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info - HIGP
Search Results Page 1 of 1 • PUBLIC RECORD DATA 'Y TMK # 4-4-3-4-6 Owner: CALVARY CHAPEL KAUAI Tax Payer: CALVARY CHAPEL KAUAI Tax Bill: PO BOX 1062, KAPAA, HI 96746 USA Exemption Size Assessed Value $1,234,500 11.15 ac Land: $1,234,500 o sq ft Total Buildings: $0 $0 $1,234,500 Total: $1,234,500 12/11/1981 1017/1991 2/11/2002 2/11/2002 QD OHAI REUBEN M/JEAN M AAS-F LA VERNE D LEWIS/VADA B *(17.94% INT)* Buildings: 0 Dwellings: 0 Subdivision: Kapaa Rice & Kula Lots Project: Bedrooms/Baths: 0/0 Tenure: Fee Simple Annual Tax: $25.00 Zoning: A PITT Code: 500 - Agricultural Land Use: Census Tract: 402.02 Lot#: 6 SALES $63,300 B/P 15520/644 $25,000 DOC 91-136310 o $40,000 DOC 02-023242 QD OHAI, JEAN M, TrusteeO *REUBEN MILLER OHAI REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST *AGREEMENT DATED MAY 4, 1988, UNDIVIDED 40% *INTEREST, AND *JEAN M. MILLER OHAI REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST *AGREEMENT DATED MAY 4, 1988, UNDIVIDED 60% *INTEREST DEED $400,000 DOC 02-023243 CALVARY CHAPEL KAUAI, A Company or Corporation(Tenants in Severalty) This information has been supplied by third parties and has not been independently verified by Hawaii Information Service and is, therefore, not uaranteed. Copyright ©8/19/2008 by Hawaii Information Service http://webrel.hawaiiinformation.comlREsearchiHIS/Searchisearch_ PUB.asp?SRC=LNK&STRM=TMK&KEY=443004006000... 8119/2008 .().., ........ LINDA LINGLE ! LAURA H. THielEN GOVERNOR OF HAWAII CHAIRPERSON MEREDITH J. CHING JAMES A. FRAZIER NEAl S. FUJIWARA CHIYOME l. FUKINO, M.D. DONNA FAY K KIYOSAKI, P.E. LAWRENCE H. MilKE, M.D., J.D. KEN C. KAWAHARA, P.E. STATE OF HAWAII DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGeMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 October 3, 2008 / 0419-04 epic Mr. Bruce Baumgartner Calvary Chapel Kauai P.O. Box 1062 Kapaa, HI 96746 Dear Mr. Baumgartner: Certificate of Pump Installation Completion Well CCK #1 (Well No. 0419-04) (TMK (4) 4-3-004:006) We are pleased to inform you that the pump installation work permitted for Well CCK # 1 (Well No. 0419-04) is complete and acceptable, as of September 29,2008. Welcome to the community of well owners and ground water users in Hawaii! This certificate of pump installation completion allows you to pump your well on a regular basis for reasonable and beneficial water use. To protect Hawaii's natural ground water resources for the benefit of all, the following requirements apply to the use of your well: 1. If the well is not in use it must be properly capped. 2. If the well is to be abandoned then the landowner must cause a licensed contractor to apply for a well abandonment permit in accordance with §13-168-12(f), HAR prior to any well sealing or plugging work. 3. In the event that the well operator and/or landowner changes, the Commission shall be notified prior to the change. 4. In the event the benchmark in the concrete base of the well is altered in any way, an updated version of the Well Elevation page of the Well Completion Report Part I shall be submitted to the Commission. If a licensed surveyor had estimated the original benchmark elevation then a licensed surveyor must establish the new benchmark elevation. The Well Elevation portion of the Well Completion Report Part I can be obtained by contacting Commission staff or at , Mr. Bruce Baumgartner Page 2 October 3, 2008 5 . Your approved pump has a capacity of 45 gpm at a head of 250 ft. In the future, pump replacements of equal or lesser capacity will not require an additional permit from the Commission, but will require the submission of a Well Completion Report Part II by the licensed pump installer. If the pump replacement is greater than the existing pump, you will need to apply for a new pump installation permit. 6. The landowner shall cause the well operator (if a different person) to maintain the installed meter or other appropriate means for measuring and reporting withdrawals, and appropriate devices or means for measuring water levels, chloride concentrations, and water temperature. These data shall be measured monthly and reported to the Commission on a annual basis, on forms provided by the Chairperson (attached), in accordance with §13-168-7, HAR. Blank water use report forms can also be obtained from the Commission's website at www.'permits.htm 7. The proposed use shall not adversely affect existing or future legal uses of water in the area, including any surface water or established instream flow standards. The authorization to drill a well and/or install a pump shall not constitute a determination of correlative water rights. The landowner and well operator are notified that the quantity of water taken from the well and/or the pump capacity could be reduced by the Commission in the future. 8. In the event that your installed pump is less than 70 gallons per minute, and no elevation survey has been completed, you may be required to do one in the future. Because groundwater in Hawaii is a public trust, and adverse effects at one well may affect other water resources, any violation of the above conditions, or any other provision of the Hawaii Administrative Rules, may be subject to fines of up to $5,OOO/day. The Commission needs your help and asks that you to do your part in utilizing this shared resource. We prefer to work with you in meeting the goal of protecting our ground water resources together. If you have any questions, please contact Denise Mills of the Commission staff at 587-0251 or toll-free from Kauai at 274-3141, extension 70251. Sincerely, ~~:t!::.E. Deputy Director DM:ss Encl: Water Use Report Forms c: Kauai Department of Water High Plains Drilling I' I.' '~ COM~SION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAG~NT FROM: ~ ~--~~~------ INIT. TO: CHENG, C. CHING, F. CHONG, R. DANBARA, S. ENGLAND, D. FUJII, N. HARDY, R. HOAGBIN, S. ICE, C. IMATA, R. KAWAHARA, K. KIMURA, J. DATE: IO/I/ui --L- SUSPENSE DATE: ~/ TO: INIT: KUNIMURA. I. LEROUX, E. MILLS, D. OHYE, L. OHYE, M. OSHIRO, K. SAKODA, E. SWANSON, S. TORRES, A. UYENO, D. YODA, K. YOSHINAGA, M. (06/08) FOR: _ _ Approval Signature ~ Information " I =--J r-" : l PLEASE: See Me Review & Comment --'- Take Action Type Draft Type Final -'-- File ___ Xerox _ copies 0 t"J State of Hawaii For Official Use Only: COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Department of Land and Natural Resources WATER METER INSTALLATION REPORT DB SEP 29 AIO: I 5 Instructions: Please print in ink or type and send completed report (with attachments, if applicable) to the Commission on Water Resource Management, P.O. Box 621 , Honolulu, Hawaii 96809. The Commission may not accept incomplete reports. This form shall be submitted within 60 days of the completion of work. For assistance, please consult the Hawaii Well Construction and Pump Installation Standards or call the Regulation Branch at 587-0225. For updates to this form or additional information, please visit our website at State Well Number: 0419-04 Method of flow measurement: D Flowmeter w/totalizer Manufacturer ~I>' t}t. , Model no. CCJr) ~ H5 S~.,. _1;1 ~ (! H~v l' T!._ r: t\FS',·d (cr r"!/,J; \(;tr;~ENT /7() Size - - - - - - - D Other, explain below and attach schematic /I. Photograph as-built attached (required) Remarks/explanations/comments: How Signature /J?~& J;,;4/ 113'1t?h J ZBb Date ---L4-+0_3_~+A_IJ,.;;;...J_ _ Water Meter Installation Report (WMIR)Form 212812007 / c o ~ , - o .n~~;:." ~ • Q Denise E MillslDLNRlStateHiUS To <brueebaumgartner@ealvaryehapel,eom> ee 10/01/200807:42 AM MA ... •••••• ..• bee Subject RE: meter installation~ Bruce, Thank you for the information. We need the model number and photos of the meter, and the installation date. That is all information that you are required to include on the report. Monthly measurements of water use are required by the State Water Code (Chapter 174C of the Hawaii Revised Statutes), for all water uses in the state, regardless of use. We use this information to assess whether an aquifer system is overallocated or not and may use the information to determine whether the permitted use in any area should be reduced in order to sustain the viability of an aquifer system. We will include more information on the reporting requirement with the certificate of pump installation completion when we issue that. I will watch for your meter installation report. Until we receive this, your well construction and pump installation work is considered to be incomplete. We have allowed you to use the well water to preserve your investment in the landscaping materials; however, please be aware that this was an accomodation of your immediate need in July. My goal right now is to bring your well and current water use into compliance with state regulations. Please let me know if you have further questions. Thank you again, Denise "Bruce Baumgartner" <> "Bruce Baumgartner" <brucebaumgartner@calvaryc> 09/27/200808:00 AM Please respond to <brueebaumgartner@ealvarye hapel,com> To <> ee Subject RE: meter installation Denise, Our flowmeter is installed and working fine. We can get about 47 gallons per minute. I've attached the photos of the meter installed. It also shows the meters serial number. I will complete the printed form and mail it with the photos via snail mail. The supplier has yet to invoice us for the cost of the meter so I cannot send a copy of the invoice. The form doesn't mention anything about needing that, just photos. Let me know if it's important. Please educate us about the need to do monthly flow measurements. It seems unnecessary if we're simply using the water for landscape and agriculture, returning it to the ground to fill the aquifers. Also, I assume there is a form we fill out, so where do we get them and what date of the month do we need to check the meter? From: [] Sent: Tuesday, September 23,20089:00 AM To: Subject: meter installation Hi Bruce, I writing to see if your flowmeter has been installed on your well? We haven't received the meter installation report yet. This work needs to be done to make sure your use of the well is in accordance with our standards. Also, the meter is needed as means for making and reporting monthly flow measurements as required by the State Water Code, Chapter 174C and Hawaii Administrative Rules, Section 13-168. -Denise Denise E. Mills HYDROLOGIST Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Commission on Water Resource Management 1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 227 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Phone: (808) 587-0251 Spam Not spam DSC00158.JPG DSC00155.JPG DSC00156.JPG DSC00157.JPG o o "Bruce Baumgartner" <brucebaumgartner@calvaryc> 09/27/200808:00 AM Please respond to <brucebaumgartner@calvaryc> History: To <Denise.E.Mills@hawaiLgov> cc bcc Subject RE: meter installation ~ This message has been replied to. Denise, Our flowmeter is installed and working fine. We can get about 47 gallons per minute. I've attached the photos of the meter installed. It also shows the meters serial number. I will complete the printed form and mail it with the photos via snail mail. The supplier has yet to invoice us for the cost of the meter so I cannot send a copy of the invoice. The form doesn't mention anything about needing that, just photos. Let me know if it's important. Please educate us about the need to do monthly flow measurements. It seems unnecessary if we're simply using the water for landscape and agriculture, returning it to the ground to fill the aquifers. Also, I assume there is a form we fill out, so where do we get them and what date of the month do we need to check the meter? From: [] Sent: Tuesday, September 23,20089:00 AM To: Subject: meter installation Hi Bruce, I writing to see if your flowmeter has been installed on your well? We haven't received the meter installation report yet. This work needs to be done to make sure your use of the well is in accordance with our standards. Also, the meter is needed as means for making and reporting monthly flow measurements as required by the State Water Code, Chapter 174C and Hawaii Administrative Rules, Section 13-168. -Denise Denise E. Mills HYDROLOGIST Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Commission on Water Resource Management 1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 227 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Phone: (808) 587-0251 Spam Not spam DSC00158.JPG DSC00155.JPG DSC00156.JPG DSCO0157.JPG o Denise E Mills/DLNRIStateHiUS 09123/2008 09:00 AM Q To cc bcc Subject meter installation Hi Bruce, I writing to see if your flowmeter has been installed on your well? We haven't received the meter installation report yet. This work needs to be done to make sure your use of the well is in accordance with our standards. Also, the meter is needed as means for making and reporting monthly flow measurements as required by the State Water Code, Chapter 174C and Hawaii Administrative Rules, Section 13-168. -Denise Denise E. Mills HYDROLOGIST Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Commission on Water Resource Management 1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 227 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Phone: (808) 587-0251 MEMO and WCR 1. ROUTE:.~LlP Check for Well No. pu,j;; Tests Check 0419-04 Diane England -~4)eal~'Bl08/08 (ver. 07/03/2008) (survey to regulation memo) ~initial} Step-Drawdown Test: followed WCPI Stds analysis attached Constant Rate Test: followed WCPI Stds analysis attached o o o o o o o Potential Well Interference: Potential Stream Impacts: Additional Testing or Data Required: o o o o 0 F;~S'"",,1'M.i LL. (y Pump Test Comments Attached: ~t! "~ Proposed Pump Capacity is OK.: 2. Well Log Check 3. 0 GeOIOgYCOdefOrwelllnde~Fm Name: /4ft;A.~kS D. England~nitial) cob~kuofio~~.MttCQ9hye :..-. C7'( ~ /\'> ,',\,~ t '.);1 (~,l.i" Yes I data complete Jollowed Special Cond & elevations well database updated R. Torres _ _(initial) (initial) No 0 0 0 If no. describe deficiency 0 0 0 Longitude Latitude NAD27 NADa3 !ft/\ (initial) take action based on above analysis ATTACHMENTS FOR PUMP INSTALLATION PERMIT (2x): 1COVER LETTER 2COUNTY COMMENTS (OWS/SMA) 300H COMMENTS 40LNR COMMENTS (LO/OCCUDHP) 5WCR ).Accept PI.. __ not necessary - only WCP or BOTH. } <------ To } ~ (in~heCk To be sent to driller/pump installer Landowner 40 Med-v ',~tdi()yL rq~+ ~ tAu~ow~ b/f ttcapr Staff internal checks W(t..1-- ~ (JJ~-tf!- 5. Roy (Entered WCR 1IWCCC accept date into database) 6. Sus~ (initial) finalize 7. Ken (imtial) signature 8. Mitch (initial) signature (Entered PIP issue date if attached/required) 9. Charleeeni~yan File C'·( " ........ . f',! ,: ....".) .~ . '. ... '. ~ . , '0 lot '.1 , . 1\ LAURA H. THIELEN LINDA LINGLE CHAIRPERSON GOVERNOR OF HAWAII MEREDITH J. CHING JAMES A. FRAZIER NEAL S. FUJIWARA CHIYOME L. FUKINO, M.D. DONNA FAY K. KIYOSAKI, P.E. LAWRENCE H. MilKE, M.D., J.D. KEN C. KAWAHARA, P.E. STATE OF HAWAII OEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 September 4, 2008 0419-04 meter.ltr Mr. Bruce Baumgartner, Associate Pastor Calvary Chapel Kauai P.O. Box 1062 Kapaa, HI 96746 Dear Mr. Baumgartner: Water Meter Requirement & Notice of No Pumping for Well No. 0419-04 We have received the Well Completion Report Part II from your pump installation contractor for Well CCK #1 (Well No. 0419-04), and found it to be acceptable with the exception ofthe installation of a water meter. We have acknowledged that the pump installer's responsibilities for this pump installation are complete, and no further action is required from the installer at this time. We have sent a letter to your contactor to this effect and you will receive a copy for your record. The pump installer has indicated that no water meter has been installed for this well. Therefore, you are responsible for installing a water meter with a totalizer, and for completing the attached water meter installation report form and submitting it to our office prior to pumping your well. Upon our receipt of an acceptably complete water meter installation report, we will send you a certificate of pump installation completion, which will allow you to begin pumping water from this well on a permanent basis. Use of water from this well (for purposes other than testing) without a certificate of pump installation completion is a violation and is subject to fines of up to $5,000 per day. If you have any questions, please contact Denise Mills of the Commission staff at 587-0251 or toll-free from Kauai at 274-3141 (Kauai), extension 70251. Sincerely, . ~t:~v ~ C. KA W D puty Directo DM:ss Encl: Water Meter Installation Report c: Marcus Fransden, High Plains Drilling RA, P.E. / LINDA LINGLE LAURA H. THIELEN GOVERNOR OF HAWAII CHAIRPERSON MEREDITH J. CHING JAMES A. FRAZIER NEAL S. FUJIWARA CHIYOME L. FUKINO, M.D. DONNA FAY K. KIYOSAKI, P.E. LAWRENCE H. MilKE, M.D, J.D. STATE OF HAWAII KEN C. KAWAHARA, PE. DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 September 4, 2008 0419-04 wcr2.acc Mr. Marcus Fransden High Plains Drilling P.O. Box 756 Rexburg,llD 83440 Dear Mr. Fransden: Well Completion Report Part II for Well No. 0419-04 We received your Well Completion Report Part II for Well CCK #It(Well No. 0419-04) on August 5, 2008. We accepted this report as complete on August 27,2008, With the exception of the meter installation. We understand that the landowner and/or well operator is responsible for installing a water meter on this well. You should be aware that when we issued the well construction permit for Well No. 0419-04 in January 2002, our policy at that time was to issue pump installation permits only after well construction and testing was completed. After determining that well construction was done in compliance with the Commission's established well construction standards, we then issued a pump installation permit specifying the pump capacity approved for installation. Consequently, a pump installation permit was never issued for this well. However, we changed our policy in 2004 and began issuing well construction and pump installation permits at the same time for most new wells. Because you performed work on Well No. 0419-04 nearly 4 years after we changed our permit issuance policy and the work was completed before the well construction permit expired in January 2008, we will accept your Well Completion Report Part II in this instance. In the future, however, when performing well construction or pump installation work under permits issued prior to 2004, you should contact our staff to verify the status of any permits covering the work or to determine if you need to apply for and obtain a Commission permit before proceeding with the work to avoid being found in violation of the State Water Code (§174C, HRS) or Hawaii Administrative Rules §13-7-168. We will issue a certificate of pump installation completion to the landowner/well operator after we receive documentation showing that the meter is installed and operational. Please remember that no pumping for purposes other than well testing in accordance with the Hawaii Well Construction and Pump Installation Standards is allowed until the certificate of pump installation completion has been issued. If you have any questions, please contact Denise Mills of the Commission staff at (808) 587-0251 or toll-free from Kauai at 274-3141, extension 70251. Sincerely, ~~w~ ~:Uty Dlfec~tHA DM:ss c: Bruce Baumgartner, Calvary Chapel Kauai High Plains Drilling, Kauai · o Q MEMO and ROUTE SLIP (ver. 8/31/2007) I WCR 1 Check for Well No. 1. Pump Tests Check Diane 0419-04 10108/07 (survey to regulation memo) WC/2.-i ~ England2k'~ial) ~ci... ~D~-f~-1 o Step-Drawdown Test: followed WCPI Stds analysis attached Constant Rate Test: followed WCPI Stds analysis attached proposed pump cap o.k. Q/ 0<70 gpm no teE ~ o o o o o Potential Well Interference: ,",\JII'.~Y\Ov...)""l"\... Potential Stream Impacts: lA-V'-'<:.~ ~ o o o o v Additional Testing or Data Required: 0<51 gpm no test required ~o Pump Test Comments Attached: 2. Well Log Check Geology Code for Well Index: \ 6la. Fm Name: ; P data complete followed Special Cond & elevations /0 / well database updated q/ Ko \Q£A.. \10 IcsD. Englan<tbjwitial) 0 0 0 /r Longitude Latitude NAD27 ~ \ -\ ,-- \ \. \ NAD83 I " initial) take action based on above analysis (jj ~ ~ ~,~ ~\n,{O\ ~ not necessary - only WCP or BOTH. ATTACHMENTS FOR PUMP INSTALLATION PERMIT (2x): 1COVER LETTER 2COUNTY COMMENTS (OWS/SMA) 300H COMMENTS . . To be sent to driller/pump Installer 40LNR COMMENTS (LO/OCCUOHP) <------ To Landowner } 5. 6. 7. 8. Staff internal checks ~ (inif heck (Entered WCR 1IWCCC accept date into database) Sus~ ---I-IIW~- (initial) finalize Roy Mitch Charley/Ryan File ~ I • :5 '. '( h4;.-) } I) signature (Entered PIP issue date if required) L '..... " '/'. " "/ I LAURA H. THiElEN LINDA LINGLE GOVERNOR OF HAWAII CHAIRPERSON KEN C. KAWAHARA, P.E. DEPUTY DIRECTOR STATE OF HAWAII MEREDITH J. CHING JAMES A. FRAZIER NEAL S. FUJIWARA CHIYOME l. FUKINO, M.D. DONNA FAY K. KIYOSAKI, P.E. LAWRENCE H. MilKE, M.D., J.D. DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 August 18, 2008 0419-04 wcrl.acc Mr. Marcus Fransden P.O. Box 1227 Rexburg, ID 83440 Dear Mr. Fransden: Well Completion Report Part I for Well No. 0419-04 We receiv~ your Well Completion Report Part I for the CCK #1 (Well No. 0419-04) on October 2,2007, and the additional information we requested on August 1,2008. We are pleased to acknowledge that this report is now complete and acceptable. This completes your obligation under the well construction permit. A certificate of well construction completion will be issued to the well operator/landowner and you will receive a copy. This certificate transfers responsibility of specific aspects of well usage and maintenance from you to the well operator/landowner. If you have any questions, please contact Denise Mills of the Commission staff at (808) 587-0251 or toll-free from Kauai at 274-3141, extension 70251. Sincerely, DM:ss c: Bruce Baumgartner, Calvary Chapel Kauai Shook Lleuellen, High Plains Drilling c o / LAURA H. THIELEN LINDA LINGLE CHAIRPERSON GOVERNOR OF HAWAII MEREDITH J. CHING JAMES A. FRAZIER NEAL S. FUJIWARA CHIYOME L. FUKINO, M.D. DONNA FAY K KIYOSAKI, P.E. LAWRENCE H. MilKE, M.D., J.D. KEN C. KAWAHARA, P.E. STATE OF HAWAII DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 August 18, 2008 f 0419-04.cwcc Mr, Bruce Baumgartner, Associate Pastor Calvary Chapel Kauai P.O. Box 1062 Kapaa, HI 96746 Dear Mr. Baumgartner: Certificate of Well Construction Completion for Well No. 0419-04 (TMK (4) 4-3-004:006) We are pleased to inform you that the Well Construction work permitted for the CCK #1 Well (Well No. 0419-04) is complete and acceptable, and to welcome you to the community of well owners and groundwater users in Hawaii. To protect Hawaii's natural ground water resources for the benefit of all, the following requirements apply to the use of your well: I. Before this well can be pumped on a regular basis, a certificate of pump installation completion must be obtained. 2. If the well is not in use it must be properly capped. 3. If the well is to be abandoned then the landowner must cause a licensed contractor to apply for a well abandonment permit in accordance with §13-168-12(f), HAR prior to any well sealing or plugging work. 4. In the event that the well operator and/or landowner changes, the Commission shall be notified prior to the change. 5. In the event the benchmark in the concrete base ofthe well is altered in any way, an updated version of the Well Elevation page of the Well Completion Report Part I shall be submitted to the Commission. If a licensed surveyor had estimated the original benchmark elevation then a licensed surveyor must establish the new benchmark elevation. The Well Elevation portion of the Well Completion Report Part I can be obtained by contacting Commission staff or at www.hawaiLgov/dlnr/cwTmlforms.htm. Because groundwater in Hawaii is a public trust, and adverse effects at one well may affect other water resources, any violation of the above conditions, or any other provision ofthe Hawaii Administrative Rules, may be subject to fines of up to $5,000/day. The CommiSSIOn needs your help and asks that you to do your part in utilizing this shared resource. We prefer to work with you in meeting the goal of protecting our ground water resources together. If you have any questions, please contact Denise Mills ofthe Commission staff at 587-0251 or toll-free from Kauai at 274-3141, extension 70251. ~ llWCvL- ~~A~'P.E D~j~'~ctor Sincerely, DM:ss c: Kauai Department of Water Marcus Fransden, High Plains Drilling State of Havai - For Official Use Only: COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Department of Land and Natural Resources WELL COMPLETION REPORT - PART II AUG 5 ____________ p_um~_ln_s_m_I_la_tiO_n ______________________________~8 Instructions: Please print in ink or type and send completed report (with attachments, if applicable) to t Commission on Water Resource Management, P.O. Box 621, Honolulu, Hawaii 96809. The Commission may not accept incomplete reports. This form shall be submitted within 60 days of the completion of work. For assistance, please consult the Hawaii Well Construction and Pump Installation Standards or call the ( f l" ",., Regulation Branch at 587-0225. For updates to this form or additional information, please visit our website at! ..,j 1. State Well No.: aLi' ,-o~ ec...1< Well Name: I z:t 2. Address: t.L- ~ 8: ' '. i • ~ 0 ~, , " ' KA."e:i '3 - </ : (. "fi) ,~t,("l )j, 3. Pump Installation Company: 4. Date Pump Installed: !'" Island: Tax Map Key: J..I. ,..-~ "" ?Li)r-~ A) ~ 7 - z..o._·. 08 ,-' i -- A ' , --mt!ithlday/year .. 5. PERMANENT PUMP INFORMATION 'i ~:>",bMAI'>i b...€. G.gJ'~, Rated Capacity: gpm at head of: ~~ Motor Type, H.P., Voltage, rpm: ~ta r!\) i..lfl.a1Jo) Pump Type, Make, Serial No.: Z~O 31f>. ft. :z.C/ov "S-oo~ Pump type (check one): o o o o Deep Well Turbine p("Submersible o Centrifugal Rotary-Displacement Rotary-Gear ,. 6. Method of flow measurement: Flowmeter wi totalizer Manufacturer 0 o o o Rotary Other, explain and attach schematic . ,.., ~. ·~~;_·i .j:;,...- . ~' ,~~j-;. ' Propeller ReCiprocating Impulse .... r· .....:;; I f;J.. \. ~: (...... - \ \ Model no. '10 "5Ft- f"2DV i J:r<b "".... Size '-) ~ f)u)A~ ~ .. 7. Fill In the as-built section on the other side of this sheet. 8. Attach the rating curve for the insmlled pump. 9. Attach photograph of well clearly showing the benchmark on the concrete pad, the well head, and the method of flow measurement. 10. Well Owner CAJ~~ CIbp,.,lI<'ACIM Contact K-6-eM ~ -PN?~ 1<oAv , ~A-A Company Address Fax Phone 11. Land Owner Il,' 9k7'/b I • SkM~ ~ Itk.01.A- Company Contact Address Fax Phone 12. Remarks A (, I , " , ~, , ' ' ( i , , {/:~ ' i . ; c / , " I ~;' c· , )1/" ' . I ' ,," Pump Insmllation Contractor (print) Signature rIl h:l&J.6 ~~ n..-<,./.>- '~. C-57/C-57a/A Lie. No. Date ," / , 1 -- , c2...J... .., t!} I 8 - I~C CO • · . o o ... o o Denise E Mills/DLNRIStateHiUS 08112/2008 09:37 AM To <brucebaumgartner@calvarychapel,com> cc bcc Subject RE: Well No. 0419-04 -- incomplete work~ Aloha Bruce, I've spoken with 'Shook' Lleuellen a couple times since our last communication. I understand he is trying to help Marcus with the required paperwork for your well to resolve the outstanding issues. We have received the information required to complete the Well Completion Report Part 1 (well construction). You will receive a certificate of well construction completion within the next week or so. want to give you a heads up that it contains our standard language, which may alarm you when you read it, but I want to assure you we are taking your specific situation into consideration as we work with you and your contractor to complete the required documentation for your well. The contractor is responsible for meeting our well construction and pump installation requirements, including final reporting upon completion. ~ ( 1 We need to receive a Well Completion Report Part 2 for your well as soon as possbile to comply with our • \...~\)'-' .i-.~egulations. I am attaching a blank Well Completion Report Part 2 form for your information. This must be T:"' 1.)..)1 {\l~~'6ubmitted by the contractor who did the work. Please call if you have questions or any further concerns. ~. r}q;~ --Denise ~~'tDenise E. Mills HYDROLOGIST Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Commission on Water Resource Management 1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 227 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Phone: (808) 587-0251 WCR2.pdf "Bruce Baumgartner" <> "Bruce Baumgartner" <brucebaumgartner@calvaryc> 07/30/200809:23 PM Please respond to <brucebaumgartner@calvaryc> To <> cc Subject RE: Well No. 0419-04 -- incomplete work Denise, Thank you so much for helping us in our attempt to resolve this issue on our CCK #1 Well 0419-04. Let me give you a brief synopsis of our situation: We had contracted with High Plains Drillings a number of years ago to see us through the completion of • digging and pumping water for our 66 aces of agricultural land. We applied for and were granted a well permit. We then began the process of applying for a Special Use Permit to build church facilities on the top 12 acre parcel of land, and so we considered various locations for the well site, which lead to delays and extensions of our well permit. In April of 2005 we were granted the Use Permit, which facilitated the need for water to begin establishing our landscaping and agricultural crops, as well as on site water for temporary facilities and construction of permanent facilities. High Plains Drilling finally had the time and we determined the location to drill about a year ago. It has taken us quite a few months to acquire and install a well pump and build a protective pump shed, and so we only began pumping water a few weeks ago. We can pump about ~5-60 gallons of water per minute, and we have three large storage tanks that \ \ -J..vAt~L we have been filling. . 6~~ V"'" W3... . 1l~@; Calvary Chapel Kauai hired High Plains Drilling to handle every aspect of the permitting and testing XbI process, and we were billed by them upon completion of the pump installation. We have been under the ~"-~~ assumption that everything was done according to State requirements. We never received a copy of the ~ attached letter dated November 6, 2007, and so we had no idea anything was wrong, nor did our local well \\' _r; ~ digger who works for High Plains Drilling, "Shook" Lleuellen. I have been in touch with him, and he is \l""~~' committed to making sure all the proper paper work is completed and submitted, and he is very apologetic for the problems he and his partners in Idaho have brought upon us. He can be reached at (808) 828-1194 or (808) 651-9165. 'NJ Y Here is our newest dilemma. We recently acquired a few thousand dollars worth of landscaping material (tress, shrubs and flowering plants, as well as vegetable and grass seed) and have just begun to water the newly planted material. .'"l \\.9. ' When we received the letter dated July, 2008, we immediately stopped pumping water. We're quickly using up the stored water and we are now in danger of loosing a few thousand dollars worth of plant material, as well as the value of the labor to plant and maintain that material. You can help us to salvage our investment. We are asking you to allow us to continue pumping from the well to fill our tanks and water our lawns and newly planted material, as we seek to resolve the concerns you have brought to our attention. We are willing to abide by a reasonable limit to the amount of water we can pump per week, as long as it is enough to keep things alive. Denise, please consider our dilemma of not knowing we were in violation as we began pumping water, as well as our efforts to complete the permitting process and grant us the pumping allowance. Thank you for your consideration. Bruce Baumgartner, Associate Pastor Calvary Chapel Kauai P.O. Box 1062 Kapaa, HI 96746 (808) 821-2228 office (808) 652-4831 cell From: [] Sent: Wednesday, July 30,20083:18 PM To: Subject: Well No. 0419-04 -- incomplete work Aloha Bruce, Charley told me that you called yesterday and today about the expiration notice we sent to High Plains Drilling last week. We're glad you're following up and that you're willing to help resolve the outstanding issues related to your well work. Attached to this message is a scanned copy of a notice we sent to High Plains Drilling in November 2007, explaining the deficiencies in the Well Completion Report Part I. >- o o A question I have for you is, What are your plans for pump installation? The initial application was for both well construction and pump installation, but the pump installation permit was never issued. Your help is greatly appreciated! Please call me to discuss this matter further. I will be happy to provide what assistance I can to help wrap this up. --Denise Denise E. Mills HYDROLOGIST Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Commission on Water Resource Management 1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 227 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Phone: (808) 587-0251 '\ COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEJENT FROM: .ROY TO: INIT. CHENG, C. CHING, F. CHONG,R. DANBARA, S. ENGLAND, D. FUJII, N. HARDY, R. HOAGBIN, S. ICE,C. IMATA, R. KAWAHARA, K. KIMURA, J. AUG -1 2008 DATE: TO: SUSPENSE DATE: INIT: + MILLS,D. _ _ OHYE, L. OHYE, M. OSHIRO, K. SAKODA, E. SWANSON, S. TORRES, R. UYENO, D. YODA, K. YOSHINAGA, M. wU'2.1 03J\J~ '-p(i" \tV • V'-' II 1 ·•.. {tl-U1 .-\ "":'' -::;'-.> t. ( .V j FOR: , ... , hbk H~ ·f..., ~. '. W(I Ct,</<. See Me Review & Comment Take Action Type Draft _ _ Type Final File Xerox _ copies ('«1'17 (h.r: I, ~" I 11 PLEASE: _ _ Approval Signature Information KUNIMURA. I. LEROUX, E. ~ VJ~ (06/08) 1.'/ ; f." rk,~ bt~ I t o o DB AUG I Frs"': A7 : !IS~tf'" (ll,l U.lj~ 1"1\ ~c: ~., ~)/ r ~.,~.;~,l~~Et'~·T Denise Miles C.W.R.M. P.O.B. 621 Honolulu, Hi 96809 Concerning CCK #1 (Well # 0419-04), The proposed pump rate is to be under 50 gpm and we would ask that the constant rate pump test be waived. Also the depth of the well is due to the fact that is where first water was found in rock, we were hoping it would less deep, we would ask for a variance from the theoretical depth be granted . Thank You Marcus Frandsen High Plains Drilling P.O.B.1227 Kilauea, Hi 96754 7-31-08 Could you please send me a copy of the Pump Permit if the above is satisfactory. , , ..~ " 59 ,. . o o Q 08 JUL 30 Com. On Water Resource Mangmt. v Concerning well 1119-02 MBLC Well, has a static water level of 5.23 feet MSL. The well is 80 feet deep and the starts at 24.1 feet msl. I I thought that it calculates out. The depth is equal to or less than the neighboring three wells. This was also the depth the first water was found in rock. Concerning the pump test, I must have somehow assumed that because of the low gpm pump proposed that it was waived as it had been in the past. I would request a waiver of the pump test for the MBLC Well ( 1119-02) , CCk # 1 Well Thank You, Marcus Frandsen High Plains Drilling P.O. Box 1227 Kilaeua, Hi. 96754 1-~, . og A 9: 07 o o "Bruce Baumgartner" <brucebaumgartner@calvaryc> 07/30/2008 09:23 PM Please respond to <brucebaumgartner@calvaryc> ~~~ To <Denise.E.Mills@hawaiLgov> cc bcc Subject RE: Well No. 0419-04 -- incomplete work Denise, Thank you so much for helping us in our attempt to resolve this issue on our CCK #1 Well 0419-04. Let me give you a brief synopsis of our situation: ~ , ~Q; ~\~ ViS .,l'n .' We had contracted with High Plains Drillings a number of years ago to see us through the completion of digging and pumping water for our 66 aces of agricultural land. We applied for and were granted a well permit. We then began the process of applying for a Special Use Permit to build church facilities on the top 12 acre parcel of land, and so we considered various locations for the well site, which lead to delays and extensions of our well permit. In April of 2005 we were granted the Use Permit, which facilitated the need for water to begin establishing our landscaping and agricultural crops, as well as on site water for temporary facilities and construction of permanent facilities. High Plains Drilling finally had the time and we determined the location to drill about a year ago. It has taken us quite a few months to acquire and install a well pump and build a protective pump shed, and so we only began pumping water a few weeks ago. We can pump about 55-60 gallons of water per minute, and we have three large storage tanks that we have been filling . Calvary Chapel Kauai hired High Plains Drilling to handle every aspect of the permitting and testing process, and we were billed by them upon completion of the pump installation. We have been under the (\ ,,~. ~ assumption that everything was done according to State requirements. We never received a copy of the u-r~" ttached letter dated November 6, 2007, and so we had no idea anything was wrong, nor did our local well digger who works for High Plains Drilling, "Shook" Ueuellen. I have been in touch with him, and he is committed to making sure all the proper paper work is completed and submitted, and he is very apologetic , ,. for the roblems he and his partners in Idaho have brought upon us. He can be reached at (808) \/\ 828-1194. r(808) 65~-916~* rtLV~ , \ 1\ t a:; (Shoo ~ lJ\.e...ll ~ '-cUi ~ 1'YV\ NY)', \J J--'\\t1-lere is our newest dilemma. We recentl~aL!quired a fijw thousand dollars worth of landscaping material 'N~' (tress, shrubs and flowering plants, as well as vegetable and grass seed) and have just begun to water the \'IN ...... newly planted material. ~ 1 ... ,N\i5 0'J--' \ W (li .~ i~ When we received the letter dated July, 2008, we immediately stopped pumping water. We're quickly ~""" ~ using up the stored water and we are now in danger of loosing a few thousand dollars worth of plant plP. / material, as well as the value of the labor to plant and maintain that material. You can help us to salvage Ai [' t~ our investment. We are asking you to allow us to continue pumping from the well to fill our tanks and ~(1J'/ ~, .HJ~ j- '" ./ , '" N\iU \lJ'v water our lawns and newly planted material, as we seek to resolve the concerns you have brought to our attention. We are willing to abide by a reasonable limit to the amount of water we can pump per week, as long as it is enough to keep things alive. Denise, please consider our dilemma of not knowing we were in violation as we began pumping water, as well as our efforts to complete the permitting process and grant us the pumping allowance. :.0) fl!~nk you for your consideration. Bruce Baumgartner, Associate Pastor Calvary Chapel Kauai P.O. Box 1062 Kapaa, HI 96746 (808) 821-2228 office/)(? (808) 652-4831 cell tClLuvvA:tl>.rV\w - - . --<J'-" From: [] Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 3: 18 PM To: Subject: Well No. 0419-04 -- incomplete work Aloha Bruce, Charley told me that you called yesterday and today about the expiration notice we sent to High Plains Drilling last week. We're glad you're following up and that you're willing to help resolve the outstanding issues related to your well work. Attached to this message is a scanned copy of a notice we sent to High Plains Drilling in November 2007, explaining the deficiencies in the Well Completion Report Part I. A question I have for you is, What are your plans for pump installation? The initial application was for both well construction and pump installation, but the pump installation permit was never issued. Your help is greatly appreciated! Please call me to discuss this matter further. I will be happy to provide what assistance I can to help wrap this up. --Denise Denise E. Mills HYDROLOGIST Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Commission on Water Resource Management 1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 227 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Phone: (808) 587-0251 . .... o Denise E Mills/DLNRIStateHiUS 07/30/200803:17 PM o 13 Yl(CG-8autytqJ CuCh'1U To A cc Y1 ~T bcc Subject Well No. 0419-04 -- incomplete work tP (,+tJ.r (6of) ~ 1.J - 22LX Ctl! l'gvg') 002-- -+1?3 i Aloha Bruce, Charley told me that you called yesterday and today about the expiration notice we sent to High Plains Drilling last week. We're glad you're following up and that you're willing to help resolve the outstanding issues related to your well work. Attached to this message is a scanned copy of a notice we sent to High Plains Drilling in November 2007, explaining the deficiencies in the Well Completion Report Part I. A question I have for you is, What are your plans for pump installation? The initial application was for both well construction and pump installation, but the pump installation permit was never issued. Your help is greatly appreciated! Please call me to discuss this matter further. I will be happy to provide what assistance I can to help wrap this up. --Denise Denise E. Mills HYDROLOGIST Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Commission on Water Resource Management 1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 227 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Phone: (808) 587-0251 -m 0419-04 well pdf o o / LINDA LINGLE LAURI\ H. THIELEN GOVERNOR Of' HAWAII CHAIRPERSON KEN C. KAWAHARA, P.E. DEPUTY DIReCTOR STATE OF HAWAII MEREDITH J. CHING JAMES A. FRAZIER NEAL S. FUJIWARA CHIYOME L. FUKINO, M.D. DONNA FAY K KlYOSAKI, P.E. LAWRENCE H. MilKE, M.D., J.D. DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 November 6, 2007 0419-04.wcrl Mr, Marcus Frandsen High Plains Drilling P,O, Box 756 Rexburg, ID 83440 Dear Mr, Frandsen: Well Completion Report Part I for Well No. 0419-04 We have received your Well Completion Report Part I for the CCK #] Well (Well No. 0419-04). However, matters which must be addressed before we can accept your report as complete are as follows: 1. The elevations given in your as-built sectional drawing show that the bottom elevation of the well exceeds the \4 aquifer thickness limitation, which is not in compliance with Section 2.2 of the Hawaii Well Construction and Pump Installation Standards (2004), which states: \.\ '. ~ "Exceptfor salt-water wells, any well constructed in basal aquifersfor the purpose of nonpotable or potable water withdrawal shall be initially designed and pump tested at a depth below sea level not exceeding one-fourth ofthe theoretical thickness (41 times the head) ofthe basal ground-water body, unless authorized by the Chairperson. Upon request by the permittee and submission of the supporting data and analysis, the Chairperson may allow deepening and subsequent testing ofsuch wells to a depth below sea level not exceeding one-half of the theoretical thickness of the basal ground-water body. " ' Please provide your reason(s) why the depth limitation was exceeded and why prior approval was not obtained in advance. " 2. Please provide the data for the constant rate test to support the installation of a pump with a capacity greater than 50 gpm. , '- " . \' , Until these matters are addressed, we cannot issue the certificate(s) of well construction completion and/or pump installation completion that transfer(s) responsibility of all aspects of well usage and maintenance to the well operator/landowner. Please remember that the well may not be pumped for purposes other than well and aquifer testing until the certificates of I) well construction completion and 2) pump installation completion have been issued, otherwise such pumpage would constitute a violation of the penn it conditions. Since the penn it is issued to the contractor, the contractor will be responsible for any non-testing pumpage violations when the certificates of completion have not been issued (where pumping tests are as defined in the Hawaii Well Construction and Pump Installation Standards). Please respond to the above item(s) within thirty (30) days of this letter's date. Failure to do so may result in fines of up to $5,000 per day. If you have any questions, please contact Lenore Nakama of the Commission staff at (808) 587-02] 8. Sincerely, W.fln 1't KEN C. KAWAHARA, P.E. Deputy Director LN:ss o LINDA LINGLE LAURA H. THIELEN GOVERNOR OF HAWAII CHAIRPERSON MEREDITH J. CHING JAMES A. FRAZIER NEAL S. FUJIWARA CHIYOME L. FUKINO, M.D. DONNA FAY K. KIYOSAKI, P.E. LAWRENCE H. MilKE, M.D., J.O. KEN C. KAWAHARA, PE. STATE OF HAWAII DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 July 16, 2008 0419-04.wcp.exp Mr. Marcus Frandsen High Plains Drilling P.O. Box 756 Rexburg,ID 83440 Dear Mr. Frandsen: Expiration of Well Construction Permit Calvary Chapel Well #1 (Well No. 0419-04) Our records indicate the captioned well construction permit has expired with incomplete work. An incomplete well completion report was acknowledged by our office on November 6, 2007, without any reply from you. There is no pump installation permit and we have no information about any pump installation work. No further work should be done on this well without appropriate permits, and the well completion certificate cannot be issued to the well owner without first completing the incomplete items noted in our November 6, 2007 letter. No water shall be used from this well without proper permitting and certification, subject to fines of up to $5,000 per day. Please respond to this letter within 30 days of receipt to clarify the status of this well. If you have any questions, please contact Charley Ice of our staff at (808) 587-0218. Sincerely, t?~;i:::::: Deputy Director CI:ss c: Calvary Chapel Kauai / / LINDA LINGLE LAURA H. THIELEN GOVERNOR OF HAWAII CHAIRPERSON KEN C. KAWAHARA. P.E. DEPUTY DIRECTOR STATE OF HAWAII MEREDITH J. CHING JAMES A. FRAZIER NEAL S. FUJIWARA CHIYOME L. FUKINO. M.D. DONNA FAY K. KIYOSAKI. P.E. LAWRENCE H. MilKE. M.D .. J.D. DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT po. BOX 621 HONOLULU. HAWAII 96809 November 6, 2007 0419-04.wcrl Mr. Marcus Frandsen High Plains Drilling P.O. Box 756 Rexburg, ID 83440 Dear Mr. Frandsen: Well Completion Report Part I for Well No. 0419-04 We have received your Well Completion Report Part I for the CCK #1 Well (Well No. 0419-04). However, matters which must be addressed before we can accept your report as complete are as follows: 1. The elevations given in your as-built sectional drawing show that the bottom elevation of the well exceeds the 114 aquifer thickness limitation, which is not in compliance with Section 2.2 of the Hawaii Well Construction and Pump Installation Standards (2004), which states: "Exceptfor salt-water wells, any well constructed in basal aquifers for the purpose of nonpotable or potable water withdrawal shall be initially designed and pump tested at a depth below sea level not exceeding one-fourth of the theoretical thickness (41 times the head) of the basal ground-water body, unless authorized by the Chairperson. Upon request by the permittee and submission of the supporting data and analysis, the Chairperson may allow deepening and subsequent testing of such wells to a depth below sea level not exceeding one-half of the theoretical thickness of the basal ground-water body. " Please provide your reason(s) why the depth limitation was exceeded and why prior approval was not obtained in advance. 2. Please provide the data for the constant rate test to support the installation of a pump with a capacity greater than 50 gpm. Until these matters are addressed, we cannot issue the certificate(s) of well construction completion and/or pump installation completion that transfer(s) responsibility of all aspects of well usage and maintenance to the well operator/landowner. Please remember that the well may not be pumped for purposes other than well and aquifer testing until the certificates of 1) well construction completion and 2) pump installation completion have been issued, otherwise such pumpage would constitute a violation of the permit conditions. Since the permit is issued to the contractor, the contractor will be responsible for any non-testing pumpage violations when the certificates of completion have not been issued (where pumping tests are as defined in the Hawaii Well Construction and Pump Installation Standards). Please respond to the above item(s) within thirty (30) days of this letter's date. Failure to do so may result in fines of up to $5,000 per day. ]fyou have any questions, please contact Lenore Nakama of the Commission staff at (808) 587-0218. Sincerely, WFrH 1'1. KEN C. KAWAHARA, P.E. Deputy Director LN:ss o o Pump Test Analysis - Comments Well ID: Date: Geologist: 0419-04 10/22/07 Diane England Step Drawdown Test 1. Proposed pump capacity <70 gpm, no step drawdown test required. \ Constant Rate Pumping Test 1. Proposed pump capacity >50 gpm, constant rate test required. Constant Rate Test data should be provided to CWRM. (J)D !f fi nc .. .J ",")1 '/1,1,. Well Interference & Stream Impacts 1. Constant Rate Test data required to determine potential for stream and well impacts. Other 1. The total well depth (140 ft) exceeds the 'i4-thickness of the aquifer. Maximum allowable well depth is 64 ft. Request for variance required. 0 State of HaOtii For Official Use Only: COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Department of Land and Natural Resources RECE!VED WELL COMPLETION REPORT - PART I Well Construction 01 OCT 2 AIO: 49 Instructions: Please print in ink or type and send completed report (with attachments, if applicable) to the Commission on Water Resource Management, P.O. Box 621, Honolulu, Hawaii 96809. The Commission may not accept incomplete reports. This form shall be submitted within 60 days of the completion of work. For assistance, please consult the Hawaii Well Construction and Pump Installation Standards or call the Regulation Branch at 587-0225. For updates to this form or additional information, please visit our website at ~ttp:flwww.state.hi.usldlnr/cwrml 1. State Well No.: 0419-04 Well Name: CCK #1 ~~~~-------------------- 2. Address: 3. Drilling Company: 4. Drilling method used during contruction: 5. Date Well Construction (drilled,cased,grouted) completed: Kapaa Bypass Road Island: Kauai 4-3-4:6 Tax Map Key: i j.:.~.-., .rr_--.:.i-r..!..i''':';'.",f--\~"'---'-~~·).l..::..::·.~t:4-.!...:1,.::::.,,~.-~,----,<l .....-:::..':.:::.'-~::!..:::::::;,'~' 'r----------------------------• R 1 y'Rotary' o Percussion 0 Other (describe) t·, -.0. 1 Fill out attached Driller's Log month/clay/year In addition to the driller's log, If a geologic log was prepared, please submit with this form. .~ Yes 6. Was the subject well cored? 7. Initial water-level encountered Ii )i No S~J ft. below ground 1 - 2.q~ '-' 1 Date and time of measurement: f 1. ~;. monthldaylyear time 8. Step-Drawdown Test completed? IZl No 0 Yes Attach Step-Drawdown Test fo"" (12117/97 SDPTD Form) 9. Constant Rate Aquifer Test completed? 0' No 0 Yes Attach Constant Rate Aquifer Test fo"" (12117/97 CRPTD Form) Parameters prior to pump test: 10. Water-level: i..{N ft. above msl Date and time of measurement: 8. -I,' ~ ;;, I month/day/year time 11. Chloride: ppm --'t':::... .. .."...:,I,II_--;-"'~t--:-:- ____ month/daylyear time Date and time of sampling: 12. Temperature: _______".:...F_,\v_'___ Date and time of measurement: ...'i:<, -- II . 0', month/day/year time 13. Fill in the as-built section on the other side of this sheet. 14. Fill in attached surveyor's report. 15. If a pump is not planned to be installed, please describe (below in the remarks section) how well is secured to prevent unauthorized access (example: lockable cover, threaded coupling, etc.) 16. The proposed manufacturer's rated pump capacity is ~ i / '.> gpm at a head of ~ ,.....0':' ft. 17. Remarks: Licensed Driller (print) Signature ·nlf;{q.lL,J r [WI;;'" t:' b C-57 Lic. No. Date --".J.~2:::::....,.7;...,.;;..... ··; .... { _ _ _ _ __ 91-21-07 Permittee (print) Signature Date weR1 Fonn 9112101 Page 1 of 4 o jlD2 13. AS-BUILT \I\W.....L SECTION (Please a~ach as-built if.different 'Oiagram provided below) "" _ Hole Diameter: ' 't tn. Elevation at top of casing L(.,· -ft, ft., msl* ..--*------.l (to nearest 0.01 ft.) __L~_ ~+--' Minimum of 2' Radius & 4" Thick Concrete Pad ____ .___...~_;<._:.. Bench mark elevation: -------~----~ i- -"0»> , .. , '~!f:: .~~,! <.):':~~.---. _Ground Elevation: ,1. f,'c, l..'.' ft., msl / .--~."':. Please refer to the .' ::'.1/ J I ft .• ms'* (Survey to nearesi 0.01 ft.) Cement Grout: ! j : ; ft. (min. 70% of distance from ground elevation to top of water surface or 500 ft., whichever is less.) --." HAWAII WELL CONSTRUCTION AND PUMP INSTALLATION STANDARDS ::. f ':~.:.: to ensure that your as-built is in compliance with applicable standards. '. " ::.<1.. ,:-'. - Solid Casing: (;:: 90% x (Ground Elev.-Water Level Elev») Annular space between hole and casing (min.3"): -J.-:!- Wall Thickness: '0 51 01 Bottom Elevation: ft. !-j Nominal Diameter: I~J/ . in. { ':2c Length: in. )'''1 - J~; in. "/1 ft., msl ~I Q.I x Rock or Gravel Packing: :..: >\ ,..,.- .If Total Depth I i (. ft. ~ ft. o en Material: o o t, o j:r"Perforated Screen 'z..::. Crushed Basalt Length: Rounded Gravel Nominal Diameter: __'LI ________ in. I .r. Water Level Elevation: tl Open Casing: N 74 ft. msl* t -,- ft. Wall Thickness: 0; Bottom Elevation: - I 21 j 1 in . ft., msl -+ Open Hole: Length: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ft. Diameter: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in. -, L. _________.______ _ *msl Bottom Elevalion: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ft., msl = mean sea level ~\ Solid Casing Material: Carbon Steel: compliant with (check one or more): 0 ANSIIAWNA C200 And compliant with (check one or more): Stainless Steel: (check one): 0 ASTM A242 0 API Spec. 5L 0 Type E 0 ASTM A409 (production wells) ABS Plastic conforming to ASTM F480 and ASTM 01527: (check one) 0 ASTM A 139 0 Grade B 0 Other 0 ASTM A312 (monitor wells) jfSchedule 40 PVC Plastic conforming to ASTM F480 and (ASTM 01785 or ASTM 02241): (check one): Thennoset Plastic: (check one) 0 ASTM A53 0 Type S 0 Schedule 80 .Il'Schedule 40 0 Schedule 80 0 Schedule 120 o Filament Wound Resin Pipe conforming to ASTM 02996 o Centrifugally Cast Resin Pipe conforming to ASTM 02997 o Reinforced Plastic Mortar Pressure Pipe conforming to ASTM 03517 o Glass Fiber Reinforced Resin Pressure Pipe conforming to AWNA C950 o PTFE Fluorocarbon Tubing conforming 10 ASTM 03296 o FEP Fluorocarbon Tubing conforming to ASTM 03296 Open Casing Material: Carbon Steel: compliant with (check one or more): 0 ANSIIAWNA C200 And compliant with (check one or more): Stainless Steel: (check one): 0 ASTM A242 0 API Spec. 5L 0 Type E 0 ASTM A409 (production wells) ABS Plastic conforming to ASTM F480 and ASTM 01527: (check one) 0 ASTM A 139 0 Grade B 0 Other 0 ASTM A312 (monitor wells) 0 Schedule 40 PVC Plastic conforming to ASTM F480 and (ASTM 01785 or ASTM 02241): (check one): Thennoset Plastic: (check one) 0 ASTM A53 0 Type S 0 Schedule 80 )~'Schedule 40 0 Schedule 80 0 Schedule 120 o Filament Wound Resin Pipe conforming to ASTM 02996 o Centrifugally Cast Resin Pipe conforming to ASTM 02997 o Reinforced Plastic Mortar Pressure Pipe conforming to ASTM 03517 o Glass Fiber Reinforced Resin Pressure Pipe conforming to AWNA C950 o PTFE Fluorocarbon Tubing conforming to ASTM 03296 o FEP Fluorocarbon Tubing conforming to ASTM 03296 weR1 Form 9112101 Page 2 of 4 / , ...t ·TO r "t., DRILLER'S LOG VVELL NUMBER: D 1 Depths (ft.) ! q - c "1 Rock Description, Water Level,etc. ') f:,; '-.., - - to -i - ----~-----, -Lto ,• '"',. . Dates " . i 'J,- ~ --:.-- '-, Rock Description, Water Level, etc. Dates _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 0:"'; .~ 1.... ' Depths (ft.) 'J-';' . ~.$ ~/ \;, ~_ '0 " 7'v hi .. ,'_ i f Gte,_ - '..,_ _ _ , _,,_,_~_,J'o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'_'--0.,;.' "'1 "'; .-' ...- ..::-; (..i: _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ w_____________ ____ _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ t o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ t o _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - ____ _ _ 10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ t o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ t o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ t o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ 10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~ ______ Remarks: WCR1 Form 9112101 P8ge 3 of 4 o Well Elevation 0 r-r '- Benchmark Elevation 1)$ -0 q -~ k .... i I 1 Attach photos of completed well and concrete pad showing benchmark location. I certify that the elevation shown above: 1) Was done in accordance with acceptable surveying practices 2) Is accurate to the nearest 0.01 ft. 3) Is referenced to mean sea h.:vel / '\ i / , I ../ f;1 ""- ! Surveyor License No. Date " I 0 o ! J ~ I !,, ! ; ~ ~ f i II I I o N 2~ 04·31& 'W IScf I q . 54-4 I EXA.MPLE I' :.r(.~"~l'<"', ""~ Lat: 19"36'45" _"c.. Long: 154°57' 18" U 1zc ~ "::..,.-~' " ,t SKETCH OF WELl. LOCATION (Referenced to permanent landmark, i.e. building, road, fence, etc.) Provide Latitude and Longitude of well referenced to NAD83 to nearest second weR1 Form 1117106 Page 4 of 5 ,. . , 0 Cafvary Cfiapef Xauai ~ , 'ProcCaiminn J-fispraises in tlie isCandS March 1, 2006 Dean Nakano Acting Deputy Director Commission on Water Resource Management P.O. Box 621 Honolulu, HI 96809 C"-:l Dean, Mahalo for granting us an extension on our well construction permit. It was a great blessing to receive your letter. We will be sure to contact Lenore Nakama should we have any questions. Associate r Project Coordinator Page 1 Phone: (808) 821·2228 • Fax: (808) 822-7796 • P.O. Box 1062 Kapaa, HI 96746 • Email: / LINDA LINGLE PETER T. YOUNG GOVERNOR OF HAWAII CHAIRPERSON MEREDITH J. CHING JAMES A. FRAZIER NEAL S. FUJIWARA CHIYOME L. FUKINO. M.D. LAWRENCE H MilKE. M.D .. J.D. STEPHANIE A. WHALEN STATE OF HAWAII DEAN A. NAKANO ACTING DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU. HAWAII 96809 February 24, 2006 Ref: 0419-04.ext Mr. Bruce Baumgartner Associate Pastor, Land Project Manager Calvary Chapel Kauai P.O. Box 1062 Kapaa, HI 96746 Dear Mr. Baumgartner: This is in response to your February 8, 2006 letter, requesting an extension of the Well Construction Permit for CCK #1 Well (Well No. 0419-04), which expired on January 23, 2006. According to your letter, there have been unplanned delays in securing a well drilling contractor to perform the work. Your request has been approved. The new expiration date for the Well Construction Permit is January 23, 2008. / We have received a copy of the permit executed by Mr. Marcus Frandsen of High Plains Drilling. If you decide to hire another contractor, please do not forget to have the new contractor sign another copy of the permit, and return it to us, prior to the start of any work. If you have any questions, please contact Lenore Nakama at 587-0218. Sincerely, Wf7H 1'1DEAN A. NAKANO Acting Deputy Director LYN:ss C 0 CaEvary Chape{ Xauai ProcCaimine :J{is praises in tfie isCantfs February 8, 2006 Ernest Y. W. Lau, Deputy Director Commission on Water Resource Management P.O. Box 621 Honolulu, HI 96809 RE: CCK#I, Well No. 0419-04 Dear Mr. Lau: We would like to request an extension to our Well Construction Permit referenced above. There have been unplanned delays in securing a well digging contractor to perform the work. Sin¢ely, C 1,V: Y CHAPEL KAUAI cc: Robert Hallman, Pastor Page 1 Phone: (808) 821-2228 • Fax: (808) 822-7796 • P.O. Box 1062 Kapaa, HI 96746 • Email: LINDA LINGLE PET£R T. YOUNG GOVERNOR OF HAWAII CHAIRPERSON MEREDITH J. CHING CLAYTON W. OELA CRUZ JAMES A. FRAZIER CHIYOME L. FUKINO, M.D. STEPHANIE A. WHALEN ERNEST YW. LAU STATE OF HAWAII DEPUTY DIRE-CrQR DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 February 20, 2004 Ref:0419-04.let Mr. Bruce Baumgartner Calvary Chapel Kauai P.O. Box 1062 Kapaa, HI 96746 Dear Mr. Baumgartner: This is in response to your letter dated February 10,2004, requesting an extension of time to complete the work authorized under the Well Construction Permit for Well No. 0419-04. We understand that construction was delayed due to changes in the type and extent of development first envisioned, well placement concerns (regarding the presence of cesspools), and changes in personnel at the church. Your request is hereby approved. The new expiration date for the well construction permit is January 23,2006/ Please be aware that the Hawaii Well Construction and Pump Installation Standards have been updated, and you should comply with these new standards. A copy can be found at our website at If you have any questions, please contact Lenore Nakama at 587-0218 or toll-free at 274-3141, extension 70218. Sincerely, ERNEST Y.W. LAU Deputy Director LN:ss o o MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD FROM:Lenore Nakama SUBJECT: Request for Extension of Well Construction Permit (or Well No. 0419-04 2/17/04 Called Bruce Baumgartner to ask for a brief explanation for the need for an extension (per Standard Condition 10 which requires a showing of good cause and good-faith performance). Bruce explained that there were several reasons for the delay. They were at first working on developing 2 lots on 56 acres, so there were a lot of placement questions and issues. They have since decided to concentrate only of the upper lot, so they have changed the type of development first envisioned. They have also been working on well siting to avoid being near existing cesspools. Lastly, there have been changes in the personnal at the church. John Young, our contact for the permits, has had extensive back surgery and has been away. He is not expected to return for another month at least. Bruce said they would like a 2-year extension of time. o o CCP'~·iS..r~~\,i:~I~l r'(:~' ~Jr.!\~~~~ February 10, 2004 RF ,'JLI",,' """,,·,[1, Water Resource Management Commission Chairperson P.O. Box 621 Honolulu, ill 96809 RE: CCK #1, Well No. 0419-04 Dear Commission Chairperson: We would like to request an extension to our Well Construction Permit referenced above. cc. Robert Hallman, Pastor Phone: (808) 821-2228 P.O. Box 1062 Kapaa, HI 96746 E-Mail: c r March 13, 2002 Water Resource Management Commission Chairperson P.O. Box 621 Honolulu, Hi 96809 Dear Commission Chairperson: Our intent is to start this work within 2 weeks. / ~:~;?It~~ ~Z-M. Galv;P' Secretary Phone: (808) 821-2228 P.O. Box 1062 Kapaa, HI 96746 E-Mail: OWEll CONSTRUCTION PERMIT(J CCK#1, Well No. 0419-04 Note: This permit shall be prominently displayed at the site until the work is completed In accordance with Department of Land and Natural Resources, Commission on Water Resource Management's Administrative Rules, Section 13-168, entitled 'Water Use, Wells, and Stream Diversion Works", this document permits the construction and testing of C(3,K #1 (Well No. 0419-04) at Kapaa Bypass Road, Kauai, TMK 4-3-4:6, subject to the Hawaii Well Construction & Pump Installation Standards (1/23/97) which include but are not limited to the following conditions: 1. The Chairperson of the Commission on Water Resource Management (Commission), P.O. Box 621, Honolulu, HI 96809, shall be notified, in writing, at least two (2) weeks before any work authorized by this permit commences and staff shall be allowed to inspect installation activities in accordance with §13-168-15, Hawaii Administrative Rules. 2. The well construction permit shall be for construction and testing of the well only. A minimum 1114-inch diameter monitor tube shall be permanently installed, in a manner acceptable to the Chairperson, to accurately record water levels. The permittee, well operator, and/or well owner shal coordinate with the Chairperson and conduct a pumping test in accordance with the Standards (a pump testing worksheet is attached). The permittee, well operator, and/or well owner shall submit to the Chairperson the test results as a basis for supporting an application to install a permanent pump and withdraw water for use. No permanent pump may be installed until a pump installation permit is approved and issued by the Chairperson. 3. In basal ground water, the depth of the well may not exceed one-fourth (1/4) of the theoretical thickness (41 times initial head) of the basal ground water unless otherwise authorized by the Chairperson. 4. The permittee, well operator, and/or well owner shall incorporate mitigation measures to prevent construction debris from entering the aquatic environment, to schedule work to avoid periods of high rainfall, and to revegetate any cleared areas as soon as possible. 5. In the event that subsurface cultural remains such as artifacts, burials or concentrations of shells or charcoal are encountered during construction, the permittee, well operator, and/or weil owner shall stop work and contact the Department's Historic Preservation immediately. 6. The proposed well construction shall not adversely affect existing or future legal uses of water in the area, including any surface water or established instream flow standards. This permit or the authorization to construct the well shall not constitute a determinalion of correlative water rights. 7. The following shall be submitted to the Chairperson within sixty (60) days after completion of work: a. Well completion report, (attached· Part I, Well Construction Report). b. Elevation (referenced to mean sea level, msl) survey by a Hawaii-licensed surveyor. c. As-built sectional drawing of the well. d. Plot plan and map showing the exact location of the well. e. Complete pumping test records, induding time, pumping rate, drawdown, chloride content, and other data. 8. The per:mitteE!.LlNell op~rator, and/or well owner shall comply with all applicable laws, rules, and ordinances: non-compliance may be grounds for revocation of U1;S permit. 9. The well construction permit application is incorporated into this permit by reference and is subject to the Hawaii Well Construction & Pump Installation Standards (January 23, 1997; HWCPIS). If the HWCPIS are not followed and as a consequence water is wasted or contaminated, a lien on the property may result. 10. The permit may be revoked by the Commission if work is not started within six (6) months after the date of approval or if work is suspended or abandoned for six (6) months, unless otherwise specified. The work proposed in the well construction permit application shall be completed within two (2) years from the date of permit approval, unless otherwise specified. The permit may be extended by the Chairperson upon a showing of good cause and good-faith performance. A request to extend the permit shall be submitted to the Chairperson no later than three (3) months prior to the date the permit expires. If the commencement date is not met, the Commission may revoke the permit after giving the permittee, well operator, and/or well owner notice of the proposed action and an opportunity to be heard. 11. If the well is not to be used it must be properly capped. If the well is to be abandoned then the permittee, well operator, and/or well owner must apply for a well abandonment permit in accordance with §13-168-12(f) prior to any well sealing or plugging work. 12. The permittee, its successors, and assigns shall indemnify, defend, and hold the State of Hawaii harmless from and against any loss, liability, claim, or demand for property damage, p'ersonal injury, or death arising out of any act or omission of the applicant, assigns, officers, employees, contractors, and agents under this permit or relating to or connected with the granting of this permit. 13. Spea,' oo"",tion, " Ihe ,"ohed oo~, ..,,,,,"10' ~..""' ""'""""ted he"," Date of Approval: Expiration Date: January 23, 2002 January 23, 2004 by cefe",,~ g ~ GILBERT S. COLOMA-AGARAN, Chairperson Commission on Water Resource Management I have read the conditions and terms of this permit and understand them, I accept and agree to meet these conditions as a prerequisite and underlying condition of my ability to proceed and understand that I shall not commence work until I and the driller have signed, dated, and returned the permit to the Commission, I also understand that non-compliance with any permit condition may be grounds for revocation and fines of up to $1000 per day starting from the pe it ate of approval. Permittee's Signature:_~+-+---..,~~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Printed Name: Driller's Signature: 7J1/J~]A~ Printed Name: )rjo., '('t;l{S rt'4bPSEh.. J1'3) O::t Firm or Title: --={,--=Q.:;...:..,}V,--a--,-r--;~t--=C-,-,h"",",Gi"-pe,"""""I~K~a(;J:..L.q . . . j_ . Date: ) C-57License#:~~tJ Date: 3'-127-aa... Firm or Title: ~ eA~ ~.&1JiiJ Please sign both copies of this permit, return one to the Chairperson, and retain the other for your records. Attachment c: USGS Department of Health! Safe Drinking Water, Wastewater, and Clean Water Branches Kauai Department of Water Supply BENJAMIN J. CAYETANO GILBERT S. COLOMA·AGARAN GOVERNOR OF HAWAII CHAIRPERSON BRUCE S. ANDERSON MEREDITH J. CHING CLAYTON W. DELA CRUZ BRIAN C. NISHIDA HERBERT M. RICHARDS, JR. LlNNEL T. NISHIOKA STATE OF HAWAII DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 January 3D, 2002 0419-04 CCK #1.wCP Mr. John Young Calvary Chapel Kauai P.O. Box 1062 Kapaa, HI 96746 Dear Mr. Young: Well Construction Permit CCK #1 (Well No. 0419·04) Enclosed are two (2) copies of your approved Well Construction Permit for the captioned we that authorize well construction activities but excludes installation work for your permanent pump, As part of the Chairperson's approval, the following special conditions were added and are part of your permit under Permit Condition 13: Special Conditions 1, Attached for your information is a copy of the Department of Health's (DOH) review comments. Please note DOH's requirements related to discharge of effluent from well drilling and testing activities. 2. To prevent contamination, the annular space of the well must be sealed with grout from the ground surface to a minimum depth of 500 feet or 70% of the vertical distance between the ground surface and the top of the aquifer selected for exploration, long-term monitoring, or development, whichever depth is less. This permit does not authorize work for your permanent pump installation. Approval and issuance of your pump installation permit is contingent upon completed application and information provided to and accepted by Commission staff as required in the Well Construction & Pump Installation Standards (1/23/97) and any special conditions performed under this permit. However, a permanent pump may be installed prior to the permanent pump installation permit issuance in accordance with the Commission's April 15, 1998 Declaratory Ruling No. DEC-ADM98-G5, which states that: "Permanent pump installation for capacities between 0-70 gpm and where the proposed use is for private individual needs in non-ground-water management areas may be allowed prior to the final pump installation permit issuance. When required as a condition of the well construction permit, subsequent pumping tests shall validate the acceptability of the permanent pump. The permanent pump installed prior to final pump installation permit issuance is subject to removal if the testing shows that a smaller pump is required to reduce the potential of affecting neighboring wells and localized upconing at the applicant's well. " Mr. John Young Page 2 January 30, 2002 If you qualify and wish to take advantage of this ruling, please include a written request to install the permanent pump prior to final pump installation permit issuance when you return to us your signed well construction permit. Please sign and have the contractor sign both permit originals and return one for our files. Also, copies of the aquifer pump test worksheet and the well completion report form are enclosed for your use. IMPORTANT - Drilling work shall not commence until a fully signed permit is returned to the Commission. Please provide all the information in this packet to your well drilling contractor (a C-57 license is required). The permittee, well operator, and/or well owner are responsible for all conditions of the permit. This includes ensuring that the well construction contractor, or other party who constructs the well(s), submits a completed Part I of the Well Completion Report form (enclosed) within sixty (60) days after the well construction work is completed. Be advised that you may be subject to fines of up to $1000 per day for any violations of your permit conditions starting from the permit approval date. If you have any questions, please call Lenore Nakama of the Commission staff at 587-0218 or toll-free at 274-3141, extension 70218. ~BJ.a1r GILBERT S. COLOMA-AGARAN Chairperson Enclosures ~ WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMO CCK#1, Well No. 0419-04 Note: This permit shall be prominently displayed at the site until the work is completed In accordance with Department of Land and Natural Resources, Commission on Water Resource Management's Administrative Rules, Section 13-168, entitled 'Water Use, Wells, and Stream Diversion Works", this document permits the construction and testing of CCK #1 (Well No. 0419-04) at Kapaa Bypass Road, Kauai, TMK 4-3-4:6, subject to the Hawaii We" Construction & Pump Insta"ation Standards (1/23/97) which include but are not limited to the following conditions: 1. The Chairperson of the Commission on Water Resource Management (Commission), P.O. Box 621, Honolulu, HI 96809, shall be notified, in writing, at least two (2) weeks before any work authorized by this permit commences and staff shall be allowed to inspect installation activities in accordance with § 13-168-15, Hawaii Administrative Rules. 2. The well construction permit shall be for construction and testing of the well only. A minimum 11/4-inch diameter monitor tube shall be permanently installed, in a manner acceptable to the Chairperson, to accurately record water levels. The permittee, well operator, and/or well owner shall coordinate with the Chairperson and conduct a pumping test in accordance with the Standards (a pump testing worksheet is attached). The permittee, well operator, and/or well owner shall submit to the Chairperson the test results as a basis for supporting an application to install a permanent pump and withdraw water for use. No permanent pump may be installed until a pump installation permit is approved and issued by the Chairperson. 3. In basal ground water, the depth of the well may not exceed one-fourth (1/4) of the theoretical thickness (41 times initial head) of the basal ground water unless otherwise authorized by the Chairperson. 4. The permittee, well operator, and/or well owner shall incorporate mitigation measures to prevent construction debris from entering the aquatic environment, to schedule work to avoid periods of high rainfall, and to revegetate any cleared areas as soon as possible. 5. In the event that subsurface cultural remains such as artifacts, burials or concentrations of shells or charcoal are encountered during construction, the permittee, well operator, and/or well owner shall stop work and contact the Department's Historic Preservation immediately. 6. The proposed well construction shall not adversely affect existing or future legal uses of water in the area, including any surface water or established instream flow standards. This permit or the authorization to construcf the well shall not constitute a determinalion of correlative water rights. 7. The following shall be submitted to the Chairperson within sixty (60) days after completion of work: a. Well completion report, (attached - Part I, Well Construction Report). b. Elevation (referenced to mean sea level, msl) survey by a Hawaii-licensed surveyor. c. As-built sectional drawing of the well. d. Plot plan and map showing the exact location of the well. e. Complete pumping test records, including time, pumping rate, drawdown, chloride content, and other data. 8. The perynitteEl.Lwell op~rator, and/or well owner shall comply with all applicable laws, rules, and ordinances; non-compliance may be grounds for . revocation of mlS permit. 9. The well construction permit application is incorporated into this permit by reference and is subject to the Hawaii Well Construction & Pump Installation Standards (January 23, 1997; HWCPIS). If the HWCPIS are not followed and as a consequence water is wasted or contaminated, a lien on the property may result. 10. The permit may be revoked by the Commission if work is not started within six (6) months after the date of app'roval or if work is suspended or abandoned for six (6) months, unless otherwise specified. The work proposed In the well construction permit application shall be completed within two (2) years from the date of permit approval, unless otherwise specified. The permit may be extended by the Chairperson upon a showing of good cause and good-faith performance. A request to extend the permit shall be submitted to the Chairperson no later than three (3) months prior to the date the permit expires. If the commencement date is not met, the Commission may revoke the permit after giving the permittee, well operator, and/or well owner notice of the proposed action and an opportunity to be heard. 11. If the well is not to be used it must be properly capped. If the well is to be abandoned then the permittee, well operator, and/or well owner must apply for a well abandonment permit in accordance with §13-168-12(f) prior to any well sealing or plugging work. 12. The permittee, its successors, and assigns shall indemnify, defend, and hold the State of Hawaii harmless from and against any loss, liability, claim, or demand for property damage, p'ersonal injury, or death arising out of any act or omission of the applicant, assigns, officers, employees, contractors, and agents under this permit or relating to or connected with the granting of this permit. 13. Spedal oond'ti~. '" thea_ed _,""~lttallette,a~ '"00_"" he""" -~~ ~ by Date of Approval: Expiration Date: January 23, 2002 January 23, 2004 tv GILBERT S. COLOMA-AGARAN, Chairperson Commission on Water Resource Management I have read the conditions and terms of this permit and understand them. I accept and agree to meet these conditions as a prerequisite and underlying condition of my ability to proceed and understand that I shall not commence work until I and the driller have signed, dated, and returned the permit to the Commission. I also understand that non-compliance with any permit condition may be grounds for revocation and fines of up to $1000 per day starting from the permit date of approval. Date: _ _ _ _ _ __ Permittee's Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Firm or Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Printed Name: Driller's Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C-S7 License # : _ _ _ _ _ Date: _ _ _ _ _ __ Firm or Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Printed Name: Please sign both copies of this permi~ return one to the Chairperson, and retain the other for your records. Attachment c: USGs Department of Health! Safe Drinking Water, Wastewater, and Clean Water Branches Kauai Department of Water Supply JI 42 c: 12 a I 53 lotJ JO t,) c 53 !Hi ~ I 27 wE>-l-~O. 36 O,..\\q·O~ 5~ , 22 I / \ '.4io.~ / 120 // o o Search Results o o Page 1 of 1 Copyright 12/11/2001 by Hawaii Information Service PUBLIC RECORD DATA Taxkey Subdiv/Condo 4-4-3-4-6Kapaa Rice & Kula lots Property TnrAddress A Owner/Lessee BedsBaths OHAI,REUBEN M TR fETAL lEWIS, LA VERNE D/VADA B Land area 11.15 ac Living area This information has been supplied by third parties and has not been independently verified by Hawaii Information Service and is, therefore not uaranteed. 12111/01 o Well No. Well Name Applicant o data 0419-04 Date of Review Reviewer CCK#1 Calvary Chapel Kauai ............ r ifljifljJ/i/" RRI SECTION 1: WELL LOCATION INFORMATION Island Aquifer System Aquifer Sector KAUAI LIHUE ANAHOLA Proposed Use Proposed Withdrawal System Sustainable Yield SECTION 2: WELL SECTION DATA (enter data in grey cells only) Elevation at top of casing ft., m.s.1. ft., m.s.1. ft. ft. Ground Elevation Cement Grout Rock Packing Hole Diameter Total Depth #VALUEI 12000 36 Solid Casing Material Designation Length Diameter Wall Thickness in. ft. Casing Estimated Head Calculated Aquifer Thickness _________ ft., m.s.1. Material Designation Length Diameter Wall Thickness Openings Open Hole 1025 ft. County Water Supply (YIN ?) Length Diameter SECTION 3: CHECKLIST Depth of Well below Sea Level Well Casing Minimum Wall Thickness Material County or Non-County Minimum Thickness per standards Length of solid casing Provided Casing Material Annular Space Depth of Grouting Calculated Depth of Grouting Depth of Grouting provided Thickness of Annular Space in. in. ft. in. (values to check are shaded) Well Depth Theoretical Thickness of Aquifer 1/4 Aquifer Thickness Wall Thickness Provided Minimum Length of Solid Casing 90% of ground to top of aquifer ft. 1025 ft. 256.3 ft. 72 ft. PVC non-county 0.237 in. 0.250 in. 2.7 ft. 80 ft. Sch40 2.1 ft. Oft. ----4-in. (refer to HWCPIS Section 2.2) okay (disregard if the well is not basal) okay (refer to HWCPIS Section 2.4 c) (disregard this if this is a non-county well) okay (refer to HWCPIS Section 2.4 d) okay (refer to HWCPIS Section 2.4 e) If the cell above reads #N/A, reference HWCPIS) not enough (refer to HWCPIS Section 2.6 c) okay (refer to HWCPIS Section 2.6 d) Page 1 Jan-Z3-0Z 10:30am From-HI DEPT OF< HEALTH 808-586-4370 ~ T-736 P<OZ/05 F-5ZZ eENJAfoIlN J. CAYETANO GOA.MNCAOF ....,.. ~s.ANDeRSON MalEOmt J. CHING ClAYTON W. DELA CRUZ BRIAN C. NISHIDA kERIIaIT ~. RICHARDS. JR. LINIEL T. NIIitftOKA IIINIY~QO STATE OF HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF LANO AND NATURAL RESOURCE'S COMMISSION ON WAT;':~;!?URCE MANAGEMENT RECEIVED SAFE DRINKING WATER BRANCH HONOLIlLU. HAWAII 9B1\09 January 7, 2002 TO: Honorable Bruce S. Anderson. Director Department of Health Attention: Dennis Tulang, Wastewater Branch William Wong. Safe Drinking Water Branch Dr. Keith Kawaoka, Ha:zardous Evaluation and Emergency Response Alec wong, Clean Water Branch . FROM: Gilbert S. Colorna-Agaran, Chairperson Commission on Water Resource Management SUBJECT: Well Construction/Pump Installation Permit Application CCK #1 (Well No. 0419-04) ~O --1 J. U~V Transmitted for your review and comment is a copy of the captioned well application; Please find the attached maps to locate the proposed well. If you have any questions about this permit applic;ation, r~uest additional information, or request additional review time, please contact Lenore Nakama of the Commission staff at 581-0218. LN:ss Attachment(s) RESPONSE: TtIi& wall qualiflec; 11& a &Outea wNch will seNIl 85 e 60uree of polSbIe walSr to ~ publIC wSl4Ir &y&lam (CleflnllCllI6 ~rving 25 or mora peoPle 1I11Oast 110 day& par year or hali 15 or mOte Sf;rvic;e connection6) 11l1li mUlit receive DirEctOr Or HeaRn appravalJll12t to 11:1 to QDI11PIy with Hawaii AQminililr~1ive RIJI~ (HAR), TIlle' 1. Chapter 20, RLlles Relating to POIBbie Water S~terna, !i11-20:S:- '*' [I [I eo Tm _11110815 nOC ALlIllify 11& II &ource serving a public: wltor Iy:nem (/lerve~ 1066 lhan 25 people or rJ1(Ire people at teast daY.' per yellr or 15 IieIVica coonection&) anclif tna waD WSlSr is used lor artnklnQ, tile ptIv\lle owner ,hould 18&1 for b3C1eriolOgical arid Chamal ptIIIIenco before initillting r;udJ ullC llno roulinety monllor Ihe water 'lualilylnerealler. Howe\IOr. If t"tu,", ~n ... eo u&e frOm U'liS SOI.I~ increases 10 Mdelllle p.IbtIc: water 8)11Jtelll Clefinitiofl than DlftICIor of tiallllh approvdl is Mquitecl QdQJ: Ie Imp!emetltallon. II VIe well III u~ to supply both p'olIIPllilllnd non-potBbIe PUrp0&8:5 in a Single Sy5Iem. the shall eliminate ~ and bllCldlow CDOneaiOn'EP ieally lICpatadng pOUIble lind non-poliIbIe &y&IBI'n& I>yan ilit gap or lin BpprovecItl8CkfIcw prllV8mar. and by dully labeling all wiIh wamtne slOne to pre\relll jnadvartenl coflliumplion or non·poUIDlS wBter. Backnow prevention devlaas Should be I'OUUneIy U&Bf non1lOlatlie II inspcaecs a II [1 [1 tanId. II d~& pOl appear tIUIllt!iS wtlY WIll be UlICCS for c:onllumplive pulPOifiN> lind i& not subjtICI to SIIIIiI Drinking VIIalel' Regulatiom;. For the ajlPliGant'& itlformallcm, a of possible waSlBWBlEr contamination llls [1 if; attached)< . nOlloeated near uw propo&ad well site (inlOnnation An NPDES pwmit is required. IX! Other I1Ilavant DOH Rlle&lragulations. Intormalloll, or reallIlmundllllonllllrll "rtildUld. [ ] No commentslOlljocticm; Contact Person: Stuart Yamada Signed: _ _ _~ .....~",, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~_ Phone; 586-4258 Date: _-=O~1/~2::..::::3:.L./~02~_ _ Jan-Z3-0Z 10:30am .-. From-HI DEPT OF HEALTH 808-586-4370 T-736 P.03/05 2-0419-04 Kauai The Department of Health, Safe Drinking Water Branch has the following additional comments for the Well ConstructionlPump Installation Permit Application fOT the CCK Well No.1 (Well No. 2-0419-04 Kauai): Please be advised that the Department of Health has experienced drinking water and groundwater contamination by submersible pumps containing mercury. Specifically, the failure of the seals ofthe pumps allowed mercury to leak out into the well shaft resulting in contamination of the well and the water served by the well. .Please review your pump specifications to be sure that the submersible pump(s) you are proposing to use do not contain materials which could result in either groundwater contamination or drinking water contamination. 1115/02 F-5ZZ o BENJAMIN o J. CAYETANO GILBERT S. COLOMA-AGARAN GOVERNOR OF HAWAII CHAIRPERSON BRUCE S. ANDERSON MEREDITH J. CHING CLAYTON W. DELA CRUZ BRIAN C. NISHIDA HERBERT M. RICHARDS. JR. LlNNEL T. NISHIOKA DEPUTY DtRECTOR STATE OF HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU. HAWAII 96809 January 7, 2002 TO: Honorable Bruce S. Anderson, Director Department of Health Attention: Dennis Tulang, Wastewater Branch William Wong, Safe Drinking Water Branch Dr. Keith Kawaoka, Hazardous Evaluation and Emergency Response Alec Wong, Clean Water BranC~h • FROM: Gilbert S. Coloma-Agaran, Chairperson Commission on Water Resource Management SUBJECT: . 1. . . Well Construction/Pump Installation Permit Application CCK #1 (Well No. 0419-04) Transmitted for your review and comment is a copy of the captioned well application. We would appreciate your comments on the captioned application for any conflicts or inconsistencies with the programs, plans, and objectives specific to your department. Please respond by returning this cover memo form by January 23. 2002. If we do not receive comments or a request for additional review time by this date, we will assume that you have no comments. Please find the attached maps to locate the proposed well. If you have any questions about this permit application, request additional information, or request additional review time, please contact Lenore Nakama of the Commission staff at 587-0218. LN:ss Attachment(s) RESPONSE: [I This well qualifies as a source which will serve as a source of potable water to a public water system (defined as serving 25 or more peop'le at least 60 days per year or has 15 or more service connections) and must receive Director of Health approval prior to its use to comply with Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR). Title 11. Chapter 20. Rules Relating to Potable Water Systems. §11-20-29. [I This well does not qualify as a source serving a public water system (serves less than 25 people or more people at least 60 days per year or 15 service connections) and if the well water is used for drinking. the private owner should test for bacteriological and chemical presence before initiating such use and routinely monitor the water quality thereafter. However. if future planned use from this source increases to meet the public water system definition then Director of Health approval is required prior to implementation. [I If the well is used to supply both potable and non-potable purposes in a single system. the user shall eliminate cross-connections and backflow connections by physically separating potable and non-potable systems by an air gap or an approved backflow preventer, and by clearly labeling all non-potable spigots with warning signs to prevent inadvertent consumption of non-potable water. Backflow prevention devices should be routinely inspected and tested. .-~ [I It does not appear that this well will be used for consumptive purposes and is not subject to Safe Drinking Water Regulations. [I For the applicant's information, a source of possible wastewater contamination [11s [1 is not located near the proposed well site (mfd:rmation'l a t t a c h e d ) . , _ [I [I An NPDES permit is required. .... Other relevant DOH rules/regulations, information, or recommendations are attached. commentsiObjectio~s '. ND f:£ c() ~~'. Orrft IR . Contact Person: 10 VI N ~lIYaVtC J>( No 'f't(j / Sign~ 7fJ ~<~ Phone: Date: r c._ ::;:::0 680iz--tjO /- 17-IJ-OOL -n ~an-16-2002 From-DEPT OF HEALTH ENVIRONMENTAL MNGMT 02:38pm 8085864352 T-728 P.Oo2/oo2 F-228 /:;::IU _. - - BENJAMIN J. CAYETAJIIO GILBERT - a. COlOMl\-ABIIRAN r:-.~D~~=N ClA't'TONW_DB.ACAU2 J:'".. I )~ ," I i : ['6 BRIAN C_ NISHIDA • HERIIEItT M. RlCHAADS. JR : ; .j .-..n_ UNNa T. NISHIOICA STATE OF HAWAII DePARTMENT OF LAND AND NATUAAl- FlESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. IIOX 621 HONOLUW, HAWAII 9II8OQ RECEIVED SAFE DRINKING WATER BRANCH January 7, 2002 JA! '''-! .; "lnM ;\: .L,. ~ Honorable Bruce S. Anderson, Director Department of Health Attention: Dennis Tulang, Wastewater Branch William Wong, Safe Drinking Water Branch Dr. Keith Kawaoka, Hazardous Evaluation and Emergency Response Alec Wong, Clean Water Branch TO: cIAifJ ;rr( • j . .,. \. FROM: Gilbert S. Coloma-Agaran, Chairperson Commission on Water Resource Management SUBJECT: Well Construction/Pump lnstallation Permit Application CCK #1 (Well No. 0419-04) ..- Transmitted for your review and comment is a copy of the captioned well application. We would appreciate your comments on the captioned application for any conflicts or inconsistencies with the programs, plans. and objeCtives specific to your department. Please respond by returning this cover memo form by January 23. 200~. If we do not receive comments or a request for additional review time by this date, we wUi assume that you have no comments. Please find the attached maps to locate the proposed well. If you have any questions about this permit application, request additional information, or request additional review time, please contact Lenore Nakama of the Commission staff at 587-0218, LN:ss Attachment(s) RESPONSE: ( ) ( ) This well qulllilia& as a SOurce wlliCh will seMI 118 a source of potable Wilier to II public Wlllar syslem (dafined i1& serving 25 or mom peopla 111.6160 da~ per >'e.IIr or lias 15 or more S8N1ce COlInealona) and must r~e DlrllClOr of Health appl'DI/al prim'to it& u&a1D oomply with Ka~i AdmInlSlI'alive Rules (teAR). Tille 11. Chapter 20. RUles Relating to POllible WIlIer Syolemu, !j11-Zl;S:l1\IS well doel nOlllUalify as • soulee seMlla II public: W1I1eI' system (serves less Ullin ZS peopJe or mora pll(lple at Ie~t 60 dllY'l per Y.IIar or Hi SIII'I1c:e aJnneaiOllCl) lno If tI1B wal water is usee! fOr drinking, the pnval6 owner :ohould losl for Dac:lerlologlcal arid cllemk;al prelillflC8 before Inllinn!' suCh Bnd routinely mOllitOt the WIlIer Qulllitv IhBreaflsr. HllWlMlr, if future P\lInned USB from !hili IiDUICII inaeilSes to moat the pubic wafsr sy&1Bl1l definition then Olnlc:tor of HlIlJlth ilpprDViinli ""'Iuired prior ID impiemenUlIiQn. 1,158 II ( ) [I [ ) )( [I If tna well Is uS«ICI to 6Upply both pOtable and non-j)Otabie PUtpOS8S In a Single syStem, lhe user sllaD ellmlll8'l8 crOBa-connectlonS and backllOw poIIIble and non-poIiIbIa syr;tsrm; I>Y lin air gap or an iIDPI'OVC<l backllOw prc:wnIIIr, and by Clcarty lilbaling all non·pOll'*' & wId'I wamlng signa 10 prevent inadvertenl conlilolmpdon of non.polJlbla wiotar. Backflow prlMlfllion daviCllIi &I\ould be routinely Insp8ded 18&!Bd. cannaclion~1ly pn lcaly l8~rillInIl It dOllS nOllppeerWillhi1i wall WIll be U$ed rot consumptive putpOses and 1$ not subject to Safe Orlnkitlg Willii' ~gUIaIlonI. For IhB applicant's infCrmallon, a lOurce of PQIIelble WII~1ar contllmlnlltlOll []I& [ ] Iii nollDClllBd nBar the prapo&Bd wall &ita (informalion allac:hICI,. . All NPOES permit i6 requil'ld. OItlar relevant OOH ruleelrQgula!ion&. information. or moom01t'lndaliOn& am attached. NO eomm8n1111Q~ecIion& Contact Person: _..,.A~L,,---=ec-=-----.JIW,------,l)__~=--ioo-_ _~_ sig"ed;---'o:,Q~·~",:#-l~~~""-lV~~~+,_ _ _ _ __ --- ... __ .-_... Phone: S'?6-lk3 Q j Date: tt th (O2-·~JAl?() ~. .- !an-16-2002 02:38pm From-DEPT OF HE.ALTH ENVIRONt.£NTAL MNGMT 8085864352 T-728 P.001/002 F-228 The Department of Health, Clean Water Branch has the fol/owing comments: 1. For Well-Drilling Activities Any discharge to State waters of treated process wastewater effluent associated with well drilling activities is regulated by Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 11. Chapter 55, Appendix I, effective September 22, 1997. Treated process wastewater effluent covered by this general permit includes well drilling slurries, lubricating fluids wastewaters, and well purge wastewaters. This general· permit does not cover well pump testing. The applicable Notice of Intent Forms and filing fee shall be submitted at least thirty (30) days before the start of discharge to the Department of Health, Clean Water Branch at 919 Ala Moana Bou/evard, Room 301, Honolulu, Hawaii 96814-4920 or P.O. Box 3378, Honolulu, Hawaii 96801-3378. Inquiries may be directed to the Clean Water Branch at (808) 586-4309 or by fax at (808) 586-4352. 2. For Well Pump Testing The discharger shall take all measures necessary to prevent the discharge of pollutants from entering State waters. Such measures shall include, if necessary. containment of the initial diSCharge until the discharge is essentially free of pollutants. If the discharge is entering a stream or river bed, best management practices shall be implemented to prevent the discharge from disturbing the clarity of the receiving water. If the discharge is entering a storm drain, the discharger must obtain written permission from the owner of that storm drain prior to discharge. Furthermore, best management practices shall be implemented to prevent the discharge from collecting sediments and other pollutants prior to entering the 5tOfT!! drain. JS/cr -----_. - '-- --.--.-----~ o BENJAMIN J. CAYETANO GILBERT S. COLOMA·AGARAN GOVERNOR OF HAWAII CHAIRPERSON BRUCE S. ANDERSON MEREDITH J. CHING CLAYTON W. DELA CRUZ BRIAN C. NISHIDA HERBERT M. RICHAROS. JR. LlNNEL T. NISHIOKA DEPUTY DIRECTOR STATE OF HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 January 7, 2002 Harry Yada, Acting Administrator Land Division TO: i,..-A) j /") lnf/ Linnel T. Nishioka, Deputy Director ~V' u {~~ Commission on Water Resource Management FROM: SUBJECT: Well Construction/Pump Installation Permit Application CCK #1 (Well No. 0419-04) Transmitted for your review and comment is a copy of the captioned well application which includes a request for a pump installation permit. We would appreciate your comments on the captioned application with regard to the programs, plans, and objectives specific to your division. Please respond by returning this cover memo form by January 23, 2002. If we do not receive comments or a request for additional review time by this date, we will assume you have no comments. Please find the attached maps to locate the proposed well. If you have any questiOns about this permit application, request additional information, or request additional review time, pleas~ contact Lenore Nakama of the Commission staff at 587-0218. : ) LN:ss Attachment(s ) RESPONSE: [1 A water lease/permit is required of this applicant and an application for such will be requested' by our~ision. Lxlx A water lease/permit is not required of this applicant. [1 A water lease/permit has been obtained by the applicant through lease no. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ [1 This well project [ 1requires [ ] does not require a COUP. If a COUP is required it [ not been approved and [ 1is [ ] is not currently active. [ ] Other relevant Land Division rules/regulations, information, or recommendations are [ ] No objections coon 1has 2: atta~~.~,? ?; ::.:; ~: ,-.-:::: . [~x Other comments: Contact Person: Orl' gl' na1 source of prlva . t e t 1. t1 e lS . Gr in 1910. Gary Martin Phone: ~ $; Z r ?: ::u S f'T1 ari/~~",5 2 3 7c:::,i S S ~ tl~:~'~~ U ~~ 58 7 - 0 4 iJ-;:o ~) 0" -(,....l~~~ C/') Signed:_~c.....L_,-+_~ _ _ _ _ _·_ _ _ _ _ __ [ 1 has 9_2_00_2_ Date: _JA_N__ W• en c:::- - 0 Z 0 e - / BENJAMIN J. CAYETANO GILBERT S. COLOMA·AGARAN GOVERNOR Of HAWAII CHAIRPERSON BRUCE S. ANDERSON MEREDITH J. CHING CLAYTON W. DELA CRUZ BRIAN C. NISHIDA HERBERT M. RICHARDS, JR. LlNNEL T. NISHIOKA STATE OF HAWAII DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 January 7, 2002 0419·04,rev Mr. John Young Calvary Chapel Kauai P,O. Box 1062 Kapaa, HI 96746 Dear Mr. Young: Well Construction/Pump Installation Permit Application for Well No. 0419-04 We acknowledge receipt, on December 21, 2001, of your completed Well Construction/Pump Installation permit application and filing fee for the CCK #1 (Well No. 041904). You can expect your application to be processed within ninety (90) days from this date. For your information, the process of constructing a well is normally regulated and permitted in two (2) steps. First, a well construction permit is issued for drilling and testing purposes only. Based upon information provided by you through a Well Completion Report Part 1 (Well Construction), a pump installation permit (upon completed application) may then be issued to authorize pump work. If a pump is installed then a Well Completion Report Part 2 (Pump Installation) is required. If you have any questions about your permit application, please contact Lenore Nakama of the Commission staff at 587-0218 or toll-free at 274-3141, extension 70218. ~J& L1NNE.L T. NISHIOKA Deputy Director LN:ss c: Jean Ohai BENJAMIN J. CAYETANO GILBERT S. COLOMA-AGARAN GOVERNOR OF HAWAII CHAIRPERSON BRUCE S. ANDERSON MEREDITH J. CHING CLAYTON W. DELA CRUZ BRIAN C. NISHIDA HERBERT M. RICHARDS, JR. LlNNEL T. NISHIOKA OEPIJT'V DIRECTOR STATE OF HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 January 7, 2002 TO: Honorable Bruce S. Anderson, Director Department of Health Attention: Dennis Tulang, Wastewater Branch William Wong, Safe Drinking Water Branch Dr. Keith Kawaoka, Hazardous Evaluation and Emergency Response ~. .... Alec Wong, Clean Water Bran~Ch. FROM: Gilbert S. Coloma-Agaran, Chairperson Commission on Water Resource Management SUBJECT: . 1. . . . Well Construction/Pump Installation Permit Application CCK #1 (Well No. 0419-04) Transmitted for your review and comment is a copy of the captioned well application. We would appreciate your comments on the captioned application for any conflicts or inconsistencies with the programs, plans, and objectives specific to your department. Please respond by returning this cover memo form by January 23, 2002. If we do not receive comments or a request for additional review time by this date, we will assume that you have no comments. Please find the attached maps to locate the proposed well. If you have any questions about this permit application, request additional information, or request additional review time, please contact Lenore Nakama of the Commission staff at 587-0218. LN:ss Attachment( s) RESPONSE: [1 This well qualifies as a source which will serve as a source of potable water to a public water system (defined as serving 25 or more peop'le at least 60 days per year or has 15 or more service connections) and must receive Director of Health approval ~ior to its use to comply with Hawaii Administrative Rules {HARJ, Title 11, Chapter 20, Rules Relating to Potable Water Systems, §11-20- 9. [1 This well does not qualify as a source serving a public water system (serves less than 25 people or more people at least 60 days per year or 15 service connections) and if the well water is used for drinking, the private owner should test for bacteriOlogical and chemical presence before initiating such use and routinely monitor the water quality thereafter. However, if future planned use from this source increases to meet the public water system definition then Director of Health approval is required mIm to implementation. [1 If the well is used to supply both potable and non-potable purposes in a single system, the user shall eliminate cross-connections and backflow connections by physically separating potable and non-potable systems by an air gap or an approved backflow preventer. and by clearly labeling all non-potable spigots with warning signs to prevent inadvertent consumption of non-potable water. Backflow prevention devices should be routinely inspected and tested. [1 It does not appear thai this well will be used for consumptive purposes and is not subject to Safe Drinking Water Regulations. [ J For the applicant's information, a source of possible wastewater contamination [lis [l is not located near the proposed well site (information attached). [J An NPDES permit is required. [J Other relevant DOH rules/regulations, information, or recommendations are attached. [1 No comments/objections Contact Person: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone: Signed: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ BENJAMIN J. CAYETANO GILBERT S. COLOMA·AGARAN GOVERNOR OF HAWAII CHAIRPERSON BRUCE S. ANDERSON MEREDITH J. CHING CLAYTON W. DELA CRUZ BRIAN C. NISHIDA HERBERT M. RICHARDS, JR. LlNNEL T. NISHIOKA DEPUTY DIRECTOR STATE OF HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 January 7, 2002 TO: Harry Yada, Acting Administrator Land Division FROM: Linnel T. Nishioka, Deputy Director Commission on Water Resource Management SUBJECT: Well Construction/Pump Installation Permit Application CCK #1 (Well No. 0419-04) Transmitted for your review and comment is a copy of the captioned well application which includes a request for a pump installation permit. We would appreciate your comments on the captioned application with regard to the programs, plans, and objectives specific to your division. Please respond by returning this cover memo form by January 23. 2002. If we do not receive comments or a request for additional review time by this date, we will assume you have no comments. Please find the attached maps to locate the proposed well. If you have any questions about this permit application, request additional information, or request additional review time, please contact Lenore Nakama of the Commission staff at 587-0218. LN:ss Attachment( s) RESPONSE: [1 A water lease/permit is required of this applicant and an application for such will be requested by our division. [1 A water lease/permit is not required of this applicant. [1 A water lease/permit has been obtained by the applicant through lease no. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ [1 This well project [ ] requires [ 1does not require a COUP. If a COUP is required it [ not been approved and [ 1is [ 1is not currently active. [1 [1 Other relevant Land Division rules/regulations, information, or recommendations are attached. [ ] Other comments: No objections Contact Person: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone: _ _ _ _ _ __ Signed: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1has [ ] has Dee 21 p. 1 01 03:06p 4-1191 Kuhio Hwy, Kapaa, Kauai Hawaii 96746 Ph. 808-8225504 I Fax 808-822-2148 email: 11"0: C!+c.VA~'{ ~it7J ~v/J? t:ttAf~~\ LENOflti3. NAkdmA- From: ~t) 5117 -0')./9 Pages Fax: Ph.: Date: Re: cc: ~OI' Review CJ Urgent 0 Pie. . . Comment BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES . ;>~ x&~ 12 - ;Zl-O/ 0 Please Reply 0 Pleas. Racycle • Comments: _V=IVldk Her< t~&1I'[5IoN /0 l31Eu/N eflt,A1lm d I'/l..OC.<ff JI TMdk'YPL( 7 / F d'01L.. f/.A-w. (!Ju~)nbblr ~MI{= fLU5'f. C/tLL .A7JY' /h~.A-Z Wg-- ~;)'3 clfMz::r @ "'0907 p.2 Dec 21 01 03:06p OCNJAMIN J. CIIVt:TANO ('JLDOn s. COlOIo4A-AOA~N OC'Jlh.:ttNUKa'tWltM ratuAM·":4I" IlRUC,: S.IIHUUlSON ROII(RT G. CIRlll.IJ URIAN ~ ~ISlIIIN\ DAVIDA. NODRICA HI:HIlI:RT "'. RICHII'tDIl. JH. LlNNt:L T. NISHIOKA n...ourvr.rt;hlfll STATE OF HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATunAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O IJOX621 HONOI ULU. HAWAII 96609 December 14. 2001 0419-Q4.11c;k Mr. John Young Calvary Chapel Kauai P_O. Box 1062 Kapaa, HI 96746 Dear Mr_ Young: Well Construction/Pump Installation Permit Application for Well No_ 0419-04 We have received your Well Construction/Pump Installation permit application and filing fee for the CCK #1 (Well No_ 0419-04). Through a December 12, 2001 telephone conversation with my staff, we have amended your application to indicate that the proposed well will be constructed at TMK 4-3-4:6 and that the well will serve 25 or more people at least 60 days per year. The only outstanding matter is your ability to sign the application as the landowner at the proposed well site. We understand that you plan to acquire the land within the next week or so. Until then, we are not able to accept your Signature as the landowner_ Please have the current landowner sign the application or send us the documentation that shows that Calvary Chapel Kauai is the landowner. This will allow us to accept your application as complete and you can then expect your application to be processed within ninety (90) days_ If you have any questions about your permit appli<A;ltion, please contact Lenore Nakama of the Commission staff at 587-0218 or toll-free at 274-3141. extension 70218. ~incereJY, ~ {. , . 'l~0D -1 Ur,VJ. U ,-" LlNNEL T NISHIOKA Deputy Director LN:ss -_ ....- . - .-.... --- ...... . '., .- ... •• Ift_ ~ '. "-'-. • . . . . . . . . . . IIi • . : .. . .. .. .. -.'9 . ~.:* ".';" ::-. ' . ' . '. . ,':. ,. ~".:::' . . ' '. ~I- .' '10"1.. lQ ::!)tJd eO d Jastl ..• l ....N-~, f~~,M TT~ '..lfT1CJ 811n i . &9~ ", . . . . .A .. - - - d90:eO 10 12 oaa ......1" - / BENJAMIN J. CAYETANO GILBERT S. COLOMA-AGARAN GOVERNOR Of HAWAII CHAIRPERSON BRUCE S. ANDERSON ROBERT G. GIRALD BRIAN C. NISHIDA DAVID A. NOBRIGA HERBERT M. RICHARDS, JR. LlNNEL T. NISHIOKA DEPUTY DIRECTOR STATE OF HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 621 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96809 December 14, 2001 0419-04.ack Mr. John Young Calvary Chapel Kauai P.O. Box 1062 Kapaa, HI 96746 Dear Mr. Young: Well Construction/Pump Installation Permit Application for Well No. 0419-04 We have received your Well Construction/Pump Installation permit application and filing fee for the CCK #1 r,yvell No. 0419-04). Through a December 12, 2001 telephone conversation with my staff, we have amended your application to indicate that the proposed well will be constructed at TMK 4-3-4:6 and that the well will serve 25 or more people at least 60 days per year. The only outstanding matter is your ability to sign the application as the landowner at the proposed well site. We understand that you plan to acquire the land within the next week or so. Until then, we are not able to accept your signature as the landowner. Please have the current landowner sign the application or send us the documentation that shows that Calvary Chapel Kauai is the landowner. This will allow us to accept your application as complete and you can then expect your application to be processed within ninety (90) days. If you have any questions about your permit application, please contact Lenore Nakama of the Commission staff at 587-0218 or toll-free at 274-3141, extension 70218. Y Sin. cereI .,. ~(). dtGJ04--. LlNNEL T. NISHIOKA Deputy Director LN:ss LV\C OR ATTACHED v.oRKSHEET DATE: 12/13/01 OOCU" HIT t-O • SRC/ COST F YR /lPP D OBJ CTR PROJECl PH ACT AVOUfT NAME/DESCRIPTION (W,AJ\K; I t-lPVT) John & Kathleen Young ' (1) ')5.':'0 S 02 326 C 1026 0752 ------------------- -- --- - ---- ---- ------ -- --(2) - -- --- - ---- ---- ------ -- --- -- --- - ---- ---- ------ -- --- 0) (4) - -- --- - ---- ---- ------ -- --TOTAL R~KS: LINE (1) LINE (2) LINE 0) LINE (4) Well No. 0419-04 ----------------------------------------T"--------------~~!OO Well Background Check Well Construction Approved Well No. Well Name CCK1 Applicant Calvary Chapel Kauai Driller Type Issued Signed WCR1 Accept Pump Installation Issued Signed WCR2 Accept BOTH o o Tuesday, November 27,2001 Pagelofl State of Haaii For Official Use Only: COMMISSIO "WATER RESOURCE MANAGEONT Depanment of Land and Natural Resources APPLICATION FOR PERMIT Kwell Construction i);Pump Installation and/or Instructions: Please print in ink or type and send completed application with attachments to the Commission on Water Resource Management, P.O. Box 621, Honolulu, Hawaii 96809. Application must be accompanied by 3 copies and a" non-refundable filing fee of $25.00 payable to the Dept. of Land and Natural Resources. The Commission may not accept incomplete applications. For assistance, call the Regulation Branch at 587-0225. For further Information and updates to this application form, visit http://www.state.hi.usldlnr/cwrm. , , ~. ~ I I '-",' r "" CJ I J...' APPLICANT INFORMATION: (Fill out all three, if applicable, and place a check next to the primary contact) CAt.VA~Y CllltPfL Je1U6l Contact Person: JOHN ~V"'G Mailing Address: P.O. I3()X 1062 I kAPAA J HI. 967% Fax: E-mail: C C kA VA J(92" "aHA. NG-.'T , 1. (a) 0 WELL OWNER: I Q\! 1"" ':, ",', T (b) 0 lANDOWNER: (i;zfWAA){CHAfEL J44tM1 Mailing Address: Fax: (c) 0 CONTRACTOR: e~. /lex 1()62 J i<.,vdow I1.J __ 967i'6 Y'.AfAA . HI E-m'ail: ':1' Phone: -i1tLl.6~/ ~ 2a..t:!2w23L-11Li_ _ 80S JiAUItlAN Contact Person: CCkAVA' (o/fH.oHA« NeT Contact Person: _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ E-mail: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Lic #: _ _~_ _.,.__-,..,.._ (circle one: C-57, C-57a l or A) Mailing Address: Fax: WELL & PUMP INFORMATION: (Please fill in the diagram on the back of this form.) 2. WELL NAME: C We LL - / _--LI<I~J4-u..!....=:..!...~!..J;~_______ Island: - '3 - 'I- : Y ~b ¥ S'l$10 b CJ<fS Tax Map Key: ~"AA ISWAS.5 JC\oA-O -~,oM HI "7¥6 Address lUSt> "lid Zone Sec Plat ~ Attach the relevant portion of (a) a 7.5-Minute Series USGS to~ogr8phic map (scale 1:24,000) and include the name of the quad map, and (b) a property tax map, showing well location referenced to established property boundaries. ~onstruct New Well 3. PROPOSED WORK: .« Install New Pump· o Modify Pump· 0 Modify Existing Well. (check all that apply) o Abandon/Seal· • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (if unknown, please call Commission at 587-0225) ·State Well No.: 4. CONSTRUCTION: o ¥Drilled o Dug Shaft o Tunnel Is this well part of a battery of wells? DYes ONo {Please describe~/ ! 5. PROPOSED PUMP INFORMATION: Rated Pump Capacity: __--S~-c;;;o " , '," gallons per minute Pump Type (Check one): o o Rotary o Rotary-Displacement o Rotary-G~ar Deep Well Turbine ~submersible 6. o Centrifugal PROPOSED USE: o (check a/l that apply) o o o ..-' Propeller Reciprocating Impulse 0 Industrial Municipal (including hotels, stores, etc.) pcDomestic (individual, noncommercial water s y s t e m ) . I :-Does this well serve 25 or more people at least 60 days per year or have 15 or more service connections? )eves 0 No o o 0 No. of Acres: Irrigation (crop) o Other (explain): _.L./=2:';'J.xO,-"O,,-O~_ _ _ _ _ gallons per day Military 7. (a) PROPOSED AMOUNT OF WITHDRAWAL: o (b) METHOD OF FLOW MEASUREMENT: Flowmeter [!J"'"Open-pipe 0 Weir 0 Orifice o Other(explain) OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: 8. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS: o 0 COUP SMAP o ~one DEA EIS o Other (explain) 9. REMARKS, EXPLANATIONS: (if more space is needed, please attach additional sheet) I understand that approval of this application attaches the following standard conditions: 1) the proposed work is to be completed within two (2) years of the approval date; 2) the contractor shall submit to the Commission a well completion/abandonment report within 60 days after the completion date of the permitted work; 3) monthly water use data shall be submitted to the Commission; 4) such approval shall not constitute a determination of correlative water rights and shall not guarantee the pump capacity or future use up to the permitted pump capacity. •,.ItVA' Well Owner ~C:t..l...:!~u.u'-l-..JI;i~.L...llr.M 'fI' Landowner (; ::L.J..EJII;.L.LJ~7=~0h7't--- (print legibly) (print legibly) Signature Signature Signature Date Date Date For official use only Latitude _ _ _ _ _ _ Aquifer System No. Longitude State Well No. ~ A.:V"""'!/1i'·')'~(A.. \< \ WCPIPA Form 10/25/00 ,j ; j :~ l! \r\ Ir, \. j')Vi/''',L, ~ '·V o 10. PROPOSED WELL SECTION (Please attach schematic if different from diagram provided below) 12- Hole Diameter: Elevation at top of casing ~ ft., msl- in. Minimum of 2' Radius & 4" Thick Concrete Pad (to contain benchmark surveyed to nearest 0.01 ft.) Ground Elevation: -;z8 ft., mslPlease refer to the HAWAII WELL CONSTRUCTION AND . PUMP INSTALLATION STANDARDS ft. Cement Grout: (min. 70% of distance from ground elevation to top of water surface or 500. ft., whlCheveris less.) to ensure that your as-built is in compliance with applicable standards. .jf---j Solid Casing: ( 90% x Annular space between hole and casing (min.3"): IA'- (Grou~d Elev.-Water Level Elev» 80 Total Length: Nominal Diameter: . in. ft. ~/~ Wall Thickness: k Bottom Elevation: - or in. in. 50 ft., msl* Rock or Gravel Packing: Total Depth _ _ _ ft. /(90 ft. Open Casing: Perforated Screen Total Length: _ _--=2=o=-,oo:;:-_____ft. Material: Crushed Basalt Rounded Gravel 14- Nominal Diameter: ----'7;t7-------in. Wall Thickness: _ _ _....:AI::..:z._ _ _ _ _ _ in. '70' Bottom Elevation: Elevation: note; Neither bentonite nor mud should be used in :2 S- ft. msl- - '... ft., msl- Estimated Water Level saturated zone during drilling Open Hole: Length: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ft. Diameter: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _in. ft., msl- Bottom Elevation: - The approximate elevation must be referenced to mean sea level (msl) at the time of application filing. Final elevations of well components shall be submitted in the Well CompletionlWeli Abandonment reports and referenced to a benchmark which has been established by a surveyor licensed by the State. For non-salt water Basal Wells - bottom elevation of well should not be deeper than 1/4 of aquifer thickness or, Bottom Elevation of Well Limit = (Water Elevation .41 x water Le;el Elevation ) Example: Estimated + 211. Water Level Elev. -.Bottom Elevation of WeI! Limit = (2 _ 41 ~ (2, = -18.5 ft. Solid Casing Material: Carbon Steel: compliant with (check one or more): ANSIIAWWA C200 API Spec. 5L ASTMA139 ASTMA53 And compliant with (check 'one or more): ASTM A242 Type E Type S Grade B Other Stainless Steel: (check one): ASTM M09 (production wells) . ASTM A312 (monitor wells) 'ASS Plastic conforming to ASTM F480 and ASTM 01527: (check one) Schedule 40 PVC Plastic conforming toASTM F480 and (ASTM 01785 or ASTM 02241): (check one): Thermoset Plastic: (check one) Schedule 80 XSchedule 40' Schedule 80 Schedule 120 Filament Wound Resin Pipe conforming to ASTM 02996 Centrifugally Cast Resin Pipe conforming to ASTM 02997 Reinforced Plastic Mortar Pressure Pipe conforming to ASTM 03517 Glass Fiber Reinforced Resin Pressure Pipe conforming to AWWA C950 PTFE Fluorocarbon Tubing conforming to ASTM 03296 FEP Fluorocarbon Tubing conforming to ASTM 03296 Open Casing Material: Carbon Steel: compliant with (check one or more): And compliant with (check one or more): Stainless Steel: (check one): ANSIIAWWA C200 ASTM A242 API Spec. 5L Type E ASTM A409 (production wells) ASS Plastic conforming to ASTM F480 and ASTM 01527: (check one) ASTMA139 Grade B ,Other ASTM A312 (monitor wells) .)C'Schedule 40 PVC Plastic conforming to ASTM F480 and (ASTM 01785 or ASTM 02241): (check one): Thermoset Plastic: (check one) ASTM A53 Type S Schedule 80 Schedule 40 Schedule 80 Filament Wound ReSin Pipe conforming to ASTM 02996 Centrifugally Cast Resin Pipe conforming to ASTM 02997 Reinforced Plastic Mortar Pressure Pipe conforming to ASTM 03517 Glass Fiber Reinforced Resin Pressure Pipe conforming to AWWA C950 PTFE Fluorocarbon Tubing conforming to ASTM 03296 FEP Fluorocarbon Tubing conforming to ASTM 03296 Schedule 120 • i j I / / t ! 1 28 53 30 .53 30 ~ I.{ .• ~----". II S6""'- , 1 rtr""'" p;¢aAc, ANT~ • /:../ 1'1_~ ~..~. II..~';~. c.w.v07 I's /I.-~ - , ; V'' ,IIti" ...... (0 .. \ '\ 1 / Y.w \..- : R ••• 1,.."_ lI. L.L• .,..~ N_L. cJ..·.. ,.,..,. LvJ.~ R;cJ..r-J ./ /' /..s. N..... .".".. t:1i~"'11t N.~.6.~~·~ OwL.. ,. . . . . . . •• - . r61!J.1J.;aC3.) I'j.,A f -..\ .......---~~' -~., -, ""-,.' .q-7..>...... A ...... 0...,.· "Q~ eGt~.-' ..~~7 P.,." ...... ~:~A4-~~+S. M. .' No $,-..".. <qI' ...,.~;,. (Au~1U1 A.:r....,)/•. cr.:", ....t6'z ~O~" u..--.. clt;"f·"". 1(;,.. M.rll "'.~. .. :II". .. -r _ .._ _ '///,::-- \A "- ele,...",.,.,."... is.,., •.. :-~.;., ~,* 11.1>&11". ~_"'_'........,,-,,,,.. ~ ,-• 'hi ~ 0"'''S" A • """"'1 In. "-,,, ••'Ir••JI: ~ A. 52 6 '" ~.. ( (~,Ii/~~~ ~ 4,""6. v" IJ v... to ' /1 J ,. <:sa ~0' ~ : .---~. , ~(f\ .:I~5~: I L.. C. A w. ~ It· ~ -0-')1\ ~"'.,... af' • (A~/Ao.. . ~ '/-- \ / ;::::::- - Z'.s.~-4 -... " ~ :---- ;, { \ S.-.I",z G. _ _• "*=,,, \ t}! I' " '-.,1 ~•• ~~ G I'r A IV r AI..... 5Z.37 r '> \ \ .... O~ 54.5ZAcI. .' . ~D KULA LOTS,·KAWAIHAU,KAUAI. .PLAi~.)S - ':Ie'} -.- , ... ,.1 ~. 5 "-'" ~ ../ . /~'/ I. SUBJECT TO CHANGE &1- • ! . •~•