Sacred Journey 8:30 AM - Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church
Sacred Journey 8:30 AM - Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church
† † WORSHlP sacred August 21, 2016 8:30 AM ART GALLERY The Good Book: Witnessing to Our Sacred Stories Gathering Song You are merciful, O God, kind and patient and always loving. You are good to everyone, and you take care of all your creation. ~Psalm 145:8-9 The Word Is in Your Heart Text: Bob Moore Tune: Bob Moore, b. 1962 © 1993, GIA Publications. Used with permission under A-704046. Opening Song God of the Sparrow ➨ † HENNEPlN avenue united methodist 511 groveland avenue minneapolis, mn 55403 phone 612-871-5303 Your life is a Sacred Journey – and it is about change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation, continuously expanding your vision of what is possible, stretching your soul, learning to see clearly & deeply, listening to your intuition, taking courageous risks, embracing challenges at every step along the way. You are on the path – exactly where you’re meant to be right now... and from here, you can only go forward, shaping your life story into a magnificent tale of triumph, of healing, of courage, beauty, wisdom, power, dignity & love. – Caroline Joy Adams WORDS: Jaroslav J. Vajda, 1983 MUSIC: Carl F. Schalk, 1983 Words © 1983, Jaroslav J. Vajda; music © 1983 GIA Publications, Inc. Used with permission under A-704046. Gathering Prayers and Blessing of Creation At the beginning of the day we seek your countenance among us, O God, in the countless forms of creation, in the face of friend and stranger. Your Presence is within every presence. May we see your Life in every life this day. Amen. It Ain't Necessarily So Jonah 4 The Story Our Mission To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Our Vision We will grow in our love of God and neighbor, welcome new people and heal a broken world. Sunday Worship Sabbath Beginnings 8:00 AM Communion Sacred Journey 8:30 AM Creation Spirituality Traditional Worship 10:00 AM Organ, Choir Song 1 Nate Melcher It Ain’t Necessarily So #4 « ««« «« «« « «« «« « ‰ «« bˆ œ » «ˆ« ˆ« ˆ«« ««ˆ «ˆ l ˙«« . ˆ« “ { »» ================ & 4 «j = ˆ« l j 1. It 2. Li'l 3. Oh ain't nec - es - sar - i - ly Da - vid was small but oh Jo - nah he lived in a so, my, whale, It Li'l Oh # œ bˆ««« «« «« « « « « ‰ «« ««ˆ ˆ« ˆ«« ˆ««« ˆ«« l «˙« . ˆ«=l j ================ & »»» ain't nec - es - sar - i - ly Da - vid was small but oh a Jo - nah he lived in so, my, whale. The He For # œ «« « « « « « «« « « « « «j ˆ« «ˆ« «j ˆ« l «ˆ« ˆ« «ˆ« «j ˆ« «ˆ« = ˆ« l ================ & »»» ˆ« «ˆ« «j things that you're lia- ble to read in the bi - ble, It Da - vid Jo - nah was he small lived but in oh a my, whale. He For # œ «« « « «« « «« « «« « «« « « » j j « ˆ ˆ ˆ« l «ˆ« ˆ« ««ˆ j ˆ« «ˆ« = ˆ« l « » « « «ˆ ˆ« j ================ & » things that you're lia - ble to read in the bi - ble, It fought big Go - li - ath who laid down and di - eth, Li'l he made his home in that fish - es' ab - do - men, Oh # « « « «« «« «« « « « ˆ « « « l ∑ =” ================ & ˆ« «ˆ ˆ« _ˆ«« ˆ« «ˆ l w ain't nec - es - sar - i Da - vid was small but Jo - nah he lived in ly oh a so. my. whale. Prayers of the People We offer ourselves in humility to be the instruments of your love in the world. We pursue goodness and kindness, we withhold judgment, always in our imperfect and incomplete ways. We walk in grace and in gratitude. Amen. Offering Like a Shepherd life isThis a Sacred Journey – In Our OurYour Prayers This Week In Prayers Week and it is about change, Deaths growth, discovery, Weddings movement, transformation, Katie Wright & Ben Whitcher Virginia Nyberg continuously expanding your vision Dick Hoffman of what is possible, Births Rev. Joe Elmore stretching your Ezekiel Gebauer, son of Johann soul, learning to see clearlyGrome & deeply, Gebauer and Lindsay Upcoming Surgery listening to your intuition, Eli Roehlkepartain taking courageous risks, embracing Deaths challenges Romelle Pierat Home Recovering at every step along the way. William Almquist You are on the path – Surgery Gary Hargroves exactly where Arlene Williams LuAnnyou’re Wolf meant to be right now... Recovering at Home and from here, Hospice you can only go forward, Josette Barsness Roy Almen shaping your life story Nancy Whiteside Marie intoCross a magnificent tale of triumph, of healing, of courage, Hospital Care Centers beauty, wisdom, power, Dick King Jim Anderson dignity & love. Hospice Rachel Elliott MarieGarwick Cross – Caroline Joy Adams Hank Charlie Grimes LaVonne Grover Doug Jeranson Care Centers Kay Moberg Prayer Requests General Conference Delegates Prayer Requests Alland our Attendees college students preparing for school Laura Lee Dahlen Heidi & David Hudson, former members Bill Green Katherine Olson, mother of Trinka Olson ➨ If you or a member of your family is going into the hospital or moving from one care center to another and you would like the church to know about this, please call the church office at 612-871-5303 or email This helps our church family care for one another. Ministers All members of the congregation. Clergy Sally Johnson, Minister of Worship & Spiritual Formation Jim McChesney, Pastoral Care/Visitation Nate Melcher, Associate Pastor Richard Waggoner, Music Emeritus Judy Zabel, Senior Pastor Program Staff Lynne Carroll, Children & Families John Cole, Dignity Center Mary Martin, Outreach William Mathis, Music & Fine Arts Twin Cities District Superintendent Text: Isaiah 40:9ff, Ezekiel 34:11, Matthew 11:28ff; Bob Dufford, SJ Tune: Bob Dufford, SJ, b.1943; acc. by Sr. Theophane Hytrek, OSF, 1915-1992, alt. © 1976, Robert J. Dufford, SJ, and New Dawn Music. Used with permission under A-704046. Celebrations Life and Work of the Community Going Into the World Thuma Mina Dan Johnson Minnesota Area Bishop Bruce R. Ough Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church 511 Groveland Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-871-5303 HAUMC is a Reconciling congregation and welcomes all persons without regard to age, race, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, family configuration, religious background, economic status, or developmental and physical ability. 10 AM Traditional Worship is streamed live on the internet: You can use your smartphone to give electronically today. Just scan the QR code below. Text: South African Tune: THUMA MINA, South African © 1984, Utryck. Used with permission under A-704046 Ahhmen, Ahhwomen, Ahhchildren, Ahhanimals, Ahhcreation, Awe!!!