 2001. 48 pagesot musi calexercisesprecededbya shortinlroduclion.Paperback,spiralbinding.Producedin five versions:TrebleClef C, B Flat, E Flal, and Fi Bass Clel. Gala Concert: The Gala concertwas given by Black Dyke,The IniefnationalSiatf Bandand The SymphonicBlass of London-The highlightswere the magniliceniperlormanceby Black Dykeol Betlioz'sCar saland PeterGraham'sBtilllanb that was brilliantlyperiomed by the euphoniumsoloistoi lhe yearDavidThornton. Also oulstandingwas lhe Inlernaiional Slaif Band's perlormanceof Kennelh oownie's ,g€lblcel The Lord is King. Du ng the fiassed band segmentan outsiandingand unlorgeltablep6rtormance ot Willred Heatons Wondeiul l,yordswaspaesented by RogerWebsler and DavidDaws. The encorebylh6 two soloistsfoundRogerWebslerandDavid Daws in an audiencecaptivatinglighler On lhisdaythreebandsseem€dlo bring out the best in lhis magnificentpieceol music. ll was clear to most lisleners The exhibitsby vado!s music related thal BlackDykeand Fodenspresented businessesalsogivesallan opportuniiy the mosl musical performancesol the lo parlicipatein lhe Bitish economy. day. Yorkshire Building Society also For anyonewho enjoysbrassbandmuplayed clinicallyvery well bul did not sc, a lrip to ihe BritishOpen,Maslers reach the musicallevel of Black Dyke Brass Band Championship,or the Naand Fodens. Black Dyke has been is a iionalgrass Band Championship building forthiswinso il wasno surprise most musicallyrewardlngexperience! ihat conductorNicholasChildshad the and an experiencenot soonforgotten, bandin greatshapeon thisday. Fodens (BramwellTovey) was a little of a surGeory@Foster is founder and bailane p se sincetheyslippedto seventhinihe play?rwith the lllinoisBass Band OpenlastSeptember.Anothersulprise performancewasby LeylandunderGary Culi with a very line musical performanceand indicatinga band lhat is on thewaybacktolhelopin lhebrassband world. Albionis a conductolspiecethal requires skilllobringoul the bestin the music. Gordon Mathie, now a memberof lhe BrassBandofColumbus,hashadavery distinguishedcareer as a professional brass collegestudio lrumpeterplayerand teacher. In lhis short, compact,and handy paperback,convenientlyspkal bound for easy use on a music stand, Ivlathiepovides a logicalseriesol6xer_ cises oJ lhe kind that are gssenlialtor any devolopingor establishedplayer. He calls it 'a kind of Czerny lor wind playels, and he is rightl The order ol presenlalionis as follows: (major/mino/modal); 1) stepwisescales 2) scalesby interual(thirds,lo urlhs,etc)l 3) arpeggiosin various torms (major, minor,augmentedtiads)i 4) chord progressionsvia apeggios in va ous(vaous4,5and6chordprogressions,majorand mino4The pint is large and bold, and lhe bookleteasyto use.You willlindlhese kinds of exercises spread around all kinds ol brass method books. The havingitalllogetherlora convenienceol daily technicaland mentaltune up ls a greataovanrage. The book sellsfor a reasonable$'12.95 and maybeorderedtromCraneInslilule Ior Music Business,Ctane School ot I\,4usic, PoisdamCollege,Potsdam,NY 13676. Be sure 10 specilylhe desired Band Bridge 17 December2001 The Bras6 This specialsectionwhich can be copied as necessaryis intendedas general informalionto en ighlen lhose who are completey unawareol the brass band movernentin North Amerca, for those whoknowa littleandwishtoknowalitlle more,andalsofor lhosewho wouldlke a good basicoverviewoi what we are, whatwedoand howwehaveevolved. Ol course,ityouwishmoreinlormation, feel lree to conlaclany ol the NABBAboard meanberslisted on pages 9 or via www nabba.arg. Anyone wlsh ngan eleclronic copyof lhls artclefor use in programs conceri or JorNABBAmember band publicty shouldconlaclthe Ed tor direclly. WHATIS A BRASSBAND? the SopranoCornetn unisonor at the oclave,lhe Repianois a so usedto add weightto the otherCornetparls. In octavesorflths,the sectioncangive the brassband an incredibe chnessoi lone. One B llat Flugelhornservesas a salrequenlsolo voice,andis oftenusedasthetopvoce n lhe hornlamily. Three E llat Tenor Horns (Solo Firsl and Second)olten performas a choir withflugelhorns andbarilones. Thesolo horn is a lrequenlsoo voice. Also commonlyreterredlo as the allo hornin the U.S., il is an uprighithree valve instrumenlwilha lightersoundthanlhe ThreePercussionists willcoveriheen t re spectrum ol percussioninslrumenls Timpan batteryand mallelsare slan. dardfor almostall composilions. Two B llat Baritones are ollen doubled witheuphoniums butworkbeslas lower exlensionsot lhe horn section. As separatevoices, theirabililyloblendand add a mrddleow voicewithoulheavi ness rs a un que lealLrreol th€ brass For many mus cians in Norlh America lhe brassbandls an unknownphenomenon.Thelollowing isasynopsisprovided by Tom Palmaiierol ihe lraditonalin' slrurnenlalion. Two B llat Euphoniumsare lhe pre domnant solo lenor voicesand also One E llat Soprano Cornet seruesas iunclon as tutti enlorcerswith lhe the piccolovoice. lt requiresa de icate basses. touchand is usedfrequenllyas a sololst or to add brightnesslo lhe cornet iutli Two B flal Tenor Trombones provde punchanddrivebecauseof theircyindiFourB flat Solo Cornetsare the lead voicesin lhe ensemble.The useot tour cornelspermts playersto swich olt on parts ihai are freqLrenlLy conlinuous lhroughoulthe enlirepiece. Divisiparls arealsoliequent.Theloursooplayers shoud dealymaicheachoiherin sound. Two B tlat Second Cornets and two B llat Third Cornets fill oui the cornet One B flat Fepiano Cornet is the 'rovlng middlelinebacker' of lhesecton. Oftenused as a solo voice,or doub ing 18 One Bass Trombone is bolh a low supporl lof ihe irombone seci on and addsaddUonaweightlolhe lubas.As lhe on y brass nslrumentto be reading n concertp ich, I am nol sufewhatthe early deslgnersof brass bands were lrying to sayi Two E flat TubasandtwoB llatTubas g ve composersan exlraordnaryf exibiliiy in dictatinglhe soundoflhe basspad. The ighterqlalltyoflhe E i atscanhave a lthe lyricismofthe euphonumswhile ihe iatlef B ilatTubasoundaddsweighi. The Brass Band BridgeDecember200l It rnightbe worlh stressinghere thai allhough brass band lteralure works mosl eifeclivelywith the approprialein. s t r u m e n t a l o na, n u m b e ro l b a n d s iunctionqurtesuccessfullywith lhe use oltrumpelsinsteadofcornelsandlrencl' hornsinsleadof tenorhorns. TheNABBA annualcompelilion also has a seclo. whichp€lmltsmoreflexibeinstrumenbands lat on. Andindeedseveralbrass n NorthAmericaperfolmpopularreper eleclrc loirethatincludes keyboardsand A BRIEFHISTORYOF BFASS BANDS The brassband dales back lo lhe ear ! s Indus nineleenlhcenturyand England ir al Bevo[]i on as an outgrowlhol th€ medievalwaits. Wilh increasng urban izalionemployersbegantofinancewori bands10 decreasethe poliiicalaclivll w ih whichlhe workng classesseemec preoccr]pied duringihe r e sure lime Thus, the brass band traditionwas lounded.Ferventdiscusslon hasalways ensuedas lo whichbandwas toundec lirst. Cerlalnlythe lwo bandswilh th€ ongestiradit onsaretheBessies O'Th€ Barn Brass Band and lhe B ack Dyk€ BrassBand. Takingadvanlageoiimprovedmechanr' cal skils andthe rlseol conseryatoires and musicdeparlmentsat unrversites continuedan page 1t continued lrom page l8 moremellow,richersound,yetonethat haswidedynamicandcolorislic vadely. lh€ iradilion. lhe slandardsot inslrumentaltechnology and perlormancequicklyimproved. By '1860 there were over 750 brass bandsin Englandalone.Allhoughthese bandswerenotlullycompsedofbrass instrumenlsuntil the secondhall ot the nineleenthcentury,lhe lraditiondeveloped lo the presentday cufient inslru' menlalionol cornels, flugelhorn,lenor horns, badtones,lrombones,euphoniums,B tlatandE llat bassesandpercussion, Contestsare the lijebloodof the brass bandworldand rivalryhas alwaysbeen slrong,cash prizesprovidingaddjlional politicians incenlive.Nineleenlh-century hired bands to enlivencampaignsand challengesoJtenfollowed.Bylhe 1840s, alhrivinglocalcontestcircuithadgrownToday two major championshipevents are held each year in Englandithe NalionalChampionship andlheBrilishOpen Championship. The NationalChampionshipis onlyopento bandslromEngland, Scollandand Wales. This competition ran spofadicallyin the nineleenlhcen' tury trom 1856, bll was litmly eslab' lishedby SirArlh! r Sullivanin 1900. The OpenChampionshipinvitesbandslroln the UK and Commonweallhcounlries and hasbeenin €xislencesince1853, lhelkstwinnersbeingthe I\rossleyTemPeiance Saxhorn 8and. Bolh major championshipsare held in the fall each year. are lierclycompelitive,and il is a greathonorto wan6ilherol lhesecompelilions. The lime commilmenl is very extensivewithlhe top bandsrehearsing al leastlhree nightsa week priorio the championships,and olten every nighl ihe w€ek belore the competilionitself. Youihbrassbandcompetjlionsare simila y well establjshed,providingquality playersJorlheadull bandsas the young members mature, thereby continuing Brass bands in Greal Brilainpresently numberin lhe lhousandswith many ol lhe bands havingoigins priorto 1900. Oiginallythebandswerelunded bycoal mines, mills, and many loday retain coeoraie sponsorship.To thisday,lhe bandsuse only non-protessional musicianswho in formeryearswere usually employedatthe is a testamentlo lh€ qualityot performance in lhe brass band tradilionthal manyplayersare ablelo secureprolessionalposilionsas a resultoltheir brass band experience.Indeed,severalprotessionalbrassmusiciansin lhis counlry began lheir educalionin the b.ass band world, New York humpeler Phil Smilh and ChicagolrombonistMichael IVulcahybeinglwo good examples. The term "brassband"is not entirely andinclusive, accurale sincebrassbands includeuptothreepercusalsonormally sionplayerswhoarecalleduponlo play as manyastwentyditferent instrumenl6 depending onthedemandsoJth€music. Slandardacceptance of morelhanone percussionist in thebrassbandis really a phenomenon otthelastlortyyears, but oneihathasaddedimmense challenge, intereslandvari€lyto the sound. Although brassbandswerean imporlanl partoflifeinninel€enth-centuryAme ca, lheyweresuperseded by largerconcerl and marchingbands. Howev€r, many linehistoric brassbandsarestillaclively p€rfomingtoday. Du nglhecourseol lhis centurythe SalvationAmy were predoftinanllyresponsibleiormainlain Englishbrassbandsare also popularin Japan,Auslraliaand N€wZealand;and ingthe brassbandlradilionin America in aecentyearsa largenumberol brass lhroughtheirmusic minislry. Oniyin lhe bandshaveslarledin severalEuropean lasi lwenly years has a brass band countri6s.lf you plana lrip to England, resurg€nce begunin North America. be sure to find a brassband concerllo Th6 tormalionof the NorlhAmerican (NABBA)has atiend. BrassBandAssociation beencrucialandinfluenlial iniherenaisWhalmakesthe brassbandunique?All sance. the brass music (wilh the exceptionof the bass trombone)is scoredin lreble clel, a characle slic lhat overth6 yearc has allowed lor remarkablelreedorn amongcerlainbands,makingthetransilionlromoneinslrumenl lo anoihersom€whal easier. The numberof members (inslrumentalion)as rigid,usuallylimiled lolwenty{ive brassplayerspluspercussion,bulihercparloire is un!suallyllexible,withconcerlprogramsconsistingoJ anythinglrom oiginal works,orchesllal lranscriptionsand leatured soloiststo noveltyitems, marches,medleys,and hymn lune arrangemenls. With the exceptionol tho lrombones,all insirunents areconicalin design,producinga OiginalworksfromHolstand Elgarto modern-day suchas Philip composers Spa*e, EdwardGregsonand Joseph Horovilzhaveresulledin a growin9and dynamicrgp€rtoire. Ameicancomposers suchas JamesCurnow,Williams Himes, StephenBulla and Bruce Broughlonall gol theirstarlwfitingfor brassbandsol the Salvalion Afmyand arecurrenilywriling brassbandmusicjn for additionto theirothercompositions band,orchestaandlilmscores. Thereareprcsentlyseveralhundrcdbrass continued on page 20 December2001 TheBrass Eand Bridoe 19 continuedhompage 1I bandsin NorlhAmerica,manyaifiliated To advancethe public'sappreciationol lhe British-stylebrass band wathNABBA, and it is not onlyexciting to seethetradilionmakinga return,bul alsosucha valuableanduniqueconli- To serueas a resourcetor lnusicaland organizationalassistanceto amaleur bulionlolherichmusicalheritage ofthis Briiish-styl€brass bands lrom across counlry. NorthAmerica WHATIS NABBA? TheNorthAmericanBrassBandAssocialionwas established in 1983by J. Pery Walson,basedon ihe overone hundredand fifly yearo d brassband movementin England,one that has established itsell in Auslralia,New Zealand, No ay,Sweden, Finland, Holland, Denmark,Belgium,Switzerland andJapan.ln thalsameyear,watson alsoorganized andhosledthelirstNorlh Americanbrassbandcompetilion held atNorlhCarolina StateUniversily. Since lhatlime,the brassbandmovemenlin NorlhAmeicahasgonefromslfengthto slrenglh,andcomp sesbolhSalvation Army,ahateurcommlnilyand protessionalbrassbands.Th€rearepresently nearlyone hundredalfilialedmember bandsandindividual membership num. b€rcnearly2000lromCanadaandthe UniledStates,bringinga whole n6w perlormance, personworldol lileratur€, alilies, lore and hislorylo enfichlhe musicallile in NorthAmerica. To sponsorcompeiilionsand regional m usiclestivalsforthepurposeol improving perlormingslandardsand abililiesot memberbands BENEFITSOF NABBA MEMBERSHIP Access to annual NABBA Competition lor bands, small ensemblesand soloisls. Theseare h€ldeach Aprilin major Norlh American cilies. Recent hosl citi€s have includedWashinglonDC, RaleighNC,TorontoON,ColumbusOH and Red Wing MN, ChicagolL, and LexinglonKY. Access to regional lestivals sponsorac! by NABBA.Fecentlestivalshave be€n hosted in Cedar Rapids lA, Lexington KY, and Las Vegas NV. Access lo lhe Grcat Aharican Brcss Band Fgslival campetition. Each yeal NABBAsponsorsanaudiolapecompetilioni winnersare chos€nlo reptesent NABBAat lhe prestigiousand popular GA88Fheldannuallyin Danville KYwith NASBAGOALS a signilicantcash prize awad and nationalexposure.Winningbandsafe not To loster,promoteand encourage lhe permitted to rcenterfor lhree years lo growlhanddevelopment eslablishment, ensure lair and evenrepresenlalion, ol amateu r andprolessional British-style brass bandslhroughoutthe North To supportand helpfurtherthe music educaiion ol its members 20 The sha ng ol ideas and rcsouces wilhin NABBA, ils archives anc! othet membet bands. Some ot the most significanlaccomplishments in NABBA haveoccl.iredwilhthebuildingol friend- TheBrass Band Bridgeoecember200l ships acrosslhe conlinent,the sharing of inlormalion,and cominglogetherol members who range lrom grade schoolerslo oclogena ans. The sharing in guest clinicians, touing bancls, and soloiats sponsored by NA88A. ln the past lew years NABBA bands and altiliateshave lreatedband membersand localaudienceslo pertof' mances by internalionallyacclaimed soloislsand conductorssuch as Philip McCann,PhilipSmilh,the Childsbrolhers, Stephen Mead, Geolkey Brand Stev€ Sykes,FlussellGray, and bands such as Desford Colliery, BNFL, lhe Nalional Brass Band ot N€w Zealand. and the NalionalYouth Brass Band ol Britain. Suppon and advice from lhe Board ol Dheclots in your devalopmentas a brass band. NABBA can assist you wilh workshopsand clinicians. Dr. Paul Droste, clinician lor Yamaha, lravels throughoul Norlh Amedca presenting lop qualitybrass band workshops. Four issues ol The B.ass Band Bridge and lour issues of the NABBA Bullelin each year. fhese prcvide lr€e adverlising lor mernber bands on a rotating basis,manyinlorrnative arlicles,reviews ol musicand recordingsol interest,and news on brass banding lhroughoul NABBAand world-wide.ll's a platform fortellingthe sloryandachievem€nts ol yourband,a platlormlor requeslinghelp in your eflorts,lor linding instrumenls and music,and enablesyou to keeputr lo-datein the brassband movement. Listedin AlphabeticalOder by Title Reviewsby BonaldW. Holz excepl as alll We lisl alllhe contents,Ior inslance, so you are nol guessing at what is includedin a release. That aiso allows us lo avoid lh€ 'running-commentary' Sinceour lasl iSsuelhave received32 reviewwhereeveMhinghasto be menlhat'sright-THIRTYTWOrecordingsior tionedin a shallowmannerand nothing review; and a new pile for our March if subslancegels said, In ouacurrenl issueis akeady building. Whetherlhat system,lhe reviewercan tocus on the is a ma* ol heallh or nol in the brass . essenceof the programwhil€highljghtbandcommunrty,ii cerlainlyrepresenls ing severalrepresenlalive aspecis,But perhapsthatis notwhatyouwi6h.Thank an active subculture. Some ol these CDs are promolionalproducls hailing youlor lakingthe time lo refleclon what you 'rould like to see in the Eridge. lhe publicalionsof a given lirm. As a res!lt I havenol gjventheseverydelailed coverage,though thal does not mean Pleas€conlacime al859-858-3511 En theyare not very excellentresources;in 2246',ot ronald.holz tacl,that isth€irgreatstrength.You will note.also,lhatl havebeguntoseparate RonaldHolz lhe reviewsby thal would seemlo b6 the bastwaylobothbreakup Live B€ss EandConcedBecodings thebulkolthematealandalsoallowthe readerto zero in on ar€as ot inleresl, Highlighls frcn European Brass Band Specialnolemusl be madeagainol the Championships2001. VariousBands line stridesour NABBAbandsare makincluding'Yorkshlre BulldlngSoclety ing in lhis lield,wilh lhree bandswell (King) and +Buy As You View Cory represented:New England,Sall Rlver, Aand(R.Childs).DoyenDOYCD 125. and Triangle. DoubleCD;TT2:5:41, CO#1 59:02iCO #2 63139. ProgramCD #11 'Montage (Graham)i Feslive lmprcssions Let me slate how pleasedlwas lo have (Waespi)t Trombone Solot Concerlo the eminent Paul Bierleylake on the reviewlortheSaxlon'sCornetBandCD, O/ympic (Newsome), soloist Hannes Hoelzl Symphonic Music (Hube4i as lwas involvedas a consullanlior its production.This long-standingNABBA +MonlreuxDanceslRul'li).ProgramCD memberis now Dr. Paul Bierleythanks #2. Canbridge yarialtons (Sparke); 'Gaudette(Norbury)i'Hymn fot Diana to the honorarydocloralelhat is being (Turrin);'Gaeltofce{Graham);'For the confirmedon him lhis monlh by Ohio Paul! StaleUniversily.Congralulations, Some FurtherObservationsAbout Reviewing Memanda RequesttorNABBA berg Love of a Princess (Horner/Duncan); 'SopranoCornetSolo:'VesliLa Giubba' ltom I Pagliacci (Leoncavallo/Fafi), soloist Peler Roberts; 'Fotce ot Dastiny (Verdi,ryVrighl); +Harrson'sDreamIG'aThe two PelerGrahamworkelhatserve as lhe bookendstor lhese two CDs, Montage and Hadson's Dream, receive simply slunning live pedormancesby YorkshireBuilding Society (European lhese Champions) andCoryrespectively; readings representour tradilional ils tinest level, both musicallyand lechni cally.YBSalsoprofil6sin somewonder' IulGala Concertmateial, providingthe bulkol the album.DavidKingand companyarein firslralelorm.However,lhere are manyotherlinethingslo savorhere! Fourteen-year-oldHannos Hoel2el proveswhy he was chosen Europ€an Soloists'Comp€titionwinner, via Roy Newsome'sseldomly heatd Concetlo Olympique.Whal a characteistic,ma' jeslic soundat slch a youngage! The band that accompanieshim. Berner,do6sd very creditablejob, in the midst ol giants, on their solo item, Feslive lmpressions. Furlh€r value ol comes in excellent inteapretations severalrecenllest pieces,like Ruetti's MontreauxDanceslchampionshipseccontinuedon Page21 ******t***************t********t**t***i****i****** SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Withlalereleaseof ourSeptemberissue readers havehardlyanytimeto respond forfeedback onourrecordtomyrequest ingreviewsbeJore lam tinashed withlhe nextsel. Pleaselel us knowwhatil is you likeor dislikeaboutthesereviews, ***t*****************t*i************************** whetheryou wishto see lhem continued,or,wilhnoresponse atall,pehaps thatit maltersnotat a silentjudgemenl IN THE BRASSBANDBRIDGE!! continuedonpage20 December 200l The Bfass Eand Bridge 21 conlinuedlrcn page 20 me ol their true underslandingol BandNEBBCD102.TT53:33.Program: Scandinavia's lin€st comHanou and Glory \Bath\ Jerusalen brass band lion test, played here by Cory) and poser,Aagaard-Nilsen.Fromthe mosl (ParrylHelbert); The Bitish GrcnadieE Hlrbet's Symphonic Muslc, a decidedly aggressivelyviolenl sounds of lhe (Trad/Langford); Pralse to the Lord, Almoreconserualive workthanlhe lormer. composeismodemistpallellhroughto rnrghry(BricauluHorne); ln Tudot Days The Swiss brass band communitythat hismoreimpressionistic, (Geehl);BassTrombone haunling sotter Solo: IhePass' hosledthis eventhad much ol whichio you alwaysteel you are in lhe linale, ing YeaG soloist Doug Yeo. loookJ, be proud,in bolhpedomanceandcomprcsence ol an orginal, (Fledhead)i musicalimagi Reflections in Nature lhe posilionsrecorded.For our own bands nalion' grealslutl il you give illime and White Piderlwtighll: Cotnel SolorSharp lacklingSparke'sCambtidgeVaialions thoughtl ConcedoGrossounloldsin a My yoke(Webb/Bosanko), soloislTerry lhis, Brass Band Trois Etoiles more (Vaughan accessible slyle, but one lhal Evercon, Henry the Fifth Wilprovidesanother musical view ol lhis pushesplayerslo lhe limils. Nowond€r liams);Palrtolrc(Cope).OrdertromThe excilingmusic.My,they p thrcughthat ihis band can push some ot lhe top NEBB. PO Box 046. Wilmington,MA linal s€clionwilh blindingspeedl Doyen Erilishbandstor th€ prizeon any giv€n 0 18 8 7 ; hasdonoilagain,andprovldedawonder dayl AnotheroutstandingNolwegian www.newengIandb .assband.ot9 flll auraldocumenl of a grealevent,and Championshiplevel group,Stavanger they have included only high quality Band, this time conducted by Frafk Homageto tho greal gitish brassband male al. Highlyrecommended! pulledoflthebeslperlormancetradilionvia severallesser known,selRenton, olihe day in lhehown-choicecalegory, domheardworksis the hallmarkollhis NoNegian B'ass Band Championships Graham'sMonlago(incofiectlylabeled secondCD byNewEnglandBras6Band. 2007.VariousBandsincluding winning lwrc€ in lhe produclionas a work by DougYeo andlriendshaveresuscitaled performancesby Elkanger Band (NiWilby).All in all,thisis anolherexcel- pieces lrom the golden ag€ o{ brass cholas Childs) Doyen DOY CD 123. lenl live doubleCD with no lightweight bands between the First and Second DoubleCD TT 2:05:08;CD#1 64:46i materialfilling in lhe liming;solid alllhe World Wars, works by Huberl Balh, CDi2 60:22. Program CD #1: Se/d HenryGeehl, DenisWright,andVaughan (Aagaard-Nilsen); Masguetade\Wilbyl: Williams.While we might know H€rly Ouintessence lRedhead); Labour and NABBAl\remberEand Becordings lhe Fltlh,we cerlainlydid nol know the LovalFlelchet)iMonlage(cf aham).ProBath and Geehl wolks, both of which gram CD #2: ConcertoGtosso \Bou( H anou r and New England Glory. Brass deserve wider play, I am nol as enamgeois); Irlslan Encounterc (Elletby); Eand (DougYeo).New EnglandBrass ored ol vwighl's lhe YyhileBider- jusl a Joumey lnto Fraedom lBallr: Tiptych bit protracledand uninspjred,lhe one (Sparke). work herein whichhistory'sverdaclmay have beencorecl, allhoughI knowlhal Nineleslpieceslromlhetourdivisionsor is my a€slheticiudgem€nl only. Doug seclionsofthe Nolwegian2001champiYeo dlg ev€n lurlher back lo an old onshipsreceivesolidlivereadingsin this march,Patriotic,bySa.rl'uelCope,one line chronicle oi anolher outslanding of lhe heros ol the eafly lwentielhcenmrlestonein brass band history- Eolh B rass Band Br idge cannol tury; this is anolherchesnutto bear in thisandlhe above-f€viewed 2001 Euro' be forwardedbecauseit is mindlThe band'ssolidreadings,marked Pean doubleCD would sel up anyone mailedlhirdclass.So,please with carefulregardfor score markings. comingnew inlo the btass band scena allow us to not only have recordingsol be sureto mailto NABBA wilha fineovetuiewoibothclassic (Labouf Executive Secretary BertWiley historicalsignificance,but also lel us ancl Love and Journey lnlo Freedoml reevaluateone ol lhe most dynamic andmodernrepertoireas wellas modern youroldandnewaddresses, or periodsin brass band literatue. New is Eikangerlhal yourcopyof the Eridgewillbe Eng'andhas made great slides since shines most braghtly,with double-windiscarded Post bythe U.S lheir lirsl C0, a Christmasalbum. The ning performancesof challengingrnodacquiring ot Terry Eversonas principal you Office, and will not receive 6rn works, Sed and CancetToGrosso, plays comet no smallpart if lhe artistic anyfuture Seids dark,broodingsoundsdo indeed issuesl Movingor Moved? embodythe spiritof someancientNordic or Viking rite. and Eikangerconvinced 22 ]heBrass Band Bfidgeoecember2001 continueclon page 23 II continued fton page 22 (Marcello/Ridenour);Amazing GGce (steadman-Ailen); (Himes);'Colonallon growthotlhe band.HismusicalleaderFanfare of Praise lqedhead); Salvation ship is evident throughoutthe items /s Created (Tchesnokov/Hile); DunIap's recoded atterhisarrivalin the band. He Creek\Bemal); Laude (Cu'now)tBe Thou and Doug Yeo provideoutslandingsoMy VisionlLa Reaul. Orderlrom TBB, los, the tlvo highest musicalpoints on Park, PO Box 14344,ResearchTriangle gorgeoussound and lhedisc,Everson's NC 277091 artistryshinelorthduringShareMy Yoke www-tianglebnss,org or, in typicalsolopassages,suchas the beginningol Jerusalem.Yeo is equally Sacredbrassmusic,bothby SAarrangmasterful in KennethCook'swilty,whimers and non-sallies,is the lheme ol sical The Passing the middle ol lirsl commercialreleaseon Triangle's which the soloistlaunchesinlo a quoie CD (lheirotherCDrcviewedintheBridge ltom On WiththeMotleyfromthe opera a Jewyearsbackwasdrawnltom various Pagliaccl:Doesihisgestutemeanmorc {ivepedormances),Threemodernclasthat just a bad day in the midst of sics ol exlendedSA repertoirereceive generallyhappylile rememberedby lhe solid readings,Curnow'sdemanding. soloisi? Whatever the meaning,it is Psa/ft 100,his variationson "Lobeden wonderfultohaveaCD r€cordingofihis Herren,"Laode,and BillHimed vaianl Jun"fillgd basslrombonesolo. The band SuitetAspeclaol Praise. In the latter, is in excellentlom, by ihe way, in ihe basecl Himes'buildsa truesymphonielta accompanimenl,some ol their linesl on lhe hymn "O For a Thousand playing! Only occasionallydoes band Tongues,' using each phrase ot ihe tlning cause som€ concern, for exhymn tung as th€ sourcetor his symample (untortunataly,consideringthe phonicargumenlovet tout movements superbsolo playing)in tho accompani- that last neady 20 minules. As many Theband'spitch, m6ntloEverson'ssolo. NABBAbandshaveonlyiackledmoveens6mble,and musicalityhave taken a m€nts 1, 2 and 4, it is good to have quantum leap in lh6 lasl year or so, Tiangl6 sversionolmovemenl3,Praise somethingvery evidenlin a carefullis_ in Sadnessand Persecution, a line moleningto this engagingalbum. New ment in brassband music,HimesdemEnglandhas a hostot SA or lormerSA onslratesa combinationof broadmusi_ playersin their midst,so it is litlingthal cal rhetoric along the lines ol afinesampleol theyhavealsoincluded Shostakovitch with rigorousconlrapunmusic lrom lhat repertoireas well. I rarelyheardin musicolthis talintensity commendlo you Doug Yeo and New nature. T.iangleplayslhe wholesuite inlhiswellEngland ona varielyoflevels wilh detemined energy,with the linal produceddisc: program conienl, congoal ol celebrationand praisealwaysin sistenl performance,careful musical fronioflhem. Theirtwo musicalleaders shaping.Hatsofland honourlothisflne areguiding and therightpath themalong NABBAbandtor a mileslonerecording, so ithas beenverygrailtyingtoseelhem one thai marks,I believe,theircoming_ returnlo NABBAlast year aller an exof-ageas a performingunlt, lended absence. The band's Brass Sextet, personnelot which is unlortulnstrumenlsol Pnise. lriangle Brass natelynot listedin the jacket,provides Band and'Brass Sextet(MichaelVotta contrasttothe heavierprogramvia sevand BrianDoyle).TriangleBrassBand- eralitemstromthe SA'sNewYorkBrass TT63:18.Prcgram:Psalm100(Curnow); SextetJoumal.This is an excellentidea, N,caea (Himes); Aspecls of Praise ior sucha groupcan representlheband (Himes)i 'fhe Heavens Declate in many situationswherelhe full group can nol go. ll doesn'thurt lhem if lhey decidelo compeleaI NABBA'sSoloand EnsembleContestif they have a year. round grouplikethisconnecledwiththe bandl Of the non-SApiecesrecorded,I enjoyed especiallythe band's performanceot Bob Be.nat'sDunlap'sCrcek, this containingsome ot their mostcon'inspired' sislent. accurate, and truly playing. I also commend to you Jlm Hile'stranscriplionof the shorl Rlssian Orthodox anthem Sa/vation ls Created. This would be a challengein tone productionandphraseshapingforanyband. Kudos1oanotherfine NABBAband tor their successtulCD, Instrumentsol Praise. Pid e ol Atizona. sallRlv.r Brass (Ralph Pierce).Sall River Brass (Bernel) TT 54:16.Prograni PrideotA zandlKingl Pearce), Conceio fot TtumPetlJafiesl Howarth),soloisl RogerWebsleri CoF n6t Solo-/dyl/ On an liah Folk HYmn ( P e a r c e ) ,s o l o i s t B o g e r W e b s t e r i Ballyhooley lo'LearylPearcel; Dueling Iubas (Pearce),soloist Bryan Allheer and Mike Fayi Finale hom Piano Con' lm€s),soloist ceno #2 \RachmaninovlH the Night A// fhfough David Dunsford; (Langtord);TrcmboneS olo- F hapsody on an Amelican Folk HYnn \Peatce), soloistJasonMalloy;Av€ Verum(Moza Jakeway\ Zacatecas \CodinalPearce) AvailableIromBernel Our third NABBAband lo send in a CD ihis quarteris fortunateto havea multi lalenled musicaldirector,Ralph E. Pearce,whose considerablearranging skillsare protiledin Sali River'sfirst,to my knowledge.commercialCD,Prideol Aizona,Overhalloltheprogramcomes lrom his pen. What is nol immediately apparentfrom a quick overviewof ihe album is that lhis recordingalso containstwo shorl,excellentperformances by Rogerwebsier as guestsoloistwith continuedonpage24 Band BIidge 23 The Brass December200l continued from page 23 the band. Rogeris in lop iotml Several olhe. bandsoloistsdeliverlhe goodsas well,asdoesguestpianisl, DavidDunlod. His and the band'sperformanceof the Finaletrom Hachmaninov's SecondPiano Concerto(transc bed by William Himes)mustbeconsideredthe highlight and cenlerpieceof this good and vaied program.The greatestchallengein this adaplalionis pitchaccuracyoltheband in relataonship lo lhe piano; the band does ihis quile well. with only a lew intonaiionallapses. The pertormance hastheappearanceolalive recording, oa a cohposileofseverallivereadings(?), suchislhed vetolhefinishlThepiano isalwaysheardin excellentreliel,a real joy lo hear all of lhe music. In conlrasl tothe NowEnglandandTrianglerecordingsreviewed above,thisalbumisma*€d withquileabitolreve6,awashofsound soto speak.The recordingtookplacein two difterentlocalions,and so ihe masl€ring prccosshas com6 up wilh a fine match that is flaneringto lhe full rich soundol the band. ln summingup Salt Five/s achievemenihere,perhapsthe lilleot lheirscinlillating openingmarch, Pride o, Arizona,says it all. We in NABBAcanalsohavejustifiablepridein ihis Jinerepresenlaliveol our Western region. The last lime I heardlhis band wasduringthenow-defunctNABBAvideo conlest.They have made, simply put, excellentprogressunderthe able leadershipof RalphPierce.Anotherfeaiher in lhe cap tor a fine NABBAbandl Slng (PrjmaMoodfield);TellHim lFosler^doude),Welmoed Kemkertand ReinierVeening,comet soloisls;Symphonic Soul lMancini/Fe'nie); Cimson nde (Zimmerryoude); Abba Goes Bnss (Andersson/Fernie); Still Tine \Richads); My Heart Wi Go On(Hotne Fetr,ie)t Viva La Bamba (WoodJield)i OneMomentin n me lHammond/Fernie); When the Saints(Bichards); tm€ to Say Goodbya (Satloti/ Fe'nie\. Locatedin the northernpartoflhe Netherlands,lhisDutchband has gainedan internationalreputaiionin recentyears forconsislenllyhighcontestresultsand goodmusicalprasentations. Smallwonder, then, lhal Obrassochoselh€m as the band to feature a series of rccent publicationsby lhis Swiss brass band publisher.The discbeginswitha siately versionof John Wlliams'Olynpic Fan" farcand fheme (aft.PelorGraham)and thenlaunchesinloDafiolBarry's9-mjnLl6 The Essenlial James Bond medlgy. Som6 very lovely playingtak€s place duing lhe band'sconducto/saffangementofthelhem6lrcm themovi6Saving P vate Ryan, Hyftn to the Fallen,a elegant,tasteful version indeed. Anolher van der Woude movie score arrangementlhat is nicelyput togetheris Cimson TtdelHans,whichends quietlywithlheenloningollheL,.s. Navy Hymn('ElemalFaiher To Save'). Strong 'lille piece, Countryside and Common Peopletakesthe formoJan easy,original pop-rockstyle wolk of 7 minuies lenglh,dividedinloan ABA - Fasuslow/ Fastlomal; verysuilablefordeveloping BrassBandRecordings(Non-Salvaiion bands,if slightlyrepetitivefor my tasle. Two solidGofl Richards'minralures are included,his originalSti//Ilme, and his Countryside and Common People. energelic arrangement al When lhe BrassbandDe Bazuin Oenkelk (Klaas Salnts. The Scandinavianpop group van der Woude).Obrasso.CD 874-TT ABBAreceives an 8:41-minute medley, 72141. Olynpic Fanlarc and Theme a bil too muchfor me, butjust the tickel (williams/Graham); 1'heEssential James lor fans oflhis highlypopulafgroup. All Bond lBarylBary); Hymn to the Fallen in all, this is a wodhy representation ol (Williams/Woude); Countryside and Obrasso'spopularafiangementscalaCommonPeople (Fernie);Smg, S/r9, logue and a creditlo this relativelyrc- 24 TheBrass Band Bridge December2001 mote band lhat maintainssuch a fin€ standard.The shorlinsertnotesmakert clearthatthetitletunefitsthe bandwell. and with the most positiveof meanings. this ConlactObrassodirectlyconcerning CD andpublicalions: Phone:011-41'(0) Email.. 32-636-37-27; EricBall: TheUndaunted. Grimelhorpe Colliery RJB Band (ElgarHowadh). Doyen.DOYTT69:46.Ptognm'.Moming Rhapsodf, Toumamentlor Blass, Cornel Overture--IheUndauntecl; Conchlk,Flichard lvlarshall, cornetsoloistt Fout Prcludes:Frce Fantasia-, Besutgam. Thisisadiscio treasurel ElgarHowarlh, pro_ gueslconduclor, PaulHindmarsh, ducerand authorof lhe €xcellentprogralnnotes,andGimethorpeBanddeservehighpraisetor lhls outslanding provides firstrateperfordocumentthat mances ol both well-known,and orgotlenworks bylhedean undes6Nedlyf in lhe twenti ol brassbandcomposers eth century,Eric Ball (1903--1989). Doyen'ssoundq!aliiy is excellent engithroughoul, so kudoslo recording hear as well. We neer RichardScott, o{ two masteF onlysecondrecordings Unworkson CD,lheconcerlovorture, lourdaontedand thethreemovement nanentsForBrass- delinilivereadings, indeed.Takingtheselwo wo*s alone, you are providedwilh the two sidesoi is EricBall'screativeskill. Undaunted struggle, markedbymusicalandspirilual ot brooding,leading ultimatelyprojection posilivehope,Tounaments untoldsas sheerdelighlin soundandin lhe lyrical/ technicalresoufcesof the brassband mediumBallknewso well. Whilewe haveusedlournamenlsin ourNABBA hasnotbeenlea contesls,Undaunied to appearagain tured,butit isbeginning conlinueon page25 continuedfrcm page 24 rngvoicein EricBall,onethatwouJdlead in jusl alewyearsto Fesurgam,Tournaments, FestivalMusic, and eventually Journey lnto Freeclom ot High Peak. Everyoneconnectedwilh thlsdisc must be congratulated foroutstanding service in reinvigoralingourunderstanding oJour herilageviathe musicolErlcBail.ltruly hope and urgelorluture volumes,First classall the way!l This album came as a completeand overin the mothercounlryat a nurnberof welcomesurpriselAllfourworksreceive conlesls.Tomylimitedknowledge,lour premiererecordings.Arthur Butterworth premiere worksreceivelheir CD record(b. 1923)isbetterknowntorhisorchesings:MarningRhapsody,FrceFantasia, lral compositionsand in the UK lor his Fou Prcludes. and the cornel solo, caree r as an orchestralconduclor,rather given Conchlta, lhe latler a gracefulinteF thantor hisfew,bulfinecompositions for pretatronby RichardMarshall.The al brass bandBlack Dyke's excellenl bum closes wilh a very creditable recordingdevolestime1ojustthreeorigiResurgam, whichnowhasreceivedlhree nal works, only one of which is in the outslanding CD recordings in jusl the standardrepertoire,Threelmpressions, pasl lew years- lSB, YorkshireBuilding Butterworth: fhe Music of Arthul Bufterwofth.BlackDyke Band (Nicho- andone masleriuland dilficulttranscripSociety,and now Grimethorpe.While I lasJ. Childs). DoyenDOYCO 130/ TT lion. Subtited 'Scenesirom 1glh'Cenhavemy personallavorite(YBS).thereis 61:13. Program: Three Imptessions far luryNorlhumberland, Threelmpressions muchlocommendin Howafth'sinlerpreBrass; Passacaglia on Theme al conveys,asthefineprogramnotesslale, talion,whichjust goes to showthat one Brahms, Op. 87; Sinfonia Conceftante, of the marksot a true maslerpieceis its lealuringAlto HornsoloislLesleyHowie abililyto sustainmullipleintelpretations conlinuedon page 26 and Barilone SoloistRobedBlackb!mi as slandslhe tesloflime.Iwouldlike Vaialions and Fugue on a Theme af to recommendlhe unlamiliarworks toall Handel, Op. 24 lBtahns/Butterworlh). our NABBAbands. MorningRhapsody. a companionworkto Ball'sequallylovely Sunset Phapsady,runs almost 9 minutes and is quiniessenlial Ball,wilh a hint ol Slraussand Elgar,two composers, as poinled oul by whom Ball was stronglyallracted. lt is ol moderatedilficulty,daiingirom 1949, havingbeen set as an area test for lhe Nationals, Even more accessiblefiom lhe lechnical vewpoint are the Four Preludes,lhe o rderol the sublitlesbeing 1)'Preludelor a SolemnOccasion'; 2) Preludeto a Comedy;3) 'Preludeto a Tragedy';4)PreludeioPageanlry'.The finalmovemeni hasbeenexcerpted on a numberof earlier viny recordings;iniact, eachshortmovemenicould standalone, thoughal 11:31thrsnon-championship levelteslwouldbeanoulsiandingchoice plusEnsembles ord Chon6es lorany NABBAbandin boih compeition orJorconcertuse. FreeFantasiadales Visit our websiteandORDER ONLINE lrom1946,just afewyearcafterBallhad or order tolFfree leit lhe ranks ot SA and had begun his 800-999-0101, ext. 1'la successiulcareeras a brassband conFREECATALOG! ductor. ll is in tact a shod iheme and varralionsworkolabout6 minuleslength that,as Hindmarshobserves,is feminiscentof SA symphontcvariationslike lhe O/d Wel/s.ltalso showsa newlyemergNoshville,TN militarymusic,com CDs&CASSETTES U.S.ArForceBond U.S.ArmyBond U.S.MorineBond U.S.NoarBond Z)!t#"!ttg!, December200l The Brass Band Bridge continuedfrompage25 fugue,in orderto makeil moremanage- HeraEutt€Monhrelaxes,at leaslon lhe able,at iust over21 mintites,Ior both surlace,his academicrigor. The lout bandandaudience. Whala wonderful mov€menlsare symphonicin general lorarranger, achievemenl conductor, and outlineandlorm,butperhapsalsomeam band-il reallyworksl Inbelweenthetwo to b€ heard in picturesquemanner,lo Brahmsrelatedworkscomesperhaps evokea gentlerside ol the Britishland' lhe mostunexpected work,a SinJonia scape lhan that encounteredin Thfee for the two quintessenlial, lmpressions:1) Pastorale;2) Scherzoi concertante yel muchignored,brassbandinstru- 3) Nighl Music; 4) Rondo aila caccia ments,ihe allo and ienor ranged The lasl movement'stitle,caccia,refefs (EllathornandB llatbarilone). to the hunt,and so lhe bandchases,so saxhorns between lhe spiritof interaction lhe impaclol induslialization of theruralnorth andiheemerging brassbandmovernent withinihe sametimeperiodandregion. Thedramaticprogrammusicis divided l)WylamCollieryi intothreemovements: 2) Oeseried Fa.m;3)TheRoyalBorder Theso!nds Bridge, Berwick-on-Tweedindeedgrim areanylhingbut romanlic, and dark at times,bul a measureot 'progress'in spiteol change,victoryot lhehumanspiritinlhemidstol upheaval, com€slhroughin ihe granddesign.In lhePassacaglia onaThemeof Brahms. Butl€ruorthdrewhis musicalmalerial lrcmlhe openings€riesol chordslrom ihe lourlhmovemenlol BrahmsSymphony#4,thisseies its€lflhe basisol March1 thatpassacaglia. Theconnection is not readilyapparenl,and only laterin this 16-minute workisthalconnection made Thisdateholdsforallmembers clear. That Brahmshad a J.S. Each andmemberbands.ALL sourcolorhaschordseriesisnolmissed Flegislralions at NABBAwillbe byButterwonh, andihebandislakenon Administra 'classical' on Executive quilea lour,homageto both tor BertWiley'sLisling. greai witers, spokenwilh respocltul skillby bothcompos€randband. Tho vadationalprocessis not dissimilar to Besureyouandyourbandare found in British thal olh€r works by renewed, Youmaybecharged symphonisls, such as Arthus Bliss's a registration fe€ at NABBA Meditations on a Them€of JohnBlow, ifyouarenotregistered bythat butwilhoutanydirectprogrammatic or autobiographicalreferencang. Therhatchtime. ingol thisworkwithButterworth's transcription ofBrahms'Vadalionsand Fugue Newmembersregistering on a Themeol Hand€lis an inspired during theyearmaybeeligible quilea'highbrow'eftort, choice, shaping for backissuesof but siill thai one that appoalsto the The BrassBandBridge whete averagelislener. I knowof no oiher recentlargerbrassbandtlanscription of available a majorworkoJarl music,unlessit be Contact BertWileyat: EricBall'smastertul handllngof Elgar's EnigmaVarialions. Evidently Butterworth P.O.Box2438,789Pressley Cr.Rd, lirsl sel on this task on reviewingthe Cullowhes, NC28723 shorttragmentol Vadalion5 conlained inDenisWight's bookScoinglorBrass Telephone:(828)293-7469 Band. Accordingto Paul Hindmarsh cutsweremade,espeseveral iudicious 15''18and partot the ciallyVariations NABBA RENEWAL DATE!! 26 TheBrass Band BridgeDecember 2001 to speak,the solo foxes who lorm the concertantegrouping.Thisis an eleganl additionlosymphonicbrassbandlilera. ture and is givenexcelleniperlormance by the two soloists. The entireproduc. lion team is lo b€ highly commendecl. not the leastconductorNick Childsand BlackDykeBand,lora thebreathtaking greatseruicein honoringa gilted musi cian and lor making rather technically musicavailable lo allof us challenging Diadem ol Gold. Buy A3You View Cory Band (Rob€rtChilds).DoyenOOY CD 120' TT68:59.Program:FesIMusikder Sladt yyier (Strauss/Banks)i Diadam of Gold(Bailey)i Com6tSolo.Chipaneacas (Mendez/Kenny); Sosbar? Fach(Wood)l lrom' SlngSi?gSi?g(Prima/Twitchings)i bone Conceio (Wood),soloistChrislo. phet fhomas; Fugue Frcm Gnduation Daylspatke\ Menof Hatech (Langlord): Euphonium Solo: Little Red Bird (Bichards),soloislNigelJohns;Ioccal, in O \BachlFan ; Cercmony (Balll. From the brilliantSlrauss fanfarelhat open the disc to lhe live winningpedo. Ball)from ma ceol Ceremony\Michael S€ptember2000 Open (Bimingham) Cory Band will captureyour undivided atlentionlThelille tesl piece,Diadomaf Gold, was lirsl used at 1953 National Champiohships,Frank Wrighl having 'arranged'a wo* by an obsc!ro'Fr€nch' composer,the exact identityol which seemslohaveneverbeenclearlyeslab- continuedon page27 continued hom page 26 Five Blooms in a Welsh Garden. Seindorf Beaumaris Band (Gwyn M. ljshed. lls a romanlictone poem ol the Evans). DoyenDOYCD 116.TT68:07. in linewilhFletcher, oldschool, Jenkins, Ptog'am: Belford's Carnival March andGeehl,oreven,shallwedarelo say, (Alexander);Scon/ishFhapsody lF e'nie)l early Eric Ball. Garelh Wood provides Comel Solo- Londonda|ry/4,7(Richads), lhe mealycenlerol the program,firstin soloisl Paul Hrghest Thal's a Plenly his wonderlulsetlingofthe We{sh'lrea(Poliack.Richards)iSweel Shephetdsure' lune, sosban Foch, and then via ess (Bichards)iMake His Ptaise Glorihis dta.r'alic Trcmbone Corcerfo. Chrisous(Wolaver/Gordon)i Allo HornSolotopherThomasand Cofy Eandplay the Ovet lhe RainbawlA enlRichards),soconcertowilh great aplomb and llare; loistNiaWyn;Flyerdarc€(Wh€lan/Fafi )i one shouldnever forgel how importanl TrumpelBlues and Cantabile(Ja6esl lhe band is in such a venturel The work Geldard)i Percusson Seclon Fealureunlolds in lhe lraditional3-movement Iea Fof fwo (Youmans/Snell); Soprano design,though lhe slylisticdiversilyis So o-On Wilhlhe Moley (Leoncavallo/ anythingbul traditional,the final moveFarr),soloistBari Gwilliam,Malagu9na menl havinga decidedlyLatinAme can (Freeh)iEuphonlumSolo-Jeanie With InUeclion, some cleverscoringfor Jull percussionsection,and a ralherirrever- the Light Brcwn Hai lFosler/Howarlh), soloist Aled Williams: Postcard from enl, exhllaratinglinish! Gzduation Day Mexico lsnell)t Five Blooms in a Welsh by PhilipSparkewaswrillenforthe 1994 Garden(Wood). Universityof Sallord Brass 8and, the Fugue recordedhere lorming lhe linal BeaumadsBandis localedin Anglesey, movement.Slartingoul in digniliedneoWdes. Theyarerelativelyunknownoutbaroquefashion,ala Bach,Sparkevery side the UK, a situalion thal should quicklyshiltsgearsand a vatielyol iazz change once this recordinggets some slyies lry lo take over, much as il afler widerplay. They are a very solidoutlit, lhe lormal occasion ot gradualionthe havingrepresentedWalesin lhe 1990s real celebralionbegins.Cory is lechnial the U.K.Championships on sevefal ca ly exc€llenton the swrng sections, occasions.Theif programs lairlyslanbut nol quit€ relaxed'enough to ruly dardstutt,lhaoxceplion beingtheclosswing;swing is notwhaliheyarebestat pi6ce,GarethWood'sunusual ing lest playingl The lwo stylesbLendsuccesssuite Five Blooms in a Welsh Gaden, tulLy(Sparkeenloyinghimsellto the firstwittenforlheEuropean Championmax) at lhe close ol this imaginalive shipswhenheldin Carditt,1992. Ostenshorlconcertwork. Theotherlighterlare sibly,lh6 lve movemenlsrepresent is playedwith greal pizzazz- who can musicalscenls or porlraitsol five llowplay Men ol Hal./echbetter than lhis ers: 1) Fanlareol Daftodlls;2) Witch superb group of Welshmen? fi,4ichael Haze!;3)Pinks;4)Liyof theValley;and Eall'scomplexnew worklhathonorsthe 5) Bluebells.This is anylhingbut a new milleniumvia lhe juxtapositionof liptoe throughlhe tulips',however,and suddenfanlaresand quiel atmospheric whalemerges ismorea portraitolWelsh evocalionsotvarioushopesand expeccharactervia these syrnbolicrepresentatronsconcludesCory's fine program, lalions- larc blooms,indeed.The work The live pertormanceis no hindrance and lhe perlormanceare markedby a here,in lacta litlingcelebratory capstone breathof lresh air as lar as lest pieces for the band at the peak oJ its musical go, TheversionoJAiverdarceheardhere powers. Anolher well'rounded btass alsoinvolveslheWilliamMathiasSchools bandrecodingbyan oulslanding band. CounlyYouthChoirand Harp Consort, solo recorder,and solo vo ce - a nice approach to what is now a standard arrangement,Thebandlrontssomefine soloists,too, and so lhere is much lo enjoy here. I am glad lo have encounteredthis band,one lhat especiallyimpressedme on lhe wood score. GranvileBantock. Salford Unlv€rsity Brass Band (Roy Newsome). Doyen DOY CD 109.TT66:40. Ptogtam.Kng Lear;Kubla Khan;PrcmetheusUnbouncl; The Land-Of-The-EveFYoung; The Ftogs; Orian; Festival March. Sir GranvilleBantockis besl known in masterpiece thebrassbandworldtorhis SymphonrcPrelude, Pronetheus unbound,the lille referringlhe epic poem by Shelley. In lh€ word chosen by conduclor/scholar, Dr. Roy Newsome, 'celebration' is of the main this disc a po.lion Banlocks contributionto brass band literature,much ol it undeservedly neglectedin recent years, The musrc rangesin datelrornthe Edwardian-style Feslival Marchol1914,his,irslconlribulionthebrassband.throughloaworkol the mid-'l940s, lhe light-classical Heb deanSeaPoem,IheLand-Ol-TheEverYounq. Ol lhe seven wofis recorded here ihe overturefhe Frogs ol Aristophanesisthe only one,according to Newsome,not scoredtor brassband by Bantockhims6ll.Frank Wrighl lranscribedtheorcheslralworkin 1952by tor lhe ChampionshipsecUonof the NaSince lionalBrassBandChampionships. lhat dale it has seen numetousrevivals lor major contests. and righlfully so. whal hinders use of the brass band worksfromthe early part ollhis cenlury is, of course,the highly reslrictedpercussionparls. percussionnot being allowedin conlestsal lhatlime. However, 10 ignore such works lor lhal reason would be a rather close-manded decision. Not all ihese works are up the slandardof Promeiheusor Frogsihowconlinued on page 28 The Brass Band Bridge December2001 con nuedftompage27 pieces lo shorl sacred arrangemenls written tor SA bands. The producers ever, Banlock'swarm,romanlicspiri one lrom pelvades lherichharmonies andcolorful choseto use two conduclors, each brass band tradilion - Siephen scorang lhatmarkso muchof hismlsic. Eanlock'sinterestin the Orientaland Cobb lrom lhe SA, David Hirst lor the exoticis very apparent,as w€ll. His contestingscene. This prcveda fortuilouschoice,as €ach directorbringshis musicalstyle is late-romantic, in lhe own approachto bearon lhis excellent Liszt-Wagner moldandprocess. Thisis band. Brighouseis 6qual to the task in heartlelt, ted blooded'music thalwould responding lo both,with Cobbgettinga havospokendhectlyand immediatelylo lovely,lyricalmelodicslyle of play,and th€bandsman ol Bantock's dayandstill Hirstbringinglols ol dynarnic,energyto canwhenwellperformed andinterpreted. the pieceshe leads. The fterit of this Wlh Banlock'sma,ororchestral wo*s justlhelineplayingol good linally receivingexcellenlmodernre- disc,beyond musac,is havinga concentraledpackcordings,allowingus to reconsider his considerable conlribulion to Britishor- age ol'Downie' to examine. Many of chestralmusic, we can rejoicewilh lhesewofts havebeenrecotded before, N€wsome in thisinitlalettonlo similarly sornemullipletimes,and so lwould like jusl a tew piecesnot sludy his brass band achi€vements. lo concentraleon as well known. Ihe 51./usle// Suil€was Banlockwas a musicalpatronol the writtenlorlheSl AustellBfass Bandand brassbandcommunity, servingas tirsl is ol moderatetechnicallevel,llowingin Presidentotthe Bahdsmans'Collegeol lhree movements:l) A iaunt around Mrisic,as well as Vice-Presidenl ol brassbandassociations in Birmingham town; 2) Holy TrinilyChurchyard;3) Sl Austell Band. This is uncomplicated and Oxlord.He underslood the brass music ol wide appeal. In Downies bandsubcullure. TheUniversity ofSallord PrincelhoryeVatialionsheretumslo a BrassBand,Ior a studenlensemble, is hymntun€,Princethorpe, thatwasused a'c.ack€rjack' oulfit;manyol thes€ piece tor the lirsl large-scal€ symphonic playerssit in iop sectionbands.Their of SA music, Klaus Ostbys meditation playingand Roy Newsome's compr€h€nsivenotesotthemanandhismlsic on lhe same lune, which in its original elevatethis line recoding to one of versiontrom beloreWorldWar I was of propottions,Downieis content lasting, as wellas hislorical importance. massive lo shapeanolherone ol his successful Purcell Vaiations: Th6 Music ol Ken- seies ol va alions marked by great of rnood,ich harmonicinterest, nelhOownie.B,ighougeand Raslrick variety and 'fun stulf'lor lhe band lo play. H€ BandlDavidHirstandStephenCobb). plumbthe deplhs in lhis one, Egon SFZ l01. TT 66:39.Program: does not like he did in hjs superb Maiesly. No Bridgewaterlntrcda; St. Austell Suite; associatedtext seemsto havea strong Lard ol All Hopelulness;Pdncethorpe bearingon lhe music'sshape- an exeF Vaialions; MakeJesusKing; MyFalhefs Wald:ChooseFreedom;DeepHamony; cise in almosl absolutemusic, except that Downiewouldslressthal allhis art is intendedlirst and foremostas an act praise.Oneoi myfavoite KennethDownie'sslar is in the ascen- ofworshipand readingscomes on Downie'sunusual dancyaslar as hisbrassbandwiling is leslivalmarch,Ctoos€Freedom,a work concerned!Thiswell-played djscconin which Cobb gels lhe very besl out of tainsanexcellent overuiew of hisrecent theband'sexciling styleofplaying.More workspublished by a varietyol publishexlended lhan most marches of this ers. They rangelrom extendedtest type, Choose F/€edom reaches sym- 28 TheBrass Band Bridge December2001 phonicproportionsandcontainssomeo{ Downie'smostimaginativesounds,harmonies,andtonalschemes.Withinilh€ uses his own choralwo*, The Mighty River, as lhe basis of the trio. Yer Downi6'scrafl is best understood,as poinled oul by Peter Wilson in his fine liner noles, by a close sludy ol his shortef pfeludes, such as the small mastepieceson the hymntunes S/ane ('Lordof All Hopefulness'),TerraBeala ('[/y FathersWorld'),or DeepHatmony ll isnosurpise Downiehas emergedas a highlypopularbrassband composef/ arranger, He has a gteal ear for harmonic color, greal control ol rhylhmic conslrucls,and is a dell handlerol the brass band score, He speaks wilh a conlinued on page 29 ADVERTISING Through an a.rangemenlwith Bernel Music, adverlis€rscan now Paywilh creditcards. We preler U.S. adv€rtis€rsto continu€ lo pay by ch6ck, but lhis new procedur€ will hopetully makerl easierlor our Canadian andoverseasadvertisels, Conlact FlalphHolz (see right for his address)Ior more inlormalion. We need each and every m€hber lo let our advertize6 know you saw their ad and lo suggesl adverlising in Ih6 8rld96lo otherpotenlialadver lisersl CONTACT Ralph P. Hotz, Advertlslng Manager 8i44 Soulh Oak CreekD ve Sandy,UT 84093-6515 Phone(801)733-4439 E Mail: tenorharnsolo cantinued frcm page 28 Bandt Royal Parks (Lloyd), CWS Glasgow; yyhilsun t/akes {[4. Bal), Fodens Courtois_ BandandBeginnersBand.EgonSFZ 103. TT 70;37. Ptogtamt The Saints! down-t,c-earlh immediacywithoutwaier (Bichards); O Fortura (OrtfMilkinson)j ing down the intellectuai,musicalconwinler(Vivaldi/Snell); Eoneld/€(Modon); lent.Thisairneproducttrom everyangle, ThisDoyendiscadvedjustbeforeI senl On With the Motley lLeoncavallo/Farr)i wilh excellenl informationsuppliedon olflhese reviewslothe Bridge,and so I Fssay (Gregson);Three Renaissance the composer,his mus c, and perlormthoughtit needed immediateatlenlion Dances (Fraser);Sw,g Low (Gott); ers. Highlyrecommended. due to lhe fine literalurerecordedby Softly as I Leave You lgalhetall): Jeanie some ol Britain'sbest units. The iille With the Light Brown Hait lFosle RockAroundlhe Warld.Oberaargauer tellsthe lunclionoJthe disc,a resource Hawatlh); TrumpetBlueg and Cantabile BrassBand(ManfredObrecht). Obrasso of modeI perlormancesatvaious levels {James/Geldard);Czaldas (Waites); RecordsCD 879. TT Program:New lor lhe 2002UK regionalconleslslor lhe Flight Time(Buke); Cha estoniwailes); York,New Yok (Kande Richards)iE/y/s National Brass Band Norwegian Song lRimmel Howadh)iC/og Championships. Rocksl(Fichards);FlugelSolotWhatA SomeoJlhesereadingscomelrcrnprcDance (l\,larcangelo/Charleson); L?7 WanclerfulWorld(Darglas/Fernie),soviousdiscs,such as Brighouseshan- Dariin'(Hef ti/Sparke); E/sa's P rccession loist German Meyett See You Laler, dling ol St Austel/Sulle (see Oownie (Wagner/Hinres). Alligatot (Gridty/Fetnie)t Vivo per lei reviewshownabove) orFodens'perfor(Mangali/Fernie); EockAroundlhe Clock mance ol Whilsun lcommend lhis CD lor any NABBA theirCD (Freedman/Fernie)iChanson d'amoul ofthesametitle.Thepiecesareplaced bandsor musicdireclorsthat afe develrds);Cornet Solo:Si/gal iShanklin/Bicha in order ol diflicully, trom Seclion 4 opinga youlhbandprogram,lolkwhoare 8/res (Williams/Moftison), soloist[,4ar lhro!gh Chanrpionship.The pleasant laking lhe time lo s€t up a feeder pro' lin Rasscht Everybody Needs Sonegrarn lhal works towards lhe ongoing surprise,al leaslforthisrev€wer,arethe body (Burke/Oud); Na Maller Whal Jacoband Ewald works. Havingalways healtholtheirorganizaiion. Hereyouwill (Webber/Farr); Hallelujah IOft/ beena lan ol GofdonJacobsmusicwitnessan exemplary,tieredyouthband Broadbent); Iak€ a Chance On Me righllromthe{irsttimeI playedhisML/6lc program, with lhree levels ol grol]ps (Andresson/Fernie); Swee!,SweetSmiIe fora F9stival- | lounddelightoncemore leatured.Obviouslythe top groupdeliv(Newlon/Morlimer); /Just Ca|ed Ta Say with hisSuile in How very Bllat. difiicult ersa morepolishedsound,butthewhole / Lov€ you (Sterland/Braod benl);Moot il is lo composegood musicat an easy experiencers upliflingand conlainsa Flvel (l\rancini/Fernie);Hey Jude jusl lhink ol how i6w good sampler ot brass band music al technical level; (Lennon&l\rcoartney/Femie). reallygreat piecesihere are in lhis variouseducationallevels, Sl. Helens piece dates irom 1956 category. This Youlh Brass Band is a large unil - 3 ldo not havea lol to say aboutthisgood and musl be one we resurrectover here sopranoslor instance- but a groupthai progran ol lightermusicotherthan this lor NABBA. Whichoi us brass players plays wiih disciplineand enthusiasm. isjustsolid, competenl, Junplayingbya have not hackedlhroughthe lirst of the Theywereoiginallyan educaiionaiprogood Swissband. The longesipieceot gram,but due to variouslinancialand lhree Ewald brass quintets? Hefe we ihe lT recordedhere lasts iust over 4 havea f! | brassbandversionby l,4ichael politicaiexigenciesin the lJK,lheyturned minutes. Lots of programideasin variHopkinson, who has addedjudicious private (we would say non-prolil)and ous popular slyles for lhose NABBA percussionparts, never overdoneor a have gone lrom slrength to strength, bands needingsome deas and some grnal.Youmayrecall onceagaincaptuingthe covetedtitleof hindranceiotheo models to folow. The produclionis that in lhe well-knownRobedKing ediNalionalYouthBrassBandChampions. bare-bones(no notes)butdoesinclude played Thejackelconlainsalislingol personnel t on lhallhis Symphonycould be a personnellist and a biel bio on lhe by an expandedbrass choir,with mul' lor allthreegroupsanda goodwite upon band. tiple playersper pad. Thls is the prin' lhis success story. ciplehere,bulnota slavish doubling, but f esl Pieces lor Regionals 2002. V atious a reworkingtor Britishslylebrassband. Saluteto the Cory. Buy As You View BrilishBands(see below).Doyen DOY This compositeCD has much to comCofy Band (FlobertB.Childs).Obrasso CD 128.TT 67:35. Prog'am.Suile in B mendit,including RoyNewsomesgood TT65:02. Program:Salutelo theCount flat for Btass Aard (Jacob), CMS liner noteson each of lhe pieces, (Basie/Fernie); Euphonium Solo-EuphoGlasgow; Sl Austel/ Sutle (Downie), Brighouse and Rasltick; Symphony conlinuedon page 31 Ihe Sa/his/ St, Helens Youth Brass lor Erass (Ewald/Hopkinson), Cory plusTraining Band (LindaNlcholson), Decembef200l The Bfass Band Bridge BERNEL MUSIC LTD Loohing for the newest and. the latest? It is ALL here at BERNEL MUSIC Music: New music by Phil Sparke, GoffRichards and manv others New recordings by Williams "O., Fairey, Black Dyke, Grimethorpe Collier and many others CD production GREAT NEW prices and. seruices for you nert CD INSTRUMENTS: Super prices on Willson and Besson!!! Neu catalogs - music and record.ings BERNEL MUSIC LTD. bernelmusic.corn p o box 2438, Cullowhee, NC 28723 828 293 7469phone and. fa.x 30 TheBrass Band Bridgedecember200l continued hom page 29 ria (Woodlield),soloistNigelJohn;One Nole Samba{Jobim/Fernie); Xylophonia (GreenMoodfield), xylophone soloisi David[,4ilchel;Bel-,A1r (Richards);CoF net Solo--Fanlasy On Negro Spitiluals (Fernie),soloistlanWilliams;BassTrombone Sdo-l Only Have Eyes For You (Warren/Fernie), soloistAndrewWilliams; Focky-Ganna Fly Now (Conlil Fernie);Alio Ho'n Solo-l' Sti Be ln Love WithYou(HazzadlFernie),soloist David Comelius; Old English Dances (Fernie);xyiophoneSolo-Kilten On the Keys (Conliey/Woude),soloisi David Mitcheli G/asgow Overture lFenie); Polka 20OOlqudecl; Tiumph lqeusse Woodlield). All titles publishedby Obrasso. SendYour BandNews& ConcertPrograms PIease sendyourconcert programs .!ndarticlcs onreccnt acttytttesto THE BRlDGE Wewanttoread aboutyourband! Skyliner! Williafis Falrcy Band (Brian Grant).PolyphonicOPRL 208D. TT 60:24. Program: Thundefiids (Gtayl Green); Crarso, de Matin lElga Wright)tHofa Slaccalo(DinicuHeitet/ Richards);CornetSolo: The Watermill This is an Obrassopublicalionsshow(Blnge),soloistBrianTaylo\ Shephetd's case,thoughthe disc jackelonly relays Itey (Grainger/Wrlghl)t Rohance inlormalionaboutihe bandanditsskll ed (Shoslakovilch/Broadbenl)t Alto Hofn leader,RobertChilds,as wellasconlact Solo. Cappicio Brillant9 (Bellstedll inlormationfor how to accessObrasso Smilh),soloislOwenFarr;An lishBlessproducls, Obrasso'sslable ol wriiers ing (Bacak/Bradnu m ); Hoe Down inclLrdes some o, the besl or mosi pro(Copand/Snell); SopranoConel Solol lific,includingGofiRichards,AlanFenie, The Nuns'Chotus ls'iauss lllKelw n). and Bay Woodfield.Amongthe more soloisl Kevin Crocklotd:OlympicFansubstantialiunes is Richads' moderate fare and Theme lW illiams/G'ah am)I Prolevel,10-minuleBelA,i in NABBAcomcessionto lha Minsler lwagne/Sneli); ing ln well at Youlh or Explorerlevel. EuphoniumSolorPeace(Golland), soloFerniesshorlerG/asgolvOvert/eshows ist Steven Miles; Ttumpet Blues and th s writerdoes bestwhenwritingaboui Cantabile (Jameslcelda,dJ; Light Walk his homeland,as in his equa ly inleresi(Gott); Plnes Skylinel.(BarnetVGeldard); ing Scolrsh Rhapsady. fhe ,ange is of the Appian Way \Respighl/Snelll. wide here, and having il your band's resourcelile wouldbe prove!se{ul, especiallywith these solrd, journeyman WilliamsFaireyis one oi the mostlechnicallyassured and,in termsof players, readingsby an excelleni band. Fredeeplytalenledbands- in all chairs. quenlly such endeavors come off as Theirwonderfusoundleapsout al you rushedproductswilhoulahighdegreeof playinglinesse and somelirnesslightly righttromlheopeningmoviescoremarch by BarryGray. In thisbrcadLyentedainshoddy masledng, yet lhere is some in9 programdatingfrom January2001 excellentlu ll bandandsolo playinghere (personnellisied!) Faireyprove lhemtor you lo admirewhilethinkingabout seves once again masters oJ many choosingsome new literature.This is styles.Manyoflhesepieceshavebeen not high brow sluli ' iust lols of useful recordedoften, bui there is much to maieriallo consider, commendhere,frcmiheif gracefulhandlingot Elgars salonpieceChansonde Malio to lhree great programcloserslhe Copland,Wagnerand Respighilranscriplionsby Howard Snell lhal have provedso popular.Nothingcomesotfas a 'toss-otfi the lightestbon-bon,or old chesnut-likeBinge'snoslalgicWatermill - getscarefLrl, properlrealmenl(ltwould havebeennicelohaveconlirrnation who the excellenlcornel soloist was - one presumesBrianTaylor?).f he Capriccio 8/i//anleby Bellsledtis not tor the expected cornel soloisl, bul is Sandy Smith'sadaptationlor E ilat alto horn, playedwellby OwenFarr. Thereare no weak links in this band and so we tind ourselves takingallthemusicseriously. Like Ellingtonsaid, lhere are only two kinds ol music ' good music and bad music! What a sound Granl gets oul lhese guys - and what an excellenl recordingby 6ngine6r I\,4ichael lvloorl Theproduclion istop-nolch, inwhichwe findl\radinEllerbyrntheroleolprcducer, and perhaps writer of lhe line noles. Qualilyproductmarkedby greatvervein the band'splaying. Spectaculat Classics, Volume2. Black DykeBand(NicholasJ.Childs).obrasso Records CD 876. TT 67:15. Program: Ovenure lo La gazza ladra lqossini/ Lofiiman);CornetSolo: Cavatinefrcm Pea Fishers (Bizet/Fernie), soloisl FIogerWebster;Flnalef/omFaustBallel wachetAuf Music(Gounod/Newsome)t ( B a c h / N e w s o m e ) ;C o r n e t S o l o : slavische Fantasie (Hoehne/Kerwin), soloisiRogerWebsler; SuilelrcmPoryy Euphonium ardBess(Gershwin/Femie)i Belum ta Soffenlo Solot lDe Cudisl Newsome),soJoislJohn Ftench;Deep HamanylPake Fe'nie)| Old SwissTune lFefiie\ The Millerc' Dance (de FallaJ Fe'nie); Sabrc Dance (Khachaluriad Woodlield); L6 pe t nagrc lDebussy/ Fe:nie); TheJolly Bobbers Overlue(vo All Obrassoitems Suppe/Lorriman). continuedon page32 December200l The Bfass Band Bfidge 1t continued frcn page31 plEying drewMonteith;TheLightol the wadd oflhe mostmemorable, reliable i haveheardona brassbandCD. Frank (Goflin)iSoprano/Flugel Solo-8/essed LikeSalutetoCory, reviewed above,this Renlontoldmelhesoloistwas Sl€phen Assurance(Bulla), soloistAndyWeekesl s€condSpeclacula.ClassicsCD by St€wart,who was not creditedon lhe MidAIIthe Traflic(Ballantine);JustAs / BlackDykeBandis an Obrassoprod disc lor lhat solo,but deservesto be, 4m (Heaton);Keep Me Ptaising playedbrilliantly, uclsshowcas€ asmighl though heiscredited rIinesolo (Mackereth);The SuppliantHeed foranothe beexpecled. lam gladObrasso divided in Bon on the Fourth ol July. the (Bowen)i Aubade(Norbury); CometSololheiralbumsthisway,as I wouldthink addition Hynnto I'd RathetHaveJesuslHimes), ofchorus on itemslike soloisl lhat way mys€lfwhenchoosingrepeF lhe Fallenlrcm SavingPrivateRyan BramwellTaylor;Prccessionto Covtoire.Someol thearlangemenls belong addssignificantly to theprogram's suc- enant (Himes);Anlhem of the Frce on the Corydisc,but howcan you not cess. I wascaptivat€d throughout lhe lcollin): A Gaelic B/ess/rg (Buller/ considerFetud lo Solento a classic program such was th€irserious, de€ply Steadman-Allen). (Well-played byJohnFrench)? Theredre feltapproach to thesetamousexceets. som€ oulslandingnew lranscriplions pieces. Th6yarenolallrazzmalazz and StainesBand hails from just outside here,lrcmNewsome's shortFinaletrom lhat alsomadeth€ overallelfeclaven London.It is a very largebandol 48 lh€ FauslBalletMusicof Gounodto more impr€ssive. while most ol the players!In lhe olddays,it an SA band Loriman'sversions ottheovertur€sl'h6 scoresareeasilyrecognized fromtheir exceed50,lhe corpshadto seekspeJollyRobbersby von Suppeand lhs iilles, several may nol . The Ludlows, cialclearancelTwobandsin lo be ThievingMagpighy Rossjni. S€veral inSteveSykestine arrangement, comes speak.Yetwhenlistening ldid nolthink soloistsstepconlidently tont andcenliom Horne/sscorelo Legendsol lhe il wasa ponderous, heavyunit,though RogerWebster.Onlhis l€r,especially FaI, while TheGaelhasbeenextracted youcouldcertainly l€ll il wasbaggroup albumyousoontorgelil isa promolional kom lhe l\rcolean/Jones Lastof Ihe lhathadloworkhard algellingatocused productandbeginrojoicing in th€ band pitch Mohic€ns soundtrack.Thiswasa raal blendand center.The members andlhe music.Whatmorecan I say? darkhorseolanalbumbecause, whileI rangekom youngrisingteenagerslo knewKirkintilloch includingMaisie Bandwasa solidoudit retiredprotessional, SummontheHerces.KLklntlllochBand principal I was unprcpared lof how well Wiggins, lorm€r homboneol exiremely (FrankRenton)withGlasgo\4Phoenix play. goes This wan Halle is lhey to allol us ol the Orch€slra; she one ol lour Choir.EgonTT 56:10,Program:S!m- judgemenl prejudiced based on some or Second Trombonesl Thelillepiec€is a mon the Herces(Williams/Ramsey); preconditioning a bias orexpectalion. This lovely, shortprelude by KevinNolbllry, Hymn lo the Fal6, (Williarns/Smith); is oneoi lhoselarebrassbandalbums norning songol praisein lh€ British LocalHero(Knoplle Moficel Inperial that I will comebackto lime andlime symphonictradition (ala George March(Williams/Smith); Bom on lhe Morning Has come.Inlightof9/11/ Bulterworth) thatcombines Fourlhol July lwilliams/Smith);Focky againloryearcio part-song lrorn01 so many of our bands will be ask€d to Broken with Eric Ball's (Con'ti/Felnie)i BraveheadSlile (Horner/ playthiskindol musiciI can1lhinkol a ingSong.Whilelhereis a goodrangeol Duncan)i Sou/ Bosa Nova lJones/ better recent source for inspiralion and expressiveslyle in the program,the Morrice);Schrrd/er'sL,sf (Williams/ mumodeling ol sone fine music ol heroic, bandhasstressed moremeditative Smith);Ihd Ludlows(Horne/Sykes); lashion. epic sweep. Highly recommend€dl Postwhich lhey handle in line sic, Ihe 6ael(l\rcCl€an/Jones/Duncan). script:SomehowAllan Flamseylinds Bolh old classics- H€alon'smaslea lhe timeto be bolhmusicaldirectorof pieceJust As / Am, or Goffin'sgfeat playingbylhis Whalwond6dul, uplilting lhisbandand bebandmaslerlhefamousmarchAnlhen ol the Frce - and more tineScottish band!FrankRenion,guest SA Band,somelhingol an his- conlemporary items- Blylh'sGreatCel. Govan musicaladvisorand condlrclor,has qbntion ot MackorclhsKeepMe P6isfeatin brassbandhisiory. loric teamedup wilh nusicaldireclorAllan package ing- roundoula well-balanced Ramsaylo slruclurea solidpackageof Selvalion ArmvBrassBands ot goodqualilySA music.A handsome heroicmusicfrom recentfilm scores. production, withgoodinformalion supplayingis so solidly TheslraighttoMard Aubade.SlalneaBand (Tim Parker). pliedon the musicandlhe musicians. symphonic al timesI was not sureat SP&S Ltd. SPS 149 CD. TT 65:25. timesthatlwas hearinga Britjshbrass PrcglamtTheGtandCelebrarbn(Blylh); Glory!Glory!fhe Intenalional Slaff bandl The openingtrumpelsolo in ln Peiect Peace \Downie);Ptayet of Ramsay'sarrangoment olWilliams SumIharksglyllrg(Himes); Euphonium Soloonpage33 conlinued non theHeroesI consider amongsome -Spiril ol L/fe(CalheMood), soloistAn- TheBrass Band BridgeOecember a00l conlinued frcm page 32 ch bandsoundihey neverallowvibrato BandFestivallastJune, lt provedafine lo be a distraction,though their outsouvenirtorthosealtheevenllhatwanted Band (StephenCobb). SP&S. Ltd. slanding phon cornet and eu ium soloists to take a little of this band home with SP&S 147. TT: 69130.Program: Ihe are beginninglo pronounced be more in them. Continuingin the long line of Proclaimers(Norbury);Baritone Hom paramelerlhanin the past. That is this superb recordings by one ot the finest Solot My Stary and Song (Fosier/ problemin AndrewJustice'sabso- corpsbandsin NorlhAmetica,HisGloty not a Sleadman-Allen), soloistSimonEirkett; lutely driven performanceot Bruce P/oclaimmaintainsa good standardot Exultate! (Dawnie); EuphontumSoio: demandingMyRefuge.the bolh reperloireand perfomance. The TheGreatAdventure(Bearcrolt),sotoist Broughton's extremely fast tempos in the allegro opening festivalarrangemenl The Call DerekKane;Exodus(Ball);CornetSolo: jusl on the edge ol the sections are of Righteous, unfoldswith great clarity Just Like Him lcamsey), soloist David manageable by all yet concerned, thal and confidence and lhat approachconOaws; Pralse's Pawer \Ayma); Truth seems a calculated choice y by soloisl nuessimila t from thereon- Onerarity Atame (Norbury);TromboneSolo: My and conduclor, the lislener being taken is an unpublished work, Ovenurc b a ,gefoge(Broughlon)soloistAndrewJus, fora kind of spiril ual white-kn uckle ride. Joyous Ove rlu re, by Motley Calved,wntlicet Standing Somewhere in the ShadRivetingl The ISB always impresses me len lor the band in 1983 as lhe SA ows \Dowrie)tGloty!GIoryl(Heaton). as abandin whicheveryoneis listening, celebraied100yearsin Canada.There Eic Ball'stone poemffom the 1930s, then thinking aboLrtthe end muslcal is muchol inleresthere,lhoughas an result,nol jusl lhe momenlaryeffecl. lt occasional'work it is not up someolthat E)(odus,provideslhe meaty cenler oJ is lhis aspecl ol lheif music making that comPosers besi composilions,I am lhis excellentCD by lhe SA's premiere makeslhem pleased such a specialband. While to see a SA band still playing band. One dramaticpo(ion ol the work abov€ lmenlioned (only a slightconcern greatm atch.Atmyol EmilSoderskom s later seNed at a pivotai spot in his th6 finestgroups gel held to the highest God, winner lhe of the SA's 1930 NamaslerpieceFesurgam,anolhet work standa rd), lhis is slill a most oLrtstand ing lional Composers Competition in the symbolic ofpassingfromdealhlolife.lf played gr6at disc panache wilh yearlalerin and skill, Published USA. a lhe short' you haveneverheardlhis dramaticm!producedwith greal care and artand lived lirstversion ol lhe American Festisic may lsay Exodusaloneis worlhlhe isiry. Theif concl!ding reading of val Series, it was ?escored'forlhe UK's priceot th6 CD? The band is at its very Heatois Gloryl Glorylshows this to be General Series decades lat€f, in an besl in lhis score,a truly magniticonl job that did not enhance the the best recording (musical so far inlea ediling and inspiringreading.Bul you will get pretation,technicaihandling,etc)and is originaiand6v6nellminatedth6lastnole much more than thal, includingsome represeniative ol why lhey are siill lhe or'slinger'!ll youcanevergettheofiginal linenew SA musicp ayedwithgreatskill premiereSAband.Highlyrecommended. testivalsefiesscoring,doso, Londonis andconviclion,Theirapproachto ]r/rlh bestatthe dynamic,brilliantpiece,while Aflame.a dynam:tc new ovedurealready His G|ory Prcclaim. London Citadel slightly al ill ease in more sensitive given a greal recordingby lhe NYSB, Band (John Lam). LondonCitadeland lyricalpassageswhere olher aspects ot the work Wor d Records Group SA-LCB-24. Tf sionallyoccur,bul never of an obvious lhal may beginlo prove that Norbury's 55:20. Program:CaI ol the Righteous nature. John Lam is developinginlo a piece will transcendits time and beflnebandlrainerand He and conduclor. \Condon);DeepRiver(Btouhgton);Oyelcome a classicworthy and capabe of lute to The Magic F I (MozarVKenyon); u le the band have achieved something very multipleinterpretations. SlephenCobb alwaysproducesa rnusicalpertormance, I Vaw To Thee\HolsllSleadman-AlJen)l worthwhilein this lhoughtlul,balanced, Oveiurc toa JoyousOccasior(Calved)i and well-playedprogram ot prima ly a gracelul, classical approach to lhe Army af God lsodercltom); Hymn lor sacred music. lf you have not heard brass bandj but never lackingin ffie or (TuninJ; Therc ls a Bedeemer Diana LondonCitadelinatewyears(say,since vervewhenneeded.Forthelirsttimen His Glory Proclain NABBAjnToronto),may I commendlhis \Ballantine)t lqaynetl seve€l ISBrecordings!nderCobb,howCornet Solo-/n lhe Love of Jesus recordingloyou? You willnol bedisapever,I detecledjust a lew limesof faulty (Hammond/Steadman-Allen), pointed. soloisi intonalion.Certainlynot all peruasive, Darin Tiley; Prccessionta Covenant bul enough10surpriseme lor a bandal (H mes)'.Motwation (HlmesJ; Morecan be Laudaie.Norwich Citadel Band (Ron thls highest level. Al other limes they (G€en)Young). SP&SLtd.SP&SCD 148.TT are consislentlysupeb. They are, in many ways, my band ol first choice in LondonCitadel Band broughtthis recantinued on page 34 the Britishscenebecausern iheirlull, coding lo the Great Amencan Brass December2001 TheBrass Band Bridge conlinued lrcm page 33 Where Duty Calls: Favourites of the 66:38. Program: Praise Hin! lgulla)l 78rpm Era, Volume ///. Varous SA Spititof theLivingGod\Gullidge);/ Love Bands and Choirs,1948-1957,includyoa, Lord (Klein/Davies) | The Liberatar ingISBandRosehillBand.SP&SLtd. {[,larshall);Trumpet Solo: Holy, Holy, SPS 14f CD.TT69:51.PtogtamtMinHoly(Bulla),soloistRichardWoodrow; neapolis lV (Soderstrom);Go Doryn BandChorus:A HeadSleadfasl(Mack); The King of Moses (Sieadman-Allen)t Vallfickansdans (Aliven/Hanson)i K/rgs (Ball);Choral ltem-Ihe Nery Melodyin A at(Btahms/Jakeway); EuJerusalem lBaor); Wells of Gladness phoniumSolo: Locomolionlgearcton), (Sleadman-Allen); TromboneSolo-Ihe soloistDaniel Bealtie:MarcheMililaire P celess Gift (Audoire),Sololst Cyfil Do, Fra,rcalse(Saint-Saens/Kenyon); Etisley:ln Quiet Pastures(Steadman' lordl {Mackerelh);Laudate Dominum Allen)i EuphoniumSolo-Ransomed (Gregson); Come Alive ln Christ (l\,,larshall), SoloistJoshWallord;Choral (Bosanko). llem- Melcy'sLight(ar. Leidzen)iScot' tish Gems (Jakeway)i t4lhereDuIy Calls Ihe apeningFanfatePrclLdebySlephen (Jakeway); Crcwn of Conquest Bulla by this Nortolk-basedband will (SteadmanAllen). capture your attention,convnce you lhat lhis is a seriousgroup ol play€rsl Thegreatworlhofthisthirdinihe hisloric Actually,lhey afe a band with a great recordingsof UK SA bandsis the pedorlradilion,one thal continuesunder Ron manceof lwo keysoloistsol lhe IntemaYoung, who took over this venerable tional Stall Band iunder the legendary locaicorpsband in 1995. Amonglh6 Josh BemardAdams):euphonlumist highlightsisaverycrediablerendiiionoi Wallord and pdncipaltrombone Cyril alto solo, TheOld Leidzen'sdemanding Brisley. Brisleyplayed47 years in this RusticBtidge,'t6eonlyCD vercionI can iamedband,from1929lo 1976,a lacl polni lo in my coll€ciion.Congratulagleanedfrom th6 6xcellenlnoles supiions to soloistDavid Winch,and band plied by DeryckTurlon.Thal same ISB ior binging thisworkbacklo lilel Oneof under Adams recordedBalls King of the most allractiveilems is Torgny Kingsin 1953;wecaptureAdamsguid' Hanson'siranscriptionof the Hugo ingwhatbecameone oJlhe fineslbands Alfvef s (Swedishsymphonist)evocaof anyera. whrlernoslolthe SA bands tion of native lolk liddlets, Vallfickans recorded by Regai Zonophonecame dans. The band is disciplined, well lrom the generalLondonarea,this protraned.Thereare lapses n pilch,but qram coniainsa rare recordingol the rarelyin ensemble.Theirgood eitorlon Edinburgh GorgieBandunderlheirgreat LaudaleDaminumwouldbe representaleader,AlexThain,a manwhobef ended tive oi lhis observation,the end result me duringhis reUremenl.He had been cornpelent,convincing.The overallimln chargeotceriain aspeclsol lhelamed pressionisaveryfavorableone, theband EdinburghFestivaland Tatoo, this in excellngmorein marchesand brilliant ln leading addilion to hisvolunteerwork arrangemenlslhan in lyrical,legato this large,Jamousband. Jakeways music. The program is laid out well, Scottlsh Gems is providinggoodcontraslsin the listening charming selection jusl del ghllulin thisconiexil Thereare llow. This is anolhergood SP&Sproiile included, buttheycan a lewvocalltems oJa represenlalive corpsbandol considbe quicky sklppedover.You can heara erablelalentand skill. CheckoulNor- yolng Ray Steadman'Alenconduct wich Citadel at their websitel BegenlHall Bandin his selectionwel/s al Gladnessor hear Ketteing Band 34 TheBrass Band BridgeDecember200l (aboutas far northas they usuallywenl for bandsto record)underanotherlegend, A.E. Munn, play thal same compose/s llne march Crown of Conguesl In a nicetlvistoJhistory,Rayno\,v residesin Kettering.The samevolume has an older Caplain Steadman-Allen leadjng Tolenham Band (later Enfied Go hisimaginalive varialions, Citadel)in DownMoses.The titletune, WhereDuty Cal/s,isalonepoembyAlvertJakeway, a workthalwas alllhe ragewhenlwas about 10'.11years old. I remember travelingwilh my fatherone summeflo about four diJlerentSA music camps, playing t in the top band each session Boy, did I know thal one by Augusl especiallythe greal Janlaresetting oi ^Sland Up Stand Up lor Jesus" lhal Thisis wrapsit allupin grandiosestylel unsophislicatedbut a1 straightJorward the same time very approprialemarlia of Chrs' mlsiclhatstirreda generalion lian rnusicians,Lislenio il conductedby the composerand his own fine-tuned FlosehillBand. ln the Firing Line: Favou tes ol lhe 78rym eE, volumo /ll Vaious SA BandsandChoir,1927- 1957,including ISB andSP&SBand, SP&SLtd.SPS 151 CD. TT 54i20. PtoTamt Old Cam. paignerc (Jakeway\ Hotbsly(l\,larshall): Choral ltem--7hlsls lhe Day lctanl): Co metDue|--Always Cheeiu |\J akeway), soloislsDerekSmith and JamesWil_ liams:TheCenlralStates(Soderslrom) The Triumph al Peace (Ball); The Gospel Slo,y(Golfin);Choralltems--ASong of Grateful Ptaise lPipetl and lf ThouBe Neal (Boon)i we wi Fight (Ball); To Realms Above \Jake\\ay\ ln the Fiing l/re (Coles). These worthwhile'clean ups of o d 78 recodings provide us not only wilh a grandwayotsludyingbrassbandperlor mancepraclice- this volumestretchrng continuedon page35 continuedhompage 34 slraight--ahead he is withthe expressive elemenls in one of histinest,mosl com50 years,from1927to 1957, butalso pact scores, Here he leadsthe lamed servesto dustotf severalpiecesthat pre-WorldWar llSP&S Bandandwould deservethe lighlol day.Amongtheseis soon takeoverlhelSB. llyouareatthe grandmeditation GeorgeMarshall's on least interestedin the hislory of brass lhehymniuneHorbuly, wherein heshows himselfa hue harmonicinnovatorand bands,theselwo alblms willnot disappoinlyou. JrJstlisleningtolhe changes manipulatorolthematiclransformation. in aniculationover the decades is an Yet llhink the mosl inleresting cui education in itself. Don't miss these included isthecomelduelAlwaysCheercareful, lhoughtful revivals of bygoneeras ful(Jakeway) by youngDerekSmith and in our herilage. James (laiergreat Williams SA bandmaslers).Recordedin 1950with the Ros€hillBand,il is a Jascinating docu, mentof twoplayersat the beginning oJ lheir illustrious musicalcareers.Anotherrevelation was EricBall'smatteF otfactconducting of hisownT umphof Peac€;yearslaterhe woulddo much more wilh it, but it js amazinghow SoloAlbums Oratlor. Slephon Mead, Euphonium, with Williams Falrey Band (Howard Snell).PolyphonicQPBL209D. TT72:38. Prcgjamt Pequena Czatda lllvfialde/ Woude); / na (8ozzalwoude)i Euphonium Concedo (Wilby)t Walther's Pize Song {Wagne/Bale); Fantasiadi (Eoccalari/Meredith\The Larkin the Cleat Air (Carherwood); Mr. Euphonium \Moten)t lntroduction, Theme,and ya./ations (Rossini/Brennar);Oration (Snell). Stephen Mead never seems to slow down. Herewe havehiminfullstride,at the peakofhisabilities,andin a prcgram that may his best yel in his wonderful seriesotsoloeuphoniumprograms,especiallylhese es releasedon the Polyphoniclabel. There is no questionthat the highlighlo, the djsc is lhe magnilicent pertormanceof the Philip Wilby EuphoniumConceo. Bandandsoloisl are her€ at lhe lop of their gafie. The continuedonpaqe36 MIDLAND CD CLUB MidlandCD Clubis a mailordercompany specialising in Brass& MilitaryBandCDs. Wearebasedin the UK andhavehundredsofcustomersall overtheworld, andhaveanespeciallyloyalcustomerbase in AmericaandCanada. Pleasevisit our website,and we hopeto be ableto add you to our customerlist. e-mail 201CallowbrookLane, Rubery, Birmingh.unB45 9TG,UK Telephone0l2l-244-4605/4606 Fax0121-680-9018 December200l TheBrass Band Bridoe 35 continued lrcn page 35 mance, The disc is co-sponsoredby AdventuresforBand.Band ofthe Royal (Ruedi plays the YEP-642 Marines (Barlie l\,4ills/JlV1 Yamaha Camps). Concerlois dividedinlo two pafts,each model)and Obrasso,the p!blishercol Obrasso Records. CD 878. TT 61:4i contajningtwo movements. You may all the (ax arrangements except the Picchi Program: New Yotk, New York have heard Part 1 on some previous Fanlasieandthetinalitem,a manuscript Woodlield)t Mile r Magic\ar. woodfield): recordings,or al leastthe Greekdance arrangementoJa Hahnart song lor lhe Hava Nagila (Woodfield); Stike Up the sequence,Zeibekikos,whichends Pad unusualcombinationof just euphonium Band(an. Fetnie);12th StrcetRag lan 1withthesmashing olad nnefplatelThe andmarimba. Srassband Buergermusik Woodfieid); The Pink Panthel (atl wholeworkis 'smashing'or slunningand Luzern providesfine accorrlpanments R chardsMoodlield);Be a Clawn (an. I recommend the albumfor lhese 19 throughout,manytimeslakingon rather le(ne)tA GroovyKnd ofLove(afi.femie): minulesalone,thoughthereis so much challenging maie al. ThelouFde{orce Vai alionsin Blue lgrcatlbentryVoodlled) more to savor, Older style lechnical Ior bolh so oist and band on the disc Adventurcslor Band (Fafi/woodlield): displays are handled wilh ease, the must be the TchaikovskyRacco Varia- Heltet Skelter (Leom.WoodJield)i Bossini and Boccalar filling lhat need tors, which runsa wopping18:38rnin' Jambalayalar.Fetnie)tWhenlhe Saints quitewell. Alterlhe Wilby,however,two (ar. Woodfield);Music(MilesMoodf ules.Odginally lor celloand stringor' ield): newslowmelodysolossloodoul for me, cheslra, lhe work stands up well in See You Later,AI igatarlarr.Woodlield) lheBozzaAl,aand thetiUelune, Howard Buedi'sown tfanscription,the allbrass lr'lacAtlhur Pak (an. FenieJ. Snell'sO/.allol,,composedas a memoversioncomplimenting glnalalllhe or rial lo two triends. Van der Woudehas stringvorsion. The other stringworks I\,4any ol our NABBA membershave a revivedthefamiliarrecilalpieceAra in a lhal havebeentranstormed here include second lfe as concerl band diteclors lovelysetting. Snell'selegiacsongbings (Lalo, Kroll, and lhosg tor solo vlolin and so lhe incl!sion ot briel reviewsol the progfam lo a tilting, emotionally ps),andcello windbandscan be ol goodbenelilespe. Sarasate),viola(Vieuxtem charged,and satisfyingclose.This is a (Cassado).Whi e lhe litle suggeslsan ciallywhen lhere is greatoverlapin the lopjlighl program, played by an oLrtemphasisonlhe lyricandm6lodic, th€16 repertoke. Such is the case here,Mrilh slandingsoloistbackedup by a superb is ample contrast provided by some this well-playedsampling ot Obrasso bandand conductor,H ghestcommen" fiendishlydifficultwork. Among my wind band arrangemenlsof a popular dationlorallinvolved in Oralion.Thisis favorlles that highlight conirast nalure.Mosl,il not all,theseafrangelhis are a CD lor everyone,not jusl euphonium (menlorandteachefof Frank Bridge the mentsalsoexistin brassbandversions piayers. BenjaminBrillen)Medltation,abeautilrl You may haveseenlhesetuneslistedin vehicleJor Fluedi'stighl, warm sound, olherbrassbandrecordings. Somelimes E/egle. Thomas Ruedi, euphonium give new lnand lhe conirastingCassadoDansedu comparing versions can soloist,wilh BrassbandBurgermusik Diable vetl - dlaholical indeed! Lel me sighl,even in these lighter,entetaining Luzern(LudwigWicki).Obrasso-Bauer. repeatthal this handsomelyproduced seliings, Solid afrangersare showCD 875. TT 60:58. All afrangemenls/ disc(a three-loldbox,withgoodnolesin cas€d in some of lheir besl stuff ol lhis transcriplions byThomasRuedi,unless genre:Flichards,Fernie,andWoodlield Germand and English; ijne recording noted olherwise,Program:.E/egie,op, soundand balancebetweensoloisiand The band has a solid,wellbalanced 30 {Vieuxtemps)tZigeunetweisen band)coniainsexcellentplayingby both tone, ar]d pLayswith clarityand coffecl (Sarasate); Yarlatiors on a Rococo joy to discover style. lfyou are notyetgetlingObrasso soloisl and band. li is a Iheme (Tchaikovsky);Chants Russes a new playerol this caliberand to a so markeiingmaierials,you sho!ld beg n lLalo);Fanlasie Oig inale(Picchi/Bale); hear a tine band hom Switzerland, a to check out their Cds, like this good Noctune, Op. 19 (Tchalkovsky);Barjo ielling documentof that counlry'sfine Email Obrasso at and Fiddle lKtoll)t Meditalion lBtidge): brassbandculture.To contactThomas Dansedu DiablevertlCassado); L iHeule Buedidirectlyaboullhis disc and/orhis exqutse(Hahn). lranscriptions,write via email to: Drcamsand Farcles.Royal NorwegianNavyBand(NigelBoddice), wilh Thomas Ruedi may be rankedamong guesttuba soloist'SlephenSykes. lhe besi of the risingyounggeneration Doyen DOYCD 115.TT67:03. Program: of euphoniumsoloisis. In ths widepercmenE F re (Goo ef al I dwin) F o u r Te m : ranging recital of classical transcripWind Band and Brass EnsembleBe tions, this Swiss virtuosootle|s a high continued onpage37 qualitypackage' literalureand perlor- cordrngs 35 The Brass Band BridgeDecember2001 continued hom page 36 Gymnopedie #1 (Satie/Smilh); Sirulhl Folk (Horovilz); Song Fantasy \Hazell); -Jeuxd'enfanE for.Iuba(M.Brand);Suite Suilelor Brass#1 leoodwinJ:TwoSpiri(BizelJG.B'and); Camaby Stre€t (Hart); tuals(Fetnie)', Hademn a9March(i w pin)| HornSolo..Sunrlse(Hart),soloistI\,4ariel Songs ofthe Aneican Draam(Ellerby). Minutella; Ihe Delenders (Newton); Skynder (Hatl); Drcams and Fancies (M. Brand). The work of grealestinterestto NABBA memberswillbe MichaelBland's(sonof Geoflrcy) Four Tempercmentg a 14minute work ,or iuba and wind band, which also exisls, I am lold, in a brass bandve€ion. NABBAfavoriteStephen Sykes shines forth as the soloist capable ol taking us througha series of vadationsthatinv6siigalethe lraditional 'tempers'of mankind,a ftusical subject that has been embracedby composers like Hindemithand Nielsen. Michael Brandmighi be labelleda modeh-day KurtWeill,at homewithblendingBroadway and classicalmusic gestuteslhat transcendsa tr6ndy,crossovereJiorts. Th6olh€rtwocomposers,PaulHartand Rodney N€wlon, share some ol lhat approach,bolhwrilingmusicmarkedby wit, humor,and much gracefulcharm, Geoffrey Brand is representedin an excellenl transcriptionsuite of lhr€e movemenlstrom one of Bizet's{inest wo(ks,Jeuxd'enlants.we tendtoforget in NABBA that Geoureyhas quile the career in the wind band field, as bolh conduclorandaflanger,perhapswithan evengreaterreputalionandrangethanin our own subcullure,NigelBoddiceand thisfinemililarybandinterprellhisafiay ol recenl wind band music, odginalor arranged,wilhcare, aCCuracy, andmuch expressivezeal. Thisallowsuslo make a carelulassessmenlol muchtine new musicin highlyaccessiblemodernstyle, much of which will also be availablein brassband format. F/ashlSandstormBrass Quinlel. Egon SFZ1O4ITT62t42.Pftgram TheFlash ([.4oralsmith);Att Misbehavin'(Walle Notis); FiveEIizabethanDances lF etnletI lor brassensemblemusicfor lhis combinationthewelf producedpackagelists the variouspublishers, whichrangelrom Sandstorm [,4usicitself, to Chesier, Rosehill,Obrasso,andotherwell-known firms, One unexpectedaspect ot the ThefirstlhingtoclarifyisthatSandstorm programis theinclusionoJafi angemenls BrassQuintetis a brass band type by MartinEllerbyand JospehHorovitz, quintet,and a modellor suchgroups notedcomposeFof originalmusic.The formedwithinNABBAbands.Theper recordinglailhlullyreproducesthegroup sonnelincludestoplevelplayerswith without emphasizinga 'closemike' efmarked success inihebrassbandarena:leci thatcanmar chamberbrassrecordComelsFlichard lrarshall, Alan[,4orrison; ings. We hear each individualquite AlloHornSandy SmithiTrombone Nick cleady but also gain a fine blended Hudson; TubaShaunCrowther. Therep- sound, as il you were seated about 4 erloirerangeslromfamiliarquintetfare rows back,dead center, A solidchafilirslshaped Jorgroupslikethe Canadian ber brass recordingI can heartilycomBrassand PhilipJones BrassEnsemble, mendonseve€llevelsl io worksdesigned forSandslorm, espe' ciallythoseby membsrSandySmith. Theopeninglune,a SandySmithversionofMora's 1869galop, convinces !s we are in lhe presence ol live virtuosi, Thocornets arecapable ofsounding lik€ irumpetswhenoveritis appropiaie, and lhe sameis true,in termsof orchestral horn,ollheamazing SmilhonAltoHom. ldidn'tleellike lwaslislening toa brass band'qlintel - but just an excellent quint6twilh addedcolor dimensions, especiallyin the upperthree voices, somethingnot alwayspresentin the symphonic version,Forthoseiookrng The Music of Buxlon Off. Royal Scot. tlsh Academy of Muslc Wlnd Orchestra and Academy Brass (BryanAllen and Nigel Boddice).Doyen TT 68158. PtogAm. Tournamenl for Ten Piece B.ass Ensemble: Trcmbone Concerto, Soloisllan BoustioldiNaftalon fot Symphonic Wind Orchestrc; A Caledonian Suile.BuxtonOff (1924-1998) BuxtonOrr (1924-1997)contribuled conlinued on page 38 BlackDykeBand In concenaI WillPAC,the Performing ArtsCenter Williamstown, NJ Monday,Feb4th,2001 hostedby the Atlantic Brass Band Ticketsare $15 Call 1-800-573-2275 for turtherdetails Don'tmissthisunioueevent!! December2001 TheEfass Band Bridge 37 continued from page 37 widely to brass band and wind band lilerature,bul lhose were by no means his main areas of composition. This tecotdingwas compiledlrom a concert jn homageto this Scottishtalentshodly atterhis dealh in December1997. The t\ivobrasschoiritemsare scoresfor PBJ style group: 4 trumpels; t horn; 4 trombones;1 tuba. The wind ensemble workstrulyreflectan approachto inslrumenlationthatfollowwhatthecomposer chooses,ratherthana preselvoicingset by a publisher. Ofi's style is bitingly modern,bul primarilytonal.The heavyweighlworkhereislhe 20-minutelrombone Concefto,playedconvincinglyby lan BousJeld.Bothensemblesfrornthe RoyalScotlishAcademyoi Musicare a credii bolh io lhat excoll€ntconserualory and a tributelo the tine wolk by the lwo conduclorc,Allenand Boddico. f,4y only slighl conplaint on the prodlction isthalwhilewegeta shorlnotebyOft on his inl€reslingNaffation,as well as lhe openingToumamenl,no informationis supplied on the Concerto nor on ihe an?clive CaledonianS./i6. While lhis lasl pieceis nol programmaticin nature, Ofi cerlainlyreachesintolhe heritageol Scoltishlolk music and dance tor his inspiration.A line tr buteto Orr and his mlsic, marked by soljd playing in the brasschoir,line wind band sound,and by an outstandingsoloistal lhe peak ol hls cateer, Jubilant Ovefture\Reed); Shotl Ride On a Fast Machine (Adaffs) . Anolher fine colleclionof live perfor mancesol Wide-ranging andmOsllyconiemporarywind band musicrepfesenting allfive divisonsor sections.Notable recordingsby lhe elite division unts: SarpsborgJanilsjalkolpsol Hindemith's Konzertmusik(nol the Symphony of Band) and LilleslromMusikorpsot ihe windbandversionot Adams'ShortFide. YouNaughty,NaughtyMen. Saxton's Cohet Band. Producedby Saxton's Comet Band. If 57'.01.P(ogtafi: 7th Regiment Quickstep; Magnalia Polka; Dearest Spotan Eafth;Tiger Auickstep; Daughter af the Regiment Overturc; ScenesThatAre Bighlest; Dixie'sLand Medley Quickstep: Anvil Chotus; Our Quickstep: Finale frcn Lucia di Lanmenoot: You Naughty, Naughty Men; Baher al Seville; Yankee Daodle Vai alions; Silver Maon Quickstep/Farewe| My Lilly DearMedley;GeneralTaylor Stoming Manlercy;Bdn d'Amou (Dance of Love) Polka; Wood Up! Quickstep. Here'sa dandy.Dander yei lf you like Civil War era music. Saxton'sCornei Band,ot Lexinglon,Kentucky,usuallya feaiure group at lhe Great Arnercan Brass Band Festival,hjls lhe bull's-eye with th s interesiingand diversecollectionoi eighteen mid-19th cenlurypieces lrom variety selected a of hislodcbooks. Most are afiangementsactuallyplayed Nowegian Wlnd Band Champianships by bandsol the day, and allhoughlhey 2001. Live Recording/Double CD. Vaiare a cenlury and a hall old, lhey are ous Wind Bands. Doyen. TT CD #1 most refreshing.Addingto the aulhen60:50;CD #2 58:25iTotalTT 1r59:15. ticity,lhe band plays on period inslruProgram CD #1. Konzettmusik fual ments.And in lune, no less, which is A/asorchesler(Hindemith); Fanfare and quitean accompllshmenlThe lisl in the Chola/{Hovland);Dawn Flighl lwilby)l bookJel is enoughlo makea colleclors Armenian Dances lReed); Affinity and eyes pop out. The booklet is clever, Fellawship lg'aks1ad\ Stabsaabesk complete with some amuslng photos (Thommesen).Ptogtafi CD *2: ln Meguys thatmighllead onetobelieveihese moriam (fraslanka); Blue Shades might reallybe naughty.See for youF (ficheli); llly an Dances(Woolfenden); self;thls CD is a winner,with supeb Ovedurc lot a New Age (de Haan);A playinganda verywellbalancedrecord- 38 TheBrass Band Bridge December2001 jng. Fleviewedby Paul Eierley,noted Band Historian. To order contacll Saxlon's Brass Band/1430Union city Fld./Richmond, KY 40475(859)6250I 46IWeb sile: Recordings JazzEnsemble Evidence. BgC Big Band (Jiggs Whigham).DoyenDOY CD 111.TT 60:01. ProgramlDeed I Do lcla\4an): Dindi lwiesler): Yes Sir, That'sMy Baby (Batone);LesletWenlOul(Juulilainen); The Touchof Your Lipslwilkins); Irou Swel/(Wiesler);Clair ObscotlBola d)' Eviclence ClaylonJ: Blues fot Clare (Ferguson);You d 8e So NiceTo Come Home To (Albam); Shout Me Oul (Clayton). Tromboneso oisl and bandleaderJiggs Whigham drives his crew through an excitingprogramot excellontbig band music.They play with great verve and accuracy,withlotsolenergy,bulalways underconlrol, Thegrouprnainlainsaline aftay o, soloists beyond the up-Jront man. Thestylesof lhe arrangement6are lo up-lo-dat6wilhoutbeinginaccessible the averagelislener, The standoutatrangementsareby JohnClayton,includ ing the iille compositionby Thelonious [,4onk,Evidence,in which Clalon does nol lakea condescendrng approach,bul geniusollheo ginal.The respectsthe albumcloser, ShoutM€ Oul, takes the iniel. fomoiahigh-energy shoulchorus spersedwiih solid blues chorus solos. No wonderthe Bitish BroadcasiCorporation Big Band band was voled lour times"BesiBig Band'in the IJKduing the 1990s.This was the first CD I have receivedon Doyens Jazz series; lh s portendswellior theirfutureefforis.Very enjoyablejazzalbumthat I recommend to those NABBA memberswho enjoy big band jazz. publisher NJHMusicof Barnsley,SoulhYorkshire, ol workslor brassbandby NigelHone, is prcudlo announc€ thar SolidErassMusicCompanyol San Raiael,Calilorniahas agreedlo stocklheir brassbandar€ngements,ellectivoimmedialely SOLID BRASSMUSIC NOW STOCKS BRITISH BRASSBAND MUSIC Solid BrdssMusichossuppliedsheet husic for bross intfruments ih the U.5. for 16 yeors ond hosetloblishedoh envioblerepulqtion fo. superiorgerviceond persoholotiention. We nowcorry sheei hrusicfrotn ihese mojor suppliersof British gross Bondmusicr ChondosMusic GordonMusic Rosehill Music EditionsMorcReiff KirkleesMusic R. Snith & Co. Visil our web site or contocl us for o free cotolog. 'OZ DTSCOUNTON YOI,/PFIRST @DEPI SOLID BRASS MUSIC COMPANY 71 Mi. RoinierDrive,SonRofoel,CA 94903 (800)873-9798 Non-Prolit Organization U.S,POSTAGE PAID Cullowhee, NC PernlitNo.30 The BrassBand Ilridge ColinW.Holman,Editor 31 JosephLane GlendaleHeights,lL 60139 U.S.A t , t , , t ,, , , | , | , , | , I L | , , I | , , , I BrassBandof Columbls 1310MaizeBoadCoud ColumbusOH 43229