SSPOA September 2015 Newsletter


SSPOA September 2015 Newsletter
The mission of the Stallion Springs Property Owners Association is to provide a
conduit for information and support and to utilize volunteers and fundraisers to
serve the Community in the most beneficial manner.
Website: — Facebook:
President Justin Reid’s Message
Greetings residents of Stallion Springs! Our recent Meet and Greet event was a great success thanks to the efforts of our SSPOA Board and other local volunteers. We had a good
turn out and picked up new POA Members!
Free Swim Day for the kids of Stallion Springs, sponsored by our SSPOA, also had a
great turnout. Fifty five Stallion kids came out to enjoy some of the last days of summer!
The SSPOA Board has been busy brainstorming and planning events so be on the lookout for new and fun
activities in the near future. We are planning a Chili Cook-off in November so get your best recipe out and be
prepared to enter for your chance at being the Champion. And we will be bringing the Cornhole boards out
again for another tournament during the event.
If you are interested in participating on the board please volunteer and join the motivated team that is
working so hard to keep this great organization going.
Thank you for all your support!
Justin Reid
2015-2016 SSPOA President
Stallion Springs Property Owner’s Association
General Meeting—September 22, 2015
LOCATION: CSD Conference Room
Speaker #1: Kim Costa/Patriotic Service Dog Foundation
Speaker #2: Race Communications Representative:
Service to be Provided, Costs and Equipment Needed
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SSCSD Board Meeting
CSD Board Room
3rd Tuesday each month at 6:00 pm
Neighborhood Watch
CSD Board Room
3rd Wednesday each month at 6:30 pm
SSPOA General Meeting
CSD Board Room
Meeting Starts at 7 pm / Two Speakers
Re: #1 Patriotic Dog Foundation
Re: #2 Race Communications / Services
Provided, Costs, Equipment Needed
Community Center
12 pm to 6 pm
Cert Building at the Corner of
Stallion Springs & Bold Venture next to Woodward Ctr.
6:00 pm
Houchin Blood Drives
Location CSD Parking Lot
9 am to 1 pm Sat.
Trunk or Treat
Community Center
Details to Follow
Chili Cutoff
Community Center
Tentative Details to Follow
1st Friday
Downtown Stores & Museums 5 pm to 8 pm
39th Annual Fiddling
Down the Tracks Fiddle
9/18 & 19
Parks & Recs Building
Avenue D
For More Details:
Tehachapi Harvest Fall
9/19 & 20
Railroad Park
Saturday 10 am to 5 pm
Sunday 10 am to 4 pm
Starts Downtown and goes
throughout the area
For More Details:
Gran Fondo
Tehachapi Apple Festival
10/10 & 11 Depot Park and Railroad Park
For More Details: http://
schedule.html (10 am to 6 pm)
We had a situation in our community which resulted in a 5 hour standoff .
We would like to thank all of our police officers and the other units that came in
and supported them. Including the Police Community Service Unit who kept
the CSD open just in case of an evacuation. The evacuation didn’t occur but
there was a couple who couldn’t get to their home.
Our police department work hard, and have very
long hours, but they keep us safe. We should all appreciate what they do
and their commitment to our community. They are always there for us,
whether it be a crime or just supporting our community whenever we ask
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General Meeting
September 22
Meeting Starts : 7 pm
Locations: CSD
Conference Room
Speaker #1:
Kim Costa / Patriotic
Service Dog Foundation
Re: Come and meet Bravo
who is training to be a
Service Dog
See Flyer
Speaker #2:
Race Communications
Re: Service Plans, Costs
and Required Equipment
Update Per Race Communications Re: Stallion Springs Fiber Optic Network 9/2/15
Currently, Stallion has been split up into several zones and fiber has been installed in the first zones that
had completed permits. We are still waiting on permit approval which we are expecting in the next 30-45
days so we can complete all zone fiber installation. (Our goal is to have all heavy construction complete
before the winter)
We recently received the permits to place concrete pads and are going to start placing our fiber cabinets
around Stallion in the next 2 weeks. Once cabinets are placed, fiber that has already been installed will
start to get spliced together as the cabinets are the distribution points.
The pop has been an ongoing issue as we have been waiting for Edison to turn up our power. We recently completed all the hardware installation inside the pop so when power is delivered we will be ready
to go with the pop. Were expecting power to be delivered within the next 30 days.
All in all, even though you don’t see us, we’re still working diligently to meet our dates. We are
expecting to START services (not all) by the end of October.
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This was our 4th annual Meet and Greet. It was held at the
Community Center this year on August 29, and it was a
beautiful evening, with about 70 local residents attending
for a relaxing evening of visiting and good food. The 4H
club had games for the kids in the gym. A craft beer tasting event was also held. Thanks everyone for attending
and helping out. The fundraiser part was also a success.
Thanks the Neighborhood Watch, 4-H Club and Certs for
participating in the event. Below are a few pictures of the
The annual Free Swim
Day for Stallion Springs
Kids was held on 8/15.
It was a success, as
55 kids took part in the
event, and $110 was
donated for the event.
The POA also supported the
Parks and Rec with a $125
donation for T-Shirts.
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The Stallion Springs Welcome Committee ventured out on Thursday, September
3rd to call on ten new home owners. It proved to be a nice afternoon for Kay and
Susan to visit with each other because…hardly anyone was home.
We visited with Mary Minder, a new resident from Los Angeles although she
has lived in Quartz Hill in the past. Mary is a Computer Software Consultant and
has three adorable kittens that adopted her. The beautiful and loving kittens are
available free to the first three people responding to this request. They are about three months old
and absolutely precious, just ask Kay and me. For information about acquiring the kittens, call the
CSD office and leave your name and phone number for either Kay Cordes or Susan Mueller.
We welcome the following families and hope they found the information that we left both of interest
and value:
The Richard Brown family was unavailable for a visit but we plan to return at a more convenient time in the future.
Melissa Bonner Family, Theron and Jessica Brentham, Cliff and
Mary Elbe, Bobbie Moore Family, Richard and Heather Savage,
Michael, Joan and son Michael Stevar, Ryan Tripodi Family and
Christopher and Christine Yost.
Greeters were Kay Cordes and Susan Mueller
SSPOA Broad Brainstorming Ideas.: Here are some ideas that we have been discussing
Bunco night once a month (fun night); Bingo Fundraiser; Chili Cook-off (Nov. 14th); Home Brew
Competition in the Spring. Besides our Scholarship Fundraiser (The Formal Dance), we are considering raising funds to redo the mailbox areas, by putting a bench and exercise trail/par course to encourage more exercise for all ages, and/or paint the wood signs with neon paint so that they are easier to see
and would retain the character of our community.
The Board needs more help from volunteers and committees to plan events, etc. The projects that
we do are for the betterment of our community.
Cert Basic Training to start
Jan 20. for 4 classes. Jan 20, 23,
30 & Feb 3. Full flyer will be
printed next month.
Sign up at or
call 661-412-CERT.
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Board of Directors for 2015 thru 2016
Recording & Corresponding
Justin Reid
Lea Martinez
Linda Gordon
Linda Gordon
Lewis Brown
Martel Martinez
Mary Minder
The POA was established in 1988 and
is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.
The POA was originally
formed to enforce the
CC&R’s. However, that is
not true today. If there are
issues in the Community, the
CSD office handles them.
Currently, we support the
Community in anyway necessary.
We work with the CSD for Cleanup Days,
we sponsor the Roundup and Flea Market. We
also support the Oktoberfest and various other
Library Hours:
Tues. & Thurs. 10 am to 2 pm
Sat. 10 am to Noon
Homeowners are asked to
keep their equestrian easements cleared and to ensure
that their easements are not
being encroached upon.
The Stallion Springs trail
map is also available at the Stallion Springs
CSD office for riders and hikers to use. The Stallion Springs Trail Committee is seeking additional
volunteer members who are interested in ensuring
that the trails in Stallion Springs are usable.
Come out and join us for Trail
Work Day days where we get together to work on the trails. It’s not
all work….we have fun too and you
will make friends with some very
nice people. The SSTC meets
monthly. If you would like more information about the SSTC or to join
us, call Barry Leslie SSTC Chair, at
We try to be the catalyst in getting to know
your neighbors and make new friends. There is
a Welcoming Committee that delivers pertinent
information about our Community and other
Tehachapi information to new residents. We
also have the annual dance, which provides
scholarships to one or two of our high school
seniors, whether it be in an actual school environment or home schooling programs.
The POA needs new members and Board
members for fresh ideas. We bring in speakers
several times a year to keep our Community
informed about the community and other issues.
We used to have large meetings and membership, but the demographics in our community
has changed. Although, the demographics has
changed we are still an important association for
this Community.
One of the reasons, you want this association
to survive is that we are a 501(c)4, and we
work / partner along with other associations to
do fundraising events. We also support other
associations / committees in the Community.
We need your help, your ideas and suggestions, please contact any of the Board Members,
Justin Reid (, Lea
Martinez (822-0270) or Linda Gordon
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Neighborhood Watch Meetings: Third Wednesdays - 6:30 PM
SSCSD, 27800 Stallion Springs Dr.
Everyone is invited to attend our meetings
– you do not have to reside in Stallion Springs.
We are the "eyes and ears" of our police department.
“See something, say something!”
Emergencies: Call Dispatch – 911.
Non-emergencies or community problems:
call KC Sheriffs’ Office (KCSO), 1-800-861-3110.
Tell Dispatch that you are a Stallion Springs Neighborhood Watch member.
Do not call SSPD cell phones – your call will not be registered with KCSO Dispatch!
To make a report or ask questions of the SSPD, go to CSD website at:
Select “Police Department” at left screen.
In dropdown menu, select “House Checks & Contact”.
Scroll down to “Type of Correspondence”.
Select one – “Vacation House Check, Crime Tip, General Information”.
Remember, nothing is too small or insignificant to report!
If you have questions, please contact Chief Mike Grant. Your membership is invaluable! Thank you for your
continued support of SSNW!
NW Block Captain Team: Our new NW Block Captain, Heather Liebman, joined the NW Block Captain
Team of Joan Clark and Ronda Kilian in July 2015. Leslie & Patrick Wellman resigned in July due to career and
schedule constraints. We wish to thank them for their generous volunteerism. Both have been outstanding Block
Captains and demonstrated their commitment to our SSNW through their leadership, personal sacrifice, focus on the
safety and improvement of our community, and expanding our SSNW membership
Heather Tingley continues assisting our group as Liaison between Greater Tehachapi Crime Watch (GTCW) and
SSNW, in addition to assisting with our “Stallion Springs Neighborhood Watch”, and “Stallion Springs Bulletin
Board” Facebook pages. The SS Bulletin Board page is “Public” and was created for all our SS Community Groups
to share their meetings and events in one location.
For the latest information from our CSD, check the SSCSD website,, plus the individual web
and Facebook sites created by our several SS Community Organizations.
NW Block Leader Volunteers (neighborhood focals) are: Laura Burdick, Patricia Gray, Gary Magelssen, Nancy
Bendickson, Lea & Martel Martinez, Donna Lee, Lynn James, Rick Beck, Tonie Siedschlag, and Dominique Dieken
(Cummings Valley). We regret losing John and Roseann Westfall who have moved away. If you wish to volunteer
as a Block Leader, please email us at:
EMERGENCIES or to report a crime:
Call 911 – Tell Dispatch you are SSNW Member!
Contact: Chief Mike Grant, CSD Phone: 661-822-3268
NW Block Captains: Joan Clark, Ronda Kilian, Heather Liebman
27800 Stallion Springs Drive, Tehachapi, CA 93561
All property owners are automatically inactive non-voting members. The POA Board would like to request that all residents have an “active”
membership in the Stallion Springs Property Owners Association, Inc. which gives you a voice in the direction that this Association is to take. Our
fiscal year membership dues are $35 per couple or $20 per person. Please make checks payable to SSPOA for the fiscal year membership ending
June 30, 2016.
First Name
Last Name
Last Name
Check #
Mailing Address
Home Phone
Cell Phone
E-Mail Address
Come to the meetings, meet your neighbors and get involved in your community.
We need your participation and ideas.
Amount Paid ________ Check # _________ Cash ________
Stallion Springs Property Owners Association
27800 Stallion Springs Drive
Tehachapi, CA 93561
We have a new Facebook page.
Please follow and share this page
for current events.
or search for
Stallion Springs Property Owners Assoc. - SSPOA
on your Facebook home page.
General Meeting September 22, 2015 (Note: 2 Interesting Speakers, Please Attend)