Anchor Lines 03.02.16 - St. James Episcopal Church
Anchor Lines 03.02.16 - St. James Episcopal Church
Anchor Lines St. James Episcopal Church ● Fairhope, Alabama March 2, 2016 Volume 20, Issue 05 A Message From Dean Cook Dear St. James Family, The weekend of February 26-28, St. James hosted the Happening weekend for the teenagers in the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast. This was the reintroduction of a youth ministry program that had lapsed in recent years. Providing leadership was Jen Manning, St. James Youth Minister and Natalie Smith, the Youth Rector. Hearing the participants share their story at the Closing Eucharist on Sunday afternoon was a blessing. There were over 70 Happeners and staff, including Bishop Kendrick, whom we housed and fed over the weekend. They had the use of most of the campus for their program. Thank you for your flexibility on Sunday morning as we moved nursery and Sunday School classes and Coffee Time to accommodate the Happening weekend. The St. James Family turned out with generous hearts and helping hands to make it HAPPEN. The Happeners wrote thank you notes to the parish, some are posted in Green Hall. I though you would enjoy reading a few of them. In Christ, Johnny ♱ Listed below are some of the St. James family who helped. Names omitted are known to a gracious God. Thank you! Jim & Lee Beck, April Bradley, Patty Brock, Swain Byrd, Katchie Cane, Steve & Charlotte Carey, Beverly Clark, Maite Clyatt, Betsy Coleman, Rose Collins, Ashley Conyers, Johnny & Mary Cook, Mike Costigan, Marcy Covington, Susan Crutchfield, Sissy Cunningham, Maggie Deakle, Nancy Dennis, Donna & Michael DiMartino, Bernie & Catherine Dorrough, Drew Downey, Pat Earle, Alainna Elliott, Elaine Estefan, Judith Fahlberg, Nancy Falck, Meghan Fancher, Ann Fargason, Teddy Faust, Lyn Fogarty, Laura & Christopher Gamard, Billy & Sally Geiger, John & Jennifer Glover, Siobhan Gonzalez, Scott Gonzalez, Joe & Glenda Gravlee, Mary Beth & Brett Greene, Kyle Griffin, Leslie & Roger Guilian, Sheila Harriman, Matt & Lisa Havard, Patty Havard, Mary Henderson, Pel Henry, Julee & Trey Howard, Ellen & George Huckabay, Jane Jackson, Rich & Judy Jackson, Augusta Jones, Merrilee Kaufman, Beverly Kellen, Alice Kenan, Cathy & Bob Keyser, Michael Keyser, Sue & Mickey Ladd, Laura & Alex Lankford, Elizabeth Lehrter, Chase & Kathy Letcher, Christina Martin, Bill & Ouida May, Holly McKinney, Patti Miller, Beth Moore, Nickie Olson, Elizabeth Orr, Michelle Orr, Elaine Pannell, Jo Patton, Elizabeth & Rick Phyfer, Brenda Pisarkiewicz, Lisa & Lou Priester, Susan Pruitt, Elizabeth Redditt, Mary Mullins & Mark Redditt, Henry & Kim Richeson, Marcia Richey, Helen & Joe Rodgers, Sandra Ryce, Earl & Kim Ryland, Beverly Schaffer, Julene Shell, Amanda Smith, Jeannie Smith, Lloyd & Don Smith, Martha Smith, Sally Smith, Virginia Stabler, Randy & Kathy Sternenberg, Becky Stevens, Bruce Stone, Dianne Swanzy, Scott & Amy Thompson, Providence Upchurch, Gina & Mac Walcott, Cathie & Robert Walton, Alice & Phillip Webb, Rita Wells, Kenneth White-Spunner, Beth Wilson, Fonda & George Wilson, Betty Joe Wolff, Gill & Randal Wright, Tut & Susan Wynne, Tim Yahr, Jeanne Yancey, Travis Youngblood, The Cursillo Community of St. James, The Men of St. James, The Flower Guild, The St. James Vestry, The Pastoral Care Meal Ministry and The St. James Altar Guild. ritas, Happy Ca een a you have b St. James ost for this h o wonderful etreat. We are all s r l n fu lity a d wonder ur hospita ly o y y b d e h on bless your paris hope that trengthens. s grows and With Love, Dear St. James Community, Thank you so so much for allowing us to use the space. So far, I have enjoy ed Thank you to ev my time. eryone that allowed us to co me to their h ouses. Pictures from s Claudia Sim Happening will be Thank yo u, featured in the Addison mes Dear St. Ja y, Communit NEXT Anchor Lines March 16!!! g us for lendin Thank you end. k for the wee this space for the Thank you d us who have fe volunteers r go to thei and let us ank ean up. Th homes to cl have o h people w you for the s u to teach volunteered ful this wonder s and give u experience. Love, Lydia St. James Episcopal Church ● 860 N. Section Street ● Fairhope, Alabama ● (251) 928-2912 A N C H O R L 5:15 pm - Evening Prayer in the Chapel 5:30 pm - Dinner in Green Hall 6:00 pm - Lenten Program TONIGHT: MARCH 2 The Book of Common Prayer: A Biography, by Alan Jacob Speaker: The Very Rev. Beverly Gibson Dinner hosted by the St. James Vestry RSVP by calling the church office at 251.928.2912. When Jesus Became God, by Richard Rubenstein Speaker: Professor John Switzer, Springhill College Sunday, March 6th 6:00 pm in the chapel Dinner hosted by the Men of St. James Menu includes: Red Beans & Rice, Green Salad, Garlic French Bread & Dessert. RSVP by calling 251.928.2912, email Jennifer at or sign up HERE! Sunday, March 6, at the 9 am service, The Canterbury Choir will sing. Don’t miss it! Dinner is $5.00 per adult, $3.00 per child or $15.00 per family. HOLY WEEK at St. James S Please join us for contemplative music, quietness and candlelight. Wednesday, March 9 Family Promise is scheduled to move in this Sunday, March 6! If you haven’t signed up to help, it’s not too late. The sign up board is in Green Hall. All volunteers are welcome! For more information about Family Promise, contact Nickie Olson at or Evelyn Garrett at E Taizé is the style of Christian worship p r a c t i c e d b y t h e e c u m e n i c a l Ta i z é community in France, characterized by the repetitive singing of simple harmonized tunes, often in various langua ges, interspersed with readings, prayer and periods of silence. for adults, youth and children March 6 - 13 N What is Taizé? Lenten Programs FAMILY PROMISE I St.$James’$Leadership$in$the$Diocese !Nominated!by!Bishop!Kendrick!and!elected!at!the!45th!Annual!Convention!of! the!Diocese!of!the!Central!Gulf!Coast!on!February!20,!2016: Architecture)Consultant) ) ) ) Beckwith)Board)of)Directors) ) ) Af=irmative)Aging)Commission) ) ) Cursillo)Commission,)Chair) ) ) Environment)and)Integrity)of)Creation)Commission) Episcopal)Church)Women) ) ) Finance)Committee) ) ) ) Planned)Giving/Stewardship) ) ) Prison)Ministry) ) ) ) ) Youth)and)Young)Adults)Commission,)Chair) Gina)Walcott Randy)Sternenberg Elaine)Estefan Scott)Thompson Mac)Walcott Rita)Wells Bill)Seifert Bruce)Stone John)Olson Jen)Manning March 20 Palm Sunday March 24 Maundy Thursday March 25 Good Friday Liturgy of the Palms and Passion Reading 7:30 am & 9:00 am Holy Eucharist and Stripping of the Altar 7:00 pm Liturgy & Meditation at noon Stations of the Cross at 6:00 pm St. James Episcopal Church ● 860 N. Section Street ● Fairhope, Alabama ● (251) 928-2912 A N Prayers & Squares C H O R L I N E Tuesday Night Men’s Bible Study WOW GROUP The Men’s Bible Study begin a 20 week study of C. S. Lewis’ Screwtape on March 15. The group meets at 6:30 pm on Tuesday evenings in the Vestry Room. Books are $10.00 or you may bring your own. There will be about a one hour preparation for the class each week, and the class will last for one hour. Newcomers Welcome! Spring Fling Sewing Session On Thursday, March 3, from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm, the Prayers & Squares Ministry will meet in Green Hall to construct and “sandwich” quilts. Those who can should bring their machines. Don’t forget to bring a sack lunch for our fellowship time at noon! This ministry welcomes newcomers, and seamstress skills are not necessary. RSVP to Elaine at 990.0588 or S The WOW group will travel to Christ Church Cathedral in Mobile on Wednesday, March 16 for a Lenten Concert: A Classic Combination featuring violinist Gosia Leska and pianist Christopher Powell. Lunch will be served ($8.00). The group will depart from St. James at 11:15 am by carpool. Please call Joan Schnitzer at 928-9902 or Rita Wells at 929-3493 if you would like to attend. Palm Cross Making STATIONS OF THE CROSS through the eyes of Mary Saturday, March 19 On Saturday, March 12, the Order of the Daughters of the King® chapter at St. James will sponsor a walking of the outdoor Stations of the Cross for women. We will meet in Green Hall at 10:30 for some light refreshments. Afterwards, The Rev. Jandy Watkins, Diocesan Chaplain of the Order, will lead the meditation as everyone walks The Way of the Cross. If it rains, there will be an indoor walk. Questions? Call Beth Moore at 251-626-1843. All women are invited to attend. 8:00 am - 10:00 am Green Hall What better way to celebrate Fairhope’s Arts and Crafts weekend than by making palm crosses for your church? Please join us for food, fun & fellowship as we gather in Green Hall to make palm crosses for the Palm Sunday services. Come and go as your schedule permits. No experience needed. For more information, call Jane Jackson at 990.0637. E a s t e r Saturday, March 26 P a n c a k e Breakfast at 8:30 Egg Hunt to Follow Proceeds Benefit Family Promise $5.00 per person or $20.00 per family Next Baptism is Sunday, April 3 at the 9 am service F l o w e r s Remember&a&loved& one&with&flowers&on&the& Altar&at&Easter.& & Please&print&your&dedication& neatly&on&the&form&below.& &Flower& dedications&received&by&Wednesday,-March-16&will&be&included&in&the&Order&of&Service&available&at&all&Easter&services.&&The&cost& is&$20.00&per$dedication$name.&Please&use&a&separate&form&for&each&dedication.&Additional&forms&are&available&in&Green&Hall&or&on& the&home&page&of&our&website&at& Completed&order&form&and&checks&payable&to&St.-James-Flower-Fund&may&be&mailed&to&the&church,&returned&to&the&parish&office,& placed&in&the&“Drop&Box”&or&placed&in&the&Sunday&offering.&&Please$turn$in$your$check$and$your$form$at$the$same$time.& ***"PLEASE"PRINT"INFORMATION"*** Circle&one:&& & & & & In&memory&of& & & & In&honor&of& & & In&thanksgiving&for & & & & & & & & & & & Given&by:&& & & & & & & & & & & Please&use&a&separate&form&for&additional&listings. & & & & & Mailing&address:&St.&James&Episcopal&Church,&860&North&Section&Street,&Fairhope,&AL&36532. St. James Episcopal Church ● 860 N. Section Street ● Fairhope, Alabama ● (251) 928-2912 & A Sunday Monday N C H 7 8 Sunday Service I 7:30 am Women’s AA 6:00 pm Sr. High Bible Study 7:00 am Monday Night Women’s Bible Study - 6:30 pm Intercessory Prayer 8:30 am Christian Formation - 10:15 Inquirers’ Class - 10:15 am A M 13 Sunday Service I 7:30 am Sunday Service II 9:00 am Parish Gathering 10:00 am Christian Formation - 10:30 I L Y P R 14 15 Women’s AA 6:00 pm Sr. High Bible Study 7:00 am Monday Night Women’s Bible Study - 6:30 pm Inquirers’ Class - 10:30 am *Move your clocks AHEAD 7:30 am Sunday, March 6 Celebrant/Preacher: The Very Reverend Johnny Cook Parish Musician: Helen V. Rodgers Server/Chalice: Mickey Ladd Chalice: Frances Patton 1st Reading/Psalm: Doreen Lowell 2nd Reading/P.O.P: Betty Joe Wolff Ushers: Jackson 9:00 am Sunday, March 6 Celebrant: The Reverend Donald M. Smith Preacher: The Very Reverend Johnny Cook Parish Musician: Helen V. Rodgers Server: Michael Erwin Crucifer: Jack Hearin Torch: Sam Phyfer, Patrick Haley Clergy Cross: Sam Hearin Gospel Bearer: Sam Haley Children’s Church: April Bradley Nursery Helpers: Mary Kathryn Sternenberg, MaryPratt Byrd Chalice: Ray Clark, Bruce Stone, Dana Kasuba, John Gentry 1st Reader: Barbara Arnold St. James Episcopal Church Intercessory Prayer 8:30 am Men’s Bible Study Begins New Study at 6:30 pm L I N E S Wednesday Thursday 9 Holy Eucharist 7:00 am BREAKFAST -Green Hall WAMBS - 9:30 am Canterbury Choir - 3:30 Evening Prayer- 5:15 pm Dinner - Green Hall - 5:30pm Lenten Program - 6:00 pm Adult Choir - 6:45 pm Regular EYC 4:30 - 7:30 F R Tuesday 6 Sunday Service II 9:00 am O O M I S E Saturday 10 11 12 Healing Service 10:00 am Anchor Lines Deadline noon DOK ® sponsored Stations of the Cross for all women at 10:30 am Whitby Choir - 3:30 pm Women’s AA - 6:00 pm M a r c h 16 Holy Eucharist 7:00 am BREAKFAST -Green Hall WAMBS - 9:30 am WOW Group - Spring Fling Canterbury Choir - 3:30 pm EYC - 5:30 pm YouGroup - 6:00 pm Adult Choir - 6:45 pm Parish office closes at noon. 6 - 1 3 17 18 19 Healing Service 10:00 am Parish office closes at noon. Palm Cross Making 8:00 am Prayers & Squares 10am Whitby Choir - 3:30pm Women’s AA - 6:00pm 2nd Reader: Roger Guilian P.O.P: Wesley Thompson Ushers: Winton Blount, Elaine Estefan, Allen Jones, Scott Thompson March Servants Friday after the 9 am service Please remember to move your clocks AHEAD one hour on Sunday, March 13. Altar Guild: Sherry Stabler (490.6333), Patsy Clark, Brandy Haas, Laura Jones, Amanda Manders, Jean Mastin, Alice Webb, Betty Joe Wolff Pastoral Care: Judith Fahlberg, Jane Jackson, Nancy Henke Vestry Duty: John Glover, Bud Doyle Lectionary Newcomer Hostess: Rita Wells Coffee Hour: 3/6: Gary & Helen 1st Reading Hammergren Psalm 3/13: Volunteer Needed Prayer Chain: Days: Gilda 2nd Reading Nester 928.9600 or Michele Doyle 990.9877 Nights/ Gospel Weekends: Sue Ladd 928.6203 Lent 4 - March 6 Lent 5 - March 13 Joshua 5:9-12 Isaiah 43:16-21 Psalm 32 Psalm 126 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 Philippians 3:4b-14 Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 John 12:1-8 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID 860 North Section Street Fairhope, AL 36532 251-928-2912 phone 251-928-3889 fax Permit # 16 Fairhope, AL RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED ANCHOR LINES DEADLINE : THE NEXT ANCHOR LINES WILL BE PUBLISHED MARCH 16, 2016. F OR INFORMATION TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE NEXT ISSUE PLEASE HAVE INFORMATION TO J ENNIFER G LOVER NO LATER THAN NOON ON F RIDAY PRIOR TO THE PUBLISHED DATE . EMAIL NEWS TO J ENNIFER G LOVER AT STJAMES 8@ BELLSOUTH . NET , DELIVER TO THE CHURCH OFFICE OR PLACE IN THE “D ROP B OX ” OUTSIDE THE CHURCH OFFICE . Read the Anchor Lines on the web: To have the newsletter sent via email, please call the church office or email STJAMES8@ BELLSOUTH . NET, requesting to be added to the distribution list. In addition, the newsletter is available on the website at Special thanks to the following Angels who volunteer to prepare the Anchor Lines for mailing: Mary Daves, Frankie Sherrin & Virginia Stabler.