2013 - VCS Inc


2013 - VCS Inc
A Counseling and Family Service Agency
with an Anti-racist, Social Justice Mission
2013 was a year of transition for me and for VCS. In
August of 2013 I moved from Portland, OR and began my
tenure as the VCS Executive Director. Prior to my
arrival, the leadership of the Interim Co-Executive
Directors, Phyllis B. Frank and Gail K. Golden was nothing
short of heroic. They both wore many hats from January
through half of August. Both of these remarkable women
are long time leaders at VCS and were able to prioritize
their responsibilities well. The Director of Finance, Nancy
Rosa, was able to keep the VCS doors open during this
time. Our Board of Directors stepped up to both conduct
a personnel search and assist all of the aforementioned
women in running such an important agency.
The management staff and I, along with Phillip Heffernan, worked for nine months
to revise our logo. Phil, a student intern, and professional designer, offered his
services because he believes very strongly in the VCS mission. We decided to take
a fresh look at how to convey through a new logo, who we are and what we do.
VCS is a counseling and family service agency with an anti-racist and social justice
mission. We have featured our new logo on the cover and we hope you love it as
much as we do.
Throughout 2013, 13,101 hours of service were provided to people seeking help.
They turned to VCS for counseling - often at times of personal and family crisis.
We expanded our youth counseling programs in schools that either provides
limited or no mental health services at all due to budget cuts.
The VCS mission; to provide hope and promote social justice for individuals,
families and communities through counseling, conflict resolution and community
change, is carried out with a sense of pride and purpose by a unique blend of a
volunteer work force and professional staff. Our staffing model provides low cost
services for people including those who are either uninsured or underinsured.
The report that follows is a synopsis of our work and accomplishments in 2013.
The greatest measure of our success continues to be the number of individuals,
young people and families who look to us for help. Our organization has been a
Rockland County institution since 1970 and for more than forty four years the
citizens of our county have been able to count on VCS for caring, quality and
affordable services.
We appreciate your continued partnership and financial support to maintain this
vibrant bastion of hope.
Thank you,
Sarah Goforth
Executive Director
VCS Services and Programs
Counseling and Family Services
Counseling Program for Individuals, Couples and
Parenting Apart
Parenting Classes/Support Groups
Program for Adolescents & Families in Need of
Services for Older Adults and Their Families
Relatives as Parents Program
LGBT Clinical Services
Employee Assistance Program
Student Advocacy Program
Spanish Language Services
VCS/HASCO Collaboration
Rockland Immigration Coalition
Community Change Project Programs
Community Commitment to End Domestic Violence
NY Model for Batterer Programs
Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender (LGBT)*
Affirming Ed Programs, Events, Support Groups
Racial Justice Organizing and training
Community Defined Solutions Programs
Court Training Improvement Program
Gay Pride Rockland Annual Celebration in June
Diversity & Cultural Competence Training,
Education and Workshops
Foster Grandparent Program
Volunteer Recruitment, Training and Supervision
January - Began 9 month interim period with Phyllis B. Frank and Gail K.
Golden assuming responsibility for VCS while the search proceeded for a
new executive director.
August - Sarah Goforth assumed role of Executive Director.
We held our two significant fundraisers for the agency: our Golf
Tournament in September and the Virtual Dinner at the end of the year.
We were very pleased that both events exceeded expectations.
Ellen Jaffee, NYS Assemblywoman
Eva Hernandez-Goley, Director of VCS
Foster Grandparent Program
Wylene Branton Wood, VCS Board
Counseling & Family Services
New volunteer counselor training group began in April
Youth Bureau awarded VCS a grant to restart our FINS program
(Intense counseling for at-risk students in schools)
Expansion of Spanish language program - Rosa Serrano-Delgado
named Director
Began a Spanish language fathers group
Collaborated with MHA of Rockland to provide suicide intervention and
prevention training to VCS counselors in January
Continued participating in the Suicide Prevention Task Force with MHA
of Rockland and developed leaflets for distribution in care settings to
raise awareness about what to do and who to contact when people are
concerned about a loved one becoming suicidal
Participated in the Rockland County Long Term Recovery Coalition to
continue addressing unmet needs from Hurricane Irene and
Superstorm Sandy
Ran a workshop at the annual Unity in the Community event in
Haverstraw to support children during the Spring break
Piloted a support group for unemployed and underemployed adults
Rockland Immigration Coalition was honored with the Advocacy Award
from One-to-One Learning Center
Increased income due to client fee re-evaluation
In 2013, VCS continued its social media development. Thanks to VCS
Staff Social Worker, Ian Laidlaw, we have an active website and a
facebook page. Both sites are full of interesting information and
current articles on a variety of topics.
Rosa Serrano-Delgado, LCSW
Diane Campbell, VCS Staff Member
ShuShu, Diane’s puppy
2013 HIGHLIGHTS continued
Community Change Project
Percentage of DV Caseload by
NY Model for Batterer Programs:
National Training Institutes on the NY Model for Batter Programs were
conducted in Rockland County, Buffalo, NY and Detroit, Michigan.
VCS Domestic Violence Program for Men held classes for court mandated
participants in Rockland, Orange and Westchester Counties.
LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender) & Gay Pride Rockland Events:
VCS LGBT Film Festival: Films meant to educate and/or entertain regarding
LGBT issues were shown at the Nyack Library, open to the public, at no charge.
Book Reading and Signing: Love Christopher Street, Thomas Keith and Through
the Door of Life, My Jewish Journey Between Genders, Dr. Joy Ladin
Community Social “Friend Raisers”: Karaoke, Anne Steele Concert, Networking
Transgender Programming
Juried Art Exhibit and Sale to Benefit VCS Gay Pride Rockland
VCS Gay Pride Rockland Sunday
Racial Justice Organizing
Hal Parker
Phyllis B. Frank
at Juried Art Show
Working together for Racial Justice
Presented racial justice issues at Avon International
Book Reading and Signing: Fatal Invention: Lies about Race, by Dr. Dorothy
Undoing Racism Workshop, annually administered by VCS Community Change
Project, presented by the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond
Visitors watching the
stage at Gay Pride
Judy Kesselman from The
Dancing to entertainment at Gay Price Rockland
LINK at Gay Pride Rockland
2013 HIGHLIGHTS continued
2013 Foster Grandparent Program
During 2013, 70 Foster Grandparents – including four new volunteers,
volunteered in nineteen educational programs around the County,
working with 1,670 special needs students. The total number of hours
of service added up to 75,619 hours!
PRE-K: Surpassed goal by 20 students so that 65 children improved in
at least two identified academic areas.
SPECIAL ED: Approximately 22 or 81% special education students
showed improvement in skill or began to utilize newly acquired skills.
ELEMENTARY ED: 90% of students who worked with Foster
Grandparents for at least six months reached more than one academic
HS Target: FGP continued offering tutoring at the high school level with
great success at a new site, Tappan Zee High School. A foster
grandmother tutored and mentored approximately 10 students in
History, English, Science and helped them prepare for regents exams.
Four students passed all classes and graduated with a regents diploma.
Seventy Foster Grandparents contributed:
Nicholas grew up in Spring Valley watching his father physically abuse his
mother, and trying to protect his younger sister from the violence in his
home. Eventually his father left and went to live in Central America.
He began to identify as gay in middle school. When he came out to his
mother, she told him she would “never accept it”. She began to distance
herself from him and dropped him off with people he did not know to care for
him. He felt rejected by those closest to him. He learned he could not be
himself with his family, and began to try to be somebody he was not. There
was nobody he could talk to about what he was carrying. He started getting
migraines and felt sick a lot due to the resulting stress. He used alcohol and
drugs to numb these overwhelming emotions.
By the time he came to VCS at age 16 he was traumatized and severely
distressed, often experiencing violent mood swings during the day. The
school said they had to call the police or the ambulance any time he became
angry because his outbursts were so severe. VCS engaged him in counseling
to give him a place to begin to express the difficult feelings he carried within
himself. We also engaged his mother in counseling, and helped her begin to
talk about her son’s sexual orientation since she also had no place she could
do this safely. She loved him deeply, but felt caught between him and what
she imagined would be the reaction of her conservative family. She had
75,619 Hours
nobody to talk to about how to relate to a gay child. Counseling gave her a
place to talk about the things she could not say to anybody.
Over the course of their work at VCS, the two of them began to reconnect.
Nicholas’s outbursts at school became less severe and the school no longer
To help 1,670 special needs students
had to call the police or ambulance when he became upset. In the final
weeks of their involvement in counseling
Nicholas’s mother attended a local support
group for parents of gay children, and came
back glowing, saying how much she loved it.
Now she has a community of people who she
Salome Abordo, Spring
May Barone (L)
can finally talk to about her experience. She
Madeline Dorangricia (R)
has since begun talking with Nicholas and they
Foster Grandparents at
are attending the support group together.
Ian Laidlaw, LMSW
Fleetwood Elementary
Valley Head Start
Community Recognition
VCS Recognition, Awards and Special Programs
Associate Executive Director; Director, VCS Community Change
VCS Funding Sources
During 2013, VCS enjoyed funding from many generous private foundations,
corporations and individual donors, as well as the following contractors:
Project, Phyllis B. Frank was inducted into the Rockland County Civil
Avon Products, Inc.
Rights Hall of Fame.
Camp Venture
At the Foster Grandparent Recognition Dinner, Alice Taylor, also a VCS
Volunteer, was honored for her contributions and dedication to the
Foster Grandparent Program since VCS became sponsored in 2009.
County of Rockland
National Corporation for Community Service
NYS Office for the Aging
NYS Office of Children and Family Services
The Chazen Foundation continued its invaluable financial support for
Ramapo High School
NicePak/PDI Corporation was the event sponsor for the 2013 Golf
Rockland County Department of Probation
Tournament to Prevent Child Abuse for the third year.
Rockland County Department of Social Services
The Avon Foundation awarded VCS a grant to support counseling for
Rockland County Youth Bureau
victims of domestic violence.
Rockland County District Attorney’s Office
Town of Clarkstown
Town of Ramapo
Town of Haverstraw
United Way of Rockland County
Village of Spring Valley
2013 Expenses
2013 Revenue
Mortgage &
2013 Domestic Violence
Program for Men Volunteers
Haki Baruti
Barry Goldstein
2013 Volunteer Counselors and Student Interns
Linda Berns
Phil Heffernan
Maryalice Chafietz
Elena Martinez
Margie Adames-Torres
Laura Dunnigan
Ramen Kaul
Judy Ryan
Joseph Coe
Darla Salmon
Deana Adams
Theresa Egan
Lorraine Knabe
Maureen Ryan
Tony Garnere
Laurel Salmon
Judith Andersen
Phyllis Eisenberg
Nancy Kupperman
David Salko
Byron Avilan
Leigh Anne Fagin
Ian Laidlaw
Darla Salmon
Consuelo Avilan
Philip Fanara
Sheri Langer
Laurel Salmon
Kathy Bareket
Stella Farrell
Janet Lassaw
Jeanne Schultz
Darcy Bauer
Iris Febres
Yves LaTouche
Paula Schwartz
Maria Bautista
Johanny Ferreira
Bari Lewart
Steve Seward
Liana Bekker
Janet Fischer
Laurie Lieberman
Deborah Sheehan
Ester Ben-Dov
Dahlia Fishman
Jason Long
David Shipper
Richard Benfield
Sheila Foster
Debbie Marcarelli
Sharon Slotnick
Kathy Bernhardt
Rosemarie Frisone
Gail Maurer
Karen Snyder-Kadish
Jill Bieber
Suzanne Gabel
Audrey Mayer
Clifford Stiebeck
Debra Holden, Jennifer Cancro, Karen
Deena Bloom
Harriet Gardner
Mirlene Millien
Pamela Stone
Cancro, Jillian Cancro, Joseph Osario,
Nancy Bowen
Virginia Geerdes
Chana Moses
Cindy Tabacco
Danielle Osario
Meryl Brown
Mimi Gelb
Linda Mower
Mira Tassone
Eileen Burge
Louis Gilbert
Elizabeth O'Hara
Alice Taylor
Diane Campbell
Cheryl Golub
Bethany Olster
Debra J. Thomas
Karen Campbell
Vanessa Green
Everlyn Pacheco-York
Angie Tyagi
Kathy Carty
Phillip Heffernan
Ellen Palop
Denise Urena
Patricia Caussade
Ishirelle Henry
Angela Piatek
Chris Vanasse
Maryalice Chaifetz
Jody Innerfield
Ellen Prager
Akiko Villegas
Tina Chamak
Ryan Jafri
Myrna Price
Joan Ann Wasser
Pamela Cinque
Judy Judka
Caran Pullen
Jade Watkins
Sonya Cook
Elora Kalish
Ashley Rappaport
Nan Yuasa
Ariel De La Cruz
Doris Katz
Suki Robins
Bob Zollner
Karen Dorangrichia
Benjamin Kaufman
Enid Ross
VCS Reception
Fran Greenberg
Patrick Millien
Deena Hayes, Diana Dunn,
2013 LGBT Program
Vanessa Green
Robert Adzema
Susan Harrington
Michele Arminio
Nicole Hines
Melissa Becker
Debra Holden
Judy Burns
Debra Karten
Jennifer Cancro
Arlene Levine
Karen Cancro
Brooke Malloy
Peter Cancro
Hal Parker
Tahrah Cohen
Dr. Arnold Roufa
Ginny Geerdes
Michael Sabino
Beverley Goff
Travis Tacon
Ahkiem Green-
Allice Taylor
John Vanderslice
2013 Foster Grandparents
Salome Abordo
Esther Del Rosario
Elizabeth Karnatz
Gloria Reboton
Jean Arcieri
Marietta DelDuco
Josephine Kavanagh
Bernard Reffsin
Cresencia Balagot
Severina Desacada
Dorothy Kinard
Oscar Richards
Edmundo Balagot
Erich Desch
Joan Kunet
Teresa Romero
May Barone
Annette Diskin
Donna Lazzari
Martha Rosas
Sheila Bencivenga
Madeline Doran-
Barbara Levine
Deanna Rose
Miriam Berkowitz
Martha L’Homme*
Zelda Rosenberg
Bernice Brady
Rosita Escobar
Conrado Logmao
Enid Ross
Margaret Brown
Liz Euden
Eden Mariano
Rosalie Santiago
Iraida Fernandez
Elaine McCann
Francisca Serrano
VCS Office
VCS Golf Volunteers
Madie Bullock
Purification Cabusi
Ray Figueroa
Angela Navatta
John Sheehan
Judy Andersen
Ginny Geerdes
Frances Calandra
Rosa Forand
Dolores Necio
Maria Squeo
Madeline Newman
Connie Coker
Gary Lefkowitz
Mary Clohessy
Roslyn Foxman
Ramona Ngolla
Elaine Taylor
Hal Deutschman
Wylene Branton
Eileen Coleman
Janet Gajeski
Denise Owens
Sarah Tirado
Mildred Colter
Flora Guerzon
Corazon Pidlaoan
Perla Tolentino
Corazon Cruz
Flora Harris
Sarah Pines
Lucille Van Sise
Harriet Cummings
Janie Hawkins
Anthony Reale
Rosalia Vasquez
Cleveria Dario*
Louise Jenkins
Dolores Reale
Frances Viola
Eileen Zollner
Melissa Butler
Matt Deutschman
Jerlyne Calixte
Toni Fallon
Peggy O’Boyle
Phyllis B. Frank, Annie Rodriguez,
Officers of the Board
Wylene Branton Wood, President
Phyllis Eisenberg, Vice President
Steven T. Breen, Treasurer
Hal Parker, Secretary
Associate Members
Judy Andersen
Harriet Cornell
Jeremy Apotheker
Jan Degenshein
Simona Chazen
Peter Ferber, M.D.
Connie Coker
Betty Hedges
Phyllis Eisenberg
Jean Houser
Toni Fallon
The Honorable Frances Hunter
Jonathan Kupperman
Lawrence Karnbad
Amy Baldwin Littman
Leonard Lipson, M.A.
Dennis McGloster
George Menken, D.D.S.
Stephen M. Papas
The Honorable Howard Miller
Les St. Louis
Selma Porter, CSW
John Sullivan
Thomas Torpey
Steven Breen, Board Treasurer and Alicia
Brockway from M & T Bank playing in our golf
Wylene Branton Wood, Board
President, speaking at Gay Pride
Rockland, Phyllis B. Frank and Diana
Executive Staff
Sarah Goforth, Executive Director
Phyllis B. Frank, Associate Executive Director
Staff members: Ellie Jacobson and Alice
Taylor at Gay Pride Rockland
Gail K. Golden, Associate Executive Director/Clinical
Nancy Rosa, Financial Director
Eva Hernandez-Goley, Director, Foster Grandparent Program
Shelly Burns
Diane Campbell
Roseanne Composto
Susanne Fitzpatrick
Vanessa Green
Ellie Jacobson
Beth Kipperman
Ian Laidlaw
Bari Lewart
Brooke Malloy
Jean Max Naissant
Rosa Serrano-Delgado
PDI team at our golf tournament: David
Susan Smith
Watson, Michael Sherman, Andrew Shin,
Alice Taylor
and Jonathan Kupperman
Patti Trichon
Diana Wilkins
Staff members: Diana Wilkins and Patti Trichon at
the golf registration desk
We appreciate our donors
Guardian: $10,000 or more
The Chazen Foundation
Partner: $1,000 - $9,999.99
Simona and Jerry Chazen
Classic Mortgage (Larry Denike)
Toni Fallon
Friends of David Fried
Bonna Lynn Horovitz
Raman Kaul
Jennifer and Susan McCann
PDI, Inc. (Jonathan Kupperman)
Quartet Financial Systems Inc. (Kathy
Deborah Reich and Josh Goldberg
Judy and Bill Ryan
Steve Madden (Alan M. Novich)
The M & T Charitable Foundation
Town of Haverstraw
Corey and Suzanne Weiss
Wylene Branton Wood
Producer: $500 - $999.99
Atlantic Business Products
Don and Barbara Bermack
Buchbinder Tunick & Co., LLP
Rosanne Composto
Harriet D. Cornell
Matthew Deutschman
Financial Benefits, Inc. (Gary Lefkowitz)
Sarah Goforth
Haverstraw Elks Lodge #877 (John
M & T Bank (Josephine Lore)
Gail Maurer
Rand Realty (Paul Adler)
Rockland Community Foundation (Neil
The Mac Shack
Richard E. and Elisabeth Voigt
Angel: $250 - $499.99
Steven Abel
Carolyn Andersen
Judy Andersen
Sally A. Bergen
Cartridge Authority (Hal Deutschman)
Connie Coker
Phyllis B. Frank
Friends of Alex Gromack
Ginny Geerdes
Lisa Heffernam and Roger Orf
Phillip Heffernan
Hudson Valley Bank (John Murphy)
Hudson Valley National Foundation, Inc.
(James Landy)
Inserra Supermarkets Inc.
Doris Katz
Kevin Drummond Agency (Kevin
Sande and Gary Lefkowitz
McCormack & Phillips, Esqs. (Ron
Stephen Papas
Director: $100 - $249.99
8 North Broadway (Constantine
A & T Healthcare, LLC
Advantron Corp. (Steve Ianni)
Alleyne Studios (Natalie Alleyne)
Allstate Insurance Co. (Godfrey Osorio)
Joan Balfour
Beading Buddies (Bonnie Katz)
Better Homes & Gardens Rand Reality
(John Patrick Shutz)
Joseph Bruno
Cal-Mart Enterprises, Inc. (Carl V.
Mimi Calhoun
Centerpoint Engineering
Maryalice Chaifetz
Climatrol, Inc.
Comfort Inn and Suites
DeCarlo Chiropractic (Lauren Mykalcio)
Thomas Della Torre
Phyllis Eisenberg
Eyevolution Optique
Irvin Fink and Carolyn Fish-Fink
Linda Gartenberg
Bernie Gelb
Gail Golden
Green Mountain Energy Co. (Corinna
Gypsy Donut (David Schloss)
Hudson Valley Pantry (J.G. Barnwell)
Howard and Donna Jacobs
Kangaroo Swirls
KBNY Culinary Ent (Kendell Brenner)
Beth Kipperman
Merle Klein
Las Delicias Patisserie (Deborah Brenner/
Susan Friedman)
Law Offices of Christine Klein (Christine
Amy Baldwin Littman
Lucrezia & Partners LLP (Angelo
M & T Bank
M & T Bank (Alicia Brockway)
Brooke Malloy and Matt Ortiz
Maria Luisa
Audrey Mayer
Met Life Financial Services (Paul
Mikey's Confections, LLC./Sweet Spot
(Michael Meyerowitz)
Murasaki Japanese Cuisine, Inc. (Masao
Deborah Cary Murnion
New York Life (Deborah Stone)
Everlyn Pacheco-York
Harold Parker (The Corner Frame Shop)
Myrna and Gene Price
Rockland County Family Court
Rockland PC Users Group (Hank
Rockland's Kettle Corn (Jim Linekin)
Rogers McCarron & Habas, P.C. (Bruce
Nancy and Jose Rosa
James Shooter
Spring Valley Optical
John J. Sullivan
Sunshine Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
(Ralph Spano)
teagevity (Preston Powell)
Tee's Fish and Chips (Timothy)
Temple Beth Torah
Alan and Susan Trestyn
Valerie Placid (Bohiomania)
Vincent's Ear (Tracy Kachtick-Anders)
Stephen and Bonny Weiss
Robert Zollner
Benefactor: $50 - $99.99
Deana Adams
Daniel Angiolillo
Arthur W. Auer
Judy Burns
Shelly Burns
Diane and John Campbell
Center for Saftey and Change (Laura
Center Lane (James Stewart)
Tina Chamak
Childcare Resources of Rockland (Karen
Joseph Coe
Randi Cohen
Congregation Sons of Israel (Emily
Creative Response to Conflict (Johannes
James DeMinno
Elizabeth B. Di Stefano
FDNY (Fabaricio Caro)
Gary and Marsha Forman
Rosemarie Frisone
Rita Garner
Beverley Goff
Howard Golden
Grace Episcopal Church (Evelyn
Eva Hernandez-Goley
Home Aides of Rockland, Inc.
HVCS (Jay Dewey)
Ellie Jacobson
Legal Services of the Hudson Valley
(Cynthia Knox/ Lisa Sassone)
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (Gina
Lanzano & Liz Sherman)
The LOFT: LGBT Community Center
(David Juhren)
LPSS Inc. (Frank Ryan)
Nafi ( Melissa Becker)
NAMI Familya of Rockland (Christian
New York State Assemblyman (Kenneth
P. Zebrowski)
NY Civil Liberties Union-Lower Hudson
Valley (Daniel Berger)
Nyack Park Conservatory- Skatepark
Committee (Sarah Anderson)
Sean and Susan O'Sullivan
Ellen Palop
Pet Nutrition Center
PFLAG of Rockland County (Carol
Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic
(Michelle Vincoli)
Pride Works/ Westchester PFLAG (Matt
Raising Women's Voices for the
Healthcare We Need - NY (Maryanne
Roca Carpet (Michael Mandelli)
Rockland Conservatory of Music
(Marigene Behrens)
Rockland County Young Dems (Joseph
Bonnie Schwarcz-Kurz & Steven Kurz
David and Marla Slater
Barbara Stark
Suburbia Roller Derby (Kristin West)
The Byne Group
Touch (Robert Maher)
Jonathan Trestyn
United Church of Spring Valley (Robert
Paul Wnorowski
Sponsor: $0.01 - $49.99
Jeremy Apotheker
Michael and Rochelle Berger
Linda Berns
Enid and Bob Brannon
Tahrah Cohen
Ingrid DeCicco
Linda and Robert Feld
Denise Gilbert
Rachel and Howard Goldring
Melanie Grossman
Doris Haas
Peggy Miller
MR2 Media LLC
Anne Murphy
Carol Napier
Miriam Nicoll
RC Services LLC (Richard Chambers)
Christine Ricardo
Erica Trestyn
Patti and Donald Trichon
Judy Veraldo
In Kind
Abigail Rose and Lily Too
American Burrito
Art Cafe
Atlantic Business Products
Atlantic Tomorrow's Office
Back To Earth
Barry Romoff
Birchwood Center
Bob's Art and Framing
Bradford Renaissance Portraits
Caliber Tire & Auto
Cartridge Authority
Christopher Robert
Comfort Inn and Suites
Computuners, Inc.
Confetti Ristorante
Connie Coker
Cookie Girl
Crystal's on the Rocks
Da Nina
David Greene, Esq.
Dider Dumas Patisserie
Dr. Gail Golden
Dragonfly Studio
Elizabeth O'Hara
Gilligan's Clam Bar and Grill
Ginny Geerdes
Helen's Handbags
Hudson House of Nyack
Jimmy's On Main
Jody Innerfeld
Jonathan Coe
Judy Andersen
La Fontana Restaurant
Lynch's Restaurant
Mark Kassis
Mary Ann Liscio
Melanie Grossman
Ned Kelly & Company
New City Pizza
New York Country Club
Nyack Fitness
Nyack Wine Cellar
Pet Nutrition Center
Peter Max
PGA Superstore
Pickwick Book Shop
Rand Realty
Rockland Sports Promotions
Rose Nail Salon
Saffron Trading Co.
Sarah Goforth
Sidewalk Bistro
Slattery's Landing Steakhouse
Sparkhill Steak House
Things I Love, Inc.
Union Restaurant & Bar Latino
Vanderbilt Hardware and Painting
VCS Gaypride Rockland
Velo Bistro Wine Bar
Vincent's Ear
Vogue Salon
Wylene Branton Wood
Yemaya Massage & Wellness Center
You've Been Fleeced
A Counseling and Family Service Agency
with an Anti-racist, Social Justice Mission
77 South Main Street
New City, NY 10956-3511
Please visit our websites:
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Pictures by Shadow Photography
(Ginny Geerdes) vhgeerdes@mac.com
Publication by Patti Trichon