On The Road - Mad City Vettes


On The Road - Mad City Vettes
On The Road
April 2016 Club Newsletter for Members and Friends of Mad City Vettes
President’s Page
Happy Spring to all! Well, March has been very typical with some nice warm days – yes, 50 feels very
warm in March, and a few cold days. It snowed this week. Crazy, but typical. Hang in there, summer
Corvette cruises are coming.
Renee and I spent the first week in March on Paradise Island in the Bahamas. This was the first trip for
both of us to the Bahamas. It was a blast with great weather. One interesting day we had I want to
share with you. Renee and I along, with a couple of friends of ours, attended the Rum Festival in
Nassau. Yes, they had great rum to sample, but the coolest thing was meeting the members of a local
car club that was showing some of their cars at the festival. We met some very neat ‘car guys’ from
the club. Club member Don, was showing his 1956 Chevy Pickup in Bright Yellow and he owned a 1961
Red/White Corvette. The motor was replaced but the Corvette looked great. Don and his friend gave
me and my friend Jeff their very used club hats and they were hoping we would stay in contact with
them. I plan on sending some Corvette items and hopefully some club merchandise to these great
guys!!! You never know what Corvette owners you will run into around the world!!!
One big initiative is increasing our membership this year. Right now I am working on a brochure with
the help of others that we can hand out to Corvette owners as we meet them. You do not need to sell
them on the club, but the brochure will have great information to help someone decide to check us
out on Tuesday evenings or attend one of our events!!! The goal is having the brochure ready for an
unveiling at our next monthly meeting.
Planning has started on hosting a car show this year and hopefully turn it into a yearly fund raising
event for the club to provide funds for charity. If you are interested in volunteering with the planning,
please contact me. We have a great core of volunteers and we are looking for more.
Jan from Prize Promos will be at the April meeting with some Mad City Vette apparel if you are
interested in ordering. She has many great options and will be available to answer questions and
figure out what options are best for you.
Steven Mael has done a great job with the newsletter. I was told about a great idea that was brought
up at the March members meeting suggesting that each month a new or existing member write a
short story about themselves. This was a feature in newsletters from years past and is a great way to
get to know each other. Please provide Steven a write up about yourself and your Corvette. One story
each month will be published.
I look forward to seeing you out in your Corvettes as warm weather continues to come this way!!!!
Thank you!!!
Eric Degelau
Mad City Vettes President
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April 2016 MCV Governor’s Report
Since the beginning of Mad City Vettes (MCV), we have also been Members of the, Inc. (NCCC) and
part of their Midwest Region (MWR) consisting of NCCC Clubs in the states of Minnesota, Illinois and
Wisconsin. According to the latest report, there are 261 Clubs in NCCC with 17,812 Members. The
largest NCCC Club is Corvettes of Naples in the Florida Region with 358 Members. The MWR consists
of 30 Clubs with 2,355 Members. The MWR has the most Regional Members in NCCC and the largest
MWR Club is the Corvette Club of Illinois out of Champaign, IL with 198 Members.
So what does all this mean? I see it as an opportunity for MCV and its Members to meet a whole lot of
new friends, near and far, that have the same Corvette passion. I have met and competed and partied
with many NCCC Members all over the country. Turns out they look just like we do, love many of the
same sort of Corvette activities that we do, eat the same type foods we do (most cases), talk about
their Corvettes all the time like we do (but with funny accents sometimes), are charity conscious and
compassionate like we are, all around marvelous people....just like we are.
Whether Sanctioned Competition Events or Non-Sanctioned Events, many NCCC Corvette events
happen all over our MWR and other NCCC Regions and sometimes within a short driving distance from
Madison and its surrounding area. There has been talk about MCV putting on some events in 2016.
Our participation in events hosted by other NCCC Clubs is the best way for us to see what it is all about
and what it would take to put on our own event(s). Also, going to another Club’s event(s) lets them
know who we are and might draw them to come to our event(s). We had great participation from
other MWR Clubs at our Sanctioned Rallyes in 2013 and 2014. They really missed us in 2015. Wisconsin
Corvette Club and Badger State Vettes/Northern Rays Sanctioned Rallye Events in the Milwaukee area
are coming up on May 14th & 15th followed by Sanctioned Rallye Events in Johnsburg, IL (near
Woodstock, IL on May 22nd. A Non-Sanctioned Car Show in the Milwaukee area is coming up on June
18th. Think about it! I would be happy to answer questions.
In 2016, we already have our name on 5 Sanctioned Speed Events in Crystal Lake, IL on August 9th. We
are working with the Sunburst Corvette Club....them doing MOST of the work and they share their
profits with us. It would be fantastic if more MCV Members would join me and could plan to help work
those events. It would be a great learning experience.
Here’s to a great 2016....no matter what we do or where we go....or what we eat!
Joan Thomas
Mad City Vettes Governor
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March Men's and Ladies Night Out was at the Benevento’s in Fitchburg, WI
If event coordinators could let me know of the attendee numbers,
I would be happy to include those numbers in each month’s newsletter. Send updates to: BodyCop@AOL.com
Men’s and Ladies Night,
Don and Jane Bailey will be coordinating the April men's and ladies night out, which will be held at Johnny’s Italian
Steakhouse located at 8390 Market Street, Middleton; on April 12. To see the restaurant menu go to their website which
is located here: http://johnnysitaliansteakhouse.com/. Drinks and socializing begins at 6:00 pm in the bar area followed by
dinner at 6:30 pm. If you plan to attend please rsvp Don and/or Jane at bailedj@gmail.com to be included in this event.
Please mark your calendars for the following club events that are planned so far this season. Hopefully there will be more to
come! April 30th - Our annual Roll-out party (please note earlier date than normal-watch for details from Paul & Cindy
Dowding) June 24th & 25th - Elmaro Winery Tour & Tasting (If you are planning on attending, have you made your hotel
reservations yet?) June 26th - Annual pie run July 7th - Mallard’s baseball game July 12/17 - Black Hills Classic - Sioux Falls &
Deadwood, South Dakota August 16th - Club picnic. If you have any items to add to this list, please contact me at:
Thank you,
Chris Weitzel, Events Coordinator
WANTED: A member to arrange for this year’s annual club picnic which will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of August, in place
of our monthly general meeting. We have had these picnics held in shelters in Token Creek, Waunakee, Merrimac, Stoughton
and Fitchburg - would you like to bring our club and all the Corvettes to your home town? Right now all it would involve
would be to find a park with a shelter and get it reserved for August 16th. I hope you will consider this and let me know.
Chris Weitzel, Events Coordinator
2 ………………… Midwest Region Party - Countryside, IL
12 ………………… Ladies Night Out
Johnny’s Italian Steakhouse, 8390 Market Street, Middleton
12 ………………… Men’s Night Out
Johnny’s Italian Steakhouse, 8390 Market Street, Middleton
19 ………………… MCV Club 6:00 p.m. Board Meeting - Sheraton Hotel
7:00 p.m. General Meeting - John Nolen Drive
28-30 …………… NCM Bash - Bowling Green, KY
30 ………………… Roll Out Party
Joan Thomas
Jane Bailey
Don Bailey
Frank Weitzel
Paul & Cindy Dowding
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7 ………………… Car Show - Christ Lutheran Church - Stoughton
10 ………………… Ladies Night Out
Men’s Night Out
14 ………………… 3 Ralleys - Wis. Corvette Club - New Berlin, WI
15 ………………… 4 Ralleys - Badger State Vettes/Northern Rays - Waukesha, WI
17 ………………… MCV Club 6:00 p.m. Board Meeting Sheraton Hotel
7:00 p.m. General Meeting - John Nolen Drive
28 - 30
Midwest Region Fundraiser - Bowling Green, KY
Jeff Zarth
Judy Franken
Greg Franken
Joan Thomas
9-11 ..…………… Corvette Adventures
Chula Vista Resort
14 ………………… Ladies Night Out
14 ………………… Men’s Night Out
21 ………………… MCV Club 6:00 p.m. Board Meeting - Sheraton Hotel
7:00 p.m. General Meeting - John Nolen Drive
24-25 …….…….. Elmaro Winery Tour & Tasting
26 ………………… Pie Run
Eric Degelau
Beth Hart
Jack Hart
Jim & Debbie Miller
Lesley Armstrong
7 …………………… Mallard’s Baseball Game
Mike McIlwee
12 ………………… Ladies Night Out
Diana Schultz
12 ………………… Men’s Night Out
Bill Schultz
12 – 17 …………. Black Hills Classic
Ron Frank & Joyce Miller
45th Anniversary - https://www.blackhillscorvetteclassic.com/
17-22 ………….… NCCC Nat’l Convention - Omaha, NE
Joan Thomas
19 ………………… MCV Club 6:00 p.m. Board Meeting - Sheraton Hotel
Sheraton Hotel
7:00 p.m. General Meeting - John Nolen Dr.
6 ………….………
6-7 …………….…
9 ………….………
9 ………….………
16 …………………
27 …………………
Autocross Events - Crystal Lake, IL
Corvettes of the North
Ladies Night Out
Men’s Night Out
MCV Picnic 6:00 p.m.
Vettes on the River - LeClaire, IA
Joan Thomas
Roy Markwardt
Mary McIlwee
Mike McIlwee
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13 ………………… Ladies Night Out
13 ………………… Men’s Night Out
15-18 ………….… Corvette FunFest - Effingham, IL
20 …….…………… MCV Club 6:00 p.m. Board Meeting - Sheraton Hotel
7:00 p.m. General Meeting - John Nolen Dr.
23-25 ……………. Fall Corvette Adventures
Chula Vista Resort
Jan Davie
Rick Davie
Eric Degelau
6-9 ………………… Eureka Springs Corvette Weekend
7-9 ………………… Color Run - Suburban Corvettes of Minn. - LaCrosse, WI
11 ……….………… Ladies Night Out
11 …………….…… Men’s Night Out
18 ……………….… MCV Club 6:00 p.m. Board Meeting - Sheraton Hotel
7:00 p.m. General Meeting - John Nolen Dr.
Joan Thomas
8 ………………… Ladies Night Out
8 ………………… Men’s Night Out
15 ………………… MCV Club 6:00 p.m. Board Meeting - Sheraton Hotel
7:00 p.m. General Meeting - John Nolen Dr.
Debby Howard
Jack Howard
6 ………………… MCV Holiday Party
Note: Bolded Events are organized by a club member. Non-bolded events are for informational
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Elmaro Winery Tour & Tasting
June 24 & 25, 2016
Join this MCV sanctioned ride through the back roads of Wisconsin to visit Elmaro Winery/Vineyard.
Elmaro is located about 25 miles north of Lacrosse.
View their website at: www.elmarovineyard.com
Jim & Debbie Miller
The details are:
Dates: June 24th & June 25th 2016
Where: Meet at Rest Area 12 on I90 between Poynette and Portage on June
24th (East side of Interstate)
Time: Meet at 8am, departure time from park and ride is 8:30 am
Cost: $15.00 each individual for Group Therapy (paid at the winery)
Bring Along:
Your own lunch and walkie-talkies
RSVP to Jim Miller by May 1, 2016 if you can join us: jmdb@charter.net
We will stop for lunch at the Cashton town park. In order to save time, please bring your own lunch and beverage (yes,
just like a picnic!). The park has picnic tables, bathrooms, etc.
Along the way & time permitting, we will stop at different locations including an Amish farm for fresh donuts, pies, etc.
Arrive at Elmaro around 2:00 pm. Elmaro has a “compacted” gravel driveway. If preferred, there is a flat mowed grass
area that you can park your car on (weather permitting). We will be served “Group Therapy”. This includes sampling of
wines paired with bite size appetizers. Staff will describe the wines and how the appetizer influences the taste of the
Then we will take a tour of the winery/vineyard, where you can ask all your questions on wine making and growing
grapes to the owner and head wine maker. After the tour, we can sit on the patio (weather permitting) and enjoy the
beauty of the vineyard with a glass of wine. Even if you don’t drink wine you can enjoy the scenic views of the area and
ride to and from the winery (beer, soda, water, etc., will also be available).
Then we will head to Winona, MN to check into the hotel and have dinner. There are a total of 15 rooms on hold. Other
than these rooms, they are booked solid for that Friday night (the following Saturday night is also booked solid, we have
been told there are no late checkouts Sat AM).
You need to make your own hotel reservations before May 1, 2016. We are staying at: Riverport Inn, Best Western at 900
Bruski Drive, Winona, MN 55987. You must call the Riverport Inn and reserve your room before May 1st, 2016. The
rooms are saved under “Mad City Vettes”. Choice and price of rooms varies between $133 and $144, which includes tax.
The hotel phone number is 507-452-0606.
Breakfast on the 25th is on your own. We plan to depart the hotel at 9:30 am and drive to Granddad’s Bluff along the
Mississippi for a great view of the City of Lacrosse. If you would like to stay longer and take in more sights, let us know,
we have some ideas.
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It’s back… and we hope you will be too!
Clear your calendars, polish up the Vette, and get ready for one of the most popular, events in Mad City
Vettes’ activity calendar… the Annual Spring Rollout Party. Hosted by Paul and Cindy Dowding, we are
looking forward to throwing a great party at our rural Cross Plains home on Saturday, April 30, starting
at 3:00 pm.
We’ve hosted this party every year (with one exception) since the club was founded in 1999 and is
traditionally one of the largest gatherings of the year for club members. This year, it is being held a little
early to accommodate construction of our new rear deck area scheduled to begin May 3, but we hope
everyone will come out and enjoy this awesome outing.
As in the past, we’ll rally at a specified place (soon to be announced), do a 90 to 120 minute road trip
and end up at our home around 5:00 pm. We’ll have an hour or so to socialize and get ready to serve up
a catered feast. After eating, those wanting to head home can do so. However, those wanting to stay
can stick around and enjoy a fire in our fire pit. We’ll have all the fixings for S’mores. As always, the
shop will be open to check out new and recently completed projects including my 1970 SS 396 Chevelle
and my 1955 Nomad restored project.
Logistics are as follows. Club provides meat, table service, napkins condiments, beverages etc. Cindy
will provide a choice of desserts. Again, the initial meeting place will be announced in the next week or
two. Please direct any questions to Paul Dowding at 608-836-6322 or vetmann@charter.net.
Here’s to seeing you all and having a great time on Saturday, April 30.
Summers coming fast, don’t forget about…
Blackhawk Farms Track Days
Blackhawk Farms automotive track days - these are HPDE (high performance driving education) events
that regularly take place during the summer months. You will get classroom instruction as well as have
an instructor ride with you in your car as you drive on the 1.9 mile road course at Blackhawk Farms in
South Beloit. Cost is $225 (unless it's a Corvette track day $200).
Any questions contact Steve McGilvrey
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Joan Thomas
Mad City Vettes
Attached is the most
recent Midwest
Region Schedule.
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Mad City Vettes
Board Meeting March 22, 2016
Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm and adjourned at 7:10 pm.
Board of Directors in Attendance:
President - Eric Degelau
Treasurer - Becky Voysey
Membership Director - Tom Urdiales
Board of Directors Absent:
Vice President – Vacant
Secretary – Leana Guelzow
Standing Committee Chairs in Attendance:
NCCC Governor - Joan Thomas
Events Chair - Chris Weitzel
Nat’l Corvette Museum - Frank Weitzel
Standing Committee Chairs Absent:
Communications – Steve Mael
Community Service – Jack Hart
Webmaster- Steve McGilvrey
Board Reports:
Secretary – February meeting minutes were unavailable for review and approval.
Treasurer - Meeting donations for Juvenile Diabetes, Jan/$43 and Feb/$19, totaled $62. The February Sheraton
room rent was $61.61. The account ending balance is $2,824.35. The Thomas memorials will be distributed in
March or April. The Club’s IRS filing has been filed.
Membership – There are 120 members. Eric suggested Tom Urdiales follow up with members who joined in
September by mailing postcards to them and also take photos of new members at a meeting after they’ve
Committee Chair Reports:
NCCC Governor – Additional emails have been received regarding
the voting for NCCC charities. Joan developed
a $30 free entry gift certificate to the MCVette’s speed event for a door prize for the NCCC Midwest Region
Communications – Eric shared that Steve Mael would appreciate receiving newsletter articles by the last week of
each month.
Events – Today’s email from Jim and Debbie Miller indicates they have six couples signed up for the winery tour
event. Lesley Armstrong is planning a “Memorial Pie Run” on the Sunday following that event. Both the Bakers
and the Buskagers have volunteered to check into booking a park for the August picnic. Joan suggested
members bring a food donation to the picnic for the Club to support a local food bank. Becky Voysey has
penciled in May 21st for a Vette run and dinner event. Paul Dowding has rescheduled the Roll Out party to
Saturday, April 30th.
National Corvette Museum – The following MCV members will be attending the April NCM Bash: John Bertelsen,
Eric and Renee Degelau, Pete Hill, and Steve McGilvrey.
Special Committees:
Website – Eric shared that the committee has identified features that will enhance the MCV website for
members and visitors to the site. Their goal is to have the website ready by the end of 2016. Committee
members are Eric Degelau, Steve Flemke, Rick King, Steve Mael, Steve McGilvrey and Joan Thomas.
Competition – Ron Frank will kick it off in April and inform the Club of any driving events.
Welcome – Tom Urdiales said the committee members are Lesley Armstrong,
Jane Bailey, Eric Baker, Renee Degelau, Mary McIlwee and Mark Tollefson.
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Unfinished Business:
Eric said open spaces on committees are gradually being filled, and a brochure to enable the recruitment of new
members should be completed by mid-April.
Eric facilitated a brief discussion regarding various ideas for MCV charities and a MCV fundraising event, such as a car
show, to produce a sizable check for a charity. Tom offered to talk with a friend whose charity hosted a car show to
learn and share with the Club some ideas and how-to’s.
Frank provided information about the names of founding members of the MCV Club, which began in February 1999.
Chris shared that a few founding members indicated they would prefer not to be recognized at a dinner. There was a
brief discussion about various ways to provide recognition.
New Business:
The Vice President election will be held at the April meeting – At the March meeting, Lesley Armstrong nominated
Ron Frank and Frank Weitzel nominated Jeff Zarth.
Submitted and prepared by Diana Schultz on behalf of Leana Guelzow.
Closing Notes by your Vice President
A new MCV VP will be elected soon! Ron Frank and Jeff Zarth have been nominated for this position.
Membership Renewal
Check the Membership List to verify your contact information which includes your address, phone, cell phone,
email address, car description. If the information is not correct, let Tom know at turdiales@hotmail.com.
For your reading enjoyment!
Remember, it is not just about the destination, but arriving in the same condition with just a few extra miles.
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Blast from the Past
Featured in June 2001 MCV Newsletter
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Celebrating the 20
Anniversary of the C5 Corvette
Corvette Funfest recognizes the introduction of the Fifth Generation
Effingham, Ill. – On Jan. 6, 1997, Corvette Engineers, Chevrolet Executives and our Chief Cheerleader, Mike Yager, were on
hand in Bowling Green to unveil the next generation of America’s Sports Car: the C5 Corvette. In honor of that historic
occasion, Corvette Funfest 2016 will celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the C5 Corvette’s introduction.
Corvette Funfest will showcase the unique Corvette Evolution, from C5 concept to completion. CERV 4b, along with the C5
Alpha and C5 Beta build Corvettes will chronicle the journey all the way up to the last C5 Z06 in a special display. Corvette
Funfest 2016 is scheduled for Sept. 15-18. The weekend includes 4 full days of Expert Seminars, Celebrity Choice Awards,
Product Demos and Corvettes as far as the eye can see on Mid America Motorworks’ Corporate Campus in Effingham, Ill.
“The C5 Corvette continued the forward momentum that the C4 brought back to the brand. We are looking forward to
recognizing this important generation as one of the big chapters in Corvette’s impressive history,” said Mike Yager, Chief
Cheerleader of Mid America Motorworks.
Registration is open now for Corvette Funfest 2016 at www.corvettefunfest.com.
Make plans to attend the Largest Corvette Party in the World Sept. 15-18, 2016.
Blast from the Past
January 2006 MCV Newsletter Board Members
Blast from the Past
Logo from January 2006 MCV Newsletter
Board of Directors
President: Todd McIlwee
Vice President: David Armstrong
Secretary: Tony Walla
Treasurer: Lesley Armstrong
Governor: Bill Napier
Committee Chairs
Membership: Debbie Howard
Events Coordinator: Diana Schultz
Newsletter Editor: Pete Hill
Community Relations: Vacant
Membership Count: 133
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President’s Page
Governor’s Page
Events Pages
Secretary’s Page
VP & Additional Information Pages
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