The Final ToasT - Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce


The Final ToasT - Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce
The Final Toast
Doolittle Raiders and Chair Mark Hamrick
A Year We Will Never Forget
December 2013 | | The Official Publication of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce
A Message from the Chair of the Board
WOW!!! What a Chamber Year. THANK YOU!!!
Yes, it is December and that
means this is my last article. I
am going to miss writing this
monthly article and communicating with our Chamber members and the community. I do
not have the space here to thank
everyone who helped make
Mark Hamrick this a Chamber Year to remember. I have never seen the term
Owner, Vacuum Center
“Teamwork” demonstrated the
way I witnessed it this year, and I could not be more
thankful and honored to have had a front row seat.
The Chamber, like all other businesses, was affected
by the economic downturn the last few years. Before
the year started we looked at some areas where we
could reduce expenses and do the job of promoting our
members more efficiently. We accomplished that and
turned our focus to membership growth, membership
retention and doing everything we could to make sure
our events were successful. Looking back on the year I
can now say these goals also were accomplished. Our
membership at the last report was 1,628, and that’s the
first time the Chamber had crossed the 1,600 mark!
Every event ran smoothly and was a great success. The
weather was great with the exception of a few hours of
rain on Saturday in September for the BBQ Fest.
If you would have asked me before the year started
to write down what I felt would be a successful 2013,
I can tell you it would not have been close to what was
Message from the Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
None of this would have been possible without
that Teamwork I referred above. I would like to say
a huge THANK YOU to our hard-working and dedicated Chamber Staff. It has been a pleasure working
with each of them. To our Committee Chairs who did
an outstanding job with their respective committees.
To our event and annual sponsors, we could not have
the caliber of events we have without them. To the
hundreds of volunteers who step up each year. To the
Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, these
individuals commit to three plus years and make the
decisions that make this Chamber a leader in our community. And to all of our 1628 members -- without you
there would not be a Chamber.
I will close by trying to tell you how I feel about
2013 coming to an end. It’s like I stepped aboard a
high speed bullet train in January. I had never been on
a train like this before and was a little nervous. The
train took off and was very fast, crazy and a lot of fun.
I met so many great people on this train ride who will
be friends forever. The next thing you know they tell
me that I will be getting off at the next stop. WHAT???
! I’ve got to get off already? If they would let me stay
on this train I would, it’s not going to be easy stepping
I am looking forward to watching Ron Grissom take
his train ride. He’s going to do a great job and I’m very
excited to see what we can accomplish in 2014.
Once again, THANK YOU!!! It has been my pleasure and the Honor of my life to serve as your Chair of
the Board. I’ll see you soon. Take care.
Coastlines is a publication of the
Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce
34 S.E. Miracle Strip Pkwy.
(850) 244-8191 • FAX (850) 244-1935
Sponsor Spotlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Applause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 & 7
Membership Renewals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Business After Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Ribbon Cuttings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Nothing but Networking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
First Friday Coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
New Member Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17
Chamber Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Take a Trip | Take a Coastlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
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Northwest Florida Daily News
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James Payne | Adventure Photography | 200-6289
James Stewart | Blacksuit Future Methods | 582-2699
Graphic Designer - Tom Sexton | 585-7360
The Official Publication of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce | | December 2013
President’s Message
The Final Toast
When I walked into the hotel in Dayton
Ohio and was immediately greeted by
Doolittle Historian CV Glines, I knew
that this was going to be an amazing
whirlwind trip (November 8-9, 2013).
I along with Lynn Dominique, Kevin
Almodovar (Owners of Revive Media
Services-the creators of the soon to be
released DVD of our April 2013 Reunion),
Shelley Normand (Superior Residences
of Niceville) and Tony Hughes (Beach
Community Bank—the sponsor of our
2008 Doolittle Homecoming and 2013
Farewell Tribute) were all on a very short
list of people from around the world who
were invited to attend the Final Toast.
Speaking on behalf of the group, we were
all beyond honored to have been invited.
We first met the Raiders when our own
Wes Fields (Emerald Coast Convention
Center security) assisted our community in organizing our 2008 Homecoming.
Prior to that event, we all knew ABOUT
the Doolittle Raiders—but did not KNOW
the Raiders.
To know the Raiders is certainly one of
the greatest highlights of my life. While
other ‘celebrities’ are aloof, these amazing heroes are the kindest, most caring
folks you could ever meet. I think that it
is very fair to say that Lt Col Dick Cole
has easily met over a million people in his
lifetime (98 years!). For him to say hello
and shake my hand when he left the Final
Toast press conference, is indescribable
to me.
Back to 2008 when our community had
the opportunity to spend some time with 7
of the Raiders and their families, several
of us listed above, were easily indoctrinated into the Raider mystic. Since that
time, we have had the pleasure of attending various Raider events—traveling with
the others who have found the eternal
fountain of historical lore—all of us desiring to share more and more about the Raid
and the Raiders.
Thus, when it came time for the Final
Toast—a very exclusive event organized
by the US Air Force—and our invitation
was issued—no way we could miss it.
Thus, when I saw CV Glines upon
arrival (Doolittle historian since 1962,
and at 92 he also has met a few folks in
his day), and he greeted me with wonderfully great memories of our April Farewell
Tribute, I was home. I was in an environment, where everyone you encounter is on
the same team, all in great spirits about
the reason why we were there.
The Final Toast—an event 57 years
in the planning—would ultimately be
just like the Raiders themselves—warm,
poignant, recognizing others above themselves, little pomp and circumstance. I
have no doubt that the Raiders felt that
it was time to complete their mission. An
occasion for them to pass the historical
torch to the next (and next) generation—
and to make certain that no one forgets
what those 80 men accomplished.
There were about 1000 people who
attended the event. Air Force, sponsors,
Doolittle Raider families and a small
group of us who had the highest compliment we could ever receive. On our
printed nametag, with the Raider Crest
shadowed in the back ground it read:
TED CORCORAN and under my name:
December 2013 | | The Official Publication of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce
Spotlight Sponsor: Northwest Florida Daily News
| Skip Foster, Publisher
“A good newspaper is a nation talking to itself.” -- Arthur Miller
I’ve always loved that
quote from Miller, mainly
because the definition of
“talking to itself” is so
wonderfully broad. It can
mean leaders talking to
regular citizens. It can be
regular citizens talking to
leaders. It can be sports
fans talking to their heroes
or to fans of other teams.
It can be advertisers
talking to customers or to
potential customers.
The conversational
important? Fair question. Let’s discuss.
While you may have heard reports of the demise of the
newspapers business, that is mainly wishful thinking from
our competitors in broadcast (who are surely hoping to
divert attention from their own problems).
The reality is, the reach of newspapers has never been
great. Combining the print and online audience of the Daily
News results in unparalleled access to the market for those
trying to advance a news or marketing message. In addition
to still-strong print circulation, is
experiencing from 2 to 2.5 MILLION page views a month
off of around a quarter million monthly unique visitors.
If anyone knows another media outlet that provides that
type of reach, please let me know.
possibilities are limitless.
Since arriving in the area about three months ago, it has
For businesses and organizations in our community,
been interesting to “overhear” these “talks,” by reading the the expertise of the Daily News marketing team is also
Daily News itself and by interacting with those folks who
unparalleled. Is your business fully utilizing search engine
either facilitate or participate in the conversations that shape optimization? Reputation management? Pay per click?
each edition of the paper.
Behavioral targeting in the Yahoo! network? Online
One thing that is clear to me is that there is a strong
auctions? Social media strategy?
appetite in this community to have a daily newspaper that is
While we are most clearly identified in the “paper”
doing its job and doing it well. There is a sense that for all
part of the newspaper brand, our digital sales team knows
of our community’s many strengths, there exists currently
everything there is to know about the array of digital
an opportunity for what’s good to be even better. And there channels available. Why send money to an ad agency when
is a recognition that the newspaper has a vital role to play
you can work directly with true pros?
in whatever that process ends up being.
And, of course, for an affluent, paying, captive audience,
My role is to work with the incredible talent at the Daily so many of our advertisers rely on print to get across their
News to make sure we fulfill that role.
message. Print readers are loyal and consume the product
But, you might ask, why is the newspaper’s role so
voraciously. They view ads as content just like news stories.
Northwest Florida Daily News
Destin Log
The news
And then there are our journalists – uniquely positioned
to facilitate the community conversations that are so crucial
to forward movement and progress. In my short time here,
I have found news folks who are passionate about our
community and their role in it. They are intent on informing
and entertaining our readers. I won’t bore you with my
sermon on improving the paper’s tone and featuring more
positive news in the community, but it is a key cog in our
continuous improvement efforts.
What’s your role?
A conversation is, by definition, a multi-party exercise.
My humble request to you is this: Participate. Engage. If
you have dropped the paper, give us another shot. I believe
you will find a much more respectful tone; a premium on
fairness and accuracy; a commitment to improvement. If
you see bias or inaccuracy or unfairness, let me know. I
want none of those things and will work to eliminate them.
If you have not advertised in the paper recently, ask us
about our products and services, particularly in the digital
realm. Our aim is simple – grow your business. Marketing
is not a charitable contribution – you should spend money
to make money. Doesn’t it make sense to utilize the media
source with the area’s highest reach?
Finally, it has been a pleasure to start to get involved
in the Chamber – my early impressions are extremely
positive. Ted Corcoran is a dynamic leader and Mark
Hamrick has done a fantastic job leading the board.
The Daily News is eager to take on a higher profile in
the Chamber and help our community talk about bigger and
better things to come.
Walton Sun
Crestview News-Bulletin
The Official Publication of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce | | December 2013
Chambers of Commerce Announce “MVP” Discount Membership Plan
challenging on a financial level. We are pleased to be able to
finally offer them a discount.”
If your business is a member of one of the participating
chambers, you are eligible for a $50 discount when joining
a different chamber. You will also receive a $25 discount
the following year. This discount may vary or apply to specific levels or categories of membership at each Chamber
depending on their dues structure.
“Okaloosa County is a great place for business,” said Ted
Corcoran, President and CEO of the Greater Fort Walton
Beach Chamber. “This option may allow a chamber member
to enhance their business plan by expanding into another
county region and start promoting themselves accordingly.
We welcome all members of our other Okaloosa chambers
to join the FWB Chamber!”
Destin Area Chamber President and CEO, Shane Moody
said “Whenever the chambers can come together to improve
the economy of the county and benefit themselves at the
same time, it’s positive for everyone. To expose our members to members of other chambers, like we do with our
Multi-Chamber Business Expo, brings them more contacts
and opportunities to develop more business relationships
and customers. That’s good for everyone.”
Businesses interested in the program can contact the
Chamber they would like to join and complete the membership application. The staff of each Chamber will then verify
that they are a member of another chamber and apply the
discount – it’s that simple!
The Crestview Area, Destin Area, Greater Fort Walton
Beach and Niceville Valparaiso Chambers of Commerce
are pleased to announce the Multi-Chamber Value Plan or
“MVP” that will offer a discount for members looking to
network throughout Okaloosa County.
“Businesses that are already members of a Chamber are
familiar with the value of being associated with a Chamber
of Commerce and this program is the perfect opportunity for
them to expand their network,” according to Tricia Brunson,
President and CEO of the Niceville Valparaiso Chamber.
Wayne Harris, Executive Director of the Crestview Area
Chamber said, “This has been a long time coming, over
the years our members have expressed the desire to join
multiple chambers, but without a discount program it can be
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Month 2013 | | The Official Publication of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce
Each month we highlight the accomplishments of
Chamber businesses and individuals. Submit your news
and pictures to Limit 150 words
or less.
Local Business Woman Elected
ABWA District 1 Vice President
The American Business
Women’s Association recently
elected one of our local businesswomen, Tammy McDaniel, from
Fort Walton Beach, Florida, to the
position of District I Vice President
during the Association’s 64th
National Women’s Leadership
Conference in Little Rock, AR,
October 2-5. As a District Vice
President, Tammy McDaniel will maintain a position on
the Association’s National Board of Directors and the
Stephen Bufton Memorial Educational Fund Board of
Trustees. One of nine ABWA national officers, Tammy
will work with members in five Southeastern states Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina
and 1 U.S. Territory -Puerto Rico to facilitate the ABWA
Tammy is Owner/President of Tammy’s Journeys, a
full service travel agency and a member of an ABWA
league, the Emerald Coast Chapter. Throughout her 14
year ABWA career she has grown with the ABWA experience, earning numerous local league offices and awards.
“I am honored to be elected to the District I Vice President
position!” said McDaniel. “This is a great opportunity to
serve as an ambassador of ABWA, to engage and connect
with other members and their leagues as they uphold the
ABWA mission.”
a Senior Practitioner by a congregation of her peers, veteran
public relations professionals and
SPRF members at the 2013 SPRF
Annual Conference Lantern
Awards Ceremony.
This designation was given to
Ostrowski for her extraordinary
achievements and accomplishments while leading ECPRO’s
Student Competition Campaign for the past 7 years and
her commitment to her community. “Senior Practitioner”
designation is based on a recipient holding three of the
following four criteria: a current SPRF member with over
15 years of full-time public relations experience; accreditation by a Universal Accreditation Board (UAB) member
organization; serving as a board member for a chapter,
state or SPRF level organization, and recognized professionalism as evidenced by Practioner of the Year, Lantern
Award or similar honour. When asked about receiving
Senior Practitioner designation, Ostrowski stated she was
humbled and appreciative to those in her community who
have supported her in her career and with her past efforts
with the ECPRO’s Student Competition Campaign.
The Southern Public Relations Federation is a network
of public relations professionals from Alabama, North
Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi who share a common
interest in the public relations profession. Membership
in the Federation is automatic for members of the Public
Relations Council of Alabama (PRCA), the Emerald
Coast Public Relations Organization (ECPRO), the
Public Relations Association of Louisiana (PRAL), and
the Public Relations Association of Mississippi (PRAM).
Best Western Ft. Walton Beachfront Hotel
Maddie Ostrowski Honored as
Receives Corporate Green Award
Senior Practitioner by SPRF
Toni Richardson (center), Director of Sales and
Northwest Florida State College Coordinator of Marketing/PR for Best Western Ft. Walton Beachfront
Recruitment and ECPRO 2013 Student Competition Hotel accepted the Best Western 2013 Green Award,
Chair, Maddalena “Maddie” Ostrowski was honored as from David Kong, President and CEO, Best Western
International and Julie Montmaneix, Chairman of the
Board, Best Western International in San Antonio, TX,
October 18, 2013.
Republican Women Donate Dictionaries to
Okaloosa County Third Graders
As part of its Literacy program, the Republican Women
Okaloosa, Federated (RWOF) recently donated 1,138
dictionaries to third grade students in fourteen Okaloosa
County schools. This is the sixth year that RWOF has
donated dictionaries to third graders.
At Mary Esther Elementary Jeremiah Knox correctly
looked up the word “potential”, which he read to his classmates. He was applauded by (l-r) Principal Gary Massey
and RWOF representatives Gayle Blumberg and Hulda
Mahlum. Looking on in the front row is Makiya Smith.
their dictionaries,
( l - r ) :
Caleigh Butts, Hadley Watson and Damien Drobnack
were busy looking up words.
The Official Publication of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce | | December 2013
ResortQuest Real Estate®
Congratulates Top Sales Associate
ResortQuest Real Estate® has announced the
September 2013 top producer of its Northwest Florida
locations that stretch from Perdido Key to Panama City
Beach, FL.
Brett Bianca of the Tops’l Beach and Racquet Resort
office received top honors for highest closed sales out of
more than 100 ResortQuest REALTORS®.
“I’m extremely proud of all our ResortQuest Real
Estate sales associates,” said Carmela Bell, the firm’s
broker. “With over 1,000 REALTORS® across Northwest
Florida, it is important to recognize the top REALTORS®
within ResortQuest Real Estate who continue contributing to our firm’s closed real estate transactions. Many
of our REALTORS® rank among the most distinguished
in the area and we are grateful for their hard work and
dedication to the real estate community.”
United Way Announces New
Walton County Development Director
United Way of Okaloosa and
Walton Counties is pleased to
announce the appointment of
Erin Igram as its Walton County
Development Director. In support
of United Way’s priorities, Igram
will provide strategic leadership in
the development of philanthropic relationships throughout Walton County while simultaneously seeking opportunities to increase annual support from individuals, corporations, and foundations as well as agencies to serve.
“It has long been an objective of our board of directors to dedicate staff support to all facets of United Way
in Walton County. We are excited to have Ms. Igram join
our team for she brings with her loads of nonprofit experience. A Walton County resident, Erin is both a Niceville
Membership Renewals
High School and Northwest Florida State College graduate. Ms. Igram will serve as liaison to our board, support
our Walton volunteers and Loaned Executives, work with
our Walton County Partner Agencies and lead our Red
Feather and Alexis de Tocqueville Societies. She is exactly the person we were seeking,” stated Ken Hinrichs,
CEO for United Way of Okaloosa and Walton Counties.
Igram has served in various marketing and resource
development capacities with the Boys & Girls Clubs of
the Emerald Coast, and brings an extensive background
in sales, marketing, and quality management to the job .
Igram earned her BS Degree in Project Management, specializing in Acquisitions, from Northwest Florida State
College. She is a board member of the Florida Public
Relations Association – Northwest Florida Coast Chapter,
member of Young Professionals at The Beach – affiliated with the Walton Area Chamber of Commerce, and a
2012-2013 graduate of Leadership Okaloosa.
Sponsored by
Accounting with CJW, LLC
Gatlin Lumber & Supply Co.
Riviera Family Fitness enter
Adams Homes of NW Florida
Gentiva Home Health
Ruckel Properties, Inc.
Adaptive Ready Rent
Golden Almond Health Food Store
Sandpiper Cove Condominiums
Angels Care Home Health
Good Time Tours, Inc.
Sierra Nevada Corporation
Aurum Jewelry Studio
Gregg Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church
Silver Sands Premium Outlets
Balanced Warrior Coaching
Horizons of Okaloosa County
SOCKS – Save Our Cats & Kittens
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Emerald Coast
Howard Group Management
Sunset Resort Rentals
Carr Riggs & Ingram, LLC
KEM Publications
Tracy Acree Construction
Creative Web Solutions, LLC
Landrum Human Resources
Trinity United Methodist Church
De’France Indoor Flea Market, Antiques & Collectables
Legal Services of North Florida
TSA Consulting Group
Destin Commons
Leroy Hill Coffee Company
United Cerebral Palsy of NW FL, Inc.
Diamond Works
Manpower Staffing
University of West Florida, Emerald Coast
Emerald Air Services, LLC
Eddie McAllister
W. C. Pryor Middle School
Emerald Coast Inn & Suites
Merrill Lynch
Mert Wagner
Fife Refrigeration
Mobil 1 Lube Express
Waldorff Insurance & Bonding, Inc.
First Presbyterian Church of Fort Walton Beach
Okaloosa Arts Alliance
Jeff Watson
Fort Walton Beach Flea Market
Okaloosa County Health Dept.
White Sands Manor, dba Westminster Major
Fort Walton Beach High School
Okaloosa County Supervisor of Elections
Xtreme Sports Fan
French Antiques
One Blood, Inc.
Fudpucker’s on the Island
Publix Super Markets, Inc.
December 2013 | | The Official Publication of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce
Decorate your
boat and enter
the parade!
The Official Publication of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce | | December 2013
The October Business After Hours was sponsored by the Member Discount
Providers – and it was a fabulous evening at Luxe Sports Grill. Can you
guess the event’s theme???
Our December Business After Hours will be our Chamber Christmas Party:
Thursday, December 12, 6:00 pm
Fudpucker’s on the Island | 1318 Miracle Strip Parkway
On Beautiful Okaloosa Island
December 2013 | | The Official Publication of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce
A Better Ledger Company, Inc.
Cox Solutions Store
11 Racetrack Rd. NE, Suite F2 | Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547
850-863-2483 |
99 Eglin Pkwy, NE, Suite 21-22 | Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548
Emerald Coast Dream Home
Pelican Real Estate at the Breakers Condominium
201 Rigdon Court | Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548
381 Santa Rosa Blvd. | Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548
The Official Publication of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce | | December 2013
Nothing But
We had a great NBN at Ramada Plaza Beach Resort.
Next month, we’ll be:
Thursday, December 12, 11:30 am.
Old Hags Café 10 Eglin Pkwy SE, FWB
December 2013 | | The Official Publication of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce
Covenant Hospice
John O’Neill, director of Branch Operations for Covenant
Hospice shared their mission and then introduced Carey King
from Alzheimer’s Family Services.
It’s always fun to see the staff at Covenant Hospice-they
turned out in force as the sponsor of the November FFC!
Carr, Riggs & Ingram
Emerald Coast Public Relations Association
Helen Back
Fort Walton Beach Woman’s Club
P. S. Gifts
Beach Community Bank
Sierra Nevada Corporation
Stage Crafter’s Community Theatre, Inc.
Safe Data Systems
Fort Walton Beach Community Chorus
Four Seasons Air Conditioning
Special Forces Association, Chapter 7
Warren Averett
PMI Employee Leasing
Eglin Federal Credit Union
Edible Arrangements
Chair Mark Hamrick (Vacuum Center)
and Vice Chair Nick Chubb (Cabinets RRR
Us) presented the well-deserved “Above
and Beyond Award” to Stephen Smith (The
Petermann Agency).
Jean Dutton (Emerald Ladies Journal) was
honored for having inspired the name “Teddy’s
Tidy Totems” for the waste stations at the new
FWB Dog Park at Liza Jackson. Dr. Michael
Fregger (Family Eye Care) donated the funding
for the stations on the condition they be named
after Ted Corcoran.
The Happy Smiles of Door Prize Winners!
Ramada Plaza Beach Resort
Heritage Museum of NW Florida
Power Up Watersports
Troy University
Shalimar Eye Care
Enterprise Rent-a-Car
Marion’s Hand & Foot Scrub AND
HealthSource FWB North
Habitat for Humanity
Building Homes for Heroes
Shalimar Pointe Golf Club
White-Wilson Medical Center
More and more businesses are signing on to be part of the exciting things that are happening at the
FWB Chamber. We hope we’ll be seeing more of you!
The Official Publication of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce | | December 2013
Wyndham Vacation Rentals presents the
Winter Guest Fest on January 10
Every year the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce coordinates the area’s
most popular trade show for winter visitors to the Emerald Coast. For years it was known
as the Senior Snowbird Expo – and in 2011, it was rebranded as the Winter Guest Fest, presented by Wyndham Vacation Rentals. The event will be on Friday, January 10, 2014, at the
beautiful Emerald Coast Convention Center Ballroom, from 8:00 am till noon. Admission
is still only $1. Ask those “snowbirds” who’ve attended for years, and they will tell you that
it’s the event they wait for, packed with coupons, giveaways, and surprises for all. In 2013,
over 2,000 people attended, and virtually all of them left smiling! “That’s the best dollar I
ever spent.”
With shopping, dining, local entertainment, resorts, hotels, and more being represented, the Winter Guest Fest is sure to be entertaining, educational and a great way to spend
the morning for all! If you would like to be one of the local businesses represented at this
great event, please visit the Chamber’s website to download the application and return it to
Rachelle Graves at the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce by mail, fax, or
email. Credit card payments can also be made over the phone. Vendor booths are going
quickly, so don’t procrastinate. Attendees walk away with prizes, coupons, and many free
promotional items ― items that will keep your business name with them long after they have
left the Conference Center.
This year’s event is being co-sponsored by the Greater Fort Walton Beach
Chamber of Commerce, News Talk Radio 1260, the Northwest Florida Daily News, and
Snowbirds Magazine. For more information, directions, and vendor applications, please
contact the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce at (850)244-1931, or email For more details, check it out on the Chamber’s website
Kevin Marler
Barry Rattcliffe
Individual Member
Tina Nystrand
American Foundation of Suicide Prevention
John Kagan, FP
Raymond James
151 Mary Esther Blvd., Suite 311
Mary Esther, 32569
Brandon Porter
Audible Hearing Center
930 Mar Walt Dr., Suite A
Fort Walton Beach, 32547
Roberta Lohf
Scentsy – Roberta Lohf
Chris Chamberlain
Bingo Castle
116 Perry Ave., SE
Fort Walton Beach, 32548
Ric Faulkner
Cartridge Works Plus
193 Mary Esther Blvd.
Mary Esther, 32569
Karrol Randazzo
214 Jonquil Avenue
Fort Walton Beach, 32548
H. “Joc” Jacques
Eager Beaver Professional Tree Care
4451 Gulf Breeze Pkwy
Gulf Breeze, 32563
Judy Couto
Eglin Realty
144 Mary Esther Blvd, #1
Mary Esther, 32569
LaShana Douville
The Event Room
1825 Hurlburt Rd., Suites 11 & 12
Fort Walton Beach, 32547
Ty Hand
Sequel Electrical Supply Co.
14 Hughes St., NE
Fort Walton Beach, 32548
Jim Szabo
Shalimar Pointe Golf Club
302 Country Club Rd.
Shalimar, 32579
Christine Shyne
Individual Member
Frank Cacioppo
Simply Chores, LLC
Patricia Aguon
Status Solutions/Green Pages Business
Nick Wood
T-Mobile USA
407 Calle Escade
Santa Rosa Beach, 32549
Alison Davis
1 Merrimac Street
Newburyport, MA 01950
Jeff Adamson
Keller Williams Realty, Emerald Coast
26A Racetrack Rd., NW
Fort Walton Beach, 32547
Shannon Ikner
Vapor Planet, LLC
75 Eglin Pkwy, NE
Fort Walton Beach, 32548
Joanna & James Poole,
Nutrie Independent Brand Partners
Gary Westfal
Individual Member
December 2013 | | The Official Publication of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce
Each month, the Greater Fort Walton
Beach Chamber of Commerce has a special
luncheon for our newest members. Check out
these businesses – help welcome them to the
Chamber. And remember: Members Helping
Members Makes Sense!
Judy Couto, Broker/Owner & Agent, Eglin
Realty, 144 Mary Esther Blvd., Mary Esther,
FL, 32569,; 850-2409618; After 11 years
in business, we are happy to join the FWB
Chamber and wish we had joined sooner. Our
services are open to all sellers and buyers in
the community. As an owner of our Independent
Brokerage, I have the freedom & flexibility
to charge less commission than the national
brands! Personal Service with a Lower
Commission! For Full Service Listings, only 5%
total! That is reduced to just 4% when also
representing the Buyer in the sale. I own more
than 200 web domains such as: EglinHomes.
com;;; plus
many more. That helps rank us higher - bringing
Buyers and Sellers together! Our sales are
in the top rankings for numbers of home sales,
even when competing with larger companies.
I personally sold 51 properties in 2012! Many
Realtors only sell homes as a side job & hobby;
however, I Sell Real Estate for a LIVING, not just
a Hobby!
Ric Faulkner, Cartridge Works Plus, 193
Mary Esther Blvd., Mary Esther, FL, 850-650-
2221. Cartridge Works Plus offers Chamber
membership and the local community a costeffective alternative to ink and laser cartridges
available at other locations. With our on-line
ordering system, the customer is available to
view options, securely order with a few clicks
and have that order delivered the same day.
We stock most brands of remanufactured and
OEM ink and laser cartridges. We can special
order those hand-to-find items and have them to
you quickly. Let us earn your business with our
prices, dependability and customer service.
Jim Szabo,
Shalimar Pointe Golf
Club, 302 Country
Club Rd., Shalimar,
FL, 32579, 850-6511416, 850-651-1416. Located on the shores of the
Choctawhatchee Bay, Shalimar Pointe Golf Club
offers great golf at a great price on one of the
most picturesque courses in Northwest Florida.
Regardless of your handicap, the 18 holes at
Shalimar Pointe provide an enjoyable round of
golf for every golfer.
Patricia Aguon, Status Solutions/CATIE &
Green Pages Business Directory, 850-420-5051
Status Solutions is a technology company. We
have partnered up with the Air Force Enlisted
Village and are working on a project that helps
keep the senior residents connected to the
local community and businesses in our area.
I am the local representative that handles the
Green Pages Business Directory. The purpose
for the Green Pages Business Directory is to
provide the residents with a resource of local
businesses that provide products and services
to seniors as well as promote your business
within the Air Force Enlisted Village.
Michael Goolsby, Paradise Bar & Grill, 196
Miracle Strip Pkwy, Fort Walton Beach, 850301-0255. Fort Walton’s newest bar and grill,
specializing in authentic Jamaican cuisine. We
are located in downtown on Miracle Strip Pkwy.
Lunch starting at 10:30 am daily. We plan to
start lunch delivery to downtown businesses.
Tim Pifer, The Pantry, 251 Mary Esther Blvd,
Mary Esther, FL, 850-301-9100. The Pantry
is the area’s first “cost plus” supermarket.
With all the items you would expect from any
supermarket, such as meat, produce, dairy,
frozen foods, and health & beauty products. At
The Pantry, we price every item at cost and then
charge a 10% surcharge to cover expenses.
This 10% markup is the lowest margin in the
industry and saves you dollars on every trip!
Shannon & Shelia Ikner, Vapor Planet, 75
Eglin Pkwy, Unit #119, 850-362-7150. Vapor
Planet Kicks Ash!!! We are an electronic
cigarette store, helping people of all ages
to stop smoking. We are located in Uptown
Station between Five Guys and Fire House Subs.
Gelenda Janczewski, Keller Williams
Realty Emerald Coast, 26A Racetrack Road
NW, 32547, 850-226-6323. Keller Williams Realty
Emerald Coast is excited to open an office at 26
Racetrack Road NW to better serve its clients
and associates in Fort Walton Beach, Shalimar,
and Mary Esther. Realtors at Keller Williams
who have lived and worked in this area for years
are now better equipped to assist residents and
business owners buy and sell property. We
look forward to using our love and interest in
Fort Walton Beach to work with other Chamber
members to maintain and improve our great
community. Keller Williams provides residential
real estate sales services and commercial sales
and leasing services in Northwest Florida and
around the world. It has five office locally and
over 700 office worldwide. With over 90,000
associates, Keller Williams is the biggest real
estate franchise company in North America.
Kevin and Ellie Marler, Advocare, 723
Clark Drive . Fort Walton Beach, FL , 32547,, 850-598-7611 –
Kevin, 850-855-7989 - Ellie. Advocare is world
class nutrition line with over 70 products that
The Official Publication of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce | | December 2013
can be customized to your lifestyle. We are a
leadership company focused on our country’s
two worst problems: Health and Finances.
Beyond having the best supplement products
available, there’s a business opportunity with
this brilliant company too. Something in your life
you want more control of? Look better, feel better
perform better with Advocare.
Gary Westfal,
Westfal Publishing &
Graphics, LLC, Destin,
FL, 850-582-4469. Gary
Westfal is a freelance
writer, artist, and
educator currently
employed full-time in government service to
the United States as a member of the Air Force
Special Operations Command. He is a licensed
air traffic controller whose specialty is airfield
and airspace operations supporting U.S. Special
Operations Command (USSOCOM) patriots
Gary has enjoyed successes as a published
author, speaker, educator and mentor. He
is a graduate of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical
University and has conducted numerous lectures
as an adjust instructor at both the undergraduate
and graduate levels. His debut novel is Dream
Operative, published by Westfal Publishing &
Graphics and distributed by Amazon.
Patricia Aguon,
Nerium International,
850-420-5051. Nerium
International is a Clinical
Skin Care company as
well as a direct sales
company. We currently
market 2 productsNeriumAD age-defying treatment night and day
cream. This product address multiple skin issues
at once such as fine/deep lines and wrinkles,
hyper pigmentation, skin texture, deepen pores,
aging skin and sun damage. Yielding an average
of 30 to 60% dramatic improvement.
December 2013 | | The Official Publication of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce
The Official Publication of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce | | December 2013
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December 2013 | | The Official Publication of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce
2014 UPCOMING Events
January 7
Annual Banquet
January 10
Winter Guest Fest
January 25
Abita Mardi Gras Parade on Okaloosa Island
March 20
Multi-Chamber Expo
April 25 through 27
Musical Echoes
June 5 through 7
59th Billy Bowlegs Pirate Festival
September 19-20
FWB BBQ Festival
October 11 (Tentative date)
Dog Daze 2014
November 15
Tapestry of Cultures
December 4
FWB Christmas Boat Parade and Festival of Trees
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The Official Publication of the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce | | December 2013
December 3, 2013
Environment Committee
8:15 AM
December 5, 2013
FWB Christmas Boat Parade,
Festival of Trees & Tree Lighting
December 6, 2013
First Friday Coffee
7:00 AM
December 10, 2013
Healthcare Committee
8:00 AM
December 12, 2013
Nothing But Networking
11:30 AM
December 12, 2013
FWB Chamber Christmas Party
at Fudpucker’s
6:00 PM
December 13, 2013
New Member Lunch
11:45 AM
December 16, 2013
MAC Meeting
11:30 AM
December 17, 2013
Member Discount Providers
December 17, 2013
Tourism Committee
For up-to-date chamber events see:
Fort Walton beach chamber of commerce website:
for community events see:
okaloosa county tdc website:
*all meetings at chamber conference room unless otherwise noted
December 18, 2013
7:45 AM
December 19, 2013
Board of Directors Meeting
December 25, 2013
Christmas Day, Chamber Closed
11:30 AM
P.O. BOX 2949
Take a Trip | Take a Coastlines
Our members are going to some pretty glamorous places these days – and they’re
taking some good reading material right along with them.
If you choose to take your Coastlines with you on a trip, take a photo and share it
with us. Send it to
Some people know how to celebrate – and we’re proud that Coastlines was part of
the party at the 50th birthday celebrations for Bill Kuhn (Edible Arrangements) and Lisa
Jo Spencer (Fleet, Spencer, & Kilpatrick). A large contingent of FWB Chamber folks
including the Spencers, the Kuhns, LA and Pam Woodall, Scott and Whitney Smith,
Vicki and Joe Tarro, and many more traveled to Key West for some South Florida fun.
(Sorry if we missed anyone!)
LA Woodall (Horizons) and Pam Woodall (Beach Community Mortgage) and Vicki
and Joe Tarro (FWB Medical Center) were on the way to Key West and made a quick
stop in Islamorada before they met up with the larger group.
Charles C. West, CHFC®
Branch Manager / Financial Planner
would like to welcome
Jessica M. Davenport,
to our team as a
Financial Planner
29 Eglin Parkway N.E., Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548
11490 Emerald Coast Pkwy, Destin, FL 32550
1429 Quintard Ave. Anniston, AL 36201
Financial Planner.
*Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC, an independent broker/dealer, and are not insured by Bank insurance,
the FDIC, or any other Government agency, are not deposits or obligations of the bank, and are subject to risks, including the possibility of loss of principal.
Jessica M. Davenport, AAMS®