13 august 2014 - St Patrick`s College


13 august 2014 - St Patrick`s College
Eamon Hannan – Principal
13 August 2014
Senior Formal
Congratulations to all of our seniors who presented so well at their formal on Saturday night.
Parents, staff and students had a great celebration. Thank you to Mrs Janelle Agius and Mrs
Lorraine Difilippo for their organisation of the night and all staff who supervised. During the
evening we were visited by Bishop Michael and Fr Rod. It was a great opportunity for our
seniors to welcome our new bishop to St Patrick’s.
Dates to remember:
August 2014
14-17 Robotics tour
19-20 QCS practice
Enrolment interviews
September 2014
2-3 QCS
Year 11/12 Industry
Placement commences
P & F Meeting, 6:00 pm
Board Meeting, 7:30 pm
Exams commence
End term 3
October 2014
Labour Day holiday
First day of Term 4
A number of year 11 students assisted with catering on the evening. There is a long tradition of
Year 11 students serving at the Senior formal at St Patrick’s. We thank these students for their
service to the college. Their voluntary service reduces costs for all students.
QCS Workshops
This Sunday QCS workshops (8:00 am – 1:00 pm) have been organised by Ms Edna Galvin.
The presenters for this event are of a very high quality. These workshops are open to Year 11
and Year 12 students.
QCS Rehearsals
Our Year 12 students have their full dress rehearsal for the QCS test on Tuesday and
Wednesday next week. Whilst the best form of preparation for the QCS test is actually to work
hard in each subject it is essential to do specific preparation for the format of these exams. At St
Patrick’s we spend an appropriate amount of time in preparing students for an exam regimen
which has specific protocols and methodologies. Our students have been doing practices and
preparing for September’s QCS exams now since Term Four in year 11.
Mid-term focus
We are now at week 5 of a ten week term. Assignment drafts and final copies are becoming
due. Revision for end of semester exams needs to commence this week. Students are
encouraged to set up or revise their study plan for the remainder of the term at this time.
Eisteddfod commences
P & F / Board meetings
QCAA Verification
Meetings at St Pat’s
Cultural Showcase
Professional Day
Melbourne Cup Day
Year 12 group photo
Year 12 exams commence
Sports Dinner
Year 11 exams commence
Valedictory evening
If you would like to
text the college to let
us know that your
student will be late or
absent, the number
for this is:
0427 106 014
If you know of anyone who missed earlier enrolment evenings, please encourage them to
collect an enrolment pack from the college office.
11 August
Due date for Enrolment and Subject Selection forms to be returned to St
Patrick’s College
18 August
Notification of enrolment interview date posted in week beginning 18
25 August
Formal enrolment and subject advisory interviews with a member of the
college leadership team will begin during the week of 25 August.
End term 3
Notification of acceptance
27 November
Orientation Day
Child Protection Week
Next week is Child Protection Week. Included with this newsletter is a copy of a brochure
about listening to young people. In the past one of the biggest mistakes in child protection was
that adults either did not listen or believe young people when they made a disclosure of harm.
The brochure suggests ways to be a good listener: Show interest, show respect, avoid being
bossy, allow for silences, be patient and find the right moment, encourage family discussions,
build in family get-together times, other adults can help too, get to know their friends. I
encourage you to read the attached brochure which explains each of the headings listed above.
(See brochure page 10)
Weekend Masses
Southside Cluster
Saturday Vigil Mass
6:00 pm St Francis Xavier
6:00 pm St Mary’s
7:00 am St Patrick’s
7:00 am St Therese’s
9:00 am St Michael’s
9:00 am St Francis Xavier
9:30 am St Francis of Assisi
6:00 pm St Patrick’s
Northside Cluster
Saturday Vigil Mass
6:00 pm St Joseph’s
6:00 pm St Brigid’s
7:30 am St Brendan’s
9.00 am St Joseph’s
Saturday Vigil Mass
6:00 pm Holy Rosary
9:00 am Mirani
Saturday Vigil Mass
6:00 pm St John’s
7:30 am Eton
St Patrick’s Family
Congratulations to Cynthia Gregg in year 11 who won the overall prize at the Student Festival
of Fashion held at the MECC on Saturday night.
Best wishes to our IPT students, Mrs Janelle Agius and Mr Mark Ibbotson, as they head to the
Queensland RoboCup State Championships this weekend at the University of Queensland,
Brisbane. We acknowledge the many extra hours that students have dedicated to this project
over the past few months and look forward to hearing of the outcome.
Please pray for Mrs Mary Kliese who passed away early this week. Mrs Kliese was the
grandmother of Ms Michaela Kliese who works in Learning Support. Please keep them all in
your prayers at this time.
Please keep the Benson family (Mitchell in Year 12) in your thoughts and prayers also as
Mitchell’s grandmother passed away this week.
Please also continue to pray for Ms Lesley Fraser’s continued recovery from major surgery. She
is progressing well.
Readings for this Sunday’s Mass – 20th Sunday in Ordinary time
First reading, Isaiah 56:1,6-7, … Thus says the Lord: Have a care for justice, act with integrity,
for soon my salvation will come and my integrity be manifest…
Psalm Psalm 66:2-3,5-6,8 … O God, let all the nations praise you!
Second reading, Romans 11:13-15,29-32, … God has imprisoned all men in their own
disobedience only to show mercy to all mankind
Gospel, Matthew 15:21-28 … Then Jesus answered her, ‘Woman, you have great faith. Let
your wish be granted.’ And from that moment her daughter was well again.
Kea McNeill – Campus Minister
On Friday, 15 August the Church celebrates the Feast
Day of the Assumption of Our Lady when according
to our faith, the Holy Mother, "having completed
her course of her earthly life, was assumed body and
soul into heavenly glory".
The Assumption signals the end of Mary's earthly life
and marks her return to heaven to be reunited with
Jesus. While the bodies of both Jesus and Mary are
now in heaven, there is a difference between the Assumption and the Resurrection. Where
Jesus arose from the tomb and ascended into heaven by his own power, Mary's body was
taken up to heaven by the power of her Son.
For this reason we use different words to describe each event. One is the Ascension of Christ
and the other, the Assumption of Mary.
Mary is the mother of the Church, and is an example of great kindness, compassion and love
to us all. We hope that we may too live by her example of great faith and love as we now
Father in heaven,
all creation rightly gives you praise,
for all life and holiness comes from you.
In the plan of your wisdom she who bore the Christ in her womb
was raised body and soul in glory to be with him in heaven.
May we follow her example in reflecting your holiness
and join in her hymn of endless love and praise.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
St Pat’s Students are invited to attend a retreat run by
NET ministries
Sunday 17 August
Join us for at the regional mass at 6:00 pm
Participate in music ministry (practice before church at 5:00 pm)
Following mass we’ll be having a shared meal with the NET members
concluding the evening with a retreat session ending by 9.30 pm
Take a break from work and study and meet some new people and have a
memorable time. Remember to sign up by the Wednesday 13 August on the
sign-up sheet outside the canteen so we have numbers for catering.
Fr Rob Galea in Concert
Fr Rob Galea, Parish Priest from Shepparton in
Victoria, and world-renowned Christian singer
and songwriter, is visiting Mackay again this
Friday 22 August 2014,
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Where: Father Bucas Centre,
Holy Spirit College
Donation to Fr Rob’s ministry will be
kindly received
Contact: Vicki Heggie 4969 2600
Sponsored by Holy Spirit College, St Patrick’s
College and Mercy College.
Edna Galvin – Assistant to the Principal: Curriculum
Last week Mr Gibbs and I attended a Leadership Conference
where many speakers delivered both inspiring and incredibly
useful lectures. One of the most impressive was Karni Liddell a
Paralympic swimmer. Her bravery, determination and talent
in the face of adversity was very moving – a reminder to us all
of how much we achieve when we put our minds to it.
As our students go into the busiest time of their two year
senior journey we remind all of them of their many gifts and
talents and encourage them to use those talents to the very
best of their abilities.
Karni has established herself as one of Australia’s most successful and well-respected Paralympic
swimmers of our time though her journey to success began a lot differently than the typical
elite athlete. Karni was diagnosed at birth with a degenerative muscle wasting disease called
Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Many doctors and specialists told her amazing parents that their firstborn child would not walk, sit up or live past her teenage years. In fact many specialists told
Terri and Jeff Liddell to make their daughter as comfortable as possible as exercise only makes
this condition worse. Karni’s parents started her on a ‘crazy’ self-invented rehabilitation
program which soon helped them realise that one of the greatest pleasures in life is achieving
things people say can’t be done! Not only did Karni walk she also established herself as one of
the best swimmers in the world. Karni broke her first world record at the age of 14 and went
into the Syudney Paralympic Games as the fastest woman in the world for all her events.
QCS Weekend Workshop
On Sunday 17 August commencing at 8:00 am we will be having our annual QCS
Workshop for 2014. The presenters for this year are as follows:
Mr Paul Kobez
Mr Tony Hytch
Mr Pat Donnelly
Mrs Annette Williamson
from Brisbane Grammar School: Writing Task Supervisor
from The Cathedral College, Rockhampton: Short Response
and Writing Task Expert
from Education Queensland: Literacy Expert
from Holy Spirit College: Short Response marker
The cost of this workshop is $30.00. This fee is to cover only part of the costs in bringing
the speakers to Mackay. Breakfast and Morning Tea are included in the cost. If you are
interested in being part of this workshop, please pay the Finance Office your $30 as soon
as possible,
Some people dream of success – others get up early in the morning and make it happen –
Be there Sunday 17 August.
Mark Gibbs – Assistant to the Principal: Administration
QCS Practice Days 19 and 20 August
On Tuesday and Wednesday next week the college will be running QCS practice days which
are effectively dress rehearsals for the QCS on 2 and 3 September.
Parents, guardians and students are asked to note that:
 Tuesday and Wednesday are days of full attendance for all students.
 QCS students are expected to have all the relevant materials for each test. (see below)
 There will be only one long break between the tests on both days.
 Year 12 VET students will be able to choose from a range of VET options or study for each
Permitted equipment –
Permitted equipment –
Writing Task
Pens (black ink)
Multiple Choice I
Multiple Choice II
2B pencils
Pencil sharpener
Approved calculator
Pencil sharpener
Correcting fluid / tape
Transparent container
to carry equipment
Other approved items
as permitted by the
chief supervisor
Transparent container
to carry equipment
Other approved items
as permitted by the
chief supervisor
Short Response
Pens (black ink)
Drawing compass
Coloured pencils
Approved calculator
Pencil sharpener
Correcting fluid / tape
Transparent container
to carry equipment
Other approved items
as permitted by the
chief supervisor
Not permitted
Own paper
Electronic devices
Any other items
Own paper
Drawing compass
Electronic devices
Any other items
Own paper
Electronic devices
Any other items
The optional programme described below has been successful in many schools around
Australia. It provides after hours help for students in virtually every subject. The tutors are
tertiary qualified and very helpful.
The offer below requires no long term financial commitment - rather it operates on a “pay as
you go” system. Students may find it useful for those “crisis” situation and also as part of an
ongoing revision/consolidation process.
Homework help in just a click
The ‘yourtutor’ service is available for families who want homework help, after-school hours
and Sundays.
Yourtutor is on-demand, online, real-time help from a local subject-experts, Australian teachers
and other experts, Sunday to Friday, 3:00 pm - midnight.
How does it work?
Families open an account and purchase minutes. These minutes are then ready for when a
student gets ‘stuck’. Perhaps 12 minutes for a maths question on Wednesday, perhaps 27
minutes for some essay writing feedback on Sunday night. It’s up to your family how you use
it, when you use it.
With no appointments needed, yourtutor supports those unplanned moments when your child
gets ‘stuck’ or frustrated during study and needs some guidance. Subject help is available for
the whole school, including year 12 final exam support. Having a yourtutor account ready
might help when unexpected questions come up during study.
Creating your family account:
Click here to start
Just for St Patrick’s families for Term 3, the first tutorial is free when using this link. Simply sign
up for your family’s account to claim the free minutes.
(02) 9906 2700 (Mon-Fri, 8am - 5pm NSW-time)
Sarah Regan – Cultural Coordinator
Sean Andrews
Last Thursday, guest artist Sean Andrews worked with the college choir and three of the year 11
music students. Sean was briefly on a break from his duties performing with the Phantom of
the Opera throughout Asia and Europe. He has an extensive background as a performing artist
working for the Australian Opera and Opera Queensland, and has toured with productions
such as The Mikado, Carmen, My Fair Lady, Sweeney Todd, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Les
Miserables, and the Australian tour of The Phantom of the Opera just to name a few! So it was
no surprise that Sean was able to inspire us all and help us with our novelty choir number.
Sean taught us about the vocal register and common misconceptions. What I found most
intriguing was the perception of register within the minds of singers. Regardless of gender, we
all tend to feel a ‘shift’ around notes E and B. Sean was able to help us with this through
various breathing exercises and techniques.
Thank you so much Sean for your generosity and encouraging vocal coaching! We really
enjoyed your visit and we hope you come back soon!
“Sean was very helpful for the choir and improvements could be heard instantly under his
instruction. He brought a lot of experience and knowledge and was fun to work with.” – Laura
“Sean’s expertise really helped the choir to improve with all of our songs. His techniques and
knowledge instantly helped.” – Sophie Tulloch
Jazz on the Quay
On Sunday, our Stage Band (led by Mr Lyle Denman) performed three numbers at Blue Water
Quay as part of CQU’s “Jazz on the Quay”. It was a beautiful day and we were blessed to
have opened the concert. The band performed “One Note Samba”, “Black Magic Woman”
and “La Negra” to a very appreciative audience. The band will also perform these three charts
at Mackay Orchestras and Bands this Saturday.
Thank you to all of our fantastic
musicians for your punctuality and
professionalism. And a big thank you to
the staff, parents, family and friends
who came to show their support. It’s
simply a joy to see the confidence and
team work of our band growing
stronger and stronger. Thank you to
CQU for organising this event and
inviting us to participate!
This Saturday, our Percussion Ensemble and Stage Band will be competing in the Mackay
Orchestras and Bands event at Mackay Christian College. It is the responsibility of each student
to organise their own transport to and from the venue. All students must be wearing their
performing uniform (all black) upon arrival. They will also need:
- Music folder
- Instrument (if necessary)
- MOB timetable
- Water bottle
Students involved in PERCUSSION must meet in building TLE 6 no later than 12:00 pm.
Performances for this section start at 1:00 pm and should finish at 2:15 pm.
Students involved in STAGE BAND must meet in building FY4 no later than 1:30pm.
Performances for this section start at 2:15 pm and should finish at 3:20 pm.
Performers are allowed and encouraged to watch the other bands play, however there is a
small entry fee for anyone who would like to watch. It is $2.00 per adult, $1.00 per
child/concession or $5.00 per family. Please come along and support our talented musicians!
For more information, or if you need directions upon arrival, please do not hesitate to contact
me on: 0401 239 552.
Dorota Cook – Physics Teacher
National Engineering Week
Last week our two Year 12 Physics classes celebrated
National Engineering Week by hosting two guest
speakers: Mr David Croce (an electrical engineer from
Aurecon Group) and Mr Desmond Searle (a mechanical
engineer from Worley Parsons).
This is what students thought of their presentations:
“Tuesday’s visit from an electrical engineer David
Croce provided much insight into the engineering
industry and helped answer many important
presentation also included a hypothetical example of
costing and sizing solar panels for the average
Mackay home, applying key Physics concepts and
formulas that we are currently learning about. This
helped us to understand the physical applications of
the theory we are studying.” Mikyla Colleton and
Victoria Burton.
“Mr Searle’s visit was well and truly worth it. He
presented information on a wide array of the
engineering disciplines (civil, electrical, mechanical),
which sparked interest in pursuing careers in that
direction.” Riley Forde
Edie Weiss – Guidance Counsellor
Loss of a friend
Several students have been shocked and saddened by the recent death of 16 year old Zeke Bell
by suicide. Even though Zeke was not a St Pat's student he has touched the lives of many, and
those close to him are grieving, and wondering why it happened. People deal with grief in
different ways, and there is no right or wrong reaction. Sometimes grief becomes more
complicated by other life circumstances, so everyone is different. It is also OK to ask for help.
May Zeke rest in peace.
QTAC applications
Congratulations to those students who have already put in their QTAC application. Remember
to get it in before the end of September to save $90! Lots of students have been having career
counselling sessions .... make an appointment soon! I will be speaking to all year 12 OP
students on Thursday afternoon about University.
Many scholarships are available to help with the cost of university education. Most are for high
achieving students, but there are also others. We hear that often they are not awarded because
there are no applications. I recommend that everyone looks at their university of choice and
searches for 'scholarships' and have a good look at what is available. Do that now rather than
later as closing dates vary.
Brendon Brauer – Sport Coordinator
Mackay District Interschool Track & Field Trials
St Patrick’s / Mercy College defended their title in the combined Junior/Senior aggregate
division of the Mackay District Track and Field trials that were held last week. This was a very
pleasing result for the 47 students who represented the college over the two days of
competition. As has been the case in recent years, Mackay North High School challenged St
Pat’s for the senior title which was eventually decided by 37 points with Mackay North
winning back the trophy that has been in our possession for the last four years. Our team was
once again well represented in all events on the program demonstrating a high level of school
spirit that ensured St Pat’s were very competitive in all events contested.
St Pat’s / Mercy were also victorious in the combined Junior / Senior aggregates which was a
pleasing result for the team.
Mercy College / St Patrick's College
Mackay North High School
Mackay State High School
Mirani State High School
Whitsunday Anglican School
The top five placings in the senior division were;
Mackay North High School
St Patrick's College
Mackay State High School
Mirani State High School
Sarina State High School
Age championship presentations unfortunately weren’t held at the end of the carnival,
however, the following St Pat’s students have placed in the top three of their respective age
groups. Congratulations to the following students;
17 years Girls
1st Gabrielle De Boni
16 years Boys
3rd Nick Kempe
17 years Boys
3rd Carl Story
Special congratulations must also be given to Year 11 student, Zoe Breitkreutz who broke the 16
years girls shot putt record in throwing 10.96m. The previous record of 9.92m was set in 2013
when the girls shot weight was changed from 4kg to 3kg. Well done Zoe!
The following students qualified for the Capricornia trials, which will be held in Mackay on
Thursday 21 August:
Carl Story
Rory Webb-Smith
Gabrielle De Boni
Tom Quinn
Jayden Connor
Triston Vincent
Rhiannon Zahra
Zoe Breitkreutz
Lachlan Murphy
ayley Giles
Nite Johnson
Nick Kempe
Brock Rodgers
Joshua Morton
17 years 800m, 1500m, 400m, 3000m
16 years 1500m
17 years 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m
16 years Javelin
16 years Triple Jump
17 years Discus, Shot Putt, Javelin
17 years Shot Putt
16 years Shot Putt, Discus, 200m
16 years Shott Putt
17 years Shot Putt
16 years Shot Putt
16 years Long Jump, Triple Jump, 400m
16 years High Jump
16 years Discus
Students who have qualified for the Capricornia Track and Field trials should now have
returned their forms and money to the college bursar.
National Basketball Championships
Good luck to Year 11 student, Tendekai Machando who travels to Townsville this week to
represent Queensland in the 18 years Boys Basketball National Championships. Tendekai was
selected in this team following his outstanding performance for the Capricornia team at the
State Titles which were held in May.
Interschool Volleyball Competition
Round five of the Mackay District Volleyball competition was played on Tuesday night with
our Open Boys recording a 3 sets win against WAS Blockbusters. The boys have now qualified
for the semifinals and will play WAS Year 10 Boys for a place in the grand final. In the open
girls competition, the St Pat’s Spikers have progressed through to the grand final and will now
wait to see if their opponent will be the St Pat’s Setters or Mackay North High School who will
fight it out next week. Both semifinal games will be played at 7.00 pm at the WAS hall. All
spectators are welcome to attend.
Touch (Round Two)
Congratulations to Patty’s Panthers who recorded at 20 - 3 win against Team Phelan on
Monday afternoon. The Panthers have recorded two wins in their first two games and are
looking like being one of the more competitive teams in this competition. The St Pat’s Cats
were defeated 4 - 1 in the open boy’s competition and will be looking to record their first win
next week. In the Open Girls competition, both The Amazonians and Patty’s Pythons
recorded round two losses and will need to correct their defensive lapses before next week’s
Brazil Futsal Tour
Two St Patrick’s students are currently attending a Futsal tour of Brazil with an Australian
invitational team. Year 11 students, Jack Kelly and Joshua Williams will tour Brazil playing
games of Futsal over a two week period.
Important Dates
August 21
Capricornia Track & Field Trials
Weekly update - Renovations at St Pat's
9 September 2014
To know about Trafficking of Humans : Look beneath the Surface.
St Joseph Parish Centre at 5.30 pm
Sr Janine Bliss
Coordinator – Queensland for ACRATH
Leenore Reddy 0434929742 by 7 September
Bring a plate to share
Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking of Humans (ACRATH) :
 Raise awareness, share information, build networks nationally &
 Facilitate action at pastoral and structural levels to combat & prevent human rights violations relating
to the trafficking of human.
 Provide education through a variety of materials and resource.
 Provide direct services – e.g. counselling; rehabilitation & reintegration programmes.
We also work in collaboration with other groups and individuals – both government
and non-government. Consistent with these actions we bring you targeted content to
inform, educate and convince you of the horror surrounding the trade in human lives.
We aim to encourage participation in stopping this phenomenon by both giving you
suggestions and tools, while allowing you to also exchange ideas and motivate you to
take up the challenge to do more in this arena.
We feel that too often this issue has been swept under the carpet or placed in the ‘too
hard basket’ We exist to change that attitude and prove that something can and will be
done to STOP the trafficking of people for use and abuse into our nation & around our
region. Together we can activate a ground swell of enthusiasm and participation which
WILL be heard by all – the police, the government, schools, churches, schools,
businesses, victims and even the traffickers themselves!
For more information, please visit http://acrath.org.au/ (ACRATH website)
Date Claimer : 25th September 2014
At 7:00 pm, at St Joseph’s Parish Centre.
A DVD presentation on ‘Science test Faith’
Followed by discussion time with Fr Peter Tonti.
School Based Apprenticeship Opportunity in Cabinet Making
Black Duck Kitchens is currently in search of young adults interested in trying cabinet making as a career
We are looking for: Year 11 student for immediate start as School Based Apprentice with commencement of Apprenticeship in
 Year 12 student for immediate start as School Based Apprentice with commencement of Apprenticeship in
 Current Year 10 Student to commence School Based Apprenticeship 2015.
Education requirement for this trade is completion of Year 10 and have passed in Mathematics as this is the core
requirement of your employment.
What is a Cabinetmaker?
LMF32109 Certificate III in Cabinet Making (Furnishing)
Cabinetmaking is a TRADE in the building Industry.
Cabinetmakers predominantly make kitchens but they also make vanities, laundries, wardrobes, desks,
entertainment units and bars along with kitchenettes for huge draglines.
Not forgetting the commercial fit outs of offices, reception counters, showrooms, shops and restaurants.
As a Cabinetmaker you are using hand and power tools whilst working with a variety of wood products
including MDF, Ply, Laminate and natural timbers.
Black Duck Kitchens offers state of the art workshop machinery used to cut, edge, bind and Construct
We would be very appreciative of the above information being forwarded to Vocational, Education and Training
Officer along with exposure in your school newsletter.
Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact our office.