Silver Hill Lions Come Out In Big Numbers at Health Fair


Silver Hill Lions Come Out In Big Numbers at Health Fair
A Monthly News Publication by the Silver Hill Lions Club, Inc.
February 2014
Officers for 2013-14
Robert “Bob” Fry
William “Bill”Hardy, Sr.
Silver Hill Lions Come Out In
Big Numbers at Health Fair
Melvin “Mel” Anderson
Immediate Past President
H. Barry Wilen
Past President/Director
PDG Richard “Rich” Barb
1st Vice President
Thomas “Tom”Hitt
2nd Vice President
Helga Murdock-Niles
Tail Twister
Richard “Rich”Tameris
Lion Tamer
Darryl “Griff” Griffin
One Year: Diane Ziegler
Two Year: Ruth Moses
Membership Director
Philip “Phil” Eppard
Phil Eppard
(H) 301-423-1787
(CELL) 240-731-7999
(FAX) 301-423-1787
Jim Sigros, Barry Wilen
Rich Tameris
Silver Hill Lion Rich Tameris works the registration desk at this year’s NBC4 Health
and Fitness Expo.
Members of the Silver Hill Lions Club volunteered at the NBC 4 Health &
Fitness Expo at the Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. on
January 11 and 12. The club supported the Multiple District 22-C Mobile
Health Unit providing eye exams, glaucoma testing, hearing testing and PreSchool Vision Screening. The fair provides a wide variety of free health screenSee NBC4 Health Fair, continued on page 4
ing Years
of Service
The February meetings will be on the 13th and 26th.
Regular meetings are held at 6:30 p.m.
at Mama Stella’s Restaurante in Clinton, Md.
Hope to see you there!
THE SILVER LION • February 2014
Message from the President
Hello Fellow Lions,
February 2014
Sun., Feb. 2 – Groundhog Day
Sun., Feb. 2 – Super Bowl Sunday (Redskins
are watching)
Wed., Feb. 12 – Regular Meeting. Please join
us to award the College of Southern Maryland and Prince George’s Community College
will receive their scholarship donations.
Wed., Feb. 12 – Lincoln’sBirthday
Fri., Feb. 14 – Valentine’s Day
Fri., Feb. 14 – Valentine’s Day Camp Merrick
Fund Raiser (see page 3 for details)
Mon., Feb. 17 – President’s Day (National
Sat., Feb. 22 – Washington’s Birthday
Wed., Feb. 26 – Regular/Board Meeting
March 2014
Wed., March 5 – Ash Wednesday (Christians
begin the season of Lent)
Sun., March 9 – Daylight Saving Time begins
(Set clocks ahead one hour)
Wed., March 12 – Regular Meeting
Mon., March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day
Thurs., March 20 – First day of Spring (Welcome)
Wed., March 26 – Regular/Board Meeting
Monthly meetings are held on the
2nd & 4th Wednesdays of each month
at Mama Stella’s Restaurante
in Clinton, Md.
One of the best ideas ever. This food
donation program has not only
helped many poor, needy people, but it has stimulated much
generosity from a large group of
our members and adds another
reason to attend meetings. Imagine that.
Helping other people and ourselves at the same
time. Last year, 1,176 food items were delivered
to food pantries in our service area.
Well, finally the cold has broken.
Spring has arrived. Well not offically, but I saw two robins walking north on Branch Ave. Also the
Wizards finally broke above .500. I
know, no one cares.
We really had a great turnout for NBC 4 Health Fair
(10 Lions and helpers altogether). It’s really a big deal,
like going to several doctors’ offices for free. Did I
mention no cost, plus little freebies. I hope we can
make this a yearly event. It was a lot of fun. Lion Mel
treated us on a tour of the subway. Even if you don’t
volunteer, this would make a great family outing.
What do we get into next? A few of us have been
threatening to go to Melwood. Let’s do it. By the way
Lion Rich Tameris got us in the Lion magazine. Check
out pg. 7. By the numbers. Way to go Rich!
Yours in Lionism,
KL Bob Fry
Feb., 2 – Hank Donaldson
Feb., 13 – Dick Gesell
All of our Lions and guests enjoyed the delicious cakes furnished by Lions Diane and Diana
in honor of the birthday Lions that month.
One more advantage to those who attend regular meetings. Don’t miss the next one.
THE SILVER LION • February 2014
Food Donations Help
Local Area Food Banks
There were 35 canned and dry good items collected at our
dinner meeting on January 8, bringing our yearly total to
494. Lion Mel Anderson delivered the food to St. Mary’s
Catholic Church in Piscataway.
National Age Related Macular
Degeneration Month
Upcoming Lion Events You
Won’t Want to Miss!
Lion’s Camp Merrick Valentin’s Day Fundraiser – February 14, 7 p.m. at Waldorf Jaycees
Community Center. This is a great chance to
satisfy your valentine obligations and support the Camp at the same time. There will be
comedian Kelly Terranova and live Rock and
Roll music, open bar and dinner. Tickets are
$75 per person. All proceeds will benefit Lion’s
Camp Merrick. Call 301-870-5858 for details.
Multiple District 22 92nd Annual Convention –
Monday-Thursday, May 12-15, 2014, in Ocean
City, Md. Make plans early to attend, as this
may be the last convention in Ocean City for a
while. Silver Hill will be staying at the Princess
Royale Hotel. For reservations, call 800-4769253. You are responsible for your own reservation, so be early. You may cancel 24 hours
before, without any penalty. Have fun with
your fellow members.
Bring a Prospective Member to One of our
Monthly Meetings. The Silver Hill Club meets
bimonthly on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of
each month at Mama Stella’s Restaurante in
Clinton, Md. Put these dates on your calendar.
Remember prospective members eat free!
February 12 and 26, March 12 and 26
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
THE SILVER LION • February 2014
NBC4 Health Fair, continued from page 1
Pictured at left, Lion Diane
Miceli, far right, provides an
eye screening exam.
Pictured below, Lions Phil
Eppard along with Lion
Debbie Clemens provide an
eye screening exam.
While working the registration desk, Lion Rich
Tameris met a woman
who shared that she and
her brother received eye
exams and glasses from
a Lions Club in Clinton,
Md. back in 1974. She
explained that her dad had
passed away and five children were left. They had
no money to pay for eyeglasses. She just wanted
to let the Lions know how
much she appreciated the
assistance. How often do
we get personally thanked
for providing eye exams
and eyeglasses?
ings that are particularly
important to people who
have no regular access to
health care.
THE SILVER LION • February 2014
NBC4 Health Fair, continued from page 4
PDG Rich Barb, Lion Lois
Barb and Leader Dog in
Training Amber participated
in the eye screenings.
Pictured at right, sitting from left to right are
Lions Phil Eppard and Mel Anderson; standing
from left to right, KL Bob Fry, Lions Debbie
Clemens and Diane Miceli
THE SILVER LION • February 2014
Silver Hill Lends a Hand
To the Homeless
Silver Hill Lions recently lent support to the area Warm
Nights program, an annual project that provides food
and shelter for homeless families during the coldest
months of the year. And this year is turning out to be
one of the coldest on record.
Warm Nights is centered around several area churches
that provide food and shelter to homeless men,
women and their families for a week. Silver Hill supported the efforts of Bell’s United Methodist Church
in Camp Springs that provided meals and shelter from
January 19-26. They also aid the families with clothing
and blankets. During the week the participants are
assisted in looking for work while enjoying a safe place
to stay.
This year, there were 35 adults and children in the
program. PDG Rich Barb and Shirley Eppard added
multiple pots of homemade soup to the menus. Mama
Stella’s Restaurant catered a whole meal to the group
on Friday night. Silver Hill also kicked in $250.
The program is typical of many of our efforts to serve
our community. Be proud of what we do with our
Editor’s Note: In order to protect the privacy of people
who take part in in the program, the Church denied
our request to take pictures for The Silver Lion.
Sick & Get Well
Betty Everson has recently been moved to a rehab
facility in Annapolis, Md. She is still on a ventilator
but she is beginning a program to wean her from it.
At this time, I do not recommend visits, but cards are
welcomed at Health Care of Annapolis, Eastport, 900
Van Buren St., Annapolis, MD 21403. Lion John is doing well, considering the circumstances.
Pray for her and her family. Pray for all those in need
– the ill and distressed, the elderly and home bound,
civil and military peacekeepers around the world,
the homeless and abandoned, the poor and needy,
the victims of all the natural disasters and man-made
conflicts that have occurred recently and all who need
our care and assistance. We pray that God’s grace
may reach us all.
Lion Diana Ziegler has become our contact for information concerning members or friends who may need
assistance or care. Please call her to relay information
concerning lions who may need our attention.
THE SILVER LION • February 2014
Melvin Jones Luncheon Demonstrates
There Is Strength in Numbers
Lion Rich Tameris and PDG Rich Barb attended the
District 22-C 24th Annual Melvin Jones Fellowship
Luncheon on January 11. The event was held at Brandywine Lions Club Den. The guest speaker was PDG
Ken Chew, chairperson of the Multiple District 22 Lions
Club International Foundation this year. He spoke on
how much money has been donated over the years to
Lions Club International Foundation. He said last year
District 22-C alone donated $32,323. Chew explained
that the money donated to LCIF does not only go
overseas but is used here in our own country. One
example he noted was the money provided to victims
of the tornado in LaPlata, Md.
PDG Cal McMillion started this Melvin Jones Fellowship Luncheon back in 1990. There are 1,065 Melvin
Jones Fellows in District 22-C and of those there are
100 Progressive Melvin Jones Fellows as of November 6, 2013. This year in District 22-C, 25 new Melvin
Jones Fellowships have been given.
NBC4 Health Fair, continued from page 5
Lions from other clubs in
District 22-C and District
24-A provide eye screenings at
the NBC4 Health and Fitness
Expo in Washington, D.C., on
January 12.