Reference Manual


Reference Manual
Version 9
Start TricTrac ................................................................................... 5
Surveys............................................................................................ 8
Set up a new project .........................................................................8
Project password ..................................................................................... 9
Import a project................................................................................9
Export a project ................................................................................9
Copy a project ................................................................................ 10
Move a project ................................................................................ 10
Delete a project .............................................................................. 10
Questionnaire ................................................................................ 11
Introduction and end of interview ...................................................... 11
Show the interviewer‟s name .................................................................... 12
Conducting an extra interview within the same household ............................ 12
Create a question ............................................................................ 14
Copy a question ...................................................................................... 15
Don‟t use all answer choices ..................................................................... 15
Multiple questions ........................................................................... 16
Maximum number of answers ................................................................... 17
Multimedia ............................................................................................. 17
Points .................................................................................................... 18
Create answer choices ..................................................................... 18
Answer choice Type ................................................................................. 19
Exclude other answer choices ................................................................... 19
Last in random order ............................................................................... 20
Define scale value ................................................................................... 20
Pictures as answer choices ....................................................................... 21
Open answers and answer fields ............................................................... 22
Create a contact group/add respondents ............................................ 25
Log in .................................................................................................... 26
Adding respondents to an existing contact group ........................................ 28
Import and use of standard variables ........................................................ 29
Import of background information on questions .......................................... 30
Manually ................................................................................................ 31
Via import .............................................................................................. 31
Blocks............................................................................................ 31
Grid block .............................................................................................. 35
Creating a bipolar grid block ..................................................................... 35
Creating a Double Grid ............................................................................ 36
Loop block ............................................................................................. 37
Adjustment of blocks and levels ................................................................ 39
Automatic creation of the questionnaire ............................................. 40
Import from standard library .................................................................... 41
Import from other project ........................................................................ 41
Import from a Word document or a txt-document ....................................... 41
Routing .......................................................................................... 44
Drag-and-drop........................................................................................ 44
Interview quota ...................................................................................... 45
Routing wizard ....................................................................................... 46
The Condition Window ............................................................................. 48
Other Facilities concerning Routing............................................................ 50
Move to Web .......................................................................................... 52
Interview test ................................................................................. 53
Web .............................................................................................. 55
Settings ................................................................................................. 56
Overall layout ......................................................................................... 56
Exceptions for the default layout ............................................................... 61
Different language versions of the questionnaire ................................. 64
Creation of language versions ................................................................... 64
Creation of text versions .......................................................................... 64
Change language/version on a project ....................................................... 64
Variables ........................................................................................ 65
Manually created variables ....................................................................... 65
Automatically created variables ................................................................ 69
Other features in the questionnaire module ........................................ 71
Disable/enable parts of the questionnaire .................................................. 71
Show disabled questions .......................................................................... 71
Show Routing ......................................................................................... 71
Base check ............................................................................................. 71
CATI test ............................................................................................... 72
Print questionnaire .................................................................................. 72
Status groups ......................................................................................... 72
Changing priority on an individual used phone number ................................ 76
Change priority on a status group of used phone numbers ........................... 77
Production ..................................................................................... 79
Web interview................................................................................. 79
Synchronise survey with the Web-server ................................................... 79
Access to the Web survey ........................................................................ 81
Statistics on conducted Web interviews...................................................... 81
Importing Web interviews ........................................................................ 81
Closing a Web survey .............................................................................. 82
The Email module ........................................................................... 82
Reminder emails ..................................................................................... 86
Follow-up emails ..................................................................................... 87
Sample Overview ............................................................................ 87
Clear contact information ......................................................................... 89
CATI .............................................................................................. 90
Server status.......................................................................................... 90
Interviewer and sample group statistics ..................................................... 91
Log out an interviewer ............................................................................. 91
Start/stop interviewing ............................................................................ 91
Interviewing pause.................................................................................. 93
(De)Activate phone numbers .................................................................... 93
Activate sample group ............................................................................. 94
Deactivate a sample group ....................................................................... 94
View comments ...................................................................................... 95
Interviewer appointments ........................................................................ 95
Interviewers list: .................................................................................... 96
Sample overview .................................................................................... 97
Quota cell list ......................................................................................... 97
Coding ........................................................................................... 98
Practical coding ............................................................................... 99
Coding with more than one user at the same time ...................................... 99
Creation of code alternatives .................................................................... 99
Print Open Answers ....................................................................... 100
Reporting with OfficeReports®........................................................ 102
Tablets ................................................................................................ 103
Cross Chart .......................................................................................... 104
Data export .................................................................................. 105
Excel (xls-file) ...................................................................................... 106
SPSS (sav-file) ..................................................................................... 108
Quanvert ............................................................................................. 108
Card-Column ........................................................................................ 109
CSV..................................................................................................... 110
Print Interviews ............................................................................ 110
Web layout Profiles ........................................................................ 111
Change Password .......................................................................... 112
Forgotten password? ............................................................................. 112
Project Tabs ................................................................................. 114
Scheduling Plans ........................................................................... 114
Customer Database ....................................................................... 117
Clear Interviewee Information ........................................................ 117
Show Logfile ................................................................................. 117
Appendixes .................................................................................. 118
Appendix 1: Useful Shortcuts in TricTrac .......................................... 118
Appendix 2: If Respondents Can’t Access the TricTrac Web Server ...... 123
Appendix 3: Questionnaire ............................................................. 125
Start TricTrac
Double-click the TricTrac Icon. The login window will appear as below.
Type in your username which is your e-mail address.
Type in your password.
Now you have started your TricTrac Client which is an application downloaded to
your computer, but with all your user-information available online. So if you are in
the situation that you need to edit your questionnaires, but TricTrac is not installed
on the computer you are using, you can easily download the Client from and you can carry on where you left off, in a flexible, efficient
Furthermore, you are even able to work on your projects off-line, since you are
operating in your downloaded application. All you have to do when needing to
share, send out or access your user from another computer is to synchronize and
your data is available from everywhere.
TricTrac‟s user interface
TricTrac immediate user interface consists of 3 tabs:
The frame showed above is where your projects are organised, and from here you
can administrate, edit, copy, delete, and import or export them.
Advanced Tools and Settings
From this tab you can change your general settings for TricTrac, and furthermore
administer Users, Folders, and standard settings for Web layout and E-mails etc.
The options available here are for a facilitation of the use of TricTrac. You can use
NetViewer in collaboration with one of our supporters, through which we can guide
you on your way to a well functioning questionnaire. The manuals are available
here as well, and if you have updated your license after installing, you just need to
press this button and the new features should be available to use after restarting
This feature is though only necessary in TricTrac Enterprise since your ordinary
TricTrac Client automatically will update your license when opening TricTrac.
The functionalities of the 3 main modules are presented in the following chapters.
Finally following appendixes:
Appendix 1: Useful shortcuts in TricTrac.
Appendix 2: When respondents cannot access the TricTrac web server.
Appendix 3: Questionnaire.
Every TricTrac project is organised in the Project Manager. The Module organises
every input and output file on the project and provides the facilities to copy, move,
export and import projects.
When you log on to TricTrac you will be directed to the Projects Module. At the top
of the list you‟ll see a row of icons representing the main modules in TricTrac.
Projects written in bold and blue text are already on the Internet. When projects
are finished they should be deleted from the web server, in order clean up your
workspace and to avoid paying any hosting fee for use of TricTrac‟s web server.
Set up a new project
Click the icon
. The Projects Window will now open:
Specify a project name and a folder for the project. It is optional to provide the
project with a number, which is typically used to refer to an administrative
organisation of the projects. The framework for a new project is now in place and
you can start setting up the questionnaire by marking your newly OPRETTEDE
survey and double-click on it, or click on the icon
Project password
Note that it is possible to specify a password for the project. When a project
password has been specified, only the “System Administrator” will be able to access
the project without the password.
The owner of the project may change or delete the password, by double-clicking
the project in the Project Manager and change the password, or leave the
password-field blank. The password has been changed or deleted after
Import a project
In the Project Manager it is possible to import a TricTrac Project, which has been
created in another TricTrac installation by clicking the Import Survey icon
Export a project
In the Project Manager it is possible to export a TricTrac Project, for a customer to
work on in another TricTrac installation, by clicking the Export Survey Icon
Copy a project
The Project Manager provides the possibility of copying a project by clicking the
Copy Survey Icon
This function is often used when setting up a project, which in its structure is
similar to a previous project. It offers the option of copying with or without data.
Sample groups are retained, as they may be of importance regarding routing.
Move a project
Projects can be moved from one tab to another in the menu Projects -> Move
Delete a project
A project can be deleted by clicking Projects -> Delete in the menu, or by clicking
the Delete-button. Before deletion of a project, a warning is given. You can delete
the project by entering your TricTrac password.
When deleting a project registered as uploaded to the web server, the project will
also be deleted from the web server, if access to the server is possible by the time
of deletion.
Set up a new project where questions and answers are set up, questionnaireelements are imported from the Standard Library or from a Word document, Web
Layout is defined, as well as Routing, Translation to different versions, Test
Interviews, Base Checks, Import of subjects etc.
In the following we will set up a questionnaire from scratch. The questionnaire is
also attached as Appendix 3 to this document.
When opening the Questionnaire Module on a new project, a window containing the
questionnaire tree will appear. The topics which the survey covers are organized in
<Contact Groups>. Between <Introduction> and <End of Interview> the
entire questionnaire flow is set up.
In <Contact Groups> you can set up a selection of persons whom you wish to
take part in the survey. More on that in the chapter “Set up a Contact
Group/Importing Contact Data”.
Introduction and end of interview
Double-click on <Introduction> or click the Enter-button while <Introduction>
is highlighted.
Enter the introductory text, which the respondent will meet when he/she opens a
link to the survey.
Click [Finish] when you‟re done.
As with the introductory text, an appropriate final text can be written in the <End
of Interview>.
Show the interviewer‟s name
If TricTrac should automatically show the interviewer‟s name while interviewing
through CATI, e.g. as a part of a presentation, type “…” in the <Introduction>
block. The name of the person logged in will automatically be inserted by TricTrac.
Conducting an extra interview within the same household
When interviewing by phone, randomly selected households will sometimes display
an under-representation of some segments, e.g. persons in families with many
members. By allowing the conduction of an Extra Interview in the household, it is
possible to achieve a more representative survey in a number of situations.
If 2 interviews are to be conducted on the same phone number, it must be specified
in the <End of Interview> block.
Double-click the <End of Interview> block in the Questionnaire overview. The
window Change End of Interview will now open.
Click [Next].
Choose Extra Interview.
Click [Next].
Choose an existing condition or name a new condition for the conduction of the
Extra Interview. The Expressions Box will now appear and a new expression can be
Write the text for the Interviewer to use to introduce to the first respondent that
he/she wants to conduct 2 interviews within the same household.
Click [Finish].
Note: „Unconditional‟ may only be used in Jumps and quotas.
When conducting an Extra Interview within the same household, some of the
questions may not be necessary to ask the second respondent. This could be
information about “number of persons in the household”, “does the household have
a car”, “type of residence” etc. If the possibility of an Extra Interview is defined on
the survey, a new option on questions will appear, providing the possibility to
define the question as a General Question. This means that the question will only
be posed to the first respondent in the household, but will be copied to a second
respondent within the same household. The question will now appear in bold in the
questionnaire overview. The same function can be used for blocks, such that the
content of a block will only be posed to the first respondent in the household, but
answers will be copied to the second respondent in the household.
Create a question
Highlight a block (e.g. the Introduction block) or a question, where you wish to
insert a new question. Follow these steps to create a question:
Click the
icon to create a single question or click the
icon to create a
multiple question. The question window will now open.
Type the question.
Press the Insert-button or one of the answer-type icons to create an answer group.
Name the answer group and click [Ok] or press the Enter-button.
Now it‟s possible to automatically create the first answer choice. Type in the answer
choice-text and click [Finish] or press the Enter-button. More information on how to
create answer choices is found in the chapter “Create Answer Choices”.
More answer choices can be created by clicking one of the answer-type icons or by
pressing the Enter-button.
When all the answer choices have been created, click [Finish] to finish the question.
Alternatively, choose an existing answer group in the dropdown list box, if the
matching answer choices have already been created.
Notice that it is possible to name a question. This facility is used if, at a later point,
you wish to export data to SPSS with a predefined question label.
Notice that it is possible to work with different versions of a question-text, so that
in special situations – e.g. when working with different target groups – one can use
another version of the question-text, than the one normally used. (See the chapter
on Creation of Text Versions).
Copy a question
When creating a question that is somewhat similar to another question, copy that
question by pressing Ctrl+D or by clicking the tab Questions  Copy
Don‟t use all answer choices
The structure of TricTrac, where a question contains the question-text and an
attached answer group, containing the answer choices, makes it easy to create
The Questionnaire Example in Appendix 3 includes a number of scale questions,
which all use the same answer choices, as well as 3 questions regarding
departments in the organization the survey includes. The 3 questions make use of
the same answer group:
Question 3: Department that the employee is employed by
Question 10: In which departments did you previously work?
Question 11: In which of these departments have you been most satisfied?
In question 10, it has to be possible to choose every answer choice except the one
chosen in question 3.
In question 11, only the answer choices that have been chosen in question 3 or in
question 10, must be included.
The structure of TricTrac, where answer choices are organized into answer groups,
provides a unique possibility to control which answer choices are valid for a given
question, in a simple way. By marking
After having clicked the [Next]-button during the creation of the question, it is
possible to provide a logic control between the connected questions using the same
answer group:
When clicking [Next] once again, the following window (e.g. on question 10) will be
The left column indicates that only the answer choices chosen in question 3 or 10
should be included. You are able to activate the function
clicking the question.
by double-
When double-clicking the following
marking will be displayed. This
means that only the answer choices not chosen in question 3 should be included.
In the right column, the answer choices that are always/never - no matter the
previous answers – should be included in an attached question are marked
If, in question 3 and 10, the respondent has chosen the same department, then
obviously there is no point asking which department are best, in question 11.
Therefore, TricTrac answers question 11 automatically in cases where the answer is
obvious. In this way, TricTrac makes sure the questionnaire is meaningful to the
respondent, and that only valid answers are given.
Multiple questions
For multiple questions, a number of specific functions exist that can only be
chosen if the question is defined as a Multiple Choice Question.
Maximum number of answers
On a multiple question, it is possible to specify that only a fixed number of answers
can be chosen, e.g. “Name the 3 best departments”. Mark the box “Maximum
number of Answers” and set your maximum:
In the Change Question box it is possible to insert multimedia files into blocks and
questions. Multimedia files could be of the following type: Picture files, video files
and sound files.
To insert a multimedia file into a block or a question, check the Insert multimedia
file box.
Find the wanted file by clicking “...”, and finding the file on the computer.
Click [Finish]
(See also the section on Answer choices.)
Please note that if you are operating in TricTrac FreeWeb you are only permitted to
upload multimedia files up to a size of 200 kb. If you are working in TricTrac Web
or other versions the limit is 500 kb. If you have a need for higher capacity please
A Multiple Question can be defined as a point question. There are 3 different types:
Constant Sum Scale – e.g.”Divide the 10 points among the different brands”. The
respondent can only move on to the next question when the points have been
distributed correctly.
Variable Sum Scale – a numerical variable – e.g. the respondent‟s holiday budget
can be distributed on different answer choices, e.g. “Accommodation”, “Food” etc.
It is possible to define an accepted deviation, so that the respondent can go to the
next question even though the sum hasn‟t been distributed 100%.
Maximum Sum Scale – Distribute e.g. 1000 points. It is allowed to move on in the
questionnaire, even though not all points have been distributed.
Allow Real Values allows the use of decimal numbers in the distribution of points. If
this box hasn‟t been marked, only whole numbers can be used in the distribution of
Create answer choices
In the Answer choice window, a type must be chosen for the answer choice and we
have the possibility of defining some special settings.
Answer choice Type
Closed answer choice
Closed answer choices are for instance ”Male”, ”Female”- answer choices that the
respondent chooses during the filling-in of the questionnaire.
Open answer choice
Open answer choices, where the respondent can write his or her own answer.
Numerical answer choice
A numerical answer choice provides the possibility of writing a value. Limits on how
high or how low a value is acceptable can be defined (See the chapter on Validation
of Numerical Answers). Whole numbers are written by default, but you can also
choose to write decimal numbers.
Net is not really an answer choice, but a sum of answers, as they are not visible to
the respondent. In the example, you could collect “Production A” and “Production
B” in a net called “Production A+B”. Similarly, you could collect “Production C” and
“Production D” in a net called “Production C+D”. Both nets can again be collected in
a net called “Production”. In this way, net is used to organize answer choices into a
number of hierarchical levels.
It is no possible to put open answers in a Net.
Combination of answer choices
The 4 different types of answer choices can be combined, so that an answer group
can contain both closed and an open answer choices, or closed and a numerical
answer choice. It is not possible to have either more open or more numerical
answer choices in the same answer group.
Exclude other answer choices
When, on a Multiple Question, you ask ”What other departments have you been
working in?” it makes sense to have an answer choice stating “Have not been
working in other departments”. During the creation of answer choices it is possible
to give this choice a special status by marking Exclude Others.
When an answer choice with this status is chosen, a warning about conflicting
choices will be given, if other answer choices have been marked as well.
This facility serves a special purpose regarding Multiple Questions.
Last in random order
By default, the answer choices are shown in the order in which they are listed in the
answer group. In some cases, it is desirable to randomize the order of the answer
choices, even though answer choices such as “Don‟t Know”, “Don‟t wish to answer”
etc., should always be shown lastly. Such answer choices can be marked as being
last in a random order, shown in the sequential order listed in the answer group,
even though the other answer choices are randomized:
Define scale value
Every answer choice has a value. By default, the value is decided by the order in
which the answer choices are listed in the answer group. The first answer choice
has the value “1”, the second answer choice has the value “2” etc. These values
can be used, if, at a later point, the mean value of the answers is wanted.
In some cases you want to work with other scale values, e.g. that the first answer
choice will have the value “5”, the second answer choice “4” etc. In these cases,
the value of the answer choice must be defined manually:
TricTrac can manage scale values with up to a maximum of 2 decimals.
Answer choices that have been marked with Exclude Others are not included in
scale-value calculations.
If an answer group is being edited, it will affect every question that uses that
particular answer group. If you are in need of adding an answer choice to the
answer group because of a single question, then carefully asses if this answer
choice should be shown with the other questions using the same answer group.
Pictures as answer choices
In a number of web based surveys, it is natural to use pictures as answer choices.
In TricTrac, pictures can be used for closed answer choices.
In connection with the creation of questions in TricTrac, 2 tabs will be shown in the
top left corner: Questionnaire and Response Options. Under Response Options, an
overview of all answer groups and answer choices belonging to them is shown.
Double-click on the answer group in which you want to have pictures as answer
choices and check it as below:
Then enter every answer choice and add the picture:
You can choose if the answer choice text will be shown along with the picture in the
questionnaire or only in reporting.
Open answers and answer fields
In TricTrac, open answer choices can be created in answer groups also containing
closed answer choices.
In the Question window, press the Insert-button on your keyboard and choose an
Open answer in the answer choice window that appears. You can also click the open
answer icon:
The inclusion of an open answer in an answer group eliminates the possibility of
including more open answer choices as well as numerical answer choices.
It is possible, either during or after the collection of data, to code the open answers
as closed answers through the Coding Module in TricTrac.
Answer fields
To create fields for an open answer:
In the Insert Question/Block window choose the type Open, type the answer choice
text and click [Next].
Click [Insert] to create a field and define its type and name. Mark Required on the
field, if it has to be filled out.
Click [Finish].
Repeat the procedure until all the wanted fields have been created.
All standard variables (i.e. the information that can be imported) link up to the
fields, which causes the fields, in which there is imported information, to be
automatically answered, and needing only to be validated by the respondent.
Please notice that it‟s not possible to code open answers which have been
registered on the field level. If you wish to do so then create the question with
regular open answer choices.
To minimize the need for editing the open answers before they are used in reports
etc, TricTrac can make sure that every open answer starts with a capital letter and
finishes with a punctuation mark. See below.
Create a contact group/add respondents
The respondents who are to be interviewed must be added to a sample group:
In the Questionnaire Module, choose <Contact group> or an already created
group and press the Insert-button or click Questionnaire -> Insert -> Contact
Type in a name, e.g. “Respondents A”.
Choose language, e.g. English. This means that the respondents in this sample
group will receive a questionnaire in English in the English text version.
Choose text version (if you are using more than one text version for the different
sample groups).
Click [Add Contacts].
Find the Excel or CSV file containing the respondents for the survey and click
Connect the individual columns with background information to the standard
variables by using drag-and-drop: Choose a standard variable or a question and
drag it with the mouse to the column containing the relevant information and let go
(you may do it vice versa). The column will now be named as the variable or
question, and the variable or question will be high lightened as selected.
Click [Import]. You will now receive a receipt showing how many respondents will
be imported and the import can be finished.
Please notice that if web interviews with anonymous respondents are conducted,
these cannot be included in a sample group. TricTrac will put these respondents in
a sample group named “Anonymous Webinterviews”.
Pay attention to the feature in the top of this menu saying that the “First line
contains headers” which may be convenient.
As a minimum information to the standard variable, <Nr. (Phone)> must be
added with a unique form of ID, e.g. employee number. This variable is also used
to draw phone numbers from, when the system is used for telephone interviewing.
Auto Assign may be used in some cases and is particularly relevant if you have
named your headers in the first line with the same title as the category which you
wish them combined to.
Log in
If you do not have e-mail addresses for your respondents and are to conform a
survey where your answers need to be unique you can create a log in for your
respondents. Then they may address the survey from ex. Your website with the
applied log in. Though is it important to note that in combination with the log in
username and password you also need to specify a <Nr. (Phone)> so TricTrac will
register the users as unique.
When a question is dragged onto a column, the question number will be put on the
column, and a red mark will be put on the question. The red mark means that the
question is answered and does not have to be validated by the respondent. When a
question is answered in this way, it will not pop up in the questionnaire.
Alternatively, the respondents can be allowed to validate, that the information is
correct. This happens as follows:
Right-click on a question with a mark and choose Always Validate. In this way, the
question will be answered through the import, but the respondent will be asked to
validate if the information provided is correct.
The question will now be asked of the respondent. The imported answer will
remain, but can now be changed, if necessary. If you do not choose differently, the
imported answer on a given question will not be validated, meaning that it will not
be posed no matter whether interviewing by CATI or through web-sessions. It can
still be used for routing, though.
If there are empty cells in the column used for the import, the question will be
posed to the respondent linked to the empty cell (though the question will not have
to be validated). If you have chosen that the question is not to be validated by the
respondent, repeat the method above, but choose Don‟t Validate.
A company wants to do a survey among its employees, and wants to conduct the
same survey, including the same (unique and non-anonymous) respondents,
repeatedly, e.g. in 2003 and 2004. In 2004, the respondents should be allowed to
see their 2003-answers, but all answers must be stored in the same survey.
This can be done in the following way:
Export all answers from the 2003 survey to Excel (view the section on data export).
In the Excel file containing the answers from 2003, all TricTrac IDs (the first column
in the Excel file) are changed, to avoid duplicates when importing into TricTrac
Import the Excel file containing the answers from 2003 into TricTrac (view the
section on Import of background information on questions).
Click [Auto Assign]. All columns will now be imported into the right questions.
Click [Validate All]. All questions will be highlighted in green, meaning they should
be validated.
Click [Import].
All the 2003 answers have now been imported, and upon answering the 2004
survey, the respondents will see the old answers as default answers to the
You cannot import answers on loop questions.
An optional number of sample groups can be created.
Every respondent must have a unique ID.
New respondents can be added to an existing sample group by double-clicking the
sample group and clicking [Add Contacts].
New information can be added to already added respondents in a sample group by
using [Add Info]. This requires that you once again drag and drop information onto
the standard variables <Nr. (Phone)> and <Name>. If, at an earlier point, other
standard variables have been imported, they must be imported again. The needed
information can now be added.
Adding respondents to an existing contact group
Having imported data to a contact group once, it is possible to add subjects from
the Excel file used in the import, to the same contact group, by using Auto Assign.
This means that all existing relations between fields in Excel and TricTrac are
Open the existing contact group by double-clicking it in the overview. The Change
Contact Group menu is opened.
Click Add Contacts.
Choose the file previously used for import and which now has a number of
additional respondents.
Click Auto Assign. Information from the Excel file is automatically added to its
matching functions in TricTrac, and it isn‟t necessary to drag and drop all the
information again.
Click Import to import the new respondents.
IMPORTANT! In order for TricTrac not to import the same repondent twice, it is
necessary for you to define a number. I.e. if you do not have a telephone number
you need to create a unique number for each respondent. An easy way to do this is
assigning nr. 1 to the top reposndent, nr. 2 for the next etc.
Import and use of standard variables
Respondent information can be imported and used dynamically via predefined
standard variables. In addition, you can also import respondent information as
answers to questions.
If information on respondents has been imported into TricTrac, it can be used
dynamically in the execution of a survey. This could be in an introduction text to a
survey, or as a part of an email text.
The dynamic codes works as a mail merge function. This means that an e-mail
which will be sent to many different respondents can be personalized, e.g. by using
the code @name. Everybody who receives the e-mail will then see it addressed to
them, personally. This is possible because the code @name is referring to the
column in which you have placed your respondents‟ names, during import into
TricTrac. Likewise, other codes refer to other information. Below is an overview of
all the dynamic codes that can be used in TricTrac, and which information they
refer to.
Example: If you wish to send an email to only one person, you will typically write:
“Dear” followed by the name of the person. By using the dynamic code @name,
TricTrac will insert the name (instead of the code) of the respondent associated
with a particular e-mail address. Likewise, all sorts of information can be imported
and used dynamically, by referring to e.g. Title, Department, and District etc.
Respondent Information
ID or phonenumber
Name in TricTrac
<Nr. (Phone)>
Dynamic Code
@id or @phone
Postal Code
Country Code
Direct Phone
Extra address 1
Extra address 2
Other info 1
Other info 2
Other info 3
Other info 4
Other info 5
<Direct Phone>
The most commonly used information is directly available in the user interface. The
rest can be found in the folders Additional Info and Weblogin.
Database information is connected to the standard variables via drag-and-drop,
when importing respondents for the survey.
Import of background information on questions
Respondent data already available in databases, and which is to be used for routing
in interviews or has to be used in reports as a part of crosstabs and graphs, can be
imported as answers to questions before the start of the survey. In this way,
respondents will not have to waste time giving information that may already be
recorded. This could be gender, age, department, district, etc.
Questions to be answered via the imported answers from the database are created
in the same way as usual, i.e. as a single or as a multiple question. They are
associated with an answer group and the answer choices are to be created either
manually or via import.
When importing information into the project, consider to what extent you will need
to export this information along with other parts of the questionnaire. The section
on Data-export explains what type of information is exported respectively to Excel,
SPSS, Quantum, Card-Column and CSV files.
In the table below, the maximum number of characters for background information
is listed:
Background Information
Maximum Number of Characters
Info1, Info2, Info3 etc.
When creating answers to a question manually, and the question is supposed to be
used for import, it‟s important that the answers are completely identical to the
answers in the import file, also regarding case sensitivity.
Via import
Alternatively, the answer choices are created via import. The question is created in
the usual manner, and connected to an answer group containing no answer choices.
If, during import, a column is attached to a question using an answer group without
answer choices, the different cell texts in the column will be imported as closed
answer choices for that specific question. Choices such as e.g. division, building,
district could easily be created this way. Besides the creation of answer choices, the
question is also answered by each respondent‟s answer choice.
If the imported answers should be created as open or numerical answers, an open
or numerical answer choice has to be created for the question. During import, the
answers are then placed in the open or numerical answer choice.
Import of answer choices can only be done into empty answer groups. During a
second import, the group is not longer empty, and new, additional answer choices
have to be added manually.
When importing data from an Excel file, the import file must not contain “,” or “;”.
It‟s OK to create a closed answer choice containing a comma or semicolon, but it
cannot be imported to.
A Block in TricTrac can be one of the following:
Standard block
Grid block
Loop block
A common characteristic is that they can contain several questions and/or subblocks, which can all be controlled by the settings or conditions of the block type.
This means that both visually and functionally, the questionnaire can be controlled
in a hierarchical manner. The differences are listed below.
Blocks are created in the Questionnaire-module by clicking one of the block icons or
by pressing the Insert-button and choosing the right type of block in the Insert
Question/Block window. The block must be named.
Standard block
Standard blocks (merely named blocks) can be used for:
Introduction to a certain topic.
Displaying several questions on the same page and organization of questions.
Collection of questions conditioned by other answers.
Introduction to a certain topic
Write a text introducing the following questions. The block will appear on a separate
page without any questions and answers.
Displaying several questions on the same page and organization of questions
Blocks can be used for displaying several questions on one page, or to organize the
order of questions (or sub-blocks) contained in the block.
Click [Next] and the following screen will appear:
The following different sequences of contents can be defined:
Random (c-a-d-b) (d-c-a-b)
Sequential (a-b-c-d ) (a-b-c-d) - standard
Rotated (c-d-a-b) (d-a-b-c)
50% Reverse (a-b-c-d) (d-c-b-a)
The feature Max (0=All) defines how many questions in e.g. a block, you want the
respondent to answer. The block may contain 10 questions regarding one topic, but
you do not wish the respondent to answer them all, thus risking a high drop-out
rate. That‟s why you state how many questions the respondent must answer, out of
the complete list of questions in the block. In the screen above, the respondent
must answer 3 out of 10 questions. Which questions the respondent must answer
are defined by the sequence of contents for the block.
By clicking [Next] once again, we will now get the opportunity to mark Block
contents on one screen. The content of the block, including block-text, questions
and answers, will appear on one screen. Questions can be added to the block by
marking the block, or a question inside the block, and either pressing the Insertbutton or clicking on one of the question icons.
It is possible to control that only a section of questions or blocks are shown. If a
block contains 20 questions, it is possible to define that these are shown in a
random order, but that only a randomly picked section of maximum 8 of the 20
questions are shown to each respondent.
A block can, for instance, contain 2 sub-blocks containing each a number of
questions. A random pick between the 2 blocks can be defined, while the questions
in each of the 2 blocks are shown sequentially.
Collection of questions based on other answers
Questions can be added to a block by highlighting the block, or a question inside
the block, and either pressing the Insert-button or clicking on one of the question
Alternatively, the question can be moved into the block – see the section on
”Adjustment of Blocks and Levels”. After this, a condition is made on the block itself
(if all questions inside the block are placed under the same set of conditions, the
condition will apply for all questions inside the block), instead of making the same
condition for each question.
When right-clicking the block, a condition can be made for it – see more on routing
in the section ”Routing”.
Grid block
Grid blocks are used on Web-interviews to set up a group of questions, using the
same answer group, in a grid, so that answer choices are placed horizontally, and
questions are placed vertically.
Job and Cooperation
Yes, to
All in all, I‟m happy with the
current job.
I can relate my daily work to
Every question to be a part of the grid has to be placed inside the grid block (this
happens automatically when creating questions while a grid block is marked –
alternatively, they can be moved into the grid block – see the section “Adjustment
of Blocks and Levels” below). No question in the grid can use a different answer
group than the one defined for the entire grid block. If a question uses a different
answer group in the grid block, TricTrac will automatically change the answer group
of the question, when the project reopens after having been closed.
Creating a bipolar grid block
By creating a bipolar grid block you are able to construct a form where the
questions are at either side of the scale values. See the example below:
This you construct by creating a Bipolar Grid. As Answer Choices you will insert the
scale you want to be used. In this example it is simply 1,2,3,4 and 5.
When you create the questions you want what you need to do is insert a „-„
between the two statements: (Remember to create “Single Question”)
Now the statements will be placed in either side of the scale.
Creating a Double Grid
Sometimes it may be convenient for you to ask two questions at the same time,
but on different scales. This can be done with a Double Grid, as you can see below:
To create this kind of grid you will need to create two different answer groups and
one combining them. To do this, go to the tab Answer Groups and choose the
button „Answer Group‟
and in this example name it „Price‟.
Then add „Response Option‟
for the answers on your scale, in
this case, from „Very Low‟ to „Very High‟. It will eventually look like this:
Do the same thing with the answer group Quality. The next step is to create an
answer group that combines these two scales. Name this „Price – Quality‟ and make
sure to mark the box saying „Double Grid‟:
In this answer group you will setup one „Response Option‟ named „Price‟, and when
creating this click next and choose the answer group „Price‟. Do the same thing for
Loop block
The Loop function is used for repeating a question for all answer choices or for a
section of answer choices from an answer group. A question is looped over an
answer group, defining that the alternatives you will use in the loop, are the ones
that have been answered or not answered in another question using the same
answer group.
Here‟s an example:
If, in a survey, the respondents are asked of their valuation of price, quality and resale value among 38 brands of cars, then instead of creating 38 x 3 = 114
questions, you can do with creating only 4 questions, first asking about knowledge
of the 38 brands. Then you loop over the 3 questions on price, quality and re-sale
value for all of the 38 brands. If only the known selection of brands should be
looped over, you can use ”Don‟t use all answer choices” to define this. Even though
you have created only 4 questions, TricTrac will automatically create the 114 loopquestions.
If, for instance, the loop question has number 12, and you want to loop over an
answer group containing 4 answer choices, questions 12-15 will then have been
automatically created. When the next question outside the loop block is created, it
will be number 16.
For example, ”How would you evaluate @division regarding quality?” when looping
over an answer group called “division”.
A loop block is created the following way:
Press the Insert-button and define the type being a Loop, or click the loop icon:
Choose the answer group that you want to loop over.
Name the Loop-block.
Click [Next] and mark Don‟t use all answer choices (if you don‟t want to loop over
all answer choices).
Double-click the questions which should control the loop block. Double-clicking once
will use the answers that have been given to the question. Double-clicking twice will
use the answers that have not been given to the question. In this way, a question
will be posed for the answer choices that have/have not been answered in a
previous question.
Press the Enter-button or click [Finish] to finish the loop definition.
In the loop block, one or several questions can be created, which use @ followed by
the name of an answer group. This will repeat the question with the possibilities
defined by the loop block.
Loop on a single question
Normally, a loop is made over every answer choice in an answer group or,
alternatively, over a selection of answer choices marked in a multiple question. If a
loop is used for a single question containing closed answer choices, the loop feature
can be applied in a different way.
If looping over the single question ”How many holiday travels have you done this
year?” with the closed answer choices:
1 travel
2 travels
3 travels
More than 3 travels
No travels
the respondent will, if he answers ”2 travels”, be looped over questions that are
connected to the answer choice “2 travels”, but he will also be looped over those
answer choices that appear before that specific answer choice. In this example the
respondent will be looped over questions concerning both “2 travels” and “1 travel”.
If an alternative text is defined, e.g. AlterText, then the answer choices ”1 travel”,
”2 travels”, 3 travels” etc. be replaced with e.g. “The first travel”, “The second
travel”, “The third travel” etc. In this way, the question “How much money did you
spend on @travels @AlterText?” will be presented to the respondent as “How much
money did you spend on the first travel?” followed by “How much money did you
spend on the second travel?” etc., but only up to and including the actual number
of travels the respondent has done, in the defined period of time.
Loop on a multiple question
When creating a loop on a Multiple Question, the question in the loop block will be
posed for every selected answer choice.
Variable text on a loop question
Insert the character @ in the text of the question followed by the name of the
answer group being used in the loop. The text will then be replaced with the actual
loop answer choice, e.g. “@cigaretbrand” will be replaced with “Camel”
The text can be shown in different versions, and different versions can be selected,
by adding the text version to the variable text. E.g. “@cigaretbrand@description”
will be replaced with the “description”-text, for instance “Package, with a picture of
a camel on it”.
There is a difference between making a loop in a grid, and making a grid in a loop.
When a loop is made in a grid, a grid is created for each answer in the loop. The
other way questions will be created by the loop, based on the answers that are
looped over, will be placed in one grid.
Adjustment of blocks and levels
New questions and levels are, by default, created one level below the Introduction
block. If only questions are created, they will all be on the same level. If blocks,
loop blocks or grid blocks are created, the following questions will be subordinated
to the block and as such, be placed one level further down. In general, this happens
when creating questions while a block is highlighted.
Moving blocks and questions
Questions and blocks can be moved up and down in the questionnaire by pressing
the Move-up icon:
or the Move-down icon:
. Alternatively, you can press the
Ctrl+ArrowUp-buttons or Ctrl+ArrowDown-buttons.
When moving objects, collapsed blocks (marked with the ”+”) will behave like
questions. Questions are moved like this:
A highlighted question will change places with the question below or above if the
questions are on the same level.
The first question in a block is moved out of the block, if moved upwards, and will
be placed right before the block.
The last question in a block is moved out of the block, if moved downwards, and
will be placed right after the block.
A question right before and on the same level as a block containing questions, will
be moved into the block by moving the question downwards. If the block doesn‟t
contain anything they will switch places.
A question placed right after a block, will be moved into the block by moving it
Some useful advice when working with levels
Use the levels in the best possible manner. Collect questions that belong together
in a block, and the questionnaire will get a nice, readable structure.
If a number of questions are to be moved out of a block, but the order must be
maintained, begin with the last question and press the Ctrl+ArrowDown-buttons,
and repeat for the other questions.
If an entire block of questions is to switch places with another block of questions,
highlight the block and repeat the moving-procedure until the blocks have switched
places, and are on the same level again. To avoid moving a block of questions
through every single question in other blocks, collapse every block in the
questionnaire, and then use the Ctrl+ArrowLeft-buttons. When the block is placed
where wanted, press the Ctrl+ArrowRight-buttons to open the block again.
Automatic creation of the questionnaire
When creating a questionnaire from scratch, the best way to do it is to create it in
TricTrac, as shown above, because it will provide you with a good overview of the
structure of the questionnaire, and makes it easy to change the order of questions,
etc. In other situations, you may wish to transform a questionnaire from a MS Word
file into a TricTrac questionnaire, or you may wish to copy questions from other
projects into a new project.
TricTrac contains features to effectively perform these tasks, depending on the
situation and need. By clicking Questions -> Import, 3 different import features can
be chosen from:
Import from standard library
Questions created in the Standard Library in TricTrac can easily be imported into a
project. Import from the Standard Library via the tab Questions -> Import from
Standard Library. Highlight the questions to import into your project. Questions
imported from the Standard Library will be highlighted in blue in the questionnaire
Import from other project
Import from a previous project via the tab Questions -> Import from Other Project.
An overview of all projects is presented, and available to choose from. Highlight the
questions in the old project to be imported into the new project.
Import from a Word document or a txt-document
A document containing a questionnaire in MS Word format or in txt-format – e.g.
questionnaire.doc, can be imported into TricTrac.
Importing the document can be done manually or automatically.
Manual import
Topmost, icons to control a manual import of all of the questionnaire or only parts
of the questionnaire are found. Mark the text for import and choose, via the icons,
if the text has to be imported as a Question, an Answer Choice, or an Introduction
Automatic import from a Word document or a txt-document
Before importing: Adjust the text, so it only contains the question and answer texts
(without any explanations). Specify a special character or combination of characters
preceding questions and block-texts, e.g. Q (capital Q). Specify a special character
preceding answers, e.g. * (asteric). Save the text in Word or txt-format.
Importing: Open the menu: Questions -> Import Questions from Word/Text – find
the document.
Click [Open].
Question Start: Specify a special character or combination of characters preceding
questions and blocks in the text document, e.g. Q# (# is interpreted as numbers),
or as in this example, Q.
Answer Choice Start: Specify a special character or combination of characters
preceding answers in the text document, e.g. * (asteric).
Add ”Exclude others” for every Answer Group: If the text document doesn‟t contain
a “Don‟t know” or a “Don‟t want to answer” category as an answer choice for every
question, a general text with this functionality can be added here.
Highlight the part of the text to import (if all of the text is to be imported, highlight
Click [Import All].
Click [Ok].
Click [Close].
Every line starting with ”Q” and followed by answers (in this example marked with
*) is interpreted and imported as questions.
All questions are imported as Single Questions and every answer choice is imported
as a closed answer.
The lines starting with Q and followed by Q are interpreted and imported as Blocks,
as they are not followed by answers, but by a new question.
The imported blocks are named “Imported Block” by TricTrac. Likewise, answer
groups are named consecutively, “Group1”, “Group2”, etc.
Editing blocks
Double-click the block.
Write or edit the block text, e.g. evaluate “manager” in the following dimensions.
Click [Next].
A more suitable name for the block can be stated here, e.g. “Manager”.
Click [Finish].
Editing answer groups
Press [Ctrl+Tab] – or click the tab [Answer Choices].
Highlight the relevant answer group.
Press [Enter].
Specify another name.
Press [Enter].
Import of answer choices to an answer group from a sample file
(See the section on Import of Sample information).
If creating a question and an associated answer group without any answer choices,
the answer choices can be created automatically, during import of the sample
group. If, for each person in the survey, e.g. the department he or she works in is
registered, all department names can be created as closed answer choices via the
During import of respondent data, the department information is attached to the
question concerning department, which doesn‟t contain any answer choices. When
the import has finished, every answer choice has now been created automatically in
It is possible to move the different objects in the questionnaire up and down via the
shortcut icons in the toolbar.
Questionnaires can be designed with routing, so that the appearance of questions
depends on certain answers and combinations of answers previously in the
In TricTrac, routing can be defined in several ways:
Routing Wizard
Drag-and-drop is the simplest way to create routing.
Highlight the question from where you want to establish control of the appearance
of other questions.
Drag the answer which should be controlling the appearance of other questions.
Drop the answer onto the question to be conditioned or jumped to.
Choose Condition, Jump or Quota.
Difference between Jump and Condition
A Jump is a skipping of one or more questions because of a certain answer or a
combination of answers.
A Condition is an answer or combinations of answers you need to fulfil before one
or several question are posed.
In practice, this means that sometimes it‟s easier to create routing via a Jump and
other times via a Condition. Not everything can be done with Jumps. For instance, a
group of questions, whose appearance is based on specific answers from 2 separate
questions, can only be conditioned through a compound condition.
If a question depends on numerous answers all of the conditioning answers have to
be dragged on to the conditioned question. If the condition is an AND-condition, all
the answers have to be dragged on to the question. If the condition is an ORcondition, the individual conditions have to be dragged on to each other, instead of
on to the question.
Interview quota
Quotas can be used for Questions, Blocks and Sample Groups, but relate
specifically to phone interviewing by CATI.
If a specific number of interviews for some of your sample groups, or for the entire
sample group, is needed, a Quota can be defined on a Contact Group. If a Quota for
e.g. 100 is set up for a contact group, TricTrac will stop allocating phone numbers
from that group to the interviewers, when 100 interviews have been conducted.
Quotas can also be conditioned. A quota for <Contact Groups> can also be
specified, meaning all of the sample groups. This can be used to automatically close
the survey, when the specified number of interviews has been reached.
Quotas are used in the same way on Questions and Blocks, which means that if an
unconditioned quota on a block, e.g. 100 interviews, is set up, the block – and only
the block – will be skipped when 100 interviews have been conducted.
A quota can be created via the menu Questions -> Jump etc.
You make a Quota this way:
Highlight <Contact Groups> in the Questionnaire Tree if the quota should apply
for the entire project. If the quota on is to apply for a particular sample group, that
specific sample group should be selected in the overview.
Press the menu Questionnaire -> Jump etc. The Insert Routing Definitions window
will now appear.
Choose an already existing condition or insert a new one. If the Quota is not to be
conditioned, choose the condition Unconditional.
Define the size of the Quota.
Click [Ok] to finish.
Insert quota via drag-and-drop
Choose the question, whose answer choices condition the Quota.
With the left mouse button, click on the answer choice that has to be answered to
fulfil the Quota Condition. If a conditioned quota is set on a block, e.g. 100 have
answered “male” in a question about gender, it means that the block will be
skipped, when the respondent is a male, and 100 interviews with male respondents
have already been conducted. The block will still be posed to a woman, unless the
quota for women has also been reached.
While holding the left mouse button down, drag the answer choice to the Quota
sample, and the answer choice is inserted into the sample group by releasing the
mouse button.
Choose Quota in the pop-up menu.
Define the size of the Quota.
In the Questionnaire Tree, under <Contact Groups> a Quota on e.g. 800
interviews will have been set up.
Click [Ok] to finish.
A Quota on the block <Contact Groups> cannot be inserted by right clicking the
mouse. Instead, you will have to use the menu Questions -> Jump etc.
Routing wizard
When making compound conditions the easiest way is to use the Routing Wizard.
The Routing Wizard works like this:
Right-click the question/block you want to condition or jump from.
Choose Make Routing.
Choose e.g. Condition.
Choose the question you want to condition the relevant question or block.
Click on the answers you want to condition the relevant question.
Click [Ok].
The Condition Window
Every condition created via Drag-and-drop or the Routing Wizard can be found in
the Condition Window. They are, by default, created with a number code, specifying
the question, followed by the number of the answer choice. 9=2 means Question
number 9 answered with answer choice number 2.
Within the Conditions Window, drag-and-drop can be used to make compound
conditions of already existing conditions. When one condition is dropped on
another, a choice between an AND-condition and an OR-condition must be made.
This makes it possible to choose whether both expressions have to be fulfilled or
only one expression has to be fulfilled.
Expressions can also be named with more readable names.
Press “Insert” and the following frame will appear.
Mark the expression you want to edit.
Click [Change] and name the expression.
Click [Ok].
The new expression name will appear in every place, where it‟s used in the
All expression automatically named by TricTrac, e.g. 9=1, will be changed
dynamically to 10=1 if question number 9 switch places to number 10. Remember
to name manually created expressions without reference to question numbers, as a
change in the order of questions in the questionnaire will make these expressions
Every expression that can be created with the Wizard or Drag-and-drop can also be
created manually, in the Expressions Box. Moreover, some expressions can only be
created in the Expressions Box. There are so many possibilities, that it doesn‟t
make sense to go through them all in this manual. Instead, an overview of the
most important ones is presented below:
Operand 1
=, <>, >, <, ≥, ≤
=, <>, >, <, ≥, ≤, +, -, *,
=, <>, AND, OR, >, <, ≥,
≤, +, -, *, /
Operand 2
 Answer choice for the question
 Not answered
 Answered
 Numeric Question
 Expression
 Numeric Value
 Given Points
 Numeric Question
 Expression
Answer Count
=, <>, >, <, ≥, ≤, +, -, *,
From Date
Variable –
Text Value
Variable –
Numeric Value
 Numeric Value
 Given Points
 Numeric Question
 Expression
 Numeric Value
 Given Points
To Date
 Question
Numeric Question
Numeric Value
Given Points
Sample group
If, in question 1, the ”Total consumption on the holiday” is covered and, in question
2, the “Number of holidays” is covered, the “average consumption pr. holiday” can
be calculated like this:
Create the expression ”Total consumption” as: Operand1: Variable - Numeric Value
and Operand2: Question 1.
Create the expression ”Holidays” as Operand1: Variable - Numeric Value and
Operand2: Question 2.
Create the expression ”Daily consumption” as: Operand1: Expression = ”Total
Operator = / (division).
Operand2: Expression = ”Holidays”.
Or even easier:
Create the expression ”Daily consumption” as: Operand1: Numeric Question =
Question 1. Operator = / (division) an Operand2: Numeric Question = Question 2.
The calculated ”Daily consumption” can now be used for Routing, e.g. for a group of
questions that only have to be posed if ”Daily consumption” is more than $200, or if
“Daily consumption” is to be used as a dynamic text in a question – e.g. “Do you
think that a daily consumption of $ #daily consumption is too expensive for a
holiday in #country?”.
Other Facilities concerning Routing
Define as filter (interview filter)
If a survey uses 3 questions to screen the respondents, in order to determine
whether they are needed for the survey or not, and thereby letting them be part of
the statistics, TricTrac will, with this function, make sure the filtered respondents
won‟t count as finished interviews, but only as “Filtered during interview”.
Define limits
Definition of minimum and maximum values acceptable as answers for a numeric
question can easily be made. It is possible to choose whether to give a warning if
the answer is outside the limits, Are you sure, or if answers outside the limits are
Unacceptable. This can be done in 2 ways:
Via the tab General -> Jump etc. -> Validation.
Or by right-clicking a question and choosing Make Routing -> Validation.
Choose the function Are you sure or the function Unacceptable.
Choose a condition from the drop-down list, or make a new one in the Condition
Box (see section on the Expressions Box).
Write a warning text to use if the limits have been violated.
Click [Ok] to finish.
Another possibility is when you have a numeric answer choice you double-click it,
and choose “Set limits”.
The click “OK” and this frame will pop up where you can set min and max values
allowed for this question, and possible warnings.
When you are done, click “OK” and these limits will function as a filter. (This
functionality is though only operational through the use of CATI and not in Webbased surveys.)
Move to Web
TricTrac Cati-Web integration is an extra module in TricTrac which seeks to enhance
your number of responses and limit the number of people who refuses to do an
interview. The point is that somewhere along the line of the interview, the
interviewer may give the respondent the option to fill you the interview online
instead of over the phone. This will reduce the number of people who might not do
the interview; hence you will save both money and time by using this method.
In the following the practical part of it will be explained.
At a chosen point in the course of the interview pose the question whether the
interview will continue over the phone or the respondent wishes to receive an email with a link to the survey.
If you do not have the e-mail address of the respondent create the question as an
open answer-choice which needs to be validated as an e-mail address. If you
already have the e-mail address as background information make it a closed
answer choice and link it together.
Then right-click your question, choose „Make Routing‟ and then „Webenable‟. The
„Type‟ is auto answer, and you have to choose the correlated condition. If you want
to, you may by choosing „Move Back‟, make the respondent, if he/she has not
answered the survey, appear in the CATI part again after the number of days
chosen by you.
To enable the function double-click your contact group, click the box, „Enable Move
to Web‟. Then choose the e-mail form you want them to receive. Various additional
functions may be applied here in order for the interviewer to save working hours.
For example it may be an advantage to choose „Send Automatically‟ and
furthermore, send a reminder after x number of days.
Interview test
It is possible to go through the questionnaire, as it will be displayed when the
actual interviews are to take place, but only if you conduct the interviews via CATI.
In CATI, it‟s possible to make routing based on which Contact Group a respondent
belongs to. If more than one sample group is specified, TricTrac will ask which
sample group to use for the CATI test.
Go to the menu Questions -> CATI Test.
Choose the sample group to use for the test (if there is more than one).
The CATI test will now open.
In the Escape-menu, the CATI settings can be controlled and it‟s possible to move
forward and backward in the questionnaire. It is possible to jump to a specific
question or to restart the questionnaire from a specific point.
Leave the CATI test by choosing [Exit] from the Escape-menu.
A questionnaire can be tested on the Web, if need be, by uploading it to the webserver. Typically, by use of an anonymous link or by creating a test sample group.
When using an anonymous link, remember to delete the imported data before the
actual surveys starts.
Web layout and settings are set via the Layout icon
TricTrac Web-Surveys are started by clicking a link (URL) to the survey. By
generating e-mails (see the section about the E-mail Module), a unique link for
each respondent can be generated, and in this way make use of each respondent‟s
background information for routing.
In surveys where it is important to control the respondents, but undesirable or
impossible to send out unique e-mails, the login link can be used. It will be shown
in the web-statistics window. Every respondent will use the same link and log in
with a username and a password. Usernames and passwords are imported into
TricTrac along with other information about the respondents. (See the section on
“Creation of Sample/Import of Respondents”).
Various settings for the survey, i.e. how respondents get access to the survey, can
be defined.
Use Secure Connection (SSL). The Secure Connection is used to encrypt data
between respondents and the web-server. This means that sensitive data cannot be
read by someone else. This feature is not set up by default in Tric Trac, since some
old browsers cannot handle the encryption and some customers are using their own
Automatic Restart. This feature will automatically restart the questionnaire when an
answer has been finished.
Allow Anonymous Respondents. By allowing anonymous respondents, anyone can
enter the survey by clicking the link. This means that a respondent can access the
survey several times.
Skip Introduction. TricTrac can automatically skip the introduction to the
questionnaire. This feature is used for e.g. small pop-up surveys, where an
introduction isn‟t needed, or surveys activated from a different website providing
the introduction. It can also be used in telephone interviews, where the interviewer
doesn‟t need to see the same introduction every time he/she starts a new
Cookie Protection. The cookie protection is used for online surveys, e.g. on
websites. By turning cookie protection on, the respondent will only be able to
access to the questionnaire once.
Pop-up/under and other surveys with anonymous respondents
Choose Allow Anonymous Respondents and maybe Cookie Protection.
Mark the relevant languages, which the survey will be conducted in.
If you use login, please write a login text for each language the survey is conducted
Write a text telling that the survey has finished. This text has to be written for each
language the survey will be conducted in. If a text has been written in this field, it
will replace the survey when it has been deleted from the web-server.
The different settings can be combined, so that you are sending e-mails with a
unique link to one group of respondents, giving another group access by username
and password, and finally letting anonymous respondents access through an
anonymous link!
Overall layout
The layout is added by clicking the tab [Web Layout].
A layout can be made by adjusting the settings for the individual elements, that the
website is build from. The settings are organized in tabs:
TricTrac assigns projects a standard web layout (the first web layout in the Web
layout Profiles – see the TricTrac menu). The web layout and the definitions of the
type of the survey can be changed at any time.
Finally, an already defined web layout can be copied onto the project via [Copy
from Weblayout Profiles].
Add a background colour or a background image for the website. The default
background colour is white.
Click „No Repeat‟ if you only want the picture shown one place on the screen and
not repeated.
Introduction text
Choose a font for Introduction Text, Web Login Text and the Project Deleted Text.
Progress bar
Choose to add a Progress Bar to your web survey. Below the questions, the
progress bar will show the progression of the survey.
Rounded Corners
You may click this and choose a number of pixels you want you blocks and
questions corners to be rounded. Of course to see this on the web-interview there
has tp be a colour difference between the background and the Questions/Blocks.
It is possible to insert picture or text (maximum length: 120 characters) in the
Header. Choose to give the Header left, centre or right alignment, and give the
Header hyperlink properties.
The picture or the text can function as a link to a website, opening in a new
window, and a mouse-over text can be specified, which will be shown when
marking the picture or the text in the Header.
The Footer can contain: Picture or text (maximum length: 120 characters). Choose
between left, centre or right alignment.
If a Header or Footer is added to the website, lines will be added to the top and the
bottom of the page to separate the Header and Footer from the rest of the page. If
no header and/or footer is added, no lines will be added and the entire page can be
made use of. If you wish to add the lines without text or a logo in the header or
footer, it‟s possible by marking that text is applied in the header and/or footer, but
without any text actually being added.
Hyperlink Properties
If you want a hyperlink attatched to your logo you may here enter the adress you
want the respondent sent to if they click your logo.
Mouse-over Text
If you drag your cursor over the logo this is the text that will be displayed. E.g.
„Please Visit our Website‟.
In the questionnaire, navigate by use of the following buttons. The buttons can be
named as wanted, but the names below are used by default in TricTrac.
Alternatively, let the buttons be pictures.
[Start Interview]. Used to start the interview/questionnaire.
[Next]. Used to proceed to the next question in the questionnaire. The button is
visible when the questionnaire is started.
[Previous]. Provides the respondent with the possibility of returning to the previous
question. The button is visible when the questionnaire has been started, but it can
be left out, e.g. if people‟s first reaction to a question is what matters, or if the
questionnaire is to be used as a Multiple-Choice test etc., as the respondent will not
be able to go back in the questionnaire to a previous question.
[Stop]. Provides the respondent with the possibility of stopping the interview and
return to it later. This button can also be left out, but is relevant when using unique
respondents, e.g. people answering via e-mail. Note that when a respondent, who
has entered the survey through an anonymous link, uses this button, he or she will
not be able to return to the same question later. If no text is specified for the
button, it will not be created.
[Finish Interview]. When the respondent sees this button, the interview has already
been saved. That‟s why it may be advisable to insert a block just before the ending
of the interview, as a warning, that after this, all answers will be saved.
Navigation-buttons can be placed horizontally (in the bottom of the browser
window) and vertically (in the right side of the browser window).
Standard: TricTrac standard preferences.
Text: Write your own text for the standard navigational buttons.
User: Possible to use pictures as navigational buttons.
Remember the limitations regarding size of multimedia files, no more than 200 kb if
you are a FreeWeb user and 500 kb if working in a Web or more advanced versions.
If you leave out text or picture the button will not be created!!
Link on finish/stop
You can add a hyperlink, which will be opened when the respondent has finished
answering or stopped the questionnaire. It is possible to link to a website (type the
URL) or to an e-mail address (type the e-mail address).
Questions/block Text
Default font for questions and block texts is defined here.
In question- and block windows, it is possible to format the text via the textformatting icon in the top left corner. The text formatting take place immediately
for telephone interviewing, but for them to take place when interviewing via the
Internet, you will have to do the following:
Mark the “Format Text” box.
Mark the text which you wish to format.
Choose the preferred text layout.
See also the section about exceptions for the default layout.
Background colours for the field where the question and answers are placed.
Grid Style
Rows in different colour
The reading of questions is made easier by changing the background colour for
each row.
Highlight on Mouseover
With this function the question will be highlighted when the cursor is placed upon it.
Alternate Row Colour
When chosing this function the row in which the question is posed will change into
the colour you have chosen when the cursor is placed upon the row.
Show grid lines
The reading of questions is made easier by adding lines to the grid.
Answer text
Define the font for the answer-choices in the questionnaire.
Choose the default preferences for a single question: Are they to be displayed as
dropdown or radio-buttons? And are the answer choices to be displayed in 1, 2, 3
columns etc..
Copy from Web layout profiles
It is not necessary to create a web layout for each project. If the same web layout
is used for many projects, a web layout profile can be defined. Copy a Standard
Layout to the project via the button [Copy from Weblayout Profiles]. It will then be
possible to choose between the predefined layouts from a dropdown-menu.
Predefined web layouts are created as all other web layouts (as described above),
and are found in the tab General -> Web-layout (See the section on the TricTrac
Exceptions for the default layout
On questions and blocks where the default layout should be overridden, changes
can be made by clicking [Next] twice, when the actual question or block is open for
editing, and checking the Overrule default web-layout. After this, the layout for the
actual questionnaire element can be changed. Elements that cannot be overridden
on question or block-level are:
Grid preferences (placed below the Questions/Blocks/Answers tab).
If no Web layout is attached to the questionnaire, the first Standard Layout
available from the Web layout Profiles library in the TricTrac menu will be chosen
automatically. This is also where a new Standard Layout is created, to be available
for later projects. Remember that the default web layout can be overruled on
question and block-level.
See also the section on Question/Block text.
Pictures as answer choices on blocks or questions
It is possible to add pictures to blocks, questions and answer choices uploaded for
web dialogue.
It is also possible to mark that the answer choice text, for answer choices that uses
pictures as answers, only has to be used for the report, but will not be shown in the
actual dialogue.
Furthermore, it is possible to add multimedia files on question- and block-level. This
could be graphics, video or PowerPoints:
The files are attached to the question/block by clicking Next and checking the
checkbox Insert multimedia file. The files are then located via the dialogue box.
Attached picture files will be inserted directly into the question or the block, and will
be left aligned on a new line below the question/block text.
Videos and presentations will be available through a link named after the attached
multimedia file, and be left aligned on a new line below the question/block text. By
activating a link opening in a new window, this will be shown in a resolution of
640x480 with opportunity to use the scroll- and resize-functions, but without the
top bar. This is done to make it as nice and functional as possible.
It is possible to insert links to an external site as a part of a question or block text.
The http-link must be typed out in its entirety, formatted in blue font and be
underlined. The external site will automatically be opened in a new browser
window. Example:
Alternatively, a link can be inserted via an html-code. This solution also works for
answer choices and makes it possible to cover the link behind a word or a text,
target=_blank>Webdemo af TricTrac</a> When you choose this solution, it‟s very
To state target=_blank (which makes the external site open up in a new browser
window, thus not affecting the ongoing TricTrac dialogue).
Not to mark the Use RichText formatting. Html-code cannot be combined with
RichText formatting. If another text than the link for the actual questionnaire
element has to be formatted, then it has to be formatted via html-code. Either by
rich text formatting or html-formatting.
Different language versions of the questionnaire
In TricTrac, it is possible to work with many different language versions of the same
questionnaire. This means, that it is possible to control that each respondent group
is presented with a questionnaire in their own language, and that readers of the
reports made in TricTrac will have the opportunity to read reports in their own
language, no matter which language was used to make the interviews.
Creation of language versions
In the user interface the languages to be translated between are chosen. It is also
possible to decide if the translation has to be for a certain version, e.g. translation
from “English” + “Interview” to “English” +”Report”. This means that a question,
which in “Interview” is formulated “What is your age?” translates into “Age” in
After having selected ”From” and ”To” and pressed “OK”, it will be possible to make
a translation of the entire questionnaire and its texts.
Creation of text versions
Via the menu Questions -> Versions you can create an alternative text version for
answer choices to a question.
In order to control that a respondent gets a web questionnaire in the preferred
language/version, language and version settings must be adjusted on the
respondent‟s sample group as well as in the web layout definitions, where the
language versions that are to be uploaded to the web server must be defined.
Change language/version on a project
When opening a project and opening up e.g. the questionnaire module, the project
will open in the language version in which it was originally created. You can always
change language and/or version, so that the project is shown in one of the other
languages it has been created in. If you change to a language that hasn‟t yet been
translated to, no question texts will be shown in the questionnaire module. (See
also the section on Translation).
Structurally, a variable functions as a question with ”Variable Text”, ”Name of
Answer group” and ”Answer choices”. Variables are used to express collected
information on the respondent in a new way:
If you have two questions, ”Gender – Male/Female” and “Geography – East/West”,
you can create a Variable that combines the answers, e.g. “Maleeast”, “Malewest”,
“Femaleeast” and “Femalewest”. Another possibility is, if a question, e.g. “Age”, can
be answered numerically, to create a Variable where the numerical answers are
placed in groups, e.g. ”<25 years”, 25-54 years” and ”55 years++”.
Many other combinations are possible, in order to express your data set in a new
way, compared to the way the questionnaire was originally designed.
Variables are not organized as questions 1, 2, 3 etc., but as A, B, C etc.
Variables can be created in two different ways in TricTrac, both manually and
automatically. If done manually, every possible combination can be created, and if
done automatically, Standard Variables, logical according to the questionnaire tree,
can easily be created.
Manually created variables
Press the icon
and a window will appear, wherein you can create:
Text on the Variable
Name of the Answer group
The answer group has been given a name, a new window will appear. It is now
possible to choose if the Variable shall contain:
”Closed” answer choices.
”Numeric” answer choices.
”Intervals” derived from numeric answers.
”Closed” answer choices
Variables can be created, wherein answers, e.g. from different questions, are
combined into new answer choices. For example, the Variable could gather answers
from question 3 “Department” in a Variable “Departments (in principal groups)”.
This is done in the following way:
create a Variable:
Post your question, and click the Variable button
. Choose whether you want a
“Closed” Variable excluding others, where you will use the answer group chosen
previously or choose “Combination” to choose a condition.
Here, the answers “Management A” and “Management B” could be gathered in a
new answer choice, simply called “Management”.
Click [Next] and choose or create a Condition, that gathers the answers
”Management A” or ”Management B” from question 3.
Click [Finish].
Answers in this type of Variable are always defined as Conditions. (See the section
on Conditions in the Routing chapter). Correspondingly, all other departments in
e.g. “Production”, “Transport” etc, can be gathered.
Numeric answer choices
When having several scaled questions, it is often desirable to calculate the sum or
the mean of these questions, e.g. in connection with indexes or scores on Multiple
Choice tests.
Click on the icon and
create a Variable, e.g. one that calculates the
mean of the scaled questions 5-9 in the test survey.
Choose that the answer group must contain Numeric answer choices.
Create an answer choice – e.g. “Score”.
Click [Next] and choose the questions that have to be a part of the calculation.
Choose if the Score has to be calculated as Sum or Mean.
The Score is calculated from the value of each single question. Every answer choice
is assigned a default value from the start, depending on the place in the answer
group. The first answer choice has the value “1”, the second answer choice has the
value “2” etc. It‟s possible to overrule the values TricTrac automatically generates
for answer choices – see the section on “Define Scale Values”.
Every answer choice marked with Exclude others is excluded from the calculation.
Sum is calculated by summing up the scale values for the questions. Exclude others
is excluded from the calculation.
The Mean is calculated by summing up the scale values for the answers on
questions and then dividing them with the number of questions that haven‟t been
marked with Exclude others.
Score can be calculated by summing up values of answer choices from a number of
questions from different answer groups. The scale values can easily be different
from question to question. If the answer choices are not supplied with specific scale
values, the number of the answer choice will be used as a score value, similar to
calculating the Mean.
Imagine having 40 scaled questions concerning satisfaction, and a combined score
for these questions needs to be calculated. The following answer choices and scale
values apply: “Very unsatisfied” (= -20), “Unsatisfied” (= -10), “Satisfied” (= 10)
and “Very Satisfied” (= 20). You create a Variable of the type “Score”, and check
the 40 questions to be included in the Score Variable, in a listbox.
It is now possible to make intervals for the Score. In the case above, the
respondent will be able to get a score between -800 (40 * -20) and 800 (40 * 20),
and e.g. 4 intervals, (between -800 and -400), (-400 and 0), (between 0 and 400)
and (between 400 and 800), can be made.
This new feature also provides the possibility of calculating the mean, e.g. the
mean of scale values checked for a selection of questions. For instance, if 4
questions are answered and the answers are 2, 3, 5 and 6, TricTrac will calculate a
mean of 4 for the respondent. If it is possible to answer questions with “Don‟t
know” (or a similar category), the system will be able to exclude these answers
from the calculation of the mean. This means that if the answers were “Don‟t
know”, “Don‟t know”, 4 and 6, then the mean calculated would be 5.
The feature thus makes it very easy to calculate scores for projects such as
personality tests, Multiple Choice Tests, calculation of data as input for balance
scorecards etc.
”Intervals” derived from numeric answers
If the questionnaire includes questions with numeric answer choices, Variables can
be made as ”Intervals” derived from these questions.
For example, question 4 concerns ”Age”. Create an answer group, e.g. with the
name “Age Group”, and organize the numeric answers in answer groups like ”<25
years”, 25-54 years” and ”55 years++”:
Create the answer group “Age Group” by clicking
When an answer group has been created, e.g. “Age Group”, create the individual
alternatives by clicking
and writing the first answer choice.
Click [Next].
Create the other answer choices, ”25-54 years” and ”55 years++”, in the same
Furthermore, a closed answer choice, which gathers the other answers from
questions, e.g. the answer choice “Not answered”, can be made.
Variables cannot be created in a Grid Block, and Variables deriving from questions
inside a Grid Block cannot be made.
Automatically created variables
Besides creating Variables manually, TricTrac also allows creation of some types of
Variables automatically, by using the drag-and-drop feature:
Combination variables
If ”Gender” is dragged on to ”Geography”, the answer choice will be created as
“Maleeast”, etc., but if ”Geography” is dragged on to ”Gender”, the answer choice
will be created as “East-Male”, etc.
The combination Variables are created by dragging one question on to another
question. If the two questions use different answer groups, a Combination Variable
can be made:
AND/OR Variables
Combine two questions, e.g. ”Supplier this year” and ”Supplier last year” in an
AND-Variable. The answer group, which both questions use, contains the
alternatives “Supplier A”, “Supplier B” etc.. TricTrac will now create a Variable,
placing answers in “Supplier A”, if used both this year AND last year.
AND/OR Variables are created as Combination Variables, but are characterized by
both questions using the same answer group. In these cases, decide whether the
Variable has to be created as an “AND-Variable” or an “OR-Variable”.
If the Variable is created as an ”OR-Variable”, the answers will be placed in
”Supplier A” if Supplier A has been used this year OR last year.
Top-of-mind Variables
The feature is used for interviewer-controlled dialogue, where the respondent is
asked, e.g., which brands he or she knows. A “Top-of-mind” Variable, registering
which brand was mentioned first, second, third etc., can be created.
Top-of-mind Variables are created by right-clicking on an Unaided Multiple
Top-of-mind Variables can be created with the following choices:
Other features in the questionnaire module
In the tab Questions other useful features for designing a questionnaire can be
Disable/enable parts of the questionnaire
Questions and Blocks
A Question or a Block, that is not to be used, can be disabled. In the Questionnaire
Module, choose a question and press the Delete-button, and the question will be
deactivated. The question is now shown with the question text in grey, and is no
longer an active question. When pressing the Delete-button once more, the
question will be deleted unless data is available on the project. If that is the case, it
can only be deleted when the data has been deleted.
This also applies to answer choices on a questionnaire.
Contact groups can be enabled/disabled:
Show disabled questions
By using the menu Questions -> Show Disabled, all the questions and answer
choices that have been disabled are shown. To completely remove these you have
to mark them and press “Delete” once again. This is important if you only have the
free-web version and has to keep the questionnaire below 30 questions.
Show Routing
Routings (Conditions, Hops, and Validation etc.) are shown per default in TricTrac,
but can be turned on/off by using the menu Questions -> Show Routing
Base check
TricTrac can generate a specified number of interviews with random answers,
following the routing of the project. This can be done via the tab Questions -> Base
By doing a Base Check with Holecount, the file base.xls will be generated in the
project‟s test-library. Base.xls is a compressed table showing the answer
distribution on individual questions. One question per row is displayed. Column A
contains the name of the question, column B contains the total number of
respondents on the question, the subsequent columns contain the answers to the
individual answer choices on the questions, e.g. the first answer choice in column
C, the second in column D, etc.
This kind of Base Check gives a compressed overview of how the routing placed on
the project works. This way, the Base Check is used to test an advanced routing
before the project is being sent out to the real respondents.
CATI test
Provides the possibility of testing a questionnaire flow, as it will take place
when interviewing by phone.
Print questionnaire
The questionnaire will be formatted and set up in MS Word. The most important
information on routing are printed along with the questionnaire.
Status groups
All respondent on a Project have a status. When a respondent has been imported
into a sample group, he will be assigned the status Not Used. As soon as a phone
number has been called for the first time, the respondent will be assigned an
appropriate status depending on the outcome of the call; Appointment, Busy etc.
To see the status for the questionnaires available via Web, go to the menu
Production -> Web -> Import Interviews -> Import All Web Interviews.
Below is an overview of the Status Groups TricTrac is delivered with by default:
Not Used
The phone numbers that haven‟t yet been used. This Status Group is relevant when
interviewing by phone.
The respondents the interviewer has made an appointment with to call back, either
before or during the interview. This Status Group is relevant when interviewing by
Besides being able to rename the Status Group, it has the following properties:
The phone numbers that have been busy at the time of the call. This Status Group
is relevant when interviewing by phone.
Besides being able to rename the Status Group, it has the following properties:
Priority, Recall after.
No Reply
The phone numbers where there hasn‟t been any reply yet. This Status Group is
relevant when interviewing by phone.
Besides being able to rename the Status Group, it has the following properties:
Priority, Recall after.
Not Reached After Calls
The phone numbers that hasn‟t been reached after a maximum of calls. This can be
defined for each Sample Group. This Status Group is relevant when interviewing by
Filtered in Introduction
This is a user defined Status Group for the respondents that are a part of the Total
Sample Group. These have been filtered in the Introduction of the interview, based
on e.g. age, language or something else. This Status Group is relevant when
interviewing by phone and via Web.
None of the above mentioned Status Groups
This is a user defined Status Group for the respondents part of the Total Sample
In the Status Group Incorrect there are 4 sub-groups:
The interviews that have not been completed, and where no new appointment
about a recall was made.
Respondents are not automatically placed in this status group. Instead it‟s done
manually, if an interview has been deleted because of an error or has been deleted
because the interview doesn‟t have to be a part of statistics or reports.
Respondents are not automatically placed in this status group. Instead it‟s done
manually, e.g. if, during the conduction of the project, questions have been added
to the survey, and therefore leaving those questions unanswered by some
The respondents whose interviews are invalid because of external errors like
network problems or because of a power cut.
Filtered during interview
The respondents that have been filtered during interview because of a specific
answer. The filter has been defined on the answer choice in the question part of the
Questionnaire Module.
Double-click the relevant answer choice in the question part. The window Answer
Choice Definition will now open up.
Choose Screened (interview will be filtered).
Click [Ok] to finish.
Respondents with this status are a part of the Net Sample Group as refusées.
All of the surveyors have had successful interviews.
Reschedule No Reply
Reschedule No Reply allows you to specify how many minutes should pass before
calling the number again.
When working in CATI, all respondents have a Priority. The Priority controls in
which order respondents will be called. During the Interview Session respondents
can change Priority if there‟s been made an appointment with them, if they have
been busy, etc.
Phone numbers with the highest Priority will be used first. All numbers are
automatically given a default priority number, similar to the predefined on the
sample group or the status group they belong to. Default priorities are as follows:
Default Priority
No Reply
Appointment the individual
assigned the priority Low,
Medium or High. The
priorities for these are
Called by default after 2
Time Shifts.
All the respondents no
longer relevant to the
project will automatically
get the priority 0, since
they no longer need to be
Not Reached
Not Used / Sample Groups
Priorities, e.g. for Appointments, Busy, No Answer and Not Used can be set on the
Status Group and can be changed by double-clicking the relevant Status Group
below the tab Answer Choices in the Questionnaire Module. When a Priority is
changed on a Status Group, all the phone numbers in it will also be assigned that
new Priority. Priorities can be changed during the conduction of a project.
Phone numbers from the same Sample Group or Status Group that have the same
level of Priority will be used at the same time. In practice, this means that phone
numbers with the same priority will be chosen between randomly, to decide which
to call first. The entire group with the same level of priority will be chosen before
any number with a lower level of priority, though.
Changing priority on an individual used phone number
Priorities can also be set for the individual phone numbers. This is done in the
following way:
Go to the tab General and use the icon Contacts Overview
Double-click the relevant phone number or choose the number and click [Edit].
You can now change the priority for the chosen phone number.
Click [Ok] to finish.
Change priority on a status group of used phone numbers
Go to the menu Production -> CATI -> (De)Activate Phonenumbers.
Choose Total Sample or the Sample Group you wish to change.
Choose the Status you wish to change.
Change the priority.
Click [Ok] to finish.
User defined status groups
You can change the name of Status Groups, and you can remove or add Status
Groups. You can add new groups, where you specify the reasons why the
respondent refuses to participate, or the reasons why the respondent is filtered out.
Mark Status Groups from the list of answer choices.
Press the Insert-button. The window Insert Sample-Status-Group will open up.
Name your Status Group.
Choose between Filtered in Introduction, Refusal, None of the above.
Click [OK] to finish.
Changing status groups
You can change the name or add/delete status groups on individual projects. In the
Standard Library, you can change the names or delete/add status groups, so that
every project, created from then on, will be created with the status groups defined
in the Standard Library.
Changes to the current project are made in the Questionnaire Module on the
Answer Choices tab:
Go to the Answer Choices tab in the Questionnaire Module.
The individual Status Groups can be changed by double-clicking them.
General changes for the status groups are made in the Questionnaire Module on the
Answer Choices tab:
Go to the menu System -> Standard Library.
Go to the Answer Choices tab.
The individual status groups can be changed by double-clicking them.
Changes made in the Standard Library are valid for all projects from then on.
Status groups as answer choices
The status groups in <Status Groups> behave like answer choices for the
Introduction block. There can be different reasons why a respondent should not be
interviewed, and by creating several suitable status groups, those causes can be
categorized. This can be used both on Web based projects and on telephoneinterview based projects.
TricTrac functionalities include, dialogue and interviews based on both Web, email,
sms, phone. They are also dependent on Personal interviews and paper-based
questionnaires. The different approaches can be mixed, even on the same project!
In the Production Module, the dialogue and the collection of data are coordinated.
When the questionnaire has been set up, the layout and routing are in place, and
respondents have been imported for use in the survey, you‟re ready to begin
Web interview
Synchronise survey with the Web-server
Click the synchronise icon
and the questionnaire along with any contact group
information may be chosen to be synchronised with the Web-server.
and the following window will appear.
Several links can be generated for the project from here: e.g. to any of the
language versions the project has been translated into. Define whether the link is
anonymous or login-based and whether an automatic answer has been attached to
the survey.
Each time a change is made, the link below Defined link changes.
In Type, the type of the link is defined: Anonymous or Login link.
In the drop-down menu Language, any of the languages the project has been
translated into, can be chosen. If the project has been translated into e.g. English,
and English is chosen in the menu, the defined link will refer to the English version
of the survey.
Secure Connection functions as described in the section about Web (see the section
on Settings). The only difference here is that if Use SSL is checked, the link will
change from “http” to “https”.
The function Auto Answer is used for adding a predefined answer to a given
question, so that the question is never displayed to the respondent, but the answer
given automatically as soon as the respondent enters the survey through the link.
This could be used for information on who has entered the survey, while the
individual respondent remains anonymous. This can be used for both anonymous
and login links, but not on questionnaires generated through a sample group (as
when an email address is attached to a given respondent, and a unique link is
generated for each respondent.).
Example: A survey with 3 different respondent groups, where the individual
respondent must remain anonymous, but, for statistical purposes, the survey must
also include a certain number of respondents from each group. An extra question is
added to the survey, e.g. “Respondent group” with the answer choices “1”, “2” and
“3”. An auto answer is added to the link by choosing that “Respondent group”
should be answered with “1”. This will generate a link, which can be pasted into a
letter for all respondents in group 1. Other solutions than a letter, say a website or
a company intranet, could also be used. This will generate one link per respondent
group. As soon as a respondent enters the survey through the defined link, an
answer is given to the question regarding respondent group, without the
respondent ever seeing the question. This makes it possible to control the number
of answers in each group.
In this example, the respondents enter the survey through an anonymous link, but
the same is possible for login links. Create a sample group for each respondent
group and let the username and password be the same for everybody. This ensures
anonymity. Auto answer works in the same way, by defining different links for each
respondent group.
The Test link button makes it possible to test the link in a browser and check that
everything works properly. The button Copy link to clipboard copies the defined link
to the clipboard, making it possible to paste it into, e.g. a letter.
The above links won‟t work if the survey has been set up to be answered via unique
links in emails.
Respondent Group Survey
Alternatively, do a respondent group survey, where background information have
been imported for routing, validation or report purposes. In order to make a proper
test, it is necessary to upload a small test sample with the same characteristics as
the actual sample for the survey.
Remember to delete the test interviews, either through the Sample Overview
by deleting the sample group with the test interviews, before making a report on
the project.
Remember, if changes are made to the questionnaire setup during the survey, no
matter if it concerns a respondent group or not, only the questionnaire needs to be
uploaded. Only if new respondents have been imported into TricTrac and need to be
uploaded to the Web, the sample group must be uploaded as well.
Access to the Web survey
Depending on the type of survey to be conducted, different means of accessing it
exist. There is a difference between accesses through anonymous links and through
login/unique links (e.g. email surveys).
If respondents access the survey through an anonymous link, they will not be able
to save their answers, in order to resume the survey where they stopped.
Example: A respondent has accessed the survey through an anonymous link. In the
middle of the interview the respondent stops the survey in order to have lunch, and
does not return until half an hour later. The respondent is now unable to resume
the survey from the point where he or she left it.
If an respondent is inactive for half an hour, the survey times out on Research
Innovation‟s Web server and any answers are saved. Because of the anonymous
access, it is impossible to resume the survey and it has to be started all over again.
On surveys with login/unique links, the respondents are able to save their answers
and resume the survey after a break.
When testing the survey before releasing it, it is important not to test it on unique
links, as these are saved in the system.
Statistics on conducted Web interviews
If new interviews are ready, synchronise them through clicking the „Refresh‟ button
Updating Web interviews
In any time during the conduction of a web survey, interviews can be updated with
the web server, in order to make temporary reports, etc.
Number of respondents who have answered must be refreshed at least 2 times
during a standard project: Just before generating and sending follow-up e-mails,
and when the survey is finished.
Closing a Web survey
When the survey is finished, the project has to be deleted from the web-server.
This is done via the tab Response Collection -> Delete from Web-server.
To delete a project, a TricTrac password is needed.
The Email module
In TricTrac, it‟s possible to conduct surveys, or part of surveys, sent out via email.
Click the e-mail icon
Press the
button (or click [Insert]) to create a new email.
Write a layout name (this is an internal working title only, and is not seen by the
respondents), e.g. “First mail to Respondents A”.
Write a subject (which is the external title, and is seen by the respondents in the
subject field in the email), e.g. “Important – Manager Evaluation”.
Write the text of the email (can be written or copied from a text/Word file, or may
be copied from an html-editor such as FrontPage). The maximum length is 8.000
characters. (In HTML-Code)
Use links for background information “@name of the information”, e.g. @name or
@title, and @link to insert the link to the survey in the respective emails.
(Important: When you copy/paste text from a document into TricTrac be sure not
to copy/paste your link back and forth since you may risk sending out one similar
link to all your respondents, hence only one respondent is able to access the survey
and all others will just be told that they have already answered it. So therefore,
always create your link in TricTrac. Furthermore, some e-mail administration
systems will block a hyperlink or add it to spam-mail, so therefore it may be
convenient to add, as in the standard e-mail template „If you cannot access the
hyperlink above you may copy/paste the following to your web-browser: @link‟ In
this way you are sure that your respondents are able to access the survey
Go to the tab Properties.
State the sender name, e.g.”TricTrac” – the text can be 100 characters.
State the Sender Address.
State the Reply Address, e.g.
Add an attachment or a condition for the generating of emails.
State which type of respondents to send the mail to (at the first mail: Those who
haven‟t answered yet = all). At the Reminder mail: Those who haven‟t answered
yet + those who stopped interview. At the “thank you” mail: Maybe those who
finished the interview and accepted to receive a follow up (combined with a
condition and an attachment).
Click [Ok]
Click Generate Emails. All the e-mails are now being generated and moved to the
TricTrac Outbox.
In the Outbox, an overview of all the emails ready to be sent out is given. In
addition to this, clicking on an email, the window below displays the specific content
of the email.
Copy a link from one of the generated emails (Ctrl+C) and paste it in a browser
(Ctrl+V), to test that the questionnaire along with respondents has been uploaded
and is ready to begin.
Click [Send] or [Send All], when you‟re sure that the questionnaire and
respondents have been uploaded to the Web.
Click [Yes].
All the emails sent have now been moved to the Sent emails folder, while emails
that could not be sent due to technical problems, e.g. if something is missing in the
address, are moved to the Mails not sent folder. Meanwhile, all the emails not sent
are written to a file: email.csv, which can be sent to the email supplier for control.
Upon receiving the correct email addresses, move the emails not sent to the
Outbox, where the email addresses and the name of the recipient can be edited.
Important: When upgrading from a FreeWeb version to a WebBasic Version some
settings concerning your e-mail functionality will be made available. (See E-mail
settings) Due to this change TricTrac may face difficulties avoiding your firewall
when sending e-mails, resulting in instability and e-mails not being sent.
Furthermore insidental instability on the internet may also give this result. But to
avoid most of these cases go to your e-mail configurations in TricTrac, „General
Settings‟ and mark the box „TricTrac Web Service‟.
If an Html mail has been formatted in an Html-editor, e.g. FrontPage, this can be
copied into the email. If the recipient of the email doesn‟t use a technology that
allows html mails, the email will just appear as a simple text mail.
Remember (very important) that when you test a link which is to be sent out to a
respondent, it‟s important to stop the test, by clicking the cross in the right corner
of the browser window, before you answer the last actual question. In this way,
your answers will not be saved as those of the respondent. If you reach the final
screen, the answers will be saved, and the respondent you‟re sending the email out
to with the used link will be told that he/she has already answered the
questionnaire, and therefore aren‟t allowed access to the survey.
It is practical to create a special email address as reply address for the project, if
many emails are sent out. You will invariably receive many autogenerated replies,
because of faulty email addresses, or because the respondent is away on holiday,
etc. It is a good idea to isolate these mails from your normal email account.
Names and email addresses changed in the E-mail module are also changed in the
TricTrac database.
Reminder emails
If you need to send out reminder emails, do the following:
Go to the menu:
-> Email
Invitations or press the email icon
Press [Insert] to create a new email.
Write a layout name (this is an internal working title only, and is not seen by the
respondents), e.g. “Reminder mail 1”.
Write a subject (which is the external title, and is seen by the respondents in the
subject field in the email), e.g. “Last chance – Manager Evaluation”.
Write the text of the email (can be written or copied from a text/Word file, or may
be copied from an html-editor such as FrontPage). The maximum length is 8.000
characters. (In HTML Code)
Go to the Properties tab.
State a sender.
State which type of respondents to send the email to. For reminder mails: Those
who haven‟t answered yet + those who stopped interview.
Remember: Import all new web interviews before asking the system to move the
reminder emails to your outbox. In that way, no reminder emails are sent to
persons who have answered the questionnaire since the last „Refresh‟. This is again
done via the „Refresh‟ icon
Click [Generate Emails] (Important that the reminder email has been chosen).
You may want to copy a link from one of the generated e-mails (Ctrl+C) and paste
it in your browser (Ctrl+V) to test that the questionnaire with respondents has been
uploaded and is ready to begin.
Click [Send] or [Send All].
Click [OK].
Follow-up emails
Design and handling of Follow-up emails is done in the same way as sending out
regular emails from TricTrac. In Properties, choose those who finished interview
(may be combined with an attachment, so it will only be those who have said “yes”
concerning a follow-up question, and you can attach a report file or anything else
you may have promised in exchange for participation in the survey).
Sample Overview
In the Sample Overview, a detailed overview of the individual respondents and
the potential respondents is given. In the overview, changes can be made to the
imported and collected information of the individual respondents:
Press [Change], and a window opens, wherein changes to the individual respondent
can be made:
Respondents can be moved from one sample group to another, their status can be
changed, e.g. from “interviewed” to “incomplete”, and it is possible to make
changes to the answers.
Clear contact information
On some projects, it may be important to the respondents anonymous after the
collection of data has finished, because of the laws concerning personal data. In
TricTrac, information on respondents can be deleted, so that data no longer can be
traced back to the individual persons, who participated in the survey.
To clear interviewee information on a given project, do the following:
Go to the menu Advanced Tools and Settings -> Clear Contact Information. The
window Clear Contact Information will now open up.
If you wish to clear the interviewee‟s name, check Clear Contacts‟s Name or, uses
the shortcut Alt+N.
If you wish to clear the interviewee‟s phone number, check Clear Phonenumber, or
use the shortcut Alt+P. To keep some info on the respondents, but retain their
anonymity, you may keep a part of their phone number, e.g. the first 4 digits.
If you wish to clear the interviewee‟s email address, check Clear E-mail, or use the
shortcut Alt+E.
If you wish to clear the interviewee‟s username, check the Clear Username, or use
the shortcut Alt+B.
If you wish to clear the interviewee‟s password, check the Clear Password, or use
the shortcut Alt+A.
Click [Ok] to finish.
Structure of the files
TricTrac will ask which sample groups to export to.
TricTrac will then suggest from which Card-column files the individual datainformation has to read. Starting from the map-file you can mark that only the
Card-Column file will be read.
If a project has a limited number of questions, the import can also be an import of
sample information during creation of the questionnaire, with the drag-and-drop
functionality from an Excel or CSV-file.
Server status
The server handles the communication with the computers on which CATI is
running. The activity indicator in the top right corner shows the status of the
server. The indicator may have the following colours:
Black: The server is not activated.
Green: The server is activated but not busy.
Red: The server is activated and busy communicating with the computers on which
CATI is installed.
Interviewer and sample group statistics
Interviewers assigned to a project can be chosen along with sample groups. In this
way, the results from the different sample groups can be shown in connection with
the individual interviewers. This also applies the other way around.
<All Interviewers> refers to all interviewers and can, when it‟s used in connection
with a sample group, show the results of all interviewers.
<Gross Sample> refers to all sample groups and, when it‟s used in connection with
an interviewer, shows the results for all sample groups.
The Sample Status window shows the statistics for the interview process, and is
dynamic when using CATI. It‟s updated at run time and gives the Supervisor the
needed information on Quotas, Sample Groups and Interviewers.
Log out an interviewer
If you wish to log out an interviewer, right click on the interviewer and choose
When the Interviewer is done interviewing, he/she will be logged out.
Start/stop interviewing
Go to the menu Interview -> Start Manager -> Start CATI to make it possible for
the interviewers to start the interview session.
Go to the menu Interview -> Start Manager -> Stop CATI to stop the interview
session. When the interview session has stopped, all the interviewers will
automatically be logged out, as soon as they have finished their current interviews.
In the Production Module, the interviewers‟ names will be shown in green as long as
they are still interviewing. As soon as there are no more names in green, you may
shut down.
Interviewing pause
Go to the CATI Manager and click on the drop down menu CATI -> Interviewing
Pause to pause the interview session. The interviewers can‟t resume the interview
session before the Supervisor has started it again, by going to the same menu.
(De)Activate phone numbers
It‟s possible to deactivate a sample group, so that the phone numbers from that
sample group will no longer be used.
Choose the sample group from the Sample Overview.
Double-click the sample group
Click [Yes].
Go to the drop down menu in the CATI Manager -> (De)Activate Phonenumbers.
Choose the sample group and change the priority to 0.
Choose Time and Date for when the deactivation has to apply.
Click [Ok] to finish.
When a sample group has been deactivated, it will be shown in grey. Remember
that Appointments from a deactivated sample group will no longer be used.
Activate sample group
If a sample group is deactivated it can be activated again by:
Double-clicking the Sample Group in the Sample Overview.
Clicking [Yes].
Go to the menu Production -> CATI -> (De)Activate Phonenumbers.
The priority of the sample group is changed manually.
Click [Ok] to finish.
Deactivate a sample group
To deactivate a sample group, do one of the following:
Double-click the specific sample group in the Sample Overview.
Choose [Yes] to deactivate that sample group.
Go to the menu Production -> CATI -> (De)Activate Sample Group when the
relevant sample group has been chosen.
Choose [Yes] to deactivate that sample group.
View comments
Interviewers can submit comments at any time during CATI interviews. The
Supervisor can view these comments by doing the following:
Go to the drop-down menu CATI -> View Comments.
All comments will be placed in Excel inclusive all information on by whom, when
and where the comment was made.
When making a complete export of data to Excel the comments will also be
Interviewer appointments
In CATI, it‟s possible to make an Appointment, so an interview can be planned for a
later time. All Appointments will be assigned to the interviewer who has made
them. The Appointment window has a textbox, where extra information about
appointments can be written.
A priority for the appointment can be set, either High, Medium or Low.
A High priority appointment will pop up in CATI at the appointed time. If the
interviewer is busy at that time, the appointment will be queued for 3 minutes. If
the interviewer isn‟t available after 3 minutes, the appointment will be passed on to
the first available interviewer. (The interviewer who originally made the
appointment, will therefore loose the appointment).
For priorities Low and Medium, appointments will also be assigned to the
interviewer who made the appointment at the appointed time. If the interviewer is
busy, the appointments will pop up as soon as he/she is available.
Naturally, Medium
Interviewers list:
Shows a list of all the interviewers attached to the project. The colour of the
interviewer‟s name is only relevant while the interview is being made.
Black: The interviewer can work on the project.
Grey: The interviewer is attached to another project. If it must be possible for an
interviewer, who is already working on another project, to work on this project, do
the following:
Right-click on the interviewer‟s name and choose Put on this project or mark the
interviewer and go to the drop down menu CATI -> Put interviewer on this survey.
The interviewer‟s name will now appear in black.
Green: The interviewer is interviewing right now.
Red: If the interviewer leaves the CATI Module in any other way than using the
exit, then his/her name will be shown in red.
It‟s possible to move an interviewer from one project to another even though the
interview session is well under way.
Highlight the interviewer in the Interviewer List.
Go to the drop down menu CATI -> Switch interviewer to another survey.
Choose a new project for the interviewer.
Click [Select].
If an interviewer is moved between projects while he/she is interviewing, he/she
will not have to log out to start working on the new project. The questionnaire from
the new project is automatically assigned to the interviewer.
Sample overview
The Sample Overview shows all the sample groups included on the project. The
colour of the individual sample group indicates if it‟s active or not. The colour also
indicates if the quotas will be filled, based on the number of interviews that have
been made and how many still needs to be conducted.
Black: The sample group is active.
Grey: The sample group has been deactivated manually.
Green: The quota for the sample group has been reached, and the sample group
has therefore been deactivated.
Red: The sample group is active, but its quota is unattainable.
Quota cell list
This list contains all the quotas for the project. The following information is
available on each quota:
Quota: The number of interviews which have to be conducted, before the quota has
been reached.
Reached: The number of interviews that have been conducted.
In progress: The number of appointments which fulfil the criteria for the quota.
Today: The number of interviews which have been conducted while the server has
been running.
In the Coding Module open answers can be organized into closed answer choices,
so that qualitative data can be quantified. In this module, all the facilities for
efficient coding can be found.
Questions:In this box you choose the questions you wish to code.
Open answer text:In this window the open answers are shown.
:Insert a new code choice.
:Show all open answers – separately/all on a list.
:Print open answers.
:Created code choices.
Correct open answer:Click here if you wish to correct an open answer.
Coded:Statistics on the number of codings on the total amount of open answers.
Practical coding
You can choose to create all code alternatives before starting the practical coding,
or you can create code alternatives during the coding.
Experienced coders typically start by writing all open answers to a question, and
then do a code-list on randomly picked open answers.
Coding with more than one user at the same time
Coding of open answers can often be done in advance in the TricTrac Coding
Module. Several open answers can easily be coded, e.g. by using the filter feature,
but it‟s not possible for more than one person to be coding at the same time.
Access to more coding licenses are available through buying an extra module to
TricTrac. As the coding program works directly in the project database, it is not
necessary to let the project be open after employees have been assigned to the
coding. After assigning employees to a specific project(s) in the Production Module,
they will be able to execute codenopen.exe and start coding.
Creation of code alternatives
The individual code choices are created via the Insert Code Choice icon:
If open answers already exist on the project, TricTrac will suggest that the open
text on the first answer is used for naming the code alternative, though this name
can be overwritten.
When making code alternatives, it is possible to choose whether the code
alternative should be available during the interview, which means that it is created
as an ordinary closed answer choice
. Coding can begin halfway through a
project, and if many respondents provide the same answer, this answer can be
added as a closed answer choice, and uploaded for use for those respondents who
has not yet answered the questionnaire.
The coding itself works this way: In the left window, the open answer is displayed,
and in the right, the code alternatives. You can choose whether the left window
should display one open answer at a time, or all in one list (this is chosen via the
menu Coding -> In List):
The answer highlighted in blue is active.
Coding is done most efficently by use of the numeric keypad:
Press the number corresponding to the code alternative.
Press [Enter]. The code alternative will now be marked with
Press the ”+” button.
The next open answer can now be coded.
When dealing with multiple questions, an open answer can be coded into several
code alternatives.
When all open answers on a question have been coded, TricTrac will ask if you want
to finish the coding, or if you want to code another question.
Change coding of open answers
In the Coding Module, changes/edits to the code are made by switching from the
tab Coding to Overview. In Overview, choose [Change Coding of Open Answers].
Here, you can move/copy and delete codings to and from answer choices:
Print Open Answers
Open answers are printed to Word in the file open.doc, which is saved in the
project‟s output library.
A number of possibilities concerning the organization of the print exist. This is
shown in the Print Open Answers window:
Print Open Answers Divided by Code Choice
The printing of open answers is sorted by the answer-/code alternative they refer
to in the coding.
Add ”Coded As” Information
Information about which code alternative they refer to, is added to each of the
printed open answers.
Add ”Answered By” Information
The ID number of each respondent is added.
If only a subset of the open answers needs to be printed, add a filter.
Print Open Answers Divided by Answer Choices of Question
The printing of the open answers is sorted by answer choices on a selected
Reporting with OfficeReports®
Along the way or at the end of your survey and data collection, it
often nesesarry to produce a rapport where the findings of the
survey are expressed graphically.
For this purpose, TricTrac recommends that you use OfficeReports, which is an
integrated application in TricTrac as well as functioning as an add-in to MS Word
and Power Point. This function fascilitates the transition from numbers to graphs
while focusing on a simple user interface.
If you have not yet installed OfficeReports click on the logo
in the tab General
download the program from the website. Here you can also download the manual
for basic use of Office Reports.
Remember, that after installing, OfficeReports, will function as an add in to Word
and Power Point, as visualised above.
Note: To be able to use OfficeReports you will have to operate with MS Office
2003/XP or newer versions. In this brief introduction the frame shots will be added
from MS Office 2007.
When having downloaded OR you are more or less ready to report your collected
data. Do remember though to click Download Interviews before commencing OR.
First you choose whether you want to report through Word or Power Point. This
depends on which kind of rapport/presentation you are to produce.
Then either Power Point or Word will open, depending on what you chose. The tab
with OfficeReports will automatically open and you will be ready for use. Now you
can insert graphs and tablets from your gathered data, note the significant detail
that all this material that you insert will be accessible and editable from every
computer you pass it on to, as long as it uses MS Office and has OfficeReports
The next few pages will take you through some of the basic functions available in
OfficeReports. For further information and guidance, please download the entire
manual from
Press the button “Variables” and the following frame will open. Here you can see
your questions, how the quantity is divided between the answers, and you are able
to create new variables by using drag-and-drop.
To create tablets and graphs close the ”Variable” frame and click on the kind of
graphical output you want to produce.
2 Examples:
Frequency tablets (Displays the data for 1 variable)
Cross Charts (Display the data for 2 variables)
(This short presentation is limited to variables containing constant answer
categories. Reporting numeric and text based data will be presented in the full OR
From the OR tab ’Tablets’ you may choose ’Add Table’:
In the frame ’Insert Table/Chart’ choose ’Carowner’ as primary variable in the
drop-down menu:
’Carowner’ is a categori variable containing the answer choices. The selection of
this variable will immediatly result in the depicturing of a tablet showing how
many of the respondents own a car and hpw many that does not. This type is
called a one-dimensional or frequency tablet.
You may choose
if you are contempt with the graph/tablet, and it
will be inserted in your Word/PowerPoint-document.
Cross Chart
A cross chart can be defined by the following steps:
Carry on from step number 2 and choose ‟Gender‟ as ‟Optional Background
You may either switch to displaying the output as a chart in the „Create
Table/Chart‟ already open:
or start the definition by clicking „Charts‟ in the OR tab.
Do you own a car
The chart will immediately appear. In this example the main variable is whether or
not the respondent owns a car, and the background variable is the respondent‟s
The features presented above have given you a slight impression of how simple it is
to go from data to graphical output, which is the main objective of Office Reports.
Naturally, the tool is capable of much more, but that you will quickly see by
downloading the program from
Data export
In TricTrac, several possibilities to export data to other programs exist:
In the tab Output, you can see the most frequently used:
Excel (xls-file)
SPSS (sav-file)
Triple S
Word – Open answers
Finally, two more data export possibilities
Time plan of the interviewers to SPSS
Interview statistics
The following will be included in the different exports:
to statistics on the
Postal Code
In the next pages, we will go through the contents of the individual export facilities:
Excel (xls-file)
It‟s possible to export all or part of a project to results.xls, which is saved in
the project output folder. In connection with this, several possibilities exist to filter
precisely what you wish to export:
in the tab Reporting
Choose respondents for the export: Choose All Contacts or type in the specific IDnumbers separated by a comma.
If necessary, pick respondents using a filter.
Choose if you wish to use only finished interviews or if you wish to use all
interviewees regardless of their status.
Do you want to export information and answers according to routing, or do all
information and answers have to be exported? This is chosen by checking (or not
checking) Use defined routing.
Choose questions to export by clicking them.
Mark the questions or the info fields you wish to export answers from, either by
clicking them or by clicking [Select All].
Click [Ok] and the export will be made to Excel.
Word –
Data is placed in a structure in order to export specific answer texts. If a scale
value is defined on an answer choice, the scale value will be exported instead of the
specific answer text. By doing this, the following calculations in Excel are a lot
Note that when exporting an answer choice that has been given a numeric value
(See section „Define Scale Value‟), this number will overrule the text in the answer
choice, and instead of the scale „Good‟ to „Bad‟ it will be reported as, for example „1‟
and „4‟.
Open text values in the xls-file will appear with up to a maximum of 256
characters, as this is the maximum allowed by Excel.
SPSS (sav-file)
in the tab Reporting.
Highlight the questions you wish to export answers from, and maybe add a filter, so
that only data from a specific sample group is exported.
Open text values in the sav-file will appear with up to a maximum of 256
characters, as this is the maximum allowed by SPSS.
One interview for each contact is only relevant to the section functionality found in
telephone interviewing.
The export to Quanvert is in a kind of Card-Column structure. TricTrac suggests
which columns data is to be saved in. By double-clicking one of the specific
questions or answer choices, it is possible to update the card and column placement
as well as changing the number of columns used for saving the numeric answers.
By default, the numeric answers are saved in 4 columns. If more than 4 digits are
saved on a question, the number of columns must be expanded.
When the update has been finished, press the button [Renumber] and all the card
and column-definitions will be adjusted.
Answers on all questions and the following data can be exported to Quantum:
Sample Group
Interview Date
Phone number
Works much like export to Quantum, though there are more possibilities in the
export of data: Answers on all questions and on the following data can be exported
to Card-Column:
Respondent ID
Sample Group
Interview Date
Respondent Name
Phone number
Together with Card-Column files, TricTrac saves a map-file with an overview of the
placement of answers in the Card-Column file.
If a Grid or Variables have been made, data from these will not be a part of the
Card-Column export! They will instead appear in the export to Excel, with he
exception of Grid on open answers.
Works much like the export to Excel, although there are limited possibilities to
export data besides the individual questions.
Print Interviews
It‟s possible to print entire or parts of individual interviews to a text-file – intv.txt,
which will be saved in the project output folder. In connection with this, a range of
possibilities exist, to filter exactly what you wish to print:
Choose interviewees for the print: Choose All Interviewees or type in the specific
ID-numbers separated by a comma.
If necessary, pick interviewees using a filter.
Choose if you wish to use only finished interviews or if you wish to use all
interviewees regardless of their status.
Do you want to export information and answers according to routing, or do all
information and answers have to be exported? This is chosen by checking (or not
checking) Use defined routing.
Choose questions to the export by clicking them.
Mark the questions or the info fields you wish to export answers from, either by
clicking them or by clicking [Select All].
Click [Ok] and the print will be made to NotePad.
Web layout Profiles
Web layout Profiles contains a library of the created Web layouts:
Web layouts created in the library can be used on the individual projects as an
alternative to creating a new Web layout for each project. (See the section on Web
When receiving a new TricTrac installation, the only registered user is Supervisor,
who has username: SV, and access-code: TricTrac. Supervisor is created with all
the rights of the system operators. When the system supervisor logs on to TricTrac
for the first time, this user ought to change his/hers username and password.
This does only apply in the Enterprise version. In the client you download you are
the only registered user.
Change Password
Users of TricTrac can change their password via the menu Advanced Tools and
Settings -> Change Password
Forgotten password?
Supervisor can delete passwords, for those users who are registered in TricTrac via
the button TricTrac Users -> Password. Next time they log on to TricTrac, they will
be asked to create a new password.
SMTP Settings
If TricTrac is used to send out emails, this must be done via an SMTP-server.
Server name and port used for emailing are specified here.
Depending on the server settings a username and password for the SMTP-server
must be provided.
If you do not have your own SMTP server you can buy access to one. This is
preferable when handling large surveys, and it also enables you to change the
„Sender‟ e-mail address. Doing it this way the respondents will not see and all of the undeliverede e-mails will end up in your
inbox and not ours. I.e. you will have a lot easier way of controlling why someone
has not answered.
If you have a license to use TricTrac for web interviewing, server settings must be
specified. The specific settings are in a system file delivered along with TricTrac.
Upload is done via cgi unless Direct web-database connection has been checked.
The direct upload is not as fast as the cgi solution. It has been developed as a
technical alternative, which can be necessary to use when working with projects of
a considerable size. Cgi scripts will time out in 90 seconds, which can be too little
time to download or upload data for very large surveys. This setting is made in the
General Settings in the System Menu. The setting will work on every project
onwards from the time it has been set, but you can switch between the different
settings for different projects.
These e-mail settings may be necessary to configure according to your firewall
installations in order to secure a stable connection and e-mail sending.
Important! When you go from TricTrac FreeWeb to another version, the
standard settings will change, so in order for you to be sure to be able to
send out e-mails please click ‘TricTrac Web Service’. If you do not you will
recieve the failure ‘Could not connect to SMTP server’.
If you use ‘Windows Email Service’ you are not able to send e-mails with
attachedments through TricTrac. For this you must have your own SMTP
server or use TricTrac Web Service.
Project Tabs
In TricTrac, you can create several tabs, e.g. Demo, Production, Finished etc. The
path for the individual tabs can be set here:
Scheduling Plans
This feature applies to the administration of telephone interviews.
A Scheduling Plan is a way to control respondents who doesn‟t reply the first time
you‟re calling them, and can either be controlled via Time Shifts or by a defined
number of minutes. A Scheduling Plan is made of Time Shifts covering a period of
time, e.g. a working week, a weekend etc. A day in the scheduling plan is divided
into Time Shifts, e.g. 3 Time Shifts from 09.00 – 12.30, 12.31 – 15.00 and 15.01 –
17.00. This means that the plan for a recall to a respondent is controlled via the
Time Shifts. To minimize the number of recalls to an individual respondent, a
Scheduling Plan can be controlled in such a way that the same respondent is not
called two times in the same time shift, as you may define how many Time Shifts
have to pass before calling the respondent again.
Scheduling Plans and Time Shifts can be made individually, and should be fit to the
specific type of project.
By default there are two Scheduling Plans; Evening and Standard, but you have to
manually assign a Scheduling Plan to your project.
To make a new Scheduling Plan, change an existing or to delete one, do the
Go to the tab “Advanced Tools and Settings” and choose Scheduling Plans. The
Scheduling Plan window will now open up.
Click [Insert] to define a new Scheduling Plan. The Update Scheduling Plan window
Specify a name in the Name field. TricTrac will suggest “plan and number”.
Click [Insert] to insert a Time Shift. The Insert Time Shift window will open.
Choose a day and select the time from and to.
Click [Ok] and return to the Update Scheduling Plan window.
Repeat 4 to 6 until you have set all the wanted shifts in your Scheduling Plan.
Click [Close] and return to the Scheduling Plan window.
Click [Close] to finish.
To change or delete an existing scheduling plan or a shift in a scheduling plan,
choose the relevant element in the relevant window. Then click [Change] or
[Delete] instead of the Insert-button.
To assign a Scheduling Plan to a specific project, double-click the status group No
Reply under the tab Answer Choices in the Questionnaire Module.
Choose [Shifts]. You can now define if you wish a Scheduling Plan based on Time
Shifts or on a number of minutes.
Choose the Scheduling Plan used to control the project.
Click [Close].
Click [Ok] to finish.
Customer Database
In the menu System -> Customer Database you can delete a customer, e.g.
”Customer B”, which will appear in the project overview:
You cannot delete a customer if projects have been created for the customer. In
that case, all the projects must be deleted first.
If you want to update information on a customer, you can do it by double-clicking
the customer in the project overview.
Clear Interviewee Information
The menu System -> Clear Interviewee Information provides the possibility of
deleting/anonymizing data. The following information used on the project can be
Show Logfile
In the menu System -> Show Logfile you can get a print of a logfile in MS WordPad
showing, per project, when projects have been deleted/copied/moved, who has
done it, etc.
Appendix 1: Useful Shortcuts in TricTrac
As in all other software programmes, TricTrac has several useful keyboard
shortcuts, usually specified in their entirety in parentheses in the file menus, (e.g.
(Ctrl+E)) or by underlining the letter which, combined with the Alt-button, will
perform the desired function, e.g. Answer Choices = Alt+A.
The most important shortcuts to ease the work with TricTrac are:
Enter button
Insert button
Keyboard shortcuts in the dialogue boxes
F1 (Online help)
F8 (change user interface language)
The Enter button
The function of the Enter button is to access the chosen topic. This could be a
customer or a project in the TricTrac Project Manager, a question, a block, an
answer choice in the Questionnaire part or a table in the Reporting Module. This
feature, which can also be activated by double-clicking the topic, is used when a
question or area has to be edited or you just wish to get an overview of the settings
or content of the chosen topic.
The Insert button
The function of the Insert button is to add a new topic or area. This can be a
project, an interviewer, a sample group, a code choice or a table. When inserting a
new question, highlight the place after which the question should be placed and
press the Insert button.
Ctrl+D copies the highlighted block or question in the questionnaire. When the
question/block has been copied, texts, answer group, answer choices and the name
of the block can be adjusted. If the copied question or block has to be moved up or
down in the questionnaire, use the Ctrl+Arrow.
Ctrl+E opens the expressions window. In this window Expressions for use in
complex routing can be created. The expressions window works as a “toolbox”, that
you can have open while you work in the background. If you need to delete
anything in the Expressions window, remember to click the Delete button in the
window with the mouse, as the Delete button on the keyboard will delete the
chosen topic in the background/questionnaire part.
The Ctrl+Insert buttons give access to define all activated features on the individual
questionnaire. If this shortcut is activated on, e.g. a question, the type of feature
can be selected and the Expression that defines the routing you want can be
selected. In case you want a jump based on a combination of answer choices, you
choose the type jump, and then you choose the Expression, in this case a
combination, and finally you choose the question or the block you want to jump to
in the questionnaire.
Ctrl+Tab‟s function is to change between tabs. This can be between the different
project tabs, between questions and answer choices or between coding and the
coding overview. This feature is most often used during the creation of the
questionnaire, where you often have to switch between the questions and the
Ctrl+ArrowUp/ArrowDown are used to move questionnaire elements, code choices
and report elements up and down. When using Ctrl+ArrowUp the element is moved
one place up in the hierarchy. It could be a question that is moved into a block or is
moved up before another question. It could be answers that change places or code
choices that are moved around. Code choices can‟t be moved around between real
answer choices. Code choices have to be made available in the interviews before
they can be placed among the other answer choices. A report section can be moved
into a chapter as a question is moved into a block, by moving the element below
the chapter/block and then subordinate the chapter by using the Ctrl+ArrowUp.
Ctrl+ArrowLeft/ArrowRight are used to collapse or expand views in TricTrac. If you
have many customers and many projects, you will get a better overview in the
Project Manager by collapsing the individual projects, so that only customers are
shown. This is done by Ctrl+ArrowLeft. You can now open the overview of projects
for a single customer by pressing the ”+” to the left of the customer‟s name.
In a similar way,
In the Questionnaire Module, you can also use the feature to compress the
questionnaire, so that only blocks and questions that are not organized in blocks
are shown. Press “+” to the left of the block to open it, and press Ctrl+ArrowLeft to
open the entire questionnaire.
Shortcuts in the dialogue boxes
The keyboard shortcuts in the dialogue boxes are activated by using Alt + the
specified letter. It‟s a great advantage to get used to these shortcuts as quickly as
possible, since much of the time demanding work takes place in these boxes. Only
in a few cases can the feature lead to a jump to the desired function without
activating it. This will only be the case if there are identical shortcuts on the same
“page”. Use the Space bar to activate the chosen feature in these cases.
F1 (Online help)
Via the F1 button you will have access to a topic related on-line help. In addition
you can search in an alphabetized index.
F8 (Change user interface language)
Via the F8 button you can switch between languages in the user interface. Right
now the only possibilities are Danish and English.
All navigation in the questionnaire takes place by using Expressions. The
expressions can be created manually or be generated automatically by TricTrac by
using the drag-and-drop feature. The most basic navigation/routing is created by
using these features. Combined expressions are easily created by dragging the
relevant answer choices into the expressions window. Then drag them on to each
other and define them as AND/OR expressions. Expressions can then be dragged
from the expressions window on to questions or blocks. More combined and
complex routing are created by using the expressions window. Using the character
# in the question text refers to and inserts expressions that follow the #, e.g.
“#km” inserts an expression with the name km. Use of the # character demands
that definition of expressions have the same spelling - and is case sensitive!
Jump in the questionnaire can be created by using drag-and-drop. If a specific
answer choice means that one question or a group of questions will be jumped
over, then choose this answer choice and drag it on to the desired question and
define it as a jump.
If one or a group of questions are conditioned by a specific answer or a specific
combination of answers, these questions will have to be dragged on to the specific
question(s). If several questions are conditioned by the same answers, it is
recommended that you place the questions in a block and then put the condition on
the block. Choose an answer choice and drag it on to the question or the block of
questions you wish to condition with the chosen answer choice. If several answer
choices are dragged on to the same block or questions, the conditions will work as
an AND-condition, which means that the actual questionnaire area only will be
posed in case all conditions have been fulfilled. If an answer choice is dragged on to
another condition, the condition will work as an OR-condition, which means that the
question or block is activated if only one of the conditions have been fulfilled.
Expression Window
The Expression window is activated by pressing Ctrl+E. All Expressions can be
dragged from the window on to an element in the questionnaire. All answer choices
can be dragged directly in to the window, and all expressions can be dragged on to
each other inside the window, and can thus be defined as AND/OR Expressions.
New Expressions can be created by choosing [Insert] in the window. Complex
Expressions such as the number of given answers, numeric intervals, answer choice
combinations on different questions and combined expressions of any kind can be
created here, and besides routing, are used e.g. on a variable point scale or in a
dynamic text. All Expressions can also be used as filters in connection with a print
of tables, on e.g. time periods or specific Sample Groups. It‟s recommended to
name the Expressions logically, if you want to use them as filters when reporting.
Dynamic text/looping
The use of special characters in the Introduction, Blocks and Questions can activate
a dynamic text.
3 dots (...)
Star/asterisk (*)
3 Dots…
3 dots (…) in the introduction text needs to be replaced with the name of the
person that logs on to CATI.
3 dots in the question text is replaced with all answer choices to the question,
separated with a comma from the first to the last but one and with an “or” before
the last answer choice. If”Don‟t know/Will not answer” are defined as answer
choices that exclude others, they will not be in this list.
A star (*) in the introduction text will be replaced with the name or the text
connected to the predefined Sample Import Type: Name in the creation of a sample
group. It is most often the name of the respondent. If you want to display both
name and customer number in the introduction text, both pieces of information
have to be in the column dragged on to Name or which Name is dragged on to.
Alternatively, information can be dragged on to questions and be loaded in the
introduction text or the question text via the Expressions window and use of the
character #.
If the character”#” followed by a name on an expression is placed in the text,
the”#expression” is replaced with the value of the expression, e.g. “money-spent”
will be replaced with £ 200.
@ is used to list background variables connected to default types in the import part
or to loop over one or several questions in part of or all answer choices in an
answer group.
The default types available in the import and for display in an e-mail text or
question text are:
Name which is shown when using @name
Company which is shown when using @company
Title which is shown when using @title
Address which is shown when using @address
Username which is shown when using @username
Password which is shown when using @password
Additional info via @info1, @info2 and @info3
The types Email and ID/Phone are by default used for identification. ID/Phone has
to be used no matter the type of survey. In telephone interviews it will be the
phone number, and in email surveys it will be consecutive numbers.
@link has to be used in the email text when working with link/login surveys.
To loop over several answer choices, the actual question will have to be placed in a
block, where the loop feature is activated and defined to the desired answer group.
If you don‟t want to use all answer choices in the loop, but e.g. only the used or the
ones not used (in a previously asked question using the same answer group), then
choose Do not use all Answer Choices. Then you can define the settings that will
only activate the desired answer choices to use in the loop-feature. The same
control can be used when using Automatic Awareness Logic which works on the
answer group level. Automatic Awareness Logic (AAL) makes it possible to work
with the interviewee‟s knowledge of the answer choices in the answer group, since
it‟s an automated filter of available answers inside a group of questions that use the
same answer group. AAL uses the interviewee‟s knowledge to determine what
answer in the answer group that has to be used.
The question containing @ + the name of the answer group must be subordinated
to the loop block. This is done by creating the questions inside the block or by
moving them in to the block by using Ctrl+ArrowUp. Automatic Awareness Logic is
not supported in the web part, which makes it necessary to define the loop settings
for Web surveys manually on the loop block. Finally, the loop text will have to be
placed lastly in e-mail surveys, e.g. “How will you evaluate your bank regarding
To activate AAL do the following:
Choose the Answer Group to be used for the questions.
Press the Enter button.
Choose Automatic Awareness Logic.
It works in the following way:
All questions before the aided question (an aided question is a question where the
respondent only have the possibility to answer “yes” or “no”, based on a series of
answer choices that have been read out loud by the interviewer either in a
sequential order or in a randomized order); use ALL answer choices.
The first aided question use only the Unawareness set.
All following questions use only the Awareness set.
Appendix 2: If Respondents Can‟t Access the TricTrac Web
If a link doesn‟t work there can be several possible explanations. Below, we will go
through the most common.
At the respondent
Do you have connection to the Internet? Check by clicking the following link: If the website opens up you have connection,
otherwise, contact an IT administrator to resolve the problem.
Link to a survey that has been received during the survey doesn‟t work when you
click it, though it will work when you copy the link directly in to a browser. Some
email providers – especially – do not allow you to open a link, but
you‟ll have to copy it into a browser. In Outlook, you may see that links in html
based emails can‟t be opened if you click the link, when the email itself has not
been opened.
Ordinary interruptions will occur everywhere, and may cause that you at a certain
point can‟t access the survey, because at the time there‟s no connection to the
Do you allow session-cookies? In Internet Explorer 6.0 you will have check the
following settings: In the English version you have to go to the menu Tools ->
Internet Options. Choose the tab Privacy. If your setting is High or Block All
Cookies, the link will not work. If you have a Custom setting, then check if Always
allow session cookies is checked when you click [Advanced].
In other browsers there can be other ways to check if you allow session cookies. In
most cases the link comes up with the following error message, if you don‟t allow
session cookies:
then contact your system administrator.
Which browser do you use? TricTrac supports Internet Explorer from version 4.1
and up and Netscape from version 5.1 and up.
At the technical responsible of the survey
If the respondent has been sent an e-mail with a link to the survey, but the
respondent has been deleted from the TricTrac project, the link will not work.
If the respondent has been added to the project and emails linking to the survey
have been sent out, but the survey, or the respondent, has not been uploaded to
the webserver, the link will not work.
The project has been deleted from the TricTrac webserver.
If you can’t find the reasons in the above:
In our experience, errors normally occur because of one of the above mentioned
reasons. If you still have problems, we would like a link and a description of the
problem along with a screen-dump (PrtSc-button) of the error as it comes up.
If changes in the settings in the system in the interviewee milieu are needed, it will
normally only be relevant if you have to conduct employee surveys in the
organization. We will be able to participate in this process on a consultancy basis.
Appendix 3: Questionnaire
Dear 'name'
Please evaluate 'manager' from your position as 'association'.
Please use this scale of competence for every question:
1 Low level:
Knowledge and (or) skills are below basic Level. Needs help and
assistance constantly.
2 Basic Level:
Knowledge/skills in a basic level, and is able to use the competence
partly independent. In need of assistance regularly.
3 Fundamental level:
Knowledge/skills in a fundamental level, competent, and requires little
help, support.
4 Good level:
Knowledge/skills in a good level, has a good understanding of the
competence and is able to use it independently.
5 High level:
Knowledge/skills in a high level can use the competence independently
and naturally.
6 Excellent Level:
Knowledge/skills in excellent level, they are very competent, used
independently and naturally in even very difficult situations.
1. Manager [single]
Manager 1
Manager 2
Manager 3
Manager 4
Manager 5
Manager 6
Manager 7
Manager 8
Manager 9
Manager 10
2. Status [single]
Executive colleague
3. Department [single]
Management A
Production A
Transport A
Management B
Production C
Production D
Production B
Transport B
Did not work in other departments
Don't know
Production A-B
Production C-D
A. Departments (by principal groups) [multiple]
4. Age [single]
B. Age groups [multiple]
< 25 years
25-54 years
55 years ++
Evaluate 'manager' in the following dimensions
5. Is sustaining [single]
1 Low level
2 Basic level
3 Fundamental level
4 Good level
5 High level
6 Excell. level
Don't know
6. Makes goals visible [single]
1 Low level
2 Basic level
3 Fundamental level
4 Good level
5 High level
6 Excell. level
Don't know
7. Adapts expectations and gives feedback [single]
1 Low level
2 Basic level
3 Fundamental level
4 Good level
5 High level
6 Excell. level
Don't know
8. Is positive and motivating [single]
1 Low level
2 Basic level
3 Fundamental level
4 Good level
5 High level
6 Excell. level
Don't know
9. Carry out decisions [single]
1 Low level
2 Basic level
3 Fundamental level
4 Good level
5 High level
6 Excell. level
Don't know
C. Mean score in Manager Evaluation (question 5-9) [multiple]
D. Sum in Manager Evaluation (question 5-9) [multiple]
E. Score groups [multiple]
10. In which departments did you previously work? [multiple]
Management A
Production A
Transport A
Management B
Production C
Production D
Production B
Transport B
Did not work in other departments
Don't know
Production A-B
Production C-D
11. In which of these departments have you been most satisfied? [single]
Management A
Production A
Transport A
Management B
Production C
Production D
Production B
Transport B
Did not work in other departments
Don't know
Production A-B
Production C-D
12. What is it in particular that you finds satisfying by #department? [single]
Professional challenges
Good colleagues
13. Help us validate the personal information there is registries regarding your employment [single]
Please verify if the following information are registered correctly:_
14. Do you have any comments about this 360-degree survey? [single]
No comments
15. What is your residential status? [single]
Owner-occupied dwelling
Housing co-operative
Other resident (college, room etc)_
Thank you for your help