Reservoir Modeling of Deep Geothermal Systems - Geotermia
Reservoir Modeling of Deep Geothermal Systems - Geotermia
Reservoir Modeling of Deep Geothermal Systems: the Examples of Guardia Lombardi Giordano Montegrossi Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse Via G. La Pira 4 50121 Firenze, Italy ENI GEOLAB Bolgiano 3 wells investigated (Monteforcuso 1, Monteforcuso 2 and Bonito 1 Dir) Total core drilled samples: 12 (16.4 m total recovery) : 300 200 150 P Hydrostatic P Hydraulic Test 100 50 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 True Vertical Depth (m) 140 120 100 80 T °C Pressure (bar) 250 T °C Teoric non-stabilized T °C meassured non-stabilized 60 40 20 0 500 1000 1500 2000 True Vertical Depth (m) 2500 3000 TOUGH – family codes owe its birth To Karsten Pruess, just retired ! John Backus Born: December 3, 1924 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Died: March 17, 2007 (aged 82) Ashland, Oregon Well enthalpy with time $ $ $ $ $ : : : $ $ cd /home/grb/hengill/graphics outfile=/home/grb/hengill/2005-model/may02a/forward_ouput_file grep “OUPUT DATA AFTER” $outfile| cut –c40-50 > j1 grep “WELL10” $outfile| awk ‘{if (NF==12) print $5}’ > j2 pastej1 j2 | awk ‘{print 1975+$1/3.14E+7,$2/1000}’ | xy_plot debug commands until right history –5 > draw.well.10 rm j1 j2 # this script plots temperature history of well 5 in layer a # outfile=/home/grb/hengill/2005-model/may02a/inverse_tekplot_file grep “w5ta” $outfile | awk ‘{print $1,$2}’ | sec2date –d 1975 > j1 grep “w5ta” $outfile | awk ‘{print $1,$3}’ | sec2date –d 1975 >> j1 grep “w5ta” $outfile | awk ‘{print $1,$4}’ | sec2date –d 1975 >> j1 'Steady State' or Natural state computation: Given the Boundary condition from: Geological investigation, Geochemical investigation, Geophysical investigation, Etc. We could use this condition to define the property of the system, simply using the provided geometry and boundary conditions to populate the computational grid and let the system stabilize. Then we have to compare the grid results with our point values, and check..... Output Data Visualization: Tecplot has a data type ‘cell centered data’ perfectly suited to TOUGH software packages output Describe element geometry and add a header to your file like: VARIABLES= "X" "Y" "Z" "Temperature" "Saturation" "Ph" ZONE F=FEBLOCK ET=BRICK N= 5824 E= 4590 VARLOCATION = ([4-0049]=CELLCENTERED) T=" 36443. Days" Top boundary Condition: heat flow Bottom boundary Condition: heat flow All cell-centered data could be imported in PETREL as point data with attribute ! From the 'Steady State', or Natural State computed, we could try to foresee what could happen with a producing well. We have to point out some notes: Since Pressure gradient is Hydrostatic, the well will not significantly produce without a pumping system For economical reason, water flux should be at least 10 - 30 l/min, better in the magnitude of Hundreds of l/min We had to use a recharge, that is unknown, and we put as recharge boundary condition an inlet with the same characteristic of the reservoir from the south direction (along Y axes) Pressure vs time Hot water production: nearly 808 Kg/min 280 270 260 250 240 Pressure (bar) 230 220 210 200 190 180 170 160 150 0 0 0,01 0,1 1 Time (days) 10 100 1000 10000 It seems some 'grass', but correspond to the CO2(aq) exsolution level Conclusion: The production of up to 800 l/min is sustainable, given an efficient recharge The impact on the reservoir is to lower the pressure from 271 bar to nearly 177 bar No significative scaling of the well is expected, but geochemical analisys should be revised To foresee the effect of the exploitation on reservoir temperature, the recharge path should be better constrained!