JCC Times - jcccampsatmedford.org


JCC Times - jcccampsatmedford.org
JCC Times
By : Camp Aaron Campers
Woodworking: By Aaron Schwager
Woodworking may not
counselors are nice, but
sound fun, but it shows a
when it comes to sanding,
lot of creative ability and
they like your very best.
can add a nice addition to
You see, woodworking is a
your furniture at home. You
very fun elective activity.
can make lots of things in
You can create lots of cool
woodworking. Some of
furniture, but it takes time
these things are book-
and patience. So, I hope you
shelves, toolboxes, bird
try it out!
August 12th , 2014
houses, and many other cool
crafts. Also, woodworking is
as hard of a challenge as it
is fun. While you can make
some of the things I listed
above, you also have to
measure pieces of wood,
sand sides and edges, and
help put it together. The
New Outside game! By : Renee Wimmer
A lot of kids sit around
their house all day with
nothing to do. If you are
one of those kids after
camp or on the week end
well I can help you! This is a
game I made up, you get a
baseball mit and a tennis
ball, find a wire from the
house to a pole, get in
teams of any number. What
you are trying to do in this
game is throw the ball over
the wire or hit the wire, if
you hit the wire it is a
homerun and the next team
goes, if you throw it over
and someone catches it
that is one out you never
want them to catch it. YOU
If you throw it over and it
JCC Camp at
Medford Lakes
bounces on the ground once it
is a single, if it bounces twice
it is a double, if it bounces 3
times it is a triple. It is like
baseball just you picture the
field in your mind. There are
2 ways you can get a homerun,
hit the wire or it bounces 4
times. If it goes out of
bounds they get a redo. Play
this game at home, I promise
Kosher Cooking By : Carmi Levy
Kosher cooking is one of
the many activities at JCC
Every week in kosher
cooking we make something different and creative, like decorated cookies, ”Ruach Week” cake
pops, falafel and more…
chance to learn and make
kosher Israeli food.
Also, kosher cooking is so
much fun! We get to cook
and bake (and eatJ) with
our friends.
Kosher cooking is a lot of
fun, and I suggest it to all
of the campers!
I think kosher cooking is a
very nice idea (especially
the “kosher” partJ) because campers get the
Wheel ceramic isn’t as easy as it
looks !
What staff members like to make in kosher cooking! By Jamie Goldberg
I asked Allie “what her
chocolate and bananas and
“hang out at the activities
favorite treat to make in
it is delicious”!
with my campers”!
kosher cooking”?
Then I asked her “what is
What is your favorite
She answered, “stuffed
your favorite thing to do
lunch at camp? “Bagels and
French toast” “It has
at camp”? She answered
cream cheese”!
Allie is so fun to talk to!!!! :D
Q & A with Allie Stern by : Jessica Fitzgerald
Q: How long have you
been working here?
A: She has been going
here for 17 years and
working for 12 or 13
Page 2
Q: Do you like all of the
A: Yes, but I’m afraid of
fish so she doesn’t like
Q: Do you like Shabbat?
A: Yes I think Rabbi Nathan is great.
JCC Times
Q & A with Hilary By : Jessica Fitzgerald
I asked Hillary, a division head at
Q: Do you ever get a break? A: I
JCC camps at Medford some
never want a break
questions about camp.
! I love hanging out with my camp-
Q: What is your favorite activity to
ers and staff and friends!
do at camp? A: Lake Inflatables!
Q: Are you busy most of the day?
Q: How long have you been work-
A: Yes, but it is a good busy!
ing here? A: Longer then you have
Q: What is your favorite camp
been alive! I think this is my 16
lunch? A: Bagels and Egg Salad!
Q: Do you like JCC camps at Medford? A: I love it, it’s my favorite
Camp Quiz by Anonymous Aaron Camper
1.What is the youngest
A. Aaron
B. Hilltop
C. Shalom
2.How old are CIT’s?
A. 16
B. 13
C. 14
3.What is the highest swim
A. blue
B. red
5. What color is sledding?
A. teal
B. blue
C. red
C. orange
4.What was the theater play?
A. Wicked
B. Seussical
C. Lion King
All the camp activities are
fun, but here are some favorite activities from Aaron/
Shalom kids!
Lake Inflatable’s got: 5 votes
Sports got: 3 votes
Digi Photo got: 8 votes
Arts and Crafts got: 2 votes
Thanks to everyone who
Page 3
Leather Crafts or Woodworking By Courtney Winters
Both of these activi- markers to make key son liked leather
ties are very fun to chains and more. I crafts more. Over all
do. In woodworking interviewed 7 people they are both enjoyyou use nails, ham- around camp to see able activities.
mers, and wood glue what they liked betto make fantastic ter.6 out of 7 people
projects. In leather liked woodworking
crafts you use mal- more than leather
lets, stamps, and crafts. Only one per-
Book Review: Bliss by : Sadie MacKinnon
This is a first of a series of books
called Bliss, ironically that is also the
title. (Sorry to side track Divergent,
but I read these books and decided
to do these instead.) I love these
books so much! I mean who doesn’t
want to read about magical treats!
Well speaking about magical treats,
this specific treat could destroy or
save the world!
Rose, Ty, and Sage all live at their
family’s bakery. The bakery has been
going on for generations. Rose, a
spunky and sweet girl loves the family
bakery. She lives to see the happy
smiles on people’s faces when they
get there treats. But one day, a suspicious “long lost Aunt” comes to visit,
Page 4
she sweet talks Rose into telling her a
important recipe. Little does Rose
know, her Aunt only wants that recipe
to a certain treat that could throw
the world into complete chaos! Rose
and her brothers go on a secret mission to find the right ingredients to
over throw her Aunts evil recipe!
I rate this book 4 stars. I loved it,
but in my opinion they could have done
better. Other wise, it’s a good book.
I recommend it to anyone!
JCC Times
Carnival day by : Alannah Cohen
Have you ever been to Carnival Day?
If you want to get your fortune come
Well, here is a story about this special
to the fortune Teller!!!!!
day! Let me tell you about something
crazy at Carnival Day you can get Fake
Married to your Best Friend or your guy
friends the second wacky thing is that
you can throw a hula hoop around a
(You have to ask them a question and
they will give you a random response
that probably doesn’t come true)
Do you want to feel older but you’re
only like 4 years old? Well, you can
Counselor. If you like tubes you’ll like
get a temporary tattoo!!!!!!!!! Its really
to… SUMO WRESTLING!!!!!!!!!
cool glittery Tattoos!!!
Book Reviews: The Hobbit or There and Back Again By Sadie Mackinnon
This amazing book, (which is also three
separate movies) is kind of like a prologue to The Lord of The Rings, by
J.R.R Toilkein. But, that doesn’t make it
less fantastic. I’ve read this book three
times in a row and I still love it. I never
get tired of it! This is about a hobbit
that never does anything out of the
ordinary. This hobbits name is Bilbo
Baggins, son of Bungo Baggins and Bellodonna Took. The Baggins never do go on
journeys or leave their comfy hobbit
homes. The Tooks; however always are
disappearing, always going to secret
lands. One day, he gets an offer by a
wizard called Gandalf to go on an adventure. Bilbo at first is badly shaken up by
that offer, but then something Tookish
wakes up inside of him and he decides
to go. Now with 12 dwarves, 1 wizard,
and Bilbo they start their adventure,
facing many hardships along the way.
I love, love, love this book! It may be a
little confusing at first, but I highly
recommend you read it! I still remember when my dad read it to me when I
was younger; we wore the book out so
much that pages started to fall out!
There is no amount of stars to describe
how good the book is.
Camp Aaron fun By Hannah Feinberg
All though I think camp Aaron
also think that camp Aaron should have
time. They should get more choices of
is fun, I feel like there should get more
more than 1 carnival day during the 8
ice cream so campers don’t get bored of
fun choices to choose. One the most
weeks. Some kids don’t come until week
the same flavor every day. The camp
popular activities for Hilltop and Shalom
5. Therefore, if there is another carni-
should defiantly take these ideas into
are the Sledding and Slash Park. How-
val day, all the campers can go to carni-
ever, Aaron doesn’t have either one. I
vals day. The last thing that they should
feel like some of the lower camps have
add is more types of ice cream and pop-
some better activities and they should
sicles. Some kids hate what the choices
be featured at camp Aaron as well. I
are and they get the same kinds all the
Page 5
Camp Shirts By Hannah Feinberg
Although the camp
shirts are good, I feel like
they should be more original. I made a camp shirt in
Digi Photo and I think that
the kids should be able to
make the designs for the
shirts each year. In my opinion, there should be a contest for the kids and the best
design gets to be on the
camp shirt. Even though it’s
hard to choose, I feel like
the campers at JCC should
have the chance to design
the t-shirt that everyone
likes. The camp should defiantly think about doing that.
Color war Team Work…Competition…Victory By: Rachel Wimmer
Color War; the best competition at
the JCC Camps at Medford. A war
between four teams and only one
of them will reach a victory. But
who will it be? Every team wishes
to win this honorable competition.
But, there are only 3 ways you can
win… We all know that Eric, one
of the heads of Camp Aaron, has
been teasing us for the past week.
We are all dying to know what the
theme is. My opinion is that the
will be based off of the
2014 Fifa World Cup final four
Curious Colors of Color War By: Alannah Cohen
Are you thinking of
what I’m thinking of? What…
is… color... war’s THEME and
COLORS!!!!!! It could be anything!!!!!
Let me ask my
friend Gabby, Gabby what do
you think the color war theme
Page 6
is going to be?
response: I think the theme
is going to be DISNEY. What
I mean by that is the characters of frozen, Tarzan, lion
king, and Mulan. Now, don’t
you go telling everybody
about what color war MIGHT
JCC Times
It all started when a Gilad girl
got head lice before Gilad overnight. So, before the overnight
everybody in Gilad got checked,
thankfully, everybody was okay.
The nurse told everyone to put
their hair in a pony tail if it was
long to prevent head lice. You
could also use “pony tail spray”
to prevent head lice.
In a little while, all of Dimona
and some of Tavor had to get
checked. Someone in D-2 got
head lice! All of Tavor was fine
though. Dimona, Gilad and some
of Tavor also had to get new
swim caps. A counselor In Tela
viv got head lice.
Camp Aaron
Key: Black= not involved Yellow=
some of division got checked
Red= all of division got checked
Camp Shalom
Jerusalem/ Tela viv
Favorite Projects By Dorie Rappaport
Most people at camp take
classes that have different projects every week. There are
tons of things like that at the
Arts Pavilions, making it the perfect place to ask people about
their favorite projects that
they’ve done in that class.
Here’s what I got:
Lemony donuts and strawberry
The first class’ project
(not specified)
The ladybug bracelets
WHAT do you like more about this
camp? Because this camp is like?
My second home! When here start
Sugar cookies with royal icing
Metal/3D Craft
Plaster of Paris plates
JORDAN, who is your best person
or thing? Playing with the campers
in sports and crafts with them
Oreo truffles ice cream cone
BY Madelyn Spivack
When did you start working &going
here? This is my 10th summer working here. I went here when I was
five and now I’m header!
Why did you start working here?
I loved so much as a kid I wanted
to work here 1!
Page 7
Theatre: Glee Show 2014 By : Lindsay Perr
After a great performance in
Seussical from Camp Aaron
performers, once again the
Camp Aaron players will wow
us with their next performance: Glee. I asked numerous
people what their favorite
song was, the results are
Here’s what songs were given
as choices
Don’t Rain on My Parade
Shake it Out
Rumor has it/ Someone
like you: Mash up
Don’t Stop Believin
Loser Like Me
Express Yourself
4. Don’t Stop Believin: 3
5. ABC: 2
6. Loser Like me: 2
7. Valerie: 1
8. Express Yourself: 4
That’s it!!! Good luck to
the Camp Aaron performers, and come see the
Glee show on Wednesday
August 6!!!!
1. Don’t Rain on My Parade: 8
2. Shake it Out: 2
3. Rumor has it/ someone like
you: 3
Interview by Max Heatter
I interviewed Matt, Tavor’s division
head on 10 questions. The first question I asked was when he started
camp. He replied with “I actually just
started this year.” Then I asked what
his favorite sport was. He told me
“Hockey.” Next I asked him if he was
going to come back to camp next year.
He said “Definitely.” I also found out
that he didn’t go to camp here, and
that he has never done the JCC overnight, but will do the Tavor overnight
that is coming up in August. He also
said that he doesn’t know a lot of
people here, but he is trying to meet
all of them. Then I asked him what he
liked better camper or counselor and
he replied with “Camper, because I
can play all day.” His favorite part of
being a counselor is getting to walk
around. His favorite part of being
Tavor’s division head is that the kids
are older and they don’t really need
any help. Matt prefers swimming in
the pool, rather than the lake. Matt’s
interview helped me feel a lot more
cheery about camp then I was when
the summer started.
Answers from a Division Head– Matt Morrison
What’s the hardest part of being a Division?
“The hardest part I think, would be trying to
keep all of the campers happy.”
What’s your favorite part of being a Division
Head? “
My favorite part is getting to go to any activity because; it makes it easier to interact
with the campers. I love all the fun activities
at camp.”
How long have you been working at JCC
“I’ve been working at camp for about 3 years.
Page 8
Out of all of the 3 years of me working here,
this is my favorite year.”
How difficult is it choosing the “Bunk of The
“It was surprisingly hard because most of
the time, the campers are always good and
What’s your favorite color?
“Blue all the way!”
What’s your favorite activity?
What is your favorite special day?“Carnival
What is your favorite food?“Pizza.
”How old are you?
“I was born on a leap day and I am 22 years
old but I only had 5 real birthdays.”
Interviewers : Bari Weiss, Antionette Thaxton, and Rachel Wimmer
“I love Gaga, it’s so fun to get other people
JCC Times
MC Cohen’s YouTube Channel By: Mitchell Cohen
Ever since 2005, people have
been glued to a site that allows
comedy to soar to new heights
known only as YouTube. What
YouTube has allows people of
various skills and styles to generate humor amongst a public
The reason YouTube has a hit
following is because of the various personalities people have
created to enable a site of wonder and humor. If you go on
YouTube, here are channels are
worth taking a peek at.
If you enjoy video games fused
with comedy, then this channel is
totally worth it. WZ follows five
guys (Ryan, Odom, Davis, Fish,
and Schroder) who make gaming videos whether it’s Acapella,
sketches, or in a song, it never
gets tiring to see these guys do
something crazy.
Videos to watch by WZ: Lives run
out (parody of love runs out),
Stuff gamers say to their girlfriends, A very Warped Christmas (1, 2, and 3), Nap rap.
sketches, songs, vlogs, and more.
However, the biggest thing
Smosh ever did was develop a
video game based on a yearly
skit called Food battle which is
worth seeing if you like food
duking it out.
Favorite Smosh videos: Meat in
your mouth, my new emo hair,
Life Hacks
If there is a channel most people
adore, Smosh absolutely fits in
this category. Ever since 2005,
Smosh has had so much praise
its crazy. Ian Hecox and Anthony Padilla have made an assortment of awesome videos,
Favorite T.V. Shows by Antony Post
After polling everyone’s favorite
summer movies and seeing if Transformers are good movies in the long
run, since theatre is doing Glee for
the second show, I thought I would
get into the spirit by taking a poll
of everyone’s favorite TV show.
The following TV shows were in the
The Big Bang Theory
Pretty Little Liars
Family Guy
The Simpsons
The Walking Dead
1. The Big Bang Theory; Rated:
TV-14; Synopsis: The story of
four men who work at Cal-Tech
University and how they get
socially exposed to the world
when a new next door neighbor
moves over.
you agree with your fellow
campers and staff? I’m pretty
happy with the outcome.
Until next time, I’m Antony Post
with the newest entertainment
news. BAZINGA!
2. The Walking Dead; Rated TV
-14; Synopsis; The story of living on Earth during a zombie
apocalypse makes for one great
action packed series.
3. Family Guy; Rated TV-M;
Synopsis; The story of the Griffin family and their dysfunctional life from Seth McFarlane.
The results were as followed:
Page 9
New nature! By : Anonymous Aaron Camper
So, about 2 years ago at
nature there were geese, ducks,
goats, sheep, guinea pigs, and
regular pigs. This year, there are
some changes.
Last year, there was a
guinea pig named Oreo. He was
the cutest little thing, but he unfortunately died. It was very sad
for all of the staff at nature and
the campers also. I think some of
you remember the ducks and
geese and they are not in the
petting zoo this year. If you didn’t notice they were very unwel-
coming and rude to the other
animals so they decided to take
them out of nature.
This year they have the most
adorable little pig named M.J.
He’s the cutest out of all the animals and he’s very small and
What we need for snack By : Ethan Levy
Many people enjoy the
snacks at camp. Some people think
they are boring. I think they are
boring. So then what should be for
snack then? Camp Aaron knows
what…The answers I got were:
Swedish fish
Sour patch water
melons & kids
Gummy worms
Cookie dough bites
Gummy bears
Chocolate chip cookies
Kit Kats
Even though they are not healthy,
we burn the calories off at camp
anyway. In all which snack is your
By Julia Udell
Week 6 is SPIRIT WEEK!! Spirit week
is one week were everyone is assigned to
somewhere to wear; an example is wacky
Wednesday where you would wear wacky
clothes. Also during spirit week, you bring is
donations, each day is something different,
but they all have to do with what your supposed to wear.
Monday is Mismatched Day. You could wear
your shirt backwards, or wear different
socks, or do two different hairstyles, like
one side is a ponytail and the other is a
Page 10
braid. You are supposed to bring in new toiletries; it is being donated to the Providence
House Shelter. It supports women and children in need.
Tuesday is Team Spirit Day. You can put on
your favorite team colors or jersey. You
should bring in new and gently used sports
equipment. It is being donated to the Boys
and Girls Club of Camden, NJ.
Wednesday is Wear Neon. Dress in your
brightest clothing. Bring new or gently used
books for elementary school children do-
nated to Bookmates Literacy Program and
Bags of Books.
Thursday is Throwback Thursday. Show off
clothing from your favorite decade. You may
bring tuna fish, kid’s snacks, cereal, apple
juice, rice, instant mashed potatoes, canned
salmon, canned fruit and veggies, macaroni &
cheese which is being brought to the Jewish
Family & Children’s Service (JFCS) Food
JCC Times
The Army By : Macey Cohen
Recently JCC Camps Medford had
Israel day, which was full of
fun and excitement. As I was
going throughout camp on this
particular day I thought to
myself. “What would it be
like for us Americans to have
to go to the army for a certain amount of years?” In my
opinion I think it is a great
idea because when I talk to
people from Israel they always say that being in the
army was an amazing adventure and that they really enjoyed it. I think that it will
help teens become more independent,
would only have to go in the army for
stronger, mature and grateful of
a few years but many stay longer than
what they have. America is a big
the have to because they love it so
country and we do have many soldiers
much. All together I believe that
but being in the army might give sta-
making teens go into the army would
bility to some that have no job and
be very beneficial to their lives.
can’t take care of themselves. Many
teens my age like to slack off and not
do the work they should which is getting them bad grades, but going into
the army might help them realize that
slacking off is not the way to go and
they will not be able to accomplish
any of their goals. Like in Israel you
The Next Disney Broadway Musical By Antony Post
This week, I went around camp and
asked staff and campers what they
think the next Disney Broadway musical should be! It’s always a magic
night if you go to NYC and see one.
I personally love them. Anyway, let’s
get back on track here. (Just to let
you know, I put information about
the movies for example who stars in
the movies, the tomatoes average
on rotten tomatoes, ect.) Here
were the following choices:
Toy Story
Here were the results:
Frozen; Rated PG; Starring:
Idina Menzel and Kristen Bell; Critic Percentage: 89%; Synopsis: Optimistic Anna, the prin-
cess of Arendale, teams
up with ice man
Kristoff, his reindeer
Sven, and Olaf the
snowman to stop the
summer being magically
covered by a dangerous
blizzard set up by her
sister, Elsa, the queen
of Arendale.
Enchanted; Rated PG; Starring: Amy Adams and
Idina Menzel; Critic
Percentage: 93%; Synopsis: When she falls
down a wishing well that
leads to New York, soon
-to-be Princess Giselle
moves in with Robert
and his family and how
he changes her experience forever in this Disney made spoof on their
own princesses.
*Theatre’s Pick
Hercules; Rated G; Starring: Danny Devito and
Susan Egan; Critic Percentage: 88%; Synopsis:
Robbed of his life on
Mount Olympus with his
father Zeus, Hercules is
raised on Earth and
tries to become a great
hero to return his father while set back by
the evil lord Hades.
So, are you planning a trip to the
big apple when these shows get to
the great white way? I hope you do
and until then, LET IT GO!
Page 11
Sports by Andrew Ravitz
1. Ottawa Sena-
Ottawa Sena-
2. Wwe Match-
tors vs. Cana-
tors had two
undertaker Vs.
dians- It was
Brock Lesner-
the most brutal
penalty Minutes Probably the hard-
hockey game I
and the Canadi- est match of the
have ever seen!
ans had three
Every two min-
Hundred pen-
utes a penalty
alty minutes!
was called… it
The final score
was like a mas-
was 1-0 Canadi-
sive Fight. At
undertaker’s career
the end, the
Best Division heads EVER! By : Ryan Barry
Who are the best dithe L word about
vision heads? .......
them. They are actuHillary and
ally happy for people
when good things
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happen to them. They
Hillary and Amy are are so fun to talk to.
always there for eve- I feel so safe around
ryone. I could just say
them. I am even
Page 12
friends with them
more than the kids.
JCC Times
Some Books that were Made into Movies By : Rebecca Raush
Book: Catching Fire Author: Suzanne
Collins Out in Theaters: November 22,
2013 Catching Fire is the thrilling sequel
to The Hunger Games. It starts right
before Katniss and Peeta’s victory tour.
(The victors of The Hunger Games visit
each district.) Right before Katniss and
Peeta are to leave, President Snow
comes to Katniss and warns her that
when she threatened to eat poisonous
berries so she and Peeta could both win
The Games, she started an uprising in
the districts. Snow tells her that she
must stop the uprisings, but when Katniss visits District 11 and talks about
Rue, they are inspired to up rise. Soon,
many of the districts are uprising.Later
on, Snow announces that in honor of the
3rd Quarter Quell (75th Hunger Games.)
Past male and female victors from each
district will be reaped to compete again.
Katniss and Haymitch are chosen, but
Peeta volunteers for Haymitch. Katniss
vows to do whatever it takes to make
sure Peeta comes home alive, even
though it means that she would die in
the arena.In the arena Katniss and Peeta
ally themselves with Finnick, a 24 year
old man, Mags an 80 year old woman,
Johanna, a cruel and sarcastic victor and
Beetee and Wiress, an older couple who
are very clever. Wiress and Mags unfortunately end up dying. Beetee comes up
with a plan to harness electricity and
send a shock wave to the water where
the rest of the competitors have set up
camp, when the shock wave hits the water it will electrocute and kill them. Katniss messes up the plan by directing the
shock wave towards the force field that
surrounds the area, therefore destroying it. Katniss is knocked out.
When Katniss wakes up, she
learns that she is going to District 13,
which miraculously survived the bombing
from the Capital. She, Finnick and
Haymitch are all going there. Peeta and
Johanna were captured by the Capital.
She also learns that half of the competi-
tors in The Hunger Games had
planned to break out of the arena.
The book and movie ends when Gale
tells Katniss that although he got
her family out in time, the reason
they are going to District 13 and not
12 is because there no longer is a
District 12.
Book: Divergent Author: Veronica
Roth Out in Theaters: March 21,
2014Divergent takes place in a
dystopian Chicago, where all the people are separated into five factions
based on five virtues, Abnegation,
the selfless, Amity, the peaceful,
Dauntless, the brave, Erudite, the
smart and Candor, the honest. Beatrice Prior is a sixteen year old living
in Abnegation, but she does not believe that she is selfless enough for
it. All the sixteen year olds take an
aptitude test which shows them
which faction they belong to, so
when it is Choosing Day they know
whether they should stay in their
home factions or move to one better
suited for them. When Beatrice
takes the test, she is told that her
results were inconclusive and she has
aptitude for three factions, Abnegation, Erudite and Dauntless. This
means that she is Divergent. She is
severely warned not to tell anyone
that she is in Divergent because
most Divergents are hunted down
and killed. After much thought, Beatrice chooses Dauntless on Choosing
Day and among the other Dauntless
she changes her name to Tris. But,
she isn’t Dauntless yet, she has to
pass initiation or else she will end up
factionless. Four, the instructor for
the Dauntless initiates explains to
them that there will be physical and
mental parts to the initiation. In the
mental parts of initiation, the initiates enter a fear landscape, where
they are faced with all of their
worst fears and have to learn to
overcome them. Because Tris is
Divergent, she is aware during
the landscape that it is all part
of her mind and not real. During initiation Tris and Four become romantically involved and
he reveals to her that he is the
son of an Abnegation leader
who abused him and that is real
name is Tobias. He also reveals
to her that he is Divergent,
just like he noticed that she
was during initiation.
Meanwhile, rivalries are growing between the Abnegation and the
Erudite because the Erudite
are accusing the Abnegation of
hoarding food. On the last day
of initiation, all of the Dauntless are injected with a serum
that they are told will be able
to track them if they go missing, but actually puts them under the mindless control of the
Dauntless and Erudite leaders.
These leaders force the
Dauntless to attack the helpless Abnegation. Because Tris
and Tobias (Four) are Divergent they are not affected,
but the head of Erudite injects
Tobias (Four) with a serum
that works on Divergent. He is
sent away into the attack. Tris
rushes to find him and her parents are killed while helping
her. When Tris finds Tobias
(Four) he attacks her, but she
cannot bring herself to kill him.
When she surrenders to him he
suddenly frees himself of the
serum and together they shut
down the serum that is controlling the Dauntless. Then
they board on train to Amity to
join the Abnegation survivors.
The story continues in the 2nd
book, Insurgent.
Page 14
JCC Times
By : Camp Aaron Campers
TERMINATOR VS. ROBOCOP 1987 By : Jonah Friedman
This is the battle of two sci fi machines that are absolutely awesome
such as the Terminator, the time traveling metal assassin, or Robocop, Detroit’s cyborg defender.
ROUND 1 STORY :Robocop
Robocop is the story of Alex Murphy
portrayed by Peter Weller who is brutally shot to death by criminal Clarence Boddicker who is one of the
strongest bad guys in movie history.
After his death he is resurrected as
ROBOCOP by the evil corporation OCP
as a law enforcement droid part man,
part machine, ALL COP.
In the distant future of 2004 Skynet
was a corporation that was designed
to make the whole planet safe and
happy. So Skynet used there missiles
to take over the planet and destroyed
everything the age of machine has begun. To combat the remaining human
resistance Skynet created the Terminator to destroy everyone alive. As the
war progressed one man could stop
them, John Connor leader of the human resistance. 3 times the terminator sent down a terminator to the
past to kill him. First they tried to get
him by killing his mother while in college but was stopped when a soldier
from the war was sent down to protect her. 2nd a more advanced terminator was sent to kill him as a kid but
was stopped by his mother and a reprogrammed Terminator designed to
protect him. 3rd the same thing happened as the second but John Connor
is now a teenager the terminator lost.
Winner: Robocop for having a cooler
simpler plot and being more memorable.
Robocop has the large cast of Peter
Weller as Robocop, Nancy Allen as his
partner Ann Lewis, Kurtwood Smith
as Clarence Boddicker, Ronny Cox as
other bad guy Dick Jones. This cast is
famous but not that famous so Terminator wins this round for having the
famous actor Arnold Swartzenegger
as the Terminator and Linda Hamilton
Winner: Terminator
ROUND 3 Appearance.
Robocop is easily the winner here
because his suit way surpasses the
Terminator endoskeleton. Fans may
say “It’s Arnold Swartzennegger in
those awesome leather clothes” We
are not using that and instead are
using the endoskeleton under the
skin. Either way Robocop wins.
Round 4 toughness, survival skills,
and weapons
Terminator: The Terminator is a
beast in combat, but he couldn’t be
that strong without weapons. While
he is a master in all weaponry he
does have his favorites. In the future
the Terminator wields a plasma rifle
that is too heavy and powerful for
any normal human to use. When
there are no space guns around he
holds a hard baler long slide pistol. A
12 gauge shot gun. A grenade
launcher and the amazing M134
Mini gun. In survival wise the Terminator can survive fire, pipe bombs,
bullets, getting hit by trucks and
having a water pipe shoved down his
chest. This kind of explains his
Robocop: Robocop is a law enforcement droid to clean up the messed
up Detroit and his weapons make
locking up the bad guys the easiest
part. In his right leg contains the
Auto 9 machine pistol, one of the
strongest hand cannons ever made.
In his left leg he has several tactical
ordinance grenades with adjustable
power. At number 3 it can blow up
an metal security door so imagine
what maximum level 10 could do. If
he needs a bit more firepower he
has the cobra assault cannon which
goes boom and then there’s no more
anything. He has a jetpack and and
an attachable gun to his arm which
contains a flame thrower, machine
gun, and smartbomb missile
launcher. In toughness Robocop
can bend guns, push trucks
through solid brick buildings, and
stop and reverse 3000 pound hydraulic presses.
In survival he can survive falling
thousands of feet while having a
giant robot on top of him falling on
a gas main which then exploded
and he was fine. When Robocop
pushed the truck through the
brick it exploded in his face and he
was face, and like the terminator
Robocop can survive a pole in his
Winner: Easily Robocop wins because Robocop survived the things
the terminator couldn’t and that
pipe bomb blew him to pieces and
he was barely alive but then got
crushed by a hydraulic press,
lastly the bomb that blew up in his
face destroyed the terminator in a
similar explosion.
Conclusion: With a score of 3-1
Robocop winswas fine. When Robocop pushed the truck through
the brick it exploded in his face
and he was face, and like the terminator Robocop can survive a
pole in his heart.
Winner: Easily Robocop wins because Robocop survived the things
the terminator couldn’t and that
pipe bomb blew him to pieces and
he was barely alive but then got
crushed by a hydraulic press,
lastly the bomb that blew up in his
face destroyed the terminator in a
similar explosion.
Conclusion: With a score of 3-1
Robocop wins
Page 15
Would You Rather? By : Jason Shacket
1. Would you rather have
dairy day for lunch every day
for a week…or meat day?
2. Would you rather drink water
from the camp’s lake…or one of
the camp’s pools?
3. Would you rather eat only
string cheese at lunch for a
week…or Spaghetti O’s for a
4. Would you rather live in one
of the camp’s canoes…or one of
the camp’s kayaks?
at camp…or bigger pools?
5. Would you rather eat Fudge
Bars at lunch for 3 weeks
straight…or Bomb Pops?
9. Would you rather have a
taller diving board at the Aaron
Pool…or a bigger waterslide?
6. Would you rather lick the
cafeteria floor clean…or live in
the boys’ bathroom for a week?
10. (SUPER DARING!!!) Would
you rather climb the Ropes
course without a harness…or
sleep in the Nature pigs’ pen?
7. Would you rather have no
snack…or no ice cream/
8. Would you rather have wi-fi
Spirit Week By : Gabrielle Hart
Everyone seemed to have
amazing outfits for Ruach
Week or should I say Spirit
Week. Lots of mix-match
outfits, sports jerseys,
BRIGHT neon, throwback
hippies, and superhero
Q1. How did you dress for
mix-match day?
Alannah Cohen: I wore
CRAZY navy blue shorts
and a camo shirt.
Q2. How did you dress for
the sporty day?
my pretty Phillies tanktop.
Q3. How BRIGHT were
your clothes on neon day?
Evan Cohen: I wore my
Bright BRight BRIght
green shirt.
Q4. How far back did your
clothes go on throwback
Pam Folbaum: I wore my
80’s scrunchies, rock band
pins and and an old
throwback camp shirt.
Q5. What hero were you on
superhero Friday?
Rachel Smith: I wore my
pink sparkly batgirl cape.
Now don’t be sad that
Spirit Week has ended, we
have 2015 next year to
bring even MORE spirit for
Spirit Week.
This is Gabrielle Hart your
newsgirl telling you how
spirit week is done!
Rachel Mcfadden: I wore
Page 16
JCC Times
Favorite Camp Activity By: Madison Feldschneider
Ceramics: 5/19
Boating: 2/19
Lake Inflatables: 2/19
Gaga: 2/19
Leather Crafts: 8/19
Sports vs. Arts and Crafts by Andrew Lowenberger
I don’t like sports
leave me speech-
too much because
less. If I had to
they’re just too
rate sports on a
challenging for me,
scale from 0-10 I
but I like art be-
would rate it a 0,
cause we make cool
and I would rate
crafts. In Things
art a 9.
That Go (TTG) we
will be making
“Stomp Rockets
Sports Vs.
(Tisha ‘B Av Week)
during week 7.
Stomp Rockets are
so fun to launch and
always seem to
Page 17
JCC Camps at Medford
Camp Aaron Campers!
Editors—Rachael McFadden
Katie Rozzelle
Message from the Editor : Rachael McFadden
Wow! What an amazing
summer at the JCC. The
amount of creativity and
energy that I received in
Newspaper was fabulous.
I know we have some future writers at Camp
Aaron and I can’t wait to
see how they will excel in
their futures. Along with
newspaper it was great
playing with the kids at
Games, which I am also
the head specialist of. I
loved every second of
this summer and I am
very sad it is coming to
an end. For color war, I
had the campers write a
biography with 200 words
and the new things I
learned about each of
them was very insightful.
I hope all the best for
each camper that I got
the pleasure to meet in
both Newspaper and
Games. I will miss you all
so much! I hope you all do
great things in school and
have bright futures.
:( I will miss my campers
and camp so much!
A collage of my camp times!
I love my bunk! Shoutout to GG4
& to Katie, my assistant.
Hippie selfie