Manual - Zengar


Manual - Zengar
getting started
Copyright 2009 Zengar Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Getting Started Manual
This Manual is composed of four parts:
Connecting your Equipment
Hooking-Up a Client
Running a Session
Frequently Asked
Running Neuroptimal® Sessions:
This Getting Started Manual will guide you through the process of running client
sessions. This manual and the Getting Started DVD, both provide you with all the
information you need to run effective client sessions. While this is only the tip
of the iceberg in terms of what is available to you in NeurOptimal®, it is all you
NEED to know to set the stage for effective client change. When you are ready to
learn more you can participate in our courses .
Getting Started Manual Part 1:
Connecting your Equipment
This first section guides you through the process of correctly setting up your
z-Amp, the sensors, the monitor and your sound equipment. We will cover
hooking up your client in the next section. Do not be concerned if your zAmp
has a different color or label to the one pictured here.
Part 1: Connecting your Equipment
Getting Started Manual Part 2:
Hooking-Up a Client
This section will take you through the steps of
effectively hooking up your client.
Part 2: Hooking-Up a Client
Part 2: Hooking-Up a Client
Getting Started Manual Part 3:
Running A Session
Running a session is composed of four sections:
Preparing the client monitor
Recording a pre-(before) baseline
Recording a post-(after) baseline
Preparing The Client Monitor
You must be in dual-monitor mode for your client to be able to see their screen.
stEP 1:
You will only have to do this once, if you keep your system connected to the 2nd monitor.
Make sure your client
monitor is connected
stEP 2:
Click on the Start menu> Control Panel.
to your laptop and
switched on.
stEP 3:
stEP 4:
Select Adjust Screen
Make sure Extend
Resolution under Appearance
these displays is
and Personalization.
selected and if
necessary click Apply and
Now Click on
your #2 display
stEP 6:
stEP 5:
Keep Changes when prompted.
Click on the resolution box and drag the slider until
you see 1280 x 800”.
Click Apply. (If you see a message on the screen
that says “not supported” click a resolution above or
below this one until it looks right to you). Click Apply
To complete monitor setup now click
your #1 display
and make sure the Recommended Setting
stEP 8:
stEP 7:
and Keep Changes when you are satisfied.
Double click
on your
icon to open
is selected (in this case it’s 1366 x 768)
and click OK.
Give it time to load fully.
stEP 2:
automatically in the
baseline screen when
you start up.
Your client list will
appear. You will want
to add the name of
your new client.
Click on
at the
stEP 5:
NeurOptimal® opens
stEP 4:
stEP 3:
stEP 1:
Record Pre-baseline
Click on the round Record button
on the control panel, bottom right.
It will turn red.
You can add as much or as little
information, but you MUST add a
first name & last name. Click on the
gender button if it is not indicating
gender correctly.
stEP 6:
Click OK.
stEP 7:
Your client name will be highlighted. Click OK.
You will automatically start recording.
stEP 8:
stEP 9:
Look at the little blue lines with
orange tip, next to 60Hz (US/
Canada) or 50Hz (rest of world)
and “Adaptive” at the bottom of
your screen.
the Stop button (the
A: Click
square button on the control
Having made your best effort,
now work with what you have--
panel bottom right). Click
press stop and proceed to record
“Don’t Save”.
your baseline (see next step).
The small bars should be as small
as possible- 1/16 to 1/8 inch or 2-3
mm. If they are bigger you need
press down on the yellow sensor/s and click Record again. If this
B: Now
doesn’t make the bar smaller, squeeze the ear clips. If this doesn’t
to try to improve your connection.
work, remove the yellow sensor, add more paste, part the hair even
(The left bar is the left sensors,
more carefully and put it on the scalp again, pressing it firmly. If this
the right the right). In the image
doesn’t work, re-apply the ear clips with more paste.
above, the left hookup is good,
stEP 10:
the right hookup needs to be
improved- see step 9. If your
hookup looks good, proceed to
step 10 below.
NeurOptimal® already knows who your client is, so now you can use
the Quick Record button. Click on QR
(the last button to the right of the transport controls).
Ask your client to sit quietly with their
eyes open. When you see 15 seconds have
passed on the little timer at the bottom
left, ask your client to gently close their
eyes until you see the timer has reached
30 seconds. Click on the stop button. The
stEP 12:
stEP 11:
Record Pre-baseline
Make sure it says Pre Baseline
at the bottom. If it doesn’t,
use the drop down menu
to select it. Click Save.
Save dialogue box appears.
What am I Seeing?
The left side is the left brain, the right is the right.
The brain wave has been broken down into its component frequencies from
1 Hz at the bottom to 42 Hz at the top (NeurOptimal® goes higher, you just
can’t see it on this display).
Each of the different frequencies has different functions in the brain (refer
to the Cartography of Consciousness, available on our website www.zengar.
Ideally you want the lower frequencies (1-6) to be as small as possible, and
the two sides to look as much like a beautiful wave flowing down as possible.
stEP 13:
Now click on the
Analysis button.
stEP 14:
Click and drag the top of the current (Spectogram) window
over to your client monitor so your client can see it.
First check the range on the vertical
Now you see the Spectogram. The top is the left
side of the brain, the bottom the right; time goes
along the bottom and
the frequencies go up
the sides.
stEP 16:
stEP 15:
bar to the right of the upper window.
Generally you want this range to be as
low as possible with the zero point in
the middle.
(For e.g. you might see
-27 at the bottom to +34
at the top. If this reduces
after the training to -3.2
to +2.9, this is good).
Now look in the windows. These are
showing where the clients “energy” is
going, relative to itself. Many people
start with a lot of activity or energy
going into the lower frequencies, so
you see the colors sitting along the
stEP 18:
stEP 17:
Record Pre-baseline
The blue/pink fuzzy lines in the middle show the line of the
raw brain waves, all squished together.
bottom. This is not useful as little
energy is available for all the frequen-
It should look like a thick fuzzy line. If it has “curly cues” in it,
cies (states of awareness) further up.
you are seeing the client’s brain being “thrown off” usually by
With training, ideally you start to see
big low frequency activity.
the lower activity “break up” and more
energy (colors) moving up into the
higher frequencies, as you see in the
picture above. When you hear people
The less you see of curly cues, the better.
joke and say we only use 10% of our
stEP 19:
brains, this is actually where you can
see the truth of that.
Now click on the little box with a pink dotted
line in it, Going from bottom left to top right.
Now you are in the “cross-corr” window.
If there is a single best measure of how your
client is doing (apart from how they are
actually doing), this is it.
Look at the quality of the line.
You want it to come up and over
as smoothly as possible.
stEP 22:
stEP 21: stEP 20:
It is under the top window and on the right side.
Now look at the number in a box at the bottom that says
“Divergence”. This measures the efficiency of the brain.
The lower the number, in general, the better.
Ideally, you want to see this number drop by the end of the session.
stEP 23:
Now get back to the main screen by clicking on the top right “bright brain” button, and do that
again to close the Spectogram screen until you arrive back at the first (Spectral) window.
bottom of the right hand panel.
A session is comprised of moving
through the “Zen Modes” 1-4
You can think of Zen 1 as the warmup, Zen2 as the releasing and
letting go of old stuff, Zen 3 as forging new pathways and Zen 4
stEP 5:
stEP 4:
as a period of integration.
If your client is new, you will want to
for the default Regular session in the
boxes on the right.
also been loaded for you, as you
can see in the zMedia window.
There are many ways to work with
different music, movies, videos
and so on. But in this manual we
default way of working using the
Click on the Session menu at the top
Zengar music.
and select Initial.
Now you see the timings for the Initial
Session show in the timings boxes. With
new clients you will progress through the
sessions until the fourth session when
The Demo Session is
you will do a full Regular session. The
a relatively short 15 mins, which can
acclimatize a brain to the work it will be
be used when you have spent a long
doing in NeurOptimal®.
time explaining NeurOptimal® to a
new client. If you want to do a longer
stEP 6:
initial session, it is fine to proceed
directly to “Initial Session”.
their eyes open or closed during
training. The primary feedback is
given through the sound-- watching
a screen is not necessary.
Both you and
your client can
now put in your
ear buds.
stEP 9:
Let your client know it is OK to have
stEP 8:
Notice the timings boxes show 11, 11, 0, 11.
stEP 7:
the timings appear
will teach you the NeurOptimal®
progress through the built in sessions.
sessions each have different timings to
You will now see
The default Zengar music has
stEP 3:
Click the Training button at the
stEP 2:
stEP 1:
NeurOptimal® already knows who
your client is, so you can click on QR
(Quick Record) which bypasses the
client window.
Congratulations! You are now recording your first session!
stEP 11:
stEP 10:
Locate the smaller zMedia
window. Adjust the volume
here until it is comfortable
for your client.
You will hear very brief pauses that
sound like scratches in the music.
The precise mathematical timing of
these pauses provides the information the brain will use to organize
itself. You can toggle on and off a
visual representation of this information by clicking the small button
at the top of your screen just to the
stEP 12:
left of the word Spectra. This button
will shift between black and purple.
You will see green buttons appear showing the
targeting. These will flash orange indicating
which targets are going into an “instability” or
“out of the zone”.
stEP 13:
Some of the flashes will have pauses you can hear
(audible) and some that you can’t hear (inaudible). These are
too quick to be consciously heard, but don’t worry, they are
providing very powerful feedback to your client.
stEP 14:
NeurOptimal® will progress
automatically through the four
ZenModes that make up a session.
You can see it progress through
You can observe the session through different views.
Click on the “Spectra” tab inside the black area at the top right, and then
on the Targets tab and then back to Helix. If you prefer a view other than
the default Helix view, you can stay in it and NeurOptimal® will start up
automatically in the view you last selected.
the timings boxes.
stEP 17:
stEP 16:
stEP 15:
Recording will automatically
stop when the music ends.
You can also hit the Stop
button to end the session.
You will be asked if you want to save the session.
There is no need to save training data unless you
specifically want to, so click Don’t Save.
HINT: Do not be concerned if there is
still some session time remaining when the music
Select Baseline.
ends.Extra length is added so the session does not
This will return you to the Baseline screen
where you will record your post- (after) baseline.
stop suddenly before the music, which can be jarring
to your client.
Ask your client to sit quietly while
you record 15 secs with eyes open
and 15 secs eyes closed. Click the
Stop button when the
timer says 30.
stEP 2:
stEP 1:
Click on the Analysis button. You will briefly see the preSpectogram so you can remind yourself of the earlier range
numbers and how the Spectogram looked. This is a good time
to ask the client how they are, what the session was like, what
do they notice, how they feel etc.
stEP 3:
Compare the pre- and the post with your
client. Is the range narrower? Have the colors
on the bottom broken up a little?
Has their “energy” moved up are there signs of activity
higher up than before?
If the windows now look
“blank” that is good because the energy sitting
across the bottom has broken up. It will start
to “fill in” with energy over some sessions.
Now you can compare the pre and post lines
pink dots going from bottom left to top right).
directly. Click on the red button at the top right,
Does the line look smoother? (It may not). And
most importantly -- check the Divergence number.
Ideally, it should have dropped
(see note in Step 9 if it hasn’t).
The yellow is the pre, and the red is the post. Ideally, you want to see the red lower than the yellow,
stEP 6:
with a positive change (a drop) in the Divergence
Difference score on the right (positive is good).
This means your client has successfully integrated
stEP 5:
Click on the “cross corr” button (the box with the
that has the two yellow arrow signs. An image
of the pre and post baselines
will appear.
stEP 7:
stEP 4:
If the post line (red) is higher than the
pre and the divergence number is higher,
not lower, it is not bad- it just means the
brain has had to work hard (even though
the information
it doesn’t feel like it) and it hasn’t inte-
during the session-
grated the information by the end of the
which is great.
session. We have stirred things up a bit
(like going to the gym) and it hasn’t yet
settled. It will settle some time after the
session. Over sessions, you would like to
see the brain start to show a drop pre- to
post. This will show that the brain is now
able to integrate the information during
Unhook your Client
more efficiently.
stEP 8:
Remove each sensor from the client,
trying to keep the paste clear of the hair as
best you can. Wipe the sensor clean with a
tissue and drop it into the glass of water.
the session because it is now working
stEP 9:
Clean the client’s ears and hair as best you can with a
tissue, then offer them a baby wipe to remove any
remaining paste. The paste removes easily with water.
It might seem challenging at first, but soon you will be able to hook a client up with a good
hookup in less than a couple of minutes. You can have your clients doing Regular sessions with pre and post
baselines with time for a break in between, comfortably in hourly slots. NeurOptimal® Autonavigation feature
allows you to run multiple clients concurrently if you wish, with each client at their own NeurOptimal® station.
Getting Started Manual Part 4:
Frequently Asked Questions
This section will address some questions that you may have.
I have set up my system and run some
sessions. Although I am beginning to feel
comfortable doing this, what other
resources are available to me to get my
questions answered and learn more?
Watch the Beginner’s DVD that was included with your order. We
also suggest the Beginner’s PASS forum which is accessible by
PASS members. In addition to that, please do not hesitate to
browse the many other forums available to PASS members, each
of which is moderated by a specialist in that area. Should you
decide you would like to become certified, you can attend one of
our online courses hosted throughout the year.
I keep getting readings that indicate a large
amount of line noise. What can I do to
reduce this?
Most of the time, line noise has to do with the hookup. Don’t
worry, it will become less of an issue the more you practice. Our
first suggestion is to press down on the sensors that are on the
scalp. If that doesn’t change anything, remove them and try putting them on again carefully parting the hair and making sure you
place them directly on the scalp. Do the same for the ear clips if
you still have the same results. Should the problem persist, try to
reduce electrical noise in your enviroment. Turn off as many electrical appliances (lamps, additional computers etc) as you can.
Also make sure your laptop power brick and cord as well as your
sound cable are as far away from your zAmp and USB cable as
possible. If the problem persists you may have a problem with the
electrical wiring in your walls. The key thing to remember is you
can still run good sessions (NeurOptimal® can distinguish “noise”
from “true signal”), and you can compare a pre- and post- baseline, but you cannot interpret the data further than that.
How do I access Technical Support?
Technical Support is provided through a MouseCall™ service,
which enables our technicians to work directly on your system
from a distance. This is all at no charge for PASS members. To
access a MouseCall™ simply logon to the PASS area of www. and click on “MouseCalls”. Fill in the
information requested and our technician will take over from
there! Services are available on a walk-in basis every week day.
Where do I purchase paste and/or sensors?
Please email for information.
I’d like to speak to someone in person.
Who can I contact?
Call us at (877) 990-OPTIMAL x740.
or use our webresponder at
We will be happy to assist you.
zengar institute inc.
Founded 1996
We know that given the right information,
the brain can transform itself effortlessly.
With NeurOptimal® the expertise is in
the software—making powerful and safe
transformation accessible for everyone.
1.866.990.Optimal (1-866-990-6784)
Copyright 2009 Zengar Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
1.866.990.Optimal (1-866-990-6784)