5 steps to staying in shape at your computer
5 steps to staying in shape at your computer
Please take a copy - FREE Issue 362, April 14th, 2016. DONABATE • MALAHIDE • SWORDS PLUMBING & GAS SERVICES APPLE ✆ 087 9649350 HEATING & PLUMBING PLUMBING & HEATING MAINTENANCE SAVINGS NOW! • General Plumbing Gas Boiler • Boiler Replacements servicing from • Heating Installations €69 • Leaks, Blockages, Taps •Radiators & Cylinders •Boiler Service •Controls Upgrades •5yr. warranty available LOCAL ENGINEERS - FAST & RELIABLE Gluten Free ‘Made Really Easy’. Our range of baking mixes are naturally free from gluten, wheat and dairy - without additives or added sugars Pizza Base, Chocolate Pudding Sponge Cake, Yorkshire Pudding, Batter Mix Available in our online shop- Irish Based www.bestafoods.ie Baking made easy Besta Foods Besta Foods Car Paint Repair 5 steps to staying in shape at your computer For many of us, the daily grind involves sitting in front of a computer for hours at a time! I mean sometimes hours and hours at a time. Do you skip lunch? Do you eat at your desk? How productive are you with no break at all? Have you ever felt fatigued after working all day? Most people work at their computers 8 or 9 hours a day. They think they are productive with working straight all day long. Some people feel that they get more done. However, our bodies are designed to move. The long hours on your computer causes your muscles to stiffen. Your body becomes fatigued. stretch for 5 seconds. Then repeat it 3 more times. 2. Shoulder rolls. To loosen those tight, stiff shoulders, stand up and bring one arm backwards then the other arm. Repeat 5 times. So, what can you do to energise your body if you have to work in this way? What can you do to be more productive? Take regular breaks and move around and throughout the day follow these simple tips to help you stay in shape at your computer. 3. How about your neck? Sit up straight and hold your head high. Relax your neck. Gently touch your right ear to your right shoulder. Hold for 5 seconds. Then touch your left ear to your left shoulder. Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat this 3 times. 1. Stretch out your body. Stand up, raise your hands above your head and reach for the ceiling. Hold this 4. You only have one back. Take care of it. Stretch your back while SALE NOW ON • Over 20 years experience • FREE Quote - No obligation • We bring our showroom to you • Evening calls catered for • All areas covered - Open 7 days FREE DELIVERY AND FITTING Call Today: 086 838 3881 (Michael) or 01 515 6055 (Office) Email: samrod@live.ie continued on page 2 FREE BLINDS VOUCHER Value €200 (Call Today to book an appointment) WE’RE CELEBRATING OUR qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq 10% Curtains, Cushions, Frenchic Paint, Oil Cloths, Bed Linen & Wool Friday 15th & Sat 16th April 2016 OFF* qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq *Excludes Blinds 25 Drogheda Street, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin Tel: 01 841 3891 McFadden’s Est. 1977 continued from page 1 you are sitting in your chair. Slowly bend your upper part of your body over between your knees. Hold for 5 seconds and sit up. Repeat this 3 more times. 5. Breathe, Breathe, Breathe. Take a few slow and deep breathes in and out. Staying in shape means moving your body. You will get your blood flowing. You will clear your mind and get more done. Take a break at least once in the morning and once in the afternoon. It is your choice. Choose to become more productive, while also taking care of yourself. For more articles visit www.cafetime.ie Predictions that got it wrong! In 1894, the president of the Royal Society, William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, predicted that radio had no future. The first radio factory was opened five years later. In the early 20th century, it was estimated that the world market for cars was about 4 million, believing that after that “the world would run out of chauffeurs.” Shortly after the end of World War II (1945), the whole of Volkswagen, factory and patents, was offered free to Henry Ford II. He dismissed the Volkswagen Beetle as a bad design. Today, more than 70 million motorcars are produced every year. The Beetle became one of the best-selling vehicles of all time. The telephone was not widely appreciated for the first 15 years because people did not see a use for it. In fact, in the British parliament it was mentioned that there was no need for telephones because “we have enough messengers here.” Irish scientist, Dr. Dionysius Lardner (1793 – 1859) didn’t believe that trains could contribute much in speedy transport. He wrote: “Rail travel at high speed is not possible, because passengers ‘ would die of asphyxia’ [suffocation].” Today, trains reach speeds of 500 km/h. In 1927, H.M. Warner, Warner Brothers, asked, “Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?” In 1936, Radio Times editor Rex Lambert thought “Television won’t matter in your lifetime or mine.” In 1943, Thomas Watson, the chairman of IBM forecast a world market for “maybe only five computers.” Years before IBM launched the personal computer founder of Digital Equipment Corporation, said in 1977, “There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.” www.cafetime.ie © Acrobat Design Consultants Cafe Time accepts no responsibility for incorrect information published. HIGH VISIBILITY ADVERTISING IN YOUR LOCAL AREA “Be seen locally, where your potential customers are! A regular ad, even once a month, keeps your name in people’s minds” (Standard Box Advert only €30 plus vat) SPECIAL OFFER 10 BOX ADS €250 plus vat @ 23% Cafe Time is available in over 120 places in North County Dublin. CALL 01 8494036 Email: cafetimeinformation@gmail.com www.cafetime.ie 1. What is as light as a feather, but even the world’s strongest man couldn’t hold it for more than a minute? 2. What invention lets you look right through a wall? 3. A basket contains 5 apples. Do you know how to divide them among 5 kids so that each one has an apple and one apple stays in the basket? Answer: 1. His breath, 2. A window, 3. Answer to this riddle goes as follows: 4 kids get an apple (one apple for each one of them) and the fifth kid gets an apple with the basket still containing the apple. CAFE TIME is published weekly by Acrobat Design Consultants Ltd, 33 Shenick Road, Skerries Tel : 849 4036 Email:cafetimeinformation@gmail.com Can you figure this out? Jokes ...especially for kids Q: What do you call an arctic cow? A: An eskimoo! Q: What do you get if you cross a chicken with a cement mixer? A: A brick-layer! Q: How do you fit more pigs on your farm? A: Build a sty-scraper! Q: What do you call a crate of ducks? A: A box of quackers! Q: Why did the banana go to the Doctor? A: Because it was not peeling well Q: Why couldn’t the pony sing himself a lullaby? A: He was a little hoarse. Q: Which flower talks the most? A: Tulips, of course, because they have two lips! 5 things that will disappear in 5 years Cheque Books: Ninety-four percent of consumers under 35-years-old bank online in the US, and more than one-fifth of them have never written a physical cheque to pay a bill, according to a recent report. In the more distant future, there will be no cash. No cash means no cash machines - bye, bye ATMs. TV Remote Control: The research firm Strategy Analytics forecasts that emerging categories in the Internet of Things (IoT), smart home and wearables will connect an additional 17.6 billion devices by 2020. Even today, devices such as the Amazon Echo are taking voice search and commands to a new level. With so many new devices connected to the Internet by 2020, building separate hardware for a remote control will just no longer make any sense. USB Key: With cloud services like Apple, Box, Dropbox, Google and Microsoft offering near-unlimited storage at near-free prices, there’ll be little need for storage devices taking up room in your pocket. Not to mention the increase in standard storage for mobile devices in the next five years. CD: Music retailers are predicting that CDs are quickly becoming a thing of the past, thanks to streaming services and iTunes. My new Imac’s has no CD drive and this is probably the same with latest PC models too. Passwords: This is a hard one because passwords are used so broadly today. The average person is said to have 19 passwords - and nearly half admit to using unsafe, weak passwords. But even if you are very careful about using different combinations - it appears no password is completely safe from hackers. Biometrics are already becoming mainstream, especially on mobile devices. Fingerprints, voice and facial recognition will replace your first dog’s name and your wedding anniversary as the way you access your secure accounts. These will have their own security risks, but the character password will be no more. Weekly Quote “When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it always.” Mahatma Gandhi Most expensive items on eBay Worldwide some 200 million people buy or sell 1 billion items on eBay every year, trading $2000 worth of goods every second, yes every second! More than a million people trade on eBay as a full time job. And while the eBay auctions are best known for finding bargains there also have been some very expensive items sold on eBay: 1. Gulfstream II jet: $4.9 million. 2. 1909 Honus Wagner baseball card: $1.65 million. 3. Shoeless Joe Jackson’s “Black Betsy” baseball bat: $577,610. 4. Diamond Lake Resort in western Kentucky: $1.2 million. 5. Round of golf with Tiger Woods: $425,000. (Source: didyouknow.org) 2.Which non alcoholic cordial is made from pomegranates? 3.Which 1993 Disney film starred Bet Middler as a witch? 4.What 1991 film won best film, actor, actress, director Oscars? 5.What was the capital of Ethiopia? 6.What is the largest state in the USA? 7.Whose autobiography was The long walk to Freedom? 8.What was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter? 9.Who wrote Northanger Abbey? 10.Who ran through the streets naked crying Eureka? 11.Who composed the Brandeberg concertos? 12.What is the correct term of address to the Pope Your Holiness Answers: 1. George Orwell, 2. Grenadine, 3. Hocus Pocus, 4. Silence of the Lambs, 5. Addis Ababa, 6.Alaska, 7. Nelson Mandela, 8. Tutankamen tomb, 9. Jayne Austin, 10. Archimedes, 11. Johan Sebastian Bach, 12. Your Holiness. Test your knowledge Weekly Quiz... 1.Eric Arthur Blaire was the real name of which author? Exit at Exit 7, M1 or Call 01 690 6666 or email boxoffice@citynorthhotel.com www.citynorthhotel.com THE FROCK EXCHANGE New & Nearly New Designer labels •Pre-loved designer clothing, bags, shoes & accessories •Free personal styling instore NOW TAKING STOCK The Frock Exchange Skerries Thomas Hand St., Skerries. Tel 087 25 39 632, Email: louisehanlon1@yahoo.ie Local Experienced & Qualified Gardener • Qualified Landscape Architect. FREE • Experienced Horticulturist. initial meeting • Local references available. to discuss Contact Derek PH 0861520583 your needs Gluten Free ‘Made Really Easy’. Our range of baking mixes are naturally free from gluten, wheat and dairy - without additives or added sugars Pizza Base, Chocolate Pudding Sponge Cake, Yorkshire Pudding, Batter Mix Available in our online shop- Irish Based www.bestafoods.ie State of the art dental treatment in a relaxed environment Baking made easy Besta Foods Besta Foods Tel: 01 840 1001 www.swordsdental.com • Free exam for PRSI patients • Emergency appointments • Hygienist appointments • Nervous patients welcome Parking behind practice address Dr Lyndsey McTavish-Lynam Dr Geraldine O’Hagan Dr Frank Ormsby WHAT’S HAPPENING LOCALLY CLASSES/ COURSES FREE ADVERTISING FOR COMMUNITY CREATIVE WRITING CLASSES THE IRISH WRITERS CENTRE PRACTITIONER’S DIPLOMA IN REFLEXOLOGY List any non-profit events, club meetings, fund-raising, community groups etc. Email cafetimeinformation@gmail.com before Tuesday 3pm each week for inclusion. Include a short heading and 30 words including your contact details. The Irish Writers’ Centre is a wonderful space for writers. They would like to encourage people who speak English as a second language, especially in Balbriggan and Skerries to come and take part in the many activities taking place in the centre. Contact us by phone: 01 8721302, email: info@writerscentre.ie - 19 Parnell Square Dublin 1 (opp. Garden of Remembrance). IRISH CONVERSATION GROUP MEET-UPS IN SWORDS IRISH CONVERSATION GROUP / SWORDS An Caifé Craiceáilte meet on Saturdays 12pm in ‘TASTE COFFEE CAKE’, 18, Main Street, Swords. You are welcome to come along and enjoy your native language in a friendly supportive atmosphere. Fáilte rómhat : Diarmuid Telephone,086 175 5343. AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS Help for those affected by some one else’s drinking. Meeting Wednesdays 8-15 to 9-15, Flemington Community Centre, Hamlet Lane, Balbriggan, Co Dublin. Confidentiality assured - No fees charged. Dublin Information Centre: 01 8732699. www.al-anon-ireland.org 164 BRACKENSTOWN SCOUTS - THANKS To everyone who baked, helped and came along to our cake sale at St Cronans Church, Swords on Sunday 10 April. We raised a phenomenal €1120.50!! Thank you so much. We would also like to thank Father Paul for letting us use the fantastic facilities at St Cronans Church parochial centre. For anyone who missed today’s cake sale we will be hosting another one on Mon 25 April 9 am to 12 noon at Base, Brackenstown Road, Swords. HOWTH AND SUTTON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL SPRING SHOW Howth and Sutton Horticultural Society will hold their Annual Spring Show on Saturday 16th April 2016 and we welcome visitors between 2.30 - 4.30pm. Come along and enjoy the exhibits, our fabulous plant sale where you may pick up some rare plants that you will not find in Garden Centres together with great plant information and advice from our experts, our book sale, great raffle and then relax with a cup of tea/coffee at the delicious cake stall.The show is held in St Nessan’s Community School, Moyclare Road, off Warrenhouse Road, Baldoyle, Dublin 13. We welcome new exhibitors - all info available on www.hshs.ie or from the secretary (Ann Campbell 8394578).Exhibitors and members Free. Non member €2. PARENTS PLUS/ADHD SPECIFIC PARENTING COURSE A practical and positive course, delivered by a professional team, for parents of children aged 5-12 diagnosed with ADHD. Using ideas and footage from the Parents Plus programme, it offers parents the opportunity to meet and support each other in enhancing their relationship with their child, preventing and dealing with the behavioural difficulties which so often accompany ADHD. Commencing Wed evening 4th May for 6 weeks VENUE: MACRO, Centre, Off Nth King St. Dublin 7 7pm-9pm, COST:€100.00 for HADD members €120.00 for non-members. REDUCTION IN FEES FOR COUPLES WHO WISH TO ATTEND TO REGISTER PLEASE CONTACT HADDs OFFICE: Ph. 01 8748349 email info@hadd.ie CARMICHAEL CENTRE, NORTH BRUNSWICK ST, DUBLIN 7 In Ardgillan Castle, Balbriggan. Mornings. Starting Tues 12th of April for 10 weeks and Thurs 21st of April for 8 weeks 2016. Both courses are from 10.30am-12.30 Learn the techniques of writing. Weekly writing assignments given. For further information please contact Ross Campbell on 085 1395 320. E-mail: ros1_@hotmail.com Part-time weekend Course (one weekend per month) over 12 months starting on the 8th and 9th September. Venue: St. Patrick’s College-Drumcondra. If you are looking for a fulfilling new career, have you considered training with us? Call Tatiana Lawless Grosso 086-2071065 visit www.irishschoolofreflexology.com ANGELS LOVE HOLISTIC FAIR Sun 17 April 12-6pm €2. Carnegie Court Hotel, Swords. Join us for a great healing inc: Mediumship, Angel card and Tarot Readings, Reiki, Seichem, Rahanni Healing, Reflexology, Handmade holistic and well-being products, gifts and goodies. Raffle. And much more! For more info: www.angelslove.ie WHAT’S HAPPENING LOCALLY SKERRIES CEILI AND SET DANCING GROUP Mini Workshop with Padraig McIneany on Sunday the 17th of April at 7:30PM Skerries Rugby Club. All welcome! Enquiries to Lucy @ 0863107200 MALAHIDE LIBRARY Please check with the library for details of ALL classes, group meetings etc., Tel 870 4430. Parent and Toddler Group: Thurs 10.00 – 10.45am. to socialise, play games and learn. Baby Book Club: Thurs 31st. New parents and toddlers always welcome. Warhammer Club Thursday 21st 5.30pm. For all over 11 years of age, new members welcome. Learn how to capture, control, seize ground, annihilate and paint models as well!!! (If you have figures, please bring them to the club.) Chess Club Wednesdays @ 3.00 - 4.00pm Make new friends and play chess at our weekly Wednesday chess club; 7-12 year-olds. New Members Welcome Breast Feeding Support Group The breast feeding support group, supported by the HSE, meet every Tuesday @ 11.am. Come along and share your experience or gain some advice and support. Film Club THE EVENING FILM CLUB WILL BE TAKING PLACE ON TUESDAY 26TH @ 7PM NEW MEMBERS WELCOME FOR THE EVENING FILM CLUB Irish Conversation Group Thursdays @ 11.30-12.30pm. Practice speaking Irish in an informal setting at this weekly Irish conversation group. FRENCH CONVERSATION Every Monday @ 4.30pm Conversation only - a reasonable level of fluency required HEALTH / NUTRITIONTAILORED DIET FOR WEIGHT & WAIST Enjoy finding the right healthy food for you - Tailored One to One 12 week Diet Plan. Would you like to see yourself in Before and After Photos? To see if you are suitable, please contact Real Food Ireland, South Strand, Skerries, Co. Dublin. Elizabeth O’Riordan, IHCA Diploma Nutrition 087 236 7005 / 01 8494266. THERAPIES & TREATMENTS PRO SPORTS CARE Sports Massage/Deep Tissue Massage/Injury Assessment and Treatment. Pro Sports Care, Main Street, Swords. Call 087 7088146. EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL COUNSELLING (INCLUDING C.B.T.) When your child needs help!… give more than grinds! Disappointing test results and reports - Below par performance - Poor Literacy & Mathematics - Emotional/Psychological issues - Bullying & Relationship difficulties Behaviour Management at home/school. Coaching in effective study skills, homework. Check out our website www.bhec.ie Contact us today for free consultation Tel: 01 833 7239 or Email: info@bhec.ie STUDY THE BIBLE Who is Jesus? How can I get to heaven? These questions answered and more 7pm on Wednesdays @ Colaiste Choilm Swords & 11am on Sundays @ Esquires Coffee House Swords. 0851678982 info@newhopeswords.com SERVICES- HOME/ GARDEN. ALARMS – CCTV – SAFES - INTERCOMS Lazer Security – celebrating 22 years in business. Repairs, upgrades & new installations. Free surveys, advice & quotations. DISCOUNT FOR CAFÉ TIME READERS! Call: 841-6369 / Email: info@lazer.ie / www.lazer.ie PAINTING CONTRACTOR Interiors, exteriors, no job to small or too big! Your local painter since 1999. Free Quotations. Tel Vinny on 087 7088105. HIGH VISIBILITY ADVERTISING LOCALLY Classes, Courses, Therapies, Coaching, Counselling, Jobs, Business Services, Property To Let etc. Ads from only €10wk Plus VAT 23% TEL 849 4036 cafetimeinformation@gmail.com www.cafetime.ie CAFE TIME