
(A.C.N. 006 413 458) (A.B.N. 30 006 413 458)
Registered Office: 32 Wattlepark Avenue,
Telephone: 03 5248 3828
Facsimile: 03 5248 1603
Email: Website:
Medicating Water with Nutrimin Drench
Calculating the Concentration of Nutrimin in
Tank or Water Trought Treatments
It is important to calculate the concentration of Nutrimin (mL) per 1 Litre of water.
Water intake of animals varies according to: - pasture (green or dry), daily temperatures and also
lactation. Higher producing dairy cows will consume more water during this period than beef breeds.
The same applies to sheep breeds. Before adding Nutrimin to troughs or tanks it is advisable to
monitor water consumption over a 1 or 2 day period for calculation in litres per head.
The Tables below are based on water intake of 40 Litres per day for Cattle and 4 Litres per day for
Adult Sheep.
Calculation Method
Select a treatment period, e.g. daily, twice weekly (3 – 4 days) or weekly.
Select treatment amount based on body weight from the Directions For Use on the Label.
E.g. 250 – 300 Kg Cattle require 7.5 mL per week by drenching.
Multiply mob or herd number by required dosage rate. E.g. Adult Cattle once weekly 18 mL of
Nutrimin x herd number 50 = 900 mL per week.
Agmin Chelates Pty Ltd
Medicating Water with Nutrimin Drench & Nutrimin Drench Addition to Molasses
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Dosing Cattle Daily
Recommended Daily Rate at 2 mL Nutrimin/head
E.g. 50 Cattle x 2 mL Daily Rate = 100 mL Nutrimin per day
Trough Size
Cattle Drink 40L
Water per day
200L Trough
10 mL
2.0 mL/Head
500L Trough
25 mL
2.0 mL/Head
1000L Trough
50 mL
2.0 mL/Head
2000L Trough
100 mL
2.0 mL/Head
Dosing Cattle Twice Weekly
Recommended Twice Weekly Rate at 7 mL/head
2 mL Daily Rate x 3.5 Days = 7 mL
E.g. 50 Cattle x 7 mL Twice Weekly Rate = 350 mL Nutrimin
Trough Size
Cattle Drink 40L
Water per day
200L Trough
35 mL
7 mL/Head
500L Trough
88 mL
7 mL/Head
1000L Trough
175 mL
7 mL/Head
2000L Trough
350 mL
7 mL/Head
Dosing Cattle Once Weekly
Recommended Once Weekly Rate at 14 mL/head
E.g. 50 Cattle x 14 mL Once Weekly Rate = 700 mL Nutrimin
Trough Size
Agmin Chelates Pty Ltd
Cattle Drink 40L
Water per day
200L Trough
70 mL
14 mL/Head
500L Trough
175 mL
14 mL/Head
1000L Trough
350 mL
14 mL/Head
2000L Trough
700 mL
14 mL/Head
Medicating Water with Nutrimin Drench & Nutrimin Drench Addition to Molasses
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Adult Sheep
Dosing Adult Sheep Daily
Recommended Daily Rate at 0.5 mL/head or 3.5 mL/week
E.g. 250 Adult Sheep x 0.5 mL Daily Rate = 125 mL per day
Trough Size
Sheep Drink 4L Water
200L Trough
25 mL
0.5 mL Nutrimin/Head
500L Trough
62.5 mL
0.5 mL Nutrimin/Head
1000L Trough
125 mL
0.5 mL Nutrimin/Head
Dosing Adult Sheep Twice Weekly
Recommended Twice Weekly Rate at 1.8 mL/head
0.5 mL Daily Rate x 3.5 Days = 1.8 mL
E.g. 250 Adult Sheep x 1.8 Twice Weekly Rate = 450 mL Nutrimin
Trough Size
Sheep Drink 4L Water
200L Trough
90 mL
1.8 mL Nutrimin/Head
500L Trough
225 mL
1.8 mL Nutrimin/Head
1000L Trough
450 mL
1.8 mL Nutrimin/Head
Dosing Adult Sheep Once Weekly
Recommended Once Weekly Rate 3.5 mL/head
E.g. 250 Adult Sheep x 3.5 mL Once Weekly Rate = 880 mL Nutrimin per Week
Trough Size
Agmin Chelates Pty Ltd
Sheep Drink 4L Water
200L Trough
175 mL
3.5 mL/Head
500L Trough
440 mL
3.5 mL/Head
1000L Trough
880 mL
3.5 mL/Head
Dosage Rates For Nutrimin Drench, plus Medicating Water & Adding to Molasses
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Nutrimin Drench Addition to Molasses
The calculation method is similar to the addition of Nutrimin to water. The tables will have to be based on the
Molasses intake per day for cattle or for adult sheep. Once this information is given to us we shall be able to
supply you the dosing of cattle or sheep daily, twice weekly and weekly.
Dosing Adult Cattle or Sheep
Daily application of
Twice weekly
application of Molasses
Weekly application of
Nutrimin Drench
Dosage Rate
Nutrimin Drench
Dosage Rate
Nutrimin Drench
Dosage Rate
3ml/Litre molasses
4ml/Litre molasses
5ml/Litre molasses
0.3L/100L molasses
0.4L/100L molasses
0.5L/100L molasses
Agmin Chelates Pty Ltd
Dosage Rates For Nutrimin Drench, plus Medicating Water & Adding to Molasses
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Dosage Rates & Administering
of Nutrimin Drench
This table shows the Dose Rates of Nutrimin Drench
Animal Weight
Liveweight (Kg)
Doses Per
Additive Rate
Per Animal
Dairy & Beef Cattle
451 Kg and over
Sheep & Lambs
70 Kg Plus
10 ml
15 ml
20 ml
25 ml
30 ml
35 ml
40 ml
45 ml
50 ml
1.5 ml
1.5 ml
2.0 ml
2.0 ml
2.0 ml
2.0 ml
2.0 ml
2.0 ml
2.5 ml
10.5 ml
10.5 ml
14.0 ml
14.0 ml
14.0 ml
14.0 ml
14.0 ml
14.0 ml
17.5 ml
4 ml
5 ml
6 ml
8 ml
10 ml
12 ml
0.2 ml
0.25 ml
0.3 ml
0.4 ml
0.5 ml
0.5 ml
1.5 ml
1.75 ml
2.0 ml
3.0 ml
3.5 ml
3.5 ml
Ideal Times to Administer Nutrimin to your Livestock
Nutrimin can be administered any time you handle your livestock.
Although, the following times are suggested:
Agmin Chelates Pty Ltd
Pre Lambing
Prior to Calving
At Weaning
Prior to Joining
Prior to Feed Change
During Feed Shortages
Early Spring & Early Autumn
When Feed is Nutritionally Poor
Dosage Rates For Nutrimin Drench, plus Medicating Water & Adding to Molasses
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Medicating Water with Nutrimin Drench
Tank and Water Trough Treatments
It is important to calculate the concentration of Nutrimin (ml) per 1 Litre of water.
Water intake of animals varies according to: - pasture (green or dry), daily temperatures and also
lactation. Higher producing dairy cows will consume more water during this period than beef breeds.
The same applies to sheep breeds. Before adding Nutrimin to troughs or tanks it is advisable to
monitor water consumption over a 1 or 2 day period for calculation in litres per head.
The Tables below are based on water intake of 40 Litres per day for Cattle and 4 Litres per day for
Adult Sheep.
Calculation Method
1. Select a treatment period, e.g. daily, twice weekly (3 – 4 days) or weekly.
2. Select treatment amount based on body weight from the Directions For Use on the Label.
E.g. 250 – 300 Kg Cattle require 7.5 ml per week by drenching.
3. Multiply mob or herd number by required dosage rate. E.g. Adult Cattle once weekly 18 ml of
Nutrimin x herd number 50 = 900 ml per week.
Agmin Chelates Pty Ltd
Dosage Rates For Nutrimin Drench, plus Medicating Water & Adding to Molasses
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Dosing Cattle Daily
Recommended Daily Rate at 2 mL Nutrimin/head
E.g. 50 Cattle x 2 mL Daily Rate = 100 mL Nutrimin per day
Trough Size
Cattle Drink 40L
Water per day
200L Trough
10 mL
2.0 ml/Head
500L Trough
25 mL
2.0 ml/Head
1000L Trough
50 mL
2.0 ml/Head
2000L Trough
100 mL
2.0 ml/Head
Dosing Cattle Twice Weekly
Recommended Twice Weekly Rate at 7 mL/head
2 mL Daily Rate x 3.5 Days = 7 mL
E.g. 50 Cattle x 7 mL Twice Weekly Rate = 350 mL Nutrimin
Trough Size
Cattle Drink 40L
Water per day
200L Trough
35 mL
7 ml/Head
500L Trough
88 mL
7 ml/Head
1000L Trough
175 mL
7 ml/Head
2000L Trough
350 mL
7 ml/Head
Dosing Cattle Once Weekly
Recommended Once Weekly Rate at 14 ml/head
E.g. 50 Cattle x 14 ml Once Weekly Rate = 700 ml Nutrimin
Trough Size
Agmin Chelates Pty Ltd
Cattle Drink 40L
Water per day
200L Trough
70 ml
14 ml/Head
500L Trough
175 ml
14 ml/Head
1000L Trough
350 ml
14 ml/Head
2000L Trough
700 ml
14 ml/Head
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Adult Sheep
Dosing Adult Sheep Daily
Recommended Daily Rate at 0.5 ml/head or 3.5 ml/week
E.g. 250 Adult Sheep x 0.5 ml Daily Rate = 125 ml per day
Trough Size
Sheep Drink 4L Water
200L Trough
25 ml
0.5 ml Nutrimin/Head
500L Trough
62.5 ml
0.5 ml Nutrimin/Head
1000L Trough
125 ml
0.5 ml Nutrimin/Head
Dosing Adult Sheep Twice Weekly
Recommended Twice Weekly Rate at 1.8 ml/head
0.5 mL Daily Rate x 3.5 Days = 1.8 ml
E.g. 250 Adult Sheep x 1.8 Twice Weekly Rate = 450 ml Nutrimin
Trough Size
Sheep Drink 4L Water
200L Trough
90 ml
1.8 ml Nutrimin/Head
500L Trough
225 ml
1.8 ml Nutrimin/Head
1000L Trough
450 ml
1.8 ml Nutrimin/Head
Dosing Adult Sheep Once Weekly
Recommended Once Weekly Rate 3.5 ml/head
E.g. 250 Adult Sheep x 3.5 ml Once Weekly Rate = 880 ml Nutrimin per Week
Trough Size
Agmin Chelates Pty Ltd
Sheep Drink 4L Water
200L Trough
175 ml
3.5 ml/Head
500L Trough
440 ml
3.5 ml/Head
1000L Trough
880 ml
3.5 ml/Head
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Nutrimin Drench Addition to Molasses
The calculation method is similar to the addition of Nutrimin to water. The tables will have to be based on the
Molasses intake per day for cattle or for adult sheep. Once this information is given to us we shall be able to
supply you the dosing of cattle or sheep daily, twice weekly and weekly.
Dosing Adult Cattle or Sheep
Daily application of
Twice weekly
application of Molasses
Weekly application of
Nutrimin Drench
Dosage Rate
Nutrimin Drench
Dosage Rate
Nutrimin Drench
Dosage Rate
3ml/Litre molasses
4ml/Litre molasses
5ml/Litre molasses
0.3L/100L molasses
0.4L/100L molasses
0.5L/100L molasses
Agmin Chelates Pty Ltd
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Dosage Rates for Nutrimin Drench
Using Agmin Nutrimin Dispenser
Application Frequency
Dose rates given in Tables 1 & 2 are frequency of application
for every 6 weeks, these can also be halved for every 3 weeks
or into one third for every 2 weeks of application.
The dose rates for Sheep depend upon the various age groups, 6 week application frequency
are indicated in Table 1 below. Utmost care should be taken NOT to inject Nutrimin Drench
into the lungs of animals! When drenching lambs use gun with a short nozzle.
Table 1. Sheep Dosage Rates Using Agmin Dispenser
Age of Animals
Dose Rate
Frequency of
Weaned Lambs
Every 6 weeks
Every 6 weeks
Adult Sheep
Every 6 weeks
Every 6 weeks
*1,000mls = 1L
Examples for Adult Sheep treated using Agmin Dispenser in Water Troughs, per head
Example: 1,000 Adult Sheep with an application frequency of 6 weeks.
1) Read Dosage Rate from Table 1 = 12mls
2) Calculate Nutrimin Drench Requirement: Number of Sheep x Dosage Rate = 1000 x 12mls ≡
3) Add 12L of Nutrimin Drench into drum and screw Agmin Dispenser on, then tip the drum upside
down into the water trough. During the next 2 days the Agmin Dispenser will release the
product into the water trough. Ensure water continues to flow into trough the entire duration
Variation 1: Change the Frequency of Application from 6 weeks to 3 weeks for 1,000 Adult
1) Dose Rate will be half of Example = 6mls
2) Calculate Nutrimin Drench Requirement: Number of Sheep x Dosage Rate = 1000 x 6mls ≡ 6L
Variation 2: Change the Frequency of Application from 6 weeks to 2 weeks for 1,000 Adult
1) Dose Rate will be one third of Example = 4mls
2) Calculate Nutrimin Drench Requirement: Number of Sheep x Dosage Rate = 1000 x 4mls ≡ 4L
Note: If drum does not have sufficient product to weigh it down, extra water can be mixed with the
Nutrimin Drench to assist.
Agmin Chelates Pty Ltd
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CATTLE (Dairy & Beef)
The dose rates for Cattle depend upon the live weight of the animals, 6 week application
frequency are indicated in Table 2 below.
Table 2. Cattle (Dairy & Beef) Dosage Rates Using Agmin Dispenser
Dairy & Beef Cattle
(live weight kg)
Dose Rate
Frequency of
Calves at 6 weeks
Every 6 weeks
Every 6 weeks
Every 6 weeks
Every 6 weeks
Every 6 weeks
Every 6 weeks
401+ (Breeder Cattle)
Every 6 weeks
*1,000mls = 1L
Examples for Cattle treated using Agmin Dispenser in Water Troughs, per head
Example: 700 Cattle with live weights of 190kg, and application frequency of 6 weeks.
1) Read Dose Rate from Table 2 = 20mls
2) Calculate Nutrimin Drench Requirement: Number of Cattle x Dosage Rate = 700 x 20mls ≡ 14L
3) Add 14L of Nutrimin Drench into drum and screw Agmin Nutrimin Dispenser on, then tip the
drum upside down into the water trough. During the next 2 days the Agmin Nutrimin Dispenser
will release the product into the water trough. Ensure water continues to flow into trough the
entire duration application.
Variation 1: Change the Frequency of Application from 6 weeks to 3 weeks for 700 Cattle.
1) Dose Rate will be half of Example = 10mls
2) Calculate Nutrimin Drench Requirement: Number of Cattle x Dosage Rate = 700 x 10mls ≡ 7L
Note: If drum does not have sufficient product to weigh it down, extra water can be mixed with the
Nutrimin Drench to assist.
Agmin Dispenser Maintenance & Use
Agmin’s Dispensers are made of very sturdy stainless steel for repeated use. Below are
some tips and checks to help with using the Agmin Dispenser.
• Make sure trough water is clean before placing drum with dispenser attached. Dirty
trough water can cause the dispenser holes to block with debris.
• To prevent build-up of sediment, which may block the dispenser, we recommend not
leaving the dispenser submerged for long periods of time.
• When filling drums with Nutrimin Drench, it’s important to make sure there is air space
left between the drum and the dispenser. For example, when filling a 20L drum, only
use a maximum of 18L product. This will leave 2L of air in the drum to prevent air and
water pressure build-up.
• If the recommended dosage rate is only a smaller quantity of Nutrimin Drench, it is
recommended to fill clean water in the drum to ensure balance in trough.
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• Clean your dispenser with hot water. Also using an air compressor to blow clean the
grub screws in the head of the dispenser to clear out any build-up or debris. If the
dispenser gets clogged you can unscrew the parts and apply some air pressure to clean
the dispenser.
• Do not use the Nutrimin Drench with another product at the same time.
Using the Dispenser in Water Trough
After following the above mentioned steps of calculating and measuring out the correct
amount of Nutrimin Drench, you will need to use the Nutrimin Dispenser to provide your cattle
or sheep with the right amount of Nutrimin over a period of 2 or 3 days.
For best results Nutrimin should be used in a well cleaned trough, with plenty of space to
move around.
1. Pour the measured amount of Nutrimin Drench into
a clean and empty drum. For best results you will
need to make sure there is still some air space left in
the container.
2. Screw the Agmin Dispenser onto the opening of
the drum, and tighten firmly.
3. Carefully insert the drum with the Agmin Dispenser
into the trough upside down. Leave in the Dispenser
Drum with the Nutrimin Drench product in the trough
for about 2-3 days or until all product has been
dispensed in water.
Agmin Chelates Pty Ltd
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Using the Dispenser in Water Tank
Using the Nutrimin Dispenser in a water tank is done by a very similar method to using it in
water trough. The dosage and measurement should be done the same way as mentioned
It is recommended to tie a rope on the handle of the Dispenser Drum when using it in a water
tank, that will make it easier to retrieve the drum after the 3 day dispense period.
During the days of dosage the tank water level should be checked more frequently, as you do
not want the water to overflow in the tank, and neither jeopardise the health of your animals
by turning off the water supply.
Contact your Nutrimin Drench Supplier or Agmin if you have any
further questions regarding your dispenser or Nutrimin Product
Agmin Chelates Pty Ltd
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