Teleradiology Brochure
Teleradiology Brochure
TELERADIOLOGY Available Technologies in Remote Diagnostics THE WORLD IN YOUR HANDS TELERADIOLOGY SOLUTIONS ACCESS YOUR MEDICAL IMAGES ANYTIME AND ANYWHERE Selecting the right solution for teleradiology is crucial. Therefore, we offer you a comprehensive review w of the available technologies to make your decision easier and more accurate. Thanks to the ongoing technology Unfortunately, the number of radiol- Besides, if a second opinion is re- development and the sinking costs ogist and specialists trained to read quired, the shipping of images to of medical diagnostic equipment, those medical images is not growing another specialist may involve very examinations based on medical im- at the same rate as the studies being high costs and even the quickest ages are becoming increasingly currently produced. This generates a means of transport can be too slow common and accessible to a large serious bottle-neck, which becomes if a human life f depends on it. part of the population. Even remote even more complicated as most regions are nowadays in possession of sophisticated imaging equipment. tend to settle in metropolitan areas. 2 TELERADIOLOGY SOLUTIONS By implementing teleradiology sys- Technically seen, there are two At present, teleradiology programs tems, many hospitals and imaging main parameters that must be tak- can be implemented by using one centers can solve these key issues. en into account for any teleradiol- of the following technologies: Radiologists do not have to be pres- ogy project: DICOM email using PGP encryp- ent at the same location as the pa- tion tients and even the largest images 1. The transmitted and received DICOM email basic can be transferred in a matter of minutes. This way, hospitals and imaging centers increase their indesavings in time and resources. Additionally, they can outsource pos- data must be consistent. 2. The privacy of the patient’s data Web-based access using data compression must be ensured either by using Simple web-based access high-asymmetric encryption or DICOM communication, using im- by pseudonymizing/anonymizing age compression and VPN the data. Direct DICOM communication using VPN sibilities for sub-specializations while keeping high standards and elimi- - nating bottle-necks. priate teleradiology solution, we prepared a helpful guide explaining these available technologies for remote diagnostics. 3 DICOM EMAIL USING PGP ENCRYPTION This is the most secure and dynam- ed DICOM objects or even for com- DICOM email using PGP encryption ic one of the available solutions for plete studies of unlimited size. is also ideal for bidirectional DICOM teleradiology. communication. This means that This technology requires DICOM Among its major advantages are reading physicians can return their its versatility, the possibility of a fully protocols via email using the same email servers at each facility. The platform. data is automatically encrypted vendor support with high interoperability. Additionally, thanks to its Reliant Medical Systems offers or connection and the transmission state-of-the-art a product with these character- takes place using standard POP3/ rithms, the system offers the highest SMTP protocols. security standards. At the destination, the data will be This solution is optimized for the trans- automatically decrypted. Then, the mission of medical images among physician can hand it over to a local independent healthcare providers. PACS or view it with an integrated Since it uses standard email proto- DICOM viewer. cols, it may be easily integrated with encryption algo- istics called RPACS-MAIL. This system can be used for select- 1 1 Either the email message (includ- 4 ing attachments) is composed on a workstation or images are transferred directly between the PACS and RPACS-MAIL. Workstations PACS RPACS-MAIL 2 3 2 RPACS-MAIL encrypts the message and sends it to the centrally located email provider via SMTP. 3 The email message is transferred to the receiving site. There, it will be either decrypted and forEmail Provider Mobile Workstations incl. RPACS-MAIL warded to the local RPACS-MAIL client or rerouted to additional destinations. 4 Since RPACS-MAIL can even handle 1 ers can receive emails at any time. Workstations RPACS-MAIL 4 DICOM EMAIL BASIC DICOM email basic is a solution to There is medium-level privacy pro- DICOM viewers like RPACS do send emails manually from a DI- tection when using DICOM email already include DICOM email as one COM node. This system can be used basic; the system does not show of their features. for any selected DICOM object. standardized regulations for signatures. A standard email infrastructure supports the transmission, which makes DICOM email basic is optimal for the system fast, secure (when using the transmission of medical images encryption), cost-saving and also between low frequented point-to- very stable when working through multipoint independent healthcare providers, like small imaging cenDICOM email basic it is further possible to enable bidirectional DICOM communication. CD Mail Server using DICOM Email RPACS PACS RPACS Windows 5 ® Printer WEB ASED ACCESS USING DATA COMPRESSION This solution can be connected to Web-based access using data com- any existing PACS, which distrib- pression allows the possibility to link utes the respective medical imag- selected studies/reports with full in- es either through a DICOM proxy teractivity. The system is compara- This solution is recommended for or directly to the web server. The ble to in-house access and is gener- emergency support provided by function of the DICOM proxy is to ally very fast. remote physicians, for remote read- SSL web ports. precompress the images before - handing them over to the web serv- Access to the system involves me- er and, if necessary, to perform a dium security. Additionally, the pa- pseudonymizing/anonymizing pro- tients’ privacy protection level is The products offered by Reliant cedure on the studies. very good and remote storage of Medical Systems. for web-based images is not required. access using data compression are The studies are then available on the web via SSL (https web-link). bution of studies in large facilities. RPACS-WEBX for the PACS and Users should be aware that image RPACS-ROUTER for the optional DICOM data compression may limit the di- proxy. agnostic quality depending on the selected method. Modality RPACS-X RPACS-ROUTER (optional) RPACS-WEBX + WADO Firewall Viewing Station RPACS-X Viewing Station Medical Information System 6 WEB ASED ACCESS The web-based access solution is The protection of the patients’ pri- based on an existing PACS, which vacy is very good and remote stor- takes place in pull-mode, i. e. there distributes the respective studies via age of images is not required. are waiting times for the images to http or https web-links. be loaded. The DICOM communication is unidirectional, i. e. it is opti- Using web-based access, a secure or SSL should be open. mized for querying of data. cess rights and methods) can be es- Web-based access is recommend- iQ-WEBX, the PACS of IMAGE Infor- tablished giving the user the possi- ed for in-house reading or transmis- mation Systems Ltd., is ideal for web- bility to link selected studies/reports sion to referring physicians, e. g. in a based access. with full interactivity. hospital. connection (depending on the ac- iQ-X Modality iQ-WEBX + WADO iQ-X Viewing Station Viewing Station Medical Information System 7 TELERADIOLOGY SOLUTIONS By implementing teleradiology sys- Technically seen, there are two At present, teleradiology programs tems, many hospitals and imaging main parameters that must be tak- can be implemented by using one centers can solve these key issues. en into account for any teleradiol- of the following technologies: Radiologists do not have to be pres- ogy project: DICOM email using PGP encryp- ent at the same location as the pa- tion tients and even the largest images 1. The transmitted and received DICOM email basic can be transferred in a matter of minutes. This way, hospitals and imaging centers increase their indesavings in time and resources. Additionally, they can outsource pos- data must be consistent. 2. The privacy of the patient’s data Web-based access using data compression must be ensured either by using Simple web-based access high-asymmetric encryption or DICOM communication, using im- by pseudonymizing/anonymizing age compression and VPN the data. Direct DICOM communication using VPN sibilities for sub-specializations while keeping high standards and elimi- - nating bottle-necks. priate teleradiology solution, we prepared a helpful guide explaining these available technologies for remote diagnostics. 3 TELERADIOLOGY SOLUTIONS AT A GLANCE DICOM EMAIL DICOM EMAIL USING PGP BASIC WEB-BASED WEB-BASED ACCESS USING ACCESS COMPRESSION Principal Selected DICOM Functionality objects or complete studies transferred with dedicated (Supp 113) Selected DICOM DICOM COMMUNICATION USING IMAGE COMPRESSION & VPN Distribution of Image distribution objects zipped, c ompressed images via https web-link incl. DICOMDIR via https web-link C dard DICOM parameters (IP, AET) on both sides, infrastructure C ommunication of DICOM protocol using a compression proxy between the modalities Advantages Easy to handle, Standard mail- Secure connection, Secure connection, Can be 2-4 times Fully automated, infrastructure can Links to selected Links to selected faster than the band- studies and reports be used, studies/reports with Multi-vendor Fast, full interactivity, and 10-50 times faster support with high Low costs Comparable with using lossy compression, in-house access, Transfer in push-mode, Very fast Objects available at interoperability width using lossless distant site when needed Possible issues Security Some overhead No standardized due to mail-protocol regulation for Transfer in pull-mode Complex work to install (waiting for images) networks with many High High High State-of-the-art (Depending on access (Depending on access encryption rights / method) rights / method) High High (No storage at remote (No storage at remote and near inly-transfer signature Very high, High Patient’s Privacy Very high, protection level Includes a dvanced Medium signatures Firewall integration Best for DICOM Image compression nodes Medium site required) site required) Easy Easy Can be complex Moderate Can be complex (standard email) (standard email) (VPN support) (SSL) (VPN support) Transfer of DICOM Low frequented Emergency support, A ccess for in-house A ny highly frequented objects between p oint-to-multipoint H reading or referring a nd/or time-critical independent teleradiology physician connection between Unidirectional Bidirectional healthcare providers solutions Bidirectional Bidirectional Unidirectional imaging centers RPACS RPACS-WEBX + optional RPACS-WEBX Communication Products that support RPACS-MAIL this technology RPACS-ROUTER 9 RPACS-ROUTER