Tunstall AHM System
Tunstall AHM System
Tunstall T unstall AHM System System Active Health Management for Health and Care Organisations embracing the use of Mobile Health Apps and Off-the-Shelf Connected Devices. Tunstall Tunstall AHM System y T Tunstall Tunstall mPro mPro is the mobile Professional that allows Tunstall app the review of multiple patients each using Tunstall mTrax6HHNH\KHDOWKDQGĆWQHVVLQGLFDWRUVWRJHWKHU sortable, colour coded and with drill-down capabilities. T Tunstall unstall Health Cloud Tunstall Health Cloud is a secured cloud designed to keep the mTrax and mPro applications in sync. Tunstall Health Cloud provides an OAUTH API so clients can securely pull or post data such as integrating an existing Patient Web Portal system for example. Tunstall Tunstall m mTrax Trax Tunstall mTrax is the remote patient application that delivers home health tracking of Body Weight, Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Diabetes, Cholesterol and more from manual data entry or automated eHealth sync from A&D Medical, BodyMedia, Fitbit, Fitbug, Garmin, iHealth, Jawbone, Medisana, Mio, Nonin, Telcare, Wahoo Fitness and Withings connected health devices. Tunstall mTrax Patient App Health Tracking and Coaching Weight Tracking Body Temperature Tracking Blood Pressure Tracking Sleep Tracking Daily Steps Tracking Mood Tracking Physical Activity Tracking Health Risk Assessments Cholesterol Tracking Tunstall Health Coach Nutrition Plan Tunstall mTrax PDF Report Fasting Glucose Tracking Multi-Media Notes & Health Journal LDL Diabetes Tracking Pulse Oximetry Tracking Localised in 17 Languages T Tunstall unstall mPro Clinical App Remote Patient Management System Tunstall ng individuals rrax pp to ck of mTrax TunstallmPro individualswho whodownl download oadthe themT mT axaapp tokeep keeptra track ofmood, mood, mTrax mPro is the mobile app used by health & care professionals supporting sleep, ood pressure, ucose, aand nd di sleep,nutrition, nutrition,pregnancy, pregnancy,weight, weight,body bodyfat, fat,steps, steps,physical physicalactivity, activity,bl blood pressure,SpO2, SpO2, cholesterol, cholesterol, gl glucose, diabetes abetes(Type (Type 1, 1, Type Type 22 & & * *HHVVWWDDWWLLRRQQDDOO..HH\\KKHHDDOOWWKKDDQQGGĆĆWWQQHHVVVVLLQQGGLLFFDDWWRRUUVVFFDDQQEEHHUUHHYYLLHHZ ZHHGGWWRRJJHHWWKKHHUUIIRRUUHHDDFFKKLLQQGGLLYYLLGGXXDDOOLLQQWWKKHHSSUURRJJUUDDP PP PHHZ ZLLWWKKVVRRUUWWLLQQJJFFRROORRXXUUFFRRGGLLQQJJDDQQGG GGUULLOOOGGRRZ 'DDWWDDUUHHYYLLHHZ ZZ ZLLWWKKWWKKHHLLQQGGLLYYLLGGXXDDOOVVXXSSSSRRUUWWVVJJRRDDOOVVHHWWWWLLQQJJDDQQGGFFRRDDFFKKLLQQJJP PRRWWHHFFDDUUHH' PHHVVVVDDJJHHVVFFRRQQWWLLQQXXHHWWRR ZQQFFDDSSDDEELLOOLLWWLLHHVVHHQQDDEEOOLLQQJJHHIIĆĆFFLLHHQQWWUUHHP o remain dded on ny pa ectronicc reports n be dded to motivate mT rrax mTrax engaged. Text, Text,audio audioand andnotes notesca cannbe beaadded onaany page geaand ndprinted printed or or el electroni reports ca can beaadded to motivate the themTrax mT axuser usertto remainengaged. ĆĆOOHHVVDDVVDDSSSSUURRSSUULLDDWWHH Customisable according to your your guidelines and standards Drill down into P atient Data Patient mT rax App data sync via mTrax Tunstall Health Hea Cloud secured Tunstall Patient Customisable Patient Tunstall Health Coach Education - Tunstall F For or more information please contact Cecilia Bu Bufton: fton: Cecilia.Bu Cecilia.Bufton@tunstall.com fton@tunstall.com or +44 (0) 7809 340515 Our policy of continual development means that product specification and appearance may change without notice. Tunstall does not accept responsibility for any errors and omissions contained within this document. Tunstall Healthcare (UK) Ltd, Whitley Lodge, Whitley, Yorkshire DN14 0HR tunstall.com © 2014 Tunstall Group Ltd. ® TUNSTALL is a registered trademark. @tunstallhealth