May 27, 2016 Issue - UCF College of Education and Human


May 27, 2016 Issue - UCF College of Education and Human
STLL Elementary Ed Grad
is Rookie Teacher of the
Taelor Cuppett, an Elementary Education
STLL Elementary Ed Grad is Rookie
Teacher of the Year
Research with TeachLivE Results in
Presentations, Publications and Awards:
All are Welcome to Partake
Summer Employment Available for Education Majors
Orange County Regional History Center
Internship for Life Long Learning Students
Reading Doc Student Collaborates with
Proposals Are Being Accepted for the
2016 FATE Annual Conference
Calendar of Events
graduate (15), was selected as Rookie
Teacher of the Year at English Estates
Elementary School in Seminole County.
She reports, “I have been reappointed as a 5th grade
teacher for the upcoming school year!” Her Internship II
supervising teacher recently was hired at her school, and
they will be team teaching with her next year. The
emphasis placed on the use of technology in the
elementary Education program paid dividends for
Taelor. She said, “My principal is also putting a brand
new technology smart board in my classroom from the
county because I have been deemed the technology
guru at my school for using glogs, kahoot, and other
technology integration programs with my students! I
learned so much from my kids this year and I can't wait
to return to my school next year.”
A side note: Taelor is teaching in the classroom that Dr.
Lee-Anne Spalding attended when she was in 5th grade.
Research with
TeachLivE Results in
Publications and
Awards: All are
Welcome to Partake
augmented reality scientist at the Johns
Hopkins Science of Learning Institute. The
citation for her research paper is:
Barmaki, R. (2016). Improving Social
Communication Skills Using Kinesics
Feedback. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI
Conference Extended Abstracts on Human
Research involving the
Factors in Computing Systems, May 7-12, San
TeachLivE technology is
Jose, CA, 86-91. Awarded 2nd Place in
open to all faculty
Graduate Category of ACM CHI 2016 Student
members and students.
Research Competition.
Currently, several STLL
faculty members are
taking part in research activities and this week
five NSF grant were submitted involving the
technology. We encourage all to join in the
opportunities that TeachLivE brings to the
School and CEDHP.
The spring semester ended with some new
awards for TeachLivE researchers. Leila
Barmaki, a doctoral candidate in Computer
Science, received recognition at an Association
of Computing Machinery (ACM) Conference
held in Orlando. She was awarded 2nd place in
the Graduate Student Research Competition
at ACM CHI 2016. Leila will be working as a
Postdoc with Professor Nassir Navab, an
Also, at the IEEE Serious Games and
Applications in Health (SeGAH 2016), a paper
presented by Dr. Charles Hughes and Kate
Ingraham was selected as the conference best
paper. In lieu of an award NVIDIA provided a
$999 graphics card (Titan X) as recognition. The
citation for the paper is:
Hughes, C. E., Epstein, J. A., Hall, T., Ingraham,
K. M., & Hughes, D. E. (2016). Enhancing
Protective Role-Playing Behaviors through
Avatar-Based Scenarios. 4th International
Conference on Serious Games and Applications
for Health (IEEE SeGAH 2016), May 11-13,
Orlando, FL, 1-7. Best Paper Award.
Summer Employment
Available for Education
To request an application or make inquiries,
please contact:
Kristie L. Homer, Program Coordinator
Raeann Bacchus, Vice President of Community
(O) 321-441-1171 (C) 407-490-6707
Based Care of Central Florida informs us that
there will experiential and income
opportunities for education majors this
summer on campus. Community Based Care is
sponsoring and organizing a month-long
experience on campus for a cadre of foster
students during July this summer. These
Orange County
Regional History
Center Internship for
Life Long Learning
students will be taking Florida Virtual School
Orange County Regional History Center,
courses while experiencing campus life.
Department of Education has announced a new
They are seeking education majors who will
internship program for Elementary Education
provide academic assistance to these students
majors in the Life Long learning Track
as they progress through their coursework each
preparing for educational careers outside of
day. The responsibilities for tutors are:
traditional schools. Interns will be trained at the
• Provide academic support during assigned
History Center to teach school programs
offered to K-6 students that visit the History
• Perform direct supervision activities, including
Center on field trips. Students interested in
scheduling, record-keeping, and tutoring-
completing this internship must have a desire
to teach elementary aged students. In addition
• Travel to student’s residence at least once
to teaching, the intern will support other
during the months of June and August.
activities and projects of the Education
• Develop a full working knowledge of academic
skills development materials and strategies.
Reading Doc Student
Collaborates with
Laurie Lee, Deputy Director of Just Read,
Florida!, FLDOE, was very pleased with the
collaboration. She remarked “Recently the Just
Recently Dr. Zygouris-Coe
Read, Florida! office along with the Bureau of
updated us on an internship
Standards and Instructional Support
she helped secure with the
collaborated with doctoral student Lourdes
Florida Department of
Smith on an internship project centered around
Education. A third year
the use of e-Textbooks in the classroom. The
doctoral student in reading education, Lourdes
project provided Ms. Smith with the capacity to
Smith, collaborated with the FLDOE/Just Read,
conduct research in Florida classrooms, and the
Florida! office and conducted observations in
resulting report provided valuable insight and
three counties (middle and high schools). The
information to our offices regarding how we
FLDOE was interested in collecting information
can support the use of e-Textbooks in
about the use of eTextbooks in ELA classes and
schools. The project was definitely a win-win,
also in receiving recommendations about what
and we are pleased to have had the opportunity
teachers and school districts need to do to help
to partner with Ms. Smith and the University of
teachers with effective use of eTextbooks in the
Central Florida in this endeavor.”
ELA classroom. As a result of this research, we
In addition, the other FLDOE who collaborated
developed a new observation protocol,
on the internship, Katrina Figgett, Director of
collected and analyzed data, and submitted a
Instructional Support, Bureau of Standards and
formal report with specific recommendations
Instructional Support, Florida Department of
to the FLDOE. In addition, Lourdes will be
Education, said “The Bureau of Standards and
focusing her dissertation research on working
Instructional Support and Just Read, Florida!
with preservice ELA teachers and ways to
were delighted to work with Lourdes Smith to
support students’ reading and comprehension
conduct her internship project on e-textbooks.
when using eTextbooks.
(Continued on Page 6)
Reading Doc Student Collaborates with
FLDOE, Continued from Page 5
Her culminating report not only supported her
doctoral studies but also substantiated our own
classroom walkthrough observations. As we
move in Florida to the use of digital materials it
is of vital importance that administrators and
teachers understand their implementation in
the classroom. When effectively utilized they
can enhance student engagement thereby
helping all students to reach their full
potential. We wish Ms. Smith well in her future
an application to present at the 2016 FATE
conference on October 7-8, 2016. This year’s
theme is Teach with Purpose...Practice with
Passion #FATE2016. This year’s Keynote
speakers will be: Dave Burgess, an educator
and the New York Times Best-Selling author of
Teach Like a Pirate, and Jeff Borden, an educator
and Chief Innovation Officer at Saint Leo
University. The conference strands will be:
Research, Data-Driven Instruction, Emerging
Technologies and Universal Design for
studies and career and hope to have further
opportunities to collaborate with the University
of Central Florida College of Education &
Human Performance.”
FATE is accepting proposals for three types of
formats: Single Presentation (50 min), Multiple
Presentation (2 people with 20 min each and
Q&A for 10 Min) and Roundtables.
Proposals Are Being
Accepted for the 2016
FATE Annual
All proposals must be submitted electronically.
Please visit the FATE website for more
information and access to the electronic
The Florida Association of
proposal form.
Teacher Educators (FATE)
Proposals are due by June 30, 2016.
invites education professionals
representing all levels, content areas, and
specialties, as well as K-12 teachers, to submit
= New Item this Week
May 27-28
UCF-FAMU Holmes Scholars Dissertation Symposium and Retreat, TA
May 31
Last day to submit travel for inclusion on 2015-16’s travel budget
May 31
Proposal Deadline: AACTE Annual Meeting: Acting As One
June 1-3
TeachLivE Conference, MIRC
June 1
Proposal Deadline: Association of Teacher Educators (FATE) Annual Meeting
June 30
Fiscal Year End
June 30
Proposal Deadline: Florida Association of Teacher Educators Annual Meeting
August 17
Required Graduate Assistantship Meeting, 1:00—2:30pm, TA 130
August 17
Required New PhD Student Orientation Session 1: 2:30—4:00pm OR Session 2: 5:00—6:30pm, TA 130
August 18
CEDHP/STLL Fall Faculty Meetings, MIRC, 9:00am
October 7-9
Florida Association of Teacher Educators (FATE) Annual Meeting, Saint Leo University
December 2
Proposal Deadline: International Conference on Doctoral Education Organizational Leadership and Impact
January 12-14
Annual International Conference of the Association for Science Teacher Education , Des Moines, IA
February 9-11
Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators 21st Annual Conference
February 10-14
Association of Teacher Educators, Orlando Caribe Royal
March 2-4
AACTE Annual Meeting: Acting As One, Tampa, FL
March 21-23
International Conference on Doctoral Education Organizational Leadership and Impact, UCF Main Campus