BARA Bulletin - Bergen Amateur Radio Association
BARA Bulletin - Bergen Amateur Radio Association
Eeting D Bergen Amateur Radio Association BARA Bulletin August 2015 Volume 52 Number 8 Our 52nd Year INSIDE THIS ISSUE BARA Family Picnic WB2WWU - SK W2HPE - SK Upcoming Events New Members VE Exam Schedule Public Service Information Link of the Month July BARA Meeting Minutes Vanity Callsign Fee Member Contest Scores DX Insights BARA Member Awards 2015 RTTY Roundup Results 2016 Nat’l Parks On The Air Hamfest Photos 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 BARA FAMILY PICNIC Sunday, August 9th Wood Dale County Park 139 Prospect Ave. Woodcliff Lake www.BARA.ORG WB2WWU George Kessel SK 10 am - 3 pm BARA will supply hamburgers, hot dogs and coffee. Members need to bring snacks, salads, entrees, desserts and cold drinks. Sign-up at Sunday meeting or email Rachel at AJ4WD@ARRL.NET George, WB2WWU, a long time BARA member and generous BARA benefactor, passed away on July 7, 2015. May he rest in peace. NEXT MEETING August 2, 2015 7:30 PM Municipal Building Senior Center 350 Hudson Avenue. Township of Washington, NJ W2HPE - SK 07676 2015 BARA DUES BARA Dues for 2015 are $25 for an individual member and $35 for a family membership. Please pay at a business meeting, kit night, or mail to the Treasurer. Meeting Programs Are there any topics of interest to the club that you would like to see a presentation or demonstration? Is there a subject you could lead a discussion on? Please contact Steve Holly, WI2W WI2W ‘at’ ARRL.NET Cecil Fleck, a very long time member of BARA has passed away. May he rest in peace. Page 2 BARA BULLETIN Bergen Amateur Radio Association Upcoming Events The BARA Bulletin is published monthly by the Bergen Amateur Radio Association. Subscriptions are included in the annual membership dues. Membership is open to anyone interested in radio communication. August 1, 2 - ARRL UHF Contest August 1, 2 - North American QSO Party - CW August 2 - BARA Business Meeting August 4 - Kit Night August 9 - BARA Family Picnic August 11 - Kit Night BARA RESOURCES August 14 - 16 - SARTG RTTY Contest QSL Bureau: Warren Hager, K2UFM August 15, 16 - North American QSO Party - SSB August 18 - Kit Night Public Service: August 25 - Kit Night Club Contesting: Phil Barber, WA2LXE September 1 - Kit Night September 6 - BARA Business Meeting VE Exams: Don Younger, W2JEK Donnan917’at’ September 7 - Labor Day Hamfests: Jim Joyce, K2ZO September 27 - BARA Fox Hunt September 12, 13 - ARRL VHF Contest Webmasters: wm’at’ Tony Izzo, K2AMI David Levine, K2DSL BARA KIT NIGHT 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM Washington Twp. Senior Center 350 Hudson Ave., Township of Washington, 07676 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Interested in learning more about amateur radio and meeting new people? Then join the Bergen Amateur Radio Association (BARA). Dues are $25 per year. Send your application request to: David Levine, K2DSL 11 Mackay Ave. Waldwick, NJ 07463 e-mail to k2dsl’at’ Please include your name, address, town, zip, call sign, license class, and phone number. Build a kit related to Amateur Radio (partial BARA funding available) Diagnose/repair a defective piece of equipment Discuss radio and computer problems Technical assistance available Seek/give technical opinions If Senior Center Room is unavailable, meet in room on lower level. KD2IOM, Lawrence O’Boyle - Rutherford Page 3 Bergen Amateur Radio Association PUBLIC SERVICE nd BC RACES NET th 2 and 4 Wednesdays of each month. 7:45 PM on the W2AKR Repeater 146.790 Mhz; PL 141.3 Hz. Net control is NJ2BC Directed training net for all authorized Bergen County RACES stations and authorized liaison stations. BC RACES Communications Unit Any licensed ham operator in Bergen County, if not already a member, is asked to join the BCRACES team by sending an e-mail to: with your name, callsign, e-mail, and municipality. VE EXAM SCHEDULE The next VE test session is scheduled for: September 7 PM at Westwood Regional H.S. Room 123 Enter school grounds from drive at right side of school. Cross in front of school and turn right into parking lot. Enter side door with Gymnasium sign over door. The FCC has imposed a Testing fee of $15.00 per exam/retest. Required documents: New HF Digital Net Focused on EMCOMM The New Jersey Narrow Band Emergency Messaging System (NJ -NBEMS) Net meets every Sunday Morning at 9:30 AM on 7.073 MHz using OLIVIA-8-500. This net is NOT affiliated with RACES or ARES, so any Radio Amateur with appropriate operating privileges may participate. FLDIGI is the preferred sound card software because FLAMP and FLMSG are used for message handling. This is a training net for new users, so operator error is expected and well tolerated. For additional information contact Bill, KC2VUT at, Rick, N2PHI at or Karl, W2KBF at Two forms of ID required for all transactions. Social Security Number if unlicensed or FRN Number if licensed. Original CSCE if prior test credit is claimed. If license upgrade, a signed copy of current FCC license Questions may be directed to: Don Younger, W2JEK 201-265-6583 Question Pool Revision: The General exam question pool wasr evised on July 1, 2015. Current Question Pool: Technician, Element 2-July 1, 2014 General, Element 3 - July 1, 2015 Extra, Element 4 - July 1, 2012 Sample tests available at QRZ.COM Daily FCC report of new and renewed callsigns available at: Link of the Month Real time lightening strike map realtime - - Tnx to WA2PNI K2BAR NETS SSB Net: Mondays 9:00 pm 10 Meters – 28.375 MHz Net Control: Jim, K2ZO FM Nets: Mondays 8:00 pm YL Net 2 Meters: 146.79 MHz. PL 141.3 Net Control: Joanne, KC2QGH Wednesdays 9:00 pm 2 Meters: 146.79 MHz. PL 141.3 Net Control: Hector, W2NPR Thursdays 8:30 pm 70 cm: 444.100 PL 141.3 Net Control: Marco, K2ZMA Thursdays 9:00 pm Technical Net 2 Meters: 146.955 MHz. PL 141.3 EchoLink via K2FJ-L Net Control: Gordon, W2TTT Page 4 BARA Meeting Minutes July 5, 2015 Opening of the meeting was slightly delayed due to equipment challenges. 7:40 Meeting opened with the salute to the flag by Rachel Weiss followed by a moment of silence for those who became silent keys (SK). 7:42 President Weiss asked if there were any guests – there was one: Joe, KD2FLD. President Weiss also asked if there were new members. There were five: Li, KD2IYJ; Yan, KD2IVD; Phil, KD2ENP; Hal, KD2IBB and Chris, KD2IMV. Chris just upgraded to General. 7:47 Vice President Steve Holly introduced Guy, N7UN, who was this meeting’s guest presenter. As Guy set-up, VP Holly spoke of Summits on the Air and his involvement. Then President Weiss reminded all to sign-up for BARA Picnic, which will be held August 9, 2015 at Wood Dale County Park. 7:53 The meeting was turned over to Guy, N7UN, for his presentation of SOTA – Summits on the Air. 8:44 Guy finished his presentation and the break was started. 9:02 President Weiss restarted the meeting with comments of her mountaineering and thanked Guy for his interesting presentation. 9:06 VP Holly spoke again of his SOTA experience and first SOTA contact with N7UN. VP Holly gave a BARA Certificate of appreciation to Guy. 9:12 President Weiss introduced Club officers: VP Steve Holly WI2W, Secretary Bill Montague, Bergen Amateur Radio Association KB2OCJ, trustees Chuck Lemken, KC2SST, Bennett Norell ,KO2OK, and Harry Johnson, W2FT. A motion was made to accept the minutes of the June meeting as posted in the July BARA Bulletin by Larry, WA2ALY, and second by Jim, KC2VRY. Motion passed. 9:14 President Weiss spoke of the Thirteen Colonies Contest; recognized all who participated in the audience and asked Tony Izzo, K2AMI, to explain how it was set-up and scored. 9:16 Committee Reports: VHF Contest – Steve WI2W commented that the June contest participation was modified due to the weather on the mountain peak; mini VHF or VHF Lite was held on Sunday and enjoyed by all. BARA operated on 2M, 1.25M, 70 CM and 6M from 11:00 AM until 6:00 PM and made a total of 271 contacts. VP Holly asked Bennett, KO2OK to explain how he participated in the January 2015 VHF Contest. Bennett operated in the January VHF Contest from his home QTH. The results of this effort was First place award for the ARRL Hudson Division for 6 M band. Field Day – Steve, WI2W, explained that again, due to weather and the fact that the field in Cresskill is watershed and with the prediction of 2” of rain and thunderstorms, it was not safe for our members to participate as planned. If the lightning siren sounded, we would need to evacuate the field and find indoor shelter within 5 minutes and remain off the field for 45 minutes from the last detected lightning strike before the “All Clear” notification would sound and we would be permitted to return to the field. Jim, K2ZO, commented that the detection was for a radius of 20 miles. This broke Jim’s record of attending 52 consecutive BARA Field Days. Steve WI2W further explained that some of the BARA members attended Field Day with other local clubs in the area or participated from their home QTH. Many BARA members are also Fair Lawn Amateur Radio Club members and went over to Fair Lawn and had a great time in their location. Gordon, W2TTT, suggested that BARA change their Field Day location, which started a discussion regarding why this site was chosen. President Weiss and VP Holly stated that the EC has already met and established a contingency plan that would go into effect so that BARA would not cancel Filed Day participation in the future. Looking forward, VP Holly and President Weiss discussed the possibility to hold a joint Portable Day at the Fail Lawn Field Day site. A conversation was had with Fair Lawn President Karl Frank and Fair Lawn Secretary Randy Smith. The Fair Lawn site is a town park with a large pavilion, bathrooms and many tall trees spread apart at a good distance to put up wire antennas. Plans are being made to hold this joint event on the third week of October to coincide with the Boy Scouts Jamboree on the Air. 9:26 Kit Night – Jim, K2ZO, spoke of the change of location for Kit night to the Twp. of Washington Senior Center for the summer. There would be some renovations occurring in the main room which would result in being relocated to the lower level for two or three weeks while the flooring is replaced and the walls are painted. 9:28 QSL Bureau – Warren, K2UFM ,stated that he just sent more cards to the ARRL for distribution and President Weiss commented that this is a free benefit to joint members of the ARRL and BARA. (Continued on page 5) Page 5 (Continued from page 4) 9:29 VE Sessions have ended for the summer and will restart in September once school is back in session. There will be a special VE Test Session at the end of August (Friday, August 28th) in conjunction with the Technician License training being offered by BARA on Thursday nights from July 9th through August 27th. If you know anyone that is interested in getting their Amateur Radio License, please have them contact President Weiss. 9:30 Hudson Division Awards Banquet – President Weiss stated that the Banquet will be held on Sunday, November 8th at Meson Madrid Restaurant, 343 Bergen Blvd. Palisades Park, NJ. BARA is the sponsoring Club and we are looking for member participation and attendance. The cost is $42.50 per person. More details to follow. Jim, K2ZO, is the Chairperson for this event. 9:33 Community Service - President Weiss urged all members to get involved with one or more of the community events that are coming up. Ham Radio has a long history of assisting and getting involved with the local community. Sunday, July 19th is the NYC Triathlon. She will be “Net Control” for this event. Hams are the eyes and ears along the course to keep the athletes and spectators safe. Gordon, W2TTT, requests assistance with two events that will be occurring on the same weekend; the Passaic County Fair from Thursday, August 13th thru Sunday, August 16th and the Bike Rally on Sunday August 16th. President Weiss highlighted the fact that this is a very visible way that Ham Radio is active and alive in our community and Bergen Amateur Radio Association one of the reasons we have been granted these privileges of radio frequencies. 9:36 BARA Picnic - President Weiss reminded everyone that the BARA Picnic is August 9th and will be a “Pot Luck” event. BARA will supply hamburgers and hot dogs along with coffee for dessert. Those who attend need to sign-up to bring the snacks, desserts, salads and entrees. It is a time for sharing and experiencing the variety of tastes and cultural dishes of our members. 9:38 NET Reports: BARA YL Net has taken a br eak for the summer. 10 Meter Net – Jim, K2ZO, is continuing to have lots of check-ins from New Jersey through Florida. VHF Net – Hector continues to have lively conversations with 6 to 12 check-ins. UHF Net – Marco, KC2ZMA, has 3 to 4 check-ins while operating from his car. Tech Net – Gordon, W2TTT, is astounded at the number that listen and do not check-in – good participation on a large variety of topics. 9:43 Old Business: BARA Dinner - Helmut, KA2BDU, inquired about our Christmas Party. Two options are being considered. Option one is to go to the Meson Madrid. Feedback on food and expense of Biagio’s was not acceptable. Option two is to cater the party at Twp. of Washington Senior Center. Issues are parking and setup/cleanup for the event. President Weiss asked for volunteers to join the Holiday Party Committee. Gordon, W2TTT, offered to join the committee – not chair the committee. Club Banner - President Weiss reported on the ongoing efforts to purchase a new Club Banner. A 2.5 ft by 6 ft 15oz Vinyl Banner will cost about $77. Bids for an embroidered banner have been requested and awaiting a response. 9:46 New Business: J im, KC2VRY, suggested the purchase of BARA sweat shirts and windbreaker jackets. Jim will investigate and report back to President Weiss with costs from the shop in Westwood that is used by the Fire Department. Gordon, W2TTT, and Nancy, N2FWI, have extended an invitation to all BARA members to attend an Eagle Scout induction ceremony at St John’s Church, Bergenfield. The three scouts are also Hams that many members of BARA have assisted along the way: Jeremy Beattie, KC2VBS; Charlie Dewey, KC2VBR and Eisen Villaluna, KC2WJA 9:53 Motion was made to adjourn by Richard, AC2GI, and seconded by Bill, WA2JKY – all in favor. Meeting was closed. Respectfully submitted Recording Secretary, Bill Montague, KB2OCJ From the ARRL … The Amateur Radio vanity call sign regulatory fee is set to disappear in the next few weeks. According to the best-available information from FCC sources, the first day that applicants will be able to file a vanity application without having to pay a fee is Thursday, September 3. Page 6 Bergen Amateur Radio Association MEMBER REPORTED CONTEST SCORES SUBMITTED FOR AGGREGATE CLUB SCORE IARU Contest Power QSOs Points ITU HQ Score K2DSL Low 325 997 39 61 99,700 K2ZC Low 140 462 24 29 24,468 NAQP RTTY Contest Power QSOs K2DSL Low 327 K2AMI Low 55 WA2PNI Low 52 Points 327 55 52 CQ WW VHF Contest Power Band QSOs W2JEK 10 watts 6 M. 41 Mults 96 32 29 Grids 11 Score 31,392 1,760 1.508 Score 451 Members are encouraged to show “Bergen ARA” as the club when submitting contest logs and send a copy of the summary sheet to WA2LXE for inclusion in the Bulletin. A minimum of three individual submissions are usually required for the “Club” category. 2015 RTTY Roundup Results BARA members top the NNJ Section in this year’s RTTY Roundup. In the low power category K2DSL and WA2LXE captured 1st and 2nd place, respectively. In the high power category, it was K2ZC as 1st place and NO2T as 2nd place. K2DSL placed first in the Hudson Division, low power category, and earned a plaque sponsored by the New Providence ARC. BARA also performed well in the Club Competition. The aggregate scores of all members earned 3rd place in the Local Club category. WA2PNI, Tom, received his W1AW Worked All States certificate for contact with a W1AW/portable station in each state. DX Insights PRATAS ISLAND BV9P #11 on the DXCC MOST WANTED LIST Pratas Island is an atoll in the north of the South China Sea 211 miles southeast of Hong Kong. The island is claimed by the Peoples Republic of China, but is controlled by the Republic of China (Taiwan) and has been organized as a national park. Partas Island is largest of the South China Sea Islands. The Japanese Navy occupied the island during WW2, using it as a weather station and listening post until May 29, 1945. Pratas Island is 2 miles long by 1 mile wide, mostly made up of a coral reef and reef flats. The island has a small airport which is used by the ROC military. For the most part there are no permanent residents but fisherman and the military occupy the island on a temporary basis. DXpeditions have been few and far between. A memorable one took place in 2003 by N2OO and his group. Note !! Les, W2LK, will present his last DXpedition to Mellish Reef at our August BARA meeting. A must see presentation. Les will also be one of the team members going to Chesterfield Island TX3X this October 1 to October 12th. Chesterfield Is. is #22 on the DXCC most wanted list. 73, Harry, W2FT 2016 National Parks On The Air The ARRL Board of Directors approved a National Parks On The Air (NPOTA) operating event in 2016 to celebrate the National Park Service centennial. Page 7 Bergen Amateur Radio Association BARA Hamfest May 2015 Pictures curtesy of KC2VRY, K2DSL and WA2LXE Page 8 Bergen Amateur Radio Association Next Business Meeting Sunday, August 2nd at the Twp. Of Washington Senior Center President Treasurer Rachel Weiss, AJ4WD RACHEL.A.WEISS ‘at’ GMAIL.COM David Levine, K2DSL 11 Mackay Ave. Waldwick, NJ 07463 K2DSL ‘at’ARRL.NET Vice-President Trustees Steve Holly, WI2W 9 Passaic Ave. North Haledon, NJ 07508 WI2W’at’ARRL.NET Bennett Norell, KO2OK KO2OK’at’ARRL.NET Secretary Bill Montague, KB2OCJ KB2OCJ’at’AOL.COM Harry Johnson, W2FT W2FT’at’AOL.COM Chuck Lemken, KC2SST CLEMKEN’at’HOTMAIL.COM BARA Bulletin Phil Barber, WA2LXE, Editor WA2LXE’at’ARRL.NET Presidents Emeritus Bill James, WA2QHL - SK Dominick Interdonato, NB2F - SK Steve Mendelsohn, W2ML - SK Bergen Amateur Radio Association 169 Woodland Ave. Westwood, NJ 07675