Bonita Springs Smiles - – Henry Schein Practice Solutions


Bonita Springs Smiles - – Henry Schein Practice Solutions
Bonita Springs Smiles
A Caring Approach to Comprehensive, Aesthetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry
Movie Star Smiles Aren’t Just
For Movie Stars Anymore!
Cosmetic dentistry used to be
reserved for the rich and famous,
but today’s easy and affordable
techniques now allow anyone with
the desire for a “movie star smile”
to treat themselves to their choice
of cosmetic improvements.
Dear Patients and Friends,
We hope you have enjoyed our 1st issue of
Bonita Springs Smiles.
Our first summer in sunny Florida has gone by
so fast. This has been an exciting summer for
us. First of all, Lizzie and I got married on June
5th on Marco Island. It was just beautiful and
we have great pictures to show for it.
Keeping up to date with the latest concepts
in dentistry is very important to us. Lizzie and
I attended a continuing education course on
Restorative Dentistry in Orlando this summer.
We both feel it is a must to always continue to
expand our minds.
We want to thank you for your referrals
of your friends and family. It has been so
enjoyable meeting all of our new patients and
their families. We appreciate the confidence
you have expressed in us.
We are looking forward to an exciting “ fall
season”. Please let us know if you have any
questions or concerns. Lizzie and I are here
to help you.
All the Best,
Lizzie and Burt Golumbic
One of easiest and most effective
ways to brighten your smile is with
professional whitening. While
there is a dizzying selection of
drugstore tooth whitening options
available, ranging from whitening
toothpastes to strips to gels, they
are no substitute for the professional
results of dental office treatment.
In addition, some over-the-counter
products may produce some
questionable results, based on the
original color and condition of your
teeth. Let us help you make the best
decision for your individual situation.
dentures or bridges – a dental
implant literally replaces a missing
tooth by installing an artificial tooth
root where the missing root was.
A new tooth is then manufactured
and anchored to the root to result in
a completely natural look and feel.
Dental implants are the best option
to take care of not only the cosmetic
desire to fill a gap, but also the
dental necessity of ensuring that the
position of the remaining teeth are
not adversely affected by the space
left by any missing teeth.
We have the solution to whatever
smile improvement you’re looking
for. Give us a call to book an
appointment for your “star”
treatment today!
If it’s not the yellow in your teeth
that’s making you blue, but rather
their condition, then your first stop
should be to our office. Many
people have chipped, cracked,
worn or uneven teeth that
distract from an otherwise
sunny smile. Today’s dentistry
has the solution that’s right
for you, whether it be dental
bonding, porcelain veneers
or crowns.
Maybe your problem isn’t
the condition of a tooth
but rather the absence of
one or more, in which case
you’ll want to find out about
all the advances in dental
implants. Long gone are the
days of ill-fitting, uncomfortable
If any of your friends or family members are looking for a new
dentist, please feel free to give them our name.
We would be happy to meet them and introduce them to our
dental practice.
Make sure that anyone you refer mentions your name when they
call us for an appointment so we can express our appreciation
to you.
Life Stages/Dental Changes
Establishing good dental hygiene habits should start as
soon as the very first baby tooth pops out of a child’s gums.
Babies’ first teeth can be brushed with a soft “baby”
toothbrush and water or simply wiped with cotton swabs
– at this age they don’t need to use toothpaste. As soon
as there are two adjacent teeth in the mouth, a nightly
flossing ritual needs to be introduced to the dental routine
too. Good dental habits are easier to maintain if they are
established early, as part of a normal daily routine.
When a child’s first permanent molars erupt into the mouth
at about 6 years of age, you will want to talk to us about
applying a plastic coating, or “sealant” on those back teeth.
We simply paint the sealant on the chewing surfaces of the
molars to provide a safe and effective barrier to food getting
trapped in the grooves of the teeth, which could eventually
lead to the formation of cavities. A second application of
sealant should be applied at about 12 years, when the second permanent molars arrive.
The teenaged years sometimes bring with them eating disorders, including bulimia (self-induced vomiting). Patients
suffering from this disorder will experience erosion on
the back of their upper front teeth due to the acid in the
vomit, and may also develop sores at the corners of their
mouth. Tongue and mouth piercings are popular with the
teenage set, but they have their own set of problems, from
oral hygiene issues and infections to fractured, cracked or
chipped teeth.
As the adult years approach, some gender differences start
to emerge. While both men and women need to be vigilant
with their dental hygiene, studies show that men are less
likely to seek preventive dental care and often neglect their
oral health until a problem arises. Problems can range from
bad breath to gum disease and tooth loss to oral cancer – all
problems that are treatable if identified early.
Women’s oral health can be linked to different stages of life,
and fluctuating levels of hormones. For example, pregnant
women have a risk of increased inflammation of the gums
because of
a surge in estrogen and progesterone. Rigid attention to dental
hygiene and regular cleanings at the dentist are a must in order
to keep teeth and gums clean, and to prevent plaque from
forming. If plaque isn’t removed, it may lead to gingivitis and
subsequently to more serious periodontal diseases, which have
been linked to pre-term, low-weight babies.
Menopause brings its own set of dental concerns. During
this time some women can experience dry mouth, burning
sensations and changes in taste. Hormone replacement
therapy may cause gums to bleed, swell and become red.
As your dental professional, we’re here to help you and
your family through each life stage. Regular visits and open
communication about health or medication changes will allow
us to monitor any changes in your oral health, and make each
stage as healthy and comfortable as possible.
Toothache or Sinusitis?
Sinusitis – the inflammation of one or more sinuses due to a bacterial infection or sinus
congestion from a cold, flu or allergy – can sometimes have the same symptoms as a
toothache. As the roots of the upper teeth lie very close to the floor of the maxillary
sinuses (the sinuses located between the eye sockets and the upper jaw), any inflammation of these sinuses after a cold, flu or allergy attack can feel like a toothache.
If you are unsure as to the cause of your toothache, please make an appointment with
us to have it evaluated to ensure you receive the proper treatment.
Let’s Talk About Your
Click and Pop
If you are experiencing a frequent clicking or popping sound in your jaw, you may possibly have joined
the over 10 million North Americans who suffer from
Temporomandibular Disorders, commonly referred to
as TMD.
The temporomandibular joint (“TMJ”), located in the front
of the ear, allows us to open and close our mouths and
move our jaws all around so that we can talk, yawn, chew
and swallow. If the jaw is damaged, or if a person grinds
or clenches their teeth, they can sometimes trigger TMD.
Unfortunately, the symptoms of TMD often resemble
other conditions and, as such, it is difficult to diagnose.
Nevertheless, advise your dentist if you experience any of
the following symptoms:
• Pain or discomfort in the jaw joint or chewing muscles;
• Popping, clicking or grating sounds when opening and
closing the mouth;
• A restricted ability to open the mouth very wide;
• Earaches without infection, a ringing or sense of fullness
in the ears;
• A sudden uncomfortable bite, as if the upper and lower
teeth aren’t fitting together the right way;
• Sensitive teeth when no dental problems can be found;
• Pain in the head, face, neck and shoulders.
If you are diagnosed with TMD, we can often work together to ease the discomfort of your condition by providing
you with a variety of stress reducing exercises, muscle
relaxants and even a mouth protector to prevent teeth
grinding. Give us a call to discuss this complex condition
and the steps we can take to help you with it.
Gum Disease and Stress
While you may recognize that emotional stress can cause hypertension (high blood
pressure), affect your heart and lead to various physical ailments, did you know
that stress is also linked to an increased risk of periodontal (gum) diseases?
Periodontal diseases stem from bacterial infections that, if left untreated, can lead to tooth loss. If you are experiencing serious stress in your
life, your immune system will be compromised and will weaken to the
point that it cannot fight the type of bacteria that causes periodontal
Gum disease advances steadily with inadequate dental hygiene, meaning
infrequent or ineffective brushing and flossing. Stage one in gum disease
is gingivitis, which may cause you no noticeable discomfort, but will result in
swollen gums that bleed easily. At this point the condition can be reversed
with professional care and a vigilant improvement in home dental hygiene.
The problem is that, because you aren’t in any physical pain or distress, you
may not think about coming into our office for a checkup until the condition
advances to the next stage, where plaque spreads below the gum line to
irritate and eventually break down the tissues and bone that support the
teeth. Gingivitis at that point progresses to periodontitis, and that’s
when the real trouble – the risk of losing your teeth – begins.
The wisest line of defense is to continue coming in for professional cleanings. This will ensure that any gum disease
is monitored and given the opportunity to be reversed.
Public Enemy #2!
While the common cold is most frequently
associated with being the most widespread
disease in this country, gingivitis and tooth
decay are right behind it. And like the common cold, dental disease can affect anyone,
at any age, especially if they are
not diligent about their dental habits.
Sugars and starches increase the risk of
tooth decay, with sticky foods more harmful
than non-sticky due to their propensity to
remain on the teeth, interact with bacteria
in the mouth and convert into harmful acids.
Ask us about the most effective methods
of fighting back against gingivitis and tooth
decay with proper brushing and flossing
Porcelain Veneers Make a
Dazzling Difference!
We’re pleased to present to our
patients who are concerned about
the appearance of their teeth, the
easy and effective smile solution of
porcelain veneers.
Porcelain veneers are wafer-thin
shells of porcelain that are bonded
onto the front side of individual
teeth to cosmetically correct tooth
imperfections. While orthodontics
is usually the recommended choice
of treatment for more pronounced
cases, veneers can sometimes
be used as an alternative to
orthodontic treatment by closing
spaces between teeth or evening
out the alignment of teeth if the
misalignment is not excessive.
Complete in just 2 to 3
appointments, veneers provide
a quick, easy and long-lasting
cosmetic “fix” over the more
drawn-out orthodontic options.
Both porcelain veneers and
porcelain crowns also provide
high-quality alternatives to tooth
whitening, especially if your teeth
are permanently discolored from
medications or stained or darkened
as a result of injury or root canal
The composition of porcelain
veneers allows for the most naturallooking teeth possible by replicating
the translucency and light-handling
characteristics of natural tooth
enamel. Porcelain veneers are also
extremely stain-resistant – a bonus
for smokers and people who enjoy
coffee, tea, red wine and fruits with
deep, staining colors.
Come in and talk to us about how
easy it is to put your best smile
forward with the application of
strong, attractive and natural-looking
porcelain veneers.
The Last Word on:
Dental fillings - no matter what
they’re made of - are meant to last
many years, but they certainly don’t
last forever. Everyday activities like
chewing, grinding or clenching your
teeth causes fillings to wear away,
chip or crack from the pressure.
When it’s time to replace your old
fillings, you may be interested in
brightening up your smile with white
composite resins instead of the
amalgam you may currently have.
These aesthetically pleasing materials
were developed to provide patients
with the option of filling cavities or
fixing teeth with a natural-looking
white material, tinted to blend in with
your teeth, rather than the industriallooking metal of the past.
Fillings can be easily replaced in
most cases. Some people choose
to replace their metal fillings with
composite resins all at once in order
to have the most attractive smile
Ask us about attractive composite
resin replacements for your old metal
fillings to provide the right, white
smile support.
Welcome, we are here to help you.
Your Appointments:
We see all patients on an appointment basis. Please call Lizzie at (239) 498-9666 and she will gladly
schedule you an appointment.
We have flexible hours, including early mornings and evenings for your convenience. Lizzie will be happy
to offer you a choice from the appointments available.
Thank You:
We thank you for the confidence you have placed in us. We are complimented that you have chosen
us. We welcome you as a member of our fine family of patients. Our practice is built on referrals - your
recommendations are appreciated.
It's nice to have you with us.
Lizzie & Burt Golumbic
Burt and Lizzie Golumbic
The information contained in this newsletter is not designed as dental advice, but rather as a means to encourage interest in your dental health and communication with your dentist. Whole or partial reproduction of this newsletter is
forbidden without the written permission of the publisher. © Market Connections Inc. 2004, Phone: (800) 243-5334, Website:
2755 05/04/04
A reminder of your next appointment with Dr. Golumbic.
If you haven’t already booked a time for your next appointment,
please call Lizzie today to reserve the most convenient time for you.
Burton P. Golumbic, D.D.S.
3376 Woods Edge Circle, Suite 101
Bonita Springs, FL 34134
Phone: (239) 498-9666