August 2011 newsletter


August 2011 newsletter
Issue 26
Summer 2011
Results of staff
awards evening
Marian and Mike
share their story
Sidmouth Club’s
champion dogs
Page 6
Page 9
Page 7
New offices mark
21st anniversary
A new chapter began for
Alzheimer’s Support when it
officially opened its new offices
at Park House, Trowbridge.
The move coincides with the
charity’s 21st anniversary.
Patron and Lord Lieutenant
of Wiltshire John Bush cut the
ribbon and spoke about a new
era in the life of ‘this
outstanding organisation’.
More pictures and report
on page 3.
Cutting the ribbon: Janet Dore, Town Crier Trevor Heeks, John Bush, Mayor of Trowbridge Nick Blakemore and Anna Littlechild
Movement for the Mind group
swings into action next month
OUR newest initiative, Movement
for the Mind, has won funding and
is due to start in September.
Melksham Rotary Club and the
Melksham Area Board of Wiltshire
Council are jointly funding the
project to provide physical
activities for people with dementia
together with their carers.
Bruce Sanders, past president of
the Rotary club, said: “We have
wanted to do something to help
people with dementia in the town
for a long time and we are very
pleased to support this. “
Development manager
Stephany Bardzil said: “There is
growing research evidence that
physical exercise is beneficial in
preventing and mitigating the
effects of dementia. Our club will
build on that, and also help to
provide a social network for
people in similar circumstances.”
The sessions will include gentle
exercise, dance, and physical
activities such as indoor curling.
Each will be led by an expert
who has also been trained in
dementia care, and will be
carefully structured to meet the
needs of members.
The group has also inspired volunteers. “We were overwhelmed
Park House, 1 Park Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8AQ Tel: 01225 776481
E-mail: Website:
Company Limited by Guarantee
Registered in England No 3082546
Registered Charity No 1048314
2 Memento
New projects and people
Awards ceremony and
Focus on HACSS
Fundraising news
Campaign news: A twoyear wait for diagnosis 9
Mainly for carers
Thank Yous
Diary Dates
Alzheimer’s Support exists to
enhance the well-being of
families with dementia
throughout East and West
We have offices in Trowbridge
and Devizes where clients and
members of the public can get
advice and information on all
aspects of the illness.
We run activity-based day
clubs, a home and community
support service where a
specialist worker takes over
caring duties for a time, and a
range of support for carers.
Contact us on:
01225 776481 (Trowbridge)
01380 739055 (Devizes)
or visit our website:
Summer 2011
Movement for the Mind set to start
continued from page 1
by the response when we put an appeal for volunteers in the
Melksham News. It seems this has really caught people’s
imaginations and they want to help out.”
Movement for the Mind will meet at Bowerhill Village Hall on the
second Wednesday of every month. If you would like to come along
please contact the Trowbridge office on 01225 776481.
Tim tells RUH how to
do better for patients
with dementia
Wiltshire carer Tim Mason spoke of
his experiences to more than 140
staff at the Royal United Hospital.
The event, entitled See it My
Way: Living with Dementia, aimed
to help hospital staff understand
the needs of patients with
Tim’s presentation stressed the
importance of routine, and of
consulting and involving family
carers as much as possible.
He said: “It went down really
well and people seemed to take
what I was saying on board.”
Tim, whose father died of
Alzheimer’s last year, now looks
after his mother Esther who is a
member at Polebarn Club, the
Sunday club and Singing for the
He has now been asked to
repeat his presentation to a new
batch of RUH nursing staff in
January, to staff at Salisbury
Hospital, and to the Care Quality
Commission’s next regional
Tim Mason: told
RUH staff they
should listen more
to carers
Theresa Hegarty, head of
patient services at the RUH, said:
“Tim made a real impression and
seems to have become famous
The RUH has drawn up an
action plan for improving services
for patients with dementia. It will
be assessed by an inspection
team from the South West
Dementia Partnership in October.
The hospital is also employing a
dedicated dementia volunteer
co-ordinator for the first time.
The volunteers will be specially
trained to offer companionship
on the wards.
WELCOME to our Summer newsletter.
It has been a busy few months at Alzheimer’s Support.
Since our last newsletter we have moved to a new head office in
Trowbridge, held our first ever awards evening, launched a campaign to
improve diagnosis levels and carried on with the important every day work
of providing services to people with dementia and their carers.
Our website has been undergoing a rebuild, so apologies if you have
tried to find us online in recent weeks. The new look site
should be up and running by the end of September.
Enjoy the rest of the summer,
Memento 3
Summer 2011
Park House opens
with singing, sun
...and showers!
More than 60 people attended
the opening of Park House in
early July.
After speeches, Singing for
the Brain teacher Caroline
Radcliffe led an outdoor
session in the sensory garden
just opposite — which had to
be cut short when the heavens
There was also a display of
Life Story work and a chance
to meet staff and look around
the building.
Park House has meeting
rooms upstairs and carers and
service users are welcome to
drop in at any time for
information, advice, or to
browse in the library corner.
We are open each weekday
from 8.30am to 4pm.
by Grant
4 Memento
Caring experience
inspired Amy to seek
career in nursing
Amy Ransome, who has worked
in Alzheimer’s Support’s day
clubs and as a support worker
since she was 18, has just
qualified as a State Registered
Amy, who is the
daughter of care
Jackie Ransome,
was inspired to go
into nursing
because of her
work with
people with dementia.
She is now looking for a full-time
nursing job but will continue to
work for Alzheimer’s Support as
holiday cover.
We did it our way!
By Emer Bolt (formerly Worth)
After nearly 10 years John finally
did the decent thing and asked
me to marry him.
I think he was pretty confident
I’d say yes as he’d already
booked the registrar for 5 weeks
We decided we wanted a
very quiet affair with just
John’s boys, Josh and Ollie, as
witnesses. The service was just
perfect, with the boys holding a
ring each and John fluffed his
words, which made us all laugh.
Then we had a big party at
home for our family and close
friends. It was lovely to see
everyone enjoying themselves.
We would like to thank
everyone for
their cards, gifts
and good
wishes and
we’re very much
looking forward
to our honeymoon in Cyprus
at the end of
Summer 2011
November 2009
Gardens backdrop for summer parties
Sunshine and flowers provided
the perfect backdrop for summer
parties at both Polebarn and
Sidmouth clubs.
More than 50 people attended
the party at Sidmouth Club,
where the garden is blooming
thanks to donations of plants
and hard work by volunteers,
including Peter Little who
responded to an appeal for
horticultural help in the Gazette
and Herald.
At Polebarn, members and
their families gathered to
celebrate summer in the
garden. It was decorated for the
occasion with outsize flowers and
butterflies after last year’s make- Pictured top: Winner of the treasure
hunt Sue with Jen Mayne
over by Nutricia volunteers.
Above: Doris Pierce and her daughters
Website takes
shape thanks to
council grant
Alzheimer’s Support’s website is
currently being redesigned with
funds from Wiltshire
The new site will be easier to
use and easier to update,
allowing us to keep in touch
with people more easily.
There will be a Facebook
forum specially for our carers
and supporters — and even a
chance to follow us on Twitter
(once we have worked out
how to use it!)
More importantly people will
have the option of paying
invoices online, but only if they
wish to do so.
The council is keen for the site
to be a dementia gateway for
people to find out about other
related services. All the
Alzheimer’s Society factsheets
will be available to download
Sneak preview: an early draft of part of
the site
and there will be information and
resources on living with dementia
and about the help that is
available from a wide variety of
The site will also include
information on dementia services
in other areas of the county.
If you would like us to send you a
link to the website when it is up
and running, please send your
email address to:
Memento 5
Summer 2011
Contented Dementia and the Specal approach: your questions answered
There are still places available at a discussion
about the Specal approach to dementia care.
The discussion in Devizes will be led by Penny
Garner, the carer who inspired Oliver James’s
book Contented Dementia.
The event was the idea of carer and Alzheimer’s
Support trustee, Alex Brooks.
He read the book and felt that other carers
might find the approach helpful.
The approach, which has divided dementia
specialists, recommends finding a theme for the
person with dementia to live
their life around, helping to
eliminate the stresses of
dealing with the daily realities
of life.
If you would like to come
along to the session from
10.30am on September 27,
please contact the office on
01225 776481.
Monday singing
group get together
to ‘beat the blues’
Singing for the Brain members in
Bradford on Avon will not be left
lonely when the group stops for
the long summer break – thanks
to an initiative by carer Tim
Tim has arranged for members
of the group to get together for
coffee and cake each Monday
morning at the time when they
would have been meeting for
the singing session.
He said: “We have got used to
the routine of going out every
Monday and I have got to do
something with Mum, and it
occurred to me that everyone
else is in the same boat. We all
enjoy each other’s company so it
seemed a good idea to get
together at the same time while
the group isn’t running.”
Tim has drawn up a rota of
local cafes and farm shops for
the group to visit.
He said: “I’ve had a good
reaction from the places I’ve
contacted. The people at
Brokerswood Country Park said
we could have their pavilion
which was really nice of them.
“We had our first meeting the
other day and 16 people came.”
Sidmouth dogs
are the best
- it’s official
Not content with being the most
popular animals in Devizes, the
’Sidmouth Club dogs’ gained
another accolade when they
were named Champions (nonpedigree) at the prestigious
Bowood Dog Show.
Monty and Dave (who also
won a special prize at our own
awards ceremony) are former
rescue dogs owned by Sidmouth
club manager Grant Newton.
Enjoying each other’s
company: Tim
(below, with his
mother Esther) and
members at Bradford
singing group
They are frequent visitors to the
club, and members (pictured
above) were clearly delighted
with their success.
Join us for our AGM
If you would like to get involved
in the Monday Beat the Blues
group, contact Tim on 01225
783546 or 07974 705262.
Singing for the Brain® starts
again at the Wiltshire Music
Centre on September 12.
Our annual general meeting is
on World Alzheimer’s Day,
Wednesday September 21.
This year we will be meeting at
Cleeve House in Seend near
Devizes, with registration at 1pm.
The AGM and speakers will be
followed by an afternoon cream
tea. Everyone is welcome.
6 Memento
Summer 2011
Alzheimer’s Support honours
staff as it ‘comes of age’
A great time was had by all at our first staff
awards evening at the Leigh Park Hotel in
Bradford on Avon. The event, which marked
our 21st anniversary, aimed to showcase some
outstanding work by staff and volunteers and
to thank everyone for their hard work and
commitment over the years.
Thanks to sponsors Carewatch, to Kevin
Ransome for providing the wine and to Chris
Stone for the dancing music! The winners were:
Making a Difference:
Confirming Personhood:
Winner: Tony Marsh
Runners-up: Louise Gover
and Barbara Rodgers
Outstanding Fundraiser:
Winner: Janet Dore
Runners-up: Sheila Miles,
Sheila Jennings and Beryl
Making a Difference:
Winner: Grant Newton
Runners-up: Lesley Crawford and Stephany Bardzil
(joint) and Anna Spear
Outstanding Volunteer:
Winner: Sue Dodd
Runners-up: Mike Bodman
and Priscilla Bishop
Making a Difference:
Behind the Scenes:
Winner: Emer Worth
Runners-up: Lin Castle
and Gill Frere-Smith
Outstanding Support
(nominated by carers)
Winner: Wally Ogilvie
Runners up: Gaynor Mapp
and John von Etzdorf
Memento 7
Summer 2011
“Your visits are the highlight of my mother’s week”
Carers take opportunity
to thank their home
support workers
The Home and Community Support Service
(HACSS) is our oldest service and still at the
heart of the work of Alzheimer’s Support.
More than 40 trained staff, organised into four
areas, spend time with the person with
dementia in their own home or out and about in
the community, encouraging them to enjoy the
things they always have — and providing some
much needed respite for carers.
The recent awards process proved once again
how warmly the Home and Community Support
workers are thought of by the people they work
with, and here we reprint some of the comments
received from family carers.
Jackie Skinner
“Jackie Skinner’s visits are the highlight of my mother’s week. She has
also been extremely supportive of me
and my sister and willing to chat on
the phone if ever we call. Very much
above and beyond the call of duty.”
Linda Pearce
for being there. She creates an
atmosphere of friendship and
Philip Horton
“For his considerate and consistently
pleasant companionship of my husband. Always punctual and smiling.”
Becky Mundy:
“A friendly and efficient person with
a great personality”
Tony Marsh
“Tony Marsh has been so good with
my husband and has become a
friend to us both.”
John von Etzdorf
“John (pictured right) and Dad get
on brilliantly and have done so since
day one. ‘BBC John’ is always on his
‘wavelength’ and knows how to
bring the best out of Dad, even on
his down days. He even visited Dad
when he was in respite.”
Walter Ogilvie:
“Wally has been an unfailingly
constant support to both of us: he is
gentle and patient with my husband
and always cheers me up. He is
punctual and totally reliable and our
lives would have been unbearably
more stressful without his presence
in our home.”
“Wally has made such a difference to
life for my husband and myself. As
soon as Wally started taking him out
or sitting in, I knew things would get
“Wally found out that my husband
likes pipe music, so he brought along
his bagpipes!
“I trust Wally completely, he is professional, knowledgeable and has a
happy personality — and we are both
pleased to call him our friend.”
Considerate companionship: Philip Horton
out and about with Frank McKim
Lynne Pearson
“Lynne has made such a difference
to my mother.
“She has untold patience and
tolerance. When my mum collapsed
in the local Co-op Lynne didn’t
hesitate to go to the hospital with
her to make sure everything was
okay. It has made such a difference
having Lynne.”
Mary Davis:
“Outstanding commitment to my
mother’s welfare — my mother calls
her ‘her rock’. I have a big part of the
burden taken off me. And she does it
with wisdom and humour.”
Brian Collins:
“Brian is a very kind and helpful
person. He knows when to talk and
when to be quiet — very important.”
These are just a small selection
of the 80-plus nominations.
Thank you to everyone who
nominated someone!
Many of the comments have
been collected in a brochure
available from Park House
or Sidmouth Street. Do call in or
phone if you would like a copy.
8 Memento
Envelope collection
raises nearly £2,000
Thanks to everyone who helped
in our annual envelope
Staff and volunteers delivered
many hundreds of envelopes
through doors in villages and
towns across East and West
Wiltshire during Dementia
Awareness Week in July, then
returned to collect donations.
Fundraising manager Lesley
Crawford said: “Thank you to
everyone who helped with this
collection. It helps with raising
awareness as well as cash!”
Autumn market
Chantry Court retirement village
in Westbury is holding an Autumn
Market in aid of Alzheimer’s
Support on September 17.
The market runs from 10.30am
to 2.30pm and includes a great
collection of stalls and a raffle.
In brief
The Consortium in Trowbridge
is hosting a golf day at Bowood
in aid of Alzheimer’s Support on
September 6.
A show of vintage memorabilia raised £500 for Alzheimer’s
Support. The show is an annual
event organised by a friend of
Chris White, whose wife Betty
died of Alzheimer’s last year.
Gavin Barron raised £250
with his Triple Ironman challenge.
Gavin is the grandson of AS
supporter Phyllis Robbins.
Devizes Lions gave £1,100 for
Sidmouth Club.
Devizes Almhouses have
named Alzheimer’s Support their
charity of the year, as have
Keevil WI and St James Church
Wives’ Group in Trowbridge.
Our thanks to them all.
Don’t forget your
AS Christmas cards
New designs! Available October!
Summer 2011
Ten runners took
to the streets of
London in aid of
Support in the
British 10k run.
Margaret Heath,
Vicky Hawkins
and Lisa Govier,
pictured on the
left, earned a
“Well Done for
Support” from
the official race
commentator as
they crossed the
finishing line
Well done Team AS!
Flurry of grants and
events helps the
good work continue
ALZHEIMER’S Support fundraisers
have been busy over the past
three months.
More than £2,000 was raised at
an open garden event at Brook
House, Bromham, home of
celebrated furniture designer Mark
Wilkinson and his wife Cynthia.
The event was the culmination
of much hard work by our team
Enjoying the treasure hunt at Brook House
of dedicated fundraisers, who
prepared and served morning coffee, lunches and afternoon teas,
ran stalls and sideshows, arranged a treasure hunt and much more
Fundraising manager Lesley Crawford said: “It was a wonderful
day. We would like to thank the Wilkinsons for letting us use their
beautiful gardens, and our amazing team of fundraisers without
whom it simply wouldn’t have happened.”
Meanwhile Polebarn has been supported by grants including
£5,000 from Westlon Trust, £2,000 from St James’ Trust, and £3,000 from
Garfield Weston.
Lesley was also delighted to receive matched grants of £4,500
each from Trowbridge Area Board and Landfill Trust to fund the costs
of creating the dementia hub at Park House. She said: “This year we
have a target of £190,000 to raise from community fundraising and so
whether it comes from trusts and foundations, or from individuals
doing their bit, every penny really does help.”
Thank you to everyone who has helped to raise funds for us.
A full list of donations is on page 11
Summer 2011
Memento 9
Mike and Marian speak of relief
after two-year wait for diagnosis
Thursday June 9 was a ‘brilliant’ day for Marian and
Mike Hawkins. It was the day they found out that
Marian was suffering from vascular dementia.
For many people, a diagnosis of dementia is a
devastating blow, but for the couple from Bradley
Road, Holt, it was reassuring confirmation of what
they had suspected for several years, that something was seriously wrong with the 79-year-old
Mike said: “We first went to our GP in May 2009
because we were so concerned but he just said
Marian’s getting older. We knew there was more to
it than that and we are really pleased to have found
out what it is. Now we feel there is a reason for how
Marian is that will be recognised by the medical
“Last Thursday was a brilliant day for us. After two
years we were properly listened to and told what the
problem was. It may sound strange but we were
thrilled to bits.”
Anna Littlechild, Principal Manager for Alzheimer’s
Support, said: “It is disgraceful that people like
Marian and Mike, and many others across the
county, are having to wait so long for diagnosis.
“Figures show that just 31 per cent of people in
Wiltshire who have dementia are told what is wrong
with them. The other 69 per cent are left unsure
what is happening, unable to get treatment which
could slow the progress of the disease, and unable
to plan for the future.”
Earlier this month, Dr Roger Bullock, Clinical
Director for Older People’s Services at the Avon and
Wiltshire Partnership, told the BBC that by the end of
the year no-one would have to wait more than four
weeks to see a consultant.
Mike and Marian, who told their story on BBC Points West
Anna said: “This is very good news and we shall be
waiting to see whether NHS Wiltshire is able to put
this into effect.
“At the moment we are hearing of people having
to wait several months to see a memory nurse, then
several more weeks or even months for a consultant
to make the diagnosis.”
A spokesman for AWP, which is commissioned by
NHS Wiltshire to provide memory services, said
additional resources were being put into place to
meet an increased demand for memory services.
Couple determined to ‘keep active and carry on’
Mike and Marian met when they were 15 and 17
and have been married for nearly 60 years.
“Her mother didn’t like me one bit, but Marian
knew I was the one for her,” recalls Mike.
The couple have two sons, one of whom still lives
in the village with his family.
Marian, who ran Mike’s scaffolding business for 20
years, first realised she was becoming ill when she
was unable to navigate during a camping holiday.
“I always relied on her to work out the routes, as she
was so good at that, but it was obvious on that trip
that something was wrong,” said Mike.
Once a keen knitter, Marian is now unable to
remember the patterns in her head, or to cook
meals for the family.
Mike said: “For a long time the only people who
would listen to us about the memory loss was
Alzheimer’s Support. I went to that first training
course which was so helpful, and now we always
go to the singing group on Mondays.” Mike has
also been involved in the computer club, and has
been passing on his skills to Marian.
“The more she does, the better. I have shown her
how to use the mouse and the next step is to get
the grandsons to show her how to her talk to our
son in America.
“We know there is no cure for this but we are
doing what we can to keep active and carry on.”
10 Memento
Book Review
Keeping Mum
by Marianne Talbot
“I probably came into caring as you
did. One minute I was living my
life, the next I was enmeshed in the
Alice and Wonderland World of
social services, memory clinics,
aids, appliances and assessments.
“Becoming a carer is like falling
through the looking glass: we
discover a whole new world, one in
which we must believe six impossible
things before breakfast.”
EVERY carer will find something
to relate to in this heartwarming account of the highs and
lows of looking after someone
with dementia.
Marianne Talbot brought her
mother to live with her for five
years after she was diagnosed
with Alzheimer’s disease.
The book is a collection of
journal entries which were
originally published as they
were being written on the
Saga website.
Taken together, they are a
moving account of daily
frustrations, pitfalls and sudden
joys of caring. They contain a
wealth of advice on how to
deal with everything from
direct payments to domiciliary
agencies, all described with
humour and honesty, as in the
extract quoted above.
The book is also an absorbing
account of her mother’s life
and times — at times you are
reading a biography as much
as a how-to handbook.
Thoroughly recommended.
Keeping Mum is published by Hay
Summer 2011
A Good Neighbour is coming to your area
Good Neighbours aims to help
vulnerable older people in rural
areas connect with the
services they need to maintain
a good quality of life.
So far 25 Good Neighbours
have been appointed in
villages or groups of villages
throughout the county.
Each GN is a local person with
good local knowledge and
networks. The idea is that they
visit and get to know the most
isolated in their communities in
order to act as a ‘trusted bridge’
between individuals and
statutory or voluntary services,
ensuring people get the support
they need for independent living.
The initiative is being run by
Community First in partnership
with Age UK and is funded by
Wiltshire Council. Call 01380
732828 to find out more.
‘Carers Passport’
launched in Wiltshire
CARERS in Wiltshire can benefit
from a new card that offers
them discounts at shops and
businesses across the county.
Everything from flowers to
solicitor’s fees, and from carpet
cleaning to theatre tickets are
represented in the scheme.
For instance the Ashley Road
petrol station in Box is offering
2p a litre off fuel, while
Westbury chiropractor David W
Mason is offering 25 per cent
off all services.
All council leisure centre are
taking part, offering discounts
on all facilities as passport
holders will automatically be
eligible for the council’s
The scheme is run by Wiltshire
Council in partnership with
Carer Support.
For more information telephone
Mary Baker on 01225 771608.
To find a list of businesses that
accept the card, go to
Free to a good home for a small donation
Ann Fowler, manager of the
Sunday Club, has a walker with
a shopping bag to give away.
It is in good condition and
folds down for easy storage.
Meanwhile carer Tony Bolt has
an electrically-powered chair
Alzheimer’s Support, and both
that converts into a bed.
will need collection.
Both items are free in
Call 01225 776481 if you would
exchange for a donation to
like either item.
Memento 11
Summer 2011
Painkillers research highlights poor pain management
News reports into the use of painkillers for dementia
patients highlighted some of the problems with
media reporting about dementia.
The reports followed a study into patients in care
homes in Norway who were given painkillers
instead of antipsychotic drugs to treat ‘symptoms’
of dementia including aggression and agitation.
It was found that they responded well to the
Alzheimer’s Support care co-ordinator Anna
Spear said the research was useful if it led to better
pain management of people with dementia and
to a reduction in the use of anti-psychotic drugs.
But she said the research had been poorly
reported in the media.
She said: “It is misleading to suggest that
aggression and agitation are common symptoms
of dementia.
“They can often be a reaction to people feeling
confused and insecure in their surroundings,
compounded by the inability to communicate
and to undiagnosed pain.
“We welcome the conclusions of this research,
especially if it leads to better pain management
and less use of dangerous antipsychotic drugs, but
unfortunately the way this has been reported in the
media has reinforced some very negative
Thank You
for grants
and You
and donations
recently received from:
Wiltshire Council, Wiltshire PCT, Royal Airforce
Benevolent Fund, Henry Smith Charity, Rank
Wiltshire Council, Wiltshire PCT, Royal Airforce
Foundation, Sobell Foundation, Westlon Trust, The
Benevolent Fund, Henry Smith Charity, Rank
Friends of Warminster Hospital, The League of
Foundation, Sobell Foundation, Westlon Trust,
Friends of Westbury and District, Kobler Trust, CoDevizes Town Council, The Friends of Warminster
operative Community Fund, Garfield Weston, Fulmer
Hospital, The League of Friends of Westbury and
Charitable Trust, The Ernest and Marjorie Fudge
District, Kobler Trust, Co-operative Community
Trust, Jack Lane Charitable Trust, Tesco Charity
Fund, Garfield Weston, Fulmer Charitable Trust, The
Trust, Ray Harris Charitable Trust, Zurich
Ernest and Marjorie Fudge Trust, Jack Lane
Community Trust, Russell Evans (MEZ Landsdowne
Charitable Trust, Tesco Charity Trust, Ray Harris
Chapter of Unity No 626), Mr R Quick (NECSol Ltd),
Charitable Trust, Zurich Community Trust, Russell
Lions Club Devizes, Melksham Area Board,
Evans (MEZ Landsdowne Chapter of Unity No 626),
Trowbridge Area Board, Landfill, Melksham Rotary,
Mr R Quick (NECSol Ltd), Lions Club Devizes, Mrs
Percy Bilton, St James’ Trust, Community
Field and the Avon Valley Runners, Trowbridge Guild
Foundation, Devizes Town Council, Gaiger Bros Ltd,
of community service (The Wright Fund), Mr White,
Victoria Melilo, Warminster Town Council, Cereal
One Stop Stores Devizes, Social committee of the
Partners UK, Peter Little, Fiona Wright, John Heath,
Bath United Reformed Churches, Lily Edney, David &
Daniel Swift, Paul Hooper, Jane Chesham, Mr A
Doris Cane, Lily Rose, Mr Sisson, Mrs Hillier,
Sisson, John Lovell, Cynthia Jiggins, Paul & Mary
Westbury Town Council, Paxcroft Mead Community
Carter, Kennet Friendship Circle, Heather Powell,Pat
Centre, Peter May, Peter Cook (Lodge of Concord No
Gillespie & The Rainbow Day Care Centre, Mr White,
632, Ethel Plail, Aileen Somerset,Shirley & Gwilym
Peter, Action Plus Ladies Group, Jim & Jane Treby,
Watson, One Stop Stores Trowbridge, CPUK, City of
Lions Club Bradford on Avon, Inner Wheel Club of
Bath Bach Chior, Lady Maitland, Trowbridge Central
Westbury, Trowbridge United Church.
Townswoman’s Guild, Alan Cane, Graham Greenhill
(Clarendon Lodge), David Jessett, Chris Stone,
Steeple Ashton Village shop.
We still have free two and three-day breaks for
people with dementia and their carers at the
Dementia Guest House in Topsham, Devon.
Please contact the office on 01225 776481
Become a Regular Giver
Donation Form
I would like to set up a monthly standing order
£3 £5 £10 £15 £20
(please tick)
Other amount £_____ per month
Name of bank _______________________________
Sort Code ___________________________________
Account number ____________________________
Please start my standing order on:
Date ___________________________
Signature _______________________
Bank instructions: Please pay the above amount on the
stated date to
Account name: Alzheimer’s Support
Account no: 00012194
Sort Code: 40-52-40 CAF Bank
If you are a UK taxpayer, the value of your
donation can be increased at no cost to you.
This enables us to do more with your donation.
Gift Aid mandate (please tick)
This is to confirm that I wish Alzheimer’s Support treat all
donations I have made for the past six years as Gift Aid
donations. I understand that I must pay an amount of
income tax or capital gains tax reclaimed by the
12 Memento
Summer 2011
Dates for your Diary August to November 2011
ALZHEIMER CAFÉ EAST WILTSHIRE 2pm to 3.30pm Coronation Hall, East Grafton, nr Marlborough
August 1
Sept 5
Oct 3
Nov 7
Singing for the Brain taster with Gary Turner
Clinical Trials with Research nurse Helen Cartwright
Sharing Skills for Age No Barrier Week
‘Space Retrieval’ memory technique with Clinical Psychologist
Paul Whitby
ALZHEIMER CAFÉ WEST WILTSHIRE 7pm at Fullingbridge Farm, near Westbury
August 11
Sept 8
Oct 13
Nov 10
The Wiltshire Passport with Mary Baker
Music as Therapy with Malcolm Stevens
Diet and Dementia Research with Dr Rob Williams, Bath University
TROWBRIDGE/BRADFORD CARERS GROUP Meets on the first Wednesday of each month for lunch and informal
social support. Call Jackie Ransome on 01225 762036 for venues
EX-CARERS GROUP Meets for lunches out in the West Wilts area. Call Chris White on 01380 871020 for details
meets on the third Monday of every month.
Aug 15
Introduction to Homeopathy
Sept 19
Introduction to Tai Chi
Oct 27
Speaker from Nutricia
Nov 21
Jane Palmer, CP Nurse
Wiltshire Music Centre, Bradford on Avon
Mondays 10am to 11.30am from Sept 12
Kennet Valley Hall, Lockeridge
Thursdays 10.30am to 12 noon from Sept 15
Rowde Village Hall, near Devizes
Wednesdays 2pm to 3.30pm from Sept 14
meets the third Thursday of each month.
Aug 18
Introduction to Homeopathy
Sept 15
Introduction to Tai Chi
Oct 20
Speaker from Nutricia
Nov 17
Jane Palmer, CP Nurse
Meets the fourth Friday of each month.
Call Gill Frere-Smith on 01985 211888 for details
Aug 13
Bric-a-brac sale, Devizes
Sept 6
Bowood Charity Golf Day
Sept 17
Chantry Court Market, Westbury
Oct 1
Bric-a-brac sale, Devizes
Nov 5
Bric-a-brac sale Devizes
Nov 5
Store collection, Morrisons Warminster
Nov tbc
Joan Van Ryssen’s coffee morning
Nov 13
Over the Hills 12k Avon Valley run
Aug 16
Art therapy, Sidmouth
Sept 6
Coach trip to Weymouth, Polebarn
Sept 8
Argentina Slide Show, Sidmouth
Oct 11
Signature Tune Quiz Show, Sidmouth
Nov 17
Christmas Card Craft Event, Sidmouth
Sept 21
Alzheimer’s Support AGM, Cleeve House, Seend, 1pm
Sept 27
SPECAL talk with Penny Garner, Quaker Meeting House, Devizes 10.30am
For further details on any event please contact 01225 776481
Company Limited by Guarantee
Registered in England No 3082546
Registered Charity No 1048314