Summer 2014 - Loveland Historical Society
Summer 2014 - Loveland Historical Society
SUMMER 2014 Please Join Us! Membership Application on Back Historical Society programs 2nd. Monday every month 7pm, Loveland Museum 5th St. and Lincoln Ave. Public is welcome. Donations support the speaker program and are appreciated. LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Members, Here we are again, another year of fun events. May is the start of our summer season of historical destinations. Weather we go by car, bus or on the seat of our pants this will be a summer to remember. To kick off the summer we have our largest fund raiser, the Historic Homes Tour. This is the 14th year for the tour and without the generosity of the home owners and this year two churches it would not have been possible. Thank you so much. We as a Historical Society jumped right into a new event the Tour de Pants sponsored by the Loveland Historic Preservation Commission. Thanks to the Commission all proceeds will go toward the restoration of the Mariano Media Family Cemetery. The bike ride starts at the cemetery after a flag dedication ceremony by Troop 190 of Namaqua Elementary School. Then the bike riders, led by Jeff Fenies, will take a tour with stops along the way at historic sites. Mayor Cecil Gutierrez will join the ride and they will then make their way to the Loveland Museum Gallery to join in the festivities. This year the Board of Directors voted to help the Museum with publishing a new edition of the second grade local history book that will be used in the Thompson Valley School System to teach local history at the grade school level. We were torn in how we would support this project and still fund the renovation of the cemetery and second floor of the newly dedicated Milner/ Schwarz House. A decision was made to donate an amount we were comfortable with and then revisit the item next year when we’ll have a better idea of our finances on our other two projects. Thank you for your continued support. Thank you, Mike Perry Goodbye Great Western RWy Depot FYI: The Loveland Great Western Railway Depot’s future can be discerned by visiting the Grandby Railroad Museum’s web site: www.moffatroad LHS grieves deeply over it’s loss, as it is an important icon of our town’s legacy. It should have been saved in Loveland. But we rejoice that the passenger depot and it’s accompanying freight depot will be preserved with it’s Loveland Great Western Sugar Co. story well and correctly interpreted in Grandby. LHS Board of Directors 2013—2014 President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Program Chair Historian Membership Chair Web Master Mike Perry Chuck Thornburg Sharon Perry Amy Huckaby Sharon Danhauer Bill Meirath Twila Stevens Paula Sutton LOVELAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING MINUTES March 10, 2014 7:00 pm Loveland Museum Gallery Meeting called to order by President: 8:21 pm President’s Report: Mike Perry Membership Renewals: Article III, Section 2 of the current By-Laws state: Membership dues shall be payable on one year to date from their anniversary date. Should this be changed to state: Membership dues shall be payable one year from date of last renewal? Members were informed of this issue and it will again be discussed at our May 12, 2014 meeting. Secretary’s Report: Sharon Perry The last 2 board meeting minutes and the last 2 General Meeting minutes were published in our March/April newsletter. A motion was made to approve all the minutes. Motion passed. Treasurer’s Report: Amy Huckaby Amy reported on the bank statement dated 1/16/14-2/15/14. Membership Report: Twila Stevens Membership is now at 141 members. Twila has been working very hard on updating the membership renewals. She thanked everyone for all the hard work that LHS is doing. Committee Reports: Programs/Tours: Sharon Danhauer explained that the next 2 field trips, March 19-Greeley History Museum/Weld County Court House and April 8-Denver Firefighters Museum/Denver Mint are having to be done during a weekday as these places are not open on weekends. April 14 program:The Playground Trail: The National Park-to-Park Highway Homes Tour: Paula Sutton reported that we have 3 places listed for the tour. We will be looking at 2 more places in the next day or two. Still in need of more docents. Web Site: Paula Sutton New tabs have been added. A donation site, minutes from the Board and General meetings have been added. New Business: Loveland History: Mike updated all May events for Historic Preservation Month. Old Fairgrounds Park: City is working with FEMA to raise Railroad Ave. to be level with the railroad track. City not sure what will happen with the south end of the park. The Swartz Farmstead has been demolished. The GW Depot is still standing in the same spot. No idea when it will be moved to Granby, CO. Community Garden: Because of the flood, access to the gardens has not yet been allowed, so there will be no Community Gardens this year. Susan Ison reported on the upcoming events at the Museum. “Vintage Journey”. Travel back in time and take a tour of Colorado via the Loveland Museum & Gallery’s Historic postcard collection. 2014 Colorado Governor’s Art Show and Sale. May 4 through June 15. Next program: April 14, 7:00 pm, Loveland Museum. “The Playground Trail: The National Park-to-Park Highway”. Next meeting & program: May 12, 7:00 pm, Loveland Museum. Bill Meirath will display the LHS history scrapbooks. Submitted by: Sharon Perry, Secretary 2 LHS Programs We enjoyed ”Colorado Alabaster” in March and ”The Playground Trail: The National Park-to-Park Highway” in April. Next Programs May 12 - Historian Bill Meirath will display the LHS history scrapbooks. June 9—Forgotten Memories, Diane Littlefield’s historic photo collection. July 14—Special Services in Afghanistan Major (Ret.) Diggs Brown tells about rebuilding a school and his years in the Middle East. August 11—Postcards From Lodges Past by Bobbie Heisterkamp. Get an inside look at the great old lodges in and around Rocky Mountain National Park through the eyes of many tourists in the early 1900s. September 8— Tested by Water and Fire A panel discussion focusing on recovery and restoration of floods and forest fires in Northern Colorado. Panelists may include Larimer County, City of Loveland, Lyons representative, Bureau of Reclamation, Sylvan Dale Ranch, Reporter-Herald, Larimer County Sheriff Dept. and/or Wildland Restoration. Call Sharon Danhauer 970-290-0169 for more information. Field Trips (Please RSVP to May 21– Downtown Walking Tour 6pm Sponsored by the Historic Preservation Commission and led by Mike Perry. Leave from 3rd St. and Railroad Ave. Free. Limited to 25 people. May 17—Lakeside Cemetery Tour 1-3pm, conducted by Sharon Perry and Ann Ague. Meet nw corner. Donation please. May 24—Fort Collins walking tour with Wayne Sundberg (donation), lunch Old Town (TBD), Avery House (donation) and FC Municipal Railway Trolley $2. 10am from Old Town Fort Collins parking garage, 200-block E. Mnt. Ave. May 31—Expanded Pioneers & Trails Bus Tour 9–3pm from 5th St. parking lot. $50 includes admission at Timberlane Farm Living History Museum and lunch at Vern’s Place (plus tip). Reservations required. FYI: the bus will fill early. June 21— LHS Annual Membership Picnic Dwayne Webster Park, Eisenhower Blvd. and 13th Street, at west shelter 11:30— 2pm. Program “Oxen on the Trail” w/ live oxen at 1pm. Bring two dishes to share. Table service and drinks provided. June 28—Riverside Cemetery 10am—12pm, guided tour of Denver’s oldest cemetery. Funerary customs, people stories. $ July 1 (Tues.)—Bureau of Reclamation Bus Tour with Kara Lamb. 9:30am—4pm. $50 includes lunch (meal, tax, tip) in Estes Park. From 5th St. parking lot. RSVP to Sharon D. Reservations required. FYI: the bus will fill early. July 12—Dinosaur Ridge Morrison—9:30am Guided 1.5 mile walking tour or guided shuttle tour (first-come-first-served). Lunch in Morrison. Adults $10, under 3 free. Bring your grandkids! Carpool leaves 5th St/Lincoln 8am. Please join the LHS Tourists on future field trips! Suggestions? Contact Sharon Danhauer 970-290-0169, LHS Board of Directors’ monthly meeting minutes will not be posted in the newsletter, but are on the web site Board meets 4th Tuesdays, 6pm, Loveland Library, Dunraven Room Big Boy 4014 The Big Boy will arrive in Laramie approximately 7:30pm May 7 and in Cheyenne at 1pm May 8. The UP website informs us that when it arrives in the Laramie yard it will not be close to viewing locations. However, at 8:30am the morning of May 8 it will be repositioned for it’s 10am departure from Laramie, presenting photo ops. The web site does not reveal whether fans will be allowed near the Cheyenne roundhouse. Check out the historic move at, then click on Boy Boy Schedule. Because several of us are volunteering at the Museum’s Second Grade field trip May 8, we will drive to Laramie Wednesday, May 7 . If anyone wants to ride with me for “Dinner and a Train”, let me know. We’ll find a spot to watch it come into Laramie. Sharon Danhauer 970-290-0169 Revitalization 101 Using the unique character of your existing built environment to revitalize your community. Contact Nikki Gershelis 970-962-2346. Free. Sponsored by the Loveland Historic Preservation commission. Pre-registration necessary. Odd Fellows Lodge, 315 E. Fourth St. Loveland. 6—7:30pm Loveland Historical Society on the Web and on Facebook Discover more of Loveland’s fascinating history on our web site: or by purchasing one of the books published by the Society, available at the Loveland Museum & Gallery, 503 N. Lincoln Ave. Link to our Facebook page from the web site. Weekend Trip to Casper, WY August 23 - 24 RSVP to Sharon D. at or 970-2900169 for this field trip to Casper and more. The OregonCalifornia Trails WY and CO chapters will join us to see the National Historic Trails Interpretive Center, Fort Casper, Bishop House, Tate Geological Museum, Oregon Trail, Bessemer Bend, Independence Rock, Devil’s Gate, and the Mormon Handcart Site. Meals and hotels are your responsibility, but I will make group restaurant reservations.. Independence Rock 3 Advice from An Old Farmer Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong. Keep skunks and bankers at a distance. Life is simpler when you plow…around the stump. A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor. Words that soak into your ears are whispered…not yelled. Meanness don’t jes’ happen overnight. Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads. Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you. It don’t take a very big person to carry a grudge. You cannot unsay a cruel word. Every path has a few puddles. When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty. The best sermons are lived, not preached. Most of the stuff people worry about ain’t never gonna happen anyway. Don’t judge folks by their relatives. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer. Live a good, honorable life…then when you get older and think back, you’ll enjoy it a second time. Don’t interfere with something’ that ain’t bothering you none. Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a Rain Dance. If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging. Sometimes you get and sometimes you get got. The biggest troublemaker you’ll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every morning. Always drink upstream from the herd. Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot that comes from bad judgment. Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin’ it back in. If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God. Most times, it just gets down to common sense. Washington Elm Fundraiser Needs LHS Volunteers Please come support the DAR’s annual fundraiser to maintain our grand old Washington Elm Tree at Walgreen’s on Eisenhower and Lincoln/Cleveland on May 10, 10am—2pm. Email Regent Corrine Yahn for more information. Downtown Loveland in 1920. Bustling Fourth Street looking east from Railroad Ave. Note concrete sidewalks, underground utilities, dirt streets and flag/traffic light pole middle of intersection at 4th and Lincoln. The MSH is the poster child for Thompson Valley Art League’s Art in the Park, Aug. 9 –10 at North Lake Park. Milner-Schwarz House Museum was Accepted on the National Historic Register! City Council will make the formal presentation of the plaque at Council Chambers, Loveland Civic Center, 500 E. Third Street May 6 at 6pm. The Board urges LHS membership to turn out in force to show appreciation and to confirm our commitment to historic preservation in Loveland. Community Gardens on Hold 2014 The gardens at MSH are not in operating condition this year nor will the house be open. Check with Mike if you want to help remodel the second story this summer. WEED CONTROL HELP IS NEEDED all summer. However little time you can commit is helpful and appreciated. Watch for news of the erection of the windmill and installation of the bleachers seating. Lov. Museum’s Lone Tree School Ice Cream Social North Lake park May 14, 3—5pm. Open house and free ice cream, butter churning, games, crafts, wagon rides & fun!. Timberlane Farm, in conjunction with Monarch Productions, will again be hosting Rocky Mountain Rivalry. Plan on joining this fun annual event with hands-on activities for the whole family Saturday, June 14 from 11am—4pm! Adults $8, Children $4 ($2 off for period costumes!) FYI: Greeley Free Historic Walking Tours (RSVP to Sharon D) April 21 UNC Historic Campus 5:30pm May 19 Sunrise Park Neighborhood 5pm June 2 Spanish Colony 7pm June 16 Island Grove Park 7pm July 7 Downtown Inside Spaces 7pm July 21 Jones House and Trees Tour 6:30pm August 4 Civil War Veterans & 19th Century Greeley 6:30pm September 15 UNC New/West Campus 5:30pm Walking tours, brown bag lectures: 4 First Annual Tour de Pants Namaqua Scout Pack 190 performed the flag ceremony LHS worked in conjunction with the Historic Preservation Commission and the Loveland Museum on the morning of May 3 to stage a (Free!) bike ride from the Mariano Medina Family Cemetery to the Museum, a celebration of our pioneers, with historic interpretation, games and snacks, and the major highlight: viewing of Mariano Medina’s own leather breeches (loaned for a few weeks by the Museum of the Mountain Man in Pinedale, WY.) Who’s Pants will be exalted next year?! Land donor Jess Rodriguez talks with Mayor Gutierrez Mariano’s pants are on display near the cabin Jeff and Cindy Feneis led the tour with historic stops Frozen Pants Contestants Ben out-dressed them all! 5 Historic Homes Tour 2014 Thanks to the Homes Tour Committee, Paula Sutton, Donna McCreery, Ann Ague and Sharon Perry, and all who helped out as docents, LHS once again had a successful and fun tour. Your historic home could be honored next year on the first Saturday in May! Loveland Historical Society P. O. Box 7311 Loveland, Colorado 80537 E - M A I L : I N F O @ L O V E L A N D H I S T O R I C A L . O R G L OV E L A N D H I S T O R I C A L S O C I E T Y W E B S I T E : W W W . L O V E L A N D H I S T O R I C A L . O R G Please enroll me as a member in the Loveland Historical Society Name(s): ____________________________________________ Date: ____________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________ State: _______ Zip: __________________ Phone: _______________________ E-Mail: ___________________________________ I’d like to help with/donate to: ___Homes Tour ___Milner-Schwarz House ___Medina Cemetery ___General Fund Membership Level (circle one): Individual $20 Family $30 Senior(60)/Student $15 Senior Family $20 Life $250 My check no. _________ for (amount) _________________is enclosed If you would like to save your newsletter, copy and mail this form with your check to: Loveland Historical Society P. O. Box 7311 Loveland, CO 80537
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