OCR 3300 - IDenticus


OCR 3300 - IDenticus
IDenticus Reader
Passport-Reader (SR-3300)
Priklopite USB
kabel na OCR citalec
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... in pricnite z
IDenticus Slovenija d.o.o.
Šlandrova ulica 8b, 1231 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel. +386 1 589 01 70, email: identicus@identicus.si www.identicus.si
T he IDenticus Rea der M o del 3300 is a Multiline OCR Slot Rea der designed to read up to three lines of OC R data t ypically found on
I D C ards or P asspo rts. It is built to S wiss quality standards and is based on lea ding edge OCR technology providing unmatched
pe rfor m a n ce. H o u n d r e d s I D e n t i c u s Rea ders are inst alled in m any dema nding data entry a pplications requiring ac cura cy, pe rformance and relia bility.
T he Mod el 3300 is easy to install, via built-in U S B key boar d emu lation. It has progra mma ble data editing functions that can meet the
requirement s of any a pplication. It is ergonomically easy to use, fun ctional, and cost effective.
T he Mod el 3300 is compactand rugged, allowing it to perfo rm in the harshest environ ment s. It is po wered from the U S B po rt
requiring no external power supply. T he recog nition is perform ed in the slot reader req uiring no soft war e dri vers to be installed. T he
M o del 3300 provides fast, accurate data entry of MR Z data on ICAO t ra vel documents.
Features and Benefi ts
• Rea ds IC AO C ompliant
• 1,2 or 3 Lines MRZ Da ta
• P asspo rt o r I D -Ca rd
• P rogra mma ble Data F orma t s
• P l ug and pl ay installation
• C ompa ct size
• Easy to ha ndle and rugged
• U S B Keyboa rd E mulat ion
• Eliminates keybo ard data entry
• Airline C heck-In, Security
• Immigration and Border C ontrol
• Municipal Gove rnm ents
• H otel Regist rat ion Fu nct ions
• C ompatibl e wit h all S W a pplications
Specifications / Technical Data (SR-3300)
• Rea ds 1,2,or 3 lines of OC R data
• USBPo wered, 250m A max
• U S B I / O C abl e I ncluded
• Inte rface:
• Sca nning Speed Va ria ble:
• Rea ding Window:
• Volta ge:
• Dim ension:
• W ei ght:
• C erti? cations:
• W arr a nty:
• Relia bilit y:
U S B K B D E mulation
20 to 140 cm /se c, 80 to 560C P S
5 V+/ -5 %
270 x 70 x 60mm (L x W x H)
2 Yea rs
*MT BF = 80.000h
*M TBF = mean t ime between failu res
Powered USB
ID Reader
Hig h Quality