August - Exeter Company of Archers
August - Exeter Company of Archers
Exeter Company of Archers News Letter August 2014 Welcome to the 4th edition of 2014 If you are able to help on the following days please put your name on the list provided on the notice boards No shooting 31st August No normal club meetings on the following Sundays Intercounties (Tournament) - Sat 20/9/14 pm (time TBA) and Sun 21/9/14 all day (from 8am) Killerton (Have a Go) - Sat 18/10/14 and Sun 19/10/14 from 10am (provisional - to be confirmed) Report on previous Have -a –goes by Karen Grassie The Have-a-go Powderham – Sun 15th June 2014 (Fathers' Day & WW1 Commemorative Day) went very well, with lots of participants on a lovely sunny day. We had quite an international time - with Australian, German and Japanese visitors all having a go along with the locals and other holidaymakers. We took £100 throughout the day, which is approximately double last year's figure, and we will be donating a sum to Powderham's charity - Hospiscare - as usual. The Killerton Apple Weekend Have-a-Go 18-19th October has now been confirmed. Although a bit of a damp weekend in 2013, it was great fun, very busy and a lovely location in amongst the apple trees of the Killerton orchards. There is a sign-up 1|Page News Letter August 2014 sheet in the Mug Hut for any additional volunteers for this event to put their names down. As this is a two-day event, we need as many helpers as we can get to spread the load. If you can commit a half-day - morning or afternoon - on the Saturday/Sunday please sign up! Club AGM and Outdoor Champs - Sunday 28th September. This will be our final outdoor session this season. A 1.30, for 2pm start for the Club Outdoor Championships (see Scott’s poster for details) this will be followed by the AGM and then the Awards in the cricket pavilion. Intercounties 21st Sept - call out for more helpers for setting up on Sat 20th and on the day - see signup sheet in the mug hut. Spectators at club meetings As a general rule, spectators (friends / family of members and general public) are welcome at club meetings. However, as archery is a ‘projectile sport’ there are certain conditions which must be complied with for safety and also security reasons. 1. At all times, spectators must remain well behind the waiting line and keep clear of members’ and club equipment. Preferably, spectators should remain in the pavilion area for outdoor meetings, and on the viewing balcony for indoor meetings. Any exceptions must be agreed by the Field Captain. 2. Spectators must not distract archers whilst shooting, or at any other time. 3. Spectators must not enter the club huts, other than with the express permission of the Field Captain or a committee member, and must be supervised by an adult member at all times. Notices to this effect are to be displayed in the huts. 4. Food items / drinks supplied by the club are primarily for club members. They may be available to spectators with permission, as above or from the ‘Catering Team’. All items must be paid for. 5. Any non-club sports or other equipment / machinery etc, which may be present in the area is out of bounds to all present. 6. It is never possible for spectators to ‘Have a Go’. All such requests must pass through the official channels. 2|Page News Letter August 2014 7. Spectators must comply with the standing rules of ‘No Smoking’ and ‘No Dogs’ (except guide dogs) on Exeter School premises. 8. Exeter School is Private Property. The public (including all non-club members) have no right of access, other than with the club’s express agreement (as an official user of the facilities). 9. It is the responsibility of club members to inform family / friends of these conditions. There may be specific exemptions to conditions 1, 3, and 4 for adult family members of junior / disabled members etc. There can be no exceptions to conditions 2 and 5 - 9 under any circumstances. At all times all present, including spectators, are under the control of the Field Captain. It’s time to think about volunteering! At Club, County and Regional level, Archery is run by volunteers who agree to be nominated onto committees and undertake the jobs that are essential to run the sport and thereby enable us to participate in Archery. It is vital that people are willing to come forward every year, because unless the core constitutional roles are filled, these committees would have to fold. At each level the core constitutional roles are the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Every year at the Exeter Company of Archers Club AGM we elect the committee who are responsible for the running of our club in line with our constitution. This year I wanted to make sure you all know what the different roles on the committee involve in good time before the AGM which will take place in September (exact date yet to be confirmed) when the current committee all stand down. While some committee members might be willing to be nominated again it is important that members don’t always leave these jobs up to the same people. Committee members are elected from the membership; anyone can be nominated and in some cases in the past nonmembers who are associated with the club through a relative have helped the committee with particular jobs. This year I would like to ensure there are as many nominations as possible, if we have more than one nomination for a role, there can be an election or roles could be shared and as you’ll see below there are plenty of jobs to be done. Having been on the committee for a number of years, I would like to stand down this time myself. I have been very proud to be a member of the committee since 2007; I’ve been on the Club Committee nearly as long as I have been a member of the club in various roles! 3|Page News Letter August 2014 I was elected to be treasurer 3 months after joining, and since then I have been Coaching Officer, Chairman and I’m currently also managing the membership secretary role in the absence of a nomination for this last year. So if you are interested becoming more involved, or just want to know a bit more about how the committee works, please speak to me or another member of the committee. Karen - Chairman Responsibilities of Committee Members Chairman Responsible for chairing committee meetings and the club's AGM. Maintaining and encouraging continuity of activity within the club. Has casting vote in any decisions made. Keeps in contact with all other committee members throughout the year and ensures they are fulfilling their roles. Enables committee members to weigh up options that will resolve any problems met. Secretary Responsible for all club correspondence, arrange and keep records of all committee meetings. Be the main contact for the club and its activities. Communicate and liaise with the school about the use of the school facilities throughout the year. Maintain a supply of information to club members on such items as local competitions, training courses, hosted shoots etc Responsible for all club correspondence with G.N.A.S and the County & Regional Archery Societies regarding club membership details etc. (This has been done by a separate membership secretary recently) Treasurer Responsible for the entire club finances. Maintaining a record of up to date club accounts and producing a balance sheet at the end of the club year. Produce a summary of accounts to date at all committee meetings. Collect members shooting fees. 4|Page News Letter August 2014 Dunster Week June Hundreds of archers converge on Dunster for a full week of Archery ECOA Archers enjoy the week at Dunster 5|Page News Letter August 2014 Here are just a few of the results Field Round 17th June photos from Christine Oakes 6|Page News Letter August 2014 Val Scull Hits25 Score 294 Kills 4 4th Andy Oakes Hits28 Score 390 Kills 8 2nd Longbow 2 Way Western (178 Archers) 18th June Chris Quinn Hits 92 Score 456 Golds 5 7th Andy Oakes Hits 89 Score 481 Golds 15 11th Scott Williams Hits 85 Score 507 Golds11 18th DOUBLE YORK/HEREFORD National Record Status & Rose Award. Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd June 2014 Longbow Double York Scott Williams Hits 177 Score 755 Golds 15 4th Myra Hingston Hits 61 Score 231 Golds 3 1st 7|Page News Letter August 2014 National County Team Tournament Report by Keith Hingston Both Myra and I were delighted to find that we had both been selected for the Devon and Cornwall longbow teams to shoot at this event. The national county team tournament is held at Lillishall National Sports and Conferencing Centre. This is a team event shot over two days with teams of three shooting world record status archery 50m and 70m round followed by a team head to head on Saturday. Then we shot a Gents and Ladies world archery 1440 (FITA) star on Sunday. We left Exeter early on Friday morning for the long trip to Lillishall, the GPS said the journey would take three and a half hours; we took four hours. We were glad we left early as people who left later took over six. After booking in to our hotel we went to the field as the target list was to be issued at four o’clock to put up our tent. Several members of the team were already there including Seth Neil Sarah Conisbee and Jane Forrow who were camping at the field. Chris Quinn arrived a little later. On the Saturday morning we arrived at the field at seven o’clock to set ourselves up and join up with the other members of our teams and change into our team shirts before we had to register and have our equipment checked. The Gents longbow team shot well at the WA720 (FITA 70) and ended in second place. This meant we had a bye in the first round of the head to head. Unfortunately we didn’t progress much further and lost the bronze final to Dorset and Wiltshire on the last arrow. We managed third place in the WA1440 (gents FITA) on Sunday this meant that we finished with an overall position of third. 8|Page News Letter August 2014 The Devon and Cornwall team as a whole, Ladies Compound (Jess Luck, Wendy Broome, Kerry Bennett), Ladies Recurve (Paulette Mills, Estelle Edwick, Zena Barker), Ladies Longbow (Sarah Conisbee, Myra Hingston, Jane Forrow), Gents Compound (Daniel Tompkins, Neil Bennett, Mark Cardy), Gents Recurve (Mark O’Halloran, Andrew Hoyle, Jimmy Sandoe) and Gents Longbow (Seth Neill, Keith Hingston, Chris Quinn) finished in second place. Members achievements in Tournaments Lizard Peninsula Bowmen Open Tournament 8 June 2014 Bristol 1 Barebow Philip Rees Hits 104 Score 542 Golds 13 Gold Award Coastal Archers Longbow Shoot 26th June Gentlemen Andy Oakes Hits 95 Score 517 Golds 10 First -Most Hits Hits 78 Score 376 Golds 11 2nd Highest Score Ladies Val Scull 9|Page News Letter August 2014 10 | P a g e News Letter August 2014 Redruth Archers 29th June Double American Ladies Recurve Gina Elsworthy Hits 180 Golds 48 Total 1210 Medal Bowmen of Wadebridge Open Tournament – 6th July Gents Longbow Keith Hingston Hits 98 Score 418 Golds 9 1st Hits 55 Score 187 Golds 3 3rd Ladies Longbow Myra Hingston Exmouth Archers UK Record Status and Rose Award Open 13th July Hereford Ladies Recurve Gina Elsworthy Hits 128 Score 710 Golds 29 Bronze Medal Bristol V Junior Ladies Barebow - Amethyst receives her 1st Plaque Amethyst Chopping Jack & Jill Award – Keith and Myra Hingston 11 | P a g e Hits 133 Score 691 Golds 17 Plaque News Letter August 2014 Newquay Bowmen 20th July Hereford Gent Barebow Philip Rees Hits106 Score 500 Golds 9 Medal Amethyst Chopping Hits 81 Score 393 Golds 10 Medal Bristol 4 Under 12 Junior Kenwith Co of Archers 27th July York Round Gents Longbow Keith Hingston Hits 64 Score 270 Golds 3 2nd Medal Hits 33 S core 103 Golds 1 1st Trophy and medal Ladies Longbow Myra Hingston Coaching Availability Tuesday is considered to be the Coaching day for outdoors and for indoors Sunday. Other times by request Please be aware that our coaches also like to shoot and practice for tournaments and County shoots. 12 | P a g e News Letter August 2014 13 | P a g e News Letter August 2014 By Scott Williams Here are this year’s club outdoor record breakers; I still have Dunster Field Records, and some of the competitions away from the club to sort. But if you fancy grabbing yourself a record, there’s a chance to including the Club Championship distances, details of all the records are on the Club’s new look website. If you think you’ve got a record that I’ve not included please let me know. Good shooting - Scott. Club Records Barebow Gentlemen Score Phillip Rees 08/06/2014 Hereford 542 Phillip Rees 08/06/2014 Bristol I 542 Phillip Rees 01/06/2014 Long Metric I 233 Phillip Rees 01/06/2014 Long Metric 233 Ladies Gents Score Karen Grassie 13/07/2014 National 332 Karen Grassie 04/07/2014 Short Metric 313 Karen Grassie 27/07/2014 Long National 265 Karen Grassie 20/05/2014 Warwick 248 Karen Grassie 11/07/2014 Long Warwick 131 Ladies U12 Score Amethyst Chopping Amethyst Chopping Amethyst 30/05/2014 Short Junior 332 28/04/2014 National Short Junior 287 248 11/05/2014 Warwick Short Junior Chopping Amethyst 08/04/2014 Western Junior Warwick 164 Chopping Amethyst 15/07/2014 Junior National 158 Amethyst Chopping 17/06/2014 Short National 40 Chopping Ladies U18 Score Sophie Gratton 20/06/2014 Short Junior National 14 | P a g e 295 News Letter August 2014 Sophie Gratton 13/06/2014 Short National 165 Sophie Gratton 16/05/2014 New National Mollie Wix 01/06/2014 Double FITA 2344 Mollie Wix 10/06/2014 FITA Ladies 1206 Scott Williams 24/05/2014 BLBS Windsor 598 Chris Chopping 17/06/2014 Short National 360 7 Compound Ladies Longbow Gentlemen Ladies Score Val Scull 24/05/2014 BLBS Windsor 456 Val Scull 28/06/2014 BLBS Western 376 Myra Hingston 01/06/2014 Double FITA 169 Recurve Gentlemen Score Barry Gratton 13/06/2014 Short National 598 Ladies Score Karen Williams 01/06/2014 Double FITA 1805 Ladies U18 Score Sophie Gratton 27/05/2014 New National 42 Indoor Shooting Times Start 30th September – Please check notice board & website for any late changes Sunday 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. Tuesday 8 p.m. until 10 p.m. Friday 7 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. If you are the last person on the target, you need to put the target and stand away 15 | P a g e News Letter August 2014 New Archers Now you are a member of the club we have a system to record your improvement and create a classification for you. White score sheets are available at reception or if you prefer you can use your own sheets. You can either put your score in the envelope on reception or give them directly to Scott. Scott Williams our record office will collate each of your score sheets. Once you have 3 scores in you will be given a handicap. Each subsequent score sheet will be used to track your progress and will be charted on the notice Board. If you need any help just ask Scott or any of the more experienced Archers who will be happy to help Please can we remind everyone that the Pink score sheets are intended to be used for League scores only, so please use white ones when you’re submitting non league scores. Repair Book Need repairs to fletch sight or string? Please enter into the repair book at reception and advise Andrew or Peter Accident Book Please enter any accidents into the book and report to any committee member Forthcoming Tournaments See or to download entry forms, or look in the folder at reception Please send me anything you would like to see in the next issue (October 2014) with photographs if possible. It can be anything from how you enjoyed a tournament to people who may have helped you or when you have achieved your PB. Jpeg or word documents work best for me Happy Shooting or 16 | P a g e