The Tidings - Doylestown Presbyterian Church


The Tidings - Doylestown Presbyterian Church
The Tidings
127 east court street, doylestown, pa 18901
Be a bridge for Christ and a beacon of His love
November 2015
volume 4, no. 03
Honoring Miriam Montgomery
On October 18, we had our very first All Lighthouse Event. We took this
day to honor and celebrate one of our own, Miriam Montgomery. Miriam
has been a member of DPC since 1949 and in that time, has served her
church community in a variety of capacities across all ages.
There has been a print floating around our church building for years and it
is a picture of Jesus welcoming the children. This print has always been
special to Miriam. Our first Lighthouse rotation was Jesus Welcoming the
Children. In Matthew 19: 13-14 it tells us that the people brought their
children to Jesus so he could put his hands on them and pray for them. His
followers told them to stop
but Jesus said, “Let the little
children come to me. Don’t
stop them! For the
Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” Then he
placed his hands on their heads and blessed them before he left.
We dedicated this print in honor of Miriam for all that she has done over the
years as a believer and disciple of Jesus while teaching others to do the
same. It is now located on the first floor of Andrews Hall in between rooms
122 and 123.
Come and take a look!
Miriam pictured here with her grandchildren, Elisha Gillette and James Darville.
Advent Workshop
Commitment Sunday - November 1
As part of worship on Sunday, we
will come forward and place our
Estimates of Giving for 2016, in a
communion table. A letter went
out to all members with a
personalized card offering a
suggested level of giving for the
coming year. We invite you to continue pondering the
meditations found in our Stewardship Devotional and
prayerfully consider the abundance of God’s blessings in
your life. Then join us in worship as we respond with
glad and generous hearts!
Sunday, November 29
4:30 – 7 p.m. in Andrews Hall
An event for all ages!
The Advent season is meant to be a time for preparation and
reflection as we wait for Christ’s coming. Join your church
family in celebrating the beginning of Advent with a variety of
activities sure to please members of all ages. We will begin
with a soup and salad potluck supper followed by dessert and
carol singing. Then participants will be free to choose from
many fun activities, such as Advent wreath making, candle
making, and other Christmas crafts. For the potluck, last
names A-G, either chicken noodle soup or macaroni and
cheese; H-Q, either vegetable soup or salad and bread; R-Z,
dessert. Please bring soup in a slow cooker. If you plan to
attend, you can RSVP by calling the church or sending an
email to (
The Tidings
November 2015—Page 2
speaker, as Project Director for a Lily
While no stalker, I am a longFoundation-endowed
time fan.
congregational vitality and just a few of
I’m referring to Diana ButlerBass, our guest at DPC November 14-15 “Yet here’s what I think the awards and grants she has won. All
who comes to us as part of the Forward is most important for you of those things are true as well, which
along with her role as wife and mother,
Together in Faith Speaker Series. I first
read one of her books more than 10 to know about Diana.” daughter and sister, inform the insights
she will be sharing with us.
years ago, soon noticed her articles
Yet here’s what I think is most important for you
appearing in favorite church publications and then took
to know about Diana. She is a child of the church,
advantage of the chance to hear her speak at Moravian
growing up in a United Methodist Church in Baltimore
College. What I found on that occasion and in
and then an independent Evangelical church in
subsequent times over the years as I travelled to Boston
Scottsdale, Arizona, who is now active in an Episcopal
and Dallas for conferences was that in addition to being
congregation in Washington, D.C. She has studied the
an insightful observer of the American religious
church in all its diversity and spent years telling of vibrant
landscape, she is also an engaging speaker. Soon you will
communities of faith across the theological spectrum.
have the opportunity to experience those gifts first-hand,
She loves the church, but is not blind to its faults. She
knows better than most how the world has changed,
On the back cover of this Tidings, you can find
including the rise of “nones“ in surveys identifying
the schedule for her weekend with us. If you look at her
religious preference, but remains convinced the church
bio (, you will see that she is
has a unique gift still. All of those perspectives make her
an author, speaker and independent scholar who
visit with us both timely and significant for our shared
specializes in American religion and culture. All of those
descriptions are true and her visit with us coincides with
the launch of her latest book Grounded: Finding God in
So join us for all or part of her visit. Invite your
the World—A Spiritual Revolution. Our iLight class is
friends and neighbors as well. It promises to be a unique
discussing the book now and on the Saturday evening
opportunity for all of us to hear from and engage with an
she is here Diana will share insights from that newest
important voice of our day. And, if you find after her time
work as well.
with us that you are tempted to go see her elsewhere,
That same website also tells you about her
too, don’t be surprised if I decide to tag along, too!
academic credentials and the places she has taught as a
professor, her work as a contributor and conference
Important Dates In November…
Daylight Saving Time Ends
Sunday, November 1
Session Report
At its meeting on October 26th, the Session:
Received a thorough report from the Personnel
Committee on the process used in recent staff layoffs
and the outline of a staffing model moving
forward. Expressed its thanks for their excellent and
kind work.
Approved the hiring of Linay Richards as Director of
Finances and Operations effective November 15.
Thanksgiving Community Service
November 25 at 7 p.m.
Temple Judea of Bucks County
3. Received the Community Protection Policy training.
Church Office Closed
The church office will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday on Thursday and Friday, November 26-27. Items for
the bulletin that week must be submitted by 10 a.m. on
Monday, Nov. 24.
Received an update on the Marketing Task Force and
recent Presbytery meeting.
Approved changes in the membership roll. Active
membership as of 10/25 is 1626.
The Tidings
Page 3—November 2015
Reformation Tour 2016
October 31, 2017, will mark the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther nailing the 95 Theses to the
door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. That event is traditionally understood as the start of the
Protestant Reformation, a time of change which eventually gave birth to the Presbyterian
Church. In anticipation of that anniversary, John Willingham is leading a two-week tour starting
June 28, 2016, designed to explore and celebrate our faith heritage.
We will fly to Berlin and over the course of the tour work our way diagonally across Germany, visit
Strasbourg, France (where John Calvin preached) and conclude in Switzerland, returning home from
Geneva. Along the way, we will visit many of the key places that marked the ministries of Luther
and Calvin, see a few sites related to World War II and the Cold War, share in worship and
reflection, experience beautiful scenery and great fellowship, all as a way of deepening our
appreciation for the reformers whose courage and faithfulness continue to bless us as
If you missed the information meeting and would like more details, speak to Linay Richards or send her an email
Special Event
An Evening with
David Kim,Concertmaster,
Philadelphia Orchestra
Sunday, November 1
4 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Reception to follow
Free Will Offering Received
Members’ Only Art Show
Celtic Cross Room
Hello From the Deacons!
In this season of Thanksgiving, the Deacons thank all the bakers and cooks who have provided meals
for the homebound or those recovering from hospitalizations. Please contact the Church Office if
you wish to be added to our list of volunteers.
Our next offering of Extended Communion is February 14. Please contact the church office if you
wish to be added to the list of those receiving Communion at home because you are unable to
attend church for worship.
* Save the date! Christmas Caroling will be on December 6 at noon. The Deacons will offer a light
lunch to carolers before they make their way off to sing.
The Tidings
November 2015—Page 4
Good News and the Other News.
Adult Education
Each week a topic pertaining to recent
iLIGHT is an ongoing class for individuals and
events in the news is discussed giving
couples navigating career and family. The class
Sundays at 9:45 a.m.
opportunity to reflect upon the news story
offers diverse topics and formats for a diverse
from the perspective of faith. As people of
group within our family of faith. Whether
faith, we are called to be engaged in the
you’re married or single, the parent of a toddler or a
world and reflect upon everyday events by pondering
teenager, or not a parent at all—you are welcome! We
what Scripture has to say to such matters, and this
are all Learning In God’s House Together! AH-211.
class is a weekly opportunity to do just that. Led by
November 1 and 8
the Pastors, Joan and Peter Christianson, and Jay
Stough. AH-207.
SNEAK PEEK … Grounded: Finding God in the World
The headlines are clear: religion is on the decline in
The Word Among Us
America as many people leave behind traditional
This class is an in-depth Bible study and discussion group
religious practices. Diana Butler Bass, DPC guest November
that welcomes anyone who is interested in exploring the
14 and 15, argues that what appears to be a decline
truths found in Scripture. We are currently studying the
actually signals a major transformation in how people
Gospel of Matthew. In Matthew's time, members of the
understand and experience God. Her latest book explores
Christian church represented a diversity of backgrounds and
this cultural turn and tells of how people are finding new
opinions. Join us as we explore answers to these questions
spiritual ground by discovering and embracing God
and others in our study of the book of Matthew. Whether
everywhere in the world around us—in the soil, the water,
you are new or experienced in Bible study, you are most
the sky, in our homes and neighborhoods, and in the global
welcome. Come join us! Led by Dick Cornelius & Margaret
commons. Join us while your children enjoy Lighthouse! Led
Thoresen. AH-209.
by John Willingham
Man-Talk. This class is a forum for men of DPC to gather
for a time of study and fellowship where we can comfortably
address the myriad of personal problems that men silently
face and never openly discuss. Each session is presented by
a Christian professional or Bible scholar. Coordinated by Lou
Zoppel. AH-120.
November 1
“The Lie of Law” and its Consequences,
Rabbi Michael Shevack
November 8
“God is Light”, Rev. Richard Jensen
November 15
“Where Are You Seated?”,
Sumner Mering
November 22
“The Missing Element of Prayer!”,
David Jones
November 29
Topic “TBA”, Sam Rohrer
November 15 – December 20
TED… “Ideas Worth Spreading”
Technology. Entertainment. Design. In 1984, leading minds
from these potent fields came together sharing their ideas
and their discoveries. Six years later, TED was born.
Scientists, musicians, business leaders, religious figures and
philanthropists gather annually, united by curiosity and
passion, to share ideas with the world in the hope of creating
meaningful change. Each week we will watch a brief TED talk
on a fore issue in today’s global culture. Join us for 5 weeks
of crucial conversation inspired by the world’s top thinkers,
the world’s top issues, and the world’s most necessary
influence—our faith.
Led by Scott Blore
will NOT meet on 11/29, Thanksgiving weekend)
Code Blue Class - November 22
There is a very real and growing problem with homelessness
in Bucks County. Suburban homelessness is often hidden,
with many not even realizing it exists all around them, and
the causes are often surprising. Join us to learn more about
the face of suburban homelessness in Bucks County and to
discuss how Code Blue is helping to respond to this crisis in
our community.
Led by Anne L. Bishop & Barbara Stanley. AH-213.
We are also excited to announce four upcoming classes
suggested by members of the congregation. They will be:
• "Growing Older - What's the Big Deal?”, Part II
• "Then God Created Laughter"
• "An Education on Addictions"
• "The Bible's Archaeological History"
Stay tuned for class dates and further information.
Christmas Caroling
O Come, All Ye Faithful… Church-wide Caroling for ALL ages
Sunday, December 6, after the 11 a.m. service.
We'll meet to share a light lunch (provided) and then go in small groups to share Advent and Christmas joy with our home-bound DPC members. Come join the fun! If you have any questions, please
contact Lindsay Shull ( or the church office.
The Tidings
Page 5—November 2015
Movies With A Message
To begin our celebration of the Advent season, please join
us in the Celtic Cross Room at 7 PM on December 4 to view
the best Christmas movie you’ve never heard of, “It
Happened on 5th Avenue” (1947), starring Victor Moore as
a hobo who moves into the New York City mansion of a rich
man (Charlie Ruggles) after he moves out for the winter,
and invites several homeless World War II veterans and
their families to join him. This lighthearted comedy
contains messages of reconciliation and the generosity of
the human spirit. The film also
features Don DeFore, Gail Storm
and Alan Hale Jr. As usual, fresh
popcorn will be provided.
January 29— “Abe Lincoln in Illinois” (1940)
February 26— “Our Vines Have Tender Grapes” (1945)
March 18—“A Man Called Peter” (1955)
The Library and
Read & Chat Book Discussion
The Library Committee invites you to stop by the library each
month to see the special exhibits on the bookshelf over the desk.
Each month, a committee will feature books related to the
committee. Watch for exhibits from Adult Education, Small
Groups, Wrapping Presence, Deacons, Music, Youth, Aid for
Friends and the History Committee.
Read and Chat meets on the second Wednesday of each month.
For October, the group will meet on Wednesday, November 11, at
1 p.m. (and end no later than 2:30) in the library. This month’s
discussion will be on A Place at the Table by Susan Rebecca White.
Please contact Joyce Baral (215-348-8335) for additional
information. We are always looking for new people to join us —
all are invited! Upcoming books are:
• December 9: 84 Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff;
• January 13: The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery;
• February 10: Me Before You by JoJo Moyes;
• March 9: The Chosen by Chaim Potok;
• April 13: A Fall of Marigolds by Susan Meissner;
• May 11: The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins.
Books for Babies
These are the latest additions to our Birth Books donated
by the Library Committee
Dylan Matthew Showalter, born May 10, 2014 to Matt &
Suzie Showalter. Book: The Matchbox Diary by Paul Fleischman, illustrated by Bagram Ibatoulline.
Adalyn Jane Clemente, born May 20, 2014 to Craig & Crystal Clemente. Book: ish by Peter H. Reynolds.
Owen Daniel Low, born July 16, 2014 to Laura and Zach
Low. Book: Adventure Bible StoryBook by Catherine
DeVries, illustrated by Jim Madsen.
Jacob Anthony Luchette, born August 12, 2014 to Wendy
Eaton & Joe Luchette, grandson of Craig & Nancy Eaton.
Book: The Children’s Bible in 365 Stories by Mary Batchelor, illustrated by John Haysom.
Benjamin Aykan Karabudak, born November 10, 2014 to
Aykan & Julie Karabudak, grandson of Hazelanna & Nafiz
Karabudak. Book: Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus,
words and pictures by Mo Willems.
Amelia Grace Bentrim, born November 20, 2014 to Brian
& Catherine Bentrim. Book: Make Way for Ducklings by
Robert McCloskey.
Isabella Joy Gearhart, born December 18. 2014 to Derek
& Reslie Gearhart. Book: Snowflakes Fall Snowflakes Fall by
Patricia McLachlan.
Nathan Perry Davey, born February 11, 2015 to Megan
Paul-Cook and Mike Davey, grandson of Diane Paul & Don
Dennis. Book: My Snake Blake by Randy Siegel and Serge
Agnes Thomasina Sheehan, born April 18, 2015 to Rowan
& Thalia Sheehan, grandchild of Susan Darville & great
grandchild of Miriam Montgomery. Book: That Is NOT a
Good Idea by Mo Willems.
Lillian Mary Haskin, born April 23, 2015 to Adam & Meredith Coyne Haskin. Book: Happy by Mies Van Hout.
Nora Elizabeth Rizk, born June 3 to Matt & Erin Rizk.
Book: Humphrey’s First Christmas by Carol Heyer.
Nina Marie Colantonio, born June 23, 2015 to Angie & RJ
Colantonio, grandchild of Rob & Ronnalee Colantonio.
Book: We Shall Overcome by Debbie Levy, illustrated by
Vanessa Brantley-Newton.
Ella Marie Schumann, born August 26, 2015 to JD & Kristen Schumann, grandchild of John & Linda Schumann.
Book: An Easter Carol by Cindy Kenney, illustrated by Greg
Hardin & Robert Vann.
Sarkis William Burrows, born September 10, 2015 to
Melanie Kodikian & Kyle Burrows, grandchild of Hal & Doris
Kodikian. Book: Thanksgiving Day Thanks by Laura Malone
Elliott and illustrated by Lynn Munsinger.
The Tidings
November 2015—Page 6
Presbyterian Women
Mark your calendar for the Women’s
Worship Service! Presbyterian Women is
hosting a worship service on November 8
at 1 p.m. in the Sanctuary. The Rev. Sarah
Weisiger from Ivyland Presbyterian Church
will preach. Sarah attended the University
of Southern California, graduating magna
cum laude with a B.A. in Philosophy and a
minor in Business Administration. She received her M.Div. in
2009 from Harvard Divinity School in Cambridge and was
ordained later that year. She is married to Alex Weisiger and
they have two children, Amelia and Jeremiah. When Sarah isn’t
chasing a toddler or working on sermons, she enjoys running,
(she ran the 2012 Philadelphia Marathon in 3:35), playing the
guitar and piano, gardening, quilting, and occasionally, cooking
up some home-brew. She can also be caught reading a good
book. Join us on November 8 for this service hosted for and by
women of DPC. In lieu of any fee, Rev. Weisiger has asked that
we donate items to the Synergy Project that works with
homeless teens from Doylestown and other areas of Bucks
County. Suggested items include men's gloves, tube socks,
winter hats, granola bars, journals, pens, hand wipes/sanitizer,
chapstick, gift cards (Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, movies etc).
Women’s Bible Studies
and Small Groups
Seekers of the Word. Join us for fellowship and Bible study on
Thursdays from 9:15 — 11 a.m. in AH-213. New seekers are
always welcome. Contact Charlotte Kane (215-343-5038) for
more information.
Studying and Living God’s Word. This Bible study for women
meets on Thursdays at DPC from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the
library. We welcome any newcomers to the study as we
continue through the Gospel of Mark. For more information
contact Mary Shull (215-297-5627 /
The Women’s Afternoon Stitchery Group All women are invited to join us at the
home of Nancy Stapenell (4543 Kavan Ct.). We will gather on November 23 from 1:30-4 p.m. or any portion
of that time you are available. Contact Nancy (215-794-8180 or with your plans to
attend or your regrets. All women who are interested in stitchery of any kind, or who would like to learn, are
invited to join us. New members are always welcome.
Senior Adult Ministry
Fifty-Year Member Recognition Luncheon.
DPC members of fifty years or more enjoyed a luncheon in
their honor following worship on Sunday, October 25, in the
Celtic Cross Room.
November Luncheon. Join us on Thursday,
November 19, at 12:30 p.m. for lunch in the Celtic Cross
Room, followed by a presentation given by Curt Cowgill,
on his recent 30-day expedition to Antarctica. Join us for
a photographic journey to this exciting, remote, wild and
awe-inspiring place. Call the office to register.
Join us! Cost is $10.
Save the Date!
Thursday, December 10 @ 11:30 a.m.
Annual Christmas Luncheon,
Fellowship Hall
The Tidings
Page 7—November 2015
Aid for Friends
(3rd Tuesday, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.)
We are in need of casseroles and meats such as turkey, ham or
meatloaf plus pre-cooked fresh or frozen vegetables. Recipe
ideas for casseroles can be found in our updated cookbook and
online. We are also in need of applesauce, stewed tomatoes,
peppermint patties and poultry gravy. Please drop off food on
the Sunday before packing to the Andrews Hall kitchen, with a
label on all casseroles that includes your name. Contact Deb
Kmetzo ( 215-815-4024) to tell us about
your donation, especially if you are donating a casserole not
included in the cookbook. This allows us to preprint labels for
your creation.
AFF Gifts of Warmth. Every year the AFF committee sponsors
the Gifts of Warmth drive for our home-bound community. All
items should be new with tags and packaging still intact. They
can be placed in one of the large decorated boxes in the church
or Andrews Hall from Sunday, November 1, thru December 6.
The following items are in special need for our clients both men
and women: Blankets, Pillow Cases, Pillows, Sheets (twin and
full), Zippered Sweat Jackets or Cardigan Sweaters (M - 5X),
Slippers (all sizes), Paper goods (toilet paper, paper towels, hand
wipes, Lysol wipes), Toothpaste & Toothbrushes, Towels & Wash
Cloths, Candy (hard, chocolate, and sugar-free).
AFF is also in need of volunteer visitors to deliver our frozen
dinners once a week to clients in the
Central Bucks area; that's a once-aweek visit to one client. Please
contact Alice Vernon (215-262-4096 /
Upcoming Code Blue Shelter Trainings
With the cold weather just around the corner,
it’s time to start preparing to host the Code Blue homeless
shelter again. DPC will be the host site in February, and several
other area churches will house guests during December,
January, and March. If you would like to volunteer in the shelter
in any capacity, you must attend a volunteer training and pass a
background test. (Returning volunteers do not need to attend
Giving Tree. This year’s Giving Tree project will begin on
the training again.) The dates are:
November 22. As a way to bring Christmas joy to others,
• Sunday, November 1
members will be able to pick a name(s) from the Giving
Doylestown United Methodist Church (2 - 4 p.m.)
"Christmas" Trees to purchase Christmas presents for people in
Sunday, November 8
need. There will be trees located in the Celtic Cross Room and by
Neshaminy Warwick Presbyterian Church
the entrance to Andrews Hall near the main office. Each will be
(11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.)
decorated with gift tags listing requested gifts such as towels,
• Tuesday, November 17
sheets, pillows, clothing, gas cards, books, toys, etc. The name of
Doylestown Presbyterian Church (7 - 9 p.m. )
the recipient and a number will be written on each tag. There
• Sunday, November 22
will be a list next to both trees, on which we kindly ask that you
Trinity Episcopal Buckingham (noon - 2 p.m.)
record this information once you have selected your tag(s). You
• Sunday, January 10
will also need to include your name and phone number for our
tracking purposes. Gifts should be wrapped and must be
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.)
delivered back to the tree by December 6. Thank you for your
Code Blue will also be hosting Site Trainings each time the
participation in this important ministry, making Christmas a
shelter moves to a new location. For a list of those dates, please
happy occasion for our neighbors in need. Questions? Please
contact the church office.
Care and Share
(November 20, 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.)
DPC members volunteer at Care and Share Thrift Shoppes in
Souderton on the 3rd Friday of each month, and we need extra
volunteers! Tasks include greeting shoppers, folding and bagging
items, re-stocking clothing racks, and helping customers.
Proceeds assist those struggling with poverty-related issues. To
volunteer, contact Erin Rizk at
Advent Mission Market. With Christmas around the corner, the
Advent Mission Market is an opportunity for you to give a gift
twice, with all proceeds going to charitable causes. The market
will be open the first three Sundays in Advent (November 29,
December 6, and December 13) during the coffee hour (9:30 10:45 am) on the bridge. Some of our favorite items from years
past will be available including coffee, tea, scarves, etc. We will
also be featuring many new items such as spices, soup mixes,
holiday cards, and pet treats. There will be “product-less”
opportunities to give to ANA and Presbyterian Giving in honor of
a friend or loved one as well. Please consider this wonderful
opportunity to give in a different way this Christmas!
Code Blue Fundraiser: Raise the
Code Blue will be hosting a fundraiser and
auction on Friday, November 6 at 6:30 p.m. at
Spring Mill Manor in Ivyland to help support
their mission to help the homeless in our area.
Tickets are $100. For more information or to
purchase tickets, visit
Rearing Successful Sons Benefit Concert
DPC is sponsoring a concert benefiting the John Gloucester
House on Sunday, November 8 at 3 p.m. at the First District
Plaza in Philadelphia. The event, which will feature the
Philadelphia High School for the Creative and Performing Arts
Choir and two drumming groups, will support the organization’s
Rearing Successful Sons program, which helps young AfricanAmerican teenagers in inner-city Philadelphia navigate a
community that is often hostile and helps to develop character
and self-confidence. Transportation from DPC will be arranged if
a large enough group would like to attend. Please contact Erin
Rizk ( if interested. Tickets are $10.
The Tidings
November 2015—Page 8
New Ministry Coming Soon!!
Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder
them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as
these.’” (Matthew 19:14)
Beginning on January 3rd, the Christian Education Committee is
providing a Buddy Program for students who need assistance in the
classroom and beyond. The mission of the Buddy Program is to facilitate inclusion inside the life of the church for the individual with
additional needs and for their family. Students who may benefit
from accommodations will be assigned a buddy while remaining in
the same classroom as their peers. Buddies will also be available during worship. If this is something you
would like to learn more about or think your child could benefit from this ministry, please contact Betsy
Heim, Director of Christian Education ( If you are interested in volunteering one
Sunday a month to be a buddy, please contact Megan Craig (
DPC's Community Protection Policy (CPP)
Recently approved by Session, DPC Community Protection Policy (CPP) has been designed to include new PA child protection laws. Under the CPP, volunteers and employees are required to complete background checks and training before becoming
certified to work with children and youth. Re-certification must occur every five years.
Please Note: Training, as part of the certification process, will take place on
Sunday, November 8, from 9:45 to 10:30 a.m. CCR.
Code Blue Community Meal
(Sunday, November 15, noon – 2 p.m.)
Our first community meal
was a great success, with
over 60 guests attending!
We hope that you will join
us for the next gathering
following the 11 a.m. worship service on Sunday, November
15. This free meal is a time for fellowship in our congregation,
as well as the opportunity to open our doors to those in our
community, including Code Blue shelter guests. If you are
interested in volunteering or donating food, please visit For more information, email Mary Lee
Reiff at
For more Mission opportunities,
see page 7
Now is the time to order your
gift cards for your students
returning to college and for
back to school supplies for your
younger ones. Gift cards are an
excellent all year round gift too - the church mouse
program, birthdays, anniversaries. Remember, every
time you order gift cards, you are helping to lessen our
debt. No cost to you, just a little pre-planning. Get your
orders into the church office by the 25th of each
Follow Our Pastor on Twitter!
You can also see his
posts on the DPC website.
The Tidings
Page 9—November 2015
We are learning about Adam and Eve in Lighthouse through November 22. The children will
participate in four workshops: Gospel Games, Helping Hands, Legends and Lessons, and
Lord’s Lab. By the end of this second Lighthouse Rotation it is our hope that our Lighthouse
children will recognize and explore what it means to be created by God, use God's gifts
in responsible ways that show concern for his work and his people and discover that God
intends for us to share his creation.
In Connect, our oldest Lighthouse children are
participating in lessons from Unit 2 titled The
Promise. The lessons in this unit are: Covenant,
Jacob & Esau, Jacob to Israel, 12 Sons, and Joseph.
One example of the engaging activities that occur in
the Connect curriculum weekly happened in the
lesson entitled Covenant. The children tied
themselves up in knots as a reminder that God is
tied to them throughout lives. We are all bound and
wrapped up in God’s love even when we are frayed.
Unlike a regular knot, we can’t be untied from God’s
love. This is not only an important reminder for our
5th and 6th graders but for all of us!
October was a busy month in Club 456. We participated in
Operation Christmas Child where we collected toys, school
supplies, personal items, and other small gifts, which we
packed in to shoeboxes and sent as gifts to children living in
poverty around the world. Thank you to the many members of
the congregation who donated supplies and funds for this
important cause. We really appreciate it and could not have
done it without you!
In October we also helped Wrapping Presence by decorating gift bags. Even though our hay ride
was cancelled due to the rain we still had some
Halloween fun in Fellowship. Each 456
member carved their own pumpkin using the
Pumpkin Prayer. Each carving in the pumpkin
represents something we should do as
Christians to grow closer to God.
Our November schedule is as follows:
November 4 - Mark Hayward-The Yo-Yo Guy performance (all church
members are welcome to attend)
November 11 - Holiday Heroes-Card Making
November 18 - Candy Cups Bible Study
November 25 - No Club 456
Join In the Fun Every Wednesday!
The Tidings
November 2015—Page 10
element Schedule
November 1, 8, 15, & 22 (no element Nov. 29)
5-6:30 p.m. (Grades 7,8,9); 6:30-7 p.m. (dinner for all, $5); 7-8:30 p.m. (Grades 10,11,12)
Hope to see you Sunday evenings at Element.
For the next several weeks we are going to be studying what it means to be the church.
Winter Retreat. January 29-31 the youth group will be heading to Tel Hai
Retreat Center for our winter retreat. The retreat will be a great opportunity for
students to get to know each other and have an incredible faith experience
together. Look for more information soon.
Summer 2016
Summer Trips. We have a great summer planned at DPC. Teens have four
different trips to choose from. You can more information about each trip at
Age Groups
June 29-July 3
New Orleans Service
July 10-17
The Great Escape
July 25-30
The Great Escape Leadership
July 23-30
(Application Only)
Confirmation 2016
Are you considering this year? Confirmation is a process in which students become full members of DPC. Students are given the
opportunity to reflect on their faith in fun discussion oriented environment. The class is open to any students 7th grade and above.
We will be having a special student and parent gathering on January 4th to explain a little more about the class. We have listed all
the dates below so you can get them on the calendar. We ask that students attend every event (Yes, including the retreat).
Tentative Class Schedule
January 10 5-6:30 p.m.- Parent and Student Gathering
January 24- 5-6:30 p.m. – Class
January 29-31- Retreat
March 13- & 20 5-6:30 p.m.-Class
April 10- & 24 5-6:30 p.m. - Class
April 30- Confirmation Class Project Details T.B.A.
May 1 & 15 5-6:30 p.m.- Class
June 11- 6-8p.m.- Confirmation Gathering
June 12- 8:30 &11 a.m. – Confirmation in Worship
Year-To-Date Financials for September 30, 2015
The Tidings
Page 11—November, 2015
Evangeline Hope Kottler, born October 11, to Jay & Stacey
Richard Bordner, father of Susan Whitaker, September 29.
Nancy Jacobs Douglas, wife of Barry Douglas, October 3.
Ross Rosebrook, son of Joyce Baral, October 10.
Bill Diener, brother of Marge Knapp, October 10.
Dave Ballantyne, brother of Joe Ballantyne, October 16.
Contact Us!
Please contact the church office
(215-348-3531 / if you:
Changed your address, email, or phone number
Had a baby
Are going to the hospital or are in the hospital
Are getting married
Have had a death in your family
Need assistance or meals.
We Want to Hear
From You!
Kenna Jean Ernst, daughter of Ryan & Kris Ernst, October 11.
Andrew Judson & Amelia Grace Bentrim, children of Brian &
Catherine Bentrim, October 11.
Will Mullin & Lauren Faust, October 10.
Reed Brown & Megan Chatham, October 24.
November Birthdays
November Anniversaries
These DPC members are celebrating
Anniversaries of 25 years or more.
These DPC members are celebrating birthdays...
beginning at age 70!
Frank Peluso
John Wesley Tomlinson
Kathy Watson
Bill Arnold, Connie Eastburn
Bruce Singer
Carolyn Wolf, Dee Ann Woodall
Lou White
Marcia Rodenbaugh
Jane Aker
Jim Hansen, Janet Sugden
Harry Wilkinson
Perry Roberts
Brenda Hart
Joanne Waldron
Joy Feigles, Eileen Roedel
Nancy Kolb, Kit Sigety
Roy Kolb
Betty Fister
Winnie and Norm Troxel
Colleen and Steven Wylie
Debbie and Don Dailey
Greg and Vicki Anthos
Linda and Scott Bayer
Bill and Sue Finney (35 yrs.)
Joanne and Richard Arculin (45 yrs.)
Charles and Jane Buday (45 yrs.)
Bob and Sherrie Murphy (45 yrs.)
Doris and Hal Kodikian
Chris and DeDe Ladas
Gordon and Susan Roberts
Barb and Dick Cornelius (40 yrs.)
Karl and Mary Halter
Carolyn and Richard Wolf
Becky and Joe Larsen
Bill and Holly Mullin
Armor and Ron Keller
Eric and Melissa Sandquist
Paul and Sara Weber (30 yrs.)
Permit No. 208
Doylestown, PA
Be a bridge for Christ and a beacon of His love
127 East Court Street
Doylestown, Pennsylvania 18901
Mailed October 30, 2015
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