June 2005 Newsletter - Chantilly Highlands
June 2005 Newsletter - Chantilly Highlands
The Chantilly Highlander Your Community Newsletter Serving Chantilly Highlands Visit us on the web at www.chha.org June 2005 VERIZON UPGRADE INFO As Verizon continues upgrading its system throughout our neighborhood, any complaints should be directed to the following numbers: Mr. Kim Crammer, Verizon manager of the project 703-204-7909. Verizon Damage Prevention Line Carlos or Sherrie 800-768-8831. Jeff Jones at Ivy Smith, subcontractor for the project 703-796-1740. Fairfax County Consumer Affairs Department to lodge a complaint 703-2228435. Kindergarten Registration Will your child be 5 years old by September 30, 2005? If so, it is time to register your child for kindergarten. Registration has begun at Oak Hill Elementary School. To register, or for more information, call 703-467-3500. Early registration is necessary to determine staffing. To learn more about the registration process and curriculum, go to www.fcps.edu/news/kinder.htm. For other questions, call the Office of Early Childhood and Family Services at 703846-8696. Take C.A.R.E. before you dig: C Call Miss Utility before you dig at A R E 1-800-552-7001 Allow time for marking Respect the marks Excavate carefully Get more information at www.missutilityofvirginia.com Important Pool Info All residents must bring an upto-date 3”x5” picture that includes all family members to the pool for admittance. The picture will be matched with information in our database. Make sure to take the time to review the pool rules printed in the May issue of the Chantilly Highlander with your children, especially if you have older children that may be allowed to enter the pool without parental supervision. You can review the rules on our website at www.chha.org under the Pool Opening Info section. Remind your children that the pool guards have the authority to eject residents for the day, and even suspend pool privileges for the duration of the pool season if warranted. The pool hours are posted on the calendar on page 4 of this issue. The pool concessions contract was awarded to Cindy Nichols. Remember to bring coin and small currency to the pool if you plan on purchasing snacks during breaks. Enjoy, but be safe! In This Issue: Board & Committee Contacts……….. Board Minutes…………………………. Classified Ads…………………………. Community Events & Calendar……… Neighborhood Watch Info……………. 11 2-3 10 4 9 The Chantilly Highlander Page 2 Chantilly Highlands Homes Association Board of Directors Meeting Thursday, May 5, 2005 Submitted by: Mary Kerr Minutes are tentative and will be reviewed and approved at the upcoming Board of Directors meeting. Board Attendees: Jeff Boehlert, Debbie Bowen, Jim Ceh, Mark Hassinger, Mary Kerr, Karen McGreevy, Wendy Osborn, Chris Tacinelli and Darin Welt. Absent Board Attendees: None. Home Owner Attendees: Two residents. The Chantilly Highlands Homes Association Meeting was called to order at 7:36 PM by President, Jim Ceh. Meeting Minutes: The April Minutes were reviewed and accepted with one correction. Cathe Hargenrader’s name was misspelled. Architectural Control: Mark Hassinger made a Motion to appoint Cindy DiPalma to the ACC Committee. Chris Tacinelli seconded. All approved. Cindy was welcomed by all. Long Range Planning: Mary Kerr presented the topics that are to be discussed at tonight’s meeting as well as what information should be included in the upcoming Newsletter. The planning calendar will be emailed to all board members. The community center parking lot is scheduled to be resurfaced between May 10 and May 15. The edges of the lot will be milled, cracks will be filled in, the entire lot paved and striped. Treasurer's Report: Chris Tacinelli reported that 20 homes still owe their assessment dues and these residents will not be permitted to use the pool, community center, or participate in any other subdivision activities until their assessments are paid. Chris has either contacted each homeowner either by phone or email. Twenty-five thousand dollars has been budgeted to cover major expenses this year, however, we will actually spend $44,000. The remaining $19,000 will be taken from reserves. The auditor has reviewed the CHHA accounting books and has approved. Money is currently in two accounts at one local bank – money market and checking account. The auditor suggested that the reserve funds be separated out and placed in another bank. This will help keep the accounting clean and also provide protection of the funds if a bank would close. Community Events: The community yard sale was held on Saturday, April 30th even though it was dampened with rain. Due to the rain and low turn-out, residents suggested that a “rain date” be set for future yard sales. There was no recollection of there being a rain date in the past. The Social Committee meeting at the Community Center will be held on Wednesday, May 18th at 7 p.m. to discuss/plan Community Day, and Teen Party. Everyone is invited. Community Facilities: The pool opening is on schedule and will open in three weeks. The furniture was inspected and thoughts are that additional furniture will not be needed this season. The Rolodex system will be used again this pool season. Community Facilities and the Guards ask that you be patient as each person’s name is looked up for confirmation that they are a resident and in good standing with the CHHA Bylaws and Covenants. Cindy Nichols won the snack provider contract for this pool season. The Guards will be selling the snack items during break time and ask that you use small bills and coins. Pool companies were contacted about inspecting all the pool equipment this spring and have them provide a recommendation of what needs to be upgraded/repaired over the next couple of years based on wear and tear and Fairfax County requirements. The consensus was that there is really no way to check the equipment for life expectancy and if something should break, it should only take one to two days to repair. The tennis courts are in the process of being resurfaced. The courts are useable for tennis play, however, bicycles, skateboards, roller blades, etc. are not permissible. Once the surface is cured, the lines will be painted and fence repaired. Caution tape will be placed around the tennis court area to discourage use by articles that could damage the resurfacing process. Land Management: Mowing of the common areas has begun, and several residents have asked about mowing of the gas lines by CHHA since the utility companies seldom come to mow. Currently all common ground that has street access is maintained by the Association. There are two large gas lines in this community. Mark Hassinger made the Motion to have Wendy Osborn contact Palmer Property Management to retrieve a bid of what it would cost to cut these two gas lines and how often they should be cut. Mary Kerr seconded. Motion carried. Neighborhood Watch: Officer Barrington and Officer See BOARD MINUTES on Page 3 June 2005 Page 3 BOARD MINUTES from page 2 Twombly of the Fairfax County Police Department came this evening to train residents and discuss Neighborhood Watch. Attendance was very disappointing because only two residents attended. National Night Out is scheduled for Tuesday, August 2nd. This is an evening block party held throughout the country. A suggestion was made that this could be a way to get information out about Neighborhood Watch. It was also suggested that we could incorporate this into our Community Day when attendance is high. Due to the recent drug arrest of a non-CHHA resident on Scotsmore, and needles and drug paraphernalia being found on the bike path near McLearan and Cobra, police bike patrol will increase in this area. Parents are asked to talk to your children about not handling any items they may find on these paths, being approached by anyone selling drugs and to notify police of immediately if this occurs. Architectural Control: The Board is planning to walk the neighborhood this fall to look for homes that are not in compliance with the ACC Guidelines, Bylaws and Covenants. A revised ACC Guideline book is in review and will be printed and mailed to the residents soon. Newsletter: Nothing to report at this time. Old Business: Discussion was postponed regarding upgrading the current insurance concerns brought up at the last meeting. There have been some problems arising from Verizon being in the neighborhood. Contact numbers were in the May Newsletter if residents have experienced any problems. New Business: The land owned by EDS that is being proposed to be developed will be meeting in June with the County. The community and the Board will want to attend future planning and development meetings with the County. Adjournment: Chris Tacinelli made a Motion to adjourn the meeting and Jeff Boehlert Seconded. The Board approved and the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Congratulations To the Class of 2005! RE/MAX Premier, Inc. 13135 Lee Jackson Hwy., Suite 115., Fairfax, VA. 22033 Each office independently owned and operated Jerry L. Thatcher A Quality Full Service Realtor with a Personal Investment in Your Satisfaction when Buying or Selling a Home. Have any questions about buying or selling a home? Check out my website. “When you know how much I care, you’ll care how much I know!” WWW.SOLDWITHBOB.COM Realtor ® 3998 Fair Ridge Drive Fairfax, VA 22033 703.795.9848 An educated buyer or seller will make the best decisions. My aim is to educate you, not sell you on something. If the answers to your Real Estate questions are not there, please call me and I’ll be happy to answer them for you. BOB YEOMANS, Realtor®, Specializing in New Beginnings & Happy Endings! Email: jerrythatcher01@aol.com Cell: Office: (703) 309-7561 (703) 802-2850 The Chantilly Highlander Page 4 COMMUNITY EVENTS Jump Start Your Child’s Summer! Therapy With Play Community Day Planning Moves Forward By Beth Whisamore A Therapeutically-based Activity Program Fine Motor—Visual Motor—Sensory Motor Skills The Social Committee is gearing up for Community Day. Want to help? It’s a great way to get involved in the community, even if you only have a few hours to offer. We will be meeting in the community center on the third Wednesday of every month at 7 PM, and we always have something good to eat while we chat! We’d love to have you join us on June 15th at 7 PM. June 27 - 30 from 9:30 am to 12 noon at the Chantilly Highlands Community Center For Kindergarteners through Rising 3rd graders Refresher in August Don’t Cook! Claudia Mielach Abatemarco, OTR/L Occupational Therapist Come out for a family fun night at the pool on Friday, June 3rd from 5-8 PM. Claudianjb@aol.com Hot dogs, pizza & sno cones! Private Therapy Available 703-787-6984 Limited Space—Call Today Sponsored by Girl Scout Troop 3171 June 2005 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 7:30 PM Comm Fac Mtg Thu 2 7:30 PM Board Mtg Fri 3 Sat 4 Pool 11 AM-8 PM Pool 11 AM-8 PM Pool 11 AM-8 PM Pool 11 AM-8 PM 5 Pool 12-8 PM 12 Pool 12-8 PM 19 Pool 12-8 PM 26 Pool 12-8 PM 6 7 8 9 10 11 Pool 11 AM-8 PM Pool 11 AM-8 PM Pool 11 AM-8 PM Pool 11 AM-8 PM Pool 11 AM-8 PM Pool 11 AM-8 PM 13 14 15 7 PM Comm Day Planning Mtg 16 17 18 Pool 11 AM-8 PM Pool 11 AM-8 PM Pool 11 AM-8 PM Pool 11 AM-8 PM Pool 11 AM-8 PM Pool 11 AM-8 PM 20 21 22 23 24 25 Pool 11 AM-8 PM Pool 11 AM-8 PM Pool 11 AM-8 PM Pool 11 AM-8 PM Pool 11 AM-8 PM Pool 11 AM-8 PM 27 28 Pool 11 AM-9 PM Pool 11 AM-9 PM 29 30 June 2005 Page 5 HOPE FOR HAYDEN dgibbons@weichert.com A Community Outreach Project 18 year resident of Chantilly Highlands Submitted by Cindy DiPalma Hayden Mustico, age 15 and a resident of Franklin Farm, is critically ill with a rare genetic disorder called Adrenoleukodystrophy or (ALD). Hayden is in need of an immediate bone marrow transplant that he will receive at the end of this month. His family has relocated to the Cincinnati area for several months while Hayden undergoes treatment at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Office: 703-709-0101 Direct: 703-283-2722 Debbie Gibbons ABR, GRI, SRES Realtor® 13001 Worldgate Drive Herndon, VA 20170 Weichert One Brochure Buying, Selling, Owning, Living… A complete source for all your real estate needs. Call me for your free copy! Personal Service + Attention to Detail = Realtor for Life Invite me in! Hayden, with brother Tyler The Jennings/Mustico family still resides in our community, and can use our help. Even with insurance coverage, the family can expect high medical costs, which does not include travel or living expenses while in Cincinnati. You can learn more about ALD, and updates on Hayden at www.HopeForHayden.com. Here is how you can help Hayden and his family: ∗ Donate financially to support the family in related care and medical costs. Checks must be made payable to Stacy Jennings and sent to: P.O. Box 710838, Herndon, Virginia, 20171. Please include notation, Stacy’s Kids, on the check memo line. ∗ Consider learning more about becoming a marrow donor by contacting www.marrow.org www.themarrowfoundation.org. or ∗ A 3 on 3 basketball tournament is scheduled for June 25, at Dulles Sports Plex. It is open to most age groups. Go to www.HopeForHayden.com for more information. Thank you for giving Hayden hope! The Chantilly Highlander Page 6 Drummond’s Painting & Drywall Interior & Exterior Painting Rotten Wood Replacement Drywall Repairs/Basements Carpentry Work Pressure washing - Houses & Decks Wallpaper Removal 703-263-1561 Office 703-501-7484 Cell Kevin Drummond FREE ESTIMATES Serving the Chantilly Highlands and Franklin Farms communities for over 20 years! Local references available. LICENSED & INSURED Remodeling Contract Provisions By Carla Abbud Once you have picked a remodeler, no work should begin until you have a written contract that spells out the details of your project. What are some of the typical provisions remodeling contracts include? •The remodeling company’s legal name and the name it is operating or “doing business as” (if the two are different), street address, telephone number, and license number. •A detailed written and visual representation - blueprint, floor plan, sketches, product photographs - that both states, and depicts, what the remodeler will do and where. •The timetable for the project, including approximate start and completion dates. •The price and progress payment schedule. Payments are usually tied to the satisfactory completion of a certain construction phase and the passing of building inspections for that phase, if applicable. A hefty deposit is generally not required if a contractor is solvent and reliable. •Detailed specifications for all products and materials. The description of each item should provide enough detail to clearly identify it, such as the brand name, model number, color, and size. This section of the contract may also describe any materials to be selected later, who will choose them, and the amount of money (called an allowance) set aside to pay for each item. •Information on who will obtain and pay for necessary permits and other approvals. Generally, the contractor should obtain permits in his name so that that the contractor, not the homeowner, is responsible for any building code violations. •Insurance information. It is a good idea to list the contractor’s workers’ compensation and liability insurance information in the contract, or to attach it as an exhibit. The issuing insurance company’s name, policy number, policy effective dates, types and limits of coverage are all listed on a Certificate of Insurance routinely providing by the contractor’s insurance broker. You will want to check the policy effective dates to ensure that it covers the time frame when your project will be built. You can also ask to be listed as an “additional insured” on the contractor’s policy for the duraSee REMODELING on page 7 June 2005 Page 7 REMODELING from page 6 Kitchens By Design, Inc. tion of the project. Talk to your own insurance agent about this issue if you have questions. •The procedures for handling change orders. •Lien releases to ensure that you are not held liable for any claims of nonpayment by the contractor to subcontractors and suppliers. •Waiver of liability. Reputable contractors should be willing to state in writing that their company specifically exempts the homeowner from liability for any injury sustained by any employee or subcontractor of the company during the course of the project, and that the contractor will indemnify and defend the homeowner against all such claims. Full Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Countertop Replacements Finished Basements, Wet Bars, Game Rooms Vinyl Window Replacements •Provisions for conflict resolution in the event of a contract dispute. •Details on issues like access to your home, care of the premises, phone and bathroom use, cleanup, trash removal, and repair of disturbed landscaping. Free In Home Estimates…703-631-2189 •Warranty information. Most remodelers offer some Excellent references throughout Chantilly Highlands and Franklin Farm form of written warranty. Many builders back their own warranties on workmanship and materials, typically for one year. Others offer warranties backed by an insurance company. Also, some warranties for things such as roofing, windows, and doors, may be provided by the manufacturer. Distinguish between the different types of warranties and list them in your contract. •Once you have read your contract carefully, review it with your remodeler to clarify any wording you do not understand. 4% •If you still have questions after this meeting, you should discuss them with your attorney. When all your questions have been answered, you're ready to sign the contract. NEXT INSTALLMENT… Preparing for, and Living with, Construction YOU DESERVE TO BE PAMPERED! For less than $25.00 a month, enjoy the #1 Skin Care line in the country! We have new spring products, like the revolutionary Microdermabrasion. See younger and smoother looking skin in just ONE treatment! Interested in hosting a party and receiving FREE products? Have a party during your Mom’s Night Out, Woman’s Club or Bunko Group. No obligation, just fun! We have new Color 101 classes to try all the new spring looks. 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Call KAREN McGREEVY Your Independent Mary Kay Beauty Consultant 703-435-1141 www.marykay.com/karenmac or email at karenmac@marykay.com Order online 24 hours a day – 7 days a week for your convenience! Different rates may be offered by other RE/MAX offices and RE/MAX sales associates in this market area. Full Service Listings ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Full color brochure detailing highlights of your home Listings in MRIS and on my website Open Houses Advertising in the local newspapers I offer varying commission plans designed to meet your needs! Even “For Sale by Owner” Options! Margie Barr 15-year Resident of Chantilly Highlands (703) 652-5763 (703) 930-4131 Buyer Services ♦ Monitor all new listings to match your individual needs with available properties ♦ Develop a customized home search for you ♦ Send you e-mails whenever new listings come on the market Visit us on the web at www.TheVirginiaHomeTeam.com The Chantilly Highlander Page 8 Professional Pressure Washing Services Opening doors and closing sales! Sellers •Time is money: I provide customized marketing programs to sell your home quickly and at the highest price. •Resources: I utilize traditional methods, as well as the latest technologies, to effectively market your home or property. •Enthusiasm: As a fellow Chantilly Highlands resident, I know that this is a terrific neighborhood in an extremely desirable location, and my enthusiasm works to your benefit. H2O POWERWASH Deck Cleaning, Sealing & House Washing Experts! 15 Years of excellent Work in Northern Virginia Deck Cleaning & Sealing (premium products only) House Siding Cleaning, Brick, Patios, Concrete & Garage Floors • Special pricing for Fence Cleaning & Sealing • Chantilly Highlands Resident! • • Lee Abbud Buyers •Commitment: I listen to your needs and goals, and provide personal service that allows you to make the best decision regarding a residence or investment property. •Knowledge: I have knowledge of the many diverse neighborhoods in the region, new home builders, and market trends; and I apply that knowledge to your advantage. Please call me at (703) 362-2657 or Email me at leeabbud@kw.com • USE THE BEST BECAUSE YOU DESERVE THE BEST! We Now Build Fences! Call for Spring Specials CHRIIS DOLAN 703-435-3408 Fairfax County Health Department is asking residents to help with their West Nile virus surveillance by reporting dead birds. Avoid handling any dead animal with bare hands. Correctly dispose of a dead bird by double-bagging it and placing it in the garbage. Report it at 703-246-2300 or www.fairfaxcounty.gov/fightthebite. You will be asked to provide your name, phone number, date and location found, and type/description of the bird. You can also help by eliminating mosquito breeding sites of standing water. Protect yourself by wearing mosquito repellent containing DEET when outdoors. Children should be reminded to always wear bike helmets, stay hydrated during the warm weather, especially if playing sports, and to avoid other dangers such as wild animals, reptiles, and unknown objects. Details, Details, Details! Why ride in a dirty vehicle? Get a professional car detail at an amateur price. You won't be disappointed! Just ask my customers. Contact Jeremy at (703) 707-0510 for an appointment. Don’t forget to submit an ACC Exterior Alteration Request Form BEFORE starting your next home improvement/remodeling project! Get your request form online at www.chha.org (or call Carla Abbud at 703925-0949 for a form if you can’t access the internet.) Chantilly Highlands resident (college student) serving the neighborhood for five years. For prices and services, visit the Three Details web page at: http://members.aol.com/threedetails/threedetails.html or email me at ThreeDetails@AOL.com June 2005 Page 9 Watch Out For Children NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH Our children might not always remember to look for cars when crossing the street. Drive carefully, and remember that our speed limit is 25 mph. CRIME & INCIDENTS REPORT No incidents to report. You can view crime and incident reports on the internet at www.co.fairfax.va.us/ps/police/ police7.htm. Although drugs have not been a major issue in this community, we have had reports of drug paraphernalia found on the bike path near McLearen Road and Cobra Drive. There has also been one drug arrest on Scotsmore Drive. This arrest involved a subject who was not a resident of Chantilly Highlands. The police are aware of the situation and are following up on the information and reports. Parents are asked to talk to their children about not handling any items they may find on these paths, and if approached by a stranger to advise their parents, who should report it to the police. The non-emergency police phone number is 703691-2131. If at all possible report it in a timely matter so an officer might be able to catch someone. With summer approaching there is typically an increase in criminal/mischievous activity. Remember to report any suspicious persons, vehicles, or activities to the police. Bring your cell phone when you take your evening walks with your neighbor or with the dog. Program the police non-emergency number (703-691-2131) into your cell phone. For emergencies or crimes occurring, call 911—remember as much information as possible, but do not intervene. The Home of 4%-4½% Full Service Listings PLUS CASH BACK TO MY BUYERS Child Supervision Guidelines These guidelines have been developed by social work professionals in collaboration with the community. THEY ARE GUIDELINES ONLY. There may be situations, even within these guidelines, when it is not safe to leave a child unsupervised. Parents are ultimately responsible for making decisions about their child's safety. Whenever any child is unsupervised/unattended the following should apply: • • • • Bernie Kagan Vice President www.berniekagan.com 703-216-0985 Over $40 Million in homes sold for 2004 NVAR Top Producer There are two reasons why many of your neighbors have chosen Bernie Kagan and Samson Realty … PRICE I save my customers thousands & thousands of dollars compared to many agents. PERFORMANCE I get the job done professionally always keeping my customer’s best interests in mind. FREE MOVING TRUCK TO MY CUSTOMERS There must be no emotional, medical, or behavioral problems which affect judgment or decision-making skills. Child must be comfortable being alone. Youth must have a safety plan worked out with the parent/ caretaker, which includes: 1. How to access parent or other responsible adult at all times (including knowing the parent/caretaker’s whereabouts and having a telephone number where parent can be reached). 2. What to do in case of emergency. 3. Guidelines for acceptable behavior. 4. Knowledge of emergency telephone numbers. Youth must demonstrate the ability to follow the safety plan and to make decisions that reflect concern for personal safety. SUPERVISION GUIDELINES 7 years & under: Should not be left alone for any period of time. This may include leaving children unattended in cars, playgrounds, and backyards. The determining consideration would be the dangers in the environment and the ability of the caretaker to intervene. 8 to 10 years: Should not be left alone for more than 1½ hours and only during daylight and early evening hours. 11 to 12 years: May be left alone for up to 3 hours but not late at night or in circumstances requiring inappropriate responsibility. 13 to 15 years: May be left unsupervised, but not overnight. 16 to 17 years: May be left unsupervised. In some cases, for up to two consecutive overnight periods. This and additional information can be found at www.co.fairfax.va.us/service/dfs/factsheets/ childsupervisionguidelines.htm Fairfax County Child Protective Svcs Hotline 703-324-7400 The Chantilly Highlander Page 10 Classified Advertising Maria’s Cleaning Services –Small and friendly team would like to offer you house cleaning services. Competitive rates with great references. Honest and Reliable. Please call Maria for a free estimate at 703-787-3326 (corrected phone number). For Sale: 1999 Ford Taurus SE - Good condition, Air bags/ AC, great 2nd car or teenager wheels; 102,000 miles, $3800 obo. Call 703-464-9788 Ride-on Lawn Mower for Sale: MTR 7 speed with snow blower attachment. Good condition. Please call 703-318-8252. Childcare/Nanny needed - PT care for 5 mo. old twins in our home. 15-35 hrs/wk (your choice # of hrs). Flexible schedule. One parent will be working from home the majority of the time. Non-smoking female w/ references only. Contact Stephanie at 703-467-9580. A & S Home Improvement - Remodeling bath & kitchen, Ceramic tile, Floor & wall tile, Painting, Drywall, Electrical, Plumbing, Ceiling Fans, and more. Licensed, Honest, Experienced. Free estimates. 703-860-4734. Cell 703-944-3135. KC PetWatch...Experienced, dependable, in-home pet care. Daily walks, feedings, TLC, meds. Will handle mail, papers set security. Certified Pet CPR. Reservations/references. (703) 435-3408. KidWorks (Youth in Business...18 yrs & under) Lawn Mowing Service...Will mow and/or edge your lawn at an affordable price; make sure it is kept looking nice while on vacation; or help keep it trimmed weekly. For information, call Stephen (new number) at (703) 390-1091. Lawn Care - 11th grader, lawn mowing and edging every week or as needed, bagging for no extra cost. Call Kyle at (703) 471-1287. Babysitter/Pet sitter...10th grader, CPR, Childcare & Emergency Care Certified. Loves games, all sports & all types of animals. Call Erinn (new number) at (703) 390-1091. Pet Care. 9th grader willing to take care of your pets anytime. Experienced, Responsible, and Dependable. References available. Call Jennifer at (703) 787-9323. CRC mowing/yard work - Mowing $25; other svcs available upon request. References available. Call Corey at 703-3991559. Wall Washers/Weed Wackers Pros - Tired of dirt & marks on your walls but not ready to paint? Hire us for a clean new look at a reasonable price. We also wash deck furniture, weed plant beds, water outdoor flowers. Call Brian, Danny, or Travis at 703-787-6984. Help Wanted: Local HS or college student wanted to help maintain lawns in Chantilly Highlands and adjoining communities. Help needed every weekend from now (June) through November. Will train, but prior lawn mowing experience a plus. Call Tim at (703) 481-1076. Home for Sale in Chantilly Highlands: Aston/Merrick model w/ vaulted FR ceiling w/ 3 skylights. 4 BR, den, 3½ BA, hardwood floors. New roof, siding, and carpet. Finished walk-up basement. Large screened-in porch. Open backyard backing to common area on Kinross Circle. (703) 390-1091. LAWNMOWING: College student and area resident who has maintained Chantilly Highlands lawns for the last five years will mow and edge your lawn. Professional equipment, top quality service. References available. Call Tim at (703) 4811076. Buffer for wood floor - The Cleaning Machine by Koblenz, 4.2 amps, $150 obo. Call 703-904-0131. Need professional computer help? Get help from engineer w/ MS in IT. Reasonable rates. Svcs incl: system clean-up, virus & spyware detection/removal, secure wireless config, data recovery & more. Contact Abe: info@sharp-ideas.net or 703477-7389. www.sharp-ideas.net Arbonne offers botanically based skin care, makeup, and nutrition products that are proven pure, safe, and beneficial. How to earn extra income or what to do when the kids are in school? Arbonne has a phenomenal business opportunity! Call Stephanie Sheridan at 703-742-8001 or email SRSheridan@cox.net June 2005 Page 11 COMMITTEE INFO Board of Directors meets on the first Thursday of every month at 7:30 PM at the Community Center. Meetings are open, and all residents are welcome and encouraged to participate. To include a specific item on the agenda, please contact the Board President. Architectural Control Committee (ACC) meets monthly at the Community Center. Contact any ACC member or appropriate Board member if you have ACC questions or concerns. Chantilly Highlander newsletter team welcomes your articles and community photos of specific events, or just whatever is going on in your neighborhood! We would also love your suggestions and ideas for new features as well as feedback on current content. Advertising questions and other information may be emailed to Newsletter@chha.org, or mailed to the Editor at P.O. Box 710238, Oak Hill, VA, 20171. Community Activities Committee identifies and schedules events for the participation of Chantilly Highlands families. The committee meets as events are scheduled, and chairpersons vary throughout the year. If you are interested in leading an event or have ideas for a community activity, please contact a Board member. Community Facilities Committee (ComFac) meets the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30 PM at the Community Center. Issues pertaining to our swimming pool, tennis courts, playground, Community Center and its grounds are managed by the Community Facilities Committee. If you would like to become involved in this committee, contact Jeff Boehlert at 703-435-2836. Land Management Committee handles all issues that involve the common areas of our community: primarily lawn care and snow removal. Meetings are held as needed. You may contact Wendy Osborn at 703-834-7978 with questions and if you are able to help on the Land Management Committee. The Chantilly Highlander is a monthly publication which informs the community of our accomplishments, upcoming events, committee meeting highlights and decisions, and provides a forum for you and your family to communicate items of interest to your neighbors! Articles are reviewed and published at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Published advertisement is accepted, however it is not considered an endorsement by the Board. Electronic submissions are encouraged via email; however, please also provide a “camera ready” printed copy for comparison if there are graphics or fonts (print styles) that must be maintained. Email address: Newsletter@chha.org (Please include ‘Chantilly Highlander’ in the subject line so it is not deleted as spam) Mailing address: CHHA, c/o The Chantilly Highlander, P.O. Box 710238, Oak Hill, VA 20171 Please submit articles, advertising (with payment), and photos so they are RECEIVED by the 12th of each month for consideration in the next month’s issue: be sure to allow sufficient time for mail processing. Any non-profit notices will included only if space allows—for guaranteed placement it must be paid advertising. Advertising Rates: KidWorks (Under 18 yrs) Classified Ad Business Card 2” x 3½” Quarter Page 3¼” x 4½” Resident $ 2.50 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 45.00 Non-Resident $ 10.00 $ 15.00 $ 40.00 $ 60.00 CUT OUT AND HANG BY YOUR PHONE FOR HANDY REFERENCE! When calling board or committee members, please be mindful that they are volunteers, with jobs and families, making sacrifices to serve our community. Try to contact the appropriate liaison or committee chair for the best response to a concern/question. Chantilly Highlands Committees Architectural Control (ACC) Carla Abbud Andrea Ward Cindy DiPalma Civic Affairs Jeffrey Parnes Community Ctr Rental Answering Machine Community Activities Beth Whisamore Community Facilities Jeffrey Boehlert Database Administrator Dave Puchrik Garden Club Joanne Abrams Land Management Wendy Osborn Karen McGreevy Neighborhood Watch (see Comm Facilities) Pool House Phone Lori Manik Resale Packages Bill Marlin Swim Team Chair Steve Edwards Tennis Courts Jeffrey Parnes Webmaster Jane Huang Web Posting 703-925-0949 703-481-3192 703-471-1874 703-904-0131 703-435-0736 703-435-1681 703-435-2836 Database@chha.org 703-444-0328 703-834-7978 703-435-1141 703-435-2081 703-796-1061 571-203-0440 703-742-3353 703-904-0131 703-707-8889 2005 CHHA Board of Directors President…………... Vice President…….. Treasurer………….. Secretary………….. Architectural Control Liaison…………... Community Facilities Liaison…………... Land Management Liaison…………... Newsletter Liaison… Neighborhood Watch Liaison…………... Community Activities Liaison... Jim Ceh Wendy Osborn Chris Tacinelli Mary Kerr 703-709-8560 703-834-7978 703-787-0315 Secretary@CHHA.org Mark Hassinger 703-435-4810 Jeffrey Boehlert 703-435-2836 Wendy Osborn Darin Welt 703-834-7978 703-787-3883 Karen McGreevy 703-435-1141 Debbie Bowen 703-481-1845 Windows Doors Siding Trim • Keep your energy bills low and your home comfortable • Upgrades increase the market value of your home • Maintenance-free products • Lifetime Warranty - Customer satisfaction guaranteed • Huge variety of colors and styles from which to choose • Easy tilt-in cleaning features www.creativewindowsva.com $100 Off Chantilly Highlands Homes Association P.O. Box 710238 Oak Hill, VA 20171
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March 2008 Newsletter
7:30 PM at the Community Center. Meetings are open, and all residents are welcome and encouraged to participate. To include a specific item on the agenda, please contact the Board President.